/* mpg123clr: MPEG Audio Decoder library Common Language Runtime version. copyright 2009 by Malcolm Boczek - free software under the terms of the LGPL 2.1 mpg123clr.dll is a derivative work of libmpg123 - all original mpg123 licensing terms apply. All rights to this work freely assigned to the mpg123 project. */ /* libmpg123: MPEG Audio Decoder library copyright 1995-2008 by the mpg123 project - free software under the terms of the LGPL 2.1 see COPYING and AUTHORS files in distribution or http://mpg123.org */ /* 04-Aug-09 Initial release. 24-Sep-09 Function names harmonized with libmpg123 (mb) */ #pragma once #pragma warning(disable : 4635) #include "mpg123.h" #pragma warning(default : 4635) #include "enum.h" #include "error.h" using namespace System; using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices; namespace mpg123clr { // Recommended usage when creating reference type on the managed heap (not using stack semantics // for reference types...) [see (Microsoft) Destructors and Finalizers in Visual C++] // // C++/CLI // A myA; // // use myA here // // Equivalent user code: // // A ^ myA = gcnew A; // try { /* use myA here */ } finally { delete myA; } // // // C# (from wikipedia) // using(A myA = new A()) { /* Use myA here */ } // Compiler calls myA.Dispose(), in a "finally" of a "try/finally" block // // Equivalent user code: // // A myA = new myA(); // try { /* Use myA here */ } finally { myA.Dispose(); } // // Otherwise Finalizer will be nondeterministically called by GC /// CLR wrapper for mpg123_pars object. public ref class advpars { protected public: mpg123_pars* mp; protected: !advpars(void); public: ///Constructor. ///Returns MPG123_OK or mpg123 error code. advpars([Out] int% error); ///Destructor. ~advpars(void); ///Configure mpg123 parameters to accept no output formats. ///Use to clear default parameters prior to applying specific settings. ///Returns MPG123 error codes. /// ///MPG123 error codes. mpg123clr::mpg::ErrorCode __clrcall mpg123_fmt_none(void); ///Configure mpg123 parameters to accept all formats including custom rate you may set - this is the default. ///Returns MPG123 error codes. /// ///MPG123 error codes. mpg123clr::mpg::ErrorCode __clrcall mpg123_fmt_all(void); ///Configure detailed output formats. ///Returns MPG123 error codes. /// ///Sample rate (Hertz) ///Combination of channelcount.stereo and channelcount.mono ///Combination of accepted encodings for rate and channels e.g. enc.enc_signed16 | enc.enc_ulaw_8 (or 0 for none) ///MPG123 error codes. /// VERSION CHECK: long as int for Intellisense mpg123clr::mpg::ErrorCode __clrcall mpg123_fmt(int rate, mpg123clr::mpg::channelcount channels, int encodings); ///Get available support for supplied rate and encoding. ///Returns 0 for no support (includes invalid parameters), or combination of channelcount.stereo and channelcount.mono. /// ///Sample rate (Hertz) ///Combination of accepted encodings for rate and channels e.g. enc.enc_signed16 | enc.enc_ulaw_8 (or 0 for none) ///Returns 0 for no support (includes invalid parameters), or combination of channelcount.stereo and channelcount.mono. /// VERSION CHECK: long as int for Intellisense mpg123clr::mpg::channelcount __clrcall mpg123_fmt_support(int rate, int encoding); ///Set a specific advpars value. ///Returns MPG123 error codes. /// ///Specifies the advpars parameter to be set. ///The integer value to be applied. ///The real value to be applied. ///MPG123 error codes. /// VERSION CHECK: long as int for Intellisense mpg123clr::mpg::ErrorCode __clrcall mpg123_par(mpg123clr::mpg::parms type, int val, double fval); ///Get a specific advpars value. ///Returns MPG123 error codes. /// ///Specifies the advpars parameter to be returned. ///Returns the applicable integer value. ///Returns the applicable real value. ///MPG123 error codes. /// VERSION CHECK: long as int for Intellisense mpg123clr::mpg::ErrorCode __clrcall mpg123_getpar(mpg123clr::mpg::parms type, [Out] int% val, [Out] double% fval); }; }