Blame doc/doxy_examples.c

Packit c32a2d
/** \defgroup mpg123_examples example programs using libmpg123 and libout123
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	@{ */
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/** \file mpg123_to_out123.c A simple MPEG audio to WAV converter using libmpg123 (read) and libout123 (write).
Packit c32a2d excersize on two simple APIs. */
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/** \file mpglib.c Example program mimicking the old mpglib test program.
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	It takes an MPEG bitstream from standard input and writes raw audio to standard output.
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	This is an use case of the mpg123_decode() in and out function in the feeder mode, quite close to classic mpglib usage and thus a template to convert from that to libmpg123.
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/** \file scan.c Example program that examines the exact length of an MPEG file.
Packit c32a2d
    It opens a list of files and does mpg123_scan() on each and reporting the mpg123_length() before and after that. */
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/** \file id3dump.c Parse ID3 info and print to standard output. */
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/** \file extract_frames.c Parse stream and extract only the valid MPEG frames to standard output. */
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/** \file feedseek.c Fuzzy feeder seeking. */
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/* @} */