/* buffer.c: output buffer copyright 1997-2015 by the mpg123 project - free software under the terms of the LGPL 2.1 see COPYING and AUTHORS files in distribution or http://mpg123.org initially written by Oliver Fromme I (ThOr) am reviewing this file at about the same daytime as Oliver's timestamp here: Mon Apr 14 03:53:18 MET DST 1997 - dammed night coders;-) This has been heavily reworked to be barely recognizable for the creation of libout123. There is more structure in the communication, as is necessary if the libout123 functionality is offered via some API to unknown client programs instead of being used from mpg123 alone. The basic idea is the same, the xfermem part only sligthly modified for more synchronization, as I sensed potential deadlocks. --ThOr */ /* Communication to the buffer is normally via xfermem_putcmd() and blocking on a response, relying on the buffer process periodically checking for pending commands. For more immediate concerns, you can send SIGINT. The only result is that this interrupts a current device writing operation and causes the buffer to wait for a following command. */ /* Needed for kill() from signal.h. */ #define _POSIX_SOURCE #include "buffer.h" #include "out123_int.h" #include "xfermem.h" #include #include "debug.h" #ifdef HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SIGNAL_H #include #else #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SIGNAL_H #include #endif #endif #define BUF_CMD_OPEN XF_CMD_CUSTOM1 #define BUF_CMD_CLOSE XF_CMD_CUSTOM2 #define BUF_CMD_START XF_CMD_CUSTOM3 #define BUF_CMD_STOP XF_CMD_CUSTOM4 #define BUF_CMD_AUDIOCAP XF_CMD_CUSTOM5 #define BUF_CMD_PARAM XF_CMD_CUSTOM6 #define BUF_CMD_NDRAIN XF_CMD_CUSTOM7 #define BUF_CMD_AUDIOFMT XF_CMD_CUSTOM8 /* TODO: Dynamically allocate that to allow multiple instances. */ int outburst = 32768; /* This is static and global for the forked buffer process. Another forked buffer process will have its on value. */ static int intflag = FALSE; static void catch_interrupt (void) { intflag = TRUE; } static int read_record(out123_handle *ao , int who, void **buf, byte *prebuf, int *preoff, int presize, size_t *recsize); static int buffer_loop(out123_handle *ao); static void catch_child(void) { /* Disabled for now. We do not really need that. Rather get return status in a controlled way in buffer_exit(). */ /* while (waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0); */ } /* Functions called from the controlling process. */ /* Start a buffer process. */ int buffer_init(out123_handle *ao, size_t bytes) { buffer_exit(ao); if(bytes < outburst) bytes = 2*outburst; #ifdef DONT_CATCH_SIGNALS #error I really need to catch signals here! #endif xfermem_init(&ao->buffermem, bytes, 0, 0); /* Is catch_child() really useful? buffer_exit() does waitpid(). And if buffer_exit() is not called, the main process might be killed off and not be able to run a signal handler anyway. */ catchsignal(SIGCHLD, catch_child); switch((ao->buffer_pid = fork())) { case -1: /* error */ if(!AOQUIET) error("cannot fork!"); goto buffer_init_bad; case 0: /* child */ { int ret; /* Ensure the normal default value for buffer_pid to be able to call normal out123 routines from the buffer proess. One could keep it at zero and even use this for detecting the buffer process and do special stuff for that. But the point is that there shouldn't be special stuff. */ ao->buffer_pid = -1; /* Not preparing audio output anymore, that comes later. */ xfermem_init_reader(ao->buffermem); ret = buffer_loop(ao); /* Here the work happens. */ xfermem_done_reader(ao->buffermem); xfermem_done(ao->buffermem); /* Proper cleanup of output handle, including out123_close(). */ out123_del(ao); exit(ret); } default: /* parent */ { int cmd; xfermem_init_writer(ao->buffermem); debug("waiting for inital pong from buffer process"); if( (cmd=xfermem_getcmd(ao->buffermem->fd[XF_WRITER], TRUE)) != XF_CMD_PONG ) { if(!AOQUIET) error2("Got %i instead of expected initial response %i. Killing rogue buffer process." , cmd, XF_CMD_PONG); kill(ao->buffer_pid, SIGKILL); buffer_exit(ao); return -1; } } } return 0; buffer_init_bad: if(ao->buffermem) { xfermem_done(ao->buffermem); ao->buffermem = NULL; } return -1; } /* End a buffer process. */ void buffer_exit(out123_handle *ao) { int status = 0; if(ao->buffer_pid == -1) return; debug("ending buffer"); buffer_stop(ao); /* Puts buffer into waiting-for-command mode. */ buffer_end(ao); /* Gives command to end operation. */ xfermem_done_writer(ao->buffermem); waitpid(ao->buffer_pid, &status, 0); xfermem_done(ao->buffermem); ao->buffermem = NULL; ao->buffer_pid = -1; if(WIFEXITED(status)) { int ret = WEXITSTATUS(status); if(ret && !AOQUIET) error1("Buffer process isses arose, non-zero return value %i.", ret); } else if(!AOQUIET) error("Buffer process did not exit normally."); } /* Communication from writer to reader (buffer process). Remember: The ao struct here is the writer's instance. */ static int buffer_cmd_finish(out123_handle *ao) { /* Only if buffer returns XF_CMD_OK we got lucky. Otherwise, we expect the buffer to deliver a reason right after XF_CMD_ERROR. */ switch(xfermem_getcmd(ao->buffermem->fd[XF_WRITER], TRUE)) { case XF_CMD_OK: return 0; case XF_CMD_ERROR: if(!GOOD_READVAL(ao->buffermem->fd[XF_WRITER], ao->errcode)) ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return -1; break; default: ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return -1; } } int buffer_sync_param(out123_handle *ao) { int writerfd = ao->buffermem->fd[XF_WRITER]; if(xfermem_putcmd(writerfd, BUF_CMD_PARAM) != 1) { ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return -1; } /* Calling an external serialization routine to avoid forgetting any fresh parameters here. */ if(write_parameters(ao, XF_WRITER)) { ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return -1; } return buffer_cmd_finish(ao); } int buffer_open(out123_handle *ao, const char* driver, const char* device) { int writerfd = ao->buffermem->fd[XF_WRITER]; if(xfermem_putcmd(writerfd, BUF_CMD_OPEN) != 1) { ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return -1; } /* Passing over driver and device name. */ if( xfer_write_string(ao, XF_WRITER, driver) || xfer_write_string(ao, XF_WRITER, device) ) { ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return -1; } if(buffer_cmd_finish(ao) == 0) /* Retrieve driver and device name. */ return ( xfer_read_string(ao, XF_WRITER, &ao->driver) || xfer_read_string(ao, XF_WRITER, &ao->device) || xfer_read_string(ao, XF_WRITER, &ao->realname) ); else return -1; } int buffer_encodings(out123_handle *ao) { int writerfd = ao->buffermem->fd[XF_WRITER]; if(xfermem_putcmd(writerfd, BUF_CMD_AUDIOCAP) != 1) { ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return -1; } /* Now shoving over the parameters for opening the device. */ if( !GOOD_WRITEVAL(writerfd, ao->channels) || !GOOD_WRITEVAL(writerfd, ao->rate) ) { ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return -1; } if(buffer_cmd_finish(ao) == 0) { int encodings; /* If all good, the answer can be read how. */ if(!GOOD_READVAL(writerfd, encodings)) { ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return -1; } else return encodings; } else return -1; } int buffer_formats( out123_handle *ao, const long *rates, int ratecount , int minchannels, int maxchannels , struct mpg123_fmt **fmtlist ) { int writerfd = ao->buffermem->fd[XF_WRITER]; size_t ratesize; debug("buffer_formats"); if(xfermem_putcmd(writerfd, BUF_CMD_AUDIOFMT) != 1) { ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return -1; } ratesize = ratecount*sizeof(rates); if( !GOOD_WRITEVAL(writerfd, maxchannels) || !GOOD_WRITEVAL(writerfd, minchannels) || !GOOD_WRITEVAL(writerfd, ratesize) || !GOOD_WRITEBUF(writerfd, rates, ratesize) ){ ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return -1; } if(buffer_cmd_finish(ao) == 0) { int fmtcount; size_t fmtsize; if( !GOOD_READVAL(writerfd, fmtcount) || read_record(ao, XF_WRITER, (void**)fmtlist, NULL, NULL, 0, &fmtsize) ){ ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return -1; } else return fmtsize/sizeof(struct mpg123_fmt); } else return -1; } int buffer_start(out123_handle *ao) { int writerfd = ao->buffermem->fd[XF_WRITER]; if(xfermem_putcmd(writerfd, BUF_CMD_START) != 1) { ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return -1; } /* Now shoving over the parameters for opening the device. */ if( !GOOD_WRITEVAL(writerfd, ao->format) || !GOOD_WRITEVAL(writerfd, ao->channels) || !GOOD_WRITEVAL(writerfd, ao->rate) ) { ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return -1; } return buffer_cmd_finish(ao); } #define BUFFER_SIMPLE_CONTROL(name, cmd) \ void name(out123_handle *ao) \ { \ xfermem_putcmd(ao->buffermem->fd[XF_WRITER], cmd); \ xfermem_getcmd(ao->buffermem->fd[XF_WRITER], TRUE); \ } BUFFER_SIMPLE_CONTROL(buffer_stop, BUF_CMD_STOP) BUFFER_SIMPLE_CONTROL(buffer_continue, XF_CMD_CONTINUE) BUFFER_SIMPLE_CONTROL(buffer_ignore_lowmem, XF_CMD_IGNLOW) BUFFER_SIMPLE_CONTROL(buffer_drain, XF_CMD_DRAIN) BUFFER_SIMPLE_CONTROL(buffer_end, XF_CMD_TERMINATE) BUFFER_SIMPLE_CONTROL(buffer_close, BUF_CMD_CLOSE) #define BUFFER_SIGNAL_CONTROL(name, cmd) \ void name(out123_handle *ao) \ { \ kill(ao->buffer_pid, SIGINT); \ xfermem_putcmd(ao->buffermem->fd[XF_WRITER], cmd); \ xfermem_getcmd(ao->buffermem->fd[XF_WRITER], TRUE); \ } BUFFER_SIGNAL_CONTROL(buffer_pause, XF_CMD_PAUSE) BUFFER_SIGNAL_CONTROL(buffer_drop, XF_CMD_DROP) size_t buffer_fill(out123_handle *ao) { return xfermem_get_usedspace(ao->buffermem); } void buffer_ndrain(out123_handle *ao, size_t bytes) { size_t oldfill; int writerfd = ao->buffermem->fd[XF_WRITER]; oldfill = buffer_fill(ao); if(xfermem_putcmd(writerfd, BUF_CMD_NDRAIN) != 1) { ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return; } /* Now shoving over the parameters for opening the device. */ if( !GOOD_WRITEVAL(writerfd, bytes) || !GOOD_WRITEVAL(writerfd, oldfill) ) { ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return; } buffer_cmd_finish(ao); } /* The workhorse: Send data to the buffer with some synchronization and even error checking. */ size_t buffer_write(out123_handle *ao, void *buffer, size_t bytes) { /* Writing the whole buffer in one piece is no good as that means waiting for the buffer being empty. That is called a buffer underrun. We want to refill the buffer before that happens. So, what is sane? */ size_t written = 0; size_t max_piece = ao->buffermem->size / 2; while(bytes) { size_t count_piece = bytes > max_piece ? max_piece : bytes; int ret = xfermem_write(ao->buffermem , (char*)buffer+written, count_piece); if(ret) { if(!AOQUIET) error1("writing to buffer memory failed (%i)", ret); if(ret == XF_CMD_ERROR) { /* Buffer tells me that it has an error waiting. */ if(!GOOD_READVAL(ao->buffermem->fd[XF_WRITER], ao->errcode)) ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; } return 0; } bytes -= count_piece; written += count_piece; } return written; } /* Code for the buffer process itself. */ /* buffer loop: { 1. normal operation: get data, feed to audio device (if device open and alive, if data there, if no other command pending) 2. command response: pause/unpause, open module/device, query caps One command at a time, synchronized ... writer process blocks, waiting for response. } */ /* Fill buffer to that value when starting playback from stopped state or after experiencing a serious underrun. One might also define intermediate preload to recover from underruns. Earlier code used 1/8 of the buffer. */ static size_t preload_size(out123_handle *ao) { size_t preload = 0; txfermem *xf = ao->buffermem; /* Fill configured part of buffer on first run before starting to play. * Live mp3 streams constantly approach buffer underrun otherwise. [dk] */ if(ao->preload > 0.) preload = (size_t)(ao->preload*xf->size); if(preload > xf->size/2) preload = xf->size/2; return preload; } /* Play one piece of audio from the buffer after settling preload etc. On error, the device is closed and this naturally stops playback as that depends on ao->state == play_live. This plays _at_ _most_ the given amount of bytes, usually less. */ static void buffer_play(out123_handle *ao, size_t bytes) { size_t written; txfermem *xf = ao->buffermem; /* Settle amount of bytes accessible in one block. */ if (bytes > xf->size - xf->readindex) bytes = xf->size - xf->readindex; /* Not more than configured output block. */ if (bytes > outburst) bytes = outburst; /* The output can only take multiples of framesize. */ bytes -= bytes % ao->framesize; /* Actual work by out123_play to ensure logic like automatic continue. */ written = out123_play(ao, (unsigned char*)xf->data+xf->readindex, bytes); /* Advance read pointer by the amount of written bytes. */ xf->readindex = (xf->readindex + written) % xf->size; /* Detect a fatal error by proxy. */ if(ao->errcode == OUT123_DEV_PLAY) out123_close(ao); } /* Now I'm getting really paranoid: Helper to skip bytes from command channel if we cannot allocate enough memory to hold the data. */ static void skip_bytes(int fd, size_t count) { while(count) { char buf[1024]; if(!unintr_read(fd, buf, (count < sizeof(buf) ? count : sizeof(buf)))) return; } } /* Write a string to command channel. Return 0 on success, set ao->errcode on issues. */ int xfer_write_string(out123_handle *ao, int who, const char *buf) { txfermem *xf = ao->buffermem; int my_fd = xf->fd[who]; size_t len; /* A NULL string is passed als zero bytes. */ len = buf ? (strlen(buf)+1) : 0; if( !GOOD_WRITEVAL(my_fd, len) || !GOOD_WRITEBUF(my_fd, buf, len) ) { ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return -1; } return 0; } int xfer_read_string(out123_handle *ao, int who, char **buf) { /* ao->errcode set in read_record() */ return read_record(ao, who, (void**)buf, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL) ? -1 /* read_record could return 2, normalize to -1 */ : 0; } /* Read a value from command channel with prebuffer. This assumes responsible use and avoids needless checking of input. And, yes, it modifies the preoff argument! Returns 0 on success, modifies prebuffer fill. */ int read_buf(int fd, void *addr, size_t size, byte *prebuf, int *preoff, int presize) { size_t need = size; if(prebuf) { int have = presize - *preoff; if(have > need) have = need; memcpy(addr, prebuf+*preoff, have); *preoff += have; addr = (char*)addr+have; need -= have; } if(need) return !GOOD_READBUF(fd, addr, need); else return 0; } /* Read a record of unspecified type from command channel. Return 0 on success, set ao->errcode on issues. */ static int read_record(out123_handle *ao , int who, void **buf, byte *prebuf, int *preoff, int presize , size_t *reclen) { txfermem *xf = ao->buffermem; int my_fd = xf->fd[who]; size_t len; if(*buf) free(*buf); *buf = NULL; if(read_buf(my_fd, &len, sizeof(len), prebuf, preoff, presize)) { ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; return 2; } if(reclen) *reclen = len; /* If there is an insane length of given, that shall be handled. */ if(len && !(*buf = malloc(len))) { ao->errcode = OUT123_DOOM; skip_bytes(my_fd, len); return -1; } if(read_buf(my_fd, *buf, len, prebuf, preoff, presize)) { ao->errcode = OUT123_BUFFER_ERROR; free(*buf); *buf = NULL; return 2; } return 0; } /* The main loop, returns 0 when no issue occured. */ int buffer_loop(out123_handle *ao) { txfermem *xf = ao->buffermem; int my_fd = xf->fd[XF_READER]; int preloading = FALSE; int draining = FALSE; /* The buffer loop maintains a playback state that can differ from the underlying device's. During prebuffering, the device is paused, but we are playing (as soon as enough data is there, the device is, too). */ enum playstate mystate = ao->state; ao->flags &= ~OUT123_KEEP_PLAYING; /* No need for that here. */ /* Be prepared to use SIGINT for communication. */ catchsignal (SIGINT, catch_interrupt); /* sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, oldsigset, NULL); */ /* Say hello to the writer. */ xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_PONG); debug1("buffer with preload %g", ao->preload); while(1) { /* If a device is opened and playing, it is our first duty to keep it playing. */ if(mystate == play_live) { size_t bytes = xfermem_get_usedspace(xf); debug4( "Play or preload? Got %"SIZE_P" B / %"SIZE_P" B (%i,%i)." , (size_p)bytes, (size_p)preload_size(ao), preloading, draining ); if(preloading) preloading = (bytes < preload_size(ao)); if(!preloading) { if(!draining && bytes < outburst) preloading = TRUE; else { buffer_play(ao, bytes); mystate = ao->state; /* Maybe changed, must be in sync now. */ } } /* Be nice and pause the device on preloading. */ if(preloading && ao->state == play_live) out123_pause(ao); } /* Now always check for a pending command, in a blocking way if there is no playback. */ debug2("Buffer cmd? (Interruped: %i) (mystate=%i)", intflag, (int)mystate); /* The writer only ever signals before sending a command and also waiting for a response. So, the right place to reset the flag is any time before giving the response. But let's ensure two things: 1. The flag really is only cleared when a command response is given. 2. Command parsing does not stop until a command demanding a response was handled. */ do { /* Getting a whole block of commands to efficiently process those XF_CMD_DATA messages. */ byte cmd[100]; int cmdcount; int i; cmdcount = xfermem_getcmds( my_fd , (preloading || intflag || (mystate != play_live)) , cmd , sizeof(cmd) ); if(cmdcount < 0) { if(!AOQUIET) error1("Reading a command set returned %i, my link is broken.", cmdcount); return 1; } #ifdef DEBUG for(i=0; ierrcode == OUT123_OK) ao->errcode = OUT123_NOT_LIVE; if(!GOOD_WRITEVAL(my_fd, ao->errcode)) return 2; } break; case BUF_CMD_PARAM: intflag = FALSE; /* If that does not work, communication is broken anyway and writer will notice soon enough. */ read_parameters(ao, XF_READER, cmd, &i, cmdcount); ao->flags &= ~OUT123_KEEP_PLAYING; /* No need for that here. */ xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_OK); break; case BUF_CMD_OPEN: { char *driver = NULL; char *device = NULL; int success; intflag = FALSE; success = ( !read_record( ao, XF_READER, (void**)&driver , cmd, &i, cmdcount, NULL ) && !read_record( ao, XF_READER, (void**)&device , cmd, &i, cmdcount, NULL ) && !out123_open(ao, driver, device) ); free(device); free(driver); draining = FALSE; mystate = ao->state; if(success) { xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_OK); if( xfer_write_string(ao, XF_READER, ao->driver) || xfer_write_string(ao, XF_READER, ao->device) || xfer_write_string(ao, XF_READER, ao->realname ) ) return 2; } else { xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_ERROR); /* Again, no sense to bitch around about communication errors, just quit. */ if(!GOOD_WRITEVAL(my_fd, ao->errcode)) return 2; } } break; case BUF_CMD_CLOSE: intflag = FALSE; out123_close(ao); draining = FALSE; mystate = ao->state; xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_OK); break; case BUF_CMD_AUDIOCAP: { int encodings; intflag = FALSE; if( !GOOD_READVAL_BUF(my_fd, ao->channels) || !GOOD_READVAL_BUF(my_fd, ao->rate) ) return 2; encodings = out123_encodings(ao, ao->rate, ao->channels); mystate = ao->state; if(encodings >= 0) { xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_OK); if(!GOOD_WRITEVAL(my_fd, encodings)) return 2; } else { xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_ERROR); if(!GOOD_WRITEVAL(my_fd, ao->errcode)) return 2; } } break; case BUF_CMD_AUDIOFMT: { size_t blocksize; long *rates = NULL; int minchannels; int maxchannels; struct mpg123_fmt *fmtlist; int fmtcount = -1; if( !GOOD_READVAL_BUF(my_fd, maxchannels) || !GOOD_READVAL_BUF(my_fd, minchannels) ) return 2; if( read_record( ao, XF_READER, (void**)&rates , cmd, &i, cmdcount, &blocksize ) ){ xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_ERROR); if(!GOOD_WRITEVAL(my_fd, ao->errcode)) return 2; } fmtcount = out123_formats( ao, rates , (int)(blocksize/sizeof(*rates)) , minchannels, maxchannels, &fmtlist ); mystate = ao->state; free(rates); if(fmtcount >= 0) { int success; blocksize = sizeof(*fmtlist)*fmtcount; debug2("responding with %i formats (block: %"SIZE_P")" , fmtcount, (size_p)blocksize); xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_OK); success = GOOD_WRITEVAL(my_fd, fmtcount) && GOOD_WRITEVAL(my_fd, blocksize) && GOOD_WRITEBUF(my_fd, fmtlist, blocksize); free(fmtlist); if(!success) return 2; } else { xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_ERROR); if(!GOOD_WRITEVAL(my_fd, ao->errcode)) return 2; } } break; case BUF_CMD_START: intflag = FALSE; draining = FALSE; if( !GOOD_READVAL_BUF(my_fd, ao->format) || !GOOD_READVAL_BUF(my_fd, ao->channels) || !GOOD_READVAL_BUF(my_fd, ao->rate) ) return 2; if(!out123_start(ao, ao->rate, ao->channels, ao->format)) { out123_pause(ao); /* Be nice, start only on buffer_play(). */ mystate = play_live; preloading = TRUE; xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_OK); } else { mystate = ao->state; xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_ERROR); if(!GOOD_WRITEVAL(my_fd, ao->errcode)) return 2; } break; case BUF_CMD_STOP: intflag = FALSE; if(mystate == play_live) { /* Drain is implied! */ size_t bytes; while((bytes = xfermem_get_usedspace(xf))) buffer_play(ao, bytes); } out123_stop(ao); draining = FALSE; mystate = ao->state; xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_OK); break; case XF_CMD_CONTINUE: intflag = FALSE; debug("continuing"); mystate = play_live; /* We'll get errors reported later if that is not right. */ preloading = FALSE; /* It should continue without delay. */ draining = FALSE; /* But outburst should be cared for. */ xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_OK); break; case XF_CMD_IGNLOW: intflag = FALSE; preloading = FALSE; xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_OK); break; case XF_CMD_DRAIN: debug("buffer drain"); intflag = FALSE; if(mystate == play_live) { size_t bytes; while( (bytes = xfermem_get_usedspace(xf)) && bytes > ao->framesize ) buffer_play(ao, bytes); out123_drain(ao); mystate = ao->state; } draining = FALSE; xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_OK); break; case BUF_CMD_NDRAIN: { size_t limit; size_t oldfill; debug("buffer ndrain"); intflag = FALSE; /* Expect further calls to ndrain, avoid prebuffering. */ draining = TRUE; preloading = FALSE; if( !GOOD_READVAL_BUF(my_fd, limit) || !GOOD_READVAL_BUF(my_fd, oldfill) ) return 2; if(mystate == play_live) { size_t bytes; while( (bytes = xfermem_get_usedspace(xf)) && bytes > ao->framesize && oldfill >= bytes /* paranoia, overflow would handle it anyway */ && (oldfill-bytes) < limit ) buffer_play(ao, bytes > limit ? limit : bytes); /* Only drain hardware if the end was reached. */ if(!xfermem_get_usedspace(xf)) { out123_drain(ao); mystate = ao->state; draining = FALSE; } debug2( "buffer drained %"SIZE_P" / %"SIZE_P , oldfill-bytes, limit ); } else debug("drain without playback ... not good"); xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_OK); } break; case XF_CMD_TERMINATE: intflag = FALSE; /* Will that response always reach the writer? Well, at worst, it's an ignored error on xfermem_getcmd(). */ xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_OK); return 0; case XF_CMD_PAUSE: intflag = FALSE; draining = FALSE; out123_pause(ao); mystate = ao->state; xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_OK); break; case XF_CMD_DROP: intflag = FALSE; draining = FALSE; xf->readindex = xf->freeindex; out123_drop(ao); xfermem_putcmd(my_fd, XF_CMD_OK); break; default: if(!AOQUIET) error1("Unknown command %u encountered. Confused Suicide!", cmd[i]); return 1; #undef GOOD_READVAL_BUF } } /* Ensure that an interrupt-giving command has been received. */ while(intflag); if(intflag && !AOQUIET) error("buffer: The intflag should not be set anymore."); intflag = FALSE; /* Any possible harm by _not_ ensuring that the flag is cleared here? */ } }