From 8591b61ef01919983d079ade3f921d7117df7d98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Packit Service Date: Dec 09 2020 23:01:26 +0000 Subject: mpfr-3.1.6 base --- diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5cd6c87 --- /dev/null +++ b/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +Authors of MPFR (in chronological order of initial contribution): + +Guillaume Hanrot Main author +Fabrice Rouillier Original version of mul_ui.c, gmp_op.c +Paul Zimmermann Main author +Sylvie Boldo Original version of agm.c and log.c +Jean-Luc Rémy Original version of zeta.c +Emmanuel Jeandel Original version of exp3.c, const_pi.c, sincos.c +Mathieu Dutour acos.c, asin.c, atan.c and early gamma.c +Vincent Lefèvre Main author +David Daney Hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions, base-2 + and base-10 exponential and logarithm, factorial +Alain Delplanque Rewritten get_str.c +Ludovic Meunier Error function (erf.c) +Patrick Pélissier Main author +Laurent Fousse Original version of sum.c +Damien Stehlé Function mpfr_get_ld_2exp +Philippe Théveny Main author +Sylvain Chevillard Original version of ai.c + +The main authors are included in the MPFR mailing-list . +This is the preferred way to contact us. For further information, please +look at the MPFR web page . diff --git a/BUGS b/BUGS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11f4073 --- /dev/null +++ b/BUGS @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +Copyright 1999, 2001-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +Contributed by the AriC and Caramba projects, INRIA. + +This file is part of the GNU MPFR Library. + +The GNU MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your +option) any later version. + +The GNU MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public +License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +along with the GNU MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If not, see + or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., +51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + +############################################################################## + +Known bugs: + +* The overflow/underflow exceptions may be badly handled in some functions; + specially when the intermediary internal results have exponent which + exceeds the hardware limit (2^30 for a 32 bits CPU, and 2^62 for a 64 bits + CPU) or the exact result is close to an overflow/underflow threshold. + +* Under Linux/x86 with the traditional FPU, some functions do not work + if the FPU rounding precision has been changed to single (this is a + bad practice and should be useless, but one never knows what other + software will do). + +* Some functions do not use MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_* macros, thus do not behave + correctly in a reduced exponent range. + +* Function hypot gives incorrect result when on the one hand the difference + between parameters' exponents is near 2*MPFR_EMAX_MAX and on the other hand + the output precision or the precision of the parameter with greatest + absolute value is greater than 2*MPFR_EMAX_MAX-4. + +Potential bugs: + +* Possible incorrect results due to internal underflow, which can lead to + a huge loss of accuracy while the error analysis doesn't take that into + account. If the underflow occurs at the last function call (just before + the MPFR_CAN_ROUND), the result should be correct (or MPFR gets into an + infinite loop). TODO: check the code and the error analysis. + +* Possible integer overflows on some machines. + +* Possible bugs with huge precisions (> 2^30). + +* Possible bugs if the chosen exponent range does not allow to represent + the range [1/16, 16]. + +* Possible infinite loop in some functions for particular cases: when + the exact result is an exactly representable number or the middle of + consecutive two such numbers. However for non-algebraic functions, it is + believed that no such case exists, except the well-known cases like cos(0)=1, + exp(0)=1, and so on, and the x^y function when y is an integer or y=1/2^k. + +* The mpfr_set_ld function may be quite slow if the long double type has an + exponent of more than 15 bits. + +* mpfr_set_d may give wrong results on some non-IEEE architectures. + +* Error analysis for some functions may be incorrect (out-of-date due + to modifications in the code?). + +* Possible use of non-portable feature (pre-C99) of the integer division + with negative result. diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94a9ed0 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,674 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for +software and other kinds of works. + + The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed +to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, +the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to +share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free +software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the +GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to +any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you +want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new +free programs, and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you +these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have +certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if +you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same +freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive +or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they +know their rights. + + Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: +(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License +giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. + + For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains +that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and +authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as +changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to +authors of previous versions. + + Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run +modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer +can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of +protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic +pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to +use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we +have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those +products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we +stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions +of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. + + Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. +States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of +software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to +avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could +make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that +patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + 0. Definitions. + + "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. + + "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of +works, such as semiconductor masks. + + "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this +License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and +"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. + + To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work +in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an +exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the +earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. + + A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based +on the Program. + + To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without +permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for +infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a +computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, +distribution (with or without modification), making available to the +public, and in some countries other activities as well. + + To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other +parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through +a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. + + An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" +to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible +feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) +tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the +extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the +work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If +the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a +menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. + + 1. Source Code. + + The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work +for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source +form of a work. + + A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official +standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of +interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that +is widely used among developers working in that language. + + The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other +than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of +packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major +Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that +Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an +implementation is available to the public in source code form. A +"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component +(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system +(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to +produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. + + The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all +the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable +work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to +control those activities. However, it does not include the work's +System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free +programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but +which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source +includes interface definition files associated with source files for +the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically +linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, +such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those +subprograms and other parts of the work. + + The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users +can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding +Source. + + The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that +same work. + + 2. Basic Permissions. + + All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of +copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated +conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited +permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a +covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its +content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your +rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. + + You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not +convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains +in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose +of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you +with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with +the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do +not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works +for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction +and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of +your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. + + Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under +the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 +makes it unnecessary. + + 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. + + No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological +measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article +11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or +similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such +measures. + + When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid +circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention +is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to +the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or +modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's +users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of +technological measures. + + 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. + + You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you +receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and +appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; +keep intact all notices stating that this License and any +non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; +keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all +recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. + + You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, +and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. + + 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. + + You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to +produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the +terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified + it, and giving a relevant date. + + b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is + released under this License and any conditions added under section + 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to + "keep intact all notices". + + c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this + License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This + License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 + additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, + regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no + permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not + invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. + + d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display + Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive + interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your + work need not make them do so. + + A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent +works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, +and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, +in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an +"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not +used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users +beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work +in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other +parts of the aggregate. + + 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. + + You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms +of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the +machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, +in one of these ways: + + a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the + Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium + customarily used for software interchange. + + b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a + written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as + long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product + model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a + copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the + product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical + medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no + more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this + conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the + Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. + + c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the + written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This + alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and + only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord + with subsection 6b. + + d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated + place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the + Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no + further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the + Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to + copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source + may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) + that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain + clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the + Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the + Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is + available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. + + e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided + you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding + Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no + charge under subsection 6d. + + A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded +from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be +included in conveying the object code work. + + A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any +tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, +or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation +into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, +doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular +product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a +typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status +of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user +actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product +is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial +commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent +the only significant mode of use of the product. + + "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, +procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install +and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from +a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must +suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object +code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because +modification has been made. + + If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or +specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as +part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the +User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a +fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the +Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied +by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply +if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install +modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has +been installed in ROM). + + The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a +requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates +for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for +the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a +network may be denied when the modification itself materially and +adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and +protocols for communication across the network. + + Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, +in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly +documented (and with an implementation available to the public in +source code form), and must require no special password or key for +unpacking, reading or copying. + + 7. Additional Terms. + + "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this +License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. +Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall +be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent +that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions +apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately +under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by +this License without regard to the additional permissions. + + When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option +remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of +it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own +removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place +additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, +for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you +add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of +that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: + + a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the + terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or + + b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or + author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal + Notices displayed by works containing it; or + + c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or + requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in + reasonable ways as different from the original version; or + + d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or + authors of the material; or + + e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some + trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or + + f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that + material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of + it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for + any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on + those licensors and authors. + + All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further +restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you +received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is +governed by this License along with a term that is a further +restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains +a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this +License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms +of that license document, provided that the further restriction does +not survive such relicensing or conveying. + + If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you +must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the +additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating +where to find the applicable terms. + + Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the +form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; +the above requirements apply either way. + + 8. Termination. + + You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly +provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or +modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under +this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third +paragraph of section 11). + + However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your +license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) +provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and +finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright +holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means +prior to 60 days after the cessation. + + Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is +reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the +violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have +received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that +copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after +your receipt of the notice. + + Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the +licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under +this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently +reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same +material under section 10. + + 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. + + You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or +run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work +occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission +to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, +nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or +modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do +not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a +covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. + + 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. + + Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically +receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and +propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible +for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. + + An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an +organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an +organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered +work results from an entity transaction, each party to that +transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever +licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could +give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the +Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if +the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. + + You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the +rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may +not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of +rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that +any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for +sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. + + 11. Patents. + + A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this +License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The +work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". + + A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims +owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or +hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted +by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, +but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a +consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For +purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant +patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of +this License. + + Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free +patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to +make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and +propagate the contents of its contributor version. + + In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express +agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent +(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to +sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a +party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a +patent against the party. + + If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, +and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone +to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a +publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, +then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so +available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the +patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner +consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent +license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have +actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the +covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work +in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that +country that you have reason to believe are valid. + + If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or +arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a +covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties +receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify +or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license +you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered +work and works based on it. + + A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within +the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is +conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are +specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered +work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is +in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment +to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying +the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the +parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory +patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work +conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily +for and in connection with specific products or compilations that +contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, +or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. + + Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting +any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may +otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. + + 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. + + If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a +covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may +not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you +to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey +the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this +License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. + + 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have +permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed +under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single +combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this +License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, +but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, +section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the +combination as such. + + 14. Revised Versions of this License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of +the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General +Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the +option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered +version or of any later version published by the Free Software +Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the +GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published +by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future +versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's +public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you +to choose that version for the Program. + + Later license versions may give you additional or different +permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any +author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a +later version. + + 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. + + THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. Limitation of Liability. + + IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. + + 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. + + If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided +above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, +reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates +an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the +Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a +copy of the Program in return for a fee. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program. If not, see . + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + + If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short +notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Copyright (C) + This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands +might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". + + You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, +if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. +For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see +. + + The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program +into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you +may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with +the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. But first, please read +. diff --git a/COPYING.LESSER b/COPYING.LESSER new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc8a5de --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING.LESSER @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + + This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates +the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public +License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below. + + 0. Additional Definitions. + + As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser +General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU +General Public License. + + "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License, +other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below. + + An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided +by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library. +Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode +of using an interface provided by the Library. + + A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an +Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library +with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked +Version". + + The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the +Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code +for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are +based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version. + + The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the +object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data +and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the +Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work. + + 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL. + + You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License +without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL. + + 2. Conveying Modified Versions. + + If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a +facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application +that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the +facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified +version: + + a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to + ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the + function or data, the facility still operates, and performs + whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or + + b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of + this License applicable to that copy. + + 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files. + + The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from +a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object +code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated +material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure +layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates +(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following: + + a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the + Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are + covered by this License. + + b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license + document. + + 4. Combined Works. + + You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, +taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the +portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of +the following: + + a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that + the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are + covered by this License. + + b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license + document. + + c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during + execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among + these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the + copies of the GNU GPL and this license document. + + d) Do one of the following: + + 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this + License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form + suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to + recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of + the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the + manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying + Corresponding Source. + + 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time + a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer + system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version + of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked + Version. + + e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise + be required to provide such information under section 6 of the + GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is + necessary to install and execute a modified version of the + Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the + Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If + you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany + the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application + Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation + Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL + for conveying Corresponding Source.) + + 5. Combined Libraries. + + You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side by side in a single library together with other library +facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this +License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your +choice, if you do both of the following: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based + on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, + conveyed under the terms of this License. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it + is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the + accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new +versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may +differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version +of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version" +applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that published version or of any later version +published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you +received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser +General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser +General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide +whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall +apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is +permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the +Library. diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e82d98e --- /dev/null +++ b/ChangeLog @@ -0,0 +1,70953 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11719 | vlefevre | 2017-09-07 11:36:44 +0000 (Thu, 07 Sep 2017) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.6. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11710 | vlefevre | 2017-09-05 15:17:22 +0000 (Tue, 05 Sep 2017) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11709 | vlefevre | 2017-09-05 12:59:09 +0000 (Tue, 05 Sep 2017) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.6-rc2 (at least for the developers, so that +intermediate versions with new changes cannot be confused with rc1). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11708 | vlefevre | 2017-09-05 12:55:34 +0000 (Tue, 05 Sep 2017) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + +[tests/tsprintf.c] With MPFR_CHECK_LIBC_PRINTF, disable the test of +the "'" flag with a non-glibc C library (SUS extension in printf). +In particular, it is not supported by AIX 7.2. +(merged changesets r11704,11706 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11707 | vlefevre | 2017-09-05 12:54:34 +0000 (Tue, 05 Sep 2017) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] In case decimal_point and/or thousands_sep are +non-single-byte characters (as found on FreeBSD 11 in fr_FR.UTF-8), +revert to the default value. Added a FIXME to support multibyte +decimal_point and thousands_sep. +(merged changeset r11705 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11703 | vlefevre | 2017-09-05 11:40:33 +0000 (Tue, 05 Sep 2017) | 10 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/ + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tout_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/toutimpl.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tprintf.c + +[tests] + * tfprintf.c, tout_str.c, tprintf.c: Do not use the same filename + for result files created in these test programs, as this may break + parallel tests. + * toutimpl.c: Changed the filename of the result file like what + has been done in other test programs, to make sure that it will + not be reused by mistake. Removed comments about tmpname (which + does not exist). + * added a CLEANFILES line with these files. +(merged changesets r11698-11699 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11694 | vlefevre | 2017-09-01 15:17:43 +0000 (Fri, 01 Sep 2017) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + +[tests/turandom.c] Correction for 16-bit int. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11693 | zimmerma | 2017-08-30 06:57:37 +0000 (Wed, 30 Aug 2017) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + +[tests/turandom.c] print got/expected probabilities in test_underflow() + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11692 | zimmerma | 2017-08-29 12:58:37 +0000 (Tue, 29 Aug 2017) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + +[tests/turandom.c] forgot exp=1 case + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11691 | zimmerma | 2017-08-29 12:52:50 +0000 (Tue, 29 Aug 2017) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + +added test_underflow() + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11689 | vlefevre | 2017-08-29 12:17:13 +0000 (Tue, 29 Aug 2017) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/src/urandom.c + +[src/urandom.c] Clarified a comment about a subtle case. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11687 | vlefevre | 2017-08-28 20:58:45 +0000 (Mon, 28 Aug 2017) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] In "configure --help" output for --enable-decimal-float, +mention that this option requires --with-gmp-build (this is for the 3.1 +branch only). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11682 | vlefevre | 2017-08-28 11:25:28 +0000 (Mon, 28 Aug 2017) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11681 | vlefevre | 2017-08-28 11:23:02 +0000 (Mon, 28 Aug 2017) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.6-rc1 and updated libmpfr_la_LDFLAGS in +src/ for the next release. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11672 | vlefevre | 2017-08-28 00:51:57 +0000 (Mon, 28 Aug 2017) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + +Corrections for use with --with-gmp-build. + * tests/tests.c: use __gmp_rands instead of mpfr_rands + (which was introduced by r11666). + * tests/turandom.c: use RANDS instead of mpfr_rands + (which was introduced by r11649). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11670 | vlefevre | 2017-08-27 22:09:01 +0000 (Sun, 27 Aug 2017) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + +[tests/turandom.c] Disabled the reprod_abi test with GMP < 4.2.0 +since the hardcoded values would be different. +(merged changeset r11669 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11668 | vlefevre | 2017-08-27 21:07:18 +0000 (Sun, 27 Aug 2017) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + +[tests/turandom.c] Check that the behavior does not depend on the +platform ABI or MPFR version. +(merged changeset r11663 from the trunk, and updated the hardcoded +values for this 3.1 branch) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11667 | vlefevre | 2017-08-27 20:54:16 +0000 (Sun, 27 Aug 2017) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + +[tests/turandom.c] In bug20170123, use a local gmp_randstate_t variable +instead of mpfr_rands, due to the gmp_randseed_ui. +(merged changeset r11654 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11666 | vlefevre | 2017-08-27 20:52:18 +0000 (Sun, 27 Aug 2017) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + +[src/mpfr-gmp.h,tests/tests.c] Got rid of __gmp_randstate_struct, which +is internal to GMP: its use came from very old code (r2330 in 2003-06) +and it is no longer needed. +(marked changeset r11652 as merged from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11665 | vlefevre | 2017-08-27 20:36:53 +0000 (Sun, 27 Aug 2017) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + +[tests/turandom.c] Disabled a test with GMP < 4.2.0 since it depends on +a specific behavior of the random generator, which changed in GMP 4.2.0 +(the test would probably fail with such old GMP versions). +(applied a part of r8787 and merged changeset r11651 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11649 | vlefevre | 2017-08-22 13:17:15 +0000 (Tue, 22 Aug 2017) | 16 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/urandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + +[src/urandom.c] Generate the exception flags for mpfr_urandom almost as + expected: + * Set the underflow flag if the drawn exponent is less than emin. + This corresponds to "underflow before rounding" while the normal + rule in MPFR is "underflow after rounding". This is not fixable + in the 3.1 branch since the significand is not drawn in this + case, and drawing the significand to determine whether there is + an underflow would change the state of the PRNG at the end of + the function, breaking the ABI and the users' expectations. + * Set the inexact flag on underflow (this was not done before). +[tests/turandom.c] Added underflow and overflow tests. +[doc/mpfr.texi] Documented the above issue with the underflow flag for + mpfr_urandom. +(merged changesets r11220,11635,11637-11641,11643-11647 from the trunk; +instead of merging the conflicting r11636, did all the changes manually; +replaced mpfr_flags_t by unsigned int) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11648 | vlefevre | 2017-08-22 11:57:20 +0000 (Tue, 22 Aug 2017) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/urandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + +[src/urandom.c] Fixed bug reported by Trevor Spiteri: + +[tests/turandom.c] Added non-regression test. +(merged changesets r11218-11219,11221 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11633 | vlefevre | 2017-08-21 12:31:22 +0000 (Mon, 21 Aug 2017) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Slightly changed the paragraph about memory allocation +by MPFR (after a discussion with PZ). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11632 | vlefevre | 2017-08-21 09:49:52 +0000 (Mon, 21 Aug 2017) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Update about the memory allocation (added references +to Section "Memory Handling"). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11631 | vlefevre | 2017-08-21 09:40:40 +0000 (Mon, 21 Aug 2017) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Added a paragraph about memory allocation by MPFR. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11618 | vlefevre | 2017-08-03 08:16:53 +0000 (Thu, 03 Aug 2017) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11616 | vlefevre | 2017-08-03 08:12:50 +0000 (Thu, 03 Aug 2017) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated paragraph on the MPFR formatted output functions +and overflow on the return type int. Removed obsolete comments. +(merged changesets r11403,11614-11615 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11613 | vlefevre | 2017-08-02 11:21:33 +0000 (Wed, 02 Aug 2017) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + +[NEWS] Update for GNU MPFR 3.1.6. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11606 | vlefevre | 2017-08-01 09:48:11 +0000 (Tue, 01 Aug 2017) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.h + +[tests/mpf_compat.h] Include "mpfr-test.h" instead of "mpfr-impl.h", +in order to avoid a link failure under MS Windows with DLL. See: + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11605 | vlefevre | 2017-08-01 09:44:46 +0000 (Tue, 01 Aug 2017) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tools/mpfrlint + +[tools/mpfrlint] Detect "mpfr-impl.h" inclusion by the test programs: +"mpfr-test.h" should be included instead; otherwise __MPFR_WITHIN_MPFR +will be defined, yielding failures under MS Windows with DLL. +(Similar to r11603 in the trunk.) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11591 | vlefevre | 2017-07-17 23:25:27 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jul 2017) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/sin_cos.c + +[src/sin_cos.c] Avoid integer overflows with precision 1100000 and +the 32-bit ABI (32-bit long), fixing bug reported by Simon Byrne: + +(merged changeset r11590 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11587 | vlefevre | 2017-07-17 12:30:40 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jul 2017) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] Under Linux, make sure that the old dtags are used +if LD_LIBRARY_PATH is defined, avoiding the following issue: + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11580 | vlefevre | 2017-06-05 17:06:13 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jun 2017) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Fixed the mpfr_get_default_rounding_mode() macro for +C++ (it didn't have the correct type), and improved the similar ones. +(merged changeset r8997 from the trunk; needed by r11579 when using a +C++ compiler) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11579 | vlefevre | 2017-06-05 16:50:17 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jun 2017) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/mpf2mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.h + +[src/mpf2mpfr.h] Fixed mpf_fits_s* and mpf_get_si macros. +[tests/mpf_compat.h] Added non-regression tests. +(merged changesets r11565,11571 from the trunk, and did some changes +in the inclusions of header files due to the use of MPFR_ASSERTN) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11541 | vlefevre | 2017-05-29 06:50:59 +0000 (Mon, 29 May 2017) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + +[src/vasprintf.c] In a macro definition, changed a parameter to +lowercase so that it doesn't look like a constant to mpfrlint. +(merged changeset r11521 from the trunk, completing r11538) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11540 | vlefevre | 2017-05-28 22:12:53 +0000 (Sun, 28 May 2017) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + +[tests/tsprintf.c] Fixed setlocale usage (problem detected with MinGW +in the trunk) by not using the returned string any longer. Indeed, +ISO C99 says that this string "may be overwritten by a subsequent call +to the setlocale function". The tests in the 3.1 branch are different, +so that this problem was not detected here on the tested platforms, +including MinGW. +(merged changeset r11533 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11539 | vlefevre | 2017-05-28 21:58:53 +0000 (Sun, 28 May 2017) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/printf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tprintf.c + +[src] Moved "#include " from printf.c to vasprintf.c (this + should have been done in r5230, where EOVERFLOW was moved). +(merged changeset r11532 from the trunk) +[tests/tprintf.c] Added errno test for check_long_string(), which is + called when MPFR_CHECK_LARGEMEM is defined, to trigger the above + bug. A merge from the trunk was not possible due to many changes + in the mpfr_*printf code and the tests. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11538 | vlefevre | 2017-05-28 21:19:11 +0000 (Sun, 28 May 2017) | 13 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + +[src/vasprintf.c] Fixed overflow checking in partition_number(). +In details: + * The computation of the number of characters to be written could + be incorrect by 1 when the thousands separator was not empty. + However, in the 3.1 branch (without additional patches), this + value is currently only used for overflow checking, so that this + bug could have only very little effect (contrary to the trunk). + * When the int and long types have the same size, the code assumed + "wrapping behavior in two's complement". But this is actually + undefined behavior in ISO C; in practice, a smart compiler may + have ignored "total < 0" tests, because total is computed with + sums of non-negative integers. +(merged changesets r11513,11515-11516 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11537 | vlefevre | 2017-05-28 20:55:53 +0000 (Sun, 28 May 2017) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tl2b.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_all.c + +[tests] Increase buffer sizes to avoid a build failure with GCC 7 +under some conditions due to the following bug: + +This increase is not a problem for the tests, where optimal code +is useless. +(merged changesets r11469,11470 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11536 | vlefevre | 2017-05-28 20:44:27 +0000 (Sun, 28 May 2017) | 10 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] In the MPFR_RET macro, avoid the use of an integer +in a boolean context (even though that this is not wrong in C). Fix +after a bug report from David Binderman. Explanations: + +(merged changeset r10879 from the trunk) + +NOTE. This change has been merged in the 3.1 branch because it is +needed to be able to build MPFR with -Wall -Werror as of GCC 7, +due to the new -Wint-in-bool-context option enabled by -Wall: + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11432 | vlefevre | 2017-04-07 15:03:37 +0000 (Fri, 07 Apr 2017) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11431 | vlefevre | 2017-04-07 15:02:16 +0000 (Fri, 07 Apr 2017) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] + * Clarified mpfr_asprintf & mpfr_vasprintf specification in case + of error. + * Corrected an English error. +(merged changesets r11264,11430 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11345 | vlefevre | 2017-02-26 02:06:02 +0000 (Sun, 26 Feb 2017) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11344 | vlefevre | 2017-02-26 02:05:19 +0000 (Sun, 26 Feb 2017) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Completed mpfr_root description: the 0th root gives NaN. +(merged changesets r9929,9933 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11329 | vlefevre | 2017-02-21 10:20:45 +0000 (Tue, 21 Feb 2017) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/src/sum.c + +[src/sum.c] Added a note about the "const" position in the prototypes. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11120 | vlefevre | 2017-01-01 01:39:54 +0000 (Sun, 01 Jan 2017) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11119 | vlefevre | 2017-01-01 01:39:09 +0000 (Sun, 01 Jan 2017) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/BUGS + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + M /branches/3.1/README + M /branches/3.1/TODO + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/FAQ.html + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/faq.xsl + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/examples/divworst.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/rndo-add.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/sample.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/abort_prec_max.c + M /branches/3.1/src/acos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/acosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/agm.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ai.c + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/amdfam10/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/athlon/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/k8/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/arm/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/asin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/asinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atan2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atanh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/bernoulli.c + M /branches/3.1/src/buildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cache.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cbrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/check.c + M /branches/3.1/src/clear.c + M /branches/3.1/src/clears.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_abs.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/comparisons.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/src/constant.c + M /branches/3.1/src/copysign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cot.c + M /branches/3.1/src/coth.c + M /branches/3.1/src/csc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/csch.c + M /branches/3.1/src/d_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/d_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/digamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/dim.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/dump.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eq.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erfc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp10.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp3.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp_2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/expm1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/extract.c + M /branches/3.1/src/factorial.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_intmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_s.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_sint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_slong.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_sshort.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_u.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uintmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_ulong.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_ushort.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fms.c + M /branches/3.1/src/frac.c + M /branches/3.1/src/free_cache.c + M /branches/3.1/src/frexp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gammaonethird.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gen_inverse.h + M /branches/3.1/src/generic/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gmp_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/grandom.c + M /branches/3.1/src/hppa/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/hypot.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ia64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/ieee_floats.h + M /branches/3.1/src/init.c + M /branches/3.1/src/init2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inits.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inits2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/int_ceil_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isinf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isinteger.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isnan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isnum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isregular.c + M /branches/3.1/src/iszero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/jn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/jyn_asympt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/li2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/lngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log10.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log1p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/logging.c + M /branches/3.1/src/min_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/minmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/modf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mp_clz_tab.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/mpf2mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-intmax.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-longlong.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-thread.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpn_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mulders.c + M /branches/3.1/src/neg.c + M /branches/3.1/src/next.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/powerof2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/powerpc32/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/powerpc64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/print_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/print_rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/src/printf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/reldiff.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rem1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/root.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_near_x.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_raw_generic.c + M /branches/3.1/src/scale2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sech.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_dfl_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_inf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_nan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prc_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_q.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_rnd.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_zero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setsign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sgn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/si_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/signbit.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sparc64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/sqr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/stack_interface.c + M /branches/3.1/src/strtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/subnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/swap.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tanh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/uceil_exp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/uceil_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ufloor_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandom.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandomb.c + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/volatile.c + M /branches/3.1/src/x86/core2/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86_64/core2/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86_64/pentium4/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/yn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta.c + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ + M /branches/3.1/tests/cmp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/data/digamma + M /branches/3.1/tests/data/li2 + M /branches/3.1/tests/memory.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/random2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/reuse.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tabs.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tacos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tacosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tagm.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tai.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tasin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tasinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/taway.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tbuildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcan_round.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcbrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcheck.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcopysign.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcoth.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcsc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcsch.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdigamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdim.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/teint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/teq.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/terf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp10.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texpm1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfactorial.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfits.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfmod.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfms.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrac.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrexp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_f.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgmpop.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgrandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/thypot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinits.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinternals.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tisnan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tisqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj0.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tjn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tl2b.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlgamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tli2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog10.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog1p.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmin_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tminmax.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmodf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tnext.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tout_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/toutimpl.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow3.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_all.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tremquo.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/troot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tround_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsech.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_f.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_q.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_si.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsgn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsi_op.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstckintc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstdint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsum.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tswap.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttrunc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_pow.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tvalist.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tversion.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ty0.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ty1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tyn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-copyright-notice + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-mparam + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-news + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-version-info + M /branches/3.1/tools/ + M /branches/3.1/tune/ + M /branches/3.1/tune/bidimensional_sample.c + M /branches/3.1/tune/speed.c + M /branches/3.1/tune/tuneup.c + +Copyright notice update: added 2017 with + perl -pi -e 's/ (\d{4}-)?(2016)(?= Free Software)/ + " ".($1||"$2-").($2+1)/e' **/*(^/) +under zsh (the m4 and tools/mbench directories were not modified). +Removed 2016 from the example in the doc/ file. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11069 | vlefevre | 2016-12-19 16:11:17 +0000 (Mon, 19 Dec 2016) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/strtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstrtofr.c + +[src/strtofr.c] Fixed bug in mpfr_strtofr(): in round-to-nearest, + the ternary value could be incorrect. +[tests/tstrtofr.c] Added test case. +(merged changesets from the trunk: r11055, a part of r11056, and +r11059,11066-11068) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11043 | vlefevre | 2016-12-15 07:45:45 +0000 (Thu, 15 Dec 2016) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + +[src/vasprintf.c] Fixed a bug: spec.prec can be a negative number other + than -1 (when such a value is given as an argument with ".*"). +[tests/tsprintf.c] Added non-regression test. +(merged changesets r11037-11038 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10921 | vlefevre | 2016-10-25 06:59:05 +0000 (Tue, 25 Oct 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Fixed r10917 (thanks to Eli Zaretskii for the report). +(merged changeset r10920 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10919 | vlefevre | 2016-10-24 13:31:44 +0000 (Mon, 24 Oct 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Improved a macro from r10917 (just in case...). +(merged changeset r10918 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10917 | vlefevre | 2016-10-24 13:03:53 +0000 (Mon, 24 Oct 2016) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/const_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/set_dfl_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_rnd.c + +[src] Support build as thread-safe DLL on Windows: clean-up. + * Increased the use of macros to avoid some code duplication + (with risks of typos) and to prevent the problems related + to thread-safe DLL from appearing in the .c files. + * The prototypes of the functions to access the address of a + TLS variable are now defined. Otherwise one gets warnings: + +(merged changeset r10916 from the trunk, with conflict resolved +by replacing mpfr_flags_t with unsigned int) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10896 | vlefevre | 2016-09-27 09:17:54 +0000 (Tue, 27 Sep 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.6-dev. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10892 | vlefevre | 2016-09-27 07:51:01 +0000 (Tue, 27 Sep 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10891 | vlefevre | 2016-09-27 07:48:20 +0000 (Tue, 27 Sep 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.5. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10889 | vlefevre | 2016-09-23 14:09:21 +0000 (Fri, 23 Sep 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/examples/version.c + +[examples/version.c] A bit more output. +(merged changeset r10888 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10887 | vlefevre | 2016-09-23 13:57:32 +0000 (Fri, 23 Sep 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/examples/version.c + +[examples/version.c] Update from the trunk (with svn merge on +changesets r8034,8036,8128,10885-10886). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10873 | vlefevre | 2016-09-14 08:09:05 +0000 (Wed, 14 Sep 2016) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv.c + +[tests/tdiv.c] Improved code readability, fixing a small bug +(found by David Binderman using cppcheck) at the same time. +This bug could only affect the error message if the test failed. +(merged changesets r10871-10872 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10868 | vlefevre | 2016-09-13 17:17:12 +0000 (Tue, 13 Sep 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10867 | vlefevre | 2016-09-13 17:09:26 +0000 (Tue, 13 Sep 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10866 | vlefevre | 2016-09-13 17:08:30 +0000 (Tue, 13 Sep 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.5-rc1 and updated libmpfr_la_LDFLAGS in +src/ for the next release. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10857 | vlefevre | 2016-09-12 12:22:08 +0000 (Mon, 12 Sep 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ld.c + +[src/get_ld.c] Re-added a blank line that disappeared in a merge. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10856 | vlefevre | 2016-09-12 12:17:31 +0000 (Mon, 12 Sep 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ld.c + +[src/get_ld.c] Removed a "see below", which refers to a comment that +is in the trunk but not in this branch. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10855 | vlefevre | 2016-09-12 12:00:15 +0000 (Mon, 12 Sep 2016) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_ld.c + +[tests/tset_ld.c] In bug_20160907, fixed the method to get the smallest +subnormal (now, OK with gcc -mpc64 or under NetBSD 6-). +(merged changesets r10835-10839 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10854 | vlefevre | 2016-09-12 11:30:20 +0000 (Mon, 12 Sep 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tabs.c + +[tests/tabs.c] Removed mpfr_test_init (not needed here). +(merged changeset r10822 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10853 | vlefevre | 2016-09-12 11:28:24 +0000 (Mon, 12 Sep 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_ld.c + +[tests/tset_ld.c] Move tests_start_mpfr and mpfr_test_init earlier. +(merged changesets r8688,10821 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10852 | vlefevre | 2016-09-12 11:25:44 +0000 (Mon, 12 Sep 2016) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_ld.c + +[tests/tset_ld.c] Corrected a type (due to a printf with %ld) and fixed +a loop in case an extended range is used. +(merged changesets r10818-10819 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10815 | vlefevre | 2016-09-08 09:53:52 +0000 (Thu, 08 Sep 2016) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_ld.c + +[src/get_ld.c] Fixed bug for little-endian x86 extended precision. +[tests/tset_ld.c] Added test case. +(merged changesets r10807-10809,10811-10812 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10814 | vlefevre | 2016-09-08 09:05:08 +0000 (Thu, 08 Sep 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + +[NEWS] Update for GNU MPFR 3.1.5. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10792 | vlefevre | 2016-09-05 12:04:43 +0000 (Mon, 05 Sep 2016) | 10 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/powerof2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcan_round.c + +Fixed various bugs in mpfr_can_round_raw, which affected mpfr_can_round: +there could still be false positives (i.e. mpfr_can_round could say that +rounding was possible while correct rounding was not guaranteed), and +also false negatives, some of which could yield infinite Ziv loops in +user code in practice. +Added tests triggering these bugs, in particular a comprehensive test +against a naive implementation. +(merged changesets + r10679-10686,10717-10718,10743,10746-10748,10752,10754,10756 +from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10791 | vlefevre | 2016-09-05 09:31:14 +0000 (Mon, 05 Sep 2016) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta.c + +[tests/tzeta.c] Updated test_generic invocation based on the trunk +in order to reduce the test time (increased since r9849). +(merged changesets r9955,10667,10672,10790 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10742 | vlefevre | 2016-08-22 11:42:38 +0000 (Mon, 22 Aug 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul.c + +[tests/tmul.c] Added underflow test from the trunk (merged changesets +from r10601 to r10716 for tmul.c only). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10728 | vlefevre | 2016-08-04 20:31:01 +0000 (Thu, 04 Aug 2016) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsi_op.c + +[tests/tsi_op.c] Fixed a macro. There were no consequences except +spurious null statements. +(merged changeset r10724 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10722 | vlefevre | 2016-08-04 12:18:54 +0000 (Thu, 04 Aug 2016) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_si.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_sj.c + +[tests/tset_{si,sj}.c] Fixed macros. There were no consequences except +spurious null statements. +(merged changeset r10721 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10720 | vlefevre | 2016-08-04 01:52:45 +0000 (Thu, 04 Aug 2016) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_si.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsi_op.c + +[tests] C++ compatibility: avoid errors with "g++ -std=c++11" or later. +Note that as of GCC 6, "the default mode for C++ is now -std=gnu++14 +instead of -std=gnu++98" . +So, this fixes the failures in the build of the MPFR tests with g++ +from GCC 6 without particular options. +(merged changeset r10719 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10387 | vlefevre | 2016-05-30 07:55:29 +0000 (Mon, 30 May 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub.c + +[tests/tsub.c] Added comments for check_max_almosteven. +(merged changeset r10386 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10384 | vlefevre | 2016-05-29 18:55:04 +0000 (Sun, 29 May 2016) | 12 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub.c + +[src/sub1.c] Fixed bug in mpfr_sub1 (real subtraction a = b - c, with + |b| > |c|): In MPFR_RNDN (round-to-nearest mode), when + * |b| is the midpoint between the maximum finite number in the + precision of a and 2^emax (the maximum finite number + 1 ulp), + which is possible only if PREC(b) > PREC(a), + * c is small enough (i.e. no overlap with a and b), + mpfr_sub1 returns an infinity (with overflow flag set) instead of + ± the maximum number (no overflow). The cause is that an overflow + is generated too early, in an intermediate rounding. +[tests/tsub.c] Added test cases. +(merged changeset r10383 from the trunk, with conflict resolved in +src/sub1.c and mpfr_flags_t replaced by unsigned int) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10304 | vlefevre | 2016-05-22 10:05:37 +0000 (Sun, 22 May 2016) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/add_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_ui.c + +For mpfr_add_ui and mpfr_sub_ui, make sure that all the expected flags +are set (in practice, only NaN was affected). Added testcases from the +trunk (merged r10298 and r10303). +Note: the trunk was fixed with a partial rewrite for some optimization +and to improve consistency, but here, the changes are kept minimal. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10264 | vlefevre | 2016-04-13 21:17:07 +0000 (Wed, 13 Apr 2016) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Removed the detection of possible inconsistencies +under Unix because the tests could yield spurious errors with Cygwin32 +or other similar implementations. Moreover, such tests were used for +debugging purpose or to detect potential problems in the environment, +thus were not really useful for the end user. They were initially +added in the win-thread-safe-dll branch (r9682, following a problem +found in r9680). One alternative for checking by the MPFR developers +would be to output the status of some internal macros in tversion. +(merged changeset r10260 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10234 | vlefevre | 2016-03-15 12:17:53 +0000 (Tue, 15 Mar 2016) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Fixed and improved some sign-related macros +(some parentheses were missing). Note: the code in the 3.1 branch +was not affected by these missing parentheses; however this could +break later patches or ports of new functions using MPFR internals. +(merged changeset r9295 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10204 | vlefevre | 2016-03-06 13:09:13 +0000 (Sun, 06 Mar 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.5-dev. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10201 | vlefevre | 2016-03-06 11:22:21 +0000 (Sun, 06 Mar 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10200 | vlefevre | 2016-03-06 11:20:09 +0000 (Sun, 06 Mar 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10199 | vlefevre | 2016-03-06 11:17:33 +0000 (Sun, 06 Mar 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.4. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10197 | vlefevre | 2016-03-04 14:08:33 +0000 (Fri, 04 Mar 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Some improvement about MinGW and __USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO. +(merged changeset r10196 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10184 | vlefevre | 2016-03-02 15:17:53 +0000 (Wed, 02 Mar 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tversion.c + +[tests/tversion.c] Improved output of compiler information. +(merge changesets r9695-9696,10170,10181-10182 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10176 | vlefevre | 2016-03-02 00:50:40 +0000 (Wed, 02 Mar 2016) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/get_flt.c + +[src/get_flt.c] FIXME: The code assumes the IEEE-754 binary32 format +with subnormal support. +(merged changeset r10175 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10174 | vlefevre | 2016-03-02 00:32:46 +0000 (Wed, 02 Mar 2016) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_flt.c + +[tests/tget_flt.c] Do tests that may involve subnormals only +if HAVE_DENORMS is defined. +(merged changeset r10173 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10167 | vlefevre | 2016-03-01 15:44:58 +0000 (Tue, 01 Mar 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_flt.c + +[tests/tget_flt.c] Use DOUBLE_ISNAN() instead of f == f. +(merge changesets r10160,10163 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10166 | vlefevre | 2016-03-01 15:41:03 +0000 (Tue, 01 Mar 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Updated "Notes on AIX/PowerPC". +(merged changeset r10161 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10149 | zimmerma | 2016-02-29 20:29:40 +0000 (Mon, 29 Feb 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + +reverted commit 10144 (wrongly applied to branch 3.1 instead of trunk) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10148 | vlefevre | 2016-02-29 18:07:10 +0000 (Mon, 29 Feb 2016) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tools/mpfrlint + +[tools/mpfrlint] ASSERT and ASSERT_ALWAYS must not be used for +assertion checking. +(merge changesets r8123,8589,10147 from the trunk, only for mpfrlint) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10146 | vlefevre | 2016-02-29 17:47:01 +0000 (Mon, 29 Feb 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + +Replaced the remaining ASSERT_ALWAYS by MPFR_ASSERTN. +(merged changeset r10145 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10144 | zimmerma | 2016-02-29 17:31:52 +0000 (Mon, 29 Feb 2016) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + +native detection of ieee_double_extract (work in progress), +this will allow to have decimal-float support without gmp-build +(and also faster set_d/get_d) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10143 | zimmerma | 2016-02-29 17:22:30 +0000 (Mon, 29 Feb 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_set_d64.c + +fixed assert macros + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10142 | zimmerma | 2016-02-29 16:06:17 +0000 (Mon, 29 Feb 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + +fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10139 | vlefevre | 2016-02-29 04:17:22 +0000 (Mon, 29 Feb 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10138 | vlefevre | 2016-02-29 04:07:54 +0000 (Mon, 29 Feb 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + +[NEWS] Added "MinGW (MS Windows): Added support for thread-safe DLL +(shared library)." (fix in r10119,10130). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10136 | vlefevre | 2016-02-29 03:56:39 +0000 (Mon, 29 Feb 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Removed an obsolete sentence about MinGW and shared builds +with TLS (the failures in the test suite were avoided in r10119,10130). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10133 | vlefevre | 2016-02-29 01:12:13 +0000 (Mon, 29 Feb 2016) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tversion.c + +[tests/tversion.c] + * Output support status of modifiers in gmp_printf (a bit like r10123 + and r10124 in the trunk, except that macros PRINTF_T and PRINTF_L + do not exist and their absence means here "yes"). + * Output availability of intmax_t/uintmax_t based functions and + *printf functions (merged changeset r10127 from the trunk). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10131 | vlefevre | 2016-02-26 14:43:04 +0000 (Fri, 26 Feb 2016) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] Replaced a "main()" (from the merge of r8245) by +"main (void)" (the other similar changes were done in r9418 for +the 3.1 branch and r8728 in the trunk, which is why r8245 did not +have this change). Useful to configure & build with -Werror (this +needs a patched autoconf). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10130 | vlefevre | 2016-02-26 12:05:16 +0000 (Fri, 26 Feb 2016) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/const_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-thread.h + M /branches/3.1/src/set_dfl_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_rnd.c + +Better threading support: + * Support for _Thread_local (C11). + * Support build as thread-safe DLL on Windows (mainly changes + from Stephan Tolksdorf). +(merged changesets r7954,8245,9684,9778 from the trunk, with +mpfr_flags_t replaced by unsigned int) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10129 | zimmerma | 2016-02-26 10:09:44 +0000 (Fri, 26 Feb 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + +changed according to suggestion from Eli Zaretskii + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10120 | vlefevre | 2016-02-25 01:43:51 +0000 (Thu, 25 Feb 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Various updates for use with Windows applications. +(merged changesets r9750-9751,9756-9757,9762-9767 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10119 | vlefevre | 2016-02-24 16:35:33 +0000 (Wed, 24 Feb 2016) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/memory.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgrandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsum.c + M /branches/3.1/tools/mpfrlint + +In the tests, use tests_allocate and tests_free instead of +(*__gmp_allocate_func) / malloc and (*__gmp_free_func) / free. +Note: This follows the discussion at + +and should solve these problems under MS Windows (mingw32). +(merged changesets r9891,10118 from the trunk, resolving conflicts +to keep only the needed changes) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10117 | vlefevre | 2016-02-24 15:27:21 +0000 (Wed, 24 Feb 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.4-rc2. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10116 | vlefevre | 2016-02-24 15:22:37 +0000 (Wed, 24 Feb 2016) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] Try to link with GMP even when a DLL, since it seems +to work now: + + +Thus gmp_printf features (from the printf C function) are now tested, +avoiding failures in the tests with thread-safe shared Windows builds +using MinGW. +(merged changeset r8524 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10107 | vlefevre | 2016-02-24 01:51:14 +0000 (Wed, 24 Feb 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10106 | vlefevre | 2016-02-24 01:40:56 +0000 (Wed, 24 Feb 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Fixed a warning with "make info". +(merged changeset r10105 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10104 | vlefevre | 2016-02-24 01:30:08 +0000 (Wed, 24 Feb 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10103 | vlefevre | 2016-02-24 01:27:46 +0000 (Wed, 24 Feb 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + +[NEWS] Update for GNU MPFR 3.1.4. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10102 | vlefevre | 2016-02-24 01:25:32 +0000 (Wed, 24 Feb 2016) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/ + A /branches/3.1/tools/ck-news (from /trunk/tools/ck-news:10101) + +Added tools/ck-news Perl script to check the NEWS file. +In + * run this script in dist-hook for "make dist"; + * added this script to EXTRA_DIST as it is used in dist-hook. +(merged changeset r10101 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10096 | vlefevre | 2016-02-23 22:17:20 +0000 (Tue, 23 Feb 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10095 | vlefevre | 2016-02-23 22:15:13 +0000 (Tue, 23 Feb 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.4-rc1 and updated libmpfr_la_LDFLAGS in +src/ for the next release. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10094 | vlefevre | 2016-02-23 22:09:55 +0000 (Tue, 23 Feb 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tools/update-version + +[tools/update-version] Correction for new perl versions. +(merged changeset r10093 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10090 | vlefevre | 2016-02-23 12:26:36 +0000 (Tue, 23 Feb 2016) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ld.c + +[src/{cmp_d.c,cmp_ld.c}] Bug fixes: mpfr_cmp_d (resp. mpfr_cmp_ld) was +setting the NaN flag when the double (resp. long double) was a NaN and +could return an incorrect result (assertion failure in debug mode) in +reduced exponent range. +[tests/{tcmp_d.c,tcmp_ld.c}] Added a test in reduced exponent range. +Full test of the flags for NaN. +(merged changesets r10087-10089 from the trunk, with replacement of +new features of the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10083 | vlefevre | 2016-02-22 14:46:51 +0000 (Mon, 22 Feb 2016) | 14 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/sum.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsum.c + +[src/sum.c] Fixed bugs in mpfr_sum, which could return wrong results + when not all the numbers have the same precision. A side effect is + that this can make mpfr_sum much slower and/or take much more memory + in some of such cases with the same program; this is normal and + cannot easily be avoided with the current algorithm. + Note: The full rewrite currently in the trunk has not been merged + because this would not be a simple patch (and it is still incomplete + when a number is reused as the output). +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Updated the prototype of mpfr_sum_sort. + Note: Since this function is used only internally and by the tests, + this does not break the ABI. However the old and new tsum tests are + source & binary incompatible. +[tests/tsum.c] Updated the use of mpfr_sum_sort. Added a testcase. +(merged changesets r8697,8699,8701,8851 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10078 | vlefevre | 2016-02-22 12:46:41 +0000 (Mon, 22 Feb 2016) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/agm.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tagm.c + +[src/agm.c] Fixed bug in mpfr_agm in case the two FP inputs have + the same value but the result cannot be exactly represented in + the target precision: the ternary value was wrongly set to 0. +[tests/tagm.c] Added testcase. +(merged changesets r10060,10077 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10075 | vlefevre | 2016-02-19 17:03:45 +0000 (Fri, 19 Feb 2016) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/rem1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfmod.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tremquo.c + +[src/rem1.c] Fixed bug in the mpfr_rem1 internal function (used by +mpfr_remainder, mpfr_remquo and mpfr_fmod): MPFR can take much memory +or crash when using inputs with a huge difference in magnitude. +[tests/{tfmod.c,tremquo.c}] Testcases. +(merged changesets r10054,10056,10059,10061-10062,10064,10072-10074 +from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10071 | vlefevre | 2016-02-19 16:08:41 +0000 (Fri, 19 Feb 2016) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/gamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgamma.c + +[src/gamma.c] Bug fix in case the argument is an integer fitting in an +unsigned long: flags may be set while they shouldn't, and the result +may be incorrect in a very reduced exponent range. +(merged changesets r10043-10045 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10040 | vlefevre | 2016-02-15 12:57:57 +0000 (Mon, 15 Feb 2016) | 10 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src + M /branches/3.1/src/root.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/troot.c + +[src/root.c] Fixed root(x,k) for large very values of k: MPFR could +crash or take much memory, and the function could return incorrect +values. This is done by changing the algorithm for k > 100. This patch +is rather safe as applications that only use small values of k (≤ 100) +won't see any change, and for applications that may use large values +of k, this change may be needed. +[tests/troot.c] Added tests. +(merged changesets r9921-9928,9930-9931,9965-9970,9973-9974,10036,10038 +from the trunk, with mpfr_flags_t replaced by unsigned int; for r9965, +the merged was done only on the src directory) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10039 | vlefevre | 2016-02-15 12:34:15 +0000 (Mon, 15 Feb 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Merged r9970 to simplify a future patch generation. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10035 | vlefevre | 2016-02-15 10:20:38 +0000 (Mon, 15 Feb 2016) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_intmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_s.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_u.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfits.c + +[src/{fits_intmax.c,fits_s.h,fits_u.h}] Fixed mpfr_fits_* functions: the +flags could be modified, and an assertion failure could be triggered in +debug mode (additional assertion checking) for non-integer numbers just +above the positive limit. +[tests/tfits.c] Many new tests. +(merged changesets r9650,9653-9655,10030-10034 from the trunk, with +mpfr_flags_t replaced by unsigned int) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10029 | vlefevre | 2016-02-12 14:19:46 +0000 (Fri, 12 Feb 2016) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcan_round.c + +Fixed bug in mpfr_can_round_raw, which affected mpfr_can_round: the +result could be true instead of false in case of a change of binade +(exponent decrease) on the approximation interval. At the same time, +make sure that the number is normalized, and ditto for mpfr_round_p; +otherwise the semantic is not clear. Thus mpfr_div, which could call +mpfr_round_p with an unnormalized number, had to be fixed. +(merged changesets r9881,9883-9890,9896-9904,9932,10027 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10026 | vlefevre | 2016-02-12 13:26:58 +0000 (Fri, 12 Feb 2016) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/src/exp3.c + +[src/exp3.c] Merged r9883 to simplify a future patch generation +(fix of comment formatting, which shouldn't have been with the +other r9883 changes). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10023 | vlefevre | 2016-02-12 12:30:17 +0000 (Fri, 12 Feb 2016) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/div_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/si_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_div.c + +Fixed bug in si operations (mpfr_add_si, mpfr_sub_si, mpfr_si_sub, +mpfr_mul_si, mpfr_div_si, mpfr_si_div) when the integer is LONG_MIN, +visible when using an UB sanitizer. +(merged changesets r9998-9999,10003,10005 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10009 | vlefevre | 2016-02-09 09:59:52 +0000 (Tue, 09 Feb 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/src/eint.c + +[src/eint.c] Typo in a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10002 | vlefevre | 2016-02-09 01:34:37 +0000 (Tue, 09 Feb 2016) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + +[tests/tgeneric_ui.c] Added tests of the extreme integer values, +so that tsi_op fails with a runtime error in si_op.c when using +an UB sanitizer (bug fixed in r9999 in the trunk). +(merged changeset r10001 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9987 | vlefevre | 2016-02-08 11:07:06 +0000 (Mon, 08 Feb 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9944 | vlefevre | 2016-02-04 15:15:38 +0000 (Thu, 04 Feb 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Mention the Caramba project-team. +(merged changeset r9942 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9943 | vlefevre | 2016-02-04 15:13:15 +0000 (Thu, 04 Feb 2016) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/BUGS + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + M /branches/3.1/README + M /branches/3.1/TODO + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/FAQ.html + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/faq.xsl + M /branches/3.1/examples/divworst.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/rndo-add.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/sample.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/abort_prec_max.c + M /branches/3.1/src/acos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/acosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/agm.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ai.c + M /branches/3.1/src/asin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/asinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atan2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atanh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/bernoulli.c + M /branches/3.1/src/buildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cache.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cbrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/check.c + M /branches/3.1/src/clear.c + M /branches/3.1/src/clears.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_abs.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/comparisons.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/src/constant.c + M /branches/3.1/src/copysign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cot.c + M /branches/3.1/src/coth.c + M /branches/3.1/src/csc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/csch.c + M /branches/3.1/src/d_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/d_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/digamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/dim.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/dump.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eq.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erfc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp10.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp3.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp_2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/expm1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/extract.c + M /branches/3.1/src/factorial.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_intmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_s.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_sint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_slong.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_sshort.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_u.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uintmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_ulong.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_ushort.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fms.c + M /branches/3.1/src/frac.c + M /branches/3.1/src/free_cache.c + M /branches/3.1/src/frexp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gammaonethird.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gen_inverse.h + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gmp_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/grandom.c + M /branches/3.1/src/hypot.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ieee_floats.h + M /branches/3.1/src/init.c + M /branches/3.1/src/init2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inits.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inits2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/int_ceil_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isinf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isinteger.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isnan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isnum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isregular.c + M /branches/3.1/src/iszero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/jn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/jyn_asympt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/li2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/lngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log10.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log1p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/logging.c + M /branches/3.1/src/min_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/minmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/modf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpf2mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-intmax.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-thread.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpn_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mulders.c + M /branches/3.1/src/neg.c + M /branches/3.1/src/next.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/powerof2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/print_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/print_rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/src/printf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/reldiff.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rem1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/root.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_near_x.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_raw_generic.c + M /branches/3.1/src/scale2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sech.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_dfl_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_inf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_nan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prc_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_q.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_rnd.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_zero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setsign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sgn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/si_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/signbit.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/stack_interface.c + M /branches/3.1/src/strtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/subnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/swap.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tanh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/uceil_exp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/uceil_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ufloor_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandom.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandomb.c + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/volatile.c + M /branches/3.1/src/yn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta.c + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/cmp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/data/digamma + M /branches/3.1/tests/data/li2 + M /branches/3.1/tests/memory.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/random2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/reuse.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tabs.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tacos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tacosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tagm.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tai.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tasin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tasinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/taway.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tbuildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcan_round.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcbrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcheck.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcopysign.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcoth.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcsc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcsch.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdigamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdim.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/teint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/teq.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/terf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp10.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texpm1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfactorial.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfits.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfmod.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfms.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrac.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrexp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_f.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgmpop.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgrandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/thypot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinits.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinternals.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tisnan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tisqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj0.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tjn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tl2b.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlgamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tli2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog10.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog1p.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmin_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tminmax.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmodf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tnext.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tout_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/toutimpl.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow3.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_all.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tremquo.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/troot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tround_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsech.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_f.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_q.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_si.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsgn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsi_op.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstckintc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstdint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsum.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tswap.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttrunc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_pow.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tvalist.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tversion.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ty0.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ty1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tyn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tools/ + M /branches/3.1/tune/bidimensional_sample.c + M /branches/3.1/tune/speed.c + M /branches/3.1/tune/tuneup.c + +Replaced + Contributed by the AriC and Caramel projects +by + Contributed by the AriC and Caramba projects +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9894 | vlefevre | 2016-01-29 14:27:41 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jan 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] Improved consistency in messages. +(merged changeset r9893 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9862 | vlefevre | 2016-01-21 09:17:30 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jan 2016) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt.c + +[tests/tsqrt.c] Improved testcase for the mpfr_sqrt bug fixed in r9860, +with detailed comment: the precision of the result has to be a multiple +of the number of bits per word and rounding has to be to nearest. +(merged changeset r9861 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9860 | vlefevre | 2016-01-21 00:52:24 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jan 2016) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt.c + +Fixed bug in mpfr_sqrt reported by Fredrik Johansson, occurring when +the result has to be rounded up to a power of 2. +(merged changesets r9857-9859 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9855 | vlefevre | 2016-01-20 15:29:28 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jan 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/algorithms.tex + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta.c + +Fixed bug for zeta(s) with s near an even negative integer. +(merged changesets r9852-9854 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9849 | vlefevre | 2016-01-20 13:57:31 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jan 2016) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric.c + +[tests/tgeneric.c] Improved the generic tests in order to trigger the +mpfr_jn bug found by Fredrik Johansson (r9845) and potential similar +bugs: For half cases, the precision of the inputs was modified to be +smaller than the base precision (for the result). Here, this rule is +changed so that if the base precision is small (< 16), then the +precision of the inputs is chosen to be significantly *larger* than +the base precision in general. +Note: With this improvement, both tj0 and tj1 fail in r9844. +(merged changeset r9848 from the trunk; conflict resolved) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9845 | vlefevre | 2016-01-20 09:25:16 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jan 2016) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/algorithms.tex + M /branches/3.1/src/jyn_asympt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj0.c + +Fixed bug found by Fredrik Johansson in the mpfr_jn family of functions. +(merged changesets r9841-9842,9844 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9782 | vlefevre | 2016-01-01 02:28:53 +0000 (Fri, 01 Jan 2016) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9781 | vlefevre | 2016-01-01 02:27:59 +0000 (Fri, 01 Jan 2016) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/BUGS + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + M /branches/3.1/README + M /branches/3.1/TODO + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/FAQ.html + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/faq.xsl + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/examples/divworst.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/rndo-add.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/sample.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/abort_prec_max.c + M /branches/3.1/src/acos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/acosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/agm.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ai.c + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/amdfam10/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/athlon/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/k8/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/arm/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/asin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/asinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atan2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atanh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/bernoulli.c + M /branches/3.1/src/buildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cache.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cbrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/check.c + M /branches/3.1/src/clear.c + M /branches/3.1/src/clears.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_abs.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/comparisons.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/src/constant.c + M /branches/3.1/src/copysign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cot.c + M /branches/3.1/src/coth.c + M /branches/3.1/src/csc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/csch.c + M /branches/3.1/src/d_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/d_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/digamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/dim.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/dump.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eq.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erfc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp10.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp3.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp_2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/expm1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/extract.c + M /branches/3.1/src/factorial.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_intmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_s.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_sint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_slong.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_sshort.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_u.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uintmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_ulong.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_ushort.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fms.c + M /branches/3.1/src/frac.c + M /branches/3.1/src/free_cache.c + M /branches/3.1/src/frexp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gammaonethird.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gen_inverse.h + M /branches/3.1/src/generic/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gmp_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/grandom.c + M /branches/3.1/src/hppa/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/hypot.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ia64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/ieee_floats.h + M /branches/3.1/src/init.c + M /branches/3.1/src/init2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inits.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inits2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/int_ceil_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isinf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isinteger.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isnan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isnum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isregular.c + M /branches/3.1/src/iszero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/jn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/jyn_asympt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/li2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/lngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log10.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log1p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/logging.c + M /branches/3.1/src/min_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/minmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/modf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mp_clz_tab.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/mpf2mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-intmax.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-longlong.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-thread.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpn_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mulders.c + M /branches/3.1/src/neg.c + M /branches/3.1/src/next.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/powerof2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/powerpc32/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/powerpc64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/print_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/print_rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/src/printf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/reldiff.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rem1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/root.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_near_x.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_raw_generic.c + M /branches/3.1/src/scale2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sech.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_dfl_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_inf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_nan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prc_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_q.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_rnd.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_zero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setsign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sgn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/si_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/signbit.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sparc64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/sqr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/stack_interface.c + M /branches/3.1/src/strtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/subnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/swap.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tanh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/uceil_exp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/uceil_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ufloor_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandom.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandomb.c + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/volatile.c + M /branches/3.1/src/x86/core2/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86_64/core2/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86_64/pentium4/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/yn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta.c + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ + M /branches/3.1/tests/cmp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/data/digamma + M /branches/3.1/tests/data/li2 + M /branches/3.1/tests/memory.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/random2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/reuse.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tabs.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tacos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tacosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tagm.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tai.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tasin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tasinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/taway.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tbuildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcan_round.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcbrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcheck.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcopysign.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcoth.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcsc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcsch.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdigamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdim.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/teint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/teq.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/terf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp10.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texpm1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfactorial.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfits.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfmod.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfms.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrac.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrexp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_f.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgmpop.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgrandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/thypot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinits.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinternals.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tisnan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tisqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj0.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tjn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tl2b.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlgamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tli2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog10.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog1p.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmin_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tminmax.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmodf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tnext.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tout_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/toutimpl.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow3.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_all.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tremquo.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/troot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tround_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsech.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_f.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_q.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_si.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsgn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsi_op.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstckintc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstdint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsum.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tswap.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttrunc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_pow.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tvalist.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tversion.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ty0.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ty1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tyn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-copyright-notice + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-mparam + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-version-info + M /branches/3.1/tools/ + M /branches/3.1/tune/ + M /branches/3.1/tune/bidimensional_sample.c + M /branches/3.1/tune/speed.c + M /branches/3.1/tune/tuneup.c + +Copyright notice update: added 2016 with + perl -pi -e 's/ (\d{4}-)?(2015)(?= Free Software)/ + " ".($1||"$2-").($2+1)/e' **/*(^/) +under zsh (the m4 and tools/mbench directories were not modified). +Removed 2015 from the example in the doc/ file. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9711 | vlefevre | 2015-10-29 13:39:59 +0000 (Thu, 29 Oct 2015) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/mulders.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv.c + +Fixed bug in mulders.c (affecting mpfr_div) reported by Ricky Farr: + +(merged changeset r9699 from the trunk; conflict resolved) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9698 | vlefevre | 2015-10-22 14:38:38 +0000 (Thu, 22 Oct 2015) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] Restore the INSTALL file also if the process receives +a usual signal (SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGQUIT or SIGTERM). +(merged changeset r9697 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9664 | vlefevre | 2015-08-25 18:31:55 +0000 (Tue, 25 Aug 2015) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/const_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/set_dfl_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_rnd.c + +Fixed warnings from GCC's -Wold-style-declaration option: +MPFR_THREAD_ATTR must be at beginning of declaration. +(merged changeset r8725 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9644 | vlefevre | 2015-08-20 01:21:21 +0000 (Thu, 20 Aug 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] Added test for usability of gmp.h at link time (needed +because of a known incompatibility between GMP 4.1 and GCC 5). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9633 | vlefevre | 2015-07-20 22:20:21 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jul 2015) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tversion.c + +[tests/tversion.c] + * Output MPFR_VERSION_STRING. + * Check and output additional mpfr_buildopt_* info. +(merged changesets r9630-9631 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9621 | vlefevre | 2015-07-17 00:33:35 +0000 (Fri, 17 Jul 2015) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/frexp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrexp.c + +[src/frexp.c] Fixed a bug occurring when the current exponent range +does not contain 0. Handle internal overflow. +[tests/tfrexp.c] Added corresponding testcases. +(merged changesets r9592,9594,9599-9600,9613,9617,9619 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9620 | vlefevre | 2015-07-17 00:26:03 +0000 (Fri, 17 Jul 2015) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_2exp.c + +[src/{div_2si.c,div_2ui.c,mul_2si.c}] Fixed some underflow cases in +rounding to nearest when the exact result is -2^(emin-2), i.e. the +middle of 0 and the minimum negative number in absolute value (the +correction in r5517 was incorrect/incomplete). +[tests/tmul_2exp.c] Extended the underflow() test to negative numbers, +triggering the bug fixed here. +(merged changesets r9614,9616 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9608 | vlefevre | 2015-07-02 01:17:21 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jul 2015) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_2exp.c + +[src/{div_2si.c,div_2ui.c,mul_2si.c}] Fixed overflow case when n = 0. +[tests/tmul_2exp.c] Added overflow tests (triggering the above bugs). +(merged changesets r9593,9595-9598 from the trunk, with mpfr_flags_t +replaced by unsigned int) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9607 | vlefevre | 2015-07-02 00:51:31 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jul 2015) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9606 | vlefevre | 2015-07-02 00:50:57 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jul 2015) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Replaced periods ending a sentence by "@." in the +following cases: when the preceding character is a capital letter +or a closing parenthesis following a capital letter (e.g. "NaN.", +"MPFR.", "MPFR).", etc). This is needed to get correct spacing in +the generated .info and PDF files with the next sentence of the +paragraph (when there is one). +(merged changeset r8643 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9605 | vlefevre | 2015-07-02 00:47:18 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jul 2015) | 10 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/lngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlngamma.c + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Completed specification: + * on special numbers (±0, ±Inf); + * of mpfr_lngamma and mpfr_lgamma on 1 and 2 (result is +0); + * general rules for special values and on mpfr_lngamma. +[src/lngamma.c] Fixed mpfr_lngamma behavior on nonpositive integers + and -Inf. +[tests/tlngamma.c] Update. Test the flags for some special values. +See about +the behavior of mpfr_lngamma on zero and general rule for such limits. +(merged changesets r8629,8632-8633,8841,8847 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9603 | vlefevre | 2015-07-02 00:15:21 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jul 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tools/mpfrlint + +[tools/mpfrlint] Check a Texinfo rule (Section "Ending a Sentence") +with common words that end with a capital letter. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9587 | vlefevre | 2015-06-19 22:39:52 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jun 2015) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.4-dev. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9583 | vlefevre | 2015-06-19 19:51:51 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jun 2015) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9582 | vlefevre | 2015-06-19 19:50:16 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jun 2015) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.3. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9577 | vlefevre | 2015-06-12 15:37:01 +0000 (Fri, 12 Jun 2015) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9576 | vlefevre | 2015-06-12 15:34:37 +0000 (Fri, 12 Jun 2015) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/faq.xsl + +[doc/faq.xsl] Remove the indent="no" to get the same behavior as before +when using libxslt 1.1.27+. See: + +(merged changeset r9575 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9574 | vlefevre | 2015-06-12 15:22:10 +0000 (Fri, 12 Jun 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.3-rc1 and updated libmpfr_la_LDFLAGS in +src/ for the next release. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9573 | vlefevre | 2015-06-12 14:04:56 +0000 (Fri, 12 Jun 2015) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfma.c + +[tests/tfma.c] Improved the new underflow tests (test_underflow3) to +test FMA(-x,y,-z). +(merged changeset r9572 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9570 | vlefevre | 2015-06-12 13:38:54 +0000 (Fri, 12 Jun 2015) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/fma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfma.c + +[src/fma.c] Fixed the scaling in case of underflow. Added log messages. +[tests/tfma.c] Added testcases. Code clean-up. +(merged changesets r9560-9569 from the trunk, with mpfr_flags_t +replaced by unsigned int) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9556 | vlefevre | 2015-06-11 00:55:01 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jun 2015) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/src/urandomb.c + +[src/urandomb.c] Replaced mpn_copyd by MPN_COPY for GMP 4 compatibility. +Note: The trunk does something better (see r8813), but let's keep the +change minimal in this branch, in particular for code that is executed +very rarely (1/2^32 or 1/2^64 probability). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9555 | vlefevre | 2015-06-11 00:34:36 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jun 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/urandomb.c + +[src/urandomb.c] Replaced mpn_copyi by mpn_copyd. +(merged changeset r8763 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9554 | vlefevre | 2015-06-10 23:56:37 +0000 (Wed, 10 Jun 2015) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/trandom.c + +[tests/trandom.c] The use of mpfr_rands yielded a compilation failure +of trandom.c with --with-gmp-build; it should have been __gmp_rands or +RANDS. But let's do better by using a new gmp_randstate_t as done in +bug20100914(). +(merged changeset r9553 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9552 | vlefevre | 2015-06-10 15:40:11 +0000 (Wed, 10 Jun 2015) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/urandomb.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trandom.c + +[src/urandomb.c] Fixed bug which could appear with probability 1/2^32 + (32-bit limbs) or 1/2^64 (64-bit limbs). +[tests/trandom.c] Added testcase for 32-bit limbs. +(merged changesets r8762,9550-9551 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9548 | vlefevre | 2015-06-10 10:47:35 +0000 (Wed, 10 Jun 2015) | 10 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin.c + +[src/{cos.c,sin.c}] Fixed bug related to the exponent range, introduced +in r6461 with the use of mpfr_sincos_fast. +Details: + For mpfr_sin, the exponent range was not restored, and restoring it + before calling mpfr_sincos_fast as this was done for mpfr_cos did + not work; indeed the source of this function shows that it needs an + extended exponent range. So, changed both mpfr_cos and mpfr_sin to + call mpfr_sincos_fast in the extended exponent range and restore the + exponent range at the end, like in usual code. +(merged changeset r9542 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9547 | vlefevre | 2015-06-10 10:45:39 +0000 (Wed, 10 Jun 2015) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin.c + +[tests/tsin.c] Added tests to check the mpfr_sin_fast call in src/sin.c, +which is currently buggy, modifying the exponent range in particular. +(merged changeset r8273 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9546 | vlefevre | 2015-06-10 10:41:54 +0000 (Wed, 10 Jun 2015) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric.c + +[tests/tgeneric.c] Added overflow/underflow tests. Check whether the +exponent range has been modified by the tested function (which should +never happen). +(merged/ported changesets r9539,9541,9544 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9524 | vlefevre | 2015-06-08 00:54:03 +0000 (Mon, 08 Jun 2015) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta_ui.c + +[src/zeta_ui.c] + * Support reduced exponent range for the generic case. + * Added logging. +[tests/tzeta_ui.c] Added tests in reduced exponent range. +(merged changesets r9518-9523 from the trunk, with mpfr_flags_t +replaced by unsigned int) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9522 | vlefevre | 2015-06-08 00:29:04 +0000 (Mon, 08 Jun 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/add_ui.c + +[src/add_ui.c] Fixed format string in MPFR_LOG_FUNC. +(merged changeset r9521 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9517 | vlefevre | 2015-06-05 08:53:56 +0000 (Fri, 05 Jun 2015) | 28 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/set_q.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_all.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_q.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_sub.c + +Various fixes, improvements and new tests concerning the exponent range +and exceptions (flags). Details: + +[src/set_q.c] + * Added missing MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_FREE in case of preliminary overflow + or underflow (extreme cases). + * Replaced a "return" by MPFR_RET: this is at least needed in the + extreme case cd != 0, and safer in general. + +[src/{ui_div.c,ui_sub.c}] Correction for reduced exponent range. + +[tests/tgeneric.c] Major clean-up, with some minor corrections. +Added support for unsigned long argument, which can be the first +or the second one (another intent is to replace tgeneric_ui.c, +which does fewer tests concerning the flags). + +[tests/t{add,div,mul,sub}_ui.c] Replaced tgeneric_ui.c by tgeneric.c, +showing the mpfr_mul_ui bug fixed in r9516 (missing inexact flag). + +[tests/tpow_all.c] Better flags output in error message. + +[tests/tset_q.c] Check the flags. + +[tests/{tui_div.c,tui_sub.c}] Added generic tests, yielding assertion +failures without the above fix when assertions are checked. Added a +new test checking overflow. + +(merged changesets r9494-9514 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9516 | vlefevre | 2015-06-05 08:34:34 +0000 (Fri, 05 Jun 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_ui.c + +[src/mul_ui.c] Fixed bug in mpfr_mul_ui/si: the inexact flag wasn't set. +(merged changeset r9505 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9501 | vlefevre | 2015-06-04 10:08:54 +0000 (Thu, 04 Jun 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_d.c + +[tests/tdiv_d.c] Corrected the tested function for the generic tests. +(merged changeset r9500 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9499 | vlefevre | 2015-06-04 10:04:47 +0000 (Thu, 04 Jun 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_div.c + +[tests/td_div.c] Corrected the tested function for the generic tests. +(merged changeset r9498 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9496 | vlefevre | 2015-06-04 02:07:49 +0000 (Thu, 04 Jun 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + +[tests/tgeneric_ui.c] Added missing \n. Minor improvements. +(merged changeset r9495 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9493 | vlefevre | 2015-06-03 14:27:31 +0000 (Wed, 03 Jun 2015) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/rint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trint.c + +[src/rint.c] Simplified and fixed the mpfr_rint_* functions: in some + corner cases, an intermediate overflow would not be propagated. + Handle reduced exponent range. +[tests/trint.c] Added generic tests for the mpfr_rint_* functions. + Since all numbers in ]0,1/2[ round to the same value, in order to + avoid redundant tests, increased the TEST_RANDOM_EMIN value to -20 + and set TEST_RANDOM_ALWAYS_SCALE to 1. Added basic tests. +(merged changesets r8953,9472-9473,9476-9492 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9491 | vlefevre | 2015-06-03 14:16:59 +0000 (Wed, 03 Jun 2015) | 12 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin_cos.c + +[tests] Added always_scale argument (boolean) to tests_default_random() +so that when it is true, scaling is always performed on random numbers +generated by mpfr_urandomb(), instead of preferring numbers of the order +of magnitude of 1 for half outputs. This will be useful for mpfr_rint_* +tests. + +For tgeneric.c, the value of this argument is controlled by a new macro +TEST_RANDOM_ALWAYS_SCALE (0 by default, which corresponds to the current +behavior). For the other tests that call tests_default_random(), the +argument is set to 0, so that the behavior remains the same. + +(merged changeset r9471 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9483 | vlefevre | 2015-06-02 12:20:53 +0000 (Tue, 02 Jun 2015) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Added description of the flags for the mpfr_rint, +mpfr_ceil, mpfr_floor, mpfr_round, mpfr_trunc functions. +(merged changeset r9482 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9479 | vlefevre | 2015-05-31 09:49:05 +0000 (Sun, 31 May 2015) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] For the gcc compiler, better choice of the -W flags +when the selected language is C++ (e.g. when CC=g++). +(merged changeset r9478 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9475 | vlefevre | 2015-05-29 11:19:54 +0000 (Fri, 29 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Added blank lines to improve readability. +(merged changeset r9474 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9470 | vlefevre | 2015-05-29 08:55:40 +0000 (Fri, 29 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Added a remark concerning the mpfr_rint_* functions. +(merged changeset r9469 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9468 | vlefevre | 2015-05-28 21:04:37 +0000 (Thu, 28 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstdint.c + +[tests/tstdint.c] Added missing #include needed since r9448 +(this #include was not necessary in the trunk thanks to r8053). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9467 | vlefevre | 2015-05-28 17:57:17 +0000 (Thu, 28 May 2015) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src] Fixed allocation issue for multithreaded applications: + + * mpfr-gmp.{c,h}: made mpfr_allocate_func, mpfr_reallocate_func and + mpfr_free_func thread-local; updated MPFR_GET_MEMFUNC to execute + mp_get_memory_functions only when these pointers have not been set + to the actual function pointers yet. + * mpfr-impl.h: #include "mpfr-thread.h" earlier (before mpfr-gmp.h, + where MPFR_THREAD_ATTR is now used). +(merged changeset r9466 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9458 | vlefevre | 2015-05-23 23:42:14 +0000 (Sat, 23 May 2015) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/src/frexp.c + +Added svn:keywords on src/frexp.c for consistency. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9454 | vlefevre | 2015-05-23 23:09:18 +0000 (Sat, 23 May 2015) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstdint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tvalist.c + +[tests/{tstdint.c,tvalist.c}] Added missing #include "mpfr-test.h" +(detected with gcc -Werror=implicit-function-declaration), needed +since r9448. +(merged changeset r9453 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9452 | vlefevre | 2015-05-23 08:13:46 +0000 (Sat, 23 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstckintc.c + +[tests/tstckintc.c] Fixed undefined behavior (invalid pointer). +(merged changeset r9450 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9448 | vlefevre | 2015-05-22 09:22:44 +0000 (Fri, 22 May 2015) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstdint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tvalist.c + +[tests/{tstdint.c,tvalist.c}] Use tests_start_mpfr / tests_end_mpfr, +in particular to detect a wrong MPFR version (due to a libtool bug). +(merged changeset r9447 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9446 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 15:09:16 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] Exit with the exit status of autoreconf. Thus a failure +will be noticed more easily. +(merged changeset r9445 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9444 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 14:15:50 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + +[NEWS] Update for GNU MPFR 3.1.3. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9442 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 14:05:16 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-copyright-notice + +[tools/ck-copyright-notice] Update from the trunk. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9439 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 11:15:52 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] Various corrections in the tests: + * MPFR_FUNC_GMP_PRINTF_SPEC: missing #include for strcmp. + * Replaced rint by nearbyint in messages (as nearbyint is tested). + * Avoid warnings to avoid failures when -Werror is used. +(merged changeset r9438 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9437 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 01:39:10 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] Added a comment about ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS. +(merged changesets r8520,9379 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9436 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 01:37:16 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/README + +[README] Added ar-lib (from AM_PROG_AR) and test-driver (Automake 1.12+). +(merged changeset r8578 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9435 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 01:34:16 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + +Added ar-lib to svn:ignore property (this script comes from Automake, +due to the use of AM_PROG_AR in +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9434 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 01:31:08 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +To take into account that Automake 1.13 or later will be used: + * doc/mpfr.texi, INSTALL: updates related to "make check". + * require Automake 1.13 since the documentation now + assumes that 1.13 or later is used (and because previous Automake + versions are no longer tested); also added AM_PROG_AR to support + unusual archivers (after a warning from Automake 1.13). +(merged changesets r8546,8572-8573,8611,9375,9380 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9433 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 01:01:32 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] Updated URL's. +(merged changeset r9081 for from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9432 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 00:58:31 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] Improved error message when the compiler doesn't know +_Decimal64 (if MPFR is built with --enable-decimal-float). +Detect broken _Decimal64 support on powerpc64 with the mode32 ABI. +(merged changesets r8415,8679 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9431 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 00:52:04 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/src/add1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mul.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1sp.c + +Renamed WANT_ASSERT to MPFR_WANT_ASSERT in order to avoid a clash +with GMP when MPFR is configured with --with-gmp-build. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9430 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 00:41:06 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] Added a comment mentioning a problem with GNU gold ld. +(merged changeset r8024 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9429 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 00:32:21 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] If the gmp.h vs libgmp test fails, also output the value +of some variables (in case config.log is available, information can +also be retrieved from "Cache variables" and "Output variables" near +the end). +(merged changesets r8056,8616 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9428 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 00:28:44 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] In the CC and CFLAGS setup from gmp.h, modified the +list of commands to select the C preprocessor since /lib/cpp isn't +the best choice under Solaris. +(merged changeset r8612 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9427 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 00:25:47 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] The test of CC and CFLAGS was done too late! Moved this +test earlier. +(merged changeset r8610 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9426 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 00:12:59 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + +[tests/tests.c] Changed an error message. +(merged changesets r9208-9209,9211-9212 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9425 | vlefevre | 2015-05-21 00:04:47 +0000 (Thu, 21 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + +[tests/tests.c] Fixed tests_default_random in case mpfr_exp_t > long. +(merged changeset r8853 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9424 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 23:58:59 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 21 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/ + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tversion.c + +Test suite improvement with Automake 1.13. + * Moved GMP version check from tversion.c to the test_version() + function of tests.c, so that this check is done in every test. + This function now returns an int, as there are now 3 cases: + 1. An error in MPFR version check is a fatal error: test_version() + exits with an error (exit status = 1). + 2. An error in GMP version check is a non-fatal error: if there + are no errors in MPFR version check, test_version() returns + with value 1. + 3. Otherwise test_version() returns with value 0 (everything is + fine). + * tversion.c still runs test_version(), but fails if this function + returns with an error, i.e. any error is fatal for this test. + Note: for the other tests, one just has a message in the output + in case of GMP version mismatch. + * mpfr-test.h: updated test_version() prototype. + * removed the second tversion invocation, and output + the contents of tversion.log if this file exists (typically with + Automake 1.13+, for which one no longer gets tversion output by + default). +(merged changesets r8821,8849 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9423 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 23:44:39 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tversion.c + +[tests/tversion.c] Output the applied patches (if any). +(merged changeset r8265 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9422 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 23:43:02 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tversion.c + +[tests/tversion.c] Test mpfr_buildopt_tune_case() vs MPFR_TUNE_CASE. +(merged changeset r8223 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9421 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 16:17:19 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + M /branches/3.1/ + +[acinclude.m4,] Check that a directory passed to +a --with-gmp* configure option exists and doesn't contain any +space, and canonicalize the name if the realpath utility is +available (patch by Patrick Pélissier). +(merged changeset r8840 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9420 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 16:15:46 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/ + +[tests/] In LOADLIBES, replaced $(INCLUDES) by $(AM_CPPFLAGS) +(completing r9411; merged changeset r8743 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9419 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 16:11:33 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] Avoid a warning due to variable set but not used in a +test, making the test fail with gcc -Werror=unused-but-set-variable. +(merged changeset r8729 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9418 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 16:04:22 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] Replaced "main()" by "main (void)". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9417 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 15:57:51 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trint.c + +[tests] Avoid warnings concerning unused variables under some conditions +in order to avoid failures when -Werror is used. +(merged changesets r8730,9415-9416 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9414 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 14:33:30 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 11 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + +[acinclude.m4] Check struct lconv members (from ) to avoid a + build failure under Android, which does not have them; see + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Decimal point / thousands separator support can now be + detected automatically by configure (from the presence of + and the above members) or explicitly disabled/enabled by the user by + defining the MPFR_LCONV_DPTS macro to 0 or 1 via CFLAGS (a configure + switch might be added in the future). +[tests/tsprintf.c] Do the locale_da_DK test only if MPFR_LCONV_DPTS is + true. +(merged changeset r8423 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9413 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 13:33:13 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_d.c + +[acinclude.m4] Added a test for signed zeros (defines HAVE_SIGNEDZ). +[tests/{tset_d.c,tget_flt.c}] Disabled two tests when HAVE_SIGNEDZ +isn't defined, because these tests rely on signed zeros. +Note: this is needed for compilers that don't support signed zeros, +like tcc 0.9.26 and before. +(merged changesets r8339-8340 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9412 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 12:52:26 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + M /branches/3.1/ + +[acinclude.m4,] + * Added test for double-to-integer conversion bug. + * Corrected a gmp.h inclusion. + * Added MPFR_CHECK_GMP configure check. Without this test, one could + get an error in MPFR_CHECK_PRINTF_SPEC (or MPFR_CHECK_DBL2INT_BUG, + taking into account the above addition), though the error is not + related to printf or a double-to-integer conversion bug. +(merged changesets r8353-8355,8432,8601-8602,8606,8614,8900 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9411 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 12:29:48 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/m4/size_max.m4 + M /branches/3.1/tests/ + M /branches/3.1/tune/ + +Updated autotools files to get rid of obsolete macros. Removed +useless "#include " in the test for subnormal numbers. +(merged changesets r8337-8338,8364 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9410 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 11:52:40 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/src/round_raw_generic.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_d.c + +Replaced "denormalized" by the official term "subnormal". +(merged changeset r8334 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9409 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 11:47:38 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + +[tests/tests.c] Improved a type, avoiding a compiler warning. +(merged changeset r8117 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9408 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 11:19:53 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tversion.c + +[tests/tversion.c] Added GCC version (merged r8662 from the trunk). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9406 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 08:35:52 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9405 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 08:35:02 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Correction of the latest changes. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9404 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 08:32:09 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/README + M /branches/3.1/TODO + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + +Merged some documentation changes from the trunk. Added a note in +the mpfr_get_str description (in mpfr.texi) about the flags. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9403 | vlefevre | 2015-05-20 08:00:07 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2015) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/BUGS + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + M /branches/3.1/README + M /branches/3.1/TODO + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/FAQ.html + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/faq.xsl + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/examples/divworst.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/rndo-add.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/sample.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/abort_prec_max.c + M /branches/3.1/src/acos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/acosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/agm.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ai.c + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/amdfam10/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/athlon/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/k8/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/arm/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/asin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/asinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atan2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atanh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/bernoulli.c + M /branches/3.1/src/buildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cache.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cbrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/check.c + M /branches/3.1/src/clear.c + M /branches/3.1/src/clears.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_abs.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/comparisons.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/src/constant.c + M /branches/3.1/src/copysign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cot.c + M /branches/3.1/src/coth.c + M /branches/3.1/src/csc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/csch.c + M /branches/3.1/src/d_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/d_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/digamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/dim.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/dump.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eq.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erfc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp10.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp3.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp_2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/expm1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/extract.c + M /branches/3.1/src/factorial.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_intmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_s.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_sint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_slong.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_sshort.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_u.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uintmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_ulong.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_ushort.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fms.c + M /branches/3.1/src/frac.c + M /branches/3.1/src/free_cache.c + M /branches/3.1/src/frexp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gammaonethird.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gen_inverse.h + M /branches/3.1/src/generic/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gmp_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/grandom.c + M /branches/3.1/src/hppa/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/hypot.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ia64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/ieee_floats.h + M /branches/3.1/src/init.c + M /branches/3.1/src/init2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inits.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inits2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/int_ceil_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isinf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isinteger.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isnan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isnum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isregular.c + M /branches/3.1/src/iszero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/jn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/jyn_asympt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/li2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/lngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log10.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log1p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/logging.c + M /branches/3.1/src/min_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/minmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/modf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mp_clz_tab.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/mpf2mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-intmax.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-longlong.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-thread.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpn_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mulders.c + M /branches/3.1/src/neg.c + M /branches/3.1/src/next.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/powerof2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/powerpc32/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/powerpc64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/print_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/print_rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/src/printf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/reldiff.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rem1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/root.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_near_x.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_raw_generic.c + M /branches/3.1/src/scale2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sech.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_dfl_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_inf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_nan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prc_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_q.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_rnd.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_zero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setsign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sgn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/si_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/signbit.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sparc64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/sqr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/stack_interface.c + M /branches/3.1/src/strtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/subnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/swap.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tanh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/uceil_exp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/uceil_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ufloor_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandom.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandomb.c + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/volatile.c + M /branches/3.1/src/x86/core2/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86_64/core2/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86_64/pentium4/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/yn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta.c + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ + M /branches/3.1/tests/cmp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/data/digamma + M /branches/3.1/tests/data/li2 + M /branches/3.1/tests/memory.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/random2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/reuse.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tabs.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tacos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tacosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tagm.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tai.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tasin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tasinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/taway.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tbuildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcan_round.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcbrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcheck.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcopysign.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcoth.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcsc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcsch.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdigamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdim.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/teint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/teq.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/terf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp10.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texpm1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfactorial.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfits.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfmod.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfms.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrac.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrexp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_f.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgmpop.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgrandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/thypot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinits.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinternals.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tisnan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tisqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj0.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tjn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tl2b.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlgamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tli2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog10.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog1p.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmin_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tminmax.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmodf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tnext.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tout_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/toutimpl.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow3.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_all.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tremquo.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/troot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tround_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsech.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_f.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_q.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_si.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsgn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsi_op.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstckintc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstdint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsum.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tswap.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttrunc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_pow.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tvalist.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tversion.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ty0.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ty1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tyn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-copyright-notice + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-mparam + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-version-info + M /branches/3.1/tools/ + M /branches/3.1/tune/ + M /branches/3.1/tune/bidimensional_sample.c + M /branches/3.1/tune/speed.c + M /branches/3.1/tune/tuneup.c + +Copyright notice update: added 2015 with + perl -pi -e 's/ (\d{4}-)?(2014)(?= Free Software)/ + " ".($1||"$2-").($2+1)/e' **/*(^/) +under zsh (the m4 and tools/mbench directories were not modified). +Removed 2014 from the example in the doc/ file. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9243 | vlefevre | 2014-12-04 01:04:28 +0000 (Thu, 04 Dec 2014) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/strtofr.c + +[src/strtofr.c] Fix of a buffer overflow due to incorrect +GMP documentation for mpn_set_str. See discussion: + +and the first fix in the GMP documentation: + +(merged changeset r8722 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9110 | vlefevre | 2014-06-26 10:59:38 +0000 (Thu, 26 Jun 2014) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + +[src/vasprintf.c] Fixed assertion failures for tiny numbers (the code +was correct, but the assertions didn't check against the right bound). +[tests/tsprintf.c] Added a test with the minimum exponent, triggering +as assertion failure in vasprintf.c without this correction. +(merged changesets r9099-9100,9108-9109 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9105 | vlefevre | 2014-06-26 00:40:26 +0000 (Thu, 26 Jun 2014) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/src/div.c + +[src/div.c] Bug fix: avoid an integer overflow when dividing the +largest finite MPFR number by the smallest positive one. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9104 | vlefevre | 2014-06-26 00:17:33 +0000 (Thu, 26 Jun 2014) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv.c + +[tests/tdiv.c] Forgot "exit (1);". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9102 | vlefevre | 2014-06-26 00:05:24 +0000 (Thu, 26 Jun 2014) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv.c + +[tests/tdiv.c] Merged mpfr_div tests r9101 from the trunk. +Note: the test actually fails (see output), but the "exit (1);" +was forgotten (added later in r9104). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9055 | vlefevre | 2014-05-22 00:15:28 +0000 (Thu, 22 May 2014) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/README + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + +Changed "INRIAGForge" to "InriaForge" (due to the rename). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9034 | vlefevre | 2014-04-15 21:27:48 +0000 (Tue, 15 Apr 2014) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/src/init2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mul.c + M /branches/3.1/src/stack_interface.c + +BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB -> MPFR_BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB for GMP 6 compatibility +when --with-gmp-build is used. See mailing-list discussion: + +Updated configure test on GMP_NUMB_BITS and sizeof(mp_limb_t): + * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB is no longer tested. + * The test is now always run, not just when --with-gmp-build is used. + * Results are output in config.log in case of failure. + * The error message has been updated. +(merged changesets r9029,9030 from the trunk, with conflict resolution) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9004 | vlefevre | 2014-03-14 11:40:57 +0000 (Fri, 14 Mar 2014) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9003 | vlefevre | 2014-03-14 11:39:59 +0000 (Fri, 14 Mar 2014) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Correction in the mpfr_set_str description. +(merged changeset r9001 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8803 | vlefevre | 2014-01-20 14:24:44 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jan 2014) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/exp3.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp.c + +[src/exp3.c] Fixed bug in mpfr_exp_3 (affecting mpfr_exp). +[tests/texp.c] Added corresponding testcase. +(merged changesets r8797,8802 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8801 | vlefevre | 2014-01-20 11:22:00 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jan 2014) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/li2.c + +[src/li2.c] Use MPFR_RET_NEVER_GO_HERE () instead of MPFR_ASSERTN (0) +to avoid an error with: + ./configure --enable-logging CFLAGS="-Werror=return-type"; make +(merged changeset r8799 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8800 | vlefevre | 2014-01-20 11:18:34 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jan 2014) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /branches/3.1/ (from /trunk/ + +Added sh script from Daniel Richard G. to install/update the +autotools files and clean up caches (useful before a release). +[copied from the trunk] +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8735 | vlefevre | 2014-01-07 00:53:51 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jan 2014) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/TODO + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/src/div_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erfc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/strtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + +Fixed misspellings, using codespell. +(merged changesets r8733-8734 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8727 | vlefevre | 2014-01-04 03:03:01 +0000 (Sat, 04 Jan 2014) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8724 | vlefevre | 2014-01-03 20:39:49 +0000 (Fri, 03 Jan 2014) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/BUGS + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + M /branches/3.1/README + M /branches/3.1/TODO + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/FAQ.html + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/faq.xsl + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/examples/divworst.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/rndo-add.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/sample.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/abort_prec_max.c + M /branches/3.1/src/acos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/acosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/agm.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ai.c + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/amdfam10/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/athlon/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/k8/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/arm/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/asin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/asinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atan2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atanh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/bernoulli.c + M /branches/3.1/src/buildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cache.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cbrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/check.c + M /branches/3.1/src/clear.c + M /branches/3.1/src/clears.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_abs.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/comparisons.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/src/constant.c + M /branches/3.1/src/copysign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cot.c + M /branches/3.1/src/coth.c + M /branches/3.1/src/csc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/csch.c + M /branches/3.1/src/d_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/d_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/digamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/dim.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/dump.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eq.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erfc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp10.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp3.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp_2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/expm1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/extract.c + M /branches/3.1/src/factorial.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_intmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_s.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_sint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_slong.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_sshort.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_u.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uintmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_ulong.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_ushort.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fms.c + M /branches/3.1/src/frac.c + M /branches/3.1/src/free_cache.c + M /branches/3.1/src/frexp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gammaonethird.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gen_inverse.h + M /branches/3.1/src/generic/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gmp_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/grandom.c + M /branches/3.1/src/hppa/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/hypot.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ia64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/ieee_floats.h + M /branches/3.1/src/init.c + M /branches/3.1/src/init2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inits.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inits2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/int_ceil_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isinf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isinteger.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isnan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isnum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isregular.c + M /branches/3.1/src/iszero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/jn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/jyn_asympt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/li2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/lngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log10.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log1p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/logging.c + M /branches/3.1/src/min_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/minmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/modf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mp_clz_tab.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/mpf2mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-intmax.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-longlong.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-thread.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpn_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mulders.c + M /branches/3.1/src/neg.c + M /branches/3.1/src/next.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/powerof2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/powerpc32/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/powerpc64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/print_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/print_rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/src/printf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/reldiff.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rem1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/root.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_near_x.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_raw_generic.c + M /branches/3.1/src/scale2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sech.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_dfl_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_inf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_nan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prc_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_q.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_rnd.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_zero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setsign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sgn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/si_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/signbit.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sparc64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/sqr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/stack_interface.c + M /branches/3.1/src/strtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/subnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/swap.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tanh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/uceil_exp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/uceil_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ufloor_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandom.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandomb.c + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/volatile.c + M /branches/3.1/src/x86/core2/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86_64/core2/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86_64/pentium4/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/yn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta.c + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ + M /branches/3.1/tests/cmp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/data/digamma + M /branches/3.1/tests/data/li2 + M /branches/3.1/tests/memory.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/random2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/reuse.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tabs.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tacos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tacosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tagm.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tai.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tasin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tasinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/taway.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tbuildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcan_round.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcbrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcheck.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcopysign.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcoth.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcsc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcsch.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdigamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdim.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/teint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/teq.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/terf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp10.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texpm1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfactorial.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfits.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfmod.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfms.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrac.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrexp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_f.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgmpop.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgrandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/thypot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinits.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinternals.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tisnan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tisqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj0.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tjn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tl2b.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlgamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tli2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog10.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog1p.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmin_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tminmax.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmodf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tnext.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tout_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/toutimpl.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow3.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_all.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tremquo.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/troot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tround_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsech.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_f.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_q.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_si.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsgn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsi_op.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstckintc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstdint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsum.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tswap.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttrunc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_pow.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tvalist.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tversion.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ty0.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ty1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tyn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-copyright-notice + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-mparam + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-version-info + M /branches/3.1/tools/ + M /branches/3.1/tune/ + M /branches/3.1/tune/bidimensional_sample.c + M /branches/3.1/tune/speed.c + M /branches/3.1/tune/tuneup.c + +Copyright notice update: added 2014 with + perl -pi -e 's/ (\d{4}-)?(2013)(?= Free Software)/ + " ".($1||"$2-").($2+1)/e' **/*(^/) +under zsh, reverting the ChangeLog file (the m4 and tools/mbench +directories were not modified). +Removed 2013 from the example in the doc/ file. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8718 | vlefevre | 2013-11-28 18:19:35 +0000 (Thu, 28 Nov 2013) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstckintc.c + +[tests/tstckintc.c] Correction and test improvements. +(merged changesets r8264,8716 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8717 | vlefevre | 2013-11-28 18:15:18 +0000 (Thu, 28 Nov 2013) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Fixed bug in the mpfr_custom_init_set macro (typo in +variable name, which can yield incorrect behavior if the second +argument is not a simple expression). +Thanks to Andreas Enge for the bug report: + +(merged changeset r8715 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8710 | vlefevre | 2013-11-15 00:47:50 +0000 (Fri, 15 Nov 2013) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + +[tests/tsprintf.c] Added a few tests. +(merged changeset r8709 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8708 | vlefevre | 2013-11-15 00:37:30 +0000 (Fri, 15 Nov 2013) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + +[src/vasprintf.c] Fixed bug reported by David Binderman, occurring when + outputting 0 with the '#' flag, a positive precision, and the 'g'/'G' + conversion specifier: there was one additional trailing 0. +[tests/tsprintf.c] Corrected the corresponding test. +(merged changesets r8705-8706 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8704 | vlefevre | 2013-11-06 15:15:12 +0000 (Wed, 06 Nov 2013) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/thypot.c + +[tests/thypot.c] Fix use of non explicitly initialized variable in NaN test. +(merged changesets r8702-8703 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8691 | vlefevre | 2013-09-27 13:50:16 +0000 (Fri, 27 Sep 2013) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_ld.c + +Made changes to avoid test failures with: + clang -O2 -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize-recover +[src/mpfr-impl.h] With clang, disable division by zero using constants +due to a bug in its sanitizer and because IEEE 754 division by zero is +currently not properly supported. +[tests/{tget_flt.c,tset_ld.c}] Avoid divisions by 0 if MPFR_ERRDIVZERO +and avoid an overflow on double. +(merged changesets r8685-8687,8690 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8684 | vlefevre | 2013-09-26 10:47:05 +0000 (Thu, 26 Sep 2013) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_u.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uintmax.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfits.c + +[src/{fits_u.h,fits_uintmax.c}] Fixed the mpfr_fits_u*_p functions, + which incorrectly returned 0 ("doesn't fit") on negative arguments + when the rounding to an integer was 0. The fits_uintmax.c file now + uses fits_u.h for consistency. +[tests/tfits.c] Added tests, in particular for small negative op + (triggering the above bug) and in non-RNDN rounding modes. +(merged changesets r8494,8501-8503 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8683 | vlefevre | 2013-09-26 10:28:49 +0000 (Thu, 26 Sep 2013) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/exp_2.c + +[src/exp_2.c] Fixed undefined behavior (present in all MPFR versions) +detected by "clang -fsanitize=undefined". +(merged changeset r8604 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8545 | vlefevre | 2013-05-30 15:59:08 +0000 (Thu, 30 May 2013) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-copyright-notice + +[tools/ck-copyright-notice] Update for copyright year ranges. +(merged changeset r8544 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8543 | vlefevre | 2013-05-30 15:55:09 +0000 (Thu, 30 May 2013) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8541 | vlefevre | 2013-05-30 15:53:34 +0000 (Thu, 30 May 2013) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/BUGS + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + M /branches/3.1/README + M /branches/3.1/TODO + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/FAQ.html + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/faq.xsl + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/examples/divworst.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/rndo-add.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/sample.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/abort_prec_max.c + M /branches/3.1/src/acos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/acosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/agm.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ai.c + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/amdfam10/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/athlon/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/k8/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/arm/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/asin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/asinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atan2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atanh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/bernoulli.c + M /branches/3.1/src/buildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cache.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cbrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/check.c + M /branches/3.1/src/clear.c + M /branches/3.1/src/clears.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_abs.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/comparisons.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/src/constant.c + M /branches/3.1/src/copysign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cot.c + M /branches/3.1/src/coth.c + M /branches/3.1/src/csc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/csch.c + M /branches/3.1/src/d_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/d_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/digamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/dim.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/dump.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eq.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erfc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp10.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp3.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp_2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/expm1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/extract.c + M /branches/3.1/src/factorial.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_intmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_s.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_sint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_slong.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_sshort.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_u.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uintmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_ulong.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_ushort.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fms.c + M /branches/3.1/src/frac.c + M /branches/3.1/src/free_cache.c + M /branches/3.1/src/frexp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gammaonethird.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gen_inverse.h + M /branches/3.1/src/generic/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gmp_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/grandom.c + M /branches/3.1/src/hppa/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/hypot.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ia64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/ieee_floats.h + M /branches/3.1/src/init.c + M /branches/3.1/src/init2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inits.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inits2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/int_ceil_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isinf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isinteger.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isnan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isnum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isregular.c + M /branches/3.1/src/iszero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/jn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/jyn_asympt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/li2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/lngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log10.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log1p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/logging.c + M /branches/3.1/src/min_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/minmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/modf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mp_clz_tab.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/mpf2mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-intmax.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-thread.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpn_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mulders.c + M /branches/3.1/src/neg.c + M /branches/3.1/src/next.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/powerof2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/powerpc32/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/powerpc64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/print_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/print_rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/src/printf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/reldiff.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rem1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/root.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_near_x.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_raw_generic.c + M /branches/3.1/src/scale2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sech.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_dfl_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_inf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_nan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prc_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_q.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_rnd.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_zero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setsign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sgn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/si_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/signbit.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sparc64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/sqr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/stack_interface.c + M /branches/3.1/src/strtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/subnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/swap.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tanh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/uceil_exp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/uceil_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ufloor_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandom.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandomb.c + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/volatile.c + M /branches/3.1/src/x86/core2/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86_64/core2/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86_64/pentium4/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/yn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta.c + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ + M /branches/3.1/tests/cmp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/data/digamma + M /branches/3.1/tests/data/li2 + M /branches/3.1/tests/memory.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/random2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/reuse.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tabs.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tacos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tacosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tagm.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tai.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tasin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tasinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/taway.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tbuildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcan_round.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcbrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcheck.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcopysign.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcoth.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcsc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcsch.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdigamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdim.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/teint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/teq.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/terf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp10.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texpm1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfactorial.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfits.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfmod.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfms.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrac.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrexp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_f.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgmpop.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgrandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/thypot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinits.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinternals.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tisnan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tisqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj0.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tjn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tl2b.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlgamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tli2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog10.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog1p.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmin_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tminmax.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmodf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tnext.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tout_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/toutimpl.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow3.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_all.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tremquo.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/troot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tround_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsech.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_f.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_q.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_si.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsgn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsi_op.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstckintc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstdint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsum.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tswap.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttrunc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_pow.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tvalist.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tversion.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ty0.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ty1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tyn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-copyright-notice + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-mparam + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-version-info + M /branches/3.1/tools/ + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/Makefile + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/generate.c + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/ + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/ + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/ + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/ + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/ + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/ + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/ + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/ + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/ + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/ + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/ + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/mfv5.h + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/mpfr-gfx.c + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/mpfr-v4.c + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/mpfr-v6.c + M /branches/3.1/tools/mbench/timp.h + M /branches/3.1/tune/ + M /branches/3.1/tune/bidimensional_sample.c + M /branches/3.1/tune/speed.c + M /branches/3.1/tune/tuneup.c + +Use copyright year ranges, following + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8538 | vlefevre | 2013-05-30 13:51:40 +0000 (Thu, 30 May 2013) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tests + +[tests] Added *.log and *.trs to svn:ignore property. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8535 | vlefevre | 2013-05-30 13:22:23 +0000 (Thu, 30 May 2013) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + +Added test-driver (from Automake 1.12+) to svn:ignore property. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8486 | vlefevre | 2013-03-13 21:48:23 +0000 (Wed, 13 Mar 2013) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.3-dev. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8484 | vlefevre | 2013-03-13 15:33:33 +0000 (Wed, 13 Mar 2013) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8482 | vlefevre | 2013-03-13 15:29:32 +0000 (Wed, 13 Mar 2013) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.2. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8480 | vlefevre | 2013-03-13 01:00:16 +0000 (Wed, 13 Mar 2013) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] Corrected comment on clock_gettime. +(merged changeset r8446 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8479 | zimmerma | 2013-03-12 09:37:20 +0000 (Tue, 12 Mar 2013) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/tune/ + +(merged changeset 8443-8445 from the trunk) +Tuning: reverted changeset r8444 and applied patch by Patrick Pélissier +for GMP 5.1.0 to link against librt conditionally. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8478 | vlefevre | 2013-03-12 02:20:01 +0000 (Tue, 12 Mar 2013) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Added a paragraph about Cygwin and threading. +(merged changeset r8477 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8476 | vlefevre | 2013-03-12 00:11:18 +0000 (Tue, 12 Mar 2013) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Improved information on patches. +(merged changeset r8475 from the trunk, after temporarily reverted +to 3.2.0-dev with tools/update-version for the merge) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8471 | vlefevre | 2013-03-08 12:06:54 +0000 (Fri, 08 Mar 2013) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8470 | vlefevre | 2013-03-08 11:59:32 +0000 (Fri, 08 Mar 2013) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.2-rc1 and updated libmpfr_la_LDFLAGS in +src/ for the next release. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8468 | vlefevre | 2013-03-08 11:44:47 +0000 (Fri, 08 Mar 2013) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + +[NEWS] Update for GNU MPFR 3.1.2. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8466 | vlefevre | 2013-03-08 00:34:36 +0000 (Fri, 08 Mar 2013) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8465 | vlefevre | 2013-03-08 00:33:22 +0000 (Fri, 08 Mar 2013) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/BUGS + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + M /branches/3.1/README + M /branches/3.1/TODO + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/FAQ.html + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/faq.xsl + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/examples/divworst.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/rndo-add.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/sample.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/abort_prec_max.c + M /branches/3.1/src/acos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/acosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/agm.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ai.c + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/amdfam10/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/athlon/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/amd/k8/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/arm/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/asin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/asinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atan2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atanh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/bernoulli.c + M /branches/3.1/src/buildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cache.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cbrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/check.c + M /branches/3.1/src/clear.c + M /branches/3.1/src/clears.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_abs.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/comparisons.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/src/constant.c + M /branches/3.1/src/copysign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cot.c + M /branches/3.1/src/coth.c + M /branches/3.1/src/csc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/csch.c + M /branches/3.1/src/d_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/d_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/digamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/dim.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/dump.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eq.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erfc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp10.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp3.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp_2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/expm1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/extract.c + M /branches/3.1/src/factorial.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_intmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_s.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_sint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_slong.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_sshort.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_u.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uintmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_ulong.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_ushort.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fms.c + M /branches/3.1/src/frac.c + M /branches/3.1/src/free_cache.c + M /branches/3.1/src/frexp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gammaonethird.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gen_inverse.h + M /branches/3.1/src/generic/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gmp_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/grandom.c + M /branches/3.1/src/hppa/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/hypot.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ia64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/ieee_floats.h + M /branches/3.1/src/init.c + M /branches/3.1/src/init2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inits.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inits2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/int_ceil_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isinf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isinteger.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isnan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isnum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isregular.c + M /branches/3.1/src/iszero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/jn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/jyn_asympt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/li2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/lngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log10.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log1p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/logging.c + M /branches/3.1/src/min_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/minmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/modf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mp_clz_tab.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/mpf2mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-intmax.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-longlong.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-thread.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpn_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mulders.c + M /branches/3.1/src/neg.c + M /branches/3.1/src/next.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/powerof2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/powerpc32/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/powerpc64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/print_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/print_rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/src/printf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/reldiff.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rem1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/root.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_near_x.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_raw_generic.c + M /branches/3.1/src/scale2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sech.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_dfl_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_inf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_nan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prc_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_q.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_rnd.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_zero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setsign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sgn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/si_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/signbit.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sparc64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/sqr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/stack_interface.c + M /branches/3.1/src/strtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/subnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/swap.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tanh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/uceil_exp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/uceil_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ufloor_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandom.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandomb.c + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/volatile.c + M /branches/3.1/src/x86/core2/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86_64/core2/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86_64/pentium4/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/yn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta.c + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ + M /branches/3.1/tests/cmp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/data/digamma + M /branches/3.1/tests/data/li2 + M /branches/3.1/tests/memory.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/random2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/reuse.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tabs.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tacos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tacosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tagm.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tai.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tasin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tasinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/taway.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tbuildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcan_round.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcbrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcheck.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcopysign.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcoth.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcsc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcsch.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdigamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdim.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/teint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/teq.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/terf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp10.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texpm1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfactorial.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfits.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfmod.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfms.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrac.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrexp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_f.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgmpop.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgrandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/thypot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinits.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinternals.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tisnan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tisqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj0.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tjn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tl2b.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlgamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tli2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog10.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog1p.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmin_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tminmax.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmodf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tnext.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tout_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/toutimpl.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow3.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_all.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tremquo.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/troot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tround_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsech.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_f.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_q.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_si.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsgn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsi_op.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstckintc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstdint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsum.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tswap.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttrunc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_pow.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tvalist.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tversion.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ty0.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ty1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tyn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-copyright-notice + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-mparam + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-version-info + M /branches/3.1/tools/ + M /branches/3.1/tune/ + M /branches/3.1/tune/bidimensional_sample.c + M /branches/3.1/tune/speed.c + M /branches/3.1/tune/tuneup.c + +Copyright notice update: added 2013 with + perl -pi -e 's/2012 Free Software/2012, 2013 Free Software/' **/*(^/) +under zsh, reverting the ChangeLog file (the m4 and tools/mbench +directories were not modified). +Removed 2012 from the example in the doc/ file. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8464 | vlefevre | 2013-03-08 00:28:01 +0000 (Fri, 08 Mar 2013) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/examples/ReadMe + M /branches/3.1/examples/divworst.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/rndo-add.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/sample.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/version.c + +[examples] Replaced the old rounding mode macros (GMP_RNDN, etc.) by the +new ones (MPFR_RNDN, etc.) in the *.c files; updated ReadMe file. +(merged changeset r8461 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8463 | vlefevre | 2013-03-08 00:26:52 +0000 (Fri, 08 Mar 2013) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/faq.xsl + M /branches/3.1/doc/update-faq + +[doc] Slightly modified faq.xsl to avoid libxslt bug 377440, and +moved the addition of special CSS comments for XML compatibility +from update-faq to faq.xsl file. Removed the now useless +s/GMP_RND/MPFR_RND/ rewriting in update-faq. +(merged changesets r8458,8460 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8454 | vlefevre | 2013-02-22 12:11:37 +0000 (Fri, 22 Feb 2013) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/get_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric.c + +Compatibility with GMP 5.1.0 and later when gmp-impl.h is included, +i.e. with --with-gmp-build (thanks to Rob for the fix); clean-up. +(merged changeset r8439 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8399 | vlefevre | 2012-08-29 13:54:55 +0000 (Wed, 29 Aug 2012) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/strtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstrtofr.c + +[src/strtofr.c] Fixed bug in mpfr_strtofr in case: + (1) the input string was used entirely + (2) the conversion was done by a division + (3) and the division was exact + In such a case the "reconstruction" of the ternary value was inexact. +[tests/tstrtofr.c] Added various testcases (for this bug and for bugs + in intermediate revisions). +(merged changesets r8371,8384,8389-8398 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8387 | vlefevre | 2012-08-28 15:06:27 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/FAQ.html + +[doc] Updated FAQ.html (changeset r8386 from the trunk). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8380 | vlefevre | 2012-08-16 09:12:57 +0000 (Thu, 16 Aug 2012) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_set_d64.c + +[src/get_d64.c] mpfr_get_decimal64 was buggy in MPFR_RNDN on some + values x such that 0.5e-398 < |x| < 1e-398 (smallest subnormal): + it was returning 0 instead of +/- 1e-398. +[tests/tget_set_d64.c] Added testcases. +(merged changesets r8370,8379 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8378 | vlefevre | 2012-08-15 23:41:21 +0000 (Wed, 15 Aug 2012) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_set_d64.c + +[src/get_d64.c] Fixed get_decimal64_max by simplifying it completely, +and changed get_decimal64_min in the same way. +Thanks to Rob (Sisyphus) for the idea. +[tests/tget_set_d64.c] Added some tests for large numbers and overflow +tests (they cover the two bad tests fixed in r8373 and trigger the bug +in get_decimal64_max fixed here). +(merged changesets r8375-8377 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8373 | vlefevre | 2012-08-14 10:37:10 +0000 (Tue, 14 Aug 2012) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d64.c + +[src/get_d64.c] Fixed overflow cases. +(merged changeset r8372 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8361 | vlefevre | 2012-07-26 14:21:40 +0000 (Thu, 26 Jul 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/ + +[] Replaced "sed" by "$SED" and "grep" by "$EGREP". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8330 | vlefevre | 2012-07-05 10:44:31 +0000 (Thu, 05 Jul 2012) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/tools/coverage + +[tools/coverage] Added a comment about the non-reproducibility of the +coverage results. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8318 | vlefevre | 2012-07-04 09:30:08 +0000 (Wed, 04 Jul 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.2-dev. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8309 | vlefevre | 2012-07-03 14:23:23 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jul 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8307 | vlefevre | 2012-07-03 14:19:10 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jul 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + +[NEWS] Added test coverage for MPFR 3.1.1. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8306 | vlefevre | 2012-07-03 14:17:16 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jul 2012) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tools/coverage + +[tools/coverage] Some changes from the trunk (r8263,8275,8277,8305), +in particular detailed coverage. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8303 | vlefevre | 2012-07-03 13:52:02 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jul 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8301 | vlefevre | 2012-07-03 13:49:45 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jul 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.1. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8300 | vlefevre | 2012-07-03 13:47:34 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jul 2012) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d.c + +[tests/tests.c] Improved an error message. +[tests/{td_div.c,tget_d.c}] Disable tests with a division by 0 if + MPFR_ERRDIVZERO is defined. +(merged changesets r8298-8299 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8290 | vlefevre | 2012-06-27 12:00:38 +0000 (Wed, 27 Jun 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] added support by ERC grant of Andreas +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8288 | vlefevre | 2012-06-27 09:15:26 +0000 (Wed, 27 Jun 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Document MPFR_WANT_DECIMAL_FLOATS. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8284 | vlefevre | 2012-06-27 08:37:21 +0000 (Wed, 27 Jun 2012) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgrandom.c + +[tests/tgrandom.c] Replaced GMP_RNDN by MPFR_RNDN. +(merged changeset r8283 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8282 | vlefevre | 2012-06-27 08:33:41 +0000 (Wed, 27 Jun 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + +[NEWS] Update. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8281 | vlefevre | 2012-06-27 08:23:11 +0000 (Wed, 27 Jun 2012) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgrandom.c + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Completed spec of mpfr_grandom. +[tests/tgrandom.c] Improved a test and added a new one for + mpfr_grandom(x, NULL, ...). +(merged changesets r8279-8280 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8278 | vlefevre | 2012-06-27 08:10:45 +0000 (Wed, 27 Jun 2012) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + +[NEWS] Update: test coverage. +(merged changeset r8276 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8259 | vlefevre | 2012-06-26 15:02:18 +0000 (Tue, 26 Jun 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8257 | vlefevre | 2012-06-26 14:51:13 +0000 (Tue, 26 Jun 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8256 | vlefevre | 2012-06-26 14:50:17 +0000 (Tue, 26 Jun 2012) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.1-rc1 and updated libmpfr_la_LDFLAGS in +src/ for the next release. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8255 | vlefevre | 2012-06-26 14:41:27 +0000 (Tue, 26 Jun 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + +[NEWS] Update for GNU MPFR 3.1.1. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8254 | vlefevre | 2012-06-26 14:03:44 +0000 (Tue, 26 Jun 2012) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinternals.c + +[tests/tinternals.c] mpfr_set_prec_raw missing tests (thanks to Patrick). +(merged changeset r8253 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8252 | vlefevre | 2012-06-26 13:57:32 +0000 (Tue, 26 Jun 2012) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_si.c + +[tests/tset_si.c] Also test the mpfr_set_ui function (instead of macro). +(merged changeset r8251 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8220 | vlefevre | 2012-06-21 23:03:44 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jun 2012) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_ld.c + +[tests/tset_ld.c] For _GMP_IEEE_FLOATS, use #if instead of #ifdef +since mpfr-impl.h defines it to 0 if it was undefined. +(merged changeset r8219 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8205 | vlefevre | 2012-05-09 00:07:18 +0000 (Wed, 09 May 2012) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/tests/ + +Patch from Nitin A Kamble for automake 1.12 +(merged changeset r8204 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8202 | vlefevre | 2012-05-07 18:13:13 +0000 (Mon, 07 May 2012) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/AUTHORS + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[AUTHORS,INSTALL,doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the e-mail address of the +MPFR mailing-list to match the List-* headers written by the new +mailing-list server (the old one still works, but may lead to bad +interaction with MUA's that attempt to honor the List-Post header +when replying to the list(s)). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8200 | vlefevre | 2012-05-07 17:58:04 +0000 (Mon, 07 May 2012) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/gamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/lngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgamma.c + +[src/lngamma.c] Added mpfr_explgamma internal function to handle + overflows/underflows (intermediate or not) in mpfr_gamma. Added + general overflow detection. +[src/gamma.c] Added general underflow detection. +[tests/tgamma.c] Added testcases for 32-bit and 64-bit machines. +(merged changesets r8174,8179,8182-8183,8185-8189,8191-8199 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8184 | vlefevre | 2012-05-03 14:44:57 +0000 (Thu, 03 May 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/gamma.c + +[src/gamma.c] Reverted changeset r8180, which seems incorrect. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8180 | vlefevre | 2012-05-03 13:46:22 +0000 (Thu, 03 May 2012) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/gamma.c + +[gamma.c] tentative fix for the underflow problem +(merged changesets r8174,8179 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8178 | vlefevre | 2012-05-03 13:26:40 +0000 (Thu, 03 May 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8176 | vlefevre | 2012-05-03 13:08:51 +0000 (Thu, 03 May 2012) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/TODO + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/subnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqr.c + +Merged changesets r8172-8173,8175 from the trunk to update URL's of +mailing-list archives/messages. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8165 | vlefevre | 2012-04-27 12:39:54 +0000 (Fri, 27 Apr 2012) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgamma.c + +[tests/tgamma.c] Improved testcase test20100709. +(merged changeset r8164 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8163 | vlefevre | 2012-04-27 12:29:02 +0000 (Fri, 27 Apr 2012) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgamma.c + +[tests/tgamma.c] Updated testcase test20100709 for 64-bit machines, +as this bug reappeared in r8160 (r8159 from the trunk). +(merged changeset r8162 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8160 | vlefevre | 2012-04-27 01:08:44 +0000 (Fri, 27 Apr 2012) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/gamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgamma.c + +[src/gamma.c] Fixed bug in the underflow detection code of mpfr_gamma, + found by Giridhar Tammana: some results may incorrectly be regarded + as underflow. +[tests/tgamma.c] Added testcase. +(merged changeset r8159 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8127 | vlefevre | 2012-03-26 12:25:58 +0000 (Mon, 26 Mar 2012) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/ + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + +[tests/{,tests.c}] Fixed src_fopen to be able to run test +programs directly (without "make check") when objdir != srcdir. +(merged changesets r8122,8126 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8084 | vlefevre | 2012-03-09 12:03:59 +0000 (Fri, 09 Mar 2012) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Improved macros from the changeset r8080, in +particular to avoid an error with the --enable-assert configure +option and the -ansi -pedantic-errors gcc compiler flags. +(merged changesets r7910,8082,8083 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8080 | vlefevre | 2012-03-08 14:11:02 +0000 (Thu, 08 Mar 2012) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/add1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/agm.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eq.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/init2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/lngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mul.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/print_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_raw_generic.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/stack_interface.c + M /branches/3.1/src/strtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandomb.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinits.c + +Avoid potential integer overflows and improve consistency. This should +fix bug #13918 "Segfault with precision = MPFR_PREC_MAX on 32-bit". +Note: this problem appeared in MPFR 3.0.0 when the precision type (now +mpfr_prec_t) was changed to a signed integer. +Added a large precision test in tests/tinits.c (enabled by setting +MPFR_CHECK_LARGEMEM=1) to trigger the bug mentioned above on 32-bit +machines (or when MPFR is built with -m32). +(merged changesets r8025,8026,8029,8031,8077 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8069 | vlefevre | 2012-03-07 15:02:17 +0000 (Wed, 07 Mar 2012) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Simple temporary fix following GMP's internal __gmp_const +macro removal in (and its +replacement by const): if __gmp_const isn't define, let's define it to +const. +(merged changeset r8061 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8059 | vlefevre | 2012-03-03 03:00:29 +0000 (Sat, 03 Mar 2012) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + +[NEWS] Mention the mpfr_exp bug fix (from r6964 in exp_2.c). +(merged changeset r8058 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8049 | vlefevre | 2012-02-24 13:45:11 +0000 (Fri, 24 Feb 2012) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Use %.*Rg instead of %.*Rf for MPFR_LOG_VAR. +(merged changeset r8048 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8047 | vlefevre | 2012-02-24 12:38:46 +0000 (Fri, 24 Feb 2012) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/add_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_d.c + +Corrected a typo in MPFR_LOG_FUNC of add_d.c, add_ui.c and mul_d.c +(mpfr_get_prec → mpfr_log_prec), fixing bug 13933. +The consequence was random freezes (on the same binary) with dynamic +linking (and just more memory with static linking to the MPFR library) +when logging was used. +(merged changeset r8043 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8045 | vlefevre | 2012-02-24 12:22:24 +0000 (Fri, 24 Feb 2012) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + +[NEWS] Mention an internal change in MPFR 3.1.0. +(merged changeset r8044 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8017 | vlefevre | 2012-01-27 08:36:16 +0000 (Fri, 27 Jan 2012) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/ + M /branches/3.1/src/x86_64/core2/mparam.h + +Use the core2 tuning parameters for nocona as timings are very similar. +[Merged r8013 through r8016 from the trunk] +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8012 | vlefevre | 2012-01-23 01:28:48 +0000 (Mon, 23 Jan 2012) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/ + +[] swap tests for 32-bit and 64-bit powerpc, since on powerpc64 + the parameters for 32-bit are used! +(merged changeset r8010 from the trunk) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7999 | vlefevre | 2012-01-10 12:51:46 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jan 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7997 | vlefevre | 2012-01-10 12:49:58 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jan 2012) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Mention the AriC project-team. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7995 | vlefevre | 2012-01-10 12:47:05 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jan 2012) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/BUGS + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + M /branches/3.1/README + M /branches/3.1/TODO + M /branches/3.1/acinclude.m4 + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/FAQ.html + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/faq.xsl + M /branches/3.1/examples/divworst.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/rndo-add.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/sample.c + M /branches/3.1/examples/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/abort_prec_max.c + M /branches/3.1/src/acos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/acosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/add_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/agm.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ai.c + M /branches/3.1/src/asin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/asinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atan2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/atanh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/bernoulli.c + M /branches/3.1/src/buildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cache.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cbrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/check.c + M /branches/3.1/src/clear.c + M /branches/3.1/src/clears.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_abs.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cmp_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/comparisons.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/const_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/src/constant.c + M /branches/3.1/src/copysign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/cot.c + M /branches/3.1/src/coth.c + M /branches/3.1/src/csc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/csch.c + M /branches/3.1/src/d_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/d_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/digamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/dim.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/div_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/dump.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/eq.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/erfc.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp10.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp3.c + M /branches/3.1/src/exp_2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/expm1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/extract.c + M /branches/3.1/src/factorial.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_intmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_s.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_sint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_slong.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_sshort.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_u.h + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_uintmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_ulong.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fits_ushort.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/fms.c + M /branches/3.1/src/frac.c + M /branches/3.1/src/free_cache.c + M /branches/3.1/src/frexp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gammaonethird.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gen_inverse.h + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/get_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gmp_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/grandom.c + M /branches/3.1/src/hypot.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ieee_floats.h + M /branches/3.1/src/init.c + M /branches/3.1/src/init2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inits.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inits2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/inp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/int_ceil_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isinf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isinteger.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isnan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isnum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/isregular.c + M /branches/3.1/src/iszero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/jn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/jyn_asympt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/li2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/lngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log10.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log1p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/logging.c + M /branches/3.1/src/min_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/minmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/modf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpf2mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-intmax.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-thread.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpn_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mulders.c + M /branches/3.1/src/neg.c + M /branches/3.1/src/next.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/powerof2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/print_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/print_rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/src/printf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/reldiff.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rem1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/root.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_near_x.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_raw_generic.c + M /branches/3.1/src/scale2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sech.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_dfl_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_inf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_nan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prc_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_q.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_rnd.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_zero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setsign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sgn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/si_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/signbit.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/stack_interface.c + M /branches/3.1/src/strtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/subnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/swap.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tan.c + M 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M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_si.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsgn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsi_op.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstckintc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstdint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsum.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tswap.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttrunc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_div.c + M 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/branches/3.1/src/mpf2mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-intmax.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-longlong.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-thread.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpn_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_2ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mulders.c + M /branches/3.1/src/neg.c + M /branches/3.1/src/next.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/out_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/pow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/powerof2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/powerpc32/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/powerpc64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/print_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/print_rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/src/printf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/reldiff.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rem1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/rint.c + M /branches/3.1/src/root.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_near_x.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_p.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/round_raw_generic.c + M /branches/3.1/src/scale2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sech.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_dfl_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_f.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_inf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_nan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prc_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_q.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_rnd.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_si_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_str_raw.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_ui_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_uj.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/set_zero.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmax.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setmin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/setsign.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sgn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/si_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/signbit.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sparc64/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/sqr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/stack_interface.c + M /branches/3.1/src/strtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/subnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/src/sum.c + M /branches/3.1/src/swap.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tan.c + M /branches/3.1/src/tanh.c + M /branches/3.1/src/uceil_exp2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/uceil_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ufloor_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_pow.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_pow_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/src/ui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandom.c + M /branches/3.1/src/urandomb.c + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/volatile.c + M /branches/3.1/src/x86/core2/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86_64/core2/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/x86_64/pentium4/mparam.h + M /branches/3.1/src/yn.c + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta.c + M /branches/3.1/src/zeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ + M /branches/3.1/tests/cmp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/data/digamma + M /branches/3.1/tests/data/li2 + M /branches/3.1/tests/memory.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/random2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/reuse.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tabs.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tacos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tacosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tagm.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tai.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tasin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tasinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tatanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/taway.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tbuildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcan_round.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcbrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcheck.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcopysign.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcoth.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcsc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tcsch.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/td_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdigamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdim.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/teint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/teq.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/terf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tests.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texceptions.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp10.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texp2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/texpm1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfactorial.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfits.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfmod.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfms.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrac.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tfrexp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_f.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_flt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tget_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgmpop.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgrandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/thypot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinits.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinp_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tinternals.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tisnan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tisqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj0.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tj1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tjn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tl2b.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlgamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tli2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlngamma.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog10.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog1p.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tlog2.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmin_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tminmax.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmodf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tnext.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tout_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/toutimpl.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow3.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_all.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tpow_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tremquo.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/trint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/troot.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tround_prec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsec.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsech.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_f.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_ld.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_q.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_si.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_sj.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_str.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tset_z_exp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsgn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsi_op.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstckintc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstdint.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_d.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsum.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tswap.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttan.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttanh.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ttrunc.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_div.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_pow.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tui_sub.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tvalist.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tversion.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ty0.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/ty1.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tyn.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-copyright-notice + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-mparam + M /branches/3.1/tools/ck-version-info + M /branches/3.1/tools/ + M /branches/3.1/tune/ + M /branches/3.1/tune/bidimensional_sample.c + M /branches/3.1/tune/speed.c + M /branches/3.1/tune/tuneup.c + +Copyright notice update: added 2012 with + perl -pi -e 's/2011 Free Software/2011, 2012 Free Software/' **/*(^/) +under zsh, reverting the ChangeLog file (the m4 and tools/mbench +directories were not modified). +Removed 2011 from the example in the doc/ file. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7980 | vlefevre | 2011-12-09 13:43:03 +0000 (Fri, 09 Dec 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/ + +Merged changesets r7976-7978 from the trunk: +[INSTALL] Added information about system/compiler bugs related to TLS + or optimizations. +[] Mention --disable-thread-safe. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7972 | vlefevre | 2011-11-28 12:20:46 +0000 (Mon, 28 Nov 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + +[tests/turandom.c] Removed an obsolete comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7969 | vlefevre | 2011-11-28 11:36:10 +0000 (Mon, 28 Nov 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7968 | vlefevre | 2011-11-28 11:34:34 +0000 (Mon, 28 Nov 2011) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/tests/trandom.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/turandom.c + +Merged changesets r7965-7966 from the trunk: +[doc/mpfr.texi] Mentioned the difference between GMP 4.1 and 4.2 about +the changes of mpfr_urandom and mpfr_urandomb in MPFR 3.1. +[tests/trandom.c,tests/turandom.c] Fixed compatibility with GMP 4.1.x +(since the default PRNG has changed between GMP 4.1 and 4.2). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7945 | vlefevre | 2011-11-03 16:11:08 +0000 (Thu, 03 Nov 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + +[src/vasprintf.c] Corrected a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7942 | vlefevre | 2011-11-03 14:49:58 +0000 (Thu, 03 Nov 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + +[tests/tsprintf.c] Coding style. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7940 | vlefevre | 2011-11-03 14:10:49 +0000 (Thu, 03 Nov 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/vasprintf.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tsprintf.c + +[src/vasprintf.c] Fixed bug reported by Pavel Holoborodko. +[tests/tsprintf.c] Added testcases. +(Merged changesets r7931 (except src/mpn_exp.c) and r7933-7936.) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7921 | vlefevre | 2011-10-14 10:18:30 +0000 (Fri, 14 Oct 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/tests/ + +[tests/] Added -L$(top_builddir)/src/.libs to AM_LDFLAGS. +[INSTALL] Removed the notes on HP-UX (obsolete after the above change). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7919 | vlefevre | 2011-10-13 11:30:54 +0000 (Thu, 13 Oct 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Corrected notes for HP-UX. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7917 | vlefevre | 2011-10-13 11:20:23 +0000 (Thu, 13 Oct 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Added notes for HP-UX after a bug report. See discussion: + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7908 | vlefevre | 2011-10-04 11:14:48 +0000 (Tue, 04 Oct 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Fixed a bug in the MPFR_UNLIKELY macro for GCC +(found under Mac OS X / PowerPC with the mode32 GMP ABI, and MPFR +built with --enable-assert=full). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7907 | vlefevre | 2011-10-04 10:04:11 +0000 (Tue, 04 Oct 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.1-dev. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7897 | vlefevre | 2011-10-03 08:16:03 +0000 (Mon, 03 Oct 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7896 | vlefevre | 2011-10-03 08:10:45 +0000 (Mon, 03 Oct 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.0. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7895 | vlefevre | 2011-10-03 08:09:19 +0000 (Mon, 03 Oct 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7893 | vlefevre | 2011-09-29 22:25:41 +0000 (Thu, 29 Sep 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] added reference and comment for eint +(Merged changeset r7892 from the trunk.) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7890 | vlefevre | 2011-09-25 00:17:05 +0000 (Sun, 25 Sep 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Rephrased mpfr_frexp description. +(Merged changeset r7889 from the trunk.) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7887 | vlefevre | 2011-09-24 10:01:07 +0000 (Sat, 24 Sep 2011) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/log1p.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tagm.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgeneric.c + +Renamed "division-by-zero" to "divide-by-zero" (term used by the +ISO C99 standard, the IEEE 754-2008 standard using divideByZero, +and the old IEEE 754-1985 standard using both "divide by zero" +and "division by zero"). +(Merged changeset r7886 from the trunk.) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7885 | vlefevre | 2011-09-24 09:40:03 +0000 (Sat, 24 Sep 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/gmp_op.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgmpop.c + +[tests/tgmpop.c] Improved division-by-zero tests. +[src/gmp_op.c] Forgot to update the flags in some functions. +(Merged changesets r7882 and r7883 from the trunk.) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7884 | vlefevre | 2011-09-24 09:39:02 +0000 (Sat, 24 Sep 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/faq.xsl + +[doc/faq.xsl] Added a comment about the MPFR logo. +(Merged changeset r7881 from the trunk.) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7880 | vlefevre | 2011-09-22 10:38:10 +0000 (Thu, 22 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Improved mpfr_frexp description. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7878 | vlefevre | 2011-09-22 10:09:40 +0000 (Thu, 22 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Corrected typo in the mpfr_frexp description. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7874 | vlefevre | 2011-09-20 08:50:37 +0000 (Tue, 20 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7872 | vlefevre | 2011-09-20 07:37:01 +0000 (Tue, 20 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.0-rc2. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7871 | vlefevre | 2011-09-20 07:35:18 +0000 (Tue, 20 Sep 2011) | 18 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + M /branches/3.1/TODO + M /branches/3.1/doc/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/examples/version.c + M /branches/3.1/src/agm.c + M /branches/3.1/src/buildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/src/gmp_op.c + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/tests/tbuildopt.c + M /branches/3.1/tests/tgmpop.c + +Merged r7857 through r7870 from the trunk: + * [src/mpfr-gmp.h] Fixed a prototype (mpfr_limb_ptr isn't available + yet) and added missing prototype for __gmpn_sbpi1_divappr_q. + * [src/mpfr-impl.h] Define new macros MPFR_EXT_EMIN and MPFR_EXT_EMAX. + * [src/agm.c] Replaced __gmpfr_emin and __gmpfr_emax by MPFR_EXT_EMIN + and MPFR_EXT_EMAX respectively (this should be a bit faster with TLS + and also is a workaround to a bug occurring with TLS and GCC 4.3.2 + on a Linux/Sparc machine, + * [tests/tgmpop.c] Check for erange flag in mpfr_cmp_[f,q,z]. + * [src/gmp_op.c] Handle the special cases in mpfr_cmp_q and mpfr_cmp_f + (fixing the problem with the erange flag in particular). + * [src/buildopt.c,src/mpfr.h,tests/tbuildopt.c,doc/mpfr.texi,NEWS] + Added mpfr_buildopt_gmpinternals_p function. + * [examples/version.c] Output mpfr_buildopt_gmpinternals_p() and + mpfr_buildopt_tune_case() values with MPFR 3.1 or later. + * [doc/] Updated "To make a release". Document how to + specify the minimum exponent or the maximum exponent. + * [TODO] Added an item about the minimum and maximum exponents. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7857 | vlefevre | 2011-09-19 08:22:17 +0000 (Mon, 19 Sep 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Correction: "5 exception types" → "6 exception types" +(thanks to Case Vanhorsen for the report). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7854 | vlefevre | 2011-09-17 11:58:18 +0000 (Sat, 17 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7853 | vlefevre | 2011-09-14 21:38:49 +0000 (Wed, 14 Sep 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Define LONGLONG_STANDALONE before including +mpfr-longlong.h so that udiv_qrnnd_preinv is defined (this is +useful at least on IA64 when compiling without gmp-impl.h). +Thanks to Patrick Pélissier for the fix. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7851 | vlefevre | 2011-09-11 09:21:52 +0000 (Sun, 11 Sep 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/NEWS + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated "API Compatibility" section. Documented + function mpfr_buildopt_tune_case. Minor consistency changes. +[NEWS] Function mpfr_buildopt_tune_case is new in MPFR 3.1. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7844 | vlefevre | 2011-09-11 07:49:03 +0000 (Sun, 11 Sep 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1 + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] MPFR_RNDA was introduced in MPFR 3.0.0 and should +no longer be considered experimental. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7842 | vlefevre | 2011-09-10 21:25:45 +0000 (Sat, 10 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v" (in UTF-8 locales). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7841 | vlefevre | 2011-09-10 21:24:05 +0000 (Sat, 10 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7840 | vlefevre | 2011-09-10 21:23:08 +0000 (Sat, 10 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /branches/3.1/INSTALL + M /branches/3.1/VERSION + M /branches/3.1/ + M /branches/3.1/doc/mpfr.texi + M /branches/3.1/src/mpfr.h + M /branches/3.1/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.0-rc1. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7839 | vlefevre | 2011-09-10 21:21:59 +0000 (Sat, 10 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + A /branches/3.1 (from /trunk:7838) + +Recreated 3.1 branch from the trunk. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7836 | vlefevre | 2011-09-10 21:15:45 +0000 (Sat, 10 Sep 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + +[tests/trec_sqrt.c] Fixed bug introduced in r7711 (build failure +with a C++ compiler). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7835 | vlefevre | 2011-09-10 20:13:19 +0000 (Sat, 10 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +Removed now useless svn:mergeinfo properties. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7832 | vlefevre | 2011-09-10 20:04:07 +0000 (Sat, 10 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] Replaced "" by "". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7831 | vlefevre | 2011-09-10 20:02:56 +0000 (Sat, 10 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Removed obsolete paragraph about AM_MAINTAINER_MODE. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7826 | vlefevre | 2011-09-10 19:08:42 +0000 (Sat, 10 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/mpfrlint + +[tools/mpfrlint] Correction after r7825. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7825 | vlefevre | 2011-09-10 19:07:39 +0000 (Sat, 10 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/mpfrlint + +[tools/mpfrlint] Run tools/ck-mparam. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7824 | vlefevre | 2011-09-10 19:04:57 +0000 (Sat, 10 Sep 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tools/ck-mparam + +Added tools/ck-mparam sh script to check the mparam.h files +(gcc is needed). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7823 | zimmerma | 2011-09-10 07:15:46 +0000 (Sat, 10 Sep 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/amd/k8/mparam.h + +[src/amd/k8/mparam.h] removed spurious end of comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7821 | vlefevre | 2011-09-09 17:19:39 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] For the valgrind example, use the same arguments +as in gnulib's valgrind-tests.m4 file. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7818 | vlefevre | 2011-09-09 13:48:33 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF8 TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7817 | vlefevre | 2011-09-09 13:32:55 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2011) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tools/ck-copyright-notice + +[] Added tools/ck-copyright-notice to EXTRA_DIST as it is + used in dist-hook. +[tools/ck-copyright-notice] Added copyright notice (since this file is + distributed in the tarballs). Note: the first year is 2008 as a part + of the code comes from r5370 in mpfrlint. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7816 | vlefevre | 2011-09-09 11:40:33 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/ck-copyright-notice + +[tools/ck-copyright-notice] Skip src/mpfr-longlong.h as this file +(which comes from GMP) has a specific copyright notice. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7815 | vlefevre | 2011-09-09 11:37:01 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mp_clz_tab.c + +[src/mp_clz_tab.c] Updated the copyright notice. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7814 | vlefevre | 2011-09-09 11:31:07 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/ck-copyright-notice + +[tools/ck-copyright-notice] Check that the first copyright year for +the mparam.h files is 2005. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7813 | vlefevre | 2011-09-09 11:26:02 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/amd/amdfam10/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/amd/athlon/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/amd/k8/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/arm/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/generic/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/hppa/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/ia64/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/powerpc32/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/powerpc64/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/sparc64/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86/core2/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86_64/core2/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86_64/pentium4/mparam.h + +Added copyright notice to the mparam.h files (with the same years +as in the template). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7812 | vlefevre | 2011-09-09 11:20:25 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2011) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/tools/ck-copyright-notice + M /trunk/tools/mpfrlint + +Added tools/ck-copyright-notice sh script from mpfrlint (updated) to +check that copyright notices exist and appear to be correct. Updated +tools/mpfrlint to run tools/ck-copyright-notice instead of its old +test. In, run tools/ck-copyright-notice in dist-hook for +"make dist". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7811 | vlefevre | 2011-09-09 10:57:23 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/mpfrlint + +[tools/mpfrlint] More files under src and tests directories. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7809 | vlefevre | 2011-09-08 09:13:50 +0000 (Thu, 08 Sep 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] Update for MPFR 3.1.x. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7808 | vlefevre | 2011-09-08 09:07:08 +0000 (Thu, 08 Sep 2011) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +[tests/] + * Added "AM_LDFLAGS = -no-install" to prevent libtool from generating + wrapper scripts for the tests (according to discussions and tests, + there should be no negative effects); useful for gdb and valgrind. + * Added $(VALGRIND) to TESTS_ENVIRONMENT in order to easily run the + tests under valgrind with: VALGRIND="valgrind -q" make check +[doc/] Update for gdb and valgrind. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7807 | vlefevre | 2011-08-31 08:55:56 +0000 (Wed, 31 Aug 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Improved the specification of mpfr_get_f. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7805 | zimmerma | 2011-08-30 12:01:16 +0000 (Tue, 30 Aug 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] added comment about minimal GMP version + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7804 | zimmerma | 2011-08-30 08:23:16 +0000 (Tue, 30 Aug 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/add.c + +dummy change to check if GMP_CHECK_RANDOMIZE is now used in the Hydra +builds on + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7803 | vlefevre | 2011-08-19 10:03:19 +0000 (Fri, 19 Aug 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Added some references to the ternary definition. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7802 | zimmerma | 2011-08-19 09:01:58 +0000 (Fri, 19 Aug 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] improved the documentation of mpfr_set_str, as suggested by + Vincent Lefevre + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7801 | vlefevre | 2011-08-19 08:45:07 +0000 (Fri, 19 Aug 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Added "Ternary value" to the concept index. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7800 | vlefevre | 2011-08-15 12:34:40 +0000 (Mon, 15 Aug 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Added information on how to update the FAQ. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7798 | vlefevre | 2011-08-15 11:55:59 +0000 (Mon, 15 Aug 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/FAQ.html + +[doc] Updated FAQ.html with update-faq. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7796 | vlefevre | 2011-08-12 11:39:06 +0000 (Fri, 12 Aug 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +[tune/tuneup.c] Untabified. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7795 | vlefevre | 2011-08-12 11:35:51 +0000 (Fri, 12 Aug 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + +[src/mulders.c] Replaced MPFR_ASSERTD by MPFR_ASSERTN on constant +expressions (this is a temporary change, as they should later be +replaced by static assertions). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7794 | vlefevre | 2011-08-12 11:33:09 +0000 (Fri, 12 Aug 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + +[src/mulders.c] Replaced mp_ptr and mp_srcptr (internal to GMP) by +mpfr_limb_ptr and mpfr_limb_srcptr. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7793 | vlefevre | 2011-08-12 11:25:25 +0000 (Fri, 12 Aug 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-gmp.h + +[src/mpfr-gmp.h] Avoid potential identifier collision by using an +underscore for variable names declared in the invert_pi1 macro. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7792 | vlefevre | 2011-08-12 11:18:12 +0000 (Fri, 12 Aug 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-gmp.h + +[src/mpfr-gmp.h] Untabified. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7791 | vlefevre | 2011-08-12 11:14:38 +0000 (Fri, 12 Aug 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7790 | zimmerma | 2011-08-06 13:30:28 +0000 (Sat, 06 Aug 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/amd/k8/mparam.h + +[k8/mparam.h] added comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7789 | zimmerma | 2011-08-06 12:01:58 +0000 (Sat, 06 Aug 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/amd/amdfam10/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86/mparam.h + +[x86/mparam.h] new tuning contributed by Jim Cloos +[amd/amdfam10/mparam.h] added GMP version + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7788 | zimmerma | 2011-08-06 11:52:12 +0000 (Sat, 06 Aug 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + +[mpfr-gmp.h] use mpfr_pi1_t instead of gmp_pi1_t to avoid using GMP's namespace + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7787 | zimmerma | 2011-08-05 14:22:26 +0000 (Fri, 05 Aug 2011) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/src/ + M /trunk/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +[src/mulders.c] use mpn_sbpi1_divappr_q if available and WANT_GMP_INTERNALS + is defined +[src/mpfr-gmp.h] defined macros needed for mpfr_divhigh_n_basecase +[] check for mpn_sbpi1_divappr_q + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7786 | vlefevre | 2011-08-05 13:17:23 +0000 (Fri, 05 Aug 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/VERSION + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + M /trunk/src/version.c + +Updated version to 3.2.0-dev. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7784 | zimmerma | 2011-08-05 12:56:08 +0000 (Fri, 05 Aug 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/src/amd/amdfam10 + A /trunk/src/amd/amdfam10/mparam.h + +[amdfam10/mparam.h] tuning parameters contributed by Jim Cloos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7783 | zimmerma | 2011-08-05 03:08:42 +0000 (Fri, 05 Aug 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/src/ + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +[mulders.c] added a basecase code for Mulders' short division +[tuneup.c] added corresponding tuning code +[TODO] added an item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7782 | vlefevre | 2011-08-04 14:36:42 +0000 (Thu, 04 Aug 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] In the INTMAX_MAX test, no longer hardcode the +"#include " (for instance, this doesn't work under +Solaris 9: INTMAX_MAX is defined only via ), but +include "mpfr-intmax.h" instead (needs a temporary CPPFLAGS). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7781 | vlefevre | 2011-08-01 14:39:08 +0000 (Mon, 01 Aug 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] Much faster formatted output (mpfr_printf, etc.) with %Rg and similar. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7780 | vlefevre | 2011-08-01 13:56:27 +0000 (Mon, 01 Aug 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Added copyright notice in case the file is distributed. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7779 | vlefevre | 2011-08-01 13:50:17 +0000 (Mon, 01 Aug 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Added information on how to run the MPFR test suite +under valgrind. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7778 | vlefevre | 2011-08-01 12:36:04 +0000 (Mon, 01 Aug 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/div.c + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + +Untabified and removed trailing spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7777 | vlefevre | 2011-08-01 12:13:50 +0000 (Mon, 01 Aug 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + +[tests/tversion.c] Improved output information. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7776 | zimmerma | 2011-07-31 19:44:32 +0000 (Sun, 31 Jul 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/hppa/mparam.h + +[hppa/mparam.h] updated for new Mulders' division + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7775 | zimmerma | 2011-07-31 19:40:23 +0000 (Sun, 31 Jul 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/sparc64/mparam.h + +[sparc64/mparam.h] updated for new Mulders' division + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7774 | zimmerma | 2011-07-31 15:43:40 +0000 (Sun, 31 Jul 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/powerpc64/mparam.h + +[powerpc64/mparam.h] updated for new Mulders' division + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7773 | zimmerma | 2011-07-31 15:08:43 +0000 (Sun, 31 Jul 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/ia64/mparam.h + +[ia64/mparam.h] updated for new Mulders' division + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7772 | zimmerma | 2011-07-31 12:43:03 +0000 (Sun, 31 Jul 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/amd/k8/mparam.h + +[amd/k8/mparam.h] updated for new Mulders' division + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7771 | zimmerma | 2011-07-31 12:39:57 +0000 (Sun, 31 Jul 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/x86/core2/mparam.h + +[x86/core2/mparam.h] updated thresholds for new Mulders' division + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7770 | zimmerma | 2011-07-31 10:54:38 +0000 (Sun, 31 Jul 2011) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/ + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + +[] changed the detection of 64-bit Core 2, and added + MPFR_TUNE_CASE for default case +[tversion.c] print GMP version (header and library), and file for tuning + parameters + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7769 | zimmerma | 2011-07-31 10:29:31 +0000 (Sun, 31 Jul 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/x86_64/core2/mparam.h + +[x86_64/core2/mparam.h] updated for Mulders' division + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7768 | zimmerma | 2011-07-31 08:59:53 +0000 (Sun, 31 Jul 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/div.c + M /trunk/src/generic/mparam.h + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +Added tuning for MPFR_DIV_THRESHOLD, and default value. +It now remains to do the tuning on the architectures in mparam_in.h. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7767 | zimmerma | 2011-07-29 20:46:45 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jul 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] added speed improvement in mpfr_div + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7765 | zimmerma | 2011-07-29 20:15:02 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jul 2011) | 39 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/div.c + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + +[mulders.c] fixed bug in mpfr_divhigh_n (this routine was not used yet) +[div.c] now use Mulders' short product for large division. It remains to + do the automatic tuning of MPFR_DIV_THRESHOLD. The speedup is nice, + for example on my Core 2 Duo laptop we got with MPFR 3.0.0: + +[zimmerma@coing tests]$ ./timings-mpfr 1000 +Using MPFR-3.0.0 with GMP-5.0.2 +[precision is 3322 bits] +x*y took 0.004543 ms (262143 eval in 1191 ms) +x*x took 0.003616 ms (524287 eval in 1896 ms) +x/y took 0.009087 ms (131071 eval in 1191 ms) +sqrt(x) took 0.007004 ms (262143 eval in 1836 ms) +exp(x) took 0.293040 ms (4095 eval in 1200 ms) +log(x) took 0.253724 ms (4095 eval in 1039 ms) +sin(x) took 0.306960 ms (4095 eval in 1257 ms) +cos(x) took 0.290842 ms (4095 eval in 1191 ms) +arccos(x) took 0.590620 ms (2047 eval in 1209 ms) +arctan(x) took 0.560332 ms (2047 eval in 1147 ms) + +and now we get: + +[zimmerma@coing tests]$ ./timings-mpfr 1000 +Using MPFR-3.1.0-dev with GMP-5.0.2 +[precision is 3322 bits] +x*y took 0.004444 ms (262143 eval in 1165 ms) +x*x took 0.002686 ms (524287 eval in 1408 ms) +x/y took 0.006989 ms (262143 eval in 1832 ms) +sqrt(x) took 0.007084 ms (262143 eval in 1857 ms) +exp(x) took 0.292063 ms (4095 eval in 1196 ms) +log(x) took 0.246886 ms (4095 eval in 1011 ms) +sin(x) took 0.259096 ms (4095 eval in 1061 ms) +cos(x) took 0.244933 ms (4095 eval in 1003 ms) +arccos(x) took 0.556424 ms (2047 eval in 1139 ms) +arctan(x) took 0.526624 ms (2047 eval in 1078 ms) + +We see that other routines also benefit from the speedup in mpfr_sqr and +mpfr_div (log, sin, cos, arccos, arctan). + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7764 | zimmerma | 2011-07-29 15:21:09 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jul 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/doc/algorithms.tex + +[algorithms.tex] added algorithm for division with Mulders' short product + (can anybody check the algorithm is ok?) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7763 | vlefevre | 2011-07-29 12:48:21 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jul 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/vasprintf.c + +[src/vasprintf.c] Added a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7762 | vlefevre | 2011-07-29 12:24:18 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jul 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/get_str.c + +[src/get_str.c] Added a comment about the use of mpfr_ceil_mul +(exported and declared in mpfr-impl.h since r7760). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7761 | thevenyp | 2011-07-28 23:01:52 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jul 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +Avoid expensive calls to mpfr_get_prec() using mpfr_ceil_mul() instead. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7760 | thevenyp | 2011-07-28 22:59:01 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jul 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/get_str.c + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +Make ceil_mul() public as mpfr_ceil_mul() in mpfr-impl.h +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7759 | vlefevre | 2011-07-28 18:50:21 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jul 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + +[src/mulders.c] MPFR coding conventions for r7752. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7758 | zimmerma | 2011-07-28 17:17:24 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jul 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/amd/k8/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/arm/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/hppa/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/ia64/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + M /trunk/src/powerpc32/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/powerpc64/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/sparc64/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86/core2/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86_64/core2/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86_64/pentium4/mparam.h + +modified the default tuning parameters so they are within the bounds of the +ARITH-20 paper "Short Division of Long Integers" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7757 | zimmerma | 2011-07-28 16:38:55 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jul 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + +[src/mulders.c] declare mpfr_mullow_n as non-static since it might be useful + elsewhere + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7756 | zimmerma | 2011-07-28 16:36:50 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jul 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +[tuneup.c] fix tuning bounds of short product and division according to the + ARITH-20 paper + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7755 | zimmerma | 2011-07-28 16:36:01 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jul 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] detect long double format in m68k + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7754 | zimmerma | 2011-07-28 16:35:25 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jul 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_flt.c + +[tget_flt.c] added test to check FLT_MAX + FLT_MAX gives INFP + (to early detect compiler bugs) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7753 | zimmerma | 2011-07-28 16:30:38 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jul 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/nightly-test + +[nightly-test] changed -pedantic-errors into -pedantic + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7752 | zimmerma | 2011-07-28 16:29:51 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jul 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + +[mulders.c] added some code for short division (FoldDiv, not used), + added comments and fixed bounds in accordance with the + ARITH-20 paper + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7751 | thevenyp | 2011-07-28 16:16:36 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jul 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/vasprintf.c + +Use a buffer in order to avoid a double call to mpfr_get_str. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7750 | vlefevre | 2011-07-26 13:12:46 +0000 (Tue, 26 Jul 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/log.c + +[src/log.c] Replaced TMP_* by MPFR_GROUP_* (patch by Patrick). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7749 | vlefevre | 2011-07-22 10:24:38 +0000 (Fri, 22 Jul 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Added a comment about TLS variable initialization. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7748 | vlefevre | 2011-07-22 10:15:04 +0000 (Fri, 22 Jul 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Added information about TLS variable initialization. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7747 | vlefevre | 2011-07-22 10:09:28 +0000 (Fri, 22 Jul 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Split Chapter "MPFR Basics" into nodes as it is now +quite large (thus references to particular sections are now possible). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7744 | zimmerma | 2011-07-18 19:03:25 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jul 2011) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/vasprintf.c + +[vasprintf.c] simplified and improved round_to_10_power(), also contributed + a negative number of lines of code :-) + Still not optimal, since round_to_10_power() is still called + twice for printing say pi with mpfr_printf ("%Rg\n", x), once + from partition_number(), once from regular_fg(), and thus + mpfr_get_str is called at least 3 times! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7743 | zimmerma | 2011-07-18 12:21:29 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jul 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] improve error message when libgmp is not found + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7742 | zimmerma | 2011-07-18 11:24:40 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jul 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] added note about threads for mpfr_set_default_prec and + mpfr_get_default_prec + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7740 | vlefevre | 2011-07-06 15:57:22 +0000 (Wed, 06 Jul 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7738 | vlefevre | 2011-07-06 13:47:35 +0000 (Wed, 06 Jul 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[NEWS, doc/mpfr.texi] mpfr_min_prec was a new function in MPFR 3.0.0. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7736 | vlefevre | 2011-07-01 15:17:47 +0000 (Fri, 01 Jul 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_flt.c + +[tests/tget_flt.c] Replaced FLT_MAX + FLT_MAX by (float) DBL_POS_INF, +which should trigger fewer compiler bugs. See: + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7734 | vlefevre | 2011-07-01 08:07:35 +0000 (Fri, 01 Jul 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/ieee_floats.h + +[src/ieee_floats.h] Added a comment about the NaN format when +_GMP_IEEE_FLOATS is defined. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7733 | zimmerma | 2011-07-01 08:04:50 +0000 (Fri, 01 Jul 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_flt.c + +[tget_flt.c] check for compiler bug + ( + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7731 | vlefevre | 2011-06-30 00:17:40 +0000 (Thu, 30 Jun 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/COPYING + M /trunk/COPYING.LESSER + M /trunk/ChangeLog + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/PATCHES + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/VERSION + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/doc/FAQ.html + M /trunk/doc/ + M /trunk/doc/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/doc/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/doc/faq.xsl + M /trunk/doc/fdl.texi + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/doc/update-faq + M /trunk/examples/divworst.c + M /trunk/examples/rndo-add.c + M /trunk/examples/sample.c + M /trunk/examples/version.c + M /trunk/other/cputime.h + M /trunk/other/div-short.c + M /trunk/src/ + M /trunk/src/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/src/acos.c + M /trunk/src/acosh.c + M /trunk/src/add.c + M /trunk/src/add1.c + M /trunk/src/add1sp.c + M /trunk/src/add_d.c + M /trunk/src/add_ui.c + M /trunk/src/agm.c + M /trunk/src/ai.c + M /trunk/src/asin.c + M /trunk/src/asinh.c + M /trunk/src/atan.c + M /trunk/src/atan2.c + M /trunk/src/atanh.c + M /trunk/src/bernoulli.c + M /trunk/src/buildopt.c + M /trunk/src/cache.c + M /trunk/src/cbrt.c + M /trunk/src/check.c + M /trunk/src/clear.c + M /trunk/src/clears.c + M /trunk/src/cmp.c + M /trunk/src/cmp2.c + M /trunk/src/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/src/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/src/cmp_ld.c + M /trunk/src/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/src/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/src/comparisons.c + M /trunk/src/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/src/const_euler.c + M /trunk/src/const_log2.c + M /trunk/src/const_pi.c + M /trunk/src/constant.c + M /trunk/src/copysign.c + M /trunk/src/cos.c + M /trunk/src/cosh.c + M /trunk/src/cot.c + M /trunk/src/coth.c + M /trunk/src/csc.c + M /trunk/src/csch.c + M /trunk/src/d_div.c + M /trunk/src/d_sub.c + M /trunk/src/digamma.c + M /trunk/src/dim.c + M /trunk/src/div.c + M /trunk/src/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/src/div_2si.c + M /trunk/src/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/src/div_d.c + M /trunk/src/div_ui.c + M /trunk/src/dump.c + M /trunk/src/eint.c + M /trunk/src/eq.c + M /trunk/src/erf.c + M /trunk/src/erfc.c + M /trunk/src/exceptions.c + M /trunk/src/exp.c + M /trunk/src/exp10.c + M /trunk/src/exp2.c + M /trunk/src/exp3.c + M /trunk/src/exp_2.c + M /trunk/src/expm1.c + M /trunk/src/extract.c + M /trunk/src/factorial.c + M /trunk/src/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/src/fits_s.h + M /trunk/src/fits_sint.c + M /trunk/src/fits_slong.c + M /trunk/src/fits_sshort.c + M /trunk/src/fits_u.h + M /trunk/src/fits_uint.c + M /trunk/src/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/src/fits_ulong.c + M /trunk/src/fits_ushort.c + M /trunk/src/fma.c + M /trunk/src/fms.c + M /trunk/src/frac.c + M /trunk/src/free_cache.c + M /trunk/src/gamma.c + M /trunk/src/gammaonethird.c + M /trunk/src/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/src/get_d.c + M /trunk/src/get_d64.c + M /trunk/src/get_exp.c + M /trunk/src/get_f.c + M /trunk/src/get_flt.c + M /trunk/src/get_ld.c + M /trunk/src/get_si.c + M /trunk/src/get_sj.c + M /trunk/src/get_str.c + M /trunk/src/get_ui.c + M /trunk/src/get_uj.c + M /trunk/src/get_z.c + M /trunk/src/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/src/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/src/hypot.c + M /trunk/src/ieee_floats.h + M /trunk/src/init.c + M /trunk/src/init2.c + M /trunk/src/inits.c + M /trunk/src/inits2.c + M /trunk/src/inp_str.c + M /trunk/src/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/src/isinf.c + M /trunk/src/isinteger.c + M /trunk/src/isnan.c + M /trunk/src/isnum.c + M /trunk/src/isqrt.c + M /trunk/src/isregular.c + M /trunk/src/iszero.c + M /trunk/src/jn.c + M /trunk/src/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/src/li2.c + M /trunk/src/lngamma.c + M /trunk/src/log.c + M /trunk/src/log10.c + M /trunk/src/log1p.c + M /trunk/src/log2.c + M /trunk/src/logging.c + M /trunk/src/min_prec.c + M /trunk/src/minmax.c + M /trunk/src/modf.c + M /trunk/src/mp_clz_tab.c + M /trunk/src/ + M /trunk/src/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/src/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/src/mpfr-longlong.h + M /trunk/src/mpfr-thread.h + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + M /trunk/src/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/src/mul.c + M /trunk/src/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/src/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/src/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/src/mul_d.c + M /trunk/src/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + M /trunk/src/neg.c + M /trunk/src/next.c + M /trunk/src/out_str.c + M /trunk/src/pow.c + M /trunk/src/pow_si.c + M /trunk/src/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/src/pow_z.c + M /trunk/src/powerof2.c + M /trunk/src/print_raw.c + M /trunk/src/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/src/printf.c + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/src/reldiff.c + M /trunk/src/rem1.c + M /trunk/src/rint.c + M /trunk/src/root.c + M /trunk/src/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/src/round_p.c + M /trunk/src/round_prec.c + M /trunk/src/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/src/scale2.c + M /trunk/src/sec.c + M /trunk/src/sech.c + M /trunk/src/set.c + M /trunk/src/set_d.c + M /trunk/src/set_d64.c + M /trunk/src/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/src/set_exp.c + M /trunk/src/set_f.c + M /trunk/src/set_flt.c + M /trunk/src/set_inf.c + M /trunk/src/set_ld.c + M /trunk/src/set_nan.c + M /trunk/src/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/src/set_prec.c + M /trunk/src/set_q.c + M /trunk/src/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/src/set_si.c + M /trunk/src/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/src/set_sj.c + M /trunk/src/set_str.c + M /trunk/src/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/src/set_ui.c + M /trunk/src/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/src/set_uj.c + M /trunk/src/set_z.c + M /trunk/src/set_z_exp.c + M /trunk/src/set_zero.c + M /trunk/src/setmax.c + M /trunk/src/setmin.c + M /trunk/src/setsign.c + M /trunk/src/sgn.c + M /trunk/src/si_op.c + M /trunk/src/signbit.c + M /trunk/src/sin.c + M /trunk/src/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/src/sinh.c + M /trunk/src/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/src/sqr.c + M /trunk/src/sqrt.c + M /trunk/src/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/src/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/src/strtofr.c + M /trunk/src/sub.c + M /trunk/src/sub1.c + M /trunk/src/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/src/sub_d.c + M /trunk/src/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/src/subnormal.c + M /trunk/src/sum.c + M /trunk/src/swap.c + M /trunk/src/tan.c + M /trunk/src/tanh.c + M /trunk/src/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/src/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/src/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/src/ui_div.c + M /trunk/src/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/src/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/src/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/src/urandom.c + M /trunk/src/urandomb.c + M /trunk/src/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/src/version.c + M /trunk/src/volatile.c + M /trunk/src/yn.c + M /trunk/src/zeta.c + M /trunk/src/zeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/RRTest.c + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/random2.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tai.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/taway.c + M /trunk/tests/tbuildopt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdigamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp10.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_flt.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tisqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + M /trunk/tests/tj1.c + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + M /trunk/tests/tl2b.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmin_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tstdint.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/turandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/tests/ty0.c + M /trunk/tests/ty1.c + M /trunk/tests/tyn.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tools/check_inits_clears + M /trunk/tools/ck-version-info + M /trunk/tools/coverage + M /trunk/tools/ + M /trunk/tools/mbench/generate.c + M /trunk/tools/mbench/mfv5.h + M /trunk/tools/mbench/mpfr-gfx.c + M /trunk/tools/mbench/mpfr-v4.c + M /trunk/tools/mbench/mpfr-v6.c + M /trunk/tools/mbench/timp.h + M /trunk/tools/update-patchv + M /trunk/tools/update-version + M /trunk/tune/speed.c + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +Removed all the svn:eol-style properties (they were set to "native"), +and in doc/, explained why svn:eol-style native should not +be used. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7729 | vlefevre | 2011-06-28 22:55:59 +0000 (Tue, 28 Jun 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/ck-version-info + +[tools/ck-version-info] Check DLL version in LIBMPFR_LDFLAGS line from (patch by Stefan Graff, with minor changes). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7726 | vlefevre | 2011-06-26 09:44:11 +0000 (Sun, 26 Jun 2011) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/ck-version-info + +[tools/ck-version-info] 2 corrections: + * update due to the change of the libmpfr_la_LDFLAGS line in r7724; + * to support the CRLF end-of-line sometimes used under MS-Windows + (perl should normally take care of that, but Windows software is + not always consistent). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7725 | vlefevre | 2011-06-26 09:30:05 +0000 (Sun, 26 Jun 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Due to the "@unnumbered Function and Type Index", +replaced the other "Function Index" by "Function and Type Index" +(note: the function index and the type index are merged thanks to +the "@synindex tp fn" line at the beginning of mpfr.texi). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7724 | vlefevre | 2011-06-25 16:08:39 +0000 (Sat, 25 Jun 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/src/ + +Ported patch r7723 (changes suggested by Stefan Graff to be able +to build Windows DLLs with GCC 4.6[*]) to the trunk, not tested +(something more may be needed due to the source reorganization). +[*] +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7722 | vlefevre | 2011-06-21 20:45:27 +0000 (Tue, 21 Jun 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7721 | vlefevre | 2011-06-21 20:41:51 +0000 (Tue, 21 Jun 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Corrected a note about mpfr_set_*, due to the addition +of mpfr_set_decimal64. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7720 | vlefevre | 2011-06-20 14:38:24 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jun 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Removed comment added in r7181, as it is no longer +necessary since r7182 (new option --enable-gmp-internals). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7719 | vlefevre | 2011-06-20 14:36:28 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jun 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Updated comment concerning __gmpn_rootrem (mention +WANT_GMP_INTERNALS). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7718 | vlefevre | 2011-06-20 14:10:04 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jun 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Added a note about logging and timeout. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7717 | vlefevre | 2011-06-20 13:59:31 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jun 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/atan2.c + M /trunk/src/pow.c + +[src] Conversion into UTF-8 (only comments were concerned). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7716 | vlefevre | 2011-06-20 13:57:40 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jun 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] Conversion into UTF-8. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7715 | vlefevre | 2011-06-20 13:56:51 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jun 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/pow.c + +[src/pow.c] Made the code more robust concerning the scaling (a bug was +very unlikely, though), and updated the comments (partial proof). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7714 | vlefevre | 2011-06-01 01:32:26 +0000 (Wed, 01 Jun 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/examples/version.c + +[examples/version.c] Output MPFR features and size of MPFR types. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7711 | zimmerma | 2011-05-22 19:13:25 +0000 (Sun, 22 May 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + +[src/rec_sqrt.c] continued review; I can now prove that cu=0 in all cases +[tests/trec_sqrt.c] added tests for corner cases + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7710 | zimmerma | 2011-05-20 05:51:22 +0000 (Fri, 20 May 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + +[rec_sqrt.c] more review of codes, following comments from Vincent + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7709 | zimmerma | 2011-05-19 08:37:24 +0000 (Thu, 19 May 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + +[rec_sqrt.c] removed tabs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7708 | zimmerma | 2011-05-19 06:44:00 +0000 (Thu, 19 May 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + +[rec_sqrt.c] review and small change of changeset 7651: most probably cu=0 + when th=0 (and maybe cu=0 always, I cannot find an example where + cu <> 0) but considering the case th=0 is more natural. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7707 | vlefevre | 2011-05-18 15:02:52 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] List the contributors in the alphabetic order, like +the main authors. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7706 | vlefevre | 2011-05-18 14:52:18 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +Made AUTHORS and doc/mpfr.texi consistent. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7705 | vlefevre | 2011-05-18 14:44:37 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + M /trunk/src/acos.c + M /trunk/src/asin.c + M /trunk/src/atan.c + M /trunk/src/atan2.c + M /trunk/src/erf.c + M /trunk/src/get_str.c + M /trunk/src/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/src/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/src/zeta.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/taway.c + M /trunk/tests/tbuildopt.c + M /trunk/tests/tdigamma.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Updated AUTHORS file and copyright notices (for more consistency). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7704 | vlefevre | 2011-05-18 14:26:30 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + +[tests/thyperbolic.c] Fixed copyright notice. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7703 | vlefevre | 2011-05-18 14:25:11 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/inp_str.c + +[src/inp_str.c] Improved comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7702 | vlefevre | 2011-05-18 14:18:41 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/fits_s.h + +[src/fits_s.h] Improved comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7701 | vlefevre | 2011-05-18 14:09:54 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7700 | vlefevre | 2011-05-18 14:09:05 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Avoid a warning from mpfrlint. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7699 | vlefevre | 2011-05-18 13:09:33 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Consistency change in the copyright notice. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7698 | vlefevre | 2011-05-18 11:09:30 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + +[tests/tsqr.c] Added a note in the check_mpn_sqr error message. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7697 | vlefevre | 2011-05-18 10:59:48 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + +[tests/tsqr.c] Added a test of mpn_sqr concerning a bug seen +with GCC 4.5.2 and GMP 5.0.1 on m68k (m68000 target). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7696 | vlefevre | 2011-05-17 14:25:37 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Added a note about a texinfo bug. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7695 | vlefevre | 2011-05-13 15:58:57 +0000 (Fri, 13 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/ + M /trunk/src/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/src/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/src/get_sj.c + M /trunk/src/get_uj.c + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + A /trunk/src/mpfr-intmax.h + M /trunk/src/set_sj.c + M /trunk/src/set_uj.c + M /trunk/src/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + +Added mpfr-intmax.h header. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7694 | vlefevre | 2011-05-13 15:19:50 +0000 (Fri, 13 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/tstdint.c + M /trunk/tests/tvalist.c + +Started to support mpfr_exp_t defined as intmax_t (_MPFR_EXP_FORMAT==4). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7693 | vlefevre | 2011-05-13 11:52:28 +0000 (Fri, 13 May 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] Added that the mpfr.h header can be included several times, +while still supporting optional functions. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7692 | vlefevre | 2011-05-13 11:48:13 +0000 (Fri, 13 May 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Document what to do if mpfr.h can be included +multiple times (fixes MPFR bug #9653). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7690 | vlefevre | 2011-05-12 15:29:24 +0000 (Thu, 12 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Added a note to run tests with -D_MPFR_PREC_FORMAT=2. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7689 | vlefevre | 2011-05-12 14:10:39 +0000 (Thu, 12 May 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Exponent properties: corrected comments and removed +obsolete mp_exp_unsigned_t definition (was internal only). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7688 | vlefevre | 2011-05-12 13:57:02 +0000 (Thu, 12 May 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + M /trunk/src/vasprintf.c + +[src/{mpfr.h,mpfr-impl.h,vasprintf.c}] Clean-up and improvement +of definitions related to mpfr_exp_t. MPFR can now be built with +-D_MPFR_PREC_FORMAT=2 to have mpfr_prec_t and mpfr_exp_t defined +as an int. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7687 | vlefevre | 2011-05-12 12:40:39 +0000 (Thu, 12 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Fixed spaces in a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7686 | vlefevre | 2011-05-12 12:36:13 +0000 (Thu, 12 May 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk + M /trunk/src/add1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/turandom.c + +Fixed printf's calls: support the case where mpfr_prec_t is not a long +(or unsigned long). +[merged changeset r7643 from the exp-int branch] +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7685 | vlefevre | 2011-05-12 12:30:41 +0000 (Thu, 12 May 2011) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk + M /trunk/src/strtofr.c + +[src/strtofr.c] Support the case where mpfr_exp_t < long; mpfr_exp_t is +currently defined as mp_exp_t, which comes from GMP, and GMP currently +defines mp_exp_t as a long, except on Cray (never tested for MPFR). But +this may change in the future (possibly as an option)... +[merged changeset r7642 from the exp-int branch] +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7684 | vlefevre | 2011-05-12 12:21:49 +0000 (Thu, 12 May 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Added missing parentheses in MPFR_SADD_OVERFLOW +(fortunately the current MPFR code was not affected). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7683 | vlefevre | 2011-05-12 12:18:38 +0000 (Thu, 12 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + +[tests/tpow_z.c] More details for a test in case of failure. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7682 | vlefevre | 2011-05-12 12:16:01 +0000 (Thu, 12 May 2011) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk + M /trunk/src/sub1.c + +[src/sub1.c] Fixed several bugs: integer overflows and potential +out-of-bound pointers. They might be visible on particular platforms, +with a particular configuration (e.g. 64-bit limbs and 32-bit exponent +type) or particular compiler options (to check such overflows). +[merged changesets r7637-7638 from the exp-int branch] +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7679 | vlefevre | 2011-05-11 13:50:01 +0000 (Wed, 11 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +[tests/tsin.c] Added a test (it failed before the fix in r7308). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7678 | vlefevre | 2011-05-11 00:07:05 +0000 (Wed, 11 May 2011) | 10 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/const_log2.c + M /trunk/src/const_pi.c + M /trunk/src/free_cache.c + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +Fixed constants pi and log(2) computation when logging is used: When +MPFR is built with logging support, these two constants are used by +the logging functions (via mpfr_fprintf, then mpfr_log, for the base +conversion). Since the mpfr_cache function isn't re-entrant when +working on the same cache, we need to define two caches for each +constant. Otherwise the constants could be incorrect; for instance, +"MPFR_LOG_ALL=1 ./tconst_pi" was failing. +Note: the bug was introduced with the new logging system from r7575 +for MPFR 3.1.0, based on mpfr_fprintf instead of mpfr_out_str (which +doesn't depend on mpfr_log). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7676 | vlefevre | 2011-05-09 12:03:20 +0000 (Mon, 09 May 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +[tests/tests.c] Replaced atoi by strtoul to read the seed from +GMP_CHECK_RANDOMIZE, as it is an unsigned long. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7674 | vlefevre | 2011-05-09 11:17:43 +0000 (Mon, 09 May 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +[tests/texp.c] Fixed the test comparing mpfr_exp_2 and mpfr_exp_3: +filter out 0, as it is handled correctly only by mpfr_exp. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7672 | vlefevre | 2011-05-06 13:30:28 +0000 (Fri, 06 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Completed the note to run tests under gdb. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7671 | vlefevre | 2011-05-06 12:50:43 +0000 (Fri, 06 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Added a note to run tests under gdb. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7670 | zimmerma | 2011-05-06 12:31:24 +0000 (Fri, 06 May 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[] added hint for logging + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7667 | vlefevre | 2011-05-04 23:46:17 +0000 (Wed, 04 May 2011) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/atan.c + +[src/atan.c] Fixed bug in mpfr_atan: mpfr_check_range was called on the +unrounded result (no longer allocated) instead of the rounded result. +Consequence of this bug: possible incorrect or invalid result and/or +incorrect flags if either the unrounded result or rounded result is not +in the current exponent range. Or possibly worse if the memory used by +the unrounded result is modified before the return of the function. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7666 | vlefevre | 2011-05-04 23:25:24 +0000 (Wed, 04 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +[tests/tatan.c] Corrected a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7665 | vlefevre | 2011-05-04 23:20:18 +0000 (Wed, 04 May 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +[tests/tatan.c] Added a testcase showing a failure of mpfr_atan +in a reduced exponent range. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7664 | vlefevre | 2011-05-04 22:04:17 +0000 (Wed, 04 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/const_pi.c + +[src/const_pi.c] Removed useless assignment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7663 | zimmerma | 2011-05-04 21:58:12 +0000 (Wed, 04 May 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[mpfr-impl.h] fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7661 | vlefevre | 2011-05-03 17:26:31 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2011) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/src/mul.c + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] In MPFR_RNDRAW_GEN, do not try to compute the + sticky bit when not necessary (directed mode with rb = 1). +[src/mul.c] FIXME comment: with the change in MPFR_RNDRAW_GEN, + uninitialized data are no longer read; there's still something + wrong, at least with the code documentation, though. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7660 | vlefevre | 2011-05-03 13:59:19 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mul.c + +[src/mul.c] Updated the FIXME comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7659 | vlefevre | 2011-05-03 13:51:52 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2011) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +Bug in mpfr_mul: a call mpfr_mulhigh_n(pointers..., n) where n is some +size is done, but the mpfr_mul code assumes a result whose size can be +arbitrarily larger, thus may depend on uninitialised data. + * [src/mul.c] Added a FIXME comment. + * [tests/tmul.c] Added a corresponding test. The result is not checked + but valgrind complains of the use of uninitialised value(s). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7658 | vlefevre | 2011-05-03 13:17:04 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] MPFR_RNDRAW_GEN: added other missing parentheses. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7657 | vlefevre | 2011-05-03 13:14:25 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] MPFR_RNDRAW_GEN: added missing parentheses. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7656 | vlefevre | 2011-05-03 12:38:50 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Logging: do not take into account the Ziv loops due +to logging (i.e. used by the MPFR functions called by the mpfr_fprintf +in LOG_PRINT). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7655 | vlefevre | 2011-05-03 12:23:23 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Avoid recursive logging for MPFR_ZIV_* macros too, +and fixed type for the output of the precision. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7654 | vlefevre | 2011-05-03 11:11:47 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Avoid recursive logging (not wanted and freezes MPFR). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7652 | vlefevre | 2011-05-03 07:34:04 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + +[src/rec_sqrt.c] Improved the comment added in r7651. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7651 | vlefevre | 2011-05-02 13:46:38 +0000 (Mon, 02 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + +[src/rec_sqrt.c] Fixed the buffer overflow (bug 12553). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7650 | vlefevre | 2011-05-02 13:26:29 +0000 (Mon, 02 May 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + +[src/rec_sqrt.c] Added an assertion to avoid a buffer overflow +(mpn_add_1 and mpn_sub_1 don't support size = 0). It sometimes +fails, and this is the following bug: + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7649 | vlefevre | 2011-05-02 13:01:30 +0000 (Mon, 02 May 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + +[src/rec_sqrt.c] Added a comment about a buffer overflow. Bug report: + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7648 | vlefevre | 2011-05-02 10:49:33 +0000 (Mon, 02 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tvalist.c + +[tests/tvalist.c] Make sure that fct is used (avoid a warning). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7647 | vlefevre | 2011-05-02 10:36:08 +0000 (Mon, 02 May 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +[tests/tsin_cos.c] status_f and status were not read (compared) in +coverage_01032011, yielding a warning. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7646 | vlefevre | 2011-05-02 10:34:06 +0000 (Mon, 02 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Avoid a spurious warning with some use of MPFR_BLOCK. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7645 | vlefevre | 2011-05-02 10:13:17 +0000 (Mon, 02 May 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Added command to test with valgrind. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7644 | vlefevre | 2011-05-01 01:45:29 +0000 (Sun, 01 May 2011) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + +Added "make dist" support for -dev MPFR versions by distributing the +tests/data files in the tarball for such MPFR versions ("make check" +fails if some data file couldn't be read for such versions). + * add a Makefile variable DATAFILES, which contains the + list of the tests/data files if the MPFR version ends with "-dev". + * add $(DATAFILES) to EXTRA_DIST. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7640 | vlefevre | 2011-04-29 11:33:48 +0000 (Fri, 29 Apr 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + +[tests/trint.c] Removed a useless pointer cast (in general, such casts +are either useless or incorrect, as breaking aliasing rules). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7636 | vlefevre | 2011-04-28 12:54:20 +0000 (Thu, 28 Apr 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/cmp2.c + +[src/cmp2.c] Added an assertion. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7634 | vlefevre | 2011-04-18 14:53:03 +0000 (Mon, 18 Apr 2011) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] Correction of problems triggering the warning + "warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body" +with autoconf 2.68: +* Fixed missing quoting in an AC_RUN_IFELSE. +* Added an AC_LANG_SOURCE in another AC_RUN_IFELSE. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7633 | vlefevre | 2011-04-18 12:11:10 +0000 (Mon, 18 Apr 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] s/can not/cannot/ +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7632 | vlefevre | 2011-04-18 12:09:25 +0000 (Mon, 18 Apr 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] Added comment about the warning: + warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected in body +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7631 | vlefevre | 2011-04-15 12:35:11 +0000 (Fri, 15 Apr 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] Use conventional quotes. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7630 | vlefevre | 2011-04-15 12:15:16 +0000 (Fri, 15 Apr 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] Added a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7625 | vlefevre | 2011-04-12 08:17:39 +0000 (Tue, 12 Apr 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/asin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + +[src/asin.c] Fixed bug in mpfr_asin for x = 1 or -1 in extremely reduced + exponent range (when pi is not representable, but pi/2 is). +[tests/tasin.c] Added testcase. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7624 | vlefevre | 2011-04-08 15:32:40 +0000 (Fri, 08 Apr 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] Removed "allow generic tests to run with a restricted +exponent range" (this was done in r7470). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7623 | zimmerma | 2011-04-08 13:18:37 +0000 (Fri, 08 Apr 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] added item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7621 | vlefevre | 2011-04-05 08:47:39 +0000 (Tue, 05 Apr 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7620 | vlefevre | 2011-04-05 08:45:37 +0000 (Tue, 05 Apr 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[INSTALL,doc/mpfr.texi] Say that is the MPFR mailing-list. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7611 | vlefevre | 2011-04-01 14:28:45 +0000 (Fri, 01 Apr 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Removed the -Wno-format GCC option, which was added +when logging was used, as it is no longer needed after the changes +done in r7575,7578 (mpfr_fprintf is now used for logging instead of +fprintf with the Glibc register_printf_function extension). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7607 | vlefevre | 2011-03-29 11:49:11 +0000 (Tue, 29 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +[tests/reuse.c] Added a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7606 | vlefevre | 2011-03-29 11:45:40 +0000 (Tue, 29 Mar 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/pow.c + +[src/pow.c] Fixed a bug in mpfr_pow_general when an argument is reused +(e.g. mpfr_pow(x,x,y,rnd) or mpfr_pow(y,x,y,rnd)) and the result is +negative, thus when x is negative and y is a huge odd integer ("huge" +because not-too-large integers are currently handled by mpfr_pow_z). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7605 | vlefevre | 2011-03-29 11:36:49 +0000 (Tue, 29 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +[tests/reuse.c] Added a mpfr_pow(x,x,y,rnd) test showing a failure +when x is negative and y is a huge odd integer. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7604 | vlefevre | 2011-03-29 11:10:29 +0000 (Tue, 29 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/subnormal.c + +[src/subnormal.c] Improved a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7603 | vlefevre | 2011-03-29 11:01:33 +0000 (Tue, 29 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +[tests/reuse.c] Test also negative numbers. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7602 | vlefevre | 2011-03-29 10:52:35 +0000 (Tue, 29 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +[tests/reuse.c] GNU coding style. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7601 | vlefevre | 2011-03-29 10:27:45 +0000 (Tue, 29 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mul.c + +[src/mul.c] Updated a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7600 | vlefevre | 2011-03-29 10:20:58 +0000 (Tue, 29 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/powerof2.c + +[src/powerof2.c] Updated comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7599 | vlefevre | 2011-03-29 09:30:11 +0000 (Tue, 29 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/powerof2.c + +[src/powerof2.c] More detailed comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7595 | zimmerma | 2011-03-21 10:52:35 +0000 (Mon, 21 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/ + +[] complete tests with mpfr-3.0.1-rc1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7592 | vlefevre | 2011-03-21 02:43:09 +0000 (Mon, 21 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/pow_z.c + +[src/pow_z.c] Fixed bug bug20110320, that occurs in extremely reduced +exponent range (more precisely, if 1 is out of range, i.e. emin > 1). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7591 | vlefevre | 2011-03-21 02:32:07 +0000 (Mon, 21 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +[tests/tpow.c] Added testcase bug20110320. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7590 | vlefevre | 2011-03-21 02:13:16 +0000 (Mon, 21 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +[tests/tgeneric.c] Added debug information. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7589 | zimmerma | 2011-03-20 19:24:24 +0000 (Sun, 20 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tools/ + +[] shell script to test MPFR on the GCC Compile Farm + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7587 | zimmerma | 2011-03-18 12:30:22 +0000 (Fri, 18 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/digamma.c + +[digamma.c] fixed compiler warning (ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7581 | vlefevre | 2011-03-17 15:44:58 +0000 (Thu, 17 Mar 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] Added a note about the fix in the mpfr_subnormalize +implementation, in case users would think the old behavior +was chosen on purpose. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7578 | vlefevre | 2011-03-17 09:30:32 +0000 (Thu, 17 Mar 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/div_ui.c + +Completed r7575 (Get rid of deprecated register_printf_function +function in logging system): there was a remaining old MPFR_LOG_FUNC +in "src/div_ui.c". Now, the MPFR source no longer contains '%#R'. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7577 | vlefevre | 2011-03-17 08:45:21 +0000 (Thu, 17 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mul_2si.c + +[src/mul_2si.c] Removed trailing whitespace. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7576 | vlefevre | 2011-03-17 08:43:54 +0000 (Thu, 17 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Fixed variable name from r7575. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7575 | thevenyp | 2011-03-17 06:30:11 +0000 (Thu, 17 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + M /trunk/src/acos.c + M /trunk/src/acosh.c + M /trunk/src/add.c + M /trunk/src/add_d.c + M /trunk/src/add_ui.c + M /trunk/src/agm.c + M /trunk/src/ai.c + M /trunk/src/asin.c + M /trunk/src/asinh.c + M /trunk/src/atan.c + M /trunk/src/atan2.c + M /trunk/src/atanh.c + M /trunk/src/cbrt.c + M /trunk/src/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/src/const_log2.c + M /trunk/src/const_pi.c + M /trunk/src/cos.c + M /trunk/src/cosh.c + M /trunk/src/d_div.c + M /trunk/src/d_sub.c + M /trunk/src/digamma.c + M /trunk/src/div.c + M /trunk/src/div_2si.c + M /trunk/src/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/src/div_d.c + M /trunk/src/div_ui.c + M /trunk/src/eint.c + M /trunk/src/erf.c + M /trunk/src/erfc.c + M /trunk/src/exp.c + M /trunk/src/exp2.c + M /trunk/src/exp3.c + M /trunk/src/exp_2.c + M /trunk/src/expm1.c + M /trunk/src/fma.c + M /trunk/src/fms.c + M /trunk/src/gamma.c + M /trunk/src/hypot.c + M /trunk/src/jn.c + M /trunk/src/li2.c + M /trunk/src/lngamma.c + M /trunk/src/log.c + M /trunk/src/log10.c + M /trunk/src/log1p.c + M /trunk/src/log2.c + M /trunk/src/logging.c + M /trunk/src/modf.c + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/src/mul.c + M /trunk/src/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/src/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/src/mul_d.c + M /trunk/src/pow.c + M /trunk/src/pow_si.c + M /trunk/src/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/src/pow_z.c + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/src/root.c + M /trunk/src/sin.c + M /trunk/src/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/src/sinh.c + M /trunk/src/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/src/sqr.c + M /trunk/src/sqrt.c + M /trunk/src/sub.c + M /trunk/src/sub_d.c + M /trunk/src/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/src/tan.c + M /trunk/src/tanh.c + M /trunk/src/ui_div.c + M /trunk/src/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/src/yn.c + M /trunk/src/zeta.c + +Get rid of deprecated register_printf_function function in logging system. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7573 | vlefevre | 2011-03-15 15:15:22 +0000 (Tue, 15 Mar 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/erfc.c + +[src/erfc.c] Fixed a problem (incorrect flags or possible crash) in +extremely reduced exponent range. Support the case where mpfr_prec_t +is larger than a long. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7572 | vlefevre | 2011-03-15 15:10:40 +0000 (Tue, 15 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +[tests/terf.c] Added some tests of the flags (no failure in them, +thanks to the mpfr_cmp_si (x, -27282) in erfc.c, for 1b). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7571 | vlefevre | 2011-03-15 11:23:25 +0000 (Tue, 15 Mar 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +[tests/tgeneric.c] In failure messages, output the name of the +tested function. This is useful for programs that have generic +tests for several functions, such as terf. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7570 | vlefevre | 2011-03-15 10:01:59 +0000 (Tue, 15 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +[tests/terf.c] Added a testcase showing a failure due to bad flags +in a reduced exponent range. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7568 | vlefevre | 2011-03-14 09:44:21 +0000 (Mon, 14 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +[tests/terf.c] Changed mp_exp_t (r7564) to mpfr_exp_t. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7567 | vlefevre | 2011-03-11 15:45:48 +0000 (Fri, 11 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/erfc.c + +[src/erfc.c] Added an assertion for future platforms (e.g. with 128-bit +exponent type). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7566 | vlefevre | 2011-03-11 15:37:07 +0000 (Fri, 11 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/erfc.c + +[src/erfc.c] Fixed r7564 (comparison must really be signed). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7565 | vlefevre | 2011-03-11 15:23:59 +0000 (Fri, 11 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +[tests/terf.c] Fixed test added in r7564 for 32-bit machines. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7564 | zimmerma | 2011-03-11 15:09:06 +0000 (Fri, 11 Mar 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/erfc.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +[erfc.c] fixed bug found by Pascal Molin: when we increase the exponent range + on 64-bit machines, erfc() wrongly underflows for x >= 27282 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7561 | vlefevre | 2011-03-10 14:48:28 +0000 (Thu, 10 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Fixed the MPFR_FAST_COMPUTE_IF_SMALL_INPUT test for n == 1 +in underflow cases. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7560 | vlefevre | 2011-03-10 13:46:23 +0000 (Thu, 10 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] No need for mpfr_clear_flags (already done in MPFR_BLOCK). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7559 | vlefevre | 2011-03-10 13:44:47 +0000 (Thu, 10 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Check that no intermediate underflow or overflow occurs. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7558 | vlefevre | 2011-03-10 13:30:33 +0000 (Thu, 10 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/algorithms.tex + +[doc/algorithms.tex] For the Bessel function, say that the algorithm +assumes that no underflows/overflows occur. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7556 | vlefevre | 2011-03-09 15:54:42 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/gamma.c + +[src/gamma.c] More robust code (for the change in r7551). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7555 | vlefevre | 2011-03-09 15:52:33 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +Removed trailing spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7553 | vlefevre | 2011-03-09 15:38:58 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +[tests/tgeneric.c] Added feature for MPFR_SUSPICIOUS_OVERFLOW to avoid +spurious failures by defining TGENERIC_SO_TEST to some well-chosen test. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7552 | vlefevre | 2011-03-09 15:35:17 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +[tests/tgamma.c] Added a comment about MPFR_SUSPICIOUS_OVERFLOW. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7551 | vlefevre | 2011-03-09 15:30:46 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/gamma.c + +[src/gamma.c] Fixed the special code for tiny values. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7550 | vlefevre | 2011-03-09 15:29:44 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +[tests/tgamma.c] Corrected a test and added other tests for tiny x > 0. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7549 | vlefevre | 2011-03-09 14:57:05 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +[tests/tgamma.c] Updated a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7548 | vlefevre | 2011-03-09 14:07:54 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +[tests/tgamma.c] Restore emax. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7547 | vlefevre | 2011-03-09 14:03:40 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +[tests/tgamma.c] Do not initialize x twice. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7546 | vlefevre | 2011-03-09 13:44:02 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +[tests/tgamma.c] Do not run the same test twice if emin = MPFR_EMIN_MIN. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7545 | vlefevre | 2011-03-09 13:41:51 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +[tests/tgamma.c] Added tests for tiny values, showing bugs in special +code for such values. Run tgamma with at least an argument to get all +the failures. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7542 | vlefevre | 2011-03-07 15:17:24 +0000 (Mon, 07 Mar 2011) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Fixed mpfr_jn_k0() internal function: + * The prototype was incorrect: one needs "unsigned long" for n + (actually absn), in case absn is equal to - LONG_MIN. + * The formula and the code were incorrect for n = 0, due to the + division by n; it was yielding k0 = ULONG_MAX. The case n = 0 + is now handled separately. + * Small optimization: division by log(2) -> multiplication by + 1/log(2). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7541 | vlefevre | 2011-03-07 14:07:47 +0000 (Mon, 07 Mar 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Avoid integer overflow in the computation of the initial +working precision. This makes several tests fail, but logging shows +that previous non-failure was due to undefined behavior due to huge +k0 computed by mpfr_jn_k0. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7539 | vlefevre | 2011-03-07 13:03:30 +0000 (Mon, 07 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Added a comment for mpfrlint. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7538 | vlefevre | 2011-03-07 13:01:36 +0000 (Mon, 07 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/mpfrlint + +[tools/mpfrlint] Change of r7515: any mpfr_clear_* can be mentioned. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7537 | vlefevre | 2011-03-07 11:08:08 +0000 (Mon, 07 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Added comments and fixed a bug. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7536 | vlefevre | 2011-03-07 10:57:44 +0000 (Mon, 07 Mar 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Detect incorrect error analysis (that may have been the goal +of the assertion corrected in r7534, but this wasn't documented). Added +a FIXME comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7534 | vlefevre | 2011-03-07 10:40:24 +0000 (Mon, 07 Mar 2011) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Fixed incorrect assertion. It could occur only +in precision >= 2^(1+s/2), where s is the bitsize of a +"long", e.g. p >= 2^17 = 131072 on most 32-bit machines and +p >= 2^33 = 8,589,934,592 on most 64-bit machines. Only some +arguments are affected (|z| between around 2^(s/2) and p/2). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7533 | vlefevre | 2011-03-07 10:13:34 +0000 (Mon, 07 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +[tests/] Added a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7532 | vlefevre | 2011-03-07 10:07:44 +0000 (Mon, 07 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Corrected a typo. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7530 | vlefevre | 2011-03-06 10:03:21 +0000 (Sun, 06 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Improved underflow detection. Still not complete, though. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7529 | vlefevre | 2011-03-06 09:51:13 +0000 (Sun, 06 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Comments: English usage. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7528 | vlefevre | 2011-03-05 00:19:31 +0000 (Sat, 05 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + +[tests/trint.c] mantissa -> significand (standard and correct term). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7527 | vlefevre | 2011-03-05 00:17:45 +0000 (Sat, 05 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + +[tests/trint.c] Do not use snprintf (C99). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7526 | vlefevre | 2011-03-04 23:20:51 +0000 (Fri, 04 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/mpfrlint + +[tools/mpfrlint] Added a test to check that the snprintf function (C99) +is not used. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7525 | demengeo | 2011-03-04 17:57:53 +0000 (Fri, 04 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + +Previous extented coverage test in trint.c now self generate tests in and compare values +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7524 | demengeo | 2011-03-04 14:14:13 +0000 (Fri, 04 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + +Extend test coverage of mpfr_rint to 100% +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7523 | zimmerma | 2011-03-03 19:27:37 +0000 (Thu, 03 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/add1sp.c + +[src/add1sp.c] same as previous commits + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7522 | zimmerma | 2011-03-03 19:26:07 +0000 (Thu, 03 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/sub1sp.c + +[src/sub1sp.c] ibidem (see previous commit log) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7521 | zimmerma | 2011-03-03 19:24:25 +0000 (Thu, 03 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/add1.c + +[add1.c] ibidem (see previous commit log) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7520 | vlefevre | 2011-03-03 18:54:10 +0000 (Thu, 03 Mar 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/add.c + M /trunk/src/sub.c + +[src/add.c,src/sub.c] Split assertions for C90 compilers, to avoid +too long strings generated by #expr. Problem seen with: + gcc -ansi -pedantic-errors +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7518 | vlefevre | 2011-03-03 16:18:16 +0000 (Thu, 03 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/yn.c + +[src/yn.c] Minor change. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7517 | vlefevre | 2011-03-03 16:17:36 +0000 (Thu, 03 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/yn.c + +[src/yn.c] Extend the exponent range (code not checked concerning +internal exceptions, such as overflows, underflows and divby0). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7516 | vlefevre | 2011-03-03 15:41:28 +0000 (Thu, 03 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/agm.c + +[src/agm.c] Added comments (for mpfrlint, in particular). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7515 | vlefevre | 2011-03-03 15:40:58 +0000 (Thu, 03 Mar 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/mpfrlint + +[tools/mpfrlint] The use of mpfr_overflow_p, etc. is allowed if +mpfr_clear_flags is mentioned (useful for checking purpose at the +end of a function, but this needs an explicit mpfr_clear_flags; +otherwise MPFR_BLOCK should still be used). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7514 | vlefevre | 2011-03-03 15:29:10 +0000 (Thu, 03 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/agm.c + +[src/agm.c] Completed scaling to avoid intermediate overflow/underflow. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7513 | vlefevre | 2011-03-03 12:09:34 +0000 (Thu, 03 Mar 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/agm.c + +[src/agm.c] Bug fix in error computation: in Ziv's iteration, err kept +its value from the previous iteration instead of being reset to 0. +Consequence: a possible loss of performance in rare cases. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7512 | vlefevre | 2011-03-03 11:30:29 +0000 (Thu, 03 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/cmp2.c + +[src/cmp2.c] Removed a useless assertion and updated comments. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7511 | vlefevre | 2011-03-02 14:05:39 +0000 (Wed, 02 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/agm.c + +[src/agm.c] Added a FIXME comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7510 | vlefevre | 2011-03-02 13:58:05 +0000 (Wed, 02 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/agm.c + +[src/agm.c] Updated exception checking (more informative). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7509 | vlefevre | 2011-03-02 13:54:18 +0000 (Wed, 02 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/agm.c + +[src/agm.c] Check internal exceptions: the error analysis may be +incorrect in case of exception. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7508 | vlefevre | 2011-03-02 13:41:36 +0000 (Wed, 02 Mar 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/agm.c + +[src/agm.c] Implemented scaling to avoid intermediate overflow/underflow +(but the tagm test still fails, due to a rounding error this time). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7507 | vlefevre | 2011-03-02 10:03:40 +0000 (Wed, 02 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +[tests/tagm.c] Added tests triggering intermediate underflow/overflow. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7506 | vlefevre | 2011-03-02 09:15:24 +0000 (Wed, 02 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +[tests/tagm.c] Also test the ternary value and the flags. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7505 | vlefevre | 2011-03-02 08:57:31 +0000 (Wed, 02 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +[tests/tagm.c] Corrected values (using Pari). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7504 | vlefevre | 2011-03-02 08:36:00 +0000 (Wed, 02 Mar 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/agm.c + +[src/agm.c] Extend the exponent range. This doesn't make the algorithm +correct yet, as intermediate underflow or overflow is still possible in +the first multiplication. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7503 | demengeo | 2011-03-01 18:10:07 +0000 (Tue, 01 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +Change some functions called in test tsin_cos.c +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7502 | demengeo | 2011-03-01 17:08:11 +0000 (Tue, 01 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +Extend coverage test of mpfr_sincos_fast to 100% +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7501 | demengeo | 2011-03-01 15:47:36 +0000 (Tue, 01 Mar 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + +Extend coverage test of mpfr_custom_get_kind to 100% +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7500 | vlefevre | 2011-02-25 16:39:22 +0000 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Fix: support reduced exponent ranges for small inputs. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7499 | vlefevre | 2011-02-25 16:23:48 +0000 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/gamma.c + +[src/gamma.c] Added a comment about an overflow case. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7498 | vlefevre | 2011-02-25 16:20:41 +0000 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +[tests/tgamma.c] Added tests in maximum exponent range. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7497 | vlefevre | 2011-02-25 16:15:10 +0000 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/gamma.c + +[src/gamma.c] Fixed flags when x if very small (protect from +intermediate overflow). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7496 | vlefevre | 2011-02-25 16:08:03 +0000 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +[tests/tgamma.c] Corrected test number. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7495 | vlefevre | 2011-02-25 16:07:17 +0000 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +[tests/tgamma.c] Added a test in maximum exponent range. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7494 | vlefevre | 2011-02-25 16:02:48 +0000 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/gamma.c + +[src/gamma.c] Fixed inexact flag when x if very small. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7493 | vlefevre | 2011-02-25 16:02:04 +0000 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +[tests/tgamma.c] Added tests. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7492 | vlefevre | 2011-02-25 15:17:44 +0000 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/gamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +[src/gamma.c] Fixed a bug occurring in reduced exponent range. +[tests/tgamma.c] Added corresponding testcase. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7491 | vlefevre | 2011-02-25 14:50:37 +0000 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/lngamma.c + +[src/lngamma.c] Do not use MPFR_EXP after a mpfr_clear (even though +this currently work). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7490 | vlefevre | 2011-02-25 14:23:20 +0000 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/rem1.c + +[src/rem1.c] Fixed mpfr_rem1 in reduced exponent range (the function +is actually simplified). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7487 | zimmerma | 2011-02-25 07:49:00 +0000 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] added an item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7486 | vlefevre | 2011-02-25 02:45:40 +0000 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/div_2si.c + M /trunk/src/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/src/mul_2si.c + +Fixed mpfr_div_2si, mpfr_div_2ui and mpfr_mul_2si in some corner cases. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7485 | vlefevre | 2011-02-25 02:38:25 +0000 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + +[tests/tmul_2exp.c] Small correction in output (in case of failure). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7484 | vlefevre | 2011-02-21 23:41:20 +0000 (Mon, 21 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + +[tests/tset_q.c] Corrections in function prototypes. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7483 | demengeo | 2011-02-21 16:17:14 +0000 (Mon, 21 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +Remove the use of mpfr_get_default_prec in some coverage test +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7482 | demengeo | 2011-02-21 15:59:32 +0000 (Mon, 21 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + +Add some coverage test in tests/tset_q.c +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7481 | demengeo | 2011-02-21 13:07:44 +0000 (Mon, 21 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +fixed coding convention of 2 tests functions +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7480 | zimmerma | 2011-02-19 08:18:28 +0000 (Sat, 19 Feb 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +[tget_d.c] fixed some compiler errors and warnings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7479 | vlefevre | 2011-02-18 15:27:22 +0000 (Fri, 18 Feb 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + +[tests/tversion.c] Split a printf into several ones to reduce the +string length below the 509-byte limit from C90 (useful to avoid +an error when testing with gcc -ansi -pedantic-errors). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7478 | demengeo | 2011-02-18 15:13:38 +0000 (Fri, 18 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +Extend test coverage to 100% on mpfr_z_sub and mpfr_mul_q function +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7477 | demengeo | 2011-02-18 14:53:44 +0000 (Fri, 18 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +Extend test coverage on mpfr_get_d_2exp function +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7476 | vlefevre | 2011-02-18 11:43:30 +0000 (Fri, 18 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + +[tests/tmul_2exp.c] Also test mpfr_div_2si and mpfr_div_2ui (same bug). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7475 | vlefevre | 2011-02-18 11:37:39 +0000 (Fri, 18 Feb 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + +[tests/tmul_2exp.c] Added a testcase showing a bug in mpfr_mul_2si +(possible intermediate overflow). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7474 | vlefevre | 2011-02-18 10:29:13 +0000 (Fri, 18 Feb 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/zeta.c + +[src/zeta.c] Support zeta(eps) with |eps| very small or 0 +in extremely reduced exponent range. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7473 | vlefevre | 2011-02-18 09:54:09 +0000 (Fri, 18 Feb 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/atan2.c + +[src/atan2.c] Fix: the overflow or underflow flag was set in the case +x = power of two and y/x overflows or underflows. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7472 | vlefevre | 2011-02-18 09:48:15 +0000 (Fri, 18 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/atan2.c + +[src/atan2.c] Support special cases in extremely reduced exponent range. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7471 | vlefevre | 2011-02-18 09:17:14 +0000 (Fri, 18 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/acos.c + +[src/acos.c] Support acos(0) in extremely reduced exponent range. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7470 | vlefevre | 2011-02-17 13:44:57 +0000 (Thu, 17 Feb 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +[tests/tgeneric.c] Added generic tests in a reduced exponent range. +This currently makes 10 tests fail on a 64-bit machine. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7469 | vlefevre | 2011-02-17 13:43:31 +0000 (Thu, 17 Feb 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + +[tests/mpfr-test.h] Defined a SAME_VAL(X,Y) macro to test whether two +floating-point data have the same value, seen as an element of the set +of the floating-point data (Level 2 in the IEEE 754-2008 standard). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7468 | vlefevre | 2011-02-17 13:41:12 +0000 (Thu, 17 Feb 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Defined a MPFR_EXP_FSPEC macro containing the +format specifier for mpfr_eexp_t, to output an exponent with: + printf ("%" MPFR_EXP_FSPEC "d", (mpfr_eexp_t) exponent); +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7467 | vlefevre | 2011-02-17 12:01:57 +0000 (Thu, 17 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +[tests/tgeneric.c] Reformat. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7465 | vlefevre | 2011-02-17 11:33:30 +0000 (Thu, 17 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Added a warning about whitespace in the mpfr.texi file. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7463 | vlefevre | 2011-02-17 11:10:58 +0000 (Thu, 17 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Fixed spacing for the file. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7460 | vlefevre | 2011-02-10 01:31:16 +0000 (Thu, 10 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/mpfrlint + +[tools/mpfrlint] Detect the use of mp_ptr and mp_srcptr. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7459 | vlefevre | 2011-02-10 01:26:13 +0000 (Thu, 10 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7458 | vlefevre | 2011-02-10 01:25:00 +0000 (Thu, 10 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/gmp_op.c + +[src/gmp_op.c] Added a blank line. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7457 | demengeo | 2011-02-09 17:34:50 +0000 (Wed, 09 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/src/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +Added mpfr_z_sub (function/test/doc) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7455 | vlefevre | 2011-02-09 14:15:10 +0000 (Wed, 09 Feb 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/div.c + M /trunk/src/eq.c + M /trunk/src/init2.c + M /trunk/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/src/round_prec.c + M /trunk/src/set_d.c + M /trunk/src/set_prec.c + M /trunk/src/sqrt.c + M /trunk/src/urandom.c + M /trunk/src/urandomb.c + M /trunk/src/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/random2.c + M /trunk/tune/speed.c + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +Added new types mpfr_limb_ptr and mpfr_limb_srcptr to src/mpfr-impl.h, +and replaced mp_ptr and mp_srcptr (GMP internals) by these 2 new types +respectively. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7453 | vlefevre | 2011-02-08 11:43:39 +0000 (Tue, 08 Feb 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Fix for Intel's compiler (ICC) under MS Windows: +MPFR was incorrectly assuming that ICC had some extensions like +under GNU/Linux. This made the MPFR compilation fail. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7452 | vlefevre | 2011-02-08 02:48:01 +0000 (Tue, 08 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Corrected a typo in a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7451 | vlefevre | 2011-02-05 13:37:55 +0000 (Sat, 05 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Removed incorrect note. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7450 | zimmerma | 2011-02-05 08:15:42 +0000 (Sat, 05 Feb 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] added hint for VS2008 and Intel compiler v11.1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7448 | vlefevre | 2011-02-03 09:02:05 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + +[,] Clean-up and depend on GNU Automake 1.11. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7443 | vlefevre | 2011-01-31 01:53:11 +0000 (Mon, 31 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/zeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + +[src/zeta_ui.c,tests/tzeta_ui.c] Patch from Patrick Pélissier for +the division-by-zero support in mpfr_zeta_ui (and test): +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7442 | zimmerma | 2011-01-30 09:33:00 +0000 (Sun, 30 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/zeta.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +[src/zeta.c] patch from Patrick Pelissier (problem with division by zero flag) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7440 | zimmerma | 2011-01-28 16:19:45 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] removed division by zero item (done) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7439 | zimmerma | 2011-01-28 16:18:25 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/src/get_str.c + +[src/get_str.c,TODO] updated comments, mpfr_get_str already supports base <= 62 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7438 | vlefevre | 2011-01-27 17:53:35 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + +[tests/tj0.c] GMP_RNDN → MPFR_RNDN. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7437 | vlefevre | 2011-01-27 17:07:48 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jan 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/src/subnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + +[src/subnormal.c] Set the inexact and underflow flags when needed. Fixes + +[tests/tsubnormal.c] Improved the tests, in particular for the flags. +[doc/mpfr.texi] Documented the change. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7436 | vlefevre | 2011-01-27 16:38:35 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Corrected order in Section "Changed Functions". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7435 | vlefevre | 2011-01-27 14:17:49 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + +[tests/tj0.c] Added case for which s = 0 occurs in mpfr_jn. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7434 | vlefevre | 2011-01-27 13:54:45 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Added a log message. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7433 | vlefevre | 2011-01-27 13:47:11 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/div_ui.c + +[src/div_ui.c] Added logging support. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7431 | vlefevre | 2011-01-26 14:06:39 +0000 (Wed, 26 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + +[tests/tsum.c] Fixed bug in test (do not set the exponent on 0). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7430 | vlefevre | 2011-01-26 13:58:44 +0000 (Wed, 26 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + +[tests/tsum.c] Formatting. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7429 | vlefevre | 2011-01-26 13:58:21 +0000 (Wed, 26 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + +[tests/tsum.c] Fixed get_prec_max and added some checks. +Current failure: tab[1] is not valid. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7428 | vlefevre | 2011-01-26 13:28:10 +0000 (Wed, 26 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/sum.c + +[src/sum.c] Added an assertion. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7427 | vlefevre | 2011-01-26 13:12:06 +0000 (Wed, 26 Jan 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/check.c + +[src/check.c] Replaced MPFR_IS_PURE_FP by !MPFR_IS_SINGULAR, the +former macro now has a check for validity in debug mode (r7426). +The goal of mpfr_check is to test the validity, so that we don't +want this check here. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7426 | vlefevre | 2011-01-26 13:05:53 +0000 (Wed, 26 Jan 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] In the MPFR_IS_PURE_FP test, if positive, check that +the number is normalized (debug mode only). This makes 2 tests fail: +tcheck and tsum. Note: with logging active, tsum was already triggering +an assertion failure in mpfr_get_str (via mpfr_add). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7425 | vlefevre | 2011-01-26 12:51:41 +0000 (Wed, 26 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/add.c + +[src/add.c] Formatting. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7423 | vlefevre | 2011-01-26 12:02:31 +0000 (Wed, 26 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/li2.c + +[src/li2.c] Fixed crash in mpfr_li2 when logging is used. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7421 | vlefevre | 2011-01-24 16:37:43 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Corrected a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7420 | zimmerma | 2011-01-24 16:14:18 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] added notes for correctness of the algorithm used + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7419 | vlefevre | 2011-01-24 12:41:28 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] C90 compatibility fix (empty macro arguments are undefined). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7418 | vlefevre | 2011-01-24 10:17:50 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Added an assaertion against a potential overflow (which +probably never occurs, but this should be proved...). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7417 | zimmerma | 2011-01-24 07:21:27 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] patch from Patrick Pelissier + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7416 | vlefevre | 2011-01-23 04:04:08 +0000 (Sun, 23 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Forgot to change an MPFR_EXP to MPFR_GET_EXP. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7415 | vlefevre | 2011-01-23 04:02:09 +0000 (Sun, 23 Jan 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Replaced MPFR_EXP by MPFR_GET_EXP when the value should +really be an exponent. Removed incorrect and useless casts. Added +an assertion to protect against potentially incorrect code. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7414 | vlefevre | 2011-01-23 03:41:39 +0000 (Sun, 23 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/jn.c + +[src/jn.c] Patch from Patrick Pélissier (mpfr_check_range and other). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7413 | vlefevre | 2011-01-21 14:19:35 +0000 (Fri, 21 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/mpfrlint + +[tools/mpfrlint] Update the check for mpfr_printf-like functions +in the tests. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7412 | vlefevre | 2011-01-21 14:15:39 +0000 (Fri, 21 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +[tests/tprintf.c] Consistency. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7411 | vlefevre | 2011-01-21 13:59:12 +0000 (Fri, 21 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgrandom.c + +[tests/tgrandom.c] Added a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7410 | vlefevre | 2011-01-21 13:54:50 +0000 (Fri, 21 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgrandom.c + +[tests/tgrandom.c] Protection of the mpfr_printf by #ifdef HAVE_STDARG. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7408 | vlefevre | 2011-01-20 12:13:58 +0000 (Thu, 20 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/eint.c + +[src/eint.c] Added a FIXME. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7406 | zimmerma | 2011-01-18 16:50:28 +0000 (Tue, 18 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/out_raw.c + +[src/out_raw.c] added pointer to discussion + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7405 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 13:11:15 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tvalist.c + +[tests/tvalist.c] Correction for C++ compilers. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7403 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 04:01:56 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Added division-by-zero exception. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7402 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 03:55:51 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Updated "To make a release". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7401 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 03:52:41 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] Update for MPFR 3.1.x. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7400 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 03:39:24 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/grandom.c + +[src/grandom.c] Reformat. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7399 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 03:36:24 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/mpfrlint + +[tools/mpfrlint] tests/tvalist.c can use mpfr_printf-like functions. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7398 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 03:34:40 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgrandom.c + +[tests/tgrandom.c] Added a FIXME: do not use mpfr_printf in the tests. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7397 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 03:33:17 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tai.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrexp.c + M /trunk/tests/tgrandom.c + +[tests] Untabified and removed trailing spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7396 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 03:31:25 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/grandom.c + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + +[src/grandom.c,src/mpfr.h] Untabified and removed trailing spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7395 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 03:29:36 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/frexp.c + +[src/frexp.c] Corrections. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7394 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 03:25:50 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/out_raw.c + +[src/out_raw.c] Untabified. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7393 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 03:25:07 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/out_raw.c + +[src/out_raw.c] Fixed some bugs on the incomplete code. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7392 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 03:06:09 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/atan2.c + +[src/atan2.c] MPFR_EXP -> MPFR_GET_EXP and reformat. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7391 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 03:05:33 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/ai.c + +[src/ai.c] Removed trailing spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7390 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 03:02:39 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7389 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 03:01:30 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/doc/FAQ.html + M /trunk/doc/ + M /trunk/doc/faq.xsl + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/examples/divworst.c + M /trunk/examples/rndo-add.c + M /trunk/examples/sample.c + M /trunk/examples/version.c + M /trunk/src/ + M /trunk/src/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/src/acos.c + M /trunk/src/acosh.c + M /trunk/src/add.c + M /trunk/src/add1.c + M /trunk/src/add1sp.c + M /trunk/src/add_d.c + M /trunk/src/add_ui.c + M /trunk/src/agm.c + M /trunk/src/ai.c + M /trunk/src/asin.c + M /trunk/src/asinh.c + M /trunk/src/atan.c + M /trunk/src/atan2.c + M /trunk/src/atanh.c + M /trunk/src/bernoulli.c + M /trunk/src/buildopt.c + M /trunk/src/cache.c + M /trunk/src/cbrt.c + M /trunk/src/check.c + M /trunk/src/clear.c + M /trunk/src/clears.c + M /trunk/src/cmp.c + M /trunk/src/cmp2.c + M /trunk/src/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/src/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/src/cmp_ld.c + M /trunk/src/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/src/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/src/comparisons.c + M /trunk/src/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/src/const_euler.c + M /trunk/src/const_log2.c + M /trunk/src/const_pi.c + M /trunk/src/constant.c + M /trunk/src/copysign.c + M /trunk/src/cos.c + M /trunk/src/cosh.c + M /trunk/src/cot.c + M /trunk/src/coth.c + M /trunk/src/csc.c + M /trunk/src/csch.c + M /trunk/src/d_div.c + M /trunk/src/d_sub.c + M /trunk/src/digamma.c + M /trunk/src/dim.c + M /trunk/src/div.c + M /trunk/src/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/src/div_2si.c + M /trunk/src/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/src/div_d.c + M /trunk/src/div_ui.c + M /trunk/src/dump.c + M /trunk/src/eint.c + M /trunk/src/eq.c + M /trunk/src/erf.c + M /trunk/src/erfc.c + M /trunk/src/exceptions.c + M /trunk/src/exp.c + M /trunk/src/exp10.c + M /trunk/src/exp2.c + M /trunk/src/exp3.c + M /trunk/src/exp_2.c + M /trunk/src/expm1.c + M /trunk/src/extract.c + M /trunk/src/factorial.c + M /trunk/src/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/src/fits_s.h + M /trunk/src/fits_sint.c + M /trunk/src/fits_slong.c + M /trunk/src/fits_sshort.c + M /trunk/src/fits_u.h + M /trunk/src/fits_uint.c + M /trunk/src/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/src/fits_ulong.c + M /trunk/src/fits_ushort.c + M /trunk/src/fma.c + M /trunk/src/fms.c + M /trunk/src/frac.c + M /trunk/src/free_cache.c + M /trunk/src/gamma.c + M /trunk/src/gammaonethird.c + M /trunk/src/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/src/get_d.c + M /trunk/src/get_d64.c + M /trunk/src/get_exp.c + M /trunk/src/get_f.c + M /trunk/src/get_flt.c + M /trunk/src/get_ld.c + M /trunk/src/get_si.c + M /trunk/src/get_sj.c + M /trunk/src/get_str.c + M /trunk/src/get_ui.c + M /trunk/src/get_uj.c + M /trunk/src/get_z.c + M /trunk/src/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/src/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/src/hypot.c + M /trunk/src/ieee_floats.h + M /trunk/src/init.c + M /trunk/src/init2.c + M /trunk/src/inits.c + M /trunk/src/inits2.c + M /trunk/src/inp_str.c + M /trunk/src/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/src/isinf.c + M /trunk/src/isinteger.c + M /trunk/src/isnan.c + M /trunk/src/isnum.c + M /trunk/src/isqrt.c + M /trunk/src/isregular.c + M /trunk/src/iszero.c + M /trunk/src/jn.c + M /trunk/src/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/src/li2.c + M /trunk/src/lngamma.c + M /trunk/src/log.c + M /trunk/src/log10.c + M /trunk/src/log1p.c + M /trunk/src/log2.c + M /trunk/src/logging.c + M /trunk/src/min_prec.c + M /trunk/src/minmax.c + M /trunk/src/modf.c + M /trunk/src/mp_clz_tab.c + M /trunk/src/ + M /trunk/src/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/src/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/src/mpfr-longlong.h + M /trunk/src/mpfr-thread.h + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + M /trunk/src/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/src/mul.c + M /trunk/src/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/src/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/src/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/src/mul_d.c + M /trunk/src/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + M /trunk/src/neg.c + M /trunk/src/next.c + M /trunk/src/out_str.c + M /trunk/src/pow.c + M /trunk/src/pow_si.c + M /trunk/src/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/src/pow_z.c + M /trunk/src/powerof2.c + M /trunk/src/print_raw.c + M /trunk/src/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/src/printf.c + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/src/reldiff.c + M /trunk/src/rem1.c + M /trunk/src/rint.c + M /trunk/src/root.c + M /trunk/src/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/src/round_p.c + M /trunk/src/round_prec.c + M /trunk/src/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/src/scale2.c + M /trunk/src/sec.c + M /trunk/src/sech.c + M /trunk/src/set.c + M /trunk/src/set_d.c + M /trunk/src/set_d64.c + M /trunk/src/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/src/set_exp.c + M /trunk/src/set_f.c + M /trunk/src/set_flt.c + M /trunk/src/set_inf.c + M /trunk/src/set_ld.c + M /trunk/src/set_nan.c + M /trunk/src/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/src/set_prec.c + M /trunk/src/set_q.c + M /trunk/src/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/src/set_si.c + M /trunk/src/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/src/set_sj.c + M /trunk/src/set_str.c + M /trunk/src/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/src/set_ui.c + M /trunk/src/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/src/set_uj.c + M /trunk/src/set_z.c + M /trunk/src/set_z_exp.c + M /trunk/src/set_zero.c + M /trunk/src/setmax.c + M /trunk/src/setmin.c + M /trunk/src/setsign.c + M /trunk/src/sgn.c + M /trunk/src/si_op.c + M /trunk/src/signbit.c + M /trunk/src/sin.c + M /trunk/src/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/src/sinh.c + M /trunk/src/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/src/sqr.c + M /trunk/src/sqrt.c + M /trunk/src/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/src/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/src/strtofr.c + M /trunk/src/sub.c + M /trunk/src/sub1.c + M /trunk/src/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/src/sub_d.c + M /trunk/src/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/src/subnormal.c + M /trunk/src/sum.c + M /trunk/src/swap.c + M /trunk/src/tan.c + M /trunk/src/tanh.c + M /trunk/src/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/src/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/src/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/src/ui_div.c + M /trunk/src/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/src/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/src/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/src/urandom.c + M /trunk/src/urandomb.c + M /trunk/src/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/src/version.c + M /trunk/src/volatile.c + M /trunk/src/yn.c + M /trunk/src/zeta.c + M /trunk/src/zeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/data/digamma + M /trunk/tests/data/li2 + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/random2.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tai.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/taway.c + M /trunk/tests/tbuildopt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdigamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp10.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_flt.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tisqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + M /trunk/tests/tj1.c + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + M /trunk/tests/tl2b.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmin_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tstdint.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/turandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/tests/ty0.c + M /trunk/tests/ty1.c + M /trunk/tests/tyn.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tools/ck-version-info + M /trunk/tools/ + M /trunk/tune/ + M /trunk/tune/bidimensional_sample.c + M /trunk/tune/speed.c + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +Copyright notice update: added 2011 with + perl -pi -e 's/2010 Free Software/2010, 2011 Free Software/' **/*(^/) +under zsh, reverting the ChangeLog file and the m4 and tools/mbench +directories. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7388 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 02:57:17 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Updated year in example. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7387 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 02:51:54 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +tests: updated svn:ignore property. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7386 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 02:26:55 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/pow.c + +[src/pow.c] Added an assertion. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7385 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 02:20:19 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + +[tests/td_div.c] Consistency change. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7384 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 02:19:11 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + +[tests/tdiv_d.c] Updated test of special cases. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7383 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 02:13:23 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/log1p.c + +[src/log1p.c] Added support for the division-by-zero exception. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7382 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 02:10:32 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + +[tests/tlog1p.c] Test the flags for special cases. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7381 | vlefevre | 2011-01-17 02:04:11 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/atanh.c + M /trunk/src/cot.c + M /trunk/src/coth.c + M /trunk/src/csc.c + M /trunk/src/csch.c + M /trunk/src/digamma.c + M /trunk/src/eint.c + M /trunk/src/gamma.c + M /trunk/src/lngamma.c + M /trunk/src/log.c + M /trunk/src/log10.c + M /trunk/src/log2.c + +Added support for the division-by-zero exception in functions +mpfr_atanh, mpfr_cot, mpfr_coth, mpfr_csc, mpfr_csch, +mpfr_digamma, mpfr_eint, mpfr_gamma, mpfr_lgamma, mpfr_lngamma, +mpfr_log, mpfr_log2 and mpfr_log10. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7380 | lfousse | 2011-01-16 21:13:28 +0000 (Sun, 16 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgrandom.c + +[tests/tgrandom.c] Add missing cast for malloc. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7379 | vlefevre | 2011-01-16 14:00:34 +0000 (Sun, 16 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/yn.c + +[src/yn.c] Added support for the division-by-zero exception. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7378 | vlefevre | 2011-01-16 13:57:55 +0000 (Sun, 16 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + +[src/rec_sqrt.c] Added support for the division-by-zero exception. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7377 | vlefevre | 2011-01-16 13:55:41 +0000 (Sun, 16 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/pow_si.c + +[src/pow_si.c] Improved robustness (in case of future changes). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7376 | vlefevre | 2011-01-16 13:51:36 +0000 (Sun, 16 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/pow.c + M /trunk/src/pow_si.c + M /trunk/src/pow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Added support for the division-by-zero exception for the power functions +(with additional tests). (Corrected patch from Patrick.) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7375 | lfousse | 2011-01-16 00:25:40 +0000 (Sun, 16 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/src/ + A /trunk/src/grandom.c (from /trunk/src/urandom_gaussian.c:7374) + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + D /trunk/src/urandom_gaussian.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tgrandom.c (from /trunk/tests/turandom_gaussian.c:7374) + D /trunk/tests/turandom_gaussian.c + +Rename mpfr_urandom_gaussian to mpfr_grandom. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7374 | vlefevre | 2011-01-15 14:33:25 +0000 (Sat, 15 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Corrections for mpfr_urandom_gaussian. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7373 | vlefevre | 2011-01-15 14:28:43 +0000 (Sat, 15 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/turandom_gaussian.c + +[tests/turandom_gaussian.c] Fixed C99-only code. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7372 | zimmerma | 2011-01-15 08:14:51 +0000 (Sat, 15 Jan 2011) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/src/ + A /trunk/src/frexp.c + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + M /trunk/src/out_raw.c + M /trunk/src/urandom_gaussian.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tfrexp.c + +[src/frexp.c,tests/tfrexp.c] added new function mpfr_frexp +[src/urandom_gaussian.c] fixed copyright line +[src/out_raw.c] started writing code (work in progress, please continue if + you are interested) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7371 | lfousse | 2011-01-14 22:11:44 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Document urandom_gaussian. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7370 | lfousse | 2011-01-14 22:10:58 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +[tests/] Include turandom_gaussian in tests. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7369 | lfousse | 2011-01-14 22:10:44 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/turandom_gaussian.c + +[tests/turandom_gaussian.c] Add tests for urandom_gaussian. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7368 | vlefevre | 2011-01-14 19:54:38 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +[tests/tdiv.c] Added consistency tests between mpfr_div, mpfr_ui_div, +mpfr_si_div, mpfr_div_ui and mpfr_div_si (check the ternary value, +the flags and the result of the division). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7367 | vlefevre | 2011-01-14 19:52:06 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/div_ui.c + M /trunk/src/ui_div.c + +[src/ui_div.c] Fixed prototype formatting. +[src/div_ui.c] Fixed prototype formatting. Set division-by-zero flag. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7366 | lfousse | 2011-01-14 17:46:07 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/urandom_gaussian.c + +[src/urandom_gaussian.c] Fix x -> xp, and scaling. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7365 | lfousse | 2011-01-14 17:15:32 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/urandom_gaussian.c + +[src/urandom_gaussian.c] Pick the signs of the outputs at random. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7364 | lfousse | 2011-01-14 16:52:35 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/urandom_gaussian.c + +[src/urandom_gaussian.c] Fix precision of temporary results. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7363 | lfousse | 2011-01-14 16:34:48 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/urandom_gaussian.c + +[src/urandom_gaussian.c] Add missing inits/clears. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7360 | lfousse | 2011-01-14 15:54:39 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Declare urandom_gaussian. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7359 | lfousse | 2011-01-14 15:54:38 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/ + +[src/] Add urandom_gaussian.c to the sources. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7358 | lfousse | 2011-01-14 15:54:37 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + A /trunk/src/urandom_gaussian.c + +[src/urandom_gaussian] Start work on gaussian distribution. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7357 | vlefevre | 2011-01-14 15:49:37 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +[tests/tgeneric.c] Fixed code introduced in r7346, again. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7356 | zimmerma | 2011-01-14 15:48:46 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/src/sin_cos.c + +[sin_cos.c] moved macros to mpfr-impl.h, added README + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7355 | zimmerma | 2011-01-14 15:40:49 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/sin_cos.c + +[sin_cos.c] new inexact flags computed by mpfr_check_range were lost + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7354 | vlefevre | 2011-01-14 15:28:45 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +[tests/tgeneric.c] Fixed code introduced in r7346. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7353 | vlefevre | 2011-01-14 15:21:45 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/coverage + +[tools/coverage] Update from Patrick. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7352 | vlefevre | 2011-01-14 15:10:42 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/ui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + +[src/ui_div.c] Set the division-by-zero flag. +[tests/tui_div.c] Updated and improved the test of special cases. +Note: tpow_all currently fails since the support of the division-by-zero +exception is not complete yet. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7351 | vlefevre | 2011-01-14 13:43:28 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +[src/div.c] Set the division-by-zero flag. +[tests/tdiv.c, tests/td_div.c] Updated and improved the test of special +cases. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7348 | vlefevre | 2011-01-14 11:44:41 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + +[tests/tset.c] Tests didn't fail in case of error from PRINT_ERROR_IF. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7347 | vlefevre | 2011-01-14 11:37:11 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +[tests/tgeneric.c] Added comments. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7346 | vlefevre | 2011-01-14 11:35:27 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +[tests/tgeneric.c] Check the division-by-zero flag. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7345 | vlefevre | 2011-01-14 11:10:43 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + +Improved tests/texceptions.c (mpfr_clear_*, mpfr_set_*). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7344 | vlefevre | 2011-01-14 11:03:30 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/exceptions.c + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + +Added support for the division-by-zero exception. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7343 | vlefevre | 2011-01-14 10:54:28 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/exceptions.c + +[src/exceptions.c] Fixed bad #undef's (with currently no consequences). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7342 | zimmerma | 2011-01-14 10:49:44 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] removed item about inlined mpfr_neg: Patrick Pelissier tried it but it + does not speed things + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7341 | vlefevre | 2011-01-14 10:47:04 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Removed an obsolete comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7338 | lfousse | 2011-01-13 18:39:57 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/atan2.c + +[src/atan2.c] "Exact" division can be inexact because of the exponent range. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7337 | zimmerma | 2011-01-13 18:14:26 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/out_raw.c + +[out_raw.c] exchanged bits for precision and exponent + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7336 | zimmerma | 2011-01-13 18:13:39 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/src/out_raw.c + +[out_raw.c] first proposal for external format + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7334 | vlefevre | 2011-01-13 17:05:35 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] MPFR_IS_POWER_OF_2: added parentheses. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7333 | lfousse | 2011-01-13 16:24:48 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +Add tests for special case of atan2 (x power of 2). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7332 | lfousse | 2011-01-13 16:24:41 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/atan2.c + +Add special case for atan2(x,y) when x is a power of 2. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7331 | lfousse | 2011-01-13 16:24:35 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +New macro MPFR_IS_POWER_OF_2. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7329 | vlefevre | 2011-01-13 16:20:48 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + +TLS support is now detected automatically. If TLS is supported, MPFR is +built as thread safe by default. To disable TLS explicitly, configure +MPFR with --disable-thread-safe. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7328 | lfousse | 2011-01-13 15:50:37 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tai.c + +Add tests for mpfr_ai special case x=0. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7327 | lfousse | 2011-01-13 15:50:30 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/ai.c + +Add special case for x=0 in mpfr_ai1. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7325 | zimmerma | 2011-01-13 15:38:23 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/algorithms.tex + +[algorithms.tex] extended Lemma 2 to the case of terms of the form 1/(1+delta) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7323 | vlefevre | 2011-01-13 15:27:13 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tstdint.c + M /trunk/tests/tvalist.c + +tests: return 77 for skipped tests (see GNU Automake manual). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7322 | vlefevre | 2011-01-13 15:20:24 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +tests: updated svn:ignore property. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7321 | vlefevre | 2011-01-13 15:19:32 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO update after r7317 and r7320. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7320 | vlefevre | 2011-01-13 15:17:16 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tvalist.c + +Support multiple inclusions of mpfr.h w.r.t. and +(MPFR_USE_FILE and/or MPFR_USE_VA_LIST are needed until GMP is fixed). +Added test "tests/tvalist.c". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7319 | zimmerma | 2011-01-13 14:46:07 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-longlong.h + +[src/mpfr-longlong.h] idem as previous commit for other 2 FIXME's + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7318 | zimmerma | 2011-01-13 14:43:29 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-longlong.h + +[mpfr-longlong.h] resolved one FIXME, by adding a new one :-) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7317 | vlefevre | 2011-01-13 14:42:53 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/ + +Support multiple inclusions of mpfr.h w.r.t. / . +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7314 | zimmerma | 2011-01-06 16:53:07 +0000 (Thu, 06 Jan 2011) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/mbench/ + M /trunk/tools/mbench/ + M /trunk/tools/mbench/mfv5.h + +another patch from Patrick Pelissier to test get_ld (with export of data used) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7313 | zimmerma | 2011-01-06 16:44:13 +0000 (Thu, 06 Jan 2011) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/mbench/Makefile + M /trunk/tools/mbench/timp.h + +patch from Patrick Pelissier to use clock_getime instead of rdtsc +(use "make rt" instead of "make") +References: + + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7312 | vlefevre | 2010-12-25 17:24:58 +0000 (Sat, 25 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/get_ld.c + +[src/get_ld.c] Updated a comment about the last change. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7311 | vlefevre | 2010-12-25 17:08:16 +0000 (Sat, 25 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/get_ld.c + +[src/get_ld.c] Minor performance improvement. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7310 | vlefevre | 2010-12-19 02:00:52 +0000 (Sun, 19 Dec 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/mbench/Makefile + +[tools/mbench/Makefile] Update due to source reorganization (r7087): +patch from Patrick Pelissier. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7309 | vlefevre | 2010-12-17 16:29:47 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] Update (exp-int branch, internal macro). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7308 | vlefevre | 2010-12-17 16:22:37 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/sin.c + +[src/sin.c] Fixed failure in debug mode (missing MPFR_IS_ZERO test). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7307 | vlefevre | 2010-12-17 16:08:54 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + +[src/rec_sqrt.c] Improved comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7305 | zimmerma | 2010-12-17 15:54:55 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + +[rec_sqrt.c] put back some information lost in commit 7302 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7304 | vlefevre | 2010-12-17 15:31:24 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/cmp2.c + +[src/cmp2.c] Corrected a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7303 | vlefevre | 2010-12-17 15:25:04 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/cos.c + M /trunk/src/sin.c + M /trunk/src/zeta.c + +Replaced some MPFR_EXP by MPFR_GET_EXP. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7302 | vlefevre | 2010-12-17 13:15:46 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + +[src/rec_sqrt.c] Removed a variable that was used only once. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7301 | vlefevre | 2010-12-17 11:40:51 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Changed comment for mpfrlint. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7300 | vlefevre | 2010-12-17 11:38:36 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/add1.c + M /trunk/src/add1sp.c + M /trunk/src/div.c + M /trunk/src/div_ui.c + M /trunk/src/get_str.c + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/src/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/src/mul.c + M /trunk/src/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + M /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/src/round_prec.c + M /trunk/src/set_f.c + M /trunk/src/sqr.c + M /trunk/src/sqrt.c + M /trunk/src/strtofr.c + M /trunk/src/sub1.c + M /trunk/src/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/tools/mpfrlint + +Added MPFR_TMP_LIMBS_ALLOC macro and updated the source to use it. +tools/mpfrlint: check its use instead of MPFR_TMP_ALLOC. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7299 | vlefevre | 2010-12-17 11:31:08 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/sum.c + +[src/sum.c] Improved readability. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7298 | vlefevre | 2010-12-17 09:40:03 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Formatting. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7297 | vlefevre | 2010-12-14 14:36:06 +0000 (Tue, 14 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] Added year on a date (the item was added on 2007-07-28 in r4707). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7296 | vlefevre | 2010-12-13 00:02:38 +0000 (Mon, 13 Dec 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src + +Added configure.lineno (generated by configure) to the svn:ignore +property of the src directory. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7295 | vlefevre | 2010-12-12 23:39:43 +0000 (Sun, 12 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] Update concerning the --with-gmp-build configure option. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7294 | vlefevre | 2010-12-12 23:36:38 +0000 (Sun, 12 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Corrected a typo from r7293. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7293 | vlefevre | 2010-12-12 23:35:04 +0000 (Sun, 12 Dec 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Updated INSTALL file after the recent changes in concerning +the --with-gmp-build configure option. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7292 | vlefevre | 2010-12-12 23:29:50 +0000 (Sun, 12 Dec 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] With --with-gmp-build, do not duplicate the include +search paths if the GMP source and build directories are the same. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7291 | vlefevre | 2010-12-12 22:31:51 +0000 (Sun, 12 Dec 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Fixed another bug in r7289. This new version now seems +to work with GMP's srcdir pointing to a relative directory or to an +absolute one. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7290 | vlefevre | 2010-12-12 22:28:53 +0000 (Sun, 12 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Fixed bug in r7289. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7289 | vlefevre | 2010-12-12 22:17:16 +0000 (Sun, 12 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Corrected Patrick Pelissier's patch (not tested). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7288 | zimmerma | 2010-12-12 20:47:23 +0000 (Sun, 12 Dec 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] patch from Patrick Pelissier to solve the problem with + --with-gmp-build when the GMP build directory and the GMP + source directory differ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7287 | vlefevre | 2010-12-12 11:02:00 +0000 (Sun, 12 Dec 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +[tests/] tversion is also run at the end (after a discussion +with Patrick and Paul). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7286 | vlefevre | 2010-12-12 09:55:44 +0000 (Sun, 12 Dec 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Fixed two problems with --with-gmp-build: + * "grep -w" isn't POSIX (an error shouldn't matter with recent GMP + versions, as CFLAGS and CC would then be retrieved from gmp.h). + * "sed" was used instead of "$SED". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7279 | vlefevre | 2010-12-07 13:59:45 +0000 (Tue, 07 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Added a section "If 'gmp.h' and 'libgmp' do not match". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7278 | vlefevre | 2010-12-07 12:51:14 +0000 (Tue, 07 Dec 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Improved warning message in case of unmatched 'gmp.h' +and 'libgmp'. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7277 | vlefevre | 2010-12-07 11:41:09 +0000 (Tue, 07 Dec 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Update concerning "configure". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7276 | zimmerma | 2010-12-06 20:54:14 +0000 (Mon, 06 Dec 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] fixed news for 3.0.0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7275 | vlefevre | 2010-12-03 08:55:24 +0000 (Fri, 03 Dec 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + +[tests/tversion.c] Now fail if the versions of gmp.h and libgmp do not +match (error message improved); previously, the warning could remain +unnoticed, in particular with automatic installations. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7274 | schevill | 2010-11-30 16:41:38 +0000 (Tue, 30 Nov 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tools/metaMPFR + A /trunk/tools/metaMPFR/metaMPFR_common.mpl + A /trunk/tools/metaMPFR/metaMPFR_straightforwardAlgo.mpl + A /trunk/tools/metaMPFR/metaMPFR_tests.mpl + +Added metaMPFR in the tools directory of MPFR. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7273 | vlefevre | 2010-11-29 15:35:52 +0000 (Mon, 29 Nov 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Defined MPFR_DEPRECATED to mark MPFR functions, types +or variables as deprecated. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7272 | vlefevre | 2010-11-25 07:52:24 +0000 (Thu, 25 Nov 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + +[tests/tui_pow.c] Updated a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7271 | vlefevre | 2010-11-23 08:28:00 +0000 (Tue, 23 Nov 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/mpfrlint + +[tools/mpfrlint] Support BSD sed. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7270 | vlefevre | 2010-11-19 08:53:09 +0000 (Fri, 19 Nov 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/mpfrlint + +[tools/mpfrlint] Detect the use of __mpfr_struct structure members +in .c files. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7269 | vlefevre | 2010-11-19 08:46:38 +0000 (Fri, 19 Nov 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/min_prec.c + +[src/min_prec.c] Replaced x->_mpfr_d by MPFR_MANT(x). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7268 | vlefevre | 2010-11-18 23:41:50 +0000 (Thu, 18 Nov 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Commented out the declaration of mpfr_round_raw_3 +(since this function is no longer defined). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7267 | vlefevre | 2010-11-18 23:20:59 +0000 (Thu, 18 Nov 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/min_prec.c + +[src/min_prec.c] Major simplification of mpfr_min_prec by using +mpn_scan1 (suggestion by Andreas Enge). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7266 | vlefevre | 2010-11-15 15:20:03 +0000 (Mon, 15 Nov 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Added a comment about mpn_sqr_n. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7265 | zimmerma | 2010-11-15 13:56:51 +0000 (Mon, 15 Nov 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/algorithms.tex + +[algorithms.tex] replaced reference to Graillat05 by earlier one (Higham02) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7263 | vlefevre | 2010-11-12 11:38:42 +0000 (Fri, 12 Nov 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/nightly-test + +[tools/nightly-test] Added a comment about the use of -pedantic-errors. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7262 | vlefevre | 2010-11-10 23:17:02 +0000 (Wed, 10 Nov 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/sub1.c + +[src/sub1.c] Minor simplification. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7261 | vlefevre | 2010-11-10 22:48:27 +0000 (Wed, 10 Nov 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +[tests/tpow.c] Avoid warnings if mpfr_exp_t < long. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7260 | zimmerma | 2010-11-10 20:17:17 +0000 (Wed, 10 Nov 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mul.c + +[mul.c] fixed bug introduced in revision 7183, and reported by Brian Gladman + on Windows, where mpfr_exp_t has 32 bits and mp_limb_t has 64 bits + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7257 | vlefevre | 2010-11-09 14:24:34 +0000 (Tue, 09 Nov 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Use only mpfr_* types in __MPFR_EXP_* macro definitions +(should have been done in r7236). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7255 | vlefevre | 2010-11-09 13:43:29 +0000 (Tue, 09 Nov 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Changed a "void" into a "mpfr_void" in a macro definition +(should have been done in r7236). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7254 | vlefevre | 2010-11-09 12:37:23 +0000 (Tue, 09 Nov 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +[tests/tset_si.c] Added testcase for problem fixed in r7236. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7251 | vlefevre | 2010-11-08 13:22:04 +0000 (Mon, 08 Nov 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Removed some useless casts that where added in r7121 and +r7236 (such casts prevented the compiler from emitting diagnostics in +incorrect calls). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7250 | vlefevre | 2010-11-08 12:55:16 +0000 (Mon, 08 Nov 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +[tests/] Added a comment (warning about LOADLIBES). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7247 | zimmerma | 2010-10-25 13:53:16 +0000 (Mon, 25 Oct 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/taway.c + +[taway.c] reduced time of the test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7246 | vlefevre | 2010-10-25 10:00:45 +0000 (Mon, 25 Oct 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/NEWS + +Mentioned --enable-gmp-internals in INSTALL and NEWS. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7244 | vlefevre | 2010-10-24 13:27:47 +0000 (Sun, 24 Oct 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/taway.c + +[tests/taway.c] Added a FIXME (test is too long on old machines). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7243 | vlefevre | 2010-10-24 12:41:01 +0000 (Sun, 24 Oct 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] Corrected comment for PowerPC. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7242 | zimmerma | 2010-10-24 08:01:49 +0000 (Sun, 24 Oct 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/src/ + A /trunk/src/hppa + A /trunk/src/hppa/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/ + +added tuning parameters for HPPA (on HP-UX machine kindly provided by David +Kirkby) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7241 | zimmerma | 2010-10-23 16:45:32 +0000 (Sat, 23 Oct 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/powerpc32/mparam.h + +[powerpc32/mparam.h] added more info on processor and operating system used + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7240 | zimmerma | 2010-10-23 09:18:12 +0000 (Sat, 23 Oct 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/src/ + M /trunk/src/ + +needed stuff to use src/powerpc32/mparam.h file +(note that long double is IEEE double on PowerPC32) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7239 | zimmerma | 2010-10-23 09:07:33 +0000 (Sat, 23 Oct 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/src/powerpc32 + A /trunk/src/powerpc32/mparam.h + +[powerpc32/mparam.h] param file for powerpc32 (made on PowerPC 604 under AIX) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7238 | zimmerma | 2010-10-22 14:54:43 +0000 (Fri, 22 Oct 2010) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +[tuneup.c] added cast from time_t to long, after warning under HP-UX: +tuneup.c:1131: warning: format '%ld' expects type 'long int', but argument 3 has type 'time_t' +tuneup.c:1133: warning: format '%ld' expects type 'long int', but argument 2 has type 'time_t' +(I don't know if it is because time_t is unsigned, or has a different width) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7237 | vlefevre | 2010-10-22 13:30:50 +0000 (Fri, 22 Oct 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Added a space. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7236 | vlefevre | 2010-10-22 13:27:59 +0000 (Fri, 22 Oct 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Avoid some problems with macro expansion if the user +defines macros with the same name as keywords. +[doc/mpfr.texi] Document the use of macros. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7235 | schevill | 2010-10-22 10:10:37 +0000 (Fri, 22 Oct 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/ + +Included the new /arch/mparam.h files into the dist. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7231 | schevill | 2010-10-20 16:08:04 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 2010) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/amd/athlon/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/amd/k8/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/arm/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/ia64/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/ + M /trunk/src/powerpc64/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/sparc64/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86/core2/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86_64/core2/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86_64/pentium4/mparam.h + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +Cosmetic change: the constant MPFR_TUNE_CASE is now defined in +Hence the files src/some-architecture/mparam.h are now simply obtained by +performing 'make tune' on some architecture and copying the resulting +src/mparam.h to src/some-architecture/mparam.h. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7230 | schevill | 2010-10-20 13:16:51 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +Typo. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7229 | schevill | 2010-10-20 11:40:52 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/amd/athlon/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/amd/k8/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/arm/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/ia64/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/ + M /trunk/src/powerpc64/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/sparc64/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86/core2/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86_64/core2/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/x86_64/pentium4/mparam.h + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +Up-to-date thresholds. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7228 | vlefevre | 2010-10-20 01:23:23 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +[tests/tsub.c] mp_prec_t -> mpfr_prec_t +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7227 | vlefevre | 2010-10-20 01:22:38 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/sub1.c + +[src/sub1.c] Removed trailing spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7226 | vlefevre | 2010-10-19 16:21:41 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +[tests/*.c] Support the case where mpfr_exp_t is not a long int +(but with such a future extension, one should probably provide +a MPFR_PRIexp macro, similar to what does). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7225 | vlefevre | 2010-10-19 15:56:24 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + +[tests/texceptions.c] Added casts, in case mpfr_exp_t is not a long int. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7224 | zimmerma | 2010-10-19 15:03:32 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +[tset_ld.c] replaced hexadecimal long double constants by decimal constants + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7223 | vlefevre | 2010-10-19 14:43:12 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +[tests/tset_ld.c] Added a FIXME for r7222 change. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7222 | zimmerma | 2010-10-19 14:22:09 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/set_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +[set_ld.c] fixed bug #11300 on bug tracker +[tset_ld.c] added corresponding tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7221 | zimmerma | 2010-10-19 12:24:21 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/algorithms.tex + +[algorithms.tex] modified proof of mpfr_sub in accordance with source code + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7220 | zimmerma | 2010-10-19 12:06:00 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2010) | 13 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/doc/sub_tree.pdf + +this is a tree of all possible cases that can happen for rounding in mpfr_sub +(file sub1.c) for rounding to nearest. + +The nodes at depth 1 of the tree correspond to the 3 possible cases before +rounding: (1) sh=0, (2) sh>0 and the low sh bits are 1/2 ulp, (3) sh>0 and +the low sh bits are 0. + +The nodes at depth 2 represent the possible subcases for k=0 in the rounding +loop. + +The nodes at depth 3 represent the possible subcases for k=1 in the rounding +loop. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7219 | zimmerma | 2010-10-19 11:12:07 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2010) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/sub1.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +[src/sub1.c] fixed another remaining issue in case 1d1 + (case sh=0, i.e., the result uses a full number of limbs, + the first neglected limbs of b and c match, + and for the next limbs, low(b) > low(c)). + This case was incorrectly rounded up (add_one_ulp). +[tests/tsub.c] added more test cases + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7218 | zimmerma | 2010-10-19 11:06:38 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +[tgmpop.c] in case of error, print mpz_t in decimal instead of binary + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7217 | zimmerma | 2010-10-19 06:36:56 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +[tuneup.c] increase maximal number of calls to speed_measure from 5 to 30 + (seems to solve problems on gcc15) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7215 | vlefevre | 2010-10-18 23:51:35 +0000 (Mon, 18 Oct 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + +[tests/tcan_round.c] Removed an incorrect cast, fixing a bug (in the +test) that was producing a failure for GMP_CHECK_RANDOMIZE=1287710095 +on 64-bit machines (visible since mpfr_prec_t is now signed). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7214 | vlefevre | 2010-10-18 22:21:33 +0000 (Mon, 18 Oct 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/sub1.c + +[src/sub1.c] Removed trailing whitespace. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7213 | zimmerma | 2010-10-18 21:02:22 +0000 (Mon, 18 Oct 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/sub1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +[sub1.c] previous fix was not incorrect (but strangely our tests cases did + not exhibit that) +[tfma.c] added more test cases from Jakub Jelinek + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7212 | zimmerma | 2010-10-18 18:54:56 +0000 (Mon, 18 Oct 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/sub1.c + +[sub1.c] fixed bug found by Jakub Jelinek (#11301 on tracker) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7211 | vlefevre | 2010-10-18 17:17:11 +0000 (Mon, 18 Oct 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7209 | vlefevre | 2010-10-18 16:16:39 +0000 (Mon, 18 Oct 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +[tests/tsub.c] Fixed inex test in bug20101017. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7208 | schevill | 2010-10-18 14:14:49 +0000 (Mon, 18 Oct 2010) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Mention the warning message displayed by gcc when the ABI of gcc and MPFR +differ. + +Note: the message does not automatically imply the problem; however, if the +message appears, the ABI somehow differ, so it is worth mentioning it. +Users might look for the message in INSTALL in order to see if their problem is +mentioned. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7206 | zimmerma | 2010-10-18 13:01:12 +0000 (Mon, 18 Oct 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] added "Notes about ABI" section + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7205 | vlefevre | 2010-10-18 12:18:11 +0000 (Mon, 18 Oct 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +[tests/tsub.c] Updated comment of bug20101017. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7204 | vlefevre | 2010-10-18 11:59:39 +0000 (Mon, 18 Oct 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +[tests/tsub.c] Added testcase for bug found by Jakub Jelinek +(bug 11301 on INRIAGforge). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7203 | zimmerma | 2010-10-18 09:41:37 +0000 (Mon, 18 Oct 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +[tuneup.c] print size when speed_measure fails + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7202 | zimmerma | 2010-10-17 19:33:37 +0000 (Sun, 17 Oct 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] added that the 'N' mode rounds ties to even in the mpfr*printf + functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7201 | schevill | 2010-10-15 15:18:18 +0000 (Fri, 15 Oct 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/src/amd + A /trunk/src/amd/athlon + A /trunk/src/amd/athlon/mparam.h + A /trunk/src/amd/k8 + A /trunk/src/amd/k8/mparam.h + A /trunk/src/arm + A /trunk/src/arm/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/buildopt.c + A /trunk/src/generic + A /trunk/src/generic/mparam.h + A /trunk/src/ia64 + A /trunk/src/ia64/mparam.h + M /trunk/src/ + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + A /trunk/src/powerpc64 + A /trunk/src/powerpc64/mparam.h + A /trunk/src/sparc64 + A /trunk/src/sparc64/mparam.h + A /trunk/src/x86 + A /trunk/src/x86/core2 + A /trunk/src/x86/core2/mparam.h + A /trunk/src/x86/mparam.h + A /trunk/src/x86_64 + A /trunk/src/x86_64/core2 + A /trunk/src/x86_64/core2/mparam.h + A /trunk/src/x86_64/pentium4 + A /trunk/src/x86_64/pentium4/mparam.h + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +Reorganized in separate files. +Added mpfr_buildopt_tune_case function. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7200 | schevill | 2010-10-14 15:31:16 +0000 (Thu, 14 Oct 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +Modified the number of iterations in the loop of mpfr_speed_measure. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7199 | zimmerma | 2010-10-14 10:55:09 +0000 (Thu, 14 Oct 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +[tuneup.c] new function mpfr_speed_measure, which calls speed_measure() several + times (currently 30) until there is no failure. + In case all 30 calls fail, give some hints to the user. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7198 | zimmerma | 2010-10-13 19:58:28 +0000 (Wed, 13 Oct 2010) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +[tuneup.c] try again when speed_measure returns -1.0 (i.e. fails) + also check return value of speed_measure in all cases + (was not done for mulhigh, sqrhigh and divhigh, reported + by Sylvain Chevillard) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7197 | schevill | 2010-10-12 15:39:21 +0000 (Tue, 12 Oct 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +Small indication explaining what is the negative threshold for Ai. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7196 | vlefevre | 2010-10-10 20:48:51 +0000 (Sun, 10 Oct 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/add1.c + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + +[src/mpfr-impl.h] Added MPFR_UEXP macro to check (in debug mode) that +a value is nonnegative before a cast to mpfr_uexp_t. +[src/add1.c] Use the MPFR_UEXP macro to make sure that the avoided +warning doesn't hide a real bug. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7195 | zimmerma | 2010-10-10 17:28:05 +0000 (Sun, 10 Oct 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/taway.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +avoid several compiler warnings with g++ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7194 | zimmerma | 2010-10-10 17:00:18 +0000 (Sun, 10 Oct 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/nightly-test + +[nightly-test] added -Wno-sign-compare for g++, to avoid spurious warnings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7193 | zimmerma | 2010-10-10 09:04:53 +0000 (Sun, 10 Oct 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/nightly-test + +[nightly-test] do not use -Wmissing-prototypes for g++ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7192 | zimmerma | 2010-10-10 08:54:37 +0000 (Sun, 10 Oct 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/add1.c + +[add1.c] fixed compiler warning (from g++) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7191 | zimmerma | 2010-10-08 18:29:16 +0000 (Fri, 08 Oct 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + +[src/mulders.c] fixed comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7189 | zimmerma | 2010-10-03 07:39:44 +0000 (Sun, 03 Oct 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + M /trunk/src/sqrt.c + +[sqrt.c,mulders.c] added missing cast (detected by nightly builds with g++) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7188 | vlefevre | 2010-10-01 15:58:44 +0000 (Fri, 01 Oct 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + +[src/mulders.c] Untabified. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7187 | zimmerma | 2010-09-30 19:14:00 +0000 (Thu, 30 Sep 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + +[src/mulders.c] fixed comments about error analysis in short product, + and improved short division code + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7186 | vlefevre | 2010-09-30 16:46:23 +0000 (Thu, 30 Sep 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/ + M /trunk/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/src/mul.c + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +Removed trailing spaces and untabified several files. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7185 | vlefevre | 2010-09-30 16:40:04 +0000 (Thu, 30 Sep 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mul.c + +[src/mul.c] Added comments concerning the latest changes about mulhigh. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7184 | zimmerma | 2010-09-30 07:10:37 +0000 (Thu, 30 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + +[src/mulders.c] removed leftover debug stuff + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7183 | zimmerma | 2010-09-29 16:03:04 +0000 (Wed, 29 Sep 2010) | 11 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/ + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/src/mul.c + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + M /trunk/src/round_p.c + M /trunk/src/sqrt.c + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +[src/mulders.c] added new function mpfr_divhigh_n() for short division + (not used yet), fixed comments and added error analysis + in mpfr_mulhigh_n() and mpfr_sqrhigh_n() +[src/sqrt.c] fixed ill-placed MPFR_TMP_MARK +[src/] added default MPFR_DIVHIGH_TAB for mpfr_divhigh_n() +[src/round_p.c] typo +[src/mpfr-impl.h] added prototype for mpfr_divhigh_n +[src/mul.c] added comment, simplified code +[tune/tuneup.c] added tuning for mpfr_divhigh_n(), increased MAX_STEPS to get + a better tuning (will take longer), set tolerance to 1.0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7182 | zimmerma | 2010-09-29 13:15:33 +0000 (Wed, 29 Sep 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/src/sqrt.c + +added new option --enable-gmp-internals to use GMP undocumented function +(at user's own risk). So far only mpn_rootrem is used in mpfr_sqrt. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7181 | zimmerma | 2010-09-29 10:07:00 +0000 (Wed, 29 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + M /trunk/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/src/sqrt.c + +[doc/] added comment about mpn_rootrem + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7180 | vlefevre | 2010-09-28 23:09:34 +0000 (Tue, 28 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Added a FIXME note about incorrect use of an internal +GMP symbol (__gmpn_rootrem). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7179 | zimmerma | 2010-09-28 15:40:36 +0000 (Tue, 28 Sep 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/sqrt.c + +[src/sqrt.c] followup to previous commit: only compute an extra limb of the + square root for rounding to nearest (for directed rounding, it + suffices to know if the remainder is zero or not) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7178 | zimmerma | 2010-09-28 15:08:34 +0000 (Tue, 28 Sep 2010) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/src/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/src/sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +[src/sqrt.c] now uses mpn_rootrem (if available) instead of mpn_sqrtrem since + mpn_rootrem is faster. Also refactored the code: now compute one + more limb of the square root when the target precision is a + multiple of GMP_NUMB_LIMB. This greatly simplifies the code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7177 | zimmerma | 2010-09-28 11:40:08 +0000 (Tue, 28 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/sqrt.c + +[src/sqrt.c] simplified computation of sticky bit + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7176 | zimmerma | 2010-09-27 11:34:08 +0000 (Mon, 27 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + +[mulders.c] fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7175 | vlefevre | 2010-09-27 10:25:08 +0000 (Mon, 27 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + +[src/mulders.c] Replaced MPFR_ASSERTD with constant expression +by MPFR_ASSERTN. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7174 | vlefevre | 2010-09-27 10:21:17 +0000 (Mon, 27 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/mpfrlint + +[tools/mpfrlint] Added a test: +Constant checking should use MPFR_ASSERTN, not MPFR_ASSERTD. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7173 | zimmerma | 2010-09-27 08:17:11 +0000 (Mon, 27 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + +[mulders.c] modified mpfr_sqrhigh_n threshold so that it is > n/2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7172 | vlefevre | 2010-09-27 00:54:13 +0000 (Mon, 27 Sep 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] Added a FIXME concerning autoconf 2.68. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7171 | zimmerma | 2010-09-25 03:57:06 +0000 (Sat, 25 Sep 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mulders.c + +[mulders.c] use mpn_lshift instead of mpn_add_n, and improved the default + Mulders cutoff k beyond 1024 limbs (extrapolated from the cutoff + k for n=1023 on Core 2, and checked experimentally it is faster) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7170 | zimmerma | 2010-09-24 19:57:30 +0000 (Fri, 24 Sep 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +[tuneup.c] changed lower bound for exp_2 threshold from MPFR_PREC_MIN (2) to + GMP_NUMB_BITS. Seems to be better (since for p=2 the 2nd routine + was sometimes already faster). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7169 | zimmerma | 2010-09-24 19:12:08 +0000 (Fri, 24 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mul.c + +[mul.c] another changes for Mulders' algorithm in case of a square + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7168 | vlefevre | 2010-09-24 18:51:54 +0000 (Fri, 24 Sep 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mul.c + +[src/mul.c] Change in r7166 was incomplete. Fixed suspicious code. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7167 | zimmerma | 2010-09-24 18:35:00 +0000 (Fri, 24 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/ + +[] updated for 64-bit Core2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7166 | zimmerma | 2010-09-24 18:27:25 +0000 (Fri, 24 Sep 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/src/ + M /trunk/src/mul.c + M /trunk/src/sqr.c + M /trunk/tune/tuneup.c + +now use Mulders' algorithm also for mpfr_sqr, provides nice speed improvement +in all functions that perform squarings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7165 | vlefevre | 2010-09-21 10:57:23 +0000 (Tue, 21 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] API compatibility section: noted that mpfr_urandom +and mpfr_urandomb changed for MPFR 3.1. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7164 | zimmerma | 2010-09-21 08:50:50 +0000 (Tue, 21 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] update about "make tune" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7163 | vlefevre | 2010-09-21 08:43:47 +0000 (Tue, 21 Sep 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/FAQ.html + +[doc] Updated FAQ.html with update-faq. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7159 | schevill | 2010-09-20 15:47:36 +0000 (Mon, 20 Sep 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + +Indicated the location of + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7158 | vlefevre | 2010-09-19 17:58:10 +0000 (Sun, 19 Sep 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] Minor update. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7157 | zimmerma | 2010-09-19 12:32:22 +0000 (Sun, 19 Sep 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] inform the users that mpfr_add_one_ulp and mpfr_sub_one_ulp will be + removed + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7156 | zimmerma | 2010-09-18 19:50:36 +0000 (Sat, 18 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] added efficiency item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7150 | zimmerma | 2010-09-16 02:56:41 +0000 (Thu, 16 Sep 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_flt.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z_exp.c + +replaced calls to mpfr_printf by calls to mpfr_dump +(mpfr_printf might not be defined) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7149 | zimmerma | 2010-09-16 00:41:32 +0000 (Thu, 16 Sep 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[NEWS,doc/mpfr.texi] updated: the GMP random functions do not depend on the + computer word size + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7145 | vlefevre | 2010-09-15 15:17:09 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tools/mpfrlint + +[tools/mpfrlint] Check for mpfr_printf-like functions in the tests. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7144 | vlefevre | 2010-09-15 15:15:06 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] Updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7143 | zimmerma | 2010-09-15 13:26:39 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi + +[doc/mpfr.texi] added notes for mpfr_urandom and mpfr_urandomb + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7142 | zimmerma | 2010-09-15 09:27:38 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +[] updated LOADLIBES with reorganization of the sources + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7141 | zimmerma | 2010-09-15 09:15:57 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/algorithms.tex + +[algorithms.tex] added sections for pow_ui and root + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7140 | zimmerma | 2010-09-15 08:30:10 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/src/urandom.c + M /trunk/tests/turandom.c + +[src/urandom.c] now mpfr_urandom also returns identical values on 32-bit and + 64-bit machines +[tests/turandom.c] modified corresponding test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7139 | zimmerma | 2010-09-15 07:47:50 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/turandom.c + +replaced mpfr_printf in tests by calls to mpfr_out_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7138 | vlefevre | 2010-09-15 07:35:16 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Updated the paragraph added in r7137. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7137 | vlefevre | 2010-09-15 07:30:13 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/doc/ + +[doc/] Added a paragraph about the use of system-dependent +functions in the test suite. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7136 | vlefevre | 2010-09-15 07:28:34 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/init2.c + M /trunk/src/set_ld.c + M /trunk/src/vasprintf.c + +Some minor corrections in comments. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7135 | vlefevre | 2010-09-15 07:24:05 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/printf.c + +[src/printf.c] Typo in a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7134 | vlefevre | 2010-09-15 07:23:25 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/printf.c + +[src/printf.c] Slight modification of a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7133 | zimmerma | 2010-09-15 02:50:32 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2010) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/urandom.c + M /trunk/src/urandomb.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/turandom.c + +[urandomb.c] modified to leave the GMP random generator in the same state, + independent of GMP_NUMB_BITS +[trandom.c] test of the above +[urandom.c] added FIXME's +[turandom.c] check we leave the GMP random generator in the same state, + independent of GMP_NUMB_BITS. Currently this fails on 64-bit + computers. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7132 | zimmerma | 2010-09-15 01:57:46 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/urandomb.c + +[urandomb.c] added comment + slight change + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7121 | vlefevre | 2010-09-01 11:30:22 +0000 (Wed, 01 Sep 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Added casts to improve robustness in case of undefined +behavior and compiler extensions based on UB (in particular -fwrapv). +MPFR doesn't use such extensions, but these macros will be used by +3rd-party code, where such extensions may be required. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7120 | vlefevre | 2010-09-01 11:06:07 +0000 (Wed, 01 Sep 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Updated a comment concerning -Wconversion. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7118 | vlefevre | 2010-09-01 10:42:55 +0000 (Wed, 01 Sep 2010) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Added casts to unsigned long in mpfr_cmp_si and mpfr_set_si +macros for GCC, in order to avoid warnings in programs that use MPFR and +are compiled with -Wconversion (suggestion by Andreas Enge); such casts +are OK since if X is a constant expression, then (unsigned long) X is +also a constant expression, so that the optimizations still work. +Reformatted these macros. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7116 | vlefevre | 2010-09-01 09:25:27 +0000 (Wed, 01 Sep 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Fixed bug in the mpfr_cmp_ui macro for GCC (also used +by mpfr_cmp_si), when the evaluation of the first argument yields +side effects and the second argument is a constant expression with +the value 0. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7115 | vlefevre | 2010-09-01 09:19:43 +0000 (Wed, 01 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + +[tests/tcmp_ui.c] Added side-effect tests similar to those in tset_si.c, +showing a bug in the mpfr_cmp_ui and mpfr_cmp_si macros. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7114 | vlefevre | 2010-09-01 09:07:59 +0000 (Wed, 01 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + +[tests/tcmp_ui.c] Check mpfr_cmp_ui and mpfr_cmp_si macros against +side effects in the arguments. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7113 | vlefevre | 2010-09-01 08:58:22 +0000 (Wed, 01 Sep 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/mpfr.h + +[src/mpfr.h] Added a comment about the macros that use +__builtin_constant_p. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7112 | zimmerma | 2010-08-30 09:04:00 +0000 (Mon, 30 Aug 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +[tsqrt.c] improved comment, and added test sqrt(+0) == +0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7111 | vlefevre | 2010-08-29 19:26:00 +0000 (Sun, 29 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +[tests/tsqrt.c] Renamed check_nan() to check_singular(). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7110 | vlefevre | 2010-08-29 19:23:52 +0000 (Sun, 29 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +[tests/tsqrt.c] Check that sqrt(-0) has a negative sign. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7108 | vlefevre | 2010-08-26 14:44:41 +0000 (Thu, 26 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Replaced "patches" by "allpatches". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7107 | zimmerma | 2010-08-25 20:15:24 +0000 (Wed, 25 Aug 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7106 | vlefevre | 2010-08-23 15:24:10 +0000 (Mon, 23 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/gmp_op.c + +[src/gmp_op.c] Extend the exponent range in mpfr_cmp_q and mpfr_cmp_f. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7105 | vlefevre | 2010-08-23 15:03:37 +0000 (Mon, 23 Aug 2010) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/gmp_op.c + +[src/gmp_op.c] In mpfr_add_q / mpfr_sub_q, check with MPFR_ASSERTN +that an internal overflow/underflow doesn't occur. In theory, such +an exception is possible, but only if q has a huge numerator or +denominator. This is not supported (note: other problems may occur +first, such as insufficient memory). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7104 | vlefevre | 2010-08-23 14:46:44 +0000 (Mon, 23 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +[tests/tgmpop.c] Added overflow tests for mpfr_add_q / mpfr_sub_q. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7103 | vlefevre | 2010-08-23 14:03:07 +0000 (Mon, 23 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +[tests/{mpfr-test.h,tests.c}] Added flags_out function to output flags. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7102 | vlefevre | 2010-08-23 13:34:08 +0000 (Mon, 23 Aug 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +[src/gmp_op.c] Extend the exponent range in mpfr_add_q / mpfr_sub_q + (overflow/underflow exceptions are not supported yet). +[tests/tgmpop.c] Added corresponding testcases. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7101 | vlefevre | 2010-08-19 12:08:41 +0000 (Thu, 19 Aug 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +[src/gmp_op.c] Fixed the Inf +/- Inf cases for mpfr_add_q / mpfr_sub_q. +[tests/tgmpop.c] Added Inf +/- Inf tests. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7100 | thevenyp | 2010-08-19 08:56:31 +0000 (Thu, 19 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +[tests/tgmpop.c] Fix rounding mode in overflow tests +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7099 | vlefevre | 2010-08-19 01:26:16 +0000 (Thu, 19 Aug 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +[src/gmp_op.c] The function mpfr_cmp_z could fail in a reduced +exponent range. +[tests/tgmpop.c] Added a corresponding testcase. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7098 | vlefevre | 2010-08-19 01:00:53 +0000 (Thu, 19 Aug 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +[src/gmp_op.c] The functions mpfr_mul_z, mpfr_div_z, mpfr_add_z and +mpfr_sub_z could fail in a reduced exponent range. Fixed. +[tests/tgmpop.c] Added corresponding testcase. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7097 | vlefevre | 2010-08-18 21:19:07 +0000 (Wed, 18 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +[tests/tgmpop.c] Disabled buggy tests. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7096 | vlefevre | 2010-08-18 13:24:30 +0000 (Wed, 18 Aug 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/gmp_op.c + +[src/gmp_op.c] Fixed the intermediate overflow case in mpfr_muldiv_z +(for mpfr_mul_q and mpfr_div_q). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7095 | vlefevre | 2010-08-18 11:55:19 +0000 (Wed, 18 Aug 2010) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/gmp_op.c + +[src/gmp_op.c] Added function mpfr_muldiv_z (currently static -- should +it be in the API?) that computes y = RND(x*n/d), where n and d are mpz +integers. Changed mpfr_mul_q and mpfr_div_q to use this function. +Note: the code of the general case is currently the same as the old +mpfr_mul_q/mpfr_div_q code, thus needs to be fixed. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7094 | vlefevre | 2010-08-18 08:59:58 +0000 (Wed, 18 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +[tests/tgmpop.c] Replaced GMP_RNDN by MPFR_RNDN. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7093 | vlefevre | 2010-08-18 08:29:03 +0000 (Wed, 18 Aug 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +[tests/tgmpop.c] Added testcase for mpfr_mul_q/mpfr_div_q bug noted +in src/gmp_op.c (due to intermediate overflow). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7092 | vlefevre | 2010-08-17 15:32:53 +0000 (Tue, 17 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/logging.c + +[src/logging.c] Added a comment about register_printf_function. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7091 | vlefevre | 2010-08-17 12:45:22 +0000 (Tue, 17 Aug 2010) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/tools/ck-version-info + +Added tools/ck-version-info Perl script with the same license as, to check consistency concerning -version-info and +that the -version-info value is up-to-date. +Updated + * In dist-hook, replaced complex sh code by a call to ck-version-info. + * Distribute ck-version-info (EXTRA_DIST). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7090 | vlefevre | 2010-08-17 12:30:02 +0000 (Tue, 17 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk + M /trunk/doc + M /trunk/src + M /trunk/tune + +Updated svn:ignore properties. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7089 | vlefevre | 2010-08-17 09:31:09 +0000 (Tue, 17 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Put tools/ back to EXTRA_DIST. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7088 | vlefevre | 2010-08-17 09:25:39 +0000 (Tue, 17 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/src/ + +[src/] Fixed -version-info (I forgot to increment CURRENT). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7087 | vlefevre | 2010-08-17 09:10:13 +0000 (Tue, 17 Aug 2010) | 38 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/README + D /trunk/ + M /trunk/TODO + D /trunk/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + D /trunk/acos.c + D /trunk/acosh.c + D /trunk/add.c + D /trunk/add1.c + D /trunk/add1sp.c + D /trunk/add_d.c + D /trunk/add_ui.c + D /trunk/agm.c + D /trunk/ai.c + D /trunk/algorithm2e.sty + D /trunk/algorithms.bib + D /trunk/algorithms.tex + D /trunk/asin.c + D /trunk/asinh.c + D /trunk/atan.c + D /trunk/atan2.c + D /trunk/atanh.c + D /trunk/bernoulli.c + D /trunk/bidimensional_sample.c + D /trunk/buildopt.c + D /trunk/cache.c + D /trunk/cbrt.c + D /trunk/check.c + D /trunk/check_inits_clears + D /trunk/clear.c + D /trunk/clears.c + D /trunk/cmp.c + D /trunk/cmp2.c + D /trunk/cmp_abs.c + D /trunk/cmp_d.c + D /trunk/cmp_ld.c + D /trunk/cmp_si.c + D /trunk/cmp_ui.c + D /trunk/comparisons.c + A /trunk/ (from /trunk/ + D /trunk/ + D /trunk/const_catalan.c + D /trunk/const_euler.c + D /trunk/const_log2.c + D /trunk/const_pi.c + D /trunk/constant.c + D /trunk/copysign.c + D /trunk/cos.c + D /trunk/cosh.c + D /trunk/cot.c + D /trunk/coth.c + D /trunk/coverage + D /trunk/cputime.h + D /trunk/csc.c + D /trunk/csch.c + D /trunk/d_div.c + D /trunk/d_sub.c + D /trunk/digamma.c + D /trunk/dim.c + D /trunk/div-short.c + D /trunk/div.c + D /trunk/div_2exp.c + D /trunk/div_2si.c + D /trunk/div_2ui.c + D /trunk/div_d.c + D /trunk/div_ui.c + A /trunk/doc + A /trunk/doc/FAQ.html (from /trunk/FAQ.html:7086) + A /trunk/doc/ + A /trunk/doc/ (from /trunk/ + A /trunk/doc/algorithm2e.sty (from /trunk/algorithm2e.sty:7086) + A /trunk/doc/algorithms.bib (from /trunk/algorithms.bib:7086) + A /trunk/doc/algorithms.tex (from /trunk/algorithms.tex:7086) + A /trunk/doc/faq.xsl (from /trunk/faq.xsl:7086) + A /trunk/doc/fdl.texi (from /trunk/fdl.texi:7086) + A /trunk/doc/mpfr.texi (from /trunk/mpfr.texi:7086) + A /trunk/doc/update-faq (from /trunk/update-faq:7086) + D /trunk/dump.c + D /trunk/eint.c + D /trunk/eq.c + D /trunk/erf.c + D /trunk/erfc.c + D /trunk/exceptions.c + D /trunk/exp.c + D /trunk/exp10.c + D /trunk/exp2.c + D /trunk/exp3.c + D /trunk/exp_2.c + D /trunk/expm1.c + D /trunk/extract.c + D /trunk/factorial.c + D /trunk/faq.xsl + D /trunk/fdl.texi + D /trunk/fits_intmax.c + D /trunk/fits_s.h + D /trunk/fits_sint.c + D /trunk/fits_slong.c + D /trunk/fits_sshort.c + D /trunk/fits_u.h + D /trunk/fits_uint.c + D /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + D /trunk/fits_ulong.c + D /trunk/fits_ushort.c + D /trunk/fma.c + D /trunk/fms.c + D /trunk/frac.c + D /trunk/free_cache.c + D /trunk/gamma.c + D /trunk/gammaonethird.c + D /trunk/gen_inverse.h + D /trunk/get_d.c + D /trunk/get_d64.c + D /trunk/get_exp.c + D /trunk/get_f.c + D /trunk/get_flt.c + D /trunk/get_ld.c + D /trunk/ + D /trunk/get_si.c + D /trunk/get_sj.c + D /trunk/get_str.c + D /trunk/get_ui.c + D /trunk/get_uj.c + D /trunk/get_z.c + D /trunk/get_z_exp.c + D /trunk/gmp_op.c + D /trunk/hypot.c + D /trunk/ieee_floats.h + D /trunk/init.c + D /trunk/init2.c + D /trunk/inits.c + D /trunk/inits2.c + D /trunk/inp_str.c + D /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + D /trunk/isinf.c + D /trunk/isinteger.c + D /trunk/isnan.c + D /trunk/isnum.c + D /trunk/isqrt.c + D /trunk/isregular.c + D /trunk/iszero.c + D /trunk/jn.c + D /trunk/jyn_asympt.c + D /trunk/li2.c + D /trunk/lngamma.c + D /trunk/log.c + D /trunk/log10.c + D /trunk/log1p.c + D /trunk/log2.c + D /trunk/logging.c + D /trunk/mbench + D /trunk/min_prec.c + D /trunk/minmax.c + D /trunk/modf.c + D /trunk/mp_clz_tab.c + D /trunk/ + D /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + D /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + D /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + D /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + D /trunk/mpfr-longlong.h + D /trunk/mpfr-thread.h + D /trunk/mpfr.h + D /trunk/mpfr.texi + D /trunk/mpfrlint + D /trunk/mpn_exp.c + D /trunk/mul.c + D /trunk/mul_2exp.c + D /trunk/mul_2si.c + D /trunk/mul_2ui.c + D /trunk/mul_d.c + D /trunk/mul_ui.c + D /trunk/mulders.c + D /trunk/neg.c + D /trunk/next.c + D /trunk/nightly-test + A /trunk/other + A /trunk/other/cputime.h (from /trunk/cputime.h:7086) + A /trunk/other/div-short.c (from /trunk/div-short.c:7086) + D /trunk/out_str.c + D /trunk/pow.c + D /trunk/pow_si.c + D /trunk/pow_ui.c + D /trunk/pow_z.c + D /trunk/powerof2.c + D /trunk/print_raw.c + D /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + D /trunk/printf.c + D /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + D /trunk/reldiff.c + D /trunk/rem1.c + D /trunk/replace_all + D /trunk/rint.c + D /trunk/root.c + D /trunk/round_near_x.c + D /trunk/round_p.c + D /trunk/round_prec.c + D /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + D /trunk/scale2.c + D /trunk/sec.c + D /trunk/sech.c + D /trunk/set.c + D /trunk/set_d.c + D /trunk/set_d64.c + D /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + D /trunk/set_exp.c + D /trunk/set_f.c + D /trunk/set_flt.c + D /trunk/set_inf.c + D /trunk/set_ld.c + D /trunk/set_nan.c + D /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + D /trunk/set_prec.c + D /trunk/set_q.c + D /trunk/set_rnd.c + D /trunk/set_si.c + D /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + D /trunk/set_sj.c + D /trunk/set_str.c + D /trunk/set_str_raw.c + D /trunk/set_ui.c + D /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + D /trunk/set_uj.c + D /trunk/set_z.c + D /trunk/set_z_exp.c + D /trunk/set_zero.c + D /trunk/setmax.c + D /trunk/setmin.c + D /trunk/setsign.c + D /trunk/sgn.c + D /trunk/si_op.c + D /trunk/signbit.c + D /trunk/sin.c + D /trunk/sin_cos.c + D /trunk/sinh.c + D /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + D /trunk/speed.c + D /trunk/sqr.c + D /trunk/sqrt.c + D /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + A /trunk/src + A /trunk/src/ (from /trunk/ + A /trunk/src/abort_prec_max.c (from /trunk/abort_prec_max.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/acos.c (from /trunk/acos.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/acosh.c (from /trunk/acosh.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/add.c (from /trunk/add.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/add1.c (from /trunk/add1.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/add1sp.c (from /trunk/add1sp.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/add_d.c (from /trunk/add_d.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/add_ui.c (from /trunk/add_ui.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/agm.c (from /trunk/agm.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/ai.c (from /trunk/ai.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/asin.c (from /trunk/asin.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/asinh.c (from /trunk/asinh.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/atan.c (from /trunk/atan.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/atan2.c (from /trunk/atan2.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/atanh.c (from /trunk/atanh.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/bernoulli.c (from /trunk/bernoulli.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/buildopt.c (from /trunk/buildopt.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/cache.c (from /trunk/cache.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/cbrt.c (from /trunk/cbrt.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/check.c (from /trunk/check.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/clear.c (from /trunk/clear.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/clears.c (from /trunk/clears.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/cmp.c (from /trunk/cmp.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/cmp2.c (from /trunk/cmp2.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/cmp_abs.c (from /trunk/cmp_abs.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/cmp_d.c (from /trunk/cmp_d.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/cmp_ld.c (from /trunk/cmp_ld.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/cmp_si.c (from /trunk/cmp_si.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/cmp_ui.c (from /trunk/cmp_ui.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/comparisons.c (from /trunk/comparisons.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/const_catalan.c (from /trunk/const_catalan.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/const_euler.c (from /trunk/const_euler.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/const_log2.c (from /trunk/const_log2.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/const_pi.c (from /trunk/const_pi.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/constant.c (from /trunk/constant.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/copysign.c (from /trunk/copysign.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/cos.c (from /trunk/cos.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/cosh.c (from /trunk/cosh.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/cot.c (from /trunk/cot.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/coth.c (from /trunk/coth.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/csc.c (from /trunk/csc.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/csch.c (from /trunk/csch.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/d_div.c (from /trunk/d_div.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/d_sub.c (from /trunk/d_sub.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/digamma.c (from /trunk/digamma.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/dim.c (from /trunk/dim.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/div.c (from /trunk/div.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/div_2exp.c (from /trunk/div_2exp.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/div_2si.c (from /trunk/div_2si.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/div_2ui.c (from /trunk/div_2ui.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/div_d.c (from /trunk/div_d.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/div_ui.c (from /trunk/div_ui.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/dump.c (from /trunk/dump.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/eint.c (from /trunk/eint.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/eq.c (from /trunk/eq.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/erf.c (from /trunk/erf.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/erfc.c (from /trunk/erfc.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/exceptions.c (from /trunk/exceptions.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/exp.c (from /trunk/exp.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/exp10.c (from /trunk/exp10.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/exp2.c (from /trunk/exp2.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/exp3.c (from /trunk/exp3.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/exp_2.c (from /trunk/exp_2.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/expm1.c (from /trunk/expm1.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/extract.c (from /trunk/extract.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/factorial.c (from /trunk/factorial.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/fits_intmax.c (from /trunk/fits_intmax.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/fits_s.h (from /trunk/fits_s.h:7086) + A /trunk/src/fits_sint.c (from /trunk/fits_sint.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/fits_slong.c (from /trunk/fits_slong.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/fits_sshort.c (from /trunk/fits_sshort.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/fits_u.h (from /trunk/fits_u.h:7086) + A /trunk/src/fits_uint.c (from /trunk/fits_uint.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/fits_uintmax.c (from /trunk/fits_uintmax.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/fits_ulong.c (from /trunk/fits_ulong.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/fits_ushort.c (from /trunk/fits_ushort.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/fma.c (from /trunk/fma.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/fms.c (from /trunk/fms.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/frac.c (from /trunk/frac.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/free_cache.c (from /trunk/free_cache.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/gamma.c (from /trunk/gamma.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/gammaonethird.c (from /trunk/gammaonethird.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/gen_inverse.h (from /trunk/gen_inverse.h:7086) + A /trunk/src/get_d.c (from /trunk/get_d.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/get_d64.c (from /trunk/get_d64.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/get_exp.c (from /trunk/get_exp.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/get_f.c (from /trunk/get_f.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/get_flt.c (from /trunk/get_flt.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/get_ld.c (from /trunk/get_ld.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/get_si.c (from /trunk/get_si.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/get_sj.c (from /trunk/get_sj.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/get_str.c (from /trunk/get_str.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/get_ui.c (from /trunk/get_ui.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/get_uj.c (from /trunk/get_uj.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/get_z.c (from /trunk/get_z.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/get_z_exp.c (from /trunk/get_z_exp.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/gmp_op.c (from /trunk/gmp_op.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/hypot.c (from /trunk/hypot.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/ieee_floats.h (from /trunk/ieee_floats.h:7086) + A /trunk/src/init.c (from /trunk/init.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/init2.c (from /trunk/init2.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/inits.c (from /trunk/inits.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/inits2.c (from /trunk/inits2.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/inp_str.c (from /trunk/inp_str.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/int_ceil_log2.c (from /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/isinf.c (from /trunk/isinf.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/isinteger.c (from /trunk/isinteger.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/isnan.c (from /trunk/isnan.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/isnum.c (from /trunk/isnum.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/isqrt.c (from /trunk/isqrt.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/isregular.c (from /trunk/isregular.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/iszero.c (from /trunk/iszero.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/jn.c (from /trunk/jn.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/jyn_asympt.c (from /trunk/jyn_asympt.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/li2.c (from /trunk/li2.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/lngamma.c (from /trunk/lngamma.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/log.c (from /trunk/log.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/log10.c (from /trunk/log10.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/log1p.c (from /trunk/log1p.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/log2.c (from /trunk/log2.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/logging.c (from /trunk/logging.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/min_prec.c (from /trunk/min_prec.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/minmax.c (from /trunk/minmax.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/modf.c (from /trunk/modf.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/mp_clz_tab.c (from /trunk/mp_clz_tab.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/ (from /trunk/ + A /trunk/src/mpf2mpfr.h (from /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h:7086) + A /trunk/src/mpfr-gmp.c (from /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/mpfr-gmp.h (from /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h:7086) + A /trunk/src/mpfr-impl.h (from /trunk/mpfr-impl.h:7086) + A /trunk/src/mpfr-longlong.h (from /trunk/mpfr-longlong.h:7086) + A /trunk/src/mpfr-thread.h (from /trunk/mpfr-thread.h:7086) + A /trunk/src/mpfr.h (from /trunk/mpfr.h:7086) + A /trunk/src/mpn_exp.c (from /trunk/mpn_exp.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/mul.c (from /trunk/mul.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/mul_2exp.c (from /trunk/mul_2exp.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/mul_2si.c (from /trunk/mul_2si.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/mul_2ui.c (from /trunk/mul_2ui.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/mul_d.c (from /trunk/mul_d.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/mul_ui.c (from /trunk/mul_ui.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/mulders.c (from /trunk/mulders.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/neg.c (from /trunk/neg.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/next.c (from /trunk/next.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/out_str.c (from /trunk/out_str.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/pow.c (from /trunk/pow.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/pow_si.c (from /trunk/pow_si.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/pow_ui.c (from /trunk/pow_ui.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/pow_z.c (from /trunk/pow_z.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/powerof2.c (from /trunk/powerof2.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/print_raw.c (from /trunk/print_raw.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/print_rnd_mode.c (from /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/printf.c (from /trunk/printf.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/rec_sqrt.c (from /trunk/rec_sqrt.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/reldiff.c (from /trunk/reldiff.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/rem1.c (from /trunk/rem1.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/rint.c (from /trunk/rint.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/root.c (from /trunk/root.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/round_near_x.c (from /trunk/round_near_x.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/round_p.c (from /trunk/round_p.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/round_prec.c (from /trunk/round_prec.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/round_raw_generic.c (from /trunk/round_raw_generic.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/scale2.c (from /trunk/scale2.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/sec.c (from /trunk/sec.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/sech.c (from /trunk/sech.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set.c (from /trunk/set.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_d.c (from /trunk/set_d.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_d64.c (from /trunk/set_d64.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_dfl_prec.c (from /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_exp.c (from /trunk/set_exp.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_f.c (from /trunk/set_f.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_flt.c (from /trunk/set_flt.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_inf.c (from /trunk/set_inf.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_ld.c (from /trunk/set_ld.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_nan.c (from /trunk/set_nan.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_prc_raw.c (from /trunk/set_prc_raw.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_prec.c (from /trunk/set_prec.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_q.c (from /trunk/set_q.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_rnd.c (from /trunk/set_rnd.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_si.c (from /trunk/set_si.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_si_2exp.c (from /trunk/set_si_2exp.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_sj.c (from /trunk/set_sj.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_str.c (from /trunk/set_str.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_str_raw.c (from /trunk/set_str_raw.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_ui.c (from /trunk/set_ui.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_ui_2exp.c (from /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_uj.c (from /trunk/set_uj.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_z.c (from /trunk/set_z.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_z_exp.c (from /trunk/set_z_exp.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/set_zero.c (from /trunk/set_zero.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/setmax.c (from /trunk/setmax.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/setmin.c (from /trunk/setmin.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/setsign.c (from /trunk/setsign.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/sgn.c (from /trunk/sgn.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/si_op.c (from /trunk/si_op.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/signbit.c (from /trunk/signbit.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/sin.c (from /trunk/sin.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/sin_cos.c (from /trunk/sin_cos.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/sinh.c (from /trunk/sinh.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/sinh_cosh.c (from /trunk/sinh_cosh.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/sqr.c (from /trunk/sqr.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/sqrt.c (from /trunk/sqrt.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/sqrt_ui.c (from /trunk/sqrt_ui.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/stack_interface.c (from /trunk/stack_interface.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/strtofr.c (from /trunk/strtofr.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/sub.c (from /trunk/sub.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/sub1.c (from /trunk/sub1.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/sub1sp.c (from /trunk/sub1sp.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/sub_d.c (from /trunk/sub_d.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/sub_ui.c (from /trunk/sub_ui.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/subnormal.c (from /trunk/subnormal.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/sum.c (from /trunk/sum.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/swap.c (from /trunk/swap.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/tan.c (from /trunk/tan.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/tanh.c (from /trunk/tanh.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/uceil_exp2.c (from /trunk/uceil_exp2.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/uceil_log2.c (from /trunk/uceil_log2.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/ufloor_log2.c (from /trunk/ufloor_log2.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/ui_div.c (from /trunk/ui_div.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/ui_pow.c (from /trunk/ui_pow.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/ui_pow_ui.c (from /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/ui_sub.c (from /trunk/ui_sub.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/urandom.c (from /trunk/urandom.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/urandomb.c (from /trunk/urandomb.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/vasprintf.c (from /trunk/vasprintf.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/version.c (from /trunk/version.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/volatile.c (from /trunk/volatile.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/yn.c (from /trunk/yn.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/zeta.c (from /trunk/zeta.c:7086) + A /trunk/src/zeta_ui.c (from /trunk/zeta_ui.c:7086) + D /trunk/stack_interface.c + D /trunk/strtofr.c + D /trunk/sub.c + D /trunk/sub1.c + D /trunk/sub1sp.c + D /trunk/sub_d.c + D /trunk/sub_ui.c + D /trunk/subnormal.c + D /trunk/sum.c + D /trunk/swap.c + D /trunk/tan.c + D /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tools + A /trunk/tools/check_inits_clears (from /trunk/check_inits_clears:7086) + A /trunk/tools/coverage (from /trunk/coverage:7086) + A /trunk/tools/ (from /trunk/ + A /trunk/tools/mbench (from /trunk/mbench:7086) + A /trunk/tools/mpfrlint (from /trunk/mpfrlint:7086) + A /trunk/tools/nightly-test (from /trunk/nightly-test:7086) + A /trunk/tools/update-patchv (from /trunk/update-patchv:7086) + A /trunk/tools/update-version (from /trunk/update-version:7086) + A /trunk/tune + A /trunk/tune/ + A /trunk/tune/bidimensional_sample.c (from /trunk/bidimensional_sample.c:7086) + A /trunk/tune/speed.c (from /trunk/speed.c:7086) + A /trunk/tune/tuneup.c (from /trunk/tuneup.c:7086) + D /trunk/tuneup.c + D /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + D /trunk/uceil_log2.c + D /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + D /trunk/ui_div.c + D /trunk/ui_pow.c + D /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + D /trunk/ui_sub.c + D /trunk/update-faq + D /trunk/update-patchv + D /trunk/update-version + D /trunk/urandom.c + D /trunk/urandomb.c + D /trunk/vasprintf.c + D /trunk/version.c + D /trunk/volatile.c + D /trunk/yn.c + D /trunk/zeta.c + D /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +Source reorganization. In short: + * Added directories and moved related files into them: + - src for the MPFR source files (to build the library). + - doc for documentation files (except INSTALL, README...). + - tools for various tools (scripts) and mbench. + - tune for tuneup-related source files. + - other for other source files (not distributed in tarballs). + Existing directories: + - tests for the source files of the test suite (make check). + - examples for examples. + - m4 for m4 files. + * Renamed to + * Added/updated files where needed. + * Updated acinclude.m4 and (AC_CONFIG_FILES line). + * Updated the documentation (INSTALL, README, doc/ and + doc/mpfr.texi). + * Updated NEWS and TODO. + * Updated the scripts now in tools. + +The following script was used: + +#!/usr/bin/env zsh +svn mkdir doc other src tools tune +svn mv ${${(M)$(sed -n '/libmpfr_la_SOURCES/,/[^\]$/p' \ +*.[ch]}:#get_patches.c} \ + round_raw_generic.c jyn_asympt.c src +svn mv mbench check_inits_clears coverage mpfrlint \ + nightly-test update-patchv update-version tools +svn mv bidimensional_sample.c speed.c tuneup.c tune +svn mv *.{c,h} other +svn mv FAQ.html algorithm* faq.xsl fdl.texi mpfr.texi \ + update-faq doc +svn mv +svn cp src/ +svn rm replace_all +[Modifying some files, see above] +svn add doc/ +svn add tune/ +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7086 | vlefevre | 2010-08-16 13:09:20 +0000 (Mon, 16 Aug 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Updated -version-info (the interface hasn't really been +changed yet -- though the future bug fix / rewrite of mpfr_mul_q and +mpfr_div_q could be seen as an addition -- but this eases maintenance +and avoids -version-info conflict with the 3.0 branch). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7085 | vlefevre | 2010-08-16 12:40:14 +0000 (Mon, 16 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/bidimensional_sample.c + +[bidimensional_sample.c] Added copyright notice. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7084 | vlefevre | 2010-08-16 12:37:37 +0000 (Mon, 16 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + +[ai.c] Prototype clean-up. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7083 | vlefevre | 2010-08-16 09:21:21 +0000 (Mon, 16 Aug 2010) | 12 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/m4/size_max.m4 + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +Avoid a compilation failure on OSF/1 (Tru64) 5.1 due to non-C99 +conformance though is available. In various source +files and m4 files, use the following form only: + +#if HAVE_INTTYPES_H +# include +#endif +#if HAVE_STDINT_H +# include +#endif + +Updated to mention this form. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7078 | vlefevre | 2010-08-13 14:46:58 +0000 (Fri, 13 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/random2.c + +Deleted old svn:mergeinfo property on tests/random2.c +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7077 | vlefevre | 2010-08-13 10:11:25 +0000 (Fri, 13 Aug 2010) | 10 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + +[tests] Avoid warning due to -Wunused-but-set-variable (from future +GCC 4.6). Only let the one from tsubnormal.c because it's a TODO. + * mpf_compat.h: use the variables, that are there for prototype + checking. + * tpow.c, tpow_z.c: test the ternary value. + * tremquo.c: removed inex variables (the bug due to the MPFR value). + * tset.c: test the ternary value. + * tset_ld.c: removed the long double variable (it cannot be tested + in a portable way and the bug was an assertion failure). + * tzeta_ui.c: removed the inexact variable (not really useful here). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7076 | vlefevre | 2010-08-13 09:44:19 +0000 (Fri, 13 Aug 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_f.c + +[get_f.c] Avoid warning due to -Wunused-but-set-variable (from +future GCC 4.6). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7075 | vlefevre | 2010-08-13 09:41:27 +0000 (Fri, 13 Aug 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +[gamma.c] Avoid warning due to -Wunused-but-set-variable (from +future GCC 4.6). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7074 | vlefevre | 2010-08-13 09:38:28 +0000 (Fri, 13 Aug 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + +[gmp_op.c] Avoid warning due to -Wunused-but-set-variable (from +future GCC 4.6). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7073 | vlefevre | 2010-08-13 09:32:58 +0000 (Fri, 13 Aug 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +[exp_2.c] No longer define qn and sizer, which are no longer used since +r6919. This was detected by gcc-snapshot (4.6.0 prerelease) under Debian +(-Wunused-but-set-variable). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7072 | vlefevre | 2010-08-13 08:12:06 +0000 (Fri, 13 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] Update. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7071 | vlefevre | 2010-08-13 08:11:16 +0000 (Fri, 13 Aug 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ieee_floats.h + +[ieee_floats.h] Avoid breaking aliasing-rules when _GMP_IEEE_FLOATS is +defined (e.g. with --with-gmp-build), by replacing a struct by a union +like in r6381 for long double. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7070 | vlefevre | 2010-08-13 07:58:14 +0000 (Fri, 13 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Removed useless slash. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7069 | vlefevre | 2010-08-12 14:28:59 +0000 (Thu, 12 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] Prepare for new version. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7067 | vlefevre | 2010-08-12 14:13:48 +0000 (Thu, 12 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Removed obsolete paragraph about the old prepare script. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7066 | vlefevre | 2010-08-12 13:46:41 +0000 (Thu, 12 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/update-version + +[update-version] Detect errors. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7065 | vlefevre | 2010-08-12 10:51:17 +0000 (Thu, 12 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + +Updated FAQ.html with update-faq. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7064 | vlefevre | 2010-08-12 10:50:56 +0000 (Thu, 12 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/faq.xsl + +[faq.xsl] Do not copy XML comments. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7063 | vlefevre | 2010-08-12 10:48:45 +0000 (Thu, 12 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + +Updated FAQ.html with update-faq. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7059 | vlefevre | 2010-08-12 08:52:54 +0000 (Thu, 12 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] INRIAGforge -> INRIAGForge. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7058 | vlefevre | 2010-08-12 08:49:23 +0000 (Thu, 12 Aug 2010) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + +[README] Update: + * InriaGforge -> INRIAGForge (official typography). + * Updated URL of the Subversion FAQ (now on + * provided via SVN only. + * Removed the old note about the old CVS repository. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7057 | vlefevre | 2010-08-11 13:56:25 +0000 (Wed, 11 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + +[gmp_op.c] mpfr_mul_q and mpfr_div_q are still buggy; added comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7056 | vlefevre | 2010-08-11 13:39:05 +0000 (Wed, 11 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +[tests/tgmpop.c] Added missing "static". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7055 | thevenyp | 2010-08-11 10:48:45 +0000 (Wed, 11 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +gmp_op.c: Fix ternary value returned by mpfr_mul_q and mpfr_div_q in overflow cases. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7051 | vlefevre | 2010-08-04 23:51:21 +0000 (Wed, 04 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated "To make a release" (test of FP division by 0). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7050 | vlefevre | 2010-08-04 23:45:25 +0000 (Wed, 04 Aug 2010) | 10 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_flt.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +Support implementations where the floating-point division by 0 fails. + * acinclude.m4: added a test to check whether the FP division by 0 + fails, and define MPFR_ERRDIVZERO in such a case. + * tests/tests.c: if MPFR_TEST_DIVBYZERO is defined, test whether + there has been a floating-point division by 0 (FE_DIVBYZERO or + FE_INVALID exception). + * tests/tgeneric.c: if MPFR_ERRDIVZERO is defined, disable the + huge and tiny cases. + * tests/t*_{flt,d,ld}.c: if MPFR_ERRDIVZERO is defined, disable + tests involving NaN and infinities. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7049 | vlefevre | 2010-08-04 22:09:17 +0000 (Wed, 04 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Update about the compilers. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7048 | vlefevre | 2010-08-04 14:50:54 +0000 (Wed, 04 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Mention clang. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7047 | vlefevre | 2010-08-04 14:25:17 +0000 (Wed, 04 Aug 2010) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_sj.c + +[get_sj.c] Fixed bug found by John Regehr: + +Note: the problem was an undefined behavior that could occur when +sizeof(mp_limb_t) < sizeof(intmax_t) and |x| was small enough, +because a right shift was >= the type width. However as the shifted +value was 0, most platforms should not be affected by this bug. This +problem was detected with clang -fcatch-undefined-ansic-behavior. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7046 | vlefevre | 2010-08-04 14:05:09 +0000 (Wed, 04 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + +[tests/tget_sj.c] Added tests of 1 and -1. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7045 | vlefevre | 2010-08-04 13:35:48 +0000 (Wed, 04 Aug 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_sj.c + +[get_sj.c] Added assertions concerning + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7044 | vlefevre | 2010-08-04 10:59:01 +0000 (Wed, 04 Aug 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] When logging is enabled, remove the possible -pedantic +from GMP's CFLAGS to avoid warnings about C conformance. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7043 | vlefevre | 2010-08-04 10:17:14 +0000 (Wed, 04 Aug 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +[mpfr-impl.h] Reverse-merged changeset r7042. The code was not +incorrect: the warning is due to the -pedantic from GMP's CFLAGS. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7042 | vlefevre | 2010-08-04 09:58:06 +0000 (Wed, 04 Aug 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +[mpfr-impl.h] Correction to avoid GCC warnings + warning: invalid storage class for function 'x_f' + warning: invalid storage class for function '__mpfr_log_cleanup' +when building MPFR with logging support. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7041 | vlefevre | 2010-08-03 15:16:22 +0000 (Tue, 03 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +[mpfrlint] Correction for the future MPFR source structure. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7040 | vlefevre | 2010-08-03 15:08:22 +0000 (Tue, 03 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +[mpfrlint] Execute check_inits_clears. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7039 | vlefevre | 2010-08-03 15:06:58 +0000 (Tue, 03 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/check_inits_clears + +[check_inits_clears] Correction. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7038 | vlefevre | 2010-08-02 15:07:51 +0000 (Mon, 02 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Moved ieee_floats.h from EXTRA_DIST to libmpfr_la_SOURCES. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7037 | vlefevre | 2010-08-02 15:03:24 +0000 (Mon, 02 Aug 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Clean-up: removed gen_inverse.h from EXTRA_DIST because +it is already in libmpfr_la_SOURCES. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7036 | vlefevre | 2010-08-01 19:47:36 +0000 (Sun, 01 Aug 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Removed the comment about the dependency bug. +(svn merge -r7032:7031 +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7033 | vlefevre | 2010-08-01 19:26:12 +0000 (Sun, 01 Aug 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Added "BUILT_SOURCES = mparam.h", fixing bug + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7032 | vlefevre | 2010-08-01 18:45:45 +0000 (Sun, 01 Aug 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Added a comment concerning the bug in the mparam.h dependency rule: + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7031 | vlefevre | 2010-08-01 18:39:52 +0000 (Sun, 01 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Enable C mode for Emacs. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7030 | vlefevre | 2010-08-01 17:09:24 +0000 (Sun, 01 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Deleted trailing whitespace. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7029 | vlefevre | 2010-08-01 17:08:36 +0000 (Sun, 01 Aug 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Bug fix: added a newline at the end of the file. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7026 | vlefevre | 2010-07-30 15:44:24 +0000 (Fri, 30 Jul 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_d.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/ai.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/bernoulli.c + M /trunk/buildopt.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/clears.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_ld.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/constant.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/d_div.c + M /trunk/d_sub.c + M /trunk/digamma.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_d.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/examples/divworst.c + M /trunk/examples/rndo-add.c + M /trunk/examples/sample.c + M /trunk/examples/version.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/faq.xsl + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_sint.c + M /trunk/fits_slong.c + M /trunk/fits_sshort.c + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uint.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fits_ulong.c + M /trunk/fits_ushort.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gammaonethird.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_flt.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/ieee_floats.h + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inits.c + M /trunk/inits2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/isqrt.c + M /trunk/isregular.c + M /trunk/iszero.c + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/min_prec.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-thread.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_d.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/scale2.c + M /trunk/sec.c + M /trunk/sech.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_flt.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/set_z_exp.c + M /trunk/set_zero.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/setsign.c + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/signbit.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/speed.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_d.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/data/digamma + M /trunk/tests/data/li2 + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/random2.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tai.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/taway.c + M /trunk/tests/tbuildopt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdigamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp10.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_flt.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tisqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + M /trunk/tests/tj1.c + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + M /trunk/tests/tl2b.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmin_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tstdint.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/turandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/tests/ty0.c + M /trunk/tests/ty1.c + M /trunk/tests/tyn.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandom.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/version.c + M /trunk/volatile.c + M /trunk/yn.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +Replaced + Contributed by the Arenaire and Cacao projects +by + Contributed by the Arenaire and Caramel projects +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7024 | vlefevre | 2010-07-30 15:26:12 +0000 (Fri, 30 Jul 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + +[AUTHORS] Updated a sentence. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7021 | vlefevre | 2010-07-30 09:36:55 +0000 (Fri, 30 Jul 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk + +Added configure.lineno (generated by configure) to svn:ignore property. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7016 | vlefevre | 2010-07-29 16:01:45 +0000 (Thu, 29 Jul 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] For announces, changed mpfr into mpfr-announce. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7014 | vlefevre | 2010-07-26 11:12:22 +0000 (Mon, 26 Jul 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + +[ai.c] Replaced mp_exp_t by mpfr_exp_t. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7013 | vlefevre | 2010-07-25 19:31:31 +0000 (Sun, 25 Jul 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + +[ai.c] Fixed several bugs in mpfr_ai. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7010 | schevill | 2010-07-20 13:18:42 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jul 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/bidimensional_sample.c + +Updated bidimensional_sample to take into account the fact the mpfr_ai1 and mpfr_ai2 are now statically defined. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7009 | schevill | 2010-07-20 12:49:26 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jul 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr_ai1 and mpfr_ai2 are now declared static. Only mpfr_ai is global. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7008 | schevill | 2010-07-20 12:38:44 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jul 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Forgot a declaration in the previous commit. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7007 | schevill | 2010-07-20 12:32:42 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jul 2010) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ai.c + D /trunk/ai2.c + M /trunk/bidimensional_sample.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tuneup.c + +Added automatic tuning of mpfr_ai. + +More precisely: +* removed ai2.c: both implementations are now in the same file ai.c +* added thresholds and automatic choice of the method to use in function of the thresholds. +* added procedures for tuning functions like ai into tuneup.c +* added a tuning procedure into tuneup.c + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7005 | vlefevre | 2010-07-19 08:29:11 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jul 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_flt.c + +[tests/tget_flt.c] Fixed printf strings (missing backslash). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7004 | zimmerma | 2010-07-15 12:54:15 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jul 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_flt.c + +[tget_flt.c] completed previous commit + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7003 | zimmerma | 2010-07-15 12:49:09 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jul 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_flt.c + +[tget_flt.c] print more information in case a test fails + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6999 | vlefevre | 2010-07-09 23:59:50 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +[gamma.c] Added an assert concerning the mpfr_exp_t size. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6998 | vlefevre | 2010-07-09 23:48:40 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +[tests/tgamma.c] Use mpfr_set_str instead of mpfr_set_d. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6997 | vlefevre | 2010-07-09 23:33:24 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +[exp_2.c] Untabified. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6996 | zimmerma | 2010-07-09 20:09:08 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 2010) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +[gamma.c] fixed bug reported on MPFR list: + + In the underflow detection: + * we took log instead of log2 + * at the end, we added the wrong terms + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6995 | vlefevre | 2010-07-01 12:58:19 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +[mpfr-impl.h] Added a comment concerning the 'noreturn' property. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6994 | zimmerma | 2010-06-28 15:32:21 +0000 (Mon, 28 Jun 2010) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +[exp_2.c] added 3 more bits to initial working precision. On a sample of 20247 + tests by Sylvain Chevillard with precisions in [50, 100], the number + of Ziv's failures decreased from 1184 to 144, which is less than 1% + (to reduce to zero, we would have to increase the number of extra + bits from 8 to 17). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6993 | vlefevre | 2010-06-28 13:10:28 +0000 (Mon, 28 Jun 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_prec.c + +[round_prec.c] Applied a patch from Patrick Pélissier (with +slightly modified comments) to make mpfr_prec_round compatible +with non-mpfr_init allocation methods when no realloc is needed. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6989 | vlefevre | 2010-06-25 12:46:50 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + +[acinclude.m4] Use AC_FUNC_ALLOCA to have HAVE_ALLOCA_H defined +when available. This problem was introduced when AC_FUNC_ALLOCA +was removed from in r6765. Note: building MPFR with +--with-gmp-build is not affected as GMP's config.h is used. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6988 | vlefevre | 2010-06-25 11:44:00 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + +[mpfr-gmp.h] Reverted incorrect changeset r6987 (see code about alloca). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6987 | zimmerma | 2010-06-25 10:00:44 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + +[mpfr-gmp.h] include alloca.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6986 | zimmerma | 2010-06-25 08:20:10 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] added comment about config.log + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6985 | zimmerma | 2010-06-24 20:39:09 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +[exp_2.c] fixed problem reported by Sylvain Chevillard for large x, where the + cancelled bits were counted twice + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6983 | vlefevre | 2010-06-24 06:11:32 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + +[tests/tfprintf.c] Cosmetic improvement suggested by Denis Excoffier. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6982 | vlefevre | 2010-06-23 13:47:19 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Minor change to match a filename on the website. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6979 | vlefevre | 2010-06-23 10:13:07 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +[tests/tout_str.c] Fixed bug introduced in r6976: changed size_t into +unsigned int for printf (the size of unsigned int is sufficient here). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6978 | vlefevre | 2010-06-22 15:59:16 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/out_str.c + +[out_str.c] Handle the output errors. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6977 | vlefevre | 2010-06-22 15:27:34 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/out_str.c + +[out_str.c] Handle output error in the special cases of mpfr_out_str +(and use MPFR_IS_SINGULAR like in the other functions). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6976 | thevenyp | 2010-06-22 14:59:21 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +Fix wrong return value of mpfr_out_str on special values. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6974 | vlefevre | 2010-06-22 13:24:56 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/VERSION + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/version.c + +Updated version to 3.1.0-dev. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6973 | vlefevre | 2010-06-22 13:23:33 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Added a paragraph about the precision, rounding mode and +exponent types. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6972 | vlefevre | 2010-06-22 13:17:29 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai2.c + M /trunk/bidimensional_sample.c + M /trunk/gammaonethird.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +In mpfrlint, detect the use of mp_exp_t and mp_prec_t. +Fixed the files that were generating warnings. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6971 | schevill | 2010-06-22 13:12:09 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai2.c + +I forgot to replace one occurrence of isqrt. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6968 | schevill | 2010-06-22 08:45:00 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai2.c + +Use of __gmpfr_isqrt instead of my own isqrt wrapper. + + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6967 | schevill | 2010-06-22 08:43:18 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 2010) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/bidimensional_sample.c + +Added a tool for nicely displaying which method is the best in function of x +and prec when several method can be used for evaluating a given function f in x +at precision prec. + + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6965 | vlefevre | 2010-06-21 12:32:44 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Fixed dist-hook for -dev versions (I assumed that || +and && were right associative, while they are left associative). +Thanks to Laurent Rineau for noticing this problem. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6964 | zimmerma | 2010-06-21 09:40:15 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 2010) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +[exp_2.c] fixed inefficiency for large x: the initial precision was too small, + which had the effect that the first Ziv iteration did fail with + non-negligible probability (problem reported by Sylvain Chevillard). + Also in case of 2 iterations or more the K variable was corrupted. +Note (2012-03-03): huge inefficiency has been noticed when evaluating +mpfr_exp on an argument close to log(2^n) in RNDU: + +One has an obvious hard-to-round case, meaning that several iterations +are needed and that K is corrupted. This changeset fixes this bug. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6962 | zimmerma | 2010-06-15 21:14:08 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] added note about problem with MSVC runtime (seems to be fixed) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6961 | zimmerma | 2010-06-15 20:46:21 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mbench/Makefile + +[Makefile] alternate patch to r6959 from Patrick Pelissier + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6960 | zimmerma | 2010-06-15 16:56:09 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] comments from Vincent Lefevre + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6959 | zimmerma | 2010-06-15 12:14:12 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mbench/Makefile + M /trunk/mbench/mfv5.h + +[mbench] fixes to make mbench work again (tested with GCC 4.4.3) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6958 | zimmerma | 2010-06-15 11:18:50 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] updated notes on Windows (contributed by Brian Gladman) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6955 | vlefevre | 2010-06-10 14:10:03 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +[tests/] Reordered check_PROGRAMS. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6953 | vlefevre | 2010-06-10 11:49:55 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Untabified. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6951 | vlefevre | 2010-06-10 11:26:38 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +[BUGS] Update. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6943 | vlefevre | 2010-06-09 11:26:02 +0000 (Wed, 09 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Added a note on Mac OS X; thanks to FX Coudert and Fumihiro +Chiba: +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6940 | vlefevre | 2010-06-08 16:17:48 +0000 (Tue, 08 Jun 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Update concerning CC/CFLAGS and the --with-gmp-build option. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6938 | vlefevre | 2010-06-07 08:20:58 +0000 (Mon, 07 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] Added an item about the --with-gmp-build configure option and +the use of GMP's internal header files. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6933 | vlefevre | 2010-06-06 11:21:26 +0000 (Sun, 06 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +[exp_2.c] Reverted incorrect optimization patch r6922 (added a comment). +There were failures on 32-bit machines. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6932 | vlefevre | 2010-06-06 11:17:06 +0000 (Sun, 06 Jun 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +[mpfr-impl.h] Added log messages for the MPFR_GROUP_* macros. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6930 | vlefevre | 2010-06-06 10:16:01 +0000 (Sun, 06 Jun 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +[mpfrlint] Detect incorrect use of MPFR_LOG_MSG. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6929 | vlefevre | 2010-06-06 10:06:40 +0000 (Sun, 06 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai2.c + +[ai2.c] Fixed build failure with --enable-logging, due to incorrect +MPFR_LOG_MSG usage (see +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6927 | vlefevre | 2010-06-06 10:00:50 +0000 (Sun, 06 Jun 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated "To make a release". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6925 | vlefevre | 2010-06-06 09:47:32 +0000 (Sun, 06 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + +[ai.c] Fixed build failure with --enable-logging, due to incorrect +MPFR_LOG_MSG usage (see +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6922 | zimmerma | 2010-06-04 18:32:18 +0000 (Fri, 04 Jun 2010) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +[exp_2.c] speed improvement using MPFR_GROUP_* (from Patrick Pelissier): +Pass 69 + mpfr_add: 63 / 102.97 / 126 + mpfr_exp: 430 / 11861.26 / 46588 +Was before we removed MY_MPZ_INIT: +Pass 50 + mpfr_add: 63 / 103.09 / 126 + mpfr_exp: 430 / 10911.86 / 44215 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6920 | vlefevre | 2010-06-04 08:37:54 +0000 (Fri, 04 Jun 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +[exp_2.c] Removed useless and possibly incorrect cast +(in case -q doesn't necessarily fit in an int). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6919 | zimmerma | 2010-06-04 07:51:27 +0000 (Fri, 04 Jun 2010) | 14 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +[exp_2.c] got rid of MY_INIT_MPZ, small slowdown, but code should be more + robust. Below are timings from Patrick Pelissier with mbench: +mpz_init: +Pass 78 + mpfr_add: 63 / 102.86 / 126 + mpfr_exp: 441 / 12067.81 / 47355 + +MY_MPZ_INIT +Pass 50 + mpfr_add: 63 / 103.09 / 126 + mpfr_exp: 430 / 10911.86 / 44215 + +Prec=53 bits (core 2 duo 64 bits) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6918 | zimmerma | 2010-06-03 16:18:31 +0000 (Thu, 03 Jun 2010) | 22 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +[exp_2.c] fixed problem reported by Sylvain Chevillard with following code + and MPFR_EXP_2_THRESHOLD=36 (valgrind complains). + It was due to the fact that GMP might allocate extra limbs, + see + The fix is not optimal in the sense that GMP does not give a bound + on the allocated memory, thus we can only guess. + +#include "mpfr.h" +int main(void) { + mpfr_t x,w; + + mpfr_init2(x, 37); + mpfr_init2(w, 37); + mpfr_set_str(x, "-1.000001100100100001111110110101010001p+20", 2, MPFR_RNDN); + mpfr_exp (w, x, MPFR_RNDN); + + mpfr_clear (w); + mpfr_clear (x); + + return 0; +} + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6915 | vlefevre | 2010-06-03 15:07:52 +0000 (Thu, 03 Jun 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] Math library check: removed rule specific to HP-UX +(only -lM was tested while this library may not be available; so, +let's use the default rule as -lm works). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6912 | vlefevre | 2010-06-03 08:24:49 +0000 (Thu, 03 Jun 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Arenaire -> Arénaire. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6909 | vlefevre | 2010-06-02 11:02:34 +0000 (Wed, 02 Jun 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] 3.0 -> 3.0.0. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6907 | vlefevre | 2010-06-02 11:01:18 +0000 (Wed, 02 Jun 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] Added test coverage for MPFR 3.0.0. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6904 | vlefevre | 2010-05-31 22:43:23 +0000 (Mon, 31 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Added missing blank lines (consistency). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6901 | vlefevre | 2010-05-31 22:27:56 +0000 (Mon, 31 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_z_exp.c + +[tests/tset_z_exp.c] Fixed type in a printf. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6900 | zimmerma | 2010-05-31 20:10:06 +0000 (Mon, 31 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] added instructions for "make tune" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6899 | zimmerma | 2010-05-31 20:01:03 +0000 (Mon, 31 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] completed missing instructions for "make tune" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6898 | zimmerma | 2010-05-31 19:36:42 +0000 (Mon, 31 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_z_exp.c + +[tset_z_exp.c] fixed two FIXME + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6897 | vlefevre | 2010-05-31 14:29:44 +0000 (Mon, 31 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_z_exp.c + +[tests/tset_z_exp.c] Added 2 FIXME in the test. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6896 | vlefevre | 2010-05-31 14:20:24 +0000 (Mon, 31 May 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_z_exp.c + +[tests/tset_z_exp.c] Removed testcase bug20100531 (this was a bug in +the test, which didn't detect overflow cases due to too large random +exponent). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6895 | vlefevre | 2010-05-31 14:12:27 +0000 (Mon, 31 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_z_exp.c + +[tests/tset_z_exp.c] Added testcase bug20100531. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6893 | vlefevre | 2010-05-31 13:44:36 +0000 (Mon, 31 May 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi, NEWS] Update related to r6879: "Made defined the previously +undefined cases of mpfr_get_si, mpfr_get_ui, mpfr_get_sj, mpfr_get_uj, +mpfr_get_z and mpfr_get_z_2exp. In such cases, the erange flag is set.". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6892 | vlefevre | 2010-05-31 13:08:17 +0000 (Mon, 31 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Corrected mpfr_atan2 range (added in r6831). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6891 | vlefevre | 2010-05-28 15:07:49 +0000 (Fri, 28 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Made an example fit on 80 columns for the info manual. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6890 | vlefevre | 2010-05-28 14:29:08 +0000 (Fri, 28 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Changed some @math into @var in the mpfr_fmod description +(for consistency). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6889 | vlefevre | 2010-05-28 10:54:55 +0000 (Fri, 28 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Corrected a paragraph. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6888 | vlefevre | 2010-05-28 10:33:21 +0000 (Fri, 28 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Added an example to get the MPFR version (and at the same +time, check whether MPFR is already installed). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6886 | vlefevre | 2010-05-28 09:52:37 +0000 (Fri, 28 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/examples/version.c + +Added examples/version.c (and updated +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6885 | vlefevre | 2010-05-28 09:25:36 +0000 (Fri, 28 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Correction (English usage). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6883 | vlefevre | 2010-05-28 08:16:16 +0000 (Fri, 28 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Improved dist-hook rule. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6882 | thevenyp | 2010-05-27 09:14:02 +0000 (Thu, 27 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Fix typo. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6881 | zimmerma | 2010-05-26 19:39:02 +0000 (Wed, 26 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] removed one item, added one + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6880 | zimmerma | 2010-05-26 19:35:30 +0000 (Wed, 26 May 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] removed FIXME (resolved: Philippe confirmed that gmp_printf does + not work with mpf2mpfr.h) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6879 | vlefevre | 2010-05-25 16:19:48 +0000 (Tue, 25 May 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +Made defined the previously undefined cases of mpfr_get_si, mpfr_get_ui, +mpfr_get_sj, mpfr_get_uj, mpfr_get_z and mpfr_get_z_2exp. In such cases, +the erange flag is set. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6878 | schevill | 2010-05-25 14:27:57 +0000 (Tue, 25 May 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + M /trunk/ai2.c + +* 80 columns. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6877 | schevill | 2010-05-25 14:14:37 +0000 (Tue, 25 May 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gammaonethird.c + +do ... while(0) style for macros. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6875 | vlefevre | 2010-05-25 13:20:34 +0000 (Tue, 25 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] Correction. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6873 | vlefevre | 2010-05-25 11:05:42 +0000 (Tue, 25 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Minor changes. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6872 | vlefevre | 2010-05-25 10:43:08 +0000 (Tue, 25 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] Reverted incorrect changeset r6870. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6871 | vlefevre | 2010-05-25 10:41:44 +0000 (Tue, 25 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Added a comment about non-ASCII characters. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6870 | thevenyp | 2010-05-25 10:38:51 +0000 (Tue, 25 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +More explicit documentation on the use of specifiers in printf function. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6869 | vlefevre | 2010-05-25 10:34:07 +0000 (Tue, 25 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Encoding correction for ±. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6868 | vlefevre | 2010-05-25 10:26:12 +0000 (Tue, 25 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[NEWS, mpfr.texi] mpfr_custom_get_mantissa was renamed to +mpfr_custom_get_significand. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6867 | vlefevre | 2010-05-25 10:15:30 +0000 (Tue, 25 May 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + +[tests/tstckintc.c] Changed mpfr_custom_get_mantissa into +mpfr_custom_get_significand (but mpfr_custom_get_mantissa +was still working thanks to the #define). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6866 | vlefevre | 2010-05-25 10:13:26 +0000 (Tue, 25 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + +[mpfr.h, stack_interface.c] Changed mpfr_custom_get_mantissa into +mpfr_custom_get_significand (r6862 was incomplete). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6865 | vlefevre | 2010-05-25 09:29:40 +0000 (Tue, 25 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +[mpfr.h] support: also test _STDINT (for MS Visual Studio). +Thanks to Brian Gladman for the information. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6863 | vlefevre | 2010-05-25 07:24:18 +0000 (Tue, 25 May 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/buildopt.c + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +[buildopt.c] Missing #include "mpfr-impl.h" for cygwin builds. +[mpfrlint] Detect such errors (mpfr-impl.h may be needed because it + includes config.h when there is one). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6862 | zimmerma | 2010-05-24 16:56:52 +0000 (Mon, 24 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] more changes after answers by Vincent to my questions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6860 | vlefevre | 2010-05-24 10:54:03 +0000 (Mon, 24 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] Reformat / fixed typography. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6855 | vlefevre | 2010-05-24 00:01:40 +0000 (Mon, 24 May 2010) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +[sub1sp.c] Fixed a problem that appeared after mpfr_prec_t has been +made signed. It was visible on PowerPC (tested on Linux 32 bits and +on Mac OS X 32 & 64 bits), but could potentially affect any platform +as a negative shift count was generated. As the faulty expressions +were in a MPFR_ASSERTD, the failure could occur only when assertion +checking had been enabled. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6852 | vlefevre | 2010-05-22 23:08:17 +0000 (Sat, 22 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Removed trailing spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6851 | vlefevre | 2010-05-22 23:06:49 +0000 (Sat, 22 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Added information about intmax_t and corresponding macros. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6849 | vlefevre | 2010-05-22 22:42:05 +0000 (Sat, 22 May 2010) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + +Detect when the intmax_t type is available but INTMAX_MAX doesn't work +(e.g. with gcc -ansi -pedantic-errors in 32-bit mode under GNU/Linux). +New macros MPFR_UINTMAX_MAX, MPFR_INTMAX_MAX and MPFR_INTMAX_MIN are +defined and used internally instead of UINTMAX_MAX, INTMAX_MAX and +INTMAX_MIN. If these C99 macros work, then the MPFR_* macros use them, +otherwise MPFR uses its own definitions. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6846 | vlefevre | 2010-05-22 19:41:07 +0000 (Sat, 22 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gammaonethird.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr_div_ui8 and mpfr_mul_ui5 didn't have to be exported. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6845 | vlefevre | 2010-05-22 19:33:22 +0000 (Sat, 22 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + M /trunk/ai2.c + M /trunk/bernoulli.c + M /trunk/buildopt.c + M /trunk/digamma.c + M /trunk/gammaonethird.c + M /trunk/get_flt.c + M /trunk/ieee_floats.h + M /trunk/isregular.c + M /trunk/mbench/mfv5.h + M /trunk/mbench/timp.h + M /trunk/min_prec.c + M /trunk/scale2.c + M /trunk/set_flt.c + M /trunk/set_z_exp.c + M /trunk/set_zero.c + M /trunk/speed.c + M /trunk/tests/tai.c + M /trunk/tests/taway.c + M /trunk/tests/tbuildopt.c + M /trunk/tests/tdigamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_flt.c + M /trunk/tests/tmin_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tstdint.c + +Updated Subversion properties. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6844 | vlefevre | 2010-05-22 19:13:37 +0000 (Sat, 22 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai2.c + +[ai2.c] GNU style. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6843 | vlefevre | 2010-05-22 16:04:13 +0000 (Sat, 22 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai2.c + +[ai2.c] Style correction (necessary for ansi2knr, if still useful). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6842 | vlefevre | 2010-05-22 13:55:22 +0000 (Sat, 22 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + M /trunk/ai2.c + +[ai.c, ai2.c] Untabified / removed trailing spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6841 | vlefevre | 2010-05-22 13:53:19 +0000 (Sat, 22 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + +[ai.c] GNU style. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6840 | vlefevre | 2010-05-22 10:21:11 +0000 (Sat, 22 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Corrected the paragraph about whether MPFR is installed. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6839 | vlefevre | 2010-05-22 00:12:31 +0000 (Sat, 22 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Corrections and answers to PZ comments from r6831. +The document encoding is now UTF-8. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6838 | vlefevre | 2010-05-21 21:06:07 +0000 (Fri, 21 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] n-char-sequence was changed into n-char-sequence-opt +in r6132, but I forgot to update all the occurrences. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6837 | schevill | 2010-05-21 09:47:13 +0000 (Fri, 21 May 2010) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + M /trunk/ai2.c + +* Removed double precision numbers. +* Handle +0 and -0 the same way. +* Use MPFR_GET_EXP in ai2.c + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6836 | schevill | 2010-05-20 14:19:47 +0000 (Thu, 20 May 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + +* Corrected a bug when x=0 (MPFR_GET_EXP requires to assert that x!=0). + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6835 | schevill | 2010-05-20 13:34:26 +0000 (Thu, 20 May 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + M /trunk/ai2.c + M /trunk/gammaonethird.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Corrected some warnings. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6834 | schevill | 2010-05-20 12:39:34 +0000 (Thu, 20 May 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Corrected an error that prevented the doc from compiling. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6833 | vlefevre | 2010-05-20 09:47:02 +0000 (Thu, 20 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: corrections. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6832 | zimmerma | 2010-05-20 09:35:06 +0000 (Thu, 20 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] explain why mpfr_sum uses an array of pointers to mpfr_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6831 | zimmerma | 2010-05-20 09:10:47 +0000 (Thu, 20 May 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/fdl.texi + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] changes after a complete reading of the documentation. + There are some issues left that I don't know how to solve, + they are marked with @c PZ in mpfr.texi. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6829 | vlefevre | 2010-05-19 23:07:54 +0000 (Wed, 19 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi, NEWS] Noted that the mpfr_ai implementation is incomplete +and experimental. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6827 | vlefevre | 2010-05-19 23:04:40 +0000 (Wed, 19 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + +[ai.c] Use MPFR_IS_SINGULAR. Added a FIXME comment for Ai(0). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6825 | vlefevre | 2010-05-19 22:41:29 +0000 (Wed, 19 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + M /trunk/tests/turandom.c + +Type corrections for C++ compilers (in particular, mpfr_rnd_t vs int). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6822 | vlefevre | 2010-05-19 14:30:02 +0000 (Wed, 19 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + +[ai.c] Fixed possible problem in reduced exponent range. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6821 | vlefevre | 2010-05-19 14:25:02 +0000 (Wed, 19 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + M /trunk/ai2.c + +Removed trailing spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6820 | schevill | 2010-05-19 13:48:46 +0000 (Wed, 19 May 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + M /trunk/ai2.c + M /trunk/gammaonethird.c + +* Removed some warnings. +* More conform to GNU coding standards. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6818 | vlefevre | 2010-05-19 13:09:29 +0000 (Wed, 19 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + D /trunk/patch-aclocal-icc + +Removed obsolete patch-aclocal-icc and updated (about +"To make a release"). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6813 | vlefevre | 2010-05-19 12:38:01 +0000 (Wed, 19 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Added a comment concerning -version-info and MPFR 3.0.x. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6812 | vlefevre | 2010-05-19 11:53:33 +0000 (Wed, 19 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF8 TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6811 | vlefevre | 2010-05-19 10:18:37 +0000 (Wed, 19 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Preliminary interfaces are no longer preliminary. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6810 | vlefevre | 2010-05-19 10:13:39 +0000 (Wed, 19 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] API Compatibility: mention the detection of the availability +of intmax_t with C++ compilers. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6809 | vlefevre | 2010-05-19 09:07:33 +0000 (Wed, 19 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] signness -> signedness (thanks to Philippe). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6808 | vlefevre | 2010-05-19 00:11:39 +0000 (Wed, 19 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Missing @code. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6807 | vlefevre | 2010-05-19 00:09:11 +0000 (Wed, 19 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Corrected C terminology (table -> array). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6806 | vlefevre | 2010-05-18 14:40:36 +0000 (Tue, 18 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi, NEWS] Mention that mpfr_ai is a new function in MPFR 3.0. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6805 | vlefevre | 2010-05-18 14:36:05 +0000 (Tue, 18 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + D /trunk/prepare + +Removed obsolete prepare script (autoreconf does the same thing). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6804 | schevill | 2010-05-18 14:34:57 +0000 (Tue, 18 May 2010) | 21 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ai.c + A /trunk/ai2.c + A /trunk/gammaonethird.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +* I added a new implementation of Airy Ai. This implementation uses Smith's +algorithm. +Currently, it is provided as a separate implementation mpfr_ai2. + +* Please note that both mpfr_ai and mpfr_ai2 need to efficiently evaluate +Gamma(1/3) and Gamma(2/3). This is provided by functions in the file +gammaonethird.c + +* There is no test file for mpfr_ai2 since it should quickly disappear behind +a single implementation using the best of mpfr_ai and mpfr_ai2. +However, if necessary, a test file can be obtained by copying tai.c and +replacing mpfr_ai by mpfr_ai2 everywhere. + +* I do not know if gammaonethird.c will remain like that in the future. Should +we make this implementation available as a public MPFR function? In this case, +I have to write a wrapper for providing a correctly rounded implementation. +Moreover, it contains functions that could be interesting for the +implementation of other functions (the functions mpfr_div_ui*). Maybe, it +could be worth providing a file specially for this purpose. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6803 | vlefevre | 2010-05-18 14:32:07 +0000 (Tue, 18 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] Added release name. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6802 | vlefevre | 2010-05-18 14:30:38 +0000 (Tue, 18 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] Updated "Changes from versions 2.3.* to version 2.4.0" +from MPFR 2.4.2. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6801 | vlefevre | 2010-05-18 14:25:20 +0000 (Tue, 18 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Completed Section 6.1 "Type and Macro Changes". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6800 | vlefevre | 2010-05-18 14:07:26 +0000 (Tue, 18 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Updated Section 6.1 "Type and Macro Changes". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6799 | vlefevre | 2010-05-18 13:57:03 +0000 (Tue, 18 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Missing space. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6798 | vlefevre | 2010-05-18 13:54:47 +0000 (Tue, 18 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Updated Section 6.1 "Type and Macro Changes". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6797 | vlefevre | 2010-05-18 13:53:06 +0000 (Tue, 18 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] A bit less ambiguous... +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6796 | vlefevre | 2010-05-18 13:12:49 +0000 (Tue, 18 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] More details for mp_rnd_t/mpfr_rnd_t, like mp_prec_t/mpfr_prec_t. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6795 | vlefevre | 2010-05-17 15:51:28 +0000 (Mon, 17 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Added "API Compatibility" section to the MPFR manual. +TODO: Section 6.1 "Type and Macro Changes". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6794 | vlefevre | 2010-05-17 13:31:19 +0000 (Mon, 17 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] mpfr_strtofr now accepts bases from 37 to 62 (r5965). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6793 | vlefevre | 2010-05-10 09:25:01 +0000 (Mon, 10 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: updated section about MS Windows. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6792 | vlefevre | 2010-05-10 09:05:12 +0000 (Mon, 10 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: updated section about MS Windows. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6791 | vlefevre | 2010-05-08 17:17:18 +0000 (Sat, 08 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +[tests/tests.c] Fixed code when _MPFR_PREC_FORMAT != 3. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6790 | zimmerma | 2010-05-08 08:01:05 +0000 (Sat, 08 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +[tests/tests.c] fixed compiler warning (found by nightly tests) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6789 | vlefevre | 2010-05-07 15:13:02 +0000 (Fri, 07 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/ai.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/digamma.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_flt.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-v6.c + M /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_z_exp.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/random2.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp10.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/turandom.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/urandom.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/yn.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +New exponent type mpfr_exp_t for MPFR (replacing GMP's mp_exp_t). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6788 | vlefevre | 2010-05-07 14:18:54 +0000 (Fri, 07 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] Updated a paragraph concerning signed and unsigned types. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6787 | vlefevre | 2010-05-07 13:57:28 +0000 (Fri, 07 May 2010) | 12 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + +Changed the precision type mpfr_prec_t from an unsigned integer type +into the corresponding signed integer type, in order to avoid problems +due to the usual arithmetic conversions when mixing mpfr_prec_t and +mp_exp_t in an expression. +* NEWS: mentioned this change. +* mpfr-impl.h: removed MPFR_INTPREC_MAX (which wasn't used) and updated + the MPFR_UNSIGNED_MINUS_MODULO(S,A) macro, which assumed that A was + unsigned; this macro now works even when A is signed. +* mpfr.h: added mpfr_uprec_t; updated mpfr_prec_t and MPFR_PREC_MAX. +* tests/tcheck.c: disabled a test on MPFR_PREC_MAX+1 with MPFR >= 3 + (this test doesn't work with a signed mpfr_prec_t and isn't needed). +Note: all tests pass under GNU Linux x86 and x86_64. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6786 | vlefevre | 2010-05-07 12:36:55 +0000 (Fri, 07 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + +[tests/tcheck.c] Forgot to remove a printf (added during testing). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6785 | vlefevre | 2010-05-07 12:33:57 +0000 (Fri, 07 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + +[tests/tcheck.c] Support signed mpfr_prec_t (avoid integer overflow). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6784 | vlefevre | 2010-05-07 12:31:53 +0000 (Fri, 07 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + +[tests/mpf_compat.h] Fixed prototype of function main. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6783 | vlefevre | 2010-05-07 12:23:22 +0000 (Fri, 07 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +[mpfr.h] Added a comment concerning the definition of MPFR_PREC_MAX. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6782 | vlefevre | 2010-05-06 10:10:52 +0000 (Thu, 06 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + +print_rnd_mode.c: added an assertion so that we do not forget to update +this file after a new rounding mode is added. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6780 | vlefevre | 2010-05-03 14:26:06 +0000 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Added a paragraph about multiple inclusions of mpfr.h and/or +gmp.h header files. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6779 | thevenyp | 2010-05-03 14:19:20 +0000 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Update documentation for mpfr_print_rnd_mode. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6778 | vlefevre | 2010-05-03 13:15:15 +0000 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +To avoid breaking the ABI when faithful rounding gets implemented, added +MPFR_RNDF to the mpfr_rnd_t enum type now, and removed MPFR_RND_MAX from +the enumeration (it is now defined as a macro in mpfr-impl.h). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6777 | vlefevre | 2010-05-03 12:52:28 +0000 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_sint.c + M /trunk/fits_slong.c + M /trunk/fits_sshort.c + +fits_* (signed version): corrections and optimizations. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6776 | vlefevre | 2010-05-03 12:30:46 +0000 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + +[fits_uintmax.c, fits_u.h] Some casts could be incorrect in the case +mp_exp_t > mpfr_prec_t. Set prec to the int type since in practice, +prec will be small enough to fit in an int. The fact that prec is now +signed allows us to remove a useless test (also note that prec should +be computed at compile time, so that this should be at least as fast). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6775 | vlefevre | 2010-05-03 12:04:56 +0000 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + +[fits_uintmax.c, fits_u.h] Comments: doesn't -> don't +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6774 | vlefevre | 2010-05-03 11:10:41 +0000 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6773 | thevenyp | 2010-05-03 09:20:38 +0000 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +Add specifier 'Y' for the rounding away from zero mode in printf-like functions. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6772 | zimmerma | 2010-04-30 16:10:44 +0000 (Fri, 30 Apr 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] removed obsolete mpfr_round_prec + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6770 | vlefevre | 2010-04-30 15:57:34 +0000 (Fri, 30 Apr 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + +[fits_intmax.c,fits_s.h] Added FIXME comments. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6769 | vlefevre | 2010-04-30 15:50:27 +0000 (Fri, 30 Apr 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + +Optimized fits_u.h and made fits_uintmax.c like fits_u.h for the +special numbers. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6768 | vlefevre | 2010-04-30 15:44:39 +0000 (Fri, 30 Apr 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + +Optimized mpfr_fits_uintmax_p. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6767 | vlefevre | 2010-04-30 14:37:47 +0000 (Fri, 30 Apr 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/digamma.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/examples/rndo-add.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inits2.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-gfx.c + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-v4.c + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-v6.c + M /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_z_exp.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/speed.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/taway.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/turandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tyn.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/urandom.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/yn.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +Changed mp_prec_t into mpfr_prec_t. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6766 | vlefevre | 2010-04-19 14:35:35 +0000 (Mon, 19 Apr 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] r6765 introduced non-POSIX syntax. Fixed. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6765 | zimmerma | 2010-04-19 11:26:12 +0000 (Mon, 19 Apr 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] check for GMP internal files only with --with-gmp-build + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6764 | vlefevre | 2010-04-12 00:11:48 +0000 (Mon, 12 Apr 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] New function mpfr_regular_p (was added in r6417, 2009-09-14). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6762 | vlefevre | 2010-04-07 02:15:06 +0000 (Wed, 07 Apr 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + +[mpfr-gmp.h] Fixed alloca prototype (bug detected by tcc 0.9.25 +under Linux/x86_64). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6753 | vlefevre | 2010-03-24 12:45:47 +0000 (Wed, 24 Mar 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Improved/corrected the documentation of functions +mpfr_lgamma, mpfr_digamma, mpfr_j0/j1/jn, mpfr_y0/y1/yn, mpfr_agm, +mpfr_hypot and mpfr_min_prec. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6752 | vlefevre | 2010-03-24 12:24:28 +0000 (Wed, 24 Mar 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Removed a "currently" that is no longer needed. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6751 | vlefevre | 2010-03-24 12:20:41 +0000 (Wed, 24 Mar 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Updated description of mpfr_atan2, now that IEEE 754-2008 +has been published and follows the same conventions as C99 for atan2. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6750 | vlefevre | 2010-03-24 12:12:00 +0000 (Wed, 24 Mar 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Updated description of mpfr_pow, now that IEEE 754-2008 +has been published and follows the same conventions as C99 for pow. +(IEEE 754-2008 doesn't currently specify pow(±inf,non-zero), but +I've suggested a correction for the errata page.) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6747 | vlefevre | 2010-03-23 15:28:41 +0000 (Tue, 23 Mar 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Improved documentation of mpfr_print_rnd_mode (from a +suggestion by Chris Saunders). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6746 | vlefevre | 2010-03-22 10:59:28 +0000 (Mon, 22 Mar 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Various corrections and other improvements. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6745 | vlefevre | 2010-03-22 10:38:59 +0000 (Mon, 22 Mar 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Improved the documentation of mpfr_dim too. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6744 | zimmerma | 2010-03-22 10:04:29 +0000 (Mon, 22 Mar 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] improved the documentation of mpfr_rec_sqrt and mpfr_cbrt + (thanks Vincent) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6743 | zimmerma | 2010-03-22 09:30:44 +0000 (Mon, 22 Mar 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] improved documentation of mpfr_sqrt and mpfr_sqrt_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6741 | vlefevre | 2010-03-21 18:17:12 +0000 (Sun, 21 Mar 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +[mpfr.h] Added a comment about integer overflows in macros. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6740 | zimmerma | 2010-03-19 14:48:17 +0000 (Fri, 19 Mar 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tai.c + +[tai.c] enable first test of check_large, and reduced total time + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6739 | schevill | 2010-03-19 14:15:23 +0000 (Fri, 19 Mar 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Added a mention about the current limitation of mpfr_ai in mpfr.texi. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6738 | schevill | 2010-03-19 13:43:13 +0000 (Fri, 19 Mar 2010) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/tests/tai.c + +Removed check of ai.c for large arguments. I added in algorithms.tex a +mention about the fact that mpfr_ai is currently not made for large +arguments. + + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6737 | schevill | 2010-03-19 12:16:12 +0000 (Fri, 19 Mar 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + +* Corrected problems regarding the GNU recommendations for formatting source code. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6735 | vlefevre | 2010-03-18 12:55:37 +0000 (Thu, 18 Mar 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +tests: added tai to the svn:ignore property. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6734 | zimmerma | 2010-03-18 12:37:13 +0000 (Thu, 18 Mar 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tai.c + +[tai.c] reduce the maximal exponents in test_generic() + also reduce the number of random tests to decrease the test time + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6733 | vlefevre | 2010-03-18 12:26:19 +0000 (Thu, 18 Mar 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + in the tests, use mpfr_equal_p rather than mpfr_cmp. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6732 | zimmerma | 2010-03-18 12:23:43 +0000 (Thu, 18 Mar 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tai.c + +[tai.c] replace mpfr_cmp by mpfr_equal_p + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6731 | vlefevre | 2010-03-18 12:11:29 +0000 (Thu, 18 Mar 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_z_exp.c + +tests/tset_z_exp.c untabified. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6730 | vlefevre | 2010-03-18 12:11:13 +0000 (Thu, 18 Mar 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: removed trailing whitespace. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6729 | vlefevre | 2010-03-18 11:59:57 +0000 (Thu, 18 Mar 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6728 | vlefevre | 2010-03-18 11:54:24 +0000 (Thu, 18 Mar 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + +Untabified AUTHORS (consistency). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6727 | schevill | 2010-03-18 11:50:39 +0000 (Thu, 18 Mar 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ai.c + +* Corrected problems regarding the GNU recommendations for formatting source code. +* Corrected the date of the copyright. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6726 | zimmerma | 2010-03-18 09:50:20 +0000 (Thu, 18 Mar 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tai.c + +[tai.c] added test for large inputs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6725 | zimmerma | 2010-03-18 09:22:02 +0000 (Thu, 18 Mar 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + +[AUTHORS] added Sylvain Chevillard + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6724 | zimmerma | 2010-03-17 21:12:09 +0000 (Wed, 17 Mar 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] added Sylvain as contributor + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6723 | schevill | 2010-03-17 17:35:59 +0000 (Wed, 17 Mar 2010) | 18 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/ai.c + A /trunk/algorithm2e.sty + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tai.c + +* Added function mpfr_ai. The implementation is the most naive: it evaluates + the series step by step until it can stop. + A special strategy is used to detect possible problems when Ai(x) is very + close to 0. + +* Updated algorithms.tex with the technical description of the implementation + of mpfr_ai. + +* Added algorithm2e.sty and algorithm2e-compatibility.sty (necessary to + compile algorithms.tex now). + +* Updated mpfr.texi to let it know this new function. + +* Added a basic test file for mpfr_ai. I will add other test cases later. + +* Added a small HOWTO to about how to add a new test file for new + functions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6720 | vlefevre | 2010-03-11 09:43:53 +0000 (Thu, 11 Mar 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +GMP_RNDx -> MPFR_RNDx +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6719 | zimmerma | 2010-03-11 09:24:00 +0000 (Thu, 11 Mar 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +[tstrtofr.c] added test for 1.23e, cf + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6718 | vlefevre | 2010-03-11 01:02:58 +0000 (Thu, 11 Mar 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +[tests/tsqrt.c] Add the test -1 <= x/sqrt(x^2) <= 1, which corresponds +to -1 <= x/sqrt(x^2+y^2) <= 1 with y = 0. I don't think the test with +random y is still necessary, though, since even a bad sqrt accuracy +would not be detected. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6717 | vlefevre | 2010-03-10 10:07:46 +0000 (Wed, 10 Mar 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +[tests/tsqrt.c] Added a comment about the x/sqrt(x^2+y^2) test. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6716 | zimmerma | 2010-03-10 09:00:47 +0000 (Wed, 10 Mar 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +[tsqrt.c] fixed bug reported by Sam Rawlins + ( +Note: this "bug" had no noticeable consequences; this can just be seen +as an incomplete test. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6715 | zimmerma | 2010-02-26 08:27:10 +0000 (Fri, 26 Feb 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] added item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6714 | zimmerma | 2010-02-24 15:49:04 +0000 (Wed, 24 Feb 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] now also recognize "IEEE double, little endian" long-double + format (not tested, should happen on ARM) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6713 | zimmerma | 2010-02-24 15:07:39 +0000 (Wed, 24 Feb 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] added recognition of "IEEE double big endian" long double format + (tested on and gcc53, both PowerPC's) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6712 | vlefevre | 2010-02-24 12:59:19 +0000 (Wed, 24 Feb 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] Added test for long double = double-double (GCC/PowerPC). +This test cannot currently be reliable, so we just output a warning. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6711 | zimmerma | 2010-02-23 16:39:02 +0000 (Tue, 23 Feb 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] minor grammar fix + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6710 | zimmerma | 2010-02-23 16:27:08 +0000 (Tue, 23 Feb 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] be more precise about API compatibility + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6709 | zimmerma | 2010-02-23 15:54:30 +0000 (Tue, 23 Feb 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +[mpfr.h] added #define mpfr_get_z_exp mpfr_get_z_2exp for compatibility + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6708 | vlefevre | 2010-02-23 01:35:39 +0000 (Tue, 23 Feb 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +tests: added tset_z_exp to the svn:ignore property. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6707 | zimmerma | 2010-02-22 17:23:27 +0000 (Mon, 22 Feb 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/set_z_exp.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z_exp.c + +changed mpfr_get_z_exp -> mpfr_get_z_2exp (old function) + mpfr_set_z_exp -> mpfr_set_z_2exp (new function) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6706 | zimmerma | 2010-02-22 15:45:30 +0000 (Mon, 22 Feb 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_z.c + A /trunk/set_z_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tset_z_exp.c + +added new function mpfr_set_z_exp (companion to mpfr_get_z_exp) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6705 | vlefevre | 2010-02-18 17:05:48 +0000 (Thu, 18 Feb 2010) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/tests + A /trunk/tests/tstdint.c + +* Added tests/tstdint.c to test the double inclusion of mpfr.h when only + the second occurrence needs (this can happen when one uses + several libraries that use MPFR under different conditions). +* Added tstdint to the svn:ignore property of "tests". +* TODO: mentions that tstdint should be added to check_PROGRAMS in + the tests/ file once this is fixed. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6701 | vlefevre | 2010-02-18 02:02:55 +0000 (Thu, 18 Feb 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated Section "Internals". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6700 | vlefevre | 2010-02-16 17:43:28 +0000 (Tue, 16 Feb 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6699 | vlefevre | 2010-02-16 17:02:40 +0000 (Tue, 16 Feb 2010) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.h: disable the INTMAX_C / UINTMAX_C test with C++ compilers as it +doesn't work well in this case (e.g. possible failure with Boost); see + +and the whole discussion. +mpfr.texi: update. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6696 | zimmerma | 2010-02-05 07:13:10 +0000 (Fri, 05 Feb 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] removed check for C++ and Fortran compiler (comment said to + remove it for libtool >= 2.0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6695 | zimmerma | 2010-02-01 09:25:46 +0000 (Mon, 01 Feb 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] dummy change to check if we still get commit mails + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6694 | zimmerma | 2010-01-29 13:44:58 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jan 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] added note about mpfr_set_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6691 | vlefevre | 2010-01-25 10:54:30 +0000 (Mon, 25 Jan 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Simplified; minor consequence: the trailing space in +the string returned by mpfr_get_patches() when there are patches is +no longer present (this trailing space wasn't desired anyway). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6687 | vlefevre | 2010-01-25 00:33:37 +0000 (Mon, 25 Jan 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated message for different gmp.h and libgmp versions. +See . +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6686 | vlefevre | 2010-01-20 12:09:45 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jan 2010) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/faq.xsl + +FAQ.html, faq.xsl, README, TODO: slightly changed the copyright notice +to make it consistent with the one of the other files. In short, "and +the GNU General Public License" has been removed, but it was ambiguous +(we did not say which version of the GNU GPL) and useless (for GPLv3) +because the LGPLv3 is compatible with the GPLv3: + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6685 | vlefevre | 2010-01-20 11:56:23 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jan 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: + * added copyright notice (at the top, like GMP); + * replaced "Installing MPFR" by "Installing GNU MPFR". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6684 | vlefevre | 2010-01-20 11:48:25 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jan 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_d.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/bernoulli.c + M /trunk/buildopt.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/clears.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_ld.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/constant.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/d_div.c + M /trunk/d_sub.c + M /trunk/digamma.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_d.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/examples/divworst.c + M /trunk/examples/rndo-add.c + M /trunk/examples/sample.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/faq.xsl + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_sint.c + M /trunk/fits_slong.c + M /trunk/fits_sshort.c + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uint.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fits_ulong.c + M /trunk/fits_ushort.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_flt.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/ieee_floats.h + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inits.c + M /trunk/inits2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/isqrt.c + M /trunk/isregular.c + M /trunk/iszero.c + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/min_prec.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/mp_clz_tab.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-longlong.h + M /trunk/mpfr-thread.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_d.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/scale2.c + M /trunk/sec.c + M /trunk/sech.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_flt.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/set_zero.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/setsign.c + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/signbit.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/speed.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_d.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/data/digamma + M /trunk/tests/data/li2 + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/random2.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/taway.c + M /trunk/tests/tbuildopt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdigamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp10.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_flt.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tisqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + M /trunk/tests/tj1.c + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + M /trunk/tests/tl2b.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmin_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/turandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/tests/ty0.c + M /trunk/tests/ty1.c + M /trunk/tests/tyn.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandom.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/version.c + M /trunk/volatile.c + M /trunk/yn.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +Copyright notice update: added 2010 with + perl -pi -e 's/2009 Free Software/2009, 2010 Free Software/' **/*(^/) +under zsh, reverting the ChangeLog file and the mbench directory. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6683 | vlefevre | 2010-01-20 11:35:49 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +tests: added turandom to the svn:ignore property. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6682 | vlefevre | 2010-01-20 11:33:30 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jan 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: updated paragraphs about the search paths (in particular, +--with-gmp=/usr/local is no longer chosen as an example as it does +not work as expected; a note has been added about that). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6681 | vlefevre | 2010-01-20 09:57:24 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: rewrote a paragraph about search paths. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6680 | thevenyp | 2010-01-18 18:30:44 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandom.c + +[urandom.c] Fix case emin > 0. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6679 | zimmerma | 2010-01-18 15:28:50 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jan 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] added more details for random distribution functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6678 | zimmerma | 2010-01-18 14:30:15 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jan 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +[tprintf.c, tfprintf.c] cleaned up previous commit + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6677 | vlefevre | 2010-01-18 13:50:17 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jan 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/turandom.c + +tests/turandom.c: updated a test (if emin > 1 and rnd == MPFR_RNDN, +then the result is necessarily 0). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6676 | vlefevre | 2010-01-18 13:39:17 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/turandom.c + +tests/turandom.c: more tests in restricted exponent range. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6675 | vlefevre | 2010-01-18 13:27:04 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandom.c + +urandom.c: corrected a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6674 | zimmerma | 2010-01-18 12:37:30 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jan 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +[tprintf.c,tfprintf.c] print obtained chain in test #8 + ( + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6673 | thevenyp | 2010-01-18 09:48:47 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandom.c + +[urandom.c] Fix bug in setting random exponent. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6672 | vlefevre | 2010-01-16 10:13:53 +0000 (Sat, 16 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandom.c + +urandom.c: added a FIXME comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6671 | vlefevre | 2010-01-15 17:11:08 +0000 (Fri, 15 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandom.c + +urandom.c: removed unused variable k; updated a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6670 | thevenyp | 2010-01-15 16:38:11 +0000 (Fri, 15 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandom.c + +[urandom.c] Improve generation of random exponent. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6669 | thevenyp | 2010-01-15 16:36:42 +0000 (Fri, 15 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandom.c + +[urandom.c] Fix bug introduced in r6667. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6668 | zimmerma | 2010-01-15 15:17:18 +0000 (Fri, 15 Jan 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] added item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6667 | thevenyp | 2010-01-15 14:25:06 +0000 (Fri, 15 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandom.c + +[urandom.c] Fix case nextabove(0) in reduced exponent range. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6666 | thevenyp | 2010-01-15 10:06:20 +0000 (Fri, 15 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/turandom.c + +[tests/turandom.c] Change accumulation of ternary value in the loop, it was not portable in system with sign and magnitude representation for integers. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6665 | thevenyp | 2010-01-15 09:51:31 +0000 (Fri, 15 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandom.c + +[urandom.c] Move generation of a random rounding bit in a separate function. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6664 | thevenyp | 2010-01-15 09:49:14 +0000 (Fri, 15 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandom.c + +[urandom.c] Remove trailing whitespace. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6663 | thevenyp | 2010-01-15 09:32:43 +0000 (Fri, 15 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandom.c + +[urandom.c] Call mpfr_nextabove in maximum exponent range. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6662 | vlefevre | 2010-01-15 04:21:01 +0000 (Fri, 15 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandom.c + +urandom.c: added a FIXME so that it is not forgotten. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6661 | vlefevre | 2010-01-15 02:01:52 +0000 (Fri, 15 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6659 | vlefevre | 2010-01-15 01:57:05 +0000 (Fri, 15 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +mpfrlint: require bash. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6658 | vlefevre | 2010-01-14 16:03:37 +0000 (Thu, 14 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandom.c + +urandom.c: clean-up (avoid a useless goto). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6657 | vlefevre | 2010-01-14 15:22:37 +0000 (Thu, 14 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added a paragraph (use MPFR_ASSERTN, not printf + exit). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6656 | thevenyp | 2010-01-14 12:16:15 +0000 (Thu, 14 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Cosmetic change. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6655 | thevenyp | 2010-01-14 11:55:05 +0000 (Thu, 14 Jan 2010) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/turandom.c + M /trunk/urandom.c + +[urandom.c, mpfr.texi] Change the behavior of mpfr_urandom to the usual mpfr function interface (wrt the ternary value and the out-of-range behavior). +[tests/turandom.c] Check new behavior and add a test for the inclusion in [0, 1]. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6654 | thevenyp | 2010-01-13 18:12:54 +0000 (Wed, 13 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/turandom.c (from /trunk/tests/trandom.c:6653) + A /trunk/urandom.c (from /trunk/urandomb.c:6653) + +New function mpfr_urandom. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6652 | vlefevre | 2010-01-11 15:42:05 +0000 (Mon, 11 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added a note about patches and the autotools. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6650 | vlefevre | 2010-01-10 23:24:54 +0000 (Sun, 10 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +Added mpfrlint test for the required autoconf versions (see r6649). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6649 | zimmerma | 2010-01-10 10:27:09 +0000 (Sun, 10 Jan 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +[] required version of autoconf did not agree with acinclude.m4 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6648 | vlefevre | 2010-01-08 21:44:07 +0000 (Fri, 08 Jan 2010) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + replaced BITS_PER_MP_LIMB by GMP_NUMB_BITS (should have +been done in r6645). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6647 | vlefevre | 2010-01-08 21:37:05 +0000 (Fri, 08 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +mpfrlint: check that GMP_LIMB_BITS isn't used. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6646 | vlefevre | 2010-01-08 21:36:26 +0000 (Fri, 08 Jan 2010) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/div-short.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_flt.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/min_prec.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/speed.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/random2.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/tl2b.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +Replaced GMP_LIMB_BITS by GMP_NUMB_BITS to use only one of these macros. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6645 | zimmerma | 2010-01-08 20:04:27 +0000 (Fri, 08 Jan 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] put back test BITS_PER_MP_LIMB == BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB * CHAR_BIT + (this is done only with --with-gmp-build, and BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB + is defined in this case in gmp-impl.h, at least in GMP 5) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6644 | zimmerma | 2010-01-08 19:13:48 +0000 (Fri, 08 Jan 2010) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/div-short.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_flt.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/min_prec.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/speed.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/random2.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/tl2b.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +BITS_PER_MP_LIMB -> GMP_LIMB_BITS +got rid of BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB in (no longer defined by GMP) +Note[VL] (mpfr-impl.h): a mpn_sqr_n() macro is defined to use mpn_mul +if it is not already defined (in gmp-impl.h from GMP 4.x). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6643 | vlefevre | 2009-12-23 19:10:15 +0000 (Wed, 23 Dec 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mbench/Makefile + +[mbench/Makefile] Patch from Patrick Pelissier to solve the -I problem +with GCC. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6642 | vlefevre | 2009-12-21 00:44:35 +0000 (Mon, 21 Dec 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mbench/Makefile + +[mbench/Makefile] Added a comment (warning about the use of -I). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6641 | zimmerma | 2009-12-20 10:26:22 +0000 (Sun, 20 Dec 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mbench/Makefile + +patch from Patrick Pelissier + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6640 | zimmerma | 2009-12-18 14:57:19 +0000 (Fri, 18 Dec 2009) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/scale2.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + +[scale2.c] added missing include (compilation with --with-gmp-build did fail) +[exp_2.c] small improvements in Smith method: compute x^{2i} as (x^i)^2 instead + of x^{i-1} * x. The error analysis is unchanged. +[tuneup.c] fix for sin_cos threshold (we had a problem since mpfr_sin_cos + was calling mpfr_cos, which was calling mpfr_sincos_fast in some + cases +[] put new thresholds for Core 2 64-bit + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6633 | zimmerma | 2009-12-11 09:41:47 +0000 (Fri, 11 Dec 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] reversed order for case "quad, mais en little endian" for + coherence with other cases + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6632 | zimmerma | 2009-12-10 21:05:50 +0000 (Thu, 10 Dec 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +patch to recognize IEEE quad, little endian format for "long double" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6631 | zimmerma | 2009-12-10 15:43:28 +0000 (Thu, 10 Dec 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_flt.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/scale2.c + +[scale2.c] now mpfr_scale2 is included in mpfr-impl.h, instead of #including + "scale2.c" twice (thus it was compiled twice) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6628 | vlefevre | 2009-12-07 11:53:04 +0000 (Mon, 07 Dec 2009) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +sin_cos.c: in case of tiny inputs, keep the flags. In practice, this +fixes the following bug in mpfr_sin_cos (shown by the latest additions +to tsin_cos.c): if emin is the minimal exponent (MPFR_EMIN_MIN), the +absolute value of the input is the minimum positive number and the +rounding mode is toward 0 (or equivalent), then the underflow flag is +dropped. The other exception cases (e.g., in case of reduced exponent +range) are handled by mpfr_check_range(). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6627 | vlefevre | 2009-12-07 11:21:51 +0000 (Mon, 07 Dec 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +tests/tsin_cos.c: in consistency(), better error message. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6626 | vlefevre | 2009-12-07 11:15:46 +0000 (Mon, 07 Dec 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +tests/tsin_cos.c: in consistency(), improved testing on underflow case. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6625 | vlefevre | 2009-12-07 10:29:57 +0000 (Mon, 07 Dec 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +tests/tsin_cos.c: in consistency(), added testing on underflow case. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6624 | vlefevre | 2009-12-07 10:22:33 +0000 (Mon, 07 Dec 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +tests/tsin_cos.c: in consistency(), fixed flags testing. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6623 | vlefevre | 2009-12-07 10:16:17 +0000 (Mon, 07 Dec 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +tests/tsin_cos.c: in consistency(), test also the flags. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6622 | vlefevre | 2009-12-07 10:10:13 +0000 (Mon, 07 Dec 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +tests/tsin_cos.c: in consistency(), test also the returned value +(the one that gives inexact-related information). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6619 | zimmerma | 2009-11-30 15:12:30 +0000 (Mon, 30 Nov 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + +[tfits.c] converted to GNU coding style + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6612 | vlefevre | 2009-11-30 11:57:07 +0000 (Mon, 30 Nov 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated "To make a release". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6602 | vlefevre | 2009-11-30 02:17:23 +0000 (Mon, 30 Nov 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + +uceil_exp2.c: fixed indentation. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6599 | vlefevre | 2009-11-29 03:17:53 +0000 (Sun, 29 Nov 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: got rid of broken code when _GMP_IEEE_FLOATS was defined +(broken aliasing rules, yielding failures with GCC 4.5.0 20091119). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6598 | zimmerma | 2009-11-27 06:38:45 +0000 (Fri, 27 Nov 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +[tset_ld.c] now perform tests even if old gcc bug is present + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6597 | zimmerma | 2009-11-26 16:38:26 +0000 (Thu, 26 Nov 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +[tget_d.c] removed workaround for old gcc bug. Comment was: + /* workaround for gcc bug on m68040-unknown-netbsd1.4.1, + where DBL_MIN gives (1-2^(-52))/2^1022 */ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6596 | zimmerma | 2009-11-26 16:26:06 +0000 (Thu, 26 Nov 2009) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +[tadd.c, tmul.c] got rid of workaround for old gcc bug. Comment was: +/* Parameter "z1" of check() used to be last in the argument list, but that + tickled a bug in 32-bit sparc gcc 2.95.2. A "double" in that position is + passed on the stack at an address which is 4mod8, but the generated code + didn't take into account that alignment, resulting in bus errors. The + easiest workaround is to move it to the start of the arg list (where it's + passed in registers), this macro does that. FIXME: Change the actual + calls to check(), rather than using a macro. */ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6595 | zimmerma | 2009-11-26 15:58:02 +0000 (Thu, 26 Nov 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +[strtofr.c] removed patch for old FreeBsd/Alpha bug + ( + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6594 | vlefevre | 2009-11-26 14:15:51 +0000 (Thu, 26 Nov 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +[pow_si.c] Updated comment added in r4355 concerning a bug +in Sun's compiler for Solaris/x86. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6593 | vlefevre | 2009-11-26 13:38:38 +0000 (Thu, 26 Nov 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +Updated comments concerning the old FreeBSD bug 72024 on LONG_MIN / 1. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6587 | vlefevre | 2009-11-25 12:16:22 +0000 (Wed, 25 Nov 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +[tfprintf.c,tprintf.c] Fixed other types in function with variable +arguments (even though there were no warnings on the tested machine). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6586 | vlefevre | 2009-11-25 12:00:43 +0000 (Wed, 25 Nov 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +[tfprintf.c,tprintf.c] Fixed types in function with variable arguments. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6585 | zimmerma | 2009-11-25 11:03:20 +0000 (Wed, 25 Nov 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +[tfprintf.c,tprintf.c] applied patch from Philippe Theveny +[acinclude.m4] removed check for %zu, no longer needed + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6582 | zimmerma | 2009-11-25 10:20:53 +0000 (Wed, 25 Nov 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +[acinclude.m4] added test for %zu +[tfprintf.c,tprintf.c] added #ifdef's for NPRINTF_ZU + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6580 | vlefevre | 2009-11-25 10:16:29 +0000 (Wed, 25 Nov 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + corrected a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6577 | vlefevre | 2009-11-25 09:46:52 +0000 (Wed, 25 Nov 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + +tests/tstckintc.c: fixed types for the printf %p format specifier. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6576 | zimmerma | 2009-11-25 08:33:58 +0000 (Wed, 25 Nov 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_flt.c + +[tget_flt.c] replaced %a by %.8e + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6575 | zimmerma | 2009-11-25 08:23:23 +0000 (Wed, 25 Nov 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + +[tget_d.c,tget_ld_2exp.c] replaced %a and %La by %.16e and %.16Le + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6574 | zimmerma | 2009-11-25 08:05:41 +0000 (Wed, 25 Nov 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +[tget_d.c] removed C99-specific instruction + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6573 | zimmerma | 2009-11-25 07:51:47 +0000 (Wed, 25 Nov 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/nightly-test + +[nightly-test] added -ansi -pedantic-errors + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6571 | vlefevre | 2009-11-24 17:59:14 +0000 (Tue, 24 Nov 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + completed the GMP CC/CFLAGS detection. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6570 | vlefevre | 2009-11-24 17:52:04 +0000 (Tue, 24 Nov 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added a test to check for CC and CFLAGS in gmp.h only +when the user doesn't redefine them and he isn't cross-compiling. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6569 | vlefevre | 2009-11-24 17:32:43 +0000 (Tue, 24 Nov 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + improved the GMP CC/CFLAGS detection. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6568 | vlefevre | 2009-11-24 16:52:57 +0000 (Tue, 24 Nov 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + try to fix the GMP CC/CFLAGS detection. Not finished. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6567 | vlefevre | 2009-11-24 15:48:35 +0000 (Tue, 24 Nov 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + replaced "test ... -o ..." (obsolete in POSIX) +by "test ... || test ...". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6566 | vlefevre | 2009-11-24 15:44:44 +0000 (Tue, 24 Nov 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + replaced "test ... -a ..." (obsolete in POSIX) +by "test ... && test ...". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6564 | vlefevre | 2009-11-24 15:23:00 +0000 (Tue, 24 Nov 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: made instructions more clear. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6561 | vlefevre | 2009-11-23 13:55:54 +0000 (Mon, 23 Nov 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated "To make a release". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6560 | vlefevre | 2009-11-23 13:51:21 +0000 (Mon, 23 Nov 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + last things to do when making a release. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6557 | vlefevre | 2009-11-22 23:29:45 +0000 (Sun, 22 Nov 2009) | 10 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +sin_cos.c: fixed a potential bug by changing a rnd_mode into MPFR_RNDZ +in mpfr_can_round. Indeed, in r4574, the change from + if (!mpfr_can_round (c, m, GMP_RNDZ, rnd_mode, MPFR_PREC (z))) +to + if (!mpfr_can_round (c, m, GMP_RNDN, rnd_mode, + MPFR_PREC (z) + (rnd_mode == GMP_RNDN))) +looks wrong to me: in RNDN, the extra bit due to rnd_mode == GMP_RNDN +changes a RNDN worst case into a RNDZ worst case. +Note: The second mpfr_can_round with the same problem has been fixed +in r6513. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6556 | vlefevre | 2009-11-22 22:44:40 +0000 (Sun, 22 Nov 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +tests/tsin_cos.c: ported bug20091122 from the 2.4 branch to the trunk. +But no failure in the trunk. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6550 | vlefevre | 2009-11-20 21:40:00 +0000 (Fri, 20 Nov 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + +tests/tconst_pi.c: fixed types for C++. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6545 | vlefevre | 2009-11-20 12:48:49 +0000 (Fri, 20 Nov 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Changeset r6162 broke Solaris builds. Fixed that by no longer checking +INTMAX_MAX and UINTMAX_MAX to detect use of / . +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6535 | zimmerma | 2009-11-01 21:22:16 +0000 (Sun, 01 Nov 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +[cos.c] fixed case where reduced argument is zero + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6534 | vlefevre | 2009-10-30 15:13:05 +0000 (Fri, 30 Oct 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + +tcos.c: added a testcase yielding an assertion failure (this bug makes +tsin_cos fail). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6533 | vlefevre | 2009-10-30 15:05:28 +0000 (Fri, 30 Oct 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +tests/tsin_cos.c: ported the consistency test from the 2.4 branch. +This yields an assertion failure (Linux/x86_64). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6527 | zimmerma | 2009-10-30 10:09:56 +0000 (Fri, 30 Oct 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + +[cache.c] fixed bug with directed rounding +[tconst_pi.c] added test for bug with directed rounding + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6524 | vlefevre | 2009-10-21 13:38:30 +0000 (Wed, 21 Oct 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exceptions.c + +exceptions.c: improved a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6523 | vlefevre | 2009-10-21 13:21:04 +0000 (Wed, 21 Oct 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tpow.c: added an overflow test. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6522 | vlefevre | 2009-10-21 13:13:54 +0000 (Wed, 21 Oct 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tpow.c: added an overflow test in RNDZ. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6521 | zimmerma | 2009-10-20 07:21:23 +0000 (Tue, 20 Oct 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] added efficiency item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6520 | zimmerma | 2009-10-19 08:16:45 +0000 (Mon, 19 Oct 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +[lngamma.c] fixed typo, added comments about argument reduction, and replaced + code using doubles + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6519 | zimmerma | 2009-10-19 06:57:02 +0000 (Mon, 19 Oct 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] added efficiency item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6518 | zimmerma | 2009-10-15 11:19:20 +0000 (Thu, 15 Oct 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + +[exp.c] binary splitting is now used for prec >= MPFR_EXP_THRESHOLD + (instead of prec > MPFR_EXP_THRESHOLD before). This is more + consistent with the other thresholds. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6517 | zimmerma | 2009-10-15 11:07:26 +0000 (Thu, 15 Oct 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] added efficiency item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6516 | zimmerma | 2009-10-15 10:30:55 +0000 (Thu, 15 Oct 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] added /* bits */ for MPFR_EXP_THRESHOLD and MPFR_EXP_2_THRESHOLD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6514 | zimmerma | 2009-10-13 08:11:10 +0000 (Tue, 13 Oct 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +[tsin_cos.c] removed useless instruction, and added comments + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6513 | zimmerma | 2009-10-13 06:57:06 +0000 (Tue, 13 Oct 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +[sin_cos.c] fixed call to mpfr_can_round (rounding mode was wrong) +[tsin_cos.c] added new test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6512 | zimmerma | 2009-10-13 06:37:15 +0000 (Tue, 13 Oct 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + +[li2.c] fixed bug when x is near 0 +[tli2.c] added new test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6510 | vlefevre | 2009-10-09 07:29:54 +0000 (Fri, 09 Oct 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +tests/tsin_cos.c: mp_rnd_t -> mpfr_rnd_t. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6509 | vlefevre | 2009-10-09 07:27:36 +0000 (Fri, 09 Oct 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +tests/tsin_cos.c: added a comment about bug20091008, corresponding to +r6507; in fact, the bug concerns only the return value (see r6444). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6507 | zimmerma | 2009-10-08 07:51:49 +0000 (Thu, 08 Oct 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +[sin_cos.c] fixed error analysis +[tsin_cos.c] added new test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6506 | vlefevre | 2009-10-07 14:18:35 +0000 (Wed, 07 Oct 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +tests/tsin_cos.c: mp_rnd_t -> mpfr_rnd_t. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6505 | vlefevre | 2009-10-07 12:06:35 +0000 (Wed, 07 Oct 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +tests/tsin_cos.c: removed trailing spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6504 | zimmerma | 2009-10-07 08:58:51 +0000 (Wed, 07 Oct 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +[tsin_cos.c] changed binary to hexadecimal string (was too long for C89) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6503 | zimmerma | 2009-10-07 07:05:13 +0000 (Wed, 07 Oct 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +[sin_cos.c] fixed bug introduced in r6447 (some variables had their precision not updated in Ziv's loop) +[tsin_cos.c] added a new test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6498 | vlefevre | 2009-09-29 14:44:22 +0000 (Tue, 29 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + +FAQ update. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6497 | zimmerma | 2009-09-29 11:28:00 +0000 (Tue, 29 Sep 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + +[mpfr.texi] added note about mpfr_can_round +[tcan_round.c] added more tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6490 | zimmerma | 2009-09-24 06:16:52 +0000 (Thu, 24 Sep 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] added item for new releases: we should say if they are binary + and/or API compatible with previous releases (we often forgot + to say it in the past) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6489 | vlefevre | 2009-09-23 15:09:42 +0000 (Wed, 23 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +tests: added tget_flt to the svn:ignore property. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6488 | vlefevre | 2009-09-23 15:08:39 +0000 (Wed, 23 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +tests/ added information about LOADLIBES. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6487 | zimmerma | 2009-09-23 13:32:35 +0000 (Wed, 23 Sep 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +[tests/] put back LOADLIBES=... (enables to compile a program foo.c + in the test directory by simply doing "make foo") + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6486 | zimmerma | 2009-09-23 06:21:27 +0000 (Wed, 23 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +[atan.c] updated the comments + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6485 | vlefevre | 2009-09-22 15:56:16 +0000 (Tue, 22 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +atan.c: added a FIXME comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6484 | vlefevre | 2009-09-22 15:51:15 +0000 (Tue, 22 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +atan.c: added some assertions. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6483 | zimmerma | 2009-09-22 13:58:25 +0000 (Tue, 22 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/atan.c + +[atan.c] implemented argument reduction (cf error analysis in algorithms.tex) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6482 | zimmerma | 2009-09-21 07:34:07 +0000 (Mon, 21 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +[tests/] removed LOADLIBES=... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6480 | vlefevre | 2009-09-20 23:31:37 +0000 (Sun, 20 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +mpfrlint: check that lines aren't too long. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6478 | vlefevre | 2009-09-20 19:07:03 +0000 (Sun, 20 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + line-wrap libmpfr_la_SOURCES (M-q with Emacs) for +compatibility with some vendor grep. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6476 | vlefevre | 2009-09-20 19:00:11 +0000 (Sun, 20 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ +, tests/ patch from Ralf Wildenhues. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6475 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 15:00:09 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +mpfr-impl.h, sin_cos.c, tests/tsin_cos.c: mp_rnd_t -> mpfr_rnd_t. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6474 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 14:55:57 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +sin_cos.c: GMP_RNDx -> MPFR_RNDx. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6473 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 14:54:38 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +sin_cos.c: untabified. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6471 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 14:45:47 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + +frac.c, tests/tfrac.c: fixed underflow case in mpfr_frac and added +testcase. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6470 | zimmerma | 2009-09-18 14:03:56 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/atan.c + +[acos.c] initial working precision was too small + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6469 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 13:56:21 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/modf.c + +modf.c: no longer extend the exponent range at all, since there are +no intermediate computations (note: the mpfr_frac bug that has just +been fixed affected this change in modf.c). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6467 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 13:50:21 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/frac.c + +[frac.c] Patch r6456 was incorrect: the problem with the non-significant +bits had to be dealt with only in the case t = r. This is now fixed. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6466 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 13:47:10 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + +tests/tfrac.c: reverted overflow case test (was incorrect because the +input was too large). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6465 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 13:42:12 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + +tests/tfrac.c: also test the overflow case. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6464 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 13:33:43 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + +tests/tfrac.c: more tests (case where the fractional part rounds to 1). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6463 | zimmerma | 2009-09-18 13:31:56 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] added item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6461 | zimmerma | 2009-09-18 13:10:35 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + +[sin.c,cos.c] use mpfr_sincos_fast when prec >= MPFR_SINCOS_THRESHOLD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6460 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 12:03:38 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + +tests/tfrac.c: more tests (there are also problems in rounding away +from zero or equivalent). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6459 | zimmerma | 2009-09-18 11:59:23 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + +added tuning mechanism for mpfr_sin_cos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6458 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 11:46:28 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + +tests/tfrac.c: also test the ternary value (it is incorrect too). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6456 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 11:27:48 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/frac.c + +frac.c: fixed bug in mpfr_frac (the non-significant bits in low limb +were not cleared). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6455 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 11:19:11 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + +tests/tfrac.c: improved the testcase so that it triggers the bug for +both 32 bits and 64 bits. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6454 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 11:16:00 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + +tests/tfrac.c: added a comment for latest testcase. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6453 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 11:09:03 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + +tests/tfrac.c: added testcase for bug in mpfr_frac. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6451 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 10:38:19 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + +tests/tmodf.c: typo in error message. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6450 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 10:26:26 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/modf.c + +modf.c: extending the exponent range in the first two cases is useless +because there are no intermediate computations (just a mpfr_set). Let's +do that only for the general case. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6449 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 10:23:07 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + +tests/tmodf.c: added overflow tests. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6448 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 09:27:10 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/modf.c + +modf.c: corrected a comment (rounding can yield an overflow, but not +an underflow). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6447 | zimmerma | 2009-09-18 09:08:01 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +[sin_cos.c] added asymptotically fast code, with threshold currently hardcoded + at 20000 bits, should be determined by tuneup.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6446 | vlefevre | 2009-09-18 09:00:24 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tget_flt.c + +Deleted trailing spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6445 | zimmerma | 2009-09-18 08:13:43 +0000 (Fri, 18 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + +[modf.c] changed semantics of return value in accordance with mpfr_sin_cos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6444 | zimmerma | 2009-09-17 11:30:18 +0000 (Thu, 17 Sep 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/taway.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +[sin_cos.c] more precise meaning of the return value +[sinh_cosh.c] idem as above +[taway.c] fixed to check the more precise return value + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6443 | zimmerma | 2009-09-16 06:17:47 +0000 (Wed, 16 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] t was not initialized in Newton's example + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6442 | zimmerma | 2009-09-15 13:48:15 +0000 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + D /trunk/get_binary32.c + A /trunk/get_flt.c (from /trunk/get_binary32.c:6441) + D /trunk/set_binary32.c + A /trunk/set_flt.c (from /trunk/set_binary32.c:6441) + M /trunk/tests/ + D /trunk/tests/tget_binary32.c + A /trunk/tests/tget_flt.c (from /trunk/tests/tget_binary32.c:6441) + +changed _binary32 into _flt for file names too: + svn mv get_binary32.c get_flt.c + svn mv set_binary32.c set_flt.c + svn mv tests/tget_binary32.c tests/tget_flt.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6441 | zimmerma | 2009-09-15 13:42:49 +0000 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[TODO] removed an item +[mpfr.texi] added an example for mpfr_prec_round + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6440 | zimmerma | 2009-09-15 13:26:11 +0000 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +[NEWS] added mpfr_set_flt and mpfr_get_flt + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6439 | zimmerma | 2009-09-15 13:17:40 +0000 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_binary32.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_binary32.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_binary32.c + +changed suffix _binary32 -> _flt +[get_binary32.c] fixed a bug in subnormal range + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6437 | vlefevre | 2009-09-15 13:15:23 +0000 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +mpfrlint: bug fix. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6435 | vlefevre | 2009-09-15 13:13:28 +0000 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6433 | vlefevre | 2009-09-15 13:12:38 +0000 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +mpfrlint: execute svn in C locale. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6431 | vlefevre | 2009-09-15 13:10:50 +0000 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +mpfrlint: check mpfr.texi's UPDATED-MONTH. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6428 | zimmerma | 2009-09-15 12:21:15 +0000 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +[tget_d.c] fixed FIXME + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6427 | vlefevre | 2009-09-15 12:12:35 +0000 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +tget_d.c code is C99-only (bug introduced in r6424). Please fix! +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6426 | zimmerma | 2009-09-15 11:42:27 +0000 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/get_binary32.c + +[get_binary32.c] also forgot in previous commit + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6425 | zimmerma | 2009-09-15 11:41:52 +0000 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/set_binary32.c + +[set_binary32.c] file forgot in previous commit + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6424 | zimmerma | 2009-09-15 11:37:40 +0000 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + A /trunk/ieee_floats.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/scale2.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tget_binary32.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +added new functions mpfr_set_binary32 and mpfr_get_binary32 +fixed bug in mpfr_get_d and mpfr_get_decimal64 for RNDA + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6423 | zimmerma | 2009-09-15 08:27:20 +0000 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] improved description of mpfr_sum, and fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6421 | vlefevre | 2009-09-14 16:29:44 +0000 (Mon, 14 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr.h: added mpfr_regular_p macro. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6419 | zimmerma | 2009-09-14 14:12:03 +0000 (Mon, 14 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sum.c + +[sum.c] added reference + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6418 | zimmerma | 2009-09-14 13:10:57 +0000 (Mon, 14 Sep 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + +[get_ld.c] fixed bug reported by Nelson Beebe + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6417 | zimmerma | 2009-09-14 09:29:55 +0000 (Mon, 14 Sep 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/isregular.c + M /trunk/iszero.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + +[isregular.c] new function mpfr_regular_p +[iszero.c] fixed typo in comment +[tests/tisnan.c] added tests for mpfr_regular_p + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6415 | vlefevre | 2009-09-11 22:03:10 +0000 (Fri, 11 Sep 2009) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: changeset r6414 was incorrect, in particular under Linux +(at least some platforms), where wint_t is an unsigned int, not an int. +Instead, let's detect whether integer promotion will occur or not, even +though the ISO C99 standard requires a wint_t type that doesn't yield +an integer promotion (7.24.1#2), because mingw32 defines wint_t as an +unsigned short (thus with integer promotion). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6414 | zimmerma | 2009-09-11 07:52:33 +0000 (Fri, 11 Sep 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +[vasprintf.c] + (changed __wint_type into int) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6413 | vlefevre | 2009-09-08 08:49:33 +0000 (Tue, 08 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdigamma.c + +tests/tdigamma.c: added missing void in prototype. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6412 | zimmerma | 2009-09-08 08:35:04 +0000 (Tue, 08 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/digamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tdigamma.c + +[digamma.c] forgot to set sign for Psi(+Inf) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6411 | zimmerma | 2009-09-04 12:29:27 +0000 (Fri, 04 Sep 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/bernoulli.c + M /trunk/digamma.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +changed function into bernoulli.c (which was static, included 3 times) into +an internal function mpfr_bernoulli_internal + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6410 | zimmerma | 2009-09-03 06:45:11 +0000 (Thu, 03 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] removed psi(=digamma) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6409 | vlefevre | 2009-09-02 23:17:32 +0000 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/data/digamma + +tests/data/digamma: for the special values, use the new mode '*' +(exact cases) instead of 'n'. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6408 | vlefevre | 2009-09-02 23:16:03 +0000 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests.c: added special support for exact cases in data_check (to test +all the rounding modes and check the ternary value). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6407 | vlefevre | 2009-09-02 23:02:29 +0000 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-longlong.h + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +towards -> toward (consistency). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6404 | vlefevre | 2009-09-02 12:13:23 +0000 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +tests: added tdigamma to svn:ignore property. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6403 | vlefevre | 2009-09-02 12:11:05 +0000 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/digamma.c + +digamma.c: moved a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6402 | zimmerma | 2009-09-02 12:08:05 +0000 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/digamma.c + M /trunk/tests/data/digamma + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +[digamma.c] fixed bug (emin/emax were not restored) +[data/digamma] added special values +[tests/tests.c] fix to allow putting nan in data/* files + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6401 | zimmerma | 2009-09-02 11:56:48 +0000 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/digamma + M /trunk/tests/tdigamma.c + +[data/digamma] unitary test file for mpfr_digamma +[tdigamma.c] now use data/digamma + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6400 | vlefevre | 2009-09-02 11:54:53 +0000 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/digamma.c + +Removed trailing whitespace. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6399 | zimmerma | 2009-09-02 11:39:14 +0000 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +bernoulli.c goes into EXTRA_DIST + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6398 | zimmerma | 2009-09-02 11:38:07 +0000 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + A /trunk/bernoulli.c + A /trunk/digamma.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tdigamma.c + +[digamma.c] new function mpfr_digamma +[lngamma.c,li2.c] factored computation of Bernoulli numbers in new file + bernoulli.c (also used by digamma.c) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6397 | zimmerma | 2009-08-27 09:27:10 +0000 (Thu, 27 Aug 2009) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +replaced obsolete GMP functions (suggested by Brian Gladman): +1. mpz_div_2exp ==> mpz_fdiv_q_2exp +2. mpz_div_ui ==> mpz_fdiv_q_ui +3. gmp_randinit (state, GMP_RAND_ALG_LC, 128) ==> gmp_randinit_lc_2exp_size (state, 128) +(Didn't replace mpn_divrem by mpn_tdiv_qr since the parameters differ, and also +for efficiency reasons.) + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6396 | vlefevre | 2009-08-26 23:30:06 +0000 (Wed, 26 Aug 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tsprintf.c: fixed locale_da_DK test. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6394 | zimmerma | 2009-08-26 20:13:50 +0000 (Wed, 26 Aug 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/csch.c + +[csch.c,coth.c,csc.c,cot.c] fixed bug for tiny input and RNDA (result was + rounded to zero instead of away) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6393 | vlefevre | 2009-08-26 17:01:54 +0000 (Wed, 26 Aug 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: bug fix (uncommented an "exit(1);"). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6390 | zimmerma | 2009-08-26 15:28:25 +0000 (Wed, 26 Aug 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +[tgeneric.c] revert previous change, bug is elsewhere + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6389 | zimmerma | 2009-08-26 15:23:51 +0000 (Wed, 26 Aug 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +[tgeneric.c] temporary fix in mpfr_can_round call (mpfr_can_round does not + correctly handle MPFR_RNDA) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6381 | vlefevre | 2009-08-26 08:48:37 +0000 (Wed, 26 Aug 2009) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +set_ld.c: replaced a struct by a union. The struct was triggering the +following warning with GCC 4.4: + dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules +(possibly due to possible memory alignment problems). The old code +looked strange anyway and unions are exactly for such kind of things. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6380 | zimmerma | 2009-08-26 08:10:51 +0000 (Wed, 26 Aug 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + +[tset.c] removed unused variables + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6378 | vlefevre | 2009-08-25 12:23:42 +0000 (Tue, 25 Aug 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + +tcmp_ld.c: use "long double" constants. +Note: this might solve the tcmp_ld failure reported on + +(not tested). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6376 | vlefevre | 2009-08-24 13:21:03 +0000 (Mon, 24 Aug 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS: update (new function mpfr_set_zero, added in r6339). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6375 | vlefevre | 2009-08-24 13:01:15 +0000 (Mon, 24 Aug 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: NaN has a sign bit (in its binary representation), +but as a FP datum, it does not have a sign. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6374 | zimmerma | 2009-08-24 12:48:30 +0000 (Mon, 24 Aug 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] added mention of unspecified NaN sign bit for mpfr_set_nan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6372 | vlefevre | 2009-08-21 21:58:15 +0000 (Fri, 21 Aug 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: do not use @code for roundTiesToAway and binary64 as this is +not code and the IEEE 754-2008 standard doesn't use special typography. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6369 | vlefevre | 2009-08-21 21:43:16 +0000 (Fri, 21 Aug 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: the sign bit of a NaN is unspecified. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6368 | vlefevre | 2009-08-18 15:51:08 +0000 (Tue, 18 Aug 2009) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/README + A /trunk/examples + A /trunk/examples/ReadMe + A /trunk/examples/divworst.c + A /trunk/examples/rndo-add.c + A /trunk/examples/sample.c + +Add examples into $docdir (without using a subdir, as this would be +a bit bloated just to add a few files). + * Added "examples" directory with a ReadMe file and 3 examples. + * added files from the "examples" directory and changed + dist_doc_DATA into nobase_dist_doc_DATA so that the "examples" + directory is not stripped in the target directory $docdir. + * README: added "examples/". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6367 | vlefevre | 2009-08-18 13:46:15 +0000 (Tue, 18 Aug 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +get_str.c: corrected copyright notice, incorrectly modified in r6364. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6366 | thevenyp | 2009-08-12 14:30:48 +0000 (Wed, 12 Aug 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: Fix typo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6365 | thevenyp | 2009-08-12 14:10:33 +0000 (Wed, 12 Aug 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +get_str.c: Format a comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6364 | thevenyp | 2009-08-12 14:07:24 +0000 (Wed, 12 Aug 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +get_str.c vasprintf.c: Add support for the rounding away from zero mode. +mpfr.texi: MPFR_RNDA mode support in printf functions. +tests/tsprintf.c tests/tget_str.c: Test MPFR_RNDA support. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6363 | vlefevre | 2009-08-06 00:21:17 +0000 (Thu, 06 Aug 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS: update. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6362 | vlefevre | 2009-08-06 00:18:37 +0000 (Thu, 06 Aug 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Install some documentation files. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6360 | vlefevre | 2009-08-05 11:39:30 +0000 (Wed, 05 Aug 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated section "Installing MPFR". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6358 | vlefevre | 2009-08-05 10:39:20 +0000 (Wed, 05 Aug 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: corrected a spelling mistake. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6356 | vlefevre | 2009-08-05 10:24:16 +0000 (Wed, 05 Aug 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + +Since GNU Automake 1.11 is available on too few platforms, removed its +requirement (reverted to 1.10 requirement: 1.10.1 was needed only for +dist-lzma, which has been removed). Instead, added hardcoded dist-xz +support (tested with both Automake 1.10.2 and Automake 1.11). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6354 | vlefevre | 2009-08-04 00:55:30 +0000 (Tue, 04 Aug 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + replaced dist-lzma by dist-xz (the xz format is the +successor of the lzma format); as a consequence, automake 1.11 is +needed. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6353 | vlefevre | 2009-07-30 18:06:49 +0000 (Thu, 30 Jul 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ +, tests/ added copyright notice (similar to +the one of the generated file). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6352 | vlefevre | 2009-07-30 17:59:36 +0000 (Thu, 30 Jul 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/COPYING + M /trunk/README + +Since COPYING.LESSER makes a reference to the GPLv3, updated COPYING +to the GPLv3. Autotools files are now distributed under the same license +as MPFR (to avoid any reference to the GPLv2). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6351 | vlefevre | 2009-07-30 17:47:39 +0000 (Thu, 30 Jul 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + A /trunk/COPYING.LESSER (from /trunk/COPYING.LIB:6350) + D /trunk/COPYING.LIB + M /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_d.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/buildopt.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/clears.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_ld.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/constant.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/d_div.c + M /trunk/d_sub.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_d.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/faq.xsl + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_sint.c + M /trunk/fits_slong.c + M /trunk/fits_sshort.c + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uint.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fits_ulong.c + M /trunk/fits_ushort.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inits.c + M /trunk/inits2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/isqrt.c + M /trunk/iszero.c + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/mbench/Makefile + M /trunk/mbench/generate.c + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/mfv5.h + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-gfx.c + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-v4.c + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-v6.c + M /trunk/mbench/timp.h + M /trunk/min_prec.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/mp_clz_tab.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-thread.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_d.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/sec.c + M /trunk/sech.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/set_zero.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/setsign.c + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/signbit.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/speed.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_d.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/data/li2 + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/random2.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/taway.c + M /trunk/tests/tbuildopt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp10.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tisqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + M /trunk/tests/tj1.c + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + M /trunk/tests/tl2b.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmin_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/tests/ty0.c + M /trunk/tests/ty1.c + M /trunk/tests/tyn.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/version.c + M /trunk/volatile.c + M /trunk/yn.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +Renamed COPYING.LIB as COPYING.LESSER (GNU Coding Standards, #7.3) +and updated all the references (except in ChangeLog). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6350 | vlefevre | 2009-07-30 17:38:46 +0000 (Thu, 30 Jul 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk + +Added algorithms.fdb_latexmk to svn:ignore property. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6349 | thevenyp | 2009-07-30 16:30:24 +0000 (Thu, 30 Jul 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + +tests/tset.c: With revision 6339, some tests were moved and added in the function check_special but this one was not called. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6348 | thevenyp | 2009-07-30 16:22:55 +0000 (Thu, 30 Jul 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +tests/ Strech check_PROGRAMS list to ease insertion of new tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6347 | thevenyp | 2009-07-30 16:03:04 +0000 (Thu, 30 Jul 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + Sort tests in alphabetical order except the very first ones which are needed by the test suite itself. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6340 | thevenyp | 2009-07-20 14:40:40 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jul 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c mpfr.texi: Change behavior with %Rf and an empty precision field. The default precision is now 6 with %Rf and %Rg. +tests/tprintf.c tests/tfprintf.c tests/tsprintf.c: Change tests with empty precision field and %Rf. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6339 | thevenyp | 2009-07-20 09:22:08 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jul 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/set_zero.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + mpfr.h mpfr.texi set_zero.c: New function mpfr_set_zero. +tests/tset.c: Replace all MPFR_ASSERTN with verbose message. Add tests for mpfr_set_zero. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6336 | zimmerma | 2009-07-15 00:30:44 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jul 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] hint about patch command + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6335 | zimmerma | 2009-07-14 08:37:32 +0000 (Tue, 14 Jul 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + +[mpn_exp.c] reverted previous change (MPN_ZERO is a macro for memset, which + does not forbid zero size) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6334 | zimmerma | 2009-07-14 07:47:57 +0000 (Tue, 14 Jul 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + +[coth.c, tcoth.c] fixed coth(+/0) which was wrong (reported by Christopher Creutzig) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6333 | zimmerma | 2009-07-14 07:39:38 +0000 (Tue, 14 Jul 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + +[mpn_exp.c] fixed bug reported by David Kirkby on Solaris (GMP compiled with + Solaris compiler) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6330 | vlefevre | 2009-07-08 13:35:34 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jul 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: typo in a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6329 | thevenyp | 2009-07-08 13:24:46 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jul 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: Fix bug with %Rf, non-zero precision and a value rounded up to the next power of ten. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6328 | vlefevre | 2009-07-08 10:44:31 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jul 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: deleted trailing spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6326 | vlefevre | 2009-07-08 10:42:02 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jul 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tsprintf.c: added tests of some halfway cases. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6325 | thevenyp | 2009-07-08 09:46:52 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jul 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: Fix bug in precision 0 with format %.0Rf (0.5 rounds to 0). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6322 | vlefevre | 2009-07-08 07:39:56 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jul 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tsprintf.c: added a test that triggers an assertion failure. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6319 | vlefevre | 2009-07-08 07:17:20 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jul 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tsprintf.c: fixed a test and added more tests for %.0Rf with the even +rounding rule (shows a bug added in the latest corrections). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6316 | vlefevre | 2009-07-07 08:18:45 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jul 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tsprintf.c: completed the test on emax (for %Ra and %Rb). +Everything is OK. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6315 | vlefevre | 2009-07-07 07:55:06 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jul 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tsprintf.c: my test was incorrect (I forgot the R), sorry. +Still completing it... +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6314 | vlefevre | 2009-07-07 07:40:22 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jul 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tsprintf.c: comment (so that the test can be ported to the 2.4 branch). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6313 | vlefevre | 2009-07-07 07:38:00 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jul 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tsprintf.c: started to write a test for emax, showing a bug (random +output). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6311 | vlefevre | 2009-07-06 12:44:41 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jul 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF8 TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6307 | vlefevre | 2009-07-06 11:17:09 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jul 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6305 | vlefevre | 2009-07-06 11:15:38 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jul 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi consistency: @var{stdout} -> @code{stdout}. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6303 | vlefevre | 2009-07-06 11:04:50 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jul 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: do not use a potential function call in SAFE_ABS macro. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6301 | thevenyp | 2009-07-06 08:36:59 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jul 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c tests/tsprintf.c: deleted trailing spaces. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6298 | thevenyp | 2009-06-29 13:09:42 +0000 (Mon, 29 Jun 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: Fix bug when the value to be printed is rounded to the next power of ten with %Rf or %Rg (continuation of fix in r6278). +tests/tsprintf.c: Add tests for rounding to next power of ten bug with %Rf or %Rg. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6297 | vlefevre | 2009-06-26 15:47:03 +0000 (Fri, 26 Jun 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp10.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +mp_exp_unsigned_t -> mpfr_uexp_t (internal type only). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6296 | vlefevre | 2009-06-26 15:40:06 +0000 (Fri, 26 Jun 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +mpfrlint: check the use of the obsolete mp_rnd_t type. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6295 | vlefevre | 2009-06-26 15:35:01 +0000 (Fri, 26 Jun 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_d.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/d_div.c + M /trunk/d_sub.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_d.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_d.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/setsign.c + M /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_d.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/taway.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp10.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/yn.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +mp_rnd_t -> mpfr_rnd_t +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6294 | vlefevre | 2009-06-26 15:19:14 +0000 (Fri, 26 Jun 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/tests/random2.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +Suppressed MPFR_CLEAR_FLAGS (no longer did anything). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6290 | vlefevre | 2009-06-23 02:17:04 +0000 (Tue, 23 Jun 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6287 | vlefevre | 2009-06-23 02:06:27 +0000 (Tue, 23 Jun 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: fixed description of mpfr_get_str (clash with variables, +inconsistent cases in the info format). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6286 | vlefevre | 2009-06-23 01:56:01 +0000 (Tue, 23 Jun 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +get_str.c: added a space. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6283 | vlefevre | 2009-06-21 20:54:34 +0000 (Sun, 21 Jun 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: corrected comments. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6282 | thevenyp | 2009-06-19 19:55:18 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jun 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: convert GMP_RNDx to MPFR_RNDx. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6280 | thevenyp | 2009-06-19 16:40:57 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jun 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: Add brace to disambiguate nested if, and remove unused variable. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6279 | thevenyp | 2009-06-19 15:57:09 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jun 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tests/tfprintf.c tests/tprintf.c: Do not test very small values with %f. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6278 | thevenyp | 2009-06-19 15:55:57 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jun 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: Fix bug when the value to be printed is rounded to the next power of ten with %Rf or %Rg. +tests/tsprintf.c: Add tests for rounding to next power of ten bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6277 | zimmerma | 2009-06-18 12:34:24 +0000 (Thu, 18 Jun 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] added new functions to implement + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6276 | thevenyp | 2009-06-16 11:14:48 +0000 (Tue, 16 Jun 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + +sinh_cosh.c: precision of intermediate computation no more depends on precision of input variables. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6275 | vlefevre | 2009-06-15 01:58:34 +0000 (Mon, 15 Jun 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr.h: new MPFR_VALUE_OF macro, now used by mpfr_get_prec and +mpfr_get_exp macros (this is cleaner than the old hack). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6274 | vlefevre | 2009-06-14 11:57:18 +0000 (Sun, 14 Jun 2009) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +acinclude.m4: Make sure results of calculations on constants used with +the fesetround() test are not precomputed by GCC (occurs on MIPS). +Patch from Maciej W. Rozycki. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6272 | zimmerma | 2009-06-13 02:00:58 +0000 (Sat, 13 Jun 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +[algorithms.tex] bounds for get_str were checked by Mark Dickinson + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6271 | zimmerma | 2009-06-12 04:25:44 +0000 (Fri, 12 Jun 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +[algorithms.tex] fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6270 | zimmerma | 2009-06-12 04:17:46 +0000 (Fri, 12 Jun 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[algorithms.tex] fixed and completed up to b=62 table of bounds for get_str +[mpfr.texi] fixed description of case n=0 for get_str (case of powers of two + bases was not coherent with the code) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6269 | zimmerma | 2009-06-10 18:52:10 +0000 (Wed, 10 Jun 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[algorithms.tex] analyzed precisely the cases where the value is m+1 instead + of m + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6268 | vlefevre | 2009-06-10 05:21:05 +0000 (Wed, 10 Jun 2009) | 11 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +acinclude.m4: reverted incorrect patch r6267 that makes the test +no longer work on x86 (with traditional FPU, no SSE), where one +should get + checking for gcc float-conversion bug... yes, use -ffloat-store +instead of + checking for gcc float-conversion bug... no +Indeed the "volatile" has the effect to have all the intermediate +results x stored into memory, i.e. it is more or less equivalent +to the -ffloat-store option, so that it does not allow one to test +whether -ffloat-store is needed or not (which is the goal of this +test). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6267 | zimmerma | 2009-06-09 22:02:10 +0000 (Tue, 09 Jun 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +[acinclude.m4] patch from Maciej W. Rozycki on mpfr mailing-list, 9 Jun 2009 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6266 | zimmerma | 2009-06-09 18:42:04 +0000 (Tue, 09 Jun 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/data/j0 + M /trunk/tests/data/j1 + M /trunk/tests/data/y0 + M /trunk/tests/data/y1 + +added more test cases for the Bessel functions (from John Harrison paper at +Arith19) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6265 | thevenyp | 2009-06-04 17:15:24 +0000 (Thu, 04 Jun 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: Binary output with no digit after the decimal point is now supported. Fix bug when the binary or hexadecimal output value is rounded to the next power of the base. This also change outputs like 0xf.f with format string "%.0Ra" from 8p+1 to 1p+4 (as does gnu libc's printf). +tests/tsprintf.c: add check for rounding to the next base power and fix some test value with %.0Ra (now output 1p+4 instead of 8p+3). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6264 | thevenyp | 2009-06-03 09:01:22 +0000 (Wed, 03 Jun 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-longlong.h + +mpfr-longlong.h: Update to newer GMP version (changeset 12418:12a1d0bf21f0 Sun Mar 01 23:47:31 2009 +0100), merging modifications from r4657. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6263 | vlefevre | 2009-05-29 13:53:06 +0000 (Fri, 29 May 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: do not use GMP's namespace for identifiers defined in MPFR. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6261 | vlefevre | 2009-05-29 13:05:24 +0000 (Fri, 29 May 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added: do not use the GMP namespaces... +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6259 | vlefevre | 2009-05-29 12:27:38 +0000 (Fri, 29 May 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr.h: rewrote a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6258 | thevenyp | 2009-05-29 07:37:23 +0000 (Fri, 29 May 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: Fix bug, "%%" was not correctly displayed when used alone or before a mpfr_t output. +tests/tfprintf.c tests/tprintf.c: Fix expected values for tests with "%%". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6257 | thevenyp | 2009-05-29 06:56:02 +0000 (Fri, 29 May 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: Restate subsection Formatted Output Functions/Format String. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6256 | thevenyp | 2009-05-28 07:33:43 +0000 (Thu, 28 May 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: details on use of 'P' type in mpfr_printf. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6252 | thevenyp | 2009-05-27 14:59:54 +0000 (Wed, 27 May 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS: remind bug fixes since version 2.4.0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6248 | thevenyp | 2009-05-27 13:17:03 +0000 (Wed, 27 May 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d64.c + +set_d64.c: Partial revert of r6190 to fix problem in a simpler way: the decimal digits can be stored in array of char (no need to be unsigned). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6245 | vlefevre | 2009-05-27 02:26:50 +0000 (Wed, 27 May 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6241 | vlefevre | 2009-05-27 02:20:51 +0000 (Wed, 27 May 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + +tests/tfmod.c: deleted trailing whitespace. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6240 | thevenyp | 2009-05-22 10:44:03 +0000 (Fri, 22 May 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +tests/tatan.c: Add test triggering underflow (test coverage is now 100%). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6237 | vlefevre | 2009-05-20 21:54:03 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +tests/tgeneric.c: for the second computation, increase the precision +of the inputs in order to trigger the mpfr_fmod bug fixed in r6230 +(and potentially other bugs). Thanks to Eric Veach for the idea. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6236 | vlefevre | 2009-05-20 21:34:52 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +Added tbuildopt to svn:ignore property of tests. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6234 | thevenyp | 2009-05-20 15:28:07 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + +tests/tfmod.c: complete tests with special values. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6233 | thevenyp | 2009-05-20 15:26:47 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + +tests/tfmod.c: code simplification + check ternary value too. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6232 | vlefevre | 2009-05-20 10:34:33 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + +tests/tfmod.c: replaced NULL by (mpfr_ptr) 0 in mpfr_inits2/mpfr_clears. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6231 | vlefevre | 2009-05-20 10:32:07 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + +tests/mpfr-test.h: added mpfr_cmp_ui0 macro (check that x is not a NaN). +tests/tfmod.c (bug20090519): check that the results are not NaN's and +replaced GMP_RNDN by MPFR_RNDN. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6230 | zimmerma | 2009-05-20 10:17:17 +0000 (Wed, 20 May 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + +[tests/tfmod.c] added testcase for bug reported by Eric Veach +[rem1.c] fixed bug reported by Eric Veach + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6229 | zimmerma | 2009-05-19 08:20:15 +0000 (Tue, 19 May 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] added one item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6220 | lfousse | 2009-05-13 20:33:03 +0000 (Wed, 13 May 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Clarify the fact that mpfr_sum guarantees correct rounding. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6211 | vlefevre | 2009-05-13 15:40:36 +0000 (Wed, 13 May 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr.h: updated a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6210 | thevenyp | 2009-05-13 15:37:35 +0000 (Wed, 13 May 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr.h: Add a warning comment (removed in r6026). +[merge -c 6209 from branch 2.4] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6196 | vlefevre | 2009-05-13 00:02:10 +0000 (Wed, 13 May 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fms.c + +fms.c: improve the performance of memory allocations in small precision +(almost identical to changeset 6195 for fma.c). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6195 | vlefevre | 2009-05-12 23:54:31 +0000 (Tue, 12 May 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +fma.c: patch by Patrick Pélissier to improve the performance of +memory allocations in small precision. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6192 | thevenyp | 2009-05-05 17:13:37 +0000 (Tue, 05 May 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +Put '#include ' in mpfr-impl.h, remove it elsewhere. +Other cleanup of header inclusion. +Other change (by mistake): corrections in algorithms.tex +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6191 | vlefevre | 2009-05-05 15:42:32 +0000 (Tue, 05 May 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS: corrections / limit to 80 characters per line. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6190 | thevenyp | 2009-05-05 14:37:42 +0000 (Tue, 05 May 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + +get_d64.c set_d64.c: Fix types. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6189 | thevenyp | 2009-05-05 14:34:41 +0000 (Tue, 05 May 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +printf.c tests/tpow_all.c: is not automatically included when compiling with --with-gmp-build option. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6188 | thevenyp | 2009-05-05 14:06:43 +0000 (Tue, 05 May 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/NEWS + A /trunk/buildopt.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tbuildopt.c + +NEWS mpfr.h mpfr.texi buildopt.c: New functions mpfr_buildopt_tls_p and mpfr_buildopt_decimal_p. +tests/ tests/tbuildopt.c: Add tests for mpfr_buildopt_tls_p and mpfr_buildopt_decimal_p. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6187 | vlefevre | 2009-05-05 13:55:21 +0000 (Tue, 05 May 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +atan.c: added comments after checking r6186. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6186 | thevenyp | 2009-05-05 10:07:47 +0000 (Tue, 05 May 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +atan.c: expand exponent range when computing arctan(Inf) and arctan(+-1). +tests/tatan.c: Check underflow of arctan(Inf) and arctan(1) with reduced exponent range. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6185 | vlefevre | 2009-05-04 16:27:56 +0000 (Mon, 04 May 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +tests/tatan.c: replaced GMP_RNDN by MPFR_RNDN. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6182 | vlefevre | 2009-04-29 16:19:26 +0000 (Wed, 29 Apr 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + +Removed trailing spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6181 | zimmerma | 2009-04-29 16:07:29 +0000 (Wed, 29 Apr 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +[atan.c] fixed bug when x is very near but differs from 1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6180 | vlefevre | 2009-04-29 15:41:23 +0000 (Wed, 29 Apr 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +tests/tatan.c: added testcase for bug found by Christopher Creutzig +(atan2_different_prec). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6177 | vlefevre | 2009-04-22 12:46:41 +0000 (Wed, 22 Apr 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests/tests.c (data_check): try to open the data file first from the +build directory, then from the source directory. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6176 | vlefevre | 2009-04-22 12:00:23 +0000 (Wed, 22 Apr 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init2.c + +init2.c: check that mp_bits_per_limb == BITS_PER_MP_LIMB (useful +in case GMP is upgraded with a different ABI, e.g. 32 vs mode32 +on PowerPC 64). Without such a check, MPFR can give incorrect +results if the ABI's don't match. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6175 | vlefevre | 2009-04-22 08:33:57 +0000 (Wed, 22 Apr 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +Improved fix for problem dealt with in r6174: use function src_fopen() +(from tests.c) instead of a macro MPFR_SRCDIR. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6174 | vlefevre | 2009-04-22 08:13:40 +0000 (Wed, 22 Apr 2009) | 10 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +Fixed problem when the srcdir value contains a word that is #define'd +by the C implementation (test failure) or a comma (worse, the build of +the tests terminates with an error). This can happen only when objdir +and srcdir are different directories. + * tests/ (tmul_CPPFLAGS): Put srcdir pathname in quotes. + * tests/tmul.c (MPFR_SRCDIR): Make the default a string. + (QUOTE, NAME): Delete. + (check_regression): Don't QUOTE MPFR_SRCDIR. +Thanks to Sandra Loosemore for the patch. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6173 | thevenyp | 2009-04-15 17:07:42 +0000 (Wed, 15 Apr 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + +get_f.c: remove dead code (x and z always have the same number of limbs). +tests/tget_f.c: Add tests with every rounding mode, add tests with random values. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6172 | thevenyp | 2009-04-15 09:34:54 +0000 (Wed, 15 Apr 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + +tests/tget_f.c: Fix typos, better error messages. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6171 | thevenyp | 2009-04-14 14:34:20 +0000 (Tue, 14 Apr 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + +tests/tget_f.c get_f.c: Set result to the maximum value when the mpfr_t is plus infinity and set correct ternary value. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6170 | thevenyp | 2009-04-14 14:29:16 +0000 (Tue, 14 Apr 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + +tests/tget_f.c: Fix typo, increase size of y so that x and y have different limb size (they had the same size on MacOS X-32bits). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6168 | vlefevre | 2009-04-10 08:29:47 +0000 (Fri, 10 Apr 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: update concerning intmax_t after the change in r6166. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6166 | vlefevre | 2009-04-10 08:23:33 +0000 (Fri, 10 Apr 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr.h: for intmax_t, also test _STDINT_H and _STDINT_H_. +[merged changeset r6165 from the 2.4 branch] +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6164 | vlefevre | 2009-04-10 08:10:37 +0000 (Fri, 10 Apr 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6162 | vlefevre | 2009-04-10 08:09:47 +0000 (Fri, 10 Apr 2009) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.h: for the intmax_t detection, also test INTMAX_MAX / UINTMAX_MAX +(this may be useful for users of C++ compilers, if they have defined +__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS but not __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS). +mpfr.texi: improvement concerning the use of intmax_t and uintmax_t. +[merged changesets r6160 and r6161 from the 2.4 branch] +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6159 | zimmerma | 2009-04-09 07:40:14 +0000 (Thu, 09 Apr 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] updated Notes on AIX/PowerPC + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6158 | thevenyp | 2009-04-08 14:59:21 +0000 (Wed, 08 Apr 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + +NEWS mpfr.texi get_f.c: mpfr_get_f now returns the usual ternary value. +tests/tget_f.c: test the ternary value and the erange flag. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6157 | vlefevre | 2009-04-08 14:25:26 +0000 (Wed, 08 Apr 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + +tests/tget_z.c: do not assume specific values of the ternary value. +get_z.c: simplified code. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6156 | vlefevre | 2009-04-08 14:19:23 +0000 (Wed, 08 Apr 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS: s/an inexact value/a ternary value/ +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6155 | thevenyp | 2009-04-08 12:53:37 +0000 (Wed, 08 Apr 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + +NEWS mpfr.texi get_z.c: mpfr_get_z now returns an inexact value. +mpfr.h: change prototype of mpfr_get_z. +tests/tget_z.c: test inexact value. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6154 | zimmerma | 2009-04-08 11:10:46 +0000 (Wed, 08 Apr 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + +[mpf2mpfr.h] added comment for #endif + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6153 | thevenyp | 2009-04-08 11:09:14 +0000 (Wed, 08 Apr 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + +mpf2mpfr.h: fix typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6152 | vlefevre | 2009-04-02 16:03:05 +0000 (Thu, 02 Apr 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_z.c + +get_z.c: fixed title in comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6151 | vlefevre | 2009-04-01 14:22:03 +0000 (Wed, 01 Apr 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_z.c + +get_z.c: detect out-of-range precision (such a detection could be missed +if mpfr_exp_t > mpfr_prec_t). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6150 | vlefevre | 2009-04-01 14:07:29 +0000 (Wed, 01 Apr 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Removed the comment from mpfr.h added in r6149, and patched get_z.c +(safer code is better than a comment). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6149 | vlefevre | 2009-04-01 14:02:14 +0000 (Wed, 01 Apr 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr.h: important comment to validate the change done in r6147. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6148 | vlefevre | 2009-04-01 13:46:30 +0000 (Wed, 01 Apr 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + +get_z_exp.c: updated comments. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6147 | zimmerma | 2009-04-01 13:26:42 +0000 (Wed, 01 Apr 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + +[get_z.c] simplified the code, removed the FIXME +[tget_z.c] added new test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6146 | zimmerma | 2009-04-01 13:11:13 +0000 (Wed, 01 Apr 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + +[mpfr.texi] completed documentation of mpfr_get_z_exp (was incomplete for 0) +[tget_z.c] added test case for 0 with emin > 0 (should give 100% coverage for + get_z.c) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6145 | thevenyp | 2009-03-30 14:47:28 +0000 (Mon, 30 Mar 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +strtofr.c tests/tset_str.c: Code simplification (sizeof (char) is always 1). +vasprintf.c: Cast into size_t (just in case). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6144 | thevenyp | 2009-03-30 12:15:40 +0000 (Mon, 30 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: Code simplification (sizeof (char) is always 1). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6143 | thevenyp | 2009-03-27 09:34:03 +0000 (Fri, 27 Mar 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +acinclude.m4: remove definition of va_copy, just detect its presence. +printf.c vasprintf.c: #define a replacement of va_copy if needed (in the same way as gmp). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6142 | thevenyp | 2009-03-26 15:09:38 +0000 (Thu, 26 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +acinclude.m4: Change MPFR_FUNC_PRINTF_SPEC (renamed MPFR_FUNC_GMP_PRINTF_SPEC) so that it actually checks output. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6141 | thevenyp | 2009-03-25 17:53:50 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +Change base upper limit in string conversion up to 62. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6140 | zimmerma | 2009-03-25 12:13:58 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +[mpfr.texi] fixed documentation of mpfr_get_str which was wrong +[tget_str.c] added test cases for odd base and tie breaking case +[get_str.c] fixed typos in comments + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6139 | zimmerma | 2009-03-25 08:54:17 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/random2.c + +[tests/random2.c] added missing mpfr-test.h (revealed by nightly tests), and + removed mpfr-impl.h (already included in mpfr-test.h) + I have also removed MPFR_NEED_LONGLONG_H: I don't see why it + is needed, and all tests pass. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6138 | thevenyp | 2009-03-24 17:19:55 +0000 (Tue, 24 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: Add a note on mpfr_printf output in binary with precision one. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6137 | thevenyp | 2009-03-24 16:51:17 +0000 (Tue, 24 Mar 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests/random2.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +urandomb.c mpfr-gmp.c mpfr-gmp.h: mpfr_rand_raw is now in urandom.c. +mpfr-impl.h: mpfr_rand_raw is now always build as an internal function. +TODO tests/tests.c tests/random2.c: Use mpfr_rand_raw instead of _gmp_rand + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6136 | thevenyp | 2009-03-24 15:10:52 +0000 (Tue, 24 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + D /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + A /trunk/tests/random2.c (from /trunk/random2.c:6135) + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + M /trunk/tests/tj1.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ty0.c + M /trunk/tests/ty1.c + +Move mpfr_random2 to tests directory, remove it from API. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6135 | thevenyp | 2009-03-24 14:29:04 +0000 (Tue, 24 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: Improve documentation in Formatted Output Functions/Format String subsection. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6134 | vlefevre | 2009-03-24 11:33:41 +0000 (Tue, 24 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/sin.c + +cos.c, sin.c: added MPFR_ASSERTN for huge expx. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6132 | vlefevre | 2009-03-21 00:52:31 +0000 (Sat, 21 Mar 2009) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +mpfr.texi: corrected mpfr_strtofr documentation ("NAN()" is accepted). +tests/tstrtofr.c: added a test for "NAN()". +Note: the code follows the ISO C99 standard for strtod, as explained +in the mpfr_strtofr documentation, so that the code was correct. +[merged changeset 6131 from the 2.4 branch and changed GMP_RNDN into +MPFR_RNDN] +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6130 | vlefevre | 2009-03-19 02:11:38 +0000 (Thu, 19 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +mpfrlint: added some tests for acinclude.m4 and (sh). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6128 | vlefevre | 2009-03-19 02:03:29 +0000 (Thu, 19 Mar 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + +Applied patch from Ralf Wildenhues. + * Avoid unportable (and unneeded) shell quoting. + * acinclude.m4: Avoid non-POSIX shell construct. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6126 | vlefevre | 2009-03-18 11:15:05 +0000 (Wed, 18 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmin_prec.c + +tests/tmin_prec.c: replaced GMP_RNDN by MPFR_RNDN. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6125 | vlefevre | 2009-03-16 18:38:03 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +tests/tset_ld.c: removed unused variable. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6124 | thevenyp | 2009-03-16 17:46:18 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +tests/tset_ld.c: Add test case for the bug fixed with r6101. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6123 | vlefevre | 2009-03-16 15:50:58 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmin_prec.c + +tests/tmin_prec.c: added tests. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6122 | vlefevre | 2009-03-16 15:43:39 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +tests: updated svn:ignore property. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6121 | vlefevre | 2009-03-16 15:40:48 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/min_prec.c + +min_prec.c: fixed another bug (the code was incorrect with >= 2 limbs). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6120 | vlefevre | 2009-03-16 15:37:10 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmin_prec.c + +tests/tmin_prec.c: bug fix (side effects in MPFR_ASSERTN), new tests. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6119 | vlefevre | 2009-03-16 15:28:11 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added a note about assertions and code with side effects. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6118 | thevenyp | 2009-03-16 15:23:46 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + +tests/tfprintf.c: Use a value less than 2^31-1 compatible (thus < LONG_MAX) in bug_20090316 (cf r6112). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6117 | vlefevre | 2009-03-16 15:07:50 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmin_prec.c + +Replaced GMP_RND* by MPFR_RND*. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6116 | zimmerma | 2009-03-16 12:50:24 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tmin_prec.c + +[tests/tmin_prec.c] new file contributed from Laurent Fousse +[tests/] added tmin_prec + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6115 | vlefevre | 2009-03-16 12:35:27 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/min_prec.c + +min_prec.c: removed a useless test. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6114 | vlefevre | 2009-03-16 12:30:20 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/min_prec.c + +min_prec.c: fixed another bug. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6113 | thevenyp | 2009-03-16 12:26:29 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: Add more debug assertion on the buffer size. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6112 | thevenyp | 2009-03-16 12:03:43 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: Fix bug_20090316 (in buffer_cat, the buffer was 1 character too small in some cases). +tests/tfprintf.c: Add test for bug_20090316. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6111 | vlefevre | 2009-03-16 11:57:41 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +tests/tadd.c: changed GMP_RND* (from r6071) into MPFR_RND*; this should +have been done when porting the patch from the 2.4 branch. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6110 | thevenyp | 2009-03-16 10:25:16 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tests/tprintf.c: Use new environment variable MPFR_CHECK_LARGEMEM for memory expensive test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6109 | vlefevre | 2009-03-16 10:12:57 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/min_prec.c + +min_prec.c: bug fixed by Laurent. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6108 | thevenyp | 2009-03-16 10:01:24 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: Fix typo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6107 | vlefevre | 2009-03-16 09:32:21 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/min_prec.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Fixed the prototype of mpfr_min_prec (should return a mpfr_prec_t) +and its description. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6106 | vlefevre | 2009-03-16 09:26:54 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/min_prec.c + +min_prec.c: fixed a bug (but the code should be improved). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6105 | vlefevre | 2009-03-16 09:23:46 +0000 (Mon, 16 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/min_prec.c + +min_prec.c: simplified the singular cases (see other functions). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6104 | lfousse | 2009-03-15 20:44:23 +0000 (Sun, 15 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Add protoype for mpfr_min_prec in mpfr.h. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6103 | lfousse | 2009-03-15 20:34:33 +0000 (Sun, 15 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Add documentation for mpfr_min_prec. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6102 | lfousse | 2009-03-15 20:34:00 +0000 (Sun, 15 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/min_prec.c + +New function mpfr_min_prec. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6101 | vlefevre | 2009-03-15 03:17:06 +0000 (Sun, 15 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_ld.c + +get_ld.c: fixed bugs in the case HAVE_LDOUBLE_IEEE_EXT_LITTLE (one found +by Steve Kargl, and another one concerning the mpfr_set_emax value). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6100 | thevenyp | 2009-03-13 17:58:59 +0000 (Fri, 13 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: This is probably dead code, but being uncertain, put an assert here. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6099 | thevenyp | 2009-03-13 17:55:13 +0000 (Fri, 13 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: As the buffer helper functions are not used in the current code with a zero parameter len, do not handle this case anymore, check that these cases do not happened in MPFR_ASSERTD macros, add some additional assert to ensure consistency. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6098 | thevenyp | 2009-03-13 17:47:57 +0000 (Fri, 13 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: make clear that string_buffer.curr is a pointer to the null terminating character, fix the only place where it was not handle so. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6097 | thevenyp | 2009-03-13 17:36:20 +0000 (Fri, 13 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: Fix bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6096 | thevenyp | 2009-03-13 17:30:10 +0000 (Fri, 13 Mar 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +tests/tprintf.c: Add an expensive test where the output number has more than INT_MAX characters. +vasprintf.c: Fix the bug triggered by the new test in tsprintf.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6095 | thevenyp | 2009-03-13 17:17:42 +0000 (Fri, 13 Mar 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +mpfr.texi: Do cosmetic changes and add some details on printf behavior when the precision field is empty. +tests/tsprintf.c: improve code coverage. +tests/tprintf.c: improve code coverage, check the behavior describe in mpfr.texi. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6091 | vlefevre | 2009-03-12 12:54:29 +0000 (Thu, 12 Mar 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +zeta_ui.c: correction r6090 was incorrect as there was another problem: +the 3rd argument of mpz_divexact_ui is an unsigned long, not a limb. +So, fixed the shift count (assuming no padding bits in unsigned long). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6090 | vlefevre | 2009-03-12 12:45:21 +0000 (Thu, 12 Mar 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +zeta_ui.c bug fix: a shift count could be >= width of type (if a limb is +a long long and long long is twice the size of a long). This problem was +detected by a warning on gcc40 with CFLAGS="-mpowerpc64 -mcpu=970 -O2". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6088 | vlefevre | 2009-03-10 01:11:36 +0000 (Tue, 10 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tests/tprintf.c: added missing cast to void * for %p. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6086 | vlefevre | 2009-03-09 15:51:27 +0000 (Mon, 09 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + +tests/tfprintf.c: added missing cast to void * for %p. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6084 | vlefevre | 2009-03-09 15:42:51 +0000 (Mon, 09 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: fixed bug in CONSUME_VA_ARG for case MP_LIMB_ARG (%Mu). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6082 | vlefevre | 2009-03-09 14:09:10 +0000 (Mon, 09 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + GMP with ABI=mode32 should be tested on 64-bit PowerPC. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6081 | thevenyp | 2009-03-06 18:07:12 +0000 (Fri, 06 Mar 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: now return -1 when the format string is invalid (undefined behavior in standard C99) +tests/tprintf.c: Additional checks with invalid format strings. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6080 | thevenyp | 2009-03-06 18:01:24 +0000 (Fri, 06 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: Add missing conversion specifier accepted with mpfr_t variable. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6079 | vlefevre | 2009-03-06 13:03:44 +0000 (Fri, 06 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + +add1.c: assertions on the argument values should use MPFR_ASSERTN. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6077 | zimmerma | 2009-03-06 11:50:19 +0000 (Fri, 06 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cache.c + +[cache.c] improved comment for mpfr_init_cache + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6076 | zimmerma | 2009-03-06 11:44:10 +0000 (Fri, 06 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + +[add1.c] transformed switch() into if-then-else, to get 100% coverage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6074 | vlefevre | 2009-03-06 00:45:57 +0000 (Fri, 06 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/cache.c + +untabify +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6073 | vlefevre | 2009-03-06 00:40:20 +0000 (Fri, 06 Mar 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/update-faq + +update-faq: change GMP_RND into MPFR_RND from the version on the web +(since MPFR 3.0 hasn't been released yet, the FAQ still uses the 2.x +API). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6071 | vlefevre | 2009-03-05 23:46:45 +0000 (Thu, 05 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +tests/tadd.c: completed the code coverage (case bk == 0 in add1.c). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6070 | zimmerma | 2009-03-05 19:44:05 +0000 (Thu, 05 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +[mpfr-impl.h,cache.c] commented out mpfr_init_cache + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6069 | zimmerma | 2009-03-05 16:37:19 +0000 (Thu, 05 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + +[const_catalan.c] decreased initial Ziv precision to get 100% coverage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6068 | zimmerma | 2009-03-05 16:28:13 +0000 (Thu, 05 Mar 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +[cmp2.c] added comments +[tcmp2.c] added test to improve coverage to 100% + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6067 | zimmerma | 2009-03-05 14:12:32 +0000 (Thu, 05 Mar 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +[atan2.c,tatan.c] reduced Ziv's initial precision and added test to have + 100% coverage of atan2.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6066 | zimmerma | 2009-03-05 13:43:18 +0000 (Thu, 05 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +[atan.c] coverage should now be 100% + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6065 | zimmerma | 2009-03-04 17:09:02 +0000 (Wed, 04 Mar 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +[algorithms.bib] added new reference +[TODO] added pointers + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6059 | vlefevre | 2009-03-04 12:59:50 +0000 (Wed, 04 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + +mpfr-gmp.c (mpfr_assert_fail): output "MPFR" too in assertion failure +messages. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6057 | vlefevre | 2009-03-04 01:33:17 +0000 (Wed, 04 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +Updated mpfrlint script. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6056 | vlefevre | 2009-03-04 01:06:47 +0000 (Wed, 04 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6055 | vlefevre | 2009-03-04 01:02:26 +0000 (Wed, 04 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS: say that the license has changed. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6054 | vlefevre | 2009-03-03 17:32:00 +0000 (Tue, 03 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Updated NEWS (function mpfr_random has been removed). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6053 | zimmerma | 2009-03-03 16:51:07 +0000 (Tue, 03 Mar 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_ld.c + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/replace_all + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/sech.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/speed.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/taway.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp10.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + M /trunk/tests/tj1.c + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + M /trunk/tests/tl2b.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/ty0.c + M /trunk/tests/ty1.c + M /trunk/tests/tyn.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/yn.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +GMP_RNDX -> MPFR_RNDX + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6051 | vlefevre | 2009-03-03 14:05:38 +0000 (Tue, 03 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +tests: added taway to svn:ignore property. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6050 | vlefevre | 2009-03-03 14:03:06 +0000 (Tue, 03 Mar 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/COPYING.LIB + M /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_d.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/clears.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_ld.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/constant.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/d_div.c + M /trunk/d_sub.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_d.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/faq.xsl + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_sint.c + M /trunk/fits_slong.c + M /trunk/fits_sshort.c + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uint.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fits_ulong.c + M /trunk/fits_ushort.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inits.c + M /trunk/inits2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/isqrt.c + M /trunk/iszero.c + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/mbench/Makefile + M /trunk/mbench/README + M /trunk/mbench/generate.c + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/mfv5.h + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-gfx.c + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-v4.c + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-v6.c + M /trunk/mbench/timp.h + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/mp_clz_tab.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-longlong.h + M /trunk/mpfr-thread.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_d.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/sec.c + M /trunk/sech.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/setsign.c + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/signbit.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/speed.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_d.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/data/li2 + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/taway.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp10.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tisqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + M /trunk/tests/tj1.c + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + M /trunk/tests/tl2b.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/tests/ty0.c + M /trunk/tests/ty1.c + M /trunk/tests/tyn.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/version.c + M /trunk/volatile.c + M /trunk/yn.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +Update to LGPL v3+, as decided by the main MPFR developers. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6043 | vlefevre | 2009-02-27 15:46:06 +0000 (Fri, 27 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/tests/taway.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +Untabified and deleted trailing spaces (for patches). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6041 | zimmerma | 2009-02-27 14:33:12 +0000 (Fri, 27 Feb 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + +[rint.c] fixed a bug incorporated with the round away mode +[tget_sj.c] fixed the tests for round away + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6040 | zimmerma | 2009-02-27 14:11:22 +0000 (Fri, 27 Feb 2009) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/taway.c + +[rint.c] fixed bug with round away +[taway.c] new test file for round away (with random values) +[tests/] added taway +[set_z.c] GNU style + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6037 | thevenyp | 2009-02-27 13:38:30 +0000 (Fri, 27 Feb 2009) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests/tests.c: Change test5rm (formerly test4rm) so that it checks the new +GMP_RNDA rounding mode, and that the corresponding rounding towards infinity +is checked with GMP_RNDZ or with GMP_RNDA in one-pass mode (now, two-pass +mode). Remove a comment about a warning from gcc solved with r5057. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6036 | zimmerma | 2009-02-27 13:27:41 +0000 (Fri, 27 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + +[rem1.c] fixed bug found in adding tests for round away + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6035 | zimmerma | 2009-02-27 06:36:54 +0000 (Fri, 27 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +[add.c] added comment for 0 + 0 with round away + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6034 | vlefevre | 2009-02-26 23:02:57 +0000 (Thu, 26 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + +tests/texceptions.c: removed obsolete comments from r2427. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6033 | zimmerma | 2009-02-26 21:28:42 +0000 (Thu, 26 Feb 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +[mpfr.h] added comment about order of rounding modes +[texceptions.c] added comments, fixed typo +[tsub.c] added test, fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6032 | thevenyp | 2009-02-26 18:21:14 +0000 (Thu, 26 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +Add tests with round away mode. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6031 | vlefevre | 2009-02-26 17:25:26 +0000 (Thu, 26 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/VERSION + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/version.c + +Updated version to 3.0.0-dev. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6030 | zimmerma | 2009-02-26 15:47:06 +0000 (Thu, 26 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +added round to away (still experimental) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6026 | zimmerma | 2009-02-26 10:31:39 +0000 (Thu, 26 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +[mpfr.h] added comments for rounding modes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6022 | vlefevre | 2009-02-26 01:41:26 +0000 (Thu, 26 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/m4 + +Added svn:ignore property on the m4 directory (these .m4 files are +generated automatically). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6021 | vlefevre | 2009-02-26 01:36:06 +0000 (Thu, 26 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated -version-info (since mpfr_random has been removed, +we already know its value). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6019 | vlefevre | 2009-02-26 01:26:45 +0000 (Thu, 26 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + do not check libtool -version-info value if the VERSION +file contains "-dev". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6018 | vlefevre | 2009-02-26 01:16:02 +0000 (Thu, 26 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + In a "make dist", check that libtool -version-info value +is up-to-date (this is a heuristic only). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6016 | vlefevre | 2009-02-26 00:36:25 +0000 (Thu, 26 Feb 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated "To make a release" -- it is important to read +this section entirely before making any release (even if some steps +may be skipped for some particular releases). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6010 | vlefevre | 2009-02-25 22:06:27 +0000 (Wed, 25 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: do not use VLA's (C99 only). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6003 | vlefevre | 2009-02-25 14:24:06 +0000 (Wed, 25 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + update about patches. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5999 | vlefevre | 2009-02-25 12:44:51 +0000 (Wed, 25 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: coding style: removed spurious spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5997 | vlefevre | 2009-02-25 12:16:17 +0000 (Wed, 25 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5996 | vlefevre | 2009-02-25 12:14:38 +0000 (Wed, 25 Feb 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + +printf.c: fixed assertion failures in the case buffer == NULL and +size == 0 (see r5995). Also replaced MPFR_ASSERTD(buf != NULL) by +MPFR_ASSERTN(buf != NULL) since buf is provided as an argument. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5995 | vlefevre | 2009-02-25 12:12:52 +0000 (Wed, 25 Feb 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: added mpfr_snprintf/mpfr_vsnprintf tests with +buffer == NULL and size == 0 (as allowed in C99 snprintf/vsnprintf +and by the MPFR documentation). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5994 | thevenyp | 2009-02-25 09:58:15 +0000 (Wed, 25 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: Fix typos. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5993 | vlefevre | 2009-02-24 19:40:06 +0000 (Tue, 24 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tuneup.c + +tuneup.c: untabified. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5992 | thevenyp | 2009-02-24 18:04:04 +0000 (Tue, 24 Feb 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +printf.c: Fix wrong return value, mpfr_snprintf and mpfr_vsnprintf functions must always return the number of character that would be written if the parameter n had been sufficiently large (it previously returned zero when n == 0). +tests/tsprintf.c: Fix test of mpfr_snprintf and mpfr_vsnprintf (the wrong return value was checked). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5991 | vlefevre | 2009-02-24 15:38:37 +0000 (Tue, 24 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + +printf.c: fix buffer overflow in mpfr_snprintf and mpfr_vsnprintf. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5990 | vlefevre | 2009-02-24 15:37:33 +0000 (Tue, 24 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tsprintf.c: added a test showing a buffer overflow in mpfr_vsnprintf. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5989 | vlefevre | 2009-02-24 15:30:06 +0000 (Tue, 24 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tsprintf.c: added a test showing a buffer overflow in mpfr_snprintf. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5985 | vlefevre | 2009-02-23 12:21:47 +0000 (Mon, 23 Feb 2009) | 12 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/update-version + +Changed how the test of MPFR_VERSION_MAJOR, MPFR_VERSION_MINOR and +MPFR_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL vs MPFR_VERSION_STRING is performed. +Detailed explanations: + The test was enabled only in release tarballs (suffix not present), + where tests/tversion.c normally contained a "#if 1" (though this + is not the case in the MPFR 2.4.0 tarball). In patches, this test + should be disabled by changing the "#if 1" into "#if 0", due to + the suffix. But as one should be able to apply any patches (in any + order), this method was not satisfactory. The test has been moved + from tests/tversion.c to tests/tests.c (in function test_version), + and the suffix is now ignored in this test; the change of #if has + been removed from the update-version script. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5981 | vlefevre | 2009-02-20 21:51:01 +0000 (Fri, 20 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + corrected update-version usage for patches. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5978 | vlefevre | 2009-02-20 16:04:19 +0000 (Fri, 20 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + +FAQ update. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5975 | zimmerma | 2009-02-20 15:11:17 +0000 (Fri, 20 Feb 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tuneup.c + +[] added default thresholds for sparc64 +[tuneup.c] print gcc patchlevel + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5970 | vlefevre | 2009-02-19 01:10:31 +0000 (Thu, 19 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/speed.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +speed.c, tests/texp.c: untabified. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5969 | vlefevre | 2009-02-19 01:08:00 +0000 (Thu, 19 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: improved mpfr_strtofr documentation (completing r5965). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5967 | zimmerma | 2009-02-18 21:31:24 +0000 (Wed, 18 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] added tuning for powerpc64 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5966 | thevenyp | 2009-02-18 17:06:02 +0000 (Wed, 18 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +strtofr.c: fix typo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5965 | thevenyp | 2009-02-18 16:55:21 +0000 (Wed, 18 Feb 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +strtofr.c: accept bases up to 62. +mpfr.texi: modify mpfr_strtofr documentation accordingly. +tests/tstrtofr.c: add tests for bases 62, 60, and 61. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5964 | thevenyp | 2009-02-17 16:52:33 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + Change core2/64bit parameters. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5963 | vlefevre | 2009-02-17 16:46:56 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +Checks whether C99 length modifiers 'hh' and 'll' are supported by the +system ('hh' is absent on alpha-OSF1-V5, bug reported by Kate Minola). +[Merged changeset 5956 from the 2.4 branch.] +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5962 | zimmerma | 2009-02-17 16:31:46 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +[texp.c] yet another better fix + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5961 | zimmerma | 2009-02-17 16:23:41 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +[texp.c] fixed previous patch and added comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5960 | zimmerma | 2009-02-17 16:19:25 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +[texp.c] fixed corner case test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5958 | vlefevre | 2009-02-16 14:27:52 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + improved latest change. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5957 | vlefevre | 2009-02-16 14:25:10 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + mentioned update-version for patches. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5955 | zimmerma | 2009-02-11 10:09:36 +0000 (Wed, 11 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-gfx.c + +[mpfr-gfx.c] added -p option to produce a Postscript file + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5954 | zimmerma | 2009-02-10 21:02:22 +0000 (Tue, 10 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] added thresholds for ARM + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5953 | zimmerma | 2009-02-10 17:39:27 +0000 (Tue, 10 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] added description of how to tune MPFR + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5952 | zimmerma | 2009-02-10 15:52:48 +0000 (Tue, 10 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] added another example of using mpfr-gfx + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5951 | zimmerma | 2009-02-10 15:50:40 +0000 (Tue, 10 Feb 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mbench/Makefile + +[Makefile] modified Makefile to compile statically, and to allow also + build directories of GMP/MPFR + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5950 | thevenyp | 2009-02-10 14:21:45 +0000 (Tue, 10 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-gfx.c + +mbench/mpfr-gfx.c: add option -rPREC_RATIO for geometric progression. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5949 | zimmerma | 2009-02-10 12:10:46 +0000 (Tue, 10 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] updated Itanium parameters (now for Itanium2) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5948 | zimmerma | 2009-02-10 11:26:25 +0000 (Tue, 10 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] added symbol __itanium__ for Itanium[12] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5947 | zimmerma | 2009-02-09 21:50:22 +0000 (Mon, 09 Feb 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-gfx.c + +[] fixed typo +[mpfr-gfx.c] added comments in the code (might be useful) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5946 | zimmerma | 2009-02-09 20:25:42 +0000 (Mon, 09 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] added pointer to mbench to check the thresholds + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5945 | zimmerma | 2009-02-09 20:17:46 +0000 (Mon, 09 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-gfx.c + +[mpfr-gfx.c] now also produces a plot.gnuplot file together with + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5944 | zimmerma | 2009-02-09 16:18:50 +0000 (Mon, 09 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] updated default thresholds with gmp-4.2.4 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5943 | zimmerma | 2009-02-09 16:16:33 +0000 (Mon, 09 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tuneup.c + +[tuneup.c] fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5942 | zimmerma | 2009-02-09 14:34:34 +0000 (Mon, 09 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] added stuff to compile speed program + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5941 | zimmerma | 2009-02-09 14:22:20 +0000 (Mon, 09 Feb 2009) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/speed.c + +[speed.c] preliminary program to check the tuning of mpfr (based on tuneup.c) + So far it only measures mpfr_mul up to 1000 bits, with increment + ratio of 1.1. Requires --with-gmp-build like tuneup. + Feel free to improve! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5940 | zimmerma | 2009-02-09 13:26:07 +0000 (Mon, 09 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] allow __tune_ia64__ in addition to __ia64 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5937 | zimmerma | 2009-02-09 08:16:08 +0000 (Mon, 09 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] replaced __pentium4 by __tune_pentium4__, ... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5936 | zimmerma | 2009-02-08 21:58:11 +0000 (Sun, 08 Feb 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + +[acinclude.m4] removed detection of HAVE_HOST_CORE2 +[] replaced HAVE_HOST_CORE2 by __tune_core2__ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5930 | thevenyp | 2009-02-06 14:06:54 +0000 (Fri, 06 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + +tests/mpf_compat.h: complete r5922 adding missing mpz_init/mpz_clear. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5927 | vlefevre | 2009-02-06 11:57:57 +0000 (Fri, 06 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: updated efficiency items. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5926 | zimmerma | 2009-02-06 11:18:48 +0000 (Fri, 06 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] added 2 efficiency items + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5925 | vlefevre | 2009-02-06 00:02:35 +0000 (Fri, 06 Feb 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: moved MPFR_DECL_INIT specification into Section +"Initialization Functions" (now in the standard MPFR API), +and removed now empty Section "Advanced Functions". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5924 | vlefevre | 2009-02-05 14:40:38 +0000 (Thu, 05 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated comment to mention -march=native and -mtune=native. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5923 | vlefevre | 2009-02-05 11:42:26 +0000 (Thu, 05 Feb 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr.h: updated a comment concerning MPFR_DECL_INIT. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5922 | zimmerma | 2009-02-05 08:01:46 +0000 (Thu, 05 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + +[mpf2mpfr.h] added mpz_set_f (reported by Francois Morain) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5921 | zimmerma | 2009-02-05 07:26:51 +0000 (Thu, 05 Feb 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] moved mpfr_inits, mpfr_inits2, mpfr_clears to supported functions +[TODO] added new info about MPIR + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5920 | zimmerma | 2009-02-04 19:46:50 +0000 (Wed, 04 Feb 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +[TODO] added info to distinguish GMP and MPIR + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5893 | vlefevre | 2009-01-26 17:04:26 +0000 (Mon, 26 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/VERSION + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/version.c + +Updated the version on the trunk. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5888 | zimmerma | 2009-01-25 12:50:42 +0000 (Sun, 25 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/nightly-test + +[nightly-test] removed --disable-alloca (GMP option) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5887 | vlefevre | 2009-01-25 00:19:30 +0000 (Sun, 25 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + --disable-alloca is a GMP configure option. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5886 | thevenyp | 2009-01-21 15:01:25 +0000 (Wed, 21 Jan 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: remove tests against libc's printf with "%a" (not in ISO C90), and with "%p" (implementation defined). +[merge -c 5885 from branches/2.4] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5883 | vlefevre | 2009-01-21 12:43:57 +0000 (Wed, 21 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: avoid a compiler bug under Mac OS X Tiger + Xcode (&x == &x +is false) that makes tset_d fail; this problem was introduced in r5880. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5880 | vlefevre | 2009-01-20 22:12:11 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jan 2009) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +Fixed bug reported by Chris Saunders: if _GMP_IEEE_FLOATS is defined, +the build of tset_ld.c fails because DOUBLE_ISNAN expects a lvalue. +* mpfr-impl.h: documented that for such macros, the argument must + be a lvalue, and always make sure that it is a lvalue (so that + a failure doesn't depend on the environment). +* tests/tset_ld.c: fixed the bug. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5879 | vlefevre | 2009-01-20 15:08:45 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + +tests/tversion.c: be more tolerant when checking whether gmp.h version +and libgmp version are the same (in case patch level is 0). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5878 | vlefevre | 2009-01-20 12:47:05 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +tests/tset_ld.c: added explanation of NaN-related failures in case +MPFR_NANISNAN is defined. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5875 | vlefevre | 2009-01-20 00:43:20 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +Added missing void's. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5874 | vlefevre | 2009-01-20 00:35:41 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: removed a blank line (for consistency with the +2.4 branch). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5873 | vlefevre | 2009-01-20 00:33:09 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: deleted trailing spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5869 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 23:57:53 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: comment for DOUBLE_ISNAN with MPFR_NANISNAN defined. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5868 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 23:42:33 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + +tests/tset_d.c: fixed test of mpfr_set_d on -0 with gcc -ffast-math +(the -d for d = 0.0 was giving 0.0, hence a spurious failure). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5867 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 23:34:54 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +mpfr-impl.h: the DOUBLE_ISNAN macro wasn't working with gcc -ffast-math +(at least on x86_64); fixed that by adding another test. +tests/tset_ld.c: Isnan_ld wasn't working either; also the NaN test was +incorrect. Now, the failure on NaN is correctly reported. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5866 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 22:44:45 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + +tests/tcmp_d.c, tests/tcmp_ld.c, tests/tset_d.c: corrected message. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5865 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 22:37:27 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + +tests/tcmp_d.c, tests/tcmp_ld.c, tests/tset_d.c: added explanations +of NaN-related failures in case MPFR_NANISNAN is defined. +Note: in tset_d.c, moved the NaN test before the signed-zero test +to catch the failure on the NaN first. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5864 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 22:23:26 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +acinclude.m4: improved warning message. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5863 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 22:16:15 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: updated "In case of problem". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5862 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 22:12:09 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +acinclude.m4: added a warning message for the NAN != NAN test. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5860 | thevenyp | 2009-01-19 19:59:12 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + +tcmp_d.c tset_d.c tcmp_ld.c: Remove tests with NaN when MPFR_NANISNAN is defined. +tests.c: Add a warning in a comment that Isnan always returns 0 on systems where MPFR_NANISNAN is defined. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5855 | thevenyp | 2009-01-19 18:14:55 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: do not support 't' when NPRINTF_T is defined, HAVE_STDINT_H -> _MPFR_H_HAVE_INTMAX_T. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5853 | thevenyp | 2009-01-19 17:05:13 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + +tests/tfprintf.c: renumber tests (there was two tests #9). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5852 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 16:56:17 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + +tests/tfprintf.c: %c takes an int argument, not a char (see C standard). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5851 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 16:53:56 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tprintf.c, tests/tsprintf.c: + * %c takes an int argument, not a char (see C standard), even though + this may be equivalent due to integer promotion. + * Add void in prototypes of functions taking no arguments. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5844 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 15:46:41 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated references to the GMP manual. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5843 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 15:31:54 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: typo in comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5842 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 15:30:52 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: added .info extension in cross-references, to avoid the bug +reported here: +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5841 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 14:34:22 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: added a reference to a texinfo bug in a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5840 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 14:02:49 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: added missing @code{}. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5839 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 14:01:13 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: don't -> do not, doesn't -> does not, won't -> will not. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5838 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 13:58:50 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: improved Section "Format String". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5837 | thevenyp | 2009-01-19 13:51:45 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: check if native types are really processed by libc printf. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5836 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 13:31:27 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + no longer mentions HAVE_QUAD_T since it is no longer used. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5835 | thevenyp | 2009-01-19 12:50:08 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +mpfr.texi: Explicit list of type supported by mpfr_printf functions. +acinclude.m4: Remove detection of type modifier 'q'. +vasprintf.c: Remove support of type modifier 'q'. +tests/tfprintf.c tests/tprintf.c: Remove tests with type modifier 'q'. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5834 | thevenyp | 2009-01-19 11:05:10 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/ + +INSTALL: Warn that --with-gmp, --with-gmp-include/--with-gmp-lib, and --with-gmp-build options are mutually exclusive. Check and fail if --with-gmp, --with-gmp-include/--with-gmp-lib, or --with-gmp-build are use simultaneously. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5833 | vlefevre | 2009-01-19 10:08:58 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests/tests.c: include only if need be. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5831 | zimmerma | 2009-01-16 15:32:11 +0000 (Fri, 16 Jan 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] made difference between mpfr_set_str and mpfr_strtofr clearer + (after remark from Luis Rivera) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5830 | zimmerma | 2009-01-16 15:24:45 +0000 (Fri, 16 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] fixed order -> kind (typo found by Luis Rivera, thanks) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5828 | thevenyp | 2009-01-16 13:35:04 +0000 (Fri, 16 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tfprintf.c tprintf.c: Test double with "%f" instead of "%e" so as to avoid failure due to exponent "e+000" on MS Windows. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5827 | thevenyp | 2009-01-16 13:06:27 +0000 (Fri, 16 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +tests/tfprintf.c tests/tsprintf.c tests/tprintf.c acinclude.m4 vasprintf.c: No longer check libc's printf. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5826 | thevenyp | 2009-01-16 09:53:15 +0000 (Fri, 16 Jan 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +acinclude.m4: Check if %Ld specification is supported (not always the case with MS Windows) +tests/tfprintf.c tests/tprintf.c tests/tsprintf.c: do not check %Ld specification when not available. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5825 | thevenyp | 2009-01-16 09:26:18 +0000 (Fri, 16 Jan 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +get_uj.c get_sj.c tests/tset_sj.c tests/tfits.c fits_intmax.c fits_uintmax.c set_uj.c set_sj.c: make #include-s for intmax_t uniform. +vasprintf.c: make #include-s for intmax_t uniform and use _MPFR_H_HAVE_INTMAX_T instead of HAVE_INTMAX_T. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5823 | thevenyp | 2009-01-15 13:24:35 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tfprintf.c tprintf.c: Remove tests with u_quad_t (on Solaris 10, quad_t exists but u_quad_t doesn't, bug reported by Michael Abshoff). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5822 | thevenyp | 2009-01-15 13:17:14 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tfprintf.c tprintf.c: Fix included headers, type intmax_t may be defined in inttypes.h or in stdint.h (see autoconf manual 5.6.1 Portability of Headers). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5821 | vlefevre | 2009-01-15 10:13:44 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF8 TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5817 | vlefevre | 2009-01-15 02:22:45 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: deleted trailing spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5816 | vlefevre | 2009-01-15 02:21:57 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + be more tolerant when checking whether gmp.h version +and libgmp version are the same (in case patch level is 0). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5814 | vlefevre | 2009-01-15 01:56:55 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jan 2009) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/ChangeLog + M /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_d.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/clears.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_ld.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/constant.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/d_div.c + M /trunk/d_sub.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_d.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/faq.xsl + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_sint.c + M /trunk/fits_slong.c + M /trunk/fits_sshort.c + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uint.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fits_ulong.c + M /trunk/fits_ushort.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inits.c + M /trunk/inits2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/isqrt.c + M /trunk/iszero.c + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/mbench/Makefile + M /trunk/mbench/generate.c + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/ + M /trunk/mbench/mfv5.h + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-gfx.c + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-v4.c + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-v6.c + M /trunk/mbench/timp.h + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/mp_clz_tab.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-thread.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_d.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/sec.c + M /trunk/sech.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/setsign.c + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/signbit.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_d.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/data/li2 + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp10.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tisqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + M /trunk/tests/tj1.c + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + M /trunk/tests/tl2b.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/tests/ty0.c + M /trunk/tests/ty1.c + M /trunk/tests/tyn.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/version.c + M /trunk/volatile.c + M /trunk/yn.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +Copyright notice update: added 2009 with + perl -pi -e 's/2008 Free Software/2008, 2009 Free Software/' **/*(^/) +under zsh. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5813 | vlefevre | 2009-01-14 00:46:45 +0000 (Wed, 14 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +Fixed remaining printf format strings. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5812 | vlefevre | 2009-01-14 00:27:06 +0000 (Wed, 14 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + +tests/tadd1sp.c, tests/tsub1sp.c: fixed function prototypes. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5811 | vlefevre | 2009-01-14 00:23:44 +0000 (Wed, 14 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests/teq.c, tests/tests.c: fixed printf format strings. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5810 | vlefevre | 2009-01-14 00:06:00 +0000 (Wed, 14 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +tests/tcmp2.c: fixed printf format strings. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5809 | vlefevre | 2009-01-13 23:59:17 +0000 (Tue, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +tests/tset_str.c: fixed printf format string. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5804 | vlefevre | 2009-01-12 17:30:00 +0000 (Mon, 12 Jan 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: consistency changes and corrections concerning the "erange" +flag (do not use @code{} as this is not an identifier, @emph{} is used +as this is not an English word -- but @emph{} should probably be used +too for the other flag names). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5803 | vlefevre | 2009-01-12 17:18:45 +0000 (Mon, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: typo. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5801 | thevenyp | 2009-01-12 16:01:14 +0000 (Mon, 12 Jan 2009) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +acinclude.m4: New macro MPFR_CHECK_PRINTF_SPEC looking for support of the "%jd", "%qd", and "%td" conversion specifications in printf and gmp_printf. Call MPFR_CHECK_PRINTF_SPEC when we can link against a suitable gmp library and run test programs at compile time, otherwise (for instance, when cross compiling), everything is enable by default. +vasprintf.c: Disable support for length modifiers not supported by libc's printf ('j' and 'q' for this time). +tests/tprintf.c, tests/tfprintf.c: Disable tests for length modifiers not supported by gmp_printf ('j', 'q', and 't' for this time). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5800 | thevenyp | 2009-01-12 14:16:22 +0000 (Mon, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: Fix typo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5795 | vlefevre | 2009-01-08 15:36:55 +0000 (Thu, 08 Jan 2009) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: update to January 2009. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5794 | vlefevre | 2009-01-08 15:34:27 +0000 (Thu, 08 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +Removed useless #include of gmp.h from tests/tfprintf.c and +tests/tsprintf.c for consistency. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5788 | thevenyp | 2009-01-08 11:56:10 +0000 (Thu, 08 Jan 2009) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +tests/tfprintf.c: Make tests with 'M' specifier optional. +mpfr.texi: Add a warning that gmp may not support 'M' specifier. +vasprintf.c: Add warning comment about 'M' specifier. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5787 | thevenyp | 2009-01-08 11:52:52 +0000 (Thu, 08 Jan 2009) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: Fix wrong definition of rounding specifiers. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5786 | vlefevre | 2008-12-30 13:57:11 +0000 (Tue, 30 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/out_str.c + +out_str.c: added assert (check that base is in the required range). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5785 | vlefevre | 2008-12-26 14:10:24 +0000 (Fri, 26 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + suggest "-Wformat=2". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5784 | vlefevre | 2008-12-26 14:02:55 +0000 (Fri, 26 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +zeta.c: fixed types for printf when DEBUG is defined. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5783 | vlefevre | 2008-12-26 13:57:32 +0000 (Fri, 26 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +sub1sp.c: fixed types for printf when WANT_ASSERT >= 2 and +when DEBUG is defined. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5782 | vlefevre | 2008-12-26 13:50:14 +0000 (Fri, 26 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1.c + +sub1.c: fixed types for printf when DEBUG is defined. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5781 | vlefevre | 2008-12-26 13:44:28 +0000 (Fri, 26 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d64.c + +set_d64.c: set T[] to unsigned int (instead of int) since its values +are printed with %u. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5780 | vlefevre | 2008-12-26 13:36:13 +0000 (Fri, 26 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1sp.c + +add1sp.c: fixed types for printf when DEBUG is defined. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5779 | vlefevre | 2008-12-26 13:33:05 +0000 (Fri, 26 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: fixed MPFR_UNSIGNED_MINUS_MODULO logic and added missing +parentheses. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5778 | vlefevre | 2008-12-26 13:06:14 +0000 (Fri, 26 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +div.c: fixed types for fprintf when DEBUG and/or DEBUG2 is defined. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5777 | vlefevre | 2008-12-26 12:56:09 +0000 (Fri, 26 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +div.c: fixed #ifdef. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5775 | vlefevre | 2008-12-26 12:39:03 +0000 (Fri, 26 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_p.c + +round_p.c: fixed types for fprintf when WANT_ASSERT >= 2 (since +mp_prec_t is unsigned, it's better to use unsigned long). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5774 | vlefevre | 2008-12-26 12:02:07 +0000 (Fri, 26 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_p.c + +round_p.c: fixed types for fprintf when WANT_ASSERT >= 2. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5772 | zimmerma | 2008-12-22 10:40:24 +0000 (Mon, 22 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.tex] improve documentation of %P + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5768 | vlefevre | 2008-12-18 15:59:55 +0000 (Thu, 18 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +Deleted trailing spaces. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5762 | thevenyp | 2008-12-17 16:07:32 +0000 (Wed, 17 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: clean-up code, improve comment, and put optional tests in tail so that they fail last. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5761 | thevenyp | 2008-12-17 15:55:20 +0000 (Wed, 17 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: Add two regression tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5760 | thevenyp | 2008-12-16 15:56:42 +0000 (Tue, 16 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +acinclude.m4, vasprintf.c, tests/tfprintf.c, tests/tprintf.c, mpfr.texi: quad_t support + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5759 | thevenyp | 2008-12-16 15:51:59 +0000 (Tue, 16 Dec 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tests/tfprintf.c: code clean-up and output improvement. +tests/tprintf.c: code clean-up. +Note that unsigned long long variable is not set to 1 instead of -1 which was architecture dependent. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5758 | vlefevre | 2008-12-16 13:56:28 +0000 (Tue, 16 Dec 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tests/tprintf.c: + * stdout_redirect is a boolean (i.e., 0 or 1). + * output freopen(..., stdout) error message to stderr. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5757 | thevenyp | 2008-12-16 13:10:05 +0000 (Tue, 16 Dec 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tfprintf.c: more user-friendly messages. +tprintf.c: more user-friendly messages. Warning: because stdout might be redirected, error messages are printed to stderr. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5756 | vlefevre | 2008-12-15 23:38:21 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: more explanations on the precision field for mpfr_printf. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5755 | vlefevre | 2008-12-15 17:37:05 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +untabify and remove trailing spaces +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5754 | thevenyp | 2008-12-15 17:07:40 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: more explanations on the precision field. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5753 | thevenyp | 2008-12-15 16:19:26 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +mpfr.texi: Clearly mention that the length modifier 'q' is unsupported by mpfr-*printf. +vasprintf.c: Do not take quad_t as a long long but as an insupported length modifier. +acinclude.m4: Remove check for quad_t. +tests/tprintf.c tests/tfprintf.c: Remove tests with 'q' length modifier. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5751 | vlefevre | 2008-12-15 14:52:54 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +tests/tstrtofr.c: fixed a test (in case |res| > 1). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5750 | vlefevre | 2008-12-15 14:35:01 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +tests/tstrtofr.c: fixed alignment bug in error message. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5749 | zimmerma | 2008-12-15 13:44:25 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/nightly-test + +[nightly-test] added MPFR_CHECK_LIBC_PRINTF + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5748 | thevenyp | 2008-12-15 13:43:52 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +acinclude.m4: Check for quad_t. +vasprintf.c: Accept length modifier 'q' if HAVE_QUAD_T is defined (instead of HAVE_LONG_LONG). Add notice for new HAVE_QUAD_T macro. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5747 | zimmerma | 2008-12-15 13:43:40 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] added warning about usage of mpfr_init + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5746 | vlefevre | 2008-12-15 13:39:35 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tests/tprintf.c: _MPFR_H_HAVE_INTMAX_T -> HAVE_STDINT_H for . +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5745 | thevenyp | 2008-12-15 13:33:22 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: Tests against libc's sprintf function are no more executed unless the MPFR_CHECK_LIBC_PRINTF is defined. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5744 | thevenyp | 2008-12-15 13:27:49 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: move bugs 20080610 and 20081214 outside the function random_double. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5743 | vlefevre | 2008-12-15 12:49:58 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: completed comment about the sign of a null exponent. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5742 | vlefevre | 2008-12-15 12:44:09 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: added a note saying the L modifier was added in C89 (source: +C99 rationale, Section +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5741 | zimmerma | 2008-12-15 12:17:46 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] more Windows-related changes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5740 | zimmerma | 2008-12-15 11:02:17 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] update on Windows (from Brian Gladman) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5739 | zimmerma | 2008-12-15 09:47:46 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] removed useless comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5738 | vlefevre | 2008-12-14 15:28:17 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: references to ISO (international) instead of ANSI (American). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5737 | vlefevre | 2008-12-14 15:18:54 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: corrected a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5736 | zimmerma | 2008-12-14 09:43:40 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +[printf.c,vasprintf.c] include config.h if HAVE_CONFIG_H is defined, to + solve problem noticed by Brian Gladman + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5735 | vlefevre | 2008-12-14 09:37:05 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: untabified. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5734 | zimmerma | 2008-12-14 09:27:08 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] added hint for using the MinGW runtime + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5733 | zimmerma | 2008-12-14 08:36:37 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +[tsprintf.c] added new hard-coded test (needs work to overcome error in + system asprintf) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5732 | zimmerma | 2008-12-14 08:24:42 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +[tsprintf.c] fixed hard-coded test (spec was missing), and print values of + xi,yi,spec in case of error + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5731 | vlefevre | 2008-12-14 00:05:20 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: corrections on r5730. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5730 | zimmerma | 2008-12-13 10:19:25 +0000 (Sat, 13 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] added notes on Windows Vista 64 problem + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5727 | vlefevre | 2008-12-12 15:00:33 +0000 (Fri, 12 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + +README: added "compile" since it is distributed in the tarball. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5723 | vlefevre | 2008-12-12 14:07:19 +0000 (Fri, 12 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk + +Added "compile" to svn:ignore property (this file is installed by +"automake --add-missing" due to AM_PROG_CC_C_O, added in r5710). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5722 | vlefevre | 2008-12-12 14:01:33 +0000 (Fri, 12 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: avoid an abort if field width or precision is > INT_MAX. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5721 | thevenyp | 2008-12-12 14:00:33 +0000 (Fri, 12 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +tests.c, tset_ld.c, tgeneric.c: Code clean-up based on icc warnings (as in r5492): Use #ifdef BOOL_MACRO instead of #if BOOL_MACRO. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5720 | thevenyp | 2008-12-12 13:54:37 +0000 (Fri, 12 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + remove line 'GCC=' in icc tests which seems to confuse libtool. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5719 | vlefevre | 2008-12-12 12:54:10 +0000 (Fri, 12 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +set_ld.c: rewrote exp computation. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5718 | vlefevre | 2008-12-12 12:12:11 +0000 (Fri, 12 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: avoid a possible gcc 4.1.2 bug with -ftrapv. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5717 | vlefevre | 2008-12-12 11:57:37 +0000 (Fri, 12 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: revert incorrect change in r5713. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5716 | zimmerma | 2008-12-12 11:47:52 +0000 (Fri, 12 Dec 2008) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +[set_ld.c] fixed problem with CC=g++ on 64-bit computer: +$ g++ -v +Using built-in specs. +Target: x86_64-linux-gnu +Configured with: ../src/configure -v --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,objc,obj-c++,treelang --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --with-system-zlib --libexecdir=/usr/lib --without-included-gettext --enable-threads=posix --enable-nls --program-suffix=-4.1 --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-mpfr --enable-checking=release x86_64-linux-gnu +Thread model: posix +gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5713 | zimmerma | 2008-12-12 10:05:49 +0000 (Fri, 12 Dec 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +[vasprintf.c] patch to MPFR_ASSERTN(...) call to avoid failure with gcc -ftrapv + with gcc 4.1.2 (probably compiler error) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5712 | thevenyp | 2008-12-12 09:20:14 +0000 (Fri, 12 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c +, tmul.c: Rename macro __SRCDIR to MPFR_SRCDIR. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5710 | thevenyp | 2008-12-11 15:20:56 +0000 (Thu, 11 Dec 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + Add AM_PROG_CC_C_O needed by tmul_CPPFLAGS. +tests/ Add tmul.dat in EXTRA_DIST and pass srcdir to tmul.c through tmul_CPPFLAGS. +tests/tmul.c: Add path to tmul.dat. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5703 | vlefevre | 2008-12-09 16:46:13 +0000 (Tue, 09 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: TLS on darwin may work, but I don't know anything more. +See thread . +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5702 | vlefevre | 2008-12-08 16:02:29 +0000 (Mon, 08 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + +README: CVS -> Subversion. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5701 | vlefevre | 2008-12-03 12:40:01 +0000 (Wed, 03 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + format --enable-decimal-float description on 80 columns. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5700 | vlefevre | 2008-12-03 12:38:06 +0000 (Wed, 03 Dec 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + for --enable-thread-safe, say that the system must support +it (like what has been done for --enable-logging, just above). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5699 | vlefevre | 2008-12-03 12:31:28 +0000 (Wed, 03 Dec 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: added details about ---enable-thread-safe and TLS support. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5698 | vlefevre | 2008-11-28 12:09:08 +0000 (Fri, 28 Nov 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +urandomb.c: added comments and cleaned up code. +mpfr.texi: improved description of mpfr_urandomb. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5697 | vlefevre | 2008-11-26 14:39:22 +0000 (Wed, 26 Nov 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: changed URL added in r5696 to avoid a redirection. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5696 | zimmerma | 2008-11-26 14:22:37 +0000 (Wed, 26 Nov 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] added official url on + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5695 | vlefevre | 2008-11-26 09:16:40 +0000 (Wed, 26 Nov 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +tests/tmul.c: removed useless variable. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5694 | vlefevre | 2008-11-26 09:14:38 +0000 (Wed, 26 Nov 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +tests/tmul.c: made reading a string from file more robust. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5693 | zimmerma | 2008-11-26 08:14:13 +0000 (Wed, 26 Nov 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + A /trunk/tests/tmul.dat + +[tmul.c] moved long strings to file tmul.dat, so that gcc -ansi + -pedantic-errors works (ISO C90 does not support strings of length + > 509) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5692 | vlefevre | 2008-11-26 00:55:32 +0000 (Wed, 26 Nov 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + +tests/tinternals.c: updated tests for guaranteed C90 support, e.g. with +gcc -ansi -pedantic-errors (avoid error "string length 'nnn' is greater +than the length '509' ISO C90 compilers are required to support" because +expression for #expr in ASSERT_FAIL macro is too long). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5691 | vlefevre | 2008-11-26 00:48:12 +0000 (Wed, 26 Nov 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + in Section "To make a release", suggest -pedantic-errors. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5690 | vlefevre | 2008-11-22 15:49:07 +0000 (Sat, 22 Nov 2008) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/yn.c + +r5689 undone: some casts were incorrect (mp_exp_t may be greater than +mp_prec_t, so that casting a mp_exp_t into a mp_prec_t can introduce a +bug). There may be bugs in some cases, but the casts fix the symptom, +not the bug (unless one casts the unsigned type to a signed type that +is *strictly* larger, which is not possible here). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5689 | zimmerma | 2008-11-22 09:55:42 +0000 (Sat, 22 Nov 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/yn.c + +fixed some signed/unsigned warnings with g++ (please review) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5688 | zimmerma | 2008-11-21 12:53:47 +0000 (Fri, 21 Nov 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/nightly-test + +[nightly-test] removed MPFR_CHECK_ALL (no longer used) + added possibility to choose compiler (e.g., g++) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5687 | zimmerma | 2008-11-21 12:44:39 +0000 (Fri, 21 Nov 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] better check ./configure CC=g++ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5686 | thevenyp | 2008-11-21 10:07:53 +0000 (Fri, 21 Nov 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +Fix inclusion order: the limit of integer types like size_t are defined in C++ only when __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS is defined before is included (from ISO C99 7.18.3). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5685 | vlefevre | 2008-11-21 08:27:07 +0000 (Fri, 21 Nov 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + +README: added m4 directory (since it is distributed in the tarball). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5684 | vlefevre | 2008-11-20 19:29:58 +0000 (Thu, 20 Nov 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Forgot to update too (for r5680). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5683 | vlefevre | 2008-11-20 19:20:18 +0000 (Thu, 20 Nov 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) for r5680. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5682 | zimmerma | 2008-11-20 17:14:35 +0000 (Thu, 20 Nov 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + +[mpfr-gmp.c] added comment on recent bug fix on MacOS + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5681 | zimmerma | 2008-11-20 10:53:02 +0000 (Thu, 20 Nov 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +[tests] changes to make compilation work with g++ (only fixed errors, + several warnings remain) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5680 | vlefevre | 2008-11-20 10:42:50 +0000 (Thu, 20 Nov 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + A /trunk/m4 + A /trunk/m4/size_max.m4 + +Added m4/size_max.m4 file (from gettext). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5679 | vlefevre | 2008-11-20 10:26:32 +0000 (Thu, 20 Nov 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + paragraph on tentative definitions. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5678 | zimmerma | 2008-11-20 09:13:09 +0000 (Thu, 20 Nov 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + +[mpfr-gmp.c] replace tentative definitions by real definitions, solves + configure problems with mpc (see + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5677 | vlefevre | 2008-11-18 01:01:33 +0000 (Tue, 18 Nov 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + +hypot.c: updated a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5676 | vlefevre | 2008-11-18 00:40:13 +0000 (Tue, 18 Nov 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +tests/thypot.c: added a test. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5675 | vlefevre | 2008-11-18 00:21:09 +0000 (Tue, 18 Nov 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + +hypot.c: simplified an expression; cosmetic changes. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5674 | thevenyp | 2008-11-17 08:43:59 +0000 (Mon, 17 Nov 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + +hypot.c: Fix underflow problem when diff_exp<=MPFR_EMAX_MAX-2 using fma (provided that mpfr_fma is immune to it). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5673 | thevenyp | 2008-11-17 08:40:52 +0000 (Mon, 17 Nov 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +algorithms.tex: Fix one typo in dilogarithm section. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5672 | vlefevre | 2008-11-12 14:53:07 +0000 (Wed, 12 Nov 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi, NEWS: update concerning mpfr_eq. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5671 | vlefevre | 2008-11-12 14:09:45 +0000 (Wed, 12 Nov 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: improved mpfr_eq documentation. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5670 | thevenyp | 2008-11-12 12:33:37 +0000 (Wed, 12 Nov 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +tests/tstrtofr.c: Add more information when test bug20081028 fails. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5669 | thevenyp | 2008-11-07 10:19:42 +0000 (Fri, 07 Nov 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +strtofr.c: Replace non-zero digits look up by a simpler test, using the fact that parse_string did remove zeros at end of pstr->mant. +tests/tstrtofr.c: Add other test values around 1 for the bug20081028 non regression test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5668 | vlefevre | 2008-11-07 01:12:36 +0000 (Fri, 07 Nov 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +strtofr.c: improved style ("exact" is a boolean). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5667 | zimmerma | 2008-11-06 16:53:17 +0000 (Thu, 06 Nov 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +[strtofr.c] new patch (ternary value was still wrong in some cases), should + be ok now +[tstrtofr.c] added new test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5666 | zimmerma | 2008-11-05 17:10:10 +0000 (Wed, 05 Nov 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +[strtofr.c] review of patch added in revision 5660, and added comments + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5665 | vlefevre | 2008-10-29 14:31:20 +0000 (Wed, 29 Oct 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Updated NEWS file. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5662 | vlefevre | 2008-10-29 13:52:17 +0000 (Wed, 29 Oct 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +strtofr.c: in r5660, as pstr_size and pstr->prec both have type size_t, +changed the type of i from mp_size_t to size_t for consistency. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5661 | vlefevre | 2008-10-29 13:43:14 +0000 (Wed, 29 Oct 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +strtofr.c: reverted the change done in r3008, which led to a trivial +assertion. I think the goal is to make sure that pstr_size (of type +size_t) can be represented in a mp_exp_t (as required in the code). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5660 | thevenyp | 2008-10-29 12:05:11 +0000 (Wed, 29 Oct 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +strtofr.c: fix bug '[#6604] incorrect directed rounding in mpfr_strtofr'. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5659 | vlefevre | 2008-10-29 02:31:21 +0000 (Wed, 29 Oct 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + replaced $(...) quoting style by "`...`" since the former +is not supported everywhere (and indeed is not used by the autotools): + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5658 | vlefevre | 2008-10-29 01:21:29 +0000 (Wed, 29 Oct 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +tests/tstrtofr.c: added bug20081028 (bug found by Christoph Lauter +in mpfr_set_str; this is the corresponding bug in mpfr_strtofr). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5657 | vlefevre | 2008-10-29 01:10:36 +0000 (Wed, 29 Oct 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +tests/tstrtofr.c: corrections related to C usage. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5656 | vlefevre | 2008-10-29 00:59:00 +0000 (Wed, 29 Oct 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +tests/tset_str.c: added bug20081028 (bug found by Christoph Lauter). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5655 | vlefevre | 2008-10-27 03:55:33 +0000 (Mon, 27 Oct 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated @dircategory (request by Karl Berry). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5654 | vlefevre | 2008-10-27 03:27:10 +0000 (Mon, 27 Oct 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_d.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/clears.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_ld.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/constant.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/d_div.c + M /trunk/d_sub.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_d.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/faq.xsl + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_sint.c + M /trunk/fits_slong.c + M /trunk/fits_sshort.c + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uint.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fits_ulong.c + M /trunk/fits_ushort.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inits.c + M /trunk/inits2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/isqrt.c + M /trunk/iszero.c + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/mp_clz_tab.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-thread.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mpfrlint + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_d.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/sec.c + M /trunk/sech.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/setsign.c + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/signbit.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_d.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/data/li2 + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp10.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tisqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + M /trunk/tests/tj1.c + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + M /trunk/tests/tl2b.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/tests/ty0.c + M /trunk/tests/ty1.c + M /trunk/tests/tyn.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/version.c + M /trunk/volatile.c + M /trunk/yn.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +This is now GNU MPFR! +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5653 | vlefevre | 2008-10-27 03:10:36 +0000 (Mon, 27 Oct 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + +README: CVS -> Subversion. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5652 | thevenyp | 2008-10-23 18:40:33 +0000 (Thu, 23 Oct 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: Fix bug with '#' and 'g' flag combination, see also defect report at +tests/tsprintf.c: Fix wrong test value accordingly, add non-regression tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5651 | zimmerma | 2008-10-23 07:29:29 +0000 (Thu, 23 Oct 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + +[get_d64.c,set_d64.c] added reference to TR 24732 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5650 | vlefevre | 2008-10-16 08:17:35 +0000 (Thu, 16 Oct 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr.h: added a comment about MPFR_SIGN. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5649 | zimmerma | 2008-10-05 08:51:41 +0000 (Sun, 05 Oct 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +[mpfr.h] fixed typo, and added warning about MPFR_SIGN. + Shouldn't we move it in mpfr-impl.h? + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5647 | vlefevre | 2008-10-03 11:45:14 +0000 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/ + +INSTALL, corrected documentation of --with-gmp* options. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5645 | vlefevre | 2008-10-02 11:40:42 +0000 (Thu, 02 Oct 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: gave more details about --with-gmp-build. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5644 | zimmerma | 2008-10-02 11:17:49 +0000 (Thu, 02 Oct 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +[INSTALL] added warning about usage of --with-gmp-build + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5643 | vlefevre | 2008-09-21 11:56:06 +0000 (Sun, 21 Sep 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: updated LIA-2 terminology ("pole" was in the latest public draft, +"infinitary" in the final standard). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5642 | thevenyp | 2008-09-19 08:50:01 +0000 (Fri, 19 Sep 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +tests/tstrtofr.c: Remove underflow test unintentionally committed with revision 5640. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5640 | thevenyp | 2008-09-18 16:33:16 +0000 (Thu, 18 Sep 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + D /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +Remove obsolete mpfr_random function and replace it by mpfr_urandomb in tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5639 | thevenyp | 2008-09-18 16:25:31 +0000 (Thu, 18 Sep 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exceptions.c + +Add void in prototype. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5638 | vlefevre | 2008-09-18 13:40:11 +0000 (Thu, 18 Sep 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests/tests.c: added comments about the MPFR_FPU_PREC macro. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5636 | zimmerma | 2008-09-18 12:48:28 +0000 (Thu, 18 Sep 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +[tget_str.c] replaced 'double' input by 'char*' to avoid problems with single + precision (partially solves #3353) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5634 | zimmerma | 2008-09-17 12:28:22 +0000 (Wed, 17 Sep 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[] added item about coverage of releases + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5632 | zimmerma | 2008-09-16 12:48:29 +0000 (Tue, 16 Sep 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +final got rid of generic.c (bug 6199) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5631 | zimmerma | 2008-09-16 12:37:11 +0000 (Tue, 16 Sep 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/generic.c + +[generic.c] removed unused file + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5630 | vlefevre | 2008-09-16 09:53:59 +0000 (Tue, 16 Sep 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +NEWS, mpfr.texi: documented the fact that mpfr_random and mpfr_random2 +will be suppressed in the next release. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5629 | vlefevre | 2008-09-16 08:53:00 +0000 (Tue, 16 Sep 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF8 TZ=UTC svn log -rHEAD:0 -v". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5623 | thevenyp | 2008-09-10 10:00:31 +0000 (Wed, 10 Sep 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + +tests/tpow_z.c: Check test for bug20080904 with the minimum possible negative exponent so as not to underflow with (future) 128 bits machine. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5620 | vlefevre | 2008-09-06 10:19:10 +0000 (Sat, 06 Sep 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +pow.c: fixed bug20080904 (from tpow_z.c). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5619 | vlefevre | 2008-09-06 10:08:37 +0000 (Sat, 06 Sep 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +pow.c: added log messages. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5618 | thevenyp | 2008-09-05 10:10:41 +0000 (Fri, 05 Sep 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + +tests/tpow_z.c: Add a test that underflows. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5616 | vlefevre | 2008-09-05 09:05:25 +0000 (Fri, 05 Sep 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated a comment (for the next automake version). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5614 | vlefevre | 2008-09-05 08:56:53 +0000 (Fri, 05 Sep 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS: added a note about mpfr_init_gmp_rand (removed in r4953). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5613 | vlefevre | 2008-09-04 02:44:04 +0000 (Thu, 04 Sep 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + update (about AM_MAINTAINER_MODE). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5609 | vlefevre | 2008-09-02 15:09:20 +0000 (Tue, 02 Sep 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + +Updated README file. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5607 | vlefevre | 2008-09-01 11:51:00 +0000 (Mon, 01 Sep 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + D /trunk/patch-libtool + +Removed patch-libtool and updated as libtool has been fixed. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5606 | vlefevre | 2008-09-01 11:47:16 +0000 (Mon, 01 Sep 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS file update (get default $CC and $CFLAGS from gmp.h). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5605 | vlefevre | 2008-09-01 11:46:24 +0000 (Mon, 01 Sep 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + removed a useless blank line. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5604 | vlefevre | 2008-09-01 11:40:36 +0000 (Mon, 01 Sep 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + reverse-merged r5440 (about __GMP_CC/__GMP_CFLAGS) as said. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5602 | zimmerma | 2008-08-27 11:43:31 +0000 (Wed, 27 Aug 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +[algorithms.tex] the truncation error for rec_sqrt was correct, but the +reasoning was not detailed enough + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5600 | vlefevre | 2008-08-27 10:58:23 +0000 (Wed, 27 Aug 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/patch-aclocal-icc + +Added patch-aclocal-icc; this is a port of the patch posted on + +for aclocal.m4 when libtool 1.5.26-4 from Debian has been used. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5599 | zimmerma | 2008-08-27 10:00:35 +0000 (Wed, 27 Aug 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + +[rec_sqrt.c] fixed bug "bad_case1" (truncation error was forgotten, when +output precision was smaller than input precision) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5595 | vlefevre | 2008-08-27 08:40:53 +0000 (Wed, 27 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated the month. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5593 | vlefevre | 2008-08-26 13:56:06 +0000 (Tue, 26 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + +tests/trec_sqrt.c: enable the tests only with MPFR 2.4.0+. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5592 | vlefevre | 2008-08-26 13:32:45 +0000 (Tue, 26 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS: noted when some changes were applied in 2.3.* versions. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5590 | vlefevre | 2008-08-25 13:26:32 +0000 (Mon, 25 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + completed information about integer types. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5589 | vlefevre | 2008-08-25 10:55:38 +0000 (Mon, 25 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added information about mixing signed and unsigned types. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5588 | vlefevre | 2008-08-25 10:40:09 +0000 (Mon, 25 Aug 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/li2.c + +li2.c: avoid even more mixing between signed and unsigned types, by +casting mpfr_prec_t to mp_exp_t in expressions involving mp_exp_t. +This time the bug is fixed: tli2 no longer freezes in 64 bits. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5587 | vlefevre | 2008-08-25 10:26:54 +0000 (Mon, 25 Aug 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/li2.c + +li2.c: use an "int" instead of "unsigned int" in li2_series() to avoid +mixing signed and unsigned types, which can yield implicit conversions +from signed into unsigned, and maybe problems on some platforms. This +doesn't fix the current freeze of tli2 on 64-bit machines, though. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5585 | vlefevre | 2008-08-24 23:07:45 +0000 (Sun, 24 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +tests/tgeneric.c: changed the way a warning with gcc 4.2+ is avoided +(r5335), as suggested by Manuel López-Ibáñez on GCC bug 36299. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5584 | vlefevre | 2008-08-21 10:27:58 +0000 (Thu, 21 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/sqr + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +Added data_check support to mpfr_sqr. +Added bad_cases support to mpfr_sqr and mpfr_sqrt. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5582 | vlefevre | 2008-08-21 10:17:19 +0000 (Thu, 21 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + +tests/tsqr.c: corrected function definitions. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5581 | vlefevre | 2008-08-21 10:12:49 +0000 (Thu, 21 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/rec_sqrt + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + +Added data_check & bad_cases support to mpfr_rec_sqrt. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5580 | vlefevre | 2008-08-21 10:09:34 +0000 (Thu, 21 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + +tests/trec_sqrt.c: added bad case that makes mpfr_rec_sqrt fail. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5579 | vlefevre | 2008-08-21 03:03:23 +0000 (Thu, 21 Aug 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: as not all ICC versions define the __ICC macro (only +the __INTEL_COMPILER macro can be defined), define the __MPFR_ICC +and __MPFR_GNUC macros in another way. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5578 | vlefevre | 2008-08-21 02:48:41 +0000 (Thu, 21 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: fixed compilation failure when HAVE_DENORMS isn't +defined, such as with icc 10.1 on Itanium. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5577 | vlefevre | 2008-08-21 02:43:45 +0000 (Thu, 21 Aug 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tests/tprintf.c: to allow random values to be reproducible, +do not call randlimb several times in a same expression, +because the evaluation order is unspecified. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5576 | vlefevre | 2008-08-21 02:38:07 +0000 (Thu, 21 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: added test of mpfr_rec_sqrt (only with MPFR 2.4.0+). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5575 | vlefevre | 2008-08-21 02:35:37 +0000 (Thu, 21 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: removed useless parentheses. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5574 | vlefevre | 2008-08-21 02:27:56 +0000 (Thu, 21 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + +rec_sqrt.c: added logging support. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5572 | vlefevre | 2008-08-21 01:27:38 +0000 (Thu, 21 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +algorithms.tex: replaced "towards" by "toward" for consistency with +the MPFR manual and the standards. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5570 | vlefevre | 2008-08-21 01:22:42 +0000 (Thu, 21 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +algorithms.tex: corrected English usage, spelling and typography +in the section on mpfr_hypot. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5566 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 22:17:34 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +tests/thypot.c: added a test for tiny x and y (already done by the +generic tests, but not yet in the 2.3 branch in extended exponent +range). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5565 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 21:43:34 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +tests/tgeneric.c: for the special cases tested in precision p1 +for n <= 3, set the extended exponent range. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5564 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 21:10:29 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +tests/thypot.c: improved error messages. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5563 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 20:48:44 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +tests/thypot.c: perform some tests both in the current exponent range +and in the extended exponent range, so that the lost-overflow bug of +MPFR 2.3.1 can be triggered on 64-bit machines too. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5561 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 19:43:57 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: + * In cmpres(), if z1 and z2 were both zeros, their sign wasn't tested. + * Added test of mpfr_sqr and mpfr_sqrt. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5559 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 16:24:24 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: added a paragraph on MPFR internal data. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5557 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 14:11:18 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +pow_si.c: fixed the underflow/overflow detection for n < 0 by using +a method similar to mpfr_pow_z. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5556 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 13:21:00 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +pow_si.c: added logging support. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5555 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 12:58:21 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +pow.c: fixed bug in mpfr_pow_general by computing correct bounds +on exp(y*ln|x|). ==> tpow no longer fails in bug20080820. +Note: this bug could affect only underflow cases and possibly cases +near overflow. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5554 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 12:48:53 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tests/tpow.c: updated comment for bug20080820(). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5553 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 12:47:40 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tests/tpow.c: added testcase for bug mentioned in r5552. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5552 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 11:41:13 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + +pow_z.c: solves the underflow problem in round-to-nearest by using +mpfr_pow_general in precision 2 (like in mpfr_pow_pos_z), but this +currently fails due to a more general bug from r4940 (the rounding +modes to compute an upper bound on exp(y*ln|x|) are incorrect). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5551 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 06:42:16 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + +pow_z.c: formatting. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5550 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 06:36:59 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + +pow_z.c: moved a log message. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5549 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 06:34:52 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + +pow_z.c: added log messages. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5548 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 05:55:56 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: added an underflow test of x^y with y integer < 0. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5547 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 04:17:03 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + +pow_z.c: no longer take care of the possibly lost overflow flag, as +the other functions do not do this either; this general problem has +been fixed in mpfr_check_range (r5545). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5545 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 04:07:16 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Fixed the following problem: + The overflow flag can be lost in many functions called with the + maximum exponent equal to MPFR_EMAX_MAX (this is the default on + 32-bit machines) when the temporary result (in a higher precision) + is representable but once rounded, it yields an overflow. +This needed a slight change of behavior of the mpfr_check_range function +(defined in exceptions.c). Described this change in mpfr.texi and NEWS. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5544 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 02:59:16 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + +pow_z.c: fixed some of the underflow/overflow problems for z < 0. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5543 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 02:56:38 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: fixed mpfr_clear in overflow_inv. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5542 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 02:50:02 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: more detailed error messages. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5541 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 01:23:30 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: improved overflow_inv tests to trigger a bug +in mpfr_pow_z due to incorrect rounding mode settings in r5315: +on a 64-bit Linux machine, "./tpow_all 1" ends with: +Bad overflow flag in overflow_inv for mpfr_pow, extended exponent range, +s = 1, t = 1, GMP_RNDZ +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5540 | vlefevre | 2008-08-20 00:32:17 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: in overflow_inv, reduced t to [0,5] and added tests. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5539 | vlefevre | 2008-08-19 23:48:19 +0000 (Tue, 19 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: improved error messages. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5538 | vlefevre | 2008-08-19 23:39:35 +0000 (Tue, 19 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: changed the precisions in overflow_inv for clearer +output (the reported failures are the same). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5537 | vlefevre | 2008-08-19 23:34:23 +0000 (Tue, 19 Aug 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: information about extended exponent range wasn't +always output. For simplicity to provide such an information, made +ext a global variable. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5536 | vlefevre | 2008-08-19 23:23:10 +0000 (Tue, 19 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: added overflow tests for x^(-1). -> Failure. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5535 | vlefevre | 2008-08-19 00:35:49 +0000 (Tue, 19 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/pow.c + +Fixed basic underflow checking in mpfr_pow. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5534 | vlefevre | 2008-08-18 23:30:59 +0000 (Mon, 18 Aug 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: defined macro INITIALIZED to declare that some variable + is initialized before being used. described the use of this macro. +lngamma.c: replaced the dummy initialization by this macro. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5533 | vlefevre | 2008-08-16 01:04:05 +0000 (Sat, 16 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +pow.c: updated comments. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5532 | vlefevre | 2008-08-16 00:48:58 +0000 (Sat, 16 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: added tests -> assertion failed in pow.c line 603. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5531 | vlefevre | 2008-08-15 23:56:47 +0000 (Fri, 15 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: added test of mpfr_ui_div. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5530 | vlefevre | 2008-08-15 23:28:46 +0000 (Fri, 15 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + +pow_z.c: improved comments. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5527 | vlefevre | 2008-08-14 16:34:58 +0000 (Thu, 14 Aug 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: additions related to MPFR caches. + * Added Section "Memory Handling" mentioning caches. + * Added call to mpfr_free_cache in the first example. + * Updated description of function mpfr_free_cache. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5525 | vlefevre | 2008-08-14 10:17:24 +0000 (Thu, 14 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +tests/texp.c: improved an underflow test to trigger the bug fixed +in r5453 on 32-bit machines too. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5524 | vlefevre | 2008-08-14 09:39:24 +0000 (Thu, 14 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +log.c: fixed a log message. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5523 | vlefevre | 2008-08-14 09:38:04 +0000 (Thu, 14 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +exp_2.c: fixed other log messages. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5522 | vlefevre | 2008-08-14 09:20:14 +0000 (Thu, 14 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +exp_2.c: fixed a log message (the format didn't correspond to the types) +and improved it. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5519 | vlefevre | 2008-08-12 22:27:44 +0000 (Tue, 12 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +tests/tdiv.c: completed underflow test by testing negative results too. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5517 | vlefevre | 2008-08-12 22:03:37 +0000 (Tue, 12 Aug 2008) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + +mul_2si.c, div_2si.c, div_2ui.c: fixed double-rounding problem in +rounding to nearest when the rounded result in unbounded exponent +range is 2^(emin - 2). +tests/tmul_2exp.c: test x = 15/16 too. Now tmul_2exp no longer fails +(with the correction in div.c from r5515). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5516 | vlefevre | 2008-08-12 21:56:55 +0000 (Tue, 12 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +tests/tdiv.c correction: the underflow bug was in case when the +result had to be zero. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5515 | vlefevre | 2008-08-12 21:52:25 +0000 (Tue, 12 Aug 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +div.c: fixed underflow bug that occurs in rounding to nearest when +the rounded result in unbounded exponent range is 2^(emin - 2) and +inex > 0: one got a non-zero result instead of +/-0. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5514 | vlefevre | 2008-08-12 21:47:44 +0000 (Tue, 12 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +tests/tdiv.c: added a test that triggers a bug in mpfr_div in case of +underflow in rounding to nearest when the result must be non-zero. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5513 | vlefevre | 2008-08-12 14:43:50 +0000 (Tue, 12 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +div.c: added logging support. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5512 | vlefevre | 2008-08-12 13:54:40 +0000 (Tue, 12 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + +tests/tmul_2exp.c: test mpfr_div_2ui too. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5511 | vlefevre | 2008-08-12 13:37:03 +0000 (Tue, 12 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + +tests/tmul_2exp.c: test mpfr_div_2si too. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5510 | vlefevre | 2008-08-12 13:28:20 +0000 (Tue, 12 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + +tests/tmul_2exp.c: updated underflow() test to trigger a double-rounding +bug in case of underflow. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5509 | vlefevre | 2008-08-12 13:11:19 +0000 (Tue, 12 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +tests/texp.c: updated comment (the double-rounding bug triggered by +underflow_up() is in mpfr_mul_2si). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5508 | vlefevre | 2008-08-12 13:02:08 +0000 (Tue, 12 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +tests/texp.c: updated underflow_up() test: added case exp(eps) ~= 1/2, +which fails due to a double-rounding problem in rescaling the result. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5507 | vlefevre | 2008-08-12 12:08:10 +0000 (Tue, 12 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +tests/texp.c: improved comments in underflow_up(). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5505 | vlefevre | 2008-08-11 08:09:14 +0000 (Mon, 11 Aug 2008) | 33 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +Merged vlefevre branch: + svn merge -c-5445 . + svn merge -r5436:HEAD .../mpfr/branches/vlefevre +* pow.c: + - Moved the general case from mpfr_pow() to a new internal function + mpfr_pow_general(). + - In this function (from old code), avoid unnecessary overflow test + if the intermediate result is not an infinity (which was the case + of underflow with non-zero result, thus not an overflow). + - Fixed a double-rounding problem that occurred in this function in + some underflow cases when rescaling the result. + - Added log messages. +* mpfr-impl.h: added mpfr_pow_general prototype. +* pow_z.c: + - The underflow case of mpfr_pow_pos_z() in rounding to nearest, + which was incorrect, is now handled by calling mpfr_pow_general(), + which can scale the result thus decide whether the rounded result + should be 0 or nextabove(0). To avoid the exact cases of x^y with + y integer (not supported by mpfr_pow_general()), rounding is done + in precision 2 (this is also faster!). + - Fixed underflow-related bug (case exact result = 2^(emin-2), in + rounding to nearest). + - Added log messages. +* pow_ui.c: + - Swapped parameters x and y for consistency (-> y = x^n). + - Fixed the internal overflows and underflows (which could yield + spurious overflows/underflows and incorrect results) by using + mpfr_pow_z. +* tests/tpow_all.c: + - Test flags in test_others and cmpres; cmpres argument z1 can now + be a null pointer (if unknown pure FP value, thus not tested). + - Added a test of 2^(emin - i/4) with 0 <= i <= 12, that triggered + the bugs mentioned above (and now fixed). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5503 | vlefevre | 2008-08-11 07:02:01 +0000 (Mon, 11 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + +tests/tmul_2exp.c: added underflow tests. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5502 | vlefevre | 2008-08-11 07:00:17 +0000 (Mon, 11 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + +Added logging support to mpfr_{mul,div}_2{si,ui}. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5498 | vlefevre | 2008-08-08 14:29:03 +0000 (Fri, 08 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: added a space for MPFR_LOG_MSG. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5496 | vlefevre | 2008-08-08 14:20:45 +0000 (Fri, 08 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + corrected MPFR_LOG_MSG example. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5494 | vlefevre | 2008-08-08 07:27:23 +0000 (Fri, 08 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr.h: added a comment concerning ICC. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5493 | vlefevre | 2008-08-07 21:56:50 +0000 (Thu, 07 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/yn.c + +Final code clean-up based on icc warnings. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5492 | vlefevre | 2008-08-07 21:17:14 +0000 (Thu, 07 Aug 2008) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/clears.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/inits.c + M /trunk/inits2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/volatile.c + +Further code clean-up (and consistency) based on icc warnings: + * Removed useless code. + * Avoid hiding variable declarations. + * Use #ifdef BOOL_MACRO instead of #if BOOL_MACRO. + * In MPFR_RNDRAW_GEN macro definition, variables declared locally now + start with an underscore to avoid possible conflits with parameters + (and modified macro calls that use these variables). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5491 | vlefevre | 2008-08-07 17:13:16 +0000 (Thu, 07 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_prec.c + +round_prec.c: avoid hiding variable declaration (detected by icc). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5490 | vlefevre | 2008-08-07 16:30:13 +0000 (Thu, 07 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +pow_si.c: fixed Ziv's iteration (code from r3305) by using MPFR_ZIV_NEXT +(problem detected by icc, because variable "loop" was never used). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5489 | vlefevre | 2008-08-07 16:15:28 +0000 (Thu, 07 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +mul_ui.c: removed variable that was set but never used (detected by icc, +but not by gcc, probably because of early optimization). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5488 | vlefevre | 2008-08-07 16:08:45 +0000 (Thu, 07 Aug 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/inp_str.c + +inp_str.c: fixed possible implementation-defined behavior (a value +from the unsigned char range -- from getc -- was stored in a char, +and if the char type is signed and the value cannot be represented +in a char, this is implementation-defined). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5487 | vlefevre | 2008-08-07 15:36:59 +0000 (Thu, 07 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +get_str.c: avoid hiding variable declaration (detected by icc). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5486 | vlefevre | 2008-08-07 14:44:18 +0000 (Thu, 07 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +div.c: avoid hiding variable declaration (detected by icc). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5485 | vlefevre | 2008-08-07 14:33:44 +0000 (Thu, 07 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr.h, mpfr-impl.h: avoid warnings with icc (at least icc 10.1). added a paragraph on the test of "boolean" macros. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5483 | vlefevre | 2008-08-05 08:02:07 +0000 (Tue, 05 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + dist-lzma needs automake 1.10.1. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5481 | vlefevre | 2008-08-04 08:39:47 +0000 (Mon, 04 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + "make dist" generates lzma-compressed tarball too. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5480 | zimmerma | 2008-08-02 09:36:31 +0000 (Sat, 02 Aug 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +[exp_2.c] fixed case where cancel is negative, added comments and improved +code when initial n is known to be 0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5479 | vlefevre | 2008-08-01 21:18:06 +0000 (Fri, 01 Aug 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +exp_2.c: MPFR_EXP -> MPFR_GET_EXP. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5478 | zimmerma | 2008-08-01 16:45:45 +0000 (Fri, 01 Aug 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +[exp_2.c] fixed bug20080731 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5477 | vlefevre | 2008-07-31 16:30:31 +0000 (Thu, 31 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk + +Added algorithms.out to svn:ignore property. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5476 | vlefevre | 2008-07-31 16:27:42 +0000 (Thu, 31 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +tests/texp.c: added testcase for new bug found in mpfr_exp_2. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5475 | vlefevre | 2008-07-31 16:02:54 +0000 (Thu, 31 Jul 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +exp.c, exp_2.c: fixed the overflow/underflow detection. The underflow_up +test in texp.c still fails for mpfr_exp_2 only, but this seems to be due +to a bug in this function (incorrect error bound?). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5474 | vlefevre | 2008-07-31 15:03:49 +0000 (Thu, 31 Jul 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +tests/texp.c: added underflow tests to underflow_up; currently fail due +to incorrect underflow detection in mpfr_exp (and if this detection is +disabled, mpfr_exp_3 behaves correctly, but not mpfr_exp_2). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5473 | thevenyp | 2008-07-31 14:08:09 +0000 (Thu, 31 Jul 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +Fix typos, improve wording. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5472 | vlefevre | 2008-07-31 13:01:16 +0000 (Thu, 31 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +Added logging support to mpfr_exp_2 (exp_2.c). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5471 | vlefevre | 2008-07-31 11:36:01 +0000 (Thu, 31 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +tests/texp.c: updated comment concerning the bug fixed in r5469. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5470 | vlefevre | 2008-07-31 10:24:28 +0000 (Thu, 31 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + +exp.c: updated comment about the exp3.c routine. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5469 | vlefevre | 2008-07-31 10:22:48 +0000 (Thu, 31 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp3.c + +exp3.c: fixed internal underflow. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5468 | vlefevre | 2008-07-31 09:59:53 +0000 (Thu, 31 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + +fma.c, fms.c: added a comment about apparently incorrect scaling. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5466 | vlefevre | 2008-07-31 09:46:43 +0000 (Thu, 31 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +Added logging support to mpfr_sqr and mpfr_sqrt. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5465 | thevenyp | 2008-07-31 08:31:11 +0000 (Thu, 31 Jul 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/hypot.c + +hypot.c: Fix comment. +BUGS: Add known bug for mpfr_hypot. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5464 | thevenyp | 2008-07-30 15:13:42 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jul 2008) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +algorithms.tex: Prove the correctness of the algorithm used for mpfr_hypot +when the difference of inputs' exponents is less then exp_max - 2. +hypot.c: Change algorithm according to its description in algorithms.tex +tests/thypot.c: Fix tests (some were present but didn't trigger any error). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5463 | vlefevre | 2008-07-30 14:01:45 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +tests/texp.c: completed a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5462 | vlefevre | 2008-07-30 11:26:52 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jul 2008) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +tests/texp.c: updated underflow_up test of log(2^(emin - 1)) + eps: + * In the old test (- log(2) < eps < 0 in GMP_RNDN), do not test + the flags, as this may be incorrect on some platforms (though + unlikely). Better tests will be provided later. + * Added test for case eps > 0, which triggers a bug in mpfr_exp_3 + (underflow flag sometimes set while it shouldn't be set). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5461 | vlefevre | 2008-07-30 08:33:51 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jul 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + +exp.c: completed a comment, describing how rigorous underflow/overflow +detection can be done. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5460 | vlefevre | 2008-07-30 08:18:01 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jul 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + +exp.c: removed an incorrect comment (corresponds to exp_2.c and already +in exp_2.c). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5459 | vlefevre | 2008-07-29 14:34:10 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + +exp.c: underflow/overflow detection is still a bit incorrect. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5458 | vlefevre | 2008-07-29 14:17:18 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: added "test underflow/overflow detection...". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5457 | vlefevre | 2008-07-29 14:13:11 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + +exp.c: fixed underflow/overflow detection. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5456 | vlefevre | 2008-07-29 13:24:19 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +exp_2.c: GNU style. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5455 | vlefevre | 2008-07-29 12:23:04 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jul 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: make sure that mpfr_get_exp_t and mpfr_set_exp_t are +correctly defined. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5454 | vlefevre | 2008-07-26 10:46:26 +0000 (Sat, 26 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +tests/texp.c: updated comment of underflow_up. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5453 | vlefevre | 2008-07-26 10:44:22 +0000 (Sat, 26 Jul 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +exp_2.c: solved the assertion failure by detecting a zero due to a +cancellation and increasing the precision via Ziv's loop in such a +case. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5452 | vlefevre | 2008-07-26 10:29:57 +0000 (Sat, 26 Jul 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +exp_2.c: added another assertion, that is checked independently of +the value of MPFR_EXP_2_THRESHOLD (better for debugging). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5451 | vlefevre | 2008-07-26 10:21:09 +0000 (Sat, 26 Jul 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +exp_2.c: added an assertion (more explicit than a similar assertion +that would fail later) in mpfr_exp2_aux, caught by the underflow_up +test in texp.c for prec = 16 on a 64-bit Linux machine. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5450 | vlefevre | 2008-07-25 21:02:13 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jul 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +tests/texp.c: added a test that shows incorrect underflow detection +in mpfr_exp, with possible assertion failure. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5445 | vlefevre | 2008-07-25 11:52:07 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: added test of mpfr_exp2 and mpfr_exp10. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5443 | vlefevre | 2008-07-25 10:31:19 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: update. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5442 | vlefevre | 2008-07-25 10:28:41 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: added "option to use a 32-bit exponent type on LP64 machines". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5441 | vlefevre | 2008-07-23 13:52:09 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +acinclude.m4: updated AC_PREREQ line due to the use of AC_PROG_SED. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5440 | zimmerma | 2008-07-23 13:29:50 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jul 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added reminder + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5439 | zimmerma | 2008-07-23 13:26:26 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jul 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +patch from Patrick to get __GMP_CC and __GMP_CFLAGS from gmp.h +(future undocumented feature for GMP 4.2.3) -> we need to check +those are the names chosen by GMP 4.2.3 when it will be out + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5434 | vlefevre | 2008-07-21 23:03:36 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jul 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +pow.c: fixed incorrect rounding in the general case when the result +is negative and rnd = GMP_RNDD or GMP_RNDU (bug20080721 in tpow.c). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5433 | vlefevre | 2008-07-21 22:44:32 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tests/tpow.c: completed test bug20080721. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5432 | vlefevre | 2008-07-21 22:01:11 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +pow.c: fixed the non-trivial cases with large integer y. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5431 | vlefevre | 2008-07-21 17:17:51 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tests/tpow.c: added comment for bug20080721. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5430 | vlefevre | 2008-07-21 16:54:18 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tests/tpow.c: found another bug in mpfr_pow with large integers. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5429 | vlefevre | 2008-07-21 13:06:51 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: added a test that detects a bug in an underflow case. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5428 | vlefevre | 2008-07-21 09:48:22 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jul 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +tests/tpow_all.c: made the comparisons between the power functions +generic to be able to add other tests. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5427 | vlefevre | 2008-07-20 23:34:50 +0000 (Sun, 20 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + +pow_z.c: use MPFR_IS_POS(x) instead of MPFR_SIGN(x) > 0. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5425 | vlefevre | 2008-07-20 00:36:23 +0000 (Sun, 20 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +pow_si.c: corrected a comment. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5424 | vlefevre | 2008-07-20 00:22:50 +0000 (Sun, 20 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + +tests/tpow_z.c: fixed NaN^0 test. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5423 | vlefevre | 2008-07-20 00:17:02 +0000 (Sun, 20 Jul 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/tests + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tpow_all.c + +Fixed a bug in pow_ui.c and pow_z.c: NaN^0 returned NaN instead of 1 +(see documentation). Affected functions: mpfr_pow_ui, mpfr_pow_si and +mpfr_pow_z (but not mpfr_pow). Added new test file tests/tpow_all.c +to test all the MPFR power functions on simple and special values. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5418 | vlefevre | 2008-07-19 16:09:13 +0000 (Sat, 19 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: forgot the case x^(±0). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5417 | vlefevre | 2008-07-19 15:36:57 +0000 (Sat, 19 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + +pow_z.c: updated comments. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5416 | vlefevre | 2008-07-19 15:21:30 +0000 (Sat, 19 Jul 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + +tests/tpow_z.c: test bug20080223() didn't check that the result wasn't +a NaN. Fixed. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5413 | vlefevre | 2008-07-19 13:52:27 +0000 (Sat, 19 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tests/tsprintf.c: removed trailing whitespace. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5412 | vlefevre | 2008-07-11 01:52:47 +0000 (Fri, 11 Jul 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: potential problem with integer division and pre-C99 compilers, +noted by Philippe. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5411 | thevenyp | 2008-07-08 12:44:59 +0000 (Tue, 08 Jul 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +Fix typos +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5410 | thevenyp | 2008-06-30 12:31:54 +0000 (Mon, 30 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +Fix typo (gmp macro TMP_ALLOC instead of MPFR_TMP_ALLOC). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5409 | vlefevre | 2008-06-27 09:26:43 +0000 (Fri, 27 Jun 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: fixed comment from r5408. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5408 | thevenyp | 2008-06-27 08:36:34 +0000 (Fri, 27 Jun 2008) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +acinclude.m4: add a check defining va_copy macro when needed. +vasprintf.c: use TMP_ALLOC instead of variable-length array (C99). +tests/tfprintf.c tests/tsprintf.c: #define length of array instead of const int so as to avoid variable-length array (C99). +tests/tprintf.c: #define length of array instead of const int so as to avoid variable-length array (C99). + remove use of function dup (dependency with ). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5407 | vlefevre | 2008-06-25 09:08:26 +0000 (Wed, 25 Jun 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated "To make a release" (mention various compilers). +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5406 | vlefevre | 2008-06-23 02:27:02 +0000 (Mon, 23 Jun 2008) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added comments about icc. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5405 | vlefevre | 2008-06-22 12:16:43 +0000 (Sun, 22 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: added "replace the *_THRESHOLD macros by global (TLS) variables +that can be changed at run time [...]". +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5400 | vlefevre | 2008-06-16 22:06:11 +0000 (Mon, 16 Jun 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: updated GMP's URL (the old one no longer worked), using + as suggested by Karl Berry (see +GNU policies). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5398 | vlefevre | 2008-06-13 13:54:37 +0000 (Fri, 13 Jun 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: changed the license for the inclusion of the manual in Debian +(see ). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5396 | vlefevre | 2008-06-11 13:09:33 +0000 (Wed, 11 Jun 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + +AUTHORS: converted from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 (this is the standard +nowadays and this is the encoding declared on InriaGforge). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5395 | thevenyp | 2008-06-11 10:06:56 +0000 (Wed, 11 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Fix typo in mpfr_printf documentation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5394 | vlefevre | 2008-06-11 09:25:01 +0000 (Wed, 11 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: removed a misleading and now useless comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5393 | vlefevre | 2008-06-11 09:21:26 +0000 (Wed, 11 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: improved a comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5392 | vlefevre | 2008-06-11 09:20:53 +0000 (Wed, 11 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tsprintf.c: typo in a comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5391 | thevenyp | 2008-06-11 08:57:47 +0000 (Wed, 11 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +Fix comparison between mpfr string and libc string. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5390 | zimmerma | 2008-06-10 21:12:32 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +added test for bug(?) found by Vincent with icc + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5389 | thevenyp | 2008-06-10 14:18:37 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jun 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +Change #include to #include when compiled with a C++ compiler. +Assume that mpfr_rnd_t and wchar_t arguments in a variadic functions are converted to 'int' by C++ compilers. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5387 | vlefevre | 2008-06-10 14:13:59 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jun 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: generate an error (with a clear error message) with g++ and +--enable-logging since compilation fails (--enable-logging is mainly for +testing and is already incompatible with threading support anyway). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5386 | zimmerma | 2008-06-10 08:47:11 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jun 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +the O(l^{1/2}) method to evaluate power series is due to +Paterson and Stockmeyer and not Brent/Kung + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5385 | vlefevre | 2008-06-09 16:21:34 +0000 (Mon, 09 Jun 2008) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp10.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +Clean-up and various changes to be able to build MPFR with g++. +But the following 3 tests currently fail with g++ 4.3.1: + FAIL: tprintf + FAIL: tsprintf + FAIL: tfprintf +This is an "Illegal instruction" error, so probably a bug in g++. +[Edit: acinclude.m4 now uses gl_SIZE_MAX, typically from size_max.m4, +but which is not installed on all machines; this will be added to the +MPFR repository in changesets 5680 and 5683.] +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5384 | vlefevre | 2008-06-09 14:09:34 +0000 (Mon, 09 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: do not use pointer arithmetic on void *. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5383 | vlefevre | 2008-06-09 13:55:05 +0000 (Mon, 09 Jun 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added -Wpointer-arith to gcc options (this warning +is useful as pointer arithmetic on void * is a gcc extension and +doesn't work with g++). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5382 | vlefevre | 2008-06-09 12:26:26 +0000 (Mon, 09 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + mentioned a libtool bug with recent versions of icc. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5381 | vlefevre | 2008-06-09 08:47:58 +0000 (Mon, 09 Jun 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sum.c + +sum.c: + * Completed a comment about T ** and const T ** mismatch. + * Removed a useless and misleading const that makes icc complain. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5380 | zimmerma | 2008-06-08 12:14:11 +0000 (Sun, 08 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/log.c + +fixed typos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5379 | zimmerma | 2008-06-07 21:45:24 +0000 (Sat, 07 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +use DeclareMathOperator for erf and erfc + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5378 | zimmerma | 2008-06-07 11:34:59 +0000 (Sat, 07 Jun 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/atan.c + +fixed typo, added argument reduction for atan (we should try it since I believe +atan is slow wrt exp, log, sin, cos for large precisions) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5377 | zimmerma | 2008-06-07 11:21:14 +0000 (Sat, 07 Jun 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/log1p.c + +simplified error analysis of log1p (did not match the code), and improved the +code (in particular when 1+x is exact, directly call mpfr_log and avoid Ziv). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5376 | vlefevre | 2008-06-06 12:01:17 +0000 (Fri, 06 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + +rec_sqrt.c: removed execution bit. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5375 | vlefevre | 2008-06-06 11:47:19 +0000 (Fri, 06 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: update about build problems and the FAQ. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5374 | vlefevre | 2008-06-06 02:10:19 +0000 (Fri, 06 Jun 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: added a comment about why the cross reference to GNU Libtool +doesn't work from MPFR's directory. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5373 | vlefevre | 2008-06-06 01:33:49 +0000 (Fri, 06 Jun 2008) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: added Section 4.1 "Headers and Libraries" partly based on +GMP's. Note: in the generated file, the cross reference to +libtool does not work (though GMP's info manual has exactly the same +one and it works there). I couldn't figure out why. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5372 | vlefevre | 2008-06-06 01:17:08 +0000 (Fri, 06 Jun 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: make cross reference in HTML similar to texinfo's default one +in PDF. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5371 | vlefevre | 2008-06-04 11:57:28 +0000 (Wed, 04 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated the month. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5370 | vlefevre | 2008-06-04 11:51:25 +0000 (Wed, 04 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +mpfrlint: check the LGPL license version. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5369 | vlefevre | 2008-06-04 11:34:10 +0000 (Wed, 04 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated paragraph on the license in "Introduction to MPFR". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5368 | vlefevre | 2008-06-04 11:25:59 +0000 (Wed, 04 Jun 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated GFDL version from 1.1 to 1.2 to match fdl.texi +(this should have been done in r4059). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5367 | vlefevre | 2008-06-04 11:24:37 +0000 (Wed, 04 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +mpfrlint: check GFDL versions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5366 | vlefevre | 2008-06-04 11:13:23 +0000 (Wed, 04 Jun 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/update-version + +mpfr.texi, update-version: in the MPFR manual, replaced two + by the URL corresponding to the version, +which can be updated by update-version. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5365 | vlefevre | 2008-06-04 10:30:48 +0000 (Wed, 04 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: completed paragraph on MPFR vs double-precision numbers. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5364 | vlefevre | 2008-06-04 10:22:02 +0000 (Wed, 04 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: replaced each @code{mpfr} by MPFR (for consistency). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5362 | vlefevre | 2008-06-03 09:06:48 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jun 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr.h: fixed a comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5361 | vlefevre | 2008-05-23 13:44:59 +0000 (Fri, 23 May 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +tests: added tprintf to svn:ignore property. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5360 | vlefevre | 2008-05-23 11:00:28 +0000 (Fri, 23 May 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +Added documentation about "'var' may be used uninitialized in this +function" warnings. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5359 | zimmerma | 2008-05-22 11:05:19 +0000 (Thu, 22 May 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +Added comments about int i = i trick to avoid warning about uninitialized +variables. This has the advantage to generate no code, but works for gcc only. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5358 | zimmerma | 2008-05-21 08:23:21 +0000 (Wed, 21 May 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +initialize bbcp and bbcp1 to -1 (should be invalid) +added MPFR_ASSERTN to check they are not -1 before reads +simplified a test: (rnd == RNDN) || (rnd != RNDZ) ==> rnd != RNDZ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5357 | zimmerma | 2008-05-21 07:01:17 +0000 (Wed, 21 May 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +got rid of false (?) compiler warnings for uninitialized values +-> we might want to revert this change if we find a better solution and/or + if the problem is fixed in gcc + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5356 | vlefevre | 2008-05-20 09:38:38 +0000 (Tue, 20 May 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + +Reverted changeset r5355. Better patch to avoid the warnings +"warning: label 'addoneulp_doit' defined but not used" in +MPFR_RNDRAW_GEN by adding the dummy code in the macro itself. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5355 | vlefevre | 2008-05-20 09:31:17 +0000 (Tue, 20 May 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + +Avoid warnings "warning: label 'addoneulp_doit' defined but not used" +due to the use of MPFR_RNDRAW_GEN. Dummy source code is inserted, but +this is safe, clean (optimized away) and IMHO not too obtrusive. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5353 | vlefevre | 2008-05-08 01:12:42 +0000 (Thu, 08 May 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +acinclude.m4: locally add -I$srcdir to CPPFLAGS for the thread-safe test +(fixes bug #5556). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5351 | vlefevre | 2008-04-10 08:13:11 +0000 (Thu, 10 Apr 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: added a paragraph about -ffast-math / -fast compiler options. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5350 | vlefevre | 2008-04-07 09:13:52 +0000 (Mon, 07 Apr 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + +tcmp.c: fixed some tests (if mpfr_cmp2 returns an incorrect result, +the bug may be some non-reproducible behavior, so don't compute it +a second time to say what the value was!) and clean-up. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5349 | zimmerma | 2008-04-07 08:54:32 +0000 (Mon, 07 Apr 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + +fixed compiler warning + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5348 | zimmerma | 2008-04-06 21:14:07 +0000 (Sun, 06 Apr 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +some other changes suggested by Patrick Pelissier for 16-bit portability + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5347 | zimmerma | 2008-04-06 20:03:47 +0000 (Sun, 06 Apr 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +a few patches suggested by Patrick Pelissier to ease porting to 16-bit +architectures: removed useless #include , changed 1024 to 1024L, +int i to lng i + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5346 | zimmerma | 2008-03-17 12:14:38 +0000 (Mon, 17 Mar 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added item about frac_* functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5345 | zimmerma | 2008-03-16 12:45:07 +0000 (Sun, 16 Mar 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/modf.c + +fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5344 | thevenyp | 2008-03-11 12:35:57 +0000 (Tue, 11 Mar 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tests/tfprintf.c: set output to stdout when invocked with one command-line + parameter. +tests/tprintf.c: add IO errors processing. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5343 | thevenyp | 2008-03-10 16:33:41 +0000 (Mon, 10 Mar 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tests/tprintf.c: add tests for mpfr_printf and mpfr_vprintf. add tprintf.c to check_PROGRAMS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5342 | thevenyp | 2008-03-10 16:18:45 +0000 (Mon, 10 Mar 2008) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +TODO: remove newly added functions +vasprintf.c: change type of some variables taking care of signed/unsigned + comparisons, improve conditional tests, improve buffer + allocation, improve comments. +tests/tfprintf.c: remove silly code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5341 | thevenyp | 2008-03-10 15:41:09 +0000 (Mon, 10 Mar 2008) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +acinclude.m4: add check for long long compiler support, define HAVE_LONG_LONG. +vasprintf.c: raise an error when it encounter an unsupported format in format + string. +tests/tfprintf.c: HAVE_SDTINT_H -> _MPFR_H_HAVE_INTMAX_T + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5340 | thevenyp | 2008-03-10 14:14:12 +0000 (Mon, 10 Mar 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: fix rounding bit bug with %RNa. +tests/tsprintf.c: add tests for %RNa (rounding bit bug, tie case, trailing +zeros in fractional part. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5339 | thevenyp | 2008-03-10 13:56:46 +0000 (Mon, 10 Mar 2008) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: fix bug in macro CONSUME_VA_ARG with a mp_limb_t or mp_limb_t array argument +vasprintf.c: clean code storing the number of character in a pointer and fix bug with a mp_limb_t or mp_limb_t array argument +tests/tfprintf.c: add tests for %n with all kinds of type, get rid of machine dependent limits of type (use +1/-1 instead) + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5338 | thevenyp | 2008-03-10 10:56:03 +0000 (Mon, 10 Mar 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: fix bug of forgotten decimal point with %#.0Rf +tests/tsprintf.c: add test with %#Rf and an integer mpfr_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5337 | thevenyp | 2008-03-10 10:06:48 +0000 (Mon, 10 Mar 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/li2.c + +li2.c: improve error estimation in Ziv loop. +algorithm.tex:improve proof of mpfr_li2 algorithm. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5336 | thevenyp | 2008-03-10 09:53:18 +0000 (Mon, 10 Mar 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/hypot.c + +hypot.c: change shift amount for exponents so as to avoid overflow in Ziv loop. +algorithm.tex: improve proof for mpfr_hypot algorithm (unfinished). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5335 | vlefevre | 2008-03-07 15:08:07 +0000 (Fri, 07 Mar 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +tgeneric.c: avoid a warning with gcc 4.2+ about a test that is always +true (the style of the code is now a bit better too). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5334 | thevenyp | 2008-02-29 14:29:15 +0000 (Fri, 29 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +add mpfr_hypot + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5333 | thevenyp | 2008-02-29 12:30:07 +0000 (Fri, 29 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +fix wrong arguments (set in r5332) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5332 | thevenyp | 2008-02-29 12:16:26 +0000 (Fri, 29 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +add missing functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5331 | thevenyp | 2008-02-29 10:23:46 +0000 (Fri, 29 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +cosmetic changes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5330 | thevenyp | 2008-02-28 16:11:33 +0000 (Thu, 28 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + +add mixed format tests (with different types and different sizes) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5329 | thevenyp | 2008-02-28 16:05:50 +0000 (Thu, 28 Feb 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: fix "%%" bug +tests/tsprintf.c: add a test setting "%%" bug off + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5328 | thevenyp | 2008-02-28 15:17:52 +0000 (Thu, 28 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +cosmetic changes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5327 | thevenyp | 2008-02-28 15:16:09 +0000 (Thu, 28 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +use system number of bits in the significant of a double (instead of 53) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5326 | thevenyp | 2008-02-27 15:19:55 +0000 (Wed, 27 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + +add handle for the case exp(x) overflows but sinh(x) is representable + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5325 | thevenyp | 2008-02-27 13:42:35 +0000 (Wed, 27 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_d.c + M /trunk/d_div.c + M /trunk/d_sub.c + M /trunk/div_d.c + M /trunk/mul_d.c + M /trunk/sub_d.c + +further code simplification + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5324 | thevenyp | 2008-02-27 12:57:24 +0000 (Wed, 27 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_d.c + +code simplification (same as in r5323) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5323 | thevenyp | 2008-02-27 12:55:12 +0000 (Wed, 27 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_d.c + M /trunk/d_div.c + M /trunk/d_sub.c + M /trunk/div_d.c + M /trunk/sub_d.c + +code simplification. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5322 | thevenyp | 2008-02-27 11:13:18 +0000 (Wed, 27 Feb 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_d.c + M /trunk/d_div.c + M /trunk/d_sub.c + M /trunk/div_d.c + M /trunk/sub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + +add_d.c, div_d.c, sub_d.c, d_div.c, d_sub.c: restore flags in case of exception. This fixes the bug revealed by MPFR_SUSPICIOUS_OVERFLOW +tests/tadd_d.c, tests/tsub_d.c, tests/tdiv_d.c, tests/tmul_d.c, tests/td_sub.c, tests/td_div.c, test/tmul_d.c: add checks for exception flags and ternary value + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5321 | thevenyp | 2008-02-27 10:00:11 +0000 (Wed, 27 Feb 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + +mul_d.c: restore flags set by mpfr_mul. This fixes the bug revealed by MPFR_SUSPICIOUS_OVERFLOW +test/tmul_d.c: add checks for exception flags + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5320 | vlefevre | 2008-02-27 09:43:38 +0000 (Wed, 27 Feb 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated the section about new functions (added a paragraph +on exception handling). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5319 | thevenyp | 2008-02-26 17:45:53 +0000 (Tue, 26 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +improve proof for euclidean distance algorithm (unfinished) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5318 | vlefevre | 2008-02-26 16:20:04 +0000 (Tue, 26 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + +pow_z.c: rewrote an ambiguous comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5317 | vlefevre | 2008-02-26 16:10:28 +0000 (Tue, 26 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + +pow_z.c: removed obsolete comments and updated a comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5316 | vlefevre | 2008-02-26 15:57:53 +0000 (Tue, 26 Feb 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + +pow_z.c: the same variable was used with two different meanings. +Changed the type and the name of the one inside the Ziv loop +(unsigned is theoretically more correct due to the bitwise OR). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5315 | zimmerma | 2008-02-24 18:17:18 +0000 (Sun, 24 Feb 2008) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + +fixed bug reported by Carl Witty (on 32-bit computers): +sage: RR(1.99999999)^RR(-(2^30)) +5.11264311088393e-323228495 +sage: RR(1.999999999)^RR(-(2^30)) +0.000000000000000 +sage: RR(2.0)^RR(-(2^30)) +2.38256490488795e-323228497 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5314 | zimmerma | 2008-02-23 22:52:30 +0000 (Sat, 23 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + +added bug reported by Carl Witty + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5313 | thevenyp | 2008-02-22 16:04:09 +0000 (Fri, 22 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + +remove commented code + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5312 | thevenyp | 2008-02-22 15:59:35 +0000 (Fri, 22 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + +add worst cases for RNDZ and RNDU with inexact flag checking + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5311 | vlefevre | 2008-02-22 15:49:36 +0000 (Fri, 22 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + +hypot.c: added a FIXME comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5310 | vlefevre | 2008-02-22 15:45:27 +0000 (Fri, 22 Feb 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +algorithms.tex: one can have a better upper bound on \sqrt{x^2+y^2}-|x| +(added as a comment in case this can be useful). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5309 | vlefevre | 2008-02-22 15:17:19 +0000 (Fri, 22 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +algorithms.tex: use hyperref. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5308 | thevenyp | 2008-02-21 16:42:13 +0000 (Thu, 21 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +add more details in mpfr_hypot description + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5307 | thevenyp | 2008-02-21 16:40:40 +0000 (Thu, 21 Feb 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +cosmetic change: display "EXP" in small capitals +no more use of {\rm \EXP}, use macro \Exp everywhere + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5306 | thevenyp | 2008-02-20 14:04:46 +0000 (Wed, 20 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + +add worst case test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5305 | thevenyp | 2008-02-20 11:54:26 +0000 (Wed, 20 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +add test with locale da_DK + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5304 | thevenyp | 2008-02-20 10:33:33 +0000 (Wed, 20 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + +actually trigger overflow on all architectures + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5303 | zimmerma | 2008-02-20 08:36:44 +0000 (Wed, 20 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/nightly-test + +added MPFR_SUSPICIOUS_OVERFLOW in nightly tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5302 | vlefevre | 2008-02-20 03:08:46 +0000 (Wed, 20 Feb 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + +hypot.c: fixed overflow flag problem in RNDD/RNDZ modes (testcase was +added in r5301, and another check in r5300). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5301 | vlefevre | 2008-02-20 02:51:30 +0000 (Wed, 20 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +tests/thypot.c: added check_overflow test (currently fails in 32 bits). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5300 | vlefevre | 2008-02-20 02:38:05 +0000 (Wed, 20 Feb 2008) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +tests/tgeneric.c: added a test that detects suspicious overflows and +fails when the overflow flag is not set. This test is enabled only if +the MPFR_SUSPICIOUS_OVERFLOW environment variable is set, and shows a +bug in mpfr_hypot on 32-bit machines (i.e. when the current exponent +range is the maximum exponent range, so that mpfr_check_range() has +no effect). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5299 | thevenyp | 2008-02-19 15:54:49 +0000 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + +restore flag overflow dropped by MPFR_SAVE_EXPO + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5298 | thevenyp | 2008-02-18 17:30:02 +0000 (Mon, 18 Feb 2008) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + +use of (*__gmp_allocate_func)/(*__gmp_free_func) instead of +mpfr_allocate_func/mpfr_free_func; +the modification in r5281 doesn't work when mpfr is compiled with --gmp_build +option. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5297 | vlefevre | 2008-02-18 16:37:03 +0000 (Mon, 18 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + +hypot.c: it's better to scale by (Ex + Ey) / 2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5296 | vlefevre | 2008-02-18 16:06:20 +0000 (Mon, 18 Feb 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + now, the ChangeLog file should be in UTF-8, like in other +software (not much difference in practice). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5295 | thevenyp | 2008-02-18 15:58:36 +0000 (Mon, 18 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +improve code coverage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5294 | thevenyp | 2008-02-18 15:39:45 +0000 (Mon, 18 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +code simplification + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5293 | thevenyp | 2008-02-18 13:48:11 +0000 (Mon, 18 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +take trailing zeros into account when separating thousands + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5292 | zimmerma | 2008-02-18 13:24:47 +0000 (Mon, 18 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + +fixed problem when x and y are very small + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5291 | thevenyp | 2008-02-18 12:37:31 +0000 (Mon, 18 Feb 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +hypot.c: set flags when returning +tests/thypot.c: change custom random tests to tgeneric ones + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5290 | vlefevre | 2008-02-15 17:38:31 +0000 (Fri, 15 Feb 2008) | 12 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +For the terminating null pointer of the functions mpfr_inits, +mpfr_inits2, mpfr_clears, always use the type mpfr_ptr (no longer +void *). Updated the description of these functions in the manual +(mpfr.texi). The reason is that the C standard does not guarantee +that (void *) 0 has the same representation as a null pointer to +a structure (and even the same size). In most C implementations, +the representations are the same, but one never knows (dynamical +checking is also always possible)... +The change has been done with: perl -pi -e \ + 's/(mpfr_(clear|init)s.*)\(void *\*\) *0\)/$1(mpfr_ptr) 0)/' **/*.c +under zsh. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5289 | thevenyp | 2008-02-15 15:58:21 +0000 (Fri, 15 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +fix typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5288 | thevenyp | 2008-02-15 15:30:06 +0000 (Fri, 15 Feb 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: fix buffer_sandwich (use for thousands separator) +tests/tsprintf.c: add tests with "da_DK" locale + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5287 | thevenyp | 2008-02-15 14:04:11 +0000 (Fri, 15 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + +add generic tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5286 | thevenyp | 2008-02-15 12:49:53 +0000 (Fri, 15 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +cosmetic changes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5285 | thevenyp | 2008-02-15 09:10:03 +0000 (Fri, 15 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +fix incorrect function call + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5284 | thevenyp | 2008-02-14 17:09:35 +0000 (Thu, 14 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +fix "%P" case, add test for it. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5283 | thevenyp | 2008-02-13 17:21:27 +0000 (Wed, 13 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + +avoid style 'f' with large numbers + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5282 | vlefevre | 2008-02-13 13:43:01 +0000 (Wed, 13 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +tests: updated svn:ignore property. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5281 | thevenyp | 2008-02-12 15:32:22 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + +use of mpfr_allocate_func/mpfr_free_func instead of malloc/free + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5280 | thevenyp | 2008-02-12 14:46:22 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +remove unneeded free and mpfr_clear + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5279 | thevenyp | 2008-02-12 14:40:34 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +add tests for mpfr_snprintf and mpfr_vsnprintf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5278 | vlefevre | 2008-02-12 14:21:21 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added a note about freeing the memory in the tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5277 | thevenyp | 2008-02-12 13:50:14 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +move tests of mpfr_get_str function from tout_str.c to tget_str.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5276 | thevenyp | 2008-02-12 13:46:16 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +initialize fmt[] size + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5275 | thevenyp | 2008-02-12 13:30:39 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c + +tfprintf.c: fix comment. +tsprintf.c: fix comment and get rid of libc rand(). + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5274 | thevenyp | 2008-02-12 12:52:35 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tfprintf.c + D /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + A /trunk/tests/tsprintf.c (from /trunk/tests/tprintf.c:5272) + +rename tprintf.c as tsprintf.c, because it does not deal with mpfr_printf. +add tests for mpfr_fprintf functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5273 | thevenyp | 2008-02-12 08:43:02 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + +remove errno setting in snprintf, it is already done in vasprintf +correct grammatical faults in comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5272 | vlefevre | 2008-02-08 16:25:37 +0000 (Fri, 08 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests/tests.c: undo r5270. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5271 | vlefevre | 2008-02-08 16:23:31 +0000 (Fri, 08 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests/tests.c: fixed assertion failure introduced in r5265. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5270 | thevenyp | 2008-02-08 16:19:41 +0000 (Fri, 08 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +remove exponent checking + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5269 | thevenyp | 2008-02-08 13:53:09 +0000 (Fri, 08 Feb 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/set_uj.c + +mpfr-gmp.h: Cancel r5261 changes removing the overload due to added test. +set_uj.c: Don't call memset when len is zero. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5268 | thevenyp | 2008-02-08 13:20:24 +0000 (Fri, 08 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +improve assertion. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5267 | thevenyp | 2008-02-08 09:59:57 +0000 (Fri, 08 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +add support of thousands separator option (' flag, defined in Single UNIX Specification v2) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5266 | thevenyp | 2008-02-08 09:41:25 +0000 (Fri, 08 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +better string buffer management + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5265 | vlefevre | 2008-02-07 14:40:53 +0000 (Thu, 07 Feb 2008) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +In tests_default_random, allow emin and emax to be outside of the +current exponent range, so that underflow/overflow checks can be +done on 64-bit machines. If the resulting random number is outside +of the current range, the exponent range is extended, and restored +by the caller once the test has been done. +In tests/tacosh.c, changed TEST_RANDOM_EMIN and TEST_RANDOM_EMAX +to MPFR_EMAX_MAX for test_generic_huge, so that the intermediate +overflow case in mpfr_acosh is tested on 64-bit machines. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5264 | thevenyp | 2008-02-07 14:17:36 +0000 (Thu, 07 Feb 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +fix comment. +In fact, GNU libc4 accept '%F', libc5, glibc 2.0, and glibc 2.1 don't, and glibc 2.2 accept it with C99 semantics. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5263 | vlefevre | 2008-02-06 14:17:26 +0000 (Wed, 06 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr.h: added a comment about the mpfr_rnd_t enum. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5262 | vlefevre | 2008-02-06 13:48:33 +0000 (Wed, 06 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: removed MPFR_CHECK* macros as they are not used. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5261 | thevenyp | 2008-02-05 17:08:25 +0000 (Tue, 05 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + +MPN_ZERO (dst, n) doesn't call memset when n==0, it prevents warning when compiled with gcc -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5260 | zimmerma | 2008-02-04 16:39:56 +0000 (Mon, 04 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added suggestion from Keith Briggs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5259 | thevenyp | 2008-02-04 16:15:06 +0000 (Mon, 04 Feb 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: add code for %n specifier with any type +tests/tprintf.c: add test for %n specifier + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5258 | thevenyp | 2008-02-04 16:10:17 +0000 (Mon, 04 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +improve mention on format string restriction + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5257 | thevenyp | 2008-02-04 15:28:16 +0000 (Mon, 04 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mention restriction on type field in the format string. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5256 | thevenyp | 2008-02-04 14:28:14 +0000 (Mon, 04 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +check possible overflows in exponent part, improve comments. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5255 | thevenyp | 2008-02-04 13:46:52 +0000 (Mon, 04 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + +ensure null-terminated string for (v)snprintf. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5254 | thevenyp | 2008-02-01 16:07:40 +0000 (Fri, 01 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +improve mpfr_printf documentation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5253 | vlefevre | 2008-02-01 14:08:37 +0000 (Fri, 01 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests.c: fixed perror argument in data_check. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5252 | thevenyp | 2008-02-01 14:02:52 +0000 (Fri, 01 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +improve error handling + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5251 | thevenyp | 2008-02-01 12:05:07 +0000 (Fri, 01 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +check fscanf return value, manage error case + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5249 | zimmerma | 2008-02-01 11:02:22 +0000 (Fri, 01 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added parentheses to avoid ambiguity (suggested by Keith Briggs) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5248 | thevenyp | 2008-02-01 09:48:38 +0000 (Fri, 01 Feb 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + +add some "%s" format string to prevent format string attack + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5247 | thevenyp | 2008-01-31 08:41:14 +0000 (Thu, 31 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +fix typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5246 | thevenyp | 2008-01-30 13:19:36 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +homogeneous use of logical variable + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5245 | vlefevre | 2008-01-30 12:48:51 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jan 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + +rec_sqrt.c: use MPFR_GET_EXP instead of MPFR_EXP, and avoid the +bitwise AND on a signed integer. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5244 | vlefevre | 2008-01-30 12:39:02 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + +Reformat. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5242 | vlefevre | 2008-01-30 12:29:13 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Document how to produce PDF and HTML versions of the manual. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5241 | thevenyp | 2008-01-30 10:06:38 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +change to values acceptable by 32-bits machines + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5240 | thevenyp | 2008-01-30 09:34:21 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +fix wrong statement in MPFR_ASSERTD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5239 | zimmerma | 2008-01-30 08:19:41 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jan 2008) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/nightly-test + +added compilation options suggested by Debian: + + +(except -Wl,zrelro which does not seem to work) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5238 | thevenyp | 2008-01-29 17:59:18 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jan 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +So as to avoid conversion error, get rid of mpfr_set_d/mpf_set_d except in random_double(). +Skip conversion error in random_double(). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5237 | thevenyp | 2008-01-29 17:01:24 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +fix typo in comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5236 | thevenyp | 2008-01-29 17:00:31 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +get rid of limitation on number of character by specifier + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5235 | thevenyp | 2008-01-29 15:42:47 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jan 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: fix %Rg case +tests/tprintf.c: add %Re, %Rf, and %Rg tests +tests/tprintf.c: add random checking against libc + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5231 | thevenyp | 2008-01-28 10:46:20 +0000 (Mon, 28 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +remove (undocumented) integer conversion support for mpfr_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5230 | thevenyp | 2008-01-28 10:34:46 +0000 (Mon, 28 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +set errno to EOVERFLOW when printf-like functions should return value exceeding INT_MAX + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5229 | thevenyp | 2008-01-28 10:19:09 +0000 (Mon, 28 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +change internal name of printf-like functions under preprocessor conditionals, add explanation in comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5228 | vlefevre | 2008-01-25 15:09:21 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: added a possible class of tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5225 | vlefevre | 2008-01-23 17:01:24 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests.c: remove a blank line in an error message. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5224 | vlefevre | 2008-01-23 16:51:02 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jan 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + +Test that the MPFR library version matches the mpfr.h version in any +test file (this should avoid some bug reports that don't mention the +real problem). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5222 | vlefevre | 2008-01-23 16:24:59 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + +tversion.c: improved an error message. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5219 | vlefevre | 2008-01-23 13:36:21 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +acinclude.m4: fixed configure test for TLS support. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5217 | vlefevre | 2008-01-23 12:29:30 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS file update (configure test for TLS support). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5213 | vlefevre | 2008-01-23 12:17:51 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_d.c + M /trunk/d_div.c + M /trunk/d_sub.c + M /trunk/div_d.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/mbench/generate.c + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-gfx.c + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-v4.c + M /trunk/mbench/mpfr-v6.c + M /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/mul_d.c + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/sub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +Added svn:keywords and svn:eol-style properties on new .c files. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5212 | vlefevre | 2008-01-23 11:46:10 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jan 2008) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + A /trunk/mpfr-thread.h + +Changes related to thread-local variables / TLS support. + * Moved the MPFR_THREAD_ATTR definition from mpfr-impl.h into a new + header file mpfr-thread.h, and updated accordingly. + * Removed the compiler check __MPFR_GNUC(3,3) || __MPFR_ICC(8,1,0) + as this test leaded to both false positives and false negatives + concerning TLS support. Assume that __thread should be used for + thread-local variables (except for the MS compiler). + * Added a configure test to acinclude.m4 (in MPFR_CONFIGS). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5211 | zimmerma | 2008-01-22 12:13:08 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added item about timings for a new release + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5210 | zimmerma | 2008-01-22 12:09:19 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jan 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/mbench + A /trunk/mbench/Makefile + A /trunk/mbench/README + A /trunk/mbench/generate.c + A /trunk/mbench/ + A /trunk/mbench/ + A /trunk/mbench/ + A /trunk/mbench/ + A /trunk/mbench/ + A /trunk/mbench/ + A /trunk/mbench/ + A /trunk/mbench/ + A /trunk/mbench/ + A /trunk/mbench/ + A /trunk/mbench/ + A /trunk/mbench/mfv5.h + A /trunk/mbench/mpfr-gfx.c + A /trunk/mbench/mpfr-v4.c + A /trunk/mbench/mpfr-v6.c + A /trunk/mbench/timp.h + +mbench program written by Patrick Pelissier to measure clock cycles of MPFR +(and other libraries) for small precision + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5207 | vlefevre | 2008-01-22 09:51:00 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jan 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS: noted the changes concerning mpfr_strtofr (changesets 5146, 5147, +5148, 5149, 5167, 5172, 5173). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5205 | vlefevre | 2008-01-22 09:21:37 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + +mpfr-gmp.h: small fix of a macro. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5204 | vlefevre | 2008-01-21 12:42:57 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + +mpfr-gmp.h: for temporary allocations, use alloca() if size < 16384. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5203 | vlefevre | 2008-01-19 10:43:38 +0000 (Sat, 19 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: inverse square root -> reciprocal square root. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5202 | zimmerma | 2008-01-18 16:20:48 +0000 (Fri, 18 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added mpfr_rec_sqrt in mpfr.texi (forgot in last commit) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5201 | vlefevre | 2008-01-18 15:47:39 +0000 (Fri, 18 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS: added mpfr_rec_sqrt for MPFR 2.4.*. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5200 | zimmerma | 2008-01-18 14:03:27 +0000 (Fri, 18 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +removed rec_sqrt (done) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5199 | thevenyp | 2008-01-17 17:46:53 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: merge code for "%Ra" and "%Rb" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5198 | thevenyp | 2008-01-16 12:54:47 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +cosmetic change: replace "enum _arg_type" by "enum arg_t" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5197 | thevenyp | 2008-01-16 10:58:11 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jan 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: fix %g case; merge %e, %f, %g code +tests/tprintf.c: add tests for %Rg + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5196 | thevenyp | 2008-01-16 10:50:42 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +add MPFR_SAVE_EXPO macros + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5195 | thevenyp | 2008-01-16 10:44:18 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +cosmetic changes: only one leading underscore for an identifier with file scope + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5194 | thevenyp | 2008-01-16 10:29:58 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +add needed va_list argument in READ_INT macro + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5193 | vlefevre | 2008-01-16 09:30:15 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +tests: added trec_sqrt to svn:ignore property. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5191 | vlefevre | 2008-01-16 09:05:22 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jan 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: when building MPFR with the GMP build directory, +use TMP_ALLOC(s) instead of TMP_SALLOC(s), as we don't know +whether allocations are small or big (see gmp-impl.h). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5190 | zimmerma | 2008-01-16 07:57:24 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + +moved from ASSERTD to ASSERTN an assertion which does not depend on MPFR + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5189 | zimmerma | 2008-01-15 17:16:35 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/trec_sqrt.c + +this file might be useful to test mpfr_rec_sqrt... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5188 | zimmerma | 2008-01-15 17:10:17 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jan 2008) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +rec_sqrt.c: complete rewrite, to allow to use directly the MPFR internal + representation as input (without shift), and to allow different + input and output precisions, without loss of efficiency +other files: added new function mpfr_rec_sqrt + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5187 | vlefevre | 2008-01-14 17:23:44 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + +rec_sqrt.c: deleted trailing whitespace. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5186 | vlefevre | 2008-01-14 17:22:35 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jan 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + +mpfr-gmp.{c,h}: no longer use alloca() for the temporary allocations as +this can make MPFR crash in some high precisions, due to limited stack. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5185 | thevenyp | 2008-01-14 10:41:19 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +add bug found by Paul Zimmermann + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5184 | thevenyp | 2008-01-14 10:33:01 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jan 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: fix wrong computation of digit number with %Rf when 0 < op < 1 +tests/tprintf.c: simpler 10^-n case + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5182 | vlefevre | 2008-01-14 08:34:00 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: typo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5181 | vlefevre | 2008-01-11 21:54:06 +0000 (Fri, 11 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated month. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5180 | vlefevre | 2008-01-11 21:45:08 +0000 (Fri, 11 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: added a warning concerning huge precisions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5179 | thevenyp | 2008-01-10 17:18:23 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +fix %f case + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5178 | thevenyp | 2008-01-10 17:06:11 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +cosmetic changes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5177 | zimmerma | 2008-01-08 07:36:23 +0000 (Tue, 08 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +small changes for acos/asin/atan/atan2 rounded outside their output range + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5176 | zimmerma | 2008-01-07 21:11:03 +0000 (Mon, 07 Jan 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added note about output of acos/asin/atan/atan2 which might be outside the +function domain + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5175 | zimmerma | 2008-01-05 09:20:12 +0000 (Sat, 05 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + +new version with improved tables, use macros from mpfr-impl.h, removed tabs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5173 | vlefevre | 2008-01-04 21:57:08 +0000 (Fri, 04 Jan 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +Fixed return value of mpfr_strtofr in case of invalid data (it was -1, +but it should be 0 since it is a ternary value and the result is 0, +which is exact). Added test of the ternary value in this case. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5172 | vlefevre | 2008-01-04 21:33:19 +0000 (Fri, 04 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: better description of mpfr_strtofr. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5171 | vlefevre | 2008-01-04 13:11:46 +0000 (Fri, 04 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS update (new functions in the trunk). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5167 | vlefevre | 2008-01-04 12:07:14 +0000 (Fri, 04 Jan 2008) | 15 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +Changes related to mpfr_strtofr. + * strtofr.c: for mpfr_strtofr, data corresponding to NaN can now have + an optional sign (since the documentation said that parsing followed + the standard C strtod function and this change makes invalid data + now valid, so that there should be no compatibility problems). + * tests/tstrtofr.c: changed the test for -42P17 in base 16 (this was + eventually regarded as a documentation bug); added tests. + * mpfr.texi: almost completely rewrote the specification of the + mpfr_strtofr function. Changes: + - the binary exponent is now accepted even without the 0b or 0x + prefix; + - data corresponding to NaN can now have an optional sign (this was + a bit ambiguous); + - many other ambiguities avoided. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5166 | zimmerma | 2008-01-04 10:35:04 +0000 (Fri, 04 Jan 2008) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/rec_sqrt.c + +the function mpfr_mpn_rec_sqrt() provides a faithful approximation of the +inverse square root. Some improvements can still be made, but the interface +should not change, thus we can start writing the mpfr_rec_sqrt function that +calls it. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5164 | vlefevre | 2008-01-02 17:19:42 +0000 (Wed, 02 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + +FAQ update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5161 | vlefevre | 2008-01-01 12:31:06 +0000 (Tue, 01 Jan 2008) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +tgamma.c: completed test in r5159 with another one that was failing +in the default exponent range. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5160 | vlefevre | 2008-01-01 12:07:21 +0000 (Tue, 01 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +delete trailing spaces. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5159 | zimmerma | 2008-01-01 09:44:28 +0000 (Tue, 01 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +fixed bug in case of underflow (wrong sign) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5157 | vlefevre | 2008-01-01 03:57:20 +0000 (Tue, 01 Jan 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + +gen_inverse.h: fixed the bug reported by Kevin Rauch a few hours ago +(and that was detected by the generic tests and by mpfrlint after the +latest changes). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5154 | vlefevre | 2008-01-01 03:47:50 +0000 (Tue, 01 Jan 2008) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfrlint + +mpfrlint: incorrect use of mpfr__p is also checked in .h files. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5151 | vlefevre | 2008-01-01 03:26:37 +0000 (Tue, 01 Jan 2008) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_d.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/clears.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_ld.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/constant.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/d_div.c + M /trunk/d_sub.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_d.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/faq.xsl + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_sint.c + M /trunk/fits_slong.c + M /trunk/fits_sshort.c + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uint.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fits_ulong.c + M /trunk/fits_ushort.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inits.c + M /trunk/inits2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/isqrt.c + M /trunk/iszero.c + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/mp_clz_tab.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_d.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/sec.c + M /trunk/sech.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/setsign.c + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/signbit.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_d.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/data/li2 + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp10.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tfms.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tisqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + M /trunk/tests/tj1.c + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + M /trunk/tests/tl2b.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/tests/ty0.c + M /trunk/tests/ty1.c + M /trunk/tests/tyn.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + M /trunk/version.c + M /trunk/volatile.c + M /trunk/yn.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +Copyright notice update: added 2008 with + perl -pi -e 's/2007 Free Software/2007, 2008 Free Software/' **/*(^/) +under zsh. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5150 | vlefevre | 2008-01-01 03:17:56 +0000 (Tue, 01 Jan 2008) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +tgeneric.c: in the bug detection with flags set before the function +call, the erange flag was set, so that no checks were performed on +the return value. Fixed that by not setting the erange flag. +-> Now, 7 tests fail! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5149 | vlefevre | 2007-12-31 02:32:11 +0000 (Mon, 31 Dec 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +tstrtofr.c: added test of -42P17 with base = 0 and 16. This currently +fails with base = 16 (-42P17 is parsed as -0x42P17 instead of -42 with +the remaining characters "P17"), but we could alternatively regard the +mpfr_strtofr specification (in mpfr.texi) as incorrect. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5148 | vlefevre | 2007-12-30 18:20:34 +0000 (Sun, 30 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: corrections in the specification of mpfr_strtofr (see FIXME). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5147 | vlefevre | 2007-12-30 17:48:06 +0000 (Sun, 30 Dec 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +strtofr.c: base arguments different from 0 and 2..36 have never been +accepted. So, instead of returning the confusing -1 (it's a ternary +value), let's add an assert for the moment. An alternative solution +is to return 0 and set the erange flag. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5146 | vlefevre | 2007-12-30 17:17:36 +0000 (Sun, 30 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +strtofr.c: minor change (in the style); a comment was ambiguous. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5145 | vlefevre | 2007-12-29 22:02:14 +0000 (Sat, 29 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO update (tests: generic bad cases). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5144 | vlefevre | 2007-12-29 21:46:50 +0000 (Sat, 29 Dec 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + +Added #if MPFR_VERSION >= MPFR_VERSION_NUM(2,4,0) conditionals to be +able to test MPFR 2.3.* with the (more complete) tests from the trunk. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5143 | vlefevre | 2007-12-29 17:07:10 +0000 (Sat, 29 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated item 6 of "To make a release". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5138 | vlefevre | 2007-12-28 02:37:11 +0000 (Fri, 28 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated month. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5136 | vlefevre | 2007-12-27 16:12:57 +0000 (Thu, 27 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + +tests: check the exponent range, in particular at the end of each test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5135 | vlefevre | 2007-12-27 16:00:56 +0000 (Thu, 27 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + +texceptions.c: GNU coding style. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5134 | vlefevre | 2007-12-27 15:59:46 +0000 (Thu, 27 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + +texceptions.c: restore the exponent range. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5132 | vlefevre | 2007-12-27 03:10:01 +0000 (Thu, 27 Dec 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +exp2.c: removed incorrect comment (the overflow test was OK due to the +mpfr_clear_flags above, but the new test is slightly better anyway). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5127 | zimmerma | 2007-12-21 15:31:55 +0000 (Fri, 21 Dec 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added tuning parameters for 32-bit Core 2 +(thanks to Patrick Pelissier and Emmanuel Thome) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5124 | vlefevre | 2007-12-20 08:53:50 +0000 (Thu, 20 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tpow.c: enable testcase bug20071218. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5123 | vlefevre | 2007-12-19 18:15:03 +0000 (Wed, 19 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: possible incorrect results due to internal underflow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5122 | vlefevre | 2007-12-19 18:00:59 +0000 (Wed, 19 Dec 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +pow.c: detect all underflow cases (some of them were leading to +an infinite loop, see bug20071218 in tpow.c). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5121 | vlefevre | 2007-12-19 15:04:43 +0000 (Wed, 19 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: updated description of MPFR_CAN_ROUND. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5120 | vlefevre | 2007-12-19 14:49:34 +0000 (Wed, 19 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_p.c + +round_p.c: in comment, "round to zero" -> "round toward zero". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5119 | vlefevre | 2007-12-19 14:27:30 +0000 (Wed, 19 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tpow.c: formatting. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5118 | vlefevre | 2007-12-19 14:25:10 +0000 (Wed, 19 Dec 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tpow.c: added testcase for another bug found by Kevin P. Rauch. +Execute tpow with an argument to enable it. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5117 | thevenyp | 2007-12-19 10:32:52 +0000 (Wed, 19 Dec 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: add sprnt_fp_e for "%e" processing +tests/tprintf.c: change tests for decimal output (but need further tests) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5116 | thevenyp | 2007-12-19 09:26:37 +0000 (Wed, 19 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +add checks for zero + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5115 | vlefevre | 2007-12-18 15:51:00 +0000 (Tue, 18 Dec 2007) | 11 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfrlint + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/yn.c + +Merged the feature-block branch to the trunk: +* New MPFR_BLOCK* macros (see mpfr-impl.h) and mpfrlint check to test + exception flags in a more reliable way and detect possible problems + with mpfrlint. +* Improved the generic tests (tests/tgeneric.c): for the second + function call, sometimes set all the flags since risk of failures + are known when some flags are already set. +* Modified code to use these new MPFR_BLOCK* macros. This fixed bugs + related to exceptions (where flags are set before the call); in + particular, tcot and ty1 failed with the improved generic tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5113 | thevenyp | 2007-12-18 15:09:30 +0000 (Tue, 18 Dec 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +printf.c: each mpfr_printf-like function return -1 and set erange flag in error case +vasprintf.c: change types in struct char_fp +vasprintf.c: add many size checking + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5112 | thevenyp | 2007-12-18 13:48:07 +0000 (Tue, 18 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +simplify code, improve comments + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5110 | vlefevre | 2007-12-18 12:54:25 +0000 (Tue, 18 Dec 2007) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + +Fixed bug in mpfr_pow_z: if x = y (same mpfr_t argument), the input +argument is negative and not a power of two, z is positive and odd, +an overflow or underflow occurs, and the temporary result res is +positive, then the result gets a wrong sign (positive instead of +negative). Testcase. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5108 | vlefevre | 2007-12-18 12:08:42 +0000 (Tue, 18 Dec 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Fixed bug in mpfr_pow_ui (introduced in r3214): if x = y (same mpfr_t +argument), the input argument is negative, n is odd, an overflow or +underflow occurs, and the temporary result res is positive, then the +result gets a wrong sign (positive instead of negative). Testcase. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5107 | vlefevre | 2007-12-18 11:24:53 +0000 (Tue, 18 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + +pow_ui.c: fixed an assertion. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5106 | vlefevre | 2007-12-18 10:27:28 +0000 (Tue, 18 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: update concerning overflow/underflow exceptions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5105 | thevenyp | 2007-12-18 10:08:21 +0000 (Tue, 18 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +exponent continuity with one hexadecimal digit ouput + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5104 | thevenyp | 2007-12-17 14:41:58 +0000 (Mon, 17 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +#define CASE_INT_MAX_ARG to nil when HAVE_STDINT_H is not defined + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5103 | thevenyp | 2007-12-17 13:52:26 +0000 (Mon, 17 Dec 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: add sprnt_fp_b for "%b" processing +tests/tprintf.c: add tests for binary output + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5102 | thevenyp | 2007-12-17 13:49:11 +0000 (Mon, 17 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +fix count of characters in exponent part + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5101 | thevenyp | 2007-12-17 13:46:24 +0000 (Mon, 17 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +simplify code, remove trailing spaces and improve comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5100 | vlefevre | 2007-12-17 12:04:53 +0000 (Mon, 17 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: added note about the successive calls to strcat in vasprintf.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5099 | thevenyp | 2007-12-17 10:16:34 +0000 (Mon, 17 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +add tests for 1 hexa digit output + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5093 | vlefevre | 2007-12-16 00:15:25 +0000 (Sun, 16 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tests/tpow.c: fixed indentation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5092 | zimmerma | 2007-12-15 14:29:06 +0000 (Sat, 15 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/reldiff.c + +fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5091 | zimmerma | 2007-12-15 09:42:13 +0000 (Sat, 15 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + +fixed bug reported by Kevin Rauch + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5090 | thevenyp | 2007-12-14 17:12:05 +0000 (Fri, 14 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +change display with just one hexadecimal digit + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5089 | zimmerma | 2007-12-14 14:26:21 +0000 (Fri, 14 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +simplified MPFR_FAST_COMPUTE_IF_SMALL_INPUT part (in case of overlap) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5088 | thevenyp | 2007-12-14 14:08:28 +0000 (Fri, 14 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +fix wrong call + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5087 | zimmerma | 2007-12-14 13:24:44 +0000 (Fri, 14 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + +added comments, got rid of compiler warnings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5086 | zimmerma | 2007-12-14 13:10:41 +0000 (Fri, 14 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + +added warning + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5085 | vlefevre | 2007-12-14 12:36:25 +0000 (Fri, 14 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +sin_cos.c: improved changeset 5084; in particular, added a missing cast. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5084 | zimmerma | 2007-12-14 09:24:11 +0000 (Fri, 14 Dec 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +sin_cos.c, tsin_cos.c: fixed bug occurring when arguments overlap and + MPFR_FAST_COMPUTE_IF_SMALL_INPUT fails +reuse.c: improved output in case of error + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5083 | thevenyp | 2007-12-14 09:20:36 +0000 (Fri, 14 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +improve one digit case, add comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5082 | vlefevre | 2007-12-14 09:06:26 +0000 (Fri, 14 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: added a FIXME comment. Bug? + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5081 | vlefevre | 2007-12-14 09:05:30 +0000 (Fri, 14 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +Minor changes concerning num_to_text. The ending \0 isn't needed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5080 | thevenyp | 2007-12-14 08:56:31 +0000 (Fri, 14 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + +simplify error output code + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5079 | thevenyp | 2007-12-14 08:45:48 +0000 (Fri, 14 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +add num_to_text array for hexadecimal digits + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5078 | thevenyp | 2007-12-14 08:17:43 +0000 (Fri, 14 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + +output errors to stdout + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5077 | thevenyp | 2007-12-13 17:20:42 +0000 (Thu, 13 Dec 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: group hexadecimal output processing in a new sprnt_fp_a function. +tests/tprintf.c: add tests for %a case +tests/tprintf.c: factorize error message output + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5076 | vlefevre | 2007-12-13 17:08:44 +0000 (Thu, 13 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d64.c + +get_d64.c: fixed comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5075 | vlefevre | 2007-12-13 17:03:19 +0000 (Thu, 13 Dec 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: added missing #include (useful if MPFR is built +with the GMP build directory, as mpfr-gmp.h isn't used in this case). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5074 | thevenyp | 2007-12-13 16:59:31 +0000 (Thu, 13 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Fix typos. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5073 | thevenyp | 2007-12-13 16:58:01 +0000 (Thu, 13 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + +Add handle for null size case in mpfr_snprintf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5072 | thevenyp | 2007-12-13 16:53:24 +0000 (Thu, 13 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +Add some comments and assertions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5071 | thevenyp | 2007-12-13 16:42:19 +0000 (Thu, 13 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +#define's for nan and inf strings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5070 | thevenyp | 2007-12-13 16:20:30 +0000 (Thu, 13 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +short documentation of printf-like functions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5069 | vlefevre | 2007-12-12 23:02:12 +0000 (Wed, 12 Dec 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added information about my tool "eet" to be able to see the +warnings more easily. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5068 | vlefevre | 2007-12-12 14:46:26 +0000 (Wed, 12 Dec 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: updated comment concerning the case nbchar > INT_MAX. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5067 | zimmerma | 2007-11-30 17:26:38 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/jn.c + +changed default return value in mpfr_jn_k0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5066 | zimmerma | 2007-11-30 17:09:03 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +fixed underflow problem in mpfr_exp_3 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5065 | zimmerma | 2007-11-30 15:03:56 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +tests/tset_str.c: added command-line argument for output base +jn.c: replaced double-precision LOG2 constant by binary string (more portable) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5064 | zimmerma | 2007-11-30 13:50:23 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +fixed underflow problem + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5063 | zimmerma | 2007-11-30 12:05:02 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + +experimental code to distinguish Core2 from AMD64 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5062 | zimmerma | 2007-11-30 10:43:43 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + +removed manual change to __gmpfr_emin outside the allowed range + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5061 | zimmerma | 2007-11-30 10:02:38 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added suggestion from Patrick Pelissier + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5059 | zimmerma | 2007-11-29 21:34:15 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Fixed another bug reported by Kevin Rauch (__gmpfr_emin was set smaller +than the minimum allowed value, which produced an exponent wrap-around +and a wrong result in mpfr_mul). Not sure if all problems are solved, +nevertheless __gmpfr_emin is now in the allowed range. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5058 | vlefevre | 2007-11-29 18:03:50 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +Fixed indentation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5057 | vlefevre | 2007-11-29 17:55:42 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests.c: in test4rm, initialize rndnext with an invalid value (meaning +that rndnext will really be initialized later), and added an assert to +check that this value isn't propagated to rnd. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5056 | vlefevre | 2007-11-29 17:45:03 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests.c: added a comment about rndnext in test4rm. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5055 | vlefevre | 2007-11-29 17:28:34 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests.c: added an assertion. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5054 | zimmerma | 2007-11-29 17:00:34 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +fixed bug reported by Kevin Rauch (wrong sign in case of underflow for +large negative x and large odd negative y) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5053 | thevenyp | 2007-11-29 14:02:23 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +untabify and remove trailing spaces + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5052 | thevenyp | 2007-11-29 12:54:29 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +fix padding error in sprnt_inf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5051 | thevenyp | 2007-11-29 12:50:50 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +factorization of special numbers output in sprnt_nan and sprnt_inf functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5050 | thevenyp | 2007-11-29 12:43:47 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +fix comment about the size of format string buffer + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5049 | thevenyp | 2007-11-29 12:32:02 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +replace memory management functions mpfr_default_* by __gmp_*_func + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5048 | zimmerma | 2007-11-29 10:16:37 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +updated Core 2 thresholds (obtained with gmp-4.2.2 and Gaudry's patch) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5047 | vlefevre | 2007-11-29 09:21:01 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +Typo in comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5046 | thevenyp | 2007-11-29 08:36:49 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + +fix typo pointed out in revision 5044 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5045 | vlefevre | 2007-11-28 14:36:21 +0000 (Wed, 28 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + +printf.c: more comments about snprintf. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5044 | vlefevre | 2007-11-28 14:00:33 +0000 (Wed, 28 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + +printf.c: added a comment concerning a warning (a bug, IMHO). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5043 | vlefevre | 2007-11-28 13:35:22 +0000 (Wed, 28 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: added FIXME comment concerning the case nbchar > INT_MAX, +with a reference to POSIX. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5042 | thevenyp | 2007-11-28 13:32:24 +0000 (Wed, 28 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +add explanations about buffer size + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5041 | thevenyp | 2007-11-28 12:53:15 +0000 (Wed, 28 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +change __gmp_const into const + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5040 | vlefevre | 2007-11-28 10:29:33 +0000 (Wed, 28 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: added an assert. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5039 | thevenyp | 2007-11-28 10:13:55 +0000 (Wed, 28 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +fix output with space flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5038 | thevenyp | 2007-11-28 10:09:19 +0000 (Wed, 28 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +add MPFR_ASSERTD to prevent buffer overflow + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5037 | thevenyp | 2007-11-28 10:00:42 +0000 (Wed, 28 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +replace use of ptrdiff_t by size_t where possible + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5032 | thevenyp | 2007-11-27 15:13:44 +0000 (Tue, 27 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +factorisation of temp string alloc in buffer_pad function + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5031 | thevenyp | 2007-11-27 14:47:30 +0000 (Tue, 27 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +cosmetic changes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5030 | thevenyp | 2007-11-27 14:05:29 +0000 (Tue, 27 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +compatibility of types between nbc fields and mp_exp_t +fix wrong size of buffer string exp_fmt + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5026 | vlefevre | 2007-11-27 12:55:31 +0000 (Tue, 27 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/mpfrlint + +Added initial mpfrlint sh script to check possible problems in +the MPFR source. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5025 | thevenyp | 2007-11-27 09:53:31 +0000 (Tue, 27 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +change 'g'/'G' to 'e'/'E' or 'f'/'F' according to C99 rules + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5024 | thevenyp | 2007-11-26 17:44:10 +0000 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +replace mpfr_default_(re)allocate by __gmp_(re)allocate for the returned string (freed by mpfr_free_str) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5023 | thevenyp | 2007-11-26 17:38:17 +0000 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tprintf.c: replace __gmp_const by const + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5022 | vlefevre | 2007-11-26 15:27:56 +0000 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + +printf.c: added FIXME comment: snprintf is new in C99. It must be +checked with a configure test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5021 | vlefevre | 2007-11-26 15:19:46 +0000 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +tests: updated svn:ignore property. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5020 | vlefevre | 2007-11-26 15:16:09 +0000 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: reformat. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5019 | vlefevre | 2007-11-26 15:14:23 +0000 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +MPFR_DECIMAL_POINT now needs to have type char (because of vasprintf.c). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5018 | vlefevre | 2007-11-26 15:11:53 +0000 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tests/tprintf.c: changeset 4996 was incorrect. Fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5017 | vlefevre | 2007-11-26 14:42:46 +0000 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + Avoid variable names "l", "I" and "O". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5016 | vlefevre | 2007-11-26 14:09:52 +0000 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added a note about the locales. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5015 | thevenyp | 2007-11-26 13:55:28 +0000 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +printf.c: fix use of pointer of string +vasprintf.c: add conditional compilation directives for wchar and wint_t +vasprintf.c: add padding for special values +vasprintf.c: fix output for value 1.0 and format "%Rf" +vasprintf.c: replace __gmp_const by const + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5014 | vlefevre | 2007-11-26 09:57:47 +0000 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +acinclude.m4: check wchar.h header (see below). +vasprintf.c: + * No longer depend on toupper (which returns locale-dependent results) + to generate 'A'..'F' (see C standard). + * Removed #include which was hiding a bug (see below). + * Added missing #include if HAVE_WCHAR_H is defined. But + the compilation fails if doesn't exist due to the use of + wchar_t and wint_t. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5013 | vlefevre | 2007-11-26 09:44:24 +0000 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: updated comments. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5012 | vlefevre | 2007-11-26 09:37:47 +0000 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: + * Removed #include now useless. + * Added FIXME comment. + * Replaced _MP_EXP_FORMAT_SPEC (reserved) by MPFR_EXP_FORMAT_SPEC. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5011 | vlefevre | 2007-11-26 09:32:20 +0000 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: added FIXME comments. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5010 | vlefevre | 2007-11-26 09:18:06 +0000 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: fixed a typo in a comment and improved another comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5009 | vlefevre | 2007-11-24 01:46:30 +0000 (Sat, 24 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr.h: moved function declarations out of "#ifdef _MPFR_H_HAVE_VA_LIST" +and/or "#ifdef _MPFR_H_HAVE_FILE" when this makes sense. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5008 | vlefevre | 2007-11-24 01:41:33 +0000 (Sat, 24 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tests/tprintf.c: added missing "void" in function declarations. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5007 | vlefevre | 2007-11-24 01:36:47 +0000 (Sat, 24 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +Untabified and removed trailing spaces. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5006 | vlefevre | 2007-11-24 01:33:00 +0000 (Sat, 24 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: corrections (English usage and texinfo). Added corresponding +notes at the end of the file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5005 | vlefevre | 2007-11-24 01:24:05 +0000 (Sat, 24 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: s/rounding to the nearest mode/rounding to nearest mode/ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5004 | vlefevre | 2007-11-24 01:22:31 +0000 (Sat, 24 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi consistency changes: "towards" -> "toward" (because this +is what the IEEE-754 standard uses, and we have mpfr_nexttoward). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5003 | vlefevre | 2007-11-24 01:17:08 +0000 (Sat, 24 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: English typography corrections (no space before ":"). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5002 | vlefevre | 2007-11-24 01:15:22 +0000 (Sat, 24 Nov 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: the use of the abs function was incorrect as its argument +has type int, which may be smaller than an mp_exp_t. Fixed that and +replaced uceil_log10 by uceil_log10_exp_p2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5001 | vlefevre | 2007-11-24 00:55:50 +0000 (Sat, 24 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +vasprintf.c: fixed uceil_log10 for x close to ULONG_MAX. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r5000 | zimmerma | 2007-11-23 20:22:10 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +got rid of math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4999 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 19:20:38 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tests/tprintf.c: include . + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4998 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 19:19:04 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/vasprintf.c + +stdarg-related corrections, as HAVE_STDARG is not standard thus must not +be tested in mpfr.h! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4997 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 19:07:54 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tests/tprintf.c: enable the tests only if HAVE_STDARG is defined, +i.e. if the printf-like functions are defined. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4996 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 19:02:46 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + +tests/tprintf.c: + * Non-standard headers should be included after the standard headers + (when possible). + * The setlocale function is used only if has been included. + * Use tests_start_mpfr / tests_end_mpfr; this shows a bug: + tests_free(): attempt to free bad pointer 0x1801200 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4995 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 18:54:37 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests/tests.c: setlocale is used only if has been included. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4994 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 18:48:52 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/out_str.c + +out_str.c: remove other occurrence of . + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4993 | thevenyp | 2007-11-23 17:35:46 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 12 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/printf.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + A /trunk/tests/tprintf.c + A /trunk/vasprintf.c + add mpfr_printf-like functions +mpfr.h: add mpfr_printf-like functions +printf.c: printf, sprintf, snprintf, asprintf and 'v' variants +vasprintf.c: vasprintf functions used by its likes +mpfr.texi: add description for printf family functions +tests/ add test for printf +tests/tprintf.c: tests for printf-like functions +acinclude.m4: define HAVE_LOCALE_H +mpfr-impl.h: define MPFR_DECIMAL_POINT even if no locale.h +strtofr.c: remove locale.h inclusion (done by mpfr-impl.h ) +tests/tests.c: use HAVE_LOCALE_H + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4991 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 16:55:03 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tisqrt.c + +tests/tisqrt.c: test the 32-bit __gmpfr_cuberoot bound cases (9 per +value) exhaustively (running tisqrt is still immediate on a recent +machine). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4990 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 16:49:45 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tisqrt.c + +tests/tisqrt.c: test the 32-bit __gmpfr_isqrt bound cases exhaustively. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4989 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 15:10:56 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +acinclude.m4: test the availability of . + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4988 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 14:30:36 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +acinclude.m4: test the availability of . + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4987 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 14:26:39 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +acinclude.m4: updated comment concerning the checked functions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4986 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 14:24:50 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +acinclude.m4: added memmove to the checked functions (though this test +is currently useless, except for the corresponding information). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4985 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 14:19:40 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +acinclude.m4: updated a comment concerning the function checking. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4984 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 13:46:04 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + +gmp_op.c: removed old "#include " line (seems to be useless +now, and note that is included by default in mpfr-impl.h). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4982 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 13:09:39 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + +tests/tj0.c: fixed test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4980 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 12:58:53 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/jn.c + +jn.c: added integer overflow checking. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4978 | vlefevre | 2007-11-23 10:06:07 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + +tests/memory.c: fixed copyright notice. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4969 | vlefevre | 2007-11-21 14:50:18 +0000 (Wed, 21 Nov 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +tests/tzeta.c: completed test of mpfr_zeta bug fixed in r4920 (the value +of zeta(large negative) was also wrong in GMP_RNDU: -Inf instead of the +largest negative MPFR number). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4957 | zimmerma | 2007-11-20 14:43:14 +0000 (Tue, 20 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + +reverted back to rev. 4951 (otherwise we would have to free memory for all +exit calls) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4956 | thevenyp | 2007-11-20 11:21:10 +0000 (Tue, 20 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + +use of RANDS instead of __gmp_rands +tset_f.c add checking with random values + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4955 | thevenyp | 2007-11-19 11:07:49 +0000 (Mon, 19 Nov 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + +tli2.c: fix wrong assertion in copyright motice +test.c: fixed seed for reproducible errors +trandom.c tpow_z.c tset_f.c: integration with GMP_CHECK_RANDOMIZE process + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4954 | zimmerma | 2007-11-17 12:15:53 +0000 (Sat, 17 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + +added missing call to tests_end_mpfr + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4953 | zimmerma | 2007-11-17 09:59:19 +0000 (Sat, 17 Nov 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + +got rid of mpfr_init_gmp_rand/MPFR_TEST_USE_RANDS and not-reentrant gmp +random functions (mpn_random*, mpz_random*, mpf_random*). Now all tests use +either RANDS (which is cleared by tests_rand_end called by tests_end_mpfr), +or the gmp_randstate_t mechanism. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4952 | zimmerma | 2007-11-16 17:09:12 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + +added missing mpfr_clear and tests_end_mpfr (thanks Michael Abshoff) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4951 | zimmerma | 2007-11-16 14:28:29 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +fixed problem reported by valgrind (thanks to Michael Abshoff) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4950 | zimmerma | 2007-11-06 22:07:31 +0000 (Tue, 06 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + +fixed bug in div_ui for x=0 and u<>0 (sign of result was not set) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4949 | thevenyp | 2007-11-06 10:53:43 +0000 (Tue, 06 Nov 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +algorithms.tex: fix bibtex references for dilogarithm function +algorithms.bib: add references for dilogarithm function + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4948 | vlefevre | 2007-11-05 11:18:46 +0000 (Mon, 05 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: removed trailing spaces. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4947 | zimmerma | 2007-11-05 10:53:21 +0000 (Mon, 05 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/pow.c + +added new macro MPFR_ALIAS + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4946 | zimmerma | 2007-11-04 11:10:23 +0000 (Sun, 04 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/expm1.c + +removed unused label + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4945 | vlefevre | 2007-11-04 00:46:45 +0000 (Sun, 04 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + +pow_z.c: fixed bug that occurs when x is a power of 2 and the result +overflows (wrong sign); this bug has always been present (from r3215). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4944 | vlefevre | 2007-11-04 00:44:04 +0000 (Sun, 04 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + +tpow.c, tpow_z.c: removed a printf that was left by mistake. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4943 | vlefevre | 2007-11-04 00:36:23 +0000 (Sun, 04 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + +tpow_z.c: added testcase for the latest mpfr_pow bug (rev 4942), +which is in fact a bug in mpfr_pow_z. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4942 | vlefevre | 2007-11-04 00:28:20 +0000 (Sun, 04 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tpow.c: added testcase for new bug found by Kevin P. Rauch; removed a +mpfr_dump that was left by mistake. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4941 | vlefevre | 2007-11-03 09:28:23 +0000 (Sat, 03 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +pow.c: removed FIXME comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4940 | zimmerma | 2007-11-03 08:45:17 +0000 (Sat, 03 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +fixed case x < 0, y large integer + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4939 | vlefevre | 2007-11-03 02:05:04 +0000 (Sat, 03 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +pow.c: added FIXME comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4938 | vlefevre | 2007-11-03 01:59:23 +0000 (Sat, 03 Nov 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tpow.c: added testcase for new bug found by Kevin P. Rauch. The problem +occurs on x^y with x negative and y an integer whose exponent is > 256 +(so that mpfr_pow_z isn't used, and the generic code is used instead and +fails because x is negative). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4937 | vlefevre | 2007-11-02 15:02:50 +0000 (Fri, 02 Nov 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Fixed several bugs in mpfr_pow (from rev 3592 and 4932); added testcase. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4936 | vlefevre | 2007-11-02 14:29:21 +0000 (Fri, 02 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tpow.c: added an overflow test in reduced exponent range +(-> assertion failure in the current pow.c code). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4935 | vlefevre | 2007-11-02 13:02:45 +0000 (Fri, 02 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: added a comment concerning __gmpfr_one, __gmpfr_two and +__gmpfr_four. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4934 | vlefevre | 2007-11-02 12:54:14 +0000 (Fri, 02 Nov 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + +Bug fix: in cmp_abs.c, changed MPFR_GET_EXP into MPFR_EXP to allow +exponents outside the current exponent range (needed for mpfr_pow). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4933 | vlefevre | 2007-10-31 15:46:57 +0000 (Wed, 31 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/rem1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Untabified and removed trailing spaces. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4932 | zimmerma | 2007-10-30 16:29:46 +0000 (Tue, 30 Oct 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +pow.c, tpow.c: fixed bugs reported by Kevin Rauch +mpfr-impl.h: fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4931 | zimmerma | 2007-10-30 14:35:24 +0000 (Tue, 30 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +cosmetic changes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4930 | zimmerma | 2007-10-30 14:00:30 +0000 (Tue, 30 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added missing \Li2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4929 | zimmerma | 2007-10-28 15:18:03 +0000 (Sun, 28 Oct 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/tests/data/li2 + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + +added more test cases for mpfr_li2 +improved MPFR_FAST_COMPUTE_IF_SMALL_INPUT case for x > 0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4928 | zimmerma | 2007-10-28 13:16:02 +0000 (Sun, 28 Oct 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + +fixed bug mentioned by Kevin Rauch: mpfr_lgamma was hanging for tiny input +(had to implement a complete loop in that case) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4927 | zimmerma | 2007-10-28 12:29:01 +0000 (Sun, 28 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + +fixed bug reported by Kevin Rauch: wrong sign for jn(n even, large negative x) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4926 | zimmerma | 2007-10-28 12:18:04 +0000 (Sun, 28 Oct 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +removed item on mpfr_sinh_cosh (done) +added more info on item on efficiency of mpfr_sin + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4925 | zimmerma | 2007-10-28 11:53:51 +0000 (Sun, 28 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added comment about function/macro in custom interface + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4924 | zimmerma | 2007-10-28 11:11:13 +0000 (Sun, 28 Oct 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + +jn.c: improved choice of initial precision in Taylor series (takes into + account cancellation) +tests/tjn.c: now "tjn p n z" evaluates j(n,z) to precision p + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4923 | vlefevre | 2007-10-27 12:59:35 +0000 (Sat, 27 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/factorial.c + +factorial.c: added FIXME comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4922 | vlefevre | 2007-10-27 12:23:43 +0000 (Sat, 27 Oct 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +gamma.c: attempt to fix wrong fix in 4918 (the maximum exponent can +be > 2^30 on 64-bit machines). There may still be problems in huge +precisions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4921 | zimmerma | 2007-10-27 11:17:24 +0000 (Sat, 27 Oct 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added note about efficiency of special functions +corrected typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4920 | zimmerma | 2007-10-27 11:07:33 +0000 (Sat, 27 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +fixed bug in zeta(large negative) reported by Kevin Rauch [wrong inexact flag] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4919 | zimmerma | 2007-10-27 08:15:57 +0000 (Sat, 27 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +fixed inefficiency reported by Kevin Rauch when x large negative (erfc -> 2) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4918 | zimmerma | 2007-10-26 19:12:24 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +fixed another bug found by Kevin Rauch: gamma(huge integer) failed on 64-bit + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4917 | zimmerma | 2007-10-26 18:34:54 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + +fixed bug found by Kevin Rauch (emin/emax not restored for x=1,2) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4916 | zimmerma | 2007-10-26 18:05:43 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + +added test for reference values + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4915 | zimmerma | 2007-10-26 18:05:12 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/li2 + +reference values for li2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4914 | thevenyp | 2007-10-26 17:32:19 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/li2.c + +algorithms.tex: description of dilogarithm algorithm +li2.c: conformity with description in algorithm.tex + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4913 | vlefevre | 2007-10-23 10:16:22 +0000 (Tue, 23 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: small change in the description of mpfr_subnormalize. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4912 | zimmerma | 2007-10-23 09:02:35 +0000 (Tue, 23 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added more details in the description of subnormalize + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4908 | vlefevre | 2007-10-23 02:43:39 +0000 (Tue, 23 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/subnormal.c + +subnormal.c: fixed the bugs when old_inex is INT_MIN or INT_MAX. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4907 | vlefevre | 2007-10-23 02:35:00 +0000 (Tue, 23 Oct 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + +tsubnormal.c: added some tests showing bugs when old_inex is INT_MIN +or INT_MAX. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4906 | vlefevre | 2007-10-23 02:31:48 +0000 (Tue, 23 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/subnormal.c + +subnormal.c: corrected comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4905 | vlefevre | 2007-10-23 01:52:28 +0000 (Tue, 23 Oct 2007) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/subnormal.c + +Changeset r4904 introduced an assertion failure, but the assertion +emax - emin >= PREC(x) wasn't necessary: the value of emax doesn't +matter, except when the exponent is increased due to the rounding. +So, we just document that if the result cannot be represented in the +current exponent range, the behavior is undefined (updated mpfr.texi +accordingly). Removed the assertion from subnormal.c and added a new +one to have an abort if such an undefined behavior occurs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4904 | zimmerma | 2007-10-22 18:38:49 +0000 (Mon, 22 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + +fixed 2 bugs reported by Kevin Rauch + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4903 | vlefevre | 2007-10-22 16:41:45 +0000 (Mon, 22 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/subnormal.c + +subnormal.c: replaced incorrect comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4902 | vlefevre | 2007-10-22 15:22:24 +0000 (Mon, 22 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +tests: updated svn:ignore property. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4901 | zimmerma | 2007-10-22 08:55:51 +0000 (Mon, 22 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + +added new references + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4899 | zimmerma | 2007-10-20 09:18:37 +0000 (Sat, 20 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/li2.c + +added asymptotic expansions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4898 | thevenyp | 2007-10-19 16:08:27 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + +li2.c: add Ziv's loop in li2_series +tli2.c: add a function for fixed value checking + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4897 | thevenyp | 2007-10-17 16:10:03 +0000 (Wed, 17 Oct 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/tests/tli2.c + +li2.c: fix a typo and fix use of taylor series +tests/tli2.c: use default random function + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4896 | thevenyp | 2007-10-16 17:02:02 +0000 (Tue, 16 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/li2.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + A /trunk/tests/tli2.c + +add dilogarithm function + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4895 | zimmerma | 2007-10-15 14:11:22 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added item in Efficiency section + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4894 | zimmerma | 2007-10-15 13:14:30 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added table of contents +removed last section (mpf/mpfr integration) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4893 | vlefevre | 2007-10-15 01:58:45 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +Fixed acosh(x) with x slightly larger than 1, using sqrt(2(x-1)) and +a complete error analysis. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4892 | vlefevre | 2007-10-15 00:46:10 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + +tests/tacosh.c: added another test with x a bit larger than 1 and +prec(y) << prec(x). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4891 | vlefevre | 2007-10-12 16:07:23 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + +acosh.c: added a comment about the fix I did in r4814. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4890 | zimmerma | 2007-10-09 20:22:47 +0000 (Tue, 09 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added extra reference for slowness of mpfr_root + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4888 | vlefevre | 2007-10-09 11:48:52 +0000 (Tue, 09 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + +FAQ update (added Question 8). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4887 | vlefevre | 2007-10-09 11:03:16 +0000 (Tue, 09 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: another small change in Contributors section. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4886 | vlefevre | 2007-10-09 10:35:28 +0000 (Tue, 09 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: small change in Contributors section. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4885 | vlefevre | 2007-10-09 09:59:18 +0000 (Tue, 09 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: mention Fiable and AOC actions in the Contributors section. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4884 | zimmerma | 2007-10-09 07:50:42 +0000 (Tue, 09 Oct 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added reference to ACM TOMS paper +updated other references, and Contributors section + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4883 | zimmerma | 2007-10-09 06:11:31 +0000 (Tue, 09 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +fixed typo in sectioning + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4882 | zimmerma | 2007-10-08 17:16:51 +0000 (Mon, 08 Oct 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +removed mpfr_get_d1 from documented functions +removed old commented functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4881 | zimmerma | 2007-10-08 14:48:38 +0000 (Mon, 08 Oct 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +renamed "Rounding Mode Related Functions" to "Rounding Related Functions" +put mpfr_can_round in "Rounding Related Functions" (now exported) +exchanged order of sections "Miscellaneous Functions" and "Rounding Related Functions" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4880 | zimmerma | 2007-10-08 11:04:34 +0000 (Mon, 08 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added hint for mpfr_can_round to get ternary value + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4879 | zimmerma | 2007-10-08 10:09:56 +0000 (Mon, 08 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +changed mpfr_can_round() call into MPFR_CAN_ROUND() call + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4878 | vlefevre | 2007-10-05 12:18:17 +0000 (Fri, 05 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/update-version + +Updated update-version to make patches easier to produce. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4876 | vlefevre | 2007-10-04 01:57:35 +0000 (Thu, 04 Oct 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +Fixed a bug (found by Robert Bajema) in mpfr_atan2, which can occur if +the underflow flag is set before the call and x > 0; added testcase. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4875 | vlefevre | 2007-10-03 15:13:06 +0000 (Wed, 03 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: improved mpfr_set_exp description too. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4874 | vlefevre | 2007-10-03 15:09:49 +0000 (Wed, 03 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: improved mpfr_get_exp documentation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4873 | vlefevre | 2007-10-03 15:05:31 +0000 (Wed, 03 Oct 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: mantissa -> significand (to use the terminology from IEEE 754 +and ISO C99). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4872 | vlefevre | 2007-10-03 14:36:38 +0000 (Wed, 03 Oct 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + better error message if libgmp is not found. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4871 | thevenyp | 2007-10-02 16:08:02 +0000 (Tue, 02 Oct 2007) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +fix some typos +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4870 | zimmerma | 2007-09-28 16:14:03 +0000 (Fri, 28 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added references + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4869 | thevenyp | 2007-09-28 12:08:56 +0000 (Fri, 28 Sep 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + D /trunk/fmod.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/rem1.c + D /trunk/remquo.c + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + +merge fmod, remaider and remquo into a single file rem1.c. +merge code into a single internal function mpfr_rem1. +fix false statement in mpfr.texi: rop and op1 have the same sign for mpfr_fmod +but not for mpfr_remainder and mpfr_remquo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4868 | vlefevre | 2007-09-26 16:20:35 +0000 (Wed, 26 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + +tests/tfmod.c: added static. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4867 | thevenyp | 2007-09-26 11:30:29 +0000 (Wed, 26 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/fmod.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + A /trunk/tests/tfmod.c + +new fmod function + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4866 | vlefevre | 2007-09-22 00:17:11 +0000 (Sat, 22 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +tests: updated svn:ignore property. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4865 | vlefevre | 2007-09-22 00:15:49 +0000 (Sat, 22 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_d.c + M /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + +GNU coding style, reformatting, exit (-1) -> exit (1). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4864 | thevenyp | 2007-09-21 08:29:01 +0000 (Fri, 21 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/sinh_cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + A /trunk/tests/tsinh_cosh.c + +new mpfr_sinh_cosh function + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4863 | vlefevre | 2007-09-19 02:24:31 +0000 (Wed, 19 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: removed __gmpfr_isqrt bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4862 | vlefevre | 2007-09-19 02:12:09 +0000 (Wed, 19 Sep 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/isqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tisqrt.c + +isqrt.c: quick fix of __gmpfr_cuberoot (a full proof is needed). +tests/tisqrt.c: added much more tests for __gmpfr_cuberoot. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4861 | vlefevre | 2007-09-19 01:46:58 +0000 (Wed, 19 Sep 2007) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tisqrt.c + +tisqrt.c: improved tests. When doing + touch tests.c tisqrt.c + make tisqrt CFLAGS="-g -O2 -ffloat-store -DMPFR_FPU_PREC=_FPU_SINGLE" + ./tisqrt +with gcc 4.2.1 on a Linux/x86 machine, on gets: + Error in __gmpfr_cuberoot (4251527999): got 1620 instead of 1619 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4860 | vlefevre | 2007-09-19 01:12:33 +0000 (Wed, 19 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tisqrt.c + +tisqrt.c: added __gmpfr_cuberoot() tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4859 | vlefevre | 2007-09-19 01:03:11 +0000 (Wed, 19 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/isqrt.c + +isqrt.c: corrected the explanation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4858 | vlefevre | 2007-09-19 00:57:46 +0000 (Wed, 19 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/isqrt.c + +isqrt.c: fixed __gmpfr_isqrt. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4857 | vlefevre | 2007-09-18 14:54:59 +0000 (Tue, 18 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +tests: updated svn:ignore property. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4856 | vlefevre | 2007-09-18 14:52:23 +0000 (Tue, 18 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tisqrt.c + +tests: added tisqrt.c (test file for __gmpfr_isqrt internal function). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4855 | vlefevre | 2007-09-18 14:37:59 +0000 (Tue, 18 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: added __gmpfr_isqrt bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4854 | vlefevre | 2007-09-18 14:26:48 +0000 (Tue, 18 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/isqrt.c + +isqrt.c: fixed a cast and added a FIXME comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4853 | vlefevre | 2007-09-18 14:16:46 +0000 (Tue, 18 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/isqrt.c + +isqrt.c: GNU coding style. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4852 | vlefevre | 2007-09-18 12:21:14 +0000 (Tue, 18 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +sin.c: extend the exponent range. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4851 | vlefevre | 2007-09-18 12:14:15 +0000 (Tue, 18 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqr.c + +sqr.c: set the global inexact flag. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4850 | vlefevre | 2007-09-18 12:09:13 +0000 (Tue, 18 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +sqrt.c: avoid the exponent range extension. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4849 | vlefevre | 2007-09-18 12:02:07 +0000 (Tue, 18 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + +tsqr.c: added generic tests (shows that the inexact flag isn't set). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4848 | vlefevre | 2007-09-18 11:55:32 +0000 (Tue, 18 Sep 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +sqrt.c: extend exponent range (this also fixes the fact that the global +inexact flag wasn't set). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4847 | vlefevre | 2007-09-18 11:51:23 +0000 (Tue, 18 Sep 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +tsqrt.c: added generic tests (shows that the inexact flag isn't set, +which is a bug reported by Guillaume Revy). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4846 | thevenyp | 2007-09-17 11:05:18 +0000 (Mon, 17 Sep 2007) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + +modf.c: take care of user exponent range (possible underflow/overflow) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4845 | vlefevre | 2007-09-16 09:44:33 +0000 (Sun, 16 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +tsin_cos.c: fixed the tiny() test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4844 | vlefevre | 2007-09-16 09:43:04 +0000 (Sun, 16 Sep 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +sin_cos.c: fixed the overflow and cancellation problems by using +MPFR_FAST_COMPUTE_IF_SMALL_INPUT from the mpfr_sin and mpfr_cos +functions (I'll fix the test later). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4843 | vlefevre | 2007-09-16 09:09:39 +0000 (Sun, 16 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +tsin_cos.c: added test on tiny values. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4842 | zimmerma | 2007-09-16 08:28:27 +0000 (Sun, 16 Sep 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +Put back previous patch, now avoids overflow, and added more explanations. +This is still not a definitive solution, but more efficient than 2.3.0 +in the case x is small. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4841 | vlefevre | 2007-09-15 08:30:36 +0000 (Sat, 15 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +Efficiency regression wasn't fixed correctly -> commented out the code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4840 | zimmerma | 2007-09-15 08:15:15 +0000 (Sat, 15 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +fixed efficiency regression pointed out by Andreas Enge + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4839 | zimmerma | 2007-09-13 19:08:25 +0000 (Thu, 13 Sep 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_sin_cos found by Philippe: z (to save the cosine) was not +allowed to be identical to the input x + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4838 | thevenyp | 2007-09-13 16:48:49 +0000 (Thu, 13 Sep 2007) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/TODO + A /trunk/modf.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + A /trunk/tests/tmodf.c + +new function mpfr_modf and add restrictions on mpfr_sin_cos' variables +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4837 | thevenyp | 2007-09-11 13:01:54 +0000 (Tue, 11 Sep 2007) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + M /trunk/tests/td_div.c + M /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + +add some simple test cases in tadd_d.c and friends +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4836 | vlefevre | 2007-09-10 07:55:58 +0000 (Mon, 10 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/prepare + +prepare: output a message saying that this script is obsolete. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4835 | zimmerma | 2007-09-09 19:08:17 +0000 (Sun, 09 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added restrictions to mpfr_add_d and friends + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4834 | zimmerma | 2007-09-08 06:41:22 +0000 (Sat, 08 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +removed functions mpfr_add_d ... which are done + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4833 | zimmerma | 2007-09-07 15:35:49 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + +added Philippe Theveny + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4832 | thevenyp | 2007-09-07 14:47:34 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2007) | 1 line +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/add_d.c + A /trunk/d_div.c + A /trunk/d_sub.c + A /trunk/div_d.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/mul_d.c + A /trunk/sub_d.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tadd_d.c + A /trunk/tests/td_div.c + A /trunk/tests/td_sub.c + A /trunk/tests/tdiv_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + A /trunk/tests/tmul_d.c + A /trunk/tests/tsub_d.c + +new arithmetic functions with a double argument +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4831 | vlefevre | 2007-09-07 13:04:09 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + +tacosh.c: added generic tests for the overflow case. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4830 | vlefevre | 2007-09-07 13:03:32 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + +acosh.c: reduce the precision for ln(2); smaller error bound. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4829 | vlefevre | 2007-09-07 13:02:13 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +tgeneric.c: undefine some macros at the end. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4828 | vlefevre | 2007-09-07 12:30:36 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + +acosh.c: fixed overflow bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4827 | vlefevre | 2007-09-07 11:54:53 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + +acosh.c: mentioned bug due to overflow in mpfr_mul. +tests/tacosh.c: added corresponding testcase (for 32-bit machines). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4826 | vlefevre | 2007-09-07 11:26:30 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + +tacosh.c: use tests_default_random(). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4825 | vlefevre | 2007-09-07 11:25:42 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests.c: improved tests_default_random(). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4823 | vlefevre | 2007-09-02 23:17:48 +0000 (Sun, 02 Sep 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + fixed get_patches rule. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4821 | vlefevre | 2007-09-02 22:29:28 +0000 (Sun, 02 Sep 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + cd $(srcdir) before executing (thanks to +Daniel Jacobowitz for noticing this); for more information, see the +note just before the get_patches.c rule. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4819 | vlefevre | 2007-08-31 17:09:15 +0000 (Fri, 31 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + +acosh.c: added MPFR_UNLIKELY. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4817 | vlefevre | 2007-08-31 15:50:48 +0000 (Fri, 31 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + +Added generic bad case tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4816 | vlefevre | 2007-08-31 15:34:23 +0000 (Fri, 31 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +algorithms.tex: deleted trailing spaces. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4815 | vlefevre | 2007-08-31 15:33:34 +0000 (Fri, 31 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +algorithms.tex: correction in section on mpfr_asinh: acosh -> asinh. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4814 | vlefevre | 2007-08-31 15:31:37 +0000 (Fri, 31 Aug 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + +Fixed bug in mpfr_acosh for arguments slightly larger than 1; +updated algorithms.tex; fixed testcase. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4813 | vlefevre | 2007-08-31 13:06:59 +0000 (Fri, 31 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + +tacosh.c: added testcase for bug in mpfr_acosh (assertion failure). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4812 | vlefevre | 2007-08-31 12:02:37 +0000 (Fri, 31 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + +tasin.c: increased the number of generic tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4811 | vlefevre | 2007-08-31 11:33:53 +0000 (Fri, 31 Aug 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp10.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Improved generic tests by limiting the exponent range of the random +numbers for some functions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4810 | vlefevre | 2007-08-30 15:09:11 +0000 (Thu, 30 Aug 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Generic tests: adjust the proportion of negative numbers returned +by the random function in order to get fewer NaN cases. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4809 | vlefevre | 2007-08-30 14:26:54 +0000 (Thu, 30 Aug 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +tgeneric.c: output a warning when too few normal cases are tested +(so that the random function can be improved...). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4808 | vlefevre | 2007-08-30 13:50:59 +0000 (Thu, 30 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests.c: function split (for future addition). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4806 | vlefevre | 2007-08-30 10:37:17 +0000 (Thu, 30 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated copyright notice (for consistency). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4803 | vlefevre | 2007-08-30 10:29:54 +0000 (Thu, 30 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + +Bug fix: added missing _MPFR_PROTO in mpfr-test.h. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4802 | vlefevre | 2007-08-30 10:12:22 +0000 (Thu, 30 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +tgeneric.c: updated description line. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4800 | vlefevre | 2007-08-29 19:59:07 +0000 (Wed, 29 Aug 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/faq.xsl + M /trunk/neg.c + +Updated copyright notice (for an unknown reason, some files were missing +from the change done in r4350). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4795 | vlefevre | 2007-08-28 15:37:59 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan2.c + +atan2.c: as we supposed some property, let's add an assertion (which +can be evaluated at compile time). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4794 | vlefevre | 2007-08-28 15:27:17 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan2.c + +atan2.c: improved comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4793 | vlefevre | 2007-08-28 15:24:27 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan2.c + +atan2.c: completed the underflow case. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4792 | vlefevre | 2007-08-28 14:19:37 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan2.c + +atan2.c: fixed the underflow case except in GMP_RNDN with +2^(-emin-2) < |y/x| < 2^(-emin-1). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4791 | vlefevre | 2007-08-28 14:18:35 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +tatan.c: added small-value tests in the other rounding modes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4790 | vlefevre | 2007-08-28 13:51:04 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan2.c + +atan2.c: implemented the special case where x is positive and y/x is +computed exactly (solving the underflow problems in this case). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4789 | vlefevre | 2007-08-28 13:49:02 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +tatan.c: added a similar test, but with an exact division result. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4788 | vlefevre | 2007-08-28 13:35:40 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +tatan.c: fixed test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4786 | vlefevre | 2007-08-28 13:16:16 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added a paragraph concerning Ziv loops. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4785 | vlefevre | 2007-08-28 09:34:36 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +tatan.c: updated comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4784 | vlefevre | 2007-08-28 08:59:09 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +tatan.c: extended the latest testcase to any platform (e.g. 64 bits). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4783 | vlefevre | 2007-08-28 08:49:00 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +tatan.c: added testcase from a bug reported by Christopher Creutzig. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4781 | vlefevre | 2007-08-27 14:27:34 +0000 (Mon, 27 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk + M /trunk/tests + +Updated svn:ignore properties. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4779 | vlefevre | 2007-08-27 11:55:00 +0000 (Mon, 27 Aug 2007) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + +FAQ update: + * The question numbers are now hardcoded instead of being generated + with CSS rules. + * Added the list of questions at the top. + * CSS styles: a grey bar is displayed on the left of the target answer + (if the browser supports the ":target" pseudo-class from CSS3). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4778 | vlefevre | 2007-08-27 10:56:11 +0000 (Mon, 27 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/faq.xsl + +faq.xsl: added a comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4776 | vlefevre | 2007-08-27 10:44:17 +0000 (Mon, 27 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + +FAQ update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4774 | vlefevre | 2007-08-22 15:51:41 +0000 (Wed, 22 Aug 2007) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: added another warning concerning the --with-gmp options. +For instance, under Linux, "cpp -I/usr/include -v < /dev/null" says: + ignoring duplicate directory "/usr/include" + as it is a non-system directory that duplicates a system directory +and does not modify the include search path as wanted. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4772 | vlefevre | 2007-08-15 17:29:44 +0000 (Wed, 15 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: improved description of mpfr_setsign. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4770 | vlefevre | 2007-08-14 11:41:37 +0000 (Tue, 14 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Added to NEWS: Thread-safe support with Microsoft Visual compiler. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4768 | vlefevre | 2007-08-14 11:34:22 +0000 (Tue, 14 Aug 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: if MPFR_USE_THREAD_SAFE is defined (--enable-thread-safe): + * Added support for MSC (thanks to Brian Gladman). + * Define MPFR_THREAD_ATTR even after #error to make the error more + visible (see comment in the source). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4765 | vlefevre | 2007-08-13 10:41:51 +0000 (Mon, 13 Aug 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + +tstckintc.c: fixed bus error on Solaris (the address of Buffer was not +a multiple of 4). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4761 | vlefevre | 2007-08-13 05:05:39 +0000 (Mon, 13 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS: new functions mpfr_signbit, mpfr_setsign, mpfr_copysign. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4759 | vlefevre | 2007-08-13 04:53:32 +0000 (Mon, 13 Aug 2007) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/setsign.c + A /trunk/signbit.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + +Implemented changes suggested in +. +* Made mpfr_copysign() like the corresponding function in IEEE 754 + (was an internal function until now). +* Added mpfr_signbit() and mpfr_setsign(). +* Documented these three functions. +* Updated TODO. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4757 | vlefevre | 2007-08-13 04:34:33 +0000 (Mon, 13 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/remquo.c + M /trunk/tests/texp10.c + M /trunk/tests/tl2b.c + +Make svn properties consistent. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4752 | vlefevre | 2007-08-11 22:41:05 +0000 (Sat, 11 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +Fixed mpfr_inits and mpfr_clears calls in tests/tatan.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4751 | vlefevre | 2007-08-11 22:38:54 +0000 (Sat, 11 Aug 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/check_inits_clears + +Added check_inits_clears Perl script to check that a cast is performed +for the last argument of mpfr_inits, mpfr_inits2 and mpfr_clears. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4747 | vlefevre | 2007-08-10 02:19:57 +0000 (Fri, 10 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/VERSION + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/version.c + +Updated version to 2.4.0-dev. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4744 | vlefevre | 2007-08-10 02:11:05 +0000 (Fri, 10 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4743 | vlefevre | 2007-08-10 02:06:56 +0000 (Fri, 10 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update with "TZ=UTC svn log -v". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4742 | vlefevre | 2007-08-10 01:41:01 +0000 (Fri, 10 Aug 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/asinh.c + +asinh.c: fixed assertion failure (see test 4 in tasinh.c, added +in r4740), that was due to an exception. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4741 | vlefevre | 2007-08-10 01:38:25 +0000 (Fri, 10 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + +tasinh.c: fixed test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4740 | vlefevre | 2007-08-10 01:18:46 +0000 (Fri, 10 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + +tasinh.c: added worst case that yields an assertion failure. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4739 | vlefevre | 2007-08-09 17:21:32 +0000 (Thu, 09 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/cbrt + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + +Added data_check support to cbrt. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4738 | vlefevre | 2007-08-09 15:45:47 +0000 (Thu, 09 Aug 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +log.c: fixed assertion failure (see test x_near_one in tlog.c, added +in r4736), that was due to an exception. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4737 | vlefevre | 2007-08-09 12:12:56 +0000 (Thu, 09 Aug 2007) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +pow.c: added MPFR_SMALL_INPUT_AFTER_SAVE_EXPO for the case where +|y * log(x)| is very small (I can't really test because this code +currently fails due to a bug in mpfr_log: see test x_near_one +added to tlog.c as changeset 4736; this bug is also present in +the 2.2 branch). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4736 | vlefevre | 2007-08-09 11:58:59 +0000 (Thu, 09 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +tlog.c: added a test leading to an assertion failure in mpfr_log. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4735 | vlefevre | 2007-08-09 11:45:19 +0000 (Thu, 09 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tpow.c: added a test where x is close to 1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4734 | vlefevre | 2007-08-09 11:02:28 +0000 (Thu, 09 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/exp10 + +Added empty file tests/data/exp10 to avoid an error with -dev versions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4733 | vlefevre | 2007-08-09 10:18:50 +0000 (Thu, 09 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + +Added a TODO concerning the description of mpfr_round_near_x. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4732 | vlefevre | 2007-08-09 09:48:59 +0000 (Thu, 09 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/expm1 + A /trunk/tests/data/log1p + A /trunk/tests/data/log2 + +Added empty files in tests/data to avoid errors with -dev versions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4731 | vlefevre | 2007-08-09 09:39:43 +0000 (Thu, 09 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + +mpfr_ui_pow fix: added a MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_UPDATE_FLAGS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4730 | vlefevre | 2007-08-09 02:52:27 +0000 (Thu, 09 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/texp10.c + +Added texp10.c (texp10 currently fails). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4729 | vlefevre | 2007-08-09 02:26:33 +0000 (Thu, 09 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + +texp2.c: reformat and added some tests which were missing. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4728 | vlefevre | 2007-08-08 15:12:56 +0000 (Wed, 08 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tl2b.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + +Updated svn:keywords and svn:eol-style properties in tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4727 | vlefevre | 2007-08-08 15:11:15 +0000 (Wed, 08 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + +Added data_check calls to texpm1, tlog1p and tlog2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4726 | vlefevre | 2007-08-08 14:37:28 +0000 (Wed, 08 Aug 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests/tests.c: in data_check(), mode 'Z', do not test GMP_RNDN if +the precision for the directed rounding modes is MPFR_PREC_MIN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4725 | vlefevre | 2007-08-04 23:13:52 +0000 (Sat, 04 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: more on mpfr_sin (and mpfr_cos). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4724 | vlefevre | 2007-08-04 22:58:01 +0000 (Sat, 04 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: update concerning sin/cos/tan. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4723 | vlefevre | 2007-08-03 02:45:32 +0000 (Fri, 03 Aug 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests/tests.c: in data_check(), check the 4 rounding modes if rnd is 'Z' +(in order to test the worst cases). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4722 | vlefevre | 2007-08-03 01:30:20 +0000 (Fri, 03 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Fixed coding style (for ansi2knr in particular). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4721 | vlefevre | 2007-08-02 10:19:44 +0000 (Thu, 02 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added a comment about "get_patches.c". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4720 | vlefevre | 2007-08-02 10:07:48 +0000 (Thu, 02 Aug 2007) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +No longer set "CLEANFILES = get_patches.c" in so that a +"make clean" doesn't remove the get_patches.c file, as rebuilding it +needs a Unix shell (and some standard utilities). Anyway the update +of this file should be regarded as part of the patch process, then +this file is just like any other .c files. Note: "make dist" includes +this file in the archives, so that concerning the build, everything +is like before as long as no patches are applied. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4719 | zimmerma | 2007-08-01 18:07:32 +0000 (Wed, 01 Aug 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added item about sNaN/qNaN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4718 | vlefevre | 2007-07-31 14:28:20 +0000 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/copysign.c + +copysign.c: reformat, updated comment (but this function is still not +documented in mpfr.texi). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4717 | vlefevre | 2007-07-31 14:12:15 +0000 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/VERSION + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/version.c + +Updated version back to 2.3.0-dev since the 2.3 branch will be recreated +from the trunk (too many changes!). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4716 | vlefevre | 2007-07-31 13:34:37 +0000 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tl2b.c + +tl2b.c: enable output even when the constants are correct. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4715 | vlefevre | 2007-07-31 13:25:24 +0000 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk + +Added get_patches.c to the svn:ignore property, as this file is +generated. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4714 | vlefevre | 2007-07-31 13:23:37 +0000 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 13 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tl2b.c + +Replaced l2b cache by constants, as suggested by Patrick Pelissier, +to avoid efficiency problems with the stack interface and heavily +threaded applications. + * Added tests/tl2b.c to generate / check the constants. + * tests/ added tl2b to check_PROGRAMS. + * tests directory: added tl2b to the svn:ignore property. + * mpfr-impl.h: updated the __gmpfr_l2b declaration. + * free_cache.c: disabled free_l2b (since there's no longer a cache). + * get_str.c: added the code generated by tl2b; for the bootstrap, one + can just write: + const __mpfr_struct __gmpfr_l2b[BASE_MAX-1][2] = { { { 0 } } }; + Removed the code (in ceil_mul) that computed these constants. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4713 | vlefevre | 2007-07-30 22:37:30 +0000 (Mon, 30 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated the documentation of the mpfr_get_d function family. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4712 | vlefevre | 2007-07-30 11:12:45 +0000 (Mon, 30 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/TODO + +Patch tracking: updated and TODO files. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4711 | vlefevre | 2007-07-30 10:45:01 +0000 (Mon, 30 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/NEWS + A /trunk/PATCHES + A /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Added support for tracking applied patches with new function +mpfr_get_patches(). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4710 | vlefevre | 2007-07-30 09:41:55 +0000 (Mon, 30 Jul 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated the example concerning mpfr_get_version() vs +MPFR_VERSION_STRING ("Warning" instead of "Error", make sure that +the example fits on 80 columns in the info file). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4709 | vlefevre | 2007-07-30 09:37:06 +0000 (Mon, 30 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated description of mpfr_get_version(). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4708 | vlefevre | 2007-07-30 09:31:58 +0000 (Mon, 30 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated description of mpfr_get_version(). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4707 | zimmerma | 2007-07-28 15:03:05 +0000 (Sat, 28 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added files that are not 100% covered by tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4706 | vlefevre | 2007-07-27 22:04:24 +0000 (Fri, 27 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/coverage + +coverage: added --disable-shared --enable-static to configure. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4705 | vlefevre | 2007-07-27 21:59:04 +0000 (Fri, 27 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: added more casts for g++. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4704 | vlefevre | 2007-07-27 21:54:22 +0000 (Fri, 27 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Reformat. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4703 | vlefevre | 2007-07-27 21:48:03 +0000 (Fri, 27 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mul.c + +Applied patch from Patrick to be able to build MPFR with g++. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4702 | zimmerma | 2007-07-26 12:02:24 +0000 (Thu, 26 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added default thresholds for Core 2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4701 | vlefevre | 2007-07-25 15:34:52 +0000 (Wed, 25 Jul 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + M /trunk/tests/tj1.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/ty0.c + M /trunk/tests/ty1.c + +No longer use MPFR_CHECK_ALL in tests. In '-dev' versions, assume +that the data files exist and return an error whenever a file cannot +be opened. In the other versions, return silently if the file cannot +be opened. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4700 | vlefevre | 2007-07-25 15:18:45 +0000 (Wed, 25 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + D /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h (from /trunk/mpfr-test.h:4698) + +Moved mpfr-test.h into the tests directory. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4699 | zimmerma | 2007-07-25 15:15:55 +0000 (Wed, 25 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +fixed "efficiency bug" (argument reduction was broken) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4698 | vlefevre | 2007-07-25 14:45:13 +0000 (Wed, 25 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests.c: in data_check(), made whitespace skipping consistent and +check that the result value is immediately followed by a \n. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4697 | vlefevre | 2007-07-25 14:02:23 +0000 (Wed, 25 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +[tests.c] Fixed some types (the result of getc() is not necessarily +representable in a char). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4696 | vlefevre | 2007-07-25 13:45:10 +0000 (Wed, 25 Jul 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests.c: changes in the error messages (BTW, we decided to output +everything to stdout for consistency, even though messages for +assertion failure are written to stderr) and replaced an abort () +by an exit (1). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4695 | vlefevre | 2007-07-25 10:58:54 +0000 (Wed, 25 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Delete trailing spaces. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4694 | zimmerma | 2007-07-25 10:01:45 +0000 (Wed, 25 Jul 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/jn.c + A /trunk/jyn_asympt.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/yn.c + +jyn_asympt.c: new common file for asymptotic expansion in jn/yn +tests/tests.c: print precisions in case of failure +jn.c: now use jyn_asympt.c +yn.c: now implement asymptotic expansion (jyn_asympt.c) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4693 | zimmerma | 2007-07-25 09:58:31 +0000 (Wed, 25 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/data/y0 + M /trunk/tests/data/y1 + +fixed more wrong entries in Gonnet's test suite + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4692 | zimmerma | 2007-07-24 15:12:39 +0000 (Tue, 24 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/jn.c + +contribution of first neglected term to error was wrong + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4691 | zimmerma | 2007-07-24 15:08:51 +0000 (Tue, 24 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/data/y0 + +fixed wrong entry (not enough precision was used in Maple) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4690 | zimmerma | 2007-07-24 13:42:35 +0000 (Tue, 24 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/tests/data/j0 + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + M /trunk/tests/tj1.c + +implemented asymptotic expansion for large argument in j0/j1/jn + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4689 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 16:12:03 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/nightly-test + +define MPFR_CHECK_ALL for nightly tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4688 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 16:11:15 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + M /trunk/tests/tj1.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/ty0.c + M /trunk/tests/ty1.c + +Added code to check mpfr against Gonnet's tables when the environment variable +MPFR_CHECK_ALL is defined (some table entries were checked by MuPAD) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4687 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 16:04:38 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/data/gonnet.mpl + +added comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4686 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 15:58:20 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/y0 + A /trunk/tests/data/y1 + +test data files mpfr mpfr_y0 and mpfr_y1, ***not*** checked with MuPAD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4685 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 15:55:03 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/data/ + +added auxiliary MuPAD functions +improved Ziv's strategy: add half of DIGITS each time + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4684 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 15:52:52 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/tanh + +test data file for mpfr_tanh, checked by MuPAD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4683 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 15:51:28 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/tan + +test data file for mpfr_tan, checked with MuPAD (except 3 indicated entries) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4682 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 15:39:23 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/sqrt + +test data file for mpfr_sqrt, checked with MuPAD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4681 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 15:28:32 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/sinh + +test data file for mpfr_sinh, checked by MuPAD (except indicated lines) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4680 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 15:17:58 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/sin + +test data file for mpfr_sin, checked by MuPAD (except tiny inputs indicated +in file) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4679 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 13:45:40 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/pow275 + +test data file for x^(11/4), checked with MuPAD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4678 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 13:41:01 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/data/log10 + +finally, I was able to check it with MuPAD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4677 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 13:36:16 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/exp2 + +test data file for 2^x, checked with MuPAD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4676 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 13:28:30 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/mulpi + +test data file for Pi*x, checked with MuPAD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4675 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 12:56:27 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/log + +test data file for mpfr_log, checked with MuPAD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4674 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 12:54:43 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/j0 + A /trunk/tests/data/j1 + A /trunk/tests/data/lgamma + A /trunk/tests/data/log10 + +test data files for mpfr_j0, mpfr_j1, mpfr_lgamma, mpfr_log10, +***not*** tested with MuPAD (not Dom::Interval interface) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4673 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 12:52:25 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/inv + +test data file for 1/x, i.e., mpfr_ui_div(1,x), checked with MuPAD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4672 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 12:45:10 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/gamma + +test data file for mpfr_gamma, ***not*** checked by MuPAD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4671 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 12:44:09 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/exp + +test data file for mpfr_exp, checked with MuPAD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4670 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 12:43:34 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/erf + A /trunk/tests/data/erfc + +test data files for erf and erfc (not checked by MuPAD, since Dom::Interval +does not have an interface for those functions in MuPAD 3.2.0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4669 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 12:35:54 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/cosh + +test data file for mpfr_cosh, checked with MuPAD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4668 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 12:33:31 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/cos + +test data file for mpfr_cos, checked by MuPAD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4667 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 12:02:36 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/atanh + +test data file for mpfr_atanh, checked with MuPAD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4666 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 11:42:54 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/atan + +test data file for atan, checked with MuPAD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4665 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 11:06:48 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/asinh + +test file for mpfr_asinh, checked with MuPAD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4664 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 11:04:14 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/asin + +data file for mpfr_asin, checked with MuPAD using + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4663 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 10:13:10 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/acosh + +data file for mpfr_acosh, checked with MuPAD using + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4662 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 10:12:37 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/data/ + +improved output + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4661 | zimmerma | 2007-07-20 10:05:11 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data/ + +MuPAD file to check a data file + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4658 | vlefevre | 2007-07-20 00:18:14 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Renamed mpfr_l2b as __gmpfr_l2b for consistency. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4657 | zimmerma | 2007-07-19 19:49:15 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-longlong.h + +patch from Brian Gladman to build mpfr.dll + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4656 | zimmerma | 2007-07-19 16:07:58 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/data/acos + M /trunk/tests/data/gonnet.mpl + +added copyright information about Gonnet's package + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4655 | zimmerma | 2007-07-19 16:03:38 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +modified data_check() to allow comment lines starting with # + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4654 | zimmerma | 2007-07-19 14:55:47 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +new (experimental) mechanism to check data files (see example in tacos.c) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4653 | zimmerma | 2007-07-19 14:54:49 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/data + A /trunk/tests/data/acos + A /trunk/tests/data/gonnet.mpl + +new directory for test data + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4652 | zimmerma | 2007-07-19 10:52:00 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + +added test for inexact flag (bug fixed in r4630) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4651 | vlefevre | 2007-07-18 23:09:35 +0000 (Wed, 18 Jul 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + +erfc.c, atan2.c: added missing "MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_FREE (expo);" before + "return mpfr_underflow (...);". +erfc.c: replaced a goto by an else. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4650 | zimmerma | 2007-07-18 16:24:08 +0000 (Wed, 18 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan2.c + +now deal with underflow in y/x (remains to deal with overflow) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4649 | zimmerma | 2007-07-18 16:19:31 +0000 (Wed, 18 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +now can specify output base when argc > 1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4648 | zimmerma | 2007-07-18 16:18:14 +0000 (Wed, 18 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + +MPFR_EQUAL -> mpfr_equal_p + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4647 | zimmerma | 2007-07-18 15:48:57 +0000 (Wed, 18 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +fixed problem with erfc() near underflow region + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4646 | zimmerma | 2007-07-18 13:51:07 +0000 (Wed, 18 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +atan2.c: quick-and-dirty fix for atan2(y,1) +tests/tatan.c: fix tests from Christopher [x and y were interchanged] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4645 | zimmerma | 2007-07-18 12:19:22 +0000 (Wed, 18 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +added test from Ch. Creutzig + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4644 | zimmerma | 2007-07-18 08:23:30 +0000 (Wed, 18 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +apply patch suggested in bug #3604 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4643 | zimmerma | 2007-07-17 14:30:00 +0000 (Tue, 17 Jul 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + +previous bug fix for tiny negative inputs in mpfr_lgamma was incorrect: +result was NaN, but this was not detected by the tests since mpfr_cmp (y, NaN) +is always true! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4642 | vlefevre | 2007-07-17 13:14:21 +0000 (Tue, 17 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +Added comments and fixed an indentation bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4641 | zimmerma | 2007-07-17 06:26:24 +0000 (Tue, 17 Jul 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +in reconstruction after computation of cos(x/2^k) for reduced argument, +it may be that cos(x) is zero to the working precision. Then restart Ziv's +algorithm with a larger precision. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4640 | zimmerma | 2007-07-16 12:51:17 +0000 (Mon, 16 Jul 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + +lngamma.c: fix for small inputs +tlgamma.c: added more tests from Kaveh Ghazi + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4639 | zimmerma | 2007-07-16 11:22:13 +0000 (Mon, 16 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + +sin_cos.c: 2nd arg of 1st mpfr_can_round call was wrong +ttan.c: fixed wrong reference value + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4638 | zimmerma | 2007-07-16 06:58:08 +0000 (Mon, 16 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added comment about sinpi, etc. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4637 | zimmerma | 2007-07-15 09:09:10 +0000 (Sun, 15 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + +added new test, and re-enabled test that was too slow + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4636 | zimmerma | 2007-07-14 07:30:37 +0000 (Sat, 14 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/nightly-test + +removed MPFR_CHECK_TINY, added MPFR_CHECK_MAX + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4635 | vlefevre | 2007-07-10 08:52:50 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +terf.c: added testcase for bug reported by Christopher Creutzig. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4633 | vlefevre | 2007-07-09 11:41:04 +0000 (Mon, 09 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init2.c + +Removed a #include that was probably added by mistake in r2590. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4632 | vlefevre | 2007-07-09 11:39:29 +0000 (Mon, 09 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/fms.c + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/remquo.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + + and are now included unconditionally in mpfr-impl.h +(removed their inclusion from the C files for consistency). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4630 | zimmerma | 2007-07-04 10:07:31 +0000 (Wed, 04 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +ternary flag was wrong in case s=1 or -1 and rounding up/nearest + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4629 | zimmerma | 2007-07-04 09:32:23 +0000 (Wed, 04 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/tan.c + +updated algorithms.tex with new additive argument reduction for sin/cos/tan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4628 | vlefevre | 2007-07-03 23:35:05 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +lngamma.c: reformat and replaced mpfr_cmp(...) == 0 by mpfr_equal_p. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4626 | zimmerma | 2007-07-03 19:12:40 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/free_cache.c + +changed stdlib to stdio for NULL (see + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4625 | zimmerma | 2007-07-03 19:10:33 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + +fixed bug in tlgamma and added test (need to implement Ziv's strategy in +tiny case) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4624 | zimmerma | 2007-07-03 18:45:28 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/free_cache.c + +added missing include + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4622 | vlefevre | 2007-07-03 16:11:39 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jul 2007) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Fixed the bug reported by David Billinghurst to the MPFR mailing-list +on 2007-07-03 (memory leaks under some conditions): + * moved the free_l2b() function from tests/tests.c to free_cache.c; + * mpfr_free_cache() (from free_cache.c) now calls free_l2b(); + * as a consequence, no longer call free_l2b() in tests_end_mpfr(); + * documented the behavior in mpfr.texi (under mpfr_free_cache). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4620 | vlefevre | 2007-07-03 15:05:01 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + +tj0.c: added testcase from Sisyphus (assertion failed). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4618 | vlefevre | 2007-07-03 13:03:22 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + explain how to test the library interface compatibility. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4616 | vlefevre | 2007-07-02 23:30:52 +0000 (Mon, 02 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + mentions patch-libtool and how to apply it. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4615 | vlefevre | 2007-07-02 23:26:01 +0000 (Mon, 02 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/patch-libtool + +Added patch-libtool (patch for aclocal.m4 and configure that comes from +). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4614 | vlefevre | 2007-07-02 12:17:08 +0000 (Mon, 02 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS: mention that the shared library is now enabled by default on 2.3. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4610 | vlefevre | 2007-07-02 10:44:17 +0000 (Mon, 02 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated item 2 of "To make a release". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4608 | vlefevre | 2007-07-02 10:39:46 +0000 (Mon, 02 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Reformat. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4607 | vlefevre | 2007-07-02 00:41:32 +0000 (Mon, 02 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/VERSION + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/version.c + +Updated version to 2.4.0-dev. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4605 | vlefevre | 2007-07-02 00:32:27 +0000 (Mon, 02 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +ChangeLog update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4604 | vlefevre | 2007-07-02 00:31:13 +0000 (Mon, 02 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS: update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4603 | vlefevre | 2007-07-01 23:17:57 +0000 (Sun, 01 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated comment concerning -version-info. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4602 | vlefevre | 2007-07-01 23:01:10 +0000 (Sun, 01 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/TODO + A /trunk/fms.c (from /trunk/fma.c:4598) + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tfms.c (from /trunk/tests/tfma.c:4601) + +Added mpfr_fms based on mpfr_fma. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4601 | vlefevre | 2007-07-01 22:45:08 +0000 (Sun, 01 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +tfma.c: added a space. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4600 | vlefevre | 2007-07-01 22:38:39 +0000 (Sun, 01 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +tfma.c: typo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4599 | vlefevre | 2007-07-01 22:20:09 +0000 (Sun, 01 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +Reformat. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4598 | vlefevre | 2007-07-01 22:14:15 +0000 (Sun, 01 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +fma.c: minor changes for consistency with the future fms. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4597 | vlefevre | 2007-07-01 21:52:21 +0000 (Sun, 01 Jul 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +Completed the implementation of mpfr_fma (except in some corner cases +where overflows/underflows and huge precisions are involved at the +same time). Added underflow tests. Removed item from the BUGS file +(the remaining problems more or less correspond to the first item). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4596 | vlefevre | 2007-07-01 03:10:06 +0000 (Sun, 01 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +Untabified. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4595 | vlefevre | 2007-07-01 01:58:17 +0000 (Sun, 01 Jul 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +tfma.c: added overflow test to test_underflow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4594 | vlefevre | 2007-07-01 01:36:04 +0000 (Sun, 01 Jul 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +fma.c: implemented the main cases where x * y underflows. +tests/tfma.c: fixed overflow tests and added underflow tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4593 | vlefevre | 2007-06-30 02:11:43 +0000 (Sat, 30 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +NEWS: update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4592 | vlefevre | 2007-06-29 23:36:34 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: updated item on mpfr_fma. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4591 | vlefevre | 2007-06-29 23:32:29 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +fma.c: completed the cases where x*y/4 needs to be used, except the very +particular cases where an underflow occurs, that remain to be done. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4590 | vlefevre | 2007-06-29 13:35:03 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +tfma.c: fixed a printf. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4589 | vlefevre | 2007-06-29 13:32:20 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +fma.c: added an assertion. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4588 | vlefevre | 2007-06-29 13:30:30 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +tfma.c: fixed overflow tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4587 | vlefevre | 2007-06-29 12:24:40 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +tfma.c: check NaN in test_overflow2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4586 | vlefevre | 2007-06-29 12:19:09 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +fma.c: updated a comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4585 | vlefevre | 2007-06-29 12:14:55 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +tfma.c: added more overflow tests (needed to distinguish the cases +where z/4 underflows or not -- see fma.c). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4584 | vlefevre | 2007-06-29 12:06:13 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +tfma.c: added tests (-> assertion failed because mpfr_fma implementation +isn't complete). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4583 | vlefevre | 2007-06-28 23:01:22 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jun 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/acos.c + +acos.c: disabled change from r3145 ("Optimize mpfr_acos by choosing +a better initial precision.") that was buggy. +BUGS: removed mpfr_acos bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4582 | vlefevre | 2007-06-28 22:40:59 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: updated item on the mpfr_acos bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4581 | vlefevre | 2007-06-28 22:38:10 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jun 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: updated item on the mpfr_acos test (the bug wasn't visible on +32-bit machines due to an integer overflow, but the result should +have been correct anyway). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4580 | vlefevre | 2007-06-28 22:27:09 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jun 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + +acos.c: fixed integer overflows; to avoid undefined behavior, I had +to add an assertion that is not always satisfied (the code needs to +be rewritten to take tiny arguments into account). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4579 | vlefevre | 2007-06-28 17:30:39 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: update (mpfr_cot has just been fixed). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4578 | vlefevre | 2007-06-28 17:29:27 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jun 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + +cot.c: implemented the case |x| = 2^emin. +tests/tcot.c: added tests for this case, in 3 exponent ranges +(as this is an overflow limit). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4577 | vlefevre | 2007-06-28 17:00:15 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +Fixed bug in div.c: rnd_mode could be modified (MPFR_INVERT_RND), but +the original value was assumed in case of underflow or overflow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4576 | vlefevre | 2007-06-28 16:40:26 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +tdiv.c: added a test showing another bug in mpfr_div. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4575 | vlefevre | 2007-06-28 11:54:41 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jun 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/cot.c + +cot.c: use MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_UPDATE_FLAGS, but the case +/- 2^emin could +still be buggy with the current code; added a MPFR_ASSERTN (0) until +it is implemented. +BUGS: updated item on mpfr_cot. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4574 | zimmerma | 2007-06-28 07:59:28 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jun 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + +fixed several problems with huge arguments in periodic functions +mpfr_sin: complete rewrite, using mpfr_remainder for argument reduction +mpfr_sin_cos: ditto + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4573 | zimmerma | 2007-06-25 13:29:38 +0000 (Mon, 25 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + +fixed stupid bug (subtraction of unsigned longs) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4572 | zimmerma | 2007-06-25 09:48:43 +0000 (Mon, 25 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +cos.c: implemented argument reduction by 2Pi +tcos.c/tgeneric.c: reduce large exponent used when MPFR_CHECK_MAX is defined + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4571 | vlefevre | 2007-06-22 14:45:28 +0000 (Fri, 22 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: added bugs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4570 | vlefevre | 2007-06-22 12:15:03 +0000 (Fri, 22 Jun 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/sech.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + +coth.c, sech.c: a rounding mode was incorrect. +tests/tcoth.c: added underflowed_cothinf test. +tests/tsech.c: added overflowed_sech0 test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4569 | vlefevre | 2007-06-22 00:12:18 +0000 (Fri, 22 Jun 2007) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/sec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + +* gen_inverse.h: ACTION_TINY must be called after MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_MARK + (this is necessary for some functions). Moved MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_FREE + after the "end:" label. +* coth.c, csc.c, csch.c: as a consequence, MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_UPDATE_FLAGS + had to be added before "goto end;". +* sec.c: a rounding mode was incorrect. +* tests/tsec.c: added overflowed_sec0 test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4568 | vlefevre | 2007-06-21 23:36:19 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +sin_cos.c: fixed a bug for x = 0 in reduced exponent range. +tests/tsin_cos.c: added overflowed_sin_cos0 test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4567 | vlefevre | 2007-06-21 14:32:14 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: Some functions do not use MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_* macros, thus do not +behave correctly in a reduced exponent range. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4566 | vlefevre | 2007-06-21 14:28:13 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + +factorial.c: a rounding mode was incorrect. +tests/tfactorial.c: added overflowed_fac0 test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4565 | vlefevre | 2007-06-21 14:16:17 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jun 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + +exp2.c: use MPFR_SMALL_INPUT_AFTER_SAVE_EXPO instead of +MPFR_FAST_COMPUTE_IF_SMALL_INPUT since 1 (__gmpfr_one) isn't +necessarily representable. +tests/texp2.c: added overflowed_exp2_0 test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4564 | vlefevre | 2007-06-21 13:59:38 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +exp.c: fixed problems in reduced exponent range. +tests/texp.c: added overflowed_exp0 test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4563 | vlefevre | 2007-06-21 13:43:03 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + +exp.c bug fix: a rounding mode was incorrect. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4562 | vlefevre | 2007-06-21 13:40:55 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + +tcos.c: fixed error message in overflowed_cos0 test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4561 | vlefevre | 2007-06-21 13:38:44 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + +tcos.c: removed an obsolete comment from the overflowed_cos0 test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4560 | vlefevre | 2007-06-21 13:35:45 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + +tcos.c: improved overflowed_cos0 test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4559 | vlefevre | 2007-06-21 12:49:03 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +get_str.c: use MPFR_SAVE_EXPO. +tests/tget_str.c: enabled the test with a reduced exponent range. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4558 | vlefevre | 2007-06-21 12:13:06 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +tget_str.c: added a test (disabled by default) with emax = 0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4557 | vlefevre | 2007-06-21 11:53:16 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Corrected mpfr_inits, mpfr_inits2 and mpfr_clears calls with NULL +argument (-> (void *) 0). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4556 | vlefevre | 2007-06-21 11:38:33 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +tget_str.c: reformatted/corrected a function. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4555 | vlefevre | 2007-06-21 11:30:38 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jun 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + +Tests: when restoring the exponent range, save emin/emax first instead +of using MPFR_EMIN_MIN/MPFR_EMAX_MAX (which have no longer corresponded +to the default exponent range since quite a long time). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4554 | vlefevre | 2007-06-21 11:01:46 +0000 (Thu, 21 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4553 | vlefevre | 2007-06-20 13:22:49 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/remquo.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + M /trunk/tests/tyn.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +Untabified and removed trailing spaces. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4552 | vlefevre | 2007-06-20 13:12:41 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + +Bug fix: preprocessor # must be in the first column. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4551 | vlefevre | 2007-06-20 12:29:26 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/remquo.c + +remquo.c bug fix: preprocessor # must be in the first column. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4550 | vlefevre | 2007-06-20 11:58:25 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + +tcos.c: fixed and improved the overflowed_cos0 test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4549 | vlefevre | 2007-06-20 11:38:47 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +cos.c bug fix: a rounding mode was incorrect. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4548 | vlefevre | 2007-06-20 11:32:56 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +cos.c: use MPFR_SMALL_INPUT_AFTER_SAVE_EXPO instead of +MPFR_FAST_COMPUTE_IF_SMALL_INPUT. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4547 | vlefevre | 2007-06-20 11:27:41 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +cos.c: untabified. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4546 | vlefevre | 2007-06-20 10:55:52 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + +tcos.c: added tests for x very small and emax = 0 (some of them +currently fail). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4545 | vlefevre | 2007-06-20 10:06:56 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Added a comment concerning the MPFR_SMALL_INPUT_AFTER_SAVE_EXPO macro. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4544 | vlefevre | 2007-06-20 10:03:03 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Added MPFR_SMALL_INPUT_AFTER_SAVE_EXPO macro; updated expm1.c to use +this variant (and moved MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_MARK after the test ex < 0). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4543 | vlefevre | 2007-06-19 15:17:21 +0000 (Tue, 19 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Documented log(-0). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4542 | vlefevre | 2007-06-19 15:11:21 +0000 (Tue, 19 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + +Added a few tests of log functions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4541 | vlefevre | 2007-06-18 13:01:03 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated Section "Floating-Point Values on Special Numbers". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4540 | vlefevre | 2007-06-12 10:54:06 +0000 (Tue, 12 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: allow generic tests to run with a restricted exponent range. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4539 | vlefevre | 2007-06-12 10:51:17 +0000 (Tue, 12 Jun 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/expm1.c + +expm1.c: fixed bug for x = -max_value due to an intermediate overflow +(flags were incorrect); at the same time, potential problems due to a +restricted exponent range are also fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4538 | vlefevre | 2007-06-12 09:17:33 +0000 (Tue, 12 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +tgeneric.c: check the function on large arguments (±maximum_value) +when the MPFR_CHECK_MAX environment variable is defined. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4537 | vlefevre | 2007-06-11 13:40:14 +0000 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + +tests/tlgamma.c: re-enabled sign checking. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4536 | zimmerma | 2007-06-11 09:30:08 +0000 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + +fixed problem with mpfr_lgamma for tiny negative input (and fixed use of +generic test) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4535 | vlefevre | 2007-06-05 20:50:07 +0000 (Tue, 05 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +[mpfr.texi] Small change in new Section "Floating-Point Values on +Special Numbers" (suggested by Paul). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4534 | zimmerma | 2007-06-05 19:41:43 +0000 (Tue, 05 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +fixed bug for tiny negative input (and added corresponding test) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4533 | vlefevre | 2007-06-05 11:06:57 +0000 (Tue, 05 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +algorithms.tex: Mulder -> Mulders. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4532 | zimmerma | 2007-06-04 11:26:10 +0000 (Mon, 04 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +added test for "Witty's bug" on 64-bit machines + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4531 | vlefevre | 2007-06-04 11:19:33 +0000 (Mon, 04 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +div.c: GNU coding style. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4530 | zimmerma | 2007-06-04 11:04:30 +0000 (Mon, 04 Jun 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +tdiv.c: added missing mpfr_clear's, and spaces before function calls +div.c: fixed bug found by Carl Witty, and added more comments + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4529 | vlefevre | 2007-06-04 10:55:47 +0000 (Mon, 04 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +tdiv.c: oops... the result should be 1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4528 | vlefevre | 2007-06-04 10:50:42 +0000 (Mon, 04 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +tdiv.c: added test from Carl Witty's bug report on 2007-06-03. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4527 | vlefevre | 2007-06-01 13:48:35 +0000 (Fri, 01 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated Section "Floating-Point Values on Special Numbers". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4526 | vlefevre | 2007-06-01 13:31:14 +0000 (Fri, 01 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated Section "Floating-Point Values on Special Numbers". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4525 | vlefevre | 2007-06-01 13:29:33 +0000 (Fri, 01 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated month. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4524 | vlefevre | 2007-06-01 13:01:20 +0000 (Fri, 01 Jun 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: added @: after "resp." (when it was missing). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4523 | vlefevre | 2007-05-31 15:51:37 +0000 (Thu, 31 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Started a new section "Floating-Point Values on Special Numbers". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4522 | vlefevre | 2007-05-31 15:47:00 +0000 (Thu, 31 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: inf -> Inf for consistency. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4521 | vlefevre | 2007-05-31 15:05:19 +0000 (Thu, 31 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi @deftypefun correction: void * -> {void *} (for the PDF). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4520 | vlefevre | 2007-05-31 15:02:11 +0000 (Thu, 31 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: consistency changes in section titles; made titles unique. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4519 | vlefevre | 2007-05-31 12:16:06 +0000 (Thu, 31 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d64.c + +set_d64.c: replaced an "if" by a "#if" to avoid a gcc warning. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4518 | vlefevre | 2007-05-31 12:11:03 +0000 (Thu, 31 May 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + +get_d64.c: use BITS_PER_MP_LIMB instead of GMP_BITS_PER_LIMB (which +does not seem to exist). +set_d64.c: use BITS_PER_MP_LIMB instead of mp_bits_per_limb. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4517 | vlefevre | 2007-05-31 11:50:08 +0000 (Thu, 31 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + +get_d64.c, set_d64.c: improved code to avoid some warnings. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4516 | vlefevre | 2007-05-31 11:39:23 +0000 (Thu, 31 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + +Untabified get_d64.c and set_d64.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4515 | vlefevre | 2007-05-31 11:33:55 +0000 (Thu, 31 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d64.c + +get_d64.c: added missing #include. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4514 | vlefevre | 2007-05-31 09:20:43 +0000 (Thu, 31 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4513 | vlefevre | 2007-05-31 09:16:38 +0000 (Thu, 31 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: improved error message when thread safe is not supported. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4512 | vlefevre | 2007-05-30 15:27:10 +0000 (Wed, 30 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: say that relative paths in configure options are not supported +(autoconf doesn't seem to have support for them). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4511 | vlefevre | 2007-05-30 12:04:22 +0000 (Wed, 30 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + +Documented the new behavior of mpfr_sgn (in fact, it was already partly +required by the tsgn.c tests!) and added new mpfr_sgn tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4510 | vlefevre | 2007-05-30 11:21:32 +0000 (Wed, 30 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: added an item about the behavior of mpfr_sgn on NaN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4509 | vlefevre | 2007-05-30 11:13:23 +0000 (Wed, 30 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +tgeneric.c: no longer check the MPFR_CHECK_TINY environment variable +as all the bugs related to tiny arguments have been fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4508 | vlefevre | 2007-05-30 10:17:09 +0000 (Wed, 30 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: corrections following the remarks by Nathalie Revol. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4507 | vlefevre | 2007-05-29 23:11:06 +0000 (Tue, 29 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/yn.c + +yn.c: untabify. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4506 | zimmerma | 2007-05-29 22:02:35 +0000 (Tue, 29 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/yn.c + +fix for small inputs in y1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4505 | vlefevre | 2007-05-29 21:31:22 +0000 (Tue, 29 May 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Defined new macros SIGN and SAME_SIGN in mpfr-impl.h to canonicalize +the ternary value and to compare such values. Use SAME_SIGN in erf.c +and lngamma.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4504 | zimmerma | 2007-05-29 21:04:57 +0000 (Tue, 29 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/yn.c + +fixed problem of tiny arguments for y0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4503 | zimmerma | 2007-05-29 16:44:02 +0000 (Tue, 29 May 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +lngamma.c: fixed problem of tiny inputs in lngamma (still remains lgamma + to deal with) +erf.c: small correction (inexact flags might have been inexact :-) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4502 | zimmerma | 2007-05-29 12:24:20 +0000 (Tue, 29 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/jn.c + +fixed tiny input problem with csch, j0, j1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4501 | zimmerma | 2007-05-29 10:09:00 +0000 (Tue, 29 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cot.c + +added special code for tiny inputs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4500 | vlefevre | 2007-05-29 09:52:12 +0000 (Tue, 29 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + +tgeneric_ui.c: no longer check the MPFR_CHECK_TINY environment variable. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4499 | vlefevre | 2007-05-29 09:33:56 +0000 (Tue, 29 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erf.c + +erf.c: removed workaround to mpfr_div_ui bug, as the bug is now fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4498 | vlefevre | 2007-05-29 09:29:02 +0000 (Tue, 29 May 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + +div_ui.c: + * Cleaned up the use of the sh variable (there was a useless sh = 0, + so I'm not sure that there isn't a bug...). + * Added underflow check. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4497 | vlefevre | 2007-05-29 08:48:49 +0000 (Tue, 29 May 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + +Added check of tiny arguments to tgeneric_ui.c (if MPFR_CHECK_TINY is +defined, like in tgeneric.c); mpfr_div_ui currently fails due to the +lack of underflow checking. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4496 | zimmerma | 2007-05-29 08:12:30 +0000 (Tue, 29 May 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/erf.c + fixed typo +erf.c: implemented special case for tiny x, and partially get rid of double + usage +implemented + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4495 | vlefevre | 2007-05-28 23:11:56 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/sinh.c + +MPFR_RET (mpfr_check_range (...)) -> return mpfr_check_range (...) +as mpfr_check_range already handles the inexact flag. +Reformatting (removed trailing spaces, untabified). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4494 | zimmerma | 2007-05-28 21:51:11 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sech.c + +fixed problem of tiny input + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4493 | zimmerma | 2007-05-28 21:44:37 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + +fixed problem of tiny input for coth (and new fix again for csc, which +takes into account the sign of the input) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4492 | zimmerma | 2007-05-28 21:23:23 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/sec.c + +fixed problem of tiny inputs in mpfr_sec and mpfr_csc, +by adding a SPECIAL_TINY macro in gen_inverse.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4491 | zimmerma | 2007-05-28 20:56:41 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +the test for the tiny input case was too optimistic: fixed and added test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4490 | zimmerma | 2007-05-28 20:24:23 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +fixed case of tiny input + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4489 | zimmerma | 2007-05-28 19:54:27 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +fixed problem for tiny arguments + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4488 | zimmerma | 2007-05-28 18:33:26 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cosh.c + +added MPFR_FAST_COMPUTE_IF_SMALL_INPUT call + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4487 | zimmerma | 2007-05-28 18:19:08 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + +changed 1st-order Taylor term from x to v to avoid confusion with the +argument x of the function f(x), and fixed some typos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4486 | zimmerma | 2007-05-28 17:15:11 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +fixed direction of rounding for MPFR_FAST_COMPUTE_IF_SMALL_INPUT +(was wrong for x < 0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4485 | zimmerma | 2007-05-28 17:02:57 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4484 | zimmerma | 2007-05-28 16:19:06 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + +added call to MPFR_FAST_COMPUTE_IF_SMALL_INPUT in exp2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4483 | zimmerma | 2007-05-28 15:51:00 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/nightly-test + +re-enabled MPFR_CHECK_TINY + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4482 | zimmerma | 2007-05-28 15:34:10 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +improved documentation of mpfr_set/get_decimal64 functions +fixed problem in (_Decimal64 was tested too early) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4481 | vlefevre | 2007-05-28 15:17:44 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests/tests.c: fixed two bugs concerning the timeout (including an +old one: we need to call getrlimit to initialize rlim_max). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4480 | zimmerma | 2007-05-28 15:07:05 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/nightly-test + +new syntax for timeouts + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4479 | zimmerma | 2007-05-28 15:06:30 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4478 | vlefevre | 2007-05-28 13:57:32 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk + +Added mkinstalldirs to svn:ignore property. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4477 | vlefevre | 2007-05-28 13:56:33 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Changed --with-tests-timeout into --enable-tests-timeout as documented +in the autoconf manual (--with-* are for external packages only). When +this is enabled, environment variable MPFR_TESTS_TIMEOUT allows to +override the default timeout (use the value 0 to disable timeouts). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4476 | vlefevre | 2007-05-28 11:29:45 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Updated NEWS file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4475 | vlefevre | 2007-05-28 11:04:00 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: small improvement. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4474 | vlefevre | 2007-05-28 10:37:07 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + +Fixed a bug in the mpfr_cmp_ui macro occurring on NaN and the constant 0 +by specifying the behavior of mpfr_sgn on NaN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4473 | vlefevre | 2007-05-28 09:26:07 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: typography corrections concerning "i.e.". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4472 | vlefevre | 2007-05-28 09:17:37 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: consistency changes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4471 | vlefevre | 2007-05-28 09:11:39 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: more details in Section "Exceptions". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4470 | vlefevre | 2007-05-28 02:12:05 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +tgeneric.c: check the function on tiny arguments (±2^(emin-1)) when +the MPFR_CHECK_TINY environment variable is defined. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4469 | vlefevre | 2007-05-28 00:54:09 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Typo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4468 | vlefevre | 2007-05-28 00:27:16 +0000 (Mon, 28 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Avoid integer overflow in MPFR_FAST_COMPUTE_IF_SMALL_INPUT. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4467 | zimmerma | 2007-05-25 21:03:43 +0000 (Fri, 25 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/remquo.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + +completed implementation of Vincent's algorithm for mpfr_remquo +all tests now pass again + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4466 | zimmerma | 2007-05-24 21:45:25 +0000 (Thu, 24 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/remquo.c + +new version of mpfr_remainder, using Vincent's algorithm +(still remains to deal with special arguments, and make mpfr_remquo call it) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4465 | zimmerma | 2007-05-23 22:09:57 +0000 (Wed, 23 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added note about fms + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4464 | zimmerma | 2007-05-23 21:55:55 +0000 (Wed, 23 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4463 | zimmerma | 2007-05-23 21:26:14 +0000 (Wed, 23 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +fixed problem for x integer and rounding to nearest + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4462 | zimmerma | 2007-05-23 18:33:35 +0000 (Wed, 23 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +workaround for bug when x is very small (check_tiny in tsin) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4461 | vlefevre | 2007-05-22 12:06:00 +0000 (Tue, 22 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Updated BUGS (again). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4460 | vlefevre | 2007-05-22 11:50:06 +0000 (Tue, 22 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/TODO + +Updated BUGS and TODO (mpfr_lgamma has been implemented, but see BUGS, +and gamma(-integer) with integer >= 1 is defined as NaN). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4459 | vlefevre | 2007-05-22 08:41:00 +0000 (Tue, 22 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +tsin.c: check sin on +/- 2^(emin-1) (test by Christopher Creutzig). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4458 | vlefevre | 2007-05-22 08:25:20 +0000 (Tue, 22 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +tgamma.c: added test of gamma on some integral values (from Christopher +Creutzig); this test is enabled only when an argument is provided. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4457 | vlefevre | 2007-05-22 00:29:16 +0000 (Tue, 22 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +fma.c: improved comments and simplified the code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4456 | vlefevre | 2007-05-22 00:11:18 +0000 (Tue, 22 May 2007) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +fma.c: implemented exponent range expansion and the main part when the +multiplication overflows. The following remains to do: + * when the multiplication overflows: some corner cases; + * when the multiplication underflows: everything. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4455 | vlefevre | 2007-05-21 11:52:33 +0000 (Mon, 21 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + +tlgamma.c: I re-enable the generic tests of mpfr_lgamma now, to make +sure that it is fixed before the 2.3.0 release candidate. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4454 | vlefevre | 2007-05-21 11:49:41 +0000 (Mon, 21 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +tfma.c: added an overflow test (currently fails). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4453 | vlefevre | 2007-05-21 08:44:22 +0000 (Mon, 21 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +tfma.c: whitespace change. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4452 | vlefevre | 2007-05-21 08:43:41 +0000 (Mon, 21 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +tfma.c: added tests on special and exact values. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4451 | zimmerma | 2007-05-17 22:05:42 +0000 (Thu, 17 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +fixed error analysis in mpfr_lngamma +added mpfr_inp_raw/mpfr_out_raw in TODO + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4450 | vlefevre | 2007-05-16 14:52:57 +0000 (Wed, 16 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: fixed mpfr_fms formula to match the one on Itanium and PowerPC. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4449 | vlefevre | 2007-05-07 09:01:39 +0000 (Mon, 07 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +algorithms.tex: improved the description of mpfr_remquo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4448 | zimmerma | 2007-05-06 13:25:55 +0000 (Sun, 06 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +improved description of remainder and remquo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4447 | vlefevre | 2007-05-06 11:16:12 +0000 (Sun, 06 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +My latest change was not completely correct... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4446 | vlefevre | 2007-05-06 11:13:41 +0000 (Sun, 06 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +Updated description of algorithm for mpfr_remainder. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4445 | zimmerma | 2007-05-06 08:18:50 +0000 (Sun, 06 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added description of algorithm for mpfr_remainder + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4444 | vlefevre | 2007-05-04 14:25:31 +0000 (Fri, 04 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/remquo.c + +remquo.c: suggest to use mpz_powm. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4443 | vlefevre | 2007-05-04 13:19:27 +0000 (Fri, 04 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/remquo.c + +remquo.c: added a comment (idea to compute the remainder much more +efficiently in the case x much larger than y). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4442 | zimmerma | 2007-05-04 12:45:36 +0000 (Fri, 04 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/remquo.c + +added assert and ideas for native implementation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4441 | zimmerma | 2007-05-04 06:27:38 +0000 (Fri, 04 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + +put back test (disabled for test) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4440 | zimmerma | 2007-05-04 06:26:56 +0000 (Fri, 04 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/remquo.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + +fixed problem when rem and x are the same variable + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4439 | vlefevre | 2007-05-04 00:36:01 +0000 (Fri, 04 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + +tremquo.c: added a test that leads to a segmentation fault. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4438 | vlefevre | 2007-05-04 00:29:47 +0000 (Fri, 04 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + +tremquo.c: fixed tests (= -> ==). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4437 | zimmerma | 2007-05-03 20:07:20 +0000 (Thu, 03 May 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/remquo.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + +fixed two issues found by Kaveh Ghazi: +* remainder was wrong for |x/y| < 1 +* remainder had wrong sign when zero + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4436 | zimmerma | 2007-05-03 15:56:03 +0000 (Thu, 03 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +more details of error analysis + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4435 | vlefevre | 2007-05-03 13:30:34 +0000 (Thu, 03 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +Updated svn:ignore property. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4434 | vlefevre | 2007-05-03 13:28:31 +0000 (Thu, 03 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk + +Updated svn:ignore property. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4433 | zimmerma | 2007-05-03 13:16:34 +0000 (Thu, 03 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + +fixed precision for command-line usage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4432 | vlefevre | 2007-05-03 13:15:49 +0000 (Thu, 03 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: added mpfr_lgamma. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4431 | zimmerma | 2007-05-03 13:10:31 +0000 (Thu, 03 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + +added code to use tremquo with command-line arguments (tremquo x y) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4430 | vlefevre | 2007-05-02 16:03:52 +0000 (Wed, 02 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + improved comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4429 | vlefevre | 2007-05-02 15:52:51 +0000 (Wed, 02 May 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added a comment on the AC_ARG_ENABLE(decimal-float...) +part. The addition of this code was the cause of the test_CFLAGS problem +(see r4425 log), but this code is still wrong. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4428 | zimmerma | 2007-05-02 15:41:18 +0000 (Wed, 02 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + +modified test (2147483648 is not representable as 32-bit long in C90) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4427 | vlefevre | 2007-05-02 15:20:50 +0000 (Wed, 02 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/remquo.c + M /trunk/yn.c + +Removed unused variables. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4426 | vlefevre | 2007-05-02 15:18:18 +0000 (Wed, 02 May 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +get_str.c: + * Removed useless prototype declaration (function no longer defined). + * Fixed initializer. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4425 | vlefevre | 2007-05-02 15:14:44 +0000 (Wed, 02 May 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + moved the definition of test_CFLAGS upward (it was +always set to "set", either because of things added to +or because of new autoconf). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4424 | vlefevre | 2007-05-02 14:54:47 +0000 (Wed, 02 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr.h: added mpfr_lgamma prototype. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4423 | zimmerma | 2007-05-02 14:23:11 +0000 (Wed, 02 May 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/remquo.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + +argument quo of remquo is now a pointer to long instead of int +added new functions in NEWS + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4422 | zimmerma | 2007-05-02 12:21:24 +0000 (Wed, 02 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/remquo.c + M /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + +changed order of arguments: now mpfr_remquo (r, q, x, y, rnd). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4421 | vlefevre | 2007-05-02 11:53:58 +0000 (Wed, 02 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/remquo.c + +remquo.c: fixed variable name for MPFR_LOG_FUNC. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4420 | zimmerma | 2007-05-02 10:12:11 +0000 (Wed, 02 May 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/remquo.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tremquo.c + +added mpfr_remquo and mpfr_remainder + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4419 | zimmerma | 2007-04-27 12:48:01 +0000 (Fri, 27 Apr 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +fixed error analysis (error was over-estimated) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4418 | vlefevre | 2007-04-26 10:12:51 +0000 (Thu, 26 Apr 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +lngamma.c: a bit more details in the error analysis for z0 < 1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4417 | vlefevre | 2007-04-26 09:20:37 +0000 (Thu, 26 Apr 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +lngamma.c: a bit more details in the error analysis for z0 < 1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4416 | zimmerma | 2007-04-26 08:26:39 +0000 (Thu, 26 Apr 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +u was used for two different meanings in the error analysis for z0 < 1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4415 | vlefevre | 2007-04-25 12:52:09 +0000 (Wed, 25 Apr 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + M /trunk/tests/tj1.c + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + M /trunk/tests/ty0.c + M /trunk/tests/ty1.c + M /trunk/tests/tyn.c + M /trunk/yn.c + +Updated Subversion properties on .c files (now consistent). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4414 | vlefevre | 2007-04-25 12:49:47 +0000 (Wed, 25 Apr 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +Updated svn:ignore property. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4413 | vlefevre | 2007-04-25 12:48:05 +0000 (Wed, 25 Apr 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tlgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + +Added preliminary support for mpfr_lngamma and tests. +TODO: add support for negative numbers with small exponent. +Re-enable the generic tests when this is done. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4412 | vlefevre | 2007-04-25 10:58:14 +0000 (Wed, 25 Apr 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +lngamma.c: There was an assertion failed, probably because the error +was too large; fixed that by restarting with a larger precision. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4411 | vlefevre | 2007-04-25 10:51:03 +0000 (Wed, 25 Apr 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +lngamma.c: fixed -2k-1 <= x <= -2k test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4410 | vlefevre | 2007-04-25 09:07:03 +0000 (Wed, 25 Apr 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + +tests/tlngamma.c: added a test showing a bug in lngamma (due to the +use of mpfr_get_si even when the number doesn't fit in a long). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4409 | zimmerma | 2007-04-22 08:58:35 +0000 (Sun, 22 Apr 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + +fixed bug for negative even index in mpfr_jn (wrong sign) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4408 | zimmerma | 2007-04-12 12:16:04 +0000 (Thu, 12 Apr 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added warning + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4407 | zimmerma | 2007-04-12 08:24:19 +0000 (Thu, 12 Apr 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added Bit Twiddling Hacks + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4406 | vlefevre | 2007-04-05 12:01:07 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +MPFR manual: added a brief description of mpfr_t (this may be needed +to write correct code) and mpfr_ptr (used by mpfr_sum). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4405 | vlefevre | 2007-04-02 15:32:00 +0000 (Mon, 02 Apr 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + M /trunk/tests/tyn.c + M /trunk/yn.c + +Changed mpfr_{jn,yn}_si (mpfr_t res, mpfr_t x, long n, ...) into +mpfr_{jn,yn} (mpfr_t res, long n, mpfr_t x, ...), as discussed by +mail; fixed a typo in mpfr.texi in mpfr_{y0,y1,yn} description. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4404 | zimmerma | 2007-03-31 21:23:00 +0000 (Sat, 31 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added url of GSL manual + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4403 | zimmerma | 2007-03-31 21:15:26 +0000 (Sat, 31 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +fixed misunderstanding about definition of Bessel functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4402 | zimmerma | 2007-03-31 17:59:23 +0000 (Sat, 31 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +removed Bessel functions J_n and Y_n + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4401 | zimmerma | 2007-03-31 14:01:00 +0000 (Sat, 31 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/ty0.c + A /trunk/tests/ty1.c + A /trunk/tests/tyn.c + A /trunk/yn.c + +added Bessel functions of second kind (y0, y1, yn_si) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4400 | zimmerma | 2007-03-31 13:55:06 +0000 (Sat, 31 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tj0.c + M /trunk/tests/tj1.c + +now test_generic calls respectively j0 and j1, not zeta! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4399 | vlefevre | 2007-03-30 14:35:56 +0000 (Fri, 30 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: INF -> Inf for consistency. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4398 | vlefevre | 2007-03-30 14:34:00 +0000 (Fri, 30 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: PI -> Pi for consistency. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4397 | vlefevre | 2007-03-29 02:33:02 +0000 (Thu, 29 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: -0 -> @minus{}0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4396 | vlefevre | 2007-03-29 02:28:46 +0000 (Thu, 29 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: fixed bug introduced in rev 4377, which made TeX fail. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4395 | vlefevre | 2007-03-29 02:00:04 +0000 (Thu, 29 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +Added tj0, tj1 and tjn to svn:ignore property of "tests" directory. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4393 | zimmerma | 2007-03-26 09:29:40 +0000 (Mon, 26 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/jn.c + +mpfr_jn -> mpfr_jn_si + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4392 | zimmerma | 2007-03-23 20:30:20 +0000 (Fri, 23 Mar 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + +now check underflow for large n in mpfr_jn_si +added more tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4391 | zimmerma | 2007-03-23 16:37:16 +0000 (Fri, 23 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + +added more tests (large values of n) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4390 | zimmerma | 2007-03-23 16:22:01 +0000 (Fri, 23 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/jn.c + +fixed another stupid bug + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4389 | zimmerma | 2007-03-23 15:49:35 +0000 (Fri, 23 Mar 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tjn.c + +mpfr_jn -> mpfr_jn_si, with 'int' argument changed to 'long' +fixed bug in mpfr_jn_si (forgot to increase working precision) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4388 | vlefevre | 2007-03-23 15:47:17 +0000 (Fri, 23 Mar 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added a warning about the meaning of the output "inexact" +value in the function logging code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4387 | vlefevre | 2007-03-23 15:38:20 +0000 (Fri, 23 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/sub.c + +Added log support for mpfr_add and mpfr_sub. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4386 | lfousse | 2007-03-23 13:43:18 +0000 (Fri, 23 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +Correction: added missing $b_n$. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4385 | zimmerma | 2007-03-22 17:12:00 +0000 (Thu, 22 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + A /trunk/jn.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + A /trunk/tests/tj0.c + A /trunk/tests/tj1.c + A /trunk/tests/tjn.c + +added Bessel functions of first kind: j0, j1, jn + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4384 | vlefevre | 2007-03-19 09:11:17 +0000 (Mon, 19 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +MPFR manual: improved description of mpfr_get_str. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4383 | zimmerma | 2007-03-19 07:43:16 +0000 (Mon, 19 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +fixed typos in comments + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4382 | zimmerma | 2007-03-18 20:16:15 +0000 (Sun, 18 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +documented restriction to n in mpfr_get_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4380 | vlefevre | 2007-03-13 15:46:08 +0000 (Tue, 13 Mar 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Updated INSTALL based on AIX/PowerPC tests and results from Julie Kurpa +and information on . + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4379 | vlefevre | 2007-03-03 01:55:32 +0000 (Sat, 03 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated "To make a release" section. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4378 | vlefevre | 2007-03-02 11:16:59 +0000 (Fri, 02 Mar 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Made modified paragraph on mpfr_get_str more correct from a logical +point of view. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4377 | zimmerma | 2007-03-02 09:15:04 +0000 (Fri, 02 Mar 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +modified paragraph on mpfr_get_str (size of allocated string) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4376 | zimmerma | 2007-02-25 13:04:13 +0000 (Sun, 25 Feb 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added tentative implementation of fmod + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4375 | zimmerma | 2007-02-20 02:58:16 +0000 (Tue, 20 Feb 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added suggestion about remquo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4374 | zimmerma | 2007-02-19 21:50:26 +0000 (Mon, 19 Feb 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4373 | zimmerma | 2007-02-19 21:43:23 +0000 (Mon, 19 Feb 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added C99 rationale for remquo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4372 | zimmerma | 2007-02-19 03:52:30 +0000 (Mon, 19 Feb 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + +fixed error in generic error for the logarithm, and propagated new bound +in algorithms.tex and source files + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4371 | zimmerma | 2007-02-18 20:10:20 +0000 (Sun, 18 Feb 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added new item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4370 | vlefevre | 2007-02-15 23:35:25 +0000 (Thu, 15 Feb 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/update-patchv (from /branches/2.2/update-patchv:4367) + +Added update-patchv script to update some files before a patch is built +(script from 2.2 branch). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4365 | vlefevre | 2007-02-14 09:31:19 +0000 (Wed, 14 Feb 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated paragraph on the underflow before/after rounding. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4364 | zimmerma | 2007-02-14 03:34:21 +0000 (Wed, 14 Feb 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added reference + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4363 | vlefevre | 2007-02-12 16:34:21 +0000 (Mon, 12 Feb 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: added Exceptions section. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4361 | vlefevre | 2007-02-12 12:18:19 +0000 (Mon, 12 Feb 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated month. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4359 | vlefevre | 2007-02-12 12:04:14 +0000 (Mon, 12 Feb 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Note that the file is now installed in the share subdirectory. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4358 | vlefevre | 2007-02-10 11:30:18 +0000 (Sat, 10 Feb 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tests/tpow.c: removed comment since there are other macros +in the file (and this is an old bug: the first one was introduced in +rev 2783). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4357 | zimmerma | 2007-02-10 08:05:30 +0000 (Sat, 10 Feb 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +added missing include + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4356 | vlefevre | 2007-02-09 14:17:32 +0000 (Fri, 09 Feb 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Fixed an integer overflow in pow_si.c (detected with -ftrapv) and +added a corresponding testcase in tests/tpow.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4355 | vlefevre | 2007-02-09 13:30:57 +0000 (Fri, 09 Feb 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +pow_si.c: another comment about the overflow detection. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4354 | vlefevre | 2007-02-09 13:14:07 +0000 (Fri, 09 Feb 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +pow_si.c: added the proof of overflow checking. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4353 | vlefevre | 2007-02-09 11:55:51 +0000 (Fri, 09 Feb 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: added a comment about the exponent limits for MPFR numbers. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4352 | vlefevre | 2007-02-08 15:47:13 +0000 (Thu, 08 Feb 2007) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +Reimplemented mpfr_set_si_2exp and mpfr_set_ui_2exp, and mpfr_set_si +and mpfr_set_ui using the 2exp versions with e = 0. This fixes a bug +in corner cases (emin >= 4 and some other constraints) in mpfr_set_si +and mpfr_set_ui that incorrectly lead to an underflow flag set, and +fixes mpfr_set_si_2exp and mpfr_set_ui_2exp in case of overflow or +underflow (replacing the r4346 fix). Added corresponding testcases. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4350 | vlefevre | 2007-02-07 01:48:01 +0000 (Wed, 07 Feb 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/clears.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_ld.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/constant.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_sint.c + M /trunk/fits_slong.c + M /trunk/fits_sshort.c + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uint.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fits_ulong.c + M /trunk/fits_ushort.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inits.c + M /trunk/inits2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/isqrt.c + M /trunk/iszero.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/sec.c + M /trunk/sech.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/version.c + M /trunk/volatile.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +Added "Contributed by the Arenaire and Cacao projects, INRIA." to the +copyright notices and removed a few old things. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4347 | zimmerma | 2007-02-01 13:15:34 +0000 (Thu, 01 Feb 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added missing macro (thanks to Izhar Wallach ) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4346 | vlefevre | 2007-01-20 13:45:20 +0000 (Sat, 20 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + +Fixed mpfr_set_si_2exp in case of overflow or underflow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4345 | vlefevre | 2007-01-19 08:31:32 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +pow_si.c: fixed the overflow detection for x power of 2 and n negative. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4344 | vlefevre | 2007-01-19 07:24:26 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jan 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + +tests/tget_f.c: fixed a test that had an integer overflow (detected +with -ftrapv). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4343 | vlefevre | 2007-01-19 07:07:10 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jan 2007) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +pow_si.c: Before fixing the bug corresponding to the testcase added in +rev 4342, let's fix another one that can be detected with -ftrapv when +n = LONG_MIN (since -n is not representable in this case). +With wrapping, we always got the correct result because mp_exp_t is +currently at most a long *and* because of side effects! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4342 | vlefevre | 2007-01-19 06:51:13 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tests/tpow.c: added a test which fails (undetected integer overflow). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4341 | vlefevre | 2007-01-19 06:44:09 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tests/tpow.c: new test was wrong; fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4340 | vlefevre | 2007-01-19 06:39:23 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tests/tpow.c: corrected tests and added another test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4339 | vlefevre | 2007-01-19 05:10:16 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tests/tpow.c: added tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4338 | vlefevre | 2007-01-19 04:23:17 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +pow_si.c: added an assertion. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4337 | vlefevre | 2007-01-18 01:28:02 +0000 (Thu, 18 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: merged both requests for mpfr_sinh_cosh. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4335 | zimmerma | 2007-01-17 19:38:49 +0000 (Wed, 17 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added documentation for mpfr_dim (was missing) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4334 | zimmerma | 2007-01-17 19:26:47 +0000 (Wed, 17 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4333 | vlefevre | 2007-01-17 17:34:09 +0000 (Wed, 17 Jan 2007) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Replaced some computations using the type double by computations using +MPFR, for mpfr_get_str, allowing it to work with an x86 processor set +up in single-precision mode. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4332 | vlefevre | 2007-01-16 23:15:29 +0000 (Tue, 16 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +Updated comment concerning LONG_MIN / 1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4331 | vlefevre | 2007-01-15 00:40:17 +0000 (Mon, 15 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated "To make a release" section. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4329 | vlefevre | 2007-01-10 16:35:27 +0000 (Wed, 10 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/mpzroot.c + D /trunk/rootrem.c + +Removed mpzroot.c and rootrem.c from the repository. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4328 | vlefevre | 2007-01-10 16:32:46 +0000 (Wed, 10 Jan 2007) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + D /trunk/log_b2.h + +Removed log_b2.h (has never been used) from the repository and from +libmpfr_la_SOURCES in + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4327 | vlefevre | 2007-01-10 15:40:05 +0000 (Wed, 10 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + +FAQ.html: Added details to MPF-related Q&A's. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4326 | vlefevre | 2007-01-10 12:51:56 +0000 (Wed, 10 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/clears.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_ld.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/constant.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/faq.xsl + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_sint.c + M /trunk/fits_slong.c + M /trunk/fits_sshort.c + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uint.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fits_ulong.c + M /trunk/fits_ushort.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inits.c + M /trunk/inits2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/isqrt.c + M /trunk/iszero.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/mp_clz_tab.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mpzroot.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/rootrem.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/sec.c + M /trunk/sech.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/version.c + M /trunk/volatile.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +Copyright notice update: added 2007. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4325 | vlefevre | 2007-01-10 12:37:05 +0000 (Wed, 10 Jan 2007) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +* tests/tests.c: under Linux/x86, the FPU precision can be set before +doing the tests (see MPFR_FPU_PREC), so that MPFR can be tested under +various FP environments (2 tests currently fail with _FPU_SINGLE). +* updated "To make a release" section. +* BUGS: mentioned the above bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4323 | vlefevre | 2007-01-08 16:36:00 +0000 (Mon, 08 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi -> January 2007. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4321 | zimmerma | 2007-01-08 16:03:52 +0000 (Mon, 08 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added support from LIP, and different INRIA project-teams + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4320 | vlefevre | 2007-01-03 16:19:45 +0000 (Wed, 03 Jan 2007) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +Minor change. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4319 | vlefevre | 2006-12-29 03:42:39 +0000 (Fri, 29 Dec 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: macros/functions to get/set the sign of a MPFR number. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4318 | zimmerma | 2006-12-21 14:10:51 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/root.c + +remove new rootrem implementation (unclear copyright status) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4317 | vlefevre | 2006-12-19 22:32:09 +0000 (Tue, 19 Dec 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Replaced mpfr_mul_2exp and mpfr_div_2exp by mpfr_mul_2ui and +mpfr_div_2ui respectively (when this makes sense, of course). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4316 | zimmerma | 2006-12-19 13:59:59 +0000 (Tue, 19 Dec 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +mpfr_div_2exp -> mpfr_div_2ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4315 | zimmerma | 2006-12-19 07:08:13 +0000 (Tue, 19 Dec 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +improved efficiency of zeta_ui(s) for 3^(-s) < 1/2*ulp(1) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4314 | vlefevre | 2006-12-18 17:09:43 +0000 (Mon, 18 Dec 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: update concerning MPFR_USE_EXTENSION. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4313 | zimmerma | 2006-12-18 16:03:26 +0000 (Mon, 18 Dec 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rootrem.c + +added copyright header + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4312 | zimmerma | 2006-12-18 12:04:19 +0000 (Mon, 18 Dec 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4311 | vlefevre | 2006-12-15 14:28:53 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Implemented MPFR_USE_EXTENSION support. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4310 | zimmerma | 2006-12-15 08:42:21 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2006) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +improved efficiency for zeta(m) in precision p when m is large +but still smaller than p, for example m=1024 and p=2048 gives a +speedup of about 23 (thanks to Jim White for reporting the problem) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4309 | zimmerma | 2006-12-14 15:19:17 +0000 (Thu, 14 Dec 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +added MPFR_ZIV_INIT stuff + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4308 | zimmerma | 2006-12-07 07:17:58 +0000 (Thu, 07 Dec 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4307 | vlefevre | 2006-12-05 09:42:22 +0000 (Tue, 05 Dec 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: to be added: MPFR_USE_EXTENSION macro. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4306 | vlefevre | 2006-11-29 09:50:57 +0000 (Wed, 29 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4300 | vlefevre | 2006-11-29 08:54:24 +0000 (Wed, 29 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: update of the "Notes on Windows 32" section. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4299 | zimmerma | 2006-11-27 08:56:12 +0000 (Mon, 27 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_uj.c + +added comment about last change + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4298 | zimmerma | 2006-11-27 08:26:02 +0000 (Mon, 27 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_uj.c + +fixed warning on 64-bit machines + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4297 | vlefevre | 2006-11-26 18:58:05 +0000 (Sun, 26 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tests/tpow.c: added worst cases. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4296 | vlefevre | 2006-11-26 18:52:26 +0000 (Sun, 26 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + +tests/troot.c: two more worst cases. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4295 | vlefevre | 2006-11-25 20:05:15 +0000 (Sat, 25 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + +tests/troot.c: added a worst case. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4293 | vlefevre | 2006-11-25 19:46:42 +0000 (Sat, 25 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: removed obsolete "compiler bugs" section. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4292 | zimmerma | 2006-11-25 09:51:07 +0000 (Sat, 25 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +added worst case + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4286 | vlefevre | 2006-11-25 00:15:30 +0000 (Sat, 25 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Partially rewrote the INSTALL file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4284 | vlefevre | 2006-11-24 14:46:41 +0000 (Fri, 24 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + fixed libtool's -version-info flag (and comment). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4279 | vlefevre | 2006-11-24 00:44:20 +0000 (Fri, 24 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + check for gmp.h a bit earlier. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4278 | zimmerma | 2006-11-23 14:10:10 +0000 (Thu, 23 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/nightly-test + +added --with-tests-timeout=60 for nightly tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4277 | zimmerma | 2006-11-23 14:08:47 +0000 (Thu, 23 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +test timeout is now a configure option (e.g. --with-tests-timeout=60) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4276 | zimmerma | 2006-11-23 13:25:35 +0000 (Thu, 23 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +replaced set_d by set_str_binary (more portable) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4274 | vlefevre | 2006-11-23 00:34:58 +0000 (Thu, 23 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: several additions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4272 | vlefevre | 2006-11-22 17:25:20 +0000 (Wed, 22 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: small update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4270 | vlefevre | 2006-11-22 15:25:22 +0000 (Wed, 22 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + +FAQ update (added a CSS counter). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4268 | vlefevre | 2006-11-22 15:23:30 +0000 (Wed, 22 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/update-faq + +update-faq: added a workaround for the libxslt bug 377440. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4267 | vlefevre | 2006-11-22 11:48:44 +0000 (Wed, 22 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: update concerning the patches information. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4266 | zimmerma | 2006-11-22 08:03:59 +0000 (Wed, 22 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/nightly-test + +set GMP_CHECK_RANDOMIZE to get random tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4263 | vlefevre | 2006-11-21 18:01:15 +0000 (Tue, 21 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + +Updated README file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4259 | vlefevre | 2006-11-20 16:32:36 +0000 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + mention the version suffix. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4258 | vlefevre | 2006-11-20 16:25:47 +0000 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/VERSION + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/version.c + +Updated version to 2.3.0-dev. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4257 | vlefevre | 2006-11-20 16:24:20 +0000 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/update-version + +Added version suffix support (useful for dev and rc versions). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4256 | vlefevre | 2006-11-20 14:45:50 +0000 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/nightly-test + +Rewrote nightly-test in sh and fixed a security hole. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4255 | zimmerma | 2006-11-20 14:08:00 +0000 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +added cpu time limit of 60 seconds in tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4254 | vlefevre | 2006-11-20 13:44:04 +0000 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4252 | zimmerma | 2006-11-20 12:59:26 +0000 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/nightly-test + +added an argument to give the branch (use trunk or branches/2.2 for example) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4250 | vlefevre | 2006-11-20 11:36:25 +0000 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +tests/tgamma.c: restore emin and emax to their default values. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4249 | zimmerma | 2006-11-20 11:00:45 +0000 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +fixed bug in overflow test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4248 | zimmerma | 2006-11-20 09:52:45 +0000 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_gamma for exact result + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4246 | zimmerma | 2006-11-20 07:39:36 +0000 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/nightly-test + +added two configure options + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4245 | zimmerma | 2006-11-20 07:32:36 +0000 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erfc.c + +simplified test :-) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4244 | vlefevre | 2006-11-20 05:40:58 +0000 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + unset GMP_CFLAGS and GMP_CC in case the user has set such +environment variables for another use. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4243 | vlefevre | 2006-11-20 04:45:11 +0000 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + +tests/texp2.c: fixed a problem with a value that is not necessarily +representable (on platforms without long long). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4242 | vlefevre | 2006-11-20 00:27:53 +0000 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: removed item on mpfr_eint (now fixed). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4241 | vlefevre | 2006-11-20 00:25:10 +0000 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erfc.c + +Untabify. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4240 | zimmerma | 2006-11-19 21:27:33 +0000 (Sun, 19 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +replaced double by mpfr_t (problem on 64-bit machines) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4239 | zimmerma | 2006-11-19 18:22:51 +0000 (Sun, 19 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +added more tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4238 | zimmerma | 2006-11-19 18:08:38 +0000 (Sun, 19 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/nightly-test + +script for nightly tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4237 | zimmerma | 2006-11-19 14:35:02 +0000 (Sun, 19 Nov 2006) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + +fixed bug in pow (isodd -> assertion failed) +fixed problem in erfc for large input +reduced tests that took too much time + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4236 | vlefevre | 2006-11-19 11:34:06 +0000 (Sun, 19 Nov 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated description of mpfr_eint, as the whole input domain +is now supported. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4235 | vlefevre | 2006-11-19 11:17:03 +0000 (Sun, 19 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + +Untabify. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4234 | vlefevre | 2006-11-19 11:01:25 +0000 (Sun, 19 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: added a comment about MPFR_WARNING. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4233 | zimmerma | 2006-11-19 09:28:35 +0000 (Sun, 19 Nov 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + +fixed bug in erfc (forgot to compare result of cmp_si) +fixed infinite loop in eint (test for use of asympt was not tight enough) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4232 | zimmerma | 2006-11-19 08:48:17 +0000 (Sun, 19 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + +added asymptotic expansion for mpfr_eint (don't need MPFR_WARNING any more) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4231 | vlefevre | 2006-11-18 20:55:17 +0000 (Sat, 18 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +Added a mpfr_erfc test that shows a bug and updated BUGS file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4229 | vlefevre | 2006-11-17 09:07:23 +0000 (Fri, 17 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + Added a comment concerning GMP version checking. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4228 | vlefevre | 2006-11-17 08:58:29 +0000 (Fri, 17 Nov 2006) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + Before testing GMP header and library versions, set +LD_RUN_PATH locally if a --with-gmp* option is used, so that the +right version of the GMP library is used. There is no need to do +something similar for "make check" as libtool does the job. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4227 | vlefevre | 2006-11-17 08:15:24 +0000 (Fri, 17 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Updated mpfr_erfc documentation (now supported in whole domain). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4226 | vlefevre | 2006-11-17 03:16:16 +0000 (Fri, 17 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: removed mpfr_pow_z bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4225 | vlefevre | 2006-11-17 03:13:24 +0000 (Fri, 17 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +Merged the new generic tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4224 | vlefevre | 2006-11-17 02:55:09 +0000 (Fri, 17 Nov 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +Partially fixed a bug in mpfr_pow_si (overflow/underflow detection for +n < 0). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4223 | vlefevre | 2006-11-17 02:46:56 +0000 (Fri, 17 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + +tests/tpow_z.c: various corrections. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4222 | vlefevre | 2006-11-17 02:27:06 +0000 (Fri, 17 Nov 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Partially fixed another bug in mpfr_pow_z (overflow/underflow detection +for z < 0) and added corresponding testcases. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4221 | vlefevre | 2006-11-17 01:56:31 +0000 (Fri, 17 Nov 2006) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Fixed a bug in mpfr_pow_z concerning the underflow flag and added the +corresponding testcase (but the case z < 0 is still buggy concerning +the flags). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4219 | zimmerma | 2006-11-16 15:02:08 +0000 (Thu, 16 Nov 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +implemented asymptotic formula for erfc (fixed both slowness for large +arguments, and call to MPFR_WARNING with return value NaN for huge arguments) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4218 | zimmerma | 2006-11-16 10:19:19 +0000 (Thu, 16 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +added new test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4216 | zimmerma | 2006-11-14 16:42:46 +0000 (Tue, 14 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +fixed problem for large negative input + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4215 | vlefevre | 2006-11-14 14:26:02 +0000 (Tue, 14 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: slight change in the proposed mpfr_lgamma prototype (arg order). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4214 | vlefevre | 2006-11-13 09:07:20 +0000 (Mon, 13 Nov 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +About mpfr_lngamma/mpfr_lgamma: added mpfr_lgamma to TODO and updated +mpfr_lngamma description in mpfr.texi. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4213 | vlefevre | 2006-11-13 08:39:16 +0000 (Mon, 13 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4212 | vlefevre | 2006-11-13 07:26:31 +0000 (Mon, 13 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +tests/terf.c: added a test that yields a segfault (execute "terf 1"). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4211 | zimmerma | 2006-11-10 16:05:07 +0000 (Fri, 10 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +moved the [gs]et_decimal64 functions after the [gs]et_ld functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4210 | vlefevre | 2006-11-10 15:14:58 +0000 (Fri, 10 Nov 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: changed @code{--enable-decimal-float} into @samp{...} +for consistency with the other configure options. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4209 | vlefevre | 2006-11-10 15:13:30 +0000 (Fri, 10 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: updated the note concerning mpfr_eint and mpfr_erfc. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4208 | vlefevre | 2006-11-10 14:54:19 +0000 (Fri, 10 Nov 2006) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/new-generic-tests/tests/ + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Added warnings support. + * added --enable-warnings configure option. + * mpfr-impl.h: defined MPFR_WARNING(W) macro. + * eint.c, erfc.c: use MPFR_WARNING instead of fprintf. + * tests/ (new-generic-tests branch): run the tests with + MPFR_QUIET=1 to avoid output of useless warnings, as some tests + (with large arguments) can generate such warnings, which are all + expected. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4206 | vlefevre | 2006-11-10 13:28:54 +0000 (Fri, 10 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +Added tget_set_d64 to svn:ignore property of "tests" directory. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4205 | vlefevre | 2006-11-10 09:05:56 +0000 (Fri, 10 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: "add a configure test for --enable-logging..." + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4204 | vlefevre | 2006-11-10 01:30:10 +0000 (Fri, 10 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +More information for --enable-logging configure option. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4203 | vlefevre | 2006-11-10 01:24:33 +0000 (Fri, 10 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Fixed test of logging support. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4202 | vlefevre | 2006-11-10 01:01:24 +0000 (Fri, 10 Nov 2006) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/ + +Removed --with-irix64 configure option and "case $OS_TYPE" code from; see + +for the reasons. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4201 | zimmerma | 2006-11-09 14:25:48 +0000 (Thu, 09 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + +added more checks with native format + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4200 | zimmerma | 2006-11-09 13:37:33 +0000 (Thu, 09 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + +added detection of decimal format in configure (DPD or BID) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4199 | vlefevre | 2006-11-09 11:39:34 +0000 (Thu, 09 Nov 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +strtofr.c: removed a useless cast (ISO C99 standard 6.2.5#3) and updated +a comment as isdigit is no longer used. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4198 | vlefevre | 2006-11-09 11:13:48 +0000 (Thu, 09 Nov 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +strtofr.c fix: no longer use isdigit, as MPFR requires non-localized +digits. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4197 | zimmerma | 2006-11-09 11:05:05 +0000 (Thu, 09 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + +modified to work on 64-bit machines too + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4196 | vlefevre | 2006-11-09 09:31:09 +0000 (Thu, 09 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d64.c + +get_d64.c: fixed problems related to signed/unsigned values. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4195 | vlefevre | 2006-11-09 09:03:17 +0000 (Thu, 09 Nov 2006) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +strtofr.c: fixed a bug that could occur on platforms with signed chars, +when the user provides a string with negative characters (e.g. accented +characters, in practice). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4194 | zimmerma | 2006-11-09 07:29:15 +0000 (Thu, 09 Nov 2006) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + +complete rewrite of mpfr_set_decimal64 and mpfr_get_decimal64: now use +internal string <-> _Decimal64 conversion functions, which perform native +conversion from/to BID or DPD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4193 | zimmerma | 2006-11-08 09:32:52 +0000 (Wed, 08 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added mpfr_set_decimal64 and mpfr_get_decimal64 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4192 | vlefevre | 2006-11-08 08:55:33 +0000 (Wed, 08 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr-impl.h: fixed a compile error if _Decimal64 is unknown. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4191 | zimmerma | 2006-11-08 07:47:07 +0000 (Wed, 08 Nov 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + +added new configure option --enable-decimal-float to build mpfr_set_decimal64 +and mpfr_get_decimal64 (checks _Decimal64, and _GMP_IEEE_FLOATS is defined) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4190 | zimmerma | 2006-11-07 16:47:45 +0000 (Tue, 07 Nov 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + +added --enable-decimal-float in configure, and corresponding macro +WANT_DECIMAL_FLOATS + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4189 | vlefevre | 2006-11-07 15:09:16 +0000 (Tue, 07 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + +tests/tversion.c: improved error message and added gmp.h/libgmp test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4188 | vlefevre | 2006-11-07 14:38:42 +0000 (Tue, 07 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + +Fixed a small bug in tests/tversion.c (should never occur anyway). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4187 | vlefevre | 2006-11-06 01:23:37 +0000 (Mon, 06 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/logging.c + +logging.c: clean-up. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4186 | vlefevre | 2006-11-05 16:12:16 +0000 (Sun, 05 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + updated things to do before a release. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4185 | zimmerma | 2006-11-05 15:41:27 +0000 (Sun, 05 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/get_d64.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + A /trunk/set_d64.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tget_set_d64.c + +added new (preliminary) conversions functions to/from decimal64 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4184 | zimmerma | 2006-11-05 15:17:30 +0000 (Sun, 05 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erfc.c + +changed header file: stdlib.h -> stdio.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4183 | vlefevre | 2006-11-03 18:38:05 +0000 (Fri, 03 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +Fixed a bug related to signed/unsigned types. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4182 | vlefevre | 2006-11-03 10:05:51 +0000 (Fri, 03 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +tgamma.c: avoid useless mpfr_get_d. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4181 | vlefevre | 2006-11-03 09:54:24 +0000 (Fri, 03 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +tpow.c: replaced a mpfr_cmp_d by a mpfr_cmp_str1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4180 | vlefevre | 2006-11-03 09:50:45 +0000 (Fri, 03 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +lngamma.c: added a comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4179 | vlefevre | 2006-11-03 09:42:31 +0000 (Fri, 03 Nov 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + +tlngamma.c: avoid useless mpfr_get_d. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4178 | vlefevre | 2006-10-27 21:21:56 +0000 (Fri, 27 Oct 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eint.c + +eint.c: better overflow checking; fix: all allocated memory now freed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4177 | vlefevre | 2006-10-27 17:03:32 +0000 (Fri, 27 Oct 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eint.c + +eint.c: forgot 2 mpfr_clear's. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4174 | vlefevre | 2006-10-27 16:12:34 +0000 (Fri, 27 Oct 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eint.c + +eint.c fix: and changed the #if into if. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4173 | vlefevre | 2006-10-27 16:10:22 +0000 (Fri, 27 Oct 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eint.c + +eint.c fix: replaced BITS_PER_MP_LIMB by sizeof(mp_exp_t) * CHAR_BIT. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4172 | vlefevre | 2006-10-27 12:39:20 +0000 (Fri, 27 Oct 2006) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +The current implementation of mpfr_erfc cannot compute the result for +large inputs. Return NaN with the erange flag set instead of aborting. +Documented this behavior in mpfr.texi. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4171 | zimmerma | 2006-10-27 11:56:14 +0000 (Fri, 27 Oct 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eint.c + +improved bound for x with BITS_PER_MP_LIMB=32 + added bound for BITS_PER_MP_LIMB=64 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4169 | vlefevre | 2006-10-27 01:30:32 +0000 (Fri, 27 Oct 2006) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +The current implementation of mpfr_eint cannot compute the result for +large inputs. Return NaN with the erange flag set instead of aborting. +Documented this behavior in mpfr.texi. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4168 | vlefevre | 2006-10-27 00:59:33 +0000 (Fri, 27 Oct 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +tzeta.c patch 4166 should have been committed to the trunk. Fixing... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4167 | zimmerma | 2006-10-26 17:17:01 +0000 (Thu, 26 Oct 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + +added tests for overflows or underflows + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4166 | zimmerma | 2006-10-26 15:19:43 +0000 (Thu, 26 Oct 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/new-generic-tests/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +fixed problem for large negative s (return +Inf or -Inf) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4165 | zimmerma | 2006-10-26 13:55:26 +0000 (Thu, 26 Oct 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/coth.c + +fixed dummy error in last commit + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4164 | vlefevre | 2006-10-26 08:52:01 +0000 (Thu, 26 Oct 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eint.c + +In latest change, replaced exit(1) by abort(). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4163 | zimmerma | 2006-10-26 08:18:23 +0000 (Thu, 26 Oct 2006) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + +added test for eint() +added error message when input is too large in eint(), waiting for asymptotic + expansion + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4162 | vlefevre | 2006-10-26 01:40:17 +0000 (Thu, 26 Oct 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + +Untabified and added a FIXME. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4161 | zimmerma | 2006-10-25 17:49:57 +0000 (Wed, 25 Oct 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + +fixed overflow/underflow problems in csch and sech +fixed problem for huge argument in coth + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4159 | vlefevre | 2006-10-25 17:01:07 +0000 (Wed, 25 Oct 2006) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/faq.xsl + M /trunk/update-faq + +FAQ-related updates: + * faq.xsl: Include styles from + by using a system entity (but GNOME libxslt bug 345147 is still + present in Debian, so don't use /**/ yet). + * update-faq: add /**/ after calling xsltproc. + * FAQ.html: update from the MPFR web site: various changes, including: + + added id attributes on dt elements (FAQ items) to allow anchors; + + updated FAQ for undefined references. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4157 | vlefevre | 2006-10-25 14:18:59 +0000 (Wed, 25 Oct 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: mention the MPFR FAQ. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4155 | vlefevre | 2006-10-23 02:10:13 +0000 (Mon, 23 Oct 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_uj.c + +Added a comment about a warning (this confused a user). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4153 | vlefevre | 2006-10-11 11:43:07 +0000 (Wed, 11 Oct 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: added an item about version information. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4152 | vlefevre | 2006-10-05 14:40:39 +0000 (Thu, 05 Oct 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: updated item. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4151 | zimmerma | 2006-10-05 10:52:30 +0000 (Thu, 05 Oct 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4149 | zimmerma | 2006-10-02 19:55:09 +0000 (Mon, 02 Oct 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +fixed wrong emax in example for mpfr_subnormalize + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4147 | vlefevre | 2006-09-07 09:27:11 +0000 (Thu, 07 Sep 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +MPFR manual: say that errno may be set to non-zero. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4145 | vlefevre | 2006-08-31 12:26:29 +0000 (Thu, 31 Aug 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +tests/tests.c: typo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4143 | vlefevre | 2006-08-28 12:09:10 +0000 (Mon, 28 Aug 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + +Fixed texp2 overflow tests on 64-bit machines. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4142 | vlefevre | 2006-08-28 11:58:54 +0000 (Mon, 28 Aug 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +tests/reuse.c: avoid a warning; code reformatted (GNU style). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4140 | vlefevre | 2006-08-23 14:08:12 +0000 (Wed, 23 Aug 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: minor update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4138 | vlefevre | 2006-08-21 12:51:49 +0000 (Mon, 21 Aug 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: updated "known bugs" section. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4136 | vlefevre | 2006-08-21 12:40:20 +0000 (Mon, 21 Aug 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +Fixed an exponent/flags-related bug in lngamma.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4134 | vlefevre | 2006-08-21 11:12:25 +0000 (Mon, 21 Aug 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk + +Updated svn:ignore property. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4133 | vlefevre | 2006-08-20 08:34:40 +0000 (Sun, 20 Aug 2006) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Fixed several problems in pow.c concerning underflows, overflows and +flags (including the inexact flag, which could be incorrectly set in +case of NaN), and added some testcases. Problems in pow_z.c have not +been fixed yet. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4131 | vlefevre | 2006-08-20 00:44:26 +0000 (Sun, 20 Aug 2006) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +Partial fix: The inexact flag was not always set in some functions. +In particular, it is now set by mpfr_check_range (if t is not zero) +since mpfr_check_range usually comes just after MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_FREE +(which restores the previous flags). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4129 | vlefevre | 2006-08-19 14:33:23 +0000 (Sat, 19 Aug 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + +Added an assertion for mpfr_exp2 and a test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4127 | vlefevre | 2006-08-16 20:09:49 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2006) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/expm1.c + +Optimized mpfr_expm1 for large (in absolute value) negative values in +order to avoid the TMD (the result is very close to -1). Without this +patch, mpfr_expm1 could take dozens of MBs and the new generic tests +for texpm1 could take several hours instead of less than 1 second. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4125 | vlefevre | 2006-08-16 16:31:25 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2006) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/expm1.c + +Fixed a bug in expm1 for very small negative arguments (and perhaps +some very small positive arguments too); this bug is similar to the +one in log1p that was recently found and fixed. It was detected by +the new generic tests (not committed yet), therefore no testcases +are provided. Note: the mpfr_expm1 function is still buggy (freezes +on -0.10E18, prec 2 -> prec 13); this is a different bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4123 | vlefevre | 2006-08-16 09:20:00 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + +In mpfr_exp2, the overflow flag was not set if mpfr_exp2 overflowed +with x < emax. Added testcase. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4121 | vlefevre | 2006-08-15 17:52:21 +0000 (Tue, 15 Aug 2006) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + +The latest mpfr_exp2 fix contained a bug. Partially rewrote mpfr_exp2 +to fix this bug and another one (and added a corresponding testcase: +exp2(10000000000.5), which was freezing). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4119 | vlefevre | 2006-08-15 11:37:20 +0000 (Tue, 15 Aug 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +Better fix for exp2 exponent range bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4117 | vlefevre | 2006-08-15 10:44:34 +0000 (Tue, 15 Aug 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + +Fixed bug in mpfr_exp2 when the argument is an integer and emin > 1. +Added a testcase to texp2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4116 | vlefevre | 2006-08-14 23:00:39 +0000 (Mon, 14 Aug 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests + +Added tget_ld_2exp to svn:ignore property of "tests" directory +(should have been done in rev 4028). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4114 | vlefevre | 2006-08-14 22:23:01 +0000 (Mon, 14 Aug 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + +Fixed bug in log1p for small negative values of x and added testcase. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4112 | vlefevre | 2006-08-14 17:39:01 +0000 (Mon, 14 Aug 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Code style correction for ansi2knr. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4110 | vlefevre | 2006-07-25 21:10:21 +0000 (Tue, 25 Jul 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: more information. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4108 | vlefevre | 2006-07-25 20:36:23 +0000 (Tue, 25 Jul 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: added a note about include/library paths. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4106 | vlefevre | 2006-07-21 08:22:40 +0000 (Fri, 21 Jul 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +INSTALL: added information about setup after the library installation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4104 | vlefevre | 2006-07-20 07:23:06 +0000 (Thu, 20 Jul 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + +Improved linker flag settings on darwin. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4103 | vlefevre | 2006-07-18 07:51:58 +0000 (Tue, 18 Jul 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + fixed a linking problem on darwin. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4101 | vlefevre | 2006-07-16 02:52:18 +0000 (Sun, 16 Jul 2006) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +One needs automake 1.6; autoreconf fails with automake 1.4. Adding +the 1.6 automake option will make the error message less obfuscated, +but unfortunately, one won't have the necessary automake version +automatically called, even if it is installed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4099 | zimmerma | 2006-07-05 14:35:36 +0000 (Wed, 05 Jul 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4098 | zimmerma | 2006-07-05 14:23:57 +0000 (Wed, 05 Jul 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/root.c + +fixed wrong comment (thanks Keith Briggs) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4097 | zimmerma | 2006-07-05 14:23:16 +0000 (Wed, 05 Jul 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/root.c + +new mpn_rootrem is still not in gmp-4.2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4096 | zimmerma | 2006-06-20 12:55:55 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jun 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +replaced <= by = + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4095 | zimmerma | 2006-06-19 13:57:32 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jun 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +changed <= into = + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4094 | zimmerma | 2006-06-19 09:10:38 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jun 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +comments from Keith Briggs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4093 | vlefevre | 2006-06-09 13:36:30 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jun 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +algorithms.tex: corrected several English mistakes and typography. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4092 | zimmerma | 2006-06-09 12:41:47 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jun 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4091 | zimmerma | 2006-06-09 09:51:59 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jun 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +replaced error() by \error() + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4090 | vlefevre | 2006-06-09 08:17:58 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jun 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +algorithms.tex: another fixed notation for roundings. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4089 | zimmerma | 2006-06-09 08:07:29 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jun 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added section on Notations +fixed notations for roundings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4088 | vlefevre | 2006-06-09 07:49:43 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jun 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +algorithms.tex: changed the page style to plain (for page numbers). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4086 | vlefevre | 2006-06-07 23:48:43 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jun 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + +FAQ update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4083 | vlefevre | 2006-05-29 19:00:31 +0000 (Mon, 29 May 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + +Define HAVE_ATTRIBUTE_MODE if supported; useful for s390, but incomplete +and will fail on platforms with gcc and CHAR_BIT != 8. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4081 | vlefevre | 2006-05-19 16:43:35 +0000 (Fri, 19 May 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Add compiler flags (CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS) in a consistent order. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4079 | vlefevre | 2006-05-18 00:10:06 +0000 (Thu, 18 May 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +MPFR manual consistency: Custom interface -> Custom Interface. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4075 | vlefevre | 2006-05-17 23:20:38 +0000 (Wed, 17 May 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: added a note about the change 4049 in div.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4072 | vlefevre | 2006-04-18 15:08:52 +0000 (Tue, 18 Apr 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Removed the #ifndef __hpux from mul.c (after a test on a HP-UX machine, +I got no failures, even with the old mpfr-longlong.h). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4071 | vlefevre | 2006-04-18 14:38:10 +0000 (Tue, 18 Apr 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added a point on mpfr-longlong.h in "To make a release". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4070 | vlefevre | 2006-04-18 14:37:19 +0000 (Tue, 18 Apr 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-longlong.h + +Updated mpfr-longlong.h from the GMP 4.2 longlong.h file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4068 | vlefevre | 2006-04-18 13:30:52 +0000 (Tue, 18 Apr 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr.texi: removed dot from a section title. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4066 | vlefevre | 2006-04-11 13:54:39 +0000 (Tue, 11 Apr 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + +FAQ update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4065 | vlefevre | 2006-04-06 13:58:46 +0000 (Thu, 06 Apr 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +div.c: removed the bad use of MPFR_LIMB_ZERO. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4064 | vlefevre | 2006-04-06 12:52:24 +0000 (Thu, 06 Apr 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_f.c + +In get_f.c, updated the case precy + sh > precx: this one was correct, +but added a comment, assertions and simplified a MPN_ZERO. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4063 | vlefevre | 2006-04-05 16:32:23 +0000 (Wed, 05 Apr 2006) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + +tget_f.c: test that there is no lost of accuracy when converting +a mpfr_t number into a mpf_t number (test with various precisions +and exponents). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4062 | vlefevre | 2006-04-05 15:52:26 +0000 (Wed, 05 Apr 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_f.c + +The fix of get_f.c was wrong. This should be now OK for the case +precy + sh <= precx. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4061 | vlefevre | 2006-04-05 09:31:34 +0000 (Wed, 05 Apr 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + +Fixed bug in mpfr_get_f (reported by Yury Lukach) and added test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4059 | vlefevre | 2006-03-31 16:47:40 +0000 (Fri, 31 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fdl.texi + +Updated FDL to version 1.2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4057 | vlefevre | 2006-03-31 16:30:52 +0000 (Fri, 31 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpzroot.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + +Updated FSF address. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4055 | vlefevre | 2006-03-31 14:19:52 +0000 (Fri, 31 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/clears.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_ld.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/constant.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/faq.xsl + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_sint.c + M /trunk/fits_slong.c + M /trunk/fits_sshort.c + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uint.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fits_ulong.c + M /trunk/fits_ushort.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inits.c + M /trunk/inits2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/isqrt.c + M /trunk/iszero.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/mp_clz_tab.c + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-longlong.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/sec.c + M /trunk/sech.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/version.c + M /trunk/volatile.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +Fixed FSF address. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4053 | vlefevre | 2006-03-30 14:41:30 +0000 (Thu, 30 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + +Another FAQ update (taking GMP 4.2 into account). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4051 | vlefevre | 2006-03-30 14:22:52 +0000 (Thu, 30 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + +FAQ update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4050 | vlefevre | 2006-03-24 14:46:54 +0000 (Fri, 24 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Removed all code related to mpn_sub_nc (no longer used). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4049 | vlefevre | 2006-03-24 13:51:52 +0000 (Fri, 24 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +div.c: fixed a bug and no longer use mpn_sub_nc. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4048 | vlefevre | 2006-03-24 12:43:41 +0000 (Fri, 24 Mar 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +Some clean-up in div.c; do not steal GMP's namespace (could lead to +clashes if future GMP versions define the corresponding macros). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4047 | vlefevre | 2006-03-24 08:49:28 +0000 (Fri, 24 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/ + +Build shared libraries by default. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4046 | vlefevre | 2006-03-23 10:57:46 +0000 (Thu, 23 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random2.c + +random2.c: minor change suggested by Patrick. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4044 | vlefevre | 2006-03-23 09:18:54 +0000 (Thu, 23 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + typography consistency. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4043 | vlefevre | 2006-03-23 09:16:34 +0000 (Thu, 23 Mar 2006) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Mention --enable-thread-safe and --enable-shared in the INSTALL file +since users may need them and could be confused otherwise (just seen +that). Untabified the file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4041 | vlefevre | 2006-03-16 18:10:24 +0000 (Thu, 16 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +TODO: new exception "division by zero" / "pole". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4040 | vlefevre | 2006-03-16 18:04:36 +0000 (Thu, 16 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + added "Do not use C99-only features, such as...". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4038 | zimmerma | 2006-03-16 14:49:50 +0000 (Thu, 16 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +replaced 6th empty argument of MPFR_FAST_COMPUTE_IF_SMALL_INPUT by {} + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4037 | vlefevre | 2006-03-14 16:07:28 +0000 (Tue, 14 Mar 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random2.c + +In random2.c, replaced NULL by 0 (more general) and removed the +now unnecessary #include . + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4036 | zimmerma | 2006-03-14 15:33:31 +0000 (Tue, 14 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random2.c + +added missing include file + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4035 | vlefevre | 2006-03-14 14:59:00 +0000 (Tue, 14 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Tests: added new worst case for x^(3/2). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4034 | zimmerma | 2006-03-02 17:28:41 +0000 (Thu, 02 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added reference to INRIA report for Zeta + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4033 | zimmerma | 2006-03-02 11:05:35 +0000 (Thu, 02 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added another reference + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4032 | zimmerma | 2006-03-02 11:02:23 +0000 (Thu, 02 Mar 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added reference + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4031 | vlefevre | 2006-02-28 23:20:24 +0000 (Tue, 28 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +More details concerning mpfr_eq. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4030 | zimmerma | 2006-02-28 10:46:59 +0000 (Tue, 28 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +removed "but does not make much sense" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4029 | zimmerma | 2006-02-28 09:39:25 +0000 (Tue, 28 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added contribution from Damien + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4028 | zimmerma | 2006-02-28 09:18:17 +0000 (Tue, 28 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tget_ld_2exp.c + +new test file for mpfr_get_ld_2exp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4027 | zimmerma | 2006-02-27 10:15:24 +0000 (Mon, 27 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added mpfr_get_ld_2exp (contributed by Damien Stehle) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4026 | vlefevre | 2006-02-20 14:40:28 +0000 (Mon, 20 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Updated mpfr_random2 user documentation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4024 | vlefevre | 2006-02-20 10:12:06 +0000 (Mon, 20 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + +Fixed bug in mpfr_random2 when size == 0 and added testcase. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4023 | vlefevre | 2006-02-20 10:07:41 +0000 (Mon, 20 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + +trandom.c: reformat. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4022 | vlefevre | 2006-02-20 10:06:47 +0000 (Mon, 20 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + +trandom.c: use calloc instead of malloc and check return value. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4021 | vlefevre | 2006-02-20 09:42:13 +0000 (Mon, 20 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random2.c + +mpfr_random2_raw -> static. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4019 | vlefevre | 2006-02-17 08:17:46 +0000 (Fri, 17 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Added mpfr_remainder to TODO. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4018 | zimmerma | 2006-02-15 14:40:35 +0000 (Wed, 15 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + +fixed wrong url + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4017 | vlefevre | 2006-02-15 13:41:51 +0000 (Wed, 15 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +Fixed various spelling mistakes, typos... in algorithms.tex. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4016 | vlefevre | 2006-02-15 13:20:41 +0000 (Wed, 15 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +In algorithms.tex, \em -> \emph. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4015 | vlefevre | 2006-02-15 13:17:33 +0000 (Wed, 15 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +Typography corrections in algorithms.tex. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4014 | vlefevre | 2006-02-15 13:04:22 +0000 (Wed, 15 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +In algorithms.tex, added a missing blackslash. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4013 | vlefevre | 2006-02-15 13:02:07 +0000 (Wed, 15 Feb 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +In algorithms.tex, removed \date (was incorrectly used) and added the +web site as a footnote. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4012 | vlefevre | 2006-02-13 17:25:19 +0000 (Mon, 13 Feb 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + +Code reformatted. C99 comment replaced by traditional comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4011 | hanrot | 2006-02-13 15:03:43 +0000 (Mon, 13 Feb 2006) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + +* Added comments on all random number generator functions ; +* Inlined the mpn_random2 code in mpfr_random2, to avoid the use of the +same internal randstate ; added a mpfr_random2_raw (not exported at the +time) to allow specification of a randstate ; +* Checked normalization of the result of random2 in trandom.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4009 | vlefevre | 2006-01-31 09:53:51 +0000 (Tue, 31 Jan 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Changed a part of the documentation of mpfr_get_d_2exp, introduced in +rev 4008, to specify a behavior very similar to the ISO C standard. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4008 | zimmerma | 2006-01-31 07:28:05 +0000 (Tue, 31 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +fixed documentation bug + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4006 | vlefevre | 2006-01-19 15:00:18 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +Reverted comments on (that were added in r3976). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4005 | vlefevre | 2006-01-19 14:53:44 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jan 2006) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +Replaced -0.0 by a new macro DBL_NEG_ZERO. With MSVC, the negative zero +no longer depends on the non-standard _chgsign function, as + static double double_zero = 0.0; + # define DBL_NEG_ZERO (-double_zero) +has been reported to work. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4004 | vlefevre | 2006-01-17 12:31:26 +0000 (Tue, 17 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Added comments. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4002 | vlefevre | 2006-01-13 14:37:25 +0000 (Fri, 13 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_f.c + +Type clean-up. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4001 | vlefevre | 2006-01-13 14:11:41 +0000 (Fri, 13 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + +The problem with the conversion was not completely fixed... Now OK. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r4000 | vlefevre | 2006-01-13 14:04:31 +0000 (Fri, 13 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + +Fixed conversion with a non-representable value. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3999 | vlefevre | 2006-01-13 13:31:23 +0000 (Fri, 13 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + +Untabify. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3997 | vlefevre | 2006-01-12 10:27:27 +0000 (Thu, 12 Jan 2006) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + +More reliable tests for mpfr_set_f (x, y, GMP_RNDN) for +y = 2^emax and y = 2^(emax-1). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3996 | vlefevre | 2006-01-12 10:15:33 +0000 (Thu, 12 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + +Use mpfr_get_emax() instead of obsolete __mpfr_emax. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3995 | vlefevre | 2006-01-12 10:12:29 +0000 (Thu, 12 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + +More reliable test for mpfr_set_f (x, y, GMP_RNDN) for y=2^ULONG_MAX. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3994 | vlefevre | 2006-01-12 10:00:45 +0000 (Thu, 12 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_f.c + +Untabified. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3993 | vlefevre | 2006-01-12 09:56:13 +0000 (Thu, 12 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_f.c + +Fixed a bug related to exponent range. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3992 | vlefevre | 2006-01-12 09:47:53 +0000 (Thu, 12 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_f.c + +Replaced obsolete __mpfr_emax by __gmpfr_emax. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3990 | vlefevre | 2006-01-11 16:50:15 +0000 (Wed, 11 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + D /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + +Removed add_one_ulp.c and sub_one_ulp.c (no longer used). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3987 | vlefevre | 2006-01-10 13:49:26 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +MPFR manual: changes from Paul concerning the ulps. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3986 | vlefevre | 2006-01-10 09:32:17 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jan 2006) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +In the manual, replaced "exact rounding" by "correct rounding", +and added a sentence on the consequence of correct rounding (as +suggested by Paul). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3985 | vlefevre | 2006-01-05 02:20:28 +0000 (Thu, 05 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/constant.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/faq.xsl + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_sint.c + M /trunk/fits_slong.c + M /trunk/fits_sshort.c + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uint.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fits_ulong.c + M /trunk/fits_ushort.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/iszero.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/mp_clz_tab.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +Added ', Inc.' when missing after 'Free Software Foundation'. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3984 | vlefevre | 2006-01-05 02:14:39 +0000 (Thu, 05 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + Added a note about copyright notices. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3983 | vlefevre | 2006-01-05 02:02:47 +0000 (Thu, 05 Jan 2006) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/clears.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_ld.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/constant.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/faq.xsl + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_sint.c + M /trunk/fits_slong.c + M /trunk/fits_sshort.c + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uint.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fits_ulong.c + M /trunk/fits_ushort.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inits.c + M /trunk/inits2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/isqrt.c + M /trunk/iszero.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/mp_clz_tab.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-longlong.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mpzroot.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/rootrem.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/sec.c + M /trunk/sech.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/version.c + M /trunk/volatile.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + M /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +Updated the copyright notices according to the new GNU rules on: + +i.e. added 2006 to every MPFR file. +Note: the copyright notices (currently 336) should match the regexp + Copyright.* 2006 Free Software +so that it will be easier to update them for the next year... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3982 | zimmerma | 2006-01-03 11:49:03 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added suggestion from K. Briggs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3981 | vlefevre | 2006-01-01 22:22:53 +0000 (Sun, 01 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_f.c + +Updated copyright line (we are now in 2006!). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3980 | zimmerma | 2006-01-01 21:09:01 +0000 (Sun, 01 Jan 2006) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_f.c + +use mpfr_overflow + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3979 | zimmerma | 2005-12-29 17:48:46 +0000 (Thu, 29 Dec 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_set_f for huge argument + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3978 | zimmerma | 2005-12-26 11:04:31 +0000 (Mon, 26 Dec 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + +bug fix in mpfr_get_f + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3976 | zimmerma | 2005-12-23 15:45:17 +0000 (Fri, 23 Dec 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +updated comment for float.h (_chgsign) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3975 | zimmerma | 2005-12-23 15:33:43 +0000 (Fri, 23 Dec 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +fixed bug found by Vincent (worst-case) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3974 | zimmerma | 2005-12-23 12:28:00 +0000 (Fri, 23 Dec 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +patch for Visual C (does not compile -0.0 properly) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3973 | zimmerma | 2005-12-23 12:17:45 +0000 (Fri, 23 Dec 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +patch for Visual C (-0.0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3972 | zimmerma | 2005-12-20 21:09:41 +0000 (Tue, 20 Dec 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +fixed typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3971 | vlefevre | 2005-12-16 16:58:24 +0000 (Fri, 16 Dec 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + +Better definition for mpf_set_prec_raw (so that the value is kept). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3970 | vlefevre | 2005-12-08 11:56:03 +0000 (Thu, 08 Dec 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +Updated a comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3969 | vlefevre | 2005-12-08 11:51:41 +0000 (Thu, 08 Dec 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +Added test cases for a bug introduced on 2005-01-29 in sin.c rev 3248. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3968 | vlefevre | 2005-12-08 02:12:03 +0000 (Thu, 08 Dec 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + remember to test MPFR on the worst cases. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3967 | zimmerma | 2005-11-29 20:56:16 +0000 (Tue, 29 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added lemma + reference + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3966 | vlefevre | 2005-11-25 01:36:29 +0000 (Fri, 25 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Removed mpfr_div bug from BUGS (as it has been fixed). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3964 | vlefevre | 2005-11-25 00:59:13 +0000 (Fri, 25 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +Added consistency tests for mpfr_div (e.g. to test small-size divisors). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3963 | zimmerma | 2005-11-24 20:39:23 +0000 (Thu, 24 Nov 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +fixed efficiency bug for small divisor (division had same cost than for +divisor of the same size than the result) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3960 | vlefevre | 2005-11-23 14:35:54 +0000 (Wed, 23 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + +Updated FAQ. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3959 | vlefevre | 2005-11-23 14:35:38 +0000 (Wed, 23 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/faq.xsl + +faq.xsl: add copyright information to the downloaded FAQ. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3957 | vlefevre | 2005-11-23 10:53:04 +0000 (Wed, 23 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/update-version + +Added information about the patches to the INSTALL file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3956 | vlefevre | 2005-11-23 08:38:39 +0000 (Wed, 23 Nov 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +BUGS: Noted the slow division when the precision of the divisor +is small compared to the precision of the target. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3955 | vlefevre | 2005-11-21 20:31:47 +0000 (Mon, 21 Nov 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rootrem.c + +Fixed a bug preventing the compilation of MPFR with GMP 4.1.90 +(non-public development version) without the build directory. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3954 | vlefevre | 2005-11-21 14:43:49 +0000 (Mon, 21 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rootrem.c + +Fixed memory leak in mpfr_mpn_rootrem(). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3953 | vlefevre | 2005-11-09 16:34:09 +0000 (Wed, 09 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Added a note about running the trunk tests in a branch. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3952 | vlefevre | 2005-11-09 16:18:35 +0000 (Wed, 09 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + +Make trunk tests work with MPFR 2.2 (branch), by testing the version. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3951 | vlefevre | 2005-11-09 16:09:16 +0000 (Wed, 09 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/tests/.cvsignore + +Removed .cvsignore file (useless after the switch to Subversion). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3948 | vlefevre | 2005-11-09 15:42:41 +0000 (Wed, 09 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cache.c + +Added a MPFR_UNLIKELY. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3947 | vlefevre | 2005-11-09 14:41:46 +0000 (Wed, 09 Nov 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + +In mpfr_round_near_x, use the new MPFR_RNDRAW_GEN with a correct middle +handler instead of MPFR_RNDRAW_EVEN so that the correction of the wrong +rounding is no longer necessary (BTW, the wrong rounding could have lead +to problems in case of intermediate underflow/overflow -- not checked). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3946 | vlefevre | 2005-11-09 14:05:46 +0000 (Wed, 09 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + +mpfr_round_near_x test completed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3945 | vlefevre | 2005-11-09 11:57:03 +0000 (Wed, 09 Nov 2005) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + +Added a test for mpfr_cbrt, from the following failure with MPFR 2.2 +and gcc 4.0.2 under Linux/m68k: + Seed GMP_CHECK_RANDOMIZE=1131612275 (include this in bug reports) + results differ for x=1.1000e-2 prec=5 rnd_mode=GMP_RNDN + got 1.1000e-1 + expected 1.0111e-1 + approx 0.101110001001100E0 + FAIL: tcbrt + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3943 | vlefevre | 2005-11-04 22:11:53 +0000 (Fri, 04 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Improved note r3493 concerning mpfr_set_d/ld. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3941 | vlefevre | 2005-11-04 14:26:49 +0000 (Fri, 04 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +More information in the "Reporting Bugs" section. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3940 | vlefevre | 2005-11-04 01:28:04 +0000 (Fri, 04 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Added a comment about the macros MPFR_RNDRAW* and the labels. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3939 | vlefevre | 2005-11-04 00:58:23 +0000 (Fri, 04 Nov 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Moved definitions of struct __gmpfr_cache_s and mpfr_cache_t, and +declarations of mpfr_init_cache, mpfr_clear_cache and mpfr_cache +from mpfr.h to mpfr-impl.h as they are internal (not documented). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3938 | vlefevre | 2005-11-03 16:39:31 +0000 (Thu, 03 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + +Eliminated the case inex == 0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3937 | vlefevre | 2005-11-03 16:26:38 +0000 (Thu, 03 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + +Started to write code to test mpfr_round_near_x. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3936 | vlefevre | 2005-11-03 14:32:01 +0000 (Thu, 03 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +Typos & English usage. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3935 | vlefevre | 2005-11-03 14:27:26 +0000 (Thu, 03 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + +Fixed typos. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3934 | zimmerma | 2005-11-03 09:24:43 +0000 (Thu, 03 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added hint on forbidden variable name + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3932 | zimmerma | 2005-11-03 07:35:53 +0000 (Thu, 03 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added "tune" item for new releases + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3931 | zimmerma | 2005-11-03 07:24:38 +0000 (Thu, 03 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +done make tune for amd64 with gmp-4.1.4 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3929 | vlefevre | 2005-11-02 17:22:13 +0000 (Wed, 02 Nov 2005) | 15 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +Merged the changes from branch vlefevre: + * mpfr-impl.h: Added MPFR_RNDRAW_GEN based on MPFR_RNDRAW and + MPFR_RNDRAW_EVEN codes, but taking an additional argument: a + handler executed in rounding to nearest mode when the value + is the middle of two consecutive numbers in dest precision. + MPFR_RNDRAW and MPFR_RNDRAW_EVEN are now defined by a "call" + to MPFR_RNDRAW_GEN. + * cache.c: Clean-up and use MPFR_RNDRAW_GEN instead of + MPFR_RNDRAW_EVEN to avoid an unnecessary correction in the + halfway case. + * hypot.c: Fixed mpfr_hypot when the rounding mode is to nearest, + x is "much larger" than y, and x is the middle of two consecutive + numbers in the target precision. + * tests/thypot.c: Added the corresponding testcase. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3928 | vlefevre | 2005-11-02 17:09:25 +0000 (Wed, 02 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk + M /trunk/tests + +Updated svn:ignore property. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3926 | zimmerma | 2005-11-02 16:12:59 +0000 (Wed, 02 Nov 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +fixed remaining problems + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3924 | zimmerma | 2005-11-02 13:49:00 +0000 (Wed, 02 Nov 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +declared variables as mp_prec_t instead of int +use MPFR_MPZ_SIZEINBASE2 instead of mpz_sizeinbase + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3919 | vlefevre | 2005-11-02 09:27:53 +0000 (Wed, 02 Nov 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/constant.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Reverted the latest change to constant.c: removed MPFR_THREAD_ATTR as +these constants can be shared. Removed MPFR_THREAD_ATTR from mpfr-impl.h +too (this should have been the right correction for rev 3838 concerning +the type mismatch). Thanks to Patrick for noticing this. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3918 | vlefevre | 2005-10-31 21:27:08 +0000 (Mon, 31 Oct 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Added an MPFR_UNLIKELY (suggested by Patrick) and an MPFR_ASSERTN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3917 | zimmerma | 2005-10-31 18:55:13 +0000 (Mon, 31 Oct 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + +factored calls to gmp_alloc +removed unused variables + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3916 | zimmerma | 2005-10-31 14:49:45 +0000 (Mon, 31 Oct 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + +improved atan (now can cut series before 2^m) +revised error analysis and code of tanh + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3915 | vlefevre | 2005-10-31 12:17:09 +0000 (Mon, 31 Oct 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log10.c + +Reformat (GNU coding style). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3914 | vlefevre | 2005-10-31 12:08:13 +0000 (Mon, 31 Oct 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tinternals.c + +Fixed MPFR_INT_CEIL_LOG2 (in mpfr-impl.h) and __gmpfr_int_ceil_log2 +(in int_ceil_log2.c) when the argument is a power of 2, and added a +test (new test file tests/tinternals.c). This made a bug appear in +div_ui.c and mul_ui.c; fixed that too. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3913 | vlefevre | 2005-10-31 11:43:58 +0000 (Mon, 31 Oct 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +Added a test that fails after fixing MPFR_INT_CEIL_LOG2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3912 | zimmerma | 2005-10-30 20:07:45 +0000 (Sun, 30 Oct 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +improved exp_3 (binary-splitting algorithm) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3911 | vlefevre | 2005-10-30 14:50:52 +0000 (Sun, 30 Oct 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +Fixed padding-bit test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3910 | vlefevre | 2005-10-30 13:20:46 +0000 (Sun, 30 Oct 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +3 corrections in cos.c concerning maxi: + * corrected a comment; + * failed if sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long) / 2; + * now take possible padding bits into account. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3909 | zimmerma | 2005-10-29 21:07:36 +0000 (Sat, 29 Oct 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/rootrem.c + +patched root.c to use rootrem.c with gmp-4.1.90 +added comment in exp3.c +added more initial guard bits in agm + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3908 | zimmerma | 2005-10-29 13:14:20 +0000 (Sat, 29 Oct 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + +now tune Mulders short square (not yet used) +improved mpfr_cos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3907 | zimmerma | 2005-10-26 15:45:42 +0000 (Wed, 26 Oct 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/rootrem.c + +updated code for gmp-dev + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3906 | vlefevre | 2005-10-26 11:28:36 +0000 (Wed, 26 Oct 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/.cvsignore + +Removed .cvsignore file (useless after the switch to Subversion). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3903 | vlefevre | 2005-10-25 01:33:31 +0000 (Tue, 25 Oct 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/update-version + +More portable update-version script (use perl instead of sed). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3889 | vlefevre | 2005-10-24 13:43:07 +0000 (Mon, 24 Oct 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/ + D /trunk/fixperm + +First revision after the switch to Subversion: + * Removed fixperm as it is now useless. + * Updated README and files. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3888 | vlefevre | 2005-10-24 11:29:40 +0000 (Mon, 24 Oct 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3887 | zimmerma | 2005-10-19 20:23:44 +0000 (Wed, 19 Oct 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +documented algorithm used in mpfr_agm and fixed code accordingly + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3886 | zimmerma | 2005-10-10 09:43:26 +0000 (Mon, 10 Oct 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added efficiency item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3885 | zimmerma | 2005-10-10 09:16:44 +0000 (Mon, 10 Oct 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpzroot.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/rootrem.c + +now mpzroot/rootrem compile without gmp internal headers + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3884 | vlefevre | 2005-10-07 16:43:40 +0000 (Fri, 07 Oct 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/root.c + +Disabled new rootrem/mpz_root as compilation fails (headers can't +be found). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3883 | vlefevre | 2005-10-07 16:30:45 +0000 (Fri, 07 Oct 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Temporary optimization (patch from Patrick Pelissier). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3882 | vlefevre | 2005-10-06 10:03:56 +0000 (Thu, 06 Oct 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +One of the tests was using the fabs function, but -lm isn't given when +generating the executable, making the linking fail under HP-UX. Fixed +by not using this fabs function. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3880 | zimmerma | 2005-10-05 21:57:48 +0000 (Wed, 05 Oct 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +small improvement in sign detection + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3879 | zimmerma | 2005-10-05 20:36:56 +0000 (Wed, 05 Oct 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/mpzroot.c + M /trunk/root.c + A /trunk/rootrem.c + +improved mpfr_root, using the new mpn_rootrem code written with Torbjo"rn + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3876 | vlefevre | 2005-09-29 09:52:33 +0000 (Thu, 29 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3875 | vlefevre | 2005-09-29 09:47:08 +0000 (Thu, 29 Sep 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +Fixed bug in mpfr_set_ui macro when parameters are expressions +with side effects. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3874 | zimmerma | 2005-09-29 06:40:15 +0000 (Thu, 29 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +fixed missing accent + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3873 | vlefevre | 2005-09-28 15:30:17 +0000 (Wed, 28 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +Small optimization. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3872 | vlefevre | 2005-09-28 14:28:19 +0000 (Wed, 28 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + +Test the sign of 0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3871 | zimmerma | 2005-09-28 14:14:42 +0000 (Wed, 28 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + +fixed infinite loop for lngamma(2) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3870 | vlefevre | 2005-09-28 00:45:27 +0000 (Wed, 28 Sep 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Updated libmpfr_la_LDFLAGS (note: it shouldn't be incremented again +before the 2.3.0 release). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3869 | zimmerma | 2005-09-26 16:28:47 +0000 (Mon, 26 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/zeta_ui.c + +new function: Zeta with integer argument + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3868 | zimmerma | 2005-09-23 21:35:03 +0000 (Fri, 23 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tzeta_ui.c + +new function mpfr_zeta_ui for integer argument + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3867 | zimmerma | 2005-09-21 13:51:34 +0000 (Wed, 21 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added brief description of algorithm for mpfr_zeta + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3863 | vlefevre | 2005-09-18 23:36:44 +0000 (Sun, 18 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Mentioned problems with the Tru64 make and other minor changes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3861 | vlefevre | 2005-09-17 10:24:43 +0000 (Sat, 17 Sep 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Fixed the GMP linking test: replaced __gmp_version, which corresponds +to a variable, by __gmpz_init (suggested by the GMP documentation), +which corresponds to a function, as the auto tools assume the symbol +corresponds to a function. It was failing with the AIX linker. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3857 | vlefevre | 2005-09-16 14:22:40 +0000 (Fri, 16 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_euler.c + +Untabify. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3856 | vlefevre | 2005-09-16 13:22:53 +0000 (Fri, 16 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3854 | vlefevre | 2005-09-16 10:58:41 +0000 (Fri, 16 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +Untabify. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3852 | zimmerma | 2005-09-16 09:41:47 +0000 (Fri, 16 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added missing documentation for mpfr_get_f and mpfr_pow_z + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3851 | vlefevre | 2005-09-16 08:02:15 +0000 (Fri, 16 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Fixed typos found by Tomonori Kouya. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3850 | zimmerma | 2005-09-16 07:38:22 +0000 (Fri, 16 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + +fixed stupid bug (coth was computing 1/tan instead of 1/tanh) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3849 | zimmerma | 2005-09-15 21:55:08 +0000 (Thu, 15 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_euler.c + +fixed overflow problem for large precision + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3848 | zimmerma | 2005-09-15 21:11:25 +0000 (Thu, 15 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +added log(precz) in initial precision + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3844 | zimmerma | 2005-09-13 12:57:38 +0000 (Tue, 13 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +fixed bug in exp(-eps) for rounding toward zero (test was also wrong...) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3843 | vlefevre | 2005-09-13 02:05:56 +0000 (Tue, 13 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Updated "To make a release". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3839 | vlefevre | 2005-09-13 01:32:41 +0000 (Tue, 13 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Minor update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3838 | vlefevre | 2005-09-13 01:28:09 +0000 (Tue, 13 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/constant.c + +Added missing MPFR_THREAD_ATTR. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3835 | vlefevre | 2005-09-11 22:50:06 +0000 (Sun, 11 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tuneup.c + +Avoid a conflict with GMP. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3834 | vlefevre | 2005-09-11 22:37:58 +0000 (Sun, 11 Sep 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + +Reverted to previous and mul.c, and applied Patrick's +patch instead. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3832 | vlefevre | 2005-09-11 22:15:29 +0000 (Sun, 11 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3830 | vlefevre | 2005-09-11 21:59:31 +0000 (Sun, 11 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + +Added #include for memmove (see ISO C99 standard). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3829 | vlefevre | 2005-09-11 21:56:32 +0000 (Sun, 11 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Minor change. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3828 | vlefevre | 2005-09-11 21:55:20 +0000 (Sun, 11 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + +Fixed uninitialized variable (with gcc -std=c99). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3827 | vlefevre | 2005-09-11 21:43:14 +0000 (Sun, 11 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Fixed a #ifdef (when --enable-assert isn't used). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3824 | vlefevre | 2005-09-11 18:21:02 +0000 (Sun, 11 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3823 | vlefevre | 2005-09-11 17:56:43 +0000 (Sun, 11 Sep 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Changed the MPFR_ASSERTD into a MPFR_ASSERTN for MPFR_INT_CEIL_LOG2 +since the assertion cannot be guaranteed for every C implementation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3822 | pelissip | 2005-09-10 15:20:48 +0000 (Sat, 10 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Fix spelling mistake. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3821 | pelissip | 2005-09-10 15:17:54 +0000 (Sat, 10 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Add new note about MPFR_TMP_DECL + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3819 | zimmerma | 2005-09-09 14:45:54 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +reduced default of MPFR_MUL_THRESHOLD by 1, since now MPFR_MUL_THRESHOLD+1 +is considered in mul.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3818 | vlefevre | 2005-09-09 14:37:51 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +Fixed another LaTeX error. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3817 | vlefevre | 2005-09-09 14:26:08 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3816 | vlefevre | 2005-09-09 12:09:47 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Updated "To make a release". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3815 | vlefevre | 2005-09-09 10:21:11 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +Use (mpz_t *) 0 instead of NULL (this is not less clear and this +works with the native SunOS 4 C compiler). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3814 | zimmerma | 2005-09-09 09:33:04 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + +avoid . in mpf_set_str (locale-sensitive) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3813 | zimmerma | 2005-09-09 09:26:22 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + +cleanup of gamma and lngamma + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3812 | zimmerma | 2005-09-08 09:37:46 +0000 (Thu, 08 Sep 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +MUL_THRESHOLD -> MUL_THRESHOLD+1 (to allow MUL_THRESHOLD=0, needed for +tuneup.c) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3811 | zimmerma | 2005-09-08 09:21:02 +0000 (Thu, 08 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +fixed LaTeX error + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3809 | vlefevre | 2005-09-08 09:12:20 +0000 (Thu, 08 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Fix. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3808 | vlefevre | 2005-09-08 09:08:46 +0000 (Thu, 08 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3804 | vlefevre | 2005-09-08 09:02:58 +0000 (Thu, 08 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/fixperm + +Added fixperm script to fix the file permissions broken by CVS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3803 | vlefevre | 2005-09-08 09:01:50 +0000 (Thu, 08 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3798 | zimmerma | 2005-09-08 06:48:10 +0000 (Thu, 08 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added one item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3797 | vlefevre | 2005-09-08 06:45:52 +0000 (Thu, 08 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3795 | vlefevre | 2005-09-08 02:51:45 +0000 (Thu, 08 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +Fix: readded dependencies. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3793 | vlefevre | 2005-09-06 14:37:32 +0000 (Tue, 06 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + +More detailed error message. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3791 | vlefevre | 2005-09-06 13:54:57 +0000 (Tue, 06 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +Change for ansi2knr. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3790 | vlefevre | 2005-09-06 13:42:02 +0000 (Tue, 06 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +Code clean-up (again). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3789 | vlefevre | 2005-09-06 13:31:12 +0000 (Tue, 06 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +Use GMP's allocate functions instead of C's. Code clean-up. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3788 | vlefevre | 2005-09-06 13:02:37 +0000 (Tue, 06 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/lngamma.c + +Reformat. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3787 | zimmerma | 2005-09-06 12:42:39 +0000 (Tue, 06 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +missing set_emin + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3786 | zimmerma | 2005-09-06 12:25:03 +0000 (Tue, 06 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +added missing call to MPFR_TEST_USE_RANDS() [3 blocks non-freed] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3784 | vlefevre | 2005-09-06 12:00:54 +0000 (Tue, 06 Sep 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +Fixed a bug (detected after mpfr_set_str_binary has been fixed) +in tests/tsub.c introduced in 1.6 (2001-10-19). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3783 | vlefevre | 2005-09-06 11:50:09 +0000 (Tue, 06 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +mpfr_set_str_binary was buggy and inefficient. Let's use mpfr_strtofr. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3781 | vlefevre | 2005-09-06 11:30:40 +0000 (Tue, 06 Sep 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Replaced unsigned long bit-fields (GCC extension) by insigned int +bit-fields. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3779 | vlefevre | 2005-09-05 13:28:20 +0000 (Mon, 05 Sep 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + +MPN_COPY now calls memcpy only if dst != src (otherwise this is an +undefined behavior), and if WANT_ASSERT is defined, it checks that +there is no overlap. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3776 | vlefevre | 2005-09-02 14:08:09 +0000 (Fri, 02 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Avoid MIPSpro / IRIX64 (incorrect) optimizations for DOUBLE_ISNAN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3775 | vlefevre | 2005-09-02 13:25:32 +0000 (Fri, 02 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +More portable DOUBLE_ISNAN (useful for MIPSpro under IRIX64). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3774 | zimmerma | 2005-09-02 12:55:37 +0000 (Fri, 02 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +improved trade-off between fac_ui and gamma when argument is integer + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3773 | vlefevre | 2005-09-02 12:33:24 +0000 (Fri, 02 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +Reformat. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3772 | zimmerma | 2005-09-02 09:52:07 +0000 (Fri, 02 Sep 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +fixed remaining problem in gamma +removed LogGamma from TODO + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3771 | vlefevre | 2005-09-02 08:17:37 +0000 (Fri, 02 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +Do not put expressions with side effects in MPFR_ASSERTN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3770 | zimmerma | 2005-09-01 21:44:42 +0000 (Thu, 01 Sep 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +now uses lngamma code for x < 1 too +added new tests from Kenneth Wilder + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3769 | zimmerma | 2005-09-01 11:54:57 +0000 (Thu, 01 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +added another test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3768 | zimmerma | 2005-09-01 08:59:19 +0000 (Thu, 01 Sep 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +removed useless prototype + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3764 | vlefevre | 2005-08-31 23:57:06 +0000 (Wed, 31 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sum.c + +Fixed memory leak (missing MPFR_TMP_FREE in a particular case). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3763 | vlefevre | 2005-08-31 23:52:53 +0000 (Wed, 31 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sum.c + +Fixed the code formatting. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3762 | vlefevre | 2005-08-31 23:38:13 +0000 (Wed, 31 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Updated Point 6 of "To make a release". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3761 | vlefevre | 2005-08-31 23:27:29 +0000 (Wed, 31 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Fixed memory leak (missing MPFR_TMP_FREE in a particular case). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3759 | zimmerma | 2005-08-31 20:32:03 +0000 (Wed, 31 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added lngamma + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3758 | zimmerma | 2005-08-31 20:29:36 +0000 (Wed, 31 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +added new test (emax) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3757 | zimmerma | 2005-08-31 20:28:25 +0000 (Wed, 31 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +now random tests also use x >= 1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3756 | zimmerma | 2005-08-31 20:26:33 +0000 (Wed, 31 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +added SAVE_EXPO stuff + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3754 | zimmerma | 2005-08-31 20:25:36 +0000 (Wed, 31 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/lngamma.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tlngamma.c + +new function lngamma + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3753 | zimmerma | 2005-08-31 20:24:16 +0000 (Wed, 31 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +now uses lngamma code for x > 1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3752 | zimmerma | 2005-08-31 20:23:06 +0000 (Wed, 31 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added lngamma + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3750 | vlefevre | 2005-08-31 12:21:14 +0000 (Wed, 31 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/VERSION + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/version.c + +Updated version to 2.3.0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3749 | vlefevre | 2005-08-31 12:18:31 +0000 (Wed, 31 Aug 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Fix for the following problem: #error is not sufficient with cc +on IRIX64, and autoconf 2.59 doesn't cope with that. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3745 | vlefevre | 2005-08-30 13:23:51 +0000 (Tue, 30 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk + A /trunk/.cvsignore + M /trunk/tests + A /trunk/tests/.cvsignore + +Added .cvsignore files. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3744 | vlefevre | 2005-08-30 12:08:42 +0000 (Tue, 30 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Unobfuscated 2 assertions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3743 | vlefevre | 2005-08-30 11:59:12 +0000 (Tue, 30 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Fixed indentation and some comments. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3742 | vlefevre | 2005-08-30 11:49:24 +0000 (Tue, 30 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Recommitted the patch (without discarding previous modifications). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3741 | vlefevre | 2005-08-30 11:46:58 +0000 (Tue, 30 Aug 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Reverted to the previous version, as the patch discarded previous +modifications. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3740 | zimmerma | 2005-08-30 10:27:11 +0000 (Tue, 30 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +added two new tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3739 | zimmerma | 2005-08-30 10:09:59 +0000 (Tue, 30 Aug 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +patch from Patrick to solve efficiency problem when one operand is sparse +(e.g. from ui_pow_ui) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3738 | zimmerma | 2005-08-29 14:07:51 +0000 (Mon, 29 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +check for overflow/underflow in pow and gamma + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3737 | vlefevre | 2005-08-24 15:37:36 +0000 (Wed, 24 Aug 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +When WANT_ASSERT >= 2: the corresponding messages are now output +to stderr instead of stdout. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3736 | vlefevre | 2005-08-24 14:23:41 +0000 (Wed, 24 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3735 | vlefevre | 2005-08-24 14:16:04 +0000 (Wed, 24 Aug 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_uj.c + +Improved C compliance when mp_limb_t and uintmax_t have the same size +(concerning >> BITS_PER_MP_LIMB); some other small improvements. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3734 | vlefevre | 2005-08-24 13:27:12 +0000 (Wed, 24 Aug 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + +No longer assume that a mp_limb_t fits in an unsigned long (this +is not true under IRIX, where a mp_limb_t has 64 bits and a long +has 32 bits by default). In round_p.c, error messages are output +to stderr instead of stdout. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3733 | vlefevre | 2005-08-23 17:21:45 +0000 (Tue, 23 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3732 | vlefevre | 2005-08-23 15:57:21 +0000 (Tue, 23 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +This was wrong. Let's do it even more like the 2.1 branch. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3731 | vlefevre | 2005-08-23 15:41:39 +0000 (Tue, 23 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3730 | vlefevre | 2005-08-23 15:37:53 +0000 (Tue, 23 Aug 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +Patch 1.25 didn't work under OSF1 with cc. Let's do it like +the 2.1 branch (it now does work under OSF1 with cc). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3729 | vlefevre | 2005-08-21 22:57:15 +0000 (Sun, 21 Aug 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +Better locale support (for the decimal point in string conversions +and input/output). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3728 | vlefevre | 2005-08-18 17:17:02 +0000 (Thu, 18 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3727 | vlefevre | 2005-08-18 17:08:30 +0000 (Thu, 18 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Misc changes (spelling, typography...). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3726 | vlefevre | 2005-08-18 17:03:17 +0000 (Thu, 18 Aug 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/div-short.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/log_b2.h + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/mp_clz_tab.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +Removed trailing spaces (better for future patches, as such spaces +are sometimes stripped). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3725 | vlefevre | 2005-08-18 16:35:19 +0000 (Thu, 18 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div-short.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/RRTest.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Converted tabs to spaces with expand. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3724 | vlefevre | 2005-08-18 15:27:33 +0000 (Thu, 18 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + +Updated copyright line. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3723 | vlefevre | 2005-08-18 14:51:33 +0000 (Thu, 18 Aug 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +Support C implementations giving an incorrect value for the precision +of long double or where long doubles are implemented with FP expansions +(like under Mac OS X), as in the 2.1 branch. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3722 | vlefevre | 2005-08-18 13:46:30 +0000 (Thu, 18 Aug 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Updated mpfr_get_ld: removed useless and non-portable hacks, fixed +bugs, and slightly changed the behavior for the x87 extended format +(we shouldn't return long double's with more precision than really +supported, e.g. on FreeBSD and NetBSD). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3721 | vlefevre | 2005-08-18 13:08:07 +0000 (Thu, 18 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_ld.c + +Added an assertion. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3720 | vlefevre | 2005-08-17 16:45:18 +0000 (Wed, 17 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +Reformatted (GNU style). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3719 | pelissip | 2005-08-17 16:26:10 +0000 (Wed, 17 Aug 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Improve the warning message by adding the lines: +"we cannot run a program linked with GMP (if you cannot +see the version numbers above)." + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3718 | zimmerma | 2005-08-16 14:26:05 +0000 (Tue, 16 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added pointer for gamma + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3717 | zimmerma | 2005-08-16 14:24:15 +0000 (Tue, 16 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +fixed comments (code did not change) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3716 | zimmerma | 2005-08-16 14:01:22 +0000 (Tue, 16 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/gamma.c + +added formula for gamma function + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3715 | zimmerma | 2005-08-16 13:20:14 +0000 (Tue, 16 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +fixed last test (expected result was wrong) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3714 | zimmerma | 2005-08-16 13:19:09 +0000 (Tue, 16 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +fixed bug for tiny input + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3713 | zimmerma | 2005-08-16 09:36:05 +0000 (Tue, 16 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +added test case + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3712 | pelissip | 2005-08-12 15:11:37 +0000 (Fri, 12 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Reintroduce the computing of the dependencies. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3711 | vlefevre | 2005-08-11 14:56:47 +0000 (Thu, 11 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + +Added MPFR_DOUBLE_SPEC (not used yet, except for warning messages). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3710 | vlefevre | 2005-08-10 20:41:16 +0000 (Wed, 10 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Completed the documentation of mpfr_strtofr (concerning the exponent). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3709 | vlefevre | 2005-08-10 20:32:41 +0000 (Wed, 10 Aug 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Removed double spaces in mpfr_strtofr description (this matters +for the info format). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3708 | vlefevre | 2005-08-10 01:02:57 +0000 (Wed, 10 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +Added a temporary test for non-IEEE-754 double's. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3707 | pelissip | 2005-08-09 08:17:14 +0000 (Tue, 09 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + +Fix bug for pre-ansi compiler. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3706 | pelissip | 2005-08-09 08:16:46 +0000 (Tue, 09 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Remove redundant entries. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3705 | zimmerma | 2005-08-08 13:01:31 +0000 (Mon, 08 Aug 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_sin (possible wrong inexact flag for rounding to nearest) +added items in NEWS and TODO + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3704 | pelissip | 2005-08-05 23:09:58 +0000 (Fri, 05 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Update information + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3703 | pelissip | 2005-08-05 23:08:29 +0000 (Fri, 05 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + +Rename mpfr_stack to mpfr_custom_ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3695 | vlefevre | 2005-08-03 10:35:59 +0000 (Wed, 03 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/README + +Added/updated copyright information. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3694 | vlefevre | 2005-08-03 10:13:41 +0000 (Wed, 03 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /branches/mpfr-2-1-branch/NEWS + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3693 | pelissip | 2005-08-02 08:28:22 +0000 (Tue, 02 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Remove "Stack Interface" from TODO. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3692 | pelissip | 2005-08-01 15:23:51 +0000 (Mon, 01 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tsubnormal.c + +Add test file for mpfr_subnormalize + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3691 | pelissip | 2005-08-01 15:23:07 +0000 (Mon, 01 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Add documentation for MPFR stack interface + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3690 | pelissip | 2005-08-01 14:04:35 +0000 (Mon, 01 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + +Add a new test to avoid potential problems if mp_limb_t != long. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3689 | vlefevre | 2005-08-01 10:04:33 +0000 (Mon, 01 Aug 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3685 | pelissip | 2005-07-26 16:08:02 +0000 (Tue, 26 Jul 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/stack_interface.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tstckintc.c + +Add first version of MPFR stack interface. +Need to check if everything is ok, specially the test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3684 | pelissip | 2005-07-26 14:07:18 +0000 (Tue, 26 Jul 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Fix and clean up logging for GCC 4.0.x + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3683 | pelissip | 2005-07-26 13:02:30 +0000 (Tue, 26 Jul 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Clean up code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3682 | pelissip | 2005-07-26 12:26:08 +0000 (Tue, 26 Jul 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Improve logging: + + The file is not created if there is nothing to log. + + Add new ENVIRONMENT variables: MPFR_LOG_ALL and MPFR_LOG_STAT. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3681 | pelissip | 2005-07-26 12:06:11 +0000 (Tue, 26 Jul 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Add experimental code (Disabled). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3680 | pelissip | 2005-07-26 12:05:45 +0000 (Tue, 26 Jul 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +Fix comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3679 | pelissip | 2005-07-26 12:05:03 +0000 (Tue, 26 Jul 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +Add a new regression test (to fix). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3678 | pelissip | 2005-07-22 14:01:30 +0000 (Fri, 22 Jul 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erfc.c + +Fix bug for high values of input (assertion failed) +because erf(x) ~ 1, so 1-erf(x) ~ 0, and we can't +get the EXP of tmp. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3677 | pelissip | 2005-07-18 12:55:30 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jul 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/update-version + +Fix bug (AC_INIT version wasn't updated). +Display a note about libtool version before quitting. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3676 | pelissip | 2005-07-18 12:54:45 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jul 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + +Clean up. +Add comment. +Add a new test: check if the charset has consecutive values. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3675 | vlefevre | 2005-07-12 21:27:55 +0000 (Tue, 12 Jul 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Updated documentation of mpfr_strtofr. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3674 | pelissip | 2005-07-12 09:48:36 +0000 (Tue, 12 Jul 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp3.c + +Fix an overflow bug (use of int instead of unsigned long). +Optimize code (5% faster). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3671 | vlefevre | 2005-07-11 16:13:27 +0000 (Mon, 11 Jul 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + D /trunk/strcasecmp.c + D /trunk/strncasecmp.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +Fixed locale bug. Function strncasecmp is no longer used. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3670 | vlefevre | 2005-07-09 17:52:53 +0000 (Sat, 09 Jul 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +In the tests, set the locale to the current one. This allows to test +MPFR under various locales, showing a bug in the parse_string function +due to the use of the strncasecmp function ('i' and 'I' don't match +with LC_ALL="tr_TR.ISO8859-9"). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3669 | pelissip | 2005-07-07 07:38:02 +0000 (Thu, 07 Jul 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Improve displayed warning if GMP versions differ. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3668 | pelissip | 2005-07-06 08:45:47 +0000 (Wed, 06 Jul 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Add a solution for a problem. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3667 | vlefevre | 2005-07-05 13:47:37 +0000 (Tue, 05 Jul 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +Added in-place tests for atan(+/-0). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3665 | pelissip | 2005-07-05 08:04:21 +0000 (Tue, 05 Jul 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Fix bug of signed 0. +Optimize code. (20% for 53 bits). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3664 | pelissip | 2005-07-05 08:03:38 +0000 (Tue, 05 Jul 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +Improve test for signed 0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3663 | pelissip | 2005-06-28 16:46:42 +0000 (Tue, 28 Jun 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Simplify a condition which was always true. +(p is always negative). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3662 | pelissip | 2005-06-28 16:13:03 +0000 (Tue, 28 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Add assertion. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3661 | pelissip | 2005-06-28 16:09:00 +0000 (Tue, 28 Jun 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Simplify code for final step (when i== n0): +since we do n0-i=0 steps, atan(Ak/2^k) ~= Ak/2^k. +So we could speed up the final computation (9% faster). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3660 | pelissip | 2005-06-28 15:52:32 +0000 (Tue, 28 Jun 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Optimize: when computing arctan(p/2^r) simplify +p/2^r if p is even. +Clean up and remove tabi table. It was useless. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3659 | pelissip | 2005-06-22 08:58:50 +0000 (Wed, 22 Jun 2005) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + +Clean up configure and acinclude: + + Remove useless test in MPFR_CONFIGS (Check for valid NAN). + Its result is not use by MPFR. + + Remove useless macros (AC_CHECK_OS, AC_CHECK_MACH and AC_MY_HEADERS). + + Move detection of math/rint,round,floor,ceil to MPFR_CONFIGS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3658 | vlefevre | 2005-06-20 09:30:34 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sum.c + +GNU coding style. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3657 | zimmerma | 2005-06-16 13:48:23 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +improved m=0 case when b is a power of 2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3656 | pelissip | 2005-06-15 16:12:27 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jun 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +Replace mpfr_div_2ui call by SET_EXP/GET_EXP +since it can't overflow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3655 | pelissip | 2005-06-15 15:47:16 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +Speed up a few (from 10822 to 10600). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3654 | pelissip | 2005-06-15 13:56:23 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Update + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3653 | pelissip | 2005-06-14 11:42:25 +0000 (Tue, 14 Jun 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/powerof2.c + +Replace check for a power of 2 for the high limb by a check +for "high bit limb" for the high limb. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3652 | pelissip | 2005-06-14 11:30:10 +0000 (Tue, 14 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +Fix bug in mul_ui (always alloc buffer instead of trying to reuse it). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3651 | pelissip | 2005-06-14 11:27:56 +0000 (Tue, 14 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + +Add new test (failed). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3650 | pelissip | 2005-06-14 11:17:55 +0000 (Tue, 14 Jun 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +Add Fast case for u==1 +Add Fast case for u a power of 2 (Call mul/div_2si). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3649 | pelissip | 2005-06-14 09:04:44 +0000 (Tue, 14 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +Fix bug (use of GCC specific attribute). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3648 | pelissip | 2005-06-13 12:19:30 +0000 (Mon, 13 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + +Rechnage the meaning of root for k=0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3647 | pelissip | 2005-06-13 12:03:30 +0000 (Mon, 13 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + +Fix bug with x<0 and k even + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3646 | pelissip | 2005-06-13 11:45:50 +0000 (Mon, 13 Jun 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + +Add special case for k==0 +Add test for special case k==0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3645 | zimmerma | 2005-06-13 11:33:57 +0000 (Mon, 13 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_pi.c + +added assertion + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3644 | pelissip | 2005-06-13 11:23:37 +0000 (Mon, 13 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cache.c + +Improve efficiency of initial call to mpfr_cache. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3643 | pelissip | 2005-06-13 08:51:44 +0000 (Mon, 13 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + +Add new check (+INF -INF --> NAN). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3642 | pelissip | 2005-06-10 15:11:02 +0000 (Fri, 10 Jun 2005) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + +Fix bug of NAN and INF. +Fix bug in documentation (mpfr_sum wasn't exactly what is described). +Improve test. +Change internal names. +Clean up. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3641 | pelissip | 2005-06-10 15:05:54 +0000 (Fri, 10 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eint.c + +Fix bug: check if mpfr_log returns 0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3640 | pelissip | 2005-06-08 12:35:31 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jun 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eint.c + +Replace MPFR_EXP to MPFR_GET_EXP +Use GROUP function +Use MPFR_MPZ_SIZEINBASE2 +Factorize the mpfr_mul_2exp chain. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3639 | pelissip | 2005-06-08 12:34:47 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +Replace int to mp_prec_t for precision... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3638 | pelissip | 2005-06-08 12:34:21 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Fix warning due to comparison of unsigned and signed integers. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3637 | pelissip | 2005-06-08 11:45:06 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jun 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +Fix warnings due to comparaison between signed and unsigned. +Reinclude string.h for strtofr. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3635 | vlefevre | 2005-06-08 10:18:24 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + +Fixed bug introduced with the new internal format on 2003-10-27. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3634 | vlefevre | 2005-06-08 10:02:28 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + +Updated comments. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3633 | pelissip | 2005-06-08 10:00:21 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Fix introduced bug due to missing NULL. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3632 | pelissip | 2005-06-08 09:58:57 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/clear.c + +Fix introduced bug (NULL not defined). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3631 | pelissip | 2005-06-08 09:53:48 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jun 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Clean up use of stdio.h: + it is now included by mpfr-impl iff DEBUG is defined or WANT_ASSERT is +defined. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3630 | pelissip | 2005-06-08 09:53:05 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + +Fix warnings. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3629 | pelissip | 2005-06-08 09:13:41 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +Clean up code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3628 | pelissip | 2005-06-08 09:08:27 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1sp.c + +Improve checking if WANT_ASSERT >= 2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3627 | pelissip | 2005-06-07 16:06:38 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +Fix wrong assertion. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3626 | pelissip | 2005-06-07 16:03:24 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + +Improve test by adding special cases. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3625 | pelissip | 2005-06-07 16:02:48 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jun 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +MPFR_GET_EXP was wrongly defined and does nothing due to recursive +macro (mpfr_get_exp is also defined to be a fast macro). Fix this +by removing the macro call in MPFR_GET_EXP in case of ASSERT >= 1. +2 tests failed now! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3624 | pelissip | 2005-06-07 15:42:17 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + +Clean up and improve check. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3623 | pelissip | 2005-06-07 15:41:57 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sum.c + +Handle case n==0 and n==1 as special cases. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3622 | pelissip | 2005-06-07 14:27:34 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jun 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + +Simplify test to use tgeneric. +Add note about Worst Case of const_catalan up to 100,000,000 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3621 | pelissip | 2005-06-07 14:26:45 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Use GROUP functions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3620 | pelissip | 2005-06-07 09:52:04 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + +Improve coverage. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3619 | pelissip | 2005-06-07 09:51:49 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Fix bug in MPFR_GROUP_REPREC_3. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3618 | pelissip | 2005-06-06 14:49:55 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + +Improve coverage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3617 | pelissip | 2005-06-06 14:13:47 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + +Improve coverage test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3616 | pelissip | 2005-06-06 13:52:29 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jun 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Remove mpfr_sub_one_ulp from MPFR library. +Keep the C file until we are sure it not needed anymore. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3615 | pelissip | 2005-06-06 13:42:40 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + +Improve coverage. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3614 | pelissip | 2005-06-06 13:39:40 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jun 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Remove mpfr_add_one_ulp from MPFR library. +The function is still in the CVS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3613 | pelissip | 2005-06-06 12:06:15 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jun 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +Add experimental code (disabled). +For 5000 bits, gamma(12.5) takes 4s instead of 18s. +But it changes the error analysis... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3612 | pelissip | 2005-06-06 11:27:08 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +Reduce use of intermediary variables. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3611 | pelissip | 2005-06-06 09:42:16 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Improve comment of previous change. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3610 | pelissip | 2005-06-06 09:30:13 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jun 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Use FastCompute if x is positive and big, ie it uses +Zeta(x)=1+1/2^X+O(1/3^x) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3609 | pelissip | 2005-06-03 11:15:05 +0000 (Fri, 03 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + +Add new and faster trivial case for y <= 1 and n <= 1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3608 | pelissip | 2005-06-02 16:20:05 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/COPYING + M /trunk/COPYING.LIB + +Forget thoses two. Update from FSF site. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3607 | pelissip | 2005-06-02 16:16:17 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/TODO + +Finish updating files. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3606 | pelissip | 2005-06-02 16:12:06 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/clears.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_ld.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/constant.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/cot.c + M /trunk/coth.c + M /trunk/csc.c + M /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/fits_intmax.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_sint.c + M /trunk/fits_slong.c + M /trunk/fits_sshort.c + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fits_uint.c + M /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/fits_ulong.c + M /trunk/fits_ushort.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inits.c + M /trunk/inits2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/isqrt.c + M /trunk/iszero.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/mp_clz_tab.c + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-longlong.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/round_near_x.c + M /trunk/round_p.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/sec.c + M /trunk/sech.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/strcasecmp.c + M /trunk/strncasecmp.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/subnormal.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + M /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + M /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teint.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + M /trunk/tests/tsech.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/version.c + M /trunk/volatile.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Change the address of the FSF. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3605 | pelissip | 2005-06-02 15:55:58 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jun 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +Optimize it a few by avoiding calling fac_ui for each iteration +of the main loop. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3604 | pelissip | 2005-06-02 15:16:19 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jun 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Reduce # of vars inside the main loop. +Use GROUP function. +Improve overflow problems (Use of int instead of mp_prec_t). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3603 | pelissip | 2005-06-02 15:15:44 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jun 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +Improve efficiency by removing 2 variables (Loop uses only 4 vars). +Use GROUP. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3602 | pelissip | 2005-06-02 15:15:02 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/abort_prec_max.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + +Add support for MPFR_GROUP functions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3601 | pelissip | 2005-06-02 15:14:15 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jun 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Add attribute const and noreturn for function (via macros). +Add new macros GROUP_INIT_6 and GROUP_REPREC_6 for zeta and gamma. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3600 | zimmerma | 2005-06-02 10:17:09 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jun 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added missing functions from gnumeric + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3599 | pelissip | 2005-06-02 09:22:55 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jun 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Update stack-interface. +Remove round_near_x item. +Add new functions to implement. +Reformat file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3598 | pelissip | 2005-06-02 07:40:56 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jun 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + +Fix input precision of mp_prec_t. +May be outside 'int' range. So it uses 'long' instead and +a proper check. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3597 | vlefevre | 2005-05-25 14:32:37 +0000 (Wed, 25 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Added coding recommendations concerning C++ compilers. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3596 | pelissip | 2005-05-23 12:31:57 +0000 (Mon, 23 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Final version of MPFR_GROUP macros. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3595 | pelissip | 2005-05-23 12:31:43 +0000 (Mon, 23 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +Improve coverage test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3594 | pelissip | 2005-05-20 09:30:19 +0000 (Fri, 20 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +Remove variable t which wasn't used! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3593 | pelissip | 2005-05-18 15:57:10 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2005) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/div-short.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + +Replace TMP_ALLOC by MPFR_TMP_ALLOC +Replace TMP_DECL by MPFR_TMP_DECL +Replace TMP_MARK by MPFR_TMP_MARK +Replace TMP_FREE by MPFR_TMP_FREE +Add support for GMP's TMP_SALLOC. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3592 | pelissip | 2005-05-18 13:17:40 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +New way of handling exact value. +Fix bug of wrong rounding and wrong ternary value if the power +is exact, but at an upper precision than the working precision. +Now it computes the power exactly if it detects it is exact. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3591 | pelissip | 2005-05-18 13:13:15 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Precise that 1 is not the only value. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3590 | vlefevre | 2005-05-18 13:03:10 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +an 1 -> a 1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3589 | pelissip | 2005-05-18 09:42:00 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Add a note about special case 1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3588 | pelissip | 2005-05-18 09:01:41 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +Add assertions +Remove useless function is_odd_even. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3587 | pelissip | 2005-05-18 08:53:39 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +Fix bug: returning 1 didn't take the rounding mode into account. +Simplify dependencies of mpfr_pow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3586 | pelissip | 2005-05-18 08:42:54 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + +Fix bug of overflow +Fix bug of wrong ternary value in case of overflow +Add test cases. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3585 | pelissip | 2005-05-18 08:22:55 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + +Fix bug of overflow. +Fix bug of ternary value in case of overflow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3584 | pelissip | 2005-05-18 08:22:28 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tanh.c + +Clean up previous patch. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3583 | pelissip | 2005-05-18 07:30:01 +0000 (Wed, 18 May 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + +Fix bug of overflow. +Fix bug of ternary value in case of overflow. +Still some bugs... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3582 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 16:17:12 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + +Rewrite the way of handling overflow. +Fix bug due to overflow. +Fix bug due to wrong ternary value. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3581 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 16:15:15 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Typo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3580 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 15:37:02 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + +Fix bug of overflow. +Still a problem if exp(x) is near the limit of EMAX_MAX. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3579 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 15:35:38 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Add new macro MPFR_SAVE_DECL_UPDATE_FLAGS + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3578 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 15:17:32 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + +Improve way of handling overflow (still not perfect but far better). +Improve coverage test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3577 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 15:14:53 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +Improve coverage test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3576 | vlefevre | 2005-05-17 15:14:37 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +hypot(±oo, NaN) now returns +oo, as in ISO C99 (wasn't documented). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3575 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 14:09:21 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + +Improve coverage test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3574 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 14:09:10 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/asin.c + +Remove useless test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3573 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 13:28:02 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Improve coverage test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3572 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 13:06:26 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + +Improve coverage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3571 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 12:58:43 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + +Improve coverage test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3570 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 12:58:30 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/coverage + +Add CFLAGS -g. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3569 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 12:27:39 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +Clean up + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3568 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 12:13:44 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + +Improve coverage tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3567 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 11:45:11 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +Improve coverage test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3566 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 11:34:11 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tanh.c + +Special a condition by the simplified one. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3565 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 10:31:34 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +Improve coverage test (Forget to test tiny functions). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3564 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 10:12:30 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/coverage + +Typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3563 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 10:04:14 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/coverage + +Add 'coverage' script. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3562 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 10:03:54 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/constant.c + +Add 'static' + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3561 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 08:52:13 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +Reformating code. +Fix potential (?) overflow for very large precision. +Various tiny optimizations +Improve the initial estimation of the needed precision. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3560 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 08:46:45 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/constant.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Extract constants (__gmpfr_one, two and four) from log.c to constant.c +Fix bug in MPFR_SET_ONE. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3559 | pelissip | 2005-05-17 08:45:00 +0000 (Tue, 17 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +Remove a space. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3558 | vlefevre | 2005-05-16 14:29:49 +0000 (Mon, 16 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Typography + spelling. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3557 | vlefevre | 2005-05-16 14:26:20 +0000 (Mon, 16 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Note that mpfr_out_str has slightly changed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3556 | pelissip | 2005-05-16 07:34:04 +0000 (Mon, 16 May 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +asin, atan, atanh are not slow anymore for small input. +Remove it in the TODO. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3555 | vlefevre | 2005-05-14 17:53:00 +0000 (Sat, 14 May 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atanh.c + +Fixed a bug due to a typo on a variable name. It produced a +segmentation fault in the tests on Linux/ppc (uninitialized data were +read), not always reproducible when stepping with gdb. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3553 | pelissip | 2005-05-13 11:49:46 +0000 (Fri, 13 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + +Add support for MPFR_FAST_COMPUTE_IS_SMALL_INPUT + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3552 | pelissip | 2005-05-13 11:41:39 +0000 (Fri, 13 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + +Add support for FAST_COMPUTE_IS_SMALL_INPUT. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3551 | pelissip | 2005-05-13 10:58:38 +0000 (Fri, 13 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Add round_near_x support for small arguments. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3550 | pelissip | 2005-05-13 10:58:20 +0000 (Fri, 13 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/round_near_x.c + +Add new internal function mpfr_round_near_x. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3549 | zimmerma | 2005-05-13 09:37:42 +0000 (Fri, 13 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added missing documentation for mpfr_hypot + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3548 | pelissip | 2005-05-13 09:12:07 +0000 (Fri, 13 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + +Add a \n for all error strings. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3547 | pelissip | 2005-05-13 09:11:48 +0000 (Fri, 13 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/version.c + +Fix copyright date. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3546 | pelissip | 2005-05-13 09:11:11 +0000 (Fri, 13 May 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +Fix some problems when you define mpfr_prec_t to be an unsigned short. +Now all tests passed when mpfr_prec_t is defined to be an unsigned short +on a 32 bit CPU! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3542 | vlefevre | 2005-05-12 09:21:49 +0000 (Thu, 12 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +Detect/avoid potential integer overflows. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3541 | pelissip | 2005-05-12 08:55:27 +0000 (Thu, 12 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +Fix typos. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3540 | pelissip | 2005-05-11 15:43:40 +0000 (Wed, 11 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +Same patch for exp_3. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3539 | pelissip | 2005-05-11 15:24:48 +0000 (Wed, 11 May 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +Fix bug when exp(x) is near the limit of an overflow or an +underflow (mpfr_exp_2 didn't allow an overflow/underflow in its +internal loop). +Add corresponding test case. exp_3 may need similar patchs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3538 | vlefevre | 2005-05-11 11:03:55 +0000 (Wed, 11 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update (with reformatting so that the logs are readable on 80 columns). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3537 | pelissip | 2005-05-11 07:42:05 +0000 (Wed, 11 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +Fix bug due to wrong assertion. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3536 | pelissip | 2005-05-10 11:49:58 +0000 (Tue, 10 May 2005) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + +1. Change the prototype of mpfr_can_round to use const. +2. Change the prototype of mpfr_round_raw_2 (remove first argument since it is + useless). +3. Change round_raw_generic to use preprocessor if rather than compiler + to detect if flag == 1 or 0 +4. mpfr_round_raw_xxx use const attribute too. +5. Remove mpfr_round_raw_3 since it is unused by MPFR. +6. Add first prototype of MPFR_FAST_COMPUTE_IF_SMALL. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3535 | pelissip | 2005-05-10 09:52:11 +0000 (Tue, 10 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3534 | pelissip | 2005-05-10 09:34:22 +0000 (Tue, 10 May 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +Fix a bug in the product of 2limbs per 2 limbs. +Add new regression test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3533 | pelissip | 2005-05-10 07:28:06 +0000 (Tue, 10 May 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Fix problem with mingw: if the configure detects MS-Windows, it skips the +tests which try to link against GMP within the configure, hoping the Makefile +works. The main problem is that we need libtool inside the configure to link +against GMP. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3532 | pelissip | 2005-05-09 09:09:37 +0000 (Mon, 09 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +Improve random tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3531 | pelissip | 2005-05-04 16:20:06 +0000 (Wed, 04 May 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +Replace initial estimation of K0 from sqrt (p/2) +to sqrt(p/16). It seems to be 30% faster for 5000 bits, and 5% faster +for 50 bits. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3529 | vlefevre | 2005-05-04 15:59:49 +0000 (Wed, 04 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + +Reformatted the code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3528 | zimmerma | 2005-05-04 15:20:17 +0000 (Wed, 04 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + +fixed dummy init2 followed by set_prec + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3527 | vlefevre | 2005-05-04 13:42:36 +0000 (Wed, 04 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Added LIA-2 functions to implement. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3526 | pelissip | 2005-05-04 09:51:10 +0000 (Wed, 04 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/TODO + A /trunk/coth.c + A /trunk/csch.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/sech.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tcot.c + A /trunk/tests/tcoth.c + A /trunk/tests/tcsch.c + M /trunk/tests/tsec.c + A /trunk/tests/tsech.c + +Add functions mpfr_sech, mpfr_coth and mpfr_csch. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3525 | pelissip | 2005-05-04 09:49:51 +0000 (Wed, 04 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gen_inverse.h + +init2 alloc what is needed, not 2 (more efficient). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3524 | zimmerma | 2005-05-04 09:27:48 +0000 (Wed, 04 May 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + +improved const_euler and eint +removed dependency from input precision in several functions +fixed two bugs in pow (detection of exact cases) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3523 | pelissip | 2005-05-04 08:35:23 +0000 (Wed, 04 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Update to reflect the current state. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3522 | pelissip | 2005-05-03 16:39:04 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Fix computing of `sup` to reflect what is described in algorithms.tex. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3521 | pelissip | 2005-05-03 14:57:04 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Tiny optimization of mpfr_atan. +On opteron with p=53, from 9231 / 18049.89 / 81758 to 9004 / 17522.76 / 78601. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3520 | vlefevre | 2005-05-03 12:42:01 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +Fixed a problem in test_small (already done in the 2.1 branch) +when long double = double. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3519 | pelissip | 2005-05-03 10:42:41 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Improve detection again (use callback). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3518 | pelissip | 2005-05-03 10:15:46 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Improve previous change. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3517 | pelissip | 2005-05-03 09:51:50 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + +Add detection of function round, rint, ceil, floor and nearbyint at configure +time so that spe206 which defines itself as C99 compliant can build the +trint test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3516 | pelissip | 2005-05-03 08:55:18 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Update (Move bugs to potential). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3515 | vlefevre | 2005-05-03 08:08:50 +0000 (Tue, 03 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +Fixed the mpfr_hypot bug, and re-enabled the test_large_small test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3514 | vlefevre | 2005-05-02 23:17:44 +0000 (Mon, 02 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3512 | vlefevre | 2005-05-02 22:57:16 +0000 (Mon, 02 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Mention the mpfr_hypot bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3511 | vlefevre | 2005-05-02 22:46:56 +0000 (Mon, 02 May 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +Added a test showing a bug, enabled when TEST_LARGE_SMALL is defined +(to avoid a freeze with make check). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3510 | pelissip | 2005-05-02 15:05:43 +0000 (Mon, 02 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Fix bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3509 | pelissip | 2005-05-02 15:05:30 +0000 (Mon, 02 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Remove useless function f. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3508 | pelissip | 2005-05-02 13:11:39 +0000 (Mon, 02 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/subnormal.c + +Fix a bug: the test to detect EVEN_rounding was wrong. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3507 | pelissip | 2005-05-02 13:11:07 +0000 (Mon, 02 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Update example of use of mpfr_subnormalize. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3506 | pelissip | 2005-05-02 13:10:44 +0000 (Mon, 02 May 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + +mpfr_cmp_str checks for NAN. +Add macro mpfr_cmp0 in mpfr-test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3505 | pelissip | 2005-05-02 13:09:35 +0000 (Mon, 02 May 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/troot.c + +Undo previous change for tgeneric. +troot uses tgeneric_ui instead. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3504 | pelissip | 2005-05-01 09:21:43 +0000 (Sun, 01 May 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +Add new funcions in reuse test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3503 | zimmerma | 2005-04-30 11:03:47 +0000 (Sat, 30 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added efficiency item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3502 | zimmerma | 2005-04-30 10:36:21 +0000 (Sat, 30 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + A /trunk/eint.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/teint.c + +added mpfr_eint + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3501 | pelissip | 2005-04-29 17:24:30 +0000 (Fri, 29 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Add something to do :) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3500 | zimmerma | 2005-04-29 08:19:01 +0000 (Fri, 29 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added comment about efficiency of atan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3499 | vlefevre | 2005-04-29 07:42:30 +0000 (Fri, 29 Apr 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/FAQ.html + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/faq.xsl + A /trunk/update-faq + +The FAQ is now distributed with MPFR. Use update-faq to update it +from the MPFR web site. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3498 | zimmerma | 2005-04-29 07:30:29 +0000 (Fri, 29 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +commented out argument reduction analysis for arctan (was wrong) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3496 | zimmerma | 2005-04-28 09:47:32 +0000 (Thu, 28 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +wrong commit, put revision 1.37 back + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3495 | zimmerma | 2005-04-28 09:45:05 +0000 (Thu, 28 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +wrong commit, put back revision 1.47 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3494 | zimmerma | 2005-04-28 09:38:45 +0000 (Thu, 28 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/sin.c + +added error analysis for Geoff's argument reduction for arctan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3493 | vlefevre | 2005-04-27 20:56:08 +0000 (Wed, 27 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Added a note about mpfr_set_d and mpfr_set_ld. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3492 | vlefevre | 2005-04-27 13:51:06 +0000 (Wed, 27 Apr 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/update-version + +Define MPFR_VERSION_STRING using the update-version script +(works with any compiler). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3491 | zimmerma | 2005-04-26 10:46:13 +0000 (Tue, 26 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added internal interface + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3490 | zimmerma | 2005-04-26 10:02:01 +0000 (Tue, 26 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added suggestion from Geoff + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3489 | zimmerma | 2005-04-26 09:37:28 +0000 (Tue, 26 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + +added MPFR_VERSION_STRING + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3488 | zimmerma | 2005-04-25 13:06:11 +0000 (Mon, 25 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added new item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3487 | zimmerma | 2005-04-25 12:51:56 +0000 (Mon, 25 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + +improved expm1/log1p for small argument + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3486 | zimmerma | 2005-04-25 12:16:12 +0000 (Mon, 25 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/expm1.c + +improved to taken account of case |x| small (reported by Keith Briggs) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3485 | vlefevre | 2005-04-25 12:12:17 +0000 (Mon, 25 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Added a missing "-" and replaced a few "-" by @minus{}. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3484 | vlefevre | 2005-04-25 11:53:56 +0000 (Mon, 25 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Added a note for mpfr_cmp functions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3483 | zimmerma | 2005-04-25 05:41:27 +0000 (Mon, 25 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +fixed bug with tiny number + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3482 | zimmerma | 2005-04-22 22:23:09 +0000 (Fri, 22 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +removed done item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3481 | pelissip | 2005-04-22 15:20:22 +0000 (Fri, 22 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Add a macro for mpfr_const_catalan for internal use. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3480 | pelissip | 2005-04-22 15:18:33 +0000 (Fri, 22 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Fix typos. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3479 | zimmerma | 2005-04-22 10:38:21 +0000 (Fri, 22 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +removed Root, updated eint* + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3478 | zimmerma | 2005-04-22 10:13:05 +0000 (Fri, 22 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/TODO + A /trunk/cot.c + A /trunk/csc.c + A /trunk/gen_inverse.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/sec.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tcot.c + A /trunk/tests/tcsc.c + A /trunk/tests/tsec.c + +added sec, csc, cot + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3477 | zimmerma | 2005-04-22 08:48:44 +0000 (Fri, 22 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +proposal for exponential integral definition + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3476 | zimmerma | 2005-04-22 05:38:41 +0000 (Fri, 22 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/tests/ + +added mpfr_root, removed from TODO + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3475 | zimmerma | 2005-04-22 05:32:01 +0000 (Fri, 22 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/root.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + A /trunk/tests/troot.c + +added mpfr_root + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3474 | vlefevre | 2005-04-21 15:21:40 +0000 (Thu, 21 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3469 | vlefevre | 2005-04-21 13:05:42 +0000 (Thu, 21 Apr 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +Added the ability to change the control word when compiling tset_ld +with -DWITH_FPU_CONTROL=1 and executing tset_ld with an argument +(not used in the automatical tests yet). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3465 | vlefevre | 2005-04-21 09:32:22 +0000 (Thu, 21 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +Added test_small (the same as in the 2.1 branch). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3463 | vlefevre | 2005-04-21 09:14:46 +0000 (Thu, 21 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +Updated a comment and reformatted the code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3460 | zimmerma | 2005-04-21 06:33:22 +0000 (Thu, 21 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added explanation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3457 | zimmerma | 2005-04-20 07:59:38 +0000 (Wed, 20 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/tests/ + +adjusted initial guard digits for const_catalan to avoid failure for prec<=10^4 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3456 | zimmerma | 2005-04-20 05:53:17 +0000 (Wed, 20 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + +updated documentation and improved tests for mpfr_const_catalan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3455 | zimmerma | 2005-04-20 03:43:06 +0000 (Wed, 20 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +removed Catalan's constant (done) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3454 | zimmerma | 2005-04-20 03:40:24 +0000 (Wed, 20 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + A /trunk/const_catalan.c + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + A /trunk/tests/tconst_catalan.c + +added Catalan's constant + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3453 | zimmerma | 2005-04-20 01:23:23 +0000 (Wed, 20 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added efficiency items suggested by Geoff Bailey + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3452 | zimmerma | 2005-04-20 00:12:45 +0000 (Wed, 20 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan2.c + +fixed minor problem (wrong rounding mode for x=0, y<0), thanks Geoff Bailey + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3451 | zimmerma | 2005-04-19 09:23:28 +0000 (Tue, 19 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added one efficiency item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3450 | zimmerma | 2005-04-19 09:01:03 +0000 (Tue, 19 Apr 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +completely rewritten algorithm and error analysis for acosh +(did not match those in acosh.c) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3449 | zimmerma | 2005-04-19 08:59:31 +0000 (Tue, 19 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + +algorithm and error bound did not match those of algorithm.tex!!! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3448 | zimmerma | 2005-04-19 07:50:22 +0000 (Tue, 19 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added missing functions for Magma + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3447 | zimmerma | 2005-04-19 07:17:54 +0000 (Tue, 19 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +changed semantics of mpfr_get_str for ndigits=0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3446 | zimmerma | 2005-04-14 13:44:58 +0000 (Thu, 14 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added one item (efficiency) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3445 | pelissip | 2005-04-14 13:29:06 +0000 (Thu, 14 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +Fix atan2 to fit C99 semantic. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3444 | pelissip | 2005-04-14 09:20:24 +0000 (Thu, 14 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Fix typos. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3443 | pelissip | 2005-04-14 09:20:13 +0000 (Thu, 14 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan2.c + +Add TODO. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3442 | pelissip | 2005-04-14 08:48:54 +0000 (Thu, 14 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Add documentation for mpfr_subnormalize. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3441 | pelissip | 2005-04-14 08:14:49 +0000 (Thu, 14 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/subnormal.c + +Fix bugs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3440 | pelissip | 2005-04-13 17:23:03 +0000 (Wed, 13 Apr 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + +Apply Guillaume's patch about mpfr_div_ui. +Fix a bug in tsi_op (forget to clean memory). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3439 | pelissip | 2005-04-13 16:05:02 +0000 (Wed, 13 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + A /trunk/subnormal.c + +Add function mpfr_subnormalize (To Test!!!!!) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3438 | pelissip | 2005-04-13 15:48:51 +0000 (Wed, 13 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan2.c + +Add TODO. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3437 | pelissip | 2005-04-13 15:46:45 +0000 (Wed, 13 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/expm1.c + +Fix wrong comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3436 | pelissip | 2005-04-07 13:35:38 +0000 (Thu, 07 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +Reenable tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3435 | pelissip | 2005-04-07 11:58:52 +0000 (Thu, 07 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Add documentation about mpfr_atan2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3434 | pelissip | 2005-04-07 11:34:05 +0000 (Thu, 07 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + +Improve test suite by adding new random values. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3433 | pelissip | 2005-04-07 07:44:14 +0000 (Thu, 07 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +Add random tests (tgeneric + random2). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3432 | vlefevre | 2005-04-05 09:03:29 +0000 (Tue, 05 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Test with -ansi when making a release. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3431 | vlefevre | 2005-04-05 08:57:29 +0000 (Tue, 05 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Typo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3430 | zimmerma | 2005-04-05 07:11:53 +0000 (Tue, 05 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div-short.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +replaced // comments by /* ... */ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3428 | pelissip | 2005-04-04 10:12:29 +0000 (Mon, 04 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Add note about mpfr_neg + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3427 | pelissip | 2005-04-04 08:54:42 +0000 (Mon, 04 Apr 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/TODO + A /trunk/atan2.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +Add function mpfr_atan2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3426 | pelissip | 2005-03-31 16:13:11 +0000 (Thu, 31 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mulders.c + +Change to add future function mpfr_sqrhigh_n. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3425 | pelissip | 2005-03-31 14:52:03 +0000 (Thu, 31 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Add documentation for mpfr_erfc. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3424 | pelissip | 2005-03-31 13:26:32 +0000 (Thu, 31 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Add items. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3423 | pelissip | 2005-03-31 13:13:58 +0000 (Thu, 31 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/TODO + A /trunk/erfc.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +Add function mpfr_erfc. +Add a note about auto-checking correctness of MPFR. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3422 | vlefevre | 2005-03-30 14:49:03 +0000 (Wed, 30 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Added a testcase (the one added to the 2.1 branch). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3420 | pelissip | 2005-03-30 14:14:46 +0000 (Wed, 30 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Use random2 instead of random. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3419 | vlefevre | 2005-03-30 13:38:59 +0000 (Wed, 30 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_p.c + +Weaker conditions for return 0 in mpfr_round_p. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3418 | pelissip | 2005-03-30 13:13:20 +0000 (Wed, 30 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + A /trunk/tests/tgeneric_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Add generic test for functions which looks + inexact = MPFR_TOTO (rop, op, INTEGER, RND); + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3417 | pelissip | 2005-03-30 12:58:45 +0000 (Wed, 30 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + +Add ceil(log2(size)) bits to initial precision to avoid +committing in error for huge operands. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3416 | vlefevre | 2005-03-30 12:21:53 +0000 (Wed, 30 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Added a test (corresp. to the one added on 2005-03-25 in tpow_z.c). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3415 | vlefevre | 2005-03-29 10:25:12 +0000 (Tue, 29 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + +Reformatted code (GNU style, untabify...). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3414 | pelissip | 2005-03-29 08:42:07 +0000 (Tue, 29 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Tiny update. +Add group functions macros. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3413 | pelissip | 2005-03-29 07:51:18 +0000 (Tue, 29 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + +Replace test ('p <= i') by assertion ('p > i). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3412 | zimmerma | 2005-03-25 21:35:57 +0000 (Fri, 25 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + +fixed bug in pow_ui (and pow_z): missing factor 2 in error bound +fixed bug in gamma of negative integer + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3411 | pelissip | 2005-03-25 15:03:13 +0000 (Fri, 25 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div-short.c + +Add info. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3410 | pelissip | 2005-03-25 15:02:36 +0000 (Fri, 25 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/print_raw.c + +Add new internal function for debugging reasons. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3409 | pelissip | 2005-03-25 08:43:12 +0000 (Fri, 25 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + +Forget to free x and y + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3408 | pelissip | 2005-03-25 08:38:26 +0000 (Fri, 25 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + +Add failed regression test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3407 | pelissip | 2005-03-25 08:38:10 +0000 (Fri, 25 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div-short.c + +Improved version. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3406 | pelissip | 2005-03-25 08:32:09 +0000 (Fri, 25 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +Undo previous change (I was wrong). +Add new regression test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3405 | pelissip | 2005-03-24 10:47:41 +0000 (Thu, 24 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Fix wrong extimated precision. +It is log2(n+2) ulps so that log2(log2(n+2)) bits! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3404 | pelissip | 2005-03-24 10:01:31 +0000 (Thu, 24 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div-short.c + +Add checking. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3403 | zimmerma | 2005-03-23 19:55:06 +0000 (Wed, 23 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +added new test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3402 | pelissip | 2005-03-23 14:42:35 +0000 (Wed, 23 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + +Remove an signed integer trap overflow (GCC 4 + '-ftrapv'). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3401 | pelissip | 2005-03-23 13:04:37 +0000 (Wed, 23 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Don't use Mulder at n+1 for MPFR_MUL_THRESHOLD+1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3400 | pelissip | 2005-03-23 13:03:55 +0000 (Wed, 23 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Reduce the threshold for AMD64. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3399 | pelissip | 2005-03-22 13:58:19 +0000 (Tue, 22 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/div-short.c + +Initial version of Short Division. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3398 | pelissip | 2005-03-22 12:18:33 +0000 (Tue, 22 Mar 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Fix bug on HP-UX. +longlong's umul_ppmm seems to be buggy on such a system. +Don't use it under HP-UX. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3396 | pelissip | 2005-03-21 10:34:12 +0000 (Mon, 21 Mar 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + +Add case where bn == 1 and bn == 2 by using longlong.h. +Modify tuneup to start with prec=2*BITS_PER_MP_LIMB+1 +Fix bug in computing the estimated precision when you switch from N limbs to N+1 limbs. +Add regression tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3395 | vlefevre | 2005-03-19 01:27:54 +0000 (Sat, 19 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/isqrt.c + +Typo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3394 | zimmerma | 2005-03-18 07:44:55 +0000 (Fri, 18 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added one efficiency item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3393 | zimmerma | 2005-03-17 12:54:56 +0000 (Thu, 17 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +added two property-tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3391 | vlefevre | 2005-03-17 00:15:18 +0000 (Thu, 17 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + +Fixed a bug for mpfr_atanh(x) with 1 < |x| < 2 (found by Matt Reddick). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3390 | pelissip | 2005-03-14 10:07:14 +0000 (Mon, 14 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Update + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3389 | pelissip | 2005-03-14 10:05:56 +0000 (Mon, 14 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + +Improve test: compare between mpfr_round_p and mpfr_can_round. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3388 | pelissip | 2005-03-14 09:50:29 +0000 (Mon, 14 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Replace mpfr_can_round (..., GMP_RNDN, GMP_RNDZ, ...) to fast replacement +mpfr_round_p. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3387 | pelissip | 2005-03-14 09:49:36 +0000 (Mon, 14 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_prec.c + +Remove a FIXME. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3386 | pelissip | 2005-03-14 09:48:45 +0000 (Mon, 14 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + A /trunk/round_p.c + +Add new internal function mpfr_round_p which is a fast replacement +to mpfr_can_round (x, y, GMP_RNDN, GMP_RNDZ, ...) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3385 | pelissip | 2005-03-14 09:47:44 +0000 (Mon, 14 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +Improve an error message. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3384 | pelissip | 2005-03-10 10:46:06 +0000 (Thu, 10 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Fix bug: tmp may have changed in mulhigh code. +Restore it before calling mpn_mul. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3383 | pelissip | 2005-03-09 15:53:12 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Better defaults threshold. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3381 | pelissip | 2005-03-09 14:24:09 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Handle case where Prec(a) ~ estimated prec of mulhigh. +Add one extra limb, and still uses mulhigh. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3380 | pelissip | 2005-03-09 14:23:19 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tuneup.c + +Fix bug: compute Mulder Threshold from n/2+1 instead of (n+1)/2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3379 | pelissip | 2005-03-09 12:25:47 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Forget ';;' in switch. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3378 | pelissip | 2005-03-09 11:13:31 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Add '-v' for tuneup. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3377 | pelissip | 2005-03-09 11:10:56 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mulders.c + +Add assertion. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3376 | pelissip | 2005-03-09 10:49:38 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +Improve checking +Add test. Short Mulder product failed for this. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3375 | pelissip | 2005-03-09 10:20:51 +0000 (Wed, 09 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +Improve full assertion mode (Check mpfr_mul). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3373 | pelissip | 2005-03-08 16:06:36 +0000 (Tue, 08 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/logging.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Move GLIBC detection from mpfr-impl to logging.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3372 | pelissip | 2005-03-08 16:06:18 +0000 (Tue, 08 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Add log info. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3371 | pelissip | 2005-03-08 16:06:01 +0000 (Tue, 08 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Improve default threshold. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3370 | pelissip | 2005-03-08 14:32:09 +0000 (Tue, 08 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + +Add Mulder Short product for mpfr_mul. +Update algorithm.tex to describe the estimated error. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3369 | pelissip | 2005-03-08 14:14:49 +0000 (Tue, 08 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mulders.c + +Add an assert. +Cosmetic change. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3368 | pelissip | 2005-03-08 14:14:08 +0000 (Tue, 08 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Update default values. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3367 | pelissip | 2005-03-08 14:13:35 +0000 (Tue, 08 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Clean up macro namespace. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3366 | pelissip | 2005-03-08 14:13:07 +0000 (Tue, 08 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +Cosmetics change. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3365 | zimmerma | 2005-03-08 13:24:44 +0000 (Tue, 08 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/get_f.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tget_f.c + +new function mpfr_get_f + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3364 | pelissip | 2005-03-08 08:57:00 +0000 (Tue, 08 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + +Fix bug in case of reuse of variable (a,b,a) with Exp(b)=Exp(a)+Prec(b). +Move copy of mantissa after test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3363 | pelissip | 2005-03-07 11:40:39 +0000 (Mon, 07 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mulders.c + M /trunk/tuneup.c + +Add tune for mpfr_mulhigh +Add --with-mulhigh-size option at configure time. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3362 | pelissip | 2005-03-04 17:40:53 +0000 (Fri, 04 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +Fix bug due to wrong estimation of (get_d (x) / LOG2). +TODO: Rexamine the algorithm of mpfr_exp_2! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3361 | pelissip | 2005-03-04 17:32:13 +0000 (Fri, 04 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +Transform DEBUG message to LOG message. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3360 | pelissip | 2005-03-04 17:14:03 +0000 (Fri, 04 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mulders.c + +Improve it. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3359 | pelissip | 2005-03-04 17:13:42 +0000 (Fri, 04 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tuneup.c + +Tune mpfr_exp_2 now! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3358 | pelissip | 2005-03-03 14:59:25 +0000 (Thu, 03 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mulders.c + +Fix bugs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3357 | pelissip | 2005-03-03 14:25:20 +0000 (Thu, 03 Mar 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mulders.c + +Update it. +New code for mpfr_mul. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3356 | pelissip | 2005-03-02 10:46:39 +0000 (Wed, 02 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Add new default threshold for different CPU. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3355 | pelissip | 2005-03-02 10:23:31 +0000 (Wed, 02 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Update for tune. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3354 | pelissip | 2005-03-02 08:57:26 +0000 (Wed, 02 Mar 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +Fix bug in estimated error (See previous ChangeLog). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3353 | pelissip | 2005-02-24 17:32:25 +0000 (Thu, 24 Feb 2005) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tuneup.c + +Add tune program for MPFR. +Do make tune instead of make. +BUT you need to have configure MPFR with --with-gmp-build=... +(It uses internal of GMP). +Tuning is slow... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3352 | pelissip | 2005-02-24 17:08:27 +0000 (Thu, 24 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mulders.c + +Add note. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3349 | pelissip | 2005-02-22 16:40:41 +0000 (Tue, 22 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_u.h + +Tiny optimization + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3348 | pelissip | 2005-02-22 12:30:56 +0000 (Tue, 22 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Update + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3347 | pelissip | 2005-02-22 12:12:18 +0000 (Tue, 22 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + +Add logging. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3346 | pelissip | 2005-02-22 10:50:14 +0000 (Tue, 22 Feb 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + +Reduce InterObject dependency by moving mul_si, div_si and si_div +to the unique function they used. +Improve mul_ui by inlining the rounding. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3345 | pelissip | 2005-02-21 13:48:23 +0000 (Mon, 21 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +Improve test to 1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3344 | vlefevre | 2005-02-21 13:08:46 +0000 (Mon, 21 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +Updated copyright lines. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3342 | vlefevre | 2005-02-21 12:13:00 +0000 (Mon, 21 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + +Code reindented / reformatted. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3341 | vlefevre | 2005-02-21 12:09:47 +0000 (Mon, 21 Feb 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + +Fixed a bug for u == 0 and x == +0 introduced in ui_sub.c 1.23, +when 0 was taken into account as a special case: the sign of the +result 0 was incorrect. -> Consider the case u == 0 first. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3340 | zimmerma | 2005-02-19 22:04:01 +0000 (Sat, 19 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/RRTest.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +added generic tests in tpow + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3339 | zimmerma | 2005-02-18 22:09:19 +0000 (Fri, 18 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +fixed bug (variable used twice for different things) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3338 | zimmerma | 2005-02-18 20:19:44 +0000 (Fri, 18 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/RRTest.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +more changes for interface with NTL + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3337 | pelissip | 2005-02-18 16:33:39 +0000 (Fri, 18 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_prec.c + +Likely a test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3336 | pelissip | 2005-02-18 16:33:25 +0000 (Fri, 18 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mulders.c + +Update + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3335 | zimmerma | 2005-02-18 15:28:25 +0000 (Fri, 18 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/RRTest.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added interface for NTL + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3334 | vlefevre | 2005-02-16 17:08:25 +0000 (Wed, 16 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3333 | vlefevre | 2005-02-16 17:05:19 +0000 (Wed, 16 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Suppress some spaces. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3332 | pelissip | 2005-02-16 16:04:54 +0000 (Wed, 16 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Reenable underflow tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3331 | pelissip | 2005-02-16 15:58:48 +0000 (Wed, 16 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Update + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3330 | vlefevre | 2005-02-16 13:27:24 +0000 (Wed, 16 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/texinfo.tex + +Removed texinfo.tex, as it can be installed by autoreconf -i. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3329 | pelissip | 2005-02-16 13:19:25 +0000 (Wed, 16 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +Fix LOADLIBES so that it works (it doesn't due to libtool change). But it +still needs to have s static version of MPFR. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3328 | vlefevre | 2005-02-16 12:54:27 +0000 (Wed, 16 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +autoreconf -> autoreconf -i + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3327 | pelissip | 2005-02-16 12:49:40 +0000 (Wed, 16 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tan.c + +Fix wrong integer types. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3324 | vlefevre | 2005-02-16 11:03:35 +0000 (Wed, 16 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +Spelling mistakes & reformatted code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3322 | vlefevre | 2005-02-15 16:28:31 +0000 (Tue, 15 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1.c + +Reformatted code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3321 | pelissip | 2005-02-15 14:56:00 +0000 (Tue, 15 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tanh.c + +Improve initial prec. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3319 | pelissip | 2005-02-15 14:52:06 +0000 (Tue, 15 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tanh.c + +Remove code. +Add special case if t=1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3318 | pelissip | 2005-02-15 14:51:51 +0000 (Tue, 15 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1.c + +mpfr_set doesn't produce an EVEN inexact flag. +Fix this. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3317 | pelissip | 2005-02-15 14:51:23 +0000 (Tue, 15 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +USe of mpfr_nexttozero. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3316 | pelissip | 2005-02-15 14:32:16 +0000 (Tue, 15 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atanh.c + +Fix bug: use x instead of xf in LOG. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3315 | pelissip | 2005-02-15 10:29:31 +0000 (Tue, 15 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Log input and ouput of functions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3314 | pelissip | 2005-02-15 10:06:39 +0000 (Tue, 15 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tan.c + +Fix bug of overflow in tan. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3313 | pelissip | 2005-02-15 09:54:23 +0000 (Tue, 15 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tan.c + +Use of MPFR_LOG_FUNC. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3312 | pelissip | 2005-02-15 09:53:44 +0000 (Tue, 15 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Do not print final log message if there was no call. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3311 | pelissip | 2005-02-15 09:39:57 +0000 (Tue, 15 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +Add ZivLoop for sign + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3310 | pelissip | 2005-02-14 16:02:59 +0000 (Mon, 14 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/logging.c + +Fix bug: during the display of a logged var, logging is turn off. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3309 | pelissip | 2005-02-14 15:55:12 +0000 (Mon, 14 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Add MPFR_LOG_FUNC +Use mpfr_cos as testing example. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3308 | pelissip | 2005-02-14 14:38:06 +0000 (Mon, 14 Feb 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + +Add ZivLoop controller for constantes. +Augment exponent range in the cache. +Remove it in const_pi. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3307 | pelissip | 2005-02-14 14:23:13 +0000 (Mon, 14 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +Add generic ZivLoop controller. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3306 | fousse | 2005-02-14 14:21:50 +0000 (Mon, 14 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Document mpfr_sum returned int value. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3305 | pelissip | 2005-02-14 14:18:40 +0000 (Mon, 14 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Clean up code. +Add generic ZivLoop controller. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3303 | fousse | 2005-02-14 13:33:31 +0000 (Mon, 14 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sum.c + +Consider return value's precision for rounding in mpfr_sum. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3302 | zimmerma | 2005-02-14 12:41:16 +0000 (Mon, 14 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_pi.c + +removed garbage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3301 | pelissip | 2005-02-14 11:26:45 +0000 (Mon, 14 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + +Clean up +Add ZivLoop + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3300 | pelissip | 2005-02-14 10:55:09 +0000 (Mon, 14 Feb 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_log2.c + +Remove malloc/free. +Use of MPFR_INT_CEIL_LOG2 +Add ZivLoop controller. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3299 | pelissip | 2005-02-14 10:54:42 +0000 (Mon, 14 Feb 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erf.c + +Clean up code. +Fix bug with Exponent range. +Add ZivLoop controller. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3298 | pelissip | 2005-02-14 10:54:06 +0000 (Mon, 14 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cbrt.c + +Cleanup code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3297 | zimmerma | 2005-02-14 10:38:04 +0000 (Mon, 14 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_log2.c + +further efficiency improvement (avoid mpz_init/mpz_clear) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3296 | pelissip | 2005-02-14 10:11:17 +0000 (Mon, 14 Feb 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + +Add ZivLoop controller. +Clean up code. +Optimize it by removing the # of used vars. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3295 | pelissip | 2005-02-14 10:10:51 +0000 (Mon, 14 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/atan.c + +Add ZivLoop controller. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3294 | zimmerma | 2005-02-12 16:01:39 +0000 (Sat, 12 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +new faster algorithm for log(2) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3293 | pelissip | 2005-02-11 13:08:25 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2005) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Remove detection of C++ and Fortran due to libtool. +---- +Note (VL, 2010-02-08): this removal by an always false test was working +with libtool 1.5.26, but doesn't work with libtool 2.2 to 2.2.6b (used +by the MPFR 2.4.{0,1,2} tarballs). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3292 | pelissip | 2005-02-11 11:28:00 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +Clean up configure (simpler). +Still a bug with CXXCPP to solve. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3291 | pelissip | 2005-02-11 11:27:36 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Clean up const_log2 code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3290 | pelissip | 2005-02-10 15:43:41 +0000 (Thu, 10 Feb 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + +Add log for other functions. +Add ZivLoop too. +Cleanup exp3. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3289 | pelissip | 2005-02-09 16:24:18 +0000 (Wed, 09 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Update for ICC (disable shared since it doesn't work). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3288 | pelissip | 2005-02-09 15:05:45 +0000 (Wed, 09 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +The previous fixs don't work. New one which works but is VERY ugly. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3287 | pelissip | 2005-02-09 14:26:29 +0000 (Wed, 09 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Fix again to avoid fail on laurent5... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3286 | pelissip | 2005-02-09 14:21:48 +0000 (Wed, 09 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Set CXXCPP to "g++ -E" to avoid detection (which may fail on some systems). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3285 | pelissip | 2005-02-09 14:11:13 +0000 (Wed, 09 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Reduce the tested compiler for C++ and Fortran to the minimum. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3284 | pelissip | 2005-02-09 13:19:17 +0000 (Wed, 09 Feb 2005) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Update GMP detection to be much more libtool compatible. +As a consequence some tests using AC_RUN_IFELSE may fail due to ugly things +like LD_LIBRARY_PATH no set or wrong selection of libgmp. +So they just produce a warning, not a fatal error. +TODO: Check if we can avoid thoses problems... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3283 | pelissip | 2005-02-08 15:49:12 +0000 (Tue, 08 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/ansi2knr.1 + D /trunk/ansi2knr.c + D /trunk/config.guess + D /trunk/config.sub + D /trunk/depcomp + D /trunk/install-sh + D /trunk/missing + D /trunk/mkinstalldirs + M /trunk/prepare + +Remove automake and libtool files. +Use `automake --add-missing --copy -i` to generate them. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3282 | pelissip | 2005-02-08 13:57:04 +0000 (Tue, 08 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/ansi2knr.1 + A /trunk/ansi2knr.c + +Add support for ansi2knr + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3281 | pelissip | 2005-02-08 13:54:10 +0000 (Tue, 08 Feb 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/prepare + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/update-version + +Add support for Shared Library in MPFR (both Unix and Windows) by using libtool. +Improve configure (remove unused macros, make dist produce .zip and .bz2) +Update update-version to modify too. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3280 | pelissip | 2005-02-08 13:51:09 +0000 (Tue, 08 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Update NEWS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3279 | vlefevre | 2005-02-04 12:15:25 +0000 (Fri, 04 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3278 | pelissip | 2005-02-04 10:25:10 +0000 (Fri, 04 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +Add forgotten functions to reuse test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3277 | pelissip | 2005-02-04 10:10:37 +0000 (Fri, 04 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +Improve reuse tests (Include 1, -1, 1/2, 2, PI and PI/2 now). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3276 | pelissip | 2005-02-04 09:14:37 +0000 (Fri, 04 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +Fix bug of atan(-1) (wrong sign). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3275 | pelissip | 2005-02-03 16:03:50 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Remove unused option --disable-cache. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3274 | pelissip | 2005-02-03 15:59:28 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + +Add option "thread-safe" to configure. +Limited to use with GCC and ICC (using extension __thread). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3273 | pelissip | 2005-02-03 15:18:17 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Add description of added functions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3272 | pelissip | 2005-02-03 15:09:51 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr.h doesn't export anymore any globals. +It doesn't define MPFR_FLAGS too. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3271 | pelissip | 2005-02-03 14:59:39 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2005) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Change user interface for mpfr_const_pi, mpfr_const_log2 and +mpfr_const_euler. No more access to the cache itself. +Create dummy functions which call the cache, and rename old +functions to "_internal". +Internally, it doesn't change at all (You still call directly +the cache instead of the dummy function which calls the cache). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3270 | pelissip | 2005-02-03 14:43:20 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + +Add functions mpfr_set_overflow, mpfr_set_underflow, mpfr_set_erangeflag, +mpfr_set_inexflag, mpfr_set_nanflag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3269 | pelissip | 2005-02-03 14:33:31 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + +Rename internal functions mpfr_set_overflow in mpfr_overflow and + mpfr_set_underflow in mpfr_underflow so that we can add new functions +mpfr_set_underflow and mpfr_set_overflow (which set the global flags). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3268 | pelissip | 2005-02-03 12:46:18 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +Add support for logging. +Add support for ZivLoop. +Improve efficiency if prec(op) >> prec(rop), and rop ~= 0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3267 | pelissip | 2005-02-03 12:44:51 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +Fix wrong place for MPFR_LOG_BEGIN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3266 | pelissip | 2005-02-03 12:44:15 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/logging.c + +Rename MPFR_LOG_BADCASE in MPFR_LOG_ZIV + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3265 | pelissip | 2005-02-03 12:43:44 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Reduce the size of some lines (more than 80 chars). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3264 | pelissip | 2005-02-02 16:30:05 +0000 (Wed, 02 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + +Fix again. My previous fix was incorrect. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3262 | pelissip | 2005-02-02 15:55:38 +0000 (Wed, 02 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/logging.c + +Fix wrong order of include system files. +(printf.h is not available everywhere). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3261 | zimmerma | 2005-02-02 15:50:51 +0000 (Wed, 02 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +inexact flag was inexact :-) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3260 | pelissip | 2005-02-02 15:49:20 +0000 (Wed, 02 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + +Move mpfr_nexttozero and mpfr_nexttoinf from static to mpfr-impl. +Use them in sub1 and sin. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3259 | pelissip | 2005-02-02 14:58:36 +0000 (Wed, 02 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/logging.c + +Add forgotten logging file. +Add description of new macros in + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3258 | pelissip | 2005-02-02 14:14:01 +0000 (Wed, 02 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + +Add support for ZivLoop controller and logging. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3257 | pelissip | 2005-02-02 14:13:39 +0000 (Wed, 02 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Add experimental logging feature. +Add ZivLoop controller. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3256 | pelissip | 2005-02-02 14:09:18 +0000 (Wed, 02 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + +Forget that mpf doesn't have mpf_free_str. +Fix this. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3255 | pelissip | 2005-02-02 13:50:45 +0000 (Wed, 02 Feb 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +Fix bug of sub1 if dest=src2 and src1 >> src2 +=> Fix problem of mpfr_sin + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3254 | zimmerma | 2005-02-02 13:45:48 +0000 (Wed, 02 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +added two tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3253 | pelissip | 2005-02-01 14:50:19 +0000 (Tue, 01 Feb 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + +Now MPFR tries to get GMP's CC and CFLAGS from its build directory. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3252 | pelissip | 2005-02-01 09:58:43 +0000 (Tue, 01 Feb 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Add AC_COPYRIGHT +Clean up AC_ARG_ENABLE handling +Add `--enable-logging` option. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3251 | zimmerma | 2005-01-31 09:37:09 +0000 (Mon, 31 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3250 | pelissip | 2005-01-31 08:47:04 +0000 (Mon, 31 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +Fix a wrong assertion when double == long double. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3249 | pelissip | 2005-01-31 08:44:16 +0000 (Mon, 31 Jan 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +Add loop counter +Check if the result is 0 (Due to new algorithm, it may be 0) +and in that case, increase a lot the precision. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3248 | zimmerma | 2005-01-29 20:40:51 +0000 (Sat, 29 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/sin.c + +changed algorithm for mpfr_sin (to get inexact flag) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3246 | vlefevre | 2005-01-29 11:32:17 +0000 (Sat, 29 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +Fixed a sign bug in mpfr_exp (found by Mark J Watkins). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3245 | zimmerma | 2005-01-28 16:57:22 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +solved efficiency problem in mpfr_sin_sign for x near Pi + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3243 | vlefevre | 2005-01-28 14:22:34 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/tests/tdump.c + +Removed tests/tdump.c (was no longer used and mpfr_dump is already +tested in toutimpl.c). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3242 | vlefevre | 2005-01-28 14:20:09 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +Updated copyright line. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3240 | pelissip | 2005-01-28 13:49:30 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +Clean up code (due to mix with Paul changes). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3239 | pelissip | 2005-01-28 13:43:11 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +Improve inexact code since sin & cos can't be exact if x != 0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3238 | vlefevre | 2005-01-28 13:28:30 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Removed a useless test in macro MPFR_UNSIGNED_MINUS_MODULO. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3237 | pelissip | 2005-01-28 13:10:04 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +Much faster worst case (ie result near 0 or 1). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3236 | zimmerma | 2005-01-28 13:08:20 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +speed-up special case where approximation is 1 or -1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3235 | vlefevre | 2005-01-28 13:04:10 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rint.c + +Updated comments about the rounding modes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3234 | pelissip | 2005-01-28 12:23:55 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/reldiff.c + +Fix bug and optimize code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3233 | pelissip | 2005-01-28 11:00:34 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +FIx a warning (Wrong proto between declaration and implementation : + forget some const). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3232 | vlefevre | 2005-01-28 10:58:01 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +Updated copyright line. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3231 | vlefevre | 2005-01-28 10:56:19 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Updated copyright lines. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3230 | zimmerma | 2005-01-28 10:43:30 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +fixed efficiency problem in case of cos(Pi) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3229 | pelissip | 2005-01-28 09:58:28 +0000 (Fri, 28 Jan 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + +Fix bug if dest==src. +Transform some MPFR_ASSERTN to MPFR_ASSERTD. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3227 | pelissip | 2005-01-27 16:02:23 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Fix a buffer overflow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3226 | pelissip | 2005-01-27 15:40:39 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jan 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +New version of mpfr_set_ld and mpfr_get_ld for IEEE Extended Little Endian. +(Due to problem on x86 with extended precision). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3225 | zimmerma | 2005-01-27 13:58:24 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + +partially fixed memory leak + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3224 | zimmerma | 2005-01-27 13:40:13 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +test for huge cancellation was misplaced + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3223 | zimmerma | 2005-01-27 13:28:49 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + +fixed memory leak + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3222 | zimmerma | 2005-01-27 12:53:45 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +fixed inefficiency problem for x near from Pi + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3221 | zimmerma | 2005-01-27 10:56:44 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +casts to allow compilation with g++ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3220 | zimmerma | 2005-01-27 09:35:41 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +added missing cast + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3219 | zimmerma | 2005-01-27 09:28:29 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +added missing casts + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3218 | zimmerma | 2005-01-25 18:23:38 +0000 (Tue, 25 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +fixed bug (overlap in mpn_divrem) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3217 | vlefevre | 2005-01-24 16:23:29 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/tests/ + +Removed tests/ from CVS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3216 | pelissip | 2005-01-24 15:48:34 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +Fix bug reported by Eric Buchlin by using new function +mpfr_pow_z. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3215 | pelissip | 2005-01-24 15:36:49 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + A /trunk/pow_z.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tpow_z.c + +Add new function mpfr_pow_z and its test file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3214 | pelissip | 2005-01-24 15:35:08 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Fix overflows problems. +Clean up overflow handling. +Maybe some bugs remain... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3213 | vlefevre | 2005-01-24 15:04:05 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3212 | pelissip | 2005-01-24 14:19:20 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Add an explicit reference to mpfr_dump so that +you can use this function inside the tests with GDB, even if +you don't use it in the tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3211 | zimmerma | 2005-01-24 13:45:38 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +added check before mpz_get_si() call + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3210 | vlefevre | 2005-01-24 10:43:16 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3209 | vlefevre | 2005-01-24 10:31:26 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Corrections on the typography. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3208 | vlefevre | 2005-01-24 10:16:51 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Corrected English usage. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3207 | vlefevre | 2005-01-24 00:03:59 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Typos. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3206 | zimmerma | 2005-01-21 12:20:54 +0000 (Fri, 21 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +added LOADLIBES=... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3201 | vlefevre | 2005-01-21 10:20:17 +0000 (Fri, 21 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sum.c + +Updated Copyright line. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3195 | pelissip | 2005-01-20 14:32:20 +0000 (Thu, 20 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1.c + +Fix again this previous patch! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3194 | zimmerma | 2005-01-20 11:23:51 +0000 (Thu, 20 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + +fixed problems in get_str for huge exponent + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3193 | pelissip | 2005-01-20 09:53:45 +0000 (Thu, 20 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-longlong.h + +Update longlong from GMP 4.1.4 (problem with opteron). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3192 | pelissip | 2005-01-18 13:30:50 +0000 (Tue, 18 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sum.c + +Fix bug in case n==0 or n==1 (Reported and fixed by Laurent Fousse). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3191 | pelissip | 2005-01-14 15:02:15 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1.c + +Add comments +Fix bug in my patch (Need tests). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3190 | pelissip | 2005-01-14 13:50:09 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2005) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Optimize mpfr_atan_aux by removing all power of 2 in the sum to +reduce the size of the multiplication, normalize the input to extract +as many zeros as possible and add a special case if the input is 1 +(after normalisation). But it doesn't optimize too much... +I need to invertigate a few more too understand what is still costly. +It seems that mpz_mul is the most called function. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3189 | pelissip | 2005-01-14 13:28:45 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tanh.c + +Improve and fix tanh for big floats. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3188 | pelissip | 2005-01-14 13:28:03 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1.c + +Fix bug in some corner case (Just hope it doesn't add new bugs). +It should be much faster in these cases too. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3187 | pelissip | 2005-01-14 13:26:55 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_pi.c + +Remove warning + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3186 | pelissip | 2005-01-14 11:40:22 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Tiny update + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3185 | pelissip | 2005-01-14 08:20:35 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + +Fix bug (Forget a debug line). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3184 | pelissip | 2005-01-13 16:21:47 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sinh.c + +Fix overflow bug +Optimize code + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3183 | pelissip | 2005-01-13 08:22:09 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Fix bug in mpn_sub_nc in case the compiler optimize too much. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3182 | pelissip | 2005-01-12 10:00:52 +0000 (Wed, 12 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Add forgotten 2005 copyright line. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3181 | pelissip | 2005-01-12 09:57:57 +0000 (Wed, 12 Jan 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Fix problem of `mpn_sub_nc' which may or may not be defined in libgmp.a + (Add a test in the configure and a new macro MPFR_HAVE_MPN_SUB_NC) +Add MPFR_LOG2_BIT_PER_MP_LIMB macro + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3180 | pelissip | 2005-01-12 09:22:37 +0000 (Wed, 12 Jan 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/atan.c + +Massive optimization of mpfr_atan (20x faster than 2.1.0 at 53 bits!) +Minor optimization of mpfr_acos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3179 | pelissip | 2005-01-11 16:27:42 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mulders.c + +Fix typo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3178 | pelissip | 2005-01-11 08:42:16 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jan 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + +Reduce size of code +Optimize a few too. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3177 | pelissip | 2005-01-11 08:40:51 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +Forget 2005 ! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3176 | pelissip | 2005-01-11 08:39:49 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +Improve and fix detection of NAN and GCC bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3175 | pelissip | 2005-01-04 15:04:18 +0000 (Tue, 04 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_pi.c + +new version (completely rewritten) by Paul Zimmermann. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3174 | pelissip | 2005-01-04 14:52:28 +0000 (Tue, 04 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +Fix forgotten '2005' Line. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3173 | pelissip | 2005-01-04 14:41:09 +0000 (Tue, 04 Jan 2005) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +Fix wrong inexact value (regression). +FIXME: It seems that adding MPFR_GET_EXP (xp) bits is too much + (since previously it always add 0, but the results were quite + always exact - this bug was only discovered under rare case). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3172 | zimmerma | 2005-01-04 12:23:41 +0000 (Tue, 04 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added item (mpfr_printf) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3171 | pelissip | 2005-01-04 10:34:17 +0000 (Tue, 04 Jan 2005) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Optimize mpfr_exp2 by inlining some code, and by avoiding using +mpz_sizeinbase. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3170 | pelissip | 2005-01-04 10:33:18 +0000 (Tue, 04 Jan 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erf.c + +Remove unused code. +Remove _MPFR_PROTO for static functions. +Other cosmetic change. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3169 | pelissip | 2005-01-04 10:32:01 +0000 (Tue, 04 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + +Remove _MPFR_PROTO for static functions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3168 | pelissip | 2005-01-04 10:29:14 +0000 (Tue, 04 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +Remove unused code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3167 | pelissip | 2005-01-04 10:28:41 +0000 (Tue, 04 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + +Optimize mpfr_get_d. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3166 | pelissip | 2005-01-04 10:28:03 +0000 (Tue, 04 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Add a new configuration to check before releasing MPFR. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3165 | pelissip | 2005-01-04 10:26:44 +0000 (Tue, 04 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/sum.c + +Fix problem of tab with ncurses. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3164 | pelissip | 2005-01-04 10:26:14 +0000 (Tue, 04 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + +Likely some tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3163 | pelissip | 2005-01-04 10:25:40 +0000 (Tue, 04 Jan 2005) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + +Fix bug if not gmp-impl.h (mpn_sub_nc is internal). +Move MPFR_SET_EXP after checking the exponent range. +Minor change in the way to return the ternary value. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3162 | zimmerma | 2005-01-01 12:17:16 +0000 (Sat, 01 Jan 2005) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/sum.c + +changed tab[] into *tab (and removed 'tab' in mpfr.h) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3161 | zimmerma | 2004-12-24 10:41:39 +0000 (Fri, 24 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +new version (completely rewritten) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3160 | zimmerma | 2004-12-24 10:28:47 +0000 (Fri, 24 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +improved coverage (and fixed bug) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3159 | pelissip | 2004-12-21 15:54:00 +0000 (Tue, 21 Dec 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + +Fixed errors reported by Nelson H. F. Beebe +(forget to include sys/fpu.h if defined and math.h if std=c99). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3158 | pelissip | 2004-12-20 12:54:45 +0000 (Mon, 20 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + +Fix wrong integer type and a test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3157 | pelissip | 2004-12-20 12:53:46 +0000 (Mon, 20 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +Add some assertion. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3156 | pelissip | 2004-12-20 12:53:20 +0000 (Mon, 20 Dec 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + +Unlikely one test. +Fix wrong integer type + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3155 | pelissip | 2004-12-20 12:52:47 +0000 (Mon, 20 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + +Reindent the code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3154 | pelissip | 2004-12-17 14:18:49 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tan.c + +Optimize mpfr_tan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3153 | pelissip | 2004-12-17 13:36:51 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +Optimize the computing of the sign of sinus if GET_EXP(x) < 0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3152 | pelissip | 2004-12-17 13:20:13 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +Optimize mpfr_cos. +From 3363 / 21663.99 / 79727 to 3139 / 18920.58 / 69624 (opteron). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3151 | pelissip | 2004-12-17 13:13:50 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +Fix precision used to test long double. +Now it is sizeof(long_double)*CHAR_BIT instead of fixed 113. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3150 | pelissip | 2004-12-17 11:14:56 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/extract.c + +FIx wrong integer types +Add an assertion. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3149 | pelissip | 2004-12-17 11:14:23 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + +Likely / Unlikely some code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3148 | pelissip | 2004-12-17 11:13:53 +0000 (Fri, 17 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +Fix problem with long double with ICC (Wrong x86 processor flag). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3147 | pelissip | 2004-12-16 13:41:21 +0000 (Thu, 16 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_pi.c + +Fix wrong integer types. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3146 | pelissip | 2004-12-16 13:37:23 +0000 (Thu, 16 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +Fix bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3145 | pelissip | 2004-12-16 13:27:11 +0000 (Thu, 16 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + +Optimize mpfr_acos by choosing a better initial precision. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3144 | pelissip | 2004-12-16 13:12:42 +0000 (Thu, 16 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/asin.c + +Optimize mpfr_asin by improving the choice of the initial precision. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3143 | pelissip | 2004-12-16 12:04:10 +0000 (Thu, 16 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Optimize mpfr_atan. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3142 | pelissip | 2004-12-15 16:32:57 +0000 (Wed, 15 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + +Fix problem with GCC 4.0 20041212. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3141 | pelissip | 2004-12-15 14:22:50 +0000 (Wed, 15 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Remove thread attribut until I found a good way to use it. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3140 | pelissip | 2004-12-15 10:49:11 +0000 (Wed, 15 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +Test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3139 | pelissip | 2004-12-15 10:47:42 +0000 (Wed, 15 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +Add 'const' attribute to table. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3138 | pelissip | 2004-12-15 10:46:00 +0000 (Wed, 15 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/save_expo.c + +Remove unused file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3137 | pelissip | 2004-12-15 09:04:07 +0000 (Wed, 15 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +New way of detecting GMP libraray, which should be more portable. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3136 | pelissip | 2004-12-14 12:30:30 +0000 (Tue, 14 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/ + D /trunk/tests/amd64.asm + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + D /trunk/tests/x86.asm + +Remove useless assembly code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3135 | pelissip | 2004-12-14 10:54:47 +0000 (Tue, 14 Dec 2004) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/set.c + +Add "MPFR_USE_NO_MACRO" user macro: it allows the user to link +directly with MPFR functions rather than using Macros to access +them. It doesn't define MPFR variable inside mpfr.h too. +Fix set.c and cmp.c in consequences. +Fix mpf2mpfr.h to use mpfr_get_default_rounding_mode () if needed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3134 | pelissip | 2004-12-13 14:32:26 +0000 (Mon, 13 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mulders.c + +Improved prototype. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3133 | pelissip | 2004-12-13 14:31:11 +0000 (Mon, 13 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_q.c + +Fix bug of overflow (I hope). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3132 | pelissip | 2004-12-13 10:23:33 +0000 (Mon, 13 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_q.c + +Update mpfr_set_q overflow problem. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3131 | pelissip | 2004-12-13 08:24:58 +0000 (Mon, 13 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/generic.c + +Fix wrong integer types. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3130 | pelissip | 2004-12-10 16:02:03 +0000 (Fri, 10 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Optimize by increasing with BITS_PER_MP_LIMB instead of log2(prec) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3129 | pelissip | 2004-12-10 15:59:15 +0000 (Fri, 10 Dec 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Clean up code (Fix integer types + rewrite some code). +Optimize the code by reducing the number of used variables inside the loop. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3128 | pelissip | 2004-12-10 15:58:13 +0000 (Fri, 10 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/asin.c + +Replace mpfr_neg to MPFR_CHANGE_SIGN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3127 | pelissip | 2004-12-10 15:57:48 +0000 (Fri, 10 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1sp.c + +Cosmetic changes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3126 | pelissip | 2004-12-10 14:45:54 +0000 (Fri, 10 Dec 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + +Clean the code. +Avoid mixing integer types. +Fix bug of overflow if Pi is in the range but not Pi/2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3125 | pelissip | 2004-12-10 14:22:49 +0000 (Fri, 10 Dec 2004) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/asin.c + +Clean up the code (Removing useless variables and avoid mixing wrong integer types). +Optimize the code by improving memory allocation scheme and by incrementating by +BITS_PER_MP_LIMB in case of an error instead of MPFR_INT_CEIL_LOG2 (prec). +Fix an overflow bug for X=+/-1 (If PI is inside the exponent range, but not PI/2). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3124 | pelissip | 2004-12-09 14:34:47 +0000 (Thu, 09 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Simplify MPFR_SIGN by removing unnecessary ( ). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3123 | pelissip | 2004-12-09 14:31:23 +0000 (Thu, 09 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Add support for new attribut sentinel in incoming GCC 4.0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3122 | pelissip | 2004-12-09 13:23:25 +0000 (Thu, 09 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +Optimize initial precision in case of EXP(x) < 0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3121 | pelissip | 2004-12-09 10:13:55 +0000 (Thu, 09 Dec 2004) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + +Optimize mpfr_set4. +Inline rounding in mpfr_set4 and mpfr_cache +mpfr_set4 dosn't return MPFR_EVEN_INEX (It was undocumented before). +Fix problems with tests (Avoid mixing MPFR_EVEN_INEX and 1). +Add MPFR_RNDRAW_EVEN for rounding with MPFR_EVEN_INEX inexact support + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3120 | pelissip | 2004-12-08 14:08:45 +0000 (Wed, 08 Dec 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + +Optimize mpfr_mul by inlining and rewriting the rounding. +It seems that GCC option `-frename-registers` for mpfr_mul / Athlon XP +improves its performance (But it decreases it on Pentium4)... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3119 | zimmerma | 2004-12-01 11:34:21 +0000 (Wed, 01 Dec 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/mulders.c + +first try to implement Mulders' algorithm + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3118 | pelissip | 2004-11-29 15:10:29 +0000 (Mon, 29 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Update TODO. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3117 | zimmerma | 2004-11-29 13:58:14 +0000 (Mon, 29 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +added new tests for corner cases + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3116 | zimmerma | 2004-11-29 13:52:35 +0000 (Mon, 29 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added algo for pi + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3115 | pelissip | 2004-11-25 10:28:32 +0000 (Thu, 25 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tan.c + +Change initial term if exp(a)<0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3114 | pelissip | 2004-11-25 10:28:13 +0000 (Thu, 25 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +Simplify the inner loop. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3113 | pelissip | 2004-11-25 10:11:07 +0000 (Thu, 25 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +Change initial precision if EXP(op) < 0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3112 | pelissip | 2004-11-23 12:49:15 +0000 (Tue, 23 Nov 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_z.c + +Optimize code and rewrite the rounding part. +FIXME: It seems that the previous rounding code was buggy. Still I am not sure. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3111 | pelissip | 2004-11-23 12:48:00 +0000 (Tue, 23 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +Improve tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3110 | pelissip | 2004-11-19 14:38:28 +0000 (Fri, 19 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +Improve the initial value of prec: 10% improvement (?) on average. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3109 | pelissip | 2004-11-19 14:36:11 +0000 (Fri, 19 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + +Improve coverage test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3108 | pelissip | 2004-11-19 13:02:04 +0000 (Fri, 19 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + +Fix bug for mpfr_ui_pow_ui (Wrong inexact flag). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3107 | pelissip | 2004-11-19 12:39:10 +0000 (Fri, 19 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + +Improve coverage tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3106 | pelissip | 2004-11-19 10:28:33 +0000 (Fri, 19 Nov 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Fix typos in INSTALL. +Sort, and add a new section about How to write a MPFR function. +Add a link to in mpfr-impl.h. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3105 | pelissip | 2004-11-19 08:35:48 +0000 (Fri, 19 Nov 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +Fix a bug on some compilators: + First MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_DECL, then TMP_DECL. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3104 | pelissip | 2004-11-18 15:53:55 +0000 (Thu, 18 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Fix an overflow bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3103 | pelissip | 2004-11-18 15:15:27 +0000 (Thu, 18 Nov 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +Fix bug with inexact flag. +FIXME: Maybe still a bug with inexact flag if overflow in mpfr_mul_2exp ? + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3102 | pelissip | 2004-11-18 15:00:06 +0000 (Thu, 18 Nov 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + +Remove mpfr_save_emin_emax and mpfr_restore_emin_emax +from MPFR library since they are useless. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3101 | pelissip | 2004-11-18 14:55:08 +0000 (Thu, 18 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set.c + +Forget to remove rndraw.c test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3100 | pelissip | 2004-11-18 14:52:59 +0000 (Thu, 18 Nov 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + M /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + +Replace use of mpfr_save_emin_emax () / mpfr_restore_emin_emax() +by MPFR_SAVE_EXPO macros (DECL, MARK and FREE) which are faster +and thread safe. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3098 | pelissip | 2004-11-18 14:04:52 +0000 (Thu, 18 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +Enable fast computing. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3097 | vlefevre | 2004-11-18 14:04:50 +0000 (Thu, 18 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Fix: GMP -> MPFR Copying Conditions (noted by Patrick). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3096 | pelissip | 2004-11-18 10:08:49 +0000 (Thu, 18 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Reorder the file and put sections to make it cleaner and more readable. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3095 | pelissip | 2004-11-18 09:11:19 +0000 (Thu, 18 Nov 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +Reduce number of used variables. +Optimize code and clean it. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3093 | vlefevre | 2004-11-18 08:56:06 +0000 (Thu, 18 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +In HTML, suppress the non-existing link to GMP. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3092 | pelissip | 2004-11-18 08:32:01 +0000 (Thu, 18 Nov 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Add a prototype of own TMP_ALLOC. Don't know if it is a good idea. +To enable it, just build MPFR with MPFR_USE_OWN_TMP_ALLOC. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3091 | pelissip | 2004-11-17 16:22:14 +0000 (Wed, 17 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/sum.c + +Fix bug with TMP_MARK. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3090 | pelissip | 2004-11-16 16:14:43 +0000 (Tue, 16 Nov 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + +Optimize the code: + + Special case for n == 2 + + The first squaring is done using the original input. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3089 | pelissip | 2004-11-16 16:13:30 +0000 (Tue, 16 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init2.c + +Add new assertion to check. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3088 | pelissip | 2004-11-16 16:13:01 +0000 (Tue, 16 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp2.c + +Likely / Unlikely some tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3087 | pelissip | 2004-11-15 11:44:26 +0000 (Mon, 15 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +Add unused code (Still needs a proof). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3086 | pelissip | 2004-11-15 11:43:33 +0000 (Mon, 15 Nov 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + +Add macro version for small functions: + mpfr_get_prec, mpfr_get_exp, mpfr_get_default_rounding_mode, + mpfr_get_default_prec and mpfr_set_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3085 | pelissip | 2004-11-15 08:38:36 +0000 (Mon, 15 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Refix another bug (The same). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3084 | pelissip | 2004-11-15 08:32:23 +0000 (Mon, 15 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Fix a bug (Use __gmpfr_ceil_log2 instead of MPFR_INT_CEIL_LOG2). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3083 | zimmerma | 2004-11-12 17:29:54 +0000 (Fri, 12 Nov 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added algorithm for mpfr_sqrt +improved algorithm for mpfr_div + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3082 | zimmerma | 2004-11-12 17:22:57 +0000 (Fri, 12 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +use MPFR_SET_EXP/MPFR_GET_EXP instead of MPFR_EXP(r)++ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3081 | vlefevre | 2004-11-12 16:03:43 +0000 (Fri, 12 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +Bug fix: delayed all the initializations after the singular test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3080 | vlefevre | 2004-11-11 11:30:46 +0000 (Thu, 11 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +Untabified the source. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3079 | vlefevre | 2004-11-11 11:26:51 +0000 (Thu, 11 Nov 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +The test MPFR_GET_EXP(u) != MPFR_EMAX_MAX is no longer necessary +since we decided to lower MPFR_EMAX_MAX to avoid such tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3078 | pelissip | 2004-11-10 16:12:53 +0000 (Wed, 10 Nov 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +Remove use of CNST_LIMB and TMP_ALLOC_LIMB which are GMP internal. +Add MPFR_LIMB_ZERO. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3077 | zimmerma | 2004-11-10 12:10:16 +0000 (Wed, 10 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +new simpler and faster code + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3076 | pelissip | 2004-11-10 12:05:20 +0000 (Wed, 10 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + +Replace __gmpfr_ceil_log2 by MPFR_INT_CEIL_LOG2 when possible. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3075 | pelissip | 2004-11-10 12:02:34 +0000 (Wed, 10 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Add __extension__ to avoid warning useless in GCC. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3074 | vlefevre | 2004-11-03 16:14:38 +0000 (Wed, 03 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3069 | pelissip | 2004-11-03 09:11:31 +0000 (Wed, 03 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Fix wrong Visual C++ code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3068 | vlefevre | 2004-11-02 17:01:49 +0000 (Tue, 02 Nov 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + +Code checking for GMP library wasn't working (always returning "yes"?). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3066 | vlefevre | 2004-10-27 16:34:33 +0000 (Wed, 27 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +Updated copyright line. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3064 | vlefevre | 2004-10-27 14:13:24 +0000 (Wed, 27 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Added a bug and updated copyright line. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3062 | vlefevre | 2004-10-27 13:06:42 +0000 (Wed, 27 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3061 | vlefevre | 2004-10-27 13:04:10 +0000 (Wed, 27 Oct 2004) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/set_d.c + +Removed the definitions of DBL_POS_INF/DBL_NEG_INF/DBL_NAN for +Visual C++ as they were incorrect. Modified DOUBLE_ISINF(x) so +that infinities are no longer used (this should fix a part of +the problem for Visual C++). If IEEE 754 is not supported, one +should probably use the standard INFINITY macro instead of +(1.0/0.0), since (1.0/0.0) is specific to IEEE 754. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3060 | vlefevre | 2004-10-27 11:55:05 +0000 (Wed, 27 Oct 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Applied patch by Steve M. Robbins for non-IRIX MIPS systems +(originally for MPFR 2.0.3). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3059 | vlefevre | 2004-10-26 02:11:43 +0000 (Tue, 26 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + +Reformatted the code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3058 | vlefevre | 2004-10-26 01:49:26 +0000 (Tue, 26 Oct 2004) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + +Replaced mpfr_set_emin/emax by set_emin/emax in tests to check +the return value; defined set_emin/emax in "tests/tests.c". +Fix: added missing #include in "tests/tests.c". +Removed variable names in prototypes in "mpfr-test.h". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3057 | vlefevre | 2004-10-22 13:19:48 +0000 (Fri, 22 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + +Reformatted the code -> GNU style. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3054 | vlefevre | 2004-10-22 12:49:32 +0000 (Fri, 22 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3053 | pelissip | 2004-10-22 08:00:56 +0000 (Fri, 22 Oct 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Declaration of "tests_rand_start" and "tests_rand_end" with the same storage class specifier +in tests.c (static missing line 65 and 109). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3052 | vlefevre | 2004-10-21 11:53:26 +0000 (Thu, 21 Oct 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +Bug fixed: cast to unsigned char instead of int for isspace (no, +these are not "psycho" systems, just systems with signed chars). +Untabified the source. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3051 | pelissip | 2004-10-20 13:27:25 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Improve ICC CFLAGS by removins meaningless warnings. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3050 | pelissip | 2004-10-20 12:52:33 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +Remove some warnings on some "psycho" systems. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3049 | pelissip | 2004-10-20 09:37:55 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Update the chapter "Make a release". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3048 | pelissip | 2004-10-20 09:36:18 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + +Fix bug when you build MPFR outside source directory. +Add function src_fopen to open a file in the source directory, which +may be different from the current directory. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3047 | pelissip | 2004-10-20 07:12:08 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Fix a typo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3046 | vlefevre | 2004-10-19 13:07:28 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Another correction (English). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3045 | vlefevre | 2004-10-19 13:05:34 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Minor correction. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3044 | pelissip | 2004-10-19 12:49:15 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Update NEWS to reflect the change in mpfr_set_str. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3043 | pelissip | 2004-10-19 12:45:45 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +Update mpfr_set_str to be much more like strtofr. +Update the documentation to reflect the changes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3042 | zimmerma | 2004-10-19 10:18:14 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +changed contributors section + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3041 | pelissip | 2004-10-19 09:53:00 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Add a line about binary compatibility. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3040 | zimmerma | 2004-10-19 09:24:10 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +changed "contributors" section + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3039 | zimmerma | 2004-10-19 09:02:46 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +changed rights (remove executable permission) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3038 | vlefevre | 2004-10-18 15:07:09 +0000 (Mon, 18 Oct 2004) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Misc corrections: + + spelling mistakes + + consistency: in direction @var{rnd} -> in the direction @var{rnd} + + @code{NULL} pointer -> null pointer (as in the C standard) + + in the example for mpfr_inits2 / mpfr_clears: NULL -> (void *) 0 + as NULL isn't necessarily a pointer. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3037 | pelissip | 2004-10-18 14:23:01 +0000 (Mon, 18 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/README + +Update + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3036 | pelissip | 2004-10-18 13:28:28 +0000 (Mon, 18 Oct 2004) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +Change "unsigned int" to "int" for base in proto of strtofr. +Change set_str to use strtofr (Fix a bug too). +Limit base to 36 in strtofr (since get_str is limited to 36). +Update documentation to reflect the changes. +mpfr_get_d1 is moved to section internal in the documentation. +Update the tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3035 | pelissip | 2004-10-18 13:21:55 +0000 (Mon, 18 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Hard code NAN, +INF and -INF values for MVC. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3034 | pelissip | 2004-10-18 09:47:37 +0000 (Mon, 18 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +Fix problem on systems where "/dev/null" doesn't exist. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3033 | vlefevre | 2004-10-16 10:48:15 +0000 (Sat, 16 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Misc corrections. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3032 | vlefevre | 2004-10-15 14:06:28 +0000 (Fri, 15 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Updated the section "To make a release". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3031 | vlefevre | 2004-10-15 13:58:37 +0000 (Fri, 15 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/VERSION + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/version.c + +Updated the version on the trunk. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3030 | vlefevre | 2004-10-15 12:52:20 +0000 (Fri, 15 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3029 | vlefevre | 2004-10-15 12:49:05 +0000 (Fri, 15 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Update for 2.1.0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3028 | vlefevre | 2004-10-13 08:35:11 +0000 (Wed, 13 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Added a comment about autoreconf and a bug in Debian (now fixed). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3027 | pelissip | 2004-10-12 07:24:51 +0000 (Tue, 12 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Add a note about Windows 64. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3026 | pelissip | 2004-10-11 13:52:42 +0000 (Mon, 11 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Update documentation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3025 | pelissip | 2004-10-11 13:52:29 +0000 (Mon, 11 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Improve Windows installation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3024 | pelissip | 2004-10-11 13:52:07 +0000 (Mon, 11 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Add a line about "near" and "far". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3023 | pelissip | 2004-10-07 11:53:27 +0000 (Thu, 07 Oct 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +Add support for ".lib" since it seems to work. +Display GMP version inside the configure. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3022 | zimmerma | 2004-10-05 09:45:29 +0000 (Tue, 05 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +added one new test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3021 | vlefevre | 2004-10-04 13:40:35 +0000 (Mon, 04 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +Added worst cases. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3020 | zimmerma | 2004-10-02 07:28:07 +0000 (Sat, 02 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +added new tests (worst-case) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3019 | zimmerma | 2004-10-01 12:31:46 +0000 (Fri, 01 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +added new worst-cases (directed rounding) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3018 | zimmerma | 2004-10-01 07:35:34 +0000 (Fri, 01 Oct 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added new function to implement (dilog) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3017 | zimmerma | 2004-09-30 16:11:13 +0000 (Thu, 30 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +fixed bug in get_str_aux when one extra digit + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3016 | vlefevre | 2004-09-30 16:06:25 +0000 (Thu, 30 Sep 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + +Added functions mpfr_rint_round, mpfr_rint_trunc, mpfr_rint_ceil, +mpfr_rint_floor. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3015 | pelissip | 2004-09-30 13:03:52 +0000 (Thu, 30 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +Add new test (One failed). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3014 | vlefevre | 2004-09-30 09:21:11 +0000 (Thu, 30 Sep 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_sj.c + +The cast to uintmax_t wasn't really useful, so I removed it. +Added a comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3013 | vlefevre | 2004-09-30 09:06:37 +0000 (Thu, 30 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_sj.c + +The real fix for sizeof(intmax_t) == sizeof(mp_limb_t). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3012 | pelissip | 2004-09-30 08:08:59 +0000 (Thu, 30 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_sj.c + +Fix a bug if sizeof(intmax_t) == sizeof(mp_limb_t) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3011 | zimmerma | 2004-09-29 16:05:01 +0000 (Wed, 29 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +added worst-case + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3010 | pelissip | 2004-09-29 13:58:06 +0000 (Wed, 29 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + +cmp(x,y) if x=NAN or y=NAN returns 0 and erange flag. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3009 | pelissip | 2004-09-29 12:54:47 +0000 (Wed, 29 Sep 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Update documentation and NEWS to reflect new functions +and functionnality. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3008 | pelissip | 2004-09-29 12:28:17 +0000 (Wed, 29 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +Improve assertion. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3007 | pelissip | 2004-09-29 12:27:36 +0000 (Wed, 29 Sep 2004) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/set_sj.c + M /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + +Add mpfr_clear_erangeflag and mpfr_erangeflag_p. +Add test for theses two functions. +mpfr_get_[s/u][i/j] have a deterministic behavior in case of OVERFLOW. +(Return the MINIMUM or the MAXIMUM in the current type, and set +ERANGE_flag). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3006 | pelissip | 2004-09-29 12:23:54 +0000 (Wed, 29 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/fits_intmax.c + A /trunk/fits_uintmax.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/tfits.c + +Add mpfr_uintmax_p and mpfr_intmax_p. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3005 | pelissip | 2004-09-29 12:21:03 +0000 (Wed, 29 Sep 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/TODO + +Update INSTALL about C++ +Update TODO and VERSION. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3004 | pelissip | 2004-09-29 08:59:58 +0000 (Wed, 29 Sep 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Move mpfr_inits from mpfr-impl to mpfr.h. +Add doc too. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3003 | pelissip | 2004-09-28 10:09:18 +0000 (Tue, 28 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + +Reindent the sources (again). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3002 | pelissip | 2004-09-28 09:26:34 +0000 (Tue, 28 Sep 2004) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + +Fix how to detect overflow so that it can be build with GCC -ftrapv +option without any bugs (In the previous code, the overflow was +detected afterwards, whereas, now, it is detected before). +Fix also another real problem of overflow (Addition of two signed integers). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3001 | pelissip | 2004-09-28 08:24:07 +0000 (Tue, 28 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +Rename this variable again. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r3000 | pelissip | 2004-09-28 07:53:46 +0000 (Tue, 28 Sep 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +Replace variable 'near' to 'the_real_near' since MSVC incorreclty +recognize "far" and "near" as obsolete keywords (100% incorrect, and +clearly MSVC fault but it doesn't cost many things to change the name). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2999 | pelissip | 2004-09-27 14:59:46 +0000 (Mon, 27 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Fix typo in the documentation about get_ functions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2998 | pelissip | 2004-09-27 14:58:37 +0000 (Mon, 27 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_sj.c + M /trunk/get_uj.c + +Retab the sources. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2997 | vlefevre | 2004-09-27 13:58:21 +0000 (Mon, 27 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Added mpfr_get_uj and mpfr_get_sj in the changes 2.0.3 -> 2.1.0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2996 | vlefevre | 2004-09-27 13:38:24 +0000 (Mon, 27 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Added an item about the future MPFR_FLAGS_ERANGE flag. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2995 | vlefevre | 2004-09-27 13:21:12 +0000 (Mon, 27 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/get_sj.c + A /trunk/get_uj.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tget_sj.c + +New functions mpfr_get_sj and mpfr_get_uj, with tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2994 | pelissip | 2004-09-27 08:35:25 +0000 (Mon, 27 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_sj.c + +Remove MPFR_NEED_LONGLONG_H macro. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2993 | vlefevre | 2004-09-26 22:18:46 +0000 (Sun, 26 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_sj.c + +Added a cast to avoid an integer overflow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2992 | vlefevre | 2004-09-24 14:53:05 +0000 (Fri, 24 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_si.c + +Fixed integer overflow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2991 | vlefevre | 2004-09-24 14:13:20 +0000 (Fri, 24 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_si.c + +Fixed bugs (like those in mpfr_get_ui). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2990 | vlefevre | 2004-09-24 13:38:39 +0000 (Fri, 24 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +The standard autoreconf script should now be used instead of prepare. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2989 | zimmerma | 2004-09-24 11:43:47 +0000 (Fri, 24 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_ui.c + +forgot to check for 0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2988 | zimmerma | 2004-09-24 11:15:45 +0000 (Fri, 24 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_ui.c + +now use mpfr_rint() + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2987 | pelissip | 2004-09-24 08:32:31 +0000 (Fri, 24 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Update doc of mpfr_get_str (Minimum space is 7). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2986 | zimmerma | 2004-09-24 07:21:04 +0000 (Fri, 24 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +fixed double-rounding bug in get_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2985 | pelissip | 2004-09-23 15:28:35 +0000 (Thu, 23 Sep 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + +Prevent from multiple inclusion. +mpf_init inits to 0 rather than NAN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2984 | pelissip | 2004-09-23 13:54:41 +0000 (Thu, 23 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Fix some tiny problems. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2983 | zimmerma | 2004-09-23 10:16:45 +0000 (Thu, 23 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added item on rounding to odd + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2982 | pelissip | 2004-09-21 12:42:37 +0000 (Tue, 21 Sep 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +Fix a bug in FreeBsd 5.20 / Alpha / Gcc 3.3.3. +Not a MPFR bug, but add some code to avoid it. +Reference: +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2981 | pelissip | 2004-09-21 11:46:11 +0000 (Tue, 21 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +Add a new test and clarify a comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2980 | pelissip | 2004-09-21 09:52:54 +0000 (Tue, 21 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strtofr.c + +Update Assertion for pow2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2979 | pelissip | 2004-09-20 15:38:19 +0000 (Mon, 20 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Update NEWS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2978 | pelissip | 2004-09-20 15:13:51 +0000 (Mon, 20 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Update TODO due to new function mpfr_strtofr + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2977 | pelissip | 2004-09-20 14:45:32 +0000 (Mon, 20 Sep 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +Add ICC detection && support. +Remove some potential warnings in the test files. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2976 | pelissip | 2004-09-20 08:57:28 +0000 (Mon, 20 Sep 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/strtofr.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tstrtofr.c + +Add mpfr_strtofr function. +Add mpfr_strtofr test file. +Add mpfr_strtofr documentation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2975 | pelissip | 2004-09-20 08:55:56 +0000 (Mon, 20 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Improve GMP.h vs libgmp.a version checking. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2974 | zimmerma | 2004-09-17 16:26:22 +0000 (Fri, 17 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added one entry (new function 1/sqrt(x)) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2973 | pelissip | 2004-09-17 09:49:50 +0000 (Fri, 17 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +Use LIBS instead of LDADD for libraries (GMP). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2972 | pelissip | 2004-09-17 07:21:31 +0000 (Fri, 17 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Min GMP version is 4.1.0 now. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2971 | pelissip | 2004-09-16 11:12:09 +0000 (Thu, 16 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Add a check if both gmp.h and libgmp.a have the same version. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2970 | pelissip | 2004-09-16 11:11:23 +0000 (Thu, 16 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Fix a typo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2969 | pelissip | 2004-09-15 08:50:55 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +Add a forgotten regression test "1.2.3" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2968 | vlefevre | 2004-09-15 08:38:08 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/config.guess + M /trunk/config.sub + +Update from the autotools-dev Debian package. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2967 | vlefevre | 2004-09-15 08:27:38 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2966 | pelissip | 2004-09-14 15:11:07 +0000 (Tue, 14 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Add 2 new macros for handling correctly overflow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2965 | zimmerma | 2004-09-13 14:00:36 +0000 (Mon, 13 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +fixed bug (several '.' allowed in mantissa) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2964 | zimmerma | 2004-09-03 09:06:13 +0000 (Fri, 03 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +added notes for Windows + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2963 | pelissip | 2004-09-02 07:06:39 +0000 (Thu, 02 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Add a line about Dynamic Version of MPFR. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2962 | zimmerma | 2004-09-01 16:42:07 +0000 (Wed, 01 Sep 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added warnings about init functions (mpf wrt mpfr) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2961 | pelissip | 2004-08-31 13:01:00 +0000 (Tue, 31 Aug 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Update documentations. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2960 | pelissip | 2004-08-31 13:00:15 +0000 (Tue, 31 Aug 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + +Rename mpz_set_fr to mpfr_get_z. +Provide a conditionnal macro for mpz_set_fr. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2959 | pelissip | 2004-08-31 09:20:41 +0000 (Tue, 31 Aug 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Add doc for mpfr_sqr. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2958 | pelissip | 2004-08-31 08:58:29 +0000 (Tue, 31 Aug 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Fix month. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2957 | pelissip | 2004-08-26 09:05:32 +0000 (Thu, 26 Aug 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +Add a new test to check overflow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2956 | pelissip | 2004-08-24 14:00:42 +0000 (Tue, 24 Aug 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +Try to retype correctly the functions (replace int by the correct type). +Still some works to do. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2955 | pelissip | 2004-08-23 09:32:27 +0000 (Mon, 23 Aug 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Add description of what does MPFR_INT_CEIL_LOG2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2954 | pelissip | 2004-08-23 09:31:32 +0000 (Mon, 23 Aug 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/exp_2.c + A /trunk/isqrt.c + +Move __gmpfr_isqrt and __gmpfr_cuberoot to another file. +Clean up the code of mpfr_exp_2: remove DEBUG condition to use TRACE, ASSERT and DUMP. +Use MPFR_INT_CEIL_LOG2 instead of __gmpfr_ceil_log2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2953 | pelissip | 2004-08-23 09:29:55 +0000 (Mon, 23 Aug 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Improve a comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2952 | pelissip | 2004-08-23 09:01:18 +0000 (Mon, 23 Aug 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/int_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Add MPFR_INT_CEIL_LOG2 macro and __gmpfr_int_ceil_log2 function +(don't use function but macro). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2951 | pelissip | 2004-08-23 08:58:24 +0000 (Mon, 23 Aug 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +Fix 2 typos. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2950 | pelissip | 2004-08-19 15:02:18 +0000 (Thu, 19 Aug 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Fix a bug on 64-bits introduced due to huger MPFR_EMAX_MAX. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2949 | pelissip | 2004-08-19 14:42:03 +0000 (Thu, 19 Aug 2004) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Add new functions: mpfr_get_emin_min, mpfr_get_emax_max, mpfr_get_emin_max and +mpfr_get_emax_min. +Add documentation and explanation about potential portability problem when +you mpfr_set_emin and mpfr_set_emax. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2948 | vlefevre | 2004-07-28 15:10:23 +0000 (Wed, 28 Jul 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Added mpfr-longlong.h to libmpfr_a_SOURCES so that it is distributed +with make dist. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2947 | vlefevre | 2004-07-28 15:06:29 +0000 (Wed, 28 Jul 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Added mpfr-gmp.h to libmpfr_a_SOURCES so that it is distributed +with make dist. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2946 | pelissip | 2004-07-26 14:38:56 +0000 (Mon, 26 Jul 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Add a new section. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2945 | pelissip | 2004-07-20 09:09:34 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jul 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + A /trunk/sqr.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tsqr.c + +Add function mpfr_sqr (TODO: Make doc) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2944 | pelissip | 2004-07-19 11:48:10 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jul 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Fix an unsigned/signed comparison. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2943 | pelissip | 2004-07-19 11:39:27 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jul 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + +Improve the emulation of mpn_sqr_n and fix some typos. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2942 | pelissip | 2004-07-16 11:33:34 +0000 (Fri, 16 Jul 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Remove unused item "rnd_mode" in cache struct. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2941 | pelissip | 2004-07-16 08:59:40 +0000 (Fri, 16 Jul 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/version.c + +Renamme mpfr_version to mpfr_get_version to be more GMP compatible. +Add macro mpfr_version. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2940 | pelissip | 2004-07-16 08:54:53 +0000 (Fri, 16 Jul 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + +Likely some tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2939 | pelissip | 2004-07-15 07:58:02 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jul 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/set_si.c + +Add a speciliation for set_si for GCC. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2938 | pelissip | 2004-07-09 09:42:26 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +Try to optimize a few agm by rewriting a few the loop. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2937 | pelissip | 2004-07-09 09:41:45 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +Likely / Unlikely some tests using gcov. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2936 | pelissip | 2004-07-06 12:16:52 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 2004) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Remove some unused code. +Add MPFR_LMIB_PER_DOUBLE +Add MPFR_DUMP +Add MPFR_TRACE + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2935 | pelissip | 2004-07-06 12:14:44 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +Likely some tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2934 | pelissip | 2004-07-06 12:14:11 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + +Used static precision for the array of limb for double. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2933 | pelissip | 2004-07-06 12:10:24 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +Likely some tests / Other minor optimisations. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2932 | pelissip | 2004-07-06 12:09:31 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ui_div.c + +Minor modifications. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2931 | pelissip | 2004-07-06 12:08:13 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + +Unlikely a test so that it is faster when you call theses functions +with the same dest and source which is the common case in MPFR. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2930 | pelissip | 2004-07-06 12:04:08 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + +Likely a test to optimize when dest and src are the same +(which is very likely inside MPFR). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2929 | pelissip | 2004-07-06 12:02:59 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cache.c + +Likely a test (since cache should always work fine). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2928 | pelissip | 2004-06-28 12:11:44 +0000 (Mon, 28 Jun 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + +Add some likely, and use a static table instead of a dynamic one. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2927 | pelissip | 2004-06-16 12:08:30 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/atan.c + +Unlikely some tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2926 | pelissip | 2004-06-10 15:10:12 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_z.c + +Likely / Unlikely the code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2925 | pelissip | 2004-06-10 14:03:10 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Respace some macro. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2924 | pelissip | 2004-06-10 14:02:30 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/save_expo.c + +Retab some lines. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2923 | pelissip | 2004-06-10 14:01:33 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_z.c + +Optimize a bit. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2922 | pelissip | 2004-06-10 13:59:50 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +Fix an overflow bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2921 | zimmerma | 2004-06-08 07:27:40 +0000 (Tue, 08 Jun 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_exp_3 (wrong assert) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2920 | pelissip | 2004-05-27 14:39:34 +0000 (Thu, 27 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Fix typos. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2919 | pelissip | 2004-05-27 09:52:44 +0000 (Thu, 27 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Update doc. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2918 | zimmerma | 2004-05-18 16:00:28 +0000 (Tue, 18 May 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +fixed problem for x near from Pi/2 (the internal precision should take +into account the cancellation) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2917 | pelissip | 2004-05-18 15:26:19 +0000 (Tue, 18 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +Improve tests for sin. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2916 | zimmerma | 2004-05-18 14:29:55 +0000 (Tue, 18 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +mpfr_sin_sign() should use at least MPFR_GET_EXP() bits + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2915 | pelissip | 2004-05-17 07:57:34 +0000 (Mon, 17 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Remove an item. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2914 | pelissip | 2004-05-12 14:57:36 +0000 (Wed, 12 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + +Add a potential test (Too slow). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2913 | pelissip | 2004-05-12 14:57:10 +0000 (Wed, 12 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tan.c + +Simplify the code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2912 | pelissip | 2004-05-11 07:21:45 +0000 (Tue, 11 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +Remove a C++ comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2911 | pelissip | 2004-05-10 07:03:28 +0000 (Mon, 10 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +Remove a forgotten "assertd" which isn't useful anymore. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2910 | pelissip | 2004-05-07 15:04:30 +0000 (Fri, 07 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Optimize cos. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2909 | zimmerma | 2004-05-07 13:00:11 +0000 (Fri, 07 May 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +improved initial value of working precision (did not take into account +2K lost bits for large arguments) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2908 | pelissip | 2004-05-06 12:37:21 +0000 (Thu, 06 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + +Fix overflow and add corresponding tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2907 | pelissip | 2004-05-06 10:42:56 +0000 (Thu, 06 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +Fix a bug in a formula. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2906 | pelissip | 2004-05-06 10:42:44 +0000 (Thu, 06 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +Optimize it a bit. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2905 | pelissip | 2004-05-06 09:56:48 +0000 (Thu, 06 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +Fix overflow problems. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2904 | pelissip | 2004-05-06 09:11:20 +0000 (Thu, 06 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + +Fix overflow bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2903 | pelissip | 2004-05-05 15:34:06 +0000 (Wed, 05 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +Remove the double vars. (Use fixed instead). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2902 | pelissip | 2004-05-05 15:14:07 +0000 (Wed, 05 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Add a note about tanh. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2901 | pelissip | 2004-05-05 15:10:43 +0000 (Wed, 05 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + +Fix a bug in cas of overflow in tanh. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2900 | pelissip | 2004-05-05 13:02:20 +0000 (Wed, 05 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tanh.c + +Optimize a few by reducing the # of used vars. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2899 | pelissip | 2004-05-05 12:29:28 +0000 (Wed, 05 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + +Fix critical bugs due to different kind of overflow in cosh. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2898 | pelissip | 2004-05-05 12:28:38 +0000 (Wed, 05 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Add MPFR_TMP_INIT_ABS macro. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2897 | pelissip | 2004-05-05 09:39:23 +0000 (Wed, 05 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + +Optimize cosh a few by removing an unused intermedary var. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2896 | pelissip | 2004-05-05 07:49:22 +0000 (Wed, 05 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_log2.c + +Fix a critical bug in case of overflow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2895 | pelissip | 2004-05-04 15:46:42 +0000 (Tue, 04 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +Fix a critical bug in cos in case you have set the float range for the exponents. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2894 | pelissip | 2004-05-04 14:17:54 +0000 (Tue, 04 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +Optimize a few cos. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2893 | pelissip | 2004-05-04 13:34:15 +0000 (Tue, 04 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +Optimize the way of computing initial precision. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2892 | pelissip | 2004-05-04 12:52:01 +0000 (Tue, 04 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +Add a test to check an overflow in const_pi (called by log in case of emulation of the float type). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2891 | pelissip | 2004-05-04 12:50:59 +0000 (Tue, 04 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_pi.c + +Move to ASSERT mode some code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2890 | pelissip | 2004-05-04 12:46:13 +0000 (Tue, 04 May 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_pi.c + +Push/Pop emin/emax so that an overflow can't occur in mpfr_set_z(x,pi,r) +Add test too. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2889 | pelissip | 2004-05-04 09:06:04 +0000 (Tue, 04 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + +Add some UNLIKELY to the while. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2888 | pelissip | 2004-05-04 09:05:30 +0000 (Tue, 04 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + +Add some UNLIKELY to the tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2887 | pelissip | 2004-05-04 09:05:00 +0000 (Tue, 04 May 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + +Fix an overflow bug in add1sp. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2885 | pelissip | 2004-04-29 07:31:09 +0000 (Thu, 29 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +Fix a typo in AC_MY_LIBS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2884 | pelissip | 2004-04-28 07:47:59 +0000 (Wed, 28 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Add mpfr_cmp as a real function, not only a macro. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2883 | pelissip | 2004-04-28 07:43:36 +0000 (Wed, 28 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/set.c + +Add mpfr_set and mpfr_abs as real functions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2882 | pelissip | 2004-04-27 13:35:45 +0000 (Tue, 27 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +When using GCC, optimize certain common comparisons. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2881 | zimmerma | 2004-04-27 11:40:47 +0000 (Tue, 27 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added one item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2880 | pelissip | 2004-04-27 09:04:14 +0000 (Tue, 27 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +Minor Optimizations. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2879 | pelissip | 2004-04-27 09:03:17 +0000 (Tue, 27 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cache.c + +Fix a bug (Use nextbeloz instead of sub_one_ulp). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2878 | pelissip | 2004-04-21 13:07:50 +0000 (Wed, 21 Apr 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Add option in configure: --disable-cache +to disable the use of the cache for the const. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2877 | pelissip | 2004-04-21 12:47:53 +0000 (Wed, 21 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Fix a typo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2876 | pelissip | 2004-04-21 12:36:30 +0000 (Wed, 21 Apr 2004) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/cache.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/free_cache.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + +Add preliminary generic code to handle cached const. +Move const_pi, const_log2 to use this generic cache, +which fix bugs of the previous implementation. +const_euler is now cached too. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2875 | pelissip | 2004-04-21 12:34:00 +0000 (Wed, 21 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_prec.c + +Fix a bug (If x = Nan, the new new precision wasn't set). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2874 | pelissip | 2004-04-21 12:33:29 +0000 (Wed, 21 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cputime.h + +Fix a typo bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2873 | pelissip | 2004-04-20 12:13:51 +0000 (Tue, 20 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + +Add new test about the cache: new bug to fix. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2872 | pelissip | 2004-04-20 12:03:40 +0000 (Tue, 20 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/iszero.c + +Add forgotten file for mpfr_zero_p. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2871 | pelissip | 2004-04-20 09:32:20 +0000 (Tue, 20 Apr 2004) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + +Add mpfr_zero_p. +Add macros for mpfr_inf_p, mpfr_nan_p and mpfr_zero_p. +Add macro for mpfr_sgn. +Update doc. +Add new tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2870 | pelissip | 2004-04-20 09:30:56 +0000 (Tue, 20 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + +Fix a bug in a proto. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2869 | pelissip | 2004-04-20 09:29:48 +0000 (Tue, 20 Apr 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +Fix a bug when both op are < 0 (It seems it was my fault). +Add a test to check it. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2868 | pelissip | 2004-04-09 08:38:02 +0000 (Fri, 09 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + +Fix a bug (Remove useless function). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2867 | pelissip | 2004-04-08 09:12:08 +0000 (Thu, 08 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + +Fix another bug (Maybe the last?). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2866 | pelissip | 2004-04-08 09:09:45 +0000 (Thu, 08 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + +Fix a tiny bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2865 | pelissip | 2004-04-08 09:07:10 +0000 (Thu, 08 Apr 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + +Update memory allocations scheme without gmp-impl.h. +Now the semantic of the memory allocation scheme is the same +with and without gmp-impl, as it should be. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2864 | pelissip | 2004-04-07 14:42:32 +0000 (Wed, 07 Apr 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + +For add/sub_type functions where type is a type without signed zeros, +specify the expected result when both operands are 0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2863 | pelissip | 2004-04-07 14:40:47 +0000 (Wed, 07 Apr 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Modify a few the allocation scheme without gmp-impl.h +Add pseudo-constants __MPFR_EXP_NAN, __MPFR_EXP_ZERO and __MPFR_EXP_INF +for future (?) inlining of some functions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2862 | zimmerma | 2004-04-07 14:19:44 +0000 (Wed, 07 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +fixed problem when overflow in destination exponent happens + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2861 | pelissip | 2004-04-07 13:31:54 +0000 (Wed, 07 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +Fix a bug in case a mpz_t == 0 (mpz_sizeinbase(0Z,2)==0 and MPFR_PREC_MIN=2). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2860 | pelissip | 2004-04-07 13:12:41 +0000 (Wed, 07 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Fix a bug in case of pow(2E1000000,-10); + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2859 | zimmerma | 2004-04-05 08:53:04 +0000 (Mon, 05 Apr 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +fixed problem (cmpabs doesn't work for x=0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2858 | pelissip | 2004-03-26 13:27:16 +0000 (Fri, 26 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +Change from MP_LIMB_T_ONE to MPFR_LIMB_ONE and/or MPFR_LIMB_MASK. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2857 | pelissip | 2004-03-26 13:26:29 +0000 (Fri, 26 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init2.c + +Improve comments. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2856 | pelissip | 2004-03-26 13:24:58 +0000 (Fri, 26 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +Fix a bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2855 | pelissip | 2004-03-26 13:24:14 +0000 (Fri, 26 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Move detecting macros (__MPFR_GCC, __MPFR_STDC, __MPFR_GLIBC and __MPFR_GMP) from mpfr to mpfr-impl + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2854 | zimmerma | 2004-03-22 10:54:28 +0000 (Mon, 22 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +removed blank + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2853 | vlefevre | 2004-03-22 10:20:16 +0000 (Mon, 22 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + +Test write access to CVS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2852 | pelissip | 2004-03-18 09:57:51 +0000 (Thu, 18 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + +Fix a bug in a string. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2851 | pelissip | 2004-03-17 15:50:27 +0000 (Wed, 17 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Add documentation of 'j' functions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2850 | pelissip | 2004-03-17 12:40:01 +0000 (Wed, 17 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Fix (?) definition of MPFR_PREC_MAX. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2849 | pelissip | 2004-03-17 09:45:26 +0000 (Wed, 17 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +Change the order of the tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2848 | pelissip | 2004-03-17 08:45:08 +0000 (Wed, 17 Mar 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +Rename mpfr_exp3 in mpfr_exp_3. +Update THRESHOLD for mpfr_exp. +Add MPFR_EXP_THRESHOLD. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2847 | pelissip | 2004-03-16 15:24:50 +0000 (Tue, 16 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Add new option "--with-gmp-build=" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2846 | pelissip | 2004-03-16 15:24:26 +0000 (Tue, 16 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Update INSTALL + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2845 | pelissip | 2004-03-16 13:44:38 +0000 (Tue, 16 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Fix a bug (Forget to cast to mp_exp_t). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2844 | pelissip | 2004-03-16 10:45:49 +0000 (Tue, 16 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/swap.c + +Update comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2843 | pelissip | 2004-03-16 10:43:24 +0000 (Tue, 16 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/get_z.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tget_z.c + +Add mpz_set_fr function and its test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2842 | pelissip | 2004-03-15 14:09:49 +0000 (Mon, 15 Mar 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + A /trunk/set_sj.c + A /trunk/set_uj.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tset_sj.c + +Add new functions: + mpfr_set_sj_2exp, mpfr_set_sj + mpfr_set_uj_2exp, mpfr_set_uj + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2841 | pelissip | 2004-03-15 14:08:54 +0000 (Mon, 15 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +Fix a compiler bug (limb !=0 instead of limb). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2840 | pelissip | 2004-03-15 13:26:42 +0000 (Mon, 15 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/print_raw.c + +Fix a cast problem on some systems (sizeof(mp_limb_t) > sizeof(unsigned long)). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2839 | pelissip | 2004-03-12 17:45:07 +0000 (Fri, 12 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + +Remove use of abort (They can create core dump on some systems). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2838 | pelissip | 2004-03-12 13:17:53 +0000 (Fri, 12 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + +Fix bug of inexact flag for acos(0). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2837 | pelissip | 2004-03-12 12:51:09 +0000 (Fri, 12 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2836 | pelissip | 2004-03-11 12:39:08 +0000 (Thu, 11 Mar 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + +Fix bug about forgotten MPFR_INVERT_RND. +Add test too. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2835 | pelissip | 2004-03-11 12:38:33 +0000 (Thu, 11 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Add doc about HAVE_STDINT_H + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2834 | pelissip | 2004-03-10 16:16:28 +0000 (Wed, 10 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Fix doc about MPFR_DECL_INIT. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2833 | pelissip | 2004-03-10 15:31:42 +0000 (Wed, 10 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Fix the declaration of 'MPFR_DECL_INIT' + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2832 | pelissip | 2004-03-10 14:58:16 +0000 (Wed, 10 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Add 'MPFR_DECL_INIT' macro. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2831 | pelissip | 2004-03-10 10:16:51 +0000 (Wed, 10 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/rint.c + +Rename NEAREST_AWAY in GMP_RNDNA. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2830 | pelissip | 2004-03-10 09:35:45 +0000 (Wed, 10 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Add the description of mpfr_set_ui_2exp and mpfr_set_si_2exp. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2829 | pelissip | 2004-03-09 17:31:29 +0000 (Tue, 09 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + A /trunk/set_si_2exp.c + A /trunk/set_ui_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +Add mpfr_set_si_2exp and mpfr_set_ui_2exp and their tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2828 | pelissip | 2004-03-09 15:20:01 +0000 (Tue, 09 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Add doc about mpfr_cmp_f function + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2827 | pelissip | 2004-03-09 15:18:17 +0000 (Tue, 09 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +Add mpfr_cmp_f and its test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2826 | pelissip | 2004-03-09 14:11:27 +0000 (Tue, 09 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/cmp_ld.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + A /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c + +Add mpfr_cmp_ld and its test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2825 | pelissip | 2004-03-09 13:58:39 +0000 (Tue, 09 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Add doc of 2 macros. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2824 | pelissip | 2004-03-09 13:51:50 +0000 (Tue, 09 Mar 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Add mpfr_cmp_ui and mpfr_cmp_si as real functions +(The macros are still defined and used). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2823 | pelissip | 2004-03-09 13:43:31 +0000 (Tue, 09 Mar 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/si_op.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tsi_op.c + +Add mpfr_add_si, mpfr_sub_si, mpfr_si_sub, mpfr_mul_si, mpfr_div_si and +mpfr_si_div. +Add the corresponding test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2822 | pelissip | 2004-03-09 11:02:34 +0000 (Tue, 09 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +Add `mpfr_cmp_q` and `mpfr_cmp_z`. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2821 | pelissip | 2004-03-09 10:06:01 +0000 (Tue, 09 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Clean up configure + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2820 | pelissip | 2004-03-09 09:51:08 +0000 (Tue, 09 Mar 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + +Add ASSERT for NAN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2819 | pelissip | 2004-02-27 12:41:37 +0000 (Fri, 27 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Add documentation for MPFR_VERSION + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2818 | pelissip | 2004-02-26 11:20:49 +0000 (Thu, 26 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Optimize a few mpfr_mul. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2817 | pelissip | 2004-02-26 10:05:12 +0000 (Thu, 26 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + +Add Laurent Fousse in the AUTHORS file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2816 | vlefevre | 2004-02-26 09:56:02 +0000 (Thu, 26 Feb 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +Fixed a bug in check2b and added a test; add1.c coverage is now +complete. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2815 | vlefevre | 2004-02-25 16:30:33 +0000 (Wed, 25 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +Improved coverage. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2814 | vlefevre | 2004-02-25 16:00:58 +0000 (Wed, 25 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +Improved coverage. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2813 | vlefevre | 2004-02-25 15:44:56 +0000 (Wed, 25 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +Bugs fixed in a test function -> improved coverage. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2812 | pelissip | 2004-02-25 15:02:22 +0000 (Wed, 25 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + +Optimize mpfr_round_raw_? + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2811 | pelissip | 2004-02-25 10:57:16 +0000 (Wed, 25 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +Simplify the code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2808 | vlefevre | 2004-02-24 14:51:42 +0000 (Tue, 24 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + +Avoid integer overflow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2807 | vlefevre | 2004-02-24 14:44:38 +0000 (Tue, 24 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +Ported code clean-up to trunk. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2802 | pelissip | 2004-02-24 13:23:35 +0000 (Tue, 24 Feb 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Remove some warnings. +MPFR can be compiled (but not checked!) with a C++ compiler. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2797 | pelissip | 2004-02-24 09:12:03 +0000 (Tue, 24 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Improve test coverage. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2796 | zimmerma | 2004-02-24 08:14:39 +0000 (Tue, 24 Feb 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +further simplification of the code (replaced one in-place shift and copy +by out-of-place shift or copy) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2795 | zimmerma | 2004-02-23 16:47:46 +0000 (Mon, 23 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + +use GMP_RND_MAX instead of hard-coded constant + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2794 | zimmerma | 2004-02-23 16:23:59 +0000 (Mon, 23 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +simplified the code of div.c and improved coverage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2792 | pelissip | 2004-02-23 14:20:32 +0000 (Mon, 23 Feb 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/longlong.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + A /trunk/mpfr-longlong.h + +Rename 'longlong.h' in 'mpfr-longlong.h' so that when MPFR is built +within GMP it uses GMP's 'longlong.h' rather than MPFR's copy. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2791 | vlefevre | 2004-02-23 14:19:02 +0000 (Mon, 23 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2789 | pelissip | 2004-02-23 14:09:10 +0000 (Mon, 23 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/free_cache.c + +Add mpfr_free_cache (2). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2788 | pelissip | 2004-02-23 14:08:44 +0000 (Mon, 23 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Add mpfr_free_cache. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2787 | pelissip | 2004-02-23 13:51:41 +0000 (Mon, 23 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +Add mpfr_free_str function. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2786 | pelissip | 2004-02-23 12:14:40 +0000 (Mon, 23 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +Remove a warning. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2785 | pelissip | 2004-02-23 12:14:29 +0000 (Mon, 23 Feb 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Reorder the declarations of the functions. +Remove duplicate declarations. +Remove mpfr_factorial. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2784 | zimmerma | 2004-02-23 10:01:42 +0000 (Mon, 23 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +patch from Guillaume Hanrot + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2783 | pelissip | 2004-02-23 09:43:29 +0000 (Mon, 23 Feb 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +Improve coverage tests. +Fix 2 underflow bugs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2782 | pelissip | 2004-02-23 09:42:29 +0000 (Mon, 23 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +Update comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2781 | pelissip | 2004-02-23 09:42:04 +0000 (Mon, 23 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Improve comments. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2780 | pelissip | 2004-02-23 09:41:28 +0000 (Mon, 23 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Add a comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2779 | vlefevre | 2004-02-22 01:48:32 +0000 (Sun, 22 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +Added tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2775 | fousse | 2004-02-20 13:15:44 +0000 (Fri, 20 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/tests/tsum.c + +Changed mpfr_sum to use unsigned long instead of unsigned int. More tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2774 | pelissip | 2004-02-20 12:58:30 +0000 (Fri, 20 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + +mpfr_neg (b, b, r) for b=NAN didn't set NAN flag. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2773 | pelissip | 2004-02-20 10:49:34 +0000 (Fri, 20 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr_sgn is no longer a macro. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2770 | pelissip | 2004-02-19 12:33:47 +0000 (Thu, 19 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +Fix bug with exact rationnal arguments (0.5+3/2 freezes). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2767 | vlefevre | 2004-02-18 12:47:00 +0000 (Wed, 18 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/config.guess + M /trunk/config.sub + +Update from the autotools-dev Debian package (2004-01-05). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2761 | vlefevre | 2004-02-18 10:41:00 +0000 (Wed, 18 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + +Fixed a bug in mpfr_set_f for 0 (wrong sign) and added the test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2760 | pelissip | 2004-02-18 10:29:40 +0000 (Wed, 18 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +Fix bug if you build MPFR with ASSERT. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2759 | pelissip | 2004-02-17 14:39:16 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Reduce the number of used variables. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2758 | zimmerma | 2004-02-17 14:29:28 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + +improved again documentation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2757 | zimmerma | 2004-02-17 14:27:06 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +simplified rounding + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2756 | zimmerma | 2004-02-17 14:17:31 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + +improved documentation of *inexp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2752 | pelissip | 2004-02-17 12:12:21 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + +Simplify the random code. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2751 | pelissip | 2004-02-17 12:12:02 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +Optimize it a few. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2750 | pelissip | 2004-02-17 12:11:49 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + +Add 2004 in copyright line. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2749 | pelissip | 2004-02-17 12:11:26 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Add a section which describes the needed macros for building MPFR. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2747 | zimmerma | 2004-02-17 11:21:04 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +added comment about probability of normalized product + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2744 | vlefevre | 2004-02-17 10:36:11 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Added a note about the ternary value, important in practice. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2743 | zimmerma | 2004-02-17 10:02:29 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + +fixed 2 bugs and added test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2742 | zimmerma | 2004-02-17 10:01:18 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + +added comment about return value + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2741 | pelissip | 2004-02-17 08:57:19 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +Try so support GMP as a Shared Library. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2740 | zimmerma | 2004-02-16 18:23:49 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +improved error message + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2739 | pelissip | 2004-02-16 18:02:42 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + +Fix the computing of the error for mpq_add and mpq_sub. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2738 | vlefevre | 2004-02-16 17:57:38 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +Added more tests (improved tadd1.c coverage). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2737 | zimmerma | 2004-02-16 17:47:59 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +added cancellation test for add_q + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2736 | vlefevre | 2004-02-16 17:37:59 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +Added tests (improved tadd1.c coverage). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2735 | pelissip | 2004-02-16 17:35:26 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +Fix bug of add_q and sub_q with special values (NAN, INF and ZERO). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2734 | zimmerma | 2004-02-16 17:12:45 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + +deal with overflow/underflow in mpfr_div + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2733 | zimmerma | 2004-02-16 17:04:34 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + +added hard-coded tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2732 | vlefevre | 2004-02-16 16:50:31 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +When the precisions are the same, test both mpfr_add1sp and mpfr_add1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2731 | vlefevre | 2004-02-16 16:34:39 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +Added overflow check. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2730 | pelissip | 2004-02-16 16:17:38 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + +Optimize add1sp, sub1sp and div. +Improve coverage test for sub1sp. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2729 | vlefevre | 2004-02-16 16:06:11 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +Removed unused label. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2727 | vlefevre | 2004-02-16 15:05:18 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +Really reverted to rev. 1.54 + kept optimization + commented out +is_odd_even. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2725 | zimmerma | 2004-02-16 14:30:43 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +take into account possible out-of-range exponent + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2724 | zimmerma | 2004-02-16 14:24:48 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +revert to rev 1.54 code for case x infinite +(was less efficient but simpler) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2723 | zimmerma | 2004-02-16 13:56:42 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +fixed bug with in-place computation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2722 | vlefevre | 2004-02-16 13:55:27 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +Code clean-up and fix to avoid warnings. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2721 | zimmerma | 2004-02-16 13:35:20 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +changed back to C99 standard for special values of x^y + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2720 | zimmerma | 2004-02-16 11:33:24 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + +added test for *function* mpfr_round + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2719 | zimmerma | 2004-02-16 11:06:06 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +check return value of fopen + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2718 | vlefevre | 2004-02-16 11:01:38 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +Removed the no longer used label "fin" and fixed the indentation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2717 | vlefevre | 2004-02-16 10:55:36 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +Fix: MPFR_NOT_ZERO -> MPFR_NOTZERO. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2716 | vlefevre | 2004-02-16 10:52:40 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +Commented out the now useless "double uo, vo;". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2715 | zimmerma | 2004-02-16 10:41:02 +0000 (Mon, 16 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +improved coverage tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2714 | zimmerma | 2004-02-14 23:05:51 +0000 (Sat, 14 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + A /trunk/tests/tset_exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + +new coverage tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2713 | zimmerma | 2004-02-14 11:11:31 +0000 (Sat, 14 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + A /trunk/tests/tinp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + +improved coverage test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2712 | zimmerma | 2004-02-13 17:39:02 +0000 (Fri, 13 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +improved coverage test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2711 | zimmerma | 2004-02-13 17:17:52 +0000 (Fri, 13 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +improved test coverage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2710 | zimmerma | 2004-02-13 16:00:10 +0000 (Fri, 13 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +improved test coverage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2709 | zimmerma | 2004-02-13 15:35:19 +0000 (Fri, 13 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +improved test coverage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2708 | pelissip | 2004-02-13 15:05:42 +0000 (Fri, 13 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + +Fix a bug in taddsp (Forget to check if random does not generate zero). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2707 | zimmerma | 2004-02-13 13:57:24 +0000 (Fri, 13 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + +improved editing style + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2706 | zimmerma | 2004-02-13 13:44:41 +0000 (Fri, 13 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + +improved test coverage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2705 | zimmerma | 2004-02-13 13:43:27 +0000 (Fri, 13 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + +partly rewritten, and improved test coverage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2704 | vlefevre | 2004-02-13 13:33:10 +0000 (Fri, 13 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + +Added tests for mpfr_mul_2si and mpfr_div_2si + corrections. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2703 | vlefevre | 2004-02-13 12:31:49 +0000 (Fri, 13 Feb 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + +Replaced mpfr_mul_2exp and mpfr_div_2exp by mpfr_mul_2ui and +mpfr_div_2ui as the 2exp form is obsolete. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2702 | zimmerma | 2004-02-13 12:25:14 +0000 (Fri, 13 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + +removed warnings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2701 | pelissip | 2004-02-13 11:30:05 +0000 (Fri, 13 Feb 2004) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tcmpabs.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + A /trunk/tests/tfits.c + A /trunk/tests/toutimpl.c + +Add test for mpfr_cmpabs +Add test for mpfr_fits_ +Add test for internal dumping functions. +Improve coverage test for exceptions / set / check. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2700 | zimmerma | 2004-02-13 10:52:11 +0000 (Fri, 13 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + +improved coverage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2699 | zimmerma | 2004-02-13 10:31:42 +0000 (Fri, 13 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + +removed Kevin, added missing accent + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2698 | zimmerma | 2004-02-13 09:33:55 +0000 (Fri, 13 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + +improved coverage test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2697 | pelissip | 2004-02-12 18:02:28 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Rewrite (simplify) mpfr_dump. +Change its proto. +Fix mpf_dump macro in mpf2mpfr. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2696 | pelissip | 2004-02-12 17:58:40 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/sub.c + +Remove MPFR_ASSERTN(0) and add MPFR_ASSERTD(last condition) instead. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2695 | zimmerma | 2004-02-12 16:54:28 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +improved coverage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2694 | zimmerma | 2004-02-12 16:38:06 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + +improved coverage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2693 | zimmerma | 2004-02-12 16:25:29 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +improved cov. test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2692 | zimmerma | 2004-02-12 16:08:00 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + +improved cov. test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2691 | zimmerma | 2004-02-12 16:01:26 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +improved coverage test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2690 | zimmerma | 2004-02-12 15:05:14 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + +improved coverage test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2689 | zimmerma | 2004-02-12 14:30:20 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + +improved test coverage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2688 | pelissip | 2004-02-12 14:20:43 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + +Improve coverage of const_pi and const_log2 (Test for prec > 20000). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2687 | zimmerma | 2004-02-12 14:08:06 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +fixed tiny bugs for corner cases +improved test coverage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2686 | pelissip | 2004-02-12 13:49:44 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/add.c + A /trunk/add1sp.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tadd1sp.c + A /trunk/tests/tcopysign.c + M /trunk/tests/tdim.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + A /trunk/tests/tminmax.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + ++ Add mpfr_add1sp which provides addition when all the operands have the same precision. ++ Add new test files for mpfr_copysign and mpfr_min and mpfr_max. ++ Add test for mpfr_exp10 in tests/texp.c ++ Improve coverage of div_2ui.c and mul_2ui.c ++ Add a forgotten ASSERT in mpfr_sqrt + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2685 | zimmerma | 2004-02-12 13:20:50 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + +improved test coverage +replaced mpfr_get_d1 by mpfr_get_si + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2684 | zimmerma | 2004-02-12 12:54:48 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + +improved coverage test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2683 | zimmerma | 2004-02-12 12:38:17 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +added new coverage test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2682 | pelissip | 2004-02-12 11:42:34 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Fix some mistakes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2681 | pelissip | 2004-02-12 11:38:49 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Add a description of the gcov tool. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2680 | zimmerma | 2004-02-12 11:35:50 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +now 100% of coverage of sub1.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2679 | zimmerma | 2004-02-12 11:06:02 +0000 (Thu, 12 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tdim.c + +new test file for mpfr_dim + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2672 | pelissip | 2004-02-06 15:57:28 +0000 (Fri, 06 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Replace AS_HELP_STRING to AC_HELP_STRING (obsolete) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2671 | pelissip | 2004-02-06 15:37:40 +0000 (Fri, 06 Feb 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/clears.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/inits.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/volatile.c + +Add forgotten copyright 2004 line. +Add a small documentation about mpfr_sum. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2668 | pelissip | 2004-02-06 13:59:56 +0000 (Fri, 06 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + A /trunk/sum.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tsum.c + +Added mpfr_sum function. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2665 | pelissip | 2004-02-06 13:27:05 +0000 (Fri, 06 Feb 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/clears.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inits.c + M /trunk/inits2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + A /trunk/longlong.h + M /trunk/minmax.c + A /trunk/mp_clz_tab.c + A /trunk/mpfr-gmp.c + A /trunk/mpfr-gmp.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpn_exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/save_expo.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/version.c + M /trunk/volatile.c + ++ Better support of non IEEE doubles. ++ You can compile MPFR without gmp internal files (ie gmp-impl.h, gmp-mparam.h, and config.h). You only need gmp.h and libgmp.a. But you can still compile with GMP internal files (configure detects them). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2664 | vlefevre | 2004-02-06 13:06:36 +0000 (Fri, 06 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2660 | vlefevre | 2004-02-06 10:54:26 +0000 (Fri, 06 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Updated MPFR URL. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2659 | vlefevre | 2004-02-06 10:49:54 +0000 (Fri, 06 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +Added the changes from version 2.0.1 to version 2.0.2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2657 | vlefevre | 2004-02-06 10:14:00 +0000 (Fri, 06 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Added: "3) Update the NEWS file.". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2655 | zimmerma | 2004-02-03 10:06:53 +0000 (Tue, 03 Feb 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +fixed bug in get_str (case pow2, rnd=up or down) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2654 | zimmerma | 2004-01-30 16:27:35 +0000 (Fri, 30 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +fixed problem (s1 = s-1 inexact) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2653 | zimmerma | 2004-01-30 15:06:42 +0000 (Fri, 30 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +fixed problem in gamma/factorial + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2652 | zimmerma | 2004-01-30 12:51:58 +0000 (Fri, 30 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +added new tests for agm and hypot (+ fixed bugs) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2651 | pelissip | 2004-01-29 16:12:42 +0000 (Thu, 29 Jan 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Add GMP_RND_MAX so that a for loop of the rounding modes looks like: + for(int r = 0 ; r < GMP_RND_MAX ; r++) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2650 | pelissip | 2004-01-28 14:22:05 +0000 (Wed, 28 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + +Better supports of non IEEE-754 floats (don't use anymore ieee_double_extract if _GMP_IEEE is not set). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2649 | vlefevre | 2004-01-28 11:32:57 +0000 (Wed, 28 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/frac.c + +Added comments and a temporary fix. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2648 | zimmerma | 2004-01-27 08:00:00 +0000 (Tue, 27 Jan 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +fixed bugs in atan cbrt erf +added new hard-coded tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2647 | zimmerma | 2004-01-26 13:14:55 +0000 (Mon, 26 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +removed argument reduction in sin(Pi*s/2) [delegated to mpfr_sin] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2646 | zimmerma | 2004-01-26 13:11:54 +0000 (Mon, 26 Jan 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +print inputs of test2 in binary form +commented out test for 0.8 (input is not exactly representable) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2645 | pelissip | 2004-01-26 11:45:21 +0000 (Mon, 26 Jan 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + ++ Internal functions of zeta are now declared as static. ++ Add new tests which fail. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2644 | zimmerma | 2004-01-22 22:30:52 +0000 (Thu, 22 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + +added several hard-coded tests (and fixed bugs found) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2643 | pelissip | 2004-01-20 13:08:53 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Fix tiny bug of Concept Index / Rounding Modes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2642 | pelissip | 2004-01-20 13:04:30 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Update minor things. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2641 | zimmerma | 2004-01-20 11:07:48 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +minor change in contributions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2640 | zimmerma | 2004-01-20 10:56:59 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added Patrick in the main contributors + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2639 | vlefevre | 2004-01-20 10:08:27 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Fixed spelling mistake. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2638 | pelissip | 2004-01-20 09:15:19 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Reorder the documentation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2637 | ryde | 2004-01-19 23:51:46 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +# Add a remark to mpf_strto. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2636 | ryde | 2004-01-19 23:31:56 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +# Drop my thought about addmul instead of fma. The latter takes a +# separate destination and is hence not the same as what mpn and mpz +# addmul do. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2635 | pelissip | 2004-01-19 16:06:34 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + +Update tests to remove the use of double when possible. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2634 | pelissip | 2004-01-19 16:05:24 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +Reenable the cmp between inexact flags. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2633 | pelissip | 2004-01-19 16:03:30 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + +Add mpfr_get_default_rounding_mode. +Add the tests for mpfr_get/set_default_rounding_mode. +Fix mpfr_set_default_rounding_mode. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2632 | vlefevre | 2004-01-19 03:01:10 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +_mpfr_ceil -> mpfr_ceil_double + check for overflow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2631 | vlefevre | 2004-01-19 02:39:21 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jan 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/get_str.c + A /trunk/mpn_exp.c + +Moved the mpfr_mpn_exp function to a new file "mpn_exp.c" as it is +used by both "get_str.c" and "set_str.c". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2630 | pelissip | 2004-01-16 15:55:15 +0000 (Fri, 16 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +Update it to remove the use of float/double. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2629 | pelissip | 2004-01-15 16:57:35 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/from_Torbjorn + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +Add a new check in tget_str.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2628 | pelissip | 2004-01-15 16:56:48 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Add new macros. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2627 | pelissip | 2004-01-15 16:55:45 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Readd stdio.h in case of DEBUG mode. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2626 | pelissip | 2004-01-15 16:55:25 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +Optimize a few sub1sp by removing the normalisation in case of exact rounding and by removing the calcul of the rounding mode in case of exact rounding. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2625 | zimmerma | 2004-01-15 14:43:17 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jan 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +fixed problem in case m=0 and b=2^k (lost bits from 1st digit were not taken +into account) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2624 | zimmerma | 2004-01-15 12:09:25 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/set_str.c + +mpn_exp -> mpfr_mpn_exp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2623 | vlefevre | 2004-01-15 08:49:34 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/gammaPiAGMformula.c + +Removed gammaPiAGMformula.c (old version, no longer used). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2622 | vlefevre | 2004-01-14 17:18:34 +0000 (Wed, 14 Jan 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/save_expo.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Changed some error messages into assertions. +Removed some useless #include's. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2621 | pelissip | 2004-01-14 12:42:22 +0000 (Wed, 14 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +Continue to port tests so that they don't use double. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2620 | pelissip | 2004-01-09 16:00:54 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/cmp_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +Update the tests to reduce the use of floats. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2619 | pelissip | 2004-01-09 10:15:51 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/mpfi.c + D /trunk/mpfi.h + +Remove unused files mpfi.c and mpfi.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2618 | pelissip | 2004-01-09 09:51:23 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jan 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + +Update test. +Don't use floats anymore. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2617 | pelissip | 2004-01-09 09:50:45 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jan 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +Add RND_RAND +Add SIGN_RAND + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2616 | pelissip | 2004-01-09 08:58:24 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jan 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/isinteger.c + ++ Simplify the signular code. ++ Fix potential type errors. (Used mpfr_prec_t instead of mpfr_uexp_t). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2615 | pelissip | 2004-01-08 16:51:51 +0000 (Thu, 08 Jan 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tgmpop.c + ++ Add a new test file for checking functions mpfr_add/sub/mul/div_q/z (from gmp_op.c). ++ Fix bugs of mpfr_add/sub/mul/div_q/z. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2614 | vlefevre | 2004-01-07 19:58:45 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +-0 -> @minus{}0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2613 | vlefevre | 2004-01-07 19:54:53 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Specifications for mpfr_min and mpfr_max. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2612 | vlefevre | 2004-01-07 17:21:06 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Updated MPFR_INTPREC_MAX definition, as mpfr_prec_t has changed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2611 | pelissip | 2004-01-07 16:37:09 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + +Add a new test between sub1 and sub1sp. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2610 | pelissip | 2004-01-07 16:28:42 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/minmax.c + +Fix copyright line. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2609 | zimmerma | 2004-01-07 16:27:09 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +fixed wrong sign of inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2608 | vlefevre | 2004-01-07 16:11:04 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jan 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Added casts to size_t so that integers representing a size get +this type as soon as possible. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2607 | pelissip | 2004-01-07 14:48:33 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +Use MPFR_ASSERTN(0) instead of abort. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2606 | pelissip | 2004-01-07 14:48:10 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Fix the definition of MPFR_PREC_MAX + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2605 | zimmerma | 2004-01-07 14:46:09 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +added new test to check bug repair + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2604 | zimmerma | 2004-01-07 14:45:21 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jan 2004) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1.c + +fixed bug (wrong inexact flag) for rounding to nearest when sh=0 and +first trailing limbs coincide + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2603 | pelissip | 2004-01-07 14:27:34 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/sub.c + +Fix copyright lines (2004). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2602 | pelissip | 2004-01-07 14:05:30 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jan 2004) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + +Fix bug of sub1sp.c on sparck. +Add new tests for sub1sp. +Reenable sub1sp for mpfr_add / mpfr_sub. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2601 | pelissip | 2004-01-07 14:04:30 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/print_raw.c + +Change output format of mpfr_print_mant_binary. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2600 | vlefevre | 2004-01-07 13:27:29 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp2.c + +Clarified comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2599 | vlefevre | 2004-01-06 14:17:50 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Updated copyright line. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2598 | vlefevre | 2004-01-06 14:06:48 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tversion.c + M /trunk/update-version + A /trunk/version.c + +Added mpfr_version function and test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2597 | vlefevre | 2004-01-06 13:46:32 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +The mpfr_print_rnd_mode return type is const char *, not char *. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2596 | pelissip | 2004-01-06 13:06:37 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + +Update the copyright line of the source files to 2004. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2595 | pelissip | 2004-01-06 12:30:41 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + +Add the tests to check if 0 for signed class with unsigned 0 is set to 0+. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2594 | zimmerma | 2004-01-05 16:35:08 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +specified sign of zero in mpfr_set_* + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2593 | zimmerma | 2004-01-05 14:32:56 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jan 2004) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +removed test using denorms + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2592 | pelissip | 2003-12-22 17:08:57 +0000 (Mon, 22 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/sub.c + +Disable sub1sp in add.c and in sub.c since it provides some bugs on spark (Log/acos/asin and atan tests failed but not tsub or tsub1sp). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2591 | pelissip | 2003-12-22 17:08:01 +0000 (Mon, 22 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Change comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2590 | pelissip | 2003-12-22 14:13:24 +0000 (Mon, 22 Dec 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + ++ Rearrange the code to be more "compatible" with broken systems. ++ Preprocessing checks are done in init2.c since GMP constants can't be used in preprocessing #if. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2589 | pelissip | 2003-12-22 13:56:15 +0000 (Mon, 22 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + +Use MPFR_UNSIGNED_MINUS_MODULO when needed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2588 | pelissip | 2003-12-22 10:57:56 +0000 (Mon, 22 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/clears.c + M /trunk/inits.c + M /trunk/inits2.c + +Explicit support for K&R C since ansi2knr can't be used. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2587 | ryde | 2003-12-20 00:02:38 +0000 (Sat, 20 Dec 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +(tests_rand_start): Use gmp_randinit_default not the +RANDS macro, to cope with new non-seeding MT setup by RANDS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2586 | pelissip | 2003-12-19 16:29:48 +0000 (Fri, 19 Dec 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Support of MPFR_PREC_FORMAT. +Fix a bug in case mp_prec_t = unsigned short. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2585 | vlefevre | 2003-12-19 14:19:53 +0000 (Fri, 19 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/update-version + +Update due to a change in mpfr.h. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2584 | pelissip | 2003-12-19 11:56:42 +0000 (Fri, 19 Dec 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/VERSION + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + ++ Modify Version to 2.1.0. ++ Add MPFR_VERSION_MAJOR, MPFR_VERSION_MINOR and MPFR_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL in mpfr.h ++ Add MPFR_VERSION_NUM and MPFR_VERSION to check Mpfr version. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2583 | pelissip | 2003-12-19 11:54:48 +0000 (Fri, 19 Dec 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + +Remove one warning in mpf_compat.h +Create a new macro: MPFR_RET_NEVER_GO_HERE +Modify ui_sub/div to use it to make Insure++ happy. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2582 | zimmerma | 2003-12-19 11:44:42 +0000 (Fri, 19 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +updated mpfr_root entry + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2581 | vlefevre | 2003-12-19 11:41:10 +0000 (Fri, 19 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/update-version + +Added update-version script to update the MPFR version. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2580 | zimmerma | 2003-12-19 10:06:10 +0000 (Fri, 19 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +removed one item, added one + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2579 | zimmerma | 2003-12-16 12:46:28 +0000 (Tue, 16 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +removed unused target "tests" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2578 | zimmerma | 2003-12-16 12:38:36 +0000 (Tue, 16 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +removed AC_DEFINE(hpux) [not used any more] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2577 | ryde | 2003-12-15 22:01:21 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +(EXTRA_DIST): Add round_raw_generic.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2576 | pelissip | 2003-12-15 14:39:35 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2003) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdump.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + ++ Optimize a few div.c ++ Remove some warnings in asin.c, atan.c. ++ Include limits.h before gmp-impl.h in mpfr-impl.h ++ mpfr-tests.h doesn't include anumore standard include files. ++ Test files include only standard includes and mpfr-tests.h. ++ Add some forgotten mpfr_clear in mpf[r]_compat. ++ Remove some warnings in the tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2575 | zimmerma | 2003-12-15 09:11:37 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +removed unused arguments + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2574 | zimmerma | 2003-12-15 09:00:22 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +removed AC_DEFINE(__STDC__) for OSF + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2573 | zimmerma | 2003-12-15 08:48:24 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +removed MISCFLAGS (not used any more) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2572 | ryde | 2003-12-14 00:42:04 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +Quote AC_DEFUN names, for automake 1.8. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2571 | pelissip | 2003-12-10 13:40:52 +0000 (Wed, 10 Dec 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + ++ Add a new test in case of underflow. ++ Fix bug in case of underflow for sub1 / sub1sp (mpfr_powerof2 could be called with inalid numbers). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2570 | pelissip | 2003-12-09 14:58:26 +0000 (Tue, 09 Dec 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/sub1sp.c + ++ Fixed bugs of mpfr_print_mant_binary on 64 bits CPU (1L instead of 1). ++ Fixed bugs of mpfr_sub1sp on 64-bits CPU (mp_limb_t instead of int). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2569 | pelissip | 2003-12-09 13:52:50 +0000 (Tue, 09 Dec 2003) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + A /trunk/sub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + A /trunk/tests/tsub1sp.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + ++ Add function mpfr_print_mantissa_binary, for debugging reason. ++ Rename MPFR_ALLOC_SIZE in MPFR_MALLOC_SIZE. ++ Add conditionnal -DSMALL directive in mpfr-impl.h. ++ Add new function: sub1sp. + Subtraction in case of all the ops have the same prec. ++ Add its test (tsub1sp). ++ Modify a few the tests to avoid comparing mpfr results with double, for portability reason. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2568 | vlefevre | 2003-12-05 17:47:09 +0000 (Fri, 05 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/exp10.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Added mpfr_exp10 function. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2567 | pelissip | 2003-12-01 10:25:01 +0000 (Mon, 01 Dec 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + +Port all the IEEE dependent remaining functions so that it uses a generic way to compute the result if it detects that the double is not in IEEE format ( _GMP_IEEE_FLOATS == 0). +MPFR now should work well on non-IEEE machines. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2566 | zimmerma | 2003-12-01 10:20:37 +0000 (Mon, 01 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added suggestion for 2 new functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2565 | zimmerma | 2003-12-01 09:17:41 +0000 (Mon, 01 Dec 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added entry (portability) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2564 | pelissip | 2003-11-25 17:22:31 +0000 (Tue, 25 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/sub1.c + +Optmize a few add1.c/sub1.c by using MPFR_LIKELY / MPFR_UNLIKELY. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2563 | pelissip | 2003-11-21 16:26:19 +0000 (Fri, 21 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/fits_s.h + M /trunk/fits_u.h + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Remove some warnings and potential errors (Comparaison between signed and unsigned). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2562 | pelissip | 2003-11-21 15:27:35 +0000 (Fri, 21 Nov 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/check.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + A /trunk/tests/tcheck.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + ++ Add new internal function: mpfr_check. ++ Add the corresponding test file. ++ Translate mpfr_set_d to mpfr_set_str / mpfr_set_ui in the tests for portability reasons. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2558 | zimmerma | 2003-11-21 10:16:17 +0000 (Fri, 21 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + +use integers instead of double's + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2557 | vlefevre | 2003-11-21 08:05:29 +0000 (Fri, 21 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/TODO + +Notes about not using mpfr_set_d in the tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2554 | pelissip | 2003-11-19 10:01:34 +0000 (Wed, 19 Nov 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + + Optimization of mpfr_mul. + Tiny optimization of mpfr_pow (The case y=0 has been put inside the MPFR_ARE_SINGULAR block). + Tiny optimisation of mpfr_set_ui. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2553 | zimmerma | 2003-11-18 16:07:12 +0000 (Tue, 18 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +fixed bug in case exact result + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2552 | zimmerma | 2003-11-18 16:05:36 +0000 (Tue, 18 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + +added new tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2551 | pelissip | 2003-11-18 11:46:34 +0000 (Tue, 18 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + + Optimize round_raw_generic by reducing the number of redundant tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2550 | pelissip | 2003-11-17 14:43:54 +0000 (Mon, 17 Nov 2003) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + A /trunk/round_raw_generic.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/tests/ + +* Optimize a few div.c and mul.c. +* Reorder the tests. +* Remove mpfr_round_raw_generic and create 4 new functions which replace it, for efficiency reasons. +* Add round_raw_generic.c which is the generic file to create the 4 new functions. +* Add new MACRO: MPFR_RNDUTEST_OR_RNDDNOTTEST which is a faster way to check if (rnd_mode==GMP_RNDU && test) || (rnd_mode==GMP_RNDD && !test). +* Add new MACRO: MPFR_UNSIGNED_MINUS_MODULO. +* Optimize mpfr_can_round_raw. +* Some new defines in mpfr.h to increase compatibility with MPFR v2.0.1 and above. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2548 | zimmerma | 2003-11-14 12:47:01 +0000 (Fri, 14 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +fixed bug in pow_si (exact result, case z = x) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2546 | zimmerma | 2003-11-14 10:44:53 +0000 (Fri, 14 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +added test to check bug fix (bug was in mpfr_pow) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2545 | zimmerma | 2003-11-14 10:43:40 +0000 (Fri, 14 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + +added new test to check for bug fix (output precision > input precisions) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2544 | zimmerma | 2003-11-14 10:42:30 +0000 (Fri, 14 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +just improved editing style + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2543 | zimmerma | 2003-11-14 10:41:35 +0000 (Fri, 14 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +fixed bug for output precision > max(input precisions) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2542 | vlefevre | 2003-11-14 10:40:26 +0000 (Fri, 14 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +Ported the gcc-3.3 bug detection patch to the trunk. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2539 | pelissip | 2003-11-07 16:15:45 +0000 (Fri, 07 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + +Fix a stupid bug (diff_exp is not equal to the difference of prec) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2538 | vlefevre | 2003-11-07 13:25:18 +0000 (Fri, 07 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init2.c + +Initialize the exp field. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2537 | pelissip | 2003-11-07 10:08:57 +0000 (Fri, 07 Nov 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/swap.c + +Some minor optimizations. +Optimization of mul.c / sub1.c. +Some clean up in the header files. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2536 | pelissip | 2003-11-05 16:18:16 +0000 (Wed, 05 Nov 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gammaPiAGMformula.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Fix some bugs (Use MPFR_ASSERT(1) instead of MPFR_ASSERT(0)) +Optimize swap.c and copysign.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2535 | pelissip | 2003-11-05 12:11:47 +0000 (Wed, 05 Nov 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + +Optimize mpfr_prec_round. +Optimize mpfr_set (Case of both src & dest have the same precision). +Start optimizing mpfr_sub1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2534 | pelissip | 2003-11-05 09:00:03 +0000 (Wed, 05 Nov 2003) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + A /trunk/sgn.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tsgn.c + +Add a real function for mpfr_sgn (not a call to mpfr_cmp_ui_2exp). +Add a test for mpfr_sgn. +Change the proto of mpfr_add1 and mpfr_sub1 by removing the last arg. +Simplify the logic of the sign in mpfr_sub1. +Tiny speed up for cmp/set/sqrt. +mpfr-impl auto include all the needed local header files (gmp, gmp-impl, mpfr). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2533 | vlefevre | 2003-11-04 16:14:47 +0000 (Tue, 04 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + +Merged the mpfr-2-0-2-branch pow_ui.c changes to the trunk. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2530 | vlefevre | 2003-11-04 13:51:03 +0000 (Tue, 04 Nov 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + +The check_inf test wasn't called. Added 2 missing mpfr_clear and \n. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2529 | pelissip | 2003-11-04 13:15:26 +0000 (Tue, 04 Nov 2003) | 10 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cputime.h + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gammaPiAGMformula.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + ++ Remove MPFR_CLEAR_NAN and MPFR_CLEAR_INF. Only use MPFR_CLEAR_FLAGS. + MPFR_SET_INF, MPFR_SET_ZERO and MPFR_SET_ZERO must clear the flags before setting them. ++ Add a new test in tacosh.c : check Inf / Nan flags. ++ Use MPFR_IS_SINGULAR in all the remaining files. ++ Fix the use of MPFR_CLEAR_FLAGS. ++ mpfr-impl.h auto include gmp.h, gmp-impl.h, mpfr.h and limits.h. ++ Rename _PROTO to _MPFR_PROTO, and remove _GMP_PROTO. ++ Add MPFR_INT_SIGN macro. ++ Encapsulate a few more the sign. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2526 | vlefevre | 2003-10-30 00:03:26 +0000 (Thu, 30 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log1p.c + +MPFR_RET_NAN -> MPFR_RET(0). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2525 | pelissip | 2003-10-28 16:31:13 +0000 (Tue, 28 Oct 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gammaPiAGMformula.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Use of MPFR_UNLIKELY and MPFR_IS_SINGULAR for fast detection of special values (Nan, Inf or Zero). +Start to encapsulate the sign to be independent of the representation (Must be 1 or -1). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2524 | pelissip | 2003-10-27 15:15:04 +0000 (Mon, 27 Oct 2003) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +Change the internal format of MPFR: ZERO, INF and NAN have special values of exp. +Rename MPFR_ESIZE in MPFR_LIMB_SIZE. +Rename MPFR_ABSZISE in MPFR_ALLOC_SIZE. +Rename MPFR_INIT in MPFR_TMP_INIT (INIT1 too). +"mpfr.h" includes if GMP isn't detected. +Change the way of detecting stdio.h (To check). +Use mpfr namespace for new definitions in "mpfr.h". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2522 | vlefevre | 2003-10-27 13:06:22 +0000 (Mon, 27 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + +Another fix, for acosh(-INF). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2521 | vlefevre | 2003-10-27 12:57:27 +0000 (Mon, 27 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + +Fixed exit status. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2519 | vlefevre | 2003-10-21 12:33:17 +0000 (Tue, 21 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + +Merged the mpfr-2-0-2-branch changes to the trunk. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2514 | vlefevre | 2003-10-20 15:47:10 +0000 (Mon, 20 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + +Merged the mpfr-2-0-2-branch changes to the trunk. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2511 | vlefevre | 2003-10-17 13:34:46 +0000 (Fri, 17 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + +Merged the mpfr-2-0-2-branch changes to the trunk. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2505 | vlefevre | 2003-10-16 12:48:40 +0000 (Thu, 16 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2504 | vlefevre | 2003-10-16 11:54:20 +0000 (Thu, 16 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/VERSION + +Updated version on trunk. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2503 | vlefevre | 2003-10-16 11:48:31 +0000 (Thu, 16 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2502 | vlefevre | 2003-10-16 09:55:46 +0000 (Thu, 16 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + +Fixed several bugs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2501 | vlefevre | 2003-10-16 09:32:26 +0000 (Thu, 16 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + +Added XDEBUG support (like in set_d.c). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2500 | vlefevre | 2003-10-15 09:46:52 +0000 (Wed, 15 Oct 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Replaced all non-ASCII characters by an equivalent 7-bit sequence +to support unpatched texinfo.tex files. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2499 | zimmerma | 2003-10-15 09:32:21 +0000 (Wed, 15 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +removed #define DEBUG (turned on accidentally) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2498 | vlefevre | 2003-10-15 09:15:19 +0000 (Wed, 15 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Bug on the ternary value was fixed by Paul Zimmermann on 2003-10-14. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2497 | zimmerma | 2003-10-14 12:29:45 +0000 (Tue, 14 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added preamble about ternary flag for special functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2496 | zimmerma | 2003-10-14 12:13:37 +0000 (Tue, 14 Oct 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +now uses #include "tgeneric.c" everywhere +(and modified test_generic to check also the inexact flag) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2495 | zimmerma | 2003-10-14 12:12:10 +0000 (Tue, 14 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + +check_nan() is back + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2494 | zimmerma | 2003-10-14 12:08:37 +0000 (Tue, 14 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +removed old unused code + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2493 | zimmerma | 2003-10-14 12:05:25 +0000 (Tue, 14 Oct 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + +fixed tests for x=0 +removed composition tests (were already in-between #if 0 ... #endif) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2492 | zimmerma | 2003-10-14 11:49:06 +0000 (Tue, 14 Oct 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +replaced mpfr_can_round (approx, err, rnd1, GMP_RNDN, prec) +by mpfr_can_round (approx, err, rnd1, GMP_RNDZ, prec + 1) +which in addition guarantees a correct inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2491 | zimmerma | 2003-10-14 11:42:51 +0000 (Tue, 14 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added new items (version number, rounding modes) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2490 | zimmerma | 2003-10-14 11:42:00 +0000 (Tue, 14 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added comment about --enable-alloca=debug + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2489 | zimmerma | 2003-10-13 13:12:46 +0000 (Mon, 13 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +added section "Problems due to compiler bugs" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2488 | zimmerma | 2003-10-13 08:03:14 +0000 (Mon, 13 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +change in can_round calls to get correct inexact flag for rounding to nearest + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2487 | zimmerma | 2003-10-10 09:05:15 +0000 (Fri, 10 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_pow found by Ming J. Tsai (overflow) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2486 | vlefevre | 2003-10-08 15:43:13 +0000 (Wed, 08 Oct 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/atan.c + +Removed useless inclusion of standard headers and some #ifdef DEBUG +code. Partial reindentation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2485 | vlefevre | 2003-10-08 15:22:05 +0000 (Wed, 08 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/strncasecmp.c + +Added a #include because size_t is used. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2484 | zimmerma | 2003-10-07 08:37:28 +0000 (Tue, 07 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +reduced test time + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2483 | zimmerma | 2003-10-07 07:41:55 +0000 (Tue, 07 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +reduced test time + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2482 | zimmerma | 2003-10-07 07:36:12 +0000 (Tue, 07 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +reduced test time + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2481 | zimmerma | 2003-10-06 16:11:15 +0000 (Mon, 06 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_prec.c + +fixed comment of mpfr_round_raw_generic + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2480 | zimmerma | 2003-10-06 15:53:46 +0000 (Mon, 06 Oct 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + +replaced ABSSIZE by ESIZE (ABSSIZE is the allocated size, and should be +used only in functions init, set_prec, round_prec) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2479 | zimmerma | 2003-10-06 15:52:25 +0000 (Mon, 06 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +fixed bug in allocation for in-place operation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2478 | zimmerma | 2003-10-06 14:44:18 +0000 (Mon, 06 Oct 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/atan.c + +inexact flag should now be correct for directed rounding +fixed a bug for mpfr_atan(-Inf) [gave +Pi/2 instead of -Pi/2] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2477 | zimmerma | 2003-10-06 14:43:00 +0000 (Mon, 06 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +added test for atan(-Inf) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2476 | zimmerma | 2003-10-06 13:32:02 +0000 (Mon, 06 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +use macros to avoid possible problem with float input + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2475 | zimmerma | 2003-10-06 13:31:20 +0000 (Mon, 06 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +new proposal for mpfr_can_round + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2474 | zimmerma | 2003-10-06 08:35:42 +0000 (Mon, 06 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr_mul_2exp/mpfr_div_2exp are not obsolete + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2473 | vlefevre | 2003-10-05 23:11:12 +0000 (Sun, 05 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Clearer mpfr_eq documentation (thanks to Kevin Ryde for the remark). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2472 | vlefevre | 2003-10-03 13:00:41 +0000 (Fri, 03 Oct 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +MPFR_ASSERTN rewritten to avoid "statement with no effect" warnings +with gcc when the assertion is always true. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2471 | vlefevre | 2003-10-03 12:49:59 +0000 (Fri, 03 Oct 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + +Optimization (thanks to Patrick Pelissier), as the allocated size +may be larger than the size used by the significant bits. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2470 | vlefevre | 2003-10-03 12:30:14 +0000 (Fri, 03 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Updated installation notes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2469 | vlefevre | 2003-10-03 08:01:45 +0000 (Fri, 03 Oct 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Infinities are now accepted in mpfr_cmpabs. Updated its definition +in the source (no longer sign(abs(b) - abs(c))). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2468 | vlefevre | 2003-10-02 22:30:16 +0000 (Thu, 02 Oct 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Use @url{} for URLs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2467 | vlefevre | 2003-10-02 21:57:39 +0000 (Thu, 02 Oct 2003) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +As suggested by PZ: + o documentation of mpfr_fits_* functions moved to the section + on conversions; + o grouped some mpfr_pow special cases; + o explanation concerning the meaning of rnd in mpfr_frac. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2466 | vlefevre | 2003-10-02 17:17:59 +0000 (Thu, 02 Oct 2003) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Updated documentation. In particular, mpfr_set_str_raw renamed +as mpfr_set_str_binary. This function and mpfr_print_binary are +now internal functions. mpfr_print_binary no longer prints the +non-significant 0 bits. Updated the source to match the manual. +mpfr_print_binary has been completely rewritten (now directly +prints to stdout, without using an intermediate string). In +mpfr_set_str_binary, replaced atol by strtol + error checking. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2465 | zimmerma | 2003-10-02 14:14:08 +0000 (Thu, 02 Oct 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added paragraph on support/grants +added help for mpfr_erf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2464 | vlefevre | 2003-10-02 14:05:59 +0000 (Thu, 02 Oct 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Make node titles match section titles, and updated menus and xrefs. +Added a line break after @samp{uninstall}. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2463 | vlefevre | 2003-10-01 15:06:25 +0000 (Wed, 01 Oct 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Corrections in the MPFR manual (PZ & VL). Functions mpfr_const_pi, +mpfr_const_log2 and mpfr_zeta now return a ternary value. Updated +TODO file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2462 | vlefevre | 2003-09-30 16:50:58 +0000 (Tue, 30 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Added a bug related to the ternary value and worst cases. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2461 | vlefevre | 2003-09-30 16:29:01 +0000 (Tue, 30 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + +Added exponent range support. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2460 | vlefevre | 2003-09-30 10:34:39 +0000 (Tue, 30 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Corrections up to Section 5.6 (PZ & VL). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2459 | vlefevre | 2003-09-30 10:12:24 +0000 (Tue, 30 Sep 2003) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + +Re-added the assert on the exponent, but replacing MPFR_EMIN_MIN by +MP_EXP_T_MIN (this makes more sense): an assertion failed would mean +that the exponent is not representable (an undefined behavior in the +ISO C standard). If need be, we could choose to return MP_EXP_T_MIN +in such a case, or perhaps MP_EXP_T_MAX to signal an error. The +mantissa would still be meaningful. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2458 | pelissip | 2003-09-30 07:47:49 +0000 (Tue, 30 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Update TODO & mpfr_set_prec. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2457 | vlefevre | 2003-09-29 14:40:11 +0000 (Mon, 29 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Corrections up to Section 4. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2456 | vlefevre | 2003-09-29 08:00:19 +0000 (Mon, 29 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + +Added authors Kevin Ryde and Patrick Pelissier. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2455 | vlefevre | 2003-09-29 07:48:10 +0000 (Mon, 29 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Removed "known problems" that are no longer problems. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2454 | vlefevre | 2003-09-26 12:39:37 +0000 (Fri, 26 Sep 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Removed bugs related to the tests and to the exponents +as they no longer occur. Updated some potentials bugs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2453 | vlefevre | 2003-09-25 16:50:34 +0000 (Thu, 25 Sep 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tinits.c + +Removed mpfr_inits, mpfr_inits2, mpfr_clears from the documentation. +Moved their prototypes to mpfr-impl.h (internal functions until +decided otherwise). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2452 | pelissip | 2003-09-25 12:03:36 +0000 (Thu, 25 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/generic.c + +Modify 'r' arg of GENERIC from int to long (min 32 bits). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2451 | vlefevre | 2003-09-25 10:31:23 +0000 (Thu, 25 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +8-bit ISO-8859-1 characters + consistent spelling. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2450 | vlefevre | 2003-09-25 10:17:00 +0000 (Thu, 25 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2449 | vlefevre | 2003-09-25 08:15:42 +0000 (Thu, 25 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + +Changed the remaining stderr to stdout. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2448 | vlefevre | 2003-09-24 22:32:40 +0000 (Wed, 24 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Changed some stderr to stdout. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2447 | vlefevre | 2003-09-24 21:05:42 +0000 (Wed, 24 Sep 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Added documentation for mpfr_greater_p, mpfr_greaterequal_p, +mpfr_less_p, mpfr_lessequal_p, mpfr_lessgreater_p, mpfr_equal_p +and mpfr_unordered_p. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2446 | vlefevre | 2003-09-24 20:26:48 +0000 (Wed, 24 Sep 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tcomparisons.c + +Added tests for mpfr_greater_p, mpfr_greaterequal_p, mpfr_less_p, +mpfr_lessequal_p, mpfr_lessgreater_p, mpfr_equal_p, mpfr_unordered_p. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2445 | vlefevre | 2003-09-24 16:31:11 +0000 (Wed, 24 Sep 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/tests/tnext.c + +Added a few more tests (involving mpfr_nexttoward). The tests for +the mpfr_nextabove, mpfr_nextbelow and mpfr_nexttoward functions +should now be sufficient. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2444 | vlefevre | 2003-09-24 13:19:30 +0000 (Wed, 24 Sep 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tnext.c + +Added generic tests for mpfr_nextabove and mpfr_nextbelow. +Fixed a bug in next.c related to assertion checks. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2443 | vlefevre | 2003-09-24 12:02:45 +0000 (Wed, 24 Sep 2003) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +Accept (case-insensitive) NaN and Inf in input for bases <= 16 for +backward compatibility in these bases (for bases > 16, we cannot +guaranty backward compatibility with the current wanted behavior). +Added tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2442 | zimmerma | 2003-09-24 10:33:20 +0000 (Wed, 24 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added one item from Kevin + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2441 | vlefevre | 2003-09-24 09:26:34 +0000 (Wed, 24 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/texinfo.tex + +Added support for some top-bit-set characters in the .texi source. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2440 | vlefevre | 2003-09-24 08:40:04 +0000 (Wed, 24 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Added information on special values for mpfr_pow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2439 | zimmerma | 2003-09-24 08:35:06 +0000 (Wed, 24 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added MAKEINFOFLAGS = --enable-encoding to get 8-bit characters in + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2438 | zimmerma | 2003-09-24 08:05:50 +0000 (Wed, 24 Sep 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +used ISO-8859-1 in AUTHORS +and @`e, @"o in mpfr.texi (waiting for code for ISO-8859-1 compatibility) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2437 | ryde | 2003-09-24 00:40:24 +0000 (Wed, 24 Sep 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +(MPFR_C_LONG_DOUBLE_FORMAT): Remove conftest* temporary +files. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2436 | vlefevre | 2003-09-24 00:36:19 +0000 (Wed, 24 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +Fixed comparisons (cases @NaN@ and @Inf@). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2435 | zimmerma | 2003-09-23 09:19:22 +0000 (Tue, 23 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +two updates + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2434 | vlefevre | 2003-09-22 15:03:30 +0000 (Mon, 22 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Updated mpfr_pow description. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2433 | zimmerma | 2003-09-22 13:50:46 +0000 (Mon, 22 Sep 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +changed __gmp_const into const in *.c +[Torbjo"rn: Please use __gmp_const just in user header files, plain C const in other files.] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2432 | vlefevre | 2003-09-22 13:30:46 +0000 (Mon, 22 Sep 2003) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Removed + +- allow the ISO C "P" exponent separator for base 16 in input functions + +(already done). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2431 | vlefevre | 2003-09-22 13:09:16 +0000 (Mon, 22 Sep 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +Implemented the following: +- use (LDBL_MAX/2)+(LDBL_MAX/4*LDBL_EPSILON) instead of loop in tset_ld + to get largest power of 2 that fits in a long double + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2430 | vlefevre | 2003-09-22 11:23:09 +0000 (Mon, 22 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1.c + +Added some MPFR_ASSERTN and improved a comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2429 | vlefevre | 2003-09-22 07:56:47 +0000 (Mon, 22 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +Avoid string literals longer than 509 characters (ISO C89 limit). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2428 | vlefevre | 2003-09-22 07:53:16 +0000 (Mon, 22 Sep 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + +(test_set_underflow, test_set_overflow): Cleaner fix (for pre-C99 +compilers). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2427 | ryde | 2003-09-22 01:45:07 +0000 (Mon, 22 Sep 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + +(test_set_underflow, test_set_overflow): Use +"static" on "r" to allow non-constant initializers. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2426 | ryde | 2003-09-21 00:37:17 +0000 (Sun, 21 Sep 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +(Converting Floats): In mpfr_get_d_2exp, the rounding mode +is given, it doesn't use the default mode. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2425 | ryde | 2003-09-21 00:14:49 +0000 (Sun, 21 Sep 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +(Assigning Floats): In mpfr_set_str and mpfr_set_str_raw, +show "const" not "__gmp_const". +(Simultaneous Float Init & Assign): In mpfr_init_set_str, ditto. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2424 | ryde | 2003-09-21 00:07:26 +0000 (Sun, 21 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +(Rounding Modes): Add blank line around @itemize. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2423 | ryde | 2003-09-21 00:06:03 +0000 (Sun, 21 Sep 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +(Miscellaneous Float Functions): In mpfr_urandomb and +mpfr_random, use @math and @le. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2422 | ryde | 2003-09-20 23:51:49 +0000 (Sat, 20 Sep 2003) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +(Assigning Floats): In mpfr_set_*, remove remarks about +long being rounded (this should be clear already), about rounding of +decimal double constants like 0.1 (too basic to appear here), +(Converting Floats): In mpfr_get_d_2exp, remove remark about exp +exceeding IEEE exponent range (should be clear already). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2421 | zimmerma | 2003-09-19 14:25:15 +0000 (Fri, 19 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +updated items: removed conversion from/to float (obsolete) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2420 | zimmerma | 2003-09-19 14:09:51 +0000 (Fri, 19 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/zeta.c + +got rid of dependency in mpfr_zeta + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2419 | zimmerma | 2003-09-19 13:41:10 +0000 (Fri, 19 Sep 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/log_b2.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +mpfr_round_prec is now obsolete +new function mpfr_prec_round replaces it + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2418 | vlefevre | 2003-09-18 10:33:57 +0000 (Thu, 18 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Fix for C implementations with 16-bit int. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2417 | pelissip | 2003-09-18 08:37:38 +0000 (Thu, 18 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + + Optimization of macros MPFR_IS_INF, MPFR_IS_NAN and MPFR_IS_FP + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2416 | vlefevre | 2003-09-18 06:50:14 +0000 (Thu, 18 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +Removed a comment that should have been removed in revision 1.8. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2415 | zimmerma | 2003-09-15 15:55:00 +0000 (Mon, 15 Sep 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +No longer perform the pre-check for exactness when first division step was +actually a complete division. This introduced way too much overhead. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2414 | zimmerma | 2003-09-15 15:30:31 +0000 (Mon, 15 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/inp_str.c + +replaced test stream==0 by stream==NULL + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2413 | vlefevre | 2003-09-15 13:55:30 +0000 (Mon, 15 Sep 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + +Fixed a bug in mpfr_can_round_raw and added other mpfr_can_round +tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2412 | vlefevre | 2003-09-15 13:05:05 +0000 (Mon, 15 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + +Added a test to tests/tcan_round.c and assertions to round_prec.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2411 | vlefevre | 2003-09-14 08:52:44 +0000 (Sun, 14 Sep 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + +Fixed mpfr_set_overflow, added tests for mpfr_set_underflow +and mpfr_set_overflow, and reverted exp.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2410 | zimmerma | 2003-09-13 08:46:47 +0000 (Sat, 13 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + +overflow with round to zero was incorrect + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2409 | vlefevre | 2003-09-11 16:49:11 +0000 (Thu, 11 Sep 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/clears.c + A /trunk/inits.c + A /trunk/inits2.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tinits.c + +New functions mpfr_inits, mpfr_inits2 and mpfr_clears to initialize or +free several floating-point numbers (written by Patrick Pélissier). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2408 | vlefevre | 2003-09-09 16:09:42 +0000 (Tue, 09 Sep 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Replaced malloc/free by __gmp_allocate_func/__gmp_free_func in +mpfr_zeta_pos. zeta.c still uses math (libm) functions -> TODO: +remove this dependence. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2407 | vlefevre | 2003-09-09 15:13:38 +0000 (Tue, 09 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + +Added a test that makes MPFR crash (coming from the mpfr_zeta crash). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2406 | vlefevre | 2003-09-09 14:28:47 +0000 (Tue, 09 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Case that crashes MPFR (coming from test_generic) -> function test1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2405 | vlefevre | 2003-09-09 11:33:45 +0000 (Tue, 09 Sep 2003) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + +Ended up by simplifying mpfr_ui_pow to fix it completely (with a +call to mpfr_pow, in a way similar to other ui functions). There +isn't significant differences with the old code anyway, and the +case integer^integer wasn't optimized like in mpfr_pow. +The test tui_pow now passes, but the test tzeta now fails! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2404 | vlefevre | 2003-09-09 10:39:01 +0000 (Tue, 09 Sep 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + +Code clean-up and reindented. Replaced a 8 by CHAR_BIT, +as CHAR_BIT isn't necessarily equal to 8. The bug seems +to occur on all machines. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2403 | vlefevre | 2003-09-08 16:22:08 +0000 (Mon, 08 Sep 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + +Added a test to reproduce a bug (to be fixed later) on all 64-bit +machines. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2402 | vlefevre | 2003-09-08 15:50:30 +0000 (Mon, 08 Sep 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +Added a cast (useful under Linux/alpha). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2401 | vlefevre | 2003-09-01 15:20:39 +0000 (Mon, 01 Sep 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + +Changes (Patrick Pelissier's suggestions): + _ mpfr_print_rnd_mode now has __gmp_const char * return type; + _ some corrections in mpfr.texi, documentencoding set. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2400 | ryde | 2003-08-30 23:25:43 +0000 (Sat, 30 Aug 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/amd64.asm + +#Corrections to initial checkin. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2399 | ryde | 2003-08-30 02:13:55 +0000 (Sat, 30 Aug 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +(EXTRA_libfrtests_a_SOURCES): Add amd64.asm. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2398 | ryde | 2003-08-30 02:13:34 +0000 (Sat, 30 Aug 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/amd64.asm + +New file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2397 | ryde | 2003-08-30 02:13:18 +0000 (Sat, 30 Aug 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +Correction to: +(MPFR_CONFIGS): Add amd64-*-* to x86 test objects. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2396 | ryde | 2003-08-30 01:42:49 +0000 (Sat, 30 Aug 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +(tests_machine_prec_long_double): Add amd64 to the +comments. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2395 | ryde | 2003-08-30 01:41:08 +0000 (Sat, 30 Aug 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +(MPFR_CONFIGS): Add amd64-*-* to x86 test objects. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2394 | ryde | 2003-08-30 01:39:32 +0000 (Sat, 30 Aug 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +(check_set_get): Improve error messages. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2393 | ryde | 2003-08-30 01:38:46 +0000 (Sat, 30 Aug 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +(ld_trace): New function. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2392 | ryde | 2003-08-30 01:37:40 +0000 (Sat, 30 Aug 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +(ldbl_max_struct): Use octal character constants, since hex +is an ANSI-ism. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2391 | vlefevre | 2003-08-07 07:56:08 +0000 (Thu, 07 Aug 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + +Avoid a potential overflow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2390 | zimmerma | 2003-08-04 11:13:04 +0000 (Mon, 04 Aug 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +fixed pb found by Damien Fisher + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2389 | vlefevre | 2003-07-24 15:47:17 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jul 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + +If the exponent of the number is meaningless (src = NaN, inf or 0), +0 is stored in expptr (behavior similar to the ISO C frexp function). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2388 | zimmerma | 2003-07-21 13:16:54 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jul 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added one item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2387 | ryde | 2003-07-19 00:17:02 +0000 (Sat, 19 Jul 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +(check_PROGRAMS): Add tget_d_2exp.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2386 | ryde | 2003-07-19 00:15:46 +0000 (Sat, 19 Jul 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tget_d_2exp.c + +New file, partly derived from tget_d.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2385 | ryde | 2003-07-19 00:12:19 +0000 (Sat, 19 Jul 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + +(mpfr_get_d_2exp): Ensure 0.5 <= abs(ret) < 1.0 is respected +when rounding away from zero. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2384 | ryde | 2003-07-19 00:07:32 +0000 (Sat, 19 Jul 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +(d_trace): New function. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2383 | ryde | 2003-07-19 00:06:15 +0000 (Sat, 19 Jul 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +(Converting Floats): mpfr_get_d_2exp stores to a long. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2382 | ryde | 2003-07-19 00:00:24 +0000 (Sat, 19 Jul 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +(mpfr_get_d_2exp): Store exp in a long, same as +mpz_get_d_2exp and mpf_get_d_2exp. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2381 | vlefevre | 2003-07-15 14:42:08 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jul 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + +Updated comment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2380 | vlefevre | 2003-07-08 14:31:44 +0000 (Tue, 08 Jul 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random2.c + +Correction in a comment (patch by Torbjorn). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2379 | zimmerma | 2003-07-01 14:47:05 +0000 (Tue, 01 Jul 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/round_prec.c + +can_round returns 0 for NaN/Inf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2378 | zimmerma | 2003-07-01 10:49:04 +0000 (Tue, 01 Jul 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_prec.c + +fixed Uninitialized memory read in mpfr_can_round +(when b is NaN or Inf) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2377 | zimmerma | 2003-06-30 15:59:19 +0000 (Mon, 30 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +fixed array bound write (need 6+1 characters in s1 to represent -@inf@ + \0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2376 | ryde | 2003-06-28 00:17:24 +0000 (Sat, 28 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + +Add "const" to IEEE byte sequence data. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2375 | ryde | 2003-06-28 00:15:04 +0000 (Sat, 28 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +(tests_rand_end): Remove explicit __gmp_rands +clearing, it's what RANDS_CLEAR does already. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2374 | ryde | 2003-06-26 23:01:02 +0000 (Thu, 26 Jun 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +# Clarify nan/inf bits under efficiency. +# Add mpfr_get_d3 ieee portability. +# Add mpfr_random not wanted in mpf integration. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2373 | zimmerma | 2003-06-26 13:40:08 +0000 (Thu, 26 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +moved macros for [L]DBL_MANT_DIG in mpfr-impl.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2372 | zimmerma | 2003-06-25 10:16:43 +0000 (Wed, 25 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +fixed several problems noticed by Kevin + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2371 | zimmerma | 2003-06-25 07:47:53 +0000 (Wed, 25 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +changed test for 2^1024, using LDBL_MAX_EXP + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2370 | ryde | 2003-06-25 00:47:56 +0000 (Wed, 25 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +# Add efficiency of separate flag bit operations. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2369 | ryde | 2003-06-24 23:57:33 +0000 (Tue, 24 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/mpfr-math.h + +Remove file, no longer used. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2368 | ryde | 2003-06-24 23:56:41 +0000 (Tue, 24 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +(libmpfr_a_SOURCES): Remove mpfr-math.h. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2367 | ryde | 2003-06-24 23:55:52 +0000 (Tue, 24 Jun 2003) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + +(MPFR_DBL_INFP, MPFR_DBL_INFM, MPFR_DBL_NAN): Make private +definitions based on IEEE byte sequences, in particular avoid HUGE_VAL +from mpfr-math.h since that's not infinity on hppa1.1-hp-hpux10. +Remove includes of mpfr-math.h, math.h and stddef.h. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2366 | ryde | 2003-06-24 23:50:03 +0000 (Tue, 24 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +(check_inf_nan): New test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2365 | ryde | 2003-06-24 23:45:21 +0000 (Tue, 24 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +(MPFR_C_LONG_DOUBLE_FORMAT): Use octal char constants, +'\xHH' is an ANSI-ism. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2364 | zimmerma | 2003-06-24 10:21:38 +0000 (Tue, 24 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +check 2^1024 only when sizeof(long double) > sizeof(double) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2363 | zimmerma | 2003-06-24 08:20:41 +0000 (Tue, 24 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +correction to previous patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2362 | zimmerma | 2003-06-24 08:14:39 +0000 (Tue, 24 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +correction to previous patch: problem was that x and u can be 0, +then MPFR_PREC() undefined + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2361 | ryde | 2003-06-24 00:32:32 +0000 (Tue, 24 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +(tests_start_mpfr): Make stdout and stderr unbuffered. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2360 | ryde | 2003-06-24 00:30:25 +0000 (Tue, 24 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +(check_inexact): For pz, use at least MPFR_PREC_MIN +since this is required by mpfr_set_prec. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2359 | ryde | 2003-06-24 00:29:32 +0000 (Tue, 24 Jun 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +# Correction to: +# (check_inexact): For pz, use at least MPFR_PREC_MIN +# since this is required by mpfr_set_prec. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2358 | ryde | 2003-06-24 00:20:41 +0000 (Tue, 24 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +(check_inexact): For pz, use at least MPFR_PREC_MIN +since this is required by mpfr_set_prec. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2357 | ryde | 2003-06-23 23:58:03 +0000 (Mon, 23 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Remove mingw portability of random/rand48, no longer used. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2356 | ryde | 2003-06-23 23:55:24 +0000 (Mon, 23 Jun 2003) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Remove __setfpucw, no longer used. +Remove mpfr_integer_p, done. +Remove gmp rand functions in test programs, done. +Remove MPFR_CHECK_RANDOMIZE, done (as GMP_CHECK_RANDOMIZE). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2355 | vlefevre | 2003-06-21 07:56:50 +0000 (Sat, 21 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr_random is deprecated. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2354 | zimmerma | 2003-06-20 15:01:01 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + +changed since mpfr_random now can return 0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2353 | vlefevre | 2003-06-20 14:21:36 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + +The distribution should now be uniform (mpfr_random implemented +by calling mpfr_urandomb). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2352 | vlefevre | 2003-06-20 12:30:42 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +Take the current exponent range into account in mpfr_urandomb +(which now returns an int). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2351 | vlefevre | 2003-06-20 10:37:26 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +Bug fix. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2350 | zimmerma | 2003-06-20 10:30:35 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +moved _gmp_rands_initialized stuff from tests_end_mpfr() to tests_rand_end() + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2349 | zimmerma | 2003-06-20 09:58:46 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + +reduced default number of tests +improved style + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2348 | zimmerma | 2003-06-20 09:53:15 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +reduced default number of tests +improved style + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2347 | zimmerma | 2003-06-19 17:17:48 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_exp2_aux2 ( + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2346 | zimmerma | 2003-06-19 15:40:52 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp3.c + +improved style + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2345 | zimmerma | 2003-06-19 14:57:05 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +added more information in case of failure + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2344 | zimmerma | 2003-06-19 09:12:26 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + +removed randseed() stuff [obsolete now we use the GMP mechanism] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2343 | zimmerma | 2003-06-19 08:55:03 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +added memory test mechanism + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2342 | zimmerma | 2003-06-19 08:54:42 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +added new test from Parks + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2341 | zimmerma | 2003-06-19 08:54:07 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +fixed allocation problem (forgot to clear) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2340 | vlefevre | 2003-06-19 01:01:38 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +Removed drand48/lrand48/srand48 prototypes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2339 | ryde | 2003-06-18 22:57:32 +0000 (Wed, 18 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + +Don't use mpz_get_d1, since a 53-bit double is not +enough when long is 64-bits. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2338 | ryde | 2003-06-18 22:50:59 +0000 (Wed, 18 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +Don't use mpz_get_d1, since a 53-bit double is not +enough when long is 64-bits. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2337 | ryde | 2003-06-13 22:43:53 +0000 (Fri, 13 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Use autoconf recommended style for time.h with +sys/time.h. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2336 | ryde | 2003-06-13 22:40:44 +0000 (Fri, 13 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +(MPFR_CONFIGS): Require AC_HEADER_TIME, add +AC_CHECK_HEADERS of sys/time.h. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2335 | ryde | 2003-06-13 22:33:50 +0000 (Fri, 13 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +(MPFR_CONFIGS): Add AC_CHECK_FUNCS of gettimeofday. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2334 | zimmerma | 2003-06-13 15:19:12 +0000 (Fri, 13 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +moved disabled test to "special" code + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2333 | zimmerma | 2003-06-13 11:50:07 +0000 (Fri, 13 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added reference to Higham + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2332 | zimmerma | 2003-06-13 08:22:53 +0000 (Fri, 13 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/exp.c + +improved error analysis on erf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2331 | zimmerma | 2003-06-13 07:52:01 +0000 (Fri, 13 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +improved indentation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2330 | zimmerma | 2003-06-12 16:29:34 +0000 (Thu, 12 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +added support for random see +(when env. variable GMP_CHECK_RANDOMIZE set) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2329 | vlefevre | 2003-06-12 16:13:49 +0000 (Thu, 12 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/terf.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Replaced misc random functions by GMP ones. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2328 | vlefevre | 2003-06-12 13:52:56 +0000 (Thu, 12 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Added function randlimb(). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2327 | vlefevre | 2003-06-12 11:37:31 +0000 (Thu, 12 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/erf.c + +Fixed a few bugs concerning special values, code simplified. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2326 | zimmerma | 2003-06-12 09:10:34 +0000 (Thu, 12 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + A /trunk/erf.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/terf.c + +added error function + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2325 | vlefevre | 2003-06-11 23:38:43 +0000 (Wed, 11 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random2.c + +Make x positive + some minor changes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2324 | vlefevre | 2003-06-11 23:31:05 +0000 (Wed, 11 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random2.c + +New version written by Torbjorn Granlund. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2323 | zimmerma | 2003-06-10 15:24:16 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +updated formular for erf +added url for Abramowitz & Stegun + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2322 | vlefevre | 2003-06-10 13:22:52 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + +Added a comment concerning NO_MATH_DEFS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2321 | zimmerma | 2003-06-10 08:43:05 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +made test faster + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2320 | zimmerma | 2003-06-10 08:41:47 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +reduced test time + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2319 | zimmerma | 2003-06-10 08:38:54 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +reduced time of test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2318 | zimmerma | 2003-06-10 08:20:21 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + +reduced time + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2317 | ryde | 2003-06-09 22:48:18 +0000 (Mon, 09 Jun 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Patch by Torbjorn: use puts not putchar, to avoid GNUPro compiler bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2316 | ryde | 2003-06-08 23:56:47 +0000 (Sun, 08 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +Disable "8093416094703476*2^(-1075)" because mips64 +SGI cc doesn't seem to like the value (a denorm). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2315 | ryde | 2003-06-08 22:44:59 +0000 (Sun, 08 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + +Include before , to avoid problems with +gcc 3.2 on hppa2.0w-hp-hpux11.11. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2314 | ryde | 2003-06-08 22:35:03 +0000 (Sun, 08 Jun 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +(random): Remove prototype, since it conflicts with +stdlib.h on osf4. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2313 | vlefevre | 2003-05-28 14:04:50 +0000 (Wed, 28 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Added prototypes of non-standard functions that weren't always defined. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2312 | vlefevre | 2003-05-28 08:44:17 +0000 (Wed, 28 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +MPFR_EXP_CHECK is now defined when WANT_ASSERT is defined. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2311 | vlefevre | 2003-05-26 20:31:56 +0000 (Mon, 26 May 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +The special case s = 1 is taken into account (the previous code +seemed to work, but perhaps not for rigorous reasons). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2310 | vlefevre | 2003-05-26 20:31:38 +0000 (Mon, 26 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Added test for case s = 1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2309 | vlefevre | 2003-05-26 15:34:17 +0000 (Mon, 26 May 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_prec.c + +(mpfr_round_prec): Bug fixed (case zero wasn't taken into account) +and 'assertion failed' avoided. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2308 | vlefevre | 2003-05-26 15:20:27 +0000 (Mon, 26 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + +Update related to MPFR_GET_EXP and MPFR_SET_EXP. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2307 | vlefevre | 2003-05-26 14:46:42 +0000 (Mon, 26 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rint.c + +MPFR_GET_EXP (r) -> exp. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2306 | vlefevre | 2003-05-26 13:20:54 +0000 (Mon, 26 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/swap.c + +Function mpfr_swap rewritten using memcpy. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2305 | vlefevre | 2003-05-26 12:03:59 +0000 (Mon, 26 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set.c + +Updates/optimizations related to MPFR_GET_EXP and MPFR_SET_EXP. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2304 | vlefevre | 2003-05-26 11:47:04 +0000 (Mon, 26 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + +Updates/optimizations related to MPFR_GET_EXP and MPFR_SET_EXP. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2303 | vlefevre | 2003-05-23 10:28:12 +0000 (Fri, 23 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + +Code clean-up. Assertion failed avoided. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2302 | vlefevre | 2003-05-22 22:11:01 +0000 (Thu, 22 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2301 | vlefevre | 2003-05-22 21:39:40 +0000 (Thu, 22 May 2003) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/get_si.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_ui.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Macros MPFR_EXP_INVALID (invalid exponent value) and MPFR_EXP_CHECK +added. Code update to use MPFR_GET_EXP and MPFR_SET_EXP instead of +MPFR_EXP to allow more bug detection related to special values. +Macros MPFR_SET_NAN, MPFR_SET_INF, MPFR_SET_ZERO and MPFR_INIT set +the exponent of the number to MPFR_EXP_INVALID if MPFR_EXP_CHECK +is defined. Compile with -DMPFR_EXP_CHECK and make check to see +the potential problems; currently, 40 of 76 tests fail. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2300 | vlefevre | 2003-05-21 15:16:49 +0000 (Wed, 21 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + +#include "gmp-impl.h" added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2299 | vlefevre | 2003-05-21 14:49:03 +0000 (Wed, 21 May 2003) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +MPFR_ASSERTD: use MPFR_ASSERTN instead of ASSERT_ALWAYS so that +it can be used as an expression. +New macros MPFR_GET_EXP and MPFR_SET_EXP (they should almost +completely replace MPFR_EXP). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2298 | zimmerma | 2003-05-19 15:04:20 +0000 (Mon, 19 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + +added test 'special' + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2297 | zimmerma | 2003-05-19 15:03:11 +0000 (Mon, 19 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eq.c + +fixed bug when n_bits larger than size*BITS_PER_MP_LIMB + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2296 | vlefevre | 2003-05-18 00:11:11 +0000 (Sun, 18 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eq.c + +Bugs fixed (special cases). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2295 | zimmerma | 2003-05-13 16:02:44 +0000 (Tue, 13 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +removed dummy test tdump + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2294 | zimmerma | 2003-05-13 16:00:44 +0000 (Tue, 13 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +compatibility with mpf is done + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2293 | zimmerma | 2003-05-13 15:52:30 +0000 (Tue, 13 May 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_d.c + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +updated mpfr_cmp_d +added mpfr_cmp_d in mpf2mpfr.h and mpfr.texi + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2292 | hanrot | 2003-05-13 15:03:49 +0000 (Tue, 13 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/cmp_d.c + A /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c + +Added cmp_d.c, tcmp_d.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2291 | hanrot | 2003-05-13 15:03:07 +0000 (Tue, 13 May 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + +Added cmp_d/tcmp_d. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2290 | zimmerma | 2003-04-11 10:08:39 +0000 (Fri, 11 Apr 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +moved test for NaN/Inf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2289 | zimmerma | 2003-04-11 09:54:23 +0000 (Fri, 11 Apr 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +added Riemann Zeta function (contribution from Jean-Luc Re'my) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2288 | ryde | 2003-04-08 23:50:59 +0000 (Tue, 08 Apr 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Move macros down below @copying. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2287 | ryde | 2003-04-08 23:43:51 +0000 (Tue, 08 Apr 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Add @: after various abbreviations. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2286 | zimmerma | 2003-04-01 11:49:34 +0000 (Tue, 01 Apr 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +fixed pb with count_leading_zeros (n=0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2285 | zimmerma | 2003-04-01 10:39:48 +0000 (Tue, 01 Apr 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +added test for bug found by Franky Backeljauw + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2284 | zimmerma | 2003-04-01 10:39:14 +0000 (Tue, 01 Apr 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +fixed bug found by Franky + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2283 | vlefevre | 2003-03-28 12:56:46 +0000 (Fri, 28 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp3.c + +Added some asserts. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2282 | zimmerma | 2003-03-28 09:22:37 +0000 (Fri, 28 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + +fixed pb found by Will Galway (continued) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2281 | hanrot | 2003-03-28 09:13:19 +0000 (Fri, 28 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + +Patches from W. Galway. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2280 | zimmerma | 2003-03-28 08:40:59 +0000 (Fri, 28 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +fixed reference to Plouffe/Bailey/Borwein formula + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2279 | hanrot | 2003-03-27 09:37:37 +0000 (Thu, 27 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_pi.c + +Credits for the pi formula modified. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2278 | zimmerma | 2003-03-26 10:01:02 +0000 (Wed, 26 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +changed back "unsigned char *" to "char *" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2277 | zimmerma | 2003-03-25 09:17:50 +0000 (Tue, 25 Mar 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +char * -> const unsigned char * for mpfr_set_str, mpfr_set_str_raw, +and mpfr_init_set_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2276 | zimmerma | 2003-03-24 13:24:54 +0000 (Mon, 24 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_ld.c + +removed unused variable + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2275 | zimmerma | 2003-03-18 10:55:37 +0000 (Tue, 18 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +fixed documentation bug in mpfr_log2 (exact results) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2274 | zimmerma | 2003-03-18 09:05:42 +0000 (Tue, 18 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +changed new test in 'check4' style + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2273 | vlefevre | 2003-03-17 02:08:03 +0000 (Mon, 17 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Update concerning underflow problems. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2272 | ryde | 2003-03-17 00:20:46 +0000 (Mon, 17 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +(main): Comment out underflows(), until it works. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2271 | ryde | 2003-03-17 00:04:41 +0000 (Mon, 17 Mar 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + +Comment out an assert tickled for an f with exponent +near MPFR_EMIN_MIN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2270 | ryde | 2003-03-16 23:32:38 +0000 (Sun, 16 Mar 2003) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +(LONGDOUBLE_NAN_ACTION): New version for IEEE quad big +endian, fixing HP cc. +(WANT_LONGDOUBLE_VOLATILE): New define for when LONGDOUBLE_VOLATILE is +wanted. +(WANT_GMPFR_LONGDOUBLE_VOLATILE): New define for when +__gmpfr_longdouble_volatile is wanted. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2269 | ryde | 2003-03-16 23:32:05 +0000 (Sun, 16 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/volatile.c + +Use WANT_GMPFR_LONGDOUBLE_VOLATILE. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2268 | ryde | 2003-03-16 23:29:27 +0000 (Sun, 16 Mar 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +(MPFR_C_LONG_DOUBLE_FORMAT): Add IEEE quad big endian, +check long double exists before testing. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2267 | vlefevre | 2003-03-14 11:55:34 +0000 (Fri, 14 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Added underflow test showing a bug in mpfr_pow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2266 | zimmerma | 2003-03-14 08:22:36 +0000 (Fri, 14 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +fixed bug for x=1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2265 | vlefevre | 2003-03-14 01:50:48 +0000 (Fri, 14 Mar 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/pow.c + +This wasn't a compiler bug; mpfr_pow is really buggy. +Added some asserts to show that. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2264 | vlefevre | 2003-03-14 01:12:44 +0000 (Fri, 14 Mar 2003) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +The infinite loop concerning 1^0.5 was probably due to a bug in the +compiler [cc (GCC) 3.2.3 20030309 (Debian prerelease)]: adding some +printf's changes the values of the variables and the correct result +is returned. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2263 | zimmerma | 2003-03-13 17:11:52 +0000 (Thu, 13 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +fixed sign problem in particular_cases() + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2262 | zimmerma | 2003-03-13 17:10:45 +0000 (Thu, 13 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + +declared mpfr_ui_pow_is_exact as static + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2261 | zimmerma | 2003-03-13 17:10:02 +0000 (Thu, 13 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +gnu-style + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2260 | vlefevre | 2003-03-13 00:26:48 +0000 (Thu, 13 Mar 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + +Removed some useless and inaccurate tests on NaN, infinities, zeros +(as the behavior of mpfr_pow on such particular cases has changed); +similar tests were added to "tests/tpow.c". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2259 | vlefevre | 2003-03-13 00:15:19 +0000 (Thu, 13 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Test of mpfr_pow: particular cases. Bugs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2258 | vlefevre | 2003-03-12 18:19:59 +0000 (Wed, 12 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + +Special cases for mpfr_pow(). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2257 | zimmerma | 2003-03-11 17:32:46 +0000 (Tue, 11 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/out_str.c + +when stream=NULL, use stdout (as indicated in the documentation) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2256 | vlefevre | 2003-03-03 06:04:29 +0000 (Mon, 03 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +mpfr_sin_sign -> static. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2255 | vlefevre | 2003-03-03 06:03:24 +0000 (Mon, 03 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +Useless declaration removed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2254 | vlefevre | 2003-03-03 05:51:30 +0000 (Mon, 03 Mar 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +Special cases for mpfr_pow: like Section F.9.4.4 of the +ISO C99 standard. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2253 | vlefevre | 2003-03-03 05:14:18 +0000 (Mon, 03 Mar 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +Prototype fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2252 | vlefevre | 2003-02-27 10:20:34 +0000 (Thu, 27 Feb 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +mpfr_set_str now accepts a binary exponent for base 16 +(as defined by the ISO C99 standard). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2251 | vlefevre | 2003-02-27 05:32:01 +0000 (Thu, 27 Feb 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Comment concerning the installation of MPFR: done. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2250 | vlefevre | 2003-02-27 05:18:56 +0000 (Thu, 27 Feb 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +New recommendation to install MPFR. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2249 | hanrot | 2003-02-24 12:32:56 +0000 (Mon, 24 Feb 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +Replaced NaN, Inf by @NaN@, @Inf@ [for bases > 24]. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2248 | zimmerma | 2003-02-21 15:06:24 +0000 (Fri, 21 Feb 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2247 | vlefevre | 2003-02-21 15:04:06 +0000 (Fri, 21 Feb 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_ui.c + +Fixed cast (though unnecessary). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2246 | zimmerma | 2003-02-21 13:07:46 +0000 (Fri, 21 Feb 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2245 | zimmerma | 2003-02-13 15:31:51 +0000 (Thu, 13 Feb 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +added mpf_compat, mpfr_compat + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2244 | zimmerma | 2003-02-13 15:30:41 +0000 (Thu, 13 Feb 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.c + A /trunk/tests/mpf_compat.h + A /trunk/tests/mpfr_compat.c + +test files for mpf-mpfr compatibility + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2243 | zimmerma | 2003-02-13 15:29:27 +0000 (Thu, 13 Feb 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +added mpfr_init_set_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2242 | zimmerma | 2003-02-13 14:50:37 +0000 (Thu, 13 Feb 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added "const" to char* arg. of mpfr_init_set_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2241 | zimmerma | 2003-02-13 14:49:47 +0000 (Thu, 13 Feb 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + +added macros for new mpfr functions +changed some old macros + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2240 | zimmerma | 2003-02-13 08:57:19 +0000 (Thu, 13 Feb 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + +mpfr_isinteger -> mpfr_integer_p + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2239 | zimmerma | 2003-02-13 08:56:34 +0000 (Thu, 13 Feb 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +document new functions (fits_*, get_ui, get_si, get_d_2exp) +added integer_p that was not documented + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2238 | zimmerma | 2003-02-13 08:55:23 +0000 (Thu, 13 Feb 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr_isinteger -> mpfr_integer_p +new functions: mpfr_fits_*, mpfr_get_ui, mpfr_get_si, mpfr_get_d_2exp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2237 | zimmerma | 2003-02-13 08:53:54 +0000 (Thu, 13 Feb 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + +added mpfr_get_d_2exp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2236 | zimmerma | 2003-02-13 08:52:15 +0000 (Thu, 13 Feb 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +new functions mpfr_fits_* and mpfr_get_ui/si + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2235 | zimmerma | 2003-02-13 08:51:29 +0000 (Thu, 13 Feb 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/fits_s.h + A /trunk/fits_sint.c + A /trunk/fits_slong.c + A /trunk/fits_sshort.c + A /trunk/fits_u.h + A /trunk/fits_uint.c + A /trunk/fits_ulong.c + A /trunk/fits_ushort.c + A /trunk/get_si.c + A /trunk/get_ui.c + +new functions mpfr_fits_* and mpfr_get_[us]i + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2234 | zimmerma | 2003-01-27 10:13:37 +0000 (Mon, 27 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +check for +/-0.0 after variable set to NaN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2233 | vlefevre | 2003-01-25 02:44:06 +0000 (Sat, 25 Jan 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +Suppressed the underscores of AC_CHECK_LIBM in comments, otherwise +aclocal 1.4-p6 includes libtool code in aclocal.m4 and this leads +to compilation problems. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2232 | ryde | 2003-01-25 00:44:05 +0000 (Sat, 25 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +(_MPFR_H_HAVE_FILE): Copy FILE define tests from gmp.h, adds +Borland, Microsoft and Apple MPW. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2231 | ryde | 2003-01-25 00:28:59 +0000 (Sat, 25 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +(libmpfr_a_SOURCES): Add volatile.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2230 | ryde | 2003-01-25 00:28:30 +0000 (Sat, 25 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/volatile.c + +New file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2229 | ryde | 2003-01-25 00:28:04 +0000 (Sat, 25 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +(Isnan_ld): New function based on LONGDOUBLE_NAN_ACTION, use it +instead of LONGDOUBLE_ISNAN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2228 | ryde | 2003-01-25 00:21:21 +0000 (Sat, 25 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +(LONGDOUBLE_ISNAN): Remove. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2227 | ryde | 2003-01-25 00:21:02 +0000 (Sat, 25 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +(LONGDOUBLE_ISNAN): Remove this, use LONGDOUBLE_NAN_ACTION instead. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2226 | ryde | 2003-01-25 00:20:07 +0000 (Sat, 25 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +(LONGDOUBLE_NAN_ACTION): New macro. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2225 | ryde | 2003-01-24 21:47:56 +0000 (Fri, 24 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +Allow "e" exponent in base<=10 not <10. Restrict "E" +exponent to base<=10 too, since digits are not case sensitive. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2224 | vlefevre | 2003-01-24 19:08:07 +0000 (Fri, 24 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + +Prototypes: use static. Some code reformatting. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2223 | vlefevre | 2003-01-24 16:49:54 +0000 (Fri, 24 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +The sign wasn't set when the result was zero. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2222 | ryde | 2003-01-24 16:17:04 +0000 (Fri, 24 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +Reject "", "+" and "-", also fixing an attempt to allocate a 0 length +block in these cases. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2221 | ryde | 2003-01-24 16:03:35 +0000 (Fri, 24 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +Clear NAN and INF flags when setting result to zero. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2220 | vlefevre | 2003-01-24 11:29:42 +0000 (Fri, 24 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +Fixed prototypes (use static...). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2219 | vlefevre | 2003-01-24 11:28:34 +0000 (Fri, 24 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + +Missing #include. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2218 | zimmerma | 2003-01-23 13:16:00 +0000 (Thu, 23 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +workaround for gcc bug on m68040-unknown-netbsd1.4.1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2217 | zimmerma | 2003-01-23 12:41:31 +0000 (Thu, 23 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +added cast to double + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2216 | ryde | 2003-01-23 00:00:29 +0000 (Thu, 23 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +Use mpfr_set_nan and mpfr_set_inf for NaN and Inf tests, +not "double" nans and infs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2215 | ryde | 2003-01-22 23:40:43 +0000 (Wed, 22 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +Use mpfr_set_nan and mpfr_set_inf for NaN and Inf tests, +not "double" nans and infs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2214 | ryde | 2003-01-22 23:32:19 +0000 (Wed, 22 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +Use mpfr_set_nan and mpfr_set_inf for NaN and Inf tests, +not "double" nans and infs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2213 | ryde | 2003-01-22 22:59:46 +0000 (Wed, 22 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +Use tests_start_mpfr / tests_end_mpfr. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2212 | ryde | 2003-01-22 22:39:38 +0000 (Wed, 22 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Use tests_start_mpfr / tests_end_mpfr. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2211 | ryde | 2003-01-22 22:34:54 +0000 (Wed, 22 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +Use tests_start_mpfr / tests_end_mpfr. +(check_large): Use __gmp_free_func to free mpfr_get_str result. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2210 | ryde | 2003-01-22 22:27:46 +0000 (Wed, 22 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +Use mpfr_set_nan and mpfr_set_inf for NaN and Inf tests, +not "double" nans and infs. Use tests_start_mpfr / tests_end_mpfr. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2209 | ryde | 2003-01-22 22:24:50 +0000 (Wed, 22 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +Use mpfr_set_nan and mpfr_set_inf for NaN and Inf tests, +not "double" nans and infs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2208 | ryde | 2003-01-22 22:18:09 +0000 (Wed, 22 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +Remove tests involving "double" nans and infs, covered by check_nan. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2207 | ryde | 2003-01-22 22:15:49 +0000 (Wed, 22 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + +Use mpfr_set_nan and mpfr_set_inf for NaN and Inf tests, +not "double" nans and infs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2206 | ryde | 2003-01-18 00:31:30 +0000 (Sat, 18 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Move log_b2.h from include_HEADERS to libmpfr_a_SOURCES, it doesn't +want to be installed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2205 | ryde | 2003-01-18 00:14:32 +0000 (Sat, 18 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +Correction to memory leak fix, need "result" for final rounding. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2204 | ryde | 2003-01-17 23:50:10 +0000 (Fri, 17 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +Fix two memory leaks. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2203 | ryde | 2003-01-17 23:08:05 +0000 (Fri, 17 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +(LDADD): Add $(MPFR_LIBM). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2202 | ryde | 2003-01-17 23:00:42 +0000 (Fri, 17 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Remove -lm setups, now handled by MPFR_CHECK_LIBM. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2201 | ryde | 2003-01-17 22:59:51 +0000 (Fri, 17 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +(MPFR_CHECK_LIBM): New macro. +(MPFR_CONFIGS): Use it. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2200 | zimmerma | 2003-01-17 14:59:48 +0000 (Fri, 17 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/NEWS + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +added copyright notices and license statements + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2199 | zimmerma | 2003-01-17 08:58:45 +0000 (Fri, 17 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +now use __gmpfr_floor_log2 instead of floor/log to get rid of math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2198 | zimmerma | 2003-01-17 08:52:49 +0000 (Fri, 17 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +removed unused function dagm(), and get rid of math.h +added tests for NaN, Inf's + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2197 | vlefevre | 2003-01-17 00:55:13 +0000 (Fri, 17 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +Re-added $OBJEXT, using AC_REQUIRE([AC_OBJEXT]) for old autoconf. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2196 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 17:46:17 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +put back math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2195 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 17:44:13 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +added back math.h (for sqrt) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2194 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 17:32:19 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added log_b2.h in include_HEADERS + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2193 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 17:28:18 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +added tsin_cos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2192 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 17:23:25 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added #ifdef HAVE_DENORMS for denormalized test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2191 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 17:18:07 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +removed math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2190 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 17:13:43 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + +added year 2003 in copyright line +removed math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2189 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 17:01:07 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +added 2003, removed math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2188 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 16:58:56 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +added 2003 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2187 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 16:57:37 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + +removed math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2186 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 16:52:51 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +added year 2003 +removed math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2185 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 16:40:46 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +patch for compiler bug on hppa2.0w-hp-hpux11.11 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2184 | vlefevre | 2003-01-16 16:33:05 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +Macro LONGDOUBLE_ISNAN wasn't defined. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2183 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 16:04:04 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +now always define Isnan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2182 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 16:03:34 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +moved LONGDOUBLE_ISNAN to mpfr-test.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2181 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 16:03:04 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +removed check from isnan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2180 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 16:01:55 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +replaced isnan() by Isnan() + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2179 | vlefevre | 2003-01-16 13:58:55 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +AC_PREREQ(2.50) added (useful when both autoconf 2.13 and autoconf +2.50 are installed, with a wrapper to select the required version). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2178 | vlefevre | 2003-01-16 13:30:03 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Comment in mpfr_test_init: s/preprocessor/compiler/. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2177 | zimmerma | 2003-01-16 13:26:53 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +fixed pb in mpfr_test_init with the compiler optimizing too much +(this happened on Alpha with -O1 or higher) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2176 | vlefevre | 2003-01-15 20:43:58 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Standard prototype only. Particular cases added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2175 | zimmerma | 2003-01-15 17:29:10 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + +moved common prototype for mpn_exp in mpfr-impl.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2174 | zimmerma | 2003-01-15 17:28:33 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +removed spurious ; after MPFR_ESIZE +added prototype for mpn_exp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2173 | zimmerma | 2003-01-15 17:17:17 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +removed items done + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2172 | zimmerma | 2003-01-15 17:14:32 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +new tests from Alain Delplanque + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2171 | zimmerma | 2003-01-15 17:13:50 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +new version using mpn_set_str +[written by Alain Delplanque, edited by Paul Zimmermann] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2170 | vlefevre | 2003-01-15 13:05:06 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +Replace $OBJEXT by o (as $OBJEXT isn't defined everywhere). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2169 | vlefevre | 2003-01-15 12:50:13 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +A ` must be quoted to avoid an error with Autoconf 2.13. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2168 | vlefevre | 2003-01-15 11:40:35 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +Use type mp_prec_t for precisions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2167 | vlefevre | 2003-01-15 11:29:46 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +Source re-indented. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2166 | vlefevre | 2003-01-15 11:22:26 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jan 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +Several bugs fixed concerning the particular cases. + and not included by default. +int mpfr_gamma _PROTO ... removed (was useless). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2165 | zimmerma | 2003-01-15 09:54:12 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + +get rid of ceil() call, that requires -lm + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2164 | ryde | 2003-01-14 23:02:26 +0000 (Tue, 14 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_ld.c + +Force LDBL_MANT_DIG on IEEE extended, to avoid problems with +some i386 gcc. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2163 | ryde | 2003-01-14 22:48:03 +0000 (Tue, 14 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +Avoid problems with bad LDBL_MAX and LDBL_MANT_DIG on some i386 gcc. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2162 | ryde | 2003-01-14 22:43:24 +0000 (Tue, 14 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +(MPFR_C_LONG_DOUBLE_FORMAT): New macro. +(MPFR_CONFIGS): Use it. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2161 | vlefevre | 2003-01-11 19:32:47 +0000 (Sat, 11 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + +Required casts added (and switch from uint to ulong); +in particular, useful on Alpha. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2160 | ryde | 2003-01-10 21:42:53 +0000 (Fri, 10 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + +# Add a copyright year. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2159 | ryde | 2003-01-10 21:31:31 +0000 (Fri, 10 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + +Tolerate empty argv[1], which can arise from ancient bash executing +the libtool shared library wrapper script. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2158 | ryde | 2003-01-10 20:59:19 +0000 (Fri, 10 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + +Tolerate empty argv[1], which can arise from ancient bash executing +the libtool shared library wrapper script. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2157 | ryde | 2003-01-10 15:39:03 +0000 (Fri, 10 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_ld.c + +Avoid unnecessary extra power of 2 squaring, so as not to provoke an +overflow exception when result is in range. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2156 | vlefevre | 2003-01-10 13:41:42 +0000 (Fri, 10 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Extended precision detection fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2155 | zimmerma | 2003-01-09 14:06:37 +0000 (Thu, 09 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_ld.c + +fixed possible overflow when EXP=1024 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2154 | zimmerma | 2003-01-09 14:05:30 +0000 (Thu, 09 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +rewritten to avoid overflows + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2153 | zimmerma | 2003-01-09 09:56:04 +0000 (Thu, 09 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2152 | ryde | 2003-01-08 23:14:50 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +# Add a copyright year. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2151 | ryde | 2003-01-08 23:09:51 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +#Add a copyright year. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2150 | ryde | 2003-01-08 23:04:40 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +(mpn_exp): Don't store -1 in a uint then return it as a long. +Fixes systems such as alpha where sizeof(uint)!=sizeof(long). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2149 | ryde | 2003-01-08 22:07:59 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +(AC_CHECK_HEADERS): Remove fpu_control.h, no longer required. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2148 | ryde | 2003-01-08 21:17:29 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +Use tests_machine_prec_long_double. +Use LDBL_MAX for largest value and to find largest power of 2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2147 | ryde | 2003-01-08 21:03:01 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jan 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +(__setfpucw, _FPU_EXTENDED, etc): Remove these setups. +(tests_machine_prec_double, tests_machine_prec_long_double, +x86_fstcw, x86_fldcw): Add prototypes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2146 | ryde | 2003-01-08 21:00:32 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +(tests_machine_prec_double, tests_machine_prec_long_double): New functions. +(mpfr_test_init): Replace __setfpucw with tests_machine_prec_double. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2145 | ryde | 2003-01-08 20:52:04 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +(MPFR_CONFIGS): Add tests/x86.asm support. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2144 | ryde | 2003-01-08 20:48:47 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +(X86_PATTERN): New define, supporting acinclude.m4. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2143 | ryde | 2003-01-08 20:43:02 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +Add x86.asm support. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2142 | ryde | 2003-01-08 20:35:33 +0000 (Wed, 08 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/x86.asm + +New file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2141 | zimmerma | 2003-01-07 10:31:43 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +fixed pb for underflow and rounding to nearest + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2140 | zimmerma | 2003-01-07 09:25:47 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jan 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +added macro LONGDOUBLE_ISNAN +use LONGDOUBLE_ISNAN in set_ld instead of cast to double and DOUBLE_ISNAN +(did raise exception under freebsd) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2139 | vlefevre | 2003-01-07 01:46:51 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jan 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +Added assertions that can be resolved at compile time: the exponents +must be representable in a long int (IMHO, this limitation should be +avoided in a clean way). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2138 | ryde | 2003-01-06 21:56:38 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Remove mpfr_get_ld, done. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2137 | ryde | 2003-01-06 21:53:01 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Remove mpfr_set_machine_rnd_mode, done. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2136 | vlefevre | 2003-01-06 21:48:33 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +Bug fix: __mpfr_emax -> __gmpfr_emax. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2135 | ryde | 2003-01-06 21:47:37 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +Use separate function calls to second strncasecmp and strncmp +for consistency and to avoid gcc warnings. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2134 | zimmerma | 2003-01-06 19:28:25 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + +fixed infinite loop for 2^integer + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2133 | vlefevre | 2003-01-06 10:30:52 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +Use digit_value_in_base for the part after the '.'. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2132 | vlefevre | 2003-01-06 10:11:15 +0000 (Mon, 06 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +Static function digit_value_in_base is now compatible with any locale. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2131 | ryde | 2003-01-03 23:07:37 +0000 (Fri, 03 Jan 2003) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +() [__mips]: Move from mpfr-test.h to tests/tests.c, +and conditionalize with HAVE_SYS_FPU_H. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2130 | ryde | 2003-01-03 23:03:35 +0000 (Fri, 03 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +(AC_CHECK_HEADERS): Add sys/fpu.h. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2129 | ryde | 2003-01-03 23:02:12 +0000 (Fri, 03 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +(HAVE_DENORMS) [__mips]: Remove this, let the configure test decide. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2128 | ryde | 2003-01-03 21:47:20 +0000 (Fri, 03 Jan 2003) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +Use separate function calls to strncasecmp and strncmp, rather than +?: on function pointers, since the latter demands declarations not +present on SunOS. Both forms are optimized the same by gcc. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2127 | vlefevre | 2003-01-03 21:38:33 +0000 (Fri, 03 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Added some potential bugs (mpfr_exp2 is known to have such a bug). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2126 | ryde | 2003-01-02 23:48:32 +0000 (Thu, 02 Jan 2003) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +Add gmp-impl.h for __gmp_free_func. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2125 | vlefevre | 2002-12-16 00:56:03 +0000 (Mon, 16 Dec 2002) | 15 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gammaPiAGMformula.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/save_expo.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_exp.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + +Suppress some #define and fix symbol names (makes code cleaner): +perl -pi -e 's/__mpfr_flags/__gmpfr_flags/g' **/*.{c,h} +perl -pi -e 's/__mpfr_emin/__gmpfr_emin/g' **/*.{c,h} +perl -pi -e 's/__mpfr_emax/__gmpfr_emax/g' **/*.{c,h} +perl -pi -e 's/__mpfr_default_fp_bit_precision/__gmpfr_default_fp_bit_precision/g' **/*.{c,h} +perl -pi -e 's/__gmp_default_rounding_mode/__gmpfr_default_rounding_mode/g' **/*.{c,h} +perl -pi -e 's/__mpfr_const_log2_prec/__gmpfr_const_log2_prec/g' **/*.{c,h} +perl -pi -e 's/__mpfr_const_pi_prec/__gmpfr_const_pi_prec/g' **/*.{c,h} +perl -pi -e 's/_mpfr_ceil_log2/__gmpfr_ceil_log2/g' **/*.{c,h} +perl -pi -e 's/_mpfr_floor_log2/__gmpfr_floor_log2/g' **/*.{c,h} +perl -pi -e 's/_mpfr_ceil_exp2/__gmpfr_ceil_exp2/g' **/*.{c,h} +perl -pi -e 's/_mpfr_isqrt/__gmpfr_isqrt/g' **/*.{c,h} +perl -pi -e 's/_mpfr_cuberoot/__gmpfr_cuberoot/g' **/*.{c,h} +perl -pi -e 's/^#define __gmpfr_.*\n//' *.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2124 | vlefevre | 2002-12-13 18:06:58 +0000 (Fri, 13 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2123 | vlefevre | 2002-12-13 18:01:04 +0000 (Fri, 13 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +IEEE 754 / IEEE P754 -> IEEE 754-1985. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2122 | vlefevre | 2002-12-13 11:20:28 +0000 (Fri, 13 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Correction. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2121 | vlefevre | 2002-12-13 11:19:25 +0000 (Fri, 13 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Added a note about the signed zero. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2120 | vlefevre | 2002-12-13 02:35:45 +0000 (Fri, 13 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +Assertion re-added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2119 | vlefevre | 2002-12-13 02:34:50 +0000 (Fri, 13 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/missing + +Update for new version of automake/autoconf. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2118 | vlefevre | 2002-12-13 02:23:23 +0000 (Fri, 13 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/depcomp + +depcomp script added for new version of automake. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2117 | ryde | 2002-12-12 22:30:05 +0000 (Thu, 12 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Don't -D define PACKAGE_VERSION etc, to avoid conflict with gmp config.h. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2116 | zimmerma | 2002-12-12 16:41:43 +0000 (Thu, 12 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added paragraph about accuracy + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2115 | zimmerma | 2002-12-12 15:32:52 +0000 (Thu, 12 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +rewritten unclear paragraph about precision + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2114 | zimmerma | 2002-12-12 14:42:42 +0000 (Thu, 12 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added one item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2113 | zimmerma | 2002-12-12 14:38:03 +0000 (Thu, 12 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +use MPN_NORMALIZE_NOT_ZERO instead of loop + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2112 | vlefevre | 2002-12-11 14:31:28 +0000 (Wed, 11 Dec 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/memory.c + +Added #include "mpfr.h" (needed by mpfr-test.h as it uses +mp_rnd_t in one of the prototypes). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2111 | vlefevre | 2002-12-10 22:23:04 +0000 (Tue, 10 Dec 2002) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +Patch by Torbjorn Granlund : Don't use TMP_ allocation +mechanism for fixed size objects. Resulting streamlining. Misc +addressing changes to work around GNUPro bugs. +Patch by VL: Some other changes in mpfr_set_d. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2110 | vlefevre | 2002-12-07 12:26:11 +0000 (Sat, 07 Dec 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/const_euler.c + +(mpfr_const_euler_S, mpfr_const_euler_R) +Make declaration match prototype (patch by Torbjorn Granlund). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2109 | vlefevre | 2002-12-04 11:22:24 +0000 (Wed, 04 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/config.guess + M /trunk/config.sub + +Update from + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2108 | zimmerma | 2002-12-03 13:32:21 +0000 (Tue, 03 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Use @ifnottex/@end iffnotex instead of @ifinfo/@end ifinfo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2107 | vlefevre | 2002-12-02 11:44:35 +0000 (Mon, 02 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + +Fix rnd_mode.c (again). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2106 | zimmerma | 2002-12-02 09:44:41 +0000 (Mon, 02 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +put redefinitions of external symbols just before prototypes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2105 | zimmerma | 2002-12-02 09:23:47 +0000 (Mon, 02 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +updated + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2104 | zimmerma | 2002-12-02 09:21:40 +0000 (Mon, 02 Dec 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +added new known bugs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2103 | ryde | 2002-11-29 23:05:47 +0000 (Fri, 29 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Add notes on mpf_t maintaining actual size for efficiency. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2102 | ryde | 2002-11-29 22:52:20 +0000 (Fri, 29 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Remove mpfr_set_machine_rnd_mode task. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2101 | ryde | 2002-11-29 22:51:58 +0000 (Fri, 29 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Tweak some math formatting for tex. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2100 | ryde | 2002-11-29 22:45:40 +0000 (Fri, 29 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +(mpfr_set_machine_rnd_mode): Move prototype to mpfr-test.h. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2099 | ryde | 2002-11-29 22:42:19 +0000 (Fri, 29 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +(libfrtests_a_SOURCES): Add rnd_mode.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2098 | ryde | 2002-11-29 22:41:57 +0000 (Fri, 29 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +(libmpfr_a_SOURCES): Remove rnd_mode.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2097 | ryde | 2002-11-29 22:40:40 +0000 (Fri, 29 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/rnd_mode.c + +Remove file, moved to tests directory. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2096 | ryde | 2002-11-29 22:40:01 +0000 (Fri, 29 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/rnd_mode.c + +New file, moved from top-level directory. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2095 | ryde | 2002-11-29 22:22:40 +0000 (Fri, 29 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +(Rounding Modes): Remove mpfr_set_machine_rnd_mode. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2094 | ryde | 2002-11-29 21:42:11 +0000 (Fri, 29 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/setmin.c + +Use GNU style code layout. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2093 | ryde | 2002-11-29 21:35:59 +0000 (Fri, 29 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/setmax.c + +Use GNU style code layout. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2092 | zimmerma | 2002-11-29 17:26:31 +0000 (Fri, 29 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +redefined external symbols in the __gmpfr namespace + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2091 | zimmerma | 2002-11-25 17:04:36 +0000 (Mon, 25 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +added one fprintf in case of error + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2090 | vlefevre | 2002-11-25 16:11:33 +0000 (Mon, 25 Nov 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + +mpfr_set_machine_rnd_mode fixed to compile on some architectures +(e.g. ARM). Now returns an int. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2089 | vlefevre | 2002-11-25 15:30:56 +0000 (Mon, 25 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +Bug fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2088 | zimmerma | 2002-11-25 12:54:49 +0000 (Mon, 25 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +removed all tests that compare to libm + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2087 | zimmerma | 2002-11-25 10:54:35 +0000 (Mon, 25 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +changed to distinguish mpfr failures from libm failures + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2086 | zimmerma | 2002-11-25 10:37:43 +0000 (Mon, 25 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +added 3 tests that make libm fail under HP-PA + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2085 | vlefevre | 2002-11-23 23:47:18 +0000 (Sat, 23 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2084 | zimmerma | 2002-11-22 10:40:05 +0000 (Fri, 22 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + +forgot to remove debug statement + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2083 | zimmerma | 2002-11-22 10:26:38 +0000 (Fri, 22 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + +fixed bug (infinite loop) for exact powers + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2082 | ryde | 2002-11-21 22:28:44 +0000 (Thu, 21 Nov 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +More on tuned thresholds, more on config.h etc, new section on mpf/mpfr +integration. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2081 | vlefevre | 2002-11-20 14:34:08 +0000 (Wed, 20 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +Code clean-up. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2080 | zimmerma | 2002-11-20 13:08:23 +0000 (Wed, 20 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +fixed some problems found by insure + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2079 | zimmerma | 2002-11-20 11:03:21 +0000 (Wed, 20 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +forgotten fclose() call + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2078 | zimmerma | 2002-11-20 10:13:01 +0000 (Wed, 20 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +fixed array bound write + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2077 | zimmerma | 2002-11-19 16:46:45 +0000 (Tue, 19 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +fixed non-ansi features + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2076 | zimmerma | 2002-11-19 16:26:22 +0000 (Tue, 19 Nov 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + +added explicit cast + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2075 | zimmerma | 2002-10-24 12:04:59 +0000 (Thu, 24 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added mpfr_cbrt + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2074 | vlefevre | 2002-10-20 09:46:03 +0000 (Sun, 20 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2073 | zimmerma | 2002-10-20 07:43:07 +0000 (Sun, 20 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +fixed bug with wrong sign detection + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2072 | vlefevre | 2002-10-19 10:25:49 +0000 (Sat, 19 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + +Some fixes to avoid overflows. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2071 | zimmerma | 2002-10-19 08:08:47 +0000 (Sat, 19 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + +fixed bug for large arguments + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2070 | zimmerma | 2002-10-19 08:08:15 +0000 (Sat, 19 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cbrt.c + +improved code for rounding to nearest + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2069 | zimmerma | 2002-10-19 08:05:45 +0000 (Sat, 19 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + +fixed bug for EXP(x) > EMAX/2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2068 | zimmerma | 2002-10-19 08:04:51 +0000 (Sat, 19 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +modified description of hypot and cbrt + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2067 | vlefevre | 2002-10-18 14:57:01 +0000 (Fri, 18 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2066 | vlefevre | 2002-10-18 14:53:53 +0000 (Fri, 18 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +Added test showing bug in sign detection. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2065 | vlefevre | 2002-10-18 13:45:02 +0000 (Fri, 18 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +Added newline. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2064 | vlefevre | 2002-10-18 12:39:07 +0000 (Fri, 18 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Bug in mpfr_hypot. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2063 | vlefevre | 2002-10-18 12:26:16 +0000 (Fri, 18 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +Added test that makes mpfr_hypot fail. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2062 | vlefevre | 2002-10-18 12:06:17 +0000 (Fri, 18 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + +Precision Nt: int -> mp_prec_t. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2061 | vlefevre | 2002-10-18 10:21:31 +0000 (Fri, 18 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + +Added some tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2060 | vlefevre | 2002-10-18 09:58:41 +0000 (Fri, 18 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + +main () -> main (void). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2059 | zimmerma | 2002-10-18 07:00:18 +0000 (Fri, 18 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c + +added tcbrt.c, test file for mpfr_cbrt + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2058 | zimmerma | 2002-10-18 06:58:51 +0000 (Fri, 18 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + +fixed overflow problem + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2057 | zimmerma | 2002-10-18 06:58:08 +0000 (Fri, 18 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cbrt.c + +completely rewritten using mpz_root + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2056 | zimmerma | 2002-10-18 06:57:14 +0000 (Fri, 18 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added cbrt + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2055 | vlefevre | 2002-10-17 16:48:10 +0000 (Thu, 17 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +C9X -> ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (ISO C99). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2054 | vlefevre | 2002-10-17 16:03:57 +0000 (Thu, 17 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +Cases NaN and -0.0 taken into account. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2053 | zimmerma | 2002-10-17 15:37:00 +0000 (Thu, 17 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +added check for +0 and -0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2052 | zimmerma | 2002-10-17 15:13:09 +0000 (Thu, 17 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +added one test (2^1024) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2051 | zimmerma | 2002-10-17 15:11:54 +0000 (Thu, 17 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +fixed bug when overflow for double type + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2050 | zimmerma | 2002-10-17 12:56:49 +0000 (Thu, 17 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added mpfr_set_ld and mpfr_get_ld + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2049 | vlefevre | 2002-10-16 18:37:48 +0000 (Wed, 16 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_ld.c + +Fix for -0.0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2048 | zimmerma | 2002-10-16 18:21:54 +0000 (Wed, 16 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/log_b2.h + +constants for mpfr_get_str and mpfr_set_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2047 | vlefevre | 2002-10-16 16:25:56 +0000 (Wed, 16 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +Obsolete comment removed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2046 | vlefevre | 2002-10-16 16:23:35 +0000 (Wed, 16 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Removed log_b2.h as it doesn't seem to be necessary. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2045 | zimmerma | 2002-10-16 15:41:24 +0000 (Wed, 16 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added prototype for mpfr_get_ld + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2044 | zimmerma | 2002-10-16 15:40:19 +0000 (Wed, 16 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/get_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +added mpfr_get_ld and tests for set_ld/get_ld + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2043 | zimmerma | 2002-10-16 15:38:46 +0000 (Wed, 16 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +added cast to long double + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2042 | vlefevre | 2002-10-16 10:08:09 +0000 (Wed, 16 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Update (tset_ld). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2041 | vlefevre | 2002-10-16 08:13:25 +0000 (Wed, 16 Oct 2002) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +Test removed as the minimal precision for a long double is something +like 10 decimal digits. Anyway, there are implementations for which +long double = double = IEEE double precision. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2040 | vlefevre | 2002-10-16 07:38:15 +0000 (Wed, 16 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ld.c + +DBL_MANT_DIG and LDBL_MANT_DIG are normally defined by . + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2039 | zimmerma | 2002-10-15 14:58:26 +0000 (Tue, 15 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + A /trunk/set_ld.c + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tset_ld.c + +added mpfr_set_ld and test file + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2038 | vlefevre | 2002-10-13 14:12:46 +0000 (Sun, 13 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Bug in mpfr_sin (and perhaps other functions): error analysis. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2037 | vlefevre | 2002-10-13 13:54:45 +0000 (Sun, 13 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Bug fixed (found by Dmitrii Baksheyev): atan(1) cannot be exact. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2036 | ryde | 2002-10-08 01:41:21 +0000 (Tue, 08 Oct 2002) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Remove mpfr_get_str using mpn_get_str (done). +Remove no grepping for __setfpucw, done (near enough). +New thread-safety section, add const_pi and const_log2 caching. +New portability section, add mingw random and _mpfr_ceil_log2 IEEE-ism. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2035 | ryde | 2002-10-08 01:38:34 +0000 (Tue, 08 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +(AC_MY_LIBS): Show the filename in the error message. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2034 | zimmerma | 2002-10-04 14:32:53 +0000 (Fri, 04 Oct 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + +mpfr_get_default_prec was missing (thanks to F. Morain) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2033 | vlefevre | 2002-09-30 12:22:28 +0000 (Mon, 30 Sep 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Removed get_str.c bug, as the mpfr_get_str function has +completely been rewritten. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2032 | zimmerma | 2002-09-26 08:15:34 +0000 (Thu, 26 Sep 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed wrong inexact flag for a - b where a and b are of different signs +and EXP(a) < EXP(b) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2031 | zimmerma | 2002-09-26 08:00:09 +0000 (Thu, 26 Sep 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +added test for inexact flag (bug found by Andreas Enge) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2030 | ryde | 2002-09-23 22:51:26 +0000 (Mon, 23 Sep 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_prec.c + +(mpfr_init, mpfr_init2, mpfr_set_prec): Make void return, these always +succeed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2029 | zimmerma | 2002-09-23 12:25:52 +0000 (Mon, 23 Sep 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +fixed various tiny problems + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2028 | zimmerma | 2002-09-23 12:19:24 +0000 (Mon, 23 Sep 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + +added more tests for mpfr_urandomb, and for small precision + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2027 | zimmerma | 2002-09-23 08:45:25 +0000 (Mon, 23 Sep 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + +fixed bugs in mpfr_random2 (wrong exponent, invalid numbers) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2026 | zimmerma | 2002-09-23 08:42:28 +0000 (Mon, 23 Sep 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + +added checks for mpfr_random2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2025 | zimmerma | 2002-09-23 08:20:31 +0000 (Mon, 23 Sep 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +cmp_abs -> cmpabs (for compatibility with mpz) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2024 | ryde | 2002-09-21 22:57:26 +0000 (Sat, 21 Sep 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +(Converting Floats): Don't refer to the internal _mp_free_func with +mpfr_get_str. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2023 | ryde | 2002-09-21 22:51:58 +0000 (Sat, 21 Sep 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +(Special Functions, Internals): Make these into nodes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2022 | zimmerma | 2002-09-20 16:11:47 +0000 (Fri, 20 Sep 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +now accept uppercase letters too + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2021 | zimmerma | 2002-09-20 16:07:35 +0000 (Fri, 20 Sep 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +added test for uppercase letters + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2020 | zimmerma | 2002-09-18 15:11:33 +0000 (Wed, 18 Sep 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +now mpfr_agm returns an int (inexact flag) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2019 | vlefevre | 2002-09-13 10:11:33 +0000 (Fri, 13 Sep 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/prepare + +Some more information. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2018 | vlefevre | 2002-09-12 11:50:34 +0000 (Thu, 12 Sep 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +On HP-UX, use the +allowunsats switch for ld, otherwise ld complains +that some GMP symbols are unsatisfied. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2017 | zimmerma | 2002-09-12 09:54:44 +0000 (Thu, 12 Sep 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +fixed bug in reflection formula for x<1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2016 | vlefevre | 2002-08-23 22:05:08 +0000 (Fri, 23 Aug 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +MPFR now needs GMP 4.1 or higher. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2015 | ryde | 2002-08-22 00:56:07 +0000 (Thu, 22 Aug 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-math.h + +(__mpfr_nan): Clarify comments about HP C and alpha. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2014 | ryde | 2002-08-22 00:47:22 +0000 (Thu, 22 Aug 2002) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-math.h + +(_MPFR_NAN_BYTES, _MPFR_INFP_BYTES, _MPFR_INFM_BYTES): +Use HAVE_DOUBLE_IEEE_LITTLE_ENDIAN etc to select endianness, not a big +block of #ifdefs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2013 | vlefevre | 2002-08-12 00:35:25 +0000 (Mon, 12 Aug 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/strcasecmp.c + A /trunk/strncasecmp.c + +strcasecmp.c -> strcasecmp.c & strncasecmp.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2012 | ryde | 2002-08-07 01:47:30 +0000 (Wed, 07 Aug 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +Use $(top_builddir) consistently with libmpfr.a, for the benefit of +srcdir!=builddir. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2011 | vlefevre | 2002-08-02 23:36:46 +0000 (Fri, 02 Aug 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Don't touch user specified flags (CFLAGS). [patch by Kevin Ryde] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2010 | vlefevre | 2002-07-30 03:19:37 +0000 (Tue, 30 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/set_str.c + +Better check for strcasecmp and strncasecmp. Bug fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2009 | vlefevre | 2002-07-28 23:48:20 +0000 (Sun, 28 Jul 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/TODO + A /trunk/comparisons.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Functions mpfr_greater_p, mpfr_greaterequal_p, mpfr_less_p, +mpfr_lessequal_p, mpfr_lessgreater_p, mpfr_equal_p, mpfr_unordered_p. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2008 | vlefevre | 2002-07-28 01:58:32 +0000 (Sun, 28 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/prepare + M /trunk/tests/ + +Use AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = gnu [suggested by Kevin Ryde] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2007 | vlefevre | 2002-07-28 01:43:29 +0000 (Sun, 28 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +check target -> TESTS = $(check_PROGRAMS) [suggested by Kevin Ryde] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2006 | vlefevre | 2002-07-28 01:28:54 +0000 (Sun, 28 Jul 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/strcasecmp.c + +strcasecmp and strncasecmp -> mpfr_strcasecmp and mpfr_strncasecmp +if they are provided by MPFR. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2005 | vlefevre | 2002-07-28 00:50:51 +0000 (Sun, 28 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +TMP_MARK missing (patch by Kevin Ryde). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2004 | vlefevre | 2002-07-26 17:53:53 +0000 (Fri, 26 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2003 | vlefevre | 2002-07-26 17:49:03 +0000 (Fri, 26 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/ + +Update (mainly concerning CVS use). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2002 | vlefevre | 2002-07-26 15:52:58 +0000 (Fri, 26 Jul 2002) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/next.c + M /trunk/setmax.c + M /trunk/setmin.c + +Prototype of mpfr_setmax and mpfr_setmin changed (exponent given). +In mpfr_exp for x ~= 0, add_one_ulp and sub_one_ulp are no longer +used (sub_one_ulp was incorrect). These cases should now be faster. +Small fix in mpfr_nextabove, mpfr_nextbelow and mpfr_nexttoward. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2001 | vlefevre | 2002-07-26 15:21:45 +0000 (Fri, 26 Jul 2002) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/next.c + A /trunk/setmax.c + A /trunk/setmin.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + +New internal functions mpfr_setmin and mpfr_setmax. +New functions mpfr_nextabove, mpfr_nextbelow, mpfr_nexttoward. +Small fix in mpfr_sub_one_ulp. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2000 | zimmerma | 2002-07-26 13:24:45 +0000 (Fri, 26 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +improved the computation of g = ceil((e-1)/log_2(beta)), using two tables + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1999 | vlefevre | 2002-07-25 15:43:49 +0000 (Thu, 25 Jul 2002) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/save_expo.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + +Function mpfr_check_range now propagates the inexact ternary value. +Function mpfr_restore_emin_emax OR's the saved flags with the current +flags, as this is more useful in general. +Macro MPFR_RESTORE_RET removed (no longer useful). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1998 | vlefevre | 2002-07-24 17:38:21 +0000 (Wed, 24 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/frac.c + +Change concerning an assertion, due to GMP limitation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1997 | zimmerma | 2002-07-24 16:35:02 +0000 (Wed, 24 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +gnu indentation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1996 | zimmerma | 2002-07-24 16:32:49 +0000 (Wed, 24 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +reduce range of tests (did take too much time) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1995 | zimmerma | 2002-07-24 16:31:00 +0000 (Wed, 24 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +added plenty of new cases, now covers all lines of get_str.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1994 | zimmerma | 2002-07-24 16:29:40 +0000 (Wed, 24 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +updated documentation of mpfr_get_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1993 | zimmerma | 2002-07-24 16:28:21 +0000 (Wed, 24 Jul 2002) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +completely new version, written by Alain Delplanque and Paul Zimmermann. +It now directly uses mpn_get_str, with subquadratic complexity. +About 3 times faster than previous version in most cases. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1992 | vlefevre | 2002-07-24 16:23:27 +0000 (Wed, 24 Jul 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/frac.c + +Bug fixed: unsigned int variables changed to int to avoid operations +with mixed signed/unsigned variables and unwanted casts. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1991 | vlefevre | 2002-07-24 16:04:16 +0000 (Wed, 24 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/frac.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tfrac.c + +Function mpfr_frac and tests added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1990 | vlefevre | 2002-07-24 15:05:51 +0000 (Wed, 24 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set.c + +Bug fixed (0 was forgotten). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1989 | vlefevre | 2002-07-24 11:11:07 +0000 (Wed, 24 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/isinteger.c + +Optimization: mpfr_trunc no longer used! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1988 | vlefevre | 2002-07-24 10:13:00 +0000 (Wed, 24 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/isinteger.c + +mpfr_isinteger extended to non-fp numbers and to zero. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1987 | vlefevre | 2002-07-24 09:59:01 +0000 (Wed, 24 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/isnum.c + +Simpler test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1986 | vlefevre | 2002-07-23 17:19:47 +0000 (Tue, 23 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/mul.c + +Re-adding mul.c with fixed permissions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1985 | vlefevre | 2002-07-23 17:18:56 +0000 (Tue, 23 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/mul.c + +Temporarily removing mul.c in order to try to fix its permissions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1984 | vlefevre | 2002-07-23 16:22:08 +0000 (Tue, 23 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Fixed permissions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1983 | vlefevre | 2002-07-23 16:02:30 +0000 (Tue, 23 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + +Function mpfr_check_range improved in the underflow case. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1982 | vlefevre | 2002-07-22 15:52:33 +0000 (Mon, 22 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1981 | zimmerma | 2002-07-22 15:22:13 +0000 (Mon, 22 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/dump.c + +now dump in base 2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1980 | zimmerma | 2002-07-22 15:11:50 +0000 (Mon, 22 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +forgot one free() call + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1979 | vlefevre | 2002-07-22 13:57:15 +0000 (Mon, 22 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +mpfr_pow bug removed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1978 | vlefevre | 2002-07-22 13:54:55 +0000 (Mon, 22 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +Reindentation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1977 | vlefevre | 2002-07-22 13:51:20 +0000 (Mon, 22 Jul 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +pow.c: bug fixed (in the call to mpfr_can_round). +tpow.c: mpfr_clear added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1976 | vlefevre | 2002-07-22 13:26:54 +0000 (Mon, 22 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Modified the two tests to make the bug appear. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1975 | zimmerma | 2002-07-22 09:37:31 +0000 (Mon, 22 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +added two tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1974 | vlefevre | 2002-07-19 15:31:23 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Updated note concerning rcs2log. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1973 | vlefevre | 2002-07-19 11:31:30 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Line mpfr_get_exp / mpfr_set_exp removed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1972 | zimmerma | 2002-07-16 15:33:31 +0000 (Tue, 16 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +added function check_large + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1971 | vlefevre | 2002-07-15 13:16:15 +0000 (Mon, 15 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/config.guess + M /trunk/config.sub + +Update from + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1970 | vlefevre | 2002-07-14 23:44:41 +0000 (Sun, 14 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-math.h + +Add __sparc__ (patch by Nix ). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1969 | vlefevre | 2002-07-14 23:39:13 +0000 (Sun, 14 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Note about randomized tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1968 | vlefevre | 2002-07-04 15:09:17 +0000 (Thu, 04 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Bug concerning the rounding of pow(). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1967 | vlefevre | 2002-07-04 14:26:00 +0000 (Thu, 04 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +mpfr_pow() didn't work when the exponent was a negative integer. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1966 | vlefevre | 2002-07-04 14:25:40 +0000 (Thu, 04 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + +mpfr_get_z_exp() didn't work when the MPFR number was negative. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1965 | vlefevre | 2002-07-04 11:59:27 +0000 (Thu, 04 Jul 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/get_exp.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/set_exp.c + +New functions mpfr_get_exp and mpfr_set_exp. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1964 | zimmerma | 2002-06-27 14:07:06 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +removed duplicated entry (thread-safe) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1963 | zimmerma | 2002-06-27 13:57:23 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added new items + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1962 | zimmerma | 2002-06-27 12:55:03 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +added special cases + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1961 | zimmerma | 2002-06-27 12:50:36 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added one reference (nocite) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1960 | zimmerma | 2002-06-27 12:50:15 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + +added one reference + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1959 | zimmerma | 2002-06-27 12:49:01 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/inp_str.c + +fixed bug in return value + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1958 | zimmerma | 2002-06-27 12:30:03 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +new additions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1957 | zimmerma | 2002-06-27 09:31:01 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added pointer to mpfr_inp_str in mpfr_set_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1956 | vlefevre | 2002-06-26 23:55:24 +0000 (Wed, 26 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1955 | vlefevre | 2002-06-26 23:51:49 +0000 (Wed, 26 Jun 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + +MP_LIMB_T_HIGHBIT -> MPFR_LIMB_HIGHBIT. +MPFR is now compatible with GMP 4.1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1954 | vlefevre | 2002-06-15 10:50:23 +0000 (Sat, 15 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Added: make MPFR thread-safe. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1953 | zimmerma | 2002-06-14 13:14:34 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_q.c + +fixed bug found by Gerardo Ballabio + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1952 | zimmerma | 2002-06-14 13:14:08 +0000 (Fri, 14 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + +added one test (bug in mpfr-2.0.1 found by Gerardo Ballabio) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1951 | zimmerma | 2002-06-13 12:44:16 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added mpfr_modf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1950 | vlefevre | 2002-06-12 22:30:26 +0000 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Added modf (to implement). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1949 | vlefevre | 2002-06-08 22:58:28 +0000 (Sat, 08 Jun 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +check: Apply a hack to the parameter order to make sparc gcc 2.95.2 +happy (patch by Kevin Ryde) + static added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1948 | vlefevre | 2002-06-08 22:45:57 +0000 (Sat, 08 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Patch by Kevin Ryde. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1947 | vlefevre | 2002-06-08 02:45:27 +0000 (Sat, 08 Jun 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + +Suppress tests if sqrt is not affected by mpfr_set_machine_rnd_mode +(patch by Kevin Ryde). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1946 | vlefevre | 2002-06-08 02:25:49 +0000 (Sat, 08 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1945 | vlefevre | 2002-06-08 02:20:00 +0000 (Sat, 08 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + +fdl.texi added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1944 | vlefevre | 2002-06-08 02:16:07 +0000 (Sat, 08 Jun 2002) | 9 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/fdl.texi + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/texinfo.tex + +Patch by Kevin Ryde (and Vincent Lefevre). +mpfr.texi: Change license to FDL, use @copying per texinfo 4.2. +Use @dircategory, @direntry, @documentdescription. +Move @contents to start of file. +(VERSION, UPDATED): New variables. +(m, GMPtimes, times): New macros. +(Float Arithmetic): Fix html output. Reported by Richard Dawe. +(GNU Free Documentation License): New appendix. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1943 | vlefevre | 2002-06-06 11:08:47 +0000 (Thu, 06 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + +Use gmp-impl.h to get MPFR_HAVE_FESETROUND (reported by Kevin Ryde). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1942 | zimmerma | 2002-06-05 15:27:23 +0000 (Wed, 05 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +patch for mpfr.texi + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1941 | zimmerma | 2002-06-05 15:24:46 +0000 (Wed, 05 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +patch from Richard Dawe to generate HTML + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1940 | zimmerma | 2002-06-05 15:05:21 +0000 (Wed, 05 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +added mpfr_gamma in libmpfr + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1939 | vlefevre | 2002-06-05 01:01:42 +0000 (Wed, 05 Jun 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/tests.c + +Check for isnan. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1938 | vlefevre | 2002-05-29 13:08:04 +0000 (Wed, 29 May 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rint.c + +Bug fixed (possible integer overflow). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1937 | vlefevre | 2002-05-29 12:48:06 +0000 (Wed, 29 May 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + +Bug fixed (possible integer overflow). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1936 | vlefevre | 2002-05-29 12:41:19 +0000 (Wed, 29 May 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + +Bug fixed (possible integer overflow). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1935 | vlefevre | 2002-05-29 12:21:32 +0000 (Wed, 29 May 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exceptions.c + +Note added for mpfr_check_range. Bug fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1934 | vlefevre | 2002-05-29 11:37:31 +0000 (Wed, 29 May 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +Sign wasn't set (reported by Dmitrii Baksheyev). +Types fixed and code clean-up. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1933 | vlefevre | 2002-05-29 10:56:51 +0000 (Wed, 29 May 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + +Types fixed and code clean-up. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1932 | vlefevre | 2002-05-27 13:48:56 +0000 (Mon, 27 May 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/memory.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdump.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + A /trunk/tests/tests.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +Patch by Kevin Ryde for memory leak checking + misc declaration fixes. +Code moved from mpfr-test.h to tests.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1931 | vlefevre | 2002-05-14 23:14:53 +0000 (Tue, 14 May 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Ternary flag for mpfr_agm. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1930 | vlefevre | 2002-05-14 23:03:08 +0000 (Tue, 14 May 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/mpfi.h + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Copyright line updated. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1929 | zimmerma | 2002-05-14 14:47:35 +0000 (Tue, 14 May 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +ternary flag for mpfr_agm? + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1928 | zimmerma | 2002-05-14 14:37:20 +0000 (Tue, 14 May 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +update wrt mpfr_set_machine_rnd_mode + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1927 | zimmerma | 2002-05-14 09:44:27 +0000 (Tue, 14 May 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added mathematical description of arithmetico-geometric mean + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1926 | vlefevre | 2002-05-08 00:13:28 +0000 (Wed, 08 May 2002) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +The problem on a G4 PowerPC was a bug in gcc; this is now tested +in configure (float-conversion bug) and -ffloat-store is used if +need be. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1925 | vlefevre | 2002-05-06 08:37:34 +0000 (Mon, 06 May 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Problem on the G4 PowerPC. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1924 | zimmerma | 2002-04-30 18:49:21 +0000 (Tue, 30 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +fixed problem (infinite loop) in mpfr_pow for exact powers + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1923 | zimmerma | 2002-04-30 09:54:12 +0000 (Tue, 30 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +fixed errors found by Sylvain Pion + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1922 | vlefevre | 2002-04-27 23:13:33 +0000 (Sat, 27 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +not relevant -> undefined. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1921 | vlefevre | 2002-04-27 23:07:29 +0000 (Sat, 27 Apr 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Some changes concerning the internals and zeros +(including remarks by Kevin Ryde). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1920 | vlefevre | 2002-04-25 15:40:13 +0000 (Thu, 25 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/mpfr-math.h + +Check if HUGE_VAL is supported. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1919 | vlefevre | 2002-04-25 14:03:17 +0000 (Thu, 25 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Changes in mpfr_set_str. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1918 | zimmerma | 2002-04-25 13:45:07 +0000 (Thu, 25 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +update + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1917 | zimmerma | 2002-04-25 09:04:20 +0000 (Thu, 25 Apr 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_str.c + +mpfr_set_str doesn't require any more a final '\0' + and return the number of characters read + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1916 | zimmerma | 2002-04-25 09:02:31 +0000 (Thu, 25 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +modified tests for special values + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1915 | vlefevre | 2002-04-24 10:25:02 +0000 (Wed, 24 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + +Description updated. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1914 | vlefevre | 2002-04-24 10:23:42 +0000 (Wed, 24 Apr 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr_cmp_abs no longer an internal function and described in mpfr.texi. +In mpfr.texi, a @var{} was forgotten. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1913 | vlefevre | 2002-04-24 10:21:15 +0000 (Wed, 24 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + +mpfr_cmp_abs can now be called on zero numbers. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1912 | vlefevre | 2002-04-24 00:21:46 +0000 (Wed, 24 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-math.h + +Structures are used to get correct alignment. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1911 | vlefevre | 2002-04-23 23:32:28 +0000 (Tue, 23 Apr 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-math.h + +_MPFR_INF*_BYTES fix. On alpha, use a "double" for the bytes, +to avoid a mis-conversion on alpha gcc 3.0.2. (Kevin Ryde) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1910 | vlefevre | 2002-04-23 20:00:42 +0000 (Tue, 23 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + A /trunk/powerof2.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + +Underflow semantics changed (not tested). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1909 | vlefevre | 2002-04-23 09:35:26 +0000 (Tue, 23 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Code simplified due to change in the maximum exponent range. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1908 | zimmerma | 2002-04-23 09:08:33 +0000 (Tue, 23 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +modifs from Andreas + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1907 | vlefevre | 2002-04-22 22:23:26 +0000 (Mon, 22 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-math.h + +Union -> array + cast because of the HP compiler. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1906 | vlefevre | 2002-04-20 13:17:37 +0000 (Sat, 20 Apr 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + +Avoid constant floating expression, as this doesn't give the correct +result with gcc on some Alpha machines. (patch by Paul Zimmermann) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1905 | vlefevre | 2002-04-19 23:19:31 +0000 (Fri, 19 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +RAND_MAX defined if not already defined (as it should be). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1904 | vlefevre | 2002-04-19 23:10:09 +0000 (Fri, 19 Apr 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +Include config.h, for the benefit of test programs not using +gmp-impl.h (Kevin Ryde). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1903 | zimmerma | 2002-04-19 18:16:53 +0000 (Fri, 19 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +added tests in mpfr_test_init for denorms and extended precision + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1902 | zimmerma | 2002-04-19 17:22:46 +0000 (Fri, 19 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr_init and mpfr_init2 now return an int + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1901 | vlefevre | 2002-04-19 16:37:15 +0000 (Fri, 19 Apr 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_q.c + +Exponent range saved/restored. Returns NaN when the numerator +or the denominator is too large for MPFR. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1900 | vlefevre | 2002-04-19 12:26:06 +0000 (Fri, 19 Apr 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + +Added some assertions (any unsigned long must be representable +in a mp_limb_t). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1899 | vlefevre | 2002-04-19 12:01:16 +0000 (Fri, 19 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/set_si.c + +SAFE_ABS changed so that it can be used for any unsigned type. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1898 | vlefevre | 2002-04-18 15:36:36 +0000 (Thu, 18 Apr 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_z.c + +Added code to prevent possible integer overflow when the input number +is very large. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1897 | vlefevre | 2002-04-18 15:22:56 +0000 (Thu, 18 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +New values for exponent range. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1896 | zimmerma | 2002-04-18 14:28:31 +0000 (Thu, 18 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +call get_d with rounding mode in check2, to avoid problems near +Inf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1895 | zimmerma | 2002-04-18 12:10:49 +0000 (Thu, 18 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +2147483647 -> INT_MAX + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1894 | zimmerma | 2002-04-18 09:47:02 +0000 (Thu, 18 Apr 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +improved ulp() to deal with infinities +and fixed tadd/check2 to deal with infinities + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1893 | zimmerma | 2002-04-17 12:04:21 +0000 (Wed, 17 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +improved documentation of mpfr_set_precset_prec. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1892 | zimmerma | 2002-04-16 16:31:42 +0000 (Tue, 16 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +fixed documentation of cosh/sinh/tanh + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1891 | vlefevre | 2002-04-16 13:26:15 +0000 (Tue, 16 Apr 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/cmp_si.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr_cmp_ui_2exp and mpfr_cmp_si_2exp rewritten. +Prototype changed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1890 | vlefevre | 2002-04-16 00:56:54 +0000 (Tue, 16 Apr 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + +Use AC_CANONICAL_HOST and $host instead of $OS_TYPE and $MACHTYPE +(patch suggested by Kevin Ryde). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1889 | vlefevre | 2002-04-16 00:51:21 +0000 (Tue, 16 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/config.guess + A /trunk/config.sub + +Added files from for automake and AC_CANONICAL_HOST. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1888 | zimmerma | 2002-04-15 17:45:46 +0000 (Mon, 15 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +replaced 2.2e-307 by DBL_MIN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1887 | vlefevre | 2002-04-15 16:23:49 +0000 (Mon, 15 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + +Typo: Gnu -> GNU. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1886 | vlefevre | 2002-04-15 15:43:26 +0000 (Mon, 15 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/VERSION + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Update for future 2.0.2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1884 | vlefevre | 2002-04-15 15:33:49 +0000 (Mon, 15 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update for mpfr 2.0.1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1883 | vlefevre | 2002-04-15 15:32:21 +0000 (Mon, 15 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/VERSION + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Back to version 2.0.1, updated documentation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1882 | vlefevre | 2002-04-15 14:48:58 +0000 (Mon, 15 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/VERSION + +Post-release commit. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1881 | vlefevre | 2002-04-15 14:38:45 +0000 (Mon, 15 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update for mpfr 2.0.1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1880 | vlefevre | 2002-04-15 14:16:20 +0000 (Mon, 15 Apr 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + +mpfr_cmp_ui_2exp and mpfr_cmp_si_2exp can no longer be called with a NaN. +Misc bugs fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1879 | zimmerma | 2002-04-15 14:08:47 +0000 (Mon, 15 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +added main changes in version 2.0.1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1878 | vlefevre | 2002-04-15 13:47:24 +0000 (Mon, 15 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/README + +Update for "make dist". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1877 | vlefevre | 2002-04-15 13:26:56 +0000 (Mon, 15 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/COPYING + A /trunk/COPYING.LIB + M /trunk/README + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gammaPiAGMformula.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfi.c + M /trunk/mpfi.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-math.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/save_expo.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdump.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +COPYING -> COPYING.LIB and GPL re-added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1876 | vlefevre | 2002-04-15 12:34:08 +0000 (Mon, 15 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1875 | vlefevre | 2002-04-15 12:13:27 +0000 (Mon, 15 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Removed switches -g -O2 as already done by configure. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1874 | vlefevre | 2002-04-14 22:55:55 +0000 (Sun, 14 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1873 | vlefevre | 2002-04-14 15:53:55 +0000 (Sun, 14 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Removed useless @iftex... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1872 | vlefevre | 2002-04-14 11:14:31 +0000 (Sun, 14 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1871 | vlefevre | 2002-04-14 10:24:27 +0000 (Sun, 14 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_q.c + +When q = 0, +0 is returned. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1870 | vlefevre | 2002-04-13 18:32:56 +0000 (Sat, 13 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update for the next pre-release. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1869 | vlefevre | 2002-04-13 18:27:39 +0000 (Sat, 13 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/set_str.c + A /trunk/strcasecmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +Support for NaN and Inf (case insensitive) in mpfr_set_str. Tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1868 | vlefevre | 2002-04-13 01:40:03 +0000 (Sat, 13 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + +Bug fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1867 | vlefevre | 2002-04-13 01:22:51 +0000 (Sat, 13 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update for the next pre-release. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1866 | vlefevre | 2002-04-13 01:18:54 +0000 (Sat, 13 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + +Misc changes. Use of AC_CACHE_CHECK. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1865 | vlefevre | 2002-04-12 16:11:14 +0000 (Fri, 12 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +Code clean-up. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1864 | vlefevre | 2002-04-12 14:51:26 +0000 (Fri, 12 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update for the next pre-release. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1863 | vlefevre | 2002-04-12 14:29:58 +0000 (Fri, 12 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +New tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1862 | vlefevre | 2002-04-12 14:29:49 +0000 (Fri, 12 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/get_d.c + +mpfr_get_d* fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1861 | vlefevre | 2002-04-12 10:25:34 +0000 (Fri, 12 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/const_log2.c + +Types fixed in const_log2.c (this fixes the tconst_log2 crash). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1860 | vlefevre | 2002-04-12 09:58:11 +0000 (Fri, 12 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Added a note about the native SunOS 4 C compiler. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1859 | vlefevre | 2002-04-11 22:37:48 +0000 (Thu, 11 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + +Type fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1858 | vlefevre | 2002-04-11 16:42:20 +0000 (Thu, 11 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/set_d.c + +mpfr_set_d bug fixed, but other bugs still remain... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1857 | vlefevre | 2002-04-11 16:21:50 +0000 (Thu, 11 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + +NULL was undeclared on some architectures (reported by Torbjorn Granlund). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1856 | vlefevre | 2002-04-11 13:00:43 +0000 (Thu, 11 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/mpfr-math.h + +#include ordering changed for Windows + Cygwin 32. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1855 | vlefevre | 2002-04-11 12:41:54 +0000 (Thu, 11 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +LDFLAGS changed on HP-UX. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1854 | vlefevre | 2002-04-11 03:35:40 +0000 (Thu, 11 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update for the next pre-release. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1853 | vlefevre | 2002-04-11 03:29:44 +0000 (Thu, 11 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +Subnormal test in different rounding modes + fix. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1852 | vlefevre | 2002-04-11 02:49:49 +0000 (Thu, 11 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/ + +Function MPFR_CONFIGS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1851 | vlefevre | 2002-04-11 01:54:09 +0000 (Thu, 11 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +Tests added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1850 | vlefevre | 2002-04-11 01:53:57 +0000 (Thu, 11 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/get_d.c + +get_d.c partly rewritten (Paul Zimmermann). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1849 | vlefevre | 2002-04-11 01:36:49 +0000 (Thu, 11 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_q.c + +#include ordering fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1848 | vlefevre | 2002-04-11 01:24:20 +0000 (Thu, 11 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Check for gcc float-conversion bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1847 | vlefevre | 2002-04-10 23:21:41 +0000 (Wed, 10 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round_prec.c + +Added comment for mpfr_round_raw_generic (about using 1-bit precision). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1846 | vlefevre | 2002-04-10 14:05:52 +0000 (Wed, 10 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Update (thanks to Nathalie Revol). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1845 | vlefevre | 2002-04-10 12:20:13 +0000 (Wed, 10 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update for the next pre-release. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1844 | vlefevre | 2002-04-10 12:13:25 +0000 (Wed, 10 Apr 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +HAVE_FESETROUND renamed to MPFR_HAVE_FESETROUND to avoid possible +name conflict. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1843 | vlefevre | 2002-04-10 00:12:01 +0000 (Wed, 10 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + D /trunk/srandom.h + +Added missing headers in libmpfr_a_SOURCES. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1842 | vlefevre | 2002-04-09 23:53:57 +0000 (Tue, 09 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update for the next pre-release. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1841 | vlefevre | 2002-04-09 23:48:30 +0000 (Tue, 09 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Possible tconst_log2 crash under Solaris. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1840 | vlefevre | 2002-04-09 23:30:08 +0000 (Tue, 09 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Under OSF, use option -ffloat-store only when the compiler is gcc. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1839 | vlefevre | 2002-04-09 23:11:46 +0000 (Tue, 09 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +include_HEADERS should contain only mpfr.h and mpf2mpfr.h. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1838 | vlefevre | 2002-04-09 13:47:16 +0000 (Tue, 09 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Added code to support fesetround under Solaris. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1837 | vlefevre | 2002-04-09 12:49:54 +0000 (Tue, 09 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +"In case of problem" update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1836 | vlefevre | 2002-04-09 12:40:11 +0000 (Tue, 09 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Old URL removed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1835 | vlefevre | 2002-04-09 11:33:14 +0000 (Tue, 09 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Renaming: DIR -> GMPINSTALL, GMPDIR -> GMPBUILD. Bug on IRIX updated. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1834 | vlefevre | 2002-04-09 11:04:42 +0000 (Tue, 09 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Removed note about stack-alloc.h. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1833 | vlefevre | 2002-04-09 10:50:01 +0000 (Tue, 09 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +Check for fenv.h -> check for fesetround. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1832 | vlefevre | 2002-04-09 00:12:01 +0000 (Tue, 09 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Added note concerning patch submission. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1831 | vlefevre | 2002-04-08 21:23:50 +0000 (Mon, 08 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Note about overflows. Functions mpfr_{div,mul}_{si,ui} described. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1830 | vlefevre | 2002-04-07 23:22:34 +0000 (Sun, 07 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update for the next (and last?) pre-release. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1829 | vlefevre | 2002-04-07 23:11:04 +0000 (Sun, 07 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Stricter test for HAVE_INFS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1828 | vlefevre | 2002-04-07 20:20:15 +0000 (Sun, 07 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1827 | vlefevre | 2002-04-07 20:10:31 +0000 (Sun, 07 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Added note about IRIX. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1826 | vlefevre | 2002-04-07 01:01:01 +0000 (Sun, 07 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update for the next pre-release. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1825 | vlefevre | 2002-04-07 00:38:47 +0000 (Sun, 07 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +mpfr_get_d -> mpfr_get_d1 and mpfr_get_d2 -> mpfr_get_d. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1824 | vlefevre | 2002-04-06 01:01:29 +0000 (Sat, 06 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update for the next pre-release. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1823 | vlefevre | 2002-04-06 00:54:50 +0000 (Sat, 06 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1822 | vlefevre | 2002-04-05 23:56:33 +0000 (Fri, 05 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +New file from Paul. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1821 | vlefevre | 2002-04-05 12:31:59 +0000 (Fri, 05 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +COPYING.LIB removed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1820 | vlefevre | 2002-04-05 12:29:11 +0000 (Fri, 05 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/COPYING + D /trunk/COPYING.LIB + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/cbrt.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gammaPiAGMformula.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/get_z_exp.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfi.c + M /trunk/mpfi.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-math.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/save_expo.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_inf.c + M /trunk/set_nan.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/srandom.h + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdump.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/uceil_log2.c + M /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +COPYING.LIB -> COPYING. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1819 | vlefevre | 2002-04-05 12:14:11 +0000 (Fri, 05 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + A /trunk/ + added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1818 | zimmerma | 2002-04-05 12:08:31 +0000 (Fri, 05 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +put back label removed by error + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1817 | zimmerma | 2002-04-05 12:05:35 +0000 (Fri, 05 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +removed _FPU_RC_NEAREST ... for x86 (not used any more, now use fenv.h) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1816 | zimmerma | 2002-04-05 12:04:40 +0000 (Fri, 05 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +removed nested TMP_MARK's (problems when configuring gmp with --disable-alloca) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1815 | zimmerma | 2002-04-05 11:47:25 +0000 (Fri, 05 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +fixed pb with two markers (with --disable-alloca) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1814 | vlefevre | 2002-04-05 11:40:58 +0000 (Fri, 05 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/shortmul.c + +Removed (not used). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1813 | zimmerma | 2002-04-05 07:21:21 +0000 (Fri, 05 Apr 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +use AC_CHECK_HEADERS to check for fenv.h +and AC_CHECK_FUNCS to check for lrand48 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1812 | vlefevre | 2002-04-04 23:44:27 +0000 (Thu, 04 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + +Added "VERSION" and "prepare" descriptions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1811 | zimmerma | 2002-04-04 14:20:19 +0000 (Thu, 04 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +fixed bugs found by Nathalie + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1810 | vlefevre | 2002-04-04 13:50:20 +0000 (Thu, 04 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update for the next pre-release. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1809 | vlefevre | 2002-04-04 13:46:23 +0000 (Thu, 04 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Removed check for extended precision, as no longer used. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1808 | zimmerma | 2002-04-04 11:46:32 +0000 (Thu, 04 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +added check for denormalized numbers + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1807 | zimmerma | 2002-04-04 10:19:32 +0000 (Thu, 04 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added new functions to implement + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1806 | vlefevre | 2002-04-03 16:28:40 +0000 (Wed, 03 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update for the next pre-release. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1805 | vlefevre | 2002-04-03 13:52:42 +0000 (Wed, 03 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +-ffloat-store is a gcc option. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1804 | vlefevre | 2002-04-03 13:40:49 +0000 (Wed, 03 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Added 4th argument to AC_TRY_RUN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1803 | vlefevre | 2002-04-03 12:12:45 +0000 (Wed, 03 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Re-fix. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1802 | zimmerma | 2002-04-03 10:11:59 +0000 (Wed, 03 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +added check for fpu_control.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1801 | zimmerma | 2002-04-03 10:02:27 +0000 (Wed, 03 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added missing cast to double + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1800 | vlefevre | 2002-04-02 23:42:48 +0000 (Tue, 02 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +[ ] used around error message. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1799 | vlefevre | 2002-04-02 15:44:50 +0000 (Tue, 02 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1798 | vlefevre | 2002-04-02 15:36:51 +0000 (Tue, 02 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Check BITS_PER_MP_LIMB and BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1797 | vlefevre | 2002-04-02 12:30:24 +0000 (Tue, 02 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + D /trunk/sqrtrem.c + +sqrtrem.c removed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1796 | vlefevre | 2002-04-02 11:50:27 +0000 (Tue, 02 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ChangeLog + +New ChangeLog file (generated by rcs2log). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1795 | vlefevre | 2002-04-02 11:42:03 +0000 (Tue, 02 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Suppress PACKAGE and VERSION definitions for the compiler. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1794 | zimmerma | 2002-04-01 17:28:42 +0000 (Mon, 01 Apr 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/Configure + +old file + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1793 | zimmerma | 2002-03-31 14:58:47 +0000 (Sun, 31 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +more "internal" changes suggested by Vincent + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1792 | zimmerma | 2002-03-31 14:48:14 +0000 (Sun, 31 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added suggestions from Kevin in "internals" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1791 | zimmerma | 2002-03-28 09:01:28 +0000 (Thu, 28 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + +added test for denorms + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1790 | zimmerma | 2002-03-28 09:01:06 +0000 (Thu, 28 Mar 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +on a 32-bit machine, denormalized numbers with high 32 bits to 0 +were flushed to zero + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1789 | zimmerma | 2002-03-27 15:26:18 +0000 (Wed, 27 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/asin.c + +sign of sin(-1) was not set + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1788 | zimmerma | 2002-03-27 15:25:54 +0000 (Wed, 27 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + +added check for asin(-1) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1787 | zimmerma | 2002-03-27 14:38:50 +0000 (Wed, 27 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1786 | zimmerma | 2002-03-27 14:38:29 +0000 (Wed, 27 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +previous fix was completely wrong + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1785 | zimmerma | 2002-03-27 14:37:39 +0000 (Wed, 27 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + +fixed pb in cmp_si when i = -2^31 (then beware that -1 * i < 0 !!!) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1784 | zimmerma | 2002-03-27 14:09:35 +0000 (Wed, 27 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +added check for underflow + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1783 | zimmerma | 2002-03-26 18:39:57 +0000 (Tue, 26 Mar 2002) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +- use mpfr_test_init to initialize harware floats +- use #ifdef HAVE_INFS when using DBL_NAN, ... +- fixed some problems with wrongly converted f-p values (esp. under IRIX) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1782 | zimmerma | 2002-03-26 18:36:49 +0000 (Tue, 26 Mar 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +use AC_TRY_CPP instead of AC_TRY_RUN for fenv.h +(otherwise fails on Itanium) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1781 | zimmerma | 2002-03-26 18:35:56 +0000 (Tue, 26 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +added function mpfr_test_init to initialize full IEEE behaviour + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1780 | zimmerma | 2002-03-26 18:34:54 +0000 (Tue, 26 Mar 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +put back simple algorithm that computes x*y exactly and then +directly calls mpfr_add, to avoid wrong inexact flags + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1779 | zimmerma | 2002-03-26 09:40:54 +0000 (Tue, 26 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdump.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +added 2002 in copyright line + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1778 | zimmerma | 2002-03-26 09:40:06 +0000 (Tue, 26 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +fixed problem on x86 (set precision to double to avoid double rounding) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1777 | zimmerma | 2002-03-26 09:36:52 +0000 (Tue, 26 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added check for valid 1/0, denormalized, and extended precision + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1776 | vlefevre | 2002-03-26 09:29:34 +0000 (Tue, 26 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +New-style comment removed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1775 | zimmerma | 2002-03-26 09:19:05 +0000 (Tue, 26 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added a description of the mpfr_t type in "Internals" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1774 | vlefevre | 2002-03-26 01:50:35 +0000 (Tue, 26 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdump.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +#include removed. Redefined macros ABS removed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1773 | vlefevre | 2002-03-26 01:35:24 +0000 (Tue, 26 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + +Patch by Kevin Ryde + misc fixes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1772 | zimmerma | 2002-03-25 17:10:50 +0000 (Mon, 25 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +replaced getpid() by time(NULL) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1771 | zimmerma | 2002-03-25 14:56:28 +0000 (Mon, 25 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +MPFR_SIZE and sign were incorrectly set [thanks Kevin] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1770 | zimmerma | 2002-03-25 13:53:31 +0000 (Mon, 25 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +added check_nan (from Kevin) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1769 | zimmerma | 2002-03-25 13:52:26 +0000 (Mon, 25 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +fixed bug for sqrt(-0) found by Kevin [NaN flag not cleared] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1768 | vlefevre | 2002-03-22 15:28:29 +0000 (Fri, 22 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +Error message now copes with extended precision. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1767 | zimmerma | 2002-03-22 14:41:46 +0000 (Fri, 22 Mar 2002) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +added test in configure for checking rand48 functions (HAVE_RAND48) +and fenv.h (HAVE_FENV) +added mpfr_set_machine_rnd_mode (if fenv.h exists) +replaced TEST by HAVE_FENV + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1766 | vlefevre | 2002-03-22 01:48:18 +0000 (Fri, 22 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +Missing #include. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1765 | vlefevre | 2002-03-22 01:25:57 +0000 (Fri, 22 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_nan.c + +MPFR_RETNAN shouldn't be used as no value is returned. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1764 | vlefevre | 2002-03-22 01:22:29 +0000 (Fri, 22 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_inf.c + +Regarde 0 as positive rather than negative (though it's better not to use it). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1763 | vlefevre | 2002-03-22 01:09:58 +0000 (Fri, 22 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/isinteger.c + +Memory leak (patch by Kevin Ryde). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1762 | zimmerma | 2002-03-21 15:35:48 +0000 (Thu, 21 Mar 2002) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +replaced rand/lrand48, drand48, srand/srand48 by macros + LONG_RAND, DBL_RAND, SEED_RAND +and time(NULL) by getpid() + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1761 | zimmerma | 2002-03-21 15:34:18 +0000 (Thu, 21 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +added macros LONG_RAND, DBL_RAND, SEED_RAND + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1760 | zimmerma | 2002-03-21 10:04:49 +0000 (Thu, 21 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added VERSION and mpfr-math.h for "make dist" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1759 | zimmerma | 2002-03-19 16:45:01 +0000 (Tue, 19 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/set_inf.c + A /trunk/set_nan.c + +new functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1758 | zimmerma | 2002-03-19 16:44:32 +0000 (Tue, 19 Mar 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +now use macros DBL_NAN, DBL_POS_INF, DBL_NEG_INF, +and functions mpfr_set_nan, mpfr_set_inf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1757 | zimmerma | 2002-03-19 16:42:26 +0000 (Tue, 19 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +defined macros for 0/0, 1/0, -1/0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1756 | zimmerma | 2002-03-19 16:40:41 +0000 (Tue, 19 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added new functions mpfr_set_nan and mpfr_set_inf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1755 | vlefevre | 2002-03-19 15:09:16 +0000 (Tue, 19 Mar 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/VERSION + M /trunk/ + +File VERSION added. Contains the next version (currently 2.0.1). updated accordingly. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1754 | vlefevre | 2002-03-19 08:47:22 +0000 (Tue, 19 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + A /trunk/mpfr-math.h + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +Macros MPFR_DBL_NAN, MPFR_DBL_INFP and MPFR_DBL_INFM. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1753 | zimmerma | 2002-03-19 02:11:56 +0000 (Tue, 19 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + +MP_LIMB_T_HIGHBIT -> ULONG_HIGHBIT + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1752 | zimmerma | 2002-03-19 02:11:30 +0000 (Tue, 19 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +moved code under #ifdef + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1751 | zimmerma | 2002-03-19 02:10:50 +0000 (Tue, 19 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +moved code under #ifdef TEST + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1750 | zimmerma | 2002-03-19 02:10:13 +0000 (Tue, 19 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +remove variable sizer (not used) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1749 | zimmerma | 2002-03-19 02:09:11 +0000 (Tue, 19 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cbrt.c + +Library GPL -> Lesser GPL + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1748 | zimmerma | 2002-03-19 02:00:53 +0000 (Tue, 19 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +updated + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1747 | vlefevre | 2002-03-17 22:13:03 +0000 (Sun, 17 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +Some changes in the types. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1746 | zimmerma | 2002-03-17 22:13:02 +0000 (Sun, 17 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +changed Nt variable to signed + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1745 | vlefevre | 2002-03-17 22:03:14 +0000 (Sun, 17 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log2.c + +Bugs fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1744 | zimmerma | 2002-03-17 17:53:04 +0000 (Sun, 17 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added back mpfr_sin_cos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1743 | zimmerma | 2002-03-17 17:50:27 +0000 (Sun, 17 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/sin_cos.c + +new version (adapted from sin.c) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1742 | zimmerma | 2002-03-17 17:49:08 +0000 (Sun, 17 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + +added tests for tan(3*Pi/4) and tan(7*Pi/4) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1741 | zimmerma | 2002-03-17 17:48:38 +0000 (Sun, 17 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tan.c + +fixed bug for tan(3*Pi/4) [wrong sign] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1740 | zimmerma | 2002-03-17 17:27:42 +0000 (Sun, 17 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + +added test for log(10^n) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1739 | zimmerma | 2002-03-17 17:21:31 +0000 (Sun, 17 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log10.c + +fixed infinite loop problem for log(10^n) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1738 | vlefevre | 2002-03-13 01:16:23 +0000 (Wed, 13 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +Fix (patch by Kevin Ryde). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1737 | vlefevre | 2002-03-13 00:44:20 +0000 (Wed, 13 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_d.c + +Do not read the exponent if it has no meaning. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1736 | vlefevre | 2002-03-12 23:58:10 +0000 (Tue, 12 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr_random update (patch by Kevin Ryde). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1735 | vlefevre | 2002-03-12 23:53:47 +0000 (Tue, 12 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +2 more known bugs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1734 | vlefevre | 2002-03-12 23:48:06 +0000 (Tue, 12 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr_a{cos,sin,tan} documentation at a better place. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1733 | vlefevre | 2002-03-12 23:43:10 +0000 (Tue, 12 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + +Some mpfr_clear added (patch by Kevin Ryde). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1732 | vlefevre | 2002-03-11 16:54:55 +0000 (Mon, 11 Mar 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +mpfr_get_d3 partially rewritten (to follow the new specifications). +tget_d.c updated because of changes in get_d.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1731 | vlefevre | 2002-03-11 13:52:30 +0000 (Mon, 11 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + +Return a null pointer if rnd_mode is an invalid rounding mode. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1730 | zimmerma | 2002-03-11 13:43:18 +0000 (Mon, 11 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_si.c + +set sign before calling mpfr_check_range + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1729 | zimmerma | 2002-03-11 13:40:02 +0000 (Mon, 11 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +stupid typo in previous commit + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1728 | zimmerma | 2002-03-11 13:36:40 +0000 (Mon, 11 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +removed expx (not used) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1727 | zimmerma | 2002-03-11 13:35:12 +0000 (Mon, 11 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +fixed typo (ai [potentially unsigned] replaced by i) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1726 | vlefevre | 2002-03-11 13:16:54 +0000 (Mon, 11 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +New mpfr_get_d, mpfr_get_d2, mpfr_get_d3. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1725 | zimmerma | 2002-03-11 13:00:29 +0000 (Mon, 11 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + +added return + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1724 | vlefevre | 2002-03-11 12:41:00 +0000 (Mon, 11 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/get_d.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + +set_d.c split into get_d.c and set_d.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1723 | daney | 2002-03-11 12:38:44 +0000 (Mon, 11 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/cbrt.c + +add cbrt in fonctionnality + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1722 | vlefevre | 2002-03-11 10:53:10 +0000 (Mon, 11 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Bug removed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1721 | vlefevre | 2002-03-11 05:44:18 +0000 (Mon, 11 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +#include changes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1720 | zimmerma | 2002-03-07 16:42:57 +0000 (Thu, 07 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sinh.c + +fixed problem when te=ti=1 (i.e. t=0) found by Kevin Ryde + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1719 | zimmerma | 2002-03-07 16:04:54 +0000 (Thu, 07 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +simplified test4() + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1718 | vlefevre | 2002-03-06 17:56:06 +0000 (Wed, 06 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/TODO + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1717 | vlefevre | 2002-03-06 17:05:26 +0000 (Wed, 06 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1716 | vlefevre | 2002-03-06 16:32:50 +0000 (Wed, 06 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Patch by Kevin Ryde concerning nodes/menus. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1715 | vlefevre | 2002-03-05 00:13:20 +0000 (Tue, 05 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +Casts fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1714 | vlefevre | 2002-03-04 23:35:05 +0000 (Mon, 04 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/get_z_exp.c + D /trunk/internal_ceil_exp2.c + D /trunk/internal_ceil_log2.c + D /trunk/internal_floor_log2.c + D /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + A /trunk/uceil_exp2.c + A /trunk/uceil_log2.c + A /trunk/ufloor_log2.c + +File renaming. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1713 | vlefevre | 2002-03-04 23:05:20 +0000 (Mon, 04 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_2si.c + M /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gammaPiAGMformula.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/internal_ceil_exp2.c + M /trunk/internal_ceil_log2.c + M /trunk/internal_floor_log2.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfi.c + M /trunk/mpfi.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_2si.c + M /trunk/mul_2ui.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rint.c + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/save_expo.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/sqrtrem.c + M /trunk/srandom.h + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + M /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdump.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + M /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Copyright line changed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1712 | zimmerma | 2002-03-01 13:03:11 +0000 (Fri, 01 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + +updated + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1711 | zimmerma | 2002-03-01 13:02:03 +0000 (Fri, 01 Mar 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + M /trunk/pow.c + +changed name of mpz_set_fr to mpfr_get_z_exp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1710 | vlefevre | 2002-02-28 14:21:20 +0000 (Thu, 28 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + +Removed some dependencies. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1709 | vlefevre | 2002-02-28 00:19:56 +0000 (Thu, 28 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +Fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1708 | vlefevre | 2002-02-28 00:19:46 +0000 (Thu, 28 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +mpfr_get_d rewritten (still needs to be fixed when the result is a subnormal). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1707 | vlefevre | 2002-02-27 18:16:29 +0000 (Wed, 27 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + +mpfr_get_d2 tested. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1706 | vlefevre | 2002-02-27 14:29:18 +0000 (Wed, 27 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1705 | vlefevre | 2002-02-27 14:02:18 +0000 (Wed, 27 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + +New tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1704 | vlefevre | 2002-02-27 14:00:16 +0000 (Wed, 27 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Additional flags for gcc + minor changes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1703 | vlefevre | 2002-02-27 13:57:51 +0000 (Wed, 27 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +Minor update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1702 | vlefevre | 2002-02-25 14:50:14 +0000 (Mon, 25 Feb 2002) | 7 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/set_d.c + +mpfr_get_d2 prototype changed (mp_exp_t instead of long). +__mpfr_scale2 fixes: checks for integer overflows, signed zeros, exact +rounding for subnormals in the rounding to the nearest mode (problems +due to multiple roundings avoided). +mpfr_get_d2: signed zeros taken into account. This function still needs +to be rewritten (because of multiple roundings). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1701 | vlefevre | 2002-02-21 15:43:40 +0000 (Thu, 21 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/agm.c + A /trunk/internal_ceil_exp2.c + A /trunk/internal_ceil_log2.c + A /trunk/internal_floor_log2.c + +_mpfr_ceil_log2, _mpfr_floor_log2, _mpfr_ceil_exp2 in separate files. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1700 | vlefevre | 2002-02-19 16:05:52 +0000 (Tue, 19 Feb 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +Fixes, code clean-up and some asserts against integer overflows. +Code need to be checked. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1699 | vlefevre | 2002-02-14 11:36:40 +0000 (Thu, 14 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/const_euler.c + M /trunk/const_log2.c + M /trunk/const_pi.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +mpfr_{div,mul}_2exp -> mpfr_{div,mul}_2ui. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1698 | vlefevre | 2002-02-14 02:35:35 +0000 (Thu, 14 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +Partial code clean-up and some asserts against integer overflows (2). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1697 | vlefevre | 2002-02-13 13:53:46 +0000 (Wed, 13 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +Partial code clean-up and some asserts against integer overflows. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1696 | vlefevre | 2002-02-13 13:18:12 +0000 (Wed, 13 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +MP_EXP_T_MAX and MP_EXP_T_MIN defined. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1695 | vlefevre | 2002-02-13 10:49:09 +0000 (Wed, 13 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Macros IS_POW2 and NOT_POW2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1694 | vlefevre | 2002-02-12 17:11:50 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + +Use mpfr_save_emin_emax and MPFR_RESTORE_RET. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1693 | vlefevre | 2002-02-12 16:41:50 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdump.c + +Update due to changes in mpfr_get_str. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1692 | vlefevre | 2002-02-12 16:41:36 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2002) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + +mpfr_get_str: the returned exponent for 0 is 0 (like in frexp()). +mpz_set_fr.c: comment added. +out_str.c: minor changes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1691 | vlefevre | 2002-02-12 15:59:02 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1690 | vlefevre | 2002-02-12 14:42:23 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + +Bug fixed and other changes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1689 | vlefevre | 2002-02-12 14:08:25 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +NULL -> null pointer and other small changes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1688 | vlefevre | 2002-02-12 14:03:02 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr_get_str: null pointer returned in case of error, NaN taken into account. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1687 | vlefevre | 2002-02-11 14:59:18 +0000 (Mon, 11 Feb 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_str.c + +mpfr_set_str partially rewritten to cope with integer overflows. +The rounding code hasn't been fixed yet. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1686 | vlefevre | 2002-02-08 17:04:01 +0000 (Fri, 08 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Typo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1685 | vlefevre | 2002-02-08 17:01:49 +0000 (Fri, 08 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_str.c + +mpfr_set_str: base must be between 2 and 36. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1684 | daney | 2002-02-06 15:34:46 +0000 (Wed, 06 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + +chnage the return values + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1683 | daney | 2002-02-06 15:34:15 +0000 (Wed, 06 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + +Change the test return values + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1682 | vlefevre | 2002-02-06 02:57:55 +0000 (Wed, 06 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +Some optimizations. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1681 | vlefevre | 2002-02-04 01:04:59 +0000 (Mon, 04 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + +Misc bug fixes and code clean-up. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1680 | vlefevre | 2002-02-04 00:16:27 +0000 (Mon, 04 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/pow.c + +Misc bug fixes and code clean-up. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1679 | vlefevre | 2002-02-03 02:59:44 +0000 (Sun, 03 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + +For the value 0, return __mpfr_emin instead of 0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1678 | vlefevre | 2002-02-01 21:35:34 +0000 (Fri, 01 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log10.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +Misc bug fixes and code clean-up. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1677 | hanrot | 2002-02-01 18:17:56 +0000 (Fri, 01 Feb 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +Patch. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1676 | vlefevre | 2002-01-30 14:57:31 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trint.c + +Bux fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1675 | vlefevre | 2002-01-30 14:57:24 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_z.c + +mpfr_set_z rewritten. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1674 | vlefevre | 2002-01-30 12:37:04 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jan 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Update concerning mpfr_round_prec, mpfr_rint, mpfr_ceil, mpfr_floor, +mpfr_round and mpfr_trunc. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1673 | vlefevre | 2002-01-30 04:57:52 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + A /trunk/tests/trint.c + +Tests added (mpfr_trunc, mpfr_floor, mpfr_ceil, mpfr_round). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1672 | vlefevre | 2002-01-30 04:57:10 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + A /trunk/rint.c + D /trunk/trunc.c + +mpfr_rint, mpfr_trunc, mpfr_floor, mpfr_ceil, mpfr_round rewritten. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1671 | vlefevre | 2002-01-25 14:00:37 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + D /trunk/round.c + A /trunk/round_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tacos.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + D /trunk/tests/tround.c + A /trunk/tests/tround_prec.c + +mpfr_round -> mpfr_round_prec. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1670 | vlefevre | 2002-01-25 13:43:31 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +Code reformatted. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1669 | vlefevre | 2002-01-23 00:08:52 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jan 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +MAX, MIN, ABS macros undefined before being redefined. +Fix in ABS macro. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1668 | vlefevre | 2002-01-22 02:29:47 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + +Example with high bit set. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1667 | vlefevre | 2002-01-22 02:29:35 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +Fix (Kevin Ryde). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1666 | vlefevre | 2002-01-22 00:45:44 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jan 2002) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +MPFR_PREC_MAX redefined. +MPFR_INTPREC_MAX defined (internal maximum precision). +Some integer overflow detection. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1665 | vlefevre | 2002-01-21 11:37:41 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jan 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + +Set sign of sqrt(0). +Support for exponent range. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1664 | vlefevre | 2002-01-21 10:38:37 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jan 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +can_round type changed: char -> int. +Case sqrt(0) improved. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1663 | vlefevre | 2002-01-21 10:26:13 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jan 2002) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +Bug fixes: + * return 1 -> MPFR_RET_NAN + * a MPFR_CLEAR_INF was missing. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1662 | vlefevre | 2002-01-20 00:17:27 +0000 (Sun, 20 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + +New macro MPFR_RESTORE_RET. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1661 | vlefevre | 2002-01-18 16:13:33 +0000 (Fri, 18 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +Code clean-up (goto suppressed). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1660 | vlefevre | 2002-01-18 15:40:30 +0000 (Fri, 18 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +Cases 0 * 0 + 0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1659 | vlefevre | 2002-01-18 11:33:22 +0000 (Fri, 18 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +Nt: int -> mp_prec_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1658 | vlefevre | 2002-01-18 11:15:54 +0000 (Fri, 18 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + +<> changed back to "". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1657 | daney | 2002-01-18 09:58:00 +0000 (Fri, 18 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + +change "" -> <> in headers + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1656 | daney | 2002-01-18 09:51:03 +0000 (Fri, 18 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +Change indendation + replace "" -> <> in header + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1655 | vlefevre | 2002-01-17 21:45:41 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +Particular cases rewritten. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1654 | vlefevre | 2002-01-17 20:33:21 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jan 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +Test "__hpux", not "hpux". Mask off mrand48 return value to 31 bits +to work around sloppy mpfr #include practices. (Torbjorn Granlund) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1653 | vlefevre | 2002-01-17 20:29:58 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + +#include fixes (Torbjorn Granlund). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1652 | vlefevre | 2002-01-16 15:14:09 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +Comments were incorrect. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1651 | vlefevre | 2002-01-15 11:23:34 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Note concerning mpfr_trunc, mpfr_floor and mpfr_ceil. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1650 | vlefevre | 2002-01-14 13:09:42 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +Special cases. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1649 | vlefevre | 2002-01-12 01:27:53 +0000 (Sat, 12 Jan 2002) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/shortmul.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +Patches by Kevin Ryde for K&R compilers +and other fixes in prototypes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1648 | vlefevre | 2002-01-10 22:20:28 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +Test check_min added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1647 | vlefevre | 2002-01-10 21:45:00 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +Test check_max added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1646 | vlefevre | 2002-01-10 13:42:21 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/log.c + +Spelling: "canceled" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1645 | zimmerma | 2002-01-10 13:05:58 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +GMP_PROTO change was already done by Vincent + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1644 | zimmerma | 2002-01-10 12:58:47 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +prepare change PROTO -> GMP_PROTO + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1643 | vlefevre | 2002-01-04 14:41:33 +0000 (Fri, 04 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + +The precision can no longer be 1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1642 | vlefevre | 2002-01-04 03:07:23 +0000 (Fri, 04 Jan 2002) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +__GMP_PROTO defined if not already defined. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1641 | vlefevre | 2002-01-04 02:57:08 +0000 (Fri, 04 Jan 2002) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +Optimization: mpfr_cmp2 now accepts any combination of real arguments +and computes the sign of |b| - |c| (in addition to the number of +cancelled bits); mpfr_add, mpfr_sub, mpfr_sub1, mpfr_agm and some +tests updated to take this change into account. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1640 | zimmerma | 2001-12-21 16:33:10 +0000 (Fri, 21 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +added check for sin(3*Pi/2) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1639 | zimmerma | 2001-12-21 16:33:02 +0000 (Fri, 21 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + +fixed bug for sin(3*Pi/2) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1638 | vlefevre | 2001-12-19 15:50:01 +0000 (Wed, 19 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +Global NaN flag set when result is NaN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1637 | zimmerma | 2001-12-19 14:41:04 +0000 (Wed, 19 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +forgot to clear nan flag for Inf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1636 | zimmerma | 2001-12-19 13:32:05 +0000 (Wed, 19 Dec 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +changed description of mpfr_cmp to correspond to the implementation: +NaNs are not allowed + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1635 | zimmerma | 2001-12-19 12:39:49 +0000 (Wed, 19 Dec 2001) | 6 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +fixed mpfr_cmp2 : there was a bug noticed by Nicolas Magaud and Didier +Bondyfalat for inputs: +100 011 111 +100 010 110 +where it gave 8 instead of 5. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1634 | vlefevre | 2001-12-19 10:44:15 +0000 (Wed, 19 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + +Better comments. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1633 | zimmerma | 2001-12-10 09:20:59 +0000 (Mon, 10 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added "PI and the AGM" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1632 | vlefevre | 2001-12-06 17:25:46 +0000 (Thu, 06 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tlog10.c + A /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + D /trunk/tests/tlog_base_10.c + D /trunk/tests/tlog_base_2.c + +Files renamed (log in base 2 and 10). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1631 | vlefevre | 2001-12-06 17:22:14 +0000 (Thu, 06 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tconst_euler.c + A /trunk/tests/tconst_log2.c + A /trunk/tests/tconst_pi.c + D /trunk/tests/teuler.c + D /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + D /trunk/tests/tpi.c + +Files renamed (constants). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1630 | vlefevre | 2001-12-06 17:12:59 +0000 (Thu, 06 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/aclocal.m4 + +File aclocal.m4 removed, as generated by aclocal (called by prepare). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1629 | vlefevre | 2001-12-06 17:02:18 +0000 (Thu, 06 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/log10.c + A /trunk/log2.c + D /trunk/log_base_10.c + D /trunk/log_base_2.c + +Files log_base_*.c renamed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1628 | vlefevre | 2001-12-06 16:53:25 +0000 (Thu, 06 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/const_euler.c + A /trunk/const_log2.c + A /trunk/const_pi.c + D /trunk/euler.c + D /trunk/log2.c + D /trunk/pi.c + +Functions (constants) renamed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1627 | vlefevre | 2001-12-06 16:33:10 +0000 (Thu, 06 Dec 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/ + D /trunk/configure + D /trunk/tests/ + +Files configure,, tests/ removed. +Use the `prepare' script to generate them. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1626 | vlefevre | 2001-12-06 12:37:05 +0000 (Thu, 06 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +Removed 2 bugs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1625 | vlefevre | 2001-12-06 12:12:43 +0000 (Thu, 06 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/prepare + +Initial release. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1624 | zimmerma | 2001-12-05 17:06:03 +0000 (Wed, 05 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added arc-tangent (from Mathieu) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1623 | zimmerma | 2001-12-05 16:29:15 +0000 (Wed, 05 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added paragraph on asin and acos from Mathieu Dutour + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1622 | zimmerma | 2001-12-05 16:28:31 +0000 (Wed, 05 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/tacos.c + +added tacos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1621 | zimmerma | 2001-12-05 16:27:44 +0000 (Wed, 05 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +in check5, test NaNs before calling mpfr_cmp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1620 | zimmerma | 2001-12-05 16:26:56 +0000 (Wed, 05 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +added acos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1619 | zimmerma | 2001-12-05 16:26:34 +0000 (Wed, 05 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added acos.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1618 | zimmerma | 2001-12-05 16:26:02 +0000 (Wed, 05 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/acos.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added acos (from Mathieu Dutour) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1617 | zimmerma | 2001-12-05 16:25:10 +0000 (Wed, 05 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +use now new sqrtrem from gmp-4.0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1616 | zimmerma | 2001-12-05 16:08:30 +0000 (Wed, 05 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + +improved test (avoid mpfr_get_d) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1615 | zimmerma | 2001-12-05 15:15:47 +0000 (Wed, 05 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + +removed isnan prototype + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1614 | zimmerma | 2001-12-05 15:11:47 +0000 (Wed, 05 Dec 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + +added stdlib.h for exit + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1613 | zimmerma | 2001-11-30 17:55:16 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/tests/tdump.c + +test NaN before Inf +changed precision to 2 for test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1612 | vlefevre | 2001-11-30 15:57:22 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + +Cast added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1611 | zimmerma | 2001-11-30 14:48:45 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +added a new test (worst case) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1610 | zimmerma | 2001-11-30 14:48:12 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +nouvelle version de Mathieu Dutour, +corrigeant certains bugs avec les pires cas de Vincent + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1609 | vlefevre | 2001-11-30 14:37:25 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + +#include order changed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1608 | vlefevre | 2001-11-30 14:29:38 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_prec.c + +Misc fixes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1607 | vlefevre | 2001-11-30 13:44:59 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +Unused variables. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1606 | zimmerma | 2001-11-30 13:37:37 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teuler.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog_base_10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog_base_2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +start tests with precision 2 instead of 1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1605 | zimmerma | 2001-11-30 13:29:57 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + +start from precision 2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1604 | zimmerma | 2001-11-30 13:29:06 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +big rewrite to fix problems when the estimate base exponent is too small + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1603 | zimmerma | 2001-11-30 13:28:04 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +fixed detection of exact cases (in particular 0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1602 | zimmerma | 2001-11-30 13:27:30 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +now use MPFR_PREC_MIN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1601 | zimmerma | 2001-11-30 13:27:01 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +exptol is now of type mp_exp_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1600 | zimmerma | 2001-11-30 13:26:03 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log2.c + +rewritten part with Taylor series + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1599 | zimmerma | 2001-11-30 13:03:07 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +changed MPFR_PREC_MIN to 2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1598 | zimmerma | 2001-11-30 13:02:45 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + +updated wrt MPFR_PREC_MIN/MPFR_PREC_MAX + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1597 | zimmerma | 2001-11-30 12:53:16 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + +case x=0 was forgotten + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1596 | zimmerma | 2001-11-30 12:52:07 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_prec.c + +now use MPFR_PREC_MIN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1595 | zimmerma | 2001-11-30 12:51:26 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1.c + +added comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1594 | vlefevre | 2001-11-30 02:41:36 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_z.c + +mpfr_set_z rewritten to support overflows/underflows and ternary value. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1593 | vlefevre | 2001-11-30 00:10:52 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_z.c + +0 -> set to +0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1592 | vlefevre | 2001-11-30 00:07:36 +0000 (Fri, 30 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Better sign comparison. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1591 | vlefevre | 2001-11-29 23:56:56 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + +Use MPFR_SET_POS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1590 | vlefevre | 2001-11-29 14:23:12 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/trunc.c + +Bug fixed concerning integer overflows. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1589 | zimmerma | 2001-11-29 09:43:55 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init2.c + +added comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1588 | zimmerma | 2001-11-29 09:43:35 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + +fixed bug for small precision, where r can be >= 1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1587 | vlefevre | 2001-11-29 03:15:54 +0000 (Thu, 29 Nov 2001) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + A /trunk/div_2si.c + A /trunk/div_2ui.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + A /trunk/mul_2si.c + A /trunk/mul_2ui.c + +Functions mpfr_{mul,div}_2{si,ui} added. +Functions mpfr_{mul,div}_2exp still exist for backward compatibility; +they are obsolete and should not be used any longer. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1586 | vlefevre | 2001-11-28 17:57:53 +0000 (Wed, 28 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/minmax.c + +Particular cases (NaN and signed zeros). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1585 | vlefevre | 2001-11-28 17:12:35 +0000 (Wed, 28 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + +Init variables to NaN instead of 0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1584 | vlefevre | 2001-11-28 17:09:37 +0000 (Wed, 28 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + +Possible integer overflow fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1583 | vlefevre | 2001-11-28 16:54:20 +0000 (Wed, 28 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/atan.c + +Particular cases fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1582 | vlefevre | 2001-11-25 15:24:31 +0000 (Sun, 25 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/trunc.c + +Overflow support. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1581 | vlefevre | 2001-11-25 14:44:49 +0000 (Sun, 25 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/trunc.c + +K&R -> ISO C prototype. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1580 | vlefevre | 2001-11-25 08:04:07 +0000 (Sun, 25 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + +mpfr_div_2exp rewritten. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1579 | vlefevre | 2001-11-25 07:49:47 +0000 (Sun, 25 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + +mpfr_mul_2exp rewritten. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1578 | vlefevre | 2001-11-25 06:53:41 +0000 (Sun, 25 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +Overflow support. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1577 | vlefevre | 2001-11-25 06:20:35 +0000 (Sun, 25 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/round.c + +Casts to size_t added (safer and could be required in the future). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1576 | vlefevre | 2001-11-23 16:39:25 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Minor change. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1575 | vlefevre | 2001-11-23 16:28:08 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2001) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +mpfr_mul partially rewritten: + * Integer overflows almost completely avoided. + * Now supports signed zeros and overflows. +Not tested yet. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1574 | vlefevre | 2001-11-22 17:21:08 +0000 (Thu, 22 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +mpfr_can_round_raw: integer overflows checked and code duplication avoided. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1573 | vlefevre | 2001-11-22 15:32:44 +0000 (Thu, 22 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +More bugs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1572 | vlefevre | 2001-11-22 12:48:20 +0000 (Thu, 22 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/round.c + +mpfr_can_round and mpfr_can_round_raw: prototypes changed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1571 | vlefevre | 2001-11-21 20:40:47 +0000 (Wed, 21 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exceptions.c + +Bug fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1570 | vlefevre | 2001-11-21 20:07:35 +0000 (Wed, 21 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + A /trunk/add_one_ulp.c + D /trunk/add_ulp.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_z.c + A /trunk/sub_one_ulp.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +mpfr_add_one_ulp and mpfr_sub_one_ulp changed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1569 | vlefevre | 2001-11-21 15:50:45 +0000 (Wed, 21 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init2.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + +Added MPFR_PREC_MIN and MPFR_PREC_MAX. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1568 | vlefevre | 2001-11-21 14:06:36 +0000 (Wed, 21 Nov 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init2.c + +Error test -> assert. +mp_prec_t -> mp_size_t. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1567 | vlefevre | 2001-11-20 14:10:05 +0000 (Tue, 20 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tround.c + +Test added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1566 | vlefevre | 2001-11-20 14:09:55 +0000 (Tue, 20 Nov 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/round.c + +mpfr_round rewritten. +mpfr_round_raw_generic: NULL changed to 0 as not necessarily defined. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1565 | vlefevre | 2001-11-20 13:41:41 +0000 (Tue, 20 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Added macro MPFR_SET_ABSSIZE. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1564 | vlefevre | 2001-11-20 02:17:32 +0000 (Tue, 20 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +mpfr_round: Check for overflow. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1563 | vlefevre | 2001-11-17 03:58:19 +0000 (Sat, 17 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub1.c + +Some type changes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1562 | vlefevre | 2001-11-16 17:58:50 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + +Integer overflows checked. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1561 | vlefevre | 2001-11-16 17:16:31 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + +MPFR_ASSERTN instead of fprintf + exit. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1560 | vlefevre | 2001-11-16 17:10:30 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +GMP assert mechanism: macros changed until GMP is fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1559 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 17:04:15 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +version -> 2002 +removed executable flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1558 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 14:38:24 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/teuler.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +mpfr_print_raw -> mpfr_print_binary + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1557 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 14:15:57 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/init2.c + +split from init.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1556 | daney | 2001-11-16 14:14:10 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + +remove math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1555 | daney | 2001-11-16 14:04:13 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sinh.c + +remve math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1554 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 14:04:06 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1553 | daney | 2001-11-16 14:00:29 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atanh.c + +remove math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1552 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 13:54:55 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/init.c + +init -> init + init2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1551 | daney | 2001-11-16 13:54:32 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + +remove math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1550 | hanrot | 2001-11-16 13:27:50 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +Ajoute retours chariots dans div.c, etc. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1549 | hanrot | 2001-11-16 13:23:43 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +if () remplace par if ( ==0) ou if ( != 0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1548 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 13:22:13 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/log_base_10.c + M /trunk/log_base_2.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + +removed K&R function headers + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1547 | hanrot | 2001-11-16 13:19:50 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +Beuh ? + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1546 | hanrot | 2001-11-16 13:19:42 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + +return -> MPFR_RET, patch d'un leak dans inp_str.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1545 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 13:09:07 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +changed to use GMP assert mechanism + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1544 | daney | 2001-11-16 12:55:53 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + +remove stdio.h math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1543 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 12:54:09 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/euler.c + +assert -> MPFR_ASSERT + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1542 | daney | 2001-11-16 12:52:55 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +remove stdio math .h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1541 | daney | 2001-11-16 12:50:31 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/isinteger.c + +remove stdio.h math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1540 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 12:49:36 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + +ASSERT_ALWAYS -> MPFR_ASSERTN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1539 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 12:39:30 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added COPYING.LIB + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1538 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 12:38:56 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/COPYING + +replaced by GPL + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1537 | daney | 2001-11-16 12:34:00 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/factorial.c + +remove limits.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1536 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 12:32:48 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/add_ulp.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/asin.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/dim.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/euler.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/fma.c + M /trunk/gamma.c + M /trunk/gammaPiAGMformula.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/hypot.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/isinf.c + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/isnan.c + M /trunk/isnum.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/log_base_10.c + M /trunk/log_base_2.c + M /trunk/minmax.c + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfi.c + M /trunk/mpfi.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pi.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/save_expo.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/sqrtrem.c + M /trunk/srandom.h + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdump.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/teuler.c + M /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog_base_10.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog_base_2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpi.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tround.c + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/trunc.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +changed Library GPL to Lesser GPL + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1535 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 12:31:12 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/COPYING.LIB + +GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1534 | daney | 2001-11-16 12:30:42 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + +remove limits.h math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1533 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 12:27:02 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/replace_all + +now treats all *.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1532 | daney | 2001-11-16 12:25:25 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +remove the proto, remove math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1531 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 12:21:07 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + +removed DEBUG's + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1530 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 12:19:39 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + +removed old patch for GMP 2.xx + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1529 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 12:17:56 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +GNU MP -> MPFR + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1528 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 12:08:08 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_ulp.c + +added year 2001 in copyright line + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1527 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 11:18:52 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdump.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpi.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + +added year 2001 in copyright line + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1526 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 11:18:00 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow_ui.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/save_expo.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sqrtrem.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/trunc.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + +added year 2001 in copyright line +removed #if __STDC__ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1525 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 11:15:29 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/sin_cos.c + +now two separate files cos.c and sin.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1524 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:43:04 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/pi.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +added year 2001 in copyright line + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1523 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:38:25 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + +updated + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1522 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:26:46 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/div2.c + +old version, removed + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1521 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:16:37 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added isinf and isnum (split from isnan) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1520 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:16:21 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/isinf.c + A /trunk/isnum.c + +new files (split from isnan.c) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1519 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:14:44 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/copysign.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + +removed prototype already in mpfr.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1518 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:14:27 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +translated french comments to english + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1517 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:14:08 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added mpfr_sub + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1516 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:13:12 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atan.c + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +added static to local functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1515 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:12:42 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp2.c + +1 -> MP_LIMB_T_ONE + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1514 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:11:20 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + +1 -> BITS_PER_MP_LIMB + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1513 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:10:48 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/euler.c + +added static to local functions +removed prototype already in mpfr.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1512 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:10:29 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +removed mpfr_exp2_si (not used) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1511 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:10:07 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp3.c + +added static to local functions +translated french comments to english + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1510 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:09:29 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/expm1.c + M /trunk/log1p.c + +translated french comments to english +removed prototype already in mpfr.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1509 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:09:09 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/factorial.c + +initialized inexact to 0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1508 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:08:47 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/generic.c + +used TMP_ALLOC +translated french comments to english + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1507 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:08:18 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +simplified test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1506 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:08:04 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/isnan.c + +moved inf_p and number_p to different files + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1505 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:06:38 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log2.c + +added static to local functions +explained threshold + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1504 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:06:03 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/minmax.c + +removed prototypes already in mpfr.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1503 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:05:45 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +does not include stdio.h any more + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1502 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:05:01 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + +added stdio.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1501 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 10:04:07 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_ulp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/trunc.c + +1 -> BITS_PER_MP_LIMB +1 << (BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - 1) -> MP_LIMB_T_HIGHBIT + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1500 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 09:40:02 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + +removed french comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1499 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 09:39:45 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pi.c + +added static to local functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1498 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 09:39:26 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow_si.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + +removed prototype already in mpfr.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1497 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 09:39:11 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/print_raw.c + +1 -> BITS_PER_MP_LIMB +translated french comments to english +added static to local functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1496 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 09:38:47 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sub1.c + M /trunk/trunc.c + +1 -> BITS_PER_MP_LIMB + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1495 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 09:37:52 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +1 -> BITS_PER_MP_LIMB +translated french comments to english + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1494 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 09:37:15 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/sqrtrem.c + +1 -> BITS_PER_MP_LIMB +added static to local functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1493 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 09:33:57 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + +removed proto already in mpfr.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1492 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 09:33:33 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +1 -> MP_LIMB_T_ONE + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1491 | zimmerma | 2001-11-16 09:32:45 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tdump.c + M /trunk/tests/teuler.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tpi.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + +added stdio.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1490 | vlefevre | 2001-11-15 18:11:07 +0000 (Thu, 15 Nov 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/add.c + A /trunk/add1.c + M /trunk/sub.c + A /trunk/sub1.c + +add.c -> add.c & add1.c +sub.c -> sub.c & sub1.c + some changes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1489 | zimmerma | 2001-11-13 09:33:07 +0000 (Tue, 13 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +iff the results are exact -> iff the result is exact + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1488 | vlefevre | 2001-11-10 01:45:36 +0000 (Sat, 10 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_abs.c + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/save_expo.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + +GNU coding style. K&R function headers removed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1487 | vlefevre | 2001-11-10 00:47:44 +0000 (Sat, 10 Nov 2001) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +MP_LIMB_T_ONE defined. +mp_size_unsigned_t defined. +Important bugs fixed (in particular when int has fewer than 32 bits). +Still unavoidable possible bugs due to the fact that mp_size_t is signed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1486 | daney | 2001-11-09 11:24:05 +0000 (Fri, 09 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tgamma.c + +add tests file for gamma + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1485 | daney | 2001-11-09 11:23:33 +0000 (Fri, 09 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/gammaPiAGMformula.c + +add gamma function an other version + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1484 | daney | 2001-11-09 11:23:04 +0000 (Fri, 09 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/gamma.c + +add gamma function + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1483 | zimmerma | 2001-11-09 06:24:52 +0000 (Fri, 09 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mis a` jour valeur de retour de mpfr_tan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1482 | vlefevre | 2001-11-09 01:38:45 +0000 (Fri, 09 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Some -'s missing in floating-point. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1481 | zimmerma | 2001-11-08 23:15:59 +0000 (Thu, 08 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +modifs suite aux remarques de Nathalie + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1480 | daney | 2001-11-08 17:48:33 +0000 (Thu, 08 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +remove some name of variables + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1479 | vlefevre | 2001-11-08 17:14:01 +0000 (Thu, 08 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp2.c + D /trunk/pow2.c + +cmp2.c: Integer overflows checked. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1478 | vlefevre | 2001-11-08 17:11:36 +0000 (Thu, 08 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/isinteger.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/pow.c + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1477 | vlefevre | 2001-11-08 16:42:30 +0000 (Thu, 08 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Fix. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1476 | daney | 2001-11-08 16:37:47 +0000 (Thu, 08 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +suppress variable name in dim min max + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1475 | daney | 2001-11-08 16:23:29 +0000 (Thu, 08 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/isinteger.c + +export isinteger in the file isinteger.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1474 | daney | 2001-11-08 16:21:56 +0000 (Thu, 08 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/pow_si.c + +exporte pow_si from pow2.c to pow_si.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1473 | daney | 2001-11-08 16:21:06 +0000 (Thu, 08 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +rename pow2.c in pow.c (source for mpfr_pow) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1472 | daney | 2001-11-08 16:19:49 +0000 (Thu, 08 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/ui_pow_ui.c + +add ui_pow_ui.c (initially in pow.c) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1471 | daney | 2001-11-08 16:19:18 +0000 (Thu, 08 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/pow_ui.c + +add pow_ui.c file (initially in pow.c) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1470 | vlefevre | 2001-11-08 15:56:09 +0000 (Thu, 08 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +mpfr_cmp2: return type changed to mp_prec_t. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1469 | daney | 2001-11-08 14:53:54 +0000 (Thu, 08 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +add function test4 for 3 input test + fma tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1468 | vlefevre | 2001-11-08 03:04:00 +0000 (Thu, 08 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Macros added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1467 | vlefevre | 2001-11-08 02:15:36 +0000 (Thu, 08 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +MP_LIMB_T_MAX instead of (mp_limb_t) -1 (a little nicer...). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1466 | vlefevre | 2001-11-06 17:05:41 +0000 (Tue, 06 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +Code clean-up. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1465 | vlefevre | 2001-11-05 15:44:24 +0000 (Mon, 05 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exceptions.c + +Prototypes for K&R C. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1464 | vlefevre | 2001-11-05 09:58:14 +0000 (Mon, 05 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +mpfr_round_raw_generic prototype fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1463 | daney | 2001-11-01 14:15:23 +0000 (Thu, 01 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/asin.c + +clear xp for Nan Inf or 0 are returned + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1462 | daney | 2001-11-01 14:11:48 +0000 (Thu, 01 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + +clear variable if an error is return + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1461 | daney | 2001-11-01 14:10:50 +0000 (Thu, 01 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atanh.c + +clear x for Nan inf 0 return + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1460 | daney | 2001-11-01 14:10:10 +0000 (Thu, 01 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/asinh.c + +clear x for Nan Inf 0 return + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1459 | daney | 2001-11-01 14:05:15 +0000 (Thu, 01 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/expm1.c + +clear te + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1458 | vlefevre | 2001-11-01 12:20:32 +0000 (Thu, 01 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +Added prototype. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1457 | vlefevre | 2001-11-01 11:53:58 +0000 (Thu, 01 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +Bug fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1456 | zimmerma | 2001-11-01 10:05:27 +0000 (Thu, 01 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +fixed MLK's + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1455 | zimmerma | 2001-11-01 09:44:03 +0000 (Thu, 01 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow2.c + +fixed MLK's in mpfr_isinteger + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1454 | zimmerma | 2001-11-01 09:43:32 +0000 (Thu, 01 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + +fixed MLK's + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1453 | zimmerma | 2001-11-01 09:04:19 +0000 (Thu, 01 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + +fixed missing mpfr_clear's + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1452 | zimmerma | 2001-11-01 08:02:00 +0000 (Thu, 01 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +added missing mpfr_clear + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1451 | zimmerma | 2001-11-01 07:20:30 +0000 (Thu, 01 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +added clear's in bug_ddefour + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1450 | zimmerma | 2001-11-01 00:42:47 +0000 (Thu, 01 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +added mpfr_clear's + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1449 | zimmerma | 2001-11-01 00:10:46 +0000 (Thu, 01 Nov 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +fixed MLK's + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1448 | zimmerma | 2001-10-31 23:12:41 +0000 (Wed, 31 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +fixed MLK for Inf or Nan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1447 | zimmerma | 2001-10-31 22:52:06 +0000 (Wed, 31 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +fixed MLK in check_case_2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1446 | daney | 2001-10-31 10:16:21 +0000 (Wed, 31 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +rename factorial -> fac_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1445 | rouillie | 2001-10-30 15:26:27 +0000 (Tue, 30 Oct 2001) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/gmp_op.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/ + +Change mpfr__mpz to mpfr__z +Change mpfr__mpq to mpfr__q +where is mul,div,add,sub + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1444 | daney | 2001-10-30 10:30:48 +0000 (Tue, 30 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/factorial.c + +correct factorial -> fac_ui in comments + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1443 | daney | 2001-10-30 10:24:08 +0000 (Tue, 30 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + +rename tfactorial -> fac_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1442 | daney | 2001-10-30 10:23:25 +0000 (Tue, 30 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/factorial.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +rename factorial -> fac_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1441 | vlefevre | 2001-10-27 11:16:02 +0000 (Sat, 27 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +Bug fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1440 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 16:01:03 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + +drand -> drand48 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1439 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 15:49:21 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +put MAX_PREC back to 100 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1438 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 15:46:37 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +added test for inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1437 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 15:45:42 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + +use MPFR_RET_NAN and MPFR_RET + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1436 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 15:42:23 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +removed MPFR_DEBUG_LEVEL definition + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1435 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 15:39:21 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr_set_q and mpfr_abs now return an int +mpfr_pow_ui and mpfr_ui_pow_ui now implement exact rounding +updated the documentation of the mpfr_*pow* functions +removed some internal functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1434 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 15:32:23 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +implemented exact rounding (but no ternary flag) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1433 | daney | 2001-10-26 15:31:42 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + +add some flags + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1432 | daney | 2001-10-26 15:29:28 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +mixed version beetwen DD and Pau => (gestion des flag inexacte dirige) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1431 | daney | 2001-10-26 15:28:31 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +rien + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1430 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 13:48:33 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +MAX_PREC included + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1429 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 13:31:55 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_q.c + +implemented inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1428 | hanrot | 2001-10-26 13:28:00 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +Clearing high part of rem2. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1427 | rouillie | 2001-10-26 13:24:02 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +adds gmp_op.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1426 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 13:23:12 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr_set_q now returns an int + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1425 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 13:22:22 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + +added test for inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1424 | rouillie | 2001-10-26 13:19:40 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/gmp_op.c + +Adds the file gmp_op.c containing the implementations of operations between +mpfr and mpz/mpq data + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1423 | daney | 2001-10-26 13:05:58 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + +err <0 => is now tester + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1422 | hanrot | 2001-10-26 13:00:54 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +Patch for bits shifted out when the high word of the quotient is nonzero. +Induced error on inexact flag (and hence on rounding in some cases). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1421 | daney | 2001-10-26 12:46:30 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/copysign.c + +add copysign.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1420 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 12:41:45 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1419 | daney | 2001-10-26 12:37:43 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/dim.c + +simplify dim + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1418 | daney | 2001-10-26 12:32:57 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +add exact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1417 | daney | 2001-10-26 12:24:00 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/log_base_10.c + M /trunk/log_base_2.c + M /trunk/pow2.c + +err => long int + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1416 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 12:22:28 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1415 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 12:21:46 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log1p.c + +cosmetic changes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1414 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 12:21:08 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +can_round return 0 for b=0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1413 | daney | 2001-10-26 12:17:06 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +add thypot + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1412 | daney | 2001-10-26 11:51:19 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +add coopysign + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1411 | daney | 2001-10-26 11:50:27 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +add copysign + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1410 | daney | 2001-10-26 11:47:46 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/expm1.c + +correct mp_prec_t err => long int + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1409 | daney | 2001-10-26 11:47:09 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log1p.c + +correst mp_prec_t err => long int + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1408 | rouillie | 2001-10-26 11:34:26 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Add multiplication/division/addition/subtraction by mpz and mpq + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1407 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 10:56:14 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added two tests +fixed bug in generic tests (one more bit is needed to get an exact result) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1406 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 10:55:36 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +fixed pb with exact results not detected (ck was < 0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1405 | hanrot | 2001-10-26 09:12:13 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +Rien. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1404 | hanrot | 2001-10-26 09:11:07 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +Patch for the computation of the u_lo + r part of the remainder when u_lo = 0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1403 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 08:43:09 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + +added test for inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1402 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 08:41:29 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed pbs with inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1401 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 08:41:05 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +now mpfr_div and mpfr_ui_div return an int + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1400 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 08:40:13 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/ui_div.c + +implemented ternary flag in mpfr_ui_div + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1399 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 08:39:28 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log_base_2.c + +removed unnecessary CLEAR_FLAGS +used MPFR_RET_NAN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1398 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 08:38:58 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog_base_2.c + +reduced number of tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1397 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 08:31:58 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log_base_10.c + +removed unnecessary CLEAR_FLAGS + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1396 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 08:30:00 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +improved mpfr_compare +fixed wrong function name for mpfr_log2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1395 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 08:23:51 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + +rewritten to implement ternary inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1394 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 08:15:24 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +fixed generic test (pb with double rounding) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1393 | zimmerma | 2001-10-26 07:46:30 +0000 (Fri, 26 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +increased MAX_PREC + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1392 | hanrot | 2001-10-25 22:03:55 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + +Changed the type of err from mp_prec_t (unsigned) to int. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1391 | hanrot | 2001-10-25 21:32:42 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +Added tests for inexact flag. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1390 | hanrot | 2001-10-25 21:32:33 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + M /trunk/configure + M /trunk/div.c + +Patch for even rounding. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1389 | daney | 2001-10-25 17:12:26 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log_base_2.c + +rien + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1388 | daney | 2001-10-25 17:05:29 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log_base_10.c + +rien + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1387 | vlefevre | 2001-10-25 17:00:10 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +Warning avoided. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1386 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 17:00:06 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +added tfma + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1385 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 16:53:36 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfma.c + +slong -> t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1384 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 16:53:05 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +nouvelew version (without loop) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1383 | daney | 2001-10-25 16:51:56 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow2.c + +rien + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1382 | daney | 2001-10-25 16:50:31 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow2.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +rien + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1381 | daney | 2001-10-25 16:45:27 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +change + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1380 | vlefevre | 2001-10-25 16:45:20 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +Bug fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1379 | daney | 2001-10-25 16:34:55 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow2.c + +correct bugs with reuse + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1378 | daney | 2001-10-25 16:34:05 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +test for log2 log10 pow + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1377 | hanrot | 2001-10-25 16:29:46 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +La division nouvelle est arrivee. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1376 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 16:04:18 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +ajoute' nouveau test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1375 | vlefevre | 2001-10-25 15:34:17 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +Bug fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1374 | hanrot | 2001-10-25 15:26:36 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/round.c + +round_raw, round_raw2 -> round_raw_generic. Macros to simulate previous +behaviour. Even rounding returns +- MPFR_EVEN_INEX. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1373 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 15:24:11 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log_base_10.c + +fixed pb with mpfr_log10(a, a) with a=-Inf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1372 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 15:14:01 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added two tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1371 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 15:06:12 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1370 | daney | 2001-10-25 15:03:13 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +add log2 and log10 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1369 | daney | 2001-10-25 15:02:59 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log_base_10.c + +correction for reuse + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1368 | daney | 2001-10-25 15:02:45 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log_base_2.c + +coorection for reuse + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1367 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 14:53:19 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/texceptions.c + +test file for testing exceptions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1366 | vlefevre | 2001-10-25 14:32:20 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +mpfr_add1 completely rewritten. Overflows are checked. +The ternary value should now be supported (but it hasn't been tested yet). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1365 | daney | 2001-10-25 14:04:09 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +new version + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1364 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 13:54:46 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1363 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 13:54:27 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +add possibility to define a random function (default is mpfr_random) +to get random variables in specific ranges + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1362 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 13:53:19 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + M /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + M /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + +now use tgeneric.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1361 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 13:50:49 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +added texceptions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1360 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 13:49:56 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +documented exception mechanism (with Vincent Lefe`vre) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1359 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 13:48:28 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + +changed stupid test (was computing only 200!) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1358 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 13:47:27 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/factorial.c + +implemented inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1357 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 13:45:42 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exceptions.c + +1999 -> 2001 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1356 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 13:45:14 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +check overflow + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1355 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 13:39:35 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +added two tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1354 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 13:37:24 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +implemented overflow/underflow + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1353 | daney | 2001-10-25 13:36:56 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/atanh.c + +correct atanh(INF)=INF exact + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1352 | daney | 2001-10-25 13:14:54 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + +correct test inf for atanh + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1351 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 12:52:08 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added warning for mpfr_set_d + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1350 | daney | 2001-10-25 09:19:06 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + +correct bug in tests file (test of atanh for + or - Inf) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1349 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 08:37:39 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +added tadd_ui (forgotten?) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1348 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 08:37:19 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + +added special test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1347 | zimmerma | 2001-10-25 08:36:55 +0000 (Thu, 25 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +fixed bug in rounding part when rounding towards 0 (infinite loop due to bn int). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1325 | vlefevre | 2001-10-19 20:47:39 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1324 | vlefevre | 2001-10-19 20:45:12 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + +Bugs fixed concerning the "inexact" ternary value. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1323 | daney | 2001-10-19 16:56:51 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +suppress thypot tgeneric + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1322 | daney | 2001-10-19 16:53:12 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +suppress sample + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1321 | zimmerma | 2001-10-19 16:26:47 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +void -> int as return value for mpfr_add_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1320 | zimmerma | 2001-10-19 16:26:19 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_ui.c + +added ternary flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1319 | zimmerma | 2001-10-19 16:24:50 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +void -> int for mpfr_add and mpfr_add_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1318 | daney | 2001-10-19 16:21:08 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/thypot.c + +add test for hypot + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1317 | daney | 2001-10-19 16:15:16 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +add some test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1316 | daney | 2001-10-19 16:13:56 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +add some functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1315 | daney | 2001-10-19 16:12:44 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +add some proto + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1314 | daney | 2001-10-19 16:09:34 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tpow3.c + +add test file for pow + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1313 | daney | 2001-10-19 16:09:01 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +add the help for pow and pow_si + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1312 | daney | 2001-10-19 16:08:29 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/pow2.c + +add the function pow and pow_si + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1311 | zimmerma | 2001-10-19 16:02:34 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +added two tests for 0-c and c-0 with prec(c) > prec(a) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1310 | vlefevre | 2001-10-19 15:53:17 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/neg.c + +Removed #include , "return 0;" replaced by "MPFR_RET(0);". + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1309 | vlefevre | 2001-10-19 15:45:18 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/sub.c + +mpfr_add1 and mpfr_sub1 prototypes moved to mpfr-impl.h (to detect clashes). +Bug fix concerning the inexact ternary value in mpfr_sub. +mpfr_add now returns an int (inexact ternary value unsupported if true add). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1308 | vlefevre | 2001-10-19 14:49:44 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1307 | vlefevre | 2001-10-19 14:13:10 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_si.c + +Underflow/overflow check. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1306 | vlefevre | 2001-10-19 14:02:01 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Documentation updated. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1305 | vlefevre | 2001-10-19 13:57:06 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ui.c + +Comment added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1304 | vlefevre | 2001-10-19 13:41:41 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set.c + +MPFR_RET(0) replaced by MPFR_RET_NAN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1303 | vlefevre | 2001-10-19 13:28:41 +0000 (Fri, 19 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Macro MPFR_RET_NAN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1302 | vlefevre | 2001-10-18 17:29:45 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +Code clean-up in mpfr_round_raw (well... IMHO). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1301 | daney | 2001-10-18 15:30:04 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ui_pow.c + +take in account of CHAR_BIT in ui_pow + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1300 | zimmerma | 2001-10-18 15:21:45 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +cast to mp_limb_t was missing + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1299 | vlefevre | 2001-10-18 15:05:45 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acosh.c + M /trunk/asinh.c + M /trunk/atanh.c + M /trunk/factorial.c + +BITS_PER_CHAR replaced by the standard CHAR_BIT. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1298 | hanrot | 2001-10-18 14:58:14 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +*** empty log message *** + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1297 | daney | 2001-10-18 13:55:26 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tui_pow.c + +add test of ui_pow + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1296 | daney | 2001-10-18 13:54:47 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +add the help of ui_pow + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1295 | daney | 2001-10-18 13:54:21 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/ui_pow.c + +add the function pow(unsign long int, mpfr_t) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1294 | vlefevre | 2001-10-18 13:52:48 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/configure + M /trunk/ + +Improved +configure generated by Autoconf 2.52. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1293 | daney | 2001-10-18 12:09:08 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +ajout du flag inexact + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1292 | vlefevre | 2001-10-18 11:27:38 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/configure + +fixed and improved check for gmp.h/gmp-impl.h/config.h/gmp-mparam.h/longlong.h +and corresponding error message + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1291 | daney | 2001-10-18 10:38:10 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +add the help on log2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1290 | daney | 2001-10-18 10:36:00 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tlog_base_2.c + +add the test file of the log2 (log in base 2) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1289 | daney | 2001-10-18 10:35:11 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/log_base_2.c + +ajout de log2 (log en base 2) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1288 | daney | 2001-10-18 10:24:43 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tanh.c + +correst tanh(0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1287 | zimmerma | 2001-10-18 10:20:41 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +added two more tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1286 | zimmerma | 2001-10-18 10:20:09 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_si.c + +wrong sign passed to mpfr_can_round (mp_limb_t may be unsigned) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1285 | daney | 2001-10-18 10:10:49 +0000 (Thu, 18 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sinh.c + +correct a bug for sinh(Inf) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1284 | daney | 2001-10-17 15:49:52 +0000 (Wed, 17 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tanh.c + +correct syntax of tanh.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1283 | daney | 2001-10-17 15:47:03 +0000 (Wed, 17 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sinh.c + +correct an error + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1282 | daney | 2001-10-17 15:42:10 +0000 (Wed, 17 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cosh.c + +correct few things + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1281 | daney | 2001-10-17 15:29:50 +0000 (Wed, 17 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cosh.c + +little patch for cosh + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1280 | daney | 2001-10-17 15:04:43 +0000 (Wed, 17 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/texpm1.c + +add the test function of expm1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1279 | daney | 2001-10-17 15:04:06 +0000 (Wed, 17 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tlog1p.c + +add the test of the function log1p + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1278 | daney | 2001-10-17 15:03:04 +0000 (Wed, 17 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/expm1.c + +add the function expm1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1277 | daney | 2001-10-17 15:02:30 +0000 (Wed, 17 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/log1p.c + +add the function log1p + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1276 | daney | 2001-10-17 12:50:15 +0000 (Wed, 17 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +add to mpfr.texi log1p and expm1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1275 | daney | 2001-10-17 12:37:46 +0000 (Wed, 17 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +actualisation de exp2.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1274 | daney | 2001-10-17 12:36:51 +0000 (Wed, 17 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +actualisation de exp2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1273 | hanrot | 2001-10-17 10:28:27 +0000 (Wed, 17 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +New tests in tdiv.c. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1272 | hanrot | 2001-10-17 10:28:14 +0000 (Wed, 17 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + A /trunk/div2.c + +New division in div.c, old one renamed in mpfr_div2. Remains to implement +exact/inexact flag. Should not be *that* hard. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1271 | daney | 2001-10-16 16:02:21 +0000 (Tue, 16 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +ajout de functions pow, fma, hypot etc etc + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1270 | zimmerma | 2001-10-16 15:48:48 +0000 (Tue, 16 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added fma.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1269 | zimmerma | 2001-10-16 15:48:34 +0000 (Tue, 16 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added prototypes for mpfr_fma and mpfr_hypot + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1268 | zimmerma | 2001-10-16 15:48:12 +0000 (Tue, 16 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/hypot.c + +small changes for inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1267 | zimmerma | 2001-10-16 15:41:38 +0000 (Tue, 16 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/fma.c + +added some cases for Inf +implement (partly) inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1266 | daney | 2001-10-16 15:09:29 +0000 (Tue, 16 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/hypot.c + +ajout hypot + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1265 | daney | 2001-10-16 15:06:29 +0000 (Tue, 16 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/fma.c + +ajout de fma + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1264 | vlefevre | 2001-10-16 10:13:02 +0000 (Tue, 16 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +Comment: // --> /* ... */ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1263 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:19:10 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tgeneric.c + +generic test file + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1262 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:16:50 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +added cast to (void*) for new functions returning an int + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1261 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:16:25 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + +added test for inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1260 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:15:49 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + +now use tgeneric.c +added more tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1259 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:15:27 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/texp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + M /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + +now use tgeneric.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1258 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:14:38 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + +fixed test of return values for infinities: foo(+/-Inf) is *exact* + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1257 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:13:33 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset.c + +now also try with negative numbers + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1256 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:09:24 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cos.c + M /trunk/cosh.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp_2.c + M /trunk/log.c + +implement ternary inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1255 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:08:57 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + +implement inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1254 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:06:46 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +return type is now int for mpfr_mul_2exp and mpfr_div_2exp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1253 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:06:17 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +return type is now int for more functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1252 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:05:10 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + +sign was not set + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1251 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:04:24 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +rewritten completely mpfr_can_round_raw + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1250 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:02:37 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set.c + +documented mpfr_set4 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1249 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:02:13 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_prec.c + +return non-zero if malloc failed + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1248 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:01:42 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + +cosmetic changes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1247 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:01:18 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin.c + M /trunk/sinh.c + M /trunk/tan.c + M /trunk/tanh.c + +implement ternary inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1246 | zimmerma | 2001-10-15 14:00:45 +0000 (Mon, 15 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + +avoid one variable + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1245 | daney | 2001-10-12 15:19:02 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +correction d'erreurs sur les notations + correction de la regle 9 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1244 | zimmerma | 2001-10-12 12:56:24 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +fixed MPFR_ASSERT +documented MPFR_ASSERTN and MPFR_ASSERTD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1243 | zimmerma | 2001-10-12 12:24:18 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + +added test for mpfr_init_set_f prototype + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1242 | zimmerma | 2001-10-12 12:23:50 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + +added test for inexact flag +corrected a wrong test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1241 | zimmerma | 2001-10-12 12:23:11 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +cosmetic change + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1240 | zimmerma | 2001-10-12 12:22:36 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +added tsub_ui (did exist but forgotten in Makefile) and tset (new file) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1239 | zimmerma | 2001-10-12 12:21:40 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tset.c + +test file for mpfr_set, initial version + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1238 | zimmerma | 2001-10-12 12:20:53 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +void -> int as return value for several functions +and explained the ternary return value + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1237 | zimmerma | 2001-10-12 12:19:49 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + +implemented inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1236 | zimmerma | 2001-10-12 12:18:46 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +void -> int as return value for new functions implementing inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1235 | zimmerma | 2001-10-12 12:18:10 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +implemeted inexact flag in mpfr_set_d + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1234 | zimmerma | 2001-10-12 12:17:24 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +implemented inexact flag in mpfr_round + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1233 | zimmerma | 2001-10-12 12:16:13 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +completely rewritten + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1232 | zimmerma | 2001-10-12 12:15:46 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +computation of inexact flag now directly uses mpfr_round_raw + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1231 | zimmerma | 2001-10-12 12:13:27 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +added 'if' in MPFR_ASSERT to avoid compiler warning + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1230 | zimmerma | 2001-10-12 12:12:07 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +put initial value in variables which may be used without being initialized + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1229 | zimmerma | 2001-10-12 12:11:23 +0000 (Fri, 12 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +updated things done, added Rounding section + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1228 | daney | 2001-10-11 16:47:30 +0000 (Thu, 11 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +ajout de log1p et expm1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1227 | zimmerma | 2001-10-11 15:26:57 +0000 (Thu, 11 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +reduced number of random tests (took too much time) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1226 | zimmerma | 2001-10-11 15:19:04 +0000 (Thu, 11 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +added random tests for inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1225 | zimmerma | 2001-10-11 15:18:22 +0000 (Thu, 11 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + +implemented inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1224 | zimmerma | 2001-10-11 15:05:13 +0000 (Thu, 11 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +added random tests for inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1223 | daney | 2001-10-11 14:51:03 +0000 (Thu, 11 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +ajout du log generic et de fma + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1222 | zimmerma | 2001-10-11 12:33:08 +0000 (Thu, 11 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +inexact flag was wrong in some cases + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1221 | zimmerma | 2001-10-11 12:31:37 +0000 (Thu, 11 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +added random tests for inexact flag + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1220 | zimmerma | 2001-10-11 12:28:53 +0000 (Thu, 11 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tasin.c + +reduced number of loops per precision from 100 to 10 +(test was too long) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1219 | zimmerma | 2001-10-11 08:25:55 +0000 (Thu, 11 Oct 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/configure + +improved check for gmp-impl.h/config.h/gmp-mparam.h/longlong.h +and corresponding error message + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1218 | zimmerma | 2001-10-11 08:25:03 +0000 (Thu, 11 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +stack-alloc.h no longer needed (will be included in gmp-impl.h) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1217 | zimmerma | 2001-10-11 08:24:35 +0000 (Thu, 11 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +stack-alloc.h is no longer needed (will be included in gmp-impl.h) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1216 | zimmerma | 2001-10-09 13:25:20 +0000 (Tue, 09 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added proof of rules + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1215 | zimmerma | 2001-10-09 11:38:44 +0000 (Tue, 09 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +fixed buggy test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1214 | zimmerma | 2001-10-05 07:35:10 +0000 (Fri, 05 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +fixed bug for b + d where b=2^900+2^500+2^110, d=2^900-2^500-2^110 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1213 | zimmerma | 2001-10-03 10:24:47 +0000 (Wed, 03 Oct 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_set_d on 64-bit machines + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1212 | zimmerma | 2001-09-28 12:13:30 +0000 (Fri, 28 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +fixed a few problems in mpfr_set_d for sizer < MPFR_LIMBS_PER_DOUBLE + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1211 | zimmerma | 2001-09-28 10:15:12 +0000 (Fri, 28 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.bib + +added paper of Brent and McMillan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1210 | zimmerma | 2001-09-28 10:11:04 +0000 (Fri, 28 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +does not call compare_exp2_exp3 when argc=4 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1209 | zimmerma | 2001-09-28 10:09:06 +0000 (Fri, 28 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added one item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1208 | zimmerma | 2001-09-28 09:42:22 +0000 (Fri, 28 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_prec.c + +now mpfr_set_prec returns 1 instead of producing an error in case prec=0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1207 | daney | 2001-09-27 13:03:29 +0000 (Thu, 27 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +New version with new generic function + / * etc + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1206 | vlefevre | 2001-09-20 15:08:05 +0000 (Thu, 20 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/BUGS + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/README + +BUGS updated. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1205 | vlefevre | 2001-09-13 16:35:18 +0000 (Thu, 13 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + +Prototype changes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1204 | vlefevre | 2001-09-13 13:20:40 +0000 (Thu, 13 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + + -> (ISO C). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1203 | vlefevre | 2001-09-13 13:12:21 +0000 (Thu, 13 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + +#include added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1202 | vlefevre | 2001-09-13 12:32:44 +0000 (Thu, 13 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/euler.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/pi.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tcos.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttan.c + +#include added/removed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1201 | vlefevre | 2001-09-13 12:16:12 +0000 (Thu, 13 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/configure + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +GCC option -Wno-implicit removed and prototype added to mpfr-impl.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1200 | vlefevre | 2001-09-12 15:51:26 +0000 (Wed, 12 Sep 2001) | 8 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +INCLUDES in -I$(top_srcdir) and @INCLUDES@ swapped. +This defines the following precedence for the tests: + 1) MPFR directories + 2) User-defined directory + 3) GMP include directory +This allows the user to override the GMP longlong.h file with the +gcc-3 one, by using: INCLUDES="-I.../include" ./configure ... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1199 | vlefevre | 2001-09-12 13:50:42 +0000 (Wed, 12 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log2.c + +#include order fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1198 | vlefevre | 2001-09-12 12:19:27 +0000 (Wed, 12 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +Tests added (in particular, inex value). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1197 | vlefevre | 2001-09-12 12:19:06 +0000 (Wed, 12 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_si.c + +Bug fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1196 | vlefevre | 2001-09-11 15:21:52 +0000 (Tue, 11 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +MPFR_RET: definition changed to avoid warning. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1195 | vlefevre | 2001-09-11 14:02:32 +0000 (Tue, 11 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + +Inexact ternary value for mpfr_set4, mpfr_set_ui and mpfr_set_si. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1194 | vlefevre | 2001-09-11 13:55:08 +0000 (Tue, 11 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Macro SAFE_ABS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1193 | vlefevre | 2001-09-11 13:16:51 +0000 (Tue, 11 Sep 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Inexact ternary value and flag for mpfr_set_underflow, mpfr_set_overflow +and mpfr_check_range. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1192 | vlefevre | 2001-09-11 03:20:42 +0000 (Tue, 11 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/set.c + +Macro MPFR_RET added. Ternary value for mpfr_set4. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1191 | vlefevre | 2001-09-11 01:02:15 +0000 (Tue, 11 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +New flags. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1190 | vlefevre | 2001-09-10 23:58:12 +0000 (Mon, 10 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/ + +Parameter added to mpfr_round_raw: pointer to inexact ternary value. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1189 | hanrot | 2001-09-10 16:30:21 +0000 (Mon, 10 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +Zqwiuyt + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1188 | hanrot | 2001-09-10 16:21:42 +0000 (Mon, 10 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +Zorgs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1187 | hanrot | 2001-09-10 15:42:12 +0000 (Mon, 10 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +Gleurbs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1186 | hanrot | 2001-09-10 15:40:57 +0000 (Mon, 10 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +Patch grotesque. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1185 | hanrot | 2001-09-10 15:20:08 +0000 (Mon, 10 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +Patch for the case SIZE(r) < MPFR_LIMBS_PER_DOUBLE. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1184 | zimmerma | 2001-09-10 07:47:29 +0000 (Mon, 10 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/ttan.c + +test file for mpfr_tan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1183 | zimmerma | 2001-09-10 07:47:15 +0000 (Mon, 10 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +fixed a few typos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1182 | zimmerma | 2001-09-10 07:46:56 +0000 (Mon, 10 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +added mpfr_tan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1181 | zimmerma | 2001-09-10 07:46:37 +0000 (Mon, 10 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +added ttan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1180 | zimmerma | 2001-09-10 07:45:54 +0000 (Mon, 10 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added the tangent + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1179 | zimmerma | 2001-09-10 07:45:14 +0000 (Mon, 10 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added tan.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1178 | zimmerma | 2001-09-10 07:44:05 +0000 (Mon, 10 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tan.c + +tangent function + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1177 | zimmerma | 2001-09-07 12:46:54 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +removed mpfr_sin and mpfr_cos (now separate implementations) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1176 | zimmerma | 2001-09-07 12:45:52 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +removed sin_cos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1175 | zimmerma | 2001-09-07 12:41:15 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added sine and cosine + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1174 | zimmerma | 2001-09-07 12:40:29 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +removed sin_cos, added sin and cos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1173 | zimmerma | 2001-09-07 12:37:21 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +removed mpfr_sin_cos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1172 | zimmerma | 2001-09-07 12:32:28 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +removed sin_cos, added sin and cos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1171 | zimmerma | 2001-09-07 12:32:07 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +removed tsin_cos, added tsin and tcos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1170 | zimmerma | 2001-09-07 12:30:42 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tcos.c + A /trunk/tests/tsin.c + +test files for mpfr_cos and mpfr_sin + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1169 | zimmerma | 2001-09-07 12:30:14 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/sin.c + +new implementation of mpfr_sin, using mpfr_cos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1168 | zimmerma | 2001-09-07 12:29:52 +0000 (Fri, 07 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/cos.c + +new (faster) implementation of mpfr_cos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1167 | vlefevre | 2001-09-06 15:59:15 +0000 (Thu, 06 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exceptions.c + +Fix: flags set in mpfr_set_{under,over}flow(). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1166 | vlefevre | 2001-09-06 12:49:53 +0000 (Thu, 06 Sep 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +Cases where the result is 0 fixed. +Integer overflow checked in mpfr_sub. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1165 | vlefevre | 2001-09-06 11:35:12 +0000 (Thu, 06 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/add.c + +In add.c: use mpfr_cmp_abs instead of mpfr_cmp3; x - x fixed for GMP_RNDD. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1164 | vlefevre | 2001-09-06 10:27:57 +0000 (Thu, 06 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/cmp_abs.c + +Compare the absolute values of two nonzero FP numbers. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1163 | vlefevre | 2001-09-05 15:40:47 +0000 (Wed, 05 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr_cmp3 changed and integer overflows checked. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1162 | zimmerma | 2001-09-05 09:52:50 +0000 (Wed, 05 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added efficiency item + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1161 | vlefevre | 2001-09-03 14:52:45 +0000 (Mon, 03 Sep 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +Cases [+-]0 + [+-]0 fixed (depending on the rounding mode). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1160 | vlefevre | 2001-08-29 15:29:46 +0000 (Wed, 29 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set.c + +Optimization + overflow support. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1159 | vlefevre | 2001-08-29 14:10:30 +0000 (Wed, 29 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Case +0 + -0 fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1158 | zimmerma | 2001-08-29 12:30:24 +0000 (Wed, 29 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1157 | zimmerma | 2001-08-29 09:24:30 +0000 (Wed, 29 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + +another test from Norbert + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1156 | zimmerma | 2001-08-29 09:24:10 +0000 (Wed, 29 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +another fix (final copy when xsize > ysize was wrong) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1155 | zimmerma | 2001-08-28 16:15:02 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added several tests for case (1b) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1154 | zimmerma | 2001-08-28 15:57:47 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +another fix (previous one was incomplete) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1153 | zimmerma | 2001-08-28 15:56:22 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + +added one more test (from Norbert) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1152 | vlefevre | 2001-08-28 14:20:50 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +Bug fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1151 | vlefevre | 2001-08-28 10:28:50 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +Bug fixed and update to check the exponents. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1150 | zimmerma | 2001-08-27 14:54:28 +0000 (Mon, 27 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + +added test for 53 <= xprec, yprec <= 128 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1149 | zimmerma | 2001-08-27 14:10:03 +0000 (Mon, 27 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + +added multiple tests for 53 <= xprec, yprec <= 128 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1148 | zimmerma | 2001-08-27 14:09:13 +0000 (Mon, 27 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +was completely wrong for ysize > xsize + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1147 | zimmerma | 2001-08-27 12:47:37 +0000 (Mon, 27 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added faster formula in exp(-8*n) for Euler's constant + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1146 | vlefevre | 2001-08-25 09:58:24 +0000 (Sat, 25 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Assertion support with debug level. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1145 | vlefevre | 2001-08-25 09:11:18 +0000 (Sat, 25 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/add_ui.c + A /trunk/exceptions.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + A /trunk/save_expo.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + +Some support for exponent change and exceptions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1144 | zimmerma | 2001-08-23 14:57:09 +0000 (Thu, 23 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +added constant ALPHA (for mpfr_const_euler) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1143 | zimmerma | 2001-08-23 14:56:36 +0000 (Thu, 23 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +added euler/teuler + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1142 | zimmerma | 2001-08-23 14:53:23 +0000 (Thu, 23 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +added teuler + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1141 | zimmerma | 2001-08-23 14:47:41 +0000 (Thu, 23 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added euler.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1140 | zimmerma | 2001-08-23 14:45:58 +0000 (Thu, 23 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +fixed pb with c2 = c2old << dif with dif negative + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1139 | zimmerma | 2001-08-23 14:25:50 +0000 (Thu, 23 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed bug for (2^53+4) - 1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1138 | zimmerma | 2001-08-23 13:51:31 +0000 (Thu, 23 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + +added new test from Norbert Mueller + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1137 | zimmerma | 2001-08-23 13:41:17 +0000 (Thu, 23 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +fixed pb: sh becomes "negative" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1136 | zimmerma | 2001-08-23 11:13:44 +0000 (Thu, 23 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +included Euler's constant + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1135 | zimmerma | 2001-08-23 11:13:10 +0000 (Thu, 23 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/algorithms.bib + +bibtex file for algorithms.tex + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1134 | zimmerma | 2001-08-23 11:07:19 +0000 (Thu, 23 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/teuler.c + +test file for mpfr_const_euler + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1133 | zimmerma | 2001-08-23 11:06:52 +0000 (Thu, 23 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/euler.c + +computation of Euler's constant 0.577... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1132 | zimmerma | 2001-08-23 11:06:23 +0000 (Thu, 23 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +added missing prototype + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1131 | zimmerma | 2001-08-23 11:01:31 +0000 (Thu, 23 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr_const_euler returns an int + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1130 | zimmerma | 2001-08-23 11:00:34 +0000 (Thu, 23 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added mpfr_const_euler + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1129 | vlefevre | 2001-08-22 16:01:37 +0000 (Wed, 22 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +Tests added. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1128 | vlefevre | 2001-08-22 16:01:28 +0000 (Wed, 22 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +Bugs fixed (particular cases). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1127 | vlefevre | 2001-08-22 15:18:06 +0000 (Wed, 22 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +"mant(c) != 1/2" test was broken. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1126 | vlefevre | 2001-08-22 15:05:23 +0000 (Wed, 22 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +check fixed. Check added: 2^53 + 1 --> 2^53. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1125 | vlefevre | 2001-08-22 14:24:02 +0000 (Wed, 22 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +Update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1124 | zimmerma | 2001-08-21 15:02:19 +0000 (Tue, 21 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1123 | zimmerma | 2001-08-21 15:02:05 +0000 (Tue, 21 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + +fixed stupid bug when dif < 0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1122 | zimmerma | 2001-08-14 14:15:25 +0000 (Tue, 14 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added mpfr_asin + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1121 | zimmerma | 2001-08-14 14:14:57 +0000 (Tue, 14 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +added missing cast + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1120 | zimmerma | 2001-08-14 13:50:47 +0000 (Tue, 14 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tasin.c + +test file for mpfr_asin + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1119 | zimmerma | 2001-08-14 13:47:32 +0000 (Tue, 14 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/asin.c + +arc-sine, contributed by Mathieu Dutour + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1118 | zimmerma | 2001-08-14 13:37:06 +0000 (Tue, 14 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +added mpfr_asin + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1117 | zimmerma | 2001-08-14 13:36:50 +0000 (Tue, 14 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tatan.c + +new name for file tarctan.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1116 | zimmerma | 2001-08-14 13:36:37 +0000 (Tue, 14 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/tests/tarctan.c + +renamed to tatan.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1115 | zimmerma | 2001-08-14 13:36:10 +0000 (Tue, 14 Aug 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +renamed tarctan.c into tatan.c +added tasin.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1114 | zimmerma | 2001-08-14 13:32:47 +0000 (Tue, 14 Aug 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +renamed arctan.c to atan.c +added asin.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1113 | zimmerma | 2001-08-14 13:32:20 +0000 (Tue, 14 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/atan.c + +new name for file arctan.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1112 | zimmerma | 2001-08-14 13:32:04 +0000 (Tue, 14 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/arctan.c + +moved to atan.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1111 | zimmerma | 2001-08-14 13:15:56 +0000 (Tue, 14 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +low significant bit is in ap[0] and not in ap[an-1] !!! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1110 | vlefevre | 2001-08-13 17:56:06 +0000 (Mon, 13 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Cleaner MPFR_SET_SAME_SIGN. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1109 | vlefevre | 2001-08-13 04:48:05 +0000 (Mon, 13 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Macros MPFR_SET_SAME_SIGN, MPFR_INIT and MPFR_INIT1 changed to expressions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1108 | vlefevre | 2001-08-10 15:40:56 +0000 (Fri, 10 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + +Bugs fixed (wrong types). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1107 | vlefevre | 2001-08-10 12:35:30 +0000 (Fri, 10 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Macros mpfr_init_set_* changed to expressions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1106 | vlefevre | 2001-08-10 12:04:17 +0000 (Fri, 10 Aug 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + update. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1105 | zimmerma | 2001-07-06 14:02:40 +0000 (Fri, 06 Jul 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +edited wrt GNU style + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1104 | zimmerma | 2001-07-06 13:56:34 +0000 (Fri, 06 Jul 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +fixed stupid bug: ceil(a/b) isn't (a+b-1)/a but simply a/b for a negative! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1103 | zimmerma | 2001-07-06 13:04:04 +0000 (Fri, 06 Jul 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed array bound write (bn < an + cancel1 + 1) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1102 | zimmerma | 2001-07-06 12:32:13 +0000 (Fri, 06 Jul 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +macros MPFR_NOTZERO and MPFR_ISZERO did not work properly with 64-bit words + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1101 | zimmerma | 2001-06-29 16:21:05 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jun 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +fixed bug for output base 2^k + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1100 | zimmerma | 2001-06-29 16:19:30 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jun 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1099 | zimmerma | 2001-06-29 16:17:20 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jun 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added a section for the exponential + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1098 | zimmerma | 2001-06-29 11:56:51 +0000 (Fri, 29 Jun 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + +fixed bug when dividend is 0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1097 | zimmerma | 2001-06-28 12:45:27 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jun 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp_2.c + +moved TMP_FREE + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1096 | zimmerma | 2001-06-28 12:39:45 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jun 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added 2 things + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1095 | zimmerma | 2001-06-27 09:40:24 +0000 (Wed, 27 Jun 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added to files to remove for "make distclean" + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1094 | vlefevre | 2001-06-23 01:41:08 +0000 (Sat, 23 Jun 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +Non-existent C source references removed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1093 | vlefevre | 2001-06-23 01:13:41 +0000 (Sat, 23 Jun 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +Macros MPFR_INIT and MPFR_INIT1 fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1092 | zimmerma | 2001-06-18 13:52:58 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jun 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +nested double TMP_DECL's + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1091 | daney | 2001-06-14 15:55:36 +0000 (Thu, 14 Jun 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/arctan.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tarctan.c + M /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + +A few patches. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1090 | zimmerma | 2001-06-07 14:22:08 +0000 (Thu, 07 Jun 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +added mpfr_sin and mpfr_cos +corrected in the documentation some exact values + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1089 | zimmerma | 2001-06-01 16:15:23 +0000 (Fri, 01 Jun 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +removed 2 tabs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1088 | zimmerma | 2001-06-01 16:03:15 +0000 (Fri, 01 Jun 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added change explaining the LGPL with non-free programs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1087 | hanrot | 2001-05-31 16:56:11 +0000 (Thu, 31 May 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +Patch for the case b = 0 or c = 0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1086 | hanrot | 2001-05-23 16:57:20 +0000 (Wed, 23 May 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +Added DDefour's bug. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1085 | hanrot | 2001-05-22 10:29:32 +0000 (Tue, 22 May 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +Patch in the case MPFR_PREC(b) > MPFR_PREC(a)+cancel. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1084 | vlefevre | 2001-05-10 12:31:23 +0000 (Thu, 10 May 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/tests/ + +fixed bug in mpfr.texi + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1083 | daney | 2001-05-10 09:19:25 +0000 (Thu, 10 May 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +correction du bug donne par vincent + ajout des aides des fonctions hyperbolic + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1082 | daney | 2001-05-09 15:26:28 +0000 (Wed, 09 May 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +*** empty log message *** + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1081 | zimmerma | 2001-04-20 08:49:45 +0000 (Fri, 20 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +log(0) now returns 0 (exact infinity) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1080 | zimmerma | 2001-04-18 16:05:20 +0000 (Wed, 18 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +fixed pbs with NaN/Inf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1079 | zimmerma | 2001-04-18 11:56:09 +0000 (Wed, 18 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed new bug found by Nathalie Revol (case when add_one_ulp produces a carry) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1078 | zimmerma | 2001-04-18 11:51:51 +0000 (Wed, 18 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +added new bug found by Nathalie Revol + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1077 | zimmerma | 2001-04-18 11:40:26 +0000 (Wed, 18 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed bug for 1.0000... - 0.000001 for rounding up or nearest + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1076 | revol | 2001-04-17 18:23:18 +0000 (Tue, 17 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +Case where argument < 0 included, NR 17-04-2001 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1075 | zimmerma | 2001-04-12 21:38:29 +0000 (Thu, 12 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +added new (special) tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1074 | zimmerma | 2001-04-12 21:38:02 +0000 (Thu, 12 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tsub.c + +test file for mpfr_sub + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1073 | zimmerma | 2001-04-12 21:37:47 +0000 (Thu, 12 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +added tsub + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1072 | daney | 2001-04-06 09:30:15 +0000 (Fri, 06 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + +change old exp2 (conflict with 2^x) to exp_2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1071 | zimmerma | 2001-04-05 18:29:54 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +0 -> GMP_RNDN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1070 | zimmerma | 2001-04-05 18:29:03 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp2.c + +check apart the case c=0 (otherwise some low significant limbs may be +non zero, which may produce a wrong result) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1069 | zimmerma | 2001-04-05 18:18:14 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + +mpfr_exp2 -> mpfr_exp_2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1068 | zimmerma | 2001-04-05 17:52:36 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +mpfr_exp2 -> mpfr_exp_2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1067 | daney | 2001-04-05 17:42:31 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +reactualise .h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1066 | daney | 2001-04-05 17:42:09 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + +change header + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1065 | daney | 2001-04-05 17:39:30 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +change reuse to suppress factorial + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1064 | daney | 2001-04-05 17:33:16 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +suppress of timing in makefile + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1063 | daney | 2001-04-05 17:22:23 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/exp_2.c + +add the old exp2 function and file renamed by exp_2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1062 | daney | 2001-04-05 17:20:11 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +change makefile for new functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1061 | daney | 2001-04-05 17:19:21 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +change make file test for hyperbolic function exp2 and factorial + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1060 | daney | 2001-04-05 17:17:38 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tacosh.c + A /trunk/tests/tasinh.c + A /trunk/tests/tatanh.c + A /trunk/tests/tcosh.c + A /trunk/tests/tsinh.c + A /trunk/tests/ttanh.c + +add new test file for hyperbolic function + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1059 | daney | 2001-04-05 17:16:37 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/texp2.c + A /trunk/tests/tfactorial.c + A /trunk/tests/thyperbolic.c + +add test file for new function + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1058 | daney | 2001-04-05 17:15:37 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + A /trunk/factorial.c + +add function + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1057 | daney | 2001-04-05 17:14:44 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/acosh.c + A /trunk/asinh.c + A /trunk/atanh.c + A /trunk/sinh.c + A /trunk/tanh.c + +new file function + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1056 | daney | 2001-04-05 17:13:11 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/cosh.c + +new function file + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1055 | zimmerma | 2001-04-05 17:07:35 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +new version with cmp2.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1054 | zimmerma | 2001-04-05 15:53:49 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +fixed pb with inexact flag when 'int' and 'mp_limb_t' has different sizes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1053 | daney | 2001-04-05 15:31:42 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + +fixed bug for mpfr_cmp_ui (Inf, 0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1052 | daney | 2001-04-05 15:29:31 +0000 (Thu, 05 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +fixed bug for mpfr_set_ui (x, 0) [was giving -0] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1051 | zimmerma | 2001-04-03 17:36:03 +0000 (Tue, 03 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/algorithms.tex + +added algorithm for mpfr_cmp2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1050 | zimmerma | 2001-04-03 17:35:37 +0000 (Tue, 03 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added cmp2.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1049 | zimmerma | 2001-04-03 17:35:03 +0000 (Tue, 03 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp2.c + +fixed bug when diff_exp >= BITS_PER_MP_LIMB + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1048 | zimmerma | 2001-04-03 17:34:03 +0000 (Tue, 03 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +added new test for worst cases: 1 - 1/2^i and (1 + 1/2^i) - 1/2^i + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1047 | zimmerma | 2001-04-03 17:11:08 +0000 (Tue, 03 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +changed return value of mpfr_cmp2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1046 | zimmerma | 2001-04-03 17:10:39 +0000 (Tue, 03 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/cmp2.c + +new file for mpfr_cmp2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1045 | zimmerma | 2001-04-03 17:10:23 +0000 (Tue, 03 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +moved mpfr_cmp2 to separate file cmp2.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1044 | zimmerma | 2001-04-03 17:09:44 +0000 (Tue, 03 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +added several tests, and a routine that generates worst cases + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1043 | zimmerma | 2001-04-03 10:21:10 +0000 (Tue, 03 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/trunc.c + +two changes suggested by Kevin Ryde + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1042 | zimmerma | 2001-04-02 17:46:07 +0000 (Mon, 02 Apr 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +new version from new + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1041 | zimmerma | 2001-03-27 20:23:12 +0000 (Tue, 27 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added new test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1040 | zimmerma | 2001-03-27 20:22:57 +0000 (Tue, 27 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +fixed new bug in mpfr_cmp2 found by Fabrice + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1039 | zimmerma | 2001-03-21 22:07:04 +0000 (Wed, 21 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +added new test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1038 | zimmerma | 2001-03-21 22:05:54 +0000 (Wed, 21 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +fixed bug found by Nathalie Revol + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1037 | zimmerma | 2001-03-20 14:32:26 +0000 (Tue, 20 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added 2 items + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1036 | zimmerma | 2001-03-20 10:03:08 +0000 (Tue, 20 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + +added test for mpfr_cmp_ui (-0, 0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1035 | zimmerma | 2001-03-20 10:02:27 +0000 (Tue, 20 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/out_str.c + +now prints -0 for -0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1034 | revol | 2001-03-19 18:11:09 +0000 (Mon, 19 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + +Comparison between 0- and 0 now returns 0, NR 19-03-2001 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1033 | vlefevre | 2001-03-16 13:50:18 +0000 (Fri, 16 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +added cast to avoid a warning + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1032 | zimmerma | 2001-03-13 09:32:53 +0000 (Tue, 13 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +added tests for inexact return value + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1031 | zimmerma | 2001-03-13 09:32:28 +0000 (Tue, 13 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +tiny bug in inexact value determination + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1030 | zimmerma | 2001-03-13 08:55:46 +0000 (Tue, 13 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mul.c + +mpfr_mul now returns an int + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1029 | zimmerma | 2001-03-09 17:52:21 +0000 (Fri, 09 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/algorithms.tex + +description of algorithms + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1028 | zimmerma | 2001-03-09 17:14:53 +0000 (Fri, 09 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +reorganized + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1027 | zimmerma | 2001-03-08 13:26:07 +0000 (Thu, 08 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added few things + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1026 | zimmerma | 2001-03-08 13:25:39 +0000 (Thu, 08 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added arc-tangent + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1025 | zimmerma | 2001-03-08 13:24:57 +0000 (Thu, 08 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +added tarctan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1024 | zimmerma | 2001-03-08 13:24:29 +0000 (Thu, 08 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +added test to mpfr_arctan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1023 | zimmerma | 2001-03-08 13:23:34 +0000 (Thu, 08 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tarctan.c + +added header + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1022 | zimmerma | 2001-03-08 13:22:20 +0000 (Thu, 08 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tarctan.c + +test file for mpfr_arctan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1021 | zimmerma | 2001-03-08 13:14:26 +0000 (Thu, 08 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/arctan.c + +removed math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1020 | zimmerma | 2001-03-08 13:08:25 +0000 (Thu, 08 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/arctan.c + +arctangent function (contributed by Mathieu Dutour, done slight changes) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1019 | zimmerma | 2001-03-08 13:07:32 +0000 (Thu, 08 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added Mathieu Dutour in contributors + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1018 | zimmerma | 2001-03-08 13:06:20 +0000 (Thu, 08 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added mpfr_arctan + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1017 | zimmerma | 2001-03-08 11:21:31 +0000 (Thu, 08 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1016 | zimmerma | 2001-03-08 11:21:14 +0000 (Thu, 08 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_can_round_raw, when err > bn*BITS_PER_MP_LIMB + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1015 | zimmerma | 2001-03-08 09:35:03 +0000 (Thu, 08 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +now tset_str is possible + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1014 | zimmerma | 2001-03-06 16:41:25 +0000 (Tue, 06 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/out_str.c + +fixed bug for Infinity (was testing zero before) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1013 | zimmerma | 2001-03-01 10:32:32 +0000 (Thu, 01 Mar 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +replaced (mp_limb_t) 4294967295 by CNST_LIMB(0xFFFFFFFF) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1012 | zimmerma | 2001-02-22 13:40:32 +0000 (Thu, 22 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +forgot to declare q in mpfr_get_d2 when BITS_PER_MP_LIMB=64 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1011 | zimmerma | 2001-02-21 10:40:35 +0000 (Wed, 21 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +removed fprintf() when unexpected end of string + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1010 | zimmerma | 2001-02-21 10:39:04 +0000 (Wed, 21 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + +added undef's to avoid warnings at compilation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1009 | zimmerma | 2001-02-19 12:46:07 +0000 (Mon, 19 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +removed mpfr_set_machine_rnd_mode + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1008 | zimmerma | 2001-02-18 12:16:14 +0000 (Sun, 18 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/reuse.c + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdump.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpi.c + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tswap.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +changed "int main(..)" to two lines + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1007 | zimmerma | 2001-02-18 12:13:55 +0000 (Sun, 18 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +now initialize str_is_null correctly + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1006 | zimmerma | 2001-02-18 12:13:41 +0000 (Sun, 18 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tround.c + +added more tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1005 | zimmerma | 2001-02-18 12:13:16 +0000 (Sun, 18 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +don't change MPFR_SIZE when allocated size is enough + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1004 | zimmerma | 2001-02-18 12:12:52 +0000 (Sun, 18 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +updated specification of mpfr_sgn + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1003 | zimmerma | 2001-02-18 12:12:35 +0000 (Sun, 18 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +changed definition of mpfr_sgn to get rid of MPFR_NOTZERO + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1002 | zimmerma | 2001-02-18 12:12:21 +0000 (Sun, 18 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/out_str.c + +size of freed block by __gmp_free_func was wrong + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1001 | zimmerma | 2001-02-18 12:11:59 +0000 (Sun, 18 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +added tisnan and tget_d + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1000 | zimmerma | 2001-02-18 12:11:40 +0000 (Sun, 18 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/isnan.c + +fixed bug for Inf (recognized as an ordinary number) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r999 | zimmerma | 2001-02-18 12:11:25 +0000 (Sun, 18 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tget_d.c + A /trunk/tests/tisnan.c + +new test file + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r998 | zimmerma | 2001-02-16 10:18:33 +0000 (Fri, 16 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +check overflow in _mpfr_ceil_exp2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r997 | zimmerma | 2001-02-15 22:19:58 +0000 (Thu, 15 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +added prototype for Ulp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r996 | zimmerma | 2001-02-15 22:19:42 +0000 (Thu, 15 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/isnan.c + +changed _d to _p, added mpfr_number_p + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r995 | zimmerma | 2001-02-15 22:19:16 +0000 (Thu, 15 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +changed MPN_COPY into MPN_COPY_INCR/MPN_COPY_DECR in mpfr_round_raw + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r994 | zimmerma | 2001-02-15 22:18:55 +0000 (Thu, 15 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +added tests for one of arguments NULL + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r993 | zimmerma | 2001-02-15 22:18:16 +0000 (Thu, 15 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +moved mpfr_sgn to mpfr.h (defined in manual) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r992 | zimmerma | 2001-02-15 22:17:58 +0000 (Thu, 15 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + +use MPZ_REALLOC + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r991 | zimmerma | 2001-02-15 22:17:41 +0000 (Thu, 15 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/set_str.c + +added const to 2nd argument of mpfr_set_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r990 | zimmerma | 2001-02-15 22:17:10 +0000 (Thu, 15 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added set_ui.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r989 | zimmerma | 2001-02-15 22:16:44 +0000 (Thu, 15 Feb 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_si.c + A /trunk/set_ui.c + +added cast to "unsigned long" for ai = ABS(i) +moved mpfr_set_ui to separate file + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r988 | zimmerma | 2001-02-15 22:16:04 +0000 (Thu, 15 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +now when str==NULL return a block which is exactly strlen(str)+1 bytes long + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r987 | zimmerma | 2001-02-15 22:15:38 +0000 (Thu, 15 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/pi.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed problems with old K&R compilers (_PROTO missing) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r986 | zimmerma | 2001-02-08 12:56:50 +0000 (Thu, 08 Feb 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added more items + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r985 | zimmerma | 2001-01-23 16:11:30 +0000 (Tue, 23 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +fixed ulp computation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r984 | zimmerma | 2001-01-19 16:20:33 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +changed behaviour for "tlog N": prints only differences with increasing ulps + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r983 | zimmerma | 2001-01-19 09:55:11 +0000 (Fri, 19 Jan 2001) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +fixed pb in mpfr_get_d2 for 64-bit machines: in q + res/MP_BASE_AS_DOUBLE, +q seems first to be cast into a double, which gives more than one ulp of +error + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r982 | zimmerma | 2001-01-18 16:08:34 +0000 (Thu, 18 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added guard to prevent multiple inclusion + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r981 | zimmerma | 2001-01-18 08:42:27 +0000 (Thu, 18 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_cmp2 (found on the IA64) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r980 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 17:26:02 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +added tests for 0 in mpfr_set_str_raw + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r979 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 17:25:28 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +fixed bug for +0000E0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r978 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:53:48 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrtrem.c + +incorporated changes from Kevin/Torbjorn for GMP 3.2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r977 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:46:03 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +truncate the last uk (when the precision is not a power of 2) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r976 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:45:01 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +_mp_allocate_func -> _gmp_allocate_func + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r975 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:44:24 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_prec.c + +_mp_reallocate_func -> _gmp_reallocate_func + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r974 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:44:04 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + +__gmp_default_fp_bit_precision -> __mpfr_default_fp_bit_precision + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r973 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:43:37 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/round.c + +_mp_xxx_func -> _gmp_xxx_func + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r972 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:43:16 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + +removed mpfr_srandom + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r971 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:42:09 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/out_str.c + +sprintf -> fprintf +_mp_free_func -> _gmp_free_func + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r970 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:41:33 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + +_mp_reallocate_func -> __gmp_reallocate_func + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r969 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:41:09 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added paragraph on NaN and infinities, docu on mpfr_nan_d and mpfr_inf_d +removed mpfr_srandom +some renamings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r968 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:39:50 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +removed srandom +__gmp_default_fp_bit_precision -> __mpfr_default_fp_bit_precision +added protocols for mpfr_get_default_prec, mpfr_nan_d and mpfr_inf_d + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r967 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:38:40 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +removed superfluous TMP_FREE(marker) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r966 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:37:52 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + +_mp_xxx_func -> _gmp_xxx_func + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r965 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:22:41 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/dump.c + +_mp_free_func -> _gmp_free_func + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r964 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:21:43 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/isnan.c + +functions to check for NaN and infinities + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r963 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:21:14 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added isnan.c, removed srandom.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r962 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:19:06 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added two items from Kevin + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r961 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:17:44 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +add 2 items + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r960 | zimmerma | 2001-01-11 16:17:31 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +0.4 -> 1.0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r959 | zimmerma | 2001-01-05 16:24:25 +0000 (Fri, 05 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +added one test for large operands + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r958 | zimmerma | 2001-01-05 16:23:34 +0000 (Fri, 05 Jan 2001) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +fixed bug in _mpfr_ceil_exp2 (underflow when exp < -1022) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r957 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 16:49:12 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +remove what was done + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r956 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 16:48:24 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + +added mpfr-test.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r955 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 16:44:51 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + +added Vincent + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r954 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 16:41:28 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/NEWS + +1.1 -> 2001 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r953 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 16:17:45 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +cast for _mpfr_floor_log2 was on the wrong side + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r952 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 16:17:09 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r951 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 16:16:54 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +simplified _mpfr_floor_log2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r950 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 16:16:35 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +code was wrong for infinity + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r949 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 15:45:22 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +only editing + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r948 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 15:45:04 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +added special() cases + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r947 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 15:42:49 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log2.c + +removed #if 0 (on Alpha with cc the enclosed code was still used +since the # was not in the first column) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r946 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 14:55:42 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +changes for version 1.1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r945 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 14:52:02 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +added one test (exp2 vs exp3) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r944 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 14:51:00 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +changed c from mp_limb_t into unsigned long in mpfr_exp2_aux2 +(otherwise bugs on IRIX -n32) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r943 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 12:22:13 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r942 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 12:21:56 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +fixed wrong combination of conditions for Infinity + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r941 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 12:10:49 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +added mpfr-test.h for MIPS + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r940 | hanrot | 2000-12-22 10:47:43 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +Modified macro calls + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r939 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 09:29:05 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +added cast (int) to random() to avoid warning on Solaris + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r938 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 09:07:59 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +added + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r937 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 08:57:57 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrtrem.c + +tiny change at the end of main routine (suggested by Guillaume) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r936 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 08:54:56 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r935 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 08:53:59 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added two more tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r934 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 08:53:25 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed bug when c does not overlap with a, b is negative and GMP_RNDN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r933 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 08:52:20 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +moved prototypes for mpfr_set4 and mpfr_cmp3 to mpfr.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r932 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 08:51:40 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_cmp2 when d=0 and lots of bits match + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r931 | zimmerma | 2000-12-22 08:50:43 +0000 (Fri, 22 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/NEWS + +updated for version 1.1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r930 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 17:23:51 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tpow.c + +test file for power functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r929 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 17:22:42 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/reuse.c + +test file for in-place operations + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r928 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 17:17:51 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +unsigned char (or int) -> mp_rnd_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r927 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 17:12:14 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +unsigned char -> mp_rnd_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r926 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 17:11:31 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +unsigned int -> mp_rnd_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r925 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 17:08:38 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pi.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdump.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/trunc.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + +k2r -> ansi style +removed #include by defining auxiliary functions +fixed several tiny remaining bugs with NaN/Inf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r924 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 17:07:12 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +updated description of mpfr_cmp* and mpfr_sin_cos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r923 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 17:06:15 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added MPFR_SIGN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r922 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 17:05:49 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +added MPFR_CLEAR_NAN +MPFR_RESET_INF -> MPFR_CLEAR_INF +moved MPFR_SIGN to mpfr.h +added prototypes for log2/isqrt/cuberoot functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r921 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 17:04:24 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +added reuse, tcmp2, teq, tpow, trandom, ttrunc + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r920 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 17:02:25 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +removed isnan(), ... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r919 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 17:00:59 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + +removed gmp-impl.h, isnan(), ... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r918 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 17:00:21 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +removed gmp-impl, isnan(), ... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r917 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 16:59:24 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +removed cputime stuff + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r916 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 16:58:24 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + +k&r -> ansi style + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r915 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 16:57:08 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +removed isnan() decl. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r914 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 16:55:30 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +MINNORM -> mpfr-test.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r913 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 16:52:57 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +ulp -> mpfr-test.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r912 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 16:51:36 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + +removed isnan() declaration + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r911 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 16:50:48 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +now use MINNORM and MAXNORM + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r910 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 16:49:00 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +max, min -> macros + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r909 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 12:10:49 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added new tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r908 | zimmerma | 2000-12-21 12:07:52 +0000 (Thu, 21 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +added MINNORM, MAXNORM, MIN, MAX, ABS + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r907 | hanrot | 2000-12-20 16:36:05 +0000 (Wed, 20 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +A few basic patches. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r906 | hanrot | 2000-12-20 16:35:55 +0000 (Wed, 20 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + +Added support for PPC/Linux + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r905 | hanrot | 2000-12-20 14:54:10 +0000 (Wed, 20 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +Patch for wrong prototype. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r904 | hanrot | 2000-12-20 10:49:00 +0000 (Wed, 20 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/configure + M /trunk/cputime.h + M /trunk/mpfr-test.h + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +Added prototypes for all test files. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r903 | vlefevre | 2000-12-18 15:07:51 +0000 (Mon, 18 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_ulp.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + +Warnings suppressed on Alpha/OSF1. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r902 | zimmerma | 2000-12-18 09:44:06 +0000 (Mon, 18 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added mpfr-test.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r901 | zimmerma | 2000-12-18 09:40:46 +0000 (Mon, 18 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/aclocal.m4 + +back to 1.3 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r900 | zimmerma | 2000-12-18 09:06:50 +0000 (Mon, 18 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/mpfr-test.h + +auxiliary test files + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r899 | zimmerma | 2000-12-18 09:06:34 +0000 (Mon, 18 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + +moved to main directory + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r898 | zimmerma | 2000-12-18 09:02:54 +0000 (Mon, 18 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/mpfr-test.h + +auxiliary test functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r897 | zimmerma | 2000-12-18 09:02:00 +0000 (Mon, 18 Dec 2000) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/aclocal.m4 + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/add_ulp.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/configure + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pi.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/sqrtrem.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/trunc.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +changed name of mpfr struct fields: _mp_d -> _mpfr_d + (to detect conflicts with mpf) +fixed a few problems in non-STDC headers +moved definitions of mpfr-impl.h to mpfr-test.h and created a real mpfr-impl.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r896 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 17:46:34 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +removed tzeta + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r895 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 17:42:59 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +explained how to enter NaN/Inf with mpfr_set_str_raw + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r894 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 17:42:21 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +removed zeta.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r893 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 17:40:47 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +added 'to do' for NaN/Inf flags + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r892 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 17:39:14 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +clear NaN/Inf flags of result + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r891 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 17:37:33 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + +improved indentation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r890 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 17:35:00 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/trunc.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + +adapted to NaN/Inf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r889 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 17:29:01 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + +nothing (only better indenting) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r888 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 17:27:03 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +adapted to NaN/Inf +removed warnings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r887 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 17:21:32 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + +adapted to NaN/Inf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r886 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 17:20:55 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +removed warnings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r885 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 17:11:49 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +clear NaN/Inf flags in normal case + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r884 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 17:06:11 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + +adapted to NaN/Inf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r883 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 16:55:19 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added prototype for mpfr_srandom + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r882 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 16:54:50 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + +now uses directly mpn_random, to avoid all problems with include files + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r881 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 16:45:41 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +added 4 tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r880 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 16:45:05 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + +_mp_d -> MPFR_MANT + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r879 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 16:41:07 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +added error message when memory allocation fails + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r878 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 16:27:51 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/round.c + +added error message when memory allocation fails + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r877 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 16:26:53 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/log.c + +_mp_d -> MPFR_MANT + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r876 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 16:26:09 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init.c + +0 -> NULL + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r875 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 16:25:14 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/generic.c + +added error message if memory allocation fails + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r874 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 16:24:35 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +_mp_d -> PTR + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r873 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 16:23:08 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +_mp_prec -> MPFR_PREC +_mp_d -> MPFR_MANT + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r872 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 16:18:53 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added mpfr_swap + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r871 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 15:09:30 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +removed MPFR_SET_IS_FP (not used) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r870 | hanrot | 2000-12-15 14:42:57 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/pow.c + +A few patches. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r869 | vlefevre | 2000-12-15 14:36:22 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +MPFR_CHANGE_SIGN modified to avoid a possible side effect. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r868 | zimmerma | 2000-12-15 14:24:11 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_f.c + +warning: x is a MPF not a MPFR! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r867 | hanrot | 2000-12-15 14:12:30 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + +Modification of the order of includes in random.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r866 | vlefevre | 2000-12-15 12:56:19 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/configure + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +Added some warning flags for GCC. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r865 | hanrot | 2000-12-15 12:50:28 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/srandom.h + +Header file for srandom() + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r864 | hanrot | 2000-12-15 12:21:35 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_ulp.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/random.c + +Patches for compiler warnings. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r863 | hanrot | 2000-12-15 11:16:40 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/pi.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Yet another patch for include files. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r862 | hanrot | 2000-12-15 11:05:55 +0000 (Fri, 15 Dec 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/add_ulp.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pi.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/swap.c + M /trunk/trunc.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Permutation of includes to avoid warnings due to careless multiple definition +of ULONG_MAX. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r861 | vlefevre | 2000-12-14 17:47:12 +0000 (Thu, 14 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + +Bug fixed concerning the flags. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r860 | vlefevre | 2000-12-14 17:28:41 +0000 (Thu, 14 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str.c + +Bugs fixed (in case char is signed and accented characters are given). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r859 | vlefevre | 2000-12-14 17:02:11 +0000 (Thu, 14 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + +Include "urandom.h". Old code removed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r858 | vlefevre | 2000-12-14 15:28:28 +0000 (Thu, 14 Dec 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + +Take into account Inf, Nans ; clear the flags of the return variable +in most function calls. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r857 | vlefevre | 2000-12-14 14:36:09 +0000 (Thu, 14 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + +Use urandom(). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r856 | vlefevre | 2000-12-14 14:29:04 +0000 (Thu, 14 Dec 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + +Take into account Inf, Nans ; clear the flags of the return variable +in most function calls. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r855 | hanrot | 2000-12-14 12:14:57 +0000 (Thu, 14 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + +Yet another random patch. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r854 | hanrot | 2000-12-14 12:08:44 +0000 (Thu, 14 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + +Replaced random by rand. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r853 | zimmerma | 2000-12-13 14:55:24 +0000 (Wed, 13 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +fixed pb with mp_ptr vs mp_srcptr + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r852 | hanrot | 2000-12-13 14:50:26 +0000 (Wed, 13 Dec 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +Take into account Inf, Nans ; clear the flags of the return variable +in most function calls. Tests updated accordingly + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r851 | hanrot | 2000-12-13 14:50:13 +0000 (Wed, 13 Dec 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/inp_str.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/pi.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + +Take into account Inf, Nans ; clear the flags of the return variable +in most function calls. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r850 | zimmerma | 2000-12-13 08:42:38 +0000 (Wed, 13 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +check that we can round the cosine too + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r849 | zimmerma | 2000-12-12 16:40:05 +0000 (Tue, 12 Dec 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp3.c + +removed TIMING stuff +ensures prec_x >= 0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r848 | zimmerma | 2000-12-12 16:38:47 +0000 (Tue, 12 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +we need m >= 2 in mpfr_exp2_aux2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r847 | zimmerma | 2000-12-12 13:57:34 +0000 (Tue, 12 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + +forgot TMP_MARK(marker) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r846 | zimmerma | 2000-12-12 13:50:44 +0000 (Tue, 12 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + +forgot TMP_MARK(marker) or free'd in wrong order + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r845 | zimmerma | 2000-12-12 13:44:07 +0000 (Tue, 12 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + +forgot TMP_MARK(marker) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r844 | zimmerma | 2000-12-12 11:49:13 +0000 (Tue, 12 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + +fixed mpf_reldiff, mpf_urandomb and mpf_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r843 | zimmerma | 2000-12-12 11:41:28 +0000 (Tue, 12 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +added stack-alloc.h when --disable-alloca + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r842 | vlefevre | 2000-12-11 12:47:11 +0000 (Mon, 11 Dec 2000) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + +out_str.c: included +set_d.c: (0./0.) instead of sqrt(-1) for NaN (doesn't need ) +set_d.c: () added for macros Infp and Infm + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r841 | zimmerma | 2000-12-07 13:11:32 +0000 (Thu, 07 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + +shortened string in mpfr_set_str_raw which was greater than precision + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r840 | zimmerma | 2000-12-07 11:25:37 +0000 (Thu, 07 Dec 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +replaced isnan/isinf/math.h (not portable, for example isinf does not exist +on Sparc) by new macros from mpfr.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r839 | zimmerma | 2000-12-07 11:24:31 +0000 (Thu, 07 Dec 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +added an error message when the mantissa is larger than the precision +(in mpfr_set_str_raw) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r838 | zimmerma | 2000-12-07 11:23:24 +0000 (Thu, 07 Dec 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added macros to recognize doubles that are NaNs and infinities +(isinf is not portable and requires math.h) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r837 | zimmerma | 2000-12-07 11:22:04 +0000 (Thu, 07 Dec 2000) | 5 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +in case the destination precision is less than that of the operands, +and the 1st iteration fails, increase directly the precision to the maximum +of that of the operands, otherwise divisions by 1.0 may need lots of +iterations + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r836 | zimmerma | 2000-12-07 10:44:28 +0000 (Thu, 07 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +added 'return' after dealing with infinities + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r835 | zimmerma | 2000-12-07 10:37:08 +0000 (Thu, 07 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added wish from JC Fauge`re + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r834 | zimmerma | 2000-12-05 13:47:05 +0000 (Tue, 05 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +mpfr_init/mpfr_init2 initialize to 0 (compatibility with mpf) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r833 | zimmerma | 2000-12-05 13:24:43 +0000 (Tue, 05 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_cmp2 when return value is k*BITS_PER_MP_LIMB-1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r832 | zimmerma | 2000-12-05 13:23:58 +0000 (Tue, 05 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + +added new test for mpfr_cmp2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r831 | zimmerma | 2000-12-05 12:37:14 +0000 (Tue, 05 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +now ABSSIZE uses only 29 bits + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r830 | zimmerma | 2000-12-04 14:36:36 +0000 (Mon, 04 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added some explanations how to free the memory space allocated by mpfr_get_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r829 | zimmerma | 2000-12-04 13:45:14 +0000 (Mon, 04 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +fixed one bug found by N. Mueller (MPFR_ABSSIZE(u) was used instead of usize) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r828 | zimmerma | 2000-12-04 13:44:24 +0000 (Mon, 04 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +added one more test from N. Mueller + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r827 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 17:30:41 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +cleaned calls to mpfr_extract + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r826 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 17:29:33 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added new line + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r825 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 17:29:05 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init.c + +added error message when _mp_allocate_func returns 0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r824 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 17:28:22 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added header for mpfr_extract + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r823 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 17:27:54 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/extract.c + +- documented what function does +- cleaned code +- added header about license... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r822 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 16:25:53 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/pi.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +replaced log(2.0) by LOG2 [first step in getting rid of math.h] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r821 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 15:57:33 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added extern "C" { ... } for inclusion in C++ +removed old KARATSUBA threshold for gmp 2.0.2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r820 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 14:58:32 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_cmp3 (when b=0, s not taken into account) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r819 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 14:30:41 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +added swap/tswap + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r818 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 14:29:36 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tswap.c + +test file for new function mpfr_swap + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r817 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 14:29:28 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + A /trunk/swap.c + +added new function mpfr_swap + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r816 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 13:59:45 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/add_ulp.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/mpfi.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pi.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/sqrtrem.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdump.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpi.c + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + M /trunk/tests/tround.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +changed copyright to Free Software Foundation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r815 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 13:57:39 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added possible bug in mpfr_get_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r814 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 13:55:36 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/init_set.h + +now all is in mpfr.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r813 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 13:00:22 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +return value was wrong for input non-zero (should return 1 = inexact) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r812 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 12:59:15 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +fixed/improved doc. of mpfr_sin_cos and mpfr_urandomb + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r811 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 12:58:38 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +removed macro for mpfr_init_set_str_raw + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r810 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 12:21:43 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added prototype for mpfr_sin_cos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r809 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 11:06:39 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +sign of result was not correctly (re)set + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r808 | zimmerma | 2000-12-01 11:05:29 +0000 (Fri, 01 Dec 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +added test to check sign of square root + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r807 | zimmerma | 2000-11-29 16:36:15 +0000 (Wed, 29 Nov 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +gained a factor of 2 in most cases (replaced initial constant factor=2 +for additional bits for cos(x) by log(n)) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r806 | zimmerma | 2000-11-29 16:34:14 +0000 (Wed, 29 Nov 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +added tsin_cos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r805 | zimmerma | 2000-11-29 16:29:28 +0000 (Wed, 29 Nov 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed potential problem in mpfr_sub1 (k=0 and kc<0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r804 | zimmerma | 2000-11-29 16:28:21 +0000 (Wed, 29 Nov 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tsin_cos.c + +test file for sin/cos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r803 | zimmerma | 2000-11-28 10:42:05 +0000 (Tue, 28 Nov 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +forgot cast to int before comparison between imax (can be negative) and an + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r802 | zimmerma | 2000-11-28 10:41:12 +0000 (Tue, 28 Nov 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +returned value was one too small in case d=1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r801 | zimmerma | 2000-11-28 10:40:33 +0000 (Tue, 28 Nov 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added new test from N. Mueller + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r800 | zimmerma | 2000-11-28 10:40:09 +0000 (Tue, 28 Nov 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +added return for case of infinities + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r799 | zimmerma | 2000-11-28 10:27:07 +0000 (Tue, 28 Nov 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added macro MPFR_RESET_INF + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r798 | zimmerma | 2000-11-28 10:25:04 +0000 (Tue, 28 Nov 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +don't forget to reset infinity flag if set! + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r797 | zimmerma | 2000-11-28 08:28:28 +0000 (Tue, 28 Nov 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_cmp2: wrong limb considered after cp[cn--] when + cp[cn] was not 111...111 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r796 | zimmerma | 2000-11-28 08:25:14 +0000 (Tue, 28 Nov 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed bug when imax>an + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r795 | zimmerma | 2000-11-27 17:39:00 +0000 (Mon, 27 Nov 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added macro MPFR_IS_ZERO + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r794 | hanrot | 2000-11-21 15:21:39 +0000 (Tue, 21 Nov 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + +Infinis, premiere tentative (tests) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r793 | hanrot | 2000-11-21 15:21:33 +0000 (Tue, 21 Nov 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add_ulp.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/configure + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +Infinis, premiere tentative. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r792 | zimmerma | 2000-11-13 17:13:51 +0000 (Mon, 13 Nov 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added one remark from GH + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r791 | zimmerma | 2000-11-13 17:05:34 +0000 (Mon, 13 Nov 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +removed mpfr_cmp2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r790 | hanrot | 2000-11-13 15:13:32 +0000 (Mon, 13 Nov 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/aclocal.m4 + +Added support for Inf. Modified zeta. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r789 | zimmerma | 2000-10-26 12:22:07 +0000 (Thu, 26 Oct 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +protection of macros done + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r788 | zimmerma | 2000-10-26 12:11:59 +0000 (Thu, 26 Oct 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/replace_all + +shell-script to replace xxx by yyy in all source files + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r787 | zimmerma | 2000-10-26 12:11:11 +0000 (Thu, 26 Oct 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/teq.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/ttrunc.c + +protected macros: xxx -> MPFR_xxx + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r786 | zimmerma | 2000-10-26 11:59:59 +0000 (Thu, 26 Oct 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add_ui.c + M /trunk/add_ulp.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/eq.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/mpfi.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mpz_set_fr.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pi.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/random2.c + M /trunk/reldiff.c + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_q.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/sub_ui.c + M /trunk/trunc.c + M /trunk/ui_div.c + M /trunk/ui_sub.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +protected all macros: xxx -> MPFR_xxx + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r785 | zimmerma | 2000-10-24 11:59:35 +0000 (Tue, 24 Oct 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/mpfi.h + +fichier d'include pour mpfi.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r784 | zimmerma | 2000-10-24 11:47:10 +0000 (Tue, 24 Oct 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/mpfi.c + +interval arithmetic level (1st version) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r783 | zimmerma | 2000-10-24 08:14:07 +0000 (Tue, 24 Oct 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added two suggestions from Ben Hinkle + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r782 | hanrot | 2000-10-19 12:54:17 +0000 (Thu, 19 Oct 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +Bof. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r781 | hanrot | 2000-10-19 12:53:54 +0000 (Thu, 19 Oct 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/.pure + D /trunk/mmpfr + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Suppression de vieilleries. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r780 | hanrot | 2000-10-19 09:11:50 +0000 (Thu, 19 Oct 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +1 << 31 -> ((unsigned int)1) << 31. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r779 | hanrot | 2000-10-19 08:56:24 +0000 (Thu, 19 Oct 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/dump.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_str.c + +Correction de prototypes faux dans le cas ou on n'est pas -D__STDC__. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r778 | zimmerma | 2000-10-02 08:44:58 +0000 (Mon, 02 Oct 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp3.c + M /trunk/extract.c + M /trunk/generic.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +malloc -> *_mp_allocate_func or TMP_ALLOC + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r777 | zimmerma | 2000-10-02 08:15:41 +0000 (Mon, 02 Oct 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +mpfr_t -> mpfr_ptr or mpfr_srcptr + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r776 | zimmerma | 2000-09-29 16:07:46 +0000 (Fri, 29 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/tests/texp2.c + +removed -> all is in texp.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r775 | zimmerma | 2000-09-29 16:06:55 +0000 (Fri, 29 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +added comparison between exp2 and exp3 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r774 | zimmerma | 2000-09-29 16:04:47 +0000 (Fri, 29 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp3.c + +take also the target precision into account for the guard bits + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r773 | zimmerma | 2000-09-29 16:04:19 +0000 (Fri, 29 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp2.c + +new faster version with O(n^(1/3)*M(n)) algorithm + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r772 | zimmerma | 2000-09-29 16:03:51 +0000 (Fri, 29 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + +adjusted exp2-exp3 threshold for new faster version of mpfr_exp2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r771 | zimmerma | 2000-09-29 14:23:59 +0000 (Fri, 29 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added mpz_set_fr.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r770 | zimmerma | 2000-09-29 13:03:23 +0000 (Fri, 29 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +added tdump + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r769 | zimmerma | 2000-09-29 13:02:47 +0000 (Fri, 29 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +fixed pb for op=0 (added \0 at the end of string) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r768 | zimmerma | 2000-09-29 13:02:01 +0000 (Fri, 29 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/dump.c + +use strlen to determine memory to free + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r767 | zimmerma | 2000-09-29 13:01:17 +0000 (Fri, 29 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tdump.c + +test file for mpfr_dump + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r766 | zimmerma | 2000-09-29 12:30:55 +0000 (Fri, 29 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +removed karasqrt.c, added sqrtrem.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r765 | zimmerma | 2000-09-29 12:30:15 +0000 (Fri, 29 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +kara_sqrtrem -> mpn_sqrtrem_new + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r764 | zimmerma | 2000-09-29 12:29:56 +0000 (Fri, 29 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/karasqrt.c + +now replaced by new code in sqrtrem.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r763 | zimmerma | 2000-09-29 12:29:24 +0000 (Fri, 29 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +now uses new code mpn_sqrtrem_new + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r762 | zimmerma | 2000-09-29 12:29:02 +0000 (Fri, 29 Sep 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/sqrtrem.c + +new version of fast MPN square root +(should be integrated in a future release of GNU MP) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r761 | zimmerma | 2000-09-28 14:06:55 +0000 (Thu, 28 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added another example from N. Mueller + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r760 | zimmerma | 2000-09-28 14:03:44 +0000 (Thu, 28 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed another ABW bug + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r759 | zimmerma | 2000-09-28 09:37:20 +0000 (Thu, 28 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed two Array Bound Writes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r758 | zimmerma | 2000-09-28 09:36:56 +0000 (Thu, 28 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +fixed one Array Bound Read (to_nearest, bp=cp and k>=cn) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r757 | zimmerma | 2000-09-28 09:35:54 +0000 (Thu, 28 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added 2 new tests from Norbert Mueller + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r756 | zimmerma | 2000-09-27 13:10:43 +0000 (Wed, 27 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added new test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r755 | zimmerma | 2000-09-27 13:06:39 +0000 (Wed, 27 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed Array Bound Write + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r754 | zimmerma | 2000-09-20 11:31:42 +0000 (Wed, 20 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added some words about the inclusion of mpfr.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r753 | zimmerma | 2000-09-20 11:31:11 +0000 (Wed, 20 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +we need to better protect macros + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r752 | zimmerma | 2000-09-20 10:38:15 +0000 (Wed, 20 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +removed MPFR_OBJECTS (does not work) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r751 | zimmerma | 2000-09-20 10:33:16 +0000 (Wed, 20 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added $(MPFR_OBJECTS) in libmpfr_a_LIBADD + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r750 | zimmerma | 2000-09-20 10:28:29 +0000 (Wed, 20 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added $(MPFR_OBJECTS) in libmpfr_a_DEPENDENCIES + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r749 | zimmerma | 2000-09-20 10:08:07 +0000 (Wed, 20 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added contributions from Emmanuel Jeandel and Thom Mulders + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r748 | zimmerma | 2000-09-20 10:03:32 +0000 (Wed, 20 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + +added Thom Mulders + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r747 | zimmerma | 2000-09-20 10:00:31 +0000 (Wed, 20 Sep 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/shortmul.c + +routines for naive/fast short multiplication, +contributed by Thom Mulders (ETH Zu"rich) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r746 | zimmerma | 2000-09-19 14:06:06 +0000 (Tue, 19 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + +added new test for overlapping x, y + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r745 | zimmerma | 2000-09-19 14:05:37 +0000 (Tue, 19 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + +fixed problem when x=y + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r744 | zimmerma | 2000-09-14 12:35:42 +0000 (Thu, 14 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added pb from Norbert Muller + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r743 | zimmerma | 2000-09-14 12:35:16 +0000 (Thu, 14 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed SEGV (mpn_lshift doesn't seem to like src_size=0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r742 | zimmerma | 2000-09-14 12:32:38 +0000 (Thu, 14 Sep 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +now prints "failed" when test file doesn't return 0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r741 | zimmerma | 2000-08-29 18:14:19 +0000 (Tue, 29 Aug 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +replaced mpn_divrem by mpn_tdiv_qr for gmp 3 or later +and avoid copy of one operand when possible + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r740 | zimmerma | 2000-08-29 12:38:57 +0000 (Tue, 29 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +updated (make check, make install) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r739 | zimmerma | 2000-08-29 12:07:24 +0000 (Tue, 29 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/README + +described each file + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r738 | zimmerma | 2000-08-29 11:53:09 +0000 (Tue, 29 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/NEWS + +News for version 1.0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r737 | zimmerma | 2000-08-25 17:04:05 +0000 (Fri, 25 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +fixed bug for 0.9999999999... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r736 | zimmerma | 2000-08-25 16:58:23 +0000 (Fri, 25 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +added test for 0.99999999999999999 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r735 | zimmerma | 2000-08-24 16:46:56 +0000 (Thu, 24 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added mpfr_swap + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r734 | zimmerma | 2000-08-24 09:13:21 +0000 (Thu, 24 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log2.c + +now store last computed value together with last rounding mode + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r733 | zimmerma | 2000-08-23 16:29:19 +0000 (Wed, 23 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +target ps -> + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r732 | zimmerma | 2000-08-23 09:56:15 +0000 (Wed, 23 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added $(srcdir) to trunc.c for sub-directory compilation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r731 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 15:27:56 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sin_cos.c + +removed some memory leaks + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r730 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 14:50:40 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/generic.c + +solved memory leaks with T[i] and qtoj[i] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r729 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 14:47:22 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +updated (done autoconf, faster mpfr_exp, sin/cos) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r728 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 14:37:43 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +updated for version 1.0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r727 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 14:21:30 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +COPYING.LIB -> COPYING + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r726 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 14:20:59 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/COPYING + +renamed back (wanted for "make dist") + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r725 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 14:20:42 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/COPYING.LIB + +renamed back to COPYING (wanted for "make dist") + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r724 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 14:18:57 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/COPYING.LIB + +GNU Library General Public License + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r723 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 14:18:22 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/COPYING + +renamed to COPYING.LIB, according to mpfr.texi + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r722 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 14:12:40 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log2.c + +result was free'd twice when good=1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r721 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 14:10:10 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/AUTHORS + +put information about authors + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r720 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 13:50:37 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/configure + +PACKAGE and VERSION are not defined any more + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r719 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 13:48:39 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +gmp-mparam.h is required too + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r718 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 13:33:49 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +IRIX make does not recognize $< (MISCFLAGS) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r717 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 13:00:20 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +do not define PACKAGE and VERSION in AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE, +this avoids conflicts with GMP 3.1 config.h +[thanks to Kevin Ryde] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r716 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 12:59:04 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +updated for GMP 3.1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r715 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 12:56:06 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +MP_BASE_AS_DOUBLE already defined in gmp-impl.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r714 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 11:26:15 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp3.c + +nb_terms[0] was not initialized + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r713 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 10:55:11 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log2.c + +fixed some FNH (free not in heap) problems for binary splitting method +(prec >= 30000) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r712 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 09:53:54 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + -> + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r711 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 09:46:59 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +set_dfl_rnd.* -> set_rnd.* (to avoid conflict with set_dfl_prec.* on DOS 8.3) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r710 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 09:42:43 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/tests/Makefile + +now automatically generated by configure + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r709 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 09:40:47 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + +added if (__GNU_MP_VERSION < 3) for mpn_divrem_1-bug patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r708 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 09:26:18 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +set_dfl_rnd -> set_rnd + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r707 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 09:24:15 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/set_rnd.c + +new name of set_dfl_rnd.c (avoids clash with set_dfl_prec.c on DOS 8.3) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r706 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 09:23:43 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/set_dfl_rnd.c + +renamed to set_rnd.c (otherwise truncates like set_dfl_prec.c on +a DOS 8.3 filesystem) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r705 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 09:20:29 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +setfilename: -> + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r704 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 09:19:17 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +replaced path for libmpfr.a by $(top_builddir) +test files are now in check_PROGRAMS instead of bin_PROGRAMS (they don't need + to be installed) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r703 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 09:14:44 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +replaced back BITS_PER_MP_LIMB by mp_bits_per_limb +(not important in test files) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r702 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 09:09:03 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 10 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +replaced macros for mpfr_init_set_si by "do { ... } while (0)" so +they'll work in an if/else like + + if (foo) + mpfr_init_set_si (f, -123, GMP_RNDN); + else + bar (); + +[thanks to Kevin Ryde] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r701 | zimmerma | 2000-08-16 09:05:15 +0000 (Wed, 16 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/tests/Makefile + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +replaced mp_bits_per_limb by BITS_PER_MP_LIMB (constant) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r700 | zimmerma | 2000-08-14 14:25:50 +0000 (Mon, 14 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +added mpf2mpfr.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r699 | zimmerma | 2000-08-14 13:11:09 +0000 (Mon, 14 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +define check2 only with -DTEST + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r698 | zimmerma | 2000-08-14 12:39:38 +0000 (Mon, 14 Aug 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +updated for new configure from Emmanuel Jeandel, to GMP +and removed errors with texinfo + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r697 | zimmerma | 2000-08-14 12:12:49 +0000 (Mon, 14 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + +solaris --> __sparc__ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r696 | zimmerma | 2000-08-14 11:53:15 +0000 (Mon, 14 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + A /trunk/tests/Makefile + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +ifdef IRIX64 -> ifdef __mips + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r695 | zimmerma | 2000-08-14 11:31:36 +0000 (Mon, 14 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + +IRIX/make does not understand $< : expanded to trunc.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r694 | zimmerma | 2000-08-14 11:20:29 +0000 (Mon, 14 Aug 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + +use standard macro for Alpha + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r693 | jeandel | 2000-07-13 12:40:25 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +autoconf options described + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r692 | jeandel | 2000-07-13 12:30:53 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +timestamp modified + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r691 | jeandel | 2000-07-13 12:28:31 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/configure + +timestamp changed + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r690 | jeandel | 2000-07-13 12:27:04 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +nothing to say + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r689 | jeandel | 2000-07-13 12:24:13 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/acinclude.m4 + M /trunk/aclocal.m4 + +Timestamp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r688 | jeandel | 2000-07-13 12:21:50 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +Small bug fixed + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r687 | jeandel | 2000-07-13 12:15:36 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/configure + M /trunk/ + +Timestamp modified ? + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r686 | jeandel | 2000-07-13 12:13:18 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +Timestamp modified + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r685 | jeandel | 2000-07-13 11:54:18 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/configure + M /trunk/ + +Nothing + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r684 | jeandel | 2000-07-13 11:43:45 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +New release + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r683 | jeandel | 2000-07-13 09:52:17 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +Bugs fixed + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r682 | jeandel | 2000-07-13 09:39:27 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +Bug fixed + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r681 | jeandel | 2000-07-13 09:21:09 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +sin_cos added + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r680 | jeandel | 2000-07-13 08:54:06 +0000 (Thu, 13 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/pi.c + +New algorithm, new wrapper + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r679 | zimmerma | 2000-07-12 12:50:50 +0000 (Wed, 12 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tround.c + +replaced 0 by GMP_RNDN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r678 | zimmerma | 2000-07-12 12:47:37 +0000 (Wed, 12 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +fixed (hopefully) bug for 1/1 in precision 32, 64, ... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r677 | zimmerma | 2000-07-12 12:46:05 +0000 (Wed, 12 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +added test for 1/1 in precision 32 or 64 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r676 | zimmerma | 2000-07-11 13:31:50 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +use mpfr_print_rnd_mode now + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r675 | jeandel | 2000-07-11 11:44:56 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/configure + M /trunk/ + +Bug Fixed, and installation guide made + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r674 | jeandel | 2000-07-11 11:17:19 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/configure + M /trunk/ + +Fixed bug + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r673 | jeandel | 2000-07-11 11:06:59 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/ + +Bug Fixed with Solaris make + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r672 | jeandel | 2000-07-11 10:55:36 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/extract.c + +strings.h added + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r671 | jeandel | 2000-07-11 10:54:00 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +Deps included + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r670 | jeandel | 2000-07-11 09:55:31 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + M /trunk/tests/ + +Bug Fixed + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r669 | jeandel | 2000-07-11 09:52:32 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +Bug fixed + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r668 | jeandel | 2000-07-11 09:52:17 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/ + +Bug Fixed + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r667 | jeandel | 2000-07-11 09:47:24 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/ + A /trunk/ + A /trunk/acinclude.m4 + A /trunk/aclocal.m4 + A /trunk/configure + A /trunk/ + A /trunk/install-sh + A /trunk/missing + A /trunk/mkinstalldirs + A /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/tests/ + A /trunk/texinfo.tex + +First Release + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r666 | jeandel | 2000-07-11 09:42:34 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/COPYING.LIB + A /trunk/NEWS + +*** empty log message *** + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r665 | jeandel | 2000-07-11 09:41:38 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/COPYING + A /trunk/ChangeLog + A /trunk/README + +First Release + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r664 | jeandel | 2000-07-11 09:40:32 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/AUTHORS + +First release + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r663 | jeandel | 2000-07-11 09:37:43 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +Added sin_cos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r662 | jeandel | 2000-07-11 09:33:53 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jul 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/generic.c + A /trunk/sin_cos.c + +First Release + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r661 | jeandel | 2000-06-29 14:35:36 +0000 (Thu, 29 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/extract.c + +Memory problems fixed + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r660 | jeandel | 2000-06-29 14:35:19 +0000 (Thu, 29 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp3.c + +Memory Leaks Fixed + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r659 | zimmerma | 2000-06-29 13:22:57 +0000 (Thu, 29 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added prototype for mpfr_sub_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r658 | zimmerma | 2000-06-29 13:22:34 +0000 (Thu, 29 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init.c + +now use mpfr macros + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r657 | zimmerma | 2000-06-29 13:18:58 +0000 (Thu, 29 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +be careful not to call mpn_sub_n/mpn_sub_1 with a size 0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r656 | zimmerma | 2000-06-29 13:16:45 +0000 (Thu, 29 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/clear.c + +fixed to free an entire number of limbs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r655 | zimmerma | 2000-06-29 13:14:38 +0000 (Thu, 29 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tsub_ui.c + +test file for sub_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r654 | jeandel | 2000-06-28 08:35:07 +0000 (Wed, 28 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +mpfr_exp3 and mpfr_extract added to Makefile + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r653 | jeandel | 2000-06-28 08:33:06 +0000 (Wed, 28 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/exp2.c + A /trunk/exp3.c + A /trunk/extract.c + +First Release + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r652 | zimmerma | 2000-06-21 15:56:25 +0000 (Wed, 21 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + +distinguish between mpfr failure and difference with sqrt() + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r651 | zimmerma | 2000-06-21 15:55:35 +0000 (Wed, 21 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +ensures random numbers given to sqrt() are positive + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r650 | zimmerma | 2000-06-21 15:52:43 +0000 (Wed, 21 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + +adapted for freebsd + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r649 | zimmerma | 2000-06-21 15:52:05 +0000 (Wed, 21 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +modified drand to avoid false NaNs (makes SEGV under FreeBSD) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r648 | zimmerma | 2000-06-21 15:51:17 +0000 (Wed, 21 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added entry for FreeBSD, removed -pedantic option + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r647 | zimmerma | 2000-06-21 14:54:08 +0000 (Wed, 21 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r646 | zimmerma | 2000-06-21 14:47:02 +0000 (Wed, 21 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added new tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r645 | zimmerma | 2000-06-21 14:40:38 +0000 (Wed, 21 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added prototype for mpfr_set_prec_raw + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r644 | zimmerma | 2000-06-21 14:40:17 +0000 (Wed, 21 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +removed work done + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r643 | zimmerma | 2000-06-21 13:54:05 +0000 (Wed, 21 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed several bugs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r642 | zimmerma | 2000-06-21 13:52:24 +0000 (Wed, 21 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +merged different roundings in case diff_exp (mp_limb_t) 1 [pb on 64-bit machines] +reduced number of tests to 1000 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r612 | hanrot | 2000-06-15 10:32:04 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jun 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/trandom.c + +Display of statistics is only toggled if a number of tests to be performed +is given. Shameful hack, but is getopt really portable ? + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r611 | hanrot | 2000-06-15 10:25:51 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +Added trandom, teq + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r610 | hanrot | 2000-06-15 10:25:20 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Added random2, urandomb + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r609 | hanrot | 2000-06-15 10:15:58 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + +Added div_2exp to the (very rough) test. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r608 | hanrot | 2000-06-15 10:13:37 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/trandom.c + +Very basic statistical tests for random, random2, urandomb. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r607 | hanrot | 2000-06-15 10:13:19 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + +Patch for random (libc's random() is on 31 bits only) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r606 | hanrot | 2000-06-15 08:12:10 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/teq.c + +Test for mpfr_eq. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r605 | hanrot | 2000-06-15 08:11:54 +0000 (Thu, 15 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/eq.c + +Patch a few incoherences of eq.c wrt the manual + adapt to mpfr usual semantics + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r604 | zimmerma | 2000-06-07 09:50:41 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/cputime.h + +header file providing cputime() function + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r603 | zimmerma | 2000-06-07 09:45:23 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jun 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/texp2.c + +test file comparing mpfr_exp and mpfr_exp2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r602 | zimmerma | 2000-06-07 09:44:40 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jun 2000) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/exp2.c + +O(n^(1/3)*log(n)) algorithm using Brent's method +and Brent-Kung's O(sqrt(t)) algorithm to evaluate +a power series of order t [exact rounding not yet finished] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r601 | zimmerma | 2000-05-29 15:37:53 +0000 (Mon, 29 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_round (wrong sign) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r600 | zimmerma | 2000-05-29 15:09:51 +0000 (Mon, 29 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_round: did not check allocated space was large enough + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r599 | zimmerma | 2000-05-29 14:02:08 +0000 (Mon, 29 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + +main -> int main + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r598 | zimmerma | 2000-05-29 13:54:39 +0000 (Mon, 29 May 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + +added #ifdef TEST: if not defined (default), then function +mpfr_set_machine_rnd_mode is not defined + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r597 | zimmerma | 2000-05-29 13:53:43 +0000 (Mon, 29 May 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +added #ifdef TEST to disable comparison with machine arithmetic +by default (i.e. calls to mpfr_set_machine_rnd_mode) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r596 | zimmerma | 2000-05-29 13:46:24 +0000 (Mon, 29 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +removed longlong.h (not needed) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r595 | zimmerma | 2000-05-29 13:45:51 +0000 (Mon, 29 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set.c + +now deals with NaN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r594 | zimmerma | 2000-05-29 13:45:17 +0000 (Mon, 29 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +RND_MODE -> rnd_mode + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r593 | zimmerma | 2000-05-29 13:44:13 +0000 (Mon, 29 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +mpfr_init is now a function (no more a macro) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r592 | zimmerma | 2000-05-29 13:43:39 +0000 (Mon, 29 May 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init.c + +printf -> fprintf +added mpfr_init as function + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r591 | zimmerma | 2000-05-29 13:42:10 +0000 (Mon, 29 May 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + +changed (x) -> x +fixed several typos + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r590 | zimmerma | 2000-05-29 11:28:48 +0000 (Mon, 29 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +removed printf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r589 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 16:38:44 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +added ifdef TEST + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r588 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 16:28:09 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +removed debug line + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r587 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 16:25:37 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r586 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 16:25:13 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added 2 new tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r585 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 16:24:25 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +little change + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r584 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 16:20:49 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +more changes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r583 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 15:44:03 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + +added ifdef TEST + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r582 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 15:43:31 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + +does not use machine rounding mode any more + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r581 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 15:24:40 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added 7 new tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r580 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 15:24:16 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +fixed typo in printf format + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r579 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 15:22:37 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed several rounding problems + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r578 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 12:52:45 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +rewritten case dif<=0 and PREC(b)>PREC(a) (merged all roundings) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r577 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 10:11:04 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +removed DEBUG, VERBOSE ifdef's + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r576 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 10:07:43 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed (hopefully) the case dif<=0, PREC(b)>PREC(a), directed rounding + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r575 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 08:59:28 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +replaced (mp_limb_t)1 by macro ONE +fixed bug for GMP_RNDN with overlap=1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r574 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 08:58:32 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +removed misplaced comment + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r573 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 08:20:16 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r572 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 08:16:19 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +does not use rnd_mode.c by default + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r571 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 07:41:46 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +removed unused label + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r570 | zimmerma | 2000-05-26 07:40:31 +0000 (Fri, 26 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +fixed more tiny bugs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r569 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 17:00:04 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + +use mpfr_print_rnd_mode now + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r568 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 16:59:43 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r567 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 16:59:08 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + +added more tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r566 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 16:55:19 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_ui.c + +removed TMP_ALLOC stuff + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r565 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 16:54:29 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed new bug when a <- b - c with tiny c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r564 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 16:30:10 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed bug in a <- b-c when c very small but does not overlap with a + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r563 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 15:45:33 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random2.c + +removed 'inline' (does not compile on Alpha with gcc 2.8.1) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r562 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 15:35:48 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +added include file unistd.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r561 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 15:35:08 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + +fixed warning with long arguments + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r560 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 15:28:50 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/inp_str.c + A /trunk/set_str.c + +initial version + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r559 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 15:26:11 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +added tests for mpfr_set_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r558 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 15:25:13 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + +now returns 0 if all works + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r557 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 15:24:42 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +changed to return the error in ulps + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r556 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 15:24:06 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added new functions mpfr_set_str and mpfr_inp_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r555 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 14:58:04 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added prototypes for set_str, inp_str +changed return value for mpfr*pow* + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r554 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 14:56:51 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + +separated functions with/without rounding argument + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r553 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 14:56:19 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added tabs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r552 | zimmerma | 2000-05-25 14:22:08 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added set_str.o and inp_str.o + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r551 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 17:01:52 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/sub_ui.c + +initial version + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r550 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 17:01:01 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added rule for sub_ui.o + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r549 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 16:51:55 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +use only one file (trunc.c) for ceil, floor, trunc + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r548 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 16:51:22 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/ceil.c + D /trunk/floor.c + +now use trunc.c for all 3 functions (ceil, floor, trunc) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r547 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 16:42:00 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/trunc.c + +added ifdef to avoid warning at compilation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r546 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 16:41:30 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/reldiff.c + +removed unused variable + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r545 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 16:41:09 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +fixed output type for mpfr_ui_div + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r544 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 16:37:13 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/urandomb.c + +removed 3rd argument (use PREC(rop) instead) +added include longlong.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r543 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 16:35:23 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + +stupid typo: ABSSIZE -> ABSSIZE(x) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r542 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 16:32:06 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +change due to new semantics of mpfr_init_set* macros + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r541 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 16:31:18 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + +now makes an error when precision too large wrt allocated space + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r540 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 16:28:41 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added new implemented functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r539 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 16:26:30 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +- added macro for mpfr_sgn +- removed argument 'p' in mpfr_init_set* macros for compatibility with mpf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r538 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 16:25:20 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + +updated wrt new functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r537 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 16:24:57 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added sub_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r536 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 15:29:24 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added new test files + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r535 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 15:28:52 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tadd_ui.c + A /trunk/tests/tset_q.c + A /trunk/tests/tsqrt_ui.c + A /trunk/tests/tui_div.c + A /trunk/tests/tui_sub.c + +new test files + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r534 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 15:24:28 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added new tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r533 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 15:23:54 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tabs.c + +improved tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r532 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 15:22:08 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/add_ui.c + A /trunk/reldiff.c + A /trunk/sqrt_ui.c + A /trunk/ui_div.c + A /trunk/ui_sub.c + +new functions (compatibility with mpf) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r531 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 15:20:16 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set.c + +added 4th arg (was missing in non-stdc def) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r530 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 15:19:10 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added new functions (compatibility with mpf) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r529 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 15:18:37 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added several prototypes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r528 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 15:18:04 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +fixed remaining bug (case overlap=5, dif>0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r527 | zimmerma | 2000-05-24 15:16:52 +0000 (Wed, 24 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added add_ui, sqrt_ui, ui_div, ui_sub, reldiff + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r526 | hanrot | 2000-05-21 16:47:02 +0000 (Sun, 21 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + A /trunk/ceil.c + A /trunk/floor.c + A /trunk/trunc.c + +Compatibility mpf/mpfr, second part. Ceil, floor, trunc. Yet untested. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r525 | hanrot | 2000-05-21 16:38:07 +0000 (Sun, 21 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/mpf2mpfr.h + +Include file for compatibility module mpf -> mpfr. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r524 | hanrot | 2000-05-21 16:35:52 +0000 (Sun, 21 May 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + A /trunk/dump.c + A /trunk/eq.c + A /trunk/random2.c + A /trunk/set_prc_raw.c + A /trunk/urandomb.c + +Compatibility with mpf. WARNING: THESE FUNCTIONS ARE UNTESTED IN THEIR PRESENT +FORM. THEY *DO* COMPILE HOWEVER. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r523 | zimmerma | 2000-05-18 13:41:24 +0000 (Thu, 18 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +removed unused variables + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r522 | zimmerma | 2000-05-18 13:38:53 +0000 (Thu, 18 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + +removed ';' + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r521 | zimmerma | 2000-05-18 13:29:55 +0000 (Thu, 18 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tround.c + +added return + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r520 | zimmerma | 2000-05-18 12:57:08 +0000 (Thu, 18 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + +added calls to mpf[r]_clear, and rewrote to avoid memory leaks + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r519 | zimmerma | 2000-05-18 12:56:14 +0000 (Thu, 18 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +added calls to free + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r518 | zimmerma | 2000-05-18 12:55:17 +0000 (Thu, 18 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +corrected comment about field mp_size + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r517 | zimmerma | 2000-05-12 08:07:56 +0000 (Fri, 12 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +added tests for negative numbers + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r516 | zimmerma | 2000-05-12 08:07:35 +0000 (Fri, 12 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r515 | zimmerma | 2000-05-12 08:07:02 +0000 (Fri, 12 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +fixed pb with rounding of negative numbers + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r514 | zimmerma | 2000-05-11 15:39:48 +0000 (Thu, 11 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added mpfr_abs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r513 | zimmerma | 2000-05-11 15:38:12 +0000 (Thu, 11 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tabs.c + +test file for mpfr_abs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r512 | zimmerma | 2000-05-11 15:37:48 +0000 (Thu, 11 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added mpfr_abs (macro using mpfr_set4) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r511 | zimmerma | 2000-05-11 10:08:54 +0000 (Thu, 11 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +updated wrt done/new tasks + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r510 | zimmerma | 2000-05-05 13:59:56 +0000 (Fri, 05 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +added two tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r509 | zimmerma | 2000-05-05 13:59:25 +0000 (Fri, 05 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + +split mpfr_init2 into mpfr_init and mpfr_set_prec + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r508 | zimmerma | 2000-05-05 13:57:33 +0000 (Fri, 05 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +removed karadiv.o + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r507 | zimmerma | 2000-05-05 13:57:08 +0000 (Fri, 05 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/karasqrt.c + +replaced mpn_divrem_n by mpn_divrem (efficient in GMP 3.0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r506 | zimmerma | 2000-05-05 13:55:49 +0000 (Fri, 05 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/karadiv.c + +not needed any more with GMP 3.0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r505 | zimmerma | 2000-05-05 13:49:02 +0000 (Fri, 05 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +removed mpn_divrem_n stuff, now that Burnikel/Ziegler algorithm is in GMP 3.0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r504 | zimmerma | 2000-05-05 13:29:21 +0000 (Fri, 05 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r503 | zimmerma | 2000-05-04 15:18:31 +0000 (Thu, 04 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +completely rewritten (changed semantics) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r502 | zimmerma | 2000-05-04 15:17:07 +0000 (Thu, 04 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +initialized variable bh to avoid warning at compilation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r501 | zimmerma | 2000-05-04 15:16:11 +0000 (Thu, 04 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added prototype for mpfr_set_default_rounding_mode + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r500 | zimmerma | 2000-05-04 15:05:34 +0000 (Thu, 04 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + +fixed pb in mpfr_cmp_ui_2exp for i=0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r499 | zimmerma | 2000-05-04 13:40:09 +0000 (Thu, 04 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +updated according to meeting from May 4, 2000 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r498 | zimmerma | 2000-05-04 12:24:56 +0000 (Thu, 04 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +updated for AIX + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r497 | zimmerma | 2000-05-04 12:23:28 +0000 (Thu, 04 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + +updated for AIX (thanks to Gerardo Ballabio) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r496 | zimmerma | 2000-05-02 16:38:27 +0000 (Tue, 02 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r495 | zimmerma | 2000-05-02 16:37:52 +0000 (Tue, 02 May 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +fixed bug found by G. Ballabio for b=0 and 0 mpfr_const_pi + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r479 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:23:36 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r478 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:23:09 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tpi.c + +mpfr_pi -> mpfr_const_pi + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r477 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:22:34 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + +use mpfr_cmp_ui instead of SIGN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r476 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:22:03 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + +mpfr_log2 -> mpfr_const_log2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r475 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:20:57 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added -O2 compilation flag +added set_q + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r474 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:20:19 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/set_q.c + +convert rational (mpz_q) to floating-point (mpfr_t) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r473 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:19:15 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +removed things which were done + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r472 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:18:40 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/neg.c + +unsigned char -> mp_rnd_t +SIGN -> MPFR_SIGN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r471 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:17:47 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/clear.c + +use PREC() macro instead of _mp_prec, and corrected size to free + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r470 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:16:36 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + +SIGN -> MPFR_SIGN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r469 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:15:35 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +unsigned char -> mp_rnd_t +SIGN -> MPFR_SIGN +added non standard C header + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r468 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:13:54 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + +unsigned char -> mp_rnd_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r467 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:11:45 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init.c + +unsigned long int -> mp_prec_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r466 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:11:01 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log2.c + +renamed to mpfr_const_log2 +unsigned char -> mp_rnd_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r465 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:10:24 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +unsigned char -> mp_rnd_t +SIGN -> MPFR_SIGN +unsigned long int -> mp_prec_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r464 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:10:04 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +unsigned char -> mp_rnd_t +unsigned long int -> mp_prec_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r463 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:08:37 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + +unsigned char -> mp_rnd_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r462 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:06:41 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pi.c + +renamed to mpfr_const_pi +unsigned char -> mp_rnd_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r461 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:06:06 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +unsigned char -> mp_rnd_t +added non standard C header + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r460 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:04:40 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/print_raw.c + +SIGN -> MPFR_SIGN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r459 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:03:46 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + +added non standard C header + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r458 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:01:46 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +unsigned char -> mp_rnd_t +SIGN -> MPFR_SIGN +unsigned long int -> mp_prec_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r457 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:01:15 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sub.c + +unsigned char -> mp_rnd_t +SIGN -> MPFR_SIGN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r456 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 17:00:21 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + +unsigned long int -> mp_prec_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r455 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 16:59:45 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_dfl_rnd.c + +har -> mp_rnd_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r454 | zimmerma | 2000-02-11 16:55:07 +0000 (Fri, 11 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +changed rounding mode to mp_rnd_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r453 | zimmerma | 2000-02-04 17:04:06 +0000 (Fri, 04 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +now distinguish between true mpfr errors and possible errors from libm.a + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r452 | zimmerma | 2000-02-04 17:03:21 +0000 (Fri, 04 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +now use print_rnd_mode + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r451 | zimmerma | 2000-02-04 17:02:42 +0000 (Fri, 04 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added suggestion from JP Merlet + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r450 | zimmerma | 2000-02-04 17:02:15 +0000 (Fri, 04 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added print_rnd_mode.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r449 | zimmerma | 2000-02-04 14:55:01 +0000 (Fri, 04 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + +added more tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r448 | zimmerma | 2000-02-04 14:54:37 +0000 (Fri, 04 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_f.c + +fixed bug(s) found by Jean-Pierre Merlet + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r447 | zimmerma | 2000-02-04 14:45:43 +0000 (Fri, 04 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +changed prototype of mpfr_set_f (takes now only 3 arguments) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r446 | zimmerma | 2000-02-03 08:59:19 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added karasqrt.o + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r445 | zimmerma | 2000-02-03 08:58:49 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2000) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added prototype for kara_sqrtrem +added redefinition of KARATSUBA_MUL_THRESHOLD (if not defined) +removed definition of LOG_MP_BITS_PER_LIMB (was not used) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r444 | zimmerma | 2000-02-03 08:57:40 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/karasqrt.c + +changed return type to mp_size_t and included mpfr.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r443 | zimmerma | 2000-02-03 08:56:58 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/karadiv.c + +moved definition of KARATSUBA_MUL_THRESHOLD (if not defined) to mpfr.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r442 | zimmerma | 2000-02-03 08:48:45 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/karasqrt.c + +implements Katatsuba square root + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r441 | zimmerma | 2000-02-03 08:45:55 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +now use kara_sqrtrem instead of mpn_sqrtrem + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r440 | zimmerma | 2000-02-03 08:41:35 +0000 (Thu, 03 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + +fixed bug when high limb of quotient is zero + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r439 | zimmerma | 2000-02-02 18:17:30 +0000 (Wed, 02 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added one test [did fail on alpha] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r438 | zimmerma | 2000-02-02 18:01:29 +0000 (Wed, 02 Feb 2000) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +added cast to mp_limb_t in front of 1< DEBUG + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r421 | zimmerma | 1999-12-16 10:58:21 +0000 (Thu, 16 Dec 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +added debug instructions + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r420 | zimmerma | 1999-12-16 10:57:44 +0000 (Thu, 16 Dec 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +fixed nasty bug in mpfr_cmp2 (case cc=1) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r419 | zimmerma | 1999-12-16 10:54:57 +0000 (Thu, 16 Dec 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +replaced printf by fprintf for error + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r418 | zimmerma | 1999-12-10 20:32:36 +0000 (Fri, 10 Dec 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +added new tests for large input + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r417 | zimmerma | 1999-12-10 20:32:07 +0000 (Fri, 10 Dec 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +fixed bug for large input + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r416 | zimmerma | 1999-12-10 13:29:54 +0000 (Fri, 10 Dec 1999) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +rewritten the error analysis: +- now analyzes the cancellation a posteriori +- takes into account errors from rounding and initial approximation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r415 | zimmerma | 1999-12-10 13:27:42 +0000 (Fri, 10 Dec 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +added tests from Vincent Lefe`vre + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r414 | zimmerma | 1999-12-10 13:04:09 +0000 (Fri, 10 Dec 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +no warning any more for negative exponent (thanks to V. Lefe`vre) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r413 | zimmerma | 1999-12-08 12:12:07 +0000 (Wed, 08 Dec 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + +fixed bug found by V. Lefe`vre (when n<0, we have to compute +an upper bound of log(2) instead of a lower bound) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r412 | zimmerma | 1999-12-08 12:10:29 +0000 (Wed, 08 Dec 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +added new test (bug found by V. Lefe`vre) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r411 | zimmerma | 1999-12-07 16:01:25 +0000 (Tue, 07 Dec 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added suggestion from V. Lefe`vre + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r410 | zimmerma | 1999-12-07 10:31:45 +0000 (Tue, 07 Dec 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/TODO + +added several remarks from Vincent Lefe`vre + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r409 | zimmerma | 1999-12-07 10:27:05 +0000 (Tue, 07 Dec 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +corrected many typos found by Vincent Lefe`vre + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r408 | zimmerma | 1999-11-27 08:10:56 +0000 (Sat, 27 Nov 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mul.c + +removed executable rights + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r407 | zimmerma | 1999-11-27 08:09:46 +0000 (Sat, 27 Nov 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +improved GMP link (thanks to Vincent Lefe`vre) +added pointer to Alpha-Linux f-p problems + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r406 | zimmerma | 1999-11-27 08:08:35 +0000 (Sat, 27 Nov 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + +removed executable right on file + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r405 | zimmerma | 1999-10-20 14:17:01 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +put back test for x=y + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r404 | zimmerma | 1999-10-20 14:11:34 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +modified to avoid y=-0.0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r403 | zimmerma | 1999-10-20 13:31:20 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +modified test procedure to return 53 when x=y + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r402 | zimmerma | 1999-10-20 13:25:13 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +mpfr_cmp2(b,c) now returns PREC(b) if b=c, even if c=0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r401 | zimmerma | 1999-10-20 13:06:11 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r400 | zimmerma | 1999-10-20 13:05:43 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +added test under Cygwin + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r399 | zimmerma | 1999-10-20 11:16:09 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +$make -> $MAKE + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r398 | zimmerma | 1999-10-20 10:21:22 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + +removed *rand48 prototypes (pb under Cygwin) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r397 | zimmerma | 1999-10-20 10:20:37 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +removed *rand48 prototypes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r396 | zimmerma | 1999-10-20 10:20:12 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +removed lrand48 prototype (pb under Cygwin) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r395 | zimmerma | 1999-10-20 10:19:30 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + +added rounding instructions for Cygnus compiler under Windows + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r394 | zimmerma | 1999-10-20 10:18:14 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added dummy *rand48 functions for CYGWIN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r393 | zimmerma | 1999-10-20 10:17:38 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +added info about gmp-mparam.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r392 | zimmerma | 1999-10-20 10:16:28 +0000 (Wed, 20 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +incorporated data for CYGWIN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r391 | zimmerma | 1999-10-15 09:51:16 +0000 (Fri, 15 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r390 | zimmerma | 1999-10-15 09:41:12 +0000 (Fri, 15 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +added boundary cases from paper from Michael Parks + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r389 | zimmerma | 1999-10-14 13:32:09 +0000 (Thu, 14 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +now set sign correctly + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r388 | zimmerma | 1999-10-14 13:31:45 +0000 (Thu, 14 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + +added test to check sign is correctly set + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r387 | zimmerma | 1999-10-14 13:31:15 +0000 (Thu, 14 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +added worst case for arg. reduction + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r386 | zimmerma | 1999-10-14 13:26:40 +0000 (Thu, 14 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + +fixed bug when initial approx. floor(x/log(2)) is too large + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r385 | zimmerma | 1999-10-08 15:25:42 +0000 (Fri, 08 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + +now use macros for Linux case, and added ifdef for _ISOC9X_SOURCE + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r384 | zimmerma | 1999-10-08 10:03:45 +0000 (Fri, 08 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +changed target dist to create archive in a directory + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r383 | zimmerma | 1999-10-07 15:12:09 +0000 (Thu, 07 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added targets doc and dist + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r382 | zimmerma | 1999-10-07 15:11:43 +0000 (Thu, 07 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/INSTALL + +added documentation and contact for problems + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r381 | zimmerma | 1999-10-07 14:54:54 +0000 (Thu, 07 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/INSTALL + +file for installation of mpfr + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r380 | zimmerma | 1999-10-07 14:09:58 +0000 (Thu, 07 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +added more tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r379 | zimmerma | 1999-10-07 14:06:17 +0000 (Thu, 07 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +now deal with 0 and fixed bug on 64-bit machine + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r378 | zimmerma | 1999-10-07 08:15:21 +0000 (Thu, 07 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/sqrt3.c + +moved to sqrt.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r377 | zimmerma | 1999-10-07 08:14:56 +0000 (Thu, 07 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +now use directly mpn_sqrtrem (previously sqrt3.c) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r376 | zimmerma | 1999-10-07 08:14:13 +0000 (Thu, 07 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +updated prototypes of mpfr_div/mpfr_sqrt + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r375 | zimmerma | 1999-10-07 08:11:25 +0000 (Thu, 07 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +removed div3 and sqrt3 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r374 | zimmerma | 1999-10-07 08:10:06 +0000 (Thu, 07 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +div3 -> div + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r373 | zimmerma | 1999-10-07 08:09:41 +0000 (Thu, 07 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/div3.c + +moved to div.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r372 | zimmerma | 1999-10-07 08:08:48 +0000 (Thu, 07 Oct 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +replaced implementation using Goldschmidt's algorithm +by that using directly mpn_divrem (previously div3.c) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r371 | zimmerma | 1999-10-07 08:07:46 +0000 (Thu, 07 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +sqrt3 -> sqrt + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r370 | zimmerma | 1999-10-07 08:05:54 +0000 (Thu, 07 Oct 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/COPYING.LIB + +GNU Library Public License + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r369 | zimmerma | 1999-08-31 08:56:55 +0000 (Tue, 31 Aug 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_z.c + +removed printf statement + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r368 | zimmerma | 1999-08-31 08:46:21 +0000 (Tue, 31 Aug 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_z.c + +added ABS for SIZ(z) when z<0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r367 | zimmerma | 1999-08-31 08:45:45 +0000 (Tue, 31 Aug 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +removed special 'exact' stuff for n=0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r366 | zimmerma | 1999-08-31 08:18:25 +0000 (Tue, 31 Aug 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +fixed prototype of random + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r365 | zimmerma | 1999-07-30 16:48:33 +0000 (Fri, 30 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +replaced GNU MPFR by MPFR (not yet the GNU label) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r364 | zimmerma | 1999-07-30 16:47:40 +0000 (Fri, 30 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add_ulp.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div3.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/init.c + M /trunk/init_set.h + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pi.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + M /trunk/set_dfl_rnd.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_prec.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sqrt3.c + M /trunk/sub.c + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tpi.c + M /trunk/tests/tround.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + M /trunk/zeta.c + +added copyright notice + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r363 | zimmerma | 1999-07-09 18:02:58 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + +added one test with prec=160 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r362 | zimmerma | 1999-07-09 18:02:08 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pi.c + +error term is N+1 and not N + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r361 | zimmerma | 1999-07-09 18:00:39 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_z.c + +fixed bug in case sh=0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r360 | zimmerma | 1999-07-08 16:28:56 +0000 (Thu, 08 Jul 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +completely rewritten mpfr_can_round_raw, which costs now O(1) +--- or more probably O(log n) --- instead of O(n) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r359 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 16:47:31 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + +changed mpfr_init2 to mpfr_set_prec + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r358 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 16:44:53 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r357 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 16:08:19 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +added prototype for mpfr_add1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r356 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 16:04:13 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + +added mpfr_clear + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r355 | hanrot | 1999-07-07 15:53:23 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt3.c + +sqrt3 now returns an exact / inexact flag. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r354 | hanrot | 1999-07-07 15:52:58 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +sqrt3 now returns an exact/inexact flag. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r353 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 15:49:50 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +fix UMR (missing 0 terminating string) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r352 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 15:26:07 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init.c + +put initialization of exponent back (avoids some UMRs) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r351 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 15:11:20 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +fixed array bound write bug + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r350 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 13:12:18 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r349 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 13:10:57 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +added several tests, and does not print on stdout when no argument + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r348 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 13:09:37 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +fixed several bugs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r347 | hanrot | 1999-07-07 11:37:10 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +Added an example which causes an ABW in mpz_get_str. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r346 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 11:35:17 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +moved drand to mpfr-impl.h and added test in large precision + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r345 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 11:24:34 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added tout_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r344 | hanrot | 1999-07-07 10:12:23 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt3.c + +Problem with the exponents in the destructive case. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r343 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 10:04:22 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div3.c + +more changes from G. Hanrot + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r342 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 10:00:45 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +use now drand48 instead of drand + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r341 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 09:49:04 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + +simply set to zero the non-significant bits, don't call mpfr_round_raw + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r340 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 09:44:15 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div3.c + +upgrade from bug fixes from Guillaume Hanrot + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r339 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 09:38:44 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pi.c + +stores now last computed value together with its rounding mode + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r338 | zimmerma | 1999-07-07 09:23:24 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +checks now destructive version + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r337 | boldo | 1999-07-07 08:07:16 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +changes on random + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r336 | boldo | 1999-07-07 08:00:29 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +using div3 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r335 | boldo | 1999-07-07 08:00:09 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +using sqrt3 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r334 | hanrot | 1999-07-06 16:56:56 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +HPUX support, 2nd try. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r333 | hanrot | 1999-07-06 15:24:27 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div3.c + M /trunk/sqrt3.c + +Patch for the (very seldom encountered) case of even rounding. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r332 | zimmerma | 1999-07-06 15:09:07 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +added def. for random/srandom, which do not exist under HPUX + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r331 | zimmerma | 1999-07-06 15:06:16 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pi.c + +store now computed values + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r330 | zimmerma | 1999-07-06 15:05:42 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log2.c + +_mpfr_log2_* -> __mpfr_log2_* + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r329 | zimmerma | 1999-07-06 14:48:33 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + +merged machine rounding instructions for Sun and HP + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r328 | zimmerma | 1999-07-06 14:46:38 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + +patch for HPUX (no random function) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r327 | zimmerma | 1999-07-06 14:44:30 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added print_rnd_mode + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r326 | zimmerma | 1999-07-06 14:41:38 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +fixed prototype of mpfr_print_rnd_mode + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r325 | zimmerma | 1999-07-06 14:40:54 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +improved ulp to deal with case a=0.0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r324 | zimmerma | 1999-07-06 14:40:13 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +added return 0 to main + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r323 | hanrot | 1999-07-06 14:00:29 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div3.c + +Forgotten casts. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r322 | hanrot | 1999-07-06 12:55:14 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +Added sqrt3 + tentative support for Alpha linux. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r321 | hanrot | 1999-07-06 12:40:17 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt3.c + +The word added when the exponent is odd was sometimes unitialized. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r320 | hanrot | 1999-07-06 09:39:42 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/sqrt3.c + +Initial version. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r319 | hanrot | 1999-07-06 09:39:20 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Added mpfr_sqrt3. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r318 | zimmerma | 1999-07-06 09:23:25 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added several functions, and updated others + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r317 | zimmerma | 1999-07-06 09:19:09 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +changed prototype of mpfr_log + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r316 | zimmerma | 1999-07-06 09:17:28 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +returns now an int instead of void + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r315 | zimmerma | 1999-07-06 09:16:41 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/init.c + +removed initialization of exponent + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r314 | zimmerma | 1999-07-06 09:16:03 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + +special case for exp(0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r313 | zimmerma | 1999-07-06 09:15:40 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +added test for exp(0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r312 | hanrot | 1999-07-06 08:31:45 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + -> ./ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r311 | boldo | 1999-07-05 18:55:08 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +new, quick & clean + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r310 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 16:35:27 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +added two tests and converted to double's + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r309 | boldo | 1999-07-05 16:27:31 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +more checking ways + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r308 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 15:24:16 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +distinguishes now between true errors and differences with libm.a +(which may fail too) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r307 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 14:55:12 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +removed mpf stuff in check + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r306 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 14:49:59 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + +added some mpfr_clear's + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r305 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 14:45:58 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +changed defs of random/srandom to work on Alpha + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r304 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 14:45:12 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +mpfr_init2 -> mpfr_set_prec in check64 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r303 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 14:30:48 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +added function dbl + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r302 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 14:30:19 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added prototypes for mpfr_cmp3 and mpfr_set4 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r301 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 14:06:18 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/neg.c + +use mpfr_set4 now (no modification of const parameters any more) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r300 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 14:05:33 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +return 0 in mpfr_can_round_raw + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r299 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 14:04:38 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set.c + +introduced auxiliary function mpfr_set4 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r298 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 14:01:07 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_si.c + +fixed possible bug (testing sign of unsigned long) in mpfr_mul_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r297 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 14:00:11 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div3.c + +replaced PREC(r) by prec (which was defined but not used) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r296 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 13:59:08 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + +moved drand and ulp to mpfr-impl + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r295 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 13:55:23 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +moved ulp to mpfr-impl.h +and used input routine 'dbl' in some tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r294 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 13:32:55 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +modified one test to avoid rounding from double input routines + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r293 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 13:18:06 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +introduced auxiliary function mpfr_cmp3(x,y,sign) to compare x and sign*y + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r292 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 13:16:55 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +moved drand and ulp to mpfr-impl.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r291 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 13:15:48 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +mpfr_sub now calls directly mpfr_add1/mpfr_sub1 (no modification of +const parameters any more) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r290 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 13:14:13 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + +moved drand to mpfr-implh.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r289 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 13:12:55 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +use mpfr_cmp3 instead of mpfr_cmp (avoids warning due to modification of +const parameters) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r288 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 13:11:42 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +moved drand to mpfr-impl.h and removed warnings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r287 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 12:34:27 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/zeta.c + +use the result of mpfr_can_round + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r286 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 11:05:32 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +moved drand and ulp to mpfr-impl.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r285 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 11:03:46 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + +moved drand to mpfr-impl.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r284 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 10:56:30 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +moved drand to mpfr-impl and removed warnings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r283 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 10:55:30 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +added include of math.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r282 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 10:52:07 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +moved drand and ulp to mpfr-impl.h + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r281 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 10:51:37 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/mpfr-impl.h + +include file for mpfr developers only + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r280 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 10:45:52 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +long -> int in drand + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r279 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 10:43:11 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +adapted drand to sizeof(long)=64 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r278 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 10:12:44 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + -> ./ (otherwise don't work under IRIX) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r277 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 09:42:53 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + +removed warnings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r276 | zimmerma | 1999-07-05 09:42:20 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + +patch for GMP bug when UDIV_NEEDS_NORMALIZATION=1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r275 | hanrot | 1999-07-02 17:51:54 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div3.c + +Correction of a typo. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r274 | zimmerma | 1999-07-02 16:13:14 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div_ui.c + +fixed horrible hack yp[-1] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r273 | hanrot | 1999-07-02 15:47:18 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +Support of IRIX64 (n32/64 modes) plus cosmetic modifications. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r272 | zimmerma | 1999-07-02 12:29:31 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +added one test, and adapted to ANSI C + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r271 | hanrot | 1999-07-02 12:28:06 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +Yet Another Backslash Forgotten... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r270 | hanrot | 1999-07-02 12:26:33 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div3.c + +Bug le plus stupide de tous les temps corrige. Ca marchait sous Solaris... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r269 | zimmerma | 1999-07-02 12:25:39 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +added one test and removed warnings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r268 | hanrot | 1999-07-02 12:22:02 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Added mpfr_div3. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r267 | hanrot | 1999-07-02 12:21:42 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +Added div3.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r266 | zimmerma | 1999-07-02 12:19:59 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +fixed bug when sizeof(long) <> sizeof(mp_limb_t) +and removed DEBUG2 stuff + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r265 | zimmerma | 1999-07-02 12:19:03 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added one test, and removed warnings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r264 | hanrot | 1999-07-02 12:18:47 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/div3.c + +Added div3.c, initial release. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r263 | hanrot | 1999-07-02 11:45:22 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +Patch of the patch :) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r262 | hanrot | 1999-07-02 11:27:38 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +Pattern matching rules in tests Makefile for non-GNU make (eg Solaris) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r261 | zimmerma | 1999-07-02 11:24:09 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +adapted to enable denormalized numbers on IRIX64, added one test and +removed warnings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r260 | zimmerma | 1999-07-02 11:21:42 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/round.c + +changed type of 3rd arg. 'neg' of mpfr_can_round_raw from char to int +(pb with signed char's on some machines, e.g. IRIX64) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r259 | zimmerma | 1999-07-02 10:09:00 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +adapted to IRIX64 (enable denorm. numbers) and removed warnings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r258 | zimmerma | 1999-07-02 10:06:05 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +adapted to IRIX64 (enable denormalized numbers) and removed warnings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r257 | zimmerma | 1999-07-02 10:03:28 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +adapted to IRIX64 (no denormalized by default) and removed warnings + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r256 | zimmerma | 1999-07-02 09:55:41 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_si.c + +unsigned long -> mp_limb_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r255 | boldo | 1999-07-02 09:51:06 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +unused variables + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r254 | boldo | 1999-07-02 09:50:16 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +unused variable + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r253 | zimmerma | 1999-07-02 09:43:38 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +added ifdef to avoid warning "unused variable" on 64-bit machine + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r252 | zimmerma | 1999-07-02 09:42:58 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + +added def. of swapRM to avoid warning on IRIX64 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r251 | zimmerma | 1999-07-02 09:36:03 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/round.c + +1UL -> ((mp_limb_t) 1) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r250 | zimmerma | 1999-07-02 09:32:47 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +changed type of mask to mp_limb_t in mpfr_round_raw2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r249 | zimmerma | 1999-07-02 09:26:13 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jul 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + +adapted for denormalized on IRIX64 +now test NaNs too + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r248 | hanrot | 1999-07-01 17:20:43 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +Due to the representation of 0 it might have happened that 0 != 0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r247 | hanrot | 1999-07-01 17:09:00 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +Patch mpfr_set -> MPN_COPY + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r246 | hanrot | 1999-07-01 17:08:12 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +Patch when prec < 32. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r245 | zimmerma | 1999-07-01 17:00:58 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +fixed bugs for 64-bit machines + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r244 | zimmerma | 1999-07-01 16:59:36 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +added casts to mp_limb_t + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r243 | zimmerma | 1999-07-01 16:54:40 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +added cast to mp_limb_t for shifts + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r242 | boldo | 1999-07-01 14:35:42 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +prints nothing is everything is allright + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r241 | boldo | 1999-07-01 14:20:32 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +memory gestion + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r240 | boldo | 1999-07-01 14:19:36 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +one single bug + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r239 | boldo | 1999-07-01 14:19:12 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +more bad cases + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r238 | zimmerma | 1999-07-01 14:08:04 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +added some certified tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r237 | zimmerma | 1999-07-01 12:47:55 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + +added one test to check that 1*y = y + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r236 | hanrot | 1999-07-01 12:19:09 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +Patch of an MLK due to multiple initialization of the same variables without +freeing them in-between. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r235 | hanrot | 1999-07-01 12:09:49 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +Same as in sqrt (allocation problem). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r234 | zimmerma | 1999-07-01 11:58:48 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +fixed bug due to shift=0 in mpn_rshift + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r233 | hanrot | 1999-07-01 10:43:19 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +(Temporary) patch for memory gestion in sqrt.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r232 | zimmerma | 1999-07-01 09:40:55 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +mpfr_init -> mpfr_init2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r231 | zimmerma | 1999-07-01 09:39:56 +0000 (Thu, 01 Jul 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +initialize temporary variables with current precision + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r230 | hanrot | 1999-06-30 15:47:13 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/clear.c + +Unbelievably stupid bug fixed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r229 | hanrot | 1999-06-30 15:14:47 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jun 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +Two patches : one for an UMR which actually had no effect, one for an FNH in +old code.. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r228 | boldo | 1999-06-30 14:55:48 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +new bug + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r227 | boldo | 1999-06-30 13:30:46 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +there were some conflicts + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r226 | boldo | 1999-06-30 13:30:25 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +there were some conflicts + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r225 | boldo | 1999-06-30 13:29:47 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/log.c + +memory gestion + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r224 | zimmerma | 1999-06-29 17:53:45 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +replaced outputs by direct comparison when no argument + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r223 | zimmerma | 1999-06-29 17:46:38 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +modified to do only certified test when no argument + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r222 | zimmerma | 1999-06-29 17:27:34 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +modified to do only tests with precomputed values when no argument + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r221 | zimmerma | 1999-06-29 16:13:33 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +does exact rounding only for n=0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r220 | remy | 1999-06-29 15:59:22 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added zeta/tzeta + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r219 | remy | 1999-06-29 15:58:51 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added prototypes for mpfr_exp and mpfr_zeta + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r218 | remy | 1999-06-29 15:58:05 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jun 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/zeta.c + +computes Riemann function Zeta(s) +first version: only works for s=2 with PREC(result)=53 and rnd_mode=nearest + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r217 | remy | 1999-06-29 15:57:01 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tzeta.c + +test file for mpfr_zeta + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r216 | remy | 1999-06-29 15:49:15 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added prototype for mpfr_set_default_prec + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r215 | remy | 1999-06-29 15:40:28 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/zeta2.c + +file renamed zeta.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r214 | remy | 1999-06-29 15:26:33 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jun 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/zeta2.c + +first version: computes Zeta(2) with fixed precision 53 bits and round +to nearest + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r213 | hanrot | 1999-06-29 14:48:29 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +Patch in the case when the number of bits is a multiple of the word size. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r212 | hanrot | 1999-06-29 14:47:58 +0000 (Tue, 29 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +Patch in the case when the low words of the product are zero. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r211 | zimmerma | 1999-06-28 13:51:15 +0000 (Mon, 28 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +changed arguments of mpfr_round_raw (continued) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r210 | zimmerma | 1999-06-28 13:48:44 +0000 (Mon, 28 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/set.c + +changed arguments of mpfr_round_raw (now uses precision instead of size) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r209 | zimmerma | 1999-06-28 11:50:04 +0000 (Mon, 28 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpi.c + +modified wrt warnings at compilation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r208 | zimmerma | 1999-06-28 11:49:08 +0000 (Mon, 28 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +modified description of mpfr_get_str for n_digits=0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r207 | zimmerma | 1999-06-28 11:48:15 +0000 (Mon, 28 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +now performs an exact output when n_digits=0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r206 | hanrot | 1999-06-28 07:37:06 +0000 (Mon, 28 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_si.c + +Yet another corrected prototype. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r205 | hanrot | 1999-06-25 17:36:57 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/add_ulp.c + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/cmp.c + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + M /trunk/div.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/div_ui.c + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/log.c + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/mpfr.h + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + M /trunk/pi.c + M /trunk/pow.c + M /trunk/print_raw.c + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/random.c + M /trunk/rnd_mode.c + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_d.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + M /trunk/set_z.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + M /trunk/sub.c + +Prototypes et quelques causes de warnings corriges. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r204 | hanrot | 1999-06-25 17:20:06 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +Modifs cosmetiques. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r203 | hanrot | 1999-06-25 17:19:55 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/set_str.c + +Fichier vide. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r202 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 16:30:07 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + +do not print anything when no argument + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r201 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 16:20:11 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/out_str.c + +use GMP allocate/free functions instead of malloc/free + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r200 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 16:08:32 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + +do not print anything on stdout + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r199 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 16:07:34 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +put correctly sign with macro CHANGE_SIGN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r198 | hanrot | 1999-06-25 16:00:38 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +Ajoute la dépendance de libmpfr.a pour le Makefile des tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r197 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 15:54:04 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +correctly handle case sizer=1 in mpfr_set_d + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r196 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 15:53:19 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +corrected allocated size in mpfr_round + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r195 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 15:51:49 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +make clean does not remove any more + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r194 | hanrot | 1999-06-25 15:16:10 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +Correction d'un UMR en inversant le while (sans incidence tres probablement). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r193 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 15:12:04 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added four tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r192 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 15:07:31 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +adapted mpfr_set_d to case where allocated limbs > significant limbs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r191 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 15:05:10 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed bug for b=2^n and c very small + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r190 | hanrot | 1999-06-25 14:36:27 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +Some limbs of the result where not set to zero as they should. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r189 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 13:32:39 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +added prototypes, and errors to stderr + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r188 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 13:17:23 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/tests/tset_i + +binary file -> remove it + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r187 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 13:16:04 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +use PREC(x) instead of ABSSIZE(x) to get number of significant limbs +adapted to different numbers of significant limbs for x and y + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r186 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 13:05:45 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +fixed pbs with ABSSIZE(x) wrt PREC(x) in mpfr_round + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r185 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 13:01:20 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +added pointer to exponent, removed test with sprintf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r184 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 13:00:05 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +removed DEBUG stuff + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r183 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 12:57:10 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_si.c + +use PREC(x) instead of ABSSIZE(x) to get the number of significant limbs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r182 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 12:56:22 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + +do 10^6 tests if no argument + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r181 | hanrot | 1999-06-25 12:30:43 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +J'avais oublie -g... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r180 | hanrot | 1999-06-25 12:23:51 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +Ajoute des flags de paranoiaque schizophrene. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r179 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 11:43:25 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +now prints nothing with no argument + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r178 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 11:22:28 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added texp and tdiv_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r177 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 11:21:30 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tdiv_ui.c + +test file for div_ui, initial revision + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r176 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 10:19:42 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +commented out "avant arrondi..." + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r175 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 10:17:40 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +clear res1/res2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r174 | hanrot | 1999-06-25 10:17:26 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +Patches an ABR. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r173 | hanrot | 1999-06-25 10:15:54 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +Patch of an ABR. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r172 | hanrot | 1999-06-25 10:15:21 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pow.c + +Patch in the case n = 0. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r171 | hanrot | 1999-06-25 10:14:45 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/out_str.c + +Patch for a memory leak. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r170 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 10:13:14 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +added two tests for exact roots + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r169 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 10:12:11 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +removed DEBUG stuff and fixed pb with exact root and GMP_RNDZ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r168 | hanrot | 1999-06-25 09:42:53 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +Correction d'un ABR. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r167 | zimmerma | 1999-06-25 09:38:52 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tpi.c + +added test for prec=53 bits, removed output for argc==1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r166 | hanrot | 1999-06-25 09:28:43 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c + +Initial revision. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r165 | hanrot | 1999-06-24 12:22:57 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/sub.c + +Patched an Array Bound Read. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r164 | hanrot | 1999-06-24 12:10:00 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +Corrected an Array Bound Read when all the bits are significative. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r163 | zimmerma | 1999-06-24 12:00:31 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + +i -> s in tests on mpfr_cmp_si + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r162 | zimmerma | 1999-06-24 11:59:05 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + +fixed pb in mpfr_cmp_si_2exp (case b=0 or i=0) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r161 | zimmerma | 1999-06-24 11:55:25 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +& -> && + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r160 | zimmerma | 1999-06-24 11:40:48 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +removed 3rd arg. of mpfr_set_prec + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r159 | zimmerma | 1999-06-24 11:37:54 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +treats case b=c in mpfr_sub(a,b,c) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r158 | zimmerma | 1999-06-24 11:36:43 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_prec.c + +removed 3rd argument in mpfr_set_prec +reallocates only when more limbs are needed + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r157 | zimmerma | 1999-06-24 11:34:22 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/exp.c + M /trunk/log2.c + +removed 3rd arg. of mpfr_set_prec + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r156 | zimmerma | 1999-06-24 11:32:11 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +added some mpfr_clear's that were missing + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r155 | zimmerma | 1999-06-24 10:16:54 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +removed 3rd argument from mpfr_set_prec + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r154 | zimmerma | 1999-06-24 10:12:43 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +removed 3rd argument of mpfr_set_prec + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r153 | zimmerma | 1999-06-24 10:09:40 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +changed prototype of mpfr_set_prec (no rounding mode needed any more) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r152 | zimmerma | 1999-06-24 07:57:30 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +added test for case of missing exponent +and if one argument, print it as a double + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r151 | zimmerma | 1999-06-24 07:56:19 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +fixed bug when exponent was missing (wrong result when part before +binary point is not zero) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r150 | zimmerma | 1999-06-24 07:47:59 +0000 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +added tests from JM Muller and V Lefevre + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r149 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 16:37:03 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +corrected bad case in mpfr_can_round_raw where rnd1=GMP_RNDN +and err is a multiple of BITS_PER_MP_LIMB (was modifying an +extra limb perhaps not allocated) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r148 | boldo | 1999-06-23 16:02:24 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +qq bugs d'arrondis + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r147 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 15:57:14 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added exp and div_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r146 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 15:56:35 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/texp.c + +added test of exp(Pi*sqrt(163)/3)-640320 [texp 0.0 prec] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r145 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 15:44:33 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/texp.c + +test file for mpfr_exp, initial revision + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r144 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 13:02:11 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +added two tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r143 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 12:57:56 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + +removed printf's and added one test for leading '+' + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r142 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 12:56:26 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_str_raw.c + +now allows leading '+' + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r141 | boldo | 1999-06-23 11:34:03 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +nettoye + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r140 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 10:00:37 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + +removed printf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r139 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 10:00:05 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + +removed printf's + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r138 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 09:59:31 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +added tests for large precision (tlog x prec rnd) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r137 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 09:58:29 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +added test for exact division + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r136 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 09:57:57 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + +mpfr_cmp -> mpfr_cmp2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r135 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 09:57:23 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +removed printf, added exit on error + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r134 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 09:55:43 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/exp.c + +initial revision + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r133 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 09:50:41 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +cleaned local variables + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r132 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 09:49:07 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +changed prototype of mpfr_div (now returns int) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r131 | zimmerma | 1999-06-23 09:47:12 +0000 (Wed, 23 Jun 1999) | 4 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +now deals correctly with exact division +removed DEBUG stuff +returns 0/1 according to exact division + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r130 | zimmerma | 1999-06-22 17:12:20 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +fixed bug found by F. Rouillier: x * Z(2/x) -> 0 [carry from mpfr_round_raw] + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r129 | hanrot | 1999-06-22 13:33:35 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_prec.c + +Fill with 0 the part added in case of a larger reallocation. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r128 | hanrot | 1999-06-22 12:39:01 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +Rajoute le bug report de Fabrice. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r127 | zimmerma | 1999-06-22 12:18:25 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_can_round when prec or err are multiples of BITS_PER_MP_LIMB + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r126 | zimmerma | 1999-06-22 12:16:28 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul.c + +added test to check sign of result + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r125 | zimmerma | 1999-06-22 12:14:44 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +fixed bug: wrong sign when SIGN(a)<0 at beginning + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r124 | boldo | 1999-06-22 09:51:16 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +avec plein de cas d'erreurs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r123 | boldo | 1999-06-22 09:47:20 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log.c + +marche bien + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r122 | boldo | 1999-06-22 09:47:04 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +Marche bien + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r121 | hanrot | 1999-06-21 16:00:30 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Corrected prototype of mpfr_can_round_raw. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r120 | hanrot | 1999-06-21 16:00:11 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +Various patches. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r119 | hanrot | 1999-06-21 15:39:24 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Added prototype for mpfr_can_round_raw + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r118 | hanrot | 1999-06-21 15:34:57 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +Added mpfr_can_round_raw ; mpfr_can_round just calls it. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r117 | hanrot | 1999-06-21 15:26:56 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Declaration mpfr_print_rnd_mode.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r116 | hanrot | 1999-06-21 15:26:39 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + +print_rnd_mode.c -> mpfr_print_rnd_mode.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r115 | hanrot | 1999-06-21 15:07:36 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/print_rnd_mode.c + +Print the rounding mode. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r114 | hanrot | 1999-06-21 13:45:56 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_prec.c + +Changement de semantique (plus d'arrondi) et alloc + free -> realloc. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r113 | zimmerma | 1999-06-21 11:28:36 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/div_ui.c + +initial revision + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r112 | zimmerma | 1999-06-21 11:27:29 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r111 | zimmerma | 1999-06-21 11:24:33 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set.c + +now deal with carry from mpfr_round_raw + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r110 | zimmerma | 1999-06-21 11:17:13 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +fixed problem with count_leading_zeros undefined for 0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r109 | zimmerma | 1999-06-21 11:16:02 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log2.c + +store computed value and try to reuse it for next calls + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r108 | zimmerma | 1999-06-21 11:14:46 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +added test cn>= in mpfr_cmp2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r107 | zimmerma | 1999-06-21 11:12:33 +0000 (Mon, 21 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add_ulp.c + +added mpfr_sub_one_ulp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r106 | boldo | 1999-06-18 11:53:03 +0000 (Fri, 18 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +tests par rapport aux doubles + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r105 | boldo | 1999-06-18 11:52:31 +0000 (Fri, 18 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +pour decouvrir les erreurs + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r104 | boldo | 1999-06-18 11:51:52 +0000 (Fri, 18 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/log.c + +version qui marche + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r103 | zimmerma | 1999-06-18 10:15:11 +0000 (Fri, 18 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul.c + +special cases NaN and 0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r102 | zimmerma | 1999-06-18 09:56:15 +0000 (Fri, 18 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +fixed a few errors + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r101 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 14:26:21 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +added tests for n=0 and d=0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r100 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 14:25:49 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +added test for 0.0/1.0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r99 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 12:48:38 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +SET_NAN(q) -> SET_NAN(Q) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r98 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 12:48:05 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +added one exact root with rounding towards zero + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r97 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 12:45:54 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r96 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 12:45:00 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +added two tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r95 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 12:36:52 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +patch to detect exact roots (otherwise problem with rounding to zero) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r94 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 10:14:11 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +changed way zero is represented : most sign. limb is zero + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r93 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 09:56:49 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_si.c + +added special case for zero + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r92 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 09:56:06 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/print_raw.c + +special case for zero + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r91 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 09:55:24 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/out_str.c + +special cases for NaN and zero + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r90 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 09:54:47 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +special case when one of the arguments is zero + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r89 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 09:25:41 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +added bug found by S. Boldo and fixed (pb in mpfr_round_raw2) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r88 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 09:24:51 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +fixed bug in mpfr_round_raw2 which was returning other values than 0 or 1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r87 | hanrot | 1999-06-17 09:07:25 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + +Corrected a potential problem in add(a, a, a); + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r86 | hanrot | 1999-06-17 09:06:26 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +Corrected a potential problem in sub(a, a, a); + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r85 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 08:56:14 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +SET_NAN(x) -> SET_NAN(X) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r84 | hanrot | 1999-06-17 08:49:43 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp.c + +Patch in cmp2 for some dirty cases (2^a + 2^b <-> 2^a + z, z << 2^a, b << a) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r83 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 08:23:06 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added test to check bug found by JL Remy + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r82 | zimmerma | 1999-06-17 08:22:11 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jun 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +added TMP_DECL/TMP_MARK/TMP_FREE in mpfr_sub1 to deal with case +where destination=source + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r81 | hanrot | 1999-06-16 18:07:21 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +Bug dans set_d(0) ; la mantisse n'est pas initialisee a 0 correctement. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r80 | hanrot | 1999-06-16 14:05:13 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/mul.c + +Gere differemment les problemes d'egalite entre destinations et arguments. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r79 | hanrot | 1999-06-16 11:42:18 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +Rajoute log.o et tlog + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r78 | hanrot | 1999-06-16 11:06:37 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/tests/mon_fichier + +Vire fichier inutile. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r77 | zimmerma | 1999-06-16 10:56:24 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added new tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r76 | zimmerma | 1999-06-16 10:55:39 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +fixed bug for overlap=k*mp_bits_per_limb, k>=1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r75 | hanrot | 1999-06-16 09:54:52 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/tests/Makefile + +Vire Makefile de CVS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r74 | hanrot | 1999-06-16 09:54:15 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/Makefile + D /trunk/Makefile.exp + D /trunk/Makefile.msb + +Vire les Makefile de CVS. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r73 | zimmerma | 1999-06-16 09:48:59 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +added one test and random init. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r72 | zimmerma | 1999-06-16 09:48:17 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + +added one test + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r71 | zimmerma | 1999-06-16 09:47:18 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tadd.c + +added tests for cases where destination = source + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r70 | zimmerma | 1999-06-16 09:46:10 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sub.c + +cases NaN and destination=source + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r69 | zimmerma | 1999-06-16 09:45:22 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/sqrt.c + +now iterates if one cannot round after 1st try, +and deals with case destination = source + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r68 | zimmerma | 1999-06-16 09:43:32 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +mpfr_can_round again and again + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r67 | zimmerma | 1999-06-16 09:42:45 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/print_raw.c + +added case of NaN + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r66 | zimmerma | 1999-06-16 09:41:54 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added macro SET_ZERO + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r65 | zimmerma | 1999-06-16 09:40:52 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/div.c + +now allows destination = source + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r64 | hanrot | 1999-06-16 08:05:44 +0000 (Wed, 16 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/tests/tget_str + D /trunk/tests/tmul + D /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp + D /trunk/tests/tmul_ui + D /trunk/tests/tround + D /trunk/tests/tset_d + D /trunk/tests/tset_f + D /trunk/tests/tset_str + D /trunk/tests/tsqrt + +Vire les tests de cvs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r63 | zimmerma | 1999-06-15 16:44:19 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/div.c + +printf -> fprintf + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r62 | zimmerma | 1999-06-15 16:32:41 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/add.c + M /trunk/div.c + +error message when destination equals source (case not yet treated) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r61 | zimmerma | 1999-06-15 16:27:26 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +now uses the given rounding mode internally instead of always GMP_RNDZ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r60 | zimmerma | 1999-06-15 16:26:06 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pi.c + +now rounding to nearest should be correct + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r59 | hanrot | 1999-06-15 16:19:56 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +Encore et toujours mpfr_can_round... + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r58 | hanrot | 1999-06-15 15:38:51 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + D /trunk/o.solaris + D /trunk/tests/tadd + D /trunk/tests/tagm + D /trunk/tests/tcmp + D /trunk/tests/tcmp2 + D /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui + D /trunk/tests/tdiv + +Nettoyage. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r57 | hanrot | 1999-06-15 14:43:14 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +Patch pour mpfr_can_round. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r56 | boldo | 1999-06-15 14:40:51 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +sans instructions de debuggage + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r55 | boldo | 1999-06-15 13:53:11 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Makefile + +rajout de log.o et tlog + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r54 | boldo | 1999-06-15 13:52:43 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/Makefile + +rajout de tlog + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r53 | boldo | 1999-06-15 13:41:24 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +ajout du log + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r52 | boldo | 1999-06-15 13:24:51 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tlog.c + +*** empty log message *** + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r51 | boldo | 1999-06-15 13:22:09 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/log.c + +premiere version du log + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r50 | zimmerma | 1999-06-15 13:11:10 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/div.c + +now recognizes division by exact power of 2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r49 | zimmerma | 1999-06-15 13:10:21 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/cmp_ui.c + +added mpfr_cmp_[us]i_2exp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r48 | zimmerma | 1999-06-15 12:53:07 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added mpfr_[us]i_2exp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r47 | zimmerma | 1999-06-15 12:52:33 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added mpfr_cmp_[us]i_2exp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r46 | hanrot | 1999-06-15 12:06:32 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/random.c + +Correction de bug (pas msb normalise). + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r45 | zimmerma | 1999-06-15 10:04:12 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/pi.c + +fixed mistake in error analysis (does not change code) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r44 | hanrot | 1999-06-15 09:26:56 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +Ajout de random.o dans les objets. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r43 | hanrot | 1999-06-15 09:26:26 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 3 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/random.c + +random.c : engendre un mpfr_t dans [0, 1[. GH, 15/06 +TODO : un random qui engendre un mpfr_t avec exposant gaussien centre. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r42 | remy | 1999-06-15 09:17:44 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/log2.c + M /trunk/pi.c + +changed return value to void + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r41 | hanrot | 1999-06-14 16:35:25 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/round.c + +Ajoute les modes d'arrondi RNDN et RNDD. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r40 | hanrot | 1999-06-14 13:14:43 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + +Correction du prototype de mpfr_mul_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r39 | hanrot | 1999-06-14 11:11:55 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +Correction du prototype de mpfr_mul_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r38 | boldo | 1999-06-14 10:18:01 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +*** empty log message *** + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r37 | zimmerma | 1999-06-14 07:51:59 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Configure + +added several files + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r36 | zimmerma | 1999-06-14 07:51:28 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added several prototypes + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r35 | zimmerma | 1999-06-14 07:50:36 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.texi + +added set_z, add_one_ulp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r34 | zimmerma | 1999-06-14 07:49:06 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/set_d.c + +added mpfr_get_d2 which only considers the mantissa + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r33 | zimmerma | 1999-06-14 07:48:10 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +now uses mpfr_get_d2 (no side effect on arguments) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r32 | zimmerma | 1999-06-14 07:46:10 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tlog2.c + +test file for mpfr_log2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r31 | zimmerma | 1999-06-14 07:45:27 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tset_z.c + +test file for mpfr_set_z + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r30 | zimmerma | 1999-06-14 07:44:42 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tpi.c + +test file for mpfr_pi + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r29 | zimmerma | 1999-06-14 07:43:57 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/log2.c + +computes log(2) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r28 | zimmerma | 1999-06-14 07:43:22 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/add_ulp.c + +add one ulp + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r27 | zimmerma | 1999-06-14 07:42:12 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/set_z.c + +set a mpfr from an integer + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r26 | zimmerma | 1999-06-14 07:41:33 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/pi.c + +computes Pi to n bits + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r25 | boldo | 1999-06-14 07:41:29 +0000 (Mon, 14 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + +*** empty log message *** + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r24 | zimmerma | 1999-06-11 08:08:35 +0000 (Fri, 11 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/mpfr.texi + +Initial revision of mpfr documentation + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r23 | hanrot | 1999-06-10 18:47:44 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +Patch d'un mpfr_set_d dans tsqrt.c ; GH, 100699 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r22 | hanrot | 1999-06-10 18:47:09 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + +Patch d'un mpfr_set_d dans get_str.c ; GH, 100699 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r21 | hanrot | 1999-06-10 18:46:03 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/Configure + +Tentative de configuration automatique, v. initiale. GH, 100699 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r20 | boldo | 1999-06-10 16:36:13 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/agm.c + M /trunk/tests/tagm.c + +*** empty log message *** + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r19 | zimmerma | 1999-06-10 09:20:04 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Makefile + +added tout_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r18 | zimmerma | 1999-06-10 09:19:38 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/tests/tout_str.c + +Initial revision. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r17 | zimmerma | 1999-06-10 09:13:55 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/Makefile + +added out_str.c and pow.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r16 | zimmerma | 1999-06-10 09:13:26 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added proto for mpfr_pow_ui and mpfr_ui_pow_ui + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r15 | zimmerma | 1999-06-10 09:09:09 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/pow.c + +Initial revision. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r14 | zimmerma | 1999-06-10 09:05:05 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/clear.c + M /trunk/div_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul.c + M /trunk/mul_2exp.c + M /trunk/mul_ui.c + M /trunk/neg.c + M /trunk/round.c + M /trunk/set.c + M /trunk/set_f.c + M /trunk/set_si.c + +added include (needed for FILE in mpfr.h) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r13 | zimmerma | 1999-06-10 08:59:38 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +added proto for mpfr_out_str + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r12 | zimmerma | 1999-06-10 08:58:23 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/out_str.c + +function to print a mpfr to a stream. Initial revision. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r11 | zimmerma | 1999-06-10 08:56:27 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mpfr.h + +changed proto of mpfr_get_str: 2nd arg is mp_exp_t*, not char* + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r10 | zimmerma | 1999-06-10 08:53:22 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/get_str.c + +now conforms to the specification + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r9 | hanrot | 1999-06-09 18:37:25 +0000 (Wed, 09 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/Makefile + +tset_i -> tset_si dans le Makefile de tests. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r8 | hanrot | 1999-06-09 18:36:50 +0000 (Wed, 09 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/mmpfr + +Version corrigee de mmpfr. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r7 | hanrot | 1999-06-09 18:36:28 +0000 (Wed, 09 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/Makefile + +Makefile qui devrait fonctionner pour tous. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r6 | hanrot | 1999-06-09 18:33:34 +0000 (Wed, 09 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + M /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + +Correction de warnings dans tmul_2exp.c + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r2 | hanrot | 1999-06-09 18:03:33 +0000 (Wed, 09 Jun 1999) | 2 lines +Changed paths: + A /trunk/.pure + A /trunk/BUGS + A /trunk/Makefile.exp + A /trunk/Makefile.msb + A /trunk/TODO + A /trunk/add.c + A /trunk/agm.c + A /trunk/clear.c + A /trunk/cmp.c + A /trunk/cmp_ui.c + A /trunk/div.c + A /trunk/div_2exp.c + A /trunk/from_Torbjorn + A /trunk/get_str.c + A /trunk/init.c + A /trunk/init_set.h + A /trunk/mmpfr + A /trunk/mpfr.h + A /trunk/mul.c + A /trunk/mul_2exp.c + A /trunk/mul_ui.c + A /trunk/neg.c + A /trunk/o.solaris + A /trunk/o.solaris/.pure + A /trunk/print_raw.c + A /trunk/rnd_mode.c + A /trunk/round.c + A /trunk/set.c + A /trunk/set_d.c + A /trunk/set_dfl_prec.c + A /trunk/set_dfl_rnd.c + A /trunk/set_f.c + A /trunk/set_prec.c + A /trunk/set_si.c + A /trunk/set_str.c + A /trunk/set_str_raw.c + A /trunk/sqrt.c + A /trunk/sub.c + A /trunk/tests + A /trunk/tests/Makefile + A /trunk/tests/mon_fichier + A /trunk/tests/tadd + A /trunk/tests/tadd.c + A /trunk/tests/tagm + A /trunk/tests/tagm.c + A /trunk/tests/tcmp + A /trunk/tests/tcmp.c + A /trunk/tests/tcmp2 + A /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c + A /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui + A /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c + A /trunk/tests/tdiv + A /trunk/tests/tdiv.c + A /trunk/tests/tget_str + A /trunk/tests/tget_str.c + A /trunk/tests/tmul + A /trunk/tests/tmul.c + A /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp + A /trunk/tests/tmul_2exp.c + A /trunk/tests/tmul_ui + A /trunk/tests/tmul_ui.c + A /trunk/tests/tround + A /trunk/tests/tround.c + A /trunk/tests/tset_d + A /trunk/tests/tset_d.c + A /trunk/tests/tset_f + A /trunk/tests/tset_f.c + A /trunk/tests/tset_i + A /trunk/tests/tset_si.c + A /trunk/tests/tset_str + A /trunk/tests/tset_str.c + A /trunk/tests/tsqrt + A /trunk/tests/tsqrt.c + +Initial revision + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +r1 | (no author) | 1999-06-09 18:03:33 +0000 (Wed, 09 Jun 1999) | 1 line +Changed paths: + A /branches + A /tags + A /trunk + +New repository initialized by cvs2svn. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22436ab --- /dev/null +++ b/INSTALL @@ -0,0 +1,569 @@ +Copyright 1999-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +Contributed by the AriC and Caramba projects, INRIA. + +This file is part of the GNU MPFR Library. + +The GNU MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your +option) any later version. + +The GNU MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public +License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +along with the GNU MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If not, see + or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., +51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + + + + Installing GNU MPFR + =================== + +Note: In case of problem, please read this INSTALL file carefully before +reporting a bug, in particular Section "In case of problem" below. Some +problems are due to bad configuration on the user side (not specific to +MPFR). + +0. You first need to install GMP. See . + MPFR requires GMP version 4.1 or later. + +1. Extract the files from the archive. + +2. It is strongly advised to apply the latest patches if this has + not been done yet and if patches are available. You can check + on the release page: + + + + which may have additional information. The patches can be applied + with commands like: + + wget + patch -N -Z -p1 < allpatches + + or + + curl | patch -N -Z -p1 + + (Those instructions are for the GNU patch command, for example + /usr/bin/gpatch on Solaris.) + +3. In the MPFR directory, to detect your system, type: + ./configure + possibly with options (see below, in particular if this step or + one of the following fails). You should also check whether WARNING + lines have been output (such a problem may cause a failure in one + of the following steps). + Note: paths provided in configure options must always be absolute + (relative paths are not supported). + +4. To build the library, type: + make + + [optional] if you want to tune MPFR for your specific architecture, see + the section "Tuning MPFR" below. Note that for most common architectures, + MPFR includes some default tuning parameters which should be near from + optimal. + +5. To check the built library (runs the test files), type: + make check + + Note: If any test fails, information about this failure can be found in + the tests/test-suite.log file; you should provide this file in your bug + reports (in addition to other useful information, as mentioned later). + If you want the contents of this file to be automatically output in case + of failure, you can set the VERBOSE environment variable to 1 before + running "make check", for instance by typing: + VERBOSE=1 make check + +6. To install it (default "/usr/local" | see "--prefix" option), type: + make install + +If you installed MPFR (header and library) in directories that are +not searched by default by the compiler and/or linking tools, then, +like with other libraries, you may need to set up some environment +variables such as C_INCLUDE_PATH (to find the header mpfr.h), +LIBRARY_PATH (to find the library), and if the shared library has +been installed, LD_LIBRARY_PATH (before execution) or LD_RUN_PATH +(before linking); this list is not exhaustive and some environment +variables may be specific to your system. "make install" gives some +instructions; please read them. You can also find more information +in the manuals of your compiler and linker. The MPFR FAQ may also +give some information. + +Remember that if you have several MPFR (or GMP) versions installed +(e.g., one with the system, and one, newer, by you), you will not +necessarily get a compilation/linking error if a wrong library is +used (e.g., because LD_LIBRARY_PATH has not been set correctly). +But unexpected results may occur. + +Under Mac OS X, if the shared library was not installed and you use +Apple's linker (this is the default), you will also need to provide +the -search_paths_first linker flag ("-Wl,-search_paths_first" when +you link via gcc) to make sure that the right library is selected, +as by default, Apple's linker selects a shared library preferably, +even when it is farther in the library paths. We recall that if a +wrong library is selected due to this behavior, unexpected results +may occur. + + +Building the documentation +========================== + +To build the documentation in various formats, you may first need to +install recent versions of some utilities such as texinfo. + +* Type "make info" to produce the documentation in the info format. + +* Type "make pdf" to produce the documentation in the PDF format. + +* Type "make dvi" to produce the documentation in the DVI format. + +* Type "make ps" to produce the documentation in the Postscript format. + +* Type "make html" to produce the documentation in the HTML format + (in several pages); if you want only one output HTML file, then + type "makeinfo --html --no-split mpfr.texi" from the doc directory + instead. + + +Building MPFR with internal GMP header files +============================================ + +MPFR built with internal GMP header files is a bit faster, so you may want +to build it with them. Just do this in step 1: + + ./configure --with-gmp-build=GMPBUILD + +where GMPBUILD is the GMP build directory. The needed header files are: +gmp-impl.h, longlong.h and all the necessary headers to use them, which +may be located either in the GMP source directory or in the GMP build +directory, in case they are different (MPFR takes care of that, as of +MPFR 3.1.0). + +Warning: the library obtained in this way may use some internal GMP +symbols, and thus dynamically linking your software with a different +version of GMP might fail, even though it is declared as compatible +by Libtool's versioning system. + + +Tuning MPFR +=========== + +For this, you need to build MPFR with a GMP build directory (see above). +In the GMP build directory, you also need to go into the "tune" subdirectory +and type "make speed". This will build the GMP speed library, which is used +by the MPFR tuning mechanism. + +Then go back to the MPFR build directory, go into the "tune" subdirectory and +type "make tune". This will build an optimized file "mparam.h" for your +specific architecture. + + +./configure options +=================== + +--prefix=DIR installs MPFR headers and library in DIR/include and + DIR/lib respectively (the default is "/usr/local"). + +--with-gmp-include=DIR assumes that DIR contains gmp.h +--with-gmp-lib=DIR assumes that DIR contains the GMP library +--with-gmp=DIR assumes that DIR is where you have installed GMP. + same as --with-gmp-lib=DIR/lib + and --with-gmp-include=DIR/include + (use either --with-gmp alone or one or both of + --with-gmp-lib/--with-gmp-include) + Warning! Do not use these options if you have + CPPFLAGS and/or LDFLAGS containing a -I or -L + option with a directory that contains a GMP + header or library file, as these options just + add -I and -L options to CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS + *after* the ones that are currently declared, + so that DIR will have a lower precedence. Also, + this may not work if DIR is a system directory + (typically /usr or /usr/local); see below. + +--with-gmp-build=DIR assumes that DIR contains the GMP build directory, + and enables the use of GMP internals (see above). + Warning! This option and the group of options + --with-gmp are mutually exclusive. + +--enable-assert build MPFR with assertions. + +--enable-thread-safe build MPFR as thread safe, using compiler-level + Thread Local Storage (TLS). Note: TLS support is + roughly tested by configure. If configure detects + that TLS does not work (because of the compiler, + linker or system libraries), it will output an + error message, telling you to build MPFR without + thread safe. For instance, though Mac OS X uses + GCC, it may not currently support GCC's __thread + storage class. + +--disable-thread-safe build MPFR without TLS. By default, TLS support + is detected automatically, and MPFR is built as + thread safe if supported. However this detection + is only a heuristic: TLS can be detected as + supported while its support is incomplete or + buggy (MPFR tests may fail). In such a case, + this option is useful. + +--enable-gmp-internals allows the MPFR build to use GMP's undocumented + functions (not from the public API). Note that + library versioning is not guaranteed to work if + this option is used. Thus it must not be used in + binary distributions. + +Note: By default, the configure script tries to set CC/CFLAGS to GMP's +ones (this feature needs GMP 4.3.0 or later, or the --with-gmp-build +option). However this is not guaranteed to work as the configure script +does some compiler tests earlier, and the change may be too late. Also, +the values obtained from GMP may be incorrect if GMP has been built +on a different machine. In such a case, the user may need to specify +CC/CFLAGS as explained below. + +Run "./configure --help" to see the other options (autoconf default options). + + +If 'gmp.h' and 'libgmp' do not match +==================================== + +Under some circumstances, the configure script may output a message +saying: + + 'gmp.h' and 'libgmp' seem to have different versions or + we cannot run a program linked with GMP (if you cannot + see the version numbers above). [...] + +Even though the configure script does not fail in such a case, this +message most often indicates a real error, which needs to be avoided. +Possible causes are: + +* The wanted GMP library does not have the same ABI as the one chosen + to build MPFR. The consequences may be: + + - A different GMP library (with the correct ABI) has been found, + but does not have the same version as 'gmp.h'. + + - No other GMP libraries have been found (in this case, no version + numbers should be printed above the warning message). + + This is incorrect and one of the following steps (make, make check) + will probably fail. GMP (actually gmp.h) now provides CC and CFLAGS + information to select the correct ABI, so that this problem should + no longer occur; but if GMP was provided by a binary package, such + information may not be valid. See the + + checking for CC and CFLAGS in gmp.h... + + line in the configure output (about the 11th line) and the following + few ones for more information. You may need to reinstall GMP or to + provide your own CC and/or CFLAGS. See also the remaining of this + INSTALL file. + +* A configure option like --with-gmp or --with-gmp-include was used + with a system include directory, e.g. one of the following: + + --with-gmp=/usr + --with-gmp=/usr/local + --with-gmp-include=/usr/include + --with-gmp-include=/usr/local/include + + GCC (and possibly other compilers) will ignore such a directive for + include directories (but this rule is not applied for the library + itself!). This means that the library search paths will be reordered + as declared, but the specified include directory will still be near + the end of the include search paths (thus with a low precedence). + This is not a problem if only one GMP version is installed, but + otherwise, a wrong gmp.h may be chosen, so that the versions of + gmp.h and libgmp may not match. The suggestions are the following: + + - If you want to use the GMP version under /usr, then you should + uninstall all the other GMP versions (header and library files) + that may be seen in the search paths, in particular those under + /usr/local. + + - If you want to use the GMP version under /usr/local, then you + should uninstall all the other GMP versions (header and library + files) that may be seen in the search paths, but *NOT* the one + under /usr (the version under /usr is provided by the OS vendor, + and changing/removing anything related to it may break your + system, and /usr should have a lower precedence than /usr/local + anyway). + + To find where GMP versions have been installed: + + $ locate libgmp (if you have a locate database) + + and if the compiler is GCC: + + $ gcc (under most systems) + $ gcc -print-file-name=libgmp.dylib (under Mac OS X) + + and if this does not work, you may try: + + $ gcc -print-search-dirs + +* An official GCC version was used under Debian GNU/Linux. Problems + may come from the fact that Debian chose a different convention + for library search paths concerning 32-bit and 64-bit libraries. + A possible problem can be, for instance: + + [Debian's GCC, correct library path] + $ gcc + /home/vlefevre/gmp/athlon64/lib/../lib/ + + [Official GCC, incorrect library path] + $ gcc-4.3.1 + /usr/lib/../lib64/ + + The solution: use a GCC provided by Debian or add symbolic links + such as lib64 -> lib (on 64-bit machines) for your library paths. + +* The problem may also be temporary and only due to the fact that + libtool could not be used at this time. This is unlikely, though. + + +In case of problem +================== + +First, look for any warning message in the configure output. + +Several documents may help you to solve the problem: + * this INSTALL file, in particular information given below; + * the FAQ (either the FAQ.html file distributed with MPFR, or the + on-line version , which may be more + up-to-date); + * the MPFR web page for this version , + which lists bugs found in this version and provides some patches. + +If the "configure" fails, please check that the C compiler and its +options are the same as those for the GMP build (specially the ABI). +You can see the latter with the following command: + + grep "^CC\|^CFLAGS" GMPBUILD/Makefile + +if the GMP build directory is available. Then type: + + ./configure CC= CFLAGS="" + +(quotes are needed when there are spaces or other special characters +in the CC/CFLAGS value) and continue the install. On some platforms, +you should provide further options to match those used by GMP, or set +some environment variables. For instance, see the "Notes on AIX/PowerPC" +section below. + +Warning! Do NOT use optimization options that can change the semantics +of math operations, such as GCC's -ffast-math or Sun CC's -fast. +Otherwise conversions from/to double's may be incorrect on infinities, +NaN's and signed zeros. Since native FP arithmetic is used in a few +places only, such options would not make MPFR faster anyway. + +If some "make check" tests fail, you can try the --disable-thread-safe +configure option (see the configure options above): it has been reported +that some platforms have buggy TLS support. Before trying this option, +you may want to check in the configure output whether MPFR was built +with TLS support; if yes, you will have a line: + checking for TLS support... yes +Alternatively "grep MPFR_USE_THREAD_SAFE config.log" will show that +MPFR_USE_THREAD_SAFE is defined to 1. If it is "no" (or the variable +is not defined), the --disable-thread-safe option would be useless. + +Some tests failure may be due to other compiler bugs, in particular +in optimization code. You can try to build MPFR without compiler +optimizations by giving -O0 (letter O, digit 0) in CFLAGS. If the +MPFR tests no longer fail, this was probably due to a compiler bug, +though we cannot exclude a bug in MPFR. You may want to contact us +(see below), possibly after looking at: + + +On some platforms, try with "gmake" (GNU make) instead of "make". +Problems have been reported with the Tru64 make. + +If the configure script reports that gmp.h version and libgmp version +are different, or if the build was OK, but the tests failed to link +with GMP or gave an error like + + undefined reference to `__gmp_get_memory_functions' + +meaning that the GMP library was not found or a wrong GMP library was +selected by the linker, then your library search paths are probably +not correctly set (some paths are missing or they are specified in an +incorrect order). + +Such problems commonly occur under some GNU/Linux machines, where the +default header and library search paths may be inconsistent: GCC is +configured to search /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib by default, +while the dynamic linker ignores /usr/local/lib. If you have a GMP +version installed in /usr (provided by the OS vendor) and a new one +installed in /usr/local, then the header of the new GMP version and +the library of the old GMP version will be used! The best solution +is to make sure that the dynamic linker configuration is consistent +with GCC's behavior, for instance by having /usr/local/lib in +/etc/ or in some file from /etc/ (as Debian +did: See +also for more +information. Alternatively you can use: + * environment variables. This may sometimes be necessary. If DIR + is the installation directory of GMP, add DIR/include to your + CPATH or C_INCLUDE_PATH (for compilers other than GCC, please + check the manual of your compiler), and add DIR/lib to your + LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH (and/or LD_RUN_PATH); + * --with-gmp* configure options (described above), e.g. + --with-gmp=/opt/local (to use /opt/local/include for headers and + /opt/local/lib for libraries), but other software that uses GMP + and/or MPFR will need correct paths too, and environment variables + allow one to set such search paths in a global way. + Note about "--with-gmp=/usr/local". This option may appear to + solve the above inconsistency problem, but does not work as you + expect. Indeed it affects the library search path, in particular, + the one used by the dynamic linker (thus adding the missing + /usr/local/lib directory as wanted), but since /usr/local/include + is a "standard system include directory" for GCC, the include + search patch is not changed; this is often not a problem in this + particular case because usually, /usr/local/include is already + last in the include search patch, but this may fail under some + occasions and may trigger obscure errors. + +For instance, under Unix, where paths are separated by a colon: + + * With POSIX sh-compatible shells (e.g. sh, ksh, bash, zsh): + export C_INCLUDE_PATH="/usr/local/include:/other/path/include" + export LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib:/other/path/lib" + export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LIBRARY_PATH" + + * With csh or tcsh: + setenv C_INCLUDE_PATH "/usr/local/include:/other/path/include" + setenv LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/local/lib:/other/path/lib" + setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$LIBRARY_PATH" + +If you can't solve your problem, you should contact us via the MPFR +mailing-list , indicating the machine and operating system +used (uname -a), the compiler and version used (gcc -v if you use gcc), +the configure options used if any (including variables such as CC and +CFLAGS), the version of GMP and MPFR used, and a description of the +problem encountered, in particular the tests/test-suite.log file if +"make check" failed. Please send us also the log of the "configure" +(config.log). + +Note that even if you can build MPFR with a C++ compiler, you can't run +the test suite: C and C++ are not the same language! You should use a C +compiler instead. + + +Notes about ABI +=============== + +On 64-bit computers, it may happen that the default ABI (Application Binary +Interface) chosen by MPFR does not correspond to the default one chosen by +the compiler. + +In particular, this kind of message may indicate the problem: +/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible mpfr/src/.libs/libmpfr.a when searching for -lmpfr + +In fact, since MPFR relies on GMP, it uses the same ABI as GMP. +To be sure that your program compiles and links correctly, use the same +compiler flags as MPFR does (look for CFLAGS in config.log). + +You might also recompile GMP with a different ABI, with for example +./configure ABI=32. + + +Notes on Mac OS X +================= + +If you get an error of the form + + ld: pointer in read-only segment not allowed in slidable image... + +this can mean that the link is done against a static (GMP) library. +In such a case, you should configure MPFR with --disable-shared to +disable the build of the shared library. + + +Notes on FreeBSD 4.3 +==================== + +FreeBSD 4.3 is provided with an incorrect header file, and +MPFR tests related to long double's may fail. If you cannot upgrade +the system, you can still use MPFR with FreeBSD 4.3, but you should +not use conversions with the long double type. + + +Notes on AIX/PowerPC +==================== + +The following has been tested on AIX 7.1.3 ( +with gcc 4.8.1 and GMP 6.1.0. + +If GMP was built with the 64-bit ABI, before building and testing MPFR, +you should set the OBJECT_MODE environment variable to 64, e.g., with: + + export OBJECT_MODE=64 + +(in a sh-compatible shell). Alternatively add the following to the configure +line: AR="ar -X64" NM="nm -B -X64". + + +MPFR for use with Windows Applications +====================================== + +There are several ways of building MPFR on Windows, the most appropriate +approach depending on how you intend to use the resulting libraries. + +a. Using MinGW +============== + +1 - We advise to use MinGW ( for 32-bit, and + for 32- and 64-bit), + which is simpler and less demanding than Cygwin. Contrary to Cygwin, + it also provides native Windows code. + +2 - If you just want to make a binary with gcc, there is nothing to do: + GMP, MPFR and the program compile exactly as under Linux. + +3 - To avoid using the Microsoft runtime (which might not be conform to ISO C), + you can use the MinGW runtime package (which is an integral part of MinGW). + For example, with MinGW versions 3.15 and later you can get an + ISO-compliant printf() if you compile your application with either + '-ansi', '-posix' or '-D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO'. In order to have the + MPFR formatted output functions based on ISO-compliant printf(), you + need to compile GMP (not MPFR) with CC="gcc -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO" + (since the standard printf modifiers %Ld and %td are passed to GMP). + Building MPFR with -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO is useless except for some + error messages in the test suite. + +b. Using Cygwin +=============== + +This build should be similar to that for MinGW except that the resulting +library depends on the Cygwin DLL and cannot therefore be used with +Visual Studio as with MinGW. Indeed, the binaries compiled with Cygwin +require a dynamic library (cygwin.dll) to work; there is a Cygwin option +-mno-cygwin to build native code, but it may require some non-portable tricks. + +In case of failure, you may need to pass LDFLAGS='-shared-libgcc' at the +end of the configure line due to a bug in GCC. Otherwise, if threading +support is not needed, you can configure MPFR with --disable-thread-safe. + +c. Using Microsoft Visual C++ and Intel C++ Compilers +===================================================== + +Static and dynamic MPFR libraries for the 32- and 64-bit versions of +Windows can be built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 using the +Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, see: + + + +The Intel C++ compiler provided as a part of Intel Parallel Studio XE +can also be used: + + + +The relevant build projects are available here: + + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..910d285 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# Copyright 2000-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + + +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = gnu + +# ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS will be fully deprecated in Automake 2.0; +# AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS (introduced in Automake 1.13) is now used instead, +# but we still set ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS to avoid a warning message from +# libtoolize and in case some developer needs to switch back to an +# old Automake version. +ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 + +SUBDIRS = doc src tests tune + +nobase_dist_doc_DATA = AUTHORS BUGS COPYING COPYING.LESSER NEWS TODO \ + examples/ReadMe examples/divworst.c examples/rndo-add.c examples/sample.c \ + examples/version.c + +EXTRA_DIST = PATCHES VERSION \ + tools/ck-copyright-notice tools/ck-news tools/ck-version-info \ + tools/ \ + $(DATAFILES) + +# Various checks for "make dist". +# * Check consistency concerning -version-info. Moreover if the VERSION +# file doesn't end with "-dev", check that the -version-info value is +# up-to-date. Note: this is a heuristic, to detect some mistakes. +# * Check that copyright notices exist and appear to be correct. +# * Check the NEWS file. +dist-hook: + cd $(srcdir) && tools/ck-version-info + cd $(srcdir) && tools/ck-copyright-notice + cd $(srcdir) && tools/ck-news diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..954d680 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,899 @@ +# generated by automake 1.15.1 from +# @configure_input@ + +# Copyright (C) 1994-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +@SET_MAKE@ + +# Copyright 2000-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +VPATH = @srcdir@ +am__is_gnu_make = { \ + if test -z '$(MAKELEVEL)'; then \ + false; \ + elif test -n '$(MAKE_HOST)'; then \ + true; \ + elif test -n '$(MAKE_VERSION)' && test -n '$(CURDIR)'; then \ + true; \ + else \ + false; \ + fi; \ +} +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ + case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ + *\\[\ \ ]*) \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@ +am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd +install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644 +install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c +install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c +INSTALL_HEADER = $(INSTALL_DATA) +transform = $(program_transform_name) +NORMAL_INSTALL = : +PRE_INSTALL = : +POST_INSTALL = : +NORMAL_UNINSTALL = : +PRE_UNINSTALL = : +POST_UNINSTALL = : +build_triplet = @build@ +host_triplet = @host@ +subdir = . +ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 +am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/m4/libtool.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltoptions.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltsugar.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltversion.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/size_max.m4 $(top_srcdir)/acinclude.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/ +am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(ACLOCAL_M4) +DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(top_srcdir)/configure \ + $(am__configure_deps) $(nobase_dist_doc_DATA) \ + $(am__DIST_COMMON) +am__CONFIG_DISTCLEAN_FILES = config.status config.cache config.log \ + configure.lineno config.status.lineno +mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d +CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = +CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES = +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = +SOURCES = +DIST_SOURCES = +RECURSIVE_TARGETS = all-recursive check-recursive cscopelist-recursive \ + ctags-recursive dvi-recursive html-recursive info-recursive \ + install-data-recursive install-dvi-recursive \ + install-exec-recursive install-html-recursive \ + install-info-recursive install-pdf-recursive \ + install-ps-recursive install-recursive installcheck-recursive \ + installdirs-recursive pdf-recursive ps-recursive \ + tags-recursive uninstall-recursive +am__can_run_installinfo = \ + case $$AM_UPDATE_INFO_DIR in \ + n|no|NO) false;; \ + *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ + esac +am__vpath_adj_setup = srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; +am__vpath_adj = case $$p in \ + $(srcdir)/*) f=`echo "$$p" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \ + *) f=$$p;; \ + esac; +am__strip_dir = f=`echo $$p | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; +am__install_max = 40 +am__nobase_strip_setup = \ + srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*|]/\\\\&/g'` +am__nobase_strip = \ + for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | sed -e "s|$$srcdirstrip/||" +am__nobase_list = $(am__nobase_strip_setup); \ + for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \ + sed "s| $$srcdirstrip/| |;"' / .*\//!s/ .*/ ./; s,\( .*\)/[^/]*$$,\1,' | \ + $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = "" } { files[$$2] = files[$$2] " " $$1; \ + if (++n[$$2] == $(am__install_max)) \ + { print $$2, files[$$2]; n[$$2] = 0; files[$$2] = "" } } \ + END { for (dir in files) print dir, files[dir] }' +am__base_list = \ + sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g' | \ + sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g' +am__uninstall_files_from_dir = { \ + test -z "$$files" \ + || { test ! -d "$$dir" && test ! -f "$$dir" && test ! -r "$$dir"; } \ + || { echo " ( cd '$$dir' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \ + $(am__cd) "$$dir" && rm -f $$files; }; \ + } +am__installdirs = "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)" +DATA = $(nobase_dist_doc_DATA) +RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS = mostlyclean-recursive clean-recursive \ + distclean-recursive maintainer-clean-recursive +am__recursive_targets = \ + $(RECURSIVE_TARGETS) \ + $(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS) \ + $(am__extra_recursive_targets) +AM_RECURSIVE_TARGETS = $(am__recursive_targets:-recursive=) TAGS CTAGS \ + cscope distdir dist dist-all distcheck +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +# Read a list of newline-separated strings from the standard input, +# and print each of them once, without duplicates. Input order is +# *not* preserved. +am__uniquify_input = $(AWK) '\ + BEGIN { nonempty = 0; } \ + { items[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ + END { if (nonempty) { for (i in items) print i; }; } \ +' +# Make sure the list of sources is unique. This is necessary because, +# e.g., the same source file might be shared among _SOURCES variables +# for different programs/libraries. +am__define_uniq_tagged_files = \ + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | $(am__uniquify_input)` +ETAGS = etags +CTAGS = ctags +CSCOPE = cscope +DIST_SUBDIRS = $(SUBDIRS) +am__DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ AUTHORS COPYING COPYING.LESSER \ + ChangeLog INSTALL NEWS README TODO ar-lib compile config.guess \ + config.sub install-sh missing +DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) +distdir = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) +top_distdir = $(distdir) +am__remove_distdir = \ + if test -d "$(distdir)"; then \ + find "$(distdir)" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' \ + && rm -rf "$(distdir)" \ + || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "$(distdir)"; }; \ + else :; fi +am__post_remove_distdir = $(am__remove_distdir) +am__relativize = \ + dir0=`pwd`; \ + sed_first='s,^\([^/]*\)/.*$$,\1,'; \ + sed_rest='s,^[^/]*/*,,'; \ + sed_last='s,^.*/\([^/]*\)$$,\1,'; \ + sed_butlast='s,/*[^/]*$$,,'; \ + while test -n "$$dir1"; do \ + first=`echo "$$dir1" | sed -e "$$sed_first"`; \ + if test "$$first" != "."; then \ + if test "$$first" = ".."; then \ + dir2=`echo "$$dir0" | sed -e "$$sed_last"`/"$$dir2"; \ + dir0=`echo "$$dir0" | sed -e "$$sed_butlast"`; \ + else \ + first2=`echo "$$dir2" | sed -e "$$sed_first"`; \ + if test "$$first2" = "$$first"; then \ + dir2=`echo "$$dir2" | sed -e "$$sed_rest"`; \ + else \ + dir2="../$$dir2"; \ + fi; \ + dir0="$$dir0"/"$$first"; \ + fi; \ + fi; \ + dir1=`echo "$$dir1" | sed -e "$$sed_rest"`; \ + done; \ + reldir="$$dir2" +DIST_ARCHIVES = $(distdir).tar.gz $(distdir).tar.bz2 $(distdir).tar.xz \ + $(distdir).zip +GZIP_ENV = --best +DIST_TARGETS = dist-xz dist-bzip2 dist-gzip dist-zip +distuninstallcheck_listfiles = find . -type f -print +am__distuninstallcheck_listfiles = $(distuninstallcheck_listfiles) \ + | sed 's|^\./|$(prefix)/|' | grep -v '$(infodir)/dir$$' +distcleancheck_listfiles = find . -type f -print +ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ +ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ +AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ +AR = @AR@ +AS = @AS@ +AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ +AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ +AUTOMAKE = @AUTOMAKE@ +AWK = @AWK@ +CC = @CC@ +CCDEPMODE = @CCDEPMODE@ +CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ +CPP = @CPP@ +CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ +CYGPATH_W = @CYGPATH_W@ +DATAFILES = @DATAFILES@ +DEFS = @DEFS@ +DEPDIR = @DEPDIR@ +DLLTOOL = @DLLTOOL@ +DSYMUTIL = @DSYMUTIL@ +DUMPBIN = @DUMPBIN@ +ECHO_C = @ECHO_C@ +ECHO_N = @ECHO_N@ +ECHO_T = @ECHO_T@ +EGREP = @EGREP@ +EXEEXT = @EXEEXT@ +FGREP = @FGREP@ +GREP = @GREP@ +INSTALL = @INSTALL@ +INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ +INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ +INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ +LD = @LD@ +LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ +LIBMPFR_LDFLAGS = @LIBMPFR_LDFLAGS@ +LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ +LIBS = @LIBS@ +LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ +LIPO = @LIPO@ +LN_S = @LN_S@ +LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ +LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH = @LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH@ +MAINT = @MAINT@ +MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ +MANIFEST_TOOL = @MANIFEST_TOOL@ +MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ +MPFR_LDFLAGS = @MPFR_LDFLAGS@ +MPFR_LIBM = @MPFR_LIBM@ +NM = @NM@ +NMEDIT = @NMEDIT@ +OBJDUMP = @OBJDUMP@ +OBJEXT = @OBJEXT@ +OTOOL = @OTOOL@ +OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@ +PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ +PACKAGE_BUGREPORT = @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@ +PACKAGE_NAME = @PACKAGE_NAME@ +PACKAGE_STRING = @PACKAGE_STRING@ +PACKAGE_TARNAME = @PACKAGE_TARNAME@ +PACKAGE_URL = @PACKAGE_URL@ +PACKAGE_VERSION = @PACKAGE_VERSION@ +PATH_SEPARATOR = @PATH_SEPARATOR@ +RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ +SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ +SHELL = @SHELL@ +STRIP = @STRIP@ +TUNE_LIBS = @TUNE_LIBS@ +VERSION = @VERSION@ +abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@ +abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@ +abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@ +abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@ +ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@ +ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@ +ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@ +am__include = @am__include@ +am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@ +am__quote = @am__quote@ +am__tar = @am__tar@ +am__untar = @am__untar@ +bindir = @bindir@ +build = @build@ +build_alias = @build_alias@ +build_cpu = @build_cpu@ +build_os = @build_os@ +build_vendor = @build_vendor@ +builddir = @builddir@ +datadir = @datadir@ +datarootdir = @datarootdir@ +docdir = @docdir@ +dvidir = @dvidir@ +exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ +host = @host@ +host_alias = @host_alias@ +host_cpu = @host_cpu@ +host_os = @host_os@ +host_vendor = @host_vendor@ +htmldir = @htmldir@ +includedir = @includedir@ +infodir = @infodir@ +install_sh = @install_sh@ +libdir = @libdir@ +libexecdir = @libexecdir@ +localedir = @localedir@ +localstatedir = @localstatedir@ +mandir = @mandir@ +mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@ +oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@ +pdfdir = @pdfdir@ +prefix = @prefix@ +program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@ +psdir = @psdir@ +runstatedir = @runstatedir@ +sbindir = @sbindir@ +sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@ +srcdir = @srcdir@ +sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@ +target_alias = @target_alias@ +top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@ +top_builddir = @top_builddir@ +top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = gnu + +# ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS will be fully deprecated in Automake 2.0; +# AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS (introduced in Automake 1.13) is now used instead, +# but we still set ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS to avoid a warning message from +# libtoolize and in case some developer needs to switch back to an +# old Automake version. +ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 +SUBDIRS = doc src tests tune +nobase_dist_doc_DATA = AUTHORS BUGS COPYING COPYING.LESSER NEWS TODO \ + examples/ReadMe examples/divworst.c examples/rndo-add.c examples/sample.c \ + examples/version.c + +EXTRA_DIST = PATCHES VERSION \ + tools/ck-copyright-notice tools/ck-news tools/ck-version-info \ + tools/ \ + $(DATAFILES) + +all: all-recursive + +.SUFFIXES: +am--refresh: Makefile + @: +$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps) + @for dep in $?; do \ + case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \ + *$$dep*) \ + echo ' cd $(srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu'; \ + $(am__cd) $(srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu \ + && exit 0; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu Makefile'; \ + $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \ + $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu Makefile +Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status + @case '$?' in \ + *config.status*) \ + echo ' $(SHELL) ./config.status'; \ + $(SHELL) ./config.status;; \ + *) \ + echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \ + esac; + +$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES) + $(SHELL) ./config.status --recheck + +$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps) + $(am__cd) $(srcdir) && $(AUTOCONF) +$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) + $(am__cd) $(srcdir) && $(ACLOCAL) $(ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS) +$(am__aclocal_m4_deps): + +mostlyclean-libtool: + -rm -f *.lo + +clean-libtool: + -rm -rf .libs _libs + +distclean-libtool: + -rm -f libtool +install-nobase_dist_docDATA: $(nobase_dist_doc_DATA) + @$(NORMAL_INSTALL) + @list='$(nobase_dist_doc_DATA)'; test -n "$(docdir)" || list=; \ + if test -n "$$list"; then \ + echo " $(MKDIR_P) '$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)'"; \ + $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)" || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + $(am__nobase_list) | while read dir files; do \ + xfiles=; for file in $$files; do \ + if test -f "$$file"; then xfiles="$$xfiles $$file"; \ + else xfiles="$$xfiles $(srcdir)/$$file"; fi; done; \ + test -z "$$xfiles" || { \ + test "x$$dir" = x. || { \ + echo " $(MKDIR_P) '$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/$$dir'"; \ + $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/$$dir"; }; \ + echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$xfiles '$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/$$dir'"; \ + $(INSTALL_DATA) $$xfiles "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/$$dir" || exit $$?; }; \ + done + +uninstall-nobase_dist_docDATA: + @$(NORMAL_UNINSTALL) + @list='$(nobase_dist_doc_DATA)'; test -n "$(docdir)" || list=; \ + $(am__nobase_strip_setup); files=`$(am__nobase_strip)`; \ + dir='$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)'; $(am__uninstall_files_from_dir) + +# This directory's subdirectories are mostly independent; you can cd +# into them and run 'make' without going through this Makefile. +# To change the values of 'make' variables: instead of editing Makefiles, +# (1) if the variable is set in 'config.status', edit 'config.status' +# (which will cause the Makefiles to be regenerated when you run 'make'); +# (2) otherwise, pass the desired values on the 'make' command line. +$(am__recursive_targets): + @fail=; \ + if $(am__make_keepgoing); then \ + failcom='fail=yes'; \ + else \ + failcom='exit 1'; \ + fi; \ + dot_seen=no; \ + target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \ + case "$@" in \ + distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)' ;; \ + *) list='$(SUBDIRS)' ;; \ + esac; \ + for subdir in $$list; do \ + echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \ + if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \ + dot_seen=yes; \ + local_target="$$target-am"; \ + else \ + local_target="$$target"; \ + fi; \ + ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \ + || eval $$failcom; \ + done; \ + if test "$$dot_seen" = "no"; then \ + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) "$$target-am" || exit 1; \ + fi; test -z "$$fail" + +ID: $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); mkid -fID $$unique +tags: tags-recursive +TAGS: tags + +tags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) + set x; \ + here=`pwd`; \ + if ($(ETAGS) --etags-include --version) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ + include_option=--etags-include; \ + empty_fix=.; \ + else \ + include_option=--include; \ + empty_fix=; \ + fi; \ + list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ + if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \ + test ! -f $$subdir/TAGS || \ + set "$$@" "$$include_option=$$here/$$subdir/TAGS"; \ + fi; \ + done; \ + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ + shift; \ + if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \ + test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ + if test $$# -gt 0; then \ + $(ETAGS) $(ETAGSFLAGS) $(AM_ETAGSFLAGS) $(ETAGS_ARGS) \ + "$$@" $$unique; \ + else \ + $(ETAGS) $(ETAGSFLAGS) $(AM_ETAGSFLAGS) $(ETAGS_ARGS) \ + $$unique; \ + fi; \ + fi +ctags: ctags-recursive + +CTAGS: ctags +ctags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ + test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \ + || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ + $$unique + +GTAGS: + here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ + && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \ + && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here" +cscope: cscope.files + test ! -s cscope.files \ + || $(CSCOPE) -b -q $(AM_CSCOPEFLAGS) $(CSCOPEFLAGS) -i cscope.files $(CSCOPE_ARGS) +clean-cscope: + -rm -f cscope.files +cscope.files: clean-cscope cscopelist +cscopelist: cscopelist-recursive + +cscopelist-am: $(am__tagged_files) + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + case "$(srcdir)" in \ + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="$(srcdir)" ;; \ + *) sdir=$(subdir)/$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then \ + echo "$(subdir)/$$i"; \ + else \ + echo "$$sdir/$$i"; \ + fi; \ + done >> $(top_builddir)/cscope.files + +distclean-tags: + -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags + -rm -f cscope.out cscope.po.out cscope.files + +distdir: $(DISTFILES) + $(am__remove_distdir) + test -d "$(distdir)" || mkdir "$(distdir)" + @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ + topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ + list='$(DISTFILES)'; \ + dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \ + sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \ + -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \ + case $$dist_files in \ + */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \ + sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \ + sort -u` ;; \ + esac; \ + for file in $$dist_files; do \ + if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \ + if test -d $$d/$$file; then \ + dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \ + if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \ + find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ + fi; \ + if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \ + cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \ + find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ + fi; \ + cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \ + else \ + test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \ + || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \ + || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + done + @list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ + if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \ + $(am__make_dryrun) \ + || test -d "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \ + || $(MKDIR_P) "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \ + || exit 1; \ + dir1=$$subdir; dir2="$(distdir)/$$subdir"; \ + $(am__relativize); \ + new_distdir=$$reldir; \ + dir1=$$subdir; dir2="$(top_distdir)"; \ + $(am__relativize); \ + new_top_distdir=$$reldir; \ + echo " (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) top_distdir="$$new_top_distdir" distdir="$$new_distdir" \\"; \ + echo " am__remove_distdir=: am__skip_length_check=: am__skip_mode_fix=: distdir)"; \ + ($(am__cd) $$subdir && \ + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) \ + top_distdir="$$new_top_distdir" \ + distdir="$$new_distdir" \ + am__remove_distdir=: \ + am__skip_length_check=: \ + am__skip_mode_fix=: \ + distdir) \ + || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + done + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) \ + top_distdir="$(top_distdir)" distdir="$(distdir)" \ + dist-hook + -test -n "$(am__skip_mode_fix)" \ + || find "$(distdir)" -type d ! -perm -755 \ + -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ + ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ + ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ + ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec $(install_sh) -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ + || chmod -R a+r "$(distdir)" +dist-gzip: distdir + tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | eval GZIP= gzip $(GZIP_ENV) -c >$(distdir).tar.gz + $(am__post_remove_distdir) +dist-bzip2: distdir + tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | BZIP2=$${BZIP2--9} bzip2 -c >$(distdir).tar.bz2 + $(am__post_remove_distdir) + +dist-lzip: distdir + tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | lzip -c $${LZIP_OPT--9} >$(distdir).tar.lz + $(am__post_remove_distdir) +dist-xz: distdir + tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | XZ_OPT=$${XZ_OPT--e} xz -c >$(distdir).tar.xz + $(am__post_remove_distdir) + +dist-tarZ: distdir + @echo WARNING: "Support for distribution archives compressed with" \ + "legacy program 'compress' is deprecated." >&2 + @echo WARNING: "It will be removed altogether in Automake 2.0" >&2 + tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | compress -c >$(distdir).tar.Z + $(am__post_remove_distdir) + +dist-shar: distdir + @echo WARNING: "Support for shar distribution archives is" \ + "deprecated." >&2 + @echo WARNING: "It will be removed altogether in Automake 2.0" >&2 + shar $(distdir) | eval GZIP= gzip $(GZIP_ENV) -c >$(distdir).shar.gz + $(am__post_remove_distdir) +dist-zip: distdir + -rm -f $(distdir).zip + zip -rq $(distdir).zip $(distdir) + $(am__post_remove_distdir) + +dist dist-all: + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $(DIST_TARGETS) am__post_remove_distdir='@:' + $(am__post_remove_distdir) + +# This target untars the dist file and tries a VPATH configuration. Then +# it guarantees that the distribution is self-contained by making another +# tarfile. +distcheck: dist + case '$(DIST_ARCHIVES)' in \ + *.tar.gz*) \ + eval GZIP= gzip $(GZIP_ENV) -dc $(distdir).tar.gz | $(am__untar) ;;\ + *.tar.bz2*) \ + bzip2 -dc $(distdir).tar.bz2 | $(am__untar) ;;\ + *.tar.lz*) \ + lzip -dc $(distdir).tar.lz | $(am__untar) ;;\ + *.tar.xz*) \ + xz -dc $(distdir).tar.xz | $(am__untar) ;;\ + *.tar.Z*) \ + uncompress -c $(distdir).tar.Z | $(am__untar) ;;\ + *.shar.gz*) \ + eval GZIP= gzip $(GZIP_ENV) -dc $(distdir).shar.gz | unshar ;;\ + *.zip*) \ + unzip $(distdir).zip ;;\ + esac + chmod -R a-w $(distdir) + chmod u+w $(distdir) + mkdir $(distdir)/_build $(distdir)/_build/sub $(distdir)/_inst + chmod a-w $(distdir) + test -d $(distdir)/_build || exit 0; \ + dc_install_base=`$(am__cd) $(distdir)/_inst && pwd | sed -e 's,^[^:\\/]:[\\/],/,'` \ + && dc_destdir="$${TMPDIR-/tmp}/am-dc-$$$$/" \ + && am__cwd=`pwd` \ + && $(am__cd) $(distdir)/_build/sub \ + && ../../configure \ + $(AM_DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + $(DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + --srcdir=../.. --prefix="$$dc_install_base" \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) dvi \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) installcheck \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) uninstall \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) distuninstallcheck_dir="$$dc_install_base" \ + distuninstallcheck \ + && chmod -R a-w "$$dc_install_base" \ + && ({ \ + (cd ../.. && umask 077 && mkdir "$$dc_destdir") \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) DESTDIR="$$dc_destdir" install \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) DESTDIR="$$dc_destdir" uninstall \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) DESTDIR="$$dc_destdir" \ + distuninstallcheck_dir="$$dc_destdir" distuninstallcheck; \ + } || { rm -rf "$$dc_destdir"; exit 1; }) \ + && rm -rf "$$dc_destdir" \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) dist \ + && rm -rf $(DIST_ARCHIVES) \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) distcleancheck \ + && cd "$$am__cwd" \ + || exit 1 + $(am__post_remove_distdir) + @(echo "$(distdir) archives ready for distribution: "; \ + list='$(DIST_ARCHIVES)'; for i in $$list; do echo $$i; done) | \ + sed -e 1h -e 1s/./=/g -e 1p -e 1x -e '$$p' -e '$$x' +distuninstallcheck: + @test -n '$(distuninstallcheck_dir)' || { \ + echo 'ERROR: trying to run $@ with an empty' \ + '$$(distuninstallcheck_dir)' >&2; \ + exit 1; \ + }; \ + $(am__cd) '$(distuninstallcheck_dir)' || { \ + echo 'ERROR: cannot chdir into $(distuninstallcheck_dir)' >&2; \ + exit 1; \ + }; \ + test `$(am__distuninstallcheck_listfiles) | wc -l` -eq 0 \ + || { echo "ERROR: files left after uninstall:" ; \ + if test -n "$(DESTDIR)"; then \ + echo " (check DESTDIR support)"; \ + fi ; \ + $(distuninstallcheck_listfiles) ; \ + exit 1; } >&2 +distcleancheck: distclean + @if test '$(srcdir)' = . ; then \ + echo "ERROR: distcleancheck can only run from a VPATH build" ; \ + exit 1 ; \ + fi + @test `$(distcleancheck_listfiles) | wc -l` -eq 0 \ + || { echo "ERROR: files left in build directory after distclean:" ; \ + $(distcleancheck_listfiles) ; \ + exit 1; } >&2 +check-am: all-am +check: check-recursive +all-am: Makefile $(DATA) +installdirs: installdirs-recursive +installdirs-am: + for dir in "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)"; do \ + test -z "$$dir" || $(MKDIR_P) "$$dir"; \ + done +install: install-recursive +install-exec: install-exec-recursive +install-data: install-data-recursive +uninstall: uninstall-recursive + +install-am: all-am + @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am + +installcheck: installcheck-recursive +install-strip: + if test -z '$(STRIP)'; then \ + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + install; \ + else \ + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + "INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV=STRIPPROG='$(STRIP)'" install; \ + fi +mostlyclean-generic: + +clean-generic: + +distclean-generic: + -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES) + -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES) + +maintainer-clean-generic: + @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use" + @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." +clean: clean-recursive + +clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am + +distclean: distclean-recursive + -rm -f $(am__CONFIG_DISTCLEAN_FILES) + -rm -f Makefile +distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic distclean-libtool \ + distclean-tags + +dvi: dvi-recursive + +dvi-am: + +html: html-recursive + +html-am: + +info: info-recursive + +info-am: + +install-data-am: install-nobase_dist_docDATA + +install-dvi: install-dvi-recursive + +install-dvi-am: + +install-exec-am: + +install-html: install-html-recursive + +install-html-am: + +install-info: install-info-recursive + +install-info-am: + +install-man: + +install-pdf: install-pdf-recursive + +install-pdf-am: + +install-ps: install-ps-recursive + +install-ps-am: + +installcheck-am: + +maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-recursive + -rm -f $(am__CONFIG_DISTCLEAN_FILES) + -rm -rf $(top_srcdir)/autom4te.cache + -rm -f Makefile +maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic + +mostlyclean: mostlyclean-recursive + +mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool + +pdf: pdf-recursive + +pdf-am: + +ps: ps-recursive + +ps-am: + +uninstall-am: uninstall-nobase_dist_docDATA + +.MAKE: $(am__recursive_targets) install-am install-strip + +.PHONY: $(am__recursive_targets) CTAGS GTAGS TAGS all all-am \ + am--refresh check check-am clean clean-cscope clean-generic \ + clean-libtool cscope cscopelist-am ctags ctags-am dist \ + dist-all dist-bzip2 dist-gzip dist-hook dist-lzip dist-shar \ + dist-tarZ dist-xz dist-zip distcheck distclean \ + distclean-generic distclean-libtool distclean-tags \ + distcleancheck distdir distuninstallcheck dvi dvi-am html \ + html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \ + install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \ + install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \ + install-info-am install-man install-nobase_dist_docDATA \ + install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \ + install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ + installdirs-am maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic \ + mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am \ + ps ps-am tags tags-am uninstall uninstall-am \ + uninstall-nobase_dist_docDATA + +.PRECIOUS: Makefile + + +# Various checks for "make dist". +# * Check consistency concerning -version-info. Moreover if the VERSION +# file doesn't end with "-dev", check that the -version-info value is +# up-to-date. Note: this is a heuristic, to detect some mistakes. +# * Check that copyright notices exist and appear to be correct. +# * Check the NEWS file. +dist-hook: + cd $(srcdir) && tools/ck-version-info + cd $(srcdir) && tools/ck-copyright-notice + cd $(srcdir) && tools/ck-news + +# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. +# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. +.NOEXPORT: diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0768d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/NEWS @@ -0,0 +1,337 @@ +Copyright 2000-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +Contributed by the AriC and Caramba projects, INRIA. + +This file is part of the GNU MPFR Library. + +The GNU MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your +option) any later version. + +The GNU MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public +License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +along with the GNU MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If not, see + or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., +51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + +############################################################################## + +Changes from version 3.1.5 to version 3.1.6: +- Improved MPFR manual. +- Bug fixes (see and ChangeLog file). +- Autotools: Under Linux, make sure that the old dtags (when supported) + are used if LD_LIBRARY_PATH is defined; otherwise "make check" would + check an installed, compatible MPFR library found in LD_LIBRARY_PATH + instead of the one that has been built with "make". + +Changes from version 3.1.4 to version 3.1.5: +- C++11 compatibility. +- Bug fixes (see and ChangeLog file). +- More tests. + +Changes from version 3.1.3 to version 3.1.4: +- Improved MPFR manual. +- Bug fixes (see and ChangeLog file). +- MinGW (MS Windows): Added support for thread-safe DLL (shared library). + +Changes from version 3.1.2 to version 3.1.3: +- Better support for Automake 1.13+ (now used to generate the tarball). +- Improved MPFR manual. +- Bug fixes (see and ChangeLog file). + +Changes from version 3.1.1 to version 3.1.2: +- Bug fixes (see or ChangeLog file). +- Updated examples to the MPFR 3.x API. +- Note: The official tarballs for MPFR up to 3.1.1 were affected by a + vulnerability for "make distcheck" due to a bug in old GNU Automake + versions: + +Changes from version 3.1.0 to version 3.1.1: +- Improved MPFR manual. +- Test coverage: 96.5% lines of code. +- Bug fixes (see or ChangeLog file). + +Changes from versions 3.0.* to version 3.1.0: +- The "canard à l'orange" release. +- The MPFR source has been reorganized. +- Dropped ansi2knr support. +- TLS support is now detected automatically. If TLS is supported, MPFR is + built as thread safe by default. To disable TLS explicitly, configure + MPFR with --disable-thread-safe. +- New --enable-gmp-internals configure option to use GMP's undocumented + functions (not from the public API). Note that library versioning is + not guaranteed to work if this option is used. +- The mpfr_urandom and mpfr_urandomb functions now return identical values + on processors with different word size (assuming the same random seed, and + since the GMP random generator does not depend itself on the word size, + cf +- The mpfr_add_one_ulp and mpfr_sub_one_ulp macros (which are obsolete and + no more documented) will be removed in a future release. +- Speed improvement for the mpfr_sqr and mpfr_div functions using Mulders' + algorithm. As a consequence, other functions using those routines are + also faster. +- Much faster formatted output (mpfr_printf, etc.) with %Rg and similar. +- The --with-gmp-build configure option can now be used when the GMP + source directory and the GMP build directory are different (without + having to copy header files manually as before). +- New functions mpfr_buildopt_gmpinternals_p, mpfr_buildopt_tune_case, + mpfr_frexp, mpfr_grandom and mpfr_z_sub. +- New divide-by-zero exception (flag) and associated functions. +- The mpfr.h header can be included several times, while still supporting + optional functions (see Section "Headers and Libraries" in the manual). +- Updated tuning parameters. +- Improved MPFR manual. +- MPFR tests: libtool no longer generates wrapper scripts with "make check" + (so that running the tests under valgrind or gdb is easier). +- Internal change: the logging mechanism has been improved. +- Test coverage: 95.2% lines of code. +- Bug fixes, in particular a huge inefficiency in mpfr_exp (when the + target precision is less than MPFR_EXP_THRESHOLD) on hard-to-round + cases, which can take several minutes. + Note: The mpfr_subnormalize implementation up to MPFR 3.0.0 did not change + the flags. In particular, it did not follow the generic rule concerning + the inexact flag (and no special behavior was specified). The case of the + underflow flag was more a lack of specification. + +Changes from versions 2.4.* to version 3.0.0: +- The "boudin aux pommes" release. +- MPFR 3.0.0 is binary incompatible with previous versions but (almost) + API compatible. More precisely the obsolete functions mpfr_random + and mpfr_random2 have been removed, the meaning of the return type + of the function mpfr_get_f has changed, and the return type of the + function mpfr_get_z is now int instead of void. In practice, this + should not break any existing code. +- MPFR is now distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License + version 3 or later (LGPL v3+). +- Rounding modes GMP_RNDx are now MPFR_RNDx (GMP_RNDx kept for + compatibility). +- A new rounding mode (MPFR_RNDA) is available to round away from zero. +- The rounding mode type is now mpfr_rnd_t (as in previous versions, + both mpfr_rnd_t and mp_rnd_t are accepted, but mp_rnd_t may be + removed in the future). +- The precision type is now mpfr_prec_t (as in previous versions, both + mpfr_prec_t and mp_prec_t are accepted, but mp_prec_t may be removed + in the future) and it is now signed (it was unsigned in MPFR 2.*, but + this was not documented). In practice, this change should not affect + existing code that assumed nothing on the precision type. +- MPFR now has its own exponent type mpfr_exp_t, which is currently + the same as GMP's mp_exp_t. +- Functions mpfr_random and mpfr_random2 have been removed. +- mpfr_get_f and mpfr_get_z now return a ternary value. +- mpfr_strtofr now accepts bases from 37 to 62. +- mpfr_custom_get_mantissa was renamed to mpfr_custom_get_significand + (mpfr_custom_get_mantissa is still available via a #define). +- Functions mpfr_get_si, mpfr_get_ui, mpfr_get_sj, mpfr_get_uj, + mpfr_get_z and mpfr_get_z_2exp no longer have cases with undefined + behavior; in these cases, the behavior is now specified, and in + particular, the erange flag is set. +- New functions mpfr_buildopt_tls_p and mpfr_buildopt_decimal_p giving + information about options used at MPFR build time. +- New function mpfr_regular_p. +- New function mpfr_set_zero. +- New function mpfr_digamma. +- New function mpfr_ai (incomplete, experimental). +- New functions mpfr_set_flt and mpfr_get_flt to convert from/to the + float type. +- New function mpfr_urandom. +- New function mpfr_set_z_2exp (companion to mpfr_get_z_2exp, which + was renamed from mpfr_get_z_exp in previous versions). +- New function mpfr_min_prec. +- Speed improvement for large precisions in the trigonometric functions + (mpfr_sin, mpfr_cos, mpfr_tan, mpfr_sin_cos): speedup of about 2.5 + for 10^5 digits, of about 5 for 10^6 digits. +- Speed improvement for large precisions of the inverse trigonometric + functions (arcsin, arccos, arctan): about 2 for 10^3 digits, up to + 2.7 for 10^6 digits. +- Some documentation files are installed in $docdir. +- The detection of a GMP build directory (more precisely, the internal + header files of GMP) was previously done separately from the use of + the --with-gmp-build configure option. This was not consistent with + the documentation and with other parts of the configure script. So, + as of MPFR 3.0.0, the internal header files of GMP are now used if + and only if the --with-gmp-build configure option is given. +- The configure script recognizes some extra "long double" formats + (double big endian, double little endian, double-double big endian). +- MPFR manual: added "API Compatibility" section. +- Test coverage: 97.1% lines of code. +- Bug fixes. + +Changes from versions 2.3.* to version 2.4.0: +- The "andouillette sauce moutarde" release. +- MPFR is now a GNU package. +- Changes in the behavior of mpfr_strtofr and in its documentation + concerning particular cases where the code and the documentation + did not match; this change is also present in MPFR 2.3.1. +- Behavior of mpfr_check_range changed: if the value is an inexact + infinity, the overflow flag is set (in case it was lost); this + change is also present in MPFR 2.3.2. +- Function mpfr_init_gmp_rand (only defined when building MPFR without + the --with-gmp-build configure option) is no longer defined at all. + This function was private and not documented, and was used only in + the MPFR test suite. User code that calls it is regarded as broken + and may fail as a consequence. Running the old test suite against + MPFR 2.4.0 may also fail. +- New functions: + * between a MPFR number and a double: mpfr_add_d, mpfr_sub_d, + mpfr_d_sub, mpfr_mul_d, mpfr_div_d, mpfr_d_div, + * formatted input/output: + mpfr_printf, mpfr_fprintf, mpfr_vprintf, mpfr_vfprintf, + mpfr_sprintf, mpfr_snprintf, mpfr_vsprintf, mpfr_vsnprintf, + mpfr_asprintf, mpfr_vasprintf. + * mpfr_sinh_cosh, mpfr_li2, mpfr_modf, mpfr_fmod, mpfr_rec_sqrt. +- Configure test for TLS support. +- Get default $CC and $CFLAGS from gmp.h (__GMP_CC / __GMP_CFLAGS, + which are available as of GMP 4.2.3). +- Documented the fact that mpfr_random and mpfr_random2 will be + suppressed in the next release, and that the specification of + mpfr_eq may change in the next release (for compatibility with + the mpf layer of GMP). +- Test coverage: 96.7% lines of code. +- Bug fixes. + +Changes from versions 2.2.* to version 2.3.0: +- The file is now installed in the share subdirectory + (as required by the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard); see output + of "./configure --help". +- The shared library is now enabled by default. If the MPFR build + fails on your platform, try the --disable-shared configure option + to disable the shared library. +- Thread-safe support with Microsoft Visual compiler. +- New functions mpfr_j0, mpfr_j1, mpfr_jn, mpfr_y0, mpfr_y1, mpfr_yn, + mpfr_lgamma, mpfr_remainder, mpfr_remquo, mpfr_fms, mpfr_signbit, + mpfr_setsign, mpfr_copysign, mpfr_get_patches. +- Functions mpfr_sin, mpfr_cos and mpfr_sin_cos improved (argument + reduction). +- More detailed MPFR manual. +- Improved tests (make check). +- Bug fixes. + +Changes from versions 2.1.* to version 2.2.0: +- Bug fixes. +- new functions mpfr_set_overflow, mpfr_set_underflow, mpfr_set_inexflag, + mpfr_set_erangeflag, mpfr_set_nanflag, mpfr_erfc, mpfr_atan2, mpfr_pow_z, + mpfr_subnormalize, mpfr_const_catalan, mpfr_sec, mpfr_csc, mpfr_cot, + mpfr_root, mpfr_eint, mpfr_get_f, mpfr_sech, mpfr_csch, mpfr_coth, + mpfr_lngamma. +- new macro: MPFR_VERSION_STRING +- Remove the exported MPFR variables from mpfr.h to mpfr-impl.h. + (They were undocumented, so programs which respect the API still work). +- Grep CC and CFLAGS from GMP Makefile if possible. +- Math functions are faster (both average and worst cases). +- Better support for long double. +- Shared library of MPFR. +- Binary compatible with previous versions if you do not use undocumented + features. +- Thread safe (if built with --enable-thread-safe). +- Logging facility. +- Change in the semantics of mpfr_out_str/mpfr_get_str when n_digits=0. +- Better locale support. + +Changes from version 2.1.0 to version 2.1.1: +- Better way to detect the GMP library. +- Bug fixes. + +Changes from version 2.0.3 to version 2.1.0: +- Bug fixes. +- new functions mpfr_strtofr, mpfr_set_uj, mpfr_set_sj, mpfr_set_ui_2exp, + mpfr_set_si_2exp, mpfr_set_sj_2exp, mpfr_set_uj_2exp, mpfr_get_uj, + mpfr_get_sj, mpfr_get_z, mpfr_free_str, mpfr_si_sub, mpfr_sub_si, + mpfr_mul_si, mpfr_si_div, mpfr_div_si, mpfr_sqr, mpfr_cmp_z, mpfr_cmp_q, + mpfr_zero_p, mpfr_free_cache, mpfr_sum, mpfr_get_version, + mpfr_get_default_rounding_mode, mpfr_get_emin_min, mpfr_get_emin_max, + mpfr_get_emax_min, mpfr_get_emax_max, mpfr_inits, mpfr_inits2, mpfr_clears, + mpfr_fits_intmax_p, mpfr_fits_uintmax_p, mpfr_clear_erangeflag, + mpfr_erangeflag_p, mpfr_rint_round, mpfr_rint_trunc, mpfr_rint_ceil, + mpfr_rint_floor. +- new macros MPFR_DECL_INIT, MPFR_VERSION, MPFR_VERSION_NUM, + MPFR_VERSION_MAJOR, MPFR_VERSION_MINOR, MPFR_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL. +- improved documentation. +- improved configure. +- improved portability (library and test suite). +- It handles correctly non IEEE-754 double. +- GMP internal files are not needed to install MPFR. +- It is faster with low-precision floating point. +- New global flag: ERANGE_FLAG. +- Binary incompatible with previous versions, but API compatible. +- mpfr_set_str doesn't allow anymore "@NAN@garbagechar" and "@INF@garbagechar", + allows base 0 (detection of the base), prefix (0x, 0b), leading whitespace. + +Changes from version 2.0.2 to version 2.0.3: +- Bug fixes. +- Support GMP as a shared library (not fully tested). + +Changes from version 2.0.1 to version 2.0.2: +- many bug fixes and other improvements. +- new functions mpfr_prec_round (replaces mpfr_round_prec), mpfr_get_exp, + mpfr_set_exp, mpfr_get_ld, mpfr_set_ld, mpfr_get_d_2exp, mpfr_get_si, + mpfr_get_ui, mpfr_nextabove, mpfr_nextbelow, mpfr_nexttoward, mpfr_frac, + mpfr_fits_*, mpfr_cmp_d, mpfr_cmpabs, mpfr_erf, mpfr_gamma, mpfr_zeta, + mpfr_greater_p, mpfr_greaterequal_p, mpfr_less_p, mpfr_lessequal_p, + mpfr_lessgreater_p, mpfr_equal_p, mpfr_unordered_p. +- removed functions: mpfr_print_binary, mpfr_round_prec (replaced by + mpfr_prec_round), mpfr_set_str_raw, mpfr_set_machine_rnd_mode. +- function mpfr_isinteger renamed mpfr_integer_p. +- return type of some functions changed from void to int, for consistency. +- return type of mpfr_set_prec changed from int to void. +- new values for exponent range. +- rename internal variables. + +Changes from version 2001 to version 2.0.1: +- new mathematical functions: acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atanh, cosh, + base-2 exponential and logarithm, base-10 logarithm, expm1, factorial, + pow, pow_si, pow_ui, sinh, tan, tanh, ui_pow, ui_pow_ui +- other new functions: mpfr_const_euler, mpfr_dim, mpfr_fma, mpfr_hypot, + mpfr_min, mpfr_max, mpfr_rint, mpfr_set_inf, mpfr_set_nan +- new operations with MPZ or MPQ: mpfr_{add,sub,mul,div}_[zq] +- new predicates: mpfr_inf_p, mpfr_nan_p, mpfr_number_p, mpfr_isinteger, +- add mechanism to set/check exponent range (overflow, underflow), partially + implemented in the mpfr functions. +- efficiency: mpfr_div is now faster when the divisor has a few limbs +- rounding: now mpfr_pow implements exact rounding, and most functions return a + ternary value indicating the position of the returned value wrt the exact one + (thus the return value is now 'int' instead of 'void') +- complete rewrite of the configuration files +- mpfr_get_d, mpfr_{add,sub}_one_ulp now get a rounding mode as 2nd argument +- some function names did change: mpz_set_fr is now mpfr_get_z_exp, + mpfr_print_raw is now mpfr_print_binary. + +Changes from version 1.0 to version 2001: +- the default installation does not provide any more access to machine + rounding mode, and as a consequence does not compare MPFR results with + precision=53 to machine results. Add option -DTEST if you want to have + access to machine rounding mode, and to check MPFR results against. +- the MPFR files do not need any more +- the header file was split into for exported functions + and for internal functions. The user should not use functions + or macros from , since those may change in further releases. +- was modified in order to make easy a C++ interface +- MPFR now deals with infinities (+infinity and -infinity) and NaN +- the missing function mpfr_swap is now available +- mpfr_zeta was removed (was incomplete) +- mpfr_init and mpfr_init2 now initialize the corresponding variable to 0 + (like in other initialization functions from GNU MP) +- in case memory allocation fails, an error message is output +- several bugs of version 1.0 were fixed + +Changes from version 0.4 to version 1.0: + +- Version 1.0 now uses a standard configure/make installation. +- Version 1.0 implements all functions that are available in the MPF class + from GMP 3.1 (except mpf_swap) and a header file mpf2mpfr.h is included in + the distribution for easy change from MPF to MPFR. +- Version 1.0 implements new elementary functions: mpfr_sincos +- Some functions and macros have been renamed: mpfr_log2 is now + mpfr_const_log2, mpfr_pi is now mpfr_const_pi, SIGN is now MPFR_SIGN. +- Version 1.0 uses faster algorithms for mpfr_exp, mpfr_const_pi, + mpfr_const_log2. Compare the timings from version 1.0 and version 0.4. +- Version 1.0 corrects some bugs of version 0.4. +- The precision of MPFR variables is now named mpfr_prec, which makes it + easier to change it, to say unsigned long long. Same for the rounding mode + which is called mp_rnd_t. + +You'll find other news concerning the GNU MPFR library on the web +page . diff --git a/PATCHES b/PATCHES new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 --- /dev/null +++ b/PATCHES diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28f9a1d --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +Copyright 2000-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +Contributed by the AriC and Caramba projects, INRIA. + +This file is part of the GNU MPFR Library. + +The GNU MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your +option) any later version. + +The GNU MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public +License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +along with the GNU MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If not, see + or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., +51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + +############################################################################## + +The GNU MPFR distribution contains the following files: +(This does not apply to code retrieved by Subversion.) + +AUTHORS - the authors of the library +BUGS - bugs in MPFR - please read this file! +COPYING - the GNU General Public License, version 3 +COPYING.LESSER - the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 +ChangeLog - the log of changes +INSTALL - how to install MPFR (see also mpfr.texi) +Makefile* - files for building the library +NEWS - new features with respect to previous versions +PATCHES - empty file (until patches are applied) +README - this file +TODO - what remains to do (any help is welcome!) +VERSION - version of MPFR (next release version if taken by Subversion) +ac*.m4 - automatic configuration files +ar-lib - auxiliary installation file +compile - auxiliary installation file +config.* - auxiliary installation files +configure* - configuration files +depcomp - auxiliary installation file +doc/ - directory containing the documentation (manual, FAQ) +examples/ - directory containing examples +install-sh - installation file - auxiliary installation file +m4/ - directory containing additional configuration files +missing - auxiliary installation file +src/ - directory containing the MPFR source +test-driver - auxiliary installation file +tests/ - directory containing the testsuite (for "make check") +tools/ - directory containing various tools +tune/ - directory containing files for tuning MPFR + +According to the special exception to the GNU General Public License, +the autotools files compile, config.sub, config.guess,, +m4/libtool.m4 and missing are distributed under the same licence of +GNU MPFR. + +For any copyright year range specified as YYYY-ZZZZ in this package, +note that the range specifies every single year in that closed interval. + + +You can get the latest source code by Subversion at InriaForge: + + svn checkout svn:// mpfr + +or + + svn checkout mpfr + +(the last argument can be any directory name). You can use + + svn ls svn:// + svn ls svn:// + +to get the list of branches or tags (releases), then checkout a +particular branch or tag instead of the trunk. Alternatively, you +can now use the "https:" scheme (a.k.a. DAV) instead of "svn:". +For more information about Subversion, please see: + + * (the official Subversion book); + * (written for GCC developers, + but interesting general information can be found there); + * (the Subversion FAQ). + +Subversion users should read the file "doc/" (provided via +SVN only). diff --git a/TODO b/TODO new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d462851 --- /dev/null +++ b/TODO @@ -0,0 +1,434 @@ +Copyright 1999-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +Contributed by the AriC and Caramba projects, INRIA. + +This file is part of the GNU MPFR Library. + +The GNU MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your +option) any later version. + +The GNU MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public +License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +along with the GNU MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If not, see + or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., +51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + +Table of contents: +1. Documentation +2. Installation +3. Changes in existing functions +4. New functions to implement +5. Efficiency +6. Miscellaneous +7. Portability + +############################################################################## +1. Documentation +############################################################################## + +- add a description of the algorithms used + proof of correctness + +############################################################################## +2. Installation +############################################################################## + +- if we want to distinguish GMP and MPIR, we can check at configure time + the following symbols which are only defined in MPIR: + + #define __MPIR_VERSION 0 + #define __MPIR_VERSION_MINOR 9 + #define __MPIR_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL 0 + + There is also a library symbol mpir_version, which should match VERSION, set + by configure, for example 0.9.0. + +############################################################################## +3. Changes in existing functions +############################################################################## + +- export mpfr_overflow and mpfr_underflow as public functions + +- many functions currently taking into account the precision of the *input* + variable to set the initial working precison (acosh, asinh, cosh, ...). + This is nonsense since the "average" working precision should only depend + on the precision of the *output* variable (and maybe on the *value* of + the input in case of cancellation). + -> remove those dependencies from the input precision. + +- mpfr_can_round: + change the meaning of the 2nd argument (err). Currently the error is + at most 2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-err), i.e. err is the relative shift wrt the + most significant bit of the approximation. I propose that the error + is now at most 2^err ulps of the approximation, i.e. + 2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-MPFR_PREC(b)+err). + +- mpfr_set_q first tries to convert the numerator and the denominator + to mpfr_t. But this conversion may fail even if the correctly rounded + result is representable. New way to implement: + Function q = a/b. nq = PREC(q) na = PREC(a) nb = PREC(b) + If na < nb + a <- a*2^(nb-na) + n <- na-nb+ (HIGH(a,nb) >= b) + if (n >= nq) + bb <- b*2^(n-nq) + a = q*bb+r --> q has exactly n bits. + else + aa <- a*2^(nq-n) + aa = q*b+r --> q has exactly n bits. + If RNDN, takes nq+1 bits. (See also the new division function). + + +############################################################################## +4. New functions to implement +############################################################################## + +- implement mpfr_q_sub, mpfr_z_div, mpfr_q_div? +- implement functions for random distributions, see for example + + (suggested by Charles Karney , 18 Jan 2010): + * a Bernoulli distribution with prob p/q (exact) + * a general discrete distribution (i with prob w[i]/sum(w[i]) (Walker + algorithm, but make it exact) + * a uniform distribution in (a,b) + * exponential distribution (mean lambda) (von Neumann's method?) + * normal distribution (mean m, s.d. sigma) (ratio method?) +- wanted for Magma [John Cannon , Tue, 19 Apr 2005]: + HypergeometricU(a,b,s) = 1/gamma(a)*int(exp(-su)*u^(a-1)*(1+u)^(b-a-1), + u=0..infinity) + JacobiThetaNullK + PolylogP, PolylogD, PolylogDold: see + and the references herein. + JBessel(n, x) = BesselJ(n+1/2, x) + IncompleteGamma [also wanted by 4 Feb 2008: Gamma(a,x), + gamma(a,x), P(a,x), Q(a,x); see A&S 6.5, ref. [Smith01] in algorithms.bib] + KBessel, KBessel2 [2nd kind] + JacobiTheta + LogIntegral + ExponentialIntegralE1 + E1(z) = int(exp(-t)/t, t=z..infinity), |arg z| < Pi + mpfr_eint1: implement E1(x) for x > 0, and Ei(-x) for x < 0 + E1(NaN) = NaN + E1(+Inf) = +0 + E1(-Inf) = -Inf + E1(+0) = +Inf + E1(-0) = -Inf + DawsonIntegral + GammaD(x) = Gamma(x+1/2) +- functions defined in the LIA-2 standard + + minimum and maximum (5.2.2): max, min, max_seq, min_seq, mmax_seq + and mmin_seq (mpfr_min and mpfr_max correspond to mmin and mmax); + + rounding_rest, floor_rest, ceiling_rest (5.2.4); + + remr (5.2.5): x - round(x/y) y; + + error functions from 5.2.7 (if useful in MPFR); + + power1pm1 ( (1 + x)^y - 1; + + logbase ( \log_x(y); + + logbase1p1p ( \log_{1+x}(1+y); + + rad ( x - round(x / (2 pi)) 2 pi = remr(x, 2 pi); + + axis_rad ( if useful in MPFR; + + cycle ( rad(2 pi x / u) u / (2 pi) = remr(x, u); + + axis_cycle ( if useful in MPFR; + + sinu, cosu, tanu, cotu, secu, cscu, cossinu, arcsinu, arccosu, + arctanu, arccotu, arcsecu, arccscu (5.3.10.{2..14}): + sin(x 2 pi / u), etc.; + [from which sinpi(x) = sin(Pi*x), ... are trivial to implement, with u=2.] + + arcu ( arctan2(y,x) u / (2 pi); + + rad_to_cycle, cycle_to_rad, cycle_to_cycle (5.3.11.{1..3}). +- From GSL, missing special functions (if useful in MPFR): + (cf + + The Airy functions Ai(x) and Bi(x) defined by the integral representations: + * Ai(x) = (1/\pi) \int_0^\infty \cos((1/3) t^3 + xt) dt + * Bi(x) = (1/\pi) \int_0^\infty (e^(-(1/3) t^3) + \sin((1/3) t^3 + xt)) dt + * Derivatives of Airy Functions + + The Bessel functions for n integer and n fractional: + * Regular Modified Cylindrical Bessel Functions I_n + * Irregular Modified Cylindrical Bessel Functions K_n + * Regular Spherical Bessel Functions j_n: j_0(x) = \sin(x)/x, + j_1(x)= (\sin(x)/x-\cos(x))/x & j_2(x)= ((3/x^2-1)\sin(x)-3\cos(x)/x)/x + Note: the "spherical" Bessel functions are solutions of + x^2 y'' + 2 x y' + [x^2 - n (n+1)] y = 0 and satisfy + j_n(x) = sqrt(Pi/(2x)) J_{n+1/2}(x). They should not be mixed with the + classical Bessel Functions, also noted j0, j1, jn, y0, y1, yn in C99 + and mpfr. + Cf + *Irregular Spherical Bessel Functions y_n: y_0(x) = -\cos(x)/x, + y_1(x)= -(\cos(x)/x+\sin(x))/x & + y_2(x)= (-3/x^3+1/x)\cos(x)-(3/x^2)\sin(x) + * Regular Modified Spherical Bessel Functions i_n: + i_l(x) = \sqrt{\pi/(2x)} I_{l+1/2}(x) + * Irregular Modified Spherical Bessel Functions: + k_l(x) = \sqrt{\pi/(2x)} K_{l+1/2}(x). + + Clausen Function: + Cl_2(x) = - \int_0^x dt \log(2 \sin(t/2)) + Cl_2(\theta) = \Im Li_2(\exp(i \theta)) (dilogarithm). + + Dawson Function: \exp(-x^2) \int_0^x dt \exp(t^2). + + Debye Functions: D_n(x) = n/x^n \int_0^x dt (t^n/(e^t - 1)) + + Elliptic Integrals: + * Definition of Legendre Forms: + F(\phi,k) = \int_0^\phi dt 1/\sqrt((1 - k^2 \sin^2(t))) + E(\phi,k) = \int_0^\phi dt \sqrt((1 - k^2 \sin^2(t))) + P(\phi,k,n) = \int_0^\phi dt 1/((1 + n \sin^2(t))\sqrt(1 - k^2 \sin^2(t))) + * Complete Legendre forms are denoted by + K(k) = F(\pi/2, k) + E(k) = E(\pi/2, k) + * Definition of Carlson Forms + RC(x,y) = 1/2 \int_0^\infty dt (t+x)^(-1/2) (t+y)^(-1) + RD(x,y,z) = 3/2 \int_0^\infty dt (t+x)^(-1/2) (t+y)^(-1/2) (t+z)^(-3/2) + RF(x,y,z) = 1/2 \int_0^\infty dt (t+x)^(-1/2) (t+y)^(-1/2) (t+z)^(-1/2) + RJ(x,y,z,p) = 3/2 \int_0^\infty dt + (t+x)^(-1/2) (t+y)^(-1/2) (t+z)^(-1/2) (t+p)^(-1) + + Elliptic Functions (Jacobi) + + N-relative exponential: + exprel_N(x) = N!/x^N (\exp(x) - \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} x^k/k!) + + exponential integral: + E_2(x) := \Re \int_1^\infty dt \exp(-xt)/t^2. + Ei_3(x) = \int_0^x dt \exp(-t^3) for x >= 0. + Ei(x) := - PV(\int_{-x}^\infty dt \exp(-t)/t) + + Hyperbolic/Trigonometric Integrals + Shi(x) = \int_0^x dt \sinh(t)/t + Chi(x) := Re[ \gamma_E + \log(x) + \int_0^x dt (\cosh[t]-1)/t] + Si(x) = \int_0^x dt \sin(t)/t + Ci(x) = -\int_x^\infty dt \cos(t)/t for x > 0 + AtanInt(x) = \int_0^x dt \arctan(t)/t + [ \gamma_E is the Euler constant ] + + Fermi-Dirac Function: + F_j(x) := (1/r\Gamma(j+1)) \int_0^\infty dt (t^j / (\exp(t-x) + 1)) + + Pochhammer symbol (a)_x := \Gamma(a + x)/\Gamma(a) : see [Smith01] in + algorithms.bib + logarithm of the Pochhammer symbol + + Gegenbauer Functions + + Laguerre Functions + + Eta Function: \eta(s) = (1-2^{1-s}) \zeta(s) + Hurwitz zeta function: \zeta(s,q) = \sum_0^\infty (k+q)^{-s}. + + Lambert W Functions, W(x) are defined to be solutions of the equation: + W(x) \exp(W(x)) = x. + This function has multiple branches for x < 0 (2 funcs W0(x) and Wm1(x)) + + Trigamma Function psi'(x). + and Polygamma Function: psi^{(m)}(x) for m >= 0, x > 0. + +- from gnumeric ( + - beta + - betaln + - degrees + - radians + - sqrtpi + +- mpfr_inp_raw, mpfr_out_raw (cf mail "Serialization of mpfr_t" from Alexey + and answer from Granlund on mpfr list, May 2007) +- [maybe useful for SAGE] implement companion frac_* functions to the rint_* + functions. For example mpfr_frac_floor(x) = x - floor(x). (The current + mpfr_frac function corresponds to mpfr_rint_trunc.) +- scaled erfc ( +- asec, acsc, acot, asech, acsch and acoth (mail from Björn Terelius on mpfr + list, 18 June 2009) + +############################################################################## +5. Efficiency +############################################################################## + +- implement a mpfr_sqrthigh algorithm based on Mulders' algorithm, with a + basecase variant +- use mpn_div_q to speed up mpfr_div. However mpn_div_q, which is new in + GMP 5, is not documented in the GMP manual, thus we are not sure it + guarantees to return the same quotient as mpn_tdiv_qr. + Also mpfr_div uses the remainder computed by mpn_divrem. A workaround would + be to first try with mpn_div_q, and if we cannot (easily) compute the + rounding, then use the current code with mpn_divrem. +- compute exp by using the series for cosh or sinh, which has half the terms + (see Exercise 4.11 from Modern Computer Arithmetic, version 0.3) + The same method can be used for log, using the series for atanh, i.e., + atanh(x) = 1/2*log((1+x)/(1-x)). +- improve mpfr_gamma (see A possible + idea is to implement a fast algorithm for the argument reconstruction + gamma(x+k). One could also use the series for 1/gamma(x), see for example + or formula (36) from + +- fix regression with mpfr_mpz_root (from Keith Briggs, 5 July 2006), for + example on 3Ghz P4 with gmp-4.2, x=12.345: + prec=50000 k=2 k=3 k=10 k=100 + mpz_root 0.036 0.072 0.476 7.628 + mpfr_mpz_root 0.004 0.004 0.036 12.20 + See also mail from Carl Witty on mpfr list, 09 Oct 2007. +- implement Mulders algorithm for squaring and division +- for sparse input (say x=1 with 2 bits), mpfr_exp is not faster than for + full precision when precision <= MPFR_EXP_THRESHOLD. The reason is + that argument reduction kills sparsity. Maybe avoid argument reduction + for sparse input? +- speed up const_euler for large precision [for x=1.1, prec=16610, it takes + 75% of the total time of eint(x)!] +- speed up mpfr_atan for large arguments (to speed up mpc_log) + [from Mark Watkins on Fri, 18 Mar 2005] + Also mpfr_atan(x) seems slower (by a factor of 2) for x near from 1. + Example on a Athlon for 10^5 bits: x=1.1 takes 3s, whereas 2.1 takes 1.8s. + The current implementation does not give monotonous timing for the following: + mpfr_random (x); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) mpfr_atan (y, x, MPFR_RNDN); + for precision 300 and k=1000, we get 1070ms, and 500ms only for p=400! +- improve mpfr_sin on values like ~pi (do not compute sin from cos, because + of the cancellation). For instance, reduce the input modulo pi/2 in + [-pi/4,pi/4], and define auxiliary functions for which the argument is + assumed to be already reduced (so that the sin function can avoid + unnecessary computations by calling the auxiliary cos function instead of + the full cos function). This will require a native code for sin, for + example using the reduction sin(3x)=3sin(x)-4sin(x)^3. + See and + the following messages. +- improve generic.c to work for number of terms <> 2^k +- rewrite mpfr_greater_p... as native code. + +- mpf_t uses a scheme where the number of limbs actually present can + be less than the selected precision, thereby allowing low precision + values (for instance small integers) to be stored and manipulated in + an mpf_t efficiently. + + Perhaps mpfr should get something similar, especially if looking to + replace mpf with mpfr, though it'd be a major change. Alternately + perhaps those mpfr routines like mpfr_mul where optimizations are + possible through stripping low zero bits or limbs could check for + that (this would be less efficient but easier). + +- try the idea of the paper "Reduced Cancellation in the Evaluation of Entire + Functions and Applications to the Error Function" by W. Gawronski, J. Mueller + and M. Reinhard, to be published in SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis: to + avoid cancellation in say erfc(x) for x large, they compute the Taylor + expansion of erfc(x)*exp(x^2/2) instead (which has less cancellation), + and then divide by exp(x^2/2) (which is simpler to compute). + +- replace the *_THRESHOLD macros by global (TLS) variables that can be + changed at run time (via a function, like other variables)? One benefit + is that users could use a single MPFR binary on several machines (e.g., + a library provided by binary packages or shared via NFS) with different + thresholds. On the default values, this would be a bit less efficient + than the current code, but this isn't probably noticeable (this should + be tested). Something like: + long *mpfr_tune_get(void) to get the current values (the first value + is the size of the array). + int mpfr_tune_set(long *array) to set the tune values. + int mpfr_tune_run(long level) to find the best values (the support + for this feature is optional, this can also be done with an + external function). + +- better distinguish different processors (for example Opteron and Core 2) + and use corresponding default tuning parameters (as in GMP). This could be + done in to avoid hacking config.guess, for example define + MPFR_HAVE_CORE2. + Note (VL): the effect on cross-compilation (that can be a processor + with the same architecture, e.g. compilation on a Core 2 for an + Opteron) is not clear. The choice should be consistent with the + build target (e.g. -march or -mtune value with gcc). + Also choose better default values. For instance, the default value of + MPFR_MUL_THRESHOLD is 40, while the best values that have been found + are between 11 and 19 for 32 bits and between 4 and 10 for 64 bits! + +- during the Many Digits competition, we noticed that (our implantation of) + Mulders short product was slower than a full product for large sizes. + This should be precisely analyzed and fixed if needed. + +############################################################################## +6. Miscellaneous +############################################################################## + +- [suggested by Tobias Burnus and + Asher Langton , Wed, 01 Aug 2007] + support quiet and signaling NaNs in mpfr: + * functions to set/test a quiet/signaling NaN: mpfr_set_snan, mpfr_snan_p, + mpfr_set_qnan, mpfr_qnan_p + * correctly convert to/from double (if encoding of s/qNaN is fixed in 754R) + +- check again coverage: on 2007-07-27, Patrick Pelissier reports that the + following files are not tested at 100%: add1.c, atan.c, atan2.c, + cache.c, cmp2.c, const_catalan.c, const_euler.c, const_log2.c, cos.c, + gen_inverse.h, div_ui.c, eint.c, exp3.c, exp_2.c, expm1.c, fma.c, fms.c, + lngamma.c, gamma.c, get_d.c, get_f.c, get_ld.c, get_str.c, get_z.c, + inp_str.c, jn.c, jyn_asympt.c, lngamma.c, mpfr-gmp.c, mul.c, mul_ui.c, + mulders.c, out_str.c, pow.c, print_raw.c, rint.c, root.c, round_near_x.c, + round_raw_generic.c, set_d.c, set_ld.c, set_q.c, set_uj.c, set_z.c, sin.c, + sin_cos.c, sinh.c, sqr.c, stack_interface.c, sub1.c, sub1sp.c, subnormal.c, + uceil_exp2.c, uceil_log2.c, ui_pow_ui.c, urandomb.c, yn.c, zeta.c, zeta_ui.c. + +- check the constants mpfr_set_emin (-16382-63) and mpfr_set_emax (16383) in + get_ld.c and the other constants, and provide a testcase for large and + small numbers. + +- from Kevin Ryde : + Also for pi.c, a pre-calculated compiled-in pi to a few thousand + digits would be good value I think. After all, say 10000 bits using + 1250 bytes would still be small compared to the code size! + Store pi in round to zero mode (to recover other modes). + +- add a new rounding mode: round to nearest, with ties away from zero + (this is roundTiesToAway in 754-2008, could be used by mpfr_round) +- add a new roundind mode: round to odd. If the result is not exactly + representable, then round to the odd mantissa. This rounding + has the nice property that for k > 1, if: + y = round(x, p+k, TO_ODD) + z = round(y, p, TO_NEAREST_EVEN), then + z = round(x, p, TO_NEAREST_EVEN) + so it avoids the double-rounding problem. + +- add tests of the ternary value for constants + +- When doing Extensive Check (--enable-assert=full), since all the + functions use a similar use of MACROS (ZivLoop, ROUND_P), it should + be possible to do such a scheme: + For the first call to ROUND_P when we can round. + Mark it as such and save the approximated rounding value in + a temporary variable. + Then after, if the mark is set, check if: + - we still can round. + - The rounded value is the same. + It should be a complement to tgeneric tests. + +- in div.c, try to find a case for which cy != 0 after the line + cy = mpn_sub_1 (sp + k, sp + k, qsize, cy); + (which should be added to the tests), e.g. by having {vp, k} = 0, or + prove that this cannot happen. + +- add a configure test for --enable-logging to ignore the option if + it cannot be supported. Modify the "configure --help" description + to say "on systems that support it". + +- add generic bad cases for functions that don't have an inverse + function that is implemented (use a single Newton iteration). + +- add bad cases for the internal error bound (by using a dichotomy + between a bad case for the correct rounding and some input value + with fewer Ziv iterations?). + +- add an option to use a 32-bit exponent type (int) on LP64 machines, + mainly for developers, in order to be able to test the case where the + extended exponent range is the same as the default exponent range, on + such platforms. + Tests can be done with the exp-int branch (added on 2010-12-17, and + many tests fail at this time). + +- test underflow/overflow detection of various functions (in particular + mpfr_exp) in reduced exponent ranges, including ranges that do not + contain 0. + +- add an internal macro that does the equivalent of the following? + MPFR_IS_ZERO(x) || MPFR_GET_EXP(x) <= value + +- check whether __gmpfr_emin and __gmpfr_emax could be replaced by + a constant (see Also check the use of MPFR_EMIN_MIN + and MPFR_EMAX_MAX. + + +############################################################################## +7. Portability +############################################################################## + +- add a web page with results of builds on different architectures + +- support the decimal64 function without requiring --with-gmp-build + +- [Kevin about texp.c long strings] + For strings longer than c99 guarantees, it might be cleaner to + introduce a "tests_strdupcat" or something to concatenate literal + strings into newly allocated memory. I thought I'd done that in a + couple of places already. Arrays of chars are not much fun. + +- use for mpfr-gmp.h diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cec716 --- /dev/null +++ b/VERSION @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +3.1.6 diff --git a/acinclude.m4 b/acinclude.m4 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69e2e74 --- /dev/null +++ b/acinclude.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,1109 @@ +dnl MPFR specific autoconf macros + +dnl Copyright 2000, 2002-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +dnl Contributed by the AriC and Caramba projects, INRIA. +dnl +dnl This file is part of the GNU MPFR Library. +dnl +dnl The GNU MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +dnl it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published +dnl by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at +dnl your option) any later version. +dnl +dnl The GNU MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +dnl WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +dnl or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public +dnl License for more details. +dnl +dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +dnl along with the GNU MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If not, see +dnl or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., +dnl 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + +dnl autoconf 2.60 is necessary because of the use of AC_PROG_SED. +dnl The following line allows the autoconf wrapper (when installed) +dnl to work as expected. +dnl If you change the required version, please update too! +AC_PREREQ(2.60) + +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl You must put in MPFR_CONFIGS everything which configure MPFR +dnl except: +dnl - Everything dealing with CC and CFLAGS in particular the ABI +dnl but the IEEE-754 specific flags must be set here. +dnl - Tests that depend on gmp.h (see MPFR_CHECK_DBL2INT_BUG as an example: +dnl a function needs to be defined and called in +dnl - GMP's linkage. +dnl - Libtool stuff. +dnl - Handling of special arguments of MPFR's configure. +AC_DEFUN([MPFR_CONFIGS], +[ +AC_REQUIRE([AC_OBJEXT]) +AC_REQUIRE([MPFR_CHECK_LIBM]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_HEADER_TIME]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST]) + +AC_CHECK_HEADER([limits.h],, AC_MSG_ERROR([limits.h not found])) +AC_CHECK_HEADER([float.h],, AC_MSG_ERROR([float.h not found])) +AC_CHECK_HEADER([string.h],, AC_MSG_ERROR([string.h not found])) + +dnl Check for locales +AC_CHECK_HEADERS([locale.h]) + +dnl Check for wide characters (wchar_t and wint_t) +AC_CHECK_HEADERS([wchar.h]) + +dnl Check for stdargs +AC_CHECK_HEADER([stdarg.h],[AC_DEFINE([HAVE_STDARG],1,[Define if stdarg])], + [AC_CHECK_HEADER([varargs.h],, + AC_MSG_ERROR([stdarg.h or varargs.h not found]))]) + +dnl sys/fpu.h - MIPS specific +AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/time.h sys/fpu.h]) + +dnl Android has a , but not the following members. +AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([struct lconv.decimal_point, struct lconv.thousands_sep],,, + [#include ]) + +dnl Check how to get `alloca' +AC_FUNC_ALLOCA + +dnl SIZE_MAX macro +gl_SIZE_MAX + +dnl va_copy macro +AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to copy va_list]) +AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#include +]], [[ + va_list ap1, ap2; + va_copy(ap1, ap2); +]])], [ + AC_MSG_RESULT([va_copy]) + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_VA_COPY) +], [AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#include +]], [[ + va_list ap1, ap2; + __va_copy(ap1, ap2); +]])], [AC_DEFINE([HAVE___VA_COPY]) AC_MSG_RESULT([__va_copy])], + [AC_MSG_RESULT([memcpy])])]) + +dnl FIXME: The functions memmove, memset and strtol are really needed by +dnl MPFR, but if they are implemented as macros, this is also OK (in our +dnl case). So, we do not return an error, but their tests are currently +dnl useless. +dnl gettimeofday is not defined for MinGW +AC_CHECK_FUNCS([memmove memset setlocale strtol gettimeofday]) + +dnl Check for IEEE-754 switches on Alpha +case $host in +alpha*-*-*) + saved_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + AC_CACHE_CHECK([for IEEE-754 switches], mpfr_cv_ieee_switches, [ + if test -n "$GCC"; then + mpfr_cv_ieee_switches="-mfp-rounding-mode=d -mieee-with-inexact" + else + mpfr_cv_ieee_switches="-fprm d -ieee_with_inexact" + fi + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $mpfr_cv_ieee_switches" + AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[]], [[]])], , mpfr_cv_ieee_switches="none") + ]) + if test "$mpfr_cv_ieee_switches" = "none"; then + CFLAGS="$saved_CFLAGS" + else + CFLAGS="$saved_CFLAGS $mpfr_cv_ieee_switches" + fi +esac + +dnl check for long long +AC_CHECK_TYPE([long long int], + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LONG_LONG, 1, [Define if compiler supports long long]),,) + +dnl intmax_t is C99 +AC_CHECK_TYPES([intmax_t]) +if test "$ac_cv_type_intmax_t" = yes; then + AC_CACHE_CHECK([for working INTMAX_MAX], mpfr_cv_have_intmax_max, [ + saved_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$srcdir/src" + AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM( + [[#include "mpfr-intmax.h"]], + [[intmax_t x = INTMAX_MAX; (void) x;]] + )], + mpfr_cv_have_intmax_max=yes, mpfr_cv_have_intmax_max=no) + CPPFLAGS="$saved_CPPFLAGS" + ]) + if test "$mpfr_cv_have_intmax_max" = "yes"; then + AC_DEFINE(MPFR_HAVE_INTMAX_MAX,1,[Define if you have a working INTMAX_MAX.]) + fi +fi + +AC_CHECK_TYPE( [union fpc_csr], + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FPC_CSR,1,[Define if union fpc_csr is available]), , +[ +#if HAVE_SYS_FPU_H +# include +#endif +]) + +dnl Check for fesetround +AC_CACHE_CHECK([for fesetround], mpfr_cv_have_fesetround, [ +saved_LIBS="$LIBS" +LIBS="$LIBS $MPFR_LIBM" +AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include ]], [[fesetround(FE_TONEAREST);]])], + mpfr_cv_have_fesetround=yes, mpfr_cv_have_fesetround=no) +LIBS="$saved_LIBS" +]) +if test "$mpfr_cv_have_fesetround" = "yes"; then + AC_DEFINE(MPFR_HAVE_FESETROUND,1,[Define if you have the `fesetround' function via the header file.]) +fi + +dnl Check for gcc float-conversion bug; if need be, -ffloat-store is used to +dnl force the conversion to the destination type when a value is stored to +dnl a variable (see ISO C99 standard,, This +dnl is important concerning the exponent range. Note that this doesn't solve +dnl the double-rounding problem. +if test -n "$GCC"; then + AC_CACHE_CHECK([for gcc float-conversion bug], mpfr_cv_gcc_floatconv_bug, [ + saved_LIBS="$LIBS" + LIBS="$LIBS $MPFR_LIBM" + AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[ +#include +#ifdef MPFR_HAVE_FESETROUND +#include +#endif +static double get_max (void); +int main (void) { + double x = 0.5; + double y; + int i; + for (i = 1; i <= 11; i++) + x *= x; + if (x != 0) + return 1; +#ifdef MPFR_HAVE_FESETROUND + /* Useful test for the G4 PowerPC */ + fesetround(FE_TOWARDZERO); + x = y = get_max (); + x *= 2.0; + if (x != y) + return 1; +#endif + return 0; +} +static double get_max (void) { static volatile double d = DBL_MAX; return d; } + ]])], + [mpfr_cv_gcc_floatconv_bug="no"], + [mpfr_cv_gcc_floatconv_bug="yes, use -ffloat-store"], + [mpfr_cv_gcc_floatconv_bug="cannot test, use -ffloat-store"]) + LIBS="$saved_LIBS" + ]) + if test "$mpfr_cv_gcc_floatconv_bug" != "no"; then + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -ffloat-store" + fi +fi + +dnl Check if subnormal (denormalized) numbers are supported +AC_CACHE_CHECK([for subnormal numbers], mpfr_cv_have_denorms, [ +AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[ +#include +int main (void) { + double x = 2.22507385850720138309e-308; + fprintf (stderr, "%e\n", x / 2.0); + return 2.0 * (x / 2.0) != x; +} +]])], + [mpfr_cv_have_denorms="yes"], + [mpfr_cv_have_denorms="no"], + [mpfr_cv_have_denorms="cannot test, assume no"]) +]) +if test "$mpfr_cv_have_denorms" = "yes"; then + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DENORMS,1,[Define if subnormal (denormalized) floats work.]) +fi + +dnl Check if signed zeros are supported. Note: the test will fail +dnl if the division by 0 generates a trap. +AC_CACHE_CHECK([for signed zeros], mpfr_cv_have_signedz, [ +AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[ +int main (void) { + return 1.0 / 0.0 == 1.0 / -0.0; +} +]])], + [mpfr_cv_have_signedz="yes"], + [mpfr_cv_have_signedz="no"], + [mpfr_cv_have_signedz="cannot test, assume no"]) +]) +if test "$mpfr_cv_have_signedz" = "yes"; then + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SIGNEDZ,1,[Define if signed zeros are supported.]) +fi + +dnl Check the FP division by 0 fails (e.g. on a non-IEEE-754 platform). +dnl In such a case, MPFR_ERRDIVZERO is defined to disable the tests +dnl involving a FP division by 0. +dnl For the developers: to check whether all these tests are disabled, +dnl configure MPFR with "-DMPFR_TEST_DIVBYZERO=1 -DMPFR_ERRDIVZERO=1". +AC_CACHE_CHECK([if the FP division by 0 fails], mpfr_cv_errdivzero, [ +AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[ +int main (void) { + volatile double d = 0.0, x; + x = 0.0 / d; + x = 1.0 / d; + (void) x; + return 0; +} +]])], + [mpfr_cv_errdivzero="no"], + [mpfr_cv_errdivzero="yes"], + [mpfr_cv_errdivzero="cannot test, assume no"]) +]) +if test "$mpfr_cv_errdivzero" = "yes"; then + AC_DEFINE(MPFR_ERRDIVZERO,1,[Define if the FP division by 0 fails.]) + AC_MSG_WARN([The floating-point division by 0 fails instead of]) + AC_MSG_WARN([returning a special value: NaN or infinity. Tests]) + AC_MSG_WARN([involving a FP division by 0 will be disabled.]) +fi + +dnl Check whether NAN != NAN (as required by the IEEE-754 standard, +dnl but not by the ISO C standard). For instance, this is false with +dnl MIPSpro under IRIX64. By default, assume this is true. +AC_CACHE_CHECK([if NAN == NAN], mpfr_cv_nanisnan, [ +AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[ +#include +#include +#ifndef NAN +# define NAN (0.0/0.0) +#endif +int main (void) { + double d; + d = NAN; + return d != d; +} +]])], + [mpfr_cv_nanisnan="yes"], + [mpfr_cv_nanisnan="no"], + [mpfr_cv_nanisnan="cannot test, assume no"]) +]) +if test "$mpfr_cv_nanisnan" = "yes"; then + AC_DEFINE(MPFR_NANISNAN,1,[Define if NAN == NAN.]) + AC_MSG_WARN([The test NAN != NAN is false. The probable reason is that]) + AC_MSG_WARN([your compiler optimizes floating-point expressions in an]) + AC_MSG_WARN([unsafe way because some option, such as -ffast-math or]) + AC_MSG_WARN([-fast (depending on the compiler), has been used. You]) + AC_MSG_WARN([should NOT use such an option, otherwise MPFR functions]) + AC_MSG_WARN([such as mpfr_get_d and mpfr_set_d may return incorrect]) + AC_MSG_WARN([results on special FP numbers (e.g. NaN or signed zeros).]) + AC_MSG_WARN([If you did not use such an option, please send us a bug]) + AC_MSG_WARN([report so that we can try to find a workaround for your]) + AC_MSG_WARN([platform and/or document the behavior.]) +fi + +dnl Check if the chars '0' to '9' are consecutive values +AC_MSG_CHECKING([if charset has consecutive values]) +AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +char *number = "0123456789"; +char *lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; +char *upper = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; +]],[[ + int i; + unsigned char *p; + for (p = (unsigned char*) number, i = 0; i < 9; i++) + if ( (*p)+1 != *(p+1) ) return 1; + for (p = (unsigned char*) lower, i = 0; i < 25; i++) + if ( (*p)+1 != *(p+1) ) return 1; + for (p = (unsigned char*) upper, i = 0; i < 25; i++) + if ( (*p)+1 != *(p+1) ) return 1; +]])], [AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)],[ + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + AC_DEFINE(MPFR_NO_CONSECUTIVE_CHARSET,1,[Charset is not consecutive]) +], [AC_MSG_RESULT(cannot test)]) + +dnl Must be checked with the LIBM +dnl but we don't want to add the LIBM to MPFR dependency. +dnl Can't use AC_CHECK_FUNCS since the function may be in LIBM but +dnl not exported in math.h +saved_LIBS="$LIBS" +LIBS="$LIBS $MPFR_LIBM" +dnl AC_CHECK_FUNCS([round trunc floor ceil nearbyint]) +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for math/round) +AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#include +static int f (double (*func)(double)) { return 0; } +]], [[ + return f(round); +]])], [ + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ROUND, 1,[Have ISO C99 round function]) +],[AC_MSG_RESULT(no)]) + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for math/trunc) +AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#include +static int f (double (*func)(double)) { return 0; } +]], [[ + return f(trunc); +]])], [ + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TRUNC, 1,[Have ISO C99 trunc function]) +],[AC_MSG_RESULT(no)]) + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for math/floor) +AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#include +static int f (double (*func)(double)) { return 0; } +]], [[ + return f(floor); +]])], [ + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FLOOR, 1,[Have ISO C99 floor function]) +],[AC_MSG_RESULT(no)]) + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for math/ceil) +AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#include +static int f (double (*func)(double)) { return 0; } +]], [[ + return f(ceil); +]])], [ + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_CEIL, 1,[Have ISO C99 ceil function]) +],[AC_MSG_RESULT(no)]) + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for math/nearbyint) +AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#include +static int f (double (*func)(double)) { return 0; } +]], [[ + return f(nearbyint); +]])], [ + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_NEARBYINT, 1,[Have ISO C99 nearbyint function]) +],[AC_MSG_RESULT(no)]) + +LIBS="$saved_LIBS" + +dnl Now try to check the long double format +MPFR_C_LONG_DOUBLE_FORMAT + +if test "$enable_logging" = yes; then + if test "$enable_thread_safe" = yes; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Enable either `Logging' or `thread-safe', not both]) + else + enable_thread_safe=no + fi +fi + +dnl Check if thread-local variables are supported. +dnl At least two problems can occur in practice: +dnl 1. The compilation fails, e.g. because the compiler doesn't know +dnl about the __thread keyword. +dnl 2. The compilation succeeds, but the system doesn't support TLS or +dnl there is some ld configuration problem. One of the effects can +dnl be that thread-local variables always evaluate to 0. So, it is +dnl important to run the test below. +if test "$enable_thread_safe" != no; then +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for TLS support using C11) +saved_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$srcdir/src" +AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[ +#define MPFR_USE_THREAD_SAFE 1 +#define MPFR_USE_C11_THREAD_SAFE 1 +#include "mpfr-thread.h" +MPFR_THREAD_ATTR int x = 17; +int main (void) { + return x != 17; +} + ]])], + [AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + AC_DEFINE([MPFR_USE_THREAD_SAFE],1,[Build MPFR as thread safe]) + AC_DEFINE([MPFR_USE_C11_THREAD_SAFE],1,[Build MPFR as thread safe using C11]) + tls_c11_support=yes + ], + [AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + ], + [AC_MSG_RESULT([cannot test, assume no]) + ]) +CPPFLAGS="$saved_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$tls_c11_support" != "yes" +then + + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for TLS support) + saved_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$srcdir/src" + AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[ + #define MPFR_USE_THREAD_SAFE 1 + #include "mpfr-thread.h" + MPFR_THREAD_ATTR int x = 17; + int main (void) { + return x != 17; + } + ]])], + [AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + AC_DEFINE([MPFR_USE_THREAD_SAFE],1,[Build MPFR as thread safe]) + ], + [AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + if test "$enable_thread_safe" = yes; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([please configure with --disable-thread-safe]) + fi + ], + [if test "$enable_thread_safe" = yes; then + AC_MSG_RESULT([cannot test, assume yes]) + AC_DEFINE([MPFR_USE_THREAD_SAFE],1,[Build MPFR as thread safe]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT([cannot test, assume no]) + fi + ]) + CPPFLAGS="$saved_CPPFLAGS" + fi +fi +]) +dnl end of MPFR_CONFIGS + + +dnl MPFR_CHECK_GMP +dnl -------------- +dnl Check GMP library vs header. Useful if the user provides --with-gmp +dnl with a directory containing a GMP version that doesn't have the +dnl correct ABI: the previous tests won't trigger the error if the same +dnl GMP version with the right ABI is installed on the system, as this +dnl library is automatically selected by the linker, while the header +dnl (which depends on the ABI) of the --with-gmp include directory is +dnl used. +dnl Note: if the error is changed to a warning due to that fact that +dnl libtool is not used, then the same thing should be done for the +dnl other tests based on GMP. +AC_DEFUN([MPFR_CHECK_GMP], [ +AC_REQUIRE([MPFR_CONFIGS])dnl +AC_CACHE_CHECK([for GMP library vs header correctness], mpfr_cv_check_gmp, [ +AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#include +#include +#include +]], [[ + fprintf (stderr, "GMP_NAIL_BITS = %d\n", (int) GMP_NAIL_BITS); + fprintf (stderr, "GMP_NUMB_BITS = %d\n", (int) GMP_NUMB_BITS); + fprintf (stderr, "mp_bits_per_limb = %d\n", (int) mp_bits_per_limb); + fprintf (stderr, "sizeof(mp_limb_t) = %d\n", (int) sizeof(mp_limb_t)); + if (GMP_NAIL_BITS != 0) + { + fprintf (stderr, "GMP_NAIL_BITS != 0\n"); + return 1; + } + if (GMP_NUMB_BITS != mp_bits_per_limb) + { + fprintf (stderr, "GMP_NUMB_BITS != mp_bits_per_limb\n"); + return 2; + } + if (GMP_NUMB_BITS != sizeof(mp_limb_t) * CHAR_BIT) + { + fprintf (stderr, "GMP_NUMB_BITS != sizeof(mp_limb_t) * CHAR_BIT\n"); + return 3; + } + return 0; +]])], [mpfr_cv_check_gmp="yes"], + [mpfr_cv_check_gmp="no (exit status is $?)"], + [mpfr_cv_check_gmp="cannot test, assume yes"]) +]) +case $mpfr_cv_check_gmp in +no*) + AC_MSG_ERROR([bad GMP library or header - ABI problem? +See 'config.log' for details.]) +esac +]) + + +dnl MPFR_CHECK_DBL2INT_BUG +dnl ---------------------- +dnl Check for double-to-integer conversion bug +dnl +dnl For the exit status, the lowest values (including some values after 128) +dnl are reserved for various system errors. So, let's use the largest values +dnl below 255 for errors in the test itself. +dnl The following problem has been seen under Solaris in config.log, +dnl i.e. the failure to link with libgmp wasn't detected in the first +dnl test: +dnl configure: checking if gmp.h version and libgmp version are the same +dnl configure: gcc -o conftest -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes [...] +dnl configure: $? = 0 +dnl configure: ./conftest +dnl conftest: fatal: open failed: No such file [...] +dnl configure: $? = 0 +dnl configure: result: yes +dnl configure: checking for double-to-integer conversion bug +dnl configure: gcc -o conftest -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes [...] +dnl configure: $? = 0 +dnl configure: ./conftest +dnl conftest: fatal: open failed: No such file [...] +dnl ./configure[1680]: eval: line 1: 1971: Killed +dnl configure: $? = 9 +dnl configure: program exited with status 9 +AC_DEFUN([MPFR_CHECK_DBL2INT_BUG], [ +AC_REQUIRE([MPFR_CONFIGS])dnl +AC_CACHE_CHECK([for double-to-integer conversion bug], mpfr_cv_dbl_int_bug, [ +AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#include +]], [[ + double d; + mp_limb_t u; + int i; + + d = 1.0; + for (i = 0; i < GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1; i++) + d = d + d; + u = (mp_limb_t) d; + for (; i > 0; i--) + { + if (u & 1) + break; + u = u >> 1; + } + return (i == 0 && u == 1UL) ? 0 : 254 - i; +]])], [mpfr_cv_dbl_int_bug="no"], + [mpfr_cv_dbl_int_bug="yes or failed to exec (exit status is $?)"], + [mpfr_cv_dbl_int_bug="cannot test, assume not present"]) +]) +case $mpfr_cv_dbl_int_bug in +yes*) + AC_MSG_ERROR([double-to-integer conversion is incorrect. +You need to use another compiler (or lower the optimization level).]) +esac +]) + +dnl MPFR_PARSE_DIRECTORY +dnl Input: $1 = a string to a relative or absolute directory +dnl Output: $2 = the variable to set with the absolute directory +AC_DEFUN([MPFR_PARSE_DIRECTORY], +[ + dnl Check if argument is a directory + if test -d $1 ; then + dnl Get the absolute path of the directory + dnl in case of relative directory. + dnl If realpath is not a valid command, + dnl an error is produced and we keep the given path. + local_tmp=`realpath $1 2>/dev/null` + if test "$local_tmp" != "" ; then + if test -d "$local_tmp" ; then + $2="$local_tmp" + else + $2=$1 + fi + else + $2=$1 + fi + dnl Check for space in the directory + if test `echo $1|cut -d' ' -f1` != $1 ; then + AC_MSG_ERROR($1 directory shall not contain any space.) + fi + else + AC_MSG_ERROR($1 shall be a valid directory) + fi +]) + + +dnl MPFR_C_LONG_DOUBLE_FORMAT +dnl ------------------------- +dnl Determine the format of a long double. +dnl +dnl The object file is grepped, so as to work when cross compiling. A +dnl start and end sequence is included to avoid false matches, and +dnl allowance is made for the desired data crossing an "od -b" line +dnl boundary. The test number is a small integer so it should appear +dnl exactly, no rounding or truncation etc. +dnl +dnl "od -b" is supported even by Unix V7, and the awk script used doesn't +dnl have functions or anything, so even an "old" awk should suffice. +dnl +dnl The 10-byte IEEE extended format is generally padded to either 12 or 16 +dnl bytes for alignment purposes. The SVR4 i386 ABI is 12 bytes, or i386 +dnl gcc -m128bit-long-double selects 16 bytes. IA-64 is 16 bytes in LP64 +dnl mode, or 12 bytes in ILP32 mode. The first 10 bytes is the relevant +dnl part in all cases (big and little endian). +dnl +dnl Enhancements: +dnl +dnl Could match more formats, but no need to worry until there's code +dnl wanting to use them. +dnl +dnl Don't want to duplicate the double matching from GMP_C_DOUBLE_FORMAT, +dnl perhaps we should merge with that macro, to match data formats +dnl irrespective of the C type in question. Or perhaps just let the code +dnl use DOUBLE macros when sizeof(double)==sizeof(long double). + +AC_DEFUN([MPFR_C_LONG_DOUBLE_FORMAT], +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_AWK]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_OBJEXT]) +AC_CHECK_TYPES([long double]) +AC_CACHE_CHECK([format of `long double' floating point], + mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format, +[mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format=unknown +if test "$ac_cv_type_long_double" != yes; then + mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format="not available" +else + cat >conftest.c <<\EOF +[ +/* "before" is 16 bytes to ensure there's no padding between it and "x". + We're not expecting any "long double" bigger than 16 bytes or with + alignment requirements stricter than 16 bytes. */ +struct { + char before[16]; + long double x; + char after[8]; +} foo = { + { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', + '\001', '\043', '\105', '\147', '\211', '\253', '\315', '\357' }, + -123456789.0, + { '\376', '\334', '\272', '\230', '\166', '\124', '\062', '\020' } +}; +] +EOF + mpfr_compile="$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS -c conftest.c >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1" + if AC_TRY_EVAL(mpfr_compile); then + cat >conftest.awk <<\EOF +[ +BEGIN { + found = 0 +} + +# got[] holds a sliding window of bytes read the input. got[0] is the most +# recent byte read, and got[31] the oldest byte read, so when looking to +# match some data the indices are "reversed". +# +{ + for (f = 2; f <= NF; f++) + { + # new byte, shift others up + for (i = 31; i >= 0; i--) + got[i+1] = got[i]; + got[0] = $f; + + # end sequence + if (got[7] != "376") continue + if (got[6] != "334") continue + if (got[5] != "272") continue + if (got[4] != "230") continue + if (got[3] != "166") continue + if (got[2] != "124") continue + if (got[1] != "062") continue + if (got[0] != "020") continue + + # start sequence, with 8-byte body + if (got[23] == "001" && \ + got[22] == "043" && \ + got[21] == "105" && \ + got[20] == "147" && \ + got[19] == "211" && \ + got[18] == "253" && \ + got[17] == "315" && \ + got[16] == "357") + { + saw = " (" got[15] \ + " " got[14] \ + " " got[13] \ + " " got[12] \ + " " got[11] \ + " " got[10] \ + " " got[9] \ + " " got[8] ")" + + if (got[15] == "301" && \ + got[14] == "235" && \ + got[13] == "157" && \ + got[12] == "064" && \ + got[11] == "124" && \ + got[10] == "000" && \ + got[9] == "000" && \ + got[8] == "000") + { + print "IEEE double, big endian" + found = 1 + exit + } + + if (got[15] == "000" && \ + got[14] == "000" && \ + got[13] == "000" && \ + got[12] == "124" && \ + got[11] == "064" && \ + got[10] == "157" && \ + got[9] == "235" && \ + got[8] == "301") + { + print "IEEE double, little endian" + found = 1 + exit + } + } + + # start sequence, with 12-byte body + if (got[27] == "001" && \ + got[26] == "043" && \ + got[25] == "105" && \ + got[24] == "147" && \ + got[23] == "211" && \ + got[22] == "253" && \ + got[21] == "315" && \ + got[20] == "357") + { + saw = " (" got[19] \ + " " got[18] \ + " " got[17] \ + " " got[16] \ + " " got[15] \ + " " got[14] \ + " " got[13] \ + " " got[12] \ + " " got[11] \ + " " got[10] \ + " " got[9] \ + " " got[8] ")" + + if (got[19] == "000" && \ + got[18] == "000" && \ + got[17] == "000" && \ + got[16] == "000" && \ + got[15] == "240" && \ + got[14] == "242" && \ + got[13] == "171" && \ + got[12] == "353" && \ + got[11] == "031" && \ + got[10] == "300") + { + print "IEEE extended, little endian" + found = 1 + exit + } + + if (got[19] == "300" && \ + got[18] == "031" && \ + got[17] == "000" && \ + got[16] == "000" && \ + got[15] == "353" && \ + got[14] == "171" && \ + got[13] == "242" && \ + got[12] == "240" && \ + got[11] == "000" && \ + got[10] == "000" && \ + got[09] == "000" && \ + got[08] == "000") + { + # format found on m68k + print "IEEE extended, big endian" + found = 1 + exit + } + } + + # start sequence, with 16-byte body + if (got[31] == "001" && \ + got[30] == "043" && \ + got[29] == "105" && \ + got[28] == "147" && \ + got[27] == "211" && \ + got[26] == "253" && \ + got[25] == "315" && \ + got[24] == "357") + { + saw = " (" got[23] \ + " " got[22] \ + " " got[21] \ + " " got[20] \ + " " got[19] \ + " " got[18] \ + " " got[17] \ + " " got[16] \ + " " got[15] \ + " " got[14] \ + " " got[13] \ + " " got[12] \ + " " got[11] \ + " " got[10] \ + " " got[9] \ + " " got[8] ")" + + if (got[23] == "000" && \ + got[22] == "000" && \ + got[21] == "000" && \ + got[20] == "000" && \ + got[19] == "240" && \ + got[18] == "242" && \ + got[17] == "171" && \ + got[16] == "353" && \ + got[15] == "031" && \ + got[14] == "300") + { + print "IEEE extended, little endian" + found = 1 + exit + } + + if (got[23] == "300" && \ + got[22] == "031" && \ + got[21] == "326" && \ + got[20] == "363" && \ + got[19] == "105" && \ + got[18] == "100" && \ + got[17] == "000" && \ + got[16] == "000" && \ + got[15] == "000" && \ + got[14] == "000" && \ + got[13] == "000" && \ + got[12] == "000" && \ + got[11] == "000" && \ + got[10] == "000" && \ + got[9] == "000" && \ + got[8] == "000") + { + # format used on HP 9000/785 under HP-UX + print "IEEE quad, big endian" + found = 1 + exit + } + + if (got[23] == "000" && \ + got[22] == "000" && \ + got[21] == "000" && \ + got[20] == "000" && \ + got[19] == "000" && \ + got[18] == "000" && \ + got[17] == "000" && \ + got[16] == "000" && \ + got[15] == "000" && \ + got[14] == "000" && \ + got[13] == "100" && \ + got[12] == "105" && \ + got[11] == "363" && \ + got[10] == "326" && \ + got[9] == "031" && \ + got[8] == "300") + { + print "IEEE quad, little endian" + found = 1 + exit + } + + if (got[23] == "301" && \ + got[22] == "235" && \ + got[21] == "157" && \ + got[20] == "064" && \ + got[19] == "124" && \ + got[18] == "000" && \ + got[17] == "000" && \ + got[16] == "000" && \ + got[15] == "000" && \ + got[14] == "000" && \ + got[13] == "000" && \ + got[12] == "000" && \ + got[11] == "000" && \ + got[10] == "000" && \ + got[9] == "000" && \ + got[8] == "000") + { + # format used on 32-bit PowerPC (Mac OS X and Debian GNU/Linux) + print "possibly double-double, big endian" + found = 1 + exit + } + } + } +} + +END { + if (! found) + print "unknown", saw +} +] +EOF + mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format=`od -b conftest.$OBJEXT | $AWK -f conftest.awk` + case $mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format in + unknown*) + echo "cannot match anything, conftest.$OBJEXT contains" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + od -b conftest.$OBJEXT >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + ;; + esac + else + AC_MSG_WARN([oops, cannot compile test program]) + fi +fi +rm -f conftest* +]) + +AH_VERBATIM([HAVE_LDOUBLE], +[/* Define one of the following to 1 for the format of a `long double'. + If your format is not among these choices, or you don't know what it is, + then leave all undefined. + IEEE_EXT is the 10-byte IEEE extended precision format. + IEEE_QUAD is the 16-byte IEEE quadruple precision format. + LITTLE or BIG is the endianness. */ +#undef HAVE_LDOUBLE_IEEE_EXT_LITTLE +#undef HAVE_LDOUBLE_IEEE_QUAD_BIG]) + +case $mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format in + "IEEE extended, little endian") + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LDOUBLE_IEEE_EXT_LITTLE, 1) + ;; + "IEEE quad, big endian") + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LDOUBLE_IEEE_QUAD_BIG, 1) + ;; + "IEEE quad, little endian") + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LDOUBLE_IEEE_QUAD_LITTLE, 1) + ;; + "possibly double-double, big endian") + AC_MSG_WARN([This format is known on GCC/PowerPC platforms,]) + AC_MSG_WARN([but due to GCC PR26374, we can't test further.]) + AC_MSG_WARN([You can safely ignore this warning, though.]) + # Since we are not sure, we do not want to define a macro. + ;; + unknown* | "not available") + ;; + *) + AC_MSG_WARN([oops, unrecognised float format: $mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format]) + ;; +esac +]) + + +dnl MPFR_CHECK_LIBM +dnl --------------- +dnl Determine a math library -lm to use. + +AC_DEFUN([MPFR_CHECK_LIBM], +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST]) +AC_SUBST(MPFR_LIBM,'') +case $host in + *-*-beos* | *-*-cygwin* | *-*-pw32*) + # According to libtool AC CHECK LIBM, these systems don't have libm + ;; + *-*-solaris*) + # On Solaris the math functions new in C99 are in -lm9x. + # FIXME: Do we need -lm9x as well as -lm, or just instead of? + AC_CHECK_LIB(m9x, main, MPFR_LIBM="-lm9x") + AC_CHECK_LIB(m, main, MPFR_LIBM="$MPFR_LIBM -lm") + ;; + *-ncr-sysv4.3*) + # FIXME: What does -lmw mean? Libtool AC CHECK LIBM does it this way. + AC_CHECK_LIB(mw, _mwvalidcheckl, MPFR_LIBM="-lmw") + AC_CHECK_LIB(m, main, MPFR_LIBM="$MPFR_LIBM -lm") + ;; + *) + AC_CHECK_LIB(m, main, MPFR_LIBM="-lm") + ;; +esac +]) + + +dnl MPFR_LD_SEARCH_PATHS_FIRST +dnl -------------------------- + +AC_DEFUN([MPFR_LD_SEARCH_PATHS_FIRST], +[case "$LD $LDFLAGS" in + *-Wl,-search_paths_first*) ;; + *) AC_MSG_CHECKING([if the compiler understands -Wl,-search_paths_first]) + saved_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" + LDFLAGS="-Wl,-search_paths_first $LDFLAGS" + AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[]], [[]])], + [AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)], + [AC_MSG_RESULT(no)] + LDFLAGS="$saved_LDFLAGS") + ;; + esac +]) + + +dnl GMP_C_ATTRIBUTE_MODE +dnl -------------------- +dnl Introduced in gcc 2.2, but perhaps not in all Apple derived versions. +dnl Needed for mpfr-longlong.h; this is currently necessary for s390. +dnl +dnl TODO: Replace this with a cleaner type size detection, as this +dnl solution only works with gcc and assumes CHAR_BIT == 8. Probably use +dnl , and +dnl as a fallback. + +AC_DEFUN([GMP_C_ATTRIBUTE_MODE], +[AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether gcc __attribute__ ((mode (XX))) works], + gmp_cv_c_attribute_mode, +[AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[typedef int SItype __attribute__ ((mode (SI)));]], [[]])], + gmp_cv_c_attribute_mode=yes, gmp_cv_c_attribute_mode=no) +]) +if test $gmp_cv_c_attribute_mode = yes; then + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ATTRIBUTE_MODE, 1, + [Define to 1 if the compiler accepts gcc style __attribute__ ((mode (XX)))]) +fi +]) + + +dnl MPFR_FUNC_GMP_PRINTF_SPEC +dnl ------------------------------------ +dnl MPFR_FUNC_GMP_PRINTF_SPEC(spec, type, [includes], [if-true], [if-false]) +dnl Check if gmp_sprintf supports the conversion specification 'spec' +dnl with type 'type'. +dnl Expand 'if-true' if printf supports 'spec', 'if-false' otherwise. + +AC_DEFUN([MPFR_FUNC_GMP_PRINTF_SPEC],[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING(if gmp_printf supports "%$1") +AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#include +#include +$3 +#include +]], [[ + char s[256]; + $2 a = 17; + + if (gmp_sprintf (s, "(%0.0$1)(%d)", a, 42) == -1) return 1; + return (strcmp (s, "(17)(42)") != 0); +]])], + [AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + $4], + [AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + $5], + [AC_MSG_RESULT(cross-compiling, assuming yes) + $4]) +]) + + +dnl MPFR_CHECK_PRINTF_SPEC +dnl ---------------------- +dnl Check if gmp_printf supports some optional length modifiers. +dnl Defined symbols are negative to shorten the gcc command line. + +AC_DEFUN([MPFR_CHECK_PRINTF_SPEC], [ +AC_REQUIRE([MPFR_CONFIGS])dnl +if test "$ac_cv_type_intmax_t" = yes; then + MPFR_FUNC_GMP_PRINTF_SPEC([jd], [intmax_t], [ +#ifdef HAVE_INTTYPES_H +# include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H +# include +#endif + ],, + [AC_DEFINE([NPRINTF_J], 1, [gmp_printf cannot read intmax_t])]) +fi + +MPFR_FUNC_GMP_PRINTF_SPEC([hhd], [char], [ +#include + ],, + [AC_DEFINE([NPRINTF_HH], 1, [gmp_printf cannot use `hh' length modifier])]) + +MPFR_FUNC_GMP_PRINTF_SPEC([lld], [long long int], [ +#include + ],, + [AC_DEFINE([NPRINTF_LL], 1, [gmp_printf cannot read long long int])]) + +MPFR_FUNC_GMP_PRINTF_SPEC([Lf], [long double], [ +#include + ],, + [AC_DEFINE([NPRINTF_L], 1, [gmp_printf cannot read long double])]) + +MPFR_FUNC_GMP_PRINTF_SPEC([td], [ptrdiff_t], [ +#if defined (__cplusplus) +#include +#else +#include +#endif +#include + ],, + [AC_DEFINE([NPRINTF_T], 1, [gmp_printf cannot read ptrdiff_t])]) +]) diff --git a/aclocal.m4 b/aclocal.m4 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db2e9cc --- /dev/null +++ b/aclocal.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,1255 @@ +# generated automatically by aclocal 1.15.1 -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +m4_ifndef([AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [m4_defun([_AM_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [])m4_defun([AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [_AM_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS($@)])]) +m4_ifndef([AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION], + [m4_copy([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION], [AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION])])dnl +m4_if(m4_defn([AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION]), [2.69],, +[m4_warning([this file was generated for autoconf 2.69. +You have another version of autoconf. It may work, but is not guaranteed to. +If you have problems, you may need to regenerate the build system entirely. +To do so, use the procedure documented by the package, typically 'autoreconf'.])]) + +# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION(VERSION) +# ---------------------------- +# Automake X.Y traces this macro to ensure aclocal.m4 has been +# generated from the m4 files accompanying Automake X.Y. +# (This private macro should not be called outside this file.) +AC_DEFUN([AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION], +[am__api_version='1.15' +dnl Some users find AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION and mistake it for a way to +dnl require some minimum version. Point them to the right macro. +m4_if([$1], [1.15.1], [], + [AC_FATAL([Do not call $0, use AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([$1]).])])dnl +]) + +# _AM_AUTOCONF_VERSION(VERSION) +# ----------------------------- +# aclocal traces this macro to find the Autoconf version. +# This is a private macro too. Using m4_define simplifies +# the logic in aclocal, which can simply ignore this definition. +m4_define([_AM_AUTOCONF_VERSION], []) + +# AM_SET_CURRENT_AUTOMAKE_VERSION +# ------------------------------- +# Call AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION and AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION so they can be traced. +# This function is AC_REQUIREd by AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE. +AC_DEFUN([AM_SET_CURRENT_AUTOMAKE_VERSION], +[AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION([1.15.1])dnl +m4_ifndef([AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION], + [m4_copy([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION], [AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION])])dnl +_AM_AUTOCONF_VERSION(m4_defn([AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION]))]) + +# Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_PROG_AR([ACT-IF-FAIL]) +# ------------------------- +# Try to determine the archiver interface, and trigger the ar-lib wrapper +# if it is needed. If the detection of archiver interface fails, run +# ACT-IF-FAIL (default is to abort configure with a proper error message). +AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_AR], +[AC_BEFORE([$0], [LT_INIT])dnl +AC_BEFORE([$0], [AC_PROG_LIBTOOL])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND])dnl +AC_REQUIRE_AUX_FILE([ar-lib])dnl +AC_CHECK_TOOLS([AR], [ar lib "link -lib"], [false]) +: ${AR=ar} + +AC_CACHE_CHECK([the archiver ($AR) interface], [am_cv_ar_interface], + [AC_LANG_PUSH([C]) + am_cv_ar_interface=ar + AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[int some_variable = 0;]])], + [am_ar_try='$AR cru libconftest.a conftest.$ac_objext >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD' + AC_TRY_EVAL([am_ar_try]) + if test "$ac_status" -eq 0; then + am_cv_ar_interface=ar + else + am_ar_try='$AR -NOLOGO -OUT:conftest.lib conftest.$ac_objext >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD' + AC_TRY_EVAL([am_ar_try]) + if test "$ac_status" -eq 0; then + am_cv_ar_interface=lib + else + am_cv_ar_interface=unknown + fi + fi + rm -f conftest.lib libconftest.a + ]) + AC_LANG_POP([C])]) + +case $am_cv_ar_interface in +ar) + ;; +lib) + # Microsoft lib, so override with the ar-lib wrapper script. + # FIXME: It is wrong to rewrite AR. + # But if we don't then we get into trouble of one sort or another. + # A longer-term fix would be to have automake use am__AR in this case, + # and then we could set am__AR="$am_aux_dir/ar-lib \$(AR)" or something + # similar. + AR="$am_aux_dir/ar-lib $AR" + ;; +unknown) + m4_default([$1], + [AC_MSG_ERROR([could not determine $AR interface])]) + ;; +esac +AC_SUBST([AR])dnl +]) + +# AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 2001-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# For projects using AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([foo]), Autoconf sets +# $ac_aux_dir to '$srcdir/foo'. In other projects, it is set to +# '$srcdir', '$srcdir/..', or '$srcdir/../..'. +# +# Of course, Automake must honor this variable whenever it calls a +# tool from the auxiliary directory. The problem is that $srcdir (and +# therefore $ac_aux_dir as well) can be either absolute or relative, +# depending on how configure is run. This is pretty annoying, since +# it makes $ac_aux_dir quite unusable in subdirectories: in the top +# source directory, any form will work fine, but in subdirectories a +# relative path needs to be adjusted first. +# +# $ac_aux_dir/missing +# fails when called from a subdirectory if $ac_aux_dir is relative +# $top_srcdir/$ac_aux_dir/missing +# fails if $ac_aux_dir is absolute, +# fails when called from a subdirectory in a VPATH build with +# a relative $ac_aux_dir +# +# The reason of the latter failure is that $top_srcdir and $ac_aux_dir +# are both prefixed by $srcdir. In an in-source build this is usually +# harmless because $srcdir is '.', but things will broke when you +# start a VPATH build or use an absolute $srcdir. +# +# So we could use something similar to $top_srcdir/$ac_aux_dir/missing, +# iff we strip the leading $srcdir from $ac_aux_dir. That would be: +# am_aux_dir='\$(top_srcdir)/'`expr "$ac_aux_dir" : "$srcdir//*\(.*\)"` +# and then we would define $MISSING as +# MISSING="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/missing" +# This will work as long as MISSING is not called from configure, because +# unfortunately $(top_srcdir) has no meaning in configure. +# However there are other variables, like CC, which are often used in +# configure, and could therefore not use this "fixed" $ac_aux_dir. +# +# Another solution, used here, is to always expand $ac_aux_dir to an +# absolute PATH. The drawback is that using absolute paths prevent a +# configured tree to be moved without reconfiguration. + +AC_DEFUN([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND], +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR_DEFAULT])dnl +# Expand $ac_aux_dir to an absolute path. +am_aux_dir=`cd "$ac_aux_dir" && pwd` +]) + +# AM_CONDITIONAL -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1997-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_CONDITIONAL(NAME, SHELL-CONDITION) +# ------------------------------------- +# Define a conditional. +AC_DEFUN([AM_CONDITIONAL], +[AC_PREREQ([2.52])dnl + m4_if([$1], [TRUE], [AC_FATAL([$0: invalid condition: $1])], + [$1], [FALSE], [AC_FATAL([$0: invalid condition: $1])])dnl +AC_SUBST([$1_TRUE])dnl +AC_SUBST([$1_FALSE])dnl +_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([$1_TRUE])dnl +_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([$1_FALSE])dnl +m4_define([_AM_COND_VALUE_$1], [$2])dnl +if $2; then + $1_TRUE= + $1_FALSE='#' +else + $1_TRUE='#' + $1_FALSE= +fi +AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS_PRE( +[if test -z "${$1_TRUE}" && test -z "${$1_FALSE}"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([[conditional "$1" was never defined. +Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally.]]) +fi])]) + +# Copyright (C) 1999-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + + +# There are a few dirty hacks below to avoid letting 'AC_PROG_CC' be +# written in clear, in which case automake, when reading aclocal.m4, +# will think it sees a *use*, and therefore will trigger all it's +# C support machinery. Also note that it means that autoscan, seeing +# CC etc. in the Makefile, will ask for an AC_PROG_CC use... + + +# _AM_DEPENDENCIES(NAME) +# ---------------------- +# See how the compiler implements dependency checking. +# NAME is "CC", "CXX", "OBJC", "OBJCXX", "UPC", or "GJC". +# We try a few techniques and use that to set a single cache variable. +# +# We don't AC_REQUIRE the corresponding AC_PROG_CC since the latter was +# modified to invoke _AM_DEPENDENCIES(CC); we would have a circular +# dependency, and given that the user is not expected to run this macro, +# just rely on AC_PROG_CC. +AC_DEFUN([_AM_DEPENDENCIES], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_SET_DEPDIR])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AM_MAKE_INCLUDE])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AM_DEP_TRACK])dnl + +m4_if([$1], [CC], [depcc="$CC" am_compiler_list=], + [$1], [CXX], [depcc="$CXX" am_compiler_list=], + [$1], [OBJC], [depcc="$OBJC" am_compiler_list='gcc3 gcc'], + [$1], [OBJCXX], [depcc="$OBJCXX" am_compiler_list='gcc3 gcc'], + [$1], [UPC], [depcc="$UPC" am_compiler_list=], + [$1], [GCJ], [depcc="$GCJ" am_compiler_list='gcc3 gcc'], + [depcc="$$1" am_compiler_list=]) + +AC_CACHE_CHECK([dependency style of $depcc], + [am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type], +[if test -z "$AMDEP_TRUE" && test -f "$am_depcomp"; then + # We make a subdir and do the tests there. Otherwise we can end up + # making bogus files that we don't know about and never remove. For + # instance it was reported that on HP-UX the gcc test will end up + # making a dummy file named 'D' -- because '-MD' means "put the output + # in D". + rm -rf conftest.dir + mkdir conftest.dir + # Copy depcomp to subdir because otherwise we won't find it if we're + # using a relative directory. + cp "$am_depcomp" conftest.dir + cd conftest.dir + # We will build objects and dependencies in a subdirectory because + # it helps to detect inapplicable dependency modes. For instance + # both Tru64's cc and ICC support -MD to output dependencies as a + # side effect of compilation, but ICC will put the dependencies in + # the current directory while Tru64 will put them in the object + # directory. + mkdir sub + + am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type=none + if test "$am_compiler_list" = ""; then + am_compiler_list=`sed -n ['s/^#*\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\))$/\1/p'] < ./depcomp` + fi + am__universal=false + m4_case([$1], [CC], + [case " $depcc " in #( + *\ -arch\ *\ -arch\ *) am__universal=true ;; + esac], + [CXX], + [case " $depcc " in #( + *\ -arch\ *\ -arch\ *) am__universal=true ;; + esac]) + + for depmode in $am_compiler_list; do + # Setup a source with many dependencies, because some compilers + # like to wrap large dependency lists on column 80 (with \), and + # we should not choose a depcomp mode which is confused by this. + # + # We need to recreate these files for each test, as the compiler may + # overwrite some of them when testing with obscure command lines. + # This happens at least with the AIX C compiler. + : > sub/conftest.c + for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do + echo '#include "conftst'$i'.h"' >> sub/conftest.c + # Using ": > sub/conftst$i.h" creates only sub/conftst1.h with + # Solaris 10 /bin/sh. + echo '/* dummy */' > sub/conftst$i.h + done + echo "${am__include} ${am__quote}sub/conftest.Po${am__quote}" > confmf + + # We check with '-c' and '-o' for the sake of the "dashmstdout" + # mode. It turns out that the SunPro C++ compiler does not properly + # handle '-M -o', and we need to detect this. Also, some Intel + # versions had trouble with output in subdirs. + am__obj=sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} + am__minus_obj="-o $am__obj" + case $depmode in + gcc) + # This depmode causes a compiler race in universal mode. + test "$am__universal" = false || continue + ;; + nosideeffect) + # After this tag, mechanisms are not by side-effect, so they'll + # only be used when explicitly requested. + if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" = xyes; then + continue + else + break + fi + ;; + msvc7 | msvc7msys | msvisualcpp | msvcmsys) + # This compiler won't grok '-c -o', but also, the minuso test has + # not run yet. These depmodes are late enough in the game, and + # so weak that their functioning should not be impacted. + am__obj=conftest.${OBJEXT-o} + am__minus_obj= + ;; + none) break ;; + esac + if depmode=$depmode \ + source=sub/conftest.c object=$am__obj \ + depfile=sub/conftest.Po tmpdepfile=sub/conftest.TPo \ + $SHELL ./depcomp $depcc -c $am__minus_obj sub/conftest.c \ + >/dev/null 2>conftest.err && + grep sub/conftst1.h sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 && + grep sub/conftst6.h sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 && + grep $am__obj sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 && + ${MAKE-make} -s -f confmf > /dev/null 2>&1; then + # icc doesn't choke on unknown options, it will just issue warnings + # or remarks (even with -Werror). So we grep stderr for any message + # that says an option was ignored or not supported. + # When given -MP, icc 7.0 and 7.1 complain thusly: + # icc: Command line warning: ignoring option '-M'; no argument required + # The diagnosis changed in icc 8.0: + # icc: Command line remark: option '-MP' not supported + if (grep 'ignoring option' conftest.err || + grep 'not supported' conftest.err) >/dev/null 2>&1; then :; else + am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type=$depmode + break + fi + fi + done + + cd .. + rm -rf conftest.dir +else + am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type=none +fi +]) +AC_SUBST([$1DEPMODE], [depmode=$am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type]) +AM_CONDITIONAL([am__fastdep$1], [ + test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno \ + && test "$am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type" = gcc3]) +]) + + +# AM_SET_DEPDIR +# ------------- +# Choose a directory name for dependency files. +# This macro is AC_REQUIREd in _AM_DEPENDENCIES. +AC_DEFUN([AM_SET_DEPDIR], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_SET_LEADING_DOT])dnl +AC_SUBST([DEPDIR], ["${am__leading_dot}deps"])dnl +]) + + +# AM_DEP_TRACK +# ------------ +AC_DEFUN([AM_DEP_TRACK], +[AC_ARG_ENABLE([dependency-tracking], [dnl +AS_HELP_STRING( + [--enable-dependency-tracking], + [do not reject slow dependency extractors]) +AS_HELP_STRING( + [--disable-dependency-tracking], + [speeds up one-time build])]) +if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno; then + am_depcomp="$ac_aux_dir/depcomp" + AMDEPBACKSLASH='\' + am__nodep='_no' +fi +AM_CONDITIONAL([AMDEP], [test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno]) +AC_SUBST([AMDEPBACKSLASH])dnl +_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([AMDEPBACKSLASH])dnl +AC_SUBST([am__nodep])dnl +_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([am__nodep])dnl +]) + +# Generate code to set up dependency tracking. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1999-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + + +# _AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS +# ------------------------------ +AC_DEFUN([_AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS], +[{ + # Older Autoconf quotes --file arguments for eval, but not when files + # are listed without --file. Let's play safe and only enable the eval + # if we detect the quoting. + case $CONFIG_FILES in + *\'*) eval set x "$CONFIG_FILES" ;; + *) set x $CONFIG_FILES ;; + esac + shift + for mf + do + # Strip MF so we end up with the name of the file. + mf=`echo "$mf" | sed -e 's/:.*$//'` + # Check whether this is an Automake generated Makefile or not. + # We used to match only the files named '', but + # some people rename them; so instead we look at the file content. + # Grep'ing the first line is not enough: some people post-process + # each and add a new line on top of each file to say so. + # Grep'ing the whole file is not good either: AIX grep has a line + # limit of 2048, but all sed's we know have understand at least 4000. + if sed -n 's,^#.*generated by automake.*,X,p' "$mf" | grep X >/dev/null 2>&1; then + dirpart=`AS_DIRNAME("$mf")` + else + continue + fi + # Extract the definition of DEPDIR, am__include, and am__quote + # from the Makefile without running 'make'. + DEPDIR=`sed -n 's/^DEPDIR = //p' < "$mf"` + test -z "$DEPDIR" && continue + am__include=`sed -n 's/^am__include = //p' < "$mf"` + test -z "$am__include" && continue + am__quote=`sed -n 's/^am__quote = //p' < "$mf"` + # Find all dependency output files, they are included files with + # $(DEPDIR) in their names. We invoke sed twice because it is the + # simplest approach to changing $(DEPDIR) to its actual value in the + # expansion. + for file in `sed -n " + s/^$am__include $am__quote\(.*(DEPDIR).*\)$am__quote"'$/\1/p' <"$mf" | \ + sed -e 's/\$(DEPDIR)/'"$DEPDIR"'/g'`; do + # Make sure the directory exists. + test -f "$dirpart/$file" && continue + fdir=`AS_DIRNAME(["$file"])` + AS_MKDIR_P([$dirpart/$fdir]) + # echo "creating $dirpart/$file" + echo '# dummy' > "$dirpart/$file" + done + done +} +])# _AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS + + +# AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS +# ----------------------------- +# This macro should only be invoked once -- use via AC_REQUIRE. +# +# This code is only required when automatic dependency tracking +# is enabled. FIXME. This creates each '.P' file that we will +# need in order to bootstrap the dependency handling code. +AC_DEFUN([AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS], +[AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([depfiles], + [test x"$AMDEP_TRUE" != x"" || _AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS], + [AMDEP_TRUE="$AMDEP_TRUE" ac_aux_dir="$ac_aux_dir"]) +]) + +# Do all the work for Automake. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This macro actually does too much. Some checks are only needed if +# your package does certain things. But this isn't really a big deal. + +dnl Redefine AC_PROG_CC to automatically invoke _AM_PROG_CC_C_O. +m4_define([AC_PROG_CC], +m4_defn([AC_PROG_CC]) +[_AM_PROG_CC_C_O +]) + +# AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(PACKAGE, VERSION, [NO-DEFINE]) +# AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([OPTIONS]) +# ----------------------------------------------- +# The call with PACKAGE and VERSION arguments is the old style +# call (pre autoconf-2.50), which is being phased out. PACKAGE +# and VERSION should now be passed to AC_INIT and removed from +# the call to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE. +# We support both call styles for the transition. After +# the next Automake release, Autoconf can make the AC_INIT +# arguments mandatory, and then we can depend on a new Autoconf +# release and drop the old call support. +AC_DEFUN([AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE], +[AC_PREREQ([2.65])dnl +dnl Autoconf wants to disallow AM_ names. We explicitly allow +dnl the ones we care about. +m4_pattern_allow([^AM_[A-Z]+FLAGS$])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AM_SET_CURRENT_AUTOMAKE_VERSION])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_INSTALL])dnl +if test "`cd $srcdir && pwd`" != "`pwd`"; then + # Use -I$(srcdir) only when $(srcdir) != ., so that make's output + # is not polluted with repeated "-I." + AC_SUBST([am__isrc], [' -I$(srcdir)'])_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([am__isrc])dnl + # test to see if srcdir already configured + if test -f $srcdir/config.status; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([source directory already configured; run "make distclean" there first]) + fi +fi + +# test whether we have cygpath +if test -z "$CYGPATH_W"; then + if (cygpath --version) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then + CYGPATH_W='cygpath -w' + else + CYGPATH_W=echo + fi +fi +AC_SUBST([CYGPATH_W]) + +# Define the identity of the package. +dnl Distinguish between old-style and new-style calls. +m4_ifval([$2], +[AC_DIAGNOSE([obsolete], + [$0: two- and three-arguments forms are deprecated.]) +m4_ifval([$3], [_AM_SET_OPTION([no-define])])dnl + AC_SUBST([PACKAGE], [$1])dnl + AC_SUBST([VERSION], [$2])], +[_AM_SET_OPTIONS([$1])dnl +dnl Diagnose old-style AC_INIT with new-style AM_AUTOMAKE_INIT. +m4_if( + m4_ifdef([AC_PACKAGE_NAME], [ok]):m4_ifdef([AC_PACKAGE_VERSION], [ok]), + [ok:ok],, + [m4_fatal([AC_INIT should be called with package and version arguments])])dnl + AC_SUBST([PACKAGE], ['AC_PACKAGE_TARNAME'])dnl + AC_SUBST([VERSION], ['AC_PACKAGE_VERSION'])])dnl + +_AM_IF_OPTION([no-define],, +[AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([PACKAGE], ["$PACKAGE"], [Name of package]) + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([VERSION], ["$VERSION"], [Version number of package])])dnl + +# Some tools Automake needs. +AC_REQUIRE([AM_SANITY_CHECK])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_ARG_PROGRAM])dnl +AM_MISSING_PROG([ACLOCAL], [aclocal-${am__api_version}]) +AM_MISSING_PROG([AUTOCONF], [autoconf]) +AM_MISSING_PROG([AUTOMAKE], [automake-${am__api_version}]) +AM_MISSING_PROG([AUTOHEADER], [autoheader]) +AM_MISSING_PROG([MAKEINFO], [makeinfo]) +AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_INSTALL_SH])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_INSTALL_STRIP])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_MKDIR_P])dnl +# For better backward compatibility. To be removed once Automake 1.9.x +# dies out for good. For more background, see: +# +# +AC_SUBST([mkdir_p], ['$(MKDIR_P)']) +# We need awk for the "check" target (and possibly the TAP driver). The +# system "awk" is bad on some platforms. +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_AWK])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_MAKE_SET])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AM_SET_LEADING_DOT])dnl +_AM_IF_OPTION([tar-ustar], [_AM_PROG_TAR([ustar])], + [_AM_IF_OPTION([tar-pax], [_AM_PROG_TAR([pax])], + [_AM_PROG_TAR([v7])])]) +_AM_IF_OPTION([no-dependencies],, +[AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_CC], + [_AM_DEPENDENCIES([CC])], + [m4_define([AC_PROG_CC], + m4_defn([AC_PROG_CC])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES([CC])])])dnl +AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_CXX], + [_AM_DEPENDENCIES([CXX])], + [m4_define([AC_PROG_CXX], + m4_defn([AC_PROG_CXX])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES([CXX])])])dnl +AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_OBJC], + [_AM_DEPENDENCIES([OBJC])], + [m4_define([AC_PROG_OBJC], + m4_defn([AC_PROG_OBJC])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES([OBJC])])])dnl +AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_OBJCXX], + [_AM_DEPENDENCIES([OBJCXX])], + [m4_define([AC_PROG_OBJCXX], + m4_defn([AC_PROG_OBJCXX])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES([OBJCXX])])])dnl +]) +AC_REQUIRE([AM_SILENT_RULES])dnl +dnl The testsuite driver may need to know about EXEEXT, so add the +dnl 'am__EXEEXT' conditional if _AM_COMPILER_EXEEXT was seen. This +dnl macro is hooked onto _AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT early, see below. +AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS_PRE(dnl +[m4_provide_if([_AM_COMPILER_EXEEXT], + [AM_CONDITIONAL([am__EXEEXT], [test -n "$EXEEXT"])])])dnl + +# POSIX will say in a future version that running "rm -f" with no argument +# is OK; and we want to be able to make that assumption in our Makefile +# recipes. So use an aggressive probe to check that the usage we want is +# actually supported "in the wild" to an acceptable degree. +# See automake bug#10828. +# To make any issue more visible, cause the running configure to be aborted +# by default if the 'rm' program in use doesn't match our expectations; the +# user can still override this though. +if rm -f && rm -fr && rm -rf; then : OK; else + cat >&2 <<'END' +Oops! + +Your 'rm' program seems unable to run without file operands specified +on the command line, even when the '-f' option is present. This is contrary +to the behaviour of most rm programs out there, and not conforming with +the upcoming POSIX standard: + +Please tell about your system, including the value +of your $PATH and any error possibly output before this message. This +can help us improve future automake versions. + +END + if test x"$ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM" = x"yes"; then + echo 'Configuration will proceed anyway, since you have set the' >&2 + echo 'ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM variable to "yes"' >&2 + echo >&2 + else + cat >&2 <<'END' +Aborting the configuration process, to ensure you take notice of the issue. + +You can download and install GNU coreutils to get an 'rm' implementation +that behaves properly: . + +If you want to complete the configuration process using your problematic +'rm' anyway, export the environment variable ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM +to "yes", and re-run configure. + +END + AC_MSG_ERROR([Your 'rm' program is bad, sorry.]) + fi +fi +dnl The trailing newline in this macro's definition is deliberate, for +dnl backward compatibility and to allow trailing 'dnl'-style comments +dnl after the AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE invocation. See automake bug#16841. +]) + +dnl Hook into '_AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT' early to learn its expansion. Do not +dnl add the conditional right here, as _AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT may be further +dnl mangled by Autoconf and run in a shell conditional statement. +m4_define([_AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT], +m4_defn([_AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT])[m4_provide([_AM_COMPILER_EXEEXT])]) + +# When config.status generates a header, we must update the stamp-h file. +# This file resides in the same directory as the config header +# that is generated. The stamp files are numbered to have different names. + +# Autoconf calls _AC_AM_CONFIG_HEADER_HOOK (when defined) in the +# loop where config.status creates the headers, so we can generate +# our stamp files there. +AC_DEFUN([_AC_AM_CONFIG_HEADER_HOOK], +[# Compute $1's index in $config_headers. +_am_arg=$1 +_am_stamp_count=1 +for _am_header in $config_headers :; do + case $_am_header in + $_am_arg | $_am_arg:* ) + break ;; + * ) + _am_stamp_count=`expr $_am_stamp_count + 1` ;; + esac +done +echo "timestamp for $_am_arg" >`AS_DIRNAME(["$_am_arg"])`/stamp-h[]$_am_stamp_count]) + +# Copyright (C) 2001-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_PROG_INSTALL_SH +# ------------------ +# Define $install_sh. +AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_INSTALL_SH], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND])dnl +if test x"${install_sh+set}" != xset; then + case $am_aux_dir in + *\ * | *\ *) + install_sh="\${SHELL} '$am_aux_dir/install-sh'" ;; + *) + install_sh="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/install-sh" + esac +fi +AC_SUBST([install_sh])]) + +# Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# Check whether the underlying file-system supports filenames +# with a leading dot. For instance MS-DOS doesn't. +AC_DEFUN([AM_SET_LEADING_DOT], +[rm -rf .tst 2>/dev/null +mkdir .tst 2>/dev/null +if test -d .tst; then + am__leading_dot=. +else + am__leading_dot=_ +fi +rmdir .tst 2>/dev/null +AC_SUBST([am__leading_dot])]) + +# Add --enable-maintainer-mode option to configure. -*- Autoconf -*- +# From Jim Meyering + +# Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_MAINTAINER_MODE([DEFAULT-MODE]) +# ---------------------------------- +# Control maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles. +# Default is to disable them, unless 'enable' is passed literally. +# For symmetry, 'disable' may be passed as well. Anyway, the user +# can override the default with the --enable/--disable switch. +AC_DEFUN([AM_MAINTAINER_MODE], +[m4_case(m4_default([$1], [disable]), + [enable], [m4_define([am_maintainer_other], [disable])], + [disable], [m4_define([am_maintainer_other], [enable])], + [m4_define([am_maintainer_other], [enable]) + m4_warn([syntax], [unexpected argument to AM@&t@_MAINTAINER_MODE: $1])]) +AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles]) + dnl maintainer-mode's default is 'disable' unless 'enable' is passed + AC_ARG_ENABLE([maintainer-mode], + [AS_HELP_STRING([--]am_maintainer_other[-maintainer-mode], + am_maintainer_other[ make rules and dependencies not useful + (and sometimes confusing) to the casual installer])], + [USE_MAINTAINER_MODE=$enableval], + [USE_MAINTAINER_MODE=]m4_if(am_maintainer_other, [enable], [no], [yes])) + AC_MSG_RESULT([$USE_MAINTAINER_MODE]) + AM_CONDITIONAL([MAINTAINER_MODE], [test $USE_MAINTAINER_MODE = yes]) + MAINT=$MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE + AC_SUBST([MAINT])dnl +] +) + +# Check to see how 'make' treats includes. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 2001-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_MAKE_INCLUDE() +# ----------------- +# Check to see how make treats includes. +AC_DEFUN([AM_MAKE_INCLUDE], +[am_make=${MAKE-make} +cat > confinc << 'END' +am__doit: + @echo this is the am__doit target +.PHONY: am__doit +END +# If we don't find an include directive, just comment out the code. +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for style of include used by $am_make]) +am__include="#" +am__quote= +_am_result=none +# First try GNU make style include. +echo "include confinc" > confmf +# Ignore all kinds of additional output from 'make'. +case `$am_make -s -f confmf 2> /dev/null` in #( +*the\ am__doit\ target*) + am__include=include + am__quote= + _am_result=GNU + ;; +esac +# Now try BSD make style include. +if test "$am__include" = "#"; then + echo '.include "confinc"' > confmf + case `$am_make -s -f confmf 2> /dev/null` in #( + *the\ am__doit\ target*) + am__include=.include + am__quote="\"" + _am_result=BSD + ;; + esac +fi +AC_SUBST([am__include]) +AC_SUBST([am__quote]) +AC_MSG_RESULT([$_am_result]) +rm -f confinc confmf +]) + +# Fake the existence of programs that GNU maintainers use. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1997-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_MISSING_PROG(NAME, PROGRAM) +# ------------------------------ +AC_DEFUN([AM_MISSING_PROG], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_MISSING_HAS_RUN]) +$1=${$1-"${am_missing_run}$2"} +AC_SUBST($1)]) + +# AM_MISSING_HAS_RUN +# ------------------ +# Define MISSING if not defined so far and test if it is modern enough. +# If it is, set am_missing_run to use it, otherwise, to nothing. +AC_DEFUN([AM_MISSING_HAS_RUN], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND])dnl +AC_REQUIRE_AUX_FILE([missing])dnl +if test x"${MISSING+set}" != xset; then + case $am_aux_dir in + *\ * | *\ *) + MISSING="\${SHELL} \"$am_aux_dir/missing\"" ;; + *) + MISSING="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/missing" ;; + esac +fi +# Use eval to expand $SHELL +if eval "$MISSING --is-lightweight"; then + am_missing_run="$MISSING " +else + am_missing_run= + AC_MSG_WARN(['missing' script is too old or missing]) +fi +]) + +# Helper functions for option handling. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 2001-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# _AM_MANGLE_OPTION(NAME) +# ----------------------- +AC_DEFUN([_AM_MANGLE_OPTION], +[[_AM_OPTION_]m4_bpatsubst($1, [[^a-zA-Z0-9_]], [_])]) + +# _AM_SET_OPTION(NAME) +# -------------------- +# Set option NAME. Presently that only means defining a flag for this option. +AC_DEFUN([_AM_SET_OPTION], +[m4_define(_AM_MANGLE_OPTION([$1]), [1])]) + +# _AM_SET_OPTIONS(OPTIONS) +# ------------------------ +# OPTIONS is a space-separated list of Automake options. +AC_DEFUN([_AM_SET_OPTIONS], +[m4_foreach_w([_AM_Option], [$1], [_AM_SET_OPTION(_AM_Option)])]) + +# _AM_IF_OPTION(OPTION, IF-SET, [IF-NOT-SET]) +# ------------------------------------------- +# Execute IF-SET if OPTION is set, IF-NOT-SET otherwise. +AC_DEFUN([_AM_IF_OPTION], +[m4_ifset(_AM_MANGLE_OPTION([$1]), [$2], [$3])]) + +# Copyright (C) 1999-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# _AM_PROG_CC_C_O +# --------------- +# Like AC_PROG_CC_C_O, but changed for automake. We rewrite AC_PROG_CC +# to automatically call this. +AC_DEFUN([_AM_PROG_CC_C_O], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND])dnl +AC_REQUIRE_AUX_FILE([compile])dnl +AC_LANG_PUSH([C])dnl +AC_CACHE_CHECK( + [whether $CC understands -c and -o together], + [am_cv_prog_cc_c_o], + [AC_LANG_CONFTEST([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([])]) + # Make sure it works both with $CC and with simple cc. + # Following AC_PROG_CC_C_O, we do the test twice because some + # compilers refuse to overwrite an existing .o file with -o, + # though they will create one. + am_cv_prog_cc_c_o=yes + for am_i in 1 2; do + if AM_RUN_LOG([$CC -c conftest.$ac_ext -o conftest2.$ac_objext]) \ + && test -f conftest2.$ac_objext; then + : OK + else + am_cv_prog_cc_c_o=no + break + fi + done + rm -f core conftest* + unset am_i]) +if test "$am_cv_prog_cc_c_o" != yes; then + # Losing compiler, so override with the script. + # FIXME: It is wrong to rewrite CC. + # But if we don't then we get into trouble of one sort or another. + # A longer-term fix would be to have automake use am__CC in this case, + # and then we could set am__CC="\$(top_srcdir)/compile \$(CC)" + CC="$am_aux_dir/compile $CC" +fi +AC_LANG_POP([C])]) + +# For backward compatibility. +AC_DEFUN_ONCE([AM_PROG_CC_C_O], [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC])]) + +# Copyright (C) 2001-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_RUN_LOG(COMMAND) +# ------------------- +# Run COMMAND, save the exit status in ac_status, and log it. +# (This has been adapted from Autoconf's _AC_RUN_LOG macro.) +AC_DEFUN([AM_RUN_LOG], +[{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: $1" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + ($1) >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + ac_status=$? + echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + (exit $ac_status); }]) + +# Check to make sure that the build environment is sane. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_SANITY_CHECK +# --------------- +AC_DEFUN([AM_SANITY_CHECK], +[AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether build environment is sane]) +# Reject unsafe characters in $srcdir or the absolute working directory +# name. Accept space and tab only in the latter. +am_lf=' +' +case `pwd` in + *[[\\\"\#\$\&\'\`$am_lf]]*) + AC_MSG_ERROR([unsafe absolute working directory name]);; +esac +case $srcdir in + *[[\\\"\#\$\&\'\`$am_lf\ \ ]]*) + AC_MSG_ERROR([unsafe srcdir value: '$srcdir']);; +esac + +# Do 'set' in a subshell so we don't clobber the current shell's +# arguments. Must try -L first in case configure is actually a +# symlink; some systems play weird games with the mod time of symlinks +# (eg FreeBSD returns the mod time of the symlink's containing +# directory). +if ( + am_has_slept=no + for am_try in 1 2; do + echo "timestamp, slept: $am_has_slept" > conftest.file + set X `ls -Lt "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file 2> /dev/null` + if test "$[*]" = "X"; then + # -L didn't work. + set X `ls -t "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file` + fi + if test "$[*]" != "X $srcdir/configure conftest.file" \ + && test "$[*]" != "X conftest.file $srcdir/configure"; then + + # If neither matched, then we have a broken ls. This can happen + # if, for instance, CONFIG_SHELL is bash and it inherits a + # broken ls alias from the environment. This has actually + # happened. Such a system could not be considered "sane". + AC_MSG_ERROR([ls -t appears to fail. Make sure there is not a broken + alias in your environment]) + fi + if test "$[2]" = conftest.file || test $am_try -eq 2; then + break + fi + # Just in case. + sleep 1 + am_has_slept=yes + done + test "$[2]" = conftest.file + ) +then + # Ok. + : +else + AC_MSG_ERROR([newly created file is older than distributed files! +Check your system clock]) +fi +AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) +# If we didn't sleep, we still need to ensure time stamps of config.status and +# generated files are strictly newer. +am_sleep_pid= +if grep 'slept: no' conftest.file >/dev/null 2>&1; then + ( sleep 1 ) & + am_sleep_pid=$! +fi +AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS_PRE( + [AC_MSG_CHECKING([that generated files are newer than configure]) + if test -n "$am_sleep_pid"; then + # Hide warnings about reused PIDs. + wait $am_sleep_pid 2>/dev/null + fi + AC_MSG_RESULT([done])]) +rm -f conftest.file +]) + +# Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_SILENT_RULES([DEFAULT]) +# -------------------------- +# Enable less verbose build rules; with the default set to DEFAULT +# ("yes" being less verbose, "no" or empty being verbose). +AC_DEFUN([AM_SILENT_RULES], +[AC_ARG_ENABLE([silent-rules], [dnl +AS_HELP_STRING( + [--enable-silent-rules], + [less verbose build output (undo: "make V=1")]) +AS_HELP_STRING( + [--disable-silent-rules], + [verbose build output (undo: "make V=0")])dnl +]) +case $enable_silent_rules in @%:@ ((( + yes) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=0;; + no) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=1;; + *) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=m4_if([$1], [yes], [0], [1]);; +esac +dnl +dnl A few 'make' implementations (e.g., NonStop OS and NextStep) +dnl do not support nested variable expansions. +dnl See automake bug#9928 and bug#10237. +am_make=${MAKE-make} +AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $am_make supports nested variables], + [am_cv_make_support_nested_variables], + [if AS_ECHO([['TRUE=$(BAR$(V)) +BAR0=false +BAR1=true +V=1 +am__doit: + @$(TRUE) +.PHONY: am__doit']]) | $am_make -f - >/dev/null 2>&1; then + am_cv_make_support_nested_variables=yes +else + am_cv_make_support_nested_variables=no +fi]) +if test $am_cv_make_support_nested_variables = yes; then + dnl Using '$V' instead of '$(V)' breaks IRIX make. + AM_V='$(V)' + AM_DEFAULT_V='$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)' +else + AM_V=$AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY + AM_DEFAULT_V=$AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY +fi +AC_SUBST([AM_V])dnl +AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([AM_V])dnl +AC_SUBST([AM_DEFAULT_V])dnl +AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([AM_DEFAULT_V])dnl +AC_SUBST([AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY])dnl +AM_BACKSLASH='\' +AC_SUBST([AM_BACKSLASH])dnl +_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([AM_BACKSLASH])dnl +]) + +# Copyright (C) 2001-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_PROG_INSTALL_STRIP +# --------------------- +# One issue with vendor 'install' (even GNU) is that you can't +# specify the program used to strip binaries. This is especially +# annoying in cross-compiling environments, where the build's strip +# is unlikely to handle the host's binaries. +# Fortunately install-sh will honor a STRIPPROG variable, so we +# always use install-sh in "make install-strip", and initialize +# STRIPPROG with the value of the STRIP variable (set by the user). +AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_INSTALL_STRIP], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_INSTALL_SH])dnl +# Installed binaries are usually stripped using 'strip' when the user +# run "make install-strip". However 'strip' might not be the right +# tool to use in cross-compilation environments, therefore Automake +# will honor the 'STRIP' environment variable to overrule this program. +dnl Don't test for $cross_compiling = yes, because it might be 'maybe'. +if test "$cross_compiling" != no; then + AC_CHECK_TOOL([STRIP], [strip], :) +fi +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM="\$(install_sh) -c -s" +AC_SUBST([INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM])]) + +# Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# _AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE(VARIABLE) +# --------------------------- +# Prevent Automake from outputting VARIABLE = @VARIABLE@ in +# This macro is traced by Automake. +AC_DEFUN([_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE]) + +# AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE(VARIABLE) +# -------------------------- +# Public sister of _AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE. +AC_DEFUN([AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE], [_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE($@)]) + +# Check how to create a tarball. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 2004-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# _AM_PROG_TAR(FORMAT) +# -------------------- +# Check how to create a tarball in format FORMAT. +# FORMAT should be one of 'v7', 'ustar', or 'pax'. +# +# Substitute a variable $(am__tar) that is a command +# writing to stdout a FORMAT-tarball containing the directory +# $tardir. +# tardir=directory && $(am__tar) > result.tar +# +# Substitute a variable $(am__untar) that extract such +# a tarball read from stdin. +# $(am__untar) < result.tar +# +AC_DEFUN([_AM_PROG_TAR], +[# Always define AMTAR for backward compatibility. Yes, it's still used +# in the wild :-( We should find a proper way to deprecate it ... +AC_SUBST([AMTAR], ['$${TAR-tar}']) + +# We'll loop over all known methods to create a tar archive until one works. +_am_tools='gnutar m4_if([$1], [ustar], [plaintar]) pax cpio none' + +m4_if([$1], [v7], + [am__tar='$${TAR-tar} chof - "$$tardir"' am__untar='$${TAR-tar} xf -'], + + [m4_case([$1], + [ustar], + [# The POSIX 1988 'ustar' format is defined with fixed-size fields. + # There is notably a 21 bits limit for the UID and the GID. In fact, + # the 'pax' utility can hang on bigger UID/GID (see automake bug#8343 + # and bug#13588). + am_max_uid=2097151 # 2^21 - 1 + am_max_gid=$am_max_uid + # The $UID and $GID variables are not portable, so we need to resort + # to the POSIX-mandated id(1) utility. Errors in the 'id' calls + # below are definitely unexpected, so allow the users to see them + # (that is, avoid stderr redirection). + am_uid=`id -u || echo unknown` + am_gid=`id -g || echo unknown` + AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether UID '$am_uid' is supported by ustar format]) + if test $am_uid -le $am_max_uid; then + AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) + _am_tools=none + fi + AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether GID '$am_gid' is supported by ustar format]) + if test $am_gid -le $am_max_gid; then + AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) + _am_tools=none + fi], + + [pax], + [], + + [m4_fatal([Unknown tar format])]) + + AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to create a $1 tar archive]) + + # Go ahead even if we have the value already cached. We do so because we + # need to set the values for the 'am__tar' and 'am__untar' variables. + _am_tools=${am_cv_prog_tar_$1-$_am_tools} + + for _am_tool in $_am_tools; do + case $_am_tool in + gnutar) + for _am_tar in tar gnutar gtar; do + AM_RUN_LOG([$_am_tar --version]) && break + done + am__tar="$_am_tar --format=m4_if([$1], [pax], [posix], [$1]) -chf - "'"$$tardir"' + am__tar_="$_am_tar --format=m4_if([$1], [pax], [posix], [$1]) -chf - "'"$tardir"' + am__untar="$_am_tar -xf -" + ;; + plaintar) + # Must skip GNU tar: if it does not support --format= it doesn't create + # ustar tarball either. + (tar --version) >/dev/null 2>&1 && continue + am__tar='tar chf - "$$tardir"' + am__tar_='tar chf - "$tardir"' + am__untar='tar xf -' + ;; + pax) + am__tar='pax -L -x $1 -w "$$tardir"' + am__tar_='pax -L -x $1 -w "$tardir"' + am__untar='pax -r' + ;; + cpio) + am__tar='find "$$tardir" -print | cpio -o -H $1 -L' + am__tar_='find "$tardir" -print | cpio -o -H $1 -L' + am__untar='cpio -i -H $1 -d' + ;; + none) + am__tar=false + am__tar_=false + am__untar=false + ;; + esac + + # If the value was cached, stop now. We just wanted to have am__tar + # and am__untar set. + test -n "${am_cv_prog_tar_$1}" && break + + # tar/untar a dummy directory, and stop if the command works. + rm -rf conftest.dir + mkdir conftest.dir + echo GrepMe > conftest.dir/file + AM_RUN_LOG([tardir=conftest.dir && eval $am__tar_ >conftest.tar]) + rm -rf conftest.dir + if test -s conftest.tar; then + AM_RUN_LOG([$am__untar /dev/null 2>&1 && break + fi + done + rm -rf conftest.dir + + AC_CACHE_VAL([am_cv_prog_tar_$1], [am_cv_prog_tar_$1=$_am_tool]) + AC_MSG_RESULT([$am_cv_prog_tar_$1])]) + +AC_SUBST([am__tar]) +AC_SUBST([am__untar]) +]) # _AM_PROG_TAR + +m4_include([m4/libtool.m4]) +m4_include([m4/ltoptions.m4]) +m4_include([m4/ltsugar.m4]) +m4_include([m4/ltversion.m4]) +m4_include([m4/lt~obsolete.m4]) +m4_include([m4/size_max.m4]) +m4_include([acinclude.m4]) diff --git a/ar-lib b/ar-lib new file mode 100755 index 0000000..05094d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ar-lib @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# Wrapper for Microsoft lib.exe + +me=ar-lib +scriptversion=2012-03-01.08; # UTC + +# Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Written by Peter Rosin . +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) +# any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program. If not, see . + +# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a +# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under +# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. + +# This file is maintained in Automake, please report +# bugs to or send patches to +# . + + +# func_error message +func_error () +{ + echo "$me: $1" 1>&2 + exit 1 +} + +file_conv= + +# func_file_conv build_file +# Convert a $build file to $host form and store it in $file +# Currently only supports Windows hosts. +func_file_conv () +{ + file=$1 + case $file in + / | /[!/]*) # absolute file, and not a UNC file + if test -z "$file_conv"; then + # lazily determine how to convert abs files + case `uname -s` in + MINGW*) + file_conv=mingw + ;; + CYGWIN*) + file_conv=cygwin + ;; + *) + file_conv=wine + ;; + esac + fi + case $file_conv in + mingw) + file=`cmd //C echo "$file " | sed -e 's/"\(.*\) " *$/\1/'` + ;; + cygwin) + file=`cygpath -m "$file" || echo "$file"` + ;; + wine) + file=`winepath -w "$file" || echo "$file"` + ;; + esac + ;; + esac +} + +# func_at_file at_file operation archive +# Iterate over all members in AT_FILE performing OPERATION on ARCHIVE +# for each of them. +# When interpreting the content of the @FILE, do NOT use func_file_conv, +# since the user would need to supply preconverted file names to +# binutils ar, at least for MinGW. +func_at_file () +{ + operation=$2 + archive=$3 + at_file_contents=`cat "$1"` + eval set x "$at_file_contents" + shift + + for member + do + $AR -NOLOGO $operation:"$member" "$archive" || exit $? + done +} + +case $1 in + '') + func_error "no command. Try '$0 --help' for more information." + ;; + -h | --h*) + cat <. +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) +# any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program. If not, see . + +# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a +# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under +# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. + +# This file is maintained in Automake, please report +# bugs to or send patches to +# . + +nl=' +' + +# We need space, tab and new line, in precisely that order. Quoting is +# there to prevent tools from complaining about whitespace usage. +IFS=" "" $nl" + +file_conv= + +# func_file_conv build_file lazy +# Convert a $build file to $host form and store it in $file +# Currently only supports Windows hosts. If the determined conversion +# type is listed in (the comma separated) LAZY, no conversion will +# take place. +func_file_conv () +{ + file=$1 + case $file in + / | /[!/]*) # absolute file, and not a UNC file + if test -z "$file_conv"; then + # lazily determine how to convert abs files + case `uname -s` in + MINGW*) + file_conv=mingw + ;; + CYGWIN*) + file_conv=cygwin + ;; + *) + file_conv=wine + ;; + esac + fi + case $file_conv/,$2, in + *,$file_conv,*) + ;; + mingw/*) + file=`cmd //C echo "$file " | sed -e 's/"\(.*\) " *$/\1/'` + ;; + cygwin/*) + file=`cygpath -m "$file" || echo "$file"` + ;; + wine/*) + file=`winepath -w "$file" || echo "$file"` + ;; + esac + ;; + esac +} + +# func_cl_dashL linkdir +# Make cl look for libraries in LINKDIR +func_cl_dashL () +{ + func_file_conv "$1" + if test -z "$lib_path"; then + lib_path=$file + else + lib_path="$lib_path;$file" + fi + linker_opts="$linker_opts -LIBPATH:$file" +} + +# func_cl_dashl library +# Do a library search-path lookup for cl +func_cl_dashl () +{ + lib=$1 + found=no + save_IFS=$IFS + IFS=';' + for dir in $lib_path $LIB + do + IFS=$save_IFS + if $shared && test -f "$dir/$lib.dll.lib"; then + found=yes + lib=$dir/$lib.dll.lib + break + fi + if test -f "$dir/$lib.lib"; then + found=yes + lib=$dir/$lib.lib + break + fi + if test -f "$dir/lib$lib.a"; then + found=yes + lib=$dir/lib$lib.a + break + fi + done + IFS=$save_IFS + + if test "$found" != yes; then + lib=$lib.lib + fi +} + +# func_cl_wrapper cl arg... +# Adjust compile command to suit cl +func_cl_wrapper () +{ + # Assume a capable shell + lib_path= + shared=: + linker_opts= + for arg + do + if test -n "$eat"; then + eat= + else + case $1 in + -o) + # configure might choose to run compile as 'compile cc -o foo foo.c'. + eat=1 + case $2 in + *.o | *.[oO][bB][jJ]) + func_file_conv "$2" + set x "$@" -Fo"$file" + shift + ;; + *) + func_file_conv "$2" + set x "$@" -Fe"$file" + shift + ;; + esac + ;; + -I) + eat=1 + func_file_conv "$2" mingw + set x "$@" -I"$file" + shift + ;; + -I*) + func_file_conv "${1#-I}" mingw + set x "$@" -I"$file" + shift + ;; + -l) + eat=1 + func_cl_dashl "$2" + set x "$@" "$lib" + shift + ;; + -l*) + func_cl_dashl "${1#-l}" + set x "$@" "$lib" + shift + ;; + -L) + eat=1 + func_cl_dashL "$2" + ;; + -L*) + func_cl_dashL "${1#-L}" + ;; + -static) + shared=false + ;; + -Wl,*) + arg=${1#-Wl,} + save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=',' + for flag in $arg; do + IFS="$save_ifs" + linker_opts="$linker_opts $flag" + done + IFS="$save_ifs" + ;; + -Xlinker) + eat=1 + linker_opts="$linker_opts $2" + ;; + -*) + set x "$@" "$1" + shift + ;; + *.cc | *.CC | *.cxx | *.CXX | *.[cC]++) + func_file_conv "$1" + set x "$@" -Tp"$file" + shift + ;; + *.c | *.cpp | *.CPP | *.lib | *.LIB | *.Lib | *.OBJ | *.obj | *.[oO]) + func_file_conv "$1" mingw + set x "$@" "$file" + shift + ;; + *) + set x "$@" "$1" + shift + ;; + esac + fi + shift + done + if test -n "$linker_opts"; then + linker_opts="-link$linker_opts" + fi + exec "$@" $linker_opts + exit 1 +} + +eat= + +case $1 in + '') + echo "$0: No command. Try '$0 --help' for more information." 1>&2 + exit 1; + ;; + -h | --h*) + cat <<\EOF +Usage: compile [--help] [--version] PROGRAM [ARGS] + +Wrapper for compilers which do not understand '-c -o'. +Remove '-o dest.o' from ARGS, run PROGRAM with the remaining +arguments, and rename the output as expected. + +If you are trying to build a whole package this is not the +right script to run: please start by reading the file 'INSTALL'. + +Report bugs to . +EOF + exit $? + ;; + -v | --v*) + echo "compile $scriptversion" + exit $? + ;; + cl | *[/\\]cl | cl.exe | *[/\\]cl.exe ) + func_cl_wrapper "$@" # Doesn't return... + ;; +esac + +ofile= +cfile= + +for arg +do + if test -n "$eat"; then + eat= + else + case $1 in + -o) + # configure might choose to run compile as 'compile cc -o foo foo.c'. + # So we strip '-o arg' only if arg is an object. + eat=1 + case $2 in + *.o | *.obj) + ofile=$2 + ;; + *) + set x "$@" -o "$2" + shift + ;; + esac + ;; + *.c) + cfile=$1 + set x "$@" "$1" + shift + ;; + *) + set x "$@" "$1" + shift + ;; + esac + fi + shift +done + +if test -z "$ofile" || test -z "$cfile"; then + # If no '-o' option was seen then we might have been invoked from a + # pattern rule where we don't need one. That is ok -- this is a + # normal compilation that the losing compiler can handle. If no + # '.c' file was seen then we are probably linking. That is also + # ok. + exec "$@" +fi + +# Name of file we expect compiler to create. +cofile=`echo "$cfile" | sed 's|^.*[\\/]||; s|^[a-zA-Z]:||; s/\.c$/.o/'` + +# Create the lock directory. +# Note: use '[/\\:.-]' here to ensure that we don't use the same name +# that we are using for the .o file. Also, base the name on the expected +# object file name, since that is what matters with a parallel build. +lockdir=`echo "$cofile" | sed -e 's|[/\\:.-]|_|g'`.d +while true; do + if mkdir "$lockdir" >/dev/null 2>&1; then + break + fi + sleep 1 +done +# FIXME: race condition here if user kills between mkdir and trap. +trap "rmdir '$lockdir'; exit 1" 1 2 15 + +# Run the compile. +"$@" +ret=$? + +if test -f "$cofile"; then + test "$cofile" = "$ofile" || mv "$cofile" "$ofile" +elif test -f "${cofile}bj"; then + test "${cofile}bj" = "$ofile" || mv "${cofile}bj" "$ofile" +fi + +rmdir "$lockdir" +exit $ret + +# Local Variables: +# mode: shell-script +# sh-indentation: 2 +# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) +# time-stamp-start: "scriptversion=" +# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H" +# time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC" +# time-stamp-end: "; # UTC" +# End: diff --git a/config.guess b/config.guess new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2e9ad7f --- /dev/null +++ b/config.guess @@ -0,0 +1,1462 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# Attempt to guess a canonical system name. +# Copyright 1992-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +timestamp='2016-10-02' + +# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, see . +# +# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a +# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under +# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that +# program. This Exception is an additional permission under section 7 +# of the GNU General Public License, version 3 ("GPLv3"). +# +# Originally written by Per Bothner; maintained since 2000 by Ben Elliston. +# +# You can get the latest version of this script from: +#;a=blob_plain;f=config.guess +# +# Please send patches to . + + +me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'` + +usage="\ +Usage: $0 [OPTION] + +Output the configuration name of the system \`$me' is run on. + +Operation modes: + -h, --help print this help, then exit + -t, --time-stamp print date of last modification, then exit + -v, --version print version number, then exit + +Report bugs and patches to ." + +version="\ +GNU config.guess ($timestamp) + +Originally written by Per Bothner. +Copyright 1992-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO +warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." + +help=" +Try \`$me --help' for more information." + +# Parse command line +while test $# -gt 0 ; do + case $1 in + --time-stamp | --time* | -t ) + echo "$timestamp" ; exit ;; + --version | -v ) + echo "$version" ; exit ;; + --help | --h* | -h ) + echo "$usage"; exit ;; + -- ) # Stop option processing + shift; break ;; + - ) # Use stdin as input. + break ;; + -* ) + echo "$me: invalid option $1$help" >&2 + exit 1 ;; + * ) + break ;; + esac +done + +if test $# != 0; then + echo "$me: too many arguments$help" >&2 + exit 1 +fi + +trap 'exit 1' 1 2 15 + +# CC_FOR_BUILD -- compiler used by this script. Note that the use of a +# compiler to aid in system detection is discouraged as it requires +# temporary files to be created and, as you can see below, it is a +# headache to deal with in a portable fashion. + +# Historically, `CC_FOR_BUILD' used to be named `HOST_CC'. We still +# use `HOST_CC' if defined, but it is deprecated. + +# Portable tmp directory creation inspired by the Autoconf team. + +set_cc_for_build=' +trap "exitcode=\$?; (rm -f \$tmpfiles 2>/dev/null; rmdir \$tmp 2>/dev/null) && exit \$exitcode" 0 ; +trap "rm -f \$tmpfiles 2>/dev/null; rmdir \$tmp 2>/dev/null; exit 1" 1 2 13 15 ; +: ${TMPDIR=/tmp} ; + { tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "$TMPDIR/cgXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` && test -n "$tmp" && test -d "$tmp" ; } || + { test -n "$RANDOM" && tmp=$TMPDIR/cg$$-$RANDOM && (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp) ; } || + { tmp=$TMPDIR/cg-$$ && (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp) && echo "Warning: creating insecure temp directory" >&2 ; } || + { echo "$me: cannot create a temporary directory in $TMPDIR" >&2 ; exit 1 ; } ; +dummy=$tmp/dummy ; +tmpfiles="$dummy.c $dummy.o $dummy.rel $dummy" ; +case $CC_FOR_BUILD,$HOST_CC,$CC in + ,,) echo "int x;" > $dummy.c ; + for c in cc gcc c89 c99 ; do + if ($c -c -o $dummy.o $dummy.c) >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then + CC_FOR_BUILD="$c"; break ; + fi ; + done ; + if test x"$CC_FOR_BUILD" = x ; then + CC_FOR_BUILD=no_compiler_found ; + fi + ;; + ,,*) CC_FOR_BUILD=$CC ;; + ,*,*) CC_FOR_BUILD=$HOST_CC ;; +esac ; set_cc_for_build= ;' + +# This is needed to find uname on a Pyramid OSx when run in the BSD universe. +# ( 1994-08-24) +if (test -f /.attbin/uname) >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then + PATH=$PATH:/.attbin ; export PATH +fi + +UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -m) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_MACHINE=unknown +UNAME_RELEASE=`(uname -r) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_RELEASE=unknown +UNAME_SYSTEM=`(uname -s) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_SYSTEM=unknown +UNAME_VERSION=`(uname -v) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_VERSION=unknown + +case "${UNAME_SYSTEM}" in +Linux|GNU|GNU/*) + # If the system lacks a compiler, then just pick glibc. + # We could probably try harder. + LIBC=gnu + + eval $set_cc_for_build + cat <<-EOF > $dummy.c + #include + #if defined(__UCLIBC__) + LIBC=uclibc + #elif defined(__dietlibc__) + LIBC=dietlibc + #else + LIBC=gnu + #endif + EOF + eval `$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | grep '^LIBC' | sed 's, ,,g'` + ;; +esac + +# Note: order is significant - the case branches are not exclusive. + +case "${UNAME_MACHINE}:${UNAME_SYSTEM}:${UNAME_RELEASE}:${UNAME_VERSION}" in + *:NetBSD:*:*) + # NetBSD (nbsd) targets should (where applicable) match one or + # more of the tuples: *-*-netbsdelf*, *-*-netbsdaout*, + # *-*-netbsdecoff* and *-*-netbsd*. For targets that recently + # switched to ELF, *-*-netbsd* would select the old + # object file format. This provides both forward + # compatibility and a consistent mechanism for selecting the + # object file format. + # + # Note: NetBSD doesn't particularly care about the vendor + # portion of the name. We always set it to "unknown". + sysctl="sysctl -n hw.machine_arch" + UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`(uname -p 2>/dev/null || \ + /sbin/$sysctl 2>/dev/null || \ + /usr/sbin/$sysctl 2>/dev/null || \ + echo unknown)` + case "${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}" in + armeb) machine=armeb-unknown ;; + arm*) machine=arm-unknown ;; + sh3el) machine=shl-unknown ;; + sh3eb) machine=sh-unknown ;; + sh5el) machine=sh5le-unknown ;; + earmv*) + arch=`echo ${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH} | sed -e 's,^e\(armv[0-9]\).*$,\1,'` + endian=`echo ${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH} | sed -ne 's,^.*\(eb\)$,\1,p'` + machine=${arch}${endian}-unknown + ;; + *) machine=${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}-unknown ;; + esac + # The Operating System including object format, if it has switched + # to ELF recently (or will in the future) and ABI. + case "${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}" in + earm*) + os=netbsdelf + ;; + arm*|i386|m68k|ns32k|sh3*|sparc|vax) + eval $set_cc_for_build + if echo __ELF__ | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \ + | grep -q __ELF__ + then + # Once all utilities can be ECOFF (netbsdecoff) or a.out (netbsdaout). + # Return netbsd for either. FIX? + os=netbsd + else + os=netbsdelf + fi + ;; + *) + os=netbsd + ;; + esac + # Determine ABI tags. + case "${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}" in + earm*) + expr='s/^earmv[0-9]/-eabi/;s/eb$//' + abi=`echo ${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH} | sed -e "$expr"` + ;; + esac + # The OS release + # Debian GNU/NetBSD machines have a different userland, and + # thus, need a distinct triplet. However, they do not need + # kernel version information, so it can be replaced with a + # suitable tag, in the style of linux-gnu. + case "${UNAME_VERSION}" in + Debian*) + release='-gnu' + ;; + *) + release=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/[-_].*//' | cut -d. -f1,2` + ;; + esac + # Since CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-KERNEL-OPERATING_SYSTEM: + # contains redundant information, the shorter form: + # CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-OPERATING_SYSTEM is used. + echo "${machine}-${os}${release}${abi}" + exit ;; + *:Bitrig:*:*) + UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`arch | sed 's/Bitrig.//'` + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}-unknown-bitrig${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:OpenBSD:*:*) + UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`arch | sed 's/OpenBSD.//'` + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:LibertyBSD:*:*) + UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`arch | sed 's/^.*BSD\.//'` + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}-unknown-libertybsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:ekkoBSD:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-ekkobsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:SolidBSD:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-solidbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + macppc:MirBSD:*:*) + echo powerpc-unknown-mirbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:MirBSD:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-mirbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:Sortix:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-sortix + exit ;; + alpha:OSF1:*:*) + case $UNAME_RELEASE in + *4.0) + UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $3}'` + ;; + *5.*) + UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $4}'` + ;; + esac + # According to Compaq, /usr/sbin/psrinfo has been available on + # OSF/1 and Tru64 systems produced since 1995. I hope that + # covers most systems running today. This code pipes the CPU + # types through head -n 1, so we only detect the type of CPU 0. + ALPHA_CPU_TYPE=`/usr/sbin/psrinfo -v | sed -n -e 's/^ The alpha \(.*\) processor.*$/\1/p' | head -n 1` + case "$ALPHA_CPU_TYPE" in + "EV4 (21064)") + UNAME_MACHINE=alpha ;; + "EV4.5 (21064)") + UNAME_MACHINE=alpha ;; + "LCA4 (21066/21068)") + UNAME_MACHINE=alpha ;; + "EV5 (21164)") + UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev5 ;; + "EV5.6 (21164A)") + UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev56 ;; + "EV5.6 (21164PC)") + UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca56 ;; + "EV5.7 (21164PC)") + UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca57 ;; + "EV6 (21264)") + UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev6 ;; + "EV6.7 (21264A)") + UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev67 ;; + "EV6.8CB (21264C)") + UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev68 ;; + "EV6.8AL (21264B)") + UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev68 ;; + "EV6.8CX (21264D)") + UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev68 ;; + "EV6.9A (21264/EV69A)") + UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev69 ;; + "EV7 (21364)") + UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev7 ;; + "EV7.9 (21364A)") + UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev79 ;; + esac + # A Pn.n version is a patched version. + # A Vn.n version is a released version. + # A Tn.n version is a released field test version. + # A Xn.n version is an unreleased experimental baselevel. + # 1.2 uses "1.2" for uname -r. + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-dec-osf`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/^[PVTX]//' | tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz` + # Reset EXIT trap before exiting to avoid spurious non-zero exit code. + exitcode=$? + trap '' 0 + exit $exitcode ;; + Alpha\ *:Windows_NT*:*) + # How do we know it's Interix rather than the generic POSIX subsystem? + # Should we change UNAME_MACHINE based on the output of uname instead + # of the specific Alpha model? + echo alpha-pc-interix + exit ;; + 21064:Windows_NT:50:3) + echo alpha-dec-winnt3.5 + exit ;; + Amiga*:UNIX_System_V:4.0:*) + echo m68k-unknown-sysv4 + exit ;; + *:[Aa]miga[Oo][Ss]:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-amigaos + exit ;; + *:[Mm]orph[Oo][Ss]:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-morphos + exit ;; + *:OS/390:*:*) + echo i370-ibm-openedition + exit ;; + *:z/VM:*:*) + echo s390-ibm-zvmoe + exit ;; + *:OS400:*:*) + echo powerpc-ibm-os400 + exit ;; + arm:RISC*:1.[012]*:*|arm:riscix:1.[012]*:*) + echo arm-acorn-riscix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + arm*:riscos:*:*|arm*:RISCOS:*:*) + echo arm-unknown-riscos + exit ;; + SR2?01:HI-UX/MPP:*:* | SR8000:HI-UX/MPP:*:*) + echo hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxmpp + exit ;; + Pyramid*:OSx*:*:* | MIS*:OSx*:*:* | MIS*:SMP_DC-OSx*:*:*) + # (Earle F. Ake) contributed MIS and NILE. + if test "`(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null`" = att ; then + echo pyramid-pyramid-sysv3 + else + echo pyramid-pyramid-bsd + fi + exit ;; + NILE*:*:*:dcosx) + echo pyramid-pyramid-svr4 + exit ;; + DRS?6000:unix:4.0:6*) + echo sparc-icl-nx6 + exit ;; + DRS?6000:UNIX_SV:4.2*:7* | DRS?6000:isis:4.2*:7*) + case `/usr/bin/uname -p` in + sparc) echo sparc-icl-nx7; exit ;; + esac ;; + s390x:SunOS:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-ibm-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit ;; + sun4H:SunOS:5.*:*) + echo sparc-hal-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit ;; + sun4*:SunOS:5.*:* | tadpole*:SunOS:5.*:*) + echo sparc-sun-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit ;; + i86pc:AuroraUX:5.*:* | i86xen:AuroraUX:5.*:*) + echo i386-pc-auroraux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + i86pc:SunOS:5.*:* | i86xen:SunOS:5.*:*) + eval $set_cc_for_build + SUN_ARCH=i386 + # If there is a compiler, see if it is configured for 64-bit objects. + # Note that the Sun cc does not turn __LP64__ into 1 like gcc does. + # This test works for both compilers. + if [ "$CC_FOR_BUILD" != no_compiler_found ]; then + if (echo '#ifdef __amd64'; echo IS_64BIT_ARCH; echo '#endif') | \ + (CCOPTS="" $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) | \ + grep IS_64BIT_ARCH >/dev/null + then + SUN_ARCH=x86_64 + fi + fi + echo ${SUN_ARCH}-pc-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit ;; + sun4*:SunOS:6*:*) + # According to config.sub, this is the proper way to canonicalize + # SunOS6. Hard to guess exactly what SunOS6 will be like, but + # it's likely to be more like Solaris than SunOS4. + echo sparc-sun-solaris3`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit ;; + sun4*:SunOS:*:*) + case "`/usr/bin/arch -k`" in + Series*|S4*) + UNAME_RELEASE=`uname -v` + ;; + esac + # Japanese Language versions have a version number like `4.1.3-JL'. + echo sparc-sun-sunos`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/-/_/'` + exit ;; + sun3*:SunOS:*:*) + echo m68k-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + sun*:*:4.2BSD:*) + UNAME_RELEASE=`(sed 1q /etc/motd | awk '{print substr($5,1,3)}') 2>/dev/null` + test "x${UNAME_RELEASE}" = x && UNAME_RELEASE=3 + case "`/bin/arch`" in + sun3) + echo m68k-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE} + ;; + sun4) + echo sparc-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE} + ;; + esac + exit ;; + aushp:SunOS:*:*) + echo sparc-auspex-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + # The situation for MiNT is a little confusing. The machine name + # can be virtually everything (everything which is not + # "atarist" or "atariste" at least should have a processor + # > m68000). The system name ranges from "MiNT" over "FreeMiNT" + # to the lowercase version "mint" (or "freemint"). Finally + # the system name "TOS" denotes a system which is actually not + # MiNT. But MiNT is downward compatible to TOS, so this should + # be no problem. + atarist[e]:*MiNT:*:* | atarist[e]:*mint:*:* | atarist[e]:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + atari*:*MiNT:*:* | atari*:*mint:*:* | atarist[e]:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *falcon*:*MiNT:*:* | *falcon*:*mint:*:* | *falcon*:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + milan*:*MiNT:*:* | milan*:*mint:*:* | *milan*:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-milan-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + hades*:*MiNT:*:* | hades*:*mint:*:* | *hades*:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-hades-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:*MiNT:*:* | *:*mint:*:* | *:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-unknown-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + m68k:machten:*:*) + echo m68k-apple-machten${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + powerpc:machten:*:*) + echo powerpc-apple-machten${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + RISC*:Mach:*:*) + echo mips-dec-mach_bsd4.3 + exit ;; + RISC*:ULTRIX:*:*) + echo mips-dec-ultrix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + VAX*:ULTRIX*:*:*) + echo vax-dec-ultrix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + 2020:CLIX:*:* | 2430:CLIX:*:*) + echo clipper-intergraph-clix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + mips:*:*:UMIPS | mips:*:*:RISCos) + eval $set_cc_for_build + sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c +#ifdef __cplusplus +#include /* for printf() prototype */ + int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { +#else + int main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { +#endif + #if defined (host_mips) && defined (MIPSEB) + #if defined (SYSTYPE_SYSV) + printf ("mips-mips-riscos%ssysv\n", argv[1]); exit (0); + #endif + #if defined (SYSTYPE_SVR4) + printf ("mips-mips-riscos%ssvr4\n", argv[1]); exit (0); + #endif + #if defined (SYSTYPE_BSD43) || defined(SYSTYPE_BSD) + printf ("mips-mips-riscos%sbsd\n", argv[1]); exit (0); + #endif + #endif + exit (-1); + } +EOF + $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c && + dummyarg=`echo "${UNAME_RELEASE}" | sed -n 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'` && + SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy $dummyarg` && + { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; } + echo mips-mips-riscos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + Motorola:PowerMAX_OS:*:*) + echo powerpc-motorola-powermax + exit ;; + Motorola:*:4.3:PL8-*) + echo powerpc-harris-powermax + exit ;; + Night_Hawk:*:*:PowerMAX_OS | Synergy:PowerMAX_OS:*:*) + echo powerpc-harris-powermax + exit ;; + Night_Hawk:Power_UNIX:*:*) + echo powerpc-harris-powerunix + exit ;; + m88k:CX/UX:7*:*) + echo m88k-harris-cxux7 + exit ;; + m88k:*:4*:R4*) + echo m88k-motorola-sysv4 + exit ;; + m88k:*:3*:R3*) + echo m88k-motorola-sysv3 + exit ;; + AViiON:dgux:*:*) + # DG/UX returns AViiON for all architectures + UNAME_PROCESSOR=`/usr/bin/uname -p` + if [ $UNAME_PROCESSOR = mc88100 ] || [ $UNAME_PROCESSOR = mc88110 ] + then + if [ ${TARGET_BINARY_INTERFACE}x = m88kdguxelfx ] || \ + [ ${TARGET_BINARY_INTERFACE}x = x ] + then + echo m88k-dg-dgux${UNAME_RELEASE} + else + echo m88k-dg-dguxbcs${UNAME_RELEASE} + fi + else + echo i586-dg-dgux${UNAME_RELEASE} + fi + exit ;; + M88*:DolphinOS:*:*) # DolphinOS (SVR3) + echo m88k-dolphin-sysv3 + exit ;; + M88*:*:R3*:*) + # Delta 88k system running SVR3 + echo m88k-motorola-sysv3 + exit ;; + XD88*:*:*:*) # Tektronix XD88 system running UTekV (SVR3) + echo m88k-tektronix-sysv3 + exit ;; + Tek43[0-9][0-9]:UTek:*:*) # Tektronix 4300 system running UTek (BSD) + echo m68k-tektronix-bsd + exit ;; + *:IRIX*:*:*) + echo mips-sgi-irix`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/-/_/g'` + exit ;; + ????????:AIX?:[12].1:2) # AIX 2.2.1 or AIX 2.1.1 is RT/PC AIX. + echo romp-ibm-aix # uname -m gives an 8 hex-code CPU id + exit ;; # Note that: echo "'`uname -s`'" gives 'AIX ' + i*86:AIX:*:*) + echo i386-ibm-aix + exit ;; + ia64:AIX:*:*) + if [ -x /usr/bin/oslevel ] ; then + IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/oslevel` + else + IBM_REV=${UNAME_VERSION}.${UNAME_RELEASE} + fi + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-ibm-aix${IBM_REV} + exit ;; + *:AIX:2:3) + if grep bos325 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then + eval $set_cc_for_build + sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c + #include + + main() + { + if (!__power_pc()) + exit(1); + puts("powerpc-ibm-aix3.2.5"); + exit(0); + } +EOF + if $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy` + then + echo "$SYSTEM_NAME" + else + echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.5 + fi + elif grep bos324 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then + echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.4 + else + echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2 + fi + exit ;; + *:AIX:*:[4567]) + IBM_CPU_ID=`/usr/sbin/lsdev -C -c processor -S available | sed 1q | awk '{ print $1 }'` + if /usr/sbin/lsattr -El ${IBM_CPU_ID} | grep ' POWER' >/dev/null 2>&1; then + IBM_ARCH=rs6000 + else + IBM_ARCH=powerpc + fi + if [ -x /usr/bin/lslpp ] ; then + IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/lslpp -Lqc bos.rte.libc | + awk -F: '{ print $3 }' | sed s/[0-9]*$/0/` + else + IBM_REV=${UNAME_VERSION}.${UNAME_RELEASE} + fi + echo ${IBM_ARCH}-ibm-aix${IBM_REV} + exit ;; + *:AIX:*:*) + echo rs6000-ibm-aix + exit ;; + ibmrt:4.4BSD:*|romp-ibm:BSD:*) + echo romp-ibm-bsd4.4 + exit ;; + ibmrt:*BSD:*|romp-ibm:BSD:*) # covers RT/PC BSD and + echo romp-ibm-bsd${UNAME_RELEASE} # 4.3 with uname added to + exit ;; # report: romp-ibm BSD 4.3 + *:BOSX:*:*) + echo rs6000-bull-bosx + exit ;; + DPX/2?00:B.O.S.:*:*) + echo m68k-bull-sysv3 + exit ;; + 9000/[34]??:4.3bsd:1.*:*) + echo m68k-hp-bsd + exit ;; + hp300:4.4BSD:*:* | 9000/[34]??:4.3bsd:2.*:*) + echo m68k-hp-bsd4.4 + exit ;; + 9000/[34678]??:HP-UX:*:*) + HPUX_REV=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'` + case "${UNAME_MACHINE}" in + 9000/31? ) HP_ARCH=m68000 ;; + 9000/[34]?? ) HP_ARCH=m68k ;; + 9000/[678][0-9][0-9]) + if [ -x /usr/bin/getconf ]; then + sc_cpu_version=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_CPU_VERSION 2>/dev/null` + sc_kernel_bits=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_KERNEL_BITS 2>/dev/null` + case "${sc_cpu_version}" in + 523) HP_ARCH=hppa1.0 ;; # CPU_PA_RISC1_0 + 528) HP_ARCH=hppa1.1 ;; # CPU_PA_RISC1_1 + 532) # CPU_PA_RISC2_0 + case "${sc_kernel_bits}" in + 32) HP_ARCH=hppa2.0n ;; + 64) HP_ARCH=hppa2.0w ;; + '') HP_ARCH=hppa2.0 ;; # HP-UX 10.20 + esac ;; + esac + fi + if [ "${HP_ARCH}" = "" ]; then + eval $set_cc_for_build + sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c + + #define _HPUX_SOURCE + #include + #include + + int main () + { + #if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS) + long bits = sysconf(_SC_KERNEL_BITS); + #endif + long cpu = sysconf (_SC_CPU_VERSION); + + switch (cpu) + { + case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: puts ("hppa1.0"); break; + case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: puts ("hppa1.1"); break; + case CPU_PA_RISC2_0: + #if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS) + switch (bits) + { + case 64: puts ("hppa2.0w"); break; + case 32: puts ("hppa2.0n"); break; + default: puts ("hppa2.0"); break; + } break; + #else /* !defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS) */ + puts ("hppa2.0"); break; + #endif + default: puts ("hppa1.0"); break; + } + exit (0); + } +EOF + (CCOPTS="" $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c 2>/dev/null) && HP_ARCH=`$dummy` + test -z "$HP_ARCH" && HP_ARCH=hppa + fi ;; + esac + if [ ${HP_ARCH} = hppa2.0w ] + then + eval $set_cc_for_build + + # hppa2.0w-hp-hpux* has a 64-bit kernel and a compiler generating + # 32-bit code. hppa64-hp-hpux* has the same kernel and a compiler + # generating 64-bit code. GNU and HP use different nomenclature: + # + # $ CC_FOR_BUILD=cc ./config.guess + # => hppa2.0w-hp-hpux11.23 + # $ CC_FOR_BUILD="cc +DA2.0w" ./config.guess + # => hppa64-hp-hpux11.23 + + if echo __LP64__ | (CCOPTS="" $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) | + grep -q __LP64__ + then + HP_ARCH=hppa2.0w + else + HP_ARCH=hppa64 + fi + fi + echo ${HP_ARCH}-hp-hpux${HPUX_REV} + exit ;; + ia64:HP-UX:*:*) + HPUX_REV=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'` + echo ia64-hp-hpux${HPUX_REV} + exit ;; + 3050*:HI-UX:*:*) + eval $set_cc_for_build + sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c + #include + int + main () + { + long cpu = sysconf (_SC_CPU_VERSION); + /* The order matters, because CPU_IS_HP_MC68K erroneously returns + true for CPU_PA_RISC1_0. CPU_IS_PA_RISC returns correct + results, however. */ + if (CPU_IS_PA_RISC (cpu)) + { + switch (cpu) + { + case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: puts ("hppa1.0-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break; + case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: puts ("hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break; + case CPU_PA_RISC2_0: puts ("hppa2.0-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break; + default: puts ("hppa-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break; + } + } + else if (CPU_IS_HP_MC68K (cpu)) + puts ("m68k-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); + else puts ("unknown-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); + exit (0); + } +EOF + $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy` && + { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; } + echo unknown-hitachi-hiuxwe2 + exit ;; + 9000/7??:4.3bsd:*:* | 9000/8?[79]:4.3bsd:*:* ) + echo hppa1.1-hp-bsd + exit ;; + 9000/8??:4.3bsd:*:*) + echo hppa1.0-hp-bsd + exit ;; + *9??*:MPE/iX:*:* | *3000*:MPE/iX:*:*) + echo hppa1.0-hp-mpeix + exit ;; + hp7??:OSF1:*:* | hp8?[79]:OSF1:*:* ) + echo hppa1.1-hp-osf + exit ;; + hp8??:OSF1:*:*) + echo hppa1.0-hp-osf + exit ;; + i*86:OSF1:*:*) + if [ -x /usr/sbin/sysversion ] ; then + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-osf1mk + else + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-osf1 + fi + exit ;; + parisc*:Lites*:*:*) + echo hppa1.1-hp-lites + exit ;; + C1*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C1*:*) + echo c1-convex-bsd + exit ;; + C2*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C2*:*) + if getsysinfo -f scalar_acc + then echo c32-convex-bsd + else echo c2-convex-bsd + fi + exit ;; + C34*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C34*:*) + echo c34-convex-bsd + exit ;; + C38*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C38*:*) + echo c38-convex-bsd + exit ;; + C4*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C4*:*) + echo c4-convex-bsd + exit ;; + CRAY*Y-MP:*:*:*) + echo ymp-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/' + exit ;; + CRAY*[A-Z]90:*:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} \ + | sed -e 's/CRAY.*\([A-Z]90\)/\1/' \ + -e y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ \ + -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/' + exit ;; + CRAY*TS:*:*:*) + echo t90-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/' + exit ;; + CRAY*T3E:*:*:*) + echo alphaev5-cray-unicosmk${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/' + exit ;; + CRAY*SV1:*:*:*) + echo sv1-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/' + exit ;; + *:UNICOS/mp:*:*) + echo craynv-cray-unicosmp${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/' + exit ;; + F30[01]:UNIX_System_V:*:* | F700:UNIX_System_V:*:*) + FUJITSU_PROC=`uname -m | tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz` + FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | sed -e 's/\///'` + FUJITSU_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/ /_/'` + echo "${FUJITSU_PROC}-fujitsu-${FUJITSU_SYS}${FUJITSU_REL}" + exit ;; + 5000:UNIX_System_V:4.*:*) + FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | sed -e 's/\///'` + FUJITSU_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | sed -e 's/ /_/'` + echo "sparc-fujitsu-${FUJITSU_SYS}${FUJITSU_REL}" + exit ;; + i*86:BSD/386:*:* | i*86:BSD/OS:*:* | *:Ascend\ Embedded/OS:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + sparc*:BSD/OS:*:*) + echo sparc-unknown-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:BSD/OS:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:FreeBSD:*:*) + UNAME_PROCESSOR=`/usr/bin/uname -p` + case ${UNAME_PROCESSOR} in + amd64) + echo x86_64-unknown-freebsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'` ;; + *) + echo ${UNAME_PROCESSOR}-unknown-freebsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'` ;; + esac + exit ;; + i*:CYGWIN*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-cygwin + exit ;; + *:MINGW64*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-mingw64 + exit ;; + *:MINGW*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-mingw32 + exit ;; + *:MSYS*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-msys + exit ;; + i*:windows32*:*) + # uname -m includes "-pc" on this system. + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-mingw32 + exit ;; + i*:PW*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-pw32 + exit ;; + *:Interix*:*) + case ${UNAME_MACHINE} in + x86) + echo i586-pc-interix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + authenticamd | genuineintel | EM64T) + echo x86_64-unknown-interix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + IA64) + echo ia64-unknown-interix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + esac ;; + [345]86:Windows_95:* | [345]86:Windows_98:* | [345]86:Windows_NT:*) + echo i${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-mks + exit ;; + 8664:Windows_NT:*) + echo x86_64-pc-mks + exit ;; + i*:Windows_NT*:* | Pentium*:Windows_NT*:*) + # How do we know it's Interix rather than the generic POSIX subsystem? + # It also conflicts with pre-2.0 versions of AT&T UWIN. Should we + # UNAME_MACHINE based on the output of uname instead of i386? + echo i586-pc-interix + exit ;; + i*:UWIN*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-uwin + exit ;; + amd64:CYGWIN*:*:* | x86_64:CYGWIN*:*:*) + echo x86_64-unknown-cygwin + exit ;; + p*:CYGWIN*:*) + echo powerpcle-unknown-cygwin + exit ;; + prep*:SunOS:5.*:*) + echo powerpcle-unknown-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit ;; + *:GNU:*:*) + # the GNU system + echo `echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}|sed -e 's,[-/].*$,,'`-unknown-${LIBC}`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's,/.*$,,'` + exit ;; + *:GNU/*:*:*) + # other systems with GNU libc and userland + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-`echo ${UNAME_SYSTEM} | sed 's,^[^/]*/,,' | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]"``echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`-${LIBC} + exit ;; + i*86:Minix:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-minix + exit ;; + aarch64:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + aarch64_be:Linux:*:*) + UNAME_MACHINE=aarch64_be + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + alpha:Linux:*:*) + case `sed -n '/^cpu model/s/^.*: \(.*\)/\1/p' < /proc/cpuinfo` in + EV5) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev5 ;; + EV56) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev56 ;; + PCA56) UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca56 ;; + PCA57) UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca56 ;; + EV6) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev6 ;; + EV67) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev67 ;; + EV68*) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev68 ;; + esac + objdump --private-headers /bin/sh | grep -q + if test "$?" = 0 ; then LIBC=gnulibc1 ; fi + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + arc:Linux:*:* | arceb:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + arm*:Linux:*:*) + eval $set_cc_for_build + if echo __ARM_EABI__ | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \ + | grep -q __ARM_EABI__ + then + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + else + if echo __ARM_PCS_VFP | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \ + | grep -q __ARM_PCS_VFP + then + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC}eabi + else + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC}eabihf + fi + fi + exit ;; + avr32*:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + cris:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-axis-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + crisv32:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-axis-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + e2k:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + frv:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + hexagon:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + i*86:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + ia64:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + k1om:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + m32r*:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + m68*:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + mips:Linux:*:* | mips64:Linux:*:*) + eval $set_cc_for_build + sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c + #undef CPU + #undef ${UNAME_MACHINE} + #undef ${UNAME_MACHINE}el + #if defined(__MIPSEL__) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(_MIPSEL) || defined(MIPSEL) + CPU=${UNAME_MACHINE}el + #else + #if defined(__MIPSEB__) || defined(__MIPSEB) || defined(_MIPSEB) || defined(MIPSEB) + CPU=${UNAME_MACHINE} + #else + CPU= + #endif + #endif +EOF + eval `$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | grep '^CPU'` + test x"${CPU}" != x && { echo "${CPU}-unknown-linux-${LIBC}"; exit; } + ;; + mips64el:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + openrisc*:Linux:*:*) + echo or1k-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + or32:Linux:*:* | or1k*:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + padre:Linux:*:*) + echo sparc-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + parisc64:Linux:*:* | hppa64:Linux:*:*) + echo hppa64-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + parisc:Linux:*:* | hppa:Linux:*:*) + # Look for CPU level + case `grep '^cpu[^a-z]*:' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f2` in + PA7*) echo hppa1.1-unknown-linux-${LIBC} ;; + PA8*) echo hppa2.0-unknown-linux-${LIBC} ;; + *) echo hppa-unknown-linux-${LIBC} ;; + esac + exit ;; + ppc64:Linux:*:*) + echo powerpc64-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + ppc:Linux:*:*) + echo powerpc-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + ppc64le:Linux:*:*) + echo powerpc64le-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + ppcle:Linux:*:*) + echo powerpcle-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + riscv32:Linux:*:* | riscv64:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + s390:Linux:*:* | s390x:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-ibm-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + sh64*:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + sh*:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + sparc:Linux:*:* | sparc64:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + tile*:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + vax:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-dec-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + x86_64:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + xtensa*:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + i*86:DYNIX/ptx:4*:*) + # ptx 4.0 does uname -s correctly, with DYNIX/ptx in there. + # earlier versions are messed up and put the nodename in both + # sysname and nodename. + echo i386-sequent-sysv4 + exit ;; + i*86:UNIX_SV:4.2MP:2.*) + # Unixware is an offshoot of SVR4, but it has its own version + # number series starting with 2... + # I am not positive that other SVR4 systems won't match this, + # I just have to hope. -- rms. + # Use sysv4.2uw... so that sysv4* matches it. + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv4.2uw${UNAME_VERSION} + exit ;; + i*86:OS/2:*:*) + # If we were able to find `uname', then EMX Unix compatibility + # is probably installed. + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-os2-emx + exit ;; + i*86:XTS-300:*:STOP) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-stop + exit ;; + i*86:atheos:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-atheos + exit ;; + i*86:syllable:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-syllable + exit ;; + i*86:LynxOS:2.*:* | i*86:LynxOS:3.[01]*:* | i*86:LynxOS:4.[02]*:*) + echo i386-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + i*86:*DOS:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-msdosdjgpp + exit ;; + i*86:*:4.*:* | i*86:SYSTEM_V:4.*:*) + UNAME_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed 's/\/MP$//'` + if grep Novell /usr/include/link.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-univel-sysv${UNAME_REL} + else + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv${UNAME_REL} + fi + exit ;; + i*86:*:5:[678]*) + # UnixWare 7.x, OpenUNIX and OpenServer 6. + case `/bin/uname -X | grep "^Machine"` in + *486*) UNAME_MACHINE=i486 ;; + *Pentium) UNAME_MACHINE=i586 ;; + *Pent*|*Celeron) UNAME_MACHINE=i686 ;; + esac + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}${UNAME_SYSTEM}${UNAME_VERSION} + exit ;; + i*86:*:3.2:*) + if test -f /usr/options/; then + UNAME_REL=`sed -n 's/.*Version //p' /dev/null >/dev/null ; then + UNAME_REL=`(/bin/uname -X|grep Release|sed -e 's/.*= //')` + (/bin/uname -X|grep i80486 >/dev/null) && UNAME_MACHINE=i486 + (/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pentium' >/dev/null) \ + && UNAME_MACHINE=i586 + (/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pent *II' >/dev/null) \ + && UNAME_MACHINE=i686 + (/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pentium Pro' >/dev/null) \ + && UNAME_MACHINE=i686 + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sco$UNAME_REL + else + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv32 + fi + exit ;; + pc:*:*:*) + # Left here for compatibility: + # uname -m prints for DJGPP always 'pc', but it prints nothing about + # the processor, so we play safe by assuming i586. + # Note: whatever this is, it MUST be the same as what config.sub + # prints for the "djgpp" host, or else GDB configure will decide that + # this is a cross-build. + echo i586-pc-msdosdjgpp + exit ;; + Intel:Mach:3*:*) + echo i386-pc-mach3 + exit ;; + paragon:*:*:*) + echo i860-intel-osf1 + exit ;; + i860:*:4.*:*) # i860-SVR4 + if grep Stardent /usr/include/sys/uadmin.h >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then + echo i860-stardent-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} # Stardent Vistra i860-SVR4 + else # Add other i860-SVR4 vendors below as they are discovered. + echo i860-unknown-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} # Unknown i860-SVR4 + fi + exit ;; + mini*:CTIX:SYS*5:*) + # "miniframe" + echo m68010-convergent-sysv + exit ;; + mc68k:UNIX:SYSTEM5:3.51m) + echo m68k-convergent-sysv + exit ;; + M680?0:D-NIX:5.3:*) + echo m68k-diab-dnix + exit ;; + M68*:*:R3V[5678]*:*) + test -r /sysV68 && { echo 'm68k-motorola-sysv'; exit; } ;; + 3[345]??:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??A:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??/*:*:4.0:3.0 | 4400:*:4.0:3.0 | 4850:*:4.0:3.0 | SKA40:*:4.0:3.0 | SDS2:*:4.0:3.0 | SHG2:*:4.0:3.0 | S7501*:*:4.0:3.0) + OS_REL='' + test -r /etc/.relid \ + && OS_REL=.`sed -n 's/[^ ]* [^ ]* \([0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/p' < /etc/.relid` + /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \ + && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; } + /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep entium >/dev/null \ + && { echo i586-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; } ;; + 3[34]??:*:4.0:* | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:*) + /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \ + && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4; exit; } ;; + NCR*:*:4.2:* | MPRAS*:*:4.2:*) + OS_REL='.3' + test -r /etc/.relid \ + && OS_REL=.`sed -n 's/[^ ]* [^ ]* \([0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/p' < /etc/.relid` + /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \ + && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; } + /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep entium >/dev/null \ + && { echo i586-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; } + /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep pteron >/dev/null \ + && { echo i586-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; } ;; + m68*:LynxOS:2.*:* | m68*:LynxOS:3.0*:*) + echo m68k-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + mc68030:UNIX_System_V:4.*:*) + echo m68k-atari-sysv4 + exit ;; + TSUNAMI:LynxOS:2.*:*) + echo sparc-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + rs6000:LynxOS:2.*:*) + echo rs6000-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + PowerPC:LynxOS:2.*:* | PowerPC:LynxOS:3.[01]*:* | PowerPC:LynxOS:4.[02]*:*) + echo powerpc-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + SM[BE]S:UNIX_SV:*:*) + echo mips-dde-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + RM*:ReliantUNIX-*:*:*) + echo mips-sni-sysv4 + exit ;; + RM*:SINIX-*:*:*) + echo mips-sni-sysv4 + exit ;; + *:SINIX-*:*:*) + if uname -p 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; then + UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -p) 2>/dev/null` + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-sni-sysv4 + else + echo ns32k-sni-sysv + fi + exit ;; + PENTIUM:*:4.0*:*) # Unisys `ClearPath HMP IX 4000' SVR4/MP effort + # says + echo i586-unisys-sysv4 + exit ;; + *:UNIX_System_V:4*:FTX*) + # From Gerald Hewes . + # How about differentiating between stratus architectures? -djm + echo hppa1.1-stratus-sysv4 + exit ;; + *:*:*:FTX*) + # From + echo i860-stratus-sysv4 + exit ;; + i*86:VOS:*:*) + # From + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-stratus-vos + exit ;; + *:VOS:*:*) + # From + echo hppa1.1-stratus-vos + exit ;; + mc68*:A/UX:*:*) + echo m68k-apple-aux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + news*:NEWS-OS:6*:*) + echo mips-sony-newsos6 + exit ;; + R[34]000:*System_V*:*:* | R4000:UNIX_SYSV:*:* | R*000:UNIX_SV:*:*) + if [ -d /usr/nec ]; then + echo mips-nec-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} + else + echo mips-unknown-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} + fi + exit ;; + BeBox:BeOS:*:*) # BeOS running on hardware made by Be, PPC only. + echo powerpc-be-beos + exit ;; + BeMac:BeOS:*:*) # BeOS running on Mac or Mac clone, PPC only. + echo powerpc-apple-beos + exit ;; + BePC:BeOS:*:*) # BeOS running on Intel PC compatible. + echo i586-pc-beos + exit ;; + BePC:Haiku:*:*) # Haiku running on Intel PC compatible. + echo i586-pc-haiku + exit ;; + x86_64:Haiku:*:*) + echo x86_64-unknown-haiku + exit ;; + SX-4:SUPER-UX:*:*) + echo sx4-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + SX-5:SUPER-UX:*:*) + echo sx5-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + SX-6:SUPER-UX:*:*) + echo sx6-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + SX-7:SUPER-UX:*:*) + echo sx7-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + SX-8:SUPER-UX:*:*) + echo sx8-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + SX-8R:SUPER-UX:*:*) + echo sx8r-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + SX-ACE:SUPER-UX:*:*) + echo sxace-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + Power*:Rhapsody:*:*) + echo powerpc-apple-rhapsody${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:Rhapsody:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-apple-rhapsody${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:Darwin:*:*) + UNAME_PROCESSOR=`uname -p` || UNAME_PROCESSOR=unknown + eval $set_cc_for_build + if test "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = unknown ; then + UNAME_PROCESSOR=powerpc + fi + if test `echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/\..*//'` -le 10 ; then + if [ "$CC_FOR_BUILD" != no_compiler_found ]; then + if (echo '#ifdef __LP64__'; echo IS_64BIT_ARCH; echo '#endif') | \ + (CCOPTS="" $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) | \ + grep IS_64BIT_ARCH >/dev/null + then + case $UNAME_PROCESSOR in + i386) UNAME_PROCESSOR=x86_64 ;; + powerpc) UNAME_PROCESSOR=powerpc64 ;; + esac + fi + fi + elif test "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = i386 ; then + # Avoid executing cc on OS X 10.9, as it ships with a stub + # that puts up a graphical alert prompting to install + # developer tools. Any system running Mac OS X 10.7 or + # later (Darwin 11 and later) is required to have a 64-bit + # processor. This is not true of the ARM version of Darwin + # that Apple uses in portable devices. + UNAME_PROCESSOR=x86_64 + fi + echo ${UNAME_PROCESSOR}-apple-darwin${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:procnto*:*:* | *:QNX:[0123456789]*:*) + UNAME_PROCESSOR=`uname -p` + if test "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = x86; then + UNAME_PROCESSOR=i386 + UNAME_MACHINE=pc + fi + echo ${UNAME_PROCESSOR}-${UNAME_MACHINE}-nto-qnx${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:QNX:*:4*) + echo i386-pc-qnx + exit ;; + NEO-?:NONSTOP_KERNEL:*:*) + echo neo-tandem-nsk${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + NSE-*:NONSTOP_KERNEL:*:*) + echo nse-tandem-nsk${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + NSR-?:NONSTOP_KERNEL:*:*) + echo nsr-tandem-nsk${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:NonStop-UX:*:*) + echo mips-compaq-nonstopux + exit ;; + BS2000:POSIX*:*:*) + echo bs2000-siemens-sysv + exit ;; + DS/*:UNIX_System_V:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-${UNAME_SYSTEM}-${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:Plan9:*:*) + # "uname -m" is not consistent, so use $cputype instead. 386 + # is converted to i386 for consistency with other x86 + # operating systems. + if test "$cputype" = 386; then + UNAME_MACHINE=i386 + else + UNAME_MACHINE="$cputype" + fi + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-plan9 + exit ;; + *:TOPS-10:*:*) + echo pdp10-unknown-tops10 + exit ;; + *:TENEX:*:*) + echo pdp10-unknown-tenex + exit ;; + KS10:TOPS-20:*:* | KL10:TOPS-20:*:* | TYPE4:TOPS-20:*:*) + echo pdp10-dec-tops20 + exit ;; + XKL-1:TOPS-20:*:* | TYPE5:TOPS-20:*:*) + echo pdp10-xkl-tops20 + exit ;; + *:TOPS-20:*:*) + echo pdp10-unknown-tops20 + exit ;; + *:ITS:*:*) + echo pdp10-unknown-its + exit ;; + SEI:*:*:SEIUX) + echo mips-sei-seiux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:DragonFly:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-dragonfly`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'` + exit ;; + *:*VMS:*:*) + UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -p) 2>/dev/null` + case "${UNAME_MACHINE}" in + A*) echo alpha-dec-vms ; exit ;; + I*) echo ia64-dec-vms ; exit ;; + V*) echo vax-dec-vms ; exit ;; + esac ;; + *:XENIX:*:SysV) + echo i386-pc-xenix + exit ;; + i*86:skyos:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-skyos`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/ .*$//'` + exit ;; + i*86:rdos:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-rdos + exit ;; + i*86:AROS:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-aros + exit ;; + x86_64:VMkernel:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-esx + exit ;; + amd64:Isilon\ OneFS:*:*) + echo x86_64-unknown-onefs + exit ;; +esac + +cat >&2 </dev/null || echo unknown` +uname -r = `(uname -r) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +uname -s = `(uname -s) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +uname -v = `(uname -v) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` + +/usr/bin/uname -p = `(/usr/bin/uname -p) 2>/dev/null` +/bin/uname -X = `(/bin/uname -X) 2>/dev/null` + +hostinfo = `(hostinfo) 2>/dev/null` +/bin/universe = `(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null` +/usr/bin/arch -k = `(/usr/bin/arch -k) 2>/dev/null` +/bin/arch = `(/bin/arch) 2>/dev/null` +/usr/bin/oslevel = `(/usr/bin/oslevel) 2>/dev/null` +/usr/convex/getsysinfo = `(/usr/convex/getsysinfo) 2>/dev/null` + +UNAME_MACHINE = ${UNAME_MACHINE} +UNAME_RELEASE = ${UNAME_RELEASE} +UNAME_SYSTEM = ${UNAME_SYSTEM} +UNAME_VERSION = ${UNAME_VERSION} +EOF + +exit 1 + +# Local variables: +# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) +# time-stamp-start: "timestamp='" +# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d" +# time-stamp-end: "'" +# End: diff --git a/config.sub b/config.sub new file mode 100755 index 0000000..dd2ca93 --- /dev/null +++ b/config.sub @@ -0,0 +1,1825 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# Configuration validation subroutine script. +# Copyright 1992-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +timestamp='2016-11-04' + +# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, see . +# +# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a +# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under +# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that +# program. This Exception is an additional permission under section 7 +# of the GNU General Public License, version 3 ("GPLv3"). + + +# Please send patches to . +# +# Configuration subroutine to validate and canonicalize a configuration type. +# Supply the specified configuration type as an argument. +# If it is invalid, we print an error message on stderr and exit with code 1. +# Otherwise, we print the canonical config type on stdout and succeed. + +# You can get the latest version of this script from: +#;a=blob_plain;f=config.sub + +# This file is supposed to be the same for all GNU packages +# and recognize all the CPU types, system types and aliases +# that are meaningful with *any* GNU software. +# Each package is responsible for reporting which valid configurations +# it does not support. The user should be able to distinguish +# a failure to support a valid configuration from a meaningless +# configuration. + +# The goal of this file is to map all the various variations of a given +# machine specification into a single specification in the form: +# CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-OPERATING_SYSTEM +# or in some cases, the newer four-part form: +# CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-KERNEL-OPERATING_SYSTEM +# It is wrong to echo any other type of specification. + +me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'` + +usage="\ +Usage: $0 [OPTION] CPU-MFR-OPSYS or ALIAS + +Canonicalize a configuration name. + +Operation modes: + -h, --help print this help, then exit + -t, --time-stamp print date of last modification, then exit + -v, --version print version number, then exit + +Report bugs and patches to ." + +version="\ +GNU config.sub ($timestamp) + +Copyright 1992-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO +warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." + +help=" +Try \`$me --help' for more information." + +# Parse command line +while test $# -gt 0 ; do + case $1 in + --time-stamp | --time* | -t ) + echo "$timestamp" ; exit ;; + --version | -v ) + echo "$version" ; exit ;; + --help | --h* | -h ) + echo "$usage"; exit ;; + -- ) # Stop option processing + shift; break ;; + - ) # Use stdin as input. + break ;; + -* ) + echo "$me: invalid option $1$help" + exit 1 ;; + + *local*) + # First pass through any local machine types. + echo $1 + exit ;; + + * ) + break ;; + esac +done + +case $# in + 0) echo "$me: missing argument$help" >&2 + exit 1;; + 1) ;; + *) echo "$me: too many arguments$help" >&2 + exit 1;; +esac + +# Separate what the user gave into CPU-COMPANY and OS or KERNEL-OS (if any). +# Here we must recognize all the valid KERNEL-OS combinations. +maybe_os=`echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\2/'` +case $maybe_os in + nto-qnx* | linux-gnu* | linux-android* | linux-dietlibc | linux-newlib* | \ + linux-musl* | linux-uclibc* | uclinux-uclibc* | uclinux-gnu* | kfreebsd*-gnu* | \ + knetbsd*-gnu* | netbsd*-gnu* | netbsd*-eabi* | \ + kopensolaris*-gnu* | cloudabi*-eabi* | \ + storm-chaos* | os2-emx* | rtmk-nova*) + os=-$maybe_os + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\1/'` + ;; + android-linux) + os=-linux-android + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\1/'`-unknown + ;; + *) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/-[^-]*$//'` + if [ $basic_machine != $1 ] + then os=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*-/-/'` + else os=; fi + ;; +esac + +### Let's recognize common machines as not being operating systems so +### that things like config.sub decstation-3100 work. We also +### recognize some manufacturers as not being operating systems, so we +### can provide default operating systems below. +case $os in + -sun*os*) + # Prevent following clause from handling this invalid input. + ;; + -dec* | -mips* | -sequent* | -encore* | -pc532* | -sgi* | -sony* | \ + -att* | -7300* | -3300* | -delta* | -motorola* | -sun[234]* | \ + -unicom* | -ibm* | -next | -hp | -isi* | -apollo | -altos* | \ + -convergent* | -ncr* | -news | -32* | -3600* | -3100* | -hitachi* |\ + -c[123]* | -convex* | -sun | -crds | -omron* | -dg | -ultra | -tti* | \ + -harris | -dolphin | -highlevel | -gould | -cbm | -ns | -masscomp | \ + -apple | -axis | -knuth | -cray | -microblaze*) + os= + basic_machine=$1 + ;; + -bluegene*) + os=-cnk + ;; + -sim | -cisco | -oki | -wec | -winbond) + os= + basic_machine=$1 + ;; + -scout) + ;; + -wrs) + os=-vxworks + basic_machine=$1 + ;; + -chorusos*) + os=-chorusos + basic_machine=$1 + ;; + -chorusrdb) + os=-chorusrdb + basic_machine=$1 + ;; + -hiux*) + os=-hiuxwe2 + ;; + -sco6) + os=-sco5v6 + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -sco5) + os=-sco3.2v5 + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -sco4) + os=-sco3.2v4 + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -sco3.2.[4-9]*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's/sco3.2./sco3.2v/'` + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -sco3.2v[4-9]*) + # Don't forget version if it is 3.2v4 or newer. + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -sco5v6*) + # Don't forget version if it is 3.2v4 or newer. + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -sco*) + os=-sco3.2v2 + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -udk*) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -isc) + os=-isc2.2 + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -clix*) + basic_machine=clipper-intergraph + ;; + -isc*) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -lynx*178) + os=-lynxos178 + ;; + -lynx*5) + os=-lynxos5 + ;; + -lynx*) + os=-lynxos + ;; + -ptx*) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-sequent/'` + ;; + -windowsnt*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's/windowsnt/winnt/'` + ;; + -psos*) + os=-psos + ;; + -mint | -mint[0-9]*) + basic_machine=m68k-atari + os=-mint + ;; +esac + +# Decode aliases for certain CPU-COMPANY combinations. +case $basic_machine in + # Recognize the basic CPU types without company name. + # Some are omitted here because they have special meanings below. + 1750a | 580 \ + | a29k \ + | aarch64 | aarch64_be \ + | alpha | alphaev[4-8] | alphaev56 | alphaev6[78] | alphapca5[67] \ + | alpha64 | alpha64ev[4-8] | alpha64ev56 | alpha64ev6[78] | alpha64pca5[67] \ + | am33_2.0 \ + | arc | arceb \ + | arm | arm[bl]e | arme[lb] | armv[2-8] | armv[3-8][lb] | armv7[arm] \ + | avr | avr32 \ + | ba \ + | be32 | be64 \ + | bfin \ + | c4x | c8051 | clipper \ + | d10v | d30v | dlx | dsp16xx \ + | e2k | epiphany \ + | fido | fr30 | frv | ft32 \ + | h8300 | h8500 | hppa | hppa1.[01] | hppa2.0 | hppa2.0[nw] | hppa64 \ + | hexagon \ + | i370 | i860 | i960 | ia64 \ + | ip2k | iq2000 \ + | k1om \ + | le32 | le64 \ + | lm32 \ + | m32c | m32r | m32rle | m68000 | m68k | m88k \ + | maxq | mb | microblaze | microblazeel | mcore | mep | metag \ + | mips | mipsbe | mipseb | mipsel | mipsle \ + | mips16 \ + | mips64 | mips64el \ + | mips64octeon | mips64octeonel \ + | mips64orion | mips64orionel \ + | mips64r5900 | mips64r5900el \ + | mips64vr | mips64vrel \ + | mips64vr4100 | mips64vr4100el \ + | mips64vr4300 | mips64vr4300el \ + | mips64vr5000 | mips64vr5000el \ + | mips64vr5900 | mips64vr5900el \ + | mipsisa32 | mipsisa32el \ + | mipsisa32r2 | mipsisa32r2el \ + | mipsisa32r6 | mipsisa32r6el \ + | mipsisa64 | mipsisa64el \ + | mipsisa64r2 | mipsisa64r2el \ + | mipsisa64r6 | mipsisa64r6el \ + | mipsisa64sb1 | mipsisa64sb1el \ + | mipsisa64sr71k | mipsisa64sr71kel \ + | mipsr5900 | mipsr5900el \ + | mipstx39 | mipstx39el \ + | mn10200 | mn10300 \ + | moxie \ + | mt \ + | msp430 \ + | nds32 | nds32le | nds32be \ + | nios | nios2 | nios2eb | nios2el \ + | ns16k | ns32k \ + | open8 | or1k | or1knd | or32 \ + | pdp10 | pdp11 | pj | pjl \ + | powerpc | powerpc64 | powerpc64le | powerpcle \ + | pru \ + | pyramid \ + | riscv32 | riscv64 \ + | rl78 | rx \ + | score \ + | sh | sh[1234] | sh[24]a | sh[24]aeb | sh[23]e | sh[234]eb | sheb | shbe | shle | sh[1234]le | sh3ele \ + | sh64 | sh64le \ + | sparc | sparc64 | sparc64b | sparc64v | sparc86x | sparclet | sparclite \ + | sparcv8 | sparcv9 | sparcv9b | sparcv9v \ + | spu \ + | tahoe | tic4x | tic54x | tic55x | tic6x | tic80 | tron \ + | ubicom32 \ + | v850 | v850e | v850e1 | v850e2 | v850es | v850e2v3 \ + | visium \ + | we32k \ + | x86 | xc16x | xstormy16 | xtensa \ + | z8k | z80) + basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown + ;; + c54x) + basic_machine=tic54x-unknown + ;; + c55x) + basic_machine=tic55x-unknown + ;; + c6x) + basic_machine=tic6x-unknown + ;; + leon|leon[3-9]) + basic_machine=sparc-$basic_machine + ;; + m6811 | m68hc11 | m6812 | m68hc12 | m68hcs12x | nvptx | picochip) + basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown + os=-none + ;; + m88110 | m680[12346]0 | m683?2 | m68360 | m5200 | v70 | w65 | z8k) + ;; + ms1) + basic_machine=mt-unknown + ;; + + strongarm | thumb | xscale) + basic_machine=arm-unknown + ;; + xgate) + basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown + os=-none + ;; + xscaleeb) + basic_machine=armeb-unknown + ;; + + xscaleel) + basic_machine=armel-unknown + ;; + + # We use `pc' rather than `unknown' + # because (1) that's what they normally are, and + # (2) the word "unknown" tends to confuse beginning users. + i*86 | x86_64) + basic_machine=$basic_machine-pc + ;; + # Object if more than one company name word. + *-*-*) + echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': machine \`$basic_machine\' not recognized 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + # Recognize the basic CPU types with company name. + 580-* \ + | a29k-* \ + | aarch64-* | aarch64_be-* \ + | alpha-* | alphaev[4-8]-* | alphaev56-* | alphaev6[78]-* \ + | alpha64-* | alpha64ev[4-8]-* | alpha64ev56-* | alpha64ev6[78]-* \ + | alphapca5[67]-* | alpha64pca5[67]-* | arc-* | arceb-* \ + | arm-* | armbe-* | armle-* | armeb-* | armv*-* \ + | avr-* | avr32-* \ + | ba-* \ + | be32-* | be64-* \ + | bfin-* | bs2000-* \ + | c[123]* | c30-* | [cjt]90-* | c4x-* \ + | c8051-* | clipper-* | craynv-* | cydra-* \ + | d10v-* | d30v-* | dlx-* \ + | e2k-* | elxsi-* \ + | f30[01]-* | f700-* | fido-* | fr30-* | frv-* | fx80-* \ + | h8300-* | h8500-* \ + | hppa-* | hppa1.[01]-* | hppa2.0-* | hppa2.0[nw]-* | hppa64-* \ + | hexagon-* \ + | i*86-* | i860-* | i960-* | ia64-* \ + | ip2k-* | iq2000-* \ + | k1om-* \ + | le32-* | le64-* \ + | lm32-* \ + | m32c-* | m32r-* | m32rle-* \ + | m68000-* | m680[012346]0-* | m68360-* | m683?2-* | m68k-* \ + | m88110-* | m88k-* | maxq-* | mcore-* | metag-* \ + | microblaze-* | microblazeel-* \ + | mips-* | mipsbe-* | mipseb-* | mipsel-* | mipsle-* \ + | mips16-* \ + | mips64-* | mips64el-* \ + | mips64octeon-* | mips64octeonel-* \ + | mips64orion-* | mips64orionel-* \ + | mips64r5900-* | mips64r5900el-* \ + | mips64vr-* | mips64vrel-* \ + | mips64vr4100-* | mips64vr4100el-* \ + | mips64vr4300-* | mips64vr4300el-* \ + | mips64vr5000-* | mips64vr5000el-* \ + | mips64vr5900-* | mips64vr5900el-* \ + | mipsisa32-* | mipsisa32el-* \ + | mipsisa32r2-* | mipsisa32r2el-* \ + | mipsisa32r6-* | mipsisa32r6el-* \ + | mipsisa64-* | mipsisa64el-* \ + | mipsisa64r2-* | mipsisa64r2el-* \ + | mipsisa64r6-* | mipsisa64r6el-* \ + | mipsisa64sb1-* | mipsisa64sb1el-* \ + | mipsisa64sr71k-* | mipsisa64sr71kel-* \ + | mipsr5900-* | mipsr5900el-* \ + | mipstx39-* | mipstx39el-* \ + | mmix-* \ + | mt-* \ + | msp430-* \ + | nds32-* | nds32le-* | nds32be-* \ + | nios-* | nios2-* | nios2eb-* | nios2el-* \ + | none-* | np1-* | ns16k-* | ns32k-* \ + | open8-* \ + | or1k*-* \ + | orion-* \ + | pdp10-* | pdp11-* | pj-* | pjl-* | pn-* | power-* \ + | powerpc-* | powerpc64-* | powerpc64le-* | powerpcle-* \ + | pru-* \ + | pyramid-* \ + | riscv32-* | riscv64-* \ + | rl78-* | romp-* | rs6000-* | rx-* \ + | sh-* | sh[1234]-* | sh[24]a-* | sh[24]aeb-* | sh[23]e-* | sh[34]eb-* | sheb-* | shbe-* \ + | shle-* | sh[1234]le-* | sh3ele-* | sh64-* | sh64le-* \ + | sparc-* | sparc64-* | sparc64b-* | sparc64v-* | sparc86x-* | sparclet-* \ + | sparclite-* \ + | sparcv8-* | sparcv9-* | sparcv9b-* | sparcv9v-* | sv1-* | sx*-* \ + | tahoe-* \ + | tic30-* | tic4x-* | tic54x-* | tic55x-* | tic6x-* | tic80-* \ + | tile*-* \ + | tron-* \ + | ubicom32-* \ + | v850-* | v850e-* | v850e1-* | v850es-* | v850e2-* | v850e2v3-* \ + | vax-* \ + | visium-* \ + | we32k-* \ + | x86-* | x86_64-* | xc16x-* | xps100-* \ + | xstormy16-* | xtensa*-* \ + | ymp-* \ + | z8k-* | z80-*) + ;; + # Recognize the basic CPU types without company name, with glob match. + xtensa*) + basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown + ;; + # Recognize the various machine names and aliases which stand + # for a CPU type and a company and sometimes even an OS. + 386bsd) + basic_machine=i386-unknown + os=-bsd + ;; + 3b1 | 7300 | 7300-att | att-7300 | pc7300 | safari | unixpc) + basic_machine=m68000-att + ;; + 3b*) + basic_machine=we32k-att + ;; + a29khif) + basic_machine=a29k-amd + os=-udi + ;; + abacus) + basic_machine=abacus-unknown + ;; + adobe68k) + basic_machine=m68010-adobe + os=-scout + ;; + alliant | fx80) + basic_machine=fx80-alliant + ;; + altos | altos3068) + basic_machine=m68k-altos + ;; + am29k) + basic_machine=a29k-none + os=-bsd + ;; + amd64) + basic_machine=x86_64-pc + ;; + amd64-*) + basic_machine=x86_64-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + amdahl) + basic_machine=580-amdahl + os=-sysv + ;; + amiga | amiga-*) + basic_machine=m68k-unknown + ;; + amigaos | amigados) + basic_machine=m68k-unknown + os=-amigaos + ;; + amigaunix | amix) + basic_machine=m68k-unknown + os=-sysv4 + ;; + apollo68) + basic_machine=m68k-apollo + os=-sysv + ;; + apollo68bsd) + basic_machine=m68k-apollo + os=-bsd + ;; + aros) + basic_machine=i386-pc + os=-aros + ;; + asmjs) + basic_machine=asmjs-unknown + ;; + aux) + basic_machine=m68k-apple + os=-aux + ;; + balance) + basic_machine=ns32k-sequent + os=-dynix + ;; + blackfin) + basic_machine=bfin-unknown + os=-linux + ;; + blackfin-*) + basic_machine=bfin-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + os=-linux + ;; + bluegene*) + basic_machine=powerpc-ibm + os=-cnk + ;; + c54x-*) + basic_machine=tic54x-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + c55x-*) + basic_machine=tic55x-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + c6x-*) + basic_machine=tic6x-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + c90) + basic_machine=c90-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + cegcc) + basic_machine=arm-unknown + os=-cegcc + ;; + convex-c1) + basic_machine=c1-convex + os=-bsd + ;; + convex-c2) + basic_machine=c2-convex + os=-bsd + ;; + convex-c32) + basic_machine=c32-convex + os=-bsd + ;; + convex-c34) + basic_machine=c34-convex + os=-bsd + ;; + convex-c38) + basic_machine=c38-convex + os=-bsd + ;; + cray | j90) + basic_machine=j90-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + craynv) + basic_machine=craynv-cray + os=-unicosmp + ;; + cr16 | cr16-*) + basic_machine=cr16-unknown + os=-elf + ;; + crds | unos) + basic_machine=m68k-crds + ;; + crisv32 | crisv32-* | etraxfs*) + basic_machine=crisv32-axis + ;; + cris | cris-* | etrax*) + basic_machine=cris-axis + ;; + crx) + basic_machine=crx-unknown + os=-elf + ;; + da30 | da30-*) + basic_machine=m68k-da30 + ;; + decstation | decstation-3100 | pmax | pmax-* | pmin | dec3100 | decstatn) + basic_machine=mips-dec + ;; + decsystem10* | dec10*) + basic_machine=pdp10-dec + os=-tops10 + ;; + decsystem20* | dec20*) + basic_machine=pdp10-dec + os=-tops20 + ;; + delta | 3300 | motorola-3300 | motorola-delta \ + | 3300-motorola | delta-motorola) + basic_machine=m68k-motorola + ;; + delta88) + basic_machine=m88k-motorola + os=-sysv3 + ;; + dicos) + basic_machine=i686-pc + os=-dicos + ;; + djgpp) + basic_machine=i586-pc + os=-msdosdjgpp + ;; + dpx20 | dpx20-*) + basic_machine=rs6000-bull + os=-bosx + ;; + dpx2* | dpx2*-bull) + basic_machine=m68k-bull + os=-sysv3 + ;; + e500v[12]) + basic_machine=powerpc-unknown + os=$os"spe" + ;; + e500v[12]-*) + basic_machine=powerpc-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + os=$os"spe" + ;; + ebmon29k) + basic_machine=a29k-amd + os=-ebmon + ;; + elxsi) + basic_machine=elxsi-elxsi + os=-bsd + ;; + encore | umax | mmax) + basic_machine=ns32k-encore + ;; + es1800 | OSE68k | ose68k | ose | OSE) + basic_machine=m68k-ericsson + os=-ose + ;; + fx2800) + basic_machine=i860-alliant + ;; + genix) + basic_machine=ns32k-ns + ;; + gmicro) + basic_machine=tron-gmicro + os=-sysv + ;; + go32) + basic_machine=i386-pc + os=-go32 + ;; + h3050r* | hiux*) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hitachi + os=-hiuxwe2 + ;; + h8300hms) + basic_machine=h8300-hitachi + os=-hms + ;; + h8300xray) + basic_machine=h8300-hitachi + os=-xray + ;; + h8500hms) + basic_machine=h8500-hitachi + os=-hms + ;; + harris) + basic_machine=m88k-harris + os=-sysv3 + ;; + hp300-*) + basic_machine=m68k-hp + ;; + hp300bsd) + basic_machine=m68k-hp + os=-bsd + ;; + hp300hpux) + basic_machine=m68k-hp + os=-hpux + ;; + hp3k9[0-9][0-9] | hp9[0-9][0-9]) + basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp + ;; + hp9k2[0-9][0-9] | hp9k31[0-9]) + basic_machine=m68000-hp + ;; + hp9k3[2-9][0-9]) + basic_machine=m68k-hp + ;; + hp9k6[0-9][0-9] | hp6[0-9][0-9]) + basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp + ;; + hp9k7[0-79][0-9] | hp7[0-79][0-9]) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + ;; + hp9k78[0-9] | hp78[0-9]) + # FIXME: really hppa2.0-hp + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + ;; + hp9k8[67]1 | hp8[67]1 | hp9k80[24] | hp80[24] | hp9k8[78]9 | hp8[78]9 | hp9k893 | hp893) + # FIXME: really hppa2.0-hp + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + ;; + hp9k8[0-9][13679] | hp8[0-9][13679]) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + ;; + hp9k8[0-9][0-9] | hp8[0-9][0-9]) + basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp + ;; + hppa-next) + os=-nextstep3 + ;; + hppaosf) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + os=-osf + ;; + hppro) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + os=-proelf + ;; + i370-ibm* | ibm*) + basic_machine=i370-ibm + ;; + i*86v32) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'` + os=-sysv32 + ;; + i*86v4*) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'` + os=-sysv4 + ;; + i*86v) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'` + os=-sysv + ;; + i*86sol2) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'` + os=-solaris2 + ;; + i386mach) + basic_machine=i386-mach + os=-mach + ;; + i386-vsta | vsta) + basic_machine=i386-unknown + os=-vsta + ;; + iris | iris4d) + basic_machine=mips-sgi + case $os in + -irix*) + ;; + *) + os=-irix4 + ;; + esac + ;; + isi68 | isi) + basic_machine=m68k-isi + os=-sysv + ;; + leon-*|leon[3-9]-*) + basic_machine=sparc-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/-.*//'` + ;; + m68knommu) + basic_machine=m68k-unknown + os=-linux + ;; + m68knommu-*) + basic_machine=m68k-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + os=-linux + ;; + m88k-omron*) + basic_machine=m88k-omron + ;; + magnum | m3230) + basic_machine=mips-mips + os=-sysv + ;; + merlin) + basic_machine=ns32k-utek + os=-sysv + ;; + microblaze*) + basic_machine=microblaze-xilinx + ;; + mingw64) + basic_machine=x86_64-pc + os=-mingw64 + ;; + mingw32) + basic_machine=i686-pc + os=-mingw32 + ;; + mingw32ce) + basic_machine=arm-unknown + os=-mingw32ce + ;; + miniframe) + basic_machine=m68000-convergent + ;; + *mint | -mint[0-9]* | *MiNT | *MiNT[0-9]*) + basic_machine=m68k-atari + os=-mint + ;; + mips3*-*) + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/mips3/mips64/'` + ;; + mips3*) + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/mips3/mips64/'`-unknown + ;; + monitor) + basic_machine=m68k-rom68k + os=-coff + ;; + morphos) + basic_machine=powerpc-unknown + os=-morphos + ;; + moxiebox) + basic_machine=moxie-unknown + os=-moxiebox + ;; + msdos) + basic_machine=i386-pc + os=-msdos + ;; + ms1-*) + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/ms1-/mt-/'` + ;; + msys) + basic_machine=i686-pc + os=-msys + ;; + mvs) + basic_machine=i370-ibm + os=-mvs + ;; + nacl) + basic_machine=le32-unknown + os=-nacl + ;; + ncr3000) + basic_machine=i486-ncr + os=-sysv4 + ;; + netbsd386) + basic_machine=i386-unknown + os=-netbsd + ;; + netwinder) + basic_machine=armv4l-rebel + os=-linux + ;; + news | news700 | news800 | news900) + basic_machine=m68k-sony + os=-newsos + ;; + news1000) + basic_machine=m68030-sony + os=-newsos + ;; + news-3600 | risc-news) + basic_machine=mips-sony + os=-newsos + ;; + necv70) + basic_machine=v70-nec + os=-sysv + ;; + next | m*-next ) + basic_machine=m68k-next + case $os in + -nextstep* ) + ;; + -ns2*) + os=-nextstep2 + ;; + *) + os=-nextstep3 + ;; + esac + ;; + nh3000) + basic_machine=m68k-harris + os=-cxux + ;; + nh[45]000) + basic_machine=m88k-harris + os=-cxux + ;; + nindy960) + basic_machine=i960-intel + os=-nindy + ;; + mon960) + basic_machine=i960-intel + os=-mon960 + ;; + nonstopux) + basic_machine=mips-compaq + os=-nonstopux + ;; + np1) + basic_machine=np1-gould + ;; + neo-tandem) + basic_machine=neo-tandem + ;; + nse-tandem) + basic_machine=nse-tandem + ;; + nsr-tandem) + basic_machine=nsr-tandem + ;; + op50n-* | op60c-*) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki + os=-proelf + ;; + openrisc | openrisc-*) + basic_machine=or32-unknown + ;; + os400) + basic_machine=powerpc-ibm + os=-os400 + ;; + OSE68000 | ose68000) + basic_machine=m68000-ericsson + os=-ose + ;; + os68k) + basic_machine=m68k-none + os=-os68k + ;; + pa-hitachi) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hitachi + os=-hiuxwe2 + ;; + paragon) + basic_machine=i860-intel + os=-osf + ;; + parisc) + basic_machine=hppa-unknown + os=-linux + ;; + parisc-*) + basic_machine=hppa-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + os=-linux + ;; + pbd) + basic_machine=sparc-tti + ;; + pbb) + basic_machine=m68k-tti + ;; + pc532 | pc532-*) + basic_machine=ns32k-pc532 + ;; + pc98) + basic_machine=i386-pc + ;; + pc98-*) + basic_machine=i386-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + pentium | p5 | k5 | k6 | nexgen | viac3) + basic_machine=i586-pc + ;; + pentiumpro | p6 | 6x86 | athlon | athlon_*) + basic_machine=i686-pc + ;; + pentiumii | pentium2 | pentiumiii | pentium3) + basic_machine=i686-pc + ;; + pentium4) + basic_machine=i786-pc + ;; + pentium-* | p5-* | k5-* | k6-* | nexgen-* | viac3-*) + basic_machine=i586-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + pentiumpro-* | p6-* | 6x86-* | athlon-*) + basic_machine=i686-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + pentiumii-* | pentium2-* | pentiumiii-* | pentium3-*) + basic_machine=i686-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + pentium4-*) + basic_machine=i786-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + pn) + basic_machine=pn-gould + ;; + power) basic_machine=power-ibm + ;; + ppc | ppcbe) basic_machine=powerpc-unknown + ;; + ppc-* | ppcbe-*) + basic_machine=powerpc-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + ppcle | powerpclittle) + basic_machine=powerpcle-unknown + ;; + ppcle-* | powerpclittle-*) + basic_machine=powerpcle-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + ppc64) basic_machine=powerpc64-unknown + ;; + ppc64-*) basic_machine=powerpc64-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + ppc64le | powerpc64little) + basic_machine=powerpc64le-unknown + ;; + ppc64le-* | powerpc64little-*) + basic_machine=powerpc64le-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + ps2) + basic_machine=i386-ibm + ;; + pw32) + basic_machine=i586-unknown + os=-pw32 + ;; + rdos | rdos64) + basic_machine=x86_64-pc + os=-rdos + ;; + rdos32) + basic_machine=i386-pc + os=-rdos + ;; + rom68k) + basic_machine=m68k-rom68k + os=-coff + ;; + rm[46]00) + basic_machine=mips-siemens + ;; + rtpc | rtpc-*) + basic_machine=romp-ibm + ;; + s390 | s390-*) + basic_machine=s390-ibm + ;; + s390x | s390x-*) + basic_machine=s390x-ibm + ;; + sa29200) + basic_machine=a29k-amd + os=-udi + ;; + sb1) + basic_machine=mipsisa64sb1-unknown + ;; + sb1el) + basic_machine=mipsisa64sb1el-unknown + ;; + sde) + basic_machine=mipsisa32-sde + os=-elf + ;; + sei) + basic_machine=mips-sei + os=-seiux + ;; + sequent) + basic_machine=i386-sequent + ;; + sh) + basic_machine=sh-hitachi + os=-hms + ;; + sh5el) + basic_machine=sh5le-unknown + ;; + sh64) + basic_machine=sh64-unknown + ;; + sparclite-wrs | simso-wrs) + basic_machine=sparclite-wrs + os=-vxworks + ;; + sps7) + basic_machine=m68k-bull + os=-sysv2 + ;; + spur) + basic_machine=spur-unknown + ;; + st2000) + basic_machine=m68k-tandem + ;; + stratus) + basic_machine=i860-stratus + os=-sysv4 + ;; + strongarm-* | thumb-*) + basic_machine=arm-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + sun2) + basic_machine=m68000-sun + ;; + sun2os3) + basic_machine=m68000-sun + os=-sunos3 + ;; + sun2os4) + basic_machine=m68000-sun + os=-sunos4 + ;; + sun3os3) + basic_machine=m68k-sun + os=-sunos3 + ;; + sun3os4) + basic_machine=m68k-sun + os=-sunos4 + ;; + sun4os3) + basic_machine=sparc-sun + os=-sunos3 + ;; + sun4os4) + basic_machine=sparc-sun + os=-sunos4 + ;; + sun4sol2) + basic_machine=sparc-sun + os=-solaris2 + ;; + sun3 | sun3-*) + basic_machine=m68k-sun + ;; + sun4) + basic_machine=sparc-sun + ;; + sun386 | sun386i | roadrunner) + basic_machine=i386-sun + ;; + sv1) + basic_machine=sv1-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + symmetry) + basic_machine=i386-sequent + os=-dynix + ;; + t3e) + basic_machine=alphaev5-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + t90) + basic_machine=t90-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + tile*) + basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown + os=-linux-gnu + ;; + tx39) + basic_machine=mipstx39-unknown + ;; + tx39el) + basic_machine=mipstx39el-unknown + ;; + toad1) + basic_machine=pdp10-xkl + os=-tops20 + ;; + tower | tower-32) + basic_machine=m68k-ncr + ;; + tpf) + basic_machine=s390x-ibm + os=-tpf + ;; + udi29k) + basic_machine=a29k-amd + os=-udi + ;; + ultra3) + basic_machine=a29k-nyu + os=-sym1 + ;; + v810 | necv810) + basic_machine=v810-nec + os=-none + ;; + vaxv) + basic_machine=vax-dec + os=-sysv + ;; + vms) + basic_machine=vax-dec + os=-vms + ;; + vpp*|vx|vx-*) + basic_machine=f301-fujitsu + ;; + vxworks960) + basic_machine=i960-wrs + os=-vxworks + ;; + vxworks68) + basic_machine=m68k-wrs + os=-vxworks + ;; + vxworks29k) + basic_machine=a29k-wrs + os=-vxworks + ;; + w65*) + basic_machine=w65-wdc + os=-none + ;; + w89k-*) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-winbond + os=-proelf + ;; + xbox) + basic_machine=i686-pc + os=-mingw32 + ;; + xps | xps100) + basic_machine=xps100-honeywell + ;; + xscale-* | xscalee[bl]-*) + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^xscale/arm/'` + ;; + ymp) + basic_machine=ymp-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + z8k-*-coff) + basic_machine=z8k-unknown + os=-sim + ;; + z80-*-coff) + basic_machine=z80-unknown + os=-sim + ;; + none) + basic_machine=none-none + os=-none + ;; + +# Here we handle the default manufacturer of certain CPU types. It is in +# some cases the only manufacturer, in others, it is the most popular. + w89k) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-winbond + ;; + op50n) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki + ;; + op60c) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki + ;; + romp) + basic_machine=romp-ibm + ;; + mmix) + basic_machine=mmix-knuth + ;; + rs6000) + basic_machine=rs6000-ibm + ;; + vax) + basic_machine=vax-dec + ;; + pdp10) + # there are many clones, so DEC is not a safe bet + basic_machine=pdp10-unknown + ;; + pdp11) + basic_machine=pdp11-dec + ;; + we32k) + basic_machine=we32k-att + ;; + sh[1234] | sh[24]a | sh[24]aeb | sh[34]eb | sh[1234]le | sh[23]ele) + basic_machine=sh-unknown + ;; + sparc | sparcv8 | sparcv9 | sparcv9b | sparcv9v) + basic_machine=sparc-sun + ;; + cydra) + basic_machine=cydra-cydrome + ;; + orion) + basic_machine=orion-highlevel + ;; + orion105) + basic_machine=clipper-highlevel + ;; + mac | mpw | mac-mpw) + basic_machine=m68k-apple + ;; + pmac | pmac-mpw) + basic_machine=powerpc-apple + ;; + *-unknown) + # Make sure to match an already-canonicalized machine name. + ;; + *) + echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': machine \`$basic_machine\' not recognized 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; +esac + +# Here we canonicalize certain aliases for manufacturers. +case $basic_machine in + *-digital*) + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/digital.*/dec/'` + ;; + *-commodore*) + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/commodore.*/cbm/'` + ;; + *) + ;; +esac + +# Decode manufacturer-specific aliases for certain operating systems. + +if [ x"$os" != x"" ] +then +case $os in + # First match some system type aliases + # that might get confused with valid system types. + # -solaris* is a basic system type, with this one exception. + -auroraux) + os=-auroraux + ;; + -solaris1 | -solaris1.*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|solaris1|sunos4|'` + ;; + -solaris) + os=-solaris2 + ;; + -svr4*) + os=-sysv4 + ;; + -unixware*) + os=-sysv4.2uw + ;; + -gnu/linux*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|gnu/linux|linux-gnu|'` + ;; + # First accept the basic system types. + # The portable systems comes first. + # Each alternative MUST END IN A *, to match a version number. + # -sysv* is not here because it comes later, after sysvr4. + -gnu* | -bsd* | -mach* | -minix* | -genix* | -ultrix* | -irix* \ + | -*vms* | -sco* | -esix* | -isc* | -aix* | -cnk* | -sunos | -sunos[34]*\ + | -hpux* | -unos* | -osf* | -luna* | -dgux* | -auroraux* | -solaris* \ + | -sym* | -kopensolaris* | -plan9* \ + | -amigaos* | -amigados* | -msdos* | -newsos* | -unicos* | -aof* \ + | -aos* | -aros* | -cloudabi* | -sortix* \ + | -nindy* | -vxsim* | -vxworks* | -ebmon* | -hms* | -mvs* \ + | -clix* | -riscos* | -uniplus* | -iris* | -rtu* | -xenix* \ + | -hiux* | -386bsd* | -knetbsd* | -mirbsd* | -netbsd* \ + | -bitrig* | -openbsd* | -solidbsd* | -libertybsd* \ + | -ekkobsd* | -kfreebsd* | -freebsd* | -riscix* | -lynxos* \ + | -bosx* | -nextstep* | -cxux* | -aout* | -elf* | -oabi* \ + | -ptx* | -coff* | -ecoff* | -winnt* | -domain* | -vsta* \ + | -udi* | -eabi* | -lites* | -ieee* | -go32* | -aux* \ + | -chorusos* | -chorusrdb* | -cegcc* \ + | -cygwin* | -msys* | -pe* | -psos* | -moss* | -proelf* | -rtems* \ + | -midipix* | -mingw32* | -mingw64* | -linux-gnu* | -linux-android* \ + | -linux-newlib* | -linux-musl* | -linux-uclibc* \ + | -uxpv* | -beos* | -mpeix* | -udk* | -moxiebox* \ + | -interix* | -uwin* | -mks* | -rhapsody* | -darwin* | -opened* \ + | -openstep* | -oskit* | -conix* | -pw32* | -nonstopux* \ + | -storm-chaos* | -tops10* | -tenex* | -tops20* | -its* \ + | -os2* | -vos* | -palmos* | -uclinux* | -nucleus* \ + | -morphos* | -superux* | -rtmk* | -rtmk-nova* | -windiss* \ + | -powermax* | -dnix* | -nx6 | -nx7 | -sei* | -dragonfly* \ + | -skyos* | -haiku* | -rdos* | -toppers* | -drops* | -es* \ + | -onefs* | -tirtos* | -phoenix* | -fuchsia*) + # Remember, each alternative MUST END IN *, to match a version number. + ;; + -qnx*) + case $basic_machine in + x86-* | i*86-*) + ;; + *) + os=-nto$os + ;; + esac + ;; + -nto-qnx*) + ;; + -nto*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|nto|nto-qnx|'` + ;; + -sim | -es1800* | -hms* | -xray | -os68k* | -none* | -v88r* \ + | -windows* | -osx | -abug | -netware* | -os9* | -beos* | -haiku* \ + | -macos* | -mpw* | -magic* | -mmixware* | -mon960* | -lnews*) + ;; + -mac*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|mac|macos|'` + ;; + -linux-dietlibc) + os=-linux-dietlibc + ;; + -linux*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|linux|linux-gnu|'` + ;; + -sunos5*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sunos5|solaris2|'` + ;; + -sunos6*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sunos6|solaris3|'` + ;; + -opened*) + os=-openedition + ;; + -os400*) + os=-os400 + ;; + -wince*) + os=-wince + ;; + -osfrose*) + os=-osfrose + ;; + -osf*) + os=-osf + ;; + -utek*) + os=-bsd + ;; + -dynix*) + os=-bsd + ;; + -acis*) + os=-aos + ;; + -atheos*) + os=-atheos + ;; + -syllable*) + os=-syllable + ;; + -386bsd) + os=-bsd + ;; + -ctix* | -uts*) + os=-sysv + ;; + -nova*) + os=-rtmk-nova + ;; + -ns2 ) + os=-nextstep2 + ;; + -nsk*) + os=-nsk + ;; + # Preserve the version number of sinix5. + -sinix5.*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sinix|sysv|'` + ;; + -sinix*) + os=-sysv4 + ;; + -tpf*) + os=-tpf + ;; + -triton*) + os=-sysv3 + ;; + -oss*) + os=-sysv3 + ;; + -svr4) + os=-sysv4 + ;; + -svr3) + os=-sysv3 + ;; + -sysvr4) + os=-sysv4 + ;; + # This must come after -sysvr4. + -sysv*) + ;; + -ose*) + os=-ose + ;; + -es1800*) + os=-ose + ;; + -xenix) + os=-xenix + ;; + -*mint | -mint[0-9]* | -*MiNT | -MiNT[0-9]*) + os=-mint + ;; + -aros*) + os=-aros + ;; + -zvmoe) + os=-zvmoe + ;; + -dicos*) + os=-dicos + ;; + -nacl*) + ;; + -ios) + ;; + -none) + ;; + *) + # Get rid of the `-' at the beginning of $os. + os=`echo $os | sed 's/[^-]*-//'` + echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': system \`$os\' not recognized 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; +esac +else + +# Here we handle the default operating systems that come with various machines. +# The value should be what the vendor currently ships out the door with their +# machine or put another way, the most popular os provided with the machine. + +# Note that if you're going to try to match "-MANUFACTURER" here (say, +# "-sun"), then you have to tell the case statement up towards the top +# that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating system. Otherwise, code above +# will signal an error saying that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating +# system, and we'll never get to this point. + +case $basic_machine in + score-*) + os=-elf + ;; + spu-*) + os=-elf + ;; + *-acorn) + os=-riscix1.2 + ;; + arm*-rebel) + os=-linux + ;; + arm*-semi) + os=-aout + ;; + c4x-* | tic4x-*) + os=-coff + ;; + c8051-*) + os=-elf + ;; + hexagon-*) + os=-elf + ;; + tic54x-*) + os=-coff + ;; + tic55x-*) + os=-coff + ;; + tic6x-*) + os=-coff + ;; + # This must come before the *-dec entry. + pdp10-*) + os=-tops20 + ;; + pdp11-*) + os=-none + ;; + *-dec | vax-*) + os=-ultrix4.2 + ;; + m68*-apollo) + os=-domain + ;; + i386-sun) + os=-sunos4.0.2 + ;; + m68000-sun) + os=-sunos3 + ;; + m68*-cisco) + os=-aout + ;; + mep-*) + os=-elf + ;; + mips*-cisco) + os=-elf + ;; + mips*-*) + os=-elf + ;; + or32-*) + os=-coff + ;; + *-tti) # must be before sparc entry or we get the wrong os. + os=-sysv3 + ;; + sparc-* | *-sun) + os=-sunos4.1.1 + ;; + *-be) + os=-beos + ;; + *-haiku) + os=-haiku + ;; + *-ibm) + os=-aix + ;; + *-knuth) + os=-mmixware + ;; + *-wec) + os=-proelf + ;; + *-winbond) + os=-proelf + ;; + *-oki) + os=-proelf + ;; + *-hp) + os=-hpux + ;; + *-hitachi) + os=-hiux + ;; + i860-* | *-att | *-ncr | *-altos | *-motorola | *-convergent) + os=-sysv + ;; + *-cbm) + os=-amigaos + ;; + *-dg) + os=-dgux + ;; + *-dolphin) + os=-sysv3 + ;; + m68k-ccur) + os=-rtu + ;; + m88k-omron*) + os=-luna + ;; + *-next ) + os=-nextstep + ;; + *-sequent) + os=-ptx + ;; + *-crds) + os=-unos + ;; + *-ns) + os=-genix + ;; + i370-*) + os=-mvs + ;; + *-next) + os=-nextstep3 + ;; + *-gould) + os=-sysv + ;; + *-highlevel) + os=-bsd + ;; + *-encore) + os=-bsd + ;; + *-sgi) + os=-irix + ;; + *-siemens) + os=-sysv4 + ;; + *-masscomp) + os=-rtu + ;; + f30[01]-fujitsu | f700-fujitsu) + os=-uxpv + ;; + *-rom68k) + os=-coff + ;; + *-*bug) + os=-coff + ;; + *-apple) + os=-macos + ;; + *-atari*) + os=-mint + ;; + *) + os=-none + ;; +esac +fi + +# Here we handle the case where we know the os, and the CPU type, but not the +# manufacturer. We pick the logical manufacturer. +vendor=unknown +case $basic_machine in + *-unknown) + case $os in + -riscix*) + vendor=acorn + ;; + -sunos*) + vendor=sun + ;; + -cnk*|-aix*) + vendor=ibm + ;; + -beos*) + vendor=be + ;; + -hpux*) + vendor=hp + ;; + -mpeix*) + vendor=hp + ;; + -hiux*) + vendor=hitachi + ;; + -unos*) + vendor=crds + ;; + -dgux*) + vendor=dg + ;; + -luna*) + vendor=omron + ;; + -genix*) + vendor=ns + ;; + -mvs* | -opened*) + vendor=ibm + ;; + -os400*) + vendor=ibm + ;; + -ptx*) + vendor=sequent + ;; + -tpf*) + vendor=ibm + ;; + -vxsim* | -vxworks* | -windiss*) + vendor=wrs + ;; + -aux*) + vendor=apple + ;; + -hms*) + vendor=hitachi + ;; + -mpw* | -macos*) + vendor=apple + ;; + -*mint | -mint[0-9]* | -*MiNT | -MiNT[0-9]*) + vendor=atari + ;; + -vos*) + vendor=stratus + ;; + esac + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed "s/unknown/$vendor/"` + ;; +esac + +echo $basic_machine$os +exit + +# Local variables: +# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) +# time-stamp-start: "timestamp='" +# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d" +# time-stamp-end: "'" +# End: diff --git a/configure b/configure new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a297827 --- /dev/null +++ b/configure @@ -0,0 +1,18349 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles. +# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for MPFR 3.1.6. +# +# +# Copyright 1999-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Contributed by the AriC and Caramba projects, INRIA. +# +# This file is part of the GNU MPFR Library. +# +# The GNU MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published +# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at +# your option) any later version. +# +# The GNU MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public +# License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +# along with the GNU MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If not, see +# or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., +# 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. +# +# +# +# Copyright (C) 1992-1996, 1998-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# +# This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it. +## -------------------- ## +## M4sh Initialization. ## +## -------------------- ## + +# Be more Bourne compatible +DUALCASE=1; export DUALCASE # for MKS sh +if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then : + emulate sh + NULLCMD=: + # Pre-4.2 versions of Zsh do word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which + # is contrary to our usage. Disable this feature. + alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"' + setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST +else + case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in #( + *posix*) : + set -o posix ;; #( + *) : + ;; +esac +fi + + +as_nl=' +' +export as_nl +# Printing a long string crashes Solaris 7 /usr/bin/printf. +as_echo='\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' +as_echo=$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo +as_echo=$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo +# Prefer a ksh shell builtin over an external printf program on Solaris, +# but without wasting forks for bash or zsh. +if test -z "$BASH_VERSION$ZSH_VERSION" \ + && (test "X`print -r -- $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then + as_echo='print -r --' + as_echo_n='print -rn --' +elif (test "X`printf %s $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then + as_echo='printf %s\n' + as_echo_n='printf %s' +else + if test "X`(/usr/ucb/echo -n -n $as_echo) 2>/dev/null`" = "X-n $as_echo"; then + as_echo_body='eval /usr/ucb/echo -n "$1$as_nl"' + as_echo_n='/usr/ucb/echo -n' + else + as_echo_body='eval expr "X$1" : "X\\(.*\\)"' + as_echo_n_body='eval + arg=$1; + case $arg in #( + *"$as_nl"*) + expr "X$arg" : "X\\(.*\\)$as_nl"; + arg=`expr "X$arg" : ".*$as_nl\\(.*\\)"`;; + esac; + expr "X$arg" : "X\\(.*\\)" | tr -d "$as_nl" + ' + export as_echo_n_body + as_echo_n='sh -c $as_echo_n_body as_echo' + fi + export as_echo_body + as_echo='sh -c $as_echo_body as_echo' +fi + +# The user is always right. +if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then + PATH_SEPARATOR=: + (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 && { + (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 || + PATH_SEPARATOR=';' + } +fi + + +# IFS +# We need space, tab and new line, in precisely that order. Quoting is +# there to prevent editors from complaining about space-tab. +# (If _AS_PATH_WALK were called with IFS unset, it would disable word +# splitting by setting IFS to empty value.) +IFS=" "" $as_nl" + +# Find who we are. Look in the path if we contain no directory separator. +as_myself= +case $0 in #(( + *[\\/]* ) as_myself=$0 ;; + *) as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + test -r "$as_dir/$0" && as_myself=$as_dir/$0 && break + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + + ;; +esac +# We did not find ourselves, most probably we were run as `sh COMMAND' +# in which case we are not to be found in the path. +if test "x$as_myself" = x; then + as_myself=$0 +fi +if test ! -f "$as_myself"; then + $as_echo "$as_myself: error: cannot find myself; rerun with an absolute file name" >&2 + exit 1 +fi + +# Unset variables that we do not need and which cause bugs (e.g. in +# pre-3.0 UWIN ksh). But do not cause bugs in bash 2.01; the "|| exit 1" +# suppresses any "Segmentation fault" message there. '((' could +# trigger a bug in pdksh 5.2.14. +for as_var in BASH_ENV ENV MAIL MAILPATH +do eval test x\${$as_var+set} = xset \ + && ( (unset $as_var) || exit 1) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset $as_var || : +done +PS1='$ ' +PS2='> ' +PS4='+ ' + +# NLS nuisances. +LC_ALL=C +export LC_ALL +LANGUAGE=C +export LANGUAGE + +# CDPATH. +(unset CDPATH) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset CDPATH + +# Use a proper internal environment variable to ensure we don't fall + # into an infinite loop, continuously re-executing ourselves. + if test x"${_as_can_reexec}" != xno && test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" != x; then + _as_can_reexec=no; export _as_can_reexec; + # We cannot yet assume a decent shell, so we have to provide a +# neutralization value for shells without unset; and this also +# works around shells that cannot unset nonexistent variables. +# Preserve -v and -x to the replacement shell. +BASH_ENV=/dev/null +ENV=/dev/null +(unset BASH_ENV) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset BASH_ENV ENV +case $- in # (((( + *v*x* | *x*v* ) as_opts=-vx ;; + *v* ) as_opts=-v ;; + *x* ) as_opts=-x ;; + * ) as_opts= ;; +esac +exec $CONFIG_SHELL $as_opts "$as_myself" ${1+"$@"} +# Admittedly, this is quite paranoid, since all the known shells bail +# out after a failed `exec'. +$as_echo "$0: could not re-execute with $CONFIG_SHELL" >&2 +as_fn_exit 255 + fi + # We don't want this to propagate to other subprocesses. + { _as_can_reexec=; unset _as_can_reexec;} +if test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" = x; then + as_bourne_compatible="if test -n \"\${ZSH_VERSION+set}\" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then : + emulate sh + NULLCMD=: + # Pre-4.2 versions of Zsh do word splitting on \${1+\"\$@\"}, which + # is contrary to our usage. Disable this feature. + alias -g '\${1+\"\$@\"}'='\"\$@\"' + setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST +else + case \`(set -o) 2>/dev/null\` in #( + *posix*) : + set -o posix ;; #( + *) : + ;; +esac +fi +" + as_required="as_fn_return () { (exit \$1); } +as_fn_success () { as_fn_return 0; } +as_fn_failure () { as_fn_return 1; } +as_fn_ret_success () { return 0; } +as_fn_ret_failure () { return 1; } + +exitcode=0 +as_fn_success || { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_success failed.; } +as_fn_failure && { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_failure succeeded.; } +as_fn_ret_success || { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_ret_success failed.; } +as_fn_ret_failure && { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_ret_failure succeeded.; } +if ( set x; as_fn_ret_success y && test x = \"\$1\" ); then : + +else + exitcode=1; echo positional parameters were not saved. +fi +test x\$exitcode = x0 || exit 1 +test -x / || exit 1" + as_suggested=" as_lineno_1=";as_suggested=$as_suggested$LINENO;as_suggested=$as_suggested" as_lineno_1a=\$LINENO + as_lineno_2=";as_suggested=$as_suggested$LINENO;as_suggested=$as_suggested" as_lineno_2a=\$LINENO + eval 'test \"x\$as_lineno_1'\$as_run'\" != \"x\$as_lineno_2'\$as_run'\" && + test \"x\`expr \$as_lineno_1'\$as_run' + 1\`\" = \"x\$as_lineno_2'\$as_run'\"' || exit 1 +test \$(( 1 + 1 )) = 2 || exit 1 + + test -n \"\${ZSH_VERSION+set}\${BASH_VERSION+set}\" || ( + ECHO='\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' + ECHO=\$ECHO\$ECHO\$ECHO\$ECHO\$ECHO + ECHO=\$ECHO\$ECHO\$ECHO\$ECHO\$ECHO\$ECHO + PATH=/empty FPATH=/empty; export PATH FPATH + test \"X\`printf %s \$ECHO\`\" = \"X\$ECHO\" \\ + || test \"X\`print -r -- \$ECHO\`\" = \"X\$ECHO\" ) || exit 1" + if (eval "$as_required") 2>/dev/null; then : + as_have_required=yes +else + as_have_required=no +fi + if test x$as_have_required = xyes && (eval "$as_suggested") 2>/dev/null; then : + +else + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +as_found=false +for as_dir in /bin$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/bin$PATH_SEPARATOR$PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + as_found=: + case $as_dir in #( + /*) + for as_base in sh bash ksh sh5; do + # Try only shells that exist, to save several forks. + as_shell=$as_dir/$as_base + if { test -f "$as_shell" || test -f "$as_shell.exe"; } && + { $as_echo "$as_bourne_compatible""$as_required" | as_run=a "$as_shell"; } 2>/dev/null; then : + CONFIG_SHELL=$as_shell as_have_required=yes + if { $as_echo "$as_bourne_compatible""$as_suggested" | as_run=a "$as_shell"; } 2>/dev/null; then : + break 2 +fi +fi + done;; + esac + as_found=false +done +$as_found || { if { test -f "$SHELL" || test -f "$SHELL.exe"; } && + { $as_echo "$as_bourne_compatible""$as_required" | as_run=a "$SHELL"; } 2>/dev/null; then : + CONFIG_SHELL=$SHELL as_have_required=yes +fi; } +IFS=$as_save_IFS + + + if test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" != x; then : + export CONFIG_SHELL + # We cannot yet assume a decent shell, so we have to provide a +# neutralization value for shells without unset; and this also +# works around shells that cannot unset nonexistent variables. +# Preserve -v and -x to the replacement shell. +BASH_ENV=/dev/null +ENV=/dev/null +(unset BASH_ENV) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset BASH_ENV ENV +case $- in # (((( + *v*x* | *x*v* ) as_opts=-vx ;; + *v* ) as_opts=-v ;; + *x* ) as_opts=-x ;; + * ) as_opts= ;; +esac +exec $CONFIG_SHELL $as_opts "$as_myself" ${1+"$@"} +# Admittedly, this is quite paranoid, since all the known shells bail +# out after a failed `exec'. +$as_echo "$0: could not re-execute with $CONFIG_SHELL" >&2 +exit 255 +fi + + if test x$as_have_required = xno; then : + $as_echo "$0: This script requires a shell more modern than all" + $as_echo "$0: the shells that I found on your system." + if test x${ZSH_VERSION+set} = xset ; then + $as_echo "$0: In particular, zsh $ZSH_VERSION has bugs and should" + $as_echo "$0: be upgraded to zsh 4.3.4 or later." + else + $as_echo "$0: Please tell about your system, +$0: including any error possibly output before this +$0: message. Then install a modern shell, or manually run +$0: the script under such a shell if you do have one." + fi + exit 1 +fi +fi +fi +SHELL=${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} +export SHELL +# Unset more variables known to interfere with behavior of common tools. +CLICOLOR_FORCE= GREP_OPTIONS= +unset CLICOLOR_FORCE GREP_OPTIONS + +## --------------------- ## +## M4sh Shell Functions. ## +## --------------------- ## +# as_fn_unset VAR +# --------------- +# Portably unset VAR. +as_fn_unset () +{ + { eval $1=; unset $1;} +} +as_unset=as_fn_unset + +# as_fn_set_status STATUS +# ----------------------- +# Set $? to STATUS, without forking. +as_fn_set_status () +{ + return $1 +} # as_fn_set_status + +# as_fn_exit STATUS +# ----------------- +# Exit the shell with STATUS, even in a "trap 0" or "set -e" context. +as_fn_exit () +{ + set +e + as_fn_set_status $1 + exit $1 +} # as_fn_exit + +# as_fn_mkdir_p +# ------------- +# Create "$as_dir" as a directory, including parents if necessary. +as_fn_mkdir_p () +{ + + case $as_dir in #( + -*) as_dir=./$as_dir;; + esac + test -d "$as_dir" || eval $as_mkdir_p || { + as_dirs= + while :; do + case $as_dir in #( + *\'*) as_qdir=`$as_echo "$as_dir" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; #'( + *) as_qdir=$as_dir;; + esac + as_dirs="'$as_qdir' $as_dirs" + as_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$as_dir" || +$as_expr X"$as_dir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \ + X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \ + X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ + X"$as_dir" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null || +$as_echo X"$as_dir" | + sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\).*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + s/.*/./; q'` + test -d "$as_dir" && break + done + test -z "$as_dirs" || eval "mkdir $as_dirs" + } || test -d "$as_dir" || as_fn_error $? "cannot create directory $as_dir" + + +} # as_fn_mkdir_p + +# as_fn_executable_p FILE +# ----------------------- +# Test if FILE is an executable regular file. +as_fn_executable_p () +{ + test -f "$1" && test -x "$1" +} # as_fn_executable_p +# as_fn_append VAR VALUE +# ---------------------- +# Append the text in VALUE to the end of the definition contained in VAR. Take +# advantage of any shell optimizations that allow amortized linear growth over +# repeated appends, instead of the typical quadratic growth present in naive +# implementations. +if (eval "as_var=1; as_var+=2; test x\$as_var = x12") 2>/dev/null; then : + eval 'as_fn_append () + { + eval $1+=\$2 + }' +else + as_fn_append () + { + eval $1=\$$1\$2 + } +fi # as_fn_append + +# as_fn_arith ARG... +# ------------------ +# Perform arithmetic evaluation on the ARGs, and store the result in the +# global $as_val. Take advantage of shells that can avoid forks. The arguments +# must be portable across $(()) and expr. +if (eval "test \$(( 1 + 1 )) = 2") 2>/dev/null; then : + eval 'as_fn_arith () + { + as_val=$(( $* )) + }' +else + as_fn_arith () + { + as_val=`expr "$@" || test $? -eq 1` + } +fi # as_fn_arith + + +# as_fn_error STATUS ERROR [LINENO LOG_FD] +# ---------------------------------------- +# Output "`basename $0`: error: ERROR" to stderr. If LINENO and LOG_FD are +# provided, also output the error to LOG_FD, referencing LINENO. Then exit the +# script with STATUS, using 1 if that was 0. +as_fn_error () +{ + as_status=$1; test $as_status -eq 0 && as_status=1 + if test "$4"; then + as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$3"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: $2" >&$4 + fi + $as_echo "$as_me: error: $2" >&2 + as_fn_exit $as_status +} # as_fn_error + +if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 && + test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then + as_expr=expr +else + as_expr=false +fi + +if (basename -- /) >/dev/null 2>&1 && test "X`basename -- / 2>&1`" = "X/"; then + as_basename=basename +else + as_basename=false +fi + +if (as_dir=`dirname -- /` && test "X$as_dir" = X/) >/dev/null 2>&1; then + as_dirname=dirname +else + as_dirname=false +fi + +as_me=`$as_basename -- "$0" || +$as_expr X/"$0" : '.*/\([^/][^/]*\)/*$' \| \ + X"$0" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ + X"$0" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null || +$as_echo X/"$0" | + sed '/^.*\/\([^/][^/]*\)\/*$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\/\(\/\/\)$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\/\(\/\).*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + s/.*/./; q'` + +# Avoid depending upon Character Ranges. +as_cr_letters='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' +as_cr_LETTERS='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' +as_cr_Letters=$as_cr_letters$as_cr_LETTERS +as_cr_digits='0123456789' +as_cr_alnum=$as_cr_Letters$as_cr_digits + + + as_lineno_1=$LINENO as_lineno_1a=$LINENO + as_lineno_2=$LINENO as_lineno_2a=$LINENO + eval 'test "x$as_lineno_1'$as_run'" != "x$as_lineno_2'$as_run'" && + test "x`expr $as_lineno_1'$as_run' + 1`" = "x$as_lineno_2'$as_run'"' || { + # Blame Lee E. McMahon (1931-1989) for sed's syntax. :-) + sed -n ' + p + /[$]LINENO/= + ' <$as_myself | + sed ' + s/[$]LINENO.*/&-/ + t lineno + b + :lineno + N + :loop + s/[$]LINENO\([^'$as_cr_alnum'_].*\n\)\(.*\)/\2\1\2/ + t loop + s/-\n.*// + ' >$as_me.lineno && + chmod +x "$as_me.lineno" || + { $as_echo "$as_me: error: cannot create $as_me.lineno; rerun with a POSIX shell" >&2; as_fn_exit 1; } + + # If we had to re-execute with $CONFIG_SHELL, we're ensured to have + # already done that, so ensure we don't try to do so again and fall + # in an infinite loop. This has already happened in practice. + _as_can_reexec=no; export _as_can_reexec + # Don't try to exec as it changes $[0], causing all sort of problems + # (the dirname of $[0] is not the place where we might find the + # original and so on. Autoconf is especially sensitive to this). + . "./$as_me.lineno" + # Exit status is that of the last command. + exit +} + +ECHO_C= ECHO_N= ECHO_T= +case `echo -n x` in #((((( +-n*) + case `echo 'xy\c'` in + *c*) ECHO_T=' ';; # ECHO_T is single tab character. + xy) ECHO_C='\c';; + *) echo `echo ksh88 bug on AIX 6.1` > /dev/null + ECHO_T=' ';; + esac;; +*) + ECHO_N='-n';; +esac + +rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.file +if test -d conf$$.dir; then + rm -f conf$$.dir/conf$$.file +else + rm -f conf$$.dir + mkdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null +fi +if (echo >conf$$.file) 2>/dev/null; then + if ln -s conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then + as_ln_s='ln -s' + # ... but there are two gotchas: + # 1) On MSYS, both `ln -s file dir' and `ln file dir' fail. + # 2) DJGPP < 2.04 has no symlinks; `ln -s' creates a wrapper executable. + # In both cases, we have to default to `cp -pR'. + ln -s conf$$.file conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null && test ! -f conf$$.exe || + as_ln_s='cp -pR' + elif ln conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then + as_ln_s=ln + else + as_ln_s='cp -pR' + fi +else + as_ln_s='cp -pR' +fi +rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.dir/conf$$.file conf$$.file +rmdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null + +if mkdir -p . 2>/dev/null; then + as_mkdir_p='mkdir -p "$as_dir"' +else + test -d ./-p && rmdir ./-p + as_mkdir_p=false +fi + +as_test_x='test -x' +as_executable_p=as_fn_executable_p + +# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid CPP name. +as_tr_cpp="eval sed 'y%*$as_cr_letters%P$as_cr_LETTERS%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'" + +# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid variable name. +as_tr_sh="eval sed 'y%*+%pp%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'" + +SHELL=${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} + + +test -n "$DJDIR" || exec 7<&0 &1 + +# Name of the host. +# hostname on some systems (SVR3.2, old GNU/Linux) returns a bogus exit status, +# so uname gets run too. +ac_hostname=`(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q` + +# +# Initializations. +# +ac_default_prefix=/usr/local +ac_clean_files= +ac_config_libobj_dir=. +LIBOBJS= +cross_compiling=no +subdirs= +MFLAGS= +MAKEFLAGS= + +# Identity of this package. +PACKAGE_NAME='MPFR' +PACKAGE_TARNAME='mpfr' +PACKAGE_VERSION='3.1.6' +PACKAGE_STRING='MPFR 3.1.6' +PACKAGE_BUGREPORT='' +PACKAGE_URL='' + +# Factoring default headers for most tests. +ac_includes_default="\ +#include +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H +# include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H +# include +#endif +#ifdef STDC_HEADERS +# include +# include +#else +# ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H +# include +# endif +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_STRING_H +# if !defined STDC_HEADERS && defined HAVE_MEMORY_H +# include +# endif +# include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H +# include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_INTTYPES_H +# include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H +# include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H +# include +#endif" + +ac_subst_vars='am__EXEEXT_FALSE +am__EXEEXT_TRUE +LTLIBOBJS +LIBOBJS +DATAFILES +LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH +OTOOL64 +OTOOL +LIPO +NMEDIT +DSYMUTIL +MANIFEST_TOOL +RANLIB +LN_S +NM +ac_ct_DUMPBIN +DUMPBIN +LD +FGREP +LIBTOOL +OBJDUMP +DLLTOOL +AS +LIBMPFR_LDFLAGS +MPFR_LDFLAGS +TUNE_LIBS +ALLOCA +MPFR_LIBM +ac_ct_AR +AR +CPP +am__fastdepCC_FALSE +am__fastdepCC_TRUE +CCDEPMODE +am__nodep +AMDEPBACKSLASH +AMDEP_FALSE +AMDEP_TRUE +am__quote +am__include +DEPDIR +OBJEXT +EXEEXT +ac_ct_CC +CPPFLAGS +LDFLAGS +CFLAGS +CC +SED +EGREP +GREP +host_os +host_vendor +host_cpu +host +build_os +build_vendor +build_cpu +build +MAINT +MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE +MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE +AM_BACKSLASH +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY +AM_DEFAULT_V +AM_V +am__untar +am__tar +AMTAR +am__leading_dot +SET_MAKE +AWK +mkdir_p +MKDIR_P +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM +STRIP +install_sh +MAKEINFO +AUTOHEADER +AUTOMAKE +AUTOCONF +ACLOCAL +VERSION +PACKAGE +CYGPATH_W +am__isrc +INSTALL_DATA +INSTALL_SCRIPT +INSTALL_PROGRAM +target_alias +host_alias +build_alias +LIBS +ECHO_T +ECHO_N +ECHO_C +DEFS +mandir +localedir +libdir +psdir +pdfdir +dvidir +htmldir +infodir +docdir +oldincludedir +includedir +runstatedir +localstatedir +sharedstatedir +sysconfdir +datadir +datarootdir +libexecdir +sbindir +bindir +program_transform_name +prefix +exec_prefix +PACKAGE_URL +PACKAGE_BUGREPORT +PACKAGE_STRING +PACKAGE_VERSION +PACKAGE_TARNAME +PACKAGE_NAME +PATH_SEPARATOR +SHELL' +ac_subst_files='' +ac_user_opts=' +enable_option_checking +enable_silent_rules +enable_maintainer_mode +with_gmp_include +with_gmp_lib +with_gmp +with_gmp_build +with_mulhigh_size +enable_gmp_internals +enable_assert +enable_logging +enable_thread_safe +enable_warnings +enable_tests_timeout +enable_dependency_tracking +enable_decimal_float +enable_shared +enable_static +with_pic +enable_fast_install +with_aix_soname +with_gnu_ld +with_sysroot +enable_libtool_lock +' + ac_precious_vars='build_alias +host_alias +target_alias +CC +CFLAGS +LDFLAGS +LIBS +CPPFLAGS +CPP +LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH' + + +# Initialize some variables set by options. +ac_init_help= +ac_init_version=false +ac_unrecognized_opts= +ac_unrecognized_sep= +# The variables have the same names as the options, with +# dashes changed to underlines. +cache_file=/dev/null +exec_prefix=NONE +no_create= +no_recursion= +prefix=NONE +program_prefix=NONE +program_suffix=NONE +program_transform_name=s,x,x, +silent= +site= +srcdir= +verbose= +x_includes=NONE +x_libraries=NONE + +# Installation directory options. +# These are left unexpanded so users can "make install exec_prefix=/foo" +# and all the variables that are supposed to be based on exec_prefix +# by default will actually change. +# Use braces instead of parens because sh, perl, etc. also accept them. +# (The list follows the same order as the GNU Coding Standards.) +bindir='${exec_prefix}/bin' +sbindir='${exec_prefix}/sbin' +libexecdir='${exec_prefix}/libexec' +datarootdir='${prefix}/share' +datadir='${datarootdir}' +sysconfdir='${prefix}/etc' +sharedstatedir='${prefix}/com' +localstatedir='${prefix}/var' +runstatedir='${localstatedir}/run' +includedir='${prefix}/include' +oldincludedir='/usr/include' +docdir='${datarootdir}/doc/${PACKAGE_TARNAME}' +infodir='${datarootdir}/info' +htmldir='${docdir}' +dvidir='${docdir}' +pdfdir='${docdir}' +psdir='${docdir}' +libdir='${exec_prefix}/lib' +localedir='${datarootdir}/locale' +mandir='${datarootdir}/man' + +ac_prev= +ac_dashdash= +for ac_option +do + # If the previous option needs an argument, assign it. + if test -n "$ac_prev"; then + eval $ac_prev=\$ac_option + ac_prev= + continue + fi + + case $ac_option in + *=?*) ac_optarg=`expr "X$ac_option" : '[^=]*=\(.*\)'` ;; + *=) ac_optarg= ;; + *) ac_optarg=yes ;; + esac + + # Accept the important Cygnus configure options, so we can diagnose typos. + + case $ac_dashdash$ac_option in + --) + ac_dashdash=yes ;; + + -bindir | --bindir | --bindi | --bind | --bin | --bi) + ac_prev=bindir ;; + -bindir=* | --bindir=* | --bindi=* | --bind=* | --bin=* | --bi=*) + bindir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -build | --build | --buil | --bui | --bu) + ac_prev=build_alias ;; + -build=* | --build=* | --buil=* | --bui=* | --bu=*) + build_alias=$ac_optarg ;; + + -cache-file | --cache-file | --cache-fil | --cache-fi \ + | --cache-f | --cache- | --cache | --cach | --cac | --ca | --c) + ac_prev=cache_file ;; + -cache-file=* | --cache-file=* | --cache-fil=* | --cache-fi=* \ + | --cache-f=* | --cache-=* | --cache=* | --cach=* | --cac=* | --ca=* | --c=*) + cache_file=$ac_optarg ;; + + --config-cache | -C) + cache_file=config.cache ;; + + -datadir | --datadir | --datadi | --datad) + ac_prev=datadir ;; + -datadir=* | --datadir=* | --datadi=* | --datad=*) + datadir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -datarootdir | --datarootdir | --datarootdi | --datarootd | --dataroot \ + | --dataroo | --dataro | --datar) + ac_prev=datarootdir ;; + -datarootdir=* | --datarootdir=* | --datarootdi=* | --datarootd=* \ + | --dataroot=* | --dataroo=* | --dataro=* | --datar=*) + datarootdir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -disable-* | --disable-*) + ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*disable-\(.*\)'` + # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names. + expr "x$ac_useropt" : ".*[^-+._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null && + as_fn_error $? "invalid feature name: $ac_useropt" + ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt + ac_useropt=`$as_echo "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'` + case $ac_user_opts in + *" +"enable_$ac_useropt" +"*) ;; + *) ac_unrecognized_opts="$ac_unrecognized_opts$ac_unrecognized_sep--disable-$ac_useropt_orig" + ac_unrecognized_sep=', ';; + esac + eval enable_$ac_useropt=no ;; + + -docdir | --docdir | --docdi | --doc | --do) + ac_prev=docdir ;; + -docdir=* | --docdir=* | --docdi=* | --doc=* | --do=*) + docdir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -dvidir | --dvidir | --dvidi | --dvid | --dvi | --dv) + ac_prev=dvidir ;; + -dvidir=* | --dvidir=* | --dvidi=* | --dvid=* | --dvi=* | --dv=*) + dvidir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -enable-* | --enable-*) + ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*enable-\([^=]*\)'` + # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names. + expr "x$ac_useropt" : ".*[^-+._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null && + as_fn_error $? "invalid feature name: $ac_useropt" + ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt + ac_useropt=`$as_echo "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'` + case $ac_user_opts in + *" +"enable_$ac_useropt" +"*) ;; + *) ac_unrecognized_opts="$ac_unrecognized_opts$ac_unrecognized_sep--enable-$ac_useropt_orig" + ac_unrecognized_sep=', ';; + esac + eval enable_$ac_useropt=\$ac_optarg ;; + + -exec-prefix | --exec_prefix | --exec-prefix | --exec-prefi \ + | --exec-pref | --exec-pre | --exec-pr | --exec-p | --exec- \ + | --exec | --exe | --ex) + ac_prev=exec_prefix ;; + -exec-prefix=* | --exec_prefix=* | --exec-prefix=* | --exec-prefi=* \ + | --exec-pref=* | --exec-pre=* | --exec-pr=* | --exec-p=* | --exec-=* \ + | --exec=* | --exe=* | --ex=*) + exec_prefix=$ac_optarg ;; + + -gas | --gas | --ga | --g) + # Obsolete; use --with-gas. + with_gas=yes ;; + + -help | --help | --hel | --he | -h) + ac_init_help=long ;; + -help=r* | --help=r* | --hel=r* | --he=r* | -hr*) + ac_init_help=recursive ;; + -help=s* | --help=s* | --hel=s* | --he=s* | -hs*) + ac_init_help=short ;; + + -host | --host | --hos | --ho) + ac_prev=host_alias ;; + -host=* | --host=* | --hos=* | --ho=*) + host_alias=$ac_optarg ;; + + -htmldir | --htmldir | --htmldi | --htmld | --html | --htm | --ht) + ac_prev=htmldir ;; + -htmldir=* | --htmldir=* | --htmldi=* | --htmld=* | --html=* | --htm=* \ + | --ht=*) + htmldir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -includedir | --includedir | --includedi | --included | --include \ + | --includ | --inclu | --incl | --inc) + ac_prev=includedir ;; + -includedir=* | --includedir=* | --includedi=* | --included=* | --include=* \ + | --includ=* | --inclu=* | --incl=* | --inc=*) + includedir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -infodir | --infodir | --infodi | --infod | --info | --inf) + ac_prev=infodir ;; + -infodir=* | --infodir=* | --infodi=* | --infod=* | --info=* | --inf=*) + infodir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -libdir | --libdir | --libdi | --libd) + ac_prev=libdir ;; + -libdir=* | --libdir=* | --libdi=* | --libd=*) + libdir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -libexecdir | --libexecdir | --libexecdi | --libexecd | --libexec \ + | --libexe | --libex | --libe) + ac_prev=libexecdir ;; + -libexecdir=* | --libexecdir=* | --libexecdi=* | --libexecd=* | --libexec=* \ + | --libexe=* | --libex=* | --libe=*) + libexecdir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -localedir | --localedir | --localedi | --localed | --locale) + ac_prev=localedir ;; + -localedir=* | --localedir=* | --localedi=* | --localed=* | --locale=*) + localedir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -localstatedir | --localstatedir | --localstatedi | --localstated \ + | --localstate | --localstat | --localsta | --localst | --locals) + ac_prev=localstatedir ;; + -localstatedir=* | --localstatedir=* | --localstatedi=* | --localstated=* \ + | --localstate=* | --localstat=* | --localsta=* | --localst=* | --locals=*) + localstatedir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -mandir | --mandir | --mandi | --mand | --man | --ma | --m) + ac_prev=mandir ;; + -mandir=* | --mandir=* | --mandi=* | --mand=* | --man=* | --ma=* | --m=*) + mandir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -nfp | --nfp | --nf) + # Obsolete; use --without-fp. + with_fp=no ;; + + -no-create | --no-create | --no-creat | --no-crea | --no-cre \ + | --no-cr | --no-c | -n) + no_create=yes ;; + + -no-recursion | --no-recursion | --no-recursio | --no-recursi \ + | --no-recurs | --no-recur | --no-recu | --no-rec | --no-re | --no-r) + no_recursion=yes ;; + + -oldincludedir | --oldincludedir | --oldincludedi | --oldincluded \ + | --oldinclude | --oldinclud | --oldinclu | --oldincl | --oldinc \ + | --oldin | --oldi | --old | --ol | --o) + ac_prev=oldincludedir ;; + -oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedi=* | --oldincluded=* \ + | --oldinclude=* | --oldinclud=* | --oldinclu=* | --oldincl=* | --oldinc=* \ + | --oldin=* | --oldi=* | --old=* | --ol=* | --o=*) + oldincludedir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -prefix | --prefix | --prefi | --pref | --pre | --pr | --p) + ac_prev=prefix ;; + -prefix=* | --prefix=* | --prefi=* | --pref=* | --pre=* | --pr=* | --p=*) + prefix=$ac_optarg ;; + + -program-prefix | --program-prefix | --program-prefi | --program-pref \ + | --program-pre | --program-pr | --program-p) + ac_prev=program_prefix ;; + -program-prefix=* | --program-prefix=* | --program-prefi=* \ + | --program-pref=* | --program-pre=* | --program-pr=* | --program-p=*) + program_prefix=$ac_optarg ;; + + -program-suffix | --program-suffix | --program-suffi | --program-suff \ + | --program-suf | --program-su | --program-s) + ac_prev=program_suffix ;; + -program-suffix=* | --program-suffix=* | --program-suffi=* \ + | --program-suff=* | --program-suf=* | --program-su=* | --program-s=*) + program_suffix=$ac_optarg ;; + + -program-transform-name | --program-transform-name \ + | --program-transform-nam | --program-transform-na \ + | --program-transform-n | --program-transform- \ + | --program-transform | --program-transfor \ + | --program-transfo | --program-transf \ + | --program-trans | --program-tran \ + | --progr-tra | --program-tr | --program-t) + ac_prev=program_transform_name ;; + -program-transform-name=* | --program-transform-name=* \ + | --program-transform-nam=* | --program-transform-na=* \ + | --program-transform-n=* | --program-transform-=* \ + | --program-transform=* | --program-transfor=* \ + | --program-transfo=* | --program-transf=* \ + | --program-trans=* | --program-tran=* \ + | --progr-tra=* | --program-tr=* | --program-t=*) + program_transform_name=$ac_optarg ;; + + -pdfdir | --pdfdir | --pdfdi | --pdfd | --pdf | --pd) + ac_prev=pdfdir ;; + -pdfdir=* | --pdfdir=* | --pdfdi=* | --pdfd=* | --pdf=* | --pd=*) + pdfdir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -psdir | --psdir | --psdi | --psd | --ps) + ac_prev=psdir ;; + -psdir=* | --psdir=* | --psdi=* | --psd=* | --ps=*) + psdir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \ + | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil) + silent=yes ;; + + -runstatedir | --runstatedir | --runstatedi | --runstated \ + | --runstate | --runstat | --runsta | --runst | --runs \ + | --run | --ru | --r) + ac_prev=runstatedir ;; + -runstatedir=* | --runstatedir=* | --runstatedi=* | --runstated=* \ + | --runstate=* | --runstat=* | --runsta=* | --runst=* | --runs=* \ + | --run=* | --ru=* | --r=*) + runstatedir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -sbindir | --sbindir | --sbindi | --sbind | --sbin | --sbi | --sb) + ac_prev=sbindir ;; + -sbindir=* | --sbindir=* | --sbindi=* | --sbind=* | --sbin=* \ + | --sbi=* | --sb=*) + sbindir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedi \ + | --sharedstated | --sharedstate | --sharedstat | --sharedsta \ + | --sharedst | --shareds | --shared | --share | --shar \ + | --sha | --sh) + ac_prev=sharedstatedir ;; + -sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedi=* \ + | --sharedstated=* | --sharedstate=* | --sharedstat=* | --sharedsta=* \ + | --sharedst=* | --shareds=* | --shared=* | --share=* | --shar=* \ + | --sha=* | --sh=*) + sharedstatedir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -site | --site | --sit) + ac_prev=site ;; + -site=* | --site=* | --sit=*) + site=$ac_optarg ;; + + -srcdir | --srcdir | --srcdi | --srcd | --src | --sr) + ac_prev=srcdir ;; + -srcdir=* | --srcdir=* | --srcdi=* | --srcd=* | --src=* | --sr=*) + srcdir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -sysconfdir | --sysconfdir | --sysconfdi | --sysconfd | --sysconf \ + | --syscon | --sysco | --sysc | --sys | --sy) + ac_prev=sysconfdir ;; + -sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdi=* | --sysconfd=* | --sysconf=* \ + | --syscon=* | --sysco=* | --sysc=* | --sys=* | --sy=*) + sysconfdir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -target | --target | --targe | --targ | --tar | --ta | --t) + ac_prev=target_alias ;; + -target=* | --target=* | --targe=* | --targ=* | --tar=* | --ta=* | --t=*) + target_alias=$ac_optarg ;; + + -v | -verbose | --verbose | --verbos | --verbo | --verb) + verbose=yes ;; + + -version | --version | --versio | --versi | --vers | -V) + ac_init_version=: ;; + + -with-* | --with-*) + ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*with-\([^=]*\)'` + # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names. + expr "x$ac_useropt" : ".*[^-+._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null && + as_fn_error $? "invalid package name: $ac_useropt" + ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt + ac_useropt=`$as_echo "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'` + case $ac_user_opts in + *" +"with_$ac_useropt" +"*) ;; + *) ac_unrecognized_opts="$ac_unrecognized_opts$ac_unrecognized_sep--with-$ac_useropt_orig" + ac_unrecognized_sep=', ';; + esac + eval with_$ac_useropt=\$ac_optarg ;; + + -without-* | --without-*) + ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*without-\(.*\)'` + # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names. + expr "x$ac_useropt" : ".*[^-+._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null && + as_fn_error $? "invalid package name: $ac_useropt" + ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt + ac_useropt=`$as_echo "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'` + case $ac_user_opts in + *" +"with_$ac_useropt" +"*) ;; + *) ac_unrecognized_opts="$ac_unrecognized_opts$ac_unrecognized_sep--without-$ac_useropt_orig" + ac_unrecognized_sep=', ';; + esac + eval with_$ac_useropt=no ;; + + --x) + # Obsolete; use --with-x. + with_x=yes ;; + + -x-includes | --x-includes | --x-include | --x-includ | --x-inclu \ + | --x-incl | --x-inc | --x-in | --x-i) + ac_prev=x_includes ;; + -x-includes=* | --x-includes=* | --x-include=* | --x-includ=* | --x-inclu=* \ + | --x-incl=* | --x-inc=* | --x-in=* | --x-i=*) + x_includes=$ac_optarg ;; + + -x-libraries | --x-libraries | --x-librarie | --x-librari \ + | --x-librar | --x-libra | --x-libr | --x-lib | --x-li | --x-l) + ac_prev=x_libraries ;; + -x-libraries=* | --x-libraries=* | --x-librarie=* | --x-librari=* \ + | --x-librar=* | --x-libra=* | --x-libr=* | --x-lib=* | --x-li=* | --x-l=*) + x_libraries=$ac_optarg ;; + + -*) as_fn_error $? "unrecognized option: \`$ac_option' +Try \`$0 --help' for more information" + ;; + + *=*) + ac_envvar=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x\([^=]*\)='` + # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names. + case $ac_envvar in #( + '' | [0-9]* | *[!_$as_cr_alnum]* ) + as_fn_error $? "invalid variable name: \`$ac_envvar'" ;; + esac + eval $ac_envvar=\$ac_optarg + export $ac_envvar ;; + + *) + # FIXME: should be removed in autoconf 3.0. + $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: you should use --build, --host, --target" >&2 + expr "x$ac_option" : ".*[^-._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null && + $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: invalid host type: $ac_option" >&2 + : "${build_alias=$ac_option} ${host_alias=$ac_option} ${target_alias=$ac_option}" + ;; + + esac +done + +if test -n "$ac_prev"; then + ac_option=--`echo $ac_prev | sed 's/_/-/g'` + as_fn_error $? "missing argument to $ac_option" +fi + +if test -n "$ac_unrecognized_opts"; then + case $enable_option_checking in + no) ;; + fatal) as_fn_error $? "unrecognized options: $ac_unrecognized_opts" ;; + *) $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: unrecognized options: $ac_unrecognized_opts" >&2 ;; + esac +fi + +# Check all directory arguments for consistency. +for ac_var in exec_prefix prefix bindir sbindir libexecdir datarootdir \ + datadir sysconfdir sharedstatedir localstatedir includedir \ + oldincludedir docdir infodir htmldir dvidir pdfdir psdir \ + libdir localedir mandir runstatedir +do + eval ac_val=\$$ac_var + # Remove trailing slashes. + case $ac_val in + */ ) + ac_val=`expr "X$ac_val" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)' \| "X$ac_val" : 'X\(.*\)'` + eval $ac_var=\$ac_val;; + esac + # Be sure to have absolute directory names. + case $ac_val in + [\\/$]* | ?:[\\/]* ) continue;; + NONE | '' ) case $ac_var in *prefix ) continue;; esac;; + esac + as_fn_error $? "expected an absolute directory name for --$ac_var: $ac_val" +done + +# There might be people who depend on the old broken behavior: `$host' +# used to hold the argument of --host etc. +# FIXME: To remove some day. +build=$build_alias +host=$host_alias +target=$target_alias + +# FIXME: To remove some day. +if test "x$host_alias" != x; then + if test "x$build_alias" = x; then + cross_compiling=maybe + elif test "x$build_alias" != "x$host_alias"; then + cross_compiling=yes + fi +fi + +ac_tool_prefix= +test -n "$host_alias" && ac_tool_prefix=$host_alias- + +test "$silent" = yes && exec 6>/dev/null + + +ac_pwd=`pwd` && test -n "$ac_pwd" && +ac_ls_di=`ls -di .` && +ac_pwd_ls_di=`cd "$ac_pwd" && ls -di .` || + as_fn_error $? "working directory cannot be determined" +test "X$ac_ls_di" = "X$ac_pwd_ls_di" || + as_fn_error $? "pwd does not report name of working directory" + + +# Find the source files, if location was not specified. +if test -z "$srcdir"; then + ac_srcdir_defaulted=yes + # Try the directory containing this script, then the parent directory. + ac_confdir=`$as_dirname -- "$as_myself" || +$as_expr X"$as_myself" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \ + X"$as_myself" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \ + X"$as_myself" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ + X"$as_myself" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null || +$as_echo X"$as_myself" | + sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\).*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + s/.*/./; q'` + srcdir=$ac_confdir + if test ! -r "$srcdir/$ac_unique_file"; then + srcdir=.. + fi +else + ac_srcdir_defaulted=no +fi +if test ! -r "$srcdir/$ac_unique_file"; then + test "$ac_srcdir_defaulted" = yes && srcdir="$ac_confdir or .." + as_fn_error $? "cannot find sources ($ac_unique_file) in $srcdir" +fi +ac_msg="sources are in $srcdir, but \`cd $srcdir' does not work" +ac_abs_confdir=`( + cd "$srcdir" && test -r "./$ac_unique_file" || as_fn_error $? "$ac_msg" + pwd)` +# When building in place, set srcdir=. +if test "$ac_abs_confdir" = "$ac_pwd"; then + srcdir=. +fi +# Remove unnecessary trailing slashes from srcdir. +# Double slashes in file names in object file debugging info +# mess up M-x gdb in Emacs. +case $srcdir in +*/) srcdir=`expr "X$srcdir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)' \| "X$srcdir" : 'X\(.*\)'`;; +esac +for ac_var in $ac_precious_vars; do + eval ac_env_${ac_var}_set=\${${ac_var}+set} + eval ac_env_${ac_var}_value=\$${ac_var} + eval ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_set=\${${ac_var}+set} + eval ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_value=\$${ac_var} +done + +# +# Report the --help message. +# +if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then + # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing. + # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh. + cat <<_ACEOF +\`configure' configures MPFR 3.1.6 to adapt to many kinds of systems. + +Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]... + +To assign environment variables (e.g., CC, CFLAGS...), specify them as +VAR=VALUE. See below for descriptions of some of the useful variables. + +Defaults for the options are specified in brackets. + +Configuration: + -h, --help display this help and exit + --help=short display options specific to this package + --help=recursive display the short help of all the included packages + -V, --version display version information and exit + -q, --quiet, --silent do not print \`checking ...' messages + --cache-file=FILE cache test results in FILE [disabled] + -C, --config-cache alias for \`--cache-file=config.cache' + -n, --no-create do not create output files + --srcdir=DIR find the sources in DIR [configure dir or \`..'] + +Installation directories: + --prefix=PREFIX install architecture-independent files in PREFIX + [$ac_default_prefix] + --exec-prefix=EPREFIX install architecture-dependent files in EPREFIX + [PREFIX] + +By default, \`make install' will install all the files in +\`$ac_default_prefix/bin', \`$ac_default_prefix/lib' etc. You can specify +an installation prefix other than \`$ac_default_prefix' using \`--prefix', +for instance \`--prefix=\$HOME'. + +For better control, use the options below. + +Fine tuning of the installation directories: + --bindir=DIR user executables [EPREFIX/bin] + --sbindir=DIR system admin executables [EPREFIX/sbin] + --libexecdir=DIR program executables [EPREFIX/libexec] + --sysconfdir=DIR read-only single-machine data [PREFIX/etc] + --sharedstatedir=DIR modifiable architecture-independent data [PREFIX/com] + --localstatedir=DIR modifiable single-machine data [PREFIX/var] + --runstatedir=DIR modifiable per-process data [LOCALSTATEDIR/run] + --libdir=DIR object code libraries [EPREFIX/lib] + --includedir=DIR C header files [PREFIX/include] + --oldincludedir=DIR C header files for non-gcc [/usr/include] + --datarootdir=DIR read-only arch.-independent data root [PREFIX/share] + --datadir=DIR read-only architecture-independent data [DATAROOTDIR] + --infodir=DIR info documentation [DATAROOTDIR/info] + --localedir=DIR locale-dependent data [DATAROOTDIR/locale] + --mandir=DIR man documentation [DATAROOTDIR/man] + --docdir=DIR documentation root [DATAROOTDIR/doc/mpfr] + --htmldir=DIR html documentation [DOCDIR] + --dvidir=DIR dvi documentation [DOCDIR] + --pdfdir=DIR pdf documentation [DOCDIR] + --psdir=DIR ps documentation [DOCDIR] +_ACEOF + + cat <<\_ACEOF + +Program names: + --program-prefix=PREFIX prepend PREFIX to installed program names + --program-suffix=SUFFIX append SUFFIX to installed program names + --program-transform-name=PROGRAM run sed PROGRAM on installed program names + +System types: + --build=BUILD configure for building on BUILD [guessed] + --host=HOST cross-compile to build programs to run on HOST [BUILD] +_ACEOF +fi + +if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then + case $ac_init_help in + short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of MPFR 3.1.6:";; + esac + cat <<\_ACEOF + +Optional Features: + --disable-option-checking ignore unrecognized --enable/--with options + --disable-FEATURE do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no) + --enable-FEATURE[=ARG] include FEATURE [ARG=yes] + --enable-silent-rules less verbose build output (undo: "make V=1") + --disable-silent-rules verbose build output (undo: "make V=0") + --disable-maintainer-mode + disable make rules and dependencies not useful (and + sometimes confusing) to the casual installer + --enable-gmp-internals enable use of GMP undocumented functions [default=no] + --enable-assert enable ASSERT checking [default=no] + --enable-logging enable MPFR logging (the system must support it) + [default=no] + --disable-thread-safe explicitly disable TLS support + --enable-thread-safe build MPFR as thread safe, i.e. with TLS support + (the system must support it) [default=autodetect] + --enable-warnings allow MPFR to output warnings to stderr [default=no] + --enable-tests-timeout=NUM enable timeout (NUM seconds) for test programs + (NUM <= 9999) [default=no]; if enabled, env variable + $MPFR_TESTS_TIMEOUT overrides NUM (0: no timeout). + --enable-dependency-tracking + do not reject slow dependency extractors + --disable-dependency-tracking + speeds up one-time build + --enable-decimal-float build conversion functions from/to decimal floats + (requires --with-gmp-build) [default=no] + --enable-shared[=PKGS] build shared libraries [default=yes] + --enable-static[=PKGS] build static libraries [default=yes] + --enable-fast-install[=PKGS] + optimize for fast installation [default=yes] + --disable-libtool-lock avoid locking (might break parallel builds) + +Optional Packages: + --with-PACKAGE[=ARG] use PACKAGE [ARG=yes] + --without-PACKAGE do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no) + --with-gmp-include=DIR GMP include directory + --with-gmp-lib=DIR GMP lib directory + --with-gmp=DIR GMP install directory + --with-gmp-build=DIR GMP build directory (please read INSTALL file) + --with-mulhigh-size=NUM internal threshold table for mulhigh + --with-pic[=PKGS] try to use only PIC/non-PIC objects [default=use + both] + --with-aix-soname=aix|svr4|both + shared library versioning (aka "SONAME") variant to + provide on AIX, [default=aix]. + --with-gnu-ld assume the C compiler uses GNU ld [default=no] + --with-sysroot[=DIR] Search for dependent libraries within DIR (or the + compiler's sysroot if not specified). + +Some influential environment variables: + CC C compiler command + CFLAGS C compiler flags + LDFLAGS linker flags, e.g. -L if you have libraries in a + nonstandard directory + LIBS libraries to pass to the linker, e.g. -l + CPPFLAGS (Objective) C/C++ preprocessor flags, e.g. -I if + you have headers in a nonstandard directory + CPP C preprocessor + LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH + User-defined run-time library search path. + +Use these variables to override the choices made by `configure' or to help +it to find libraries and programs with nonstandard names/locations. + +Report bugs to the package provider. +_ACEOF +ac_status=$? +fi + +if test "$ac_init_help" = "recursive"; then + # If there are subdirs, report their specific --help. + for ac_dir in : $ac_subdirs_all; do test "x$ac_dir" = x: && continue + test -d "$ac_dir" || + { cd "$srcdir" && ac_pwd=`pwd` && srcdir=. && test -d "$ac_dir"; } || + continue + ac_builddir=. + +case "$ac_dir" in +.) ac_dir_suffix= ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;; +*) + ac_dir_suffix=/`$as_echo "$ac_dir" | sed 's|^\.[\\/]||'` + # A ".." for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix. + ac_top_builddir_sub=`$as_echo "$ac_dir_suffix" | sed 's|/[^\\/]*|/..|g;s|/||'` + case $ac_top_builddir_sub in + "") ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;; + *) ac_top_build_prefix=$ac_top_builddir_sub/ ;; + esac ;; +esac +ac_abs_top_builddir=$ac_pwd +ac_abs_builddir=$ac_pwd$ac_dir_suffix +# for backward compatibility: +ac_top_builddir=$ac_top_build_prefix + +case $srcdir in + .) # We are building in place. + ac_srcdir=. + ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_builddir_sub + ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd ;; + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* ) # Absolute name. + ac_srcdir=$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix; + ac_top_srcdir=$srcdir + ac_abs_top_srcdir=$srcdir ;; + *) # Relative name. + ac_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix + ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir + ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd/$srcdir ;; +esac +ac_abs_srcdir=$ac_abs_top_srcdir$ac_dir_suffix + + cd "$ac_dir" || { ac_status=$?; continue; } + # Check for guested configure. + if test -f "$ac_srcdir/configure.gnu"; then + echo && + $SHELL "$ac_srcdir/configure.gnu" --help=recursive + elif test -f "$ac_srcdir/configure"; then + echo && + $SHELL "$ac_srcdir/configure" --help=recursive + else + $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: no configuration information is in $ac_dir" >&2 + fi || ac_status=$? + cd "$ac_pwd" || { ac_status=$?; break; } + done +fi + +test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status +if $ac_init_version; then + cat <<\_ACEOF +MPFR configure 3.1.6 +generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 + +Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation +gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it. + + +Copyright 1999-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +Contributed by the AriC and Caramba projects, INRIA. + +This file is part of the GNU MPFR Library. + +The GNU MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published +by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at +your option) any later version. + +The GNU MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public +License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +along with the GNU MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If not, see + or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., +51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + +_ACEOF + exit +fi + +## ------------------------ ## +## Autoconf initialization. ## +## ------------------------ ## + +# ac_fn_c_try_compile LINENO +# -------------------------- +# Try to compile conftest.$ac_ext, and return whether this succeeded. +ac_fn_c_try_compile () +{ + as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack + rm -f conftest.$ac_objext + if { { ac_try="$ac_compile" +case "(($ac_try" in + *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; + *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; +esac +eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" +$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 + (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.err + ac_status=$? + if test -s conftest.err; then + grep -v '^ *+' conftest.err >conftest.er1 + cat conftest.er1 >&5 + mv -f conftest.er1 conftest.err + fi + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; } && { + test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" || + test ! -s conftest.err + } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then : + ac_retval=0 +else + $as_echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5 +sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5 + + ac_retval=1 +fi + eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno + as_fn_set_status $ac_retval + +} # ac_fn_c_try_compile + +# ac_fn_c_try_cpp LINENO +# ---------------------- +# Try to preprocess conftest.$ac_ext, and return whether this succeeded. +ac_fn_c_try_cpp () +{ + as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack + if { { ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext" +case "(($ac_try" in + *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; + *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; +esac +eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" +$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 + (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>conftest.err + ac_status=$? + if test -s conftest.err; then + grep -v '^ *+' conftest.err >conftest.er1 + cat conftest.er1 >&5 + mv -f conftest.er1 conftest.err + fi + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; } > conftest.i && { + test -z "$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag$ac_c_werror_flag" || + test ! -s conftest.err + }; then : + ac_retval=0 +else + $as_echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5 +sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5 + + ac_retval=1 +fi + eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno + as_fn_set_status $ac_retval + +} # ac_fn_c_try_cpp + +# ac_fn_c_try_run LINENO +# ---------------------- +# Try to link conftest.$ac_ext, and return whether this succeeded. Assumes +# that executables *can* be run. +ac_fn_c_try_run () +{ + as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack + if { { ac_try="$ac_link" +case "(($ac_try" in + *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; + *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; +esac +eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" +$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 + (eval "$ac_link") 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; } && { ac_try='./conftest$ac_exeext' + { { case "(($ac_try" in + *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; + *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; +esac +eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" +$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 + (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; }; }; then : + ac_retval=0 +else + $as_echo "$as_me: program exited with status $ac_status" >&5 + $as_echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5 +sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5 + + ac_retval=$ac_status +fi + rm -rf conftest.dSYM conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo + eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno + as_fn_set_status $ac_retval + +} # ac_fn_c_try_run + +# ac_fn_c_try_link LINENO +# ----------------------- +# Try to link conftest.$ac_ext, and return whether this succeeded. +ac_fn_c_try_link () +{ + as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack + rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext + if { { ac_try="$ac_link" +case "(($ac_try" in + *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; + *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; +esac +eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" +$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 + (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.err + ac_status=$? + if test -s conftest.err; then + grep -v '^ *+' conftest.err >conftest.er1 + cat conftest.er1 >&5 + mv -f conftest.er1 conftest.err + fi + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; } && { + test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" || + test ! -s conftest.err + } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext && { + test "$cross_compiling" = yes || + test -x conftest$ac_exeext + }; then : + ac_retval=0 +else + $as_echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5 +sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5 + + ac_retval=1 +fi + # Delete the IPA/IPO (Inter Procedural Analysis/Optimization) information + # created by the PGI compiler (conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo), as it would + # interfere with the next link command; also delete a directory that is + # left behind by Apple's compiler. We do this before executing the actions. + rm -rf conftest.dSYM conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo + eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno + as_fn_set_status $ac_retval + +} # ac_fn_c_try_link + +# ac_fn_c_check_header_mongrel LINENO HEADER VAR INCLUDES +# ------------------------------------------------------- +# Tests whether HEADER exists, giving a warning if it cannot be compiled using +# the include files in INCLUDES and setting the cache variable VAR +# accordingly. +ac_fn_c_check_header_mongrel () +{ + as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack + if eval \${$3+:} false; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $2" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $2... " >&6; } +if eval \${$3+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +fi +eval ac_res=\$$3 + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_res" >&6; } +else + # Is the header compilable? +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking $2 usability" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking $2 usability... " >&6; } +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +$4 +#include <$2> +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + ac_header_compiler=yes +else + ac_header_compiler=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_header_compiler" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_header_compiler" >&6; } + +# Is the header present? +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking $2 presence" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking $2 presence... " >&6; } +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include <$2> +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_cpp "$LINENO"; then : + ac_header_preproc=yes +else + ac_header_preproc=no +fi +rm -f conftest.err conftest.i conftest.$ac_ext +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_header_preproc" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_header_preproc" >&6; } + +# So? What about this header? +case $ac_header_compiler:$ac_header_preproc:$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag in #(( + yes:no: ) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: $2: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: $2: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: $2: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: $2: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&2;} + ;; + no:yes:* ) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: $2: present but cannot be compiled" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: $2: present but cannot be compiled" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: $2: check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: $2: check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: $2: see the Autoconf documentation" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: $2: see the Autoconf documentation" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: $2: section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: $2: section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: $2: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: $2: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&2;} + ;; +esac + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $2" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $2... " >&6; } +if eval \${$3+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + eval "$3=\$ac_header_compiler" +fi +eval ac_res=\$$3 + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_res" >&6; } +fi + eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno + +} # ac_fn_c_check_header_mongrel + +# ac_fn_c_check_header_compile LINENO HEADER VAR INCLUDES +# ------------------------------------------------------- +# Tests whether HEADER exists and can be compiled using the include files in +# INCLUDES, setting the cache variable VAR accordingly. +ac_fn_c_check_header_compile () +{ + as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $2" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $2... " >&6; } +if eval \${$3+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +$4 +#include <$2> +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + eval "$3=yes" +else + eval "$3=no" +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +eval ac_res=\$$3 + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_res" >&6; } + eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno + +} # ac_fn_c_check_header_compile + +# ac_fn_c_check_member LINENO AGGR MEMBER VAR INCLUDES +# ---------------------------------------------------- +# Tries to find if the field MEMBER exists in type AGGR, after including +# INCLUDES, setting cache variable VAR accordingly. +ac_fn_c_check_member () +{ + as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $2.$3" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $2.$3... " >&6; } +if eval \${$4+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +$5 +int +main (void) +{ +static $2 ac_aggr; +if (ac_aggr.$3) +return 0; + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + eval "$4=yes" +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +$5 +int +main (void) +{ +static $2 ac_aggr; +if (sizeof ac_aggr.$3) +return 0; + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + eval "$4=yes" +else + eval "$4=no" +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +eval ac_res=\$$4 + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_res" >&6; } + eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno + +} # ac_fn_c_check_member + +# ac_fn_c_check_type LINENO TYPE VAR INCLUDES +# ------------------------------------------- +# Tests whether TYPE exists after having included INCLUDES, setting cache +# variable VAR accordingly. +ac_fn_c_check_type () +{ + as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $2" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $2... " >&6; } +if eval \${$3+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + eval "$3=no" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +$4 +int +main (void) +{ +if (sizeof ($2)) + return 0; + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +$4 +int +main (void) +{ +if (sizeof (($2))) + return 0; + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + +else + eval "$3=yes" +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +eval ac_res=\$$3 + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_res" >&6; } + eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno + +} # ac_fn_c_check_type + +# ac_fn_c_check_func LINENO FUNC VAR +# ---------------------------------- +# Tests whether FUNC exists, setting the cache variable VAR accordingly +ac_fn_c_check_func () +{ + as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $2" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $2... " >&6; } +if eval \${$3+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +/* Define $2 to an innocuous variant, in case declares $2. + For example, HP-UX 11i declares gettimeofday. */ +#define $2 innocuous_$2 + +/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes, + which can conflict with char $2 (); below. + Prefer to if __STDC__ is defined, since + exists even on freestanding compilers. */ + +#ifdef __STDC__ +# include +#else +# include +#endif + +#undef $2 + +/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error. + Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC + builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" +#endif +char $2 (); +/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements + to always fail with ENOSYS. Some functions are actually named + something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias. */ +#if defined __stub_$2 || defined __stub___$2 +choke me +#endif + +int +main (void) +{ +return $2 (); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + eval "$3=yes" +else + eval "$3=no" +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +eval ac_res=\$$3 + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_res" >&6; } + eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno + +} # ac_fn_c_check_func + +# ac_fn_c_compute_int LINENO EXPR VAR INCLUDES +# -------------------------------------------- +# Tries to find the compile-time value of EXPR in a program that includes +# INCLUDES, setting VAR accordingly. Returns whether the value could be +# computed +ac_fn_c_compute_int () +{ + as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack + if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then + # Depending upon the size, compute the lo and hi bounds. +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +$4 +int +main (void) +{ +static int test_array [1 - 2 * !(($2) >= 0)]; +test_array [0] = 0; +return test_array [0]; + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + ac_lo=0 ac_mid=0 + while :; do + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +$4 +int +main (void) +{ +static int test_array [1 - 2 * !(($2) <= $ac_mid)]; +test_array [0] = 0; +return test_array [0]; + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + ac_hi=$ac_mid; break +else + as_fn_arith $ac_mid + 1 && ac_lo=$as_val + if test $ac_lo -le $ac_mid; then + ac_lo= ac_hi= + break + fi + as_fn_arith 2 '*' $ac_mid + 1 && ac_mid=$as_val +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + done +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +$4 +int +main (void) +{ +static int test_array [1 - 2 * !(($2) < 0)]; +test_array [0] = 0; +return test_array [0]; + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + ac_hi=-1 ac_mid=-1 + while :; do + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +$4 +int +main (void) +{ +static int test_array [1 - 2 * !(($2) >= $ac_mid)]; +test_array [0] = 0; +return test_array [0]; + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + ac_lo=$ac_mid; break +else + as_fn_arith '(' $ac_mid ')' - 1 && ac_hi=$as_val + if test $ac_mid -le $ac_hi; then + ac_lo= ac_hi= + break + fi + as_fn_arith 2 '*' $ac_mid && ac_mid=$as_val +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + done +else + ac_lo= ac_hi= +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext +# Binary search between lo and hi bounds. +while test "x$ac_lo" != "x$ac_hi"; do + as_fn_arith '(' $ac_hi - $ac_lo ')' / 2 + $ac_lo && ac_mid=$as_val + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +$4 +int +main (void) +{ +static int test_array [1 - 2 * !(($2) <= $ac_mid)]; +test_array [0] = 0; +return test_array [0]; + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + ac_hi=$ac_mid +else + as_fn_arith '(' $ac_mid ')' + 1 && ac_lo=$as_val +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext +done +case $ac_lo in #(( +?*) eval "$3=\$ac_lo"; ac_retval=0 ;; +'') ac_retval=1 ;; +esac + else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +$4 +static long int longval () { return $2; } +static unsigned long int ulongval () { return $2; } +#include +#include +int +main (void) +{ + + FILE *f = fopen ("conftest.val", "w"); + if (! f) + return 1; + if (($2) < 0) + { + long int i = longval (); + if (i != ($2)) + return 1; + fprintf (f, "%ld", i); + } + else + { + unsigned long int i = ulongval (); + if (i != ($2)) + return 1; + fprintf (f, "%lu", i); + } + /* Do not output a trailing newline, as this causes \r\n confusion + on some platforms. */ + return ferror (f) || fclose (f) != 0; + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + echo >>conftest.val; read $3 config.log <<_ACEOF +This file contains any messages produced by compilers while +running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake. + +It was created by MPFR $as_me 3.1.6, which was +generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was + + $ $0 $@ + +_ACEOF +exec 5>>config.log +{ +cat <<_ASUNAME +## --------- ## +## Platform. ## +## --------- ## + +hostname = `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q` +uname -m = `(uname -m) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +uname -r = `(uname -r) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +uname -s = `(uname -s) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +uname -v = `(uname -v) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` + +/usr/bin/uname -p = `(/usr/bin/uname -p) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +/bin/uname -X = `(/bin/uname -X) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` + +/bin/arch = `(/bin/arch) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +/usr/bin/arch -k = `(/usr/bin/arch -k) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +/usr/convex/getsysinfo = `(/usr/convex/getsysinfo) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +/usr/bin/hostinfo = `(/usr/bin/hostinfo) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +/bin/machine = `(/bin/machine) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +/usr/bin/oslevel = `(/usr/bin/oslevel) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +/bin/universe = `(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` + +_ASUNAME + +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + $as_echo "PATH: $as_dir" + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +} >&5 + +cat >&5 <<_ACEOF + + +## ----------- ## +## Core tests. ## +## ----------- ## + +_ACEOF + + +# Keep a trace of the command line. +# Strip out --no-create and --no-recursion so they do not pile up. +# Strip out --silent because we don't want to record it for future runs. +# Also quote any args containing shell meta-characters. +# Make two passes to allow for proper duplicate-argument suppression. +ac_configure_args= +ac_configure_args0= +ac_configure_args1= +ac_must_keep_next=false +for ac_pass in 1 2 +do + for ac_arg + do + case $ac_arg in + -no-create | --no-c* | -n | -no-recursion | --no-r*) continue ;; + -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \ + | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil) + continue ;; + *\'*) + ac_arg=`$as_echo "$ac_arg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;; + esac + case $ac_pass in + 1) as_fn_append ac_configure_args0 " '$ac_arg'" ;; + 2) + as_fn_append ac_configure_args1 " '$ac_arg'" + if test $ac_must_keep_next = true; then + ac_must_keep_next=false # Got value, back to normal. + else + case $ac_arg in + *=* | --config-cache | -C | -disable-* | --disable-* \ + | -enable-* | --enable-* | -gas | --g* | -nfp | --nf* \ + | -q | -quiet | --q* | -silent | --sil* | -v | -verb* \ + | -with-* | --with-* | -without-* | --without-* | --x) + case "$ac_configure_args0 " in + "$ac_configure_args1"*" '$ac_arg' "* ) continue ;; + esac + ;; + -* ) ac_must_keep_next=true ;; + esac + fi + as_fn_append ac_configure_args " '$ac_arg'" + ;; + esac + done +done +{ ac_configure_args0=; unset ac_configure_args0;} +{ ac_configure_args1=; unset ac_configure_args1;} + +# When interrupted or exit'd, cleanup temporary files, and complete +# config.log. We remove comments because anyway the quotes in there +# would cause problems or look ugly. +# WARNING: Use '\'' to represent an apostrophe within the trap. +# WARNING: Do not start the trap code with a newline, due to a FreeBSD 4.0 bug. +trap 'exit_status=$? + # Save into config.log some information that might help in debugging. + { + echo + + $as_echo "## ---------------- ## +## Cache variables. ## +## ---------------- ##" + echo + # The following way of writing the cache mishandles newlines in values, +( + for ac_var in `(set) 2>&1 | sed -n '\''s/^\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=.*/\1/p'\''`; do + eval ac_val=\$$ac_var + case $ac_val in #( + *${as_nl}*) + case $ac_var in #( + *_cv_*) { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: cache variable $ac_var contains a newline" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: cache variable $ac_var contains a newline" >&2;} ;; + esac + case $ac_var in #( + _ | IFS | as_nl) ;; #( + BASH_ARGV | BASH_SOURCE) eval $ac_var= ;; #( + *) { eval $ac_var=; unset $ac_var;} ;; + esac ;; + esac + done + (set) 2>&1 | + case $as_nl`(ac_space='\'' '\''; set) 2>&1` in #( + *${as_nl}ac_space=\ *) + sed -n \ + "s/'\''/'\''\\\\'\'''\''/g; + s/^\\([_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1='\''\\2'\''/p" + ;; #( + *) + sed -n "/^[_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*=/p" + ;; + esac | + sort +) + echo + + $as_echo "## ----------------- ## +## Output variables. ## +## ----------------- ##" + echo + for ac_var in $ac_subst_vars + do + eval ac_val=\$$ac_var + case $ac_val in + *\'\''*) ac_val=`$as_echo "$ac_val" | sed "s/'\''/'\''\\\\\\\\'\'''\''/g"`;; + esac + $as_echo "$ac_var='\''$ac_val'\''" + done | sort + echo + + if test -n "$ac_subst_files"; then + $as_echo "## ------------------- ## +## File substitutions. ## +## ------------------- ##" + echo + for ac_var in $ac_subst_files + do + eval ac_val=\$$ac_var + case $ac_val in + *\'\''*) ac_val=`$as_echo "$ac_val" | sed "s/'\''/'\''\\\\\\\\'\'''\''/g"`;; + esac + $as_echo "$ac_var='\''$ac_val'\''" + done | sort + echo + fi + + if test -s confdefs.h; then + $as_echo "## ----------- ## +## confdefs.h. ## +## ----------- ##" + echo + cat confdefs.h + echo + fi + test "$ac_signal" != 0 && + $as_echo "$as_me: caught signal $ac_signal" + $as_echo "$as_me: exit $exit_status" + } >&5 + rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* && + rm -f -r conftest* confdefs* conf$$* $ac_clean_files && + exit $exit_status +' 0 +for ac_signal in 1 2 13 15; do + trap 'ac_signal='$ac_signal'; as_fn_exit 1' $ac_signal +done +ac_signal=0 + +# confdefs.h avoids OS command line length limits that DEFS can exceed. +rm -f -r conftest* confdefs.h + +$as_echo "/* confdefs.h */" > confdefs.h + +# Predefined preprocessor variables. + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define PACKAGE_NAME "$PACKAGE_NAME" +_ACEOF + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define PACKAGE_TARNAME "$PACKAGE_TARNAME" +_ACEOF + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define PACKAGE_VERSION "$PACKAGE_VERSION" +_ACEOF + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define PACKAGE_STRING "$PACKAGE_STRING" +_ACEOF + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "$PACKAGE_BUGREPORT" +_ACEOF + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define PACKAGE_URL "$PACKAGE_URL" +_ACEOF + + +# Let the site file select an alternate cache file if it wants to. +# Prefer an explicitly selected file to automatically selected ones. +ac_site_file1=NONE +ac_site_file2=NONE +if test -n "$CONFIG_SITE"; then + # We do not want a PATH search for + case $CONFIG_SITE in #(( + -*) ac_site_file1=./$CONFIG_SITE;; + */*) ac_site_file1=$CONFIG_SITE;; + *) ac_site_file1=./$CONFIG_SITE;; + esac +elif test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then + ac_site_file1=$prefix/share/ + ac_site_file2=$prefix/etc/ +else + ac_site_file1=$ac_default_prefix/share/ + ac_site_file2=$ac_default_prefix/etc/ +fi +for ac_site_file in "$ac_site_file1" "$ac_site_file2" +do + test "x$ac_site_file" = xNONE && continue + if test /dev/null != "$ac_site_file" && test -r "$ac_site_file"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: loading site script $ac_site_file" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: loading site script $ac_site_file" >&6;} + sed 's/^/| /' "$ac_site_file" >&5 + . "$ac_site_file" \ + || { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} +as_fn_error $? "failed to load site script $ac_site_file +See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } + fi +done + +if test -r "$cache_file"; then + # Some versions of bash will fail to source /dev/null (special files + # actually), so we avoid doing that. DJGPP emulates it as a regular file. + if test /dev/null != "$cache_file" && test -f "$cache_file"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: loading cache $cache_file" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: loading cache $cache_file" >&6;} + case $cache_file in + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* ) . "$cache_file";; + *) . "./$cache_file";; + esac + fi +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: creating cache $cache_file" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: creating cache $cache_file" >&6;} + >$cache_file +fi + +# Check that the precious variables saved in the cache have kept the same +# value. +ac_cache_corrupted=false +for ac_var in $ac_precious_vars; do + eval ac_old_set=\$ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_set + eval ac_new_set=\$ac_env_${ac_var}_set + eval ac_old_val=\$ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_value + eval ac_new_val=\$ac_env_${ac_var}_value + case $ac_old_set,$ac_new_set in + set,) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: \`$ac_var' was set to \`$ac_old_val' in the previous run" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' was set to \`$ac_old_val' in the previous run" >&2;} + ac_cache_corrupted=: ;; + ,set) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: \`$ac_var' was not set in the previous run" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' was not set in the previous run" >&2;} + ac_cache_corrupted=: ;; + ,);; + *) + if test "x$ac_old_val" != "x$ac_new_val"; then + # differences in whitespace do not lead to failure. + ac_old_val_w=`echo x $ac_old_val` + ac_new_val_w=`echo x $ac_new_val` + if test "$ac_old_val_w" != "$ac_new_val_w"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: \`$ac_var' has changed since the previous run:" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' has changed since the previous run:" >&2;} + ac_cache_corrupted=: + else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: warning: ignoring whitespace changes in \`$ac_var' since the previous run:" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: warning: ignoring whitespace changes in \`$ac_var' since the previous run:" >&2;} + eval $ac_var=\$ac_old_val + fi + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: former value: \`$ac_old_val'" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: former value: \`$ac_old_val'" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: current value: \`$ac_new_val'" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: current value: \`$ac_new_val'" >&2;} + fi;; + esac + # Pass precious variables to config.status. + if test "$ac_new_set" = set; then + case $ac_new_val in + *\'*) ac_arg=$ac_var=`$as_echo "$ac_new_val" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;; + *) ac_arg=$ac_var=$ac_new_val ;; + esac + case " $ac_configure_args " in + *" '$ac_arg' "*) ;; # Avoid dups. Use of quotes ensures accuracy. + *) as_fn_append ac_configure_args " '$ac_arg'" ;; + esac + fi +done +if $ac_cache_corrupted; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: changes in the environment can compromise the build" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: changes in the environment can compromise the build" >&2;} + as_fn_error $? "run \`make distclean' and/or \`rm $cache_file' and start over" "$LINENO" 5 +fi +## -------------------- ## +## Main body of script. ## +## -------------------- ## + +ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu + + + +am__api_version='1.15' + +ac_aux_dir= +for ac_dir in "$srcdir" "$srcdir/.." "$srcdir/../.."; do + if test -f "$ac_dir/install-sh"; then + ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir + ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install-sh -c" + break + elif test -f "$ac_dir/"; then + ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir + ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/ -c" + break + elif test -f "$ac_dir/shtool"; then + ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir + ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/shtool install -c" + break + fi +done +if test -z "$ac_aux_dir"; then + as_fn_error $? "cannot find install-sh,, or shtool in \"$srcdir\" \"$srcdir/..\" \"$srcdir/../..\"" "$LINENO" 5 +fi + +# These three variables are undocumented and unsupported, +# and are intended to be withdrawn in a future Autoconf release. +# They can cause serious problems if a builder's source tree is in a directory +# whose full name contains unusual characters. +ac_config_guess="$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.guess" # Please don't use this var. +ac_config_sub="$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub" # Please don't use this var. +ac_configure="$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/configure" # Please don't use this var. + + +# Find a good install program. We prefer a C program (faster), +# so one script is as good as another. But avoid the broken or +# incompatible versions: +# SysV /etc/install, /usr/sbin/install +# SunOS /usr/etc/install +# IRIX /sbin/install +# AIX /bin/install +# AmigaOS /C/install, which installs bootblocks on floppy discs +# AIX 4 /usr/bin/installbsd, which doesn't work without a -g flag +# AFS /usr/afsws/bin/install, which mishandles nonexistent args +# SVR4 /usr/ucb/install, which tries to use the nonexistent group "staff" +# OS/2's system install, which has a completely different semantic +# ./install, which can be erroneously created by make from ./ +# Reject install programs that cannot install multiple files. +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for a BSD-compatible install" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for a BSD-compatible install... " >&6; } +if test -z "$INSTALL"; then +if ${ac_cv_path_install+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + # Account for people who put trailing slashes in PATH elements. +case $as_dir/ in #(( + ./ | .// | /[cC]/* | \ + /etc/* | /usr/sbin/* | /usr/etc/* | /sbin/* | /usr/afsws/bin/* | \ + ?:[\\/]os2[\\/]install[\\/]* | ?:[\\/]OS2[\\/]INSTALL[\\/]* | \ + /usr/ucb/* ) ;; + *) + # OSF1 and SCO ODT 3.0 have their own names for install. + # Don't use installbsd from OSF since it installs stuff as root + # by default. + for ac_prog in ginstall scoinst install; do + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext"; then + if test $ac_prog = install && + grep dspmsg "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" >/dev/null 2>&1; then + # AIX install. It has an incompatible calling convention. + : + elif test $ac_prog = install && + grep pwplus "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" >/dev/null 2>&1; then + # program-specific install script used by HP pwplus--don't use. + : + else + rm -rf conftest.two conftest.dir + echo one > + echo two > conftest.two + mkdir conftest.dir + if "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" -c conftest.two "`pwd`/conftest.dir" && + test -s && test -s conftest.two && + test -s conftest.dir/ && + test -s conftest.dir/conftest.two + then + ac_cv_path_install="$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext -c" + break 3 + fi + fi + fi + done + done + ;; +esac + + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +rm -rf conftest.two conftest.dir + +fi + if test "${ac_cv_path_install+set}" = set; then + INSTALL=$ac_cv_path_install + else + # As a last resort, use the slow shell script. Don't cache a + # value for INSTALL within a source directory, because that will + # break other packages using the cache if that directory is + # removed, or if the value is a relative name. + INSTALL=$ac_install_sh + fi +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $INSTALL" >&5 +$as_echo "$INSTALL" >&6; } + +# Use test -z because SunOS4 sh mishandles braces in ${var-val}. +# It thinks the first close brace ends the variable substitution. +test -z "$INSTALL_PROGRAM" && INSTALL_PROGRAM='${INSTALL}' + +test -z "$INSTALL_SCRIPT" && INSTALL_SCRIPT='${INSTALL}' + +test -z "$INSTALL_DATA" && INSTALL_DATA='${INSTALL} -m 644' + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether build environment is sane" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether build environment is sane... " >&6; } +# Reject unsafe characters in $srcdir or the absolute working directory +# name. Accept space and tab only in the latter. +am_lf=' +' +case `pwd` in + *[\\\"\#\$\&\'\`$am_lf]*) + as_fn_error $? "unsafe absolute working directory name" "$LINENO" 5;; +esac +case $srcdir in + *[\\\"\#\$\&\'\`$am_lf\ \ ]*) + as_fn_error $? "unsafe srcdir value: '$srcdir'" "$LINENO" 5;; +esac + +# Do 'set' in a subshell so we don't clobber the current shell's +# arguments. Must try -L first in case configure is actually a +# symlink; some systems play weird games with the mod time of symlinks +# (eg FreeBSD returns the mod time of the symlink's containing +# directory). +if ( + am_has_slept=no + for am_try in 1 2; do + echo "timestamp, slept: $am_has_slept" > conftest.file + set X `ls -Lt "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file 2> /dev/null` + if test "$*" = "X"; then + # -L didn't work. + set X `ls -t "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file` + fi + if test "$*" != "X $srcdir/configure conftest.file" \ + && test "$*" != "X conftest.file $srcdir/configure"; then + + # If neither matched, then we have a broken ls. This can happen + # if, for instance, CONFIG_SHELL is bash and it inherits a + # broken ls alias from the environment. This has actually + # happened. Such a system could not be considered "sane". + as_fn_error $? "ls -t appears to fail. Make sure there is not a broken + alias in your environment" "$LINENO" 5 + fi + if test "$2" = conftest.file || test $am_try -eq 2; then + break + fi + # Just in case. + sleep 1 + am_has_slept=yes + done + test "$2" = conftest.file + ) +then + # Ok. + : +else + as_fn_error $? "newly created file is older than distributed files! +Check your system clock" "$LINENO" 5 +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } +# If we didn't sleep, we still need to ensure time stamps of config.status and +# generated files are strictly newer. +am_sleep_pid= +if grep 'slept: no' conftest.file >/dev/null 2>&1; then + ( sleep 1 ) & + am_sleep_pid=$! +fi + +rm -f conftest.file + +test "$program_prefix" != NONE && + program_transform_name="s&^&$program_prefix&;$program_transform_name" +# Use a double $ so make ignores it. +test "$program_suffix" != NONE && + program_transform_name="s&\$&$program_suffix&;$program_transform_name" +# Double any \ or $. +# By default was `s,x,x', remove it if useless. +ac_script='s/[\\$]/&&/g;s/;s,x,x,$//' +program_transform_name=`$as_echo "$program_transform_name" | sed "$ac_script"` + +# Expand $ac_aux_dir to an absolute path. +am_aux_dir=`cd "$ac_aux_dir" && pwd` + +if test x"${MISSING+set}" != xset; then + case $am_aux_dir in + *\ * | *\ *) + MISSING="\${SHELL} \"$am_aux_dir/missing\"" ;; + *) + MISSING="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/missing" ;; + esac +fi +# Use eval to expand $SHELL +if eval "$MISSING --is-lightweight"; then + am_missing_run="$MISSING " +else + am_missing_run= + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: 'missing' script is too old or missing" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: 'missing' script is too old or missing" >&2;} +fi + +if test x"${install_sh+set}" != xset; then + case $am_aux_dir in + *\ * | *\ *) + install_sh="\${SHELL} '$am_aux_dir/install-sh'" ;; + *) + install_sh="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/install-sh" + esac +fi + +# Installed binaries are usually stripped using 'strip' when the user +# run "make install-strip". However 'strip' might not be the right +# tool to use in cross-compilation environments, therefore Automake +# will honor the 'STRIP' environment variable to overrule this program. +if test "$cross_compiling" != no; then + if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}strip", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}strip; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_STRIP+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$STRIP"; then + ac_cv_prog_STRIP="$STRIP" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_STRIP="${ac_tool_prefix}strip" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +STRIP=$ac_cv_prog_STRIP +if test -n "$STRIP"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $STRIP" >&5 +$as_echo "$STRIP" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_STRIP"; then + ac_ct_STRIP=$STRIP + # Extract the first word of "strip", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy strip; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_STRIP+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_STRIP"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_STRIP="$ac_ct_STRIP" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_STRIP="strip" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_STRIP=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_STRIP +if test -n "$ac_ct_STRIP"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_STRIP" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_STRIP" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + if test "x$ac_ct_STRIP" = x; then + STRIP=":" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + STRIP=$ac_ct_STRIP + fi +else + STRIP="$ac_cv_prog_STRIP" +fi + +fi +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM="\$(install_sh) -c -s" + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... " >&6; } +if test -z "$MKDIR_P"; then + if ${ac_cv_path_mkdir+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/opt/sfw/bin +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_prog in mkdir gmkdir; do + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" || continue + case `"$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" --version 2>&1` in #( + 'mkdir (GNU coreutils) '* | \ + 'mkdir (coreutils) '* | \ + 'mkdir (fileutils) '4.1*) + ac_cv_path_mkdir=$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext + break 3;; + esac + done + done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi + + test -d ./--version && rmdir ./--version + if test "${ac_cv_path_mkdir+set}" = set; then + MKDIR_P="$ac_cv_path_mkdir -p" + else + # As a last resort, use the slow shell script. Don't cache a + # value for MKDIR_P within a source directory, because that will + # break other packages using the cache if that directory is + # removed, or if the value is a relative name. + MKDIR_P="$ac_install_sh -d" + fi +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $MKDIR_P" >&5 +$as_echo "$MKDIR_P" >&6; } + +for ac_prog in gawk mawk nawk awk +do + # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_AWK+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$AWK"; then + ac_cv_prog_AWK="$AWK" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_AWK="$ac_prog" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +AWK=$ac_cv_prog_AWK +if test -n "$AWK"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $AWK" >&5 +$as_echo "$AWK" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + test -n "$AWK" && break +done + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \$(MAKE)" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \$(MAKE)... " >&6; } +set x ${MAKE-make} +ac_make=`$as_echo "$2" | sed 's/+/p/g; s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/_/g'` +if eval \${ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat >conftest.make <<\_ACEOF +SHELL = /bin/sh +all: + @echo '@@@%%%=$(MAKE)=@@@%%%' +_ACEOF +# GNU make sometimes prints "make[1]: Entering ...", which would confuse us. +case `${MAKE-make} -f conftest.make 2>/dev/null` in + *@@@%%%=?*=@@@%%%*) + eval ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set=yes;; + *) + eval ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set=no;; +esac +rm -f conftest.make +fi +if eval test \$ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set = yes; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + SET_MAKE= +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + SET_MAKE="MAKE=${MAKE-make}" +fi + +rm -rf .tst 2>/dev/null +mkdir .tst 2>/dev/null +if test -d .tst; then + am__leading_dot=. +else + am__leading_dot=_ +fi +rmdir .tst 2>/dev/null + +# Check whether --enable-silent-rules was given. +if test "${enable_silent_rules+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_silent_rules; +fi + +case $enable_silent_rules in # ((( + yes) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=0;; + no) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=1;; + *) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=1;; +esac +am_make=${MAKE-make} +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $am_make supports nested variables" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether $am_make supports nested variables... " >&6; } +if ${am_cv_make_support_nested_variables+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if $as_echo 'TRUE=$(BAR$(V)) +BAR0=false +BAR1=true +V=1 +am__doit: + @$(TRUE) +.PHONY: am__doit' | $am_make -f - >/dev/null 2>&1; then + am_cv_make_support_nested_variables=yes +else + am_cv_make_support_nested_variables=no +fi +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $am_cv_make_support_nested_variables" >&5 +$as_echo "$am_cv_make_support_nested_variables" >&6; } +if test $am_cv_make_support_nested_variables = yes; then + AM_V='$(V)' + AM_DEFAULT_V='$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)' +else + AM_V=$AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY + AM_DEFAULT_V=$AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY +fi +AM_BACKSLASH='\' + +if test "`cd $srcdir && pwd`" != "`pwd`"; then + # Use -I$(srcdir) only when $(srcdir) != ., so that make's output + # is not polluted with repeated "-I." + am__isrc=' -I$(srcdir)' + # test to see if srcdir already configured + if test -f $srcdir/config.status; then + as_fn_error $? "source directory already configured; run \"make distclean\" there first" "$LINENO" 5 + fi +fi + +# test whether we have cygpath +if test -z "$CYGPATH_W"; then + if (cygpath --version) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then + CYGPATH_W='cygpath -w' + else + CYGPATH_W=echo + fi +fi + + +# Define the identity of the package. + PACKAGE='mpfr' + VERSION='3.1.6' + + +# Some tools Automake needs. + +ACLOCAL=${ACLOCAL-"${am_missing_run}aclocal-${am__api_version}"} + + +AUTOCONF=${AUTOCONF-"${am_missing_run}autoconf"} + + +AUTOMAKE=${AUTOMAKE-"${am_missing_run}automake-${am__api_version}"} + + +AUTOHEADER=${AUTOHEADER-"${am_missing_run}autoheader"} + + +MAKEINFO=${MAKEINFO-"${am_missing_run}makeinfo"} + +# For better backward compatibility. To be removed once Automake 1.9.x +# dies out for good. For more background, see: +# +# +mkdir_p='$(MKDIR_P)' + +# We need awk for the "check" target (and possibly the TAP driver). The +# system "awk" is bad on some platforms. +# Always define AMTAR for backward compatibility. Yes, it's still used +# in the wild :-( We should find a proper way to deprecate it ... +AMTAR='$${TAR-tar}' + + +# We'll loop over all known methods to create a tar archive until one works. +_am_tools='gnutar pax cpio none' + +am__tar='$${TAR-tar} chof - "$$tardir"' am__untar='$${TAR-tar} xf -' + + + + + + +# POSIX will say in a future version that running "rm -f" with no argument +# is OK; and we want to be able to make that assumption in our Makefile +# recipes. So use an aggressive probe to check that the usage we want is +# actually supported "in the wild" to an acceptable degree. +# See automake bug#10828. +# To make any issue more visible, cause the running configure to be aborted +# by default if the 'rm' program in use doesn't match our expectations; the +# user can still override this though. +if rm -f && rm -fr && rm -rf; then : OK; else + cat >&2 <<'END' +Oops! + +Your 'rm' program seems unable to run without file operands specified +on the command line, even when the '-f' option is present. This is contrary +to the behaviour of most rm programs out there, and not conforming with +the upcoming POSIX standard: + +Please tell about your system, including the value +of your $PATH and any error possibly output before this message. This +can help us improve future automake versions. + +END + if test x"$ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM" = x"yes"; then + echo 'Configuration will proceed anyway, since you have set the' >&2 + echo 'ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM variable to "yes"' >&2 + echo >&2 + else + cat >&2 <<'END' +Aborting the configuration process, to ensure you take notice of the issue. + +You can download and install GNU coreutils to get an 'rm' implementation +that behaves properly: . + +If you want to complete the configuration process using your problematic +'rm' anyway, export the environment variable ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM +to "yes", and re-run configure. + +END + as_fn_error $? "Your 'rm' program is bad, sorry." "$LINENO" 5 + fi +fi + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... " >&6; } + # Check whether --enable-maintainer-mode was given. +if test "${enable_maintainer_mode+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_maintainer_mode; USE_MAINTAINER_MODE=$enableval +else + USE_MAINTAINER_MODE=yes +fi + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $USE_MAINTAINER_MODE" >&5 +$as_echo "$USE_MAINTAINER_MODE" >&6; } + if test $USE_MAINTAINER_MODE = yes; then + MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE= + MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE='#' +else + MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE='#' + MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE= +fi + + MAINT=$MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE + + + + + + +test_CFLAGS=${CFLAGS+set} + +if test -n "$CFLAGS" || test -n "$CC" ; then + user_redefine_cc=yes +fi + + +# Make sure we can run config.sub. +$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" sun4 >/dev/null 2>&1 || + as_fn_error $? "cannot run $SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub" "$LINENO" 5 + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking build system type" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking build system type... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_build+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_build_alias=$build_alias +test "x$ac_build_alias" = x && + ac_build_alias=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.guess"` +test "x$ac_build_alias" = x && + as_fn_error $? "cannot guess build type; you must specify one" "$LINENO" 5 +ac_cv_build=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" $ac_build_alias` || + as_fn_error $? "$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub $ac_build_alias failed" "$LINENO" 5 + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_build" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_build" >&6; } +case $ac_cv_build in +*-*-*) ;; +*) as_fn_error $? "invalid value of canonical build" "$LINENO" 5;; +esac +build=$ac_cv_build +ac_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS='-' +set x $ac_cv_build +shift +build_cpu=$1 +build_vendor=$2 +shift; shift +# Remember, the first character of IFS is used to create $*, +# except with old shells: +build_os=$* +IFS=$ac_save_IFS +case $build_os in *\ *) build_os=`echo "$build_os" | sed 's/ /-/g'`;; esac + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking host system type" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking host system type... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_host+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test "x$host_alias" = x; then + ac_cv_host=$ac_cv_build +else + ac_cv_host=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" $host_alias` || + as_fn_error $? "$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub $host_alias failed" "$LINENO" 5 +fi + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_host" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_host" >&6; } +case $ac_cv_host in +*-*-*) ;; +*) as_fn_error $? "invalid value of canonical host" "$LINENO" 5;; +esac +host=$ac_cv_host +ac_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS='-' +set x $ac_cv_host +shift +host_cpu=$1 +host_vendor=$2 +shift; shift +# Remember, the first character of IFS is used to create $*, +# except with old shells: +host_os=$* +IFS=$ac_save_IFS +case $host_os in *\ *) host_os=`echo "$host_os" | sed 's/ /-/g'`;; esac + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_path_GREP+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -z "$GREP"; then + ac_path_GREP_found=false + # Loop through the user's path and test for each of PROGNAME-LIST + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/xpg4/bin +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_prog in grep ggrep; do + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + ac_path_GREP="$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" + as_fn_executable_p "$ac_path_GREP" || continue +# Check for GNU ac_path_GREP and select it if it is found. + # Check for GNU $ac_path_GREP +case `"$ac_path_GREP" --version 2>&1` in +*GNU*) + ac_cv_path_GREP="$ac_path_GREP" ac_path_GREP_found=:;; +*) + ac_count=0 + $as_echo_n 0123456789 >"" + while : + do + cat "" "" >"conftest.tmp" + mv "conftest.tmp" "" + cp "" "" + $as_echo 'GREP' >> "" + "$ac_path_GREP" -e 'GREP$' -e '-(cannot match)-' < "" >"conftest.out" 2>/dev/null || break + diff "conftest.out" "" >/dev/null 2>&1 || break + as_fn_arith $ac_count + 1 && ac_count=$as_val + if test $ac_count -gt ${ac_path_GREP_max-0}; then + # Best one so far, save it but keep looking for a better one + ac_cv_path_GREP="$ac_path_GREP" + ac_path_GREP_max=$ac_count + fi + # 10*(2^10) chars as input seems more than enough + test $ac_count -gt 10 && break + done + rm -f conftest.tmp conftest.out;; +esac + + $ac_path_GREP_found && break 3 + done + done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + if test -z "$ac_cv_path_GREP"; then + as_fn_error $? "no acceptable grep could be found in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/xpg4/bin" "$LINENO" 5 + fi +else + ac_cv_path_GREP=$GREP +fi + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_path_GREP" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_path_GREP" >&6; } + GREP="$ac_cv_path_GREP" + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for egrep" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for egrep... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_path_EGREP+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if echo a | $GREP -E '(a|b)' >/dev/null 2>&1 + then ac_cv_path_EGREP="$GREP -E" + else + if test -z "$EGREP"; then + ac_path_EGREP_found=false + # Loop through the user's path and test for each of PROGNAME-LIST + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/xpg4/bin +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_prog in egrep; do + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + ac_path_EGREP="$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" + as_fn_executable_p "$ac_path_EGREP" || continue +# Check for GNU ac_path_EGREP and select it if it is found. + # Check for GNU $ac_path_EGREP +case `"$ac_path_EGREP" --version 2>&1` in +*GNU*) + ac_cv_path_EGREP="$ac_path_EGREP" ac_path_EGREP_found=:;; +*) + ac_count=0 + $as_echo_n 0123456789 >"" + while : + do + cat "" "" >"conftest.tmp" + mv "conftest.tmp" "" + cp "" "" + $as_echo 'EGREP' >> "" + "$ac_path_EGREP" 'EGREP$' < "" >"conftest.out" 2>/dev/null || break + diff "conftest.out" "" >/dev/null 2>&1 || break + as_fn_arith $ac_count + 1 && ac_count=$as_val + if test $ac_count -gt ${ac_path_EGREP_max-0}; then + # Best one so far, save it but keep looking for a better one + ac_cv_path_EGREP="$ac_path_EGREP" + ac_path_EGREP_max=$ac_count + fi + # 10*(2^10) chars as input seems more than enough + test $ac_count -gt 10 && break + done + rm -f conftest.tmp conftest.out;; +esac + + $ac_path_EGREP_found && break 3 + done + done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + if test -z "$ac_cv_path_EGREP"; then + as_fn_error $? "no acceptable egrep could be found in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/xpg4/bin" "$LINENO" 5 + fi +else + ac_cv_path_EGREP=$EGREP +fi + + fi +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_path_EGREP" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_path_EGREP" >&6; } + EGREP="$ac_cv_path_EGREP" + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for a sed that does not truncate output" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for a sed that does not truncate output... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_path_SED+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_script=s/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb/ + for ac_i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do + ac_script="$ac_script$as_nl$ac_script" + done + echo "$ac_script" 2>/dev/null | sed 99q >conftest.sed + { ac_script=; unset ac_script;} + if test -z "$SED"; then + ac_path_SED_found=false + # Loop through the user's path and test for each of PROGNAME-LIST + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_prog in sed gsed; do + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + ac_path_SED="$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" + as_fn_executable_p "$ac_path_SED" || continue +# Check for GNU ac_path_SED and select it if it is found. + # Check for GNU $ac_path_SED +case `"$ac_path_SED" --version 2>&1` in +*GNU*) + ac_cv_path_SED="$ac_path_SED" ac_path_SED_found=:;; +*) + ac_count=0 + $as_echo_n 0123456789 >"" + while : + do + cat "" "" >"conftest.tmp" + mv "conftest.tmp" "" + cp "" "" + $as_echo '' >> "" + "$ac_path_SED" -f conftest.sed < "" >"conftest.out" 2>/dev/null || break + diff "conftest.out" "" >/dev/null 2>&1 || break + as_fn_arith $ac_count + 1 && ac_count=$as_val + if test $ac_count -gt ${ac_path_SED_max-0}; then + # Best one so far, save it but keep looking for a better one + ac_cv_path_SED="$ac_path_SED" + ac_path_SED_max=$ac_count + fi + # 10*(2^10) chars as input seems more than enough + test $ac_count -gt 10 && break + done + rm -f conftest.tmp conftest.out;; +esac + + $ac_path_SED_found && break 3 + done + done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + if test -z "$ac_cv_path_SED"; then + as_fn_error $? "no acceptable sed could be found in \$PATH" "$LINENO" 5 + fi +else + ac_cv_path_SED=$SED +fi + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_path_SED" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_path_SED" >&6; } + SED="$ac_cv_path_SED" + rm -f conftest.sed + + + +unset gmp_lib_path GMP_CFLAGS GMP_CC + +# Check whether --with-gmp_include was given. +if test "${with_gmp_include+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_gmp_include; + if test -d "$withval" ; then + local_tmp=`realpath "$withval" 2>/dev/null` + if test "$local_tmp" != "" ; then + if test -d "$local_tmp" ; then + withval="$local_tmp" + else + withval="$withval" + fi + else + withval="$withval" + fi + if test `echo "$withval"|cut -d' ' -f1` != "$withval" ; then + as_fn_error $? "\"$withval\" directory shall not contain any space." "$LINENO" 5 + fi + else + as_fn_error $? "\"$withval\" shall be a valid directory" "$LINENO" 5 + fi + + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$withval" +fi + + +# Check whether --with-gmp_lib was given. +if test "${with_gmp_lib+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_gmp_lib; + + if test -d "$withval" ; then + local_tmp=`realpath "$withval" 2>/dev/null` + if test "$local_tmp" != "" ; then + if test -d "$local_tmp" ; then + withval="$local_tmp" + else + withval="$withval" + fi + else + withval="$withval" + fi + if test `echo "$withval"|cut -d' ' -f1` != "$withval" ; then + as_fn_error $? "\"$withval\" directory shall not contain any space." "$LINENO" 5 + fi + else + as_fn_error $? "\"$withval\" shall be a valid directory" "$LINENO" 5 + fi + + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$withval" + gmp_lib_path="$withval" + +fi + + +# Check whether --with-gmp was given. +if test "${with_gmp+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_gmp; + + if test -d "$withval" ; then + local_tmp=`realpath "$withval" 2>/dev/null` + if test "$local_tmp" != "" ; then + if test -d "$local_tmp" ; then + withval="$local_tmp" + else + withval="$withval" + fi + else + withval="$withval" + fi + if test `echo "$withval"|cut -d' ' -f1` != "$withval" ; then + as_fn_error $? "\"$withval\" directory shall not contain any space." "$LINENO" 5 + fi + else + as_fn_error $? "\"$withval\" shall be a valid directory" "$LINENO" 5 + fi + + if test -z "$with_gmp_lib" && test -z "$with_gmp_include" ; then + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$withval/include" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$withval/lib" + gmp_lib_path="$withval/lib" + else + { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} +as_fn_error $? "Do not use --with-gmp and --with-gmp-include/--with-gmp-lib options simultaneously. +See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } + fi + +fi + + + +# Check whether --with-gmp_build was given. +if test "${with_gmp_build+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_gmp_build; + + if test -d "$withval" ; then + local_tmp=`realpath "$withval" 2>/dev/null` + if test "$local_tmp" != "" ; then + if test -d "$local_tmp" ; then + withval="$local_tmp" + else + withval="$withval" + fi + else + withval="$withval" + fi + if test `echo "$withval"|cut -d' ' -f1` != "$withval" ; then + as_fn_error $? "\"$withval\" directory shall not contain any space." "$LINENO" 5 + fi + else + as_fn_error $? "\"$withval\" shall be a valid directory" "$LINENO" 5 + fi + + if test -z "$gmp_lib_path" && test -z "$with_gmp_include" ; then + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$withval -I$withval/tune" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$withval -L$withval/.libs -L$withval/tune" + gmp_lib_path="$withval$PATH_SEPARATOR$withval/.libs$PATH_SEPARATOR$withval/tune" + if test -r $withval/Makefile ; then + GMP_CFLAGS=`$SED -n 's/^CFLAGS = //p' $withval/Makefile` + GMP_CC=`$SED -n 's/^CC = //p' $withval/Makefile` + GMP_SOURCE=`$SED -n 's/^srcdir = *//p' $withval/Makefile` + case "$GMP_SOURCE" in + .) GMP_SOURCE="" ;; + /*) ;; + ?*) GMP_SOURCE="$withval/$GMP_SOURCE" ;; + esac + if test -d "$GMP_SOURCE" ; then + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$GMP_SOURCE -I$GMP_SOURCE/tune" + fi + fi + use_gmp_build=yes + else + { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} +as_fn_error $? "Do not use --with-gmp-build and other --with-gmp options simultaneously. +See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } + fi + +fi + + + +# Check whether --with-mulhigh_size was given. +if test "${with_mulhigh_size+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_mulhigh_size; +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define MPFR_MULHIGH_SIZE $withval +_ACEOF + +fi + + +# Check whether --enable-gmp-internals was given. +if test "${enable_gmp_internals+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_gmp_internals; case $enableval in + yes) +$as_echo "#define WANT_GMP_INTERNALS 1" >>confdefs.h + ;; + no) ;; + *) as_fn_error $? "bad value for --enable-gmp-internals: yes or no" "$LINENO" 5 ;; + esac +fi + + +# Check whether --enable-assert was given. +if test "${enable_assert+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_assert; case $enableval in + yes) +$as_echo "#define MPFR_WANT_ASSERT 1" >>confdefs.h + ;; + no) ;; + full) +$as_echo "#define MPFR_WANT_ASSERT 2" >>confdefs.h + ;; + *) as_fn_error $? "bad value for --enable-assert: yes, no or full" "$LINENO" 5 ;; + esac +fi + +# Check whether --enable-logging was given. +if test "${enable_logging+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_logging; case $enableval in + yes) +$as_echo "#define MPFR_USE_LOGGING 1" >>confdefs.h + ;; + no) ;; + *) as_fn_error $? "bad value for --enable-logging: yes or no" "$LINENO" 5 ;; + esac +fi + +# Check whether --enable-thread-safe was given. +if test "${enable_thread_safe+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_thread_safe; case $enableval in + yes) ;; + no) ;; + *) as_fn_error $? "bad value for --enable-thread-safe: yes or no" "$LINENO" 5 ;; + esac +fi + +# Check whether --enable-warnings was given. +if test "${enable_warnings+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_warnings; case $enableval in + yes) +$as_echo "#define MPFR_USE_WARNINGS 1" >>confdefs.h + ;; + no) ;; + *) as_fn_error $? "bad value for --enable-warnings: yes or no" "$LINENO" 5 ;; + esac +fi + + +# Check whether --enable-tests-timeout was given. +if test "${enable_tests_timeout+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_tests_timeout; case $enableval in + no) ;; + yes) +$as_echo "#define MPFR_TESTS_TIMEOUT 0" >>confdefs.h + ;; + [0-9]|[0-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]) + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define MPFR_TESTS_TIMEOUT $enableval +_ACEOF + ;; + *) as_fn_error $? "bad value for --enable-tests-timeout" "$LINENO" 5 ;; + esac +fi + + + + + + +if test -z "$user_redefine_cc" && test "$cross_compiling" != yes ; then + +if test -z "$GMP_CC$GMP_CFLAGS" ; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for CC and CFLAGS in gmp.h" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for CC and CFLAGS in gmp.h... " >&6; } + GMP_CC=__GMP_CC + GMP_CFLAGS=__GMP_CFLAGS + # /lib/cpp under Solaris doesn't support some environment variables + # used by GCC, such as C_INCLUDE_PATH. If the user has set up such + # environment variables, he probably wants to use them. So, let us + # prefer cpp and gcc to /lib/cpp. + for cpp in cpp gcc /lib/cpp cc c99 + do + case $cpp in + *cpp*) ;; + *) cpp="$cpp -E" ;; + esac + echo foo > conftest.c + if $cpp $CPPFLAGS conftest.c > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then + # Get CC + echo "#include \"gmp.h\"" > conftest.c + echo "MPFR_OPTION __GMP_CC" >> conftest.c + GMP_CC=`$cpp $CPPFLAGS conftest.c 2> /dev/null | $EGREP MPFR_OPTION | $SED -e 's/MPFR_OPTION //g;s/ *" *//g'` + # Get CFLAGS + echo "#include \"gmp.h\"" > conftest.c + echo "MPFR_OPTION __GMP_CFLAGS" >> conftest.c + unset rmpedantic + test "$enable_logging" = yes && rmpedantic='s/[ "]-pedantic[ "]/ /g;' + GMP_CFLAGS=`$cpp $CPPFLAGS conftest.c 2> /dev/null | $EGREP MPFR_OPTION | $SED -e "$rmpedantic"'s/MPFR_OPTION //g;s/ *" *//g'` + break + fi + done + rm -f conftest* + if test "x$GMP_CC" = "x__GMP_CC" || test "x$GMP_CFLAGS" = "x__GMP_CFLAGS" ; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + GMP_CFLAGS= + GMP_CC= + else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes CC=$GMP_CC CFLAGS=$GMP_CFLAGS" >&5 +$as_echo "yes CC=$GMP_CC CFLAGS=$GMP_CFLAGS" >&6; } + fi +fi + +if test -n "$GMP_CC$GMP_CFLAGS" ; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for CC=$GMP_CC and CFLAGS=$GMP_CFLAGS" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for CC=$GMP_CC and CFLAGS=$GMP_CFLAGS... " >&6; } + echo "int main (void) { return 0; }" > conftest.c + if $GMP_CC $GMP_CFLAGS -o conftest conftest.c 2> /dev/null ; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + CFLAGS=$GMP_CFLAGS + CC=$GMP_CC + else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + fi + rm -f conftest* +fi + +fi + + +ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu +if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}gcc", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}gcc; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_CC+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$CC"; then + ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_CC="${ac_tool_prefix}gcc" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +CC=$ac_cv_prog_CC +if test -n "$CC"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CC" >&5 +$as_echo "$CC" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_CC"; then + ac_ct_CC=$CC + # Extract the first word of "gcc", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy gcc; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_ct_CC" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="gcc" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_CC=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC +if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_CC" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_CC" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + if test "x$ac_ct_CC" = x; then + CC="" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + CC=$ac_ct_CC + fi +else + CC="$ac_cv_prog_CC" +fi + +if test -z "$CC"; then + if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}cc", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}cc; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_CC+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$CC"; then + ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_CC="${ac_tool_prefix}cc" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +CC=$ac_cv_prog_CC +if test -n "$CC"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CC" >&5 +$as_echo "$CC" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + fi +fi +if test -z "$CC"; then + # Extract the first word of "cc", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy cc; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_CC+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$CC"; then + ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test. +else + ac_prog_rejected=no +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + if test "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" = "/usr/ucb/cc"; then + ac_prog_rejected=yes + continue + fi + ac_cv_prog_CC="cc" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +if test $ac_prog_rejected = yes; then + # We found a bogon in the path, so make sure we never use it. + set dummy $ac_cv_prog_CC + shift + if test $# != 0; then + # We chose a different compiler from the bogus one. + # However, it has the same basename, so the bogon will be chosen + # first if we set CC to just the basename; use the full file name. + shift + ac_cv_prog_CC="$as_dir/$ac_word${1+' '}$@" + fi +fi +fi +fi +CC=$ac_cv_prog_CC +if test -n "$CC"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CC" >&5 +$as_echo "$CC" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$CC"; then + if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + for ac_prog in cl.exe + do + # Extract the first word of "$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy $ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_CC+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$CC"; then + ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_CC="$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +CC=$ac_cv_prog_CC +if test -n "$CC"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CC" >&5 +$as_echo "$CC" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + test -n "$CC" && break + done +fi +if test -z "$CC"; then + ac_ct_CC=$CC + for ac_prog in cl.exe +do + # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_ct_CC" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_prog" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_CC=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC +if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_CC" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_CC" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + test -n "$ac_ct_CC" && break +done + + if test "x$ac_ct_CC" = x; then + CC="" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + CC=$ac_ct_CC + fi +fi + +fi + + +test -z "$CC" && { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} +as_fn_error $? "no acceptable C compiler found in \$PATH +See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } + +# Provide some information about the compiler. +$as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for C compiler version" >&5 +set X $ac_compile +ac_compiler=$2 +for ac_option in --version -v -V -qversion; do + { { ac_try="$ac_compiler $ac_option >&5" +case "(($ac_try" in + *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; + *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; +esac +eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" +$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 + (eval "$ac_compiler $ac_option >&5") 2>conftest.err + ac_status=$? + if test -s conftest.err; then + sed '10a\ +... rest of stderr output deleted ... + 10q' conftest.err >conftest.er1 + cat conftest.er1 >&5 + fi + rm -f conftest.er1 conftest.err + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; } +done + +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +ac_clean_files_save=$ac_clean_files +ac_clean_files="$ac_clean_files a.out a.out.dSYM a.exe b.out" +# Try to create an executable without -o first, disregard a.out. +# It will help us diagnose broken compilers, and finding out an intuition +# of exeext. +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether the C compiler works" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether the C compiler works... " >&6; } +ac_link_default=`$as_echo "$ac_link" | sed 's/ -o *conftest[^ ]*//'` + +# The possible output files: +ac_files="a.out conftest.exe conftest a.exe a_out.exe b.out conftest.*" + +ac_rmfiles= +for ac_file in $ac_files +do + case $ac_file in + *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.dSYM | *.o | *.obj ) ;; + * ) ac_rmfiles="$ac_rmfiles $ac_file";; + esac +done +rm -f $ac_rmfiles + +if { { ac_try="$ac_link_default" +case "(($ac_try" in + *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; + *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; +esac +eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" +$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 + (eval "$ac_link_default") 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; }; then : + # Autoconf-2.13 could set the ac_cv_exeext variable to `no'. +# So ignore a value of `no', otherwise this would lead to `EXEEXT = no' +# in a Makefile. We should not override ac_cv_exeext if it was cached, +# so that the user can short-circuit this test for compilers unknown to +# Autoconf. +for ac_file in $ac_files '' +do + test -f "$ac_file" || continue + case $ac_file in + *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.dSYM | *.o | *.obj ) + ;; + [ab].out ) + # We found the default executable, but exeext='' is most + # certainly right. + break;; + *.* ) + if test "${ac_cv_exeext+set}" = set && test "$ac_cv_exeext" != no; + then :; else + ac_cv_exeext=`expr "$ac_file" : '[^.]*\(\..*\)'` + fi + # We set ac_cv_exeext here because the later test for it is not + # safe: cross compilers may not add the suffix if given an `-o' + # argument, so we may need to know it at that point already. + # Even if this section looks crufty: it has the advantage of + # actually working. + break;; + * ) + break;; + esac +done +test "$ac_cv_exeext" = no && ac_cv_exeext= + +else + ac_file='' +fi +if test -z "$ac_file"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +$as_echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5 +sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5 + +{ { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} +as_fn_error 77 "C compiler cannot create executables +See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for C compiler default output file name" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for C compiler default output file name... " >&6; } +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_file" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_file" >&6; } +ac_exeext=$ac_cv_exeext + +rm -f -r a.out a.out.dSYM a.exe conftest$ac_cv_exeext b.out +ac_clean_files=$ac_clean_files_save +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for suffix of executables" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for suffix of executables... " >&6; } +if { { ac_try="$ac_link" +case "(($ac_try" in + *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; + *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; +esac +eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" +$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 + (eval "$ac_link") 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; }; then : + # If both `conftest.exe' and `conftest' are `present' (well, observable) +# catch `conftest.exe'. For instance with Cygwin, `ls conftest' will +# work properly (i.e., refer to `conftest.exe'), while it won't with +# `rm'. +for ac_file in conftest.exe conftest conftest.*; do + test -f "$ac_file" || continue + case $ac_file in + *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.dSYM | *.o | *.obj ) ;; + *.* ) ac_cv_exeext=`expr "$ac_file" : '[^.]*\(\..*\)'` + break;; + * ) break;; + esac +done +else + { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} +as_fn_error $? "cannot compute suffix of executables: cannot compile and link +See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } +fi +rm -f conftest conftest$ac_cv_exeext +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_exeext" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_exeext" >&6; } + +rm -f conftest.$ac_ext +EXEEXT=$ac_cv_exeext +ac_exeext=$EXEEXT +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include +int +main (void) +{ +FILE *f = fopen ("conftest.out", "w"); + return ferror (f) || fclose (f) != 0; + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +ac_clean_files="$ac_clean_files conftest.out" +# Check that the compiler produces executables we can run. If not, either +# the compiler is broken, or we cross compile. +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether we are cross compiling" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether we are cross compiling... " >&6; } +if test "$cross_compiling" != yes; then + { { ac_try="$ac_link" +case "(($ac_try" in + *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; + *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; +esac +eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" +$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 + (eval "$ac_link") 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; } + if { ac_try='./conftest$ac_cv_exeext' + { { case "(($ac_try" in + *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; + *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; +esac +eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" +$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 + (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; }; }; then + cross_compiling=no + else + if test "$cross_compiling" = maybe; then + cross_compiling=yes + else + { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} +as_fn_error $? "cannot run C compiled programs. +If you meant to cross compile, use \`--host'. +See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } + fi + fi +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $cross_compiling" >&5 +$as_echo "$cross_compiling" >&6; } + +rm -f conftest.$ac_ext conftest$ac_cv_exeext conftest.out +ac_clean_files=$ac_clean_files_save +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for suffix of object files" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for suffix of object files... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_objext+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +rm -f conftest.o conftest.obj +if { { ac_try="$ac_compile" +case "(($ac_try" in + *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; + *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; +esac +eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" +$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 + (eval "$ac_compile") 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; }; then : + for ac_file in conftest.o conftest.obj conftest.*; do + test -f "$ac_file" || continue; + case $ac_file in + *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.dSYM ) ;; + *) ac_cv_objext=`expr "$ac_file" : '.*\.\(.*\)'` + break;; + esac +done +else + $as_echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5 +sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5 + +{ { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} +as_fn_error $? "cannot compute suffix of object files: cannot compile +See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } +fi +rm -f conftest.$ac_cv_objext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_objext" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_objext" >&6; } +OBJEXT=$ac_cv_objext +ac_objext=$OBJEXT +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ +#ifndef __GNUC__ + choke me +#endif + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + ac_compiler_gnu=yes +else + ac_compiler_gnu=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext +ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu=$ac_compiler_gnu + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" >&6; } +if test $ac_compiler_gnu = yes; then + GCC=yes +else + GCC= +fi +ac_test_CFLAGS=${CFLAGS+set} +ac_save_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $CC accepts -g" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether $CC accepts -g... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_cc_g+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_save_c_werror_flag=$ac_c_werror_flag + ac_c_werror_flag=yes + ac_cv_prog_cc_g=no + CFLAGS="-g" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_prog_cc_g=yes +else + CFLAGS="" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + +else + ac_c_werror_flag=$ac_save_c_werror_flag + CFLAGS="-g" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_prog_cc_g=yes +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + ac_c_werror_flag=$ac_save_c_werror_flag +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_prog_cc_g" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_prog_cc_g" >&6; } +if test "$ac_test_CFLAGS" = set; then + CFLAGS=$ac_save_CFLAGS +elif test $ac_cv_prog_cc_g = yes; then + if test "$GCC" = yes; then + CFLAGS="-g -O2" + else + CFLAGS="-g" + fi +else + if test "$GCC" = yes; then + CFLAGS="-O2" + else + CFLAGS= + fi +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $CC option to accept ISO C89" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $CC option to accept ISO C89... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_cc_c89+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_cv_prog_cc_c89=no +ac_save_CC=$CC +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include +#include +struct stat; +/* Most of the following tests are stolen from RCS 5.7's src/ */ +struct buf { int x; }; +FILE * (*rcsopen) (struct buf *, struct stat *, int); +static char *e (p, i) + char **p; + int i; +{ + return p[i]; +} +static char *f (char * (*g) (char **, int), char **p, ...) +{ + char *s; + va_list v; + va_start (v,p); + s = g (p, va_arg (v,int)); + va_end (v); + return s; +} + +/* OSF 4.0 Compaq cc is some sort of almost-ANSI by default. It has + function prototypes and stuff, but not '\xHH' hex character constants. + These don't provoke an error unfortunately, instead are silently treated + as 'x'. The following induces an error, until -std is added to get + proper ANSI mode. Curiously '\x00'!='x' always comes out true, for an + array size at least. It's necessary to write '\x00'==0 to get something + that's true only with -std. */ +int osf4_cc_array ['\x00' == 0 ? 1 : -1]; + +/* IBM C 6 for AIX is almost-ANSI by default, but it replaces macro parameters + inside strings and character constants. */ +#define FOO(x) 'x' +int xlc6_cc_array[FOO(a) == 'x' ? 1 : -1]; + +int test (int i, double x); +struct s1 {int (*f) (int a);}; +struct s2 {int (*f) (double a);}; +int pairnames (int, char **, FILE *(*)(struct buf *, struct stat *, int), int, int); +int argc; +char **argv; +int +main (void) +{ +return f (e, argv, 0) != argv[0] || f (e, argv, 1) != argv[1]; + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +for ac_arg in '' -qlanglvl=extc89 -qlanglvl=ansi -std \ + -Ae "-Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE" "-Xc -D__EXTENSIONS__" +do + CC="$ac_save_CC $ac_arg" + if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_prog_cc_c89=$ac_arg +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext + test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" != "xno" && break +done +rm -f conftest.$ac_ext +CC=$ac_save_CC + +fi +# AC_CACHE_VAL +case "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" in + x) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: none needed" >&5 +$as_echo "none needed" >&6; } ;; + xno) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: unsupported" >&5 +$as_echo "unsupported" >&6; } ;; + *) + CC="$CC $ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" >&6; } ;; +esac +if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" != xno; then : + +fi + +ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu + +ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $CC understands -c and -o together" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether $CC understands -c and -o together... " >&6; } +if ${am_cv_prog_cc_c_o+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF + # Make sure it works both with $CC and with simple cc. + # Following AC_PROG_CC_C_O, we do the test twice because some + # compilers refuse to overwrite an existing .o file with -o, + # though they will create one. + am_cv_prog_cc_c_o=yes + for am_i in 1 2; do + if { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: $CC -c conftest.$ac_ext -o conftest2.$ac_objext" >&5 + ($CC -c conftest.$ac_ext -o conftest2.$ac_objext) >&5 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + (exit $ac_status); } \ + && test -f conftest2.$ac_objext; then + : OK + else + am_cv_prog_cc_c_o=no + break + fi + done + rm -f core conftest* + unset am_i +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $am_cv_prog_cc_c_o" >&5 +$as_echo "$am_cv_prog_cc_c_o" >&6; } +if test "$am_cv_prog_cc_c_o" != yes; then + # Losing compiler, so override with the script. + # FIXME: It is wrong to rewrite CC. + # But if we don't then we get into trouble of one sort or another. + # A longer-term fix would be to have automake use am__CC in this case, + # and then we could set am__CC="\$(top_srcdir)/compile \$(CC)" + CC="$am_aux_dir/compile $CC" +fi +ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu + +DEPDIR="${am__leading_dot}deps" + +ac_config_commands="$ac_config_commands depfiles" + + +am_make=${MAKE-make} +cat > confinc << 'END' +am__doit: + @echo this is the am__doit target +.PHONY: am__doit +END +# If we don't find an include directive, just comment out the code. +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for style of include used by $am_make" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for style of include used by $am_make... " >&6; } +am__include="#" +am__quote= +_am_result=none +# First try GNU make style include. +echo "include confinc" > confmf +# Ignore all kinds of additional output from 'make'. +case `$am_make -s -f confmf 2> /dev/null` in #( +*the\ am__doit\ target*) + am__include=include + am__quote= + _am_result=GNU + ;; +esac +# Now try BSD make style include. +if test "$am__include" = "#"; then + echo '.include "confinc"' > confmf + case `$am_make -s -f confmf 2> /dev/null` in #( + *the\ am__doit\ target*) + am__include=.include + am__quote="\"" + _am_result=BSD + ;; + esac +fi + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $_am_result" >&5 +$as_echo "$_am_result" >&6; } +rm -f confinc confmf + +# Check whether --enable-dependency-tracking was given. +if test "${enable_dependency_tracking+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_dependency_tracking; +fi + +if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno; then + am_depcomp="$ac_aux_dir/depcomp" + AMDEPBACKSLASH='\' + am__nodep='_no' +fi + if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno; then + AMDEP_TRUE= + AMDEP_FALSE='#' +else + AMDEP_TRUE='#' + AMDEP_FALSE= +fi + + + +depcc="$CC" am_compiler_list= + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking dependency style of $depcc" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking dependency style of $depcc... " >&6; } +if ${am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -z "$AMDEP_TRUE" && test -f "$am_depcomp"; then + # We make a subdir and do the tests there. Otherwise we can end up + # making bogus files that we don't know about and never remove. For + # instance it was reported that on HP-UX the gcc test will end up + # making a dummy file named 'D' -- because '-MD' means "put the output + # in D". + rm -rf conftest.dir + mkdir conftest.dir + # Copy depcomp to subdir because otherwise we won't find it if we're + # using a relative directory. + cp "$am_depcomp" conftest.dir + cd conftest.dir + # We will build objects and dependencies in a subdirectory because + # it helps to detect inapplicable dependency modes. For instance + # both Tru64's cc and ICC support -MD to output dependencies as a + # side effect of compilation, but ICC will put the dependencies in + # the current directory while Tru64 will put them in the object + # directory. + mkdir sub + + am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type=none + if test "$am_compiler_list" = ""; then + am_compiler_list=`sed -n 's/^#*\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\))$/\1/p' < ./depcomp` + fi + am__universal=false + case " $depcc " in #( + *\ -arch\ *\ -arch\ *) am__universal=true ;; + esac + + for depmode in $am_compiler_list; do + # Setup a source with many dependencies, because some compilers + # like to wrap large dependency lists on column 80 (with \), and + # we should not choose a depcomp mode which is confused by this. + # + # We need to recreate these files for each test, as the compiler may + # overwrite some of them when testing with obscure command lines. + # This happens at least with the AIX C compiler. + : > sub/conftest.c + for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do + echo '#include "conftst'$i'.h"' >> sub/conftest.c + # Using ": > sub/conftst$i.h" creates only sub/conftst1.h with + # Solaris 10 /bin/sh. + echo '/* dummy */' > sub/conftst$i.h + done + echo "${am__include} ${am__quote}sub/conftest.Po${am__quote}" > confmf + + # We check with '-c' and '-o' for the sake of the "dashmstdout" + # mode. It turns out that the SunPro C++ compiler does not properly + # handle '-M -o', and we need to detect this. Also, some Intel + # versions had trouble with output in subdirs. + am__obj=sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} + am__minus_obj="-o $am__obj" + case $depmode in + gcc) + # This depmode causes a compiler race in universal mode. + test "$am__universal" = false || continue + ;; + nosideeffect) + # After this tag, mechanisms are not by side-effect, so they'll + # only be used when explicitly requested. + if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" = xyes; then + continue + else + break + fi + ;; + msvc7 | msvc7msys | msvisualcpp | msvcmsys) + # This compiler won't grok '-c -o', but also, the minuso test has + # not run yet. These depmodes are late enough in the game, and + # so weak that their functioning should not be impacted. + am__obj=conftest.${OBJEXT-o} + am__minus_obj= + ;; + none) break ;; + esac + if depmode=$depmode \ + source=sub/conftest.c object=$am__obj \ + depfile=sub/conftest.Po tmpdepfile=sub/conftest.TPo \ + $SHELL ./depcomp $depcc -c $am__minus_obj sub/conftest.c \ + >/dev/null 2>conftest.err && + grep sub/conftst1.h sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 && + grep sub/conftst6.h sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 && + grep $am__obj sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 && + ${MAKE-make} -s -f confmf > /dev/null 2>&1; then + # icc doesn't choke on unknown options, it will just issue warnings + # or remarks (even with -Werror). So we grep stderr for any message + # that says an option was ignored or not supported. + # When given -MP, icc 7.0 and 7.1 complain thusly: + # icc: Command line warning: ignoring option '-M'; no argument required + # The diagnosis changed in icc 8.0: + # icc: Command line remark: option '-MP' not supported + if (grep 'ignoring option' conftest.err || + grep 'not supported' conftest.err) >/dev/null 2>&1; then :; else + am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type=$depmode + break + fi + fi + done + + cd .. + rm -rf conftest.dir +else + am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type=none +fi + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type" >&5 +$as_echo "$am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type" >&6; } +CCDEPMODE=depmode=$am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type + + if + test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno \ + && test "$am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type" = gcc3; then + am__fastdepCC_TRUE= + am__fastdepCC_FALSE='#' +else + am__fastdepCC_TRUE='#' + am__fastdepCC_FALSE= +fi + + +ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking how to run the C preprocessor" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking how to run the C preprocessor... " >&6; } +# On Suns, sometimes $CPP names a directory. +if test -n "$CPP" && test -d "$CPP"; then + CPP= +fi +if test -z "$CPP"; then + if ${ac_cv_prog_CPP+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + # Double quotes because CPP needs to be expanded + for CPP in "$CC -E" "$CC -E -traditional-cpp" "/lib/cpp" + do + ac_preproc_ok=false +for ac_c_preproc_warn_flag in '' yes +do + # Use a header file that comes with gcc, so configuring glibc + # with a fresh cross-compiler works. + # Prefer to if __STDC__ is defined, since + # exists even on freestanding compilers. + # On the NeXT, cc -E runs the code through the compiler's parser, + # not just through cpp. "Syntax error" is here to catch this case. + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#ifdef __STDC__ +# include +#else +# include +#endif + Syntax error +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_cpp "$LINENO"; then : + +else + # Broken: fails on valid input. +continue +fi +rm -f conftest.err conftest.i conftest.$ac_ext + + # OK, works on sane cases. Now check whether nonexistent headers + # can be detected and how. + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_cpp "$LINENO"; then : + # Broken: success on invalid input. +continue +else + # Passes both tests. +ac_preproc_ok=: +break +fi +rm -f conftest.err conftest.i conftest.$ac_ext + +done +# Because of `break', _AC_PREPROC_IFELSE's cleaning code was skipped. +rm -f conftest.i conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext +if $ac_preproc_ok; then : + break +fi + + done + ac_cv_prog_CPP=$CPP + +fi + CPP=$ac_cv_prog_CPP +else + ac_cv_prog_CPP=$CPP +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CPP" >&5 +$as_echo "$CPP" >&6; } +ac_preproc_ok=false +for ac_c_preproc_warn_flag in '' yes +do + # Use a header file that comes with gcc, so configuring glibc + # with a fresh cross-compiler works. + # Prefer to if __STDC__ is defined, since + # exists even on freestanding compilers. + # On the NeXT, cc -E runs the code through the compiler's parser, + # not just through cpp. "Syntax error" is here to catch this case. + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#ifdef __STDC__ +# include +#else +# include +#endif + Syntax error +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_cpp "$LINENO"; then : + +else + # Broken: fails on valid input. +continue +fi +rm -f conftest.err conftest.i conftest.$ac_ext + + # OK, works on sane cases. Now check whether nonexistent headers + # can be detected and how. + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_cpp "$LINENO"; then : + # Broken: success on invalid input. +continue +else + # Passes both tests. +ac_preproc_ok=: +break +fi +rm -f conftest.err conftest.i conftest.$ac_ext + +done +# Because of `break', _AC_PREPROC_IFELSE's cleaning code was skipped. +rm -f conftest.i conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext +if $ac_preproc_ok; then : + +else + { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} +as_fn_error $? "C preprocessor \"$CPP\" fails sanity check +See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } +fi + +ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu + +ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu + + + +if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + for ac_prog in ar lib "link -lib" + do + # Extract the first word of "$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy $ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_AR+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$AR"; then + ac_cv_prog_AR="$AR" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_AR="$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +AR=$ac_cv_prog_AR +if test -n "$AR"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $AR" >&5 +$as_echo "$AR" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + test -n "$AR" && break + done +fi +if test -z "$AR"; then + ac_ct_AR=$AR + for ac_prog in ar lib "link -lib" +do + # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AR+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_AR"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AR="$ac_ct_AR" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AR="$ac_prog" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_AR=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AR +if test -n "$ac_ct_AR"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_AR" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_AR" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + test -n "$ac_ct_AR" && break +done + + if test "x$ac_ct_AR" = x; then + AR="false" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + AR=$ac_ct_AR + fi +fi + +: ${AR=ar} + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking the archiver ($AR) interface" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking the archiver ($AR) interface... " >&6; } +if ${am_cv_ar_interface+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu + + am_cv_ar_interface=ar + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +int some_variable = 0; +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + am_ar_try='$AR cru libconftest.a conftest.$ac_objext >&5' + { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$am_ar_try\""; } >&5 + (eval $am_ar_try) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; } + if test "$ac_status" -eq 0; then + am_cv_ar_interface=ar + else + am_ar_try='$AR -NOLOGO -OUT:conftest.lib conftest.$ac_objext >&5' + { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$am_ar_try\""; } >&5 + (eval $am_ar_try) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; } + if test "$ac_status" -eq 0; then + am_cv_ar_interface=lib + else + am_cv_ar_interface=unknown + fi + fi + rm -f conftest.lib libconftest.a + +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $am_cv_ar_interface" >&5 +$as_echo "$am_cv_ar_interface" >&6; } + +case $am_cv_ar_interface in +ar) + ;; +lib) + # Microsoft lib, so override with the ar-lib wrapper script. + # FIXME: It is wrong to rewrite AR. + # But if we don't then we get into trouble of one sort or another. + # A longer-term fix would be to have automake use am__AR in this case, + # and then we could set am__AR="$am_aux_dir/ar-lib \$(AR)" or something + # similar. + AR="$am_aux_dir/ar-lib $AR" + ;; +unknown) + as_fn_error $? "could not determine $AR interface" "$LINENO" 5 + ;; +esac + + +# Check whether --enable-decimal-float was given. +if test "${enable_decimal_float+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_decimal_float; case $enableval in + yes) +$as_echo "#define MPFR_WANT_DECIMAL_FLOATS 1" >>confdefs.h + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if compiler knows _Decimal64" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if compiler knows _Decimal64... " >&6; } + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +_Decimal64 x; +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + if test "$use_gmp_build" != yes ; then + as_fn_error $? "decimal float support requires --with-gmp-build" "$LINENO" 5 + fi + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if _GMP_IEEE_FLOATS is defined" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if _GMP_IEEE_FLOATS is defined... " >&6; } + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include "gmp.h" +#include "gmp-impl.h" +#ifndef _GMP_IEEE_FLOATS +#error "_GMP_IEEE_FLOATS is not defined" +#endif +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + as_fn_error $? "decimal float support requires _GMP_IEEE_FLOATS" "$LINENO" 5 +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +as_fn_error $? "Compiler doesn't know _Decimal64 (ISO/IEC TR 24732). +Please use another compiler or build MPFR without --enable-decimal-float." "$LINENO" 5 + +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking decimal float format" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking decimal float format... " >&6; } + if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: assuming DPD" >&5 +$as_echo "assuming DPD" >&6; } + $as_echo "#define DPD_FORMAT 1" >>confdefs.h + +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include + +int +main (void) +{ + +volatile _Decimal64 x = 1; +union { double d; _Decimal64 d64; } y; +if (x != x) return 3; +y.d64 = 1234567890123456.0dd; +return y.d == 0.14894469406741037E-123 ? 0 : + y.d == 0.59075095508629822E-68 ? 1 : 2; + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: DPD" >&5 +$as_echo "DPD" >&6; } + $as_echo "#define DPD_FORMAT 1" >>confdefs.h + +else + case "$?" in + 1) { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: BID" >&5 +$as_echo "BID" >&6; } ;; + 2) { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} +as_fn_error $? "neither DPD nor BID +See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } ;; + 3) { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} +as_fn_error $? "_Decimal64 support is broken. +Please use another compiler or build MPFR without --enable-decimal-float. +See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } ;; + *) { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} +as_fn_error $? "internal error +See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } ;; + esac +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + + ;; + no) ;; + *) as_fn_error $? "bad value for --enable-decimal-float: yes or no" "$LINENO" 5 ;; + esac +fi + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for ICC" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for ICC... " >&6; } +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#if !defined(__ICC) +# error "ICC Not Found" +error +#endif + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + CFLAGS="-fp_port -mp -wd1572 -wd265 -wd186 -wd239 $CFLAGS" + +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + +if test "$test_CFLAGS" != set && test -n "$GCC"; then + CFLAGS="-Wpointer-arith $CFLAGS" + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether the selected language is C++" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether the selected language is C++... " >&6; } + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#if defined (__cplusplus) +# error "C++" +error +#endif + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + CFLAGS="-Wmissing-prototypes $CFLAGS" + +else + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + CFLAGS="-Wmissing-declarations -Wno-sign-compare $CFLAGS" + +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + CFLAGS="-Wall $CFLAGS" +fi + + + +case $host in + *-apple-darwin*) + case "$LD $LDFLAGS" in + *-Wl,-search_paths_first*) ;; + *) { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if the compiler understands -Wl,-search_paths_first" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if the compiler understands -Wl,-search_paths_first... " >&6; } + saved_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" + LDFLAGS="-Wl,-search_paths_first $LDFLAGS" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + LDFLAGS="$saved_LDFLAGS" +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + ;; + esac + ;; +esac + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for an ANSI C-conforming const" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_c_const+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ + +#ifndef __cplusplus + /* Ultrix mips cc rejects this sort of thing. */ + typedef int charset[2]; + const charset cs = { 0, 0 }; + /* SunOS 4.1.1 cc rejects this. */ + char const *const *pcpcc; + char **ppc; + /* NEC SVR4.0.2 mips cc rejects this. */ + struct point {int x, y;}; + static struct point const zero = {0,0}; + /* AIX XL C rejects this. + It does not let you subtract one const X* pointer from another in + an arm of an if-expression whose if-part is not a constant + expression */ + const char *g = "string"; + pcpcc = &g + (g ? g-g : 0); + /* HPUX 7.0 cc rejects these. */ + ++pcpcc; + ppc = (char**) pcpcc; + pcpcc = (char const *const *) ppc; + { /* SCO 3.2v4 cc rejects this sort of thing. */ + char tx; + char *t = &tx; + char const *s = 0 ? (char *) 0 : (char const *) 0; + + *t++ = 0; + if (s) return 0; + } + { /* Someone thinks the Sun supposedly-ANSI compiler will reject this. */ + int x[] = {25, 17}; + const int *foo = &x[0]; + ++foo; + } + { /* Sun SC1.0 ANSI compiler rejects this -- but not the above. */ + typedef const int *iptr; + iptr p = 0; + ++p; + } + { /* AIX XL C rejects this sort of thing, saying + "k.c", line 2.27: 1506-025 (S) Operand must be a modifiable lvalue. */ + struct s { int j; const int *ap[3]; } bx; + struct s *b = &bx; b->j = 5; + } + { /* ULTRIX-32 V3.1 (Rev 9) vcc rejects this */ + const int foo = 10; + if (!foo) return 0; + } + return !cs[0] && !zero.x; +#endif + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_c_const=yes +else + ac_cv_c_const=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_c_const" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_c_const" >&6; } +if test $ac_cv_c_const = no; then + +$as_echo "#define const /**/" >>confdefs.h + +fi + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for working volatile" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for working volatile... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_c_volatile+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ + +volatile int x; +int * volatile y = (int *) 0; +return !x && !y; + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_c_volatile=yes +else + ac_cv_c_volatile=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_c_volatile" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_c_volatile" >&6; } +if test $ac_cv_c_volatile = no; then + +$as_echo "#define volatile /**/" >>confdefs.h + +fi + + + +MPFR_LIBM='' + +case $host in + *-*-beos* | *-*-cygwin* | *-*-pw32*) + # According to libtool AC CHECK LIBM, these systems don't have libm + ;; + *-*-solaris*) + # On Solaris the math functions new in C99 are in -lm9x. + # FIXME: Do we need -lm9x as well as -lm, or just instead of? + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for main in -lm9x" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for main in -lm9x... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_lib_m9x_main+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS +LIBS="-lm9x $LIBS" +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + + +int +main (void) +{ +return main (); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_lib_m9x_main=yes +else + ac_cv_lib_m9x_main=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +LIBS=$ac_check_lib_save_LIBS +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_m9x_main" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_lib_m9x_main" >&6; } +if test "x$ac_cv_lib_m9x_main" = xyes; then : + MPFR_LIBM="-lm9x" +fi + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for main in -lm" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for main in -lm... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_lib_m_main+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS +LIBS="-lm $LIBS" +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + + +int +main (void) +{ +return main (); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_lib_m_main=yes +else + ac_cv_lib_m_main=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +LIBS=$ac_check_lib_save_LIBS +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_m_main" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_lib_m_main" >&6; } +if test "x$ac_cv_lib_m_main" = xyes; then : + MPFR_LIBM="$MPFR_LIBM -lm" +fi + + ;; + *-ncr-sysv4.3*) + # FIXME: What does -lmw mean? Libtool AC CHECK LIBM does it this way. + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for _mwvalidcheckl in -lmw" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for _mwvalidcheckl in -lmw... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_lib_mw__mwvalidcheckl+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS +LIBS="-lmw $LIBS" +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error. + Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC + builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" +#endif +char _mwvalidcheckl (); +int +main (void) +{ +return _mwvalidcheckl (); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_lib_mw__mwvalidcheckl=yes +else + ac_cv_lib_mw__mwvalidcheckl=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +LIBS=$ac_check_lib_save_LIBS +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_mw__mwvalidcheckl" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_lib_mw__mwvalidcheckl" >&6; } +if test "x$ac_cv_lib_mw__mwvalidcheckl" = xyes; then : + MPFR_LIBM="-lmw" +fi + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for main in -lm" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for main in -lm... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_lib_m_main+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS +LIBS="-lm $LIBS" +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + + +int +main (void) +{ +return main (); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_lib_m_main=yes +else + ac_cv_lib_m_main=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +LIBS=$ac_check_lib_save_LIBS +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_m_main" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_lib_m_main" >&6; } +if test "x$ac_cv_lib_m_main" = xyes; then : + MPFR_LIBM="$MPFR_LIBM -lm" +fi + + ;; + *) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for main in -lm" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for main in -lm... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_lib_m_main+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS +LIBS="-lm $LIBS" +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + + +int +main (void) +{ +return main (); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_lib_m_main=yes +else + ac_cv_lib_m_main=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +LIBS=$ac_check_lib_save_LIBS +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_m_main" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_lib_m_main" >&6; } +if test "x$ac_cv_lib_m_main" = xyes; then : + MPFR_LIBM="-lm" +fi + + ;; +esac + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_header_time+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include +#include +#include + +int +main (void) +{ +if ((struct tm *) 0) +return 0; + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_header_time=yes +else + ac_cv_header_time=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_header_time" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_header_time" >&6; } +if test $ac_cv_header_time = yes; then + +$as_echo "#define TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME 1" >>confdefs.h + +fi + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for ANSI C header files" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for ANSI C header files... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_header_stdc+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include +#include +#include +#include + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_header_stdc=yes +else + ac_cv_header_stdc=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + +if test $ac_cv_header_stdc = yes; then + # SunOS 4.x string.h does not declare mem*, contrary to ANSI. + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include + +_ACEOF +if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 | + $EGREP "memchr" >/dev/null 2>&1; then : + +else + ac_cv_header_stdc=no +fi +rm -f conftest* + +fi + +if test $ac_cv_header_stdc = yes; then + # ISC 2.0.2 stdlib.h does not declare free, contrary to ANSI. + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include + +_ACEOF +if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 | + $EGREP "free" >/dev/null 2>&1; then : + +else + ac_cv_header_stdc=no +fi +rm -f conftest* + +fi + +if test $ac_cv_header_stdc = yes; then + # /bin/cc in Irix-4.0.5 gets non-ANSI ctype macros unless using -ansi. + if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + : +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include +#include +#if ((' ' & 0x0FF) == 0x020) +# define ISLOWER(c) ('a' <= (c) && (c) <= 'z') +# define TOUPPER(c) (ISLOWER(c) ? 'A' + ((c) - 'a') : (c)) +#else +# define ISLOWER(c) \ + (('a' <= (c) && (c) <= 'i') \ + || ('j' <= (c) && (c) <= 'r') \ + || ('s' <= (c) && (c) <= 'z')) +# define TOUPPER(c) (ISLOWER(c) ? ((c) | 0x40) : (c)) +#endif + +#define XOR(e, f) (((e) && !(f)) || (!(e) && (f))) +int +main () +{ + int i; + for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) + if (XOR (islower (i), ISLOWER (i)) + || toupper (i) != TOUPPER (i)) + return 2; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + +else + ac_cv_header_stdc=no +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + +fi +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_header_stdc" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_header_stdc" >&6; } +if test $ac_cv_header_stdc = yes; then + +$as_echo "#define STDC_HEADERS 1" >>confdefs.h + +fi + +# On IRIX 5.3, sys/types and inttypes.h are conflicting. +for ac_header in sys/types.h sys/stat.h stdlib.h string.h memory.h strings.h \ + inttypes.h stdint.h unistd.h +do : + as_ac_Header=`$as_echo "ac_cv_header_$ac_header" | $as_tr_sh` +ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "$ac_header" "$as_ac_Header" "$ac_includes_default +" +if eval test \"x\$"$as_ac_Header"\" = x"yes"; then : + cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define `$as_echo "HAVE_$ac_header" | $as_tr_cpp` 1 +_ACEOF + +fi + +done + + +ac_fn_c_check_type "$LINENO" "size_t" "ac_cv_type_size_t" "$ac_includes_default" +if test "x$ac_cv_type_size_t" = xyes; then : + +else + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define size_t unsigned int +_ACEOF + +fi + + + + + + + +ac_fn_c_check_header_mongrel "$LINENO" "limits.h" "ac_cv_header_limits_h" "$ac_includes_default" +if test "x$ac_cv_header_limits_h" = xyes; then : + +else + as_fn_error $? "limits.h not found" "$LINENO" 5 +fi + + +ac_fn_c_check_header_mongrel "$LINENO" "float.h" "ac_cv_header_float_h" "$ac_includes_default" +if test "x$ac_cv_header_float_h" = xyes; then : + +else + as_fn_error $? "float.h not found" "$LINENO" 5 +fi + + +ac_fn_c_check_header_mongrel "$LINENO" "string.h" "ac_cv_header_string_h" "$ac_includes_default" +if test "x$ac_cv_header_string_h" = xyes; then : + +else + as_fn_error $? "string.h not found" "$LINENO" 5 +fi + + + +for ac_header in locale.h +do : + ac_fn_c_check_header_mongrel "$LINENO" "locale.h" "ac_cv_header_locale_h" "$ac_includes_default" +if test "x$ac_cv_header_locale_h" = xyes; then : + cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define HAVE_LOCALE_H 1 +_ACEOF + +fi + +done + + +for ac_header in wchar.h +do : + ac_fn_c_check_header_mongrel "$LINENO" "wchar.h" "ac_cv_header_wchar_h" "$ac_includes_default" +if test "x$ac_cv_header_wchar_h" = xyes; then : + cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define HAVE_WCHAR_H 1 +_ACEOF + +fi + +done + + +ac_fn_c_check_header_mongrel "$LINENO" "stdarg.h" "ac_cv_header_stdarg_h" "$ac_includes_default" +if test "x$ac_cv_header_stdarg_h" = xyes; then : + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_STDARG 1" >>confdefs.h + +else + ac_fn_c_check_header_mongrel "$LINENO" "varargs.h" "ac_cv_header_varargs_h" "$ac_includes_default" +if test "x$ac_cv_header_varargs_h" = xyes; then : + +else + as_fn_error $? "stdarg.h or varargs.h not found" "$LINENO" 5 +fi + + +fi + + + +for ac_header in sys/time.h sys/fpu.h +do : + as_ac_Header=`$as_echo "ac_cv_header_$ac_header" | $as_tr_sh` +ac_fn_c_check_header_mongrel "$LINENO" "$ac_header" "$as_ac_Header" "$ac_includes_default" +if eval test \"x\$"$as_ac_Header"\" = x"yes"; then : + cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define `$as_echo "HAVE_$ac_header" | $as_tr_cpp` 1 +_ACEOF + +fi + +done + + +ac_fn_c_check_member "$LINENO" "struct lconv" "decimal_point" "ac_cv_member_struct_lconv_decimal_point" "#include +" +if test "x$ac_cv_member_struct_lconv_decimal_point" = xyes; then : + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define HAVE_STRUCT_LCONV_DECIMAL_POINT 1 +_ACEOF + + +fi +ac_fn_c_check_member "$LINENO" "struct lconv" "thousands_sep" "ac_cv_member_struct_lconv_thousands_sep" "#include +" +if test "x$ac_cv_member_struct_lconv_thousands_sep" = xyes; then : + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define HAVE_STRUCT_LCONV_THOUSANDS_SEP 1 +_ACEOF + + +fi + + +# The Ultrix 4.2 mips builtin alloca declared by alloca.h only works +# for constant arguments. Useless! +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for working alloca.h" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for working alloca.h... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_working_alloca_h+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include +int +main (void) +{ +char *p = (char *) alloca (2 * sizeof (int)); + if (p) return 0; + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_working_alloca_h=yes +else + ac_cv_working_alloca_h=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_working_alloca_h" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_working_alloca_h" >&6; } +if test $ac_cv_working_alloca_h = yes; then + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_ALLOCA_H 1" >>confdefs.h + +fi + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for alloca" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for alloca... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_func_alloca_works+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#ifdef __GNUC__ +# define alloca __builtin_alloca +#else +# ifdef _MSC_VER +# include +# define alloca _alloca +# else +# ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA_H +# include +# else +# ifdef _AIX + #pragma alloca +# else +# ifndef alloca /* predefined by HP cc +Olibcalls */ +void *alloca (size_t); +# endif +# endif +# endif +# endif +#endif + +int +main (void) +{ +char *p = (char *) alloca (1); + if (p) return 0; + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_func_alloca_works=yes +else + ac_cv_func_alloca_works=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_func_alloca_works" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_func_alloca_works" >&6; } + +if test $ac_cv_func_alloca_works = yes; then + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_ALLOCA 1" >>confdefs.h + +else + # The SVR3 libPW and SVR4 libucb both contain incompatible functions +# that cause trouble. Some versions do not even contain alloca or +# contain a buggy version. If you still want to use their alloca, +# use ar to extract alloca.o from them instead of compiling alloca.c. + +ALLOCA=\${LIBOBJDIR}alloca.$ac_objext + +$as_echo "#define C_ALLOCA 1" >>confdefs.h + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether \`alloca.c' needs Cray hooks" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether \`alloca.c' needs Cray hooks... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_os_cray+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#if defined CRAY && ! defined CRAY2 +webecray +#else +wenotbecray +#endif + +_ACEOF +if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 | + $EGREP "webecray" >/dev/null 2>&1; then : + ac_cv_os_cray=yes +else + ac_cv_os_cray=no +fi +rm -f conftest* + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_os_cray" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_os_cray" >&6; } +if test $ac_cv_os_cray = yes; then + for ac_func in _getb67 GETB67 getb67; do + as_ac_var=`$as_echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh` +ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "$ac_func" "$as_ac_var" +if eval test \"x\$"$as_ac_var"\" = x"yes"; then : + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define CRAY_STACKSEG_END $ac_func +_ACEOF + + break +fi + + done +fi + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking stack direction for C alloca" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking stack direction for C alloca... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_c_stack_direction+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + ac_cv_c_stack_direction=0 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +$ac_includes_default +int +find_stack_direction (int *addr, int depth) +{ + int dir, dummy = 0; + if (! addr) + addr = &dummy; + *addr = addr < &dummy ? 1 : addr == &dummy ? 0 : -1; + dir = depth ? find_stack_direction (addr, depth - 1) : 0; + return dir + dummy; +} + +int +main (int argc, char **argv) +{ + return find_stack_direction (0, argc + !argv + 20) < 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_c_stack_direction=1 +else + ac_cv_c_stack_direction=-1 +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_c_stack_direction" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_c_stack_direction" >&6; } +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define STACK_DIRECTION $ac_cv_c_stack_direction +_ACEOF + + +fi + + + + for ac_header in stdint.h +do : + ac_fn_c_check_header_mongrel "$LINENO" "stdint.h" "ac_cv_header_stdint_h" "$ac_includes_default" +if test "x$ac_cv_header_stdint_h" = xyes; then : + cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1 +_ACEOF + +fi + +done + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for SIZE_MAX" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for SIZE_MAX... " >&6; } + if ${gl_cv_size_max+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + + gl_cv_size_max= + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +#ifdef HAVE_INTTYPES_H +# include +#endif +#if HAVE_STDINT_H +# include +#endif +#ifdef SIZE_MAX +Found it +#endif + +_ACEOF +if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 | + $EGREP "Found it" >/dev/null 2>&1; then : + gl_cv_size_max=yes +fi +rm -f conftest* + + if test -z "$gl_cv_size_max"; then + if ac_fn_c_compute_int "$LINENO" "sizeof (size_t) * CHAR_BIT - 1" "size_t_bits_minus_1" "#include +#include "; then : + +else + size_t_bits_minus_1= +fi + + if ac_fn_c_compute_int "$LINENO" "sizeof (size_t) <= sizeof (unsigned int)" "fits_in_uint" "#include "; then : + +else + fits_in_uint= +fi + + if test -n "$size_t_bits_minus_1" && test -n "$fits_in_uint"; then + if test $fits_in_uint = 1; then + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include + extern size_t foo; + extern unsigned long foo; + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + fits_in_uint=0 +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + fi + if test $fits_in_uint = 1; then + gl_cv_size_max="(((1U << $size_t_bits_minus_1) - 1) * 2 + 1)" + else + gl_cv_size_max="(((1UL << $size_t_bits_minus_1) - 1) * 2 + 1)" + fi + else + gl_cv_size_max='((size_t)~(size_t)0)' + fi + fi + +fi + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $gl_cv_size_max" >&5 +$as_echo "$gl_cv_size_max" >&6; } + if test "$gl_cv_size_max" != yes; then + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define SIZE_MAX $gl_cv_size_max +_ACEOF + + fi + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking how to copy va_list" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking how to copy va_list... " >&6; } +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include + +int +main (void) +{ + + va_list ap1, ap2; + va_copy(ap1, ap2); + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: va_copy" >&5 +$as_echo "va_copy" >&6; } + $as_echo "#define HAVE_VA_COPY 1" >>confdefs.h + + +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include + +int +main (void) +{ + + va_list ap1, ap2; + __va_copy(ap1, ap2); + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + $as_echo "#define HAVE___VA_COPY 1" >>confdefs.h + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: __va_copy" >&5 +$as_echo "__va_copy" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: memcpy" >&5 +$as_echo "memcpy" >&6; } +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + +for ac_func in memmove memset setlocale strtol gettimeofday +do : + as_ac_var=`$as_echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh` +ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "$ac_func" "$as_ac_var" +if eval test \"x\$"$as_ac_var"\" = x"yes"; then : + cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define `$as_echo "HAVE_$ac_func" | $as_tr_cpp` 1 +_ACEOF + +fi +done + + +case $host in +alpha*-*-*) + saved_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for IEEE-754 switches" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for IEEE-754 switches... " >&6; } +if ${mpfr_cv_ieee_switches+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + + if test -n "$GCC"; then + mpfr_cv_ieee_switches="-mfp-rounding-mode=d -mieee-with-inexact" + else + mpfr_cv_ieee_switches="-fprm d -ieee_with_inexact" + fi + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $mpfr_cv_ieee_switches" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + +else + mpfr_cv_ieee_switches="none" +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $mpfr_cv_ieee_switches" >&5 +$as_echo "$mpfr_cv_ieee_switches" >&6; } + if test "$mpfr_cv_ieee_switches" = "none"; then + CFLAGS="$saved_CFLAGS" + else + CFLAGS="$saved_CFLAGS $mpfr_cv_ieee_switches" + fi +esac + +ac_fn_c_check_type "$LINENO" "long long int" "ac_cv_type_long_long_int" "$ac_includes_default" +if test "x$ac_cv_type_long_long_int" = xyes; then : + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_LONG_LONG 1" >>confdefs.h + +fi + + +ac_fn_c_check_type "$LINENO" "intmax_t" "ac_cv_type_intmax_t" "$ac_includes_default" +if test "x$ac_cv_type_intmax_t" = xyes; then : + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define HAVE_INTMAX_T 1 +_ACEOF + + +fi + +if test "$ac_cv_type_intmax_t" = yes; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for working INTMAX_MAX" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for working INTMAX_MAX... " >&6; } +if ${mpfr_cv_have_intmax_max+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + + saved_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$srcdir/src" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include "mpfr-intmax.h" +int +main (void) +{ +intmax_t x = INTMAX_MAX; (void) x; + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + mpfr_cv_have_intmax_max=yes +else + mpfr_cv_have_intmax_max=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + CPPFLAGS="$saved_CPPFLAGS" + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $mpfr_cv_have_intmax_max" >&5 +$as_echo "$mpfr_cv_have_intmax_max" >&6; } + if test "$mpfr_cv_have_intmax_max" = "yes"; then + +$as_echo "#define MPFR_HAVE_INTMAX_MAX 1" >>confdefs.h + + fi +fi + +ac_fn_c_check_type "$LINENO" "union fpc_csr" "ac_cv_type_union_fpc_csr" " +#if HAVE_SYS_FPU_H +# include +#endif + +" +if test "x$ac_cv_type_union_fpc_csr" = xyes; then : + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_FPC_CSR 1" >>confdefs.h + +fi + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for fesetround" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for fesetround... " >&6; } +if ${mpfr_cv_have_fesetround+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + +saved_LIBS="$LIBS" +LIBS="$LIBS $MPFR_LIBM" +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include +int +main (void) +{ +fesetround(FE_TONEAREST); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + mpfr_cv_have_fesetround=yes +else + mpfr_cv_have_fesetround=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +LIBS="$saved_LIBS" + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $mpfr_cv_have_fesetround" >&5 +$as_echo "$mpfr_cv_have_fesetround" >&6; } +if test "$mpfr_cv_have_fesetround" = "yes"; then + +$as_echo "#define MPFR_HAVE_FESETROUND 1" >>confdefs.h + +fi + +if test -n "$GCC"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for gcc float-conversion bug" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for gcc float-conversion bug... " >&6; } +if ${mpfr_cv_gcc_floatconv_bug+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + + saved_LIBS="$LIBS" + LIBS="$LIBS $MPFR_LIBM" + if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + mpfr_cv_gcc_floatconv_bug="cannot test, use -ffloat-store" +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +#ifdef MPFR_HAVE_FESETROUND +#include +#endif +static double get_max (void); +int main (void) { + double x = 0.5; + double y; + int i; + for (i = 1; i <= 11; i++) + x *= x; + if (x != 0) + return 1; +#ifdef MPFR_HAVE_FESETROUND + /* Useful test for the G4 PowerPC */ + fesetround(FE_TOWARDZERO); + x = y = get_max (); + x *= 2.0; + if (x != y) + return 1; +#endif + return 0; +} +static double get_max (void) { static volatile double d = DBL_MAX; return d; } + +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + mpfr_cv_gcc_floatconv_bug="no" +else + mpfr_cv_gcc_floatconv_bug="yes, use -ffloat-store" +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + + LIBS="$saved_LIBS" + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $mpfr_cv_gcc_floatconv_bug" >&5 +$as_echo "$mpfr_cv_gcc_floatconv_bug" >&6; } + if test "$mpfr_cv_gcc_floatconv_bug" != "no"; then + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -ffloat-store" + fi +fi + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for subnormal numbers" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for subnormal numbers... " >&6; } +if ${mpfr_cv_have_denorms+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + +if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + mpfr_cv_have_denorms="cannot test, assume no" +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +int main (void) { + double x = 2.22507385850720138309e-308; + fprintf (stderr, "%e\n", x / 2.0); + return 2.0 * (x / 2.0) != x; +} + +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + mpfr_cv_have_denorms="yes" +else + mpfr_cv_have_denorms="no" +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $mpfr_cv_have_denorms" >&5 +$as_echo "$mpfr_cv_have_denorms" >&6; } +if test "$mpfr_cv_have_denorms" = "yes"; then + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_DENORMS 1" >>confdefs.h + +fi + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for signed zeros" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for signed zeros... " >&6; } +if ${mpfr_cv_have_signedz+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + +if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + mpfr_cv_have_signedz="cannot test, assume no" +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int main (void) { + return 1.0 / 0.0 == 1.0 / -0.0; +} + +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + mpfr_cv_have_signedz="yes" +else + mpfr_cv_have_signedz="no" +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $mpfr_cv_have_signedz" >&5 +$as_echo "$mpfr_cv_have_signedz" >&6; } +if test "$mpfr_cv_have_signedz" = "yes"; then + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_SIGNEDZ 1" >>confdefs.h + +fi + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if the FP division by 0 fails" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if the FP division by 0 fails... " >&6; } +if ${mpfr_cv_errdivzero+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + +if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + mpfr_cv_errdivzero="cannot test, assume no" +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int main (void) { + volatile double d = 0.0, x; + x = 0.0 / d; + x = 1.0 / d; + (void) x; + return 0; +} + +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + mpfr_cv_errdivzero="no" +else + mpfr_cv_errdivzero="yes" +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $mpfr_cv_errdivzero" >&5 +$as_echo "$mpfr_cv_errdivzero" >&6; } +if test "$mpfr_cv_errdivzero" = "yes"; then + +$as_echo "#define MPFR_ERRDIVZERO 1" >>confdefs.h + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: The floating-point division by 0 fails instead of" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: The floating-point division by 0 fails instead of" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: returning a special value: NaN or infinity. Tests" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: returning a special value: NaN or infinity. Tests" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: involving a FP division by 0 will be disabled." >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: involving a FP division by 0 will be disabled." >&2;} +fi + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if NAN == NAN" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if NAN == NAN... " >&6; } +if ${mpfr_cv_nanisnan+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + +if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + mpfr_cv_nanisnan="cannot test, assume no" +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +#include +#ifndef NAN +# define NAN (0.0/0.0) +#endif +int main (void) { + double d; + d = NAN; + return d != d; +} + +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + mpfr_cv_nanisnan="yes" +else + mpfr_cv_nanisnan="no" +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $mpfr_cv_nanisnan" >&5 +$as_echo "$mpfr_cv_nanisnan" >&6; } +if test "$mpfr_cv_nanisnan" = "yes"; then + +$as_echo "#define MPFR_NANISNAN 1" >>confdefs.h + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: The test NAN != NAN is false. The probable reason is that" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: The test NAN != NAN is false. The probable reason is that" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: your compiler optimizes floating-point expressions in an" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: your compiler optimizes floating-point expressions in an" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: unsafe way because some option, such as -ffast-math or" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: unsafe way because some option, such as -ffast-math or" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: -fast (depending on the compiler), has been used. You" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: -fast (depending on the compiler), has been used. You" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: should NOT use such an option, otherwise MPFR functions" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: should NOT use such an option, otherwise MPFR functions" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: such as mpfr_get_d and mpfr_set_d may return incorrect" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: such as mpfr_get_d and mpfr_set_d may return incorrect" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: results on special FP numbers (e.g. NaN or signed zeros)." >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: results on special FP numbers (e.g. NaN or signed zeros)." >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: If you did not use such an option, please send us a bug" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: If you did not use such an option, please send us a bug" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: report so that we can try to find a workaround for your" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: report so that we can try to find a workaround for your" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: platform and/or document the behavior." >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: platform and/or document the behavior." >&2;} +fi + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if charset has consecutive values" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if charset has consecutive values... " >&6; } +if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: cannot test" >&5 +$as_echo "cannot test" >&6; } +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +char *number = "0123456789"; +char *lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; +char *upper = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; + +int +main (void) +{ + + int i; + unsigned char *p; + for (p = (unsigned char*) number, i = 0; i < 9; i++) + if ( (*p)+1 != *(p+1) ) return 1; + for (p = (unsigned char*) lower, i = 0; i < 25; i++) + if ( (*p)+1 != *(p+1) ) return 1; + for (p = (unsigned char*) upper, i = 0; i < 25; i++) + if ( (*p)+1 != *(p+1) ) return 1; + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } +else + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + +$as_echo "#define MPFR_NO_CONSECUTIVE_CHARSET 1" >>confdefs.h + + +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + + +saved_LIBS="$LIBS" +LIBS="$LIBS $MPFR_LIBM" +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for math/round" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for math/round... " >&6; } +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +static int f (double (*func)(double)) { return 0; } + +int +main (void) +{ + + return f(round); + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_ROUND 1" >>confdefs.h + + +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for math/trunc" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for math/trunc... " >&6; } +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +static int f (double (*func)(double)) { return 0; } + +int +main (void) +{ + + return f(trunc); + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_TRUNC 1" >>confdefs.h + + +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for math/floor" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for math/floor... " >&6; } +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +static int f (double (*func)(double)) { return 0; } + +int +main (void) +{ + + return f(floor); + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_FLOOR 1" >>confdefs.h + + +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for math/ceil" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for math/ceil... " >&6; } +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +static int f (double (*func)(double)) { return 0; } + +int +main (void) +{ + + return f(ceil); + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_CEIL 1" >>confdefs.h + + +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for math/nearbyint" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for math/nearbyint... " >&6; } +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +static int f (double (*func)(double)) { return 0; } + +int +main (void) +{ + + return f(nearbyint); + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_NEARBYINT 1" >>confdefs.h + + +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + +LIBS="$saved_LIBS" + + + + +ac_fn_c_check_type "$LINENO" "long double" "ac_cv_type_long_double" "$ac_includes_default" +if test "x$ac_cv_type_long_double" = xyes; then : + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE 1 +_ACEOF + + +fi + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking format of \`long double' floating point" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking format of \`long double' floating point... " >&6; } +if ${mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format=unknown +if test "$ac_cv_type_long_double" != yes; then + mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format="not available" +else + cat >conftest.c <<\EOF + +/* "before" is 16 bytes to ensure there's no padding between it and "x". + We're not expecting any "long double" bigger than 16 bytes or with + alignment requirements stricter than 16 bytes. */ +struct { + char before[16]; + long double x; + char after[8]; +} foo = { + { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', + '\001', '\043', '\105', '\147', '\211', '\253', '\315', '\357' }, + -123456789.0, + { '\376', '\334', '\272', '\230', '\166', '\124', '\062', '\020' } +}; + +EOF + mpfr_compile="$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS -c conftest.c >&5 2>&1" + if { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$mpfr_compile\""; } >&5 + (eval $mpfr_compile) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; }; then + cat >conftest.awk <<\EOF + +BEGIN { + found = 0 +} + +# got[] holds a sliding window of bytes read the input. got[0] is the most +# recent byte read, and got[31] the oldest byte read, so when looking to +# match some data the indices are "reversed". +# +{ + for (f = 2; f <= NF; f++) + { + # new byte, shift others up + for (i = 31; i >= 0; i--) + got[i+1] = got[i]; + got[0] = $f; + + # end sequence + if (got[7] != "376") continue + if (got[6] != "334") continue + if (got[5] != "272") continue + if (got[4] != "230") continue + if (got[3] != "166") continue + if (got[2] != "124") continue + if (got[1] != "062") continue + if (got[0] != "020") continue + + # start sequence, with 8-byte body + if (got[23] == "001" && \ + got[22] == "043" && \ + got[21] == "105" && \ + got[20] == "147" && \ + got[19] == "211" && \ + got[18] == "253" && \ + got[17] == "315" && \ + got[16] == "357") + { + saw = " (" got[15] \ + " " got[14] \ + " " got[13] \ + " " got[12] \ + " " got[11] \ + " " got[10] \ + " " got[9] \ + " " got[8] ")" + + if (got[15] == "301" && \ + got[14] == "235" && \ + got[13] == "157" && \ + got[12] == "064" && \ + got[11] == "124" && \ + got[10] == "000" && \ + got[9] == "000" && \ + got[8] == "000") + { + print "IEEE double, big endian" + found = 1 + exit + } + + if (got[15] == "000" && \ + got[14] == "000" && \ + got[13] == "000" && \ + got[12] == "124" && \ + got[11] == "064" && \ + got[10] == "157" && \ + got[9] == "235" && \ + got[8] == "301") + { + print "IEEE double, little endian" + found = 1 + exit + } + } + + # start sequence, with 12-byte body + if (got[27] == "001" && \ + got[26] == "043" && \ + got[25] == "105" && \ + got[24] == "147" && \ + got[23] == "211" && \ + got[22] == "253" && \ + got[21] == "315" && \ + got[20] == "357") + { + saw = " (" got[19] \ + " " got[18] \ + " " got[17] \ + " " got[16] \ + " " got[15] \ + " " got[14] \ + " " got[13] \ + " " got[12] \ + " " got[11] \ + " " got[10] \ + " " got[9] \ + " " got[8] ")" + + if (got[19] == "000" && \ + got[18] == "000" && \ + got[17] == "000" && \ + got[16] == "000" && \ + got[15] == "240" && \ + got[14] == "242" && \ + got[13] == "171" && \ + got[12] == "353" && \ + got[11] == "031" && \ + got[10] == "300") + { + print "IEEE extended, little endian" + found = 1 + exit + } + + if (got[19] == "300" && \ + got[18] == "031" && \ + got[17] == "000" && \ + got[16] == "000" && \ + got[15] == "353" && \ + got[14] == "171" && \ + got[13] == "242" && \ + got[12] == "240" && \ + got[11] == "000" && \ + got[10] == "000" && \ + got[09] == "000" && \ + got[08] == "000") + { + # format found on m68k + print "IEEE extended, big endian" + found = 1 + exit + } + } + + # start sequence, with 16-byte body + if (got[31] == "001" && \ + got[30] == "043" && \ + got[29] == "105" && \ + got[28] == "147" && \ + got[27] == "211" && \ + got[26] == "253" && \ + got[25] == "315" && \ + got[24] == "357") + { + saw = " (" got[23] \ + " " got[22] \ + " " got[21] \ + " " got[20] \ + " " got[19] \ + " " got[18] \ + " " got[17] \ + " " got[16] \ + " " got[15] \ + " " got[14] \ + " " got[13] \ + " " got[12] \ + " " got[11] \ + " " got[10] \ + " " got[9] \ + " " got[8] ")" + + if (got[23] == "000" && \ + got[22] == "000" && \ + got[21] == "000" && \ + got[20] == "000" && \ + got[19] == "240" && \ + got[18] == "242" && \ + got[17] == "171" && \ + got[16] == "353" && \ + got[15] == "031" && \ + got[14] == "300") + { + print "IEEE extended, little endian" + found = 1 + exit + } + + if (got[23] == "300" && \ + got[22] == "031" && \ + got[21] == "326" && \ + got[20] == "363" && \ + got[19] == "105" && \ + got[18] == "100" && \ + got[17] == "000" && \ + got[16] == "000" && \ + got[15] == "000" && \ + got[14] == "000" && \ + got[13] == "000" && \ + got[12] == "000" && \ + got[11] == "000" && \ + got[10] == "000" && \ + got[9] == "000" && \ + got[8] == "000") + { + # format used on HP 9000/785 under HP-UX + print "IEEE quad, big endian" + found = 1 + exit + } + + if (got[23] == "000" && \ + got[22] == "000" && \ + got[21] == "000" && \ + got[20] == "000" && \ + got[19] == "000" && \ + got[18] == "000" && \ + got[17] == "000" && \ + got[16] == "000" && \ + got[15] == "000" && \ + got[14] == "000" && \ + got[13] == "100" && \ + got[12] == "105" && \ + got[11] == "363" && \ + got[10] == "326" && \ + got[9] == "031" && \ + got[8] == "300") + { + print "IEEE quad, little endian" + found = 1 + exit + } + + if (got[23] == "301" && \ + got[22] == "235" && \ + got[21] == "157" && \ + got[20] == "064" && \ + got[19] == "124" && \ + got[18] == "000" && \ + got[17] == "000" && \ + got[16] == "000" && \ + got[15] == "000" && \ + got[14] == "000" && \ + got[13] == "000" && \ + got[12] == "000" && \ + got[11] == "000" && \ + got[10] == "000" && \ + got[9] == "000" && \ + got[8] == "000") + { + # format used on 32-bit PowerPC (Mac OS X and Debian GNU/Linux) + print "possibly double-double, big endian" + found = 1 + exit + } + } + } +} + +END { + if (! found) + print "unknown", saw +} + +EOF + mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format=`od -b conftest.$OBJEXT | $AWK -f conftest.awk` + case $mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format in + unknown*) + echo "cannot match anything, conftest.$OBJEXT contains" >&5 + od -b conftest.$OBJEXT >&5 + ;; + esac + else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: oops, cannot compile test program" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: oops, cannot compile test program" >&2;} + fi +fi +rm -f conftest* + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format" >&5 +$as_echo "$mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format" >&6; } + + + +case $mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format in + "IEEE extended, little endian") + $as_echo "#define HAVE_LDOUBLE_IEEE_EXT_LITTLE 1" >>confdefs.h + + ;; + "IEEE quad, big endian") + $as_echo "#define HAVE_LDOUBLE_IEEE_QUAD_BIG 1" >>confdefs.h + + ;; + "IEEE quad, little endian") + $as_echo "#define HAVE_LDOUBLE_IEEE_QUAD_LITTLE 1" >>confdefs.h + + ;; + "possibly double-double, big endian") + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: This format is known on GCC/PowerPC platforms," >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: This format is known on GCC/PowerPC platforms," >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: but due to GCC PR26374, we can't test further." >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: but due to GCC PR26374, we can't test further." >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: You can safely ignore this warning, though." >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: You can safely ignore this warning, though." >&2;} + # Since we are not sure, we do not want to define a macro. + ;; + unknown* | "not available") + ;; + *) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: oops, unrecognised float format: $mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: oops, unrecognised float format: $mpfr_cv_c_long_double_format" >&2;} + ;; +esac + + +if test "$enable_logging" = yes; then + if test "$enable_thread_safe" = yes; then + as_fn_error $? "Enable either \`Logging' or \`thread-safe', not both" "$LINENO" 5 + else + enable_thread_safe=no + fi +fi + +if test "$enable_thread_safe" != no; then +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for TLS support using C11" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for TLS support using C11... " >&6; } +saved_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$srcdir/src" +if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: cannot test, assume no" >&5 +$as_echo "cannot test, assume no" >&6; } + +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#define MPFR_USE_THREAD_SAFE 1 +#define MPFR_USE_C11_THREAD_SAFE 1 +#include "mpfr-thread.h" +MPFR_THREAD_ATTR int x = 17; +int main (void) { + return x != 17; +} + +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + +$as_echo "#define MPFR_USE_THREAD_SAFE 1" >>confdefs.h + + +$as_echo "#define MPFR_USE_C11_THREAD_SAFE 1" >>confdefs.h + + tls_c11_support=yes + +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + +CPPFLAGS="$saved_CPPFLAGS" + +if test "$tls_c11_support" != "yes" +then + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for TLS support" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for TLS support... " >&6; } + saved_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$srcdir/src" + if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + if test "$enable_thread_safe" = yes; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: cannot test, assume yes" >&5 +$as_echo "cannot test, assume yes" >&6; } + +$as_echo "#define MPFR_USE_THREAD_SAFE 1" >>confdefs.h + + else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: cannot test, assume no" >&5 +$as_echo "cannot test, assume no" >&6; } + fi + +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + + #define MPFR_USE_THREAD_SAFE 1 + #include "mpfr-thread.h" + MPFR_THREAD_ATTR int x = 17; + int main (void) { + return x != 17; + } + +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + +$as_echo "#define MPFR_USE_THREAD_SAFE 1" >>confdefs.h + + +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + if test "$enable_thread_safe" = yes; then + as_fn_error $? "please configure with --disable-thread-safe" "$LINENO" 5 + fi + +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + + CPPFLAGS="$saved_CPPFLAGS" + fi +fi + + +# (Based on GMP 5.1) +# clock_gettime is in librt on *-*-osf5.1 and on glibc < 2.17, so add -lrt to +# TUNE_LIBS if needed (e.g. if clock_gettime is not already in the C library). +# On linux (tested on x86_32, 2.6.26), clock_getres reports ns accuracy, +# while in a quick test on osf, clock_getres said only 1 millisecond. +old_LIBS="$LIBS" +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for library containing clock_gettime" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for library containing clock_gettime... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_search_clock_gettime+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error. + Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC + builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" +#endif +char clock_gettime (); +int +main (void) +{ +return clock_gettime (); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +for ac_lib in '' rt; do + if test -z "$ac_lib"; then + ac_res="none required" + else + ac_res=-l$ac_lib + LIBS="-l$ac_lib $ac_func_search_save_LIBS" + fi + if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_search_clock_gettime=$ac_res +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext + if ${ac_cv_search_clock_gettime+:} false; then : + break +fi +done +if ${ac_cv_search_clock_gettime+:} false; then : + +else + ac_cv_search_clock_gettime=no +fi +rm conftest.$ac_ext +LIBS=$ac_func_search_save_LIBS +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_search_clock_gettime" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_search_clock_gettime" >&6; } +ac_res=$ac_cv_search_clock_gettime +if test "$ac_res" != no; then : + test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS" + + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME 1" >>confdefs.h + +fi + +TUNE_LIBS="$LIBS" +LIBS="$old_LIBS" + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for gmp.h" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for gmp.h... " >&6; } +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include "gmp.h" + +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } +else + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + as_fn_error $? "gmp.h can't be found, or is unusable." "$LINENO" 5 + +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + + + +case `pwd` in + *\ * | *\ *) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: Libtool does not cope well with whitespace in \`pwd\`" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: Libtool does not cope well with whitespace in \`pwd\`" >&2;} ;; +esac + + + +macro_version='2.4.6' +macro_revision='2.4.6' + + + + + + + + + + + + + +ltmain=$ac_aux_dir/ + +# Backslashify metacharacters that are still active within +# double-quoted strings. +sed_quote_subst='s/\(["`$\\]\)/\\\1/g' + +# Same as above, but do not quote variable references. +double_quote_subst='s/\(["`\\]\)/\\\1/g' + +# Sed substitution to delay expansion of an escaped shell variable in a +# double_quote_subst'ed string. +delay_variable_subst='s/\\\\\\\\\\\$/\\\\\\$/g' + +# Sed substitution to delay expansion of an escaped single quote. +delay_single_quote_subst='s/'\''/'\'\\\\\\\'\''/g' + +# Sed substitution to avoid accidental globbing in evaled expressions +no_glob_subst='s/\*/\\\*/g' + +ECHO='\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' +ECHO=$ECHO$ECHO$ECHO$ECHO$ECHO +ECHO=$ECHO$ECHO$ECHO$ECHO$ECHO$ECHO + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking how to print strings" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking how to print strings... " >&6; } +# Test print first, because it will be a builtin if present. +if test "X`( print -r -- -n ) 2>/dev/null`" = X-n && \ + test "X`print -r -- $ECHO 2>/dev/null`" = "X$ECHO"; then + ECHO='print -r --' +elif test "X`printf %s $ECHO 2>/dev/null`" = "X$ECHO"; then + ECHO='printf %s\n' +else + # Use this function as a fallback that always works. + func_fallback_echo () + { + eval 'cat <<_LTECHO_EOF +$1 +_LTECHO_EOF' + } + ECHO='func_fallback_echo' +fi + +# func_echo_all arg... +# Invoke $ECHO with all args, space-separated. +func_echo_all () +{ + $ECHO "" +} + +case $ECHO in + printf*) { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: printf" >&5 +$as_echo "printf" >&6; } ;; + print*) { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: print -r" >&5 +$as_echo "print -r" >&6; } ;; + *) { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: cat" >&5 +$as_echo "cat" >&6; } ;; +esac + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for a sed that does not truncate output" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for a sed that does not truncate output... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_path_SED+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_script=s/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb/ + for ac_i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do + ac_script="$ac_script$as_nl$ac_script" + done + echo "$ac_script" 2>/dev/null | sed 99q >conftest.sed + { ac_script=; unset ac_script;} + if test -z "$SED"; then + ac_path_SED_found=false + # Loop through the user's path and test for each of PROGNAME-LIST + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_prog in sed gsed; do + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + ac_path_SED="$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" + as_fn_executable_p "$ac_path_SED" || continue +# Check for GNU ac_path_SED and select it if it is found. + # Check for GNU $ac_path_SED +case `"$ac_path_SED" --version 2>&1` in +*GNU*) + ac_cv_path_SED="$ac_path_SED" ac_path_SED_found=:;; +*) + ac_count=0 + $as_echo_n 0123456789 >"" + while : + do + cat "" "" >"conftest.tmp" + mv "conftest.tmp" "" + cp "" "" + $as_echo '' >> "" + "$ac_path_SED" -f conftest.sed < "" >"conftest.out" 2>/dev/null || break + diff "conftest.out" "" >/dev/null 2>&1 || break + as_fn_arith $ac_count + 1 && ac_count=$as_val + if test $ac_count -gt ${ac_path_SED_max-0}; then + # Best one so far, save it but keep looking for a better one + ac_cv_path_SED="$ac_path_SED" + ac_path_SED_max=$ac_count + fi + # 10*(2^10) chars as input seems more than enough + test $ac_count -gt 10 && break + done + rm -f conftest.tmp conftest.out;; +esac + + $ac_path_SED_found && break 3 + done + done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + if test -z "$ac_cv_path_SED"; then + as_fn_error $? "no acceptable sed could be found in \$PATH" "$LINENO" 5 + fi +else + ac_cv_path_SED=$SED +fi + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_path_SED" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_path_SED" >&6; } + SED="$ac_cv_path_SED" + rm -f conftest.sed + +test -z "$SED" && SED=sed +Xsed="$SED -e 1s/^X//" + + + + + + + + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for fgrep" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for fgrep... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_path_FGREP+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if echo 'ab*c' | $GREP -F 'ab*c' >/dev/null 2>&1 + then ac_cv_path_FGREP="$GREP -F" + else + if test -z "$FGREP"; then + ac_path_FGREP_found=false + # Loop through the user's path and test for each of PROGNAME-LIST + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/xpg4/bin +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_prog in fgrep; do + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + ac_path_FGREP="$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" + as_fn_executable_p "$ac_path_FGREP" || continue +# Check for GNU ac_path_FGREP and select it if it is found. + # Check for GNU $ac_path_FGREP +case `"$ac_path_FGREP" --version 2>&1` in +*GNU*) + ac_cv_path_FGREP="$ac_path_FGREP" ac_path_FGREP_found=:;; +*) + ac_count=0 + $as_echo_n 0123456789 >"" + while : + do + cat "" "" >"conftest.tmp" + mv "conftest.tmp" "" + cp "" "" + $as_echo 'FGREP' >> "" + "$ac_path_FGREP" FGREP < "" >"conftest.out" 2>/dev/null || break + diff "conftest.out" "" >/dev/null 2>&1 || break + as_fn_arith $ac_count + 1 && ac_count=$as_val + if test $ac_count -gt ${ac_path_FGREP_max-0}; then + # Best one so far, save it but keep looking for a better one + ac_cv_path_FGREP="$ac_path_FGREP" + ac_path_FGREP_max=$ac_count + fi + # 10*(2^10) chars as input seems more than enough + test $ac_count -gt 10 && break + done + rm -f conftest.tmp conftest.out;; +esac + + $ac_path_FGREP_found && break 3 + done + done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + if test -z "$ac_cv_path_FGREP"; then + as_fn_error $? "no acceptable fgrep could be found in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/xpg4/bin" "$LINENO" 5 + fi +else + ac_cv_path_FGREP=$FGREP +fi + + fi +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_path_FGREP" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_path_FGREP" >&6; } + FGREP="$ac_cv_path_FGREP" + + +test -z "$GREP" && GREP=grep + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +# Check whether --with-gnu-ld was given. +if test "${with_gnu_ld+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_gnu_ld; test no = "$withval" || with_gnu_ld=yes +else + with_gnu_ld=no +fi + +ac_prog=ld +if test yes = "$GCC"; then + # Check if gcc -print-prog-name=ld gives a path. + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for ld used by $CC" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for ld used by $CC... " >&6; } + case $host in + *-*-mingw*) + # gcc leaves a trailing carriage return, which upsets mingw + ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5 | tr -d '\015'` ;; + *) + ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5` ;; + esac + case $ac_prog in + # Accept absolute paths. + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) + re_direlt='/[^/][^/]*/\.\./' + # Canonicalize the pathname of ld + ac_prog=`$ECHO "$ac_prog"| $SED 's%\\\\%/%g'` + while $ECHO "$ac_prog" | $GREP "$re_direlt" > /dev/null 2>&1; do + ac_prog=`$ECHO $ac_prog| $SED "s%$re_direlt%/%"` + done + test -z "$LD" && LD=$ac_prog + ;; + "") + # If it fails, then pretend we aren't using GCC. + ac_prog=ld + ;; + *) + # If it is relative, then search for the first ld in PATH. + with_gnu_ld=unknown + ;; + esac +elif test yes = "$with_gnu_ld"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for GNU ld" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for GNU ld... " >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for non-GNU ld" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for non-GNU ld... " >&6; } +fi +if ${lt_cv_path_LD+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -z "$LD"; then + lt_save_ifs=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR + for ac_dir in $PATH; do + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + if test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog" || test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exeext"; then + lt_cv_path_LD=$ac_dir/$ac_prog + # Check to see if the program is GNU ld. I'd rather use --version, + # but apparently some variants of GNU ld only accept -v. + # Break only if it was the GNU/non-GNU ld that we prefer. + case `"$lt_cv_path_LD" -v 2>&1 &5 +$as_echo "$LD" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi +test -z "$LD" && as_fn_error $? "no acceptable ld found in \$PATH" "$LINENO" 5 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if the linker ($LD) is GNU ld" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if the linker ($LD) is GNU ld... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + # I'd rather use --version here, but apparently some GNU lds only accept -v. +case `$LD -v 2>&1 &5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld" >&6; } +with_gnu_ld=$lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld + + + + + + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_path_NM+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$NM"; then + # Let the user override the test. + lt_cv_path_NM=$NM +else + lt_nm_to_check=${ac_tool_prefix}nm + if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix" && test "$build" = "$host"; then + lt_nm_to_check="$lt_nm_to_check nm" + fi + for lt_tmp_nm in $lt_nm_to_check; do + lt_save_ifs=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR + for ac_dir in $PATH /usr/ccs/bin/elf /usr/ccs/bin /usr/ucb /bin; do + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + tmp_nm=$ac_dir/$lt_tmp_nm + if test -f "$tmp_nm" || test -f "$tmp_nm$ac_exeext"; then + # Check to see if the nm accepts a BSD-compat flag. + # Adding the 'sed 1q' prevents false positives on HP-UX, which says: + # nm: unknown option "B" ignored + # Tru64's nm complains that /dev/null is an invalid object file + # MSYS converts /dev/null to NUL, MinGW nm treats NUL as empty + case $build_os in + mingw*) lt_bad_file=conftest.nm/nofile ;; + *) lt_bad_file=/dev/null ;; + esac + case `"$tmp_nm" -B $lt_bad_file 2>&1 | sed '1q'` in + *$lt_bad_file* | *'Invalid file or object type'*) + lt_cv_path_NM="$tmp_nm -B" + break 2 + ;; + *) + case `"$tmp_nm" -p /dev/null 2>&1 | sed '1q'` in + */dev/null*) + lt_cv_path_NM="$tmp_nm -p" + break 2 + ;; + *) + lt_cv_path_NM=${lt_cv_path_NM="$tmp_nm"} # keep the first match, but + continue # so that we can try to find one that supports BSD flags + ;; + esac + ;; + esac + fi + done + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + done + : ${lt_cv_path_NM=no} +fi +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_path_NM" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_path_NM" >&6; } +if test no != "$lt_cv_path_NM"; then + NM=$lt_cv_path_NM +else + # Didn't find any BSD compatible name lister, look for dumpbin. + if test -n "$DUMPBIN"; then : + # Let the user override the test. + else + if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + for ac_prog in dumpbin "link -dump" + do + # Extract the first word of "$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy $ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_DUMPBIN+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$DUMPBIN"; then + ac_cv_prog_DUMPBIN="$DUMPBIN" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_DUMPBIN="$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +DUMPBIN=$ac_cv_prog_DUMPBIN +if test -n "$DUMPBIN"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $DUMPBIN" >&5 +$as_echo "$DUMPBIN" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + test -n "$DUMPBIN" && break + done +fi +if test -z "$DUMPBIN"; then + ac_ct_DUMPBIN=$DUMPBIN + for ac_prog in dumpbin "link -dump" +do + # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_DUMPBIN+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_DUMPBIN"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_DUMPBIN="$ac_ct_DUMPBIN" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_DUMPBIN="$ac_prog" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_DUMPBIN=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_DUMPBIN +if test -n "$ac_ct_DUMPBIN"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_DUMPBIN" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_DUMPBIN" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + test -n "$ac_ct_DUMPBIN" && break +done + + if test "x$ac_ct_DUMPBIN" = x; then + DUMPBIN=":" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + DUMPBIN=$ac_ct_DUMPBIN + fi +fi + + case `$DUMPBIN -symbols -headers /dev/null 2>&1 | sed '1q'` in + *COFF*) + DUMPBIN="$DUMPBIN -symbols -headers" + ;; + *) + DUMPBIN=: + ;; + esac + fi + + if test : != "$DUMPBIN"; then + NM=$DUMPBIN + fi +fi +test -z "$NM" && NM=nm + + + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking the name lister ($NM) interface" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking the name lister ($NM) interface... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_nm_interface+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_nm_interface="BSD nm" + echo "int some_variable = 0;" > conftest.$ac_ext + (eval echo "\"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_compile\"" >&5) + (eval "$ac_compile" 2>conftest.err) + cat conftest.err >&5 + (eval echo "\"\$as_me:$LINENO: $NM \\\"conftest.$ac_objext\\\"\"" >&5) + (eval "$NM \"conftest.$ac_objext\"" 2>conftest.err > conftest.out) + cat conftest.err >&5 + (eval echo "\"\$as_me:$LINENO: output\"" >&5) + cat conftest.out >&5 + if $GREP 'External.*some_variable' conftest.out > /dev/null; then + lt_cv_nm_interface="MS dumpbin" + fi + rm -f conftest* +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_nm_interface" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_nm_interface" >&6; } + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether ln -s works" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether ln -s works... " >&6; } +LN_S=$as_ln_s +if test "$LN_S" = "ln -s"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no, using $LN_S" >&5 +$as_echo "no, using $LN_S" >&6; } +fi + +# find the maximum length of command line arguments +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking the maximum length of command line arguments" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking the maximum length of command line arguments... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + i=0 + teststring=ABCD + + case $build_os in + msdosdjgpp*) + # On DJGPP, this test can blow up pretty badly due to problems in libc + # (any single argument exceeding 2000 bytes causes a buffer overrun + # during glob expansion). Even if it were fixed, the result of this + # check would be larger than it should be. + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=12288; # 12K is about right + ;; + + gnu*) + # Under GNU Hurd, this test is not required because there is + # no limit to the length of command line arguments. + # Libtool will interpret -1 as no limit whatsoever + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=-1; + ;; + + cygwin* | mingw* | cegcc*) + # On Win9x/ME, this test blows up -- it succeeds, but takes + # about 5 minutes as the teststring grows exponentially. + # Worse, since 9x/ME are not pre-emptively multitasking, + # you end up with a "frozen" computer, even though with patience + # the test eventually succeeds (with a max line length of 256k). + # Instead, let's just punt: use the minimum linelength reported by + # all of the supported platforms: 8192 (on NT/2K/XP). + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=8192; + ;; + + mint*) + # On MiNT this can take a long time and run out of memory. + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=8192; + ;; + + amigaos*) + # On AmigaOS with pdksh, this test takes hours, literally. + # So we just punt and use a minimum line length of 8192. + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=8192; + ;; + + bitrig* | darwin* | dragonfly* | freebsd* | netbsd* | openbsd*) + # This has been around since 386BSD, at least. Likely further. + if test -x /sbin/sysctl; then + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`/sbin/sysctl -n kern.argmax` + elif test -x /usr/sbin/sysctl; then + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`/usr/sbin/sysctl -n kern.argmax` + else + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=65536 # usable default for all BSDs + fi + # And add a safety zone + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`expr $lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len \/ 4` + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`expr $lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len \* 3` + ;; + + interix*) + # We know the value 262144 and hardcode it with a safety zone (like BSD) + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=196608 + ;; + + os2*) + # The test takes a long time on OS/2. + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=8192 + ;; + + osf*) + # Dr. Hans Ekkehard Plesser reports seeing a kernel panic running configure + # due to this test when exec_disable_arg_limit is 1 on Tru64. It is not + # nice to cause kernel panics so lets avoid the loop below. + # First set a reasonable default. + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=16384 + # + if test -x /sbin/sysconfig; then + case `/sbin/sysconfig -q proc exec_disable_arg_limit` in + *1*) lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=-1 ;; + esac + fi + ;; + sco3.2v5*) + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=102400 + ;; + sysv5* | sco5v6* | sysv4.2uw2*) + kargmax=`grep ARG_MAX /etc/conf/cf.d/stune 2>/dev/null` + if test -n "$kargmax"; then + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`echo $kargmax | sed 's/.*[ ]//'` + else + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=32768 + fi + ;; + *) + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`(getconf ARG_MAX) 2> /dev/null` + if test -n "$lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len" && \ + test undefined != "$lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len"; then + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`expr $lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len \/ 4` + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`expr $lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len \* 3` + else + # Make teststring a little bigger before we do anything with it. + # a 1K string should be a reasonable start. + for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; do + teststring=$teststring$teststring + done + SHELL=${SHELL-${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh}} + # If test is not a shell built-in, we'll probably end up computing a + # maximum length that is only half of the actual maximum length, but + # we can't tell. + while { test X`env echo "$teststring$teststring" 2>/dev/null` \ + = "X$teststring$teststring"; } >/dev/null 2>&1 && + test 17 != "$i" # 1/2 MB should be enough + do + i=`expr $i + 1` + teststring=$teststring$teststring + done + # Only check the string length outside the loop. + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`expr "X$teststring" : ".*" 2>&1` + teststring= + # Add a significant safety factor because C++ compilers can tack on + # massive amounts of additional arguments before passing them to the + # linker. It appears as though 1/2 is a usable value. + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`expr $lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len \/ 2` + fi + ;; + esac + +fi + +if test -n "$lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: none" >&5 +$as_echo "none" >&6; } +fi +max_cmd_len=$lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len + + + + + + +: ${CP="cp -f"} +: ${MV="mv -f"} +: ${RM="rm -f"} + +if ( (MAIL=60; unset MAIL) || exit) >/dev/null 2>&1; then + lt_unset=unset +else + lt_unset=false +fi + + + + + +# test EBCDIC or ASCII +case `echo X|tr X '\101'` in + A) # ASCII based system + # \n is not interpreted correctly by Solaris 8 /usr/ucb/tr + lt_SP2NL='tr \040 \012' + lt_NL2SP='tr \015\012 \040\040' + ;; + *) # EBCDIC based system + lt_SP2NL='tr \100 \n' + lt_NL2SP='tr \r\n \100\100' + ;; +esac + + + + + + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking how to convert $build file names to $host format" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking how to convert $build file names to $host format... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_to_host_file_cmd+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + case $host in + *-*-mingw* ) + case $build in + *-*-mingw* ) # actually msys + lt_cv_to_host_file_cmd=func_convert_file_msys_to_w32 + ;; + *-*-cygwin* ) + lt_cv_to_host_file_cmd=func_convert_file_cygwin_to_w32 + ;; + * ) # otherwise, assume *nix + lt_cv_to_host_file_cmd=func_convert_file_nix_to_w32 + ;; + esac + ;; + *-*-cygwin* ) + case $build in + *-*-mingw* ) # actually msys + lt_cv_to_host_file_cmd=func_convert_file_msys_to_cygwin + ;; + *-*-cygwin* ) + lt_cv_to_host_file_cmd=func_convert_file_noop + ;; + * ) # otherwise, assume *nix + lt_cv_to_host_file_cmd=func_convert_file_nix_to_cygwin + ;; + esac + ;; + * ) # unhandled hosts (and "normal" native builds) + lt_cv_to_host_file_cmd=func_convert_file_noop + ;; +esac + +fi + +to_host_file_cmd=$lt_cv_to_host_file_cmd +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_to_host_file_cmd" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_to_host_file_cmd" >&6; } + + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking how to convert $build file names to toolchain format" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking how to convert $build file names to toolchain format... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_to_tool_file_cmd+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + #assume ordinary cross tools, or native build. +lt_cv_to_tool_file_cmd=func_convert_file_noop +case $host in + *-*-mingw* ) + case $build in + *-*-mingw* ) # actually msys + lt_cv_to_tool_file_cmd=func_convert_file_msys_to_w32 + ;; + esac + ;; +esac + +fi + +to_tool_file_cmd=$lt_cv_to_tool_file_cmd +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_to_tool_file_cmd" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_to_tool_file_cmd" >&6; } + + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $LD option to reload object files" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $LD option to reload object files... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_ld_reload_flag+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_ld_reload_flag='-r' +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_ld_reload_flag" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_ld_reload_flag" >&6; } +reload_flag=$lt_cv_ld_reload_flag +case $reload_flag in +"" | " "*) ;; +*) reload_flag=" $reload_flag" ;; +esac +reload_cmds='$LD$reload_flag -o $output$reload_objs' +case $host_os in + cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) + if test yes != "$GCC"; then + reload_cmds=false + fi + ;; + darwin*) + if test yes = "$GCC"; then + reload_cmds='$LTCC $LTCFLAGS -nostdlib $wl-r -o $output$reload_objs' + else + reload_cmds='$LD$reload_flag -o $output$reload_objs' + fi + ;; +esac + + + + + + + + + +if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}objdump", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}objdump; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_OBJDUMP+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$OBJDUMP"; then + ac_cv_prog_OBJDUMP="$OBJDUMP" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_OBJDUMP="${ac_tool_prefix}objdump" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +OBJDUMP=$ac_cv_prog_OBJDUMP +if test -n "$OBJDUMP"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $OBJDUMP" >&5 +$as_echo "$OBJDUMP" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_OBJDUMP"; then + ac_ct_OBJDUMP=$OBJDUMP + # Extract the first word of "objdump", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy objdump; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OBJDUMP+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_OBJDUMP"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OBJDUMP="$ac_ct_OBJDUMP" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OBJDUMP="objdump" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_OBJDUMP=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OBJDUMP +if test -n "$ac_ct_OBJDUMP"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_OBJDUMP" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_OBJDUMP" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + if test "x$ac_ct_OBJDUMP" = x; then + OBJDUMP="false" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + OBJDUMP=$ac_ct_OBJDUMP + fi +else + OBJDUMP="$ac_cv_prog_OBJDUMP" +fi + +test -z "$OBJDUMP" && OBJDUMP=objdump + + + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking how to recognize dependent libraries" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking how to recognize dependent libraries... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_deplibs_check_method+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='$MAGIC_CMD' +lt_cv_file_magic_test_file= +lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='unknown' +# Need to set the preceding variable on all platforms that support +# interlibrary dependencies. +# 'none' -- dependencies not supported. +# 'unknown' -- same as none, but documents that we really don't know. +# 'pass_all' -- all dependencies passed with no checks. +# 'test_compile' -- check by making test program. +# 'file_magic [[regex]]' -- check by looking for files in library path +# that responds to the $file_magic_cmd with a given extended regex. +# If you have 'file' or equivalent on your system and you're not sure +# whether 'pass_all' will *always* work, you probably want this one. + +case $host_os in +aix[4-9]*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + +beos*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + +bsdi[45]*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [0-9][0-9]*-bit [ML]SB (shared object|dynamic lib)' + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='/usr/bin/file -L' + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/shlib/ + ;; + +cygwin*) + # func_win32_libid is a shell function defined in + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ^x86 archive import|^x86 DLL' + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='func_win32_libid' + ;; + +mingw* | pw32*) + # Base MSYS/MinGW do not provide the 'file' command needed by + # func_win32_libid shell function, so use a weaker test based on 'objdump', + # unless we find 'file', for example because we are cross-compiling. + if ( file / ) >/dev/null 2>&1; then + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ^x86 archive import|^x86 DLL' + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='func_win32_libid' + else + # Keep this pattern in sync with the one in func_win32_libid. + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic file format (pei*-i386(.*architecture: i386)?|pe-arm-wince|pe-x86-64)' + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='$OBJDUMP -f' + fi + ;; + +cegcc*) + # use the weaker test based on 'objdump'. See mingw*. + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic file format pe-arm-.*little(.*architecture: arm)?' + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='$OBJDUMP -f' + ;; + +darwin* | rhapsody*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + +freebsd* | dragonfly*) + if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | $GREP __ELF__ > /dev/null; then + case $host_cpu in + i*86 ) + # Not sure whether the presence of OpenBSD here was a mistake. + # Let's accept both of them until this is cleared up. + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic (FreeBSD|OpenBSD|DragonFly)/i[3-9]86 (compact )?demand paged shared library' + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=`echo /usr/lib/*` + ;; + esac + else + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + fi + ;; + +haiku*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + +hpux10.20* | hpux11*) + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file + case $host_cpu in + ia64*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic (s[0-9][0-9][0-9]|ELF-[0-9][0-9]) shared object file - IA64' + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/usr/lib/hpux32/ + ;; + hppa*64*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic (s[0-9][0-9][0-9]|ELF[ -][0-9][0-9])(-bit)?( [LM]SB)? shared object( file)?[, -]* PA-RISC [0-9]\.[0-9]' + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/usr/lib/pa20_64/ + ;; + *) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic (s[0-9][0-9][0-9]|PA-RISC[0-9]\.[0-9]) shared library' + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/usr/lib/ + ;; + esac + ;; + +interix[3-9]*) + # PIC code is broken on Interix 3.x, that's why |\.a not |_pic\.a here + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='match_pattern /lib[^/]+(\.so|\.a)$' + ;; + +irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*) + case $LD in + *-32|*"-32 ") libmagic=32-bit;; + *-n32|*"-n32 ") libmagic=N32;; + *-64|*"-64 ") libmagic=64-bit;; + *) libmagic=never-match;; + esac + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + +# This must be glibc/ELF. +linux* | k*bsd*-gnu | kopensolaris*-gnu | gnu*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + +netbsd* | netbsdelf*-gnu) + if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | $GREP __ELF__ > /dev/null; then + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='match_pattern /lib[^/]+(\.so\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+|_pic\.a)$' + else + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='match_pattern /lib[^/]+(\.so|_pic\.a)$' + fi + ;; + +newos6*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [0-9][0-9]*-bit [ML]SB (executable|dynamic lib)' + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/usr/lib/ + ;; + +*nto* | *qnx*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + +openbsd* | bitrig*) + if test -z "`echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | $GREP __ELF__`"; then + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='match_pattern /lib[^/]+(\.so\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+|\.so|_pic\.a)$' + else + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='match_pattern /lib[^/]+(\.so\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+|_pic\.a)$' + fi + ;; + +osf3* | osf4* | osf5*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + +rdos*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + +solaris*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + +sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | unixware* | OpenUNIX* | sysv4*uw2*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + +sysv4 | sysv4.3*) + case $host_vendor in + motorola) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [0-9][0-9]*-bit [ML]SB (shared object|dynamic lib) M[0-9][0-9]* Version [0-9]' + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=`echo /usr/lib/*` + ;; + ncr) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + sequent) + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='/bin/file' + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [0-9][0-9]*-bit [LM]SB (shared object|dynamic lib )' + ;; + sni) + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='/bin/file' + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method="file_magic ELF [0-9][0-9]*-bit [LM]SB dynamic lib" + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/lib/ + ;; + siemens) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + pc) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + esac + ;; + +tpf*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; +os2*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; +esac + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_deplibs_check_method" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_deplibs_check_method" >&6; } + +file_magic_glob= +want_nocaseglob=no +if test "$build" = "$host"; then + case $host_os in + mingw* | pw32*) + if ( shopt | grep nocaseglob ) >/dev/null 2>&1; then + want_nocaseglob=yes + else + file_magic_glob=`echo aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ | $SED -e "s/\(..\)/s\/[\1]\/[\1]\/g;/g"` + fi + ;; + esac +fi + +file_magic_cmd=$lt_cv_file_magic_cmd +deplibs_check_method=$lt_cv_deplibs_check_method +test -z "$deplibs_check_method" && deplibs_check_method=unknown + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}dlltool", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}dlltool; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_DLLTOOL+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$DLLTOOL"; then + ac_cv_prog_DLLTOOL="$DLLTOOL" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_DLLTOOL="${ac_tool_prefix}dlltool" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +DLLTOOL=$ac_cv_prog_DLLTOOL +if test -n "$DLLTOOL"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $DLLTOOL" >&5 +$as_echo "$DLLTOOL" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_DLLTOOL"; then + ac_ct_DLLTOOL=$DLLTOOL + # Extract the first word of "dlltool", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy dlltool; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_DLLTOOL+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_DLLTOOL"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_DLLTOOL="$ac_ct_DLLTOOL" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_DLLTOOL="dlltool" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_DLLTOOL=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_DLLTOOL +if test -n "$ac_ct_DLLTOOL"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_DLLTOOL" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_DLLTOOL" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + if test "x$ac_ct_DLLTOOL" = x; then + DLLTOOL="false" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + DLLTOOL=$ac_ct_DLLTOOL + fi +else + DLLTOOL="$ac_cv_prog_DLLTOOL" +fi + +test -z "$DLLTOOL" && DLLTOOL=dlltool + + + + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking how to associate runtime and link libraries" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd='unknown' + +case $host_os in +cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) + # two different shell functions defined in; + # decide which one to use based on capabilities of $DLLTOOL + case `$DLLTOOL --help 2>&1` in + *--identify-strict*) + lt_cv_sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd=func_cygming_dll_for_implib + ;; + *) + lt_cv_sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd=func_cygming_dll_for_implib_fallback + ;; + esac + ;; +*) + # fallback: assume linklib IS sharedlib + lt_cv_sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd=$ECHO + ;; +esac + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd" >&6; } +sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd=$lt_cv_sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd +test -z "$sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd" && sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd=$ECHO + + + + + + + +if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + for ac_prog in ar + do + # Extract the first word of "$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy $ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_AR+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$AR"; then + ac_cv_prog_AR="$AR" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_AR="$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +AR=$ac_cv_prog_AR +if test -n "$AR"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $AR" >&5 +$as_echo "$AR" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + test -n "$AR" && break + done +fi +if test -z "$AR"; then + ac_ct_AR=$AR + for ac_prog in ar +do + # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AR+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_AR"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AR="$ac_ct_AR" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AR="$ac_prog" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_AR=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AR +if test -n "$ac_ct_AR"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_AR" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_AR" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + test -n "$ac_ct_AR" && break +done + + if test "x$ac_ct_AR" = x; then + AR="false" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + AR=$ac_ct_AR + fi +fi + +: ${AR=ar} +: ${AR_FLAGS=cru} + + + + + + + + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for archiver @FILE support" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for archiver @FILE support... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_ar_at_file+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_ar_at_file=no + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + echo conftest.$ac_objext > conftest.lst + lt_ar_try='$AR $AR_FLAGS libconftest.a @conftest.lst >&5' + { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$lt_ar_try\""; } >&5 + (eval $lt_ar_try) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; } + if test 0 -eq "$ac_status"; then + # Ensure the archiver fails upon bogus file names. + rm -f conftest.$ac_objext libconftest.a + { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$lt_ar_try\""; } >&5 + (eval $lt_ar_try) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; } + if test 0 -ne "$ac_status"; then + lt_cv_ar_at_file=@ + fi + fi + rm -f conftest.* libconftest.a + +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_ar_at_file" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_ar_at_file" >&6; } + +if test no = "$lt_cv_ar_at_file"; then + archiver_list_spec= +else + archiver_list_spec=$lt_cv_ar_at_file +fi + + + + + + + +if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}strip", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}strip; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_STRIP+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$STRIP"; then + ac_cv_prog_STRIP="$STRIP" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_STRIP="${ac_tool_prefix}strip" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +STRIP=$ac_cv_prog_STRIP +if test -n "$STRIP"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $STRIP" >&5 +$as_echo "$STRIP" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_STRIP"; then + ac_ct_STRIP=$STRIP + # Extract the first word of "strip", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy strip; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_STRIP+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_STRIP"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_STRIP="$ac_ct_STRIP" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_STRIP="strip" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_STRIP=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_STRIP +if test -n "$ac_ct_STRIP"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_STRIP" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_STRIP" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + if test "x$ac_ct_STRIP" = x; then + STRIP=":" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + STRIP=$ac_ct_STRIP + fi +else + STRIP="$ac_cv_prog_STRIP" +fi + +test -z "$STRIP" && STRIP=: + + + + + + +if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}ranlib", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}ranlib; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_RANLIB+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$RANLIB"; then + ac_cv_prog_RANLIB="$RANLIB" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_RANLIB="${ac_tool_prefix}ranlib" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +RANLIB=$ac_cv_prog_RANLIB +if test -n "$RANLIB"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $RANLIB" >&5 +$as_echo "$RANLIB" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_RANLIB"; then + ac_ct_RANLIB=$RANLIB + # Extract the first word of "ranlib", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ranlib; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_RANLIB+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_RANLIB"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_RANLIB="$ac_ct_RANLIB" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_RANLIB="ranlib" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_RANLIB=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_RANLIB +if test -n "$ac_ct_RANLIB"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_RANLIB" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_RANLIB" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + if test "x$ac_ct_RANLIB" = x; then + RANLIB=":" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + RANLIB=$ac_ct_RANLIB + fi +else + RANLIB="$ac_cv_prog_RANLIB" +fi + +test -z "$RANLIB" && RANLIB=: + + + + + + +# Determine commands to create old-style static archives. +old_archive_cmds='$AR $AR_FLAGS $oldlib$oldobjs' +old_postinstall_cmds='chmod 644 $oldlib' +old_postuninstall_cmds= + +if test -n "$RANLIB"; then + case $host_os in + bitrig* | openbsd*) + old_postinstall_cmds="$old_postinstall_cmds~\$RANLIB -t \$tool_oldlib" + ;; + *) + old_postinstall_cmds="$old_postinstall_cmds~\$RANLIB \$tool_oldlib" + ;; + esac + old_archive_cmds="$old_archive_cmds~\$RANLIB \$tool_oldlib" +fi + +case $host_os in + darwin*) + lock_old_archive_extraction=yes ;; + *) + lock_old_archive_extraction=no ;; +esac + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +# If no C compiler was specified, use CC. +LTCC=${LTCC-"$CC"} + +# If no C compiler flags were specified, use CFLAGS. +LTCFLAGS=${LTCFLAGS-"$CFLAGS"} + +# Allow CC to be a program name with arguments. +compiler=$CC + + +# Check for command to grab the raw symbol name followed by C symbol from nm. +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking command to parse $NM output from $compiler object" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking command to parse $NM output from $compiler object... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + +# These are sane defaults that work on at least a few old systems. +# [They come from Ultrix. What could be older than Ultrix?!! ;)] + +# Character class describing NM global symbol codes. +symcode='[BCDEGRST]' + +# Regexp to match symbols that can be accessed directly from C. +sympat='\([_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*\)' + +# Define system-specific variables. +case $host_os in +aix*) + symcode='[BCDT]' + ;; +cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) + symcode='[ABCDGISTW]' + ;; +hpux*) + if test ia64 = "$host_cpu"; then + symcode='[ABCDEGRST]' + fi + ;; +irix* | nonstopux*) + symcode='[BCDEGRST]' + ;; +osf*) + symcode='[BCDEGQRST]' + ;; +solaris*) + symcode='[BDRT]' + ;; +sco3.2v5*) + symcode='[DT]' + ;; +sysv4.2uw2*) + symcode='[DT]' + ;; +sysv5* | sco5v6* | unixware* | OpenUNIX*) + symcode='[ABDT]' + ;; +sysv4) + symcode='[DFNSTU]' + ;; +esac + +# If we're using GNU nm, then use its standard symbol codes. +case `$NM -V 2>&1` in +*GNU* | *'with BFD'*) + symcode='[ABCDGIRSTW]' ;; +esac + +if test "$lt_cv_nm_interface" = "MS dumpbin"; then + # Gets list of data symbols to import. + lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_import="sed -n -e 's/^I .* \(.*\)$/\1/p'" + # Adjust the below global symbol transforms to fixup imported variables. + lt_cdecl_hook=" -e 's/^I .* \(.*\)$/extern __declspec(dllimport) char \1;/p'" + lt_c_name_hook=" -e 's/^I .* \(.*\)$/ {\"\1\", (void *) 0},/p'" + lt_c_name_lib_hook="\ + -e 's/^I .* \(lib.*\)$/ {\"\1\", (void *) 0},/p'\ + -e 's/^I .* \(.*\)$/ {\"lib\1\", (void *) 0},/p'" +else + # Disable hooks by default. + lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_import= + lt_cdecl_hook= + lt_c_name_hook= + lt_c_name_lib_hook= +fi + +# Transform an extracted symbol line into a proper C declaration. +# Some systems (esp. on ia64) link data and code symbols differently, +# so use this general approach. +lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl="sed -n"\ +$lt_cdecl_hook\ +" -e 's/^T .* \(.*\)$/extern int \1();/p'"\ +" -e 's/^$symcode$symcode* .* \(.*\)$/extern char \1;/p'" + +# Transform an extracted symbol line into symbol name and symbol address +lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address="sed -n"\ +$lt_c_name_hook\ +" -e 's/^: \(.*\) .*$/ {\"\1\", (void *) 0},/p'"\ +" -e 's/^$symcode$symcode* .* \(.*\)$/ {\"\1\", (void *) \&\1},/p'" + +# Transform an extracted symbol line into symbol name with lib prefix and +# symbol address. +lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address_lib_prefix="sed -n"\ +$lt_c_name_lib_hook\ +" -e 's/^: \(.*\) .*$/ {\"\1\", (void *) 0},/p'"\ +" -e 's/^$symcode$symcode* .* \(lib.*\)$/ {\"\1\", (void *) \&\1},/p'"\ +" -e 's/^$symcode$symcode* .* \(.*\)$/ {\"lib\1\", (void *) \&\1},/p'" + +# Handle CRLF in mingw tool chain +opt_cr= +case $build_os in +mingw*) + opt_cr=`$ECHO 'x\{0,1\}' | tr x '\015'` # option cr in regexp + ;; +esac + +# Try without a prefix underscore, then with it. +for ac_symprfx in "" "_"; do + + # Transform symcode, sympat, and symprfx into a raw symbol and a C symbol. + symxfrm="\\1 $ac_symprfx\\2 \\2" + + # Write the raw and C identifiers. + if test "$lt_cv_nm_interface" = "MS dumpbin"; then + # Fake it for dumpbin and say T for any non-static function, + # D for any global variable and I for any imported variable. + # Also find C++ and __fastcall symbols from MSVC++, + # which start with @ or ?. + lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe="$AWK '"\ +" {last_section=section; section=\$ 3};"\ +" /^COFF SYMBOL TABLE/{for(i in hide) delete hide[i]};"\ +" /Section length .*#relocs.*(pick any)/{hide[last_section]=1};"\ +" /^ *Symbol name *: /{split(\$ 0,sn,\":\"); si=substr(sn[2],2)};"\ +" /^ *Type *: code/{print \"T\",si,substr(si,length(prfx))};"\ +" /^ *Type *: data/{print \"I\",si,substr(si,length(prfx))};"\ +" \$ 0!~/External *\|/{next};"\ +" / 0+ UNDEF /{next}; / UNDEF \([^|]\)*()/{next};"\ +" {if(hide[section]) next};"\ +" {f=\"D\"}; \$ 0~/\(\).*\|/{f=\"T\"};"\ +" {split(\$ 0,a,/\||\r/); split(a[2],s)};"\ +" s[1]~/^[@?]/{print f,s[1],s[1]; next};"\ +" s[1]~prfx {split(s[1],t,\"@\"); print f,t[1],substr(t[1],length(prfx))}"\ +" ' prfx=^$ac_symprfx" + else + lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe="sed -n -e 's/^.*[ ]\($symcode$symcode*\)[ ][ ]*$ac_symprfx$sympat$opt_cr$/$symxfrm/p'" + fi + lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe="$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe | sed '/ __gnu_lto/d'" + + # Check to see that the pipe works correctly. + pipe_works=no + + rm -f conftest* + cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<_LT_EOF +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +char nm_test_var; +void nm_test_func(void); +void nm_test_func(void){} +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +int main(){nm_test_var='a';nm_test_func();return(0);} +_LT_EOF + + if { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$ac_compile\""; } >&5 + (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; }; then + # Now try to grab the symbols. + nlist=conftest.nm + if { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$NM conftest.$ac_objext \| "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe" \> $nlist\""; } >&5 + (eval $NM conftest.$ac_objext \| "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe" \> $nlist) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; } && test -s "$nlist"; then + # Try sorting and uniquifying the output. + if sort "$nlist" | uniq > "$nlist"T; then + mv -f "$nlist"T "$nlist" + else + rm -f "$nlist"T + fi + + # Make sure that we snagged all the symbols we need. + if $GREP ' nm_test_var$' "$nlist" >/dev/null; then + if $GREP ' nm_test_func$' "$nlist" >/dev/null; then + cat <<_LT_EOF > conftest.$ac_ext +/* Keep this code in sync between libtool.m4, ltmain, lt_system.h, and tests. */ +#if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined _WIN32_WCE +/* DATA imports from DLLs on WIN32 can't be const, because runtime + relocations are performed -- see ld's documentation on pseudo-relocs. */ +# define LT_DLSYM_CONST +#elif defined __osf__ +/* This system does not cope well with relocations in const data. */ +# define LT_DLSYM_CONST +#else +# define LT_DLSYM_CONST const +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +_LT_EOF + # Now generate the symbol file. + eval "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl"' < "$nlist" | $GREP -v main >> conftest.$ac_ext' + + cat <<_LT_EOF >> conftest.$ac_ext + +/* The mapping between symbol names and symbols. */ +LT_DLSYM_CONST struct { + const char *name; + void *address; +} +lt__PROGRAM__LTX_preloaded_symbols[] = +{ + { "@PROGRAM@", (void *) 0 }, +_LT_EOF + $SED "s/^$symcode$symcode* .* \(.*\)$/ {\"\1\", (void *) \&\1},/" < "$nlist" | $GREP -v main >> conftest.$ac_ext + cat <<\_LT_EOF >> conftest.$ac_ext + {0, (void *) 0} +}; + +/* This works around a problem in FreeBSD linker */ +#ifdef FREEBSD_WORKAROUND +static const void *lt_preloaded_setup() { + return lt__PROGRAM__LTX_preloaded_symbols; +} +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +_LT_EOF + # Now try linking the two files. + mv conftest.$ac_objext conftstm.$ac_objext + lt_globsym_save_LIBS=$LIBS + lt_globsym_save_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS + LIBS=conftstm.$ac_objext + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS$lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag" + if { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$ac_link\""; } >&5 + (eval $ac_link) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext; then + pipe_works=yes + fi + LIBS=$lt_globsym_save_LIBS + CFLAGS=$lt_globsym_save_CFLAGS + else + echo "cannot find nm_test_func in $nlist" >&5 + fi + else + echo "cannot find nm_test_var in $nlist" >&5 + fi + else + echo "cannot run $lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe" >&5 + fi + else + echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5 + cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5 + fi + rm -rf conftest* conftst* + + # Do not use the global_symbol_pipe unless it works. + if test yes = "$pipe_works"; then + break + else + lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe= + fi +done + +fi + +if test -z "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe"; then + lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl= +fi +if test -z "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: failed" >&5 +$as_echo "failed" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: ok" >&5 +$as_echo "ok" >&6; } +fi + +# Response file support. +if test "$lt_cv_nm_interface" = "MS dumpbin"; then + nm_file_list_spec='@' +elif $NM --help 2>/dev/null | grep '[@]FILE' >/dev/null; then + nm_file_list_spec='@' +fi + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for sysroot" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for sysroot... " >&6; } + +# Check whether --with-sysroot was given. +if test "${with_sysroot+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_sysroot; +else + with_sysroot=no +fi + + +lt_sysroot= +case $with_sysroot in #( + yes) + if test yes = "$GCC"; then + lt_sysroot=`$CC --print-sysroot 2>/dev/null` + fi + ;; #( + /*) + lt_sysroot=`echo "$with_sysroot" | sed -e "$sed_quote_subst"` + ;; #( + no|'') + ;; #( + *) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $with_sysroot" >&5 +$as_echo "$with_sysroot" >&6; } + as_fn_error $? "The sysroot must be an absolute path." "$LINENO" 5 + ;; +esac + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: ${lt_sysroot:-no}" >&5 +$as_echo "${lt_sysroot:-no}" >&6; } + + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for a working dd" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for a working dd... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_path_lt_DD+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + printf 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef >conftest.i +cat conftest.i conftest.i >conftest2.i +: ${lt_DD:=$DD} +if test -z "$lt_DD"; then + ac_path_lt_DD_found=false + # Loop through the user's path and test for each of PROGNAME-LIST + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_prog in dd; do + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + ac_path_lt_DD="$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" + as_fn_executable_p "$ac_path_lt_DD" || continue +if "$ac_path_lt_DD" bs=32 count=1 conftest.out 2>/dev/null; then + cmp -s conftest.i conftest.out \ + && ac_cv_path_lt_DD="$ac_path_lt_DD" ac_path_lt_DD_found=: +fi + $ac_path_lt_DD_found && break 3 + done + done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + if test -z "$ac_cv_path_lt_DD"; then + : + fi +else + ac_cv_path_lt_DD=$lt_DD +fi + +rm -f conftest.i conftest2.i conftest.out +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_path_lt_DD" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_path_lt_DD" >&6; } + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking how to truncate binary pipes" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking how to truncate binary pipes... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_truncate_bin+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + printf 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef >conftest.i +cat conftest.i conftest.i >conftest2.i +lt_cv_truncate_bin= +if "$ac_cv_path_lt_DD" bs=32 count=1 conftest.out 2>/dev/null; then + cmp -s conftest.i conftest.out \ + && lt_cv_truncate_bin="$ac_cv_path_lt_DD bs=4096 count=1" +fi +rm -f conftest.i conftest2.i conftest.out +test -z "$lt_cv_truncate_bin" && lt_cv_truncate_bin="$SED -e 4q" +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_truncate_bin" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_truncate_bin" >&6; } + + + + + + + +# Calculate cc_basename. Skip known compiler wrappers and cross-prefix. +func_cc_basename () +{ + for cc_temp in $*""; do + case $cc_temp in + compile | *[\\/]compile | ccache | *[\\/]ccache ) ;; + distcc | *[\\/]distcc | purify | *[\\/]purify ) ;; + \-*) ;; + *) break;; + esac + done + func_cc_basename_result=`$ECHO "$cc_temp" | $SED "s%.*/%%; s%^$host_alias-%%"` +} + +# Check whether --enable-libtool-lock was given. +if test "${enable_libtool_lock+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_libtool_lock; +fi + +test no = "$enable_libtool_lock" || enable_libtool_lock=yes + +# Some flags need to be propagated to the compiler or linker for good +# libtool support. +case $host in +ia64-*-hpux*) + # Find out what ABI is being produced by ac_compile, and set mode + # options accordingly. + echo 'int i;' > conftest.$ac_ext + if { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$ac_compile\""; } >&5 + (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; }; then + case `/usr/bin/file conftest.$ac_objext` in + *ELF-32*) + HPUX_IA64_MODE=32 + ;; + *ELF-64*) + HPUX_IA64_MODE=64 + ;; + esac + fi + rm -rf conftest* + ;; +*-*-irix6*) + # Find out what ABI is being produced by ac_compile, and set linker + # options accordingly. + echo '#line '$LINENO' "configure"' > conftest.$ac_ext + if { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$ac_compile\""; } >&5 + (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; }; then + if test yes = "$lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld"; then + case `/usr/bin/file conftest.$ac_objext` in + *32-bit*) + LD="${LD-ld} -melf32bsmip" + ;; + *N32*) + LD="${LD-ld} -melf32bmipn32" + ;; + *64-bit*) + LD="${LD-ld} -melf64bmip" + ;; + esac + else + case `/usr/bin/file conftest.$ac_objext` in + *32-bit*) + LD="${LD-ld} -32" + ;; + *N32*) + LD="${LD-ld} -n32" + ;; + *64-bit*) + LD="${LD-ld} -64" + ;; + esac + fi + fi + rm -rf conftest* + ;; + +mips64*-*linux*) + # Find out what ABI is being produced by ac_compile, and set linker + # options accordingly. + echo '#line '$LINENO' "configure"' > conftest.$ac_ext + if { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$ac_compile\""; } >&5 + (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; }; then + emul=elf + case `/usr/bin/file conftest.$ac_objext` in + *32-bit*) + emul="${emul}32" + ;; + *64-bit*) + emul="${emul}64" + ;; + esac + case `/usr/bin/file conftest.$ac_objext` in + *MSB*) + emul="${emul}btsmip" + ;; + *LSB*) + emul="${emul}ltsmip" + ;; + esac + case `/usr/bin/file conftest.$ac_objext` in + *N32*) + emul="${emul}n32" + ;; + esac + LD="${LD-ld} -m $emul" + fi + rm -rf conftest* + ;; + +x86_64-*kfreebsd*-gnu|x86_64-*linux*|powerpc*-*linux*| \ +s390*-*linux*|s390*-*tpf*|sparc*-*linux*) + # Find out what ABI is being produced by ac_compile, and set linker + # options accordingly. Note that the listed cases only cover the + # situations where additional linker options are needed (such as when + # doing 32-bit compilation for a host where ld defaults to 64-bit, or + # vice versa); the common cases where no linker options are needed do + # not appear in the list. + echo 'int i;' > conftest.$ac_ext + if { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$ac_compile\""; } >&5 + (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; }; then + case `/usr/bin/file conftest.o` in + *32-bit*) + case $host in + x86_64-*kfreebsd*-gnu) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf_i386_fbsd" + ;; + x86_64-*linux*) + case `/usr/bin/file conftest.o` in + *x86-64*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf32_x86_64" + ;; + *) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf_i386" + ;; + esac + ;; + powerpc64le-*linux*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf32lppclinux" + ;; + powerpc64-*linux*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf32ppclinux" + ;; + s390x-*linux*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf_s390" + ;; + sparc64-*linux*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf32_sparc" + ;; + esac + ;; + *64-bit*) + case $host in + x86_64-*kfreebsd*-gnu) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf_x86_64_fbsd" + ;; + x86_64-*linux*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf_x86_64" + ;; + powerpcle-*linux*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf64lppc" + ;; + powerpc-*linux*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf64ppc" + ;; + s390*-*linux*|s390*-*tpf*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf64_s390" + ;; + sparc*-*linux*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf64_sparc" + ;; + esac + ;; + esac + fi + rm -rf conftest* + ;; + +*-*-sco3.2v5*) + # On SCO OpenServer 5, we need -belf to get full-featured binaries. + SAVE_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -belf" + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether the C compiler needs -belf" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether the C compiler needs -belf... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_cc_needs_belf+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu + + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + lt_cv_cc_needs_belf=yes +else + lt_cv_cc_needs_belf=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_cc_needs_belf" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_cc_needs_belf" >&6; } + if test yes != "$lt_cv_cc_needs_belf"; then + # this is probably gcc 2.8.0, egcs 1.0 or newer; no need for -belf + CFLAGS=$SAVE_CFLAGS + fi + ;; +*-*solaris*) + # Find out what ABI is being produced by ac_compile, and set linker + # options accordingly. + echo 'int i;' > conftest.$ac_ext + if { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$ac_compile\""; } >&5 + (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; }; then + case `/usr/bin/file conftest.o` in + *64-bit*) + case $lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld in + yes*) + case $host in + i?86-*-solaris*|x86_64-*-solaris*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf_x86_64" + ;; + sparc*-*-solaris*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf64_sparc" + ;; + esac + # GNU ld 2.21 introduced _sol2 emulations. Use them if available. + if ${LD-ld} -V | grep _sol2 >/dev/null 2>&1; then + LD=${LD-ld}_sol2 + fi + ;; + *) + if ${LD-ld} -64 -r -o conftest2.o conftest.o >/dev/null 2>&1; then + LD="${LD-ld} -64" + fi + ;; + esac + ;; + esac + fi + rm -rf conftest* + ;; +esac + +need_locks=$enable_libtool_lock + +if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}mt", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}mt; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_MANIFEST_TOOL+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$MANIFEST_TOOL"; then + ac_cv_prog_MANIFEST_TOOL="$MANIFEST_TOOL" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_MANIFEST_TOOL="${ac_tool_prefix}mt" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +MANIFEST_TOOL=$ac_cv_prog_MANIFEST_TOOL +if test -n "$MANIFEST_TOOL"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $MANIFEST_TOOL" >&5 +$as_echo "$MANIFEST_TOOL" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_MANIFEST_TOOL"; then + ac_ct_MANIFEST_TOOL=$MANIFEST_TOOL + # Extract the first word of "mt", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy mt; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_MANIFEST_TOOL+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_MANIFEST_TOOL"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_MANIFEST_TOOL="$ac_ct_MANIFEST_TOOL" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_MANIFEST_TOOL="mt" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_MANIFEST_TOOL=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_MANIFEST_TOOL +if test -n "$ac_ct_MANIFEST_TOOL"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_MANIFEST_TOOL" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_MANIFEST_TOOL" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + if test "x$ac_ct_MANIFEST_TOOL" = x; then + MANIFEST_TOOL=":" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + MANIFEST_TOOL=$ac_ct_MANIFEST_TOOL + fi +else + MANIFEST_TOOL="$ac_cv_prog_MANIFEST_TOOL" +fi + +test -z "$MANIFEST_TOOL" && MANIFEST_TOOL=mt +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if $MANIFEST_TOOL is a manifest tool" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if $MANIFEST_TOOL is a manifest tool... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_path_mainfest_tool+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_path_mainfest_tool=no + echo "$as_me:$LINENO: $MANIFEST_TOOL '-?'" >&5 + $MANIFEST_TOOL '-?' 2>conftest.err > conftest.out + cat conftest.err >&5 + if $GREP 'Manifest Tool' conftest.out > /dev/null; then + lt_cv_path_mainfest_tool=yes + fi + rm -f conftest* +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_path_mainfest_tool" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_path_mainfest_tool" >&6; } +if test yes != "$lt_cv_path_mainfest_tool"; then + MANIFEST_TOOL=: +fi + + + + + + + case $host_os in + rhapsody* | darwin*) + if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}dsymutil", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}dsymutil; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_DSYMUTIL+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$DSYMUTIL"; then + ac_cv_prog_DSYMUTIL="$DSYMUTIL" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_DSYMUTIL="${ac_tool_prefix}dsymutil" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +DSYMUTIL=$ac_cv_prog_DSYMUTIL +if test -n "$DSYMUTIL"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $DSYMUTIL" >&5 +$as_echo "$DSYMUTIL" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_DSYMUTIL"; then + ac_ct_DSYMUTIL=$DSYMUTIL + # Extract the first word of "dsymutil", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy dsymutil; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_DSYMUTIL+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_DSYMUTIL"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_DSYMUTIL="$ac_ct_DSYMUTIL" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_DSYMUTIL="dsymutil" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_DSYMUTIL=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_DSYMUTIL +if test -n "$ac_ct_DSYMUTIL"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_DSYMUTIL" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_DSYMUTIL" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + if test "x$ac_ct_DSYMUTIL" = x; then + DSYMUTIL=":" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + DSYMUTIL=$ac_ct_DSYMUTIL + fi +else + DSYMUTIL="$ac_cv_prog_DSYMUTIL" +fi + + if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}nmedit", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}nmedit; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_NMEDIT+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$NMEDIT"; then + ac_cv_prog_NMEDIT="$NMEDIT" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_NMEDIT="${ac_tool_prefix}nmedit" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +NMEDIT=$ac_cv_prog_NMEDIT +if test -n "$NMEDIT"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $NMEDIT" >&5 +$as_echo "$NMEDIT" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_NMEDIT"; then + ac_ct_NMEDIT=$NMEDIT + # Extract the first word of "nmedit", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy nmedit; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_NMEDIT+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_NMEDIT"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_NMEDIT="$ac_ct_NMEDIT" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_NMEDIT="nmedit" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_NMEDIT=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_NMEDIT +if test -n "$ac_ct_NMEDIT"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_NMEDIT" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_NMEDIT" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + if test "x$ac_ct_NMEDIT" = x; then + NMEDIT=":" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + NMEDIT=$ac_ct_NMEDIT + fi +else + NMEDIT="$ac_cv_prog_NMEDIT" +fi + + if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}lipo", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}lipo; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_LIPO+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$LIPO"; then + ac_cv_prog_LIPO="$LIPO" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_LIPO="${ac_tool_prefix}lipo" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +LIPO=$ac_cv_prog_LIPO +if test -n "$LIPO"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $LIPO" >&5 +$as_echo "$LIPO" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_LIPO"; then + ac_ct_LIPO=$LIPO + # Extract the first word of "lipo", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy lipo; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_LIPO+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_LIPO"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_LIPO="$ac_ct_LIPO" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_LIPO="lipo" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_LIPO=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_LIPO +if test -n "$ac_ct_LIPO"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_LIPO" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_LIPO" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + if test "x$ac_ct_LIPO" = x; then + LIPO=":" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + LIPO=$ac_ct_LIPO + fi +else + LIPO="$ac_cv_prog_LIPO" +fi + + if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}otool", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}otool; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_OTOOL+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$OTOOL"; then + ac_cv_prog_OTOOL="$OTOOL" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_OTOOL="${ac_tool_prefix}otool" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +OTOOL=$ac_cv_prog_OTOOL +if test -n "$OTOOL"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $OTOOL" >&5 +$as_echo "$OTOOL" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_OTOOL"; then + ac_ct_OTOOL=$OTOOL + # Extract the first word of "otool", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy otool; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OTOOL+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_OTOOL"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OTOOL="$ac_ct_OTOOL" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OTOOL="otool" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_OTOOL=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OTOOL +if test -n "$ac_ct_OTOOL"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_OTOOL" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_OTOOL" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + if test "x$ac_ct_OTOOL" = x; then + OTOOL=":" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + OTOOL=$ac_ct_OTOOL + fi +else + OTOOL="$ac_cv_prog_OTOOL" +fi + + if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}otool64", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}otool64; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_OTOOL64+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$OTOOL64"; then + ac_cv_prog_OTOOL64="$OTOOL64" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_OTOOL64="${ac_tool_prefix}otool64" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +OTOOL64=$ac_cv_prog_OTOOL64 +if test -n "$OTOOL64"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $OTOOL64" >&5 +$as_echo "$OTOOL64" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_OTOOL64"; then + ac_ct_OTOOL64=$OTOOL64 + # Extract the first word of "otool64", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy otool64; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OTOOL64+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_OTOOL64"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OTOOL64="$ac_ct_OTOOL64" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OTOOL64="otool64" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_OTOOL64=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OTOOL64 +if test -n "$ac_ct_OTOOL64"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_OTOOL64" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_OTOOL64" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + if test "x$ac_ct_OTOOL64" = x; then + OTOOL64=":" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + OTOOL64=$ac_ct_OTOOL64 + fi +else + OTOOL64="$ac_cv_prog_OTOOL64" +fi + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for -single_module linker flag" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for -single_module linker flag... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_apple_cc_single_mod+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_apple_cc_single_mod=no + if test -z "$LT_MULTI_MODULE"; then + # By default we will add the -single_module flag. You can override + # by either setting the environment variable LT_MULTI_MODULE + # non-empty at configure time, or by adding -multi_module to the + # link flags. + rm -rf libconftest.dylib* + echo "int foo(void){return 1;}" > conftest.c + echo "$LTCC $LTCFLAGS $LDFLAGS -o libconftest.dylib \ +-dynamiclib -Wl,-single_module conftest.c" >&5 + $LTCC $LTCFLAGS $LDFLAGS -o libconftest.dylib \ + -dynamiclib -Wl,-single_module conftest.c 2>conftest.err + _lt_result=$? + # If there is a non-empty error log, and "single_module" + # appears in it, assume the flag caused a linker warning + if test -s conftest.err && $GREP single_module conftest.err; then + cat conftest.err >&5 + # Otherwise, if the output was created with a 0 exit code from + # the compiler, it worked. + elif test -f libconftest.dylib && test 0 = "$_lt_result"; then + lt_cv_apple_cc_single_mod=yes + else + cat conftest.err >&5 + fi + rm -rf libconftest.dylib* + rm -f conftest.* + fi +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_apple_cc_single_mod" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_apple_cc_single_mod" >&6; } + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for -exported_symbols_list linker flag" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for -exported_symbols_list linker flag... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_ld_exported_symbols_list+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_ld_exported_symbols_list=no + save_LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS + echo "_main" > conftest.sym + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-exported_symbols_list,conftest.sym" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + lt_cv_ld_exported_symbols_list=yes +else + lt_cv_ld_exported_symbols_list=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + LDFLAGS=$save_LDFLAGS + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_ld_exported_symbols_list" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_ld_exported_symbols_list" >&6; } + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for -force_load linker flag" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for -force_load linker flag... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_ld_force_load+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_ld_force_load=no + cat > conftest.c << _LT_EOF +int forced_loaded() { return 2;} +_LT_EOF + echo "$LTCC $LTCFLAGS -c -o conftest.o conftest.c" >&5 + $LTCC $LTCFLAGS -c -o conftest.o conftest.c 2>&5 + echo "$AR cru libconftest.a conftest.o" >&5 + $AR cru libconftest.a conftest.o 2>&5 + echo "$RANLIB libconftest.a" >&5 + $RANLIB libconftest.a 2>&5 + cat > conftest.c << _LT_EOF +int main() { return 0;} +_LT_EOF + echo "$LTCC $LTCFLAGS $LDFLAGS -o conftest conftest.c -Wl,-force_load,./libconftest.a" >&5 + $LTCC $LTCFLAGS $LDFLAGS -o conftest conftest.c -Wl,-force_load,./libconftest.a 2>conftest.err + _lt_result=$? + if test -s conftest.err && $GREP force_load conftest.err; then + cat conftest.err >&5 + elif test -f conftest && test 0 = "$_lt_result" && $GREP forced_load conftest >/dev/null 2>&1; then + lt_cv_ld_force_load=yes + else + cat conftest.err >&5 + fi + rm -f conftest.err libconftest.a conftest conftest.c + rm -rf conftest.dSYM + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_ld_force_load" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_ld_force_load" >&6; } + case $host_os in + rhapsody* | darwin1.[012]) + _lt_dar_allow_undefined='$wl-undefined ${wl}suppress' ;; + darwin1.*) + _lt_dar_allow_undefined='$wl-flat_namespace $wl-undefined ${wl}suppress' ;; + darwin*) # darwin 5.x on + # if running on 10.5 or later, the deployment target defaults + # to the OS version, if on x86, and 10.4, the deployment + # target defaults to 10.4. Don't you love it? + case ${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET-10.0},$host in + 10.0,*86*-darwin8*|10.0,*-darwin[91]*) + _lt_dar_allow_undefined='$wl-undefined ${wl}dynamic_lookup' ;; + 10.[012][,.]*) + _lt_dar_allow_undefined='$wl-flat_namespace $wl-undefined ${wl}suppress' ;; + 10.*) + _lt_dar_allow_undefined='$wl-undefined ${wl}dynamic_lookup' ;; + esac + ;; + esac + if test yes = "$lt_cv_apple_cc_single_mod"; then + _lt_dar_single_mod='$single_module' + fi + if test yes = "$lt_cv_ld_exported_symbols_list"; then + _lt_dar_export_syms=' $wl-exported_symbols_list,$output_objdir/$libname-symbols.expsym' + else + _lt_dar_export_syms='~$NMEDIT -s $output_objdir/$libname-symbols.expsym $lib' + fi + if test : != "$DSYMUTIL" && test no = "$lt_cv_ld_force_load"; then + _lt_dsymutil='~$DSYMUTIL $lib || :' + else + _lt_dsymutil= + fi + ;; + esac + +# func_munge_path_list VARIABLE PATH +# ----------------------------------- +# VARIABLE is name of variable containing _space_ separated list of +# directories to be munged by the contents of PATH, which is string +# having a format: +# "DIR[:DIR]:" +# string "DIR[ DIR]" will be prepended to VARIABLE +# ":DIR[:DIR]" +# string "DIR[ DIR]" will be appended to VARIABLE +# "DIRP[:DIRP]::[DIRA:]DIRA" +# string "DIRP[ DIRP]" will be prepended to VARIABLE and string +# "DIRA[ DIRA]" will be appended to VARIABLE +# "DIR[:DIR]" +# VARIABLE will be replaced by "DIR[ DIR]" +func_munge_path_list () +{ + case x$2 in + x) + ;; + *:) + eval $1=\"`$ECHO $2 | $SED 's/:/ /g'` \$$1\" + ;; + x:*) + eval $1=\"\$$1 `$ECHO $2 | $SED 's/:/ /g'`\" + ;; + *::*) + eval $1=\"\$$1\ `$ECHO $2 | $SED -e 's/.*:://' -e 's/:/ /g'`\" + eval $1=\"`$ECHO $2 | $SED -e 's/::.*//' -e 's/:/ /g'`\ \$$1\" + ;; + *) + eval $1=\"`$ECHO $2 | $SED 's/:/ /g'`\" + ;; + esac +} + +for ac_header in dlfcn.h +do : + ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "dlfcn.h" "ac_cv_header_dlfcn_h" "$ac_includes_default +" +if test "x$ac_cv_header_dlfcn_h" = xyes; then : + cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define HAVE_DLFCN_H 1 +_ACEOF + +fi + +done + + + + + +# Set options +enable_win32_dll=yes + +case $host in +*-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-pw32* | *-*-cegcc*) + if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}as", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}as; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_AS+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$AS"; then + ac_cv_prog_AS="$AS" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_AS="${ac_tool_prefix}as" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +AS=$ac_cv_prog_AS +if test -n "$AS"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $AS" >&5 +$as_echo "$AS" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_AS"; then + ac_ct_AS=$AS + # Extract the first word of "as", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy as; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AS+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_AS"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AS="$ac_ct_AS" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AS="as" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_AS=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AS +if test -n "$ac_ct_AS"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_AS" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_AS" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + if test "x$ac_ct_AS" = x; then + AS="false" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + AS=$ac_ct_AS + fi +else + AS="$ac_cv_prog_AS" +fi + + if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}dlltool", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}dlltool; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_DLLTOOL+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$DLLTOOL"; then + ac_cv_prog_DLLTOOL="$DLLTOOL" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_DLLTOOL="${ac_tool_prefix}dlltool" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +DLLTOOL=$ac_cv_prog_DLLTOOL +if test -n "$DLLTOOL"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $DLLTOOL" >&5 +$as_echo "$DLLTOOL" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_DLLTOOL"; then + ac_ct_DLLTOOL=$DLLTOOL + # Extract the first word of "dlltool", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy dlltool; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_DLLTOOL+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_DLLTOOL"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_DLLTOOL="$ac_ct_DLLTOOL" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_DLLTOOL="dlltool" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_DLLTOOL=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_DLLTOOL +if test -n "$ac_ct_DLLTOOL"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_DLLTOOL" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_DLLTOOL" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + if test "x$ac_ct_DLLTOOL" = x; then + DLLTOOL="false" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + DLLTOOL=$ac_ct_DLLTOOL + fi +else + DLLTOOL="$ac_cv_prog_DLLTOOL" +fi + + if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}objdump", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}objdump; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_OBJDUMP+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$OBJDUMP"; then + ac_cv_prog_OBJDUMP="$OBJDUMP" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_OBJDUMP="${ac_tool_prefix}objdump" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +OBJDUMP=$ac_cv_prog_OBJDUMP +if test -n "$OBJDUMP"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $OBJDUMP" >&5 +$as_echo "$OBJDUMP" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_OBJDUMP"; then + ac_ct_OBJDUMP=$OBJDUMP + # Extract the first word of "objdump", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy objdump; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OBJDUMP+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_OBJDUMP"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OBJDUMP="$ac_ct_OBJDUMP" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OBJDUMP="objdump" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_OBJDUMP=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OBJDUMP +if test -n "$ac_ct_OBJDUMP"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_OBJDUMP" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_OBJDUMP" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + if test "x$ac_ct_OBJDUMP" = x; then + OBJDUMP="false" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + OBJDUMP=$ac_ct_OBJDUMP + fi +else + OBJDUMP="$ac_cv_prog_OBJDUMP" +fi + + ;; +esac + +test -z "$AS" && AS=as + + + + + +test -z "$DLLTOOL" && DLLTOOL=dlltool + + + + + +test -z "$OBJDUMP" && OBJDUMP=objdump + + + + + + + + enable_dlopen=no + + + + # Check whether --enable-shared was given. +if test "${enable_shared+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_shared; p=${PACKAGE-default} + case $enableval in + yes) enable_shared=yes ;; + no) enable_shared=no ;; + *) + enable_shared=no + # Look at the argument we got. We use all the common list separators. + lt_save_ifs=$IFS; IFS=$IFS$PATH_SEPARATOR, + for pkg in $enableval; do + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + if test "X$pkg" = "X$p"; then + enable_shared=yes + fi + done + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + ;; + esac +else + enable_shared=yes +fi + + + + + + + + + + # Check whether --enable-static was given. +if test "${enable_static+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_static; p=${PACKAGE-default} + case $enableval in + yes) enable_static=yes ;; + no) enable_static=no ;; + *) + enable_static=no + # Look at the argument we got. We use all the common list separators. + lt_save_ifs=$IFS; IFS=$IFS$PATH_SEPARATOR, + for pkg in $enableval; do + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + if test "X$pkg" = "X$p"; then + enable_static=yes + fi + done + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + ;; + esac +else + enable_static=yes +fi + + + + + + + + + + +# Check whether --with-pic was given. +if test "${with_pic+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_pic; lt_p=${PACKAGE-default} + case $withval in + yes|no) pic_mode=$withval ;; + *) + pic_mode=default + # Look at the argument we got. We use all the common list separators. + lt_save_ifs=$IFS; IFS=$IFS$PATH_SEPARATOR, + for lt_pkg in $withval; do + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + if test "X$lt_pkg" = "X$lt_p"; then + pic_mode=yes + fi + done + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + ;; + esac +else + pic_mode=default +fi + + + + + + + + + # Check whether --enable-fast-install was given. +if test "${enable_fast_install+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_fast_install; p=${PACKAGE-default} + case $enableval in + yes) enable_fast_install=yes ;; + no) enable_fast_install=no ;; + *) + enable_fast_install=no + # Look at the argument we got. We use all the common list separators. + lt_save_ifs=$IFS; IFS=$IFS$PATH_SEPARATOR, + for pkg in $enableval; do + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + if test "X$pkg" = "X$p"; then + enable_fast_install=yes + fi + done + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + ;; + esac +else + enable_fast_install=yes +fi + + + + + + + + + shared_archive_member_spec= +case $host,$enable_shared in +power*-*-aix[5-9]*,yes) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking which variant of shared library versioning to provide" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking which variant of shared library versioning to provide... " >&6; } + +# Check whether --with-aix-soname was given. +if test "${with_aix_soname+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_aix_soname; case $withval in + aix|svr4|both) + ;; + *) + as_fn_error $? "Unknown argument to --with-aix-soname" "$LINENO" 5 + ;; + esac + lt_cv_with_aix_soname=$with_aix_soname +else + if ${lt_cv_with_aix_soname+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_with_aix_soname=aix +fi + + with_aix_soname=$lt_cv_with_aix_soname +fi + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $with_aix_soname" >&5 +$as_echo "$with_aix_soname" >&6; } + if test aix != "$with_aix_soname"; then + # For the AIX way of multilib, we name the shared archive member + # based on the bitwidth used, traditionally 'shr.o' or 'shr_64.o', + # and 'shr.imp' or 'shr_64.imp', respectively, for the Import File. + # Even when GNU compilers ignore OBJECT_MODE but need '-maix64' flag, + # the AIX toolchain works better with OBJECT_MODE set (default 32). + if test 64 = "${OBJECT_MODE-32}"; then + shared_archive_member_spec=shr_64 + else + shared_archive_member_spec=shr + fi + fi + ;; +*) + with_aix_soname=aix + ;; +esac + + + + + + + + + + +# This can be used to rebuild libtool when needed +LIBTOOL_DEPS=$ltmain + +# Always use our own libtool. +LIBTOOL='$(SHELL) $(top_builddir)/libtool' + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +test -z "$LN_S" && LN_S="ln -s" + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}"; then + setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST +fi + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for objdir" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for objdir... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_objdir+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + rm -f .libs 2>/dev/null +mkdir .libs 2>/dev/null +if test -d .libs; then + lt_cv_objdir=.libs +else + # MS-DOS does not allow filenames that begin with a dot. + lt_cv_objdir=_libs +fi +rmdir .libs 2>/dev/null +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_objdir" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_objdir" >&6; } +objdir=$lt_cv_objdir + + + + + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define LT_OBJDIR "$lt_cv_objdir/" +_ACEOF + + + + +case $host_os in +aix3*) + # AIX sometimes has problems with the GCC collect2 program. For some + # reason, if we set the COLLECT_NAMES environment variable, the problems + # vanish in a puff of smoke. + if test set != "${COLLECT_NAMES+set}"; then + COLLECT_NAMES= + export COLLECT_NAMES + fi + ;; +esac + +# Global variables: +ofile=libtool +can_build_shared=yes + +# All known linkers require a '.a' archive for static linking (except MSVC, +# which needs '.lib'). +libext=a + +with_gnu_ld=$lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld + +old_CC=$CC +old_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS + +# Set sane defaults for various variables +test -z "$CC" && CC=cc +test -z "$LTCC" && LTCC=$CC +test -z "$LTCFLAGS" && LTCFLAGS=$CFLAGS +test -z "$LD" && LD=ld +test -z "$ac_objext" && ac_objext=o + +func_cc_basename $compiler +cc_basename=$func_cc_basename_result + + +# Only perform the check for file, if the check method requires it +test -z "$MAGIC_CMD" && MAGIC_CMD=file +case $deplibs_check_method in +file_magic*) + if test "$file_magic_cmd" = '$MAGIC_CMD'; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for ${ac_tool_prefix}file" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for ${ac_tool_prefix}file... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + case $MAGIC_CMD in +[\\/*] | ?:[\\/]*) + lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD=$MAGIC_CMD # Let the user override the test with a path. + ;; +*) + lt_save_MAGIC_CMD=$MAGIC_CMD + lt_save_ifs=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR + ac_dummy="/usr/bin$PATH_SEPARATOR$PATH" + for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + if test -f "$ac_dir/${ac_tool_prefix}file"; then + lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD=$ac_dir/"${ac_tool_prefix}file" + if test -n "$file_magic_test_file"; then + case $deplibs_check_method in + "file_magic "*) + file_magic_regex=`expr "$deplibs_check_method" : "file_magic \(.*\)"` + MAGIC_CMD=$lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD + if eval $file_magic_cmd \$file_magic_test_file 2> /dev/null | + $EGREP "$file_magic_regex" > /dev/null; then + : + else + cat <<_LT_EOF 1>&2 + +*** Warning: the command libtool uses to detect shared libraries, +*** $file_magic_cmd, produces output that libtool cannot recognize. +*** The result is that libtool may fail to recognize shared libraries +*** as such. This will affect the creation of libtool libraries that +*** depend on shared libraries, but programs linked with such libtool +*** libraries will work regardless of this problem. Nevertheless, you +*** may want to report the problem to your system manager and/or to +*** + +_LT_EOF + fi ;; + esac + fi + break + fi + done + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + MAGIC_CMD=$lt_save_MAGIC_CMD + ;; +esac +fi + +MAGIC_CMD=$lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD +if test -n "$MAGIC_CMD"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $MAGIC_CMD" >&5 +$as_echo "$MAGIC_CMD" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + + + +if test -z "$lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD"; then + if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for file" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for file... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + case $MAGIC_CMD in +[\\/*] | ?:[\\/]*) + lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD=$MAGIC_CMD # Let the user override the test with a path. + ;; +*) + lt_save_MAGIC_CMD=$MAGIC_CMD + lt_save_ifs=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR + ac_dummy="/usr/bin$PATH_SEPARATOR$PATH" + for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + if test -f "$ac_dir/file"; then + lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD=$ac_dir/"file" + if test -n "$file_magic_test_file"; then + case $deplibs_check_method in + "file_magic "*) + file_magic_regex=`expr "$deplibs_check_method" : "file_magic \(.*\)"` + MAGIC_CMD=$lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD + if eval $file_magic_cmd \$file_magic_test_file 2> /dev/null | + $EGREP "$file_magic_regex" > /dev/null; then + : + else + cat <<_LT_EOF 1>&2 + +*** Warning: the command libtool uses to detect shared libraries, +*** $file_magic_cmd, produces output that libtool cannot recognize. +*** The result is that libtool may fail to recognize shared libraries +*** as such. This will affect the creation of libtool libraries that +*** depend on shared libraries, but programs linked with such libtool +*** libraries will work regardless of this problem. Nevertheless, you +*** may want to report the problem to your system manager and/or to +*** + +_LT_EOF + fi ;; + esac + fi + break + fi + done + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + MAGIC_CMD=$lt_save_MAGIC_CMD + ;; +esac +fi + +MAGIC_CMD=$lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD +if test -n "$MAGIC_CMD"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $MAGIC_CMD" >&5 +$as_echo "$MAGIC_CMD" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + else + MAGIC_CMD=: + fi +fi + + fi + ;; +esac + +# Use C for the default configuration in the libtool script + +lt_save_CC=$CC +ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu + + +# Source file extension for C test sources. +ac_ext=c + +# Object file extension for compiled C test sources. +objext=o +objext=$objext + +# Code to be used in simple compile tests +lt_simple_compile_test_code="int some_variable = 0;" + +# Code to be used in simple link tests +lt_simple_link_test_code='int main(){return(0);}' + + + + + + + +# If no C compiler was specified, use CC. +LTCC=${LTCC-"$CC"} + +# If no C compiler flags were specified, use CFLAGS. +LTCFLAGS=${LTCFLAGS-"$CFLAGS"} + +# Allow CC to be a program name with arguments. +compiler=$CC + +# Save the default compiler, since it gets overwritten when the other +# tags are being tested, and _LT_TAGVAR(compiler, []) is a NOP. +compiler_DEFAULT=$CC + +# save warnings/boilerplate of simple test code +ac_outfile=conftest.$ac_objext +echo "$lt_simple_compile_test_code" >conftest.$ac_ext +eval "$ac_compile" 2>&1 >/dev/null | $SED '/^$/d; /^ *+/d' >conftest.err +_lt_compiler_boilerplate=`cat conftest.err` +$RM conftest* + +ac_outfile=conftest.$ac_objext +echo "$lt_simple_link_test_code" >conftest.$ac_ext +eval "$ac_link" 2>&1 >/dev/null | $SED '/^$/d; /^ *+/d' >conftest.err +_lt_linker_boilerplate=`cat conftest.err` +$RM -r conftest* + + +## CAVEAT EMPTOR: +## There is no encapsulation within the following macros, do not change +## the running order or otherwise move them around unless you know exactly +## what you are doing... +if test -n "$compiler"; then + +lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag= + +if test yes = "$GCC"; then + case $cc_basename in + nvcc*) + lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag=' -Xcompiler -fno-builtin' ;; + *) + lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag=' -fno-builtin' ;; + esac + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if $compiler supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if $compiler supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_prog_compiler_rtti_exceptions+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_prog_compiler_rtti_exceptions=no + ac_outfile=conftest.$ac_objext + echo "$lt_simple_compile_test_code" > conftest.$ac_ext + lt_compiler_flag="-fno-rtti -fno-exceptions" ## exclude from sc_useless_quotes_in_assignment + # Insert the option either (1) after the last *FLAGS variable, or + # (2) before a word containing "conftest.", or (3) at the end. + # Note that $ac_compile itself does not contain backslashes and begins + # with a dollar sign (not a hyphen), so the echo should work correctly. + # The option is referenced via a variable to avoid confusing sed. + lt_compile=`echo "$ac_compile" | $SED \ + -e 's:.*FLAGS}\{0,1\} :&$lt_compiler_flag :; t' \ + -e 's: [^ ]*conftest\.: $lt_compiler_flag&:; t' \ + -e 's:$: $lt_compiler_flag:'` + (eval echo "\"\$as_me:$LINENO: $lt_compile\"" >&5) + (eval "$lt_compile" 2>conftest.err) + ac_status=$? + cat conftest.err >&5 + echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + if (exit $ac_status) && test -s "$ac_outfile"; then + # The compiler can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized + # So say no if there are warnings other than the usual output. + $ECHO "$_lt_compiler_boilerplate" | $SED '/^$/d' >conftest.exp + $SED '/^$/d; /^ *+/d' conftest.err >conftest.er2 + if test ! -s conftest.er2 || diff conftest.exp conftest.er2 >/dev/null; then + lt_cv_prog_compiler_rtti_exceptions=yes + fi + fi + $RM conftest* + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_prog_compiler_rtti_exceptions" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_prog_compiler_rtti_exceptions" >&6; } + +if test yes = "$lt_cv_prog_compiler_rtti_exceptions"; then + lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag="$lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions" +else + : +fi + +fi + + + + + + + lt_prog_compiler_wl= +lt_prog_compiler_pic= +lt_prog_compiler_static= + + + if test yes = "$GCC"; then + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-static' + + case $host_os in + aix*) + # All AIX code is PIC. + if test ia64 = "$host_cpu"; then + # AIX 5 now supports IA64 processor + lt_prog_compiler_static='-Bstatic' + fi + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-fPIC' + ;; + + amigaos*) + case $host_cpu in + powerpc) + # see comment about AmigaOS4 .so support + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-fPIC' + ;; + m68k) + # FIXME: we need at least 68020 code to build shared libraries, but + # adding the '-m68020' flag to GCC prevents building anything better, + # like '-m68040'. + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-m68020 -resident32 -malways-restore-a4' + ;; + esac + ;; + + beos* | irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux* | osf3* | osf4* | osf5*) + # PIC is the default for these OSes. + ;; + + mingw* | cygwin* | pw32* | os2* | cegcc*) + # This hack is so that the source file can tell whether it is being + # built for inclusion in a dll (and should export symbols for example). + # Although the cygwin gcc ignores -fPIC, still need this for old-style + # (--disable-auto-import) libraries + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-DDLL_EXPORT' + case $host_os in + os2*) + lt_prog_compiler_static='$wl-static' + ;; + esac + ;; + + darwin* | rhapsody*) + # PIC is the default on this platform + # Common symbols not allowed in MH_DYLIB files + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-fno-common' + ;; + + haiku*) + # PIC is the default for Haiku. + # The "-static" flag exists, but is broken. + lt_prog_compiler_static= + ;; + + hpux*) + # PIC is the default for 64-bit PA HP-UX, but not for 32-bit + # PA HP-UX. On IA64 HP-UX, PIC is the default but the pic flag + # sets the default TLS model and affects inlining. + case $host_cpu in + hppa*64*) + # +Z the default + ;; + *) + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-fPIC' + ;; + esac + ;; + + interix[3-9]*) + # Interix 3.x gcc -fpic/-fPIC options generate broken code. + # Instead, we relocate shared libraries at runtime. + ;; + + msdosdjgpp*) + # Just because we use GCC doesn't mean we suddenly get shared libraries + # on systems that don't support them. + lt_prog_compiler_can_build_shared=no + enable_shared=no + ;; + + *nto* | *qnx*) + # QNX uses GNU C++, but need to define -shared option too, otherwise + # it will coredump. + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-fPIC -shared' + ;; + + sysv4*MP*) + if test -d /usr/nec; then + lt_prog_compiler_pic=-Kconform_pic + fi + ;; + + *) + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-fPIC' + ;; + esac + + case $cc_basename in + nvcc*) # Cuda Compiler Driver 2.2 + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Xlinker ' + if test -n "$lt_prog_compiler_pic"; then + lt_prog_compiler_pic="-Xcompiler $lt_prog_compiler_pic" + fi + ;; + esac + else + # PORTME Check for flag to pass linker flags through the system compiler. + case $host_os in + aix*) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + if test ia64 = "$host_cpu"; then + # AIX 5 now supports IA64 processor + lt_prog_compiler_static='-Bstatic' + else + lt_prog_compiler_static='-bnso -bI:/lib/syscalls.exp' + fi + ;; + + darwin* | rhapsody*) + # PIC is the default on this platform + # Common symbols not allowed in MH_DYLIB files + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-fno-common' + case $cc_basename in + nagfor*) + # NAG Fortran compiler + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,-Wl,,' + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-PIC' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-Bstatic' + ;; + esac + ;; + + mingw* | cygwin* | pw32* | os2* | cegcc*) + # This hack is so that the source file can tell whether it is being + # built for inclusion in a dll (and should export symbols for example). + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-DDLL_EXPORT' + case $host_os in + os2*) + lt_prog_compiler_static='$wl-static' + ;; + esac + ;; + + hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + # PIC is the default for IA64 HP-UX and 64-bit HP-UX, but + # not for PA HP-UX. + case $host_cpu in + hppa*64*|ia64*) + # +Z the default + ;; + *) + lt_prog_compiler_pic='+Z' + ;; + esac + # Is there a better lt_prog_compiler_static that works with the bundled CC? + lt_prog_compiler_static='$wl-a ${wl}archive' + ;; + + irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + # PIC (with -KPIC) is the default. + lt_prog_compiler_static='-non_shared' + ;; + + linux* | k*bsd*-gnu | kopensolaris*-gnu | gnu*) + case $cc_basename in + # old Intel for x86_64, which still supported -KPIC. + ecc*) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-KPIC' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-static' + ;; + # icc used to be incompatible with GCC. + # ICC 10 doesn't accept -KPIC any more. + icc* | ifort*) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-fPIC' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-static' + ;; + # Lahey Fortran 8.1. + lf95*) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + lt_prog_compiler_pic='--shared' + lt_prog_compiler_static='--static' + ;; + nagfor*) + # NAG Fortran compiler + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,-Wl,,' + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-PIC' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-Bstatic' + ;; + tcc*) + # Fabrice Bellard et al's Tiny C Compiler + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-fPIC' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-static' + ;; + pgcc* | pgf77* | pgf90* | pgf95* | pgfortran*) + # Portland Group compilers (*not* the Pentium gcc compiler, + # which looks to be a dead project) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-fpic' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-Bstatic' + ;; + ccc*) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + # All Alpha code is PIC. + lt_prog_compiler_static='-non_shared' + ;; + xl* | bgxl* | bgf* | mpixl*) + # IBM XL C 8.0/Fortran 10.1, 11.1 on PPC and BlueGene + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-qpic' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-qstaticlink' + ;; + *) + case `$CC -V 2>&1 | sed 5q` in + *Sun\ Ceres\ Fortran* | *Sun*Fortran*\ [1-7].* | *Sun*Fortran*\ 8.[0-3]*) + # Sun Fortran 8.3 passes all unrecognized flags to the linker + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-KPIC' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-Bstatic' + lt_prog_compiler_wl='' + ;; + *Sun\ F* | *Sun*Fortran*) + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-KPIC' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-Bstatic' + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Qoption ld ' + ;; + *Sun\ C*) + # Sun C 5.9 + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-KPIC' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-Bstatic' + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + ;; + *Intel*\ [CF]*Compiler*) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-fPIC' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-static' + ;; + *Portland\ Group*) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-fpic' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-Bstatic' + ;; + esac + ;; + esac + ;; + + newsos6) + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-KPIC' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-Bstatic' + ;; + + *nto* | *qnx*) + # QNX uses GNU C++, but need to define -shared option too, otherwise + # it will coredump. + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-fPIC -shared' + ;; + + osf3* | osf4* | osf5*) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + # All OSF/1 code is PIC. + lt_prog_compiler_static='-non_shared' + ;; + + rdos*) + lt_prog_compiler_static='-non_shared' + ;; + + solaris*) + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-KPIC' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-Bstatic' + case $cc_basename in + f77* | f90* | f95* | sunf77* | sunf90* | sunf95*) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Qoption ld ';; + *) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,';; + esac + ;; + + sunos4*) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Qoption ld ' + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-PIC' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-Bstatic' + ;; + + sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3*) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-KPIC' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-Bstatic' + ;; + + sysv4*MP*) + if test -d /usr/nec; then + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-Kconform_pic' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-Bstatic' + fi + ;; + + sysv5* | unixware* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | OpenUNIX*) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-KPIC' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-Bstatic' + ;; + + unicos*) + lt_prog_compiler_wl='-Wl,' + lt_prog_compiler_can_build_shared=no + ;; + + uts4*) + lt_prog_compiler_pic='-pic' + lt_prog_compiler_static='-Bstatic' + ;; + + *) + lt_prog_compiler_can_build_shared=no + ;; + esac + fi + +case $host_os in + # For platforms that do not support PIC, -DPIC is meaningless: + *djgpp*) + lt_prog_compiler_pic= + ;; + *) + lt_prog_compiler_pic="$lt_prog_compiler_pic -DPIC" + ;; +esac + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $compiler option to produce PIC" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $compiler option to produce PIC... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_prog_compiler_pic+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_prog_compiler_pic=$lt_prog_compiler_pic +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_prog_compiler_pic" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_prog_compiler_pic" >&6; } +lt_prog_compiler_pic=$lt_cv_prog_compiler_pic + +# +# Check to make sure the PIC flag actually works. +# +if test -n "$lt_prog_compiler_pic"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if $compiler PIC flag $lt_prog_compiler_pic works" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if $compiler PIC flag $lt_prog_compiler_pic works... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_prog_compiler_pic_works+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_prog_compiler_pic_works=no + ac_outfile=conftest.$ac_objext + echo "$lt_simple_compile_test_code" > conftest.$ac_ext + lt_compiler_flag="$lt_prog_compiler_pic -DPIC" ## exclude from sc_useless_quotes_in_assignment + # Insert the option either (1) after the last *FLAGS variable, or + # (2) before a word containing "conftest.", or (3) at the end. + # Note that $ac_compile itself does not contain backslashes and begins + # with a dollar sign (not a hyphen), so the echo should work correctly. + # The option is referenced via a variable to avoid confusing sed. + lt_compile=`echo "$ac_compile" | $SED \ + -e 's:.*FLAGS}\{0,1\} :&$lt_compiler_flag :; t' \ + -e 's: [^ ]*conftest\.: $lt_compiler_flag&:; t' \ + -e 's:$: $lt_compiler_flag:'` + (eval echo "\"\$as_me:$LINENO: $lt_compile\"" >&5) + (eval "$lt_compile" 2>conftest.err) + ac_status=$? + cat conftest.err >&5 + echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + if (exit $ac_status) && test -s "$ac_outfile"; then + # The compiler can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized + # So say no if there are warnings other than the usual output. + $ECHO "$_lt_compiler_boilerplate" | $SED '/^$/d' >conftest.exp + $SED '/^$/d; /^ *+/d' conftest.err >conftest.er2 + if test ! -s conftest.er2 || diff conftest.exp conftest.er2 >/dev/null; then + lt_cv_prog_compiler_pic_works=yes + fi + fi + $RM conftest* + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_prog_compiler_pic_works" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_prog_compiler_pic_works" >&6; } + +if test yes = "$lt_cv_prog_compiler_pic_works"; then + case $lt_prog_compiler_pic in + "" | " "*) ;; + *) lt_prog_compiler_pic=" $lt_prog_compiler_pic" ;; + esac +else + lt_prog_compiler_pic= + lt_prog_compiler_can_build_shared=no +fi + +fi + + + + + + + + + + + +# +# Check to make sure the static flag actually works. +# +wl=$lt_prog_compiler_wl eval lt_tmp_static_flag=\"$lt_prog_compiler_static\" +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if $compiler static flag $lt_tmp_static_flag works" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if $compiler static flag $lt_tmp_static_flag works... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_prog_compiler_static_works+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_prog_compiler_static_works=no + save_LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $lt_tmp_static_flag" + echo "$lt_simple_link_test_code" > conftest.$ac_ext + if (eval $ac_link 2>conftest.err) && test -s conftest$ac_exeext; then + # The linker can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized + # So say no if there are warnings + if test -s conftest.err; then + # Append any errors to the config.log. + cat conftest.err 1>&5 + $ECHO "$_lt_linker_boilerplate" | $SED '/^$/d' > conftest.exp + $SED '/^$/d; /^ *+/d' conftest.err >conftest.er2 + if diff conftest.exp conftest.er2 >/dev/null; then + lt_cv_prog_compiler_static_works=yes + fi + else + lt_cv_prog_compiler_static_works=yes + fi + fi + $RM -r conftest* + LDFLAGS=$save_LDFLAGS + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_prog_compiler_static_works" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_prog_compiler_static_works" >&6; } + +if test yes = "$lt_cv_prog_compiler_static_works"; then + : +else + lt_prog_compiler_static= +fi + + + + + + + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if $compiler supports -c -o file.$ac_objext" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if $compiler supports -c -o file.$ac_objext... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o=no + $RM -r conftest 2>/dev/null + mkdir conftest + cd conftest + mkdir out + echo "$lt_simple_compile_test_code" > conftest.$ac_ext + + lt_compiler_flag="-o out/conftest2.$ac_objext" + # Insert the option either (1) after the last *FLAGS variable, or + # (2) before a word containing "conftest.", or (3) at the end. + # Note that $ac_compile itself does not contain backslashes and begins + # with a dollar sign (not a hyphen), so the echo should work correctly. + lt_compile=`echo "$ac_compile" | $SED \ + -e 's:.*FLAGS}\{0,1\} :&$lt_compiler_flag :; t' \ + -e 's: [^ ]*conftest\.: $lt_compiler_flag&:; t' \ + -e 's:$: $lt_compiler_flag:'` + (eval echo "\"\$as_me:$LINENO: $lt_compile\"" >&5) + (eval "$lt_compile" 2>out/conftest.err) + ac_status=$? + cat out/conftest.err >&5 + echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + if (exit $ac_status) && test -s out/conftest2.$ac_objext + then + # The compiler can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized + # So say no if there are warnings + $ECHO "$_lt_compiler_boilerplate" | $SED '/^$/d' > out/conftest.exp + $SED '/^$/d; /^ *+/d' out/conftest.err >out/conftest.er2 + if test ! -s out/conftest.er2 || diff out/conftest.exp out/conftest.er2 >/dev/null; then + lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o=yes + fi + fi + chmod u+w . 2>&5 + $RM conftest* + # SGI C++ compiler will create directory out/ii_files/ for + # template instantiation + test -d out/ii_files && $RM out/ii_files/* && rmdir out/ii_files + $RM out/* && rmdir out + cd .. + $RM -r conftest + $RM conftest* + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o" >&6; } + + + + + + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if $compiler supports -c -o file.$ac_objext" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if $compiler supports -c -o file.$ac_objext... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o=no + $RM -r conftest 2>/dev/null + mkdir conftest + cd conftest + mkdir out + echo "$lt_simple_compile_test_code" > conftest.$ac_ext + + lt_compiler_flag="-o out/conftest2.$ac_objext" + # Insert the option either (1) after the last *FLAGS variable, or + # (2) before a word containing "conftest.", or (3) at the end. + # Note that $ac_compile itself does not contain backslashes and begins + # with a dollar sign (not a hyphen), so the echo should work correctly. + lt_compile=`echo "$ac_compile" | $SED \ + -e 's:.*FLAGS}\{0,1\} :&$lt_compiler_flag :; t' \ + -e 's: [^ ]*conftest\.: $lt_compiler_flag&:; t' \ + -e 's:$: $lt_compiler_flag:'` + (eval echo "\"\$as_me:$LINENO: $lt_compile\"" >&5) + (eval "$lt_compile" 2>out/conftest.err) + ac_status=$? + cat out/conftest.err >&5 + echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + if (exit $ac_status) && test -s out/conftest2.$ac_objext + then + # The compiler can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized + # So say no if there are warnings + $ECHO "$_lt_compiler_boilerplate" | $SED '/^$/d' > out/conftest.exp + $SED '/^$/d; /^ *+/d' out/conftest.err >out/conftest.er2 + if test ! -s out/conftest.er2 || diff out/conftest.exp out/conftest.er2 >/dev/null; then + lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o=yes + fi + fi + chmod u+w . 2>&5 + $RM conftest* + # SGI C++ compiler will create directory out/ii_files/ for + # template instantiation + test -d out/ii_files && $RM out/ii_files/* && rmdir out/ii_files + $RM out/* && rmdir out + cd .. + $RM -r conftest + $RM conftest* + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o" >&6; } + + + + +hard_links=nottested +if test no = "$lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o" && test no != "$need_locks"; then + # do not overwrite the value of need_locks provided by the user + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if we can lock with hard links" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if we can lock with hard links... " >&6; } + hard_links=yes + $RM conftest* + ln conftest.a conftest.b 2>/dev/null && hard_links=no + touch conftest.a + ln conftest.a conftest.b 2>&5 || hard_links=no + ln conftest.a conftest.b 2>/dev/null && hard_links=no + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $hard_links" >&5 +$as_echo "$hard_links" >&6; } + if test no = "$hard_links"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: '$CC' does not support '-c -o', so 'make -j' may be unsafe" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: '$CC' does not support '-c -o', so 'make -j' may be unsafe" >&2;} + need_locks=warn + fi +else + need_locks=no +fi + + + + + + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether the $compiler linker ($LD) supports shared libraries" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether the $compiler linker ($LD) supports shared libraries... " >&6; } + + runpath_var= + allow_undefined_flag= + always_export_symbols=no + archive_cmds= + archive_expsym_cmds= + compiler_needs_object=no + enable_shared_with_static_runtimes=no + export_dynamic_flag_spec= + export_symbols_cmds='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | $SED '\''s/.* //'\'' | sort | uniq > $export_symbols' + hardcode_automatic=no + hardcode_direct=no + hardcode_direct_absolute=no + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec= + hardcode_libdir_separator= + hardcode_minus_L=no + hardcode_shlibpath_var=unsupported + inherit_rpath=no + link_all_deplibs=unknown + module_cmds= + module_expsym_cmds= + old_archive_from_new_cmds= + old_archive_from_expsyms_cmds= + thread_safe_flag_spec= + whole_archive_flag_spec= + # include_expsyms should be a list of space-separated symbols to be *always* + # included in the symbol list + include_expsyms= + # exclude_expsyms can be an extended regexp of symbols to exclude + # it will be wrapped by ' (' and ')$', so one must not match beginning or + # end of line. Example: 'a|bc|.*d.*' will exclude the symbols 'a' and 'bc', + # as well as any symbol that contains 'd'. + exclude_expsyms='_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_|_GLOBAL__F[ID]_.*' + # Although _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ is a valid symbol C name, most a.out + # platforms (ab)use it in PIC code, but their linkers get confused if + # the symbol is explicitly referenced. Since portable code cannot + # rely on this symbol name, it's probably fine to never include it in + # preloaded symbol tables. + # Exclude shared library initialization/finalization symbols. + extract_expsyms_cmds= + + case $host_os in + cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) + # FIXME: the MSVC++ port hasn't been tested in a loooong time + # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using + # Microsoft Visual C++. + if test yes != "$GCC"; then + with_gnu_ld=no + fi + ;; + interix*) + # we just hope/assume this is gcc and not c89 (= MSVC++) + with_gnu_ld=yes + ;; + openbsd* | bitrig*) + with_gnu_ld=no + ;; + linux* | k*bsd*-gnu | gnu*) + link_all_deplibs=no + ;; + esac + + ld_shlibs=yes + + # On some targets, GNU ld is compatible enough with the native linker + # that we're better off using the native interface for both. + lt_use_gnu_ld_interface=no + if test yes = "$with_gnu_ld"; then + case $host_os in + aix*) + # The AIX port of GNU ld has always aspired to compatibility + # with the native linker. However, as the warning in the GNU ld + # block says, versions before 2.19.5* couldn't really create working + # shared libraries, regardless of the interface used. + case `$LD -v 2>&1` in + *\ \(GNU\ Binutils\)\ 2.19.5*) ;; + *\ \(GNU\ Binutils\)\ 2.[2-9]*) ;; + *\ \(GNU\ Binutils\)\ [3-9]*) ;; + *) + lt_use_gnu_ld_interface=yes + ;; + esac + ;; + *) + lt_use_gnu_ld_interface=yes + ;; + esac + fi + + if test yes = "$lt_use_gnu_ld_interface"; then + # If archive_cmds runs LD, not CC, wlarc should be empty + wlarc='$wl' + + # Set some defaults for GNU ld with shared library support. These + # are reset later if shared libraries are not supported. Putting them + # here allows them to be overridden if necessary. + runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl-rpath $wl$libdir' + export_dynamic_flag_spec='$wl--export-dynamic' + # ancient GNU ld didn't support --whole-archive et. al. + if $LD --help 2>&1 | $GREP 'no-whole-archive' > /dev/null; then + whole_archive_flag_spec=$wlarc'--whole-archive$convenience '$wlarc'--no-whole-archive' + else + whole_archive_flag_spec= + fi + supports_anon_versioning=no + case `$LD -v | $SED -e 's/(^)\+)\s\+//' 2>&1` in + *GNU\ gold*) supports_anon_versioning=yes ;; + *\ [01].* | *\ 2.[0-9].* | *\ 2.10.*) ;; # catch versions < 2.11 + *\\ *) supports_anon_versioning=yes ;; # RH7.3 ... + *\\ *) supports_anon_versioning=yes ;; # Mandrake 8.2 ... + *\ 2.11.*) ;; # other 2.11 versions + *) supports_anon_versioning=yes ;; + esac + + # See if GNU ld supports shared libraries. + case $host_os in + aix[3-9]*) + # On AIX/PPC, the GNU linker is very broken + if test ia64 != "$host_cpu"; then + ld_shlibs=no + cat <<_LT_EOF 1>&2 + +*** Warning: the GNU linker, at least up to release 2.19, is reported +*** to be unable to reliably create shared libraries on AIX. +*** Therefore, libtool is disabling shared libraries support. If you +*** really care for shared libraries, you may want to install binutils +*** 2.20 or above, or modify your PATH so that a non-GNU linker is found. +*** You will then need to restart the configuration process. + +_LT_EOF + fi + ;; + + amigaos*) + case $host_cpu in + powerpc) + # see comment about AmigaOS4 .so support + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + archive_expsym_cmds='' + ;; + m68k) + archive_cmds='$RM $output_objdir/$ECHO "#define NAME $libname" > $output_objdir/$ECHO "#define LIBRARY_ID 1" >> $output_objdir/$ECHO "#define VERSION $major" >> $output_objdir/$ECHO "#define REVISION $revision" >> $output_objdir/$AR $AR_FLAGS $lib $libobjs~$RANLIB $lib~(cd $output_objdir && a2ixlibrary -32)' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + hardcode_minus_L=yes + ;; + esac + ;; + + beos*) + if $LD --help 2>&1 | $GREP ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then + allow_undefined_flag=unsupported + # Joseph Beckenbach says some releases of gcc + # support --undefined. This deserves some investigation. FIXME + archive_cmds='$CC -nostart $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + else + ld_shlibs=no + fi + ;; + + cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) + # _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, ) is actually meaningless, + # as there is no search path for DLLs. + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + export_dynamic_flag_spec='$wl--export-all-symbols' + allow_undefined_flag=unsupported + always_export_symbols=no + enable_shared_with_static_runtimes=yes + export_symbols_cmds='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | $SED -e '\''/^[BCDGRS][ ]/s/.*[ ]\([^ ]*\)/\1 DATA/;s/^.*[ ]__nm__\([^ ]*\)[ ][^ ]*/\1 DATA/;/^I[ ]/d;/^[AITW][ ]/s/.* //'\'' | sort | uniq > $export_symbols' + exclude_expsyms='[_]+GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_|[_]+GLOBAL__[FID]_.*|[_]+head_[A-Za-z0-9_]+_dll|[A-Za-z0-9_]+_dll_iname' + + if $LD --help 2>&1 | $GREP 'auto-import' > /dev/null; then + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags -o $output_objdir/$soname $wl--enable-auto-image-base -Xlinker --out-implib -Xlinker $lib' + # If the export-symbols file already is a .def file, use it as + # is; otherwise, prepend EXPORTS... + archive_expsym_cmds='if test DEF = "`$SED -n -e '\''s/^[ ]*//'\'' -e '\''/^\(;.*\)*$/d'\'' -e '\''s/^\(EXPORTS\|LIBRARY\)\([ ].*\)*$/DEF/p'\'' -e q $export_symbols`" ; then + cp $export_symbols $output_objdir/$soname.def; + else + echo EXPORTS > $output_objdir/$soname.def; + cat $export_symbols >> $output_objdir/$soname.def; + fi~ + $CC -shared $output_objdir/$soname.def $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags -o $output_objdir/$soname $wl--enable-auto-image-base -Xlinker --out-implib -Xlinker $lib' + else + ld_shlibs=no + fi + ;; + + haiku*) + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + link_all_deplibs=yes + ;; + + os2*) + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + hardcode_minus_L=yes + allow_undefined_flag=unsupported + shrext_cmds=.dll + archive_cmds='$ECHO "LIBRARY ${soname%$shared_ext} INITINSTANCE TERMINSTANCE" > $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + $ECHO "DESCRIPTION \"$libname\"" >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + $ECHO "DATA MULTIPLE NONSHARED" >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + $ECHO EXPORTS >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + emxexp $libobjs | $SED /"_DLL_InitTerm"/d >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + $CC -Zdll -Zcrtdll -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + emximp -o $lib $output_objdir/$libname.def' + archive_expsym_cmds='$ECHO "LIBRARY ${soname%$shared_ext} INITINSTANCE TERMINSTANCE" > $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + $ECHO "DESCRIPTION \"$libname\"" >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + $ECHO "DATA MULTIPLE NONSHARED" >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + $ECHO EXPORTS >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + prefix_cmds="$SED"~ + if test EXPORTS = "`$SED 1q $export_symbols`"; then + prefix_cmds="$prefix_cmds -e 1d"; + fi~ + prefix_cmds="$prefix_cmds -e \"s/^\(.*\)$/_\1/g\""~ + cat $export_symbols | $prefix_cmds >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + $CC -Zdll -Zcrtdll -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + emximp -o $lib $output_objdir/$libname.def' + old_archive_From_new_cmds='emximp -o $output_objdir/${libname}_dll.a $output_objdir/$libname.def' + enable_shared_with_static_runtimes=yes + ;; + + interix[3-9]*) + hardcode_direct=no + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl-rpath,$libdir' + export_dynamic_flag_spec='$wl-E' + # Hack: On Interix 3.x, we cannot compile PIC because of a broken gcc. + # Instead, shared libraries are loaded at an image base (0x10000000 by + # default) and relocated if they conflict, which is a slow very memory + # consuming and fragmenting process. To avoid this, we pick a random, + # 256 KiB-aligned image base between 0x50000000 and 0x6FFC0000 at link + # time. Moving up from 0x10000000 also allows more sbrk(2) space. + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-h,$soname $wl--image-base,`expr ${RANDOM-$$} % 4096 / 2 \* 262144 + 1342177280` -o $lib' + archive_expsym_cmds='sed "s|^|_|" $export_symbols >$output_objdir/$soname.expsym~$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-h,$soname $wl--retain-symbols-file,$output_objdir/$soname.expsym $wl--image-base,`expr ${RANDOM-$$} % 4096 / 2 \* 262144 + 1342177280` -o $lib' + ;; + + gnu* | linux* | tpf* | k*bsd*-gnu | kopensolaris*-gnu) + tmp_diet=no + if test linux-dietlibc = "$host_os"; then + case $cc_basename in + diet\ *) tmp_diet=yes;; # linux-dietlibc with static linking (!diet-dyn) + esac + fi + if $LD --help 2>&1 | $EGREP ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null \ + && test no = "$tmp_diet" + then + tmp_addflag=' $pic_flag' + tmp_sharedflag='-shared' + case $cc_basename,$host_cpu in + pgcc*) # Portland Group C compiler + whole_archive_flag_spec='$wl--whole-archive`for conv in $convenience\"\"; do test -n \"$conv\" && new_convenience=\"$new_convenience,$conv\"; done; func_echo_all \"$new_convenience\"` $wl--no-whole-archive' + tmp_addflag=' $pic_flag' + ;; + pgf77* | pgf90* | pgf95* | pgfortran*) + # Portland Group f77 and f90 compilers + whole_archive_flag_spec='$wl--whole-archive`for conv in $convenience\"\"; do test -n \"$conv\" && new_convenience=\"$new_convenience,$conv\"; done; func_echo_all \"$new_convenience\"` $wl--no-whole-archive' + tmp_addflag=' $pic_flag -Mnomain' ;; + ecc*,ia64* | icc*,ia64*) # Intel C compiler on ia64 + tmp_addflag=' -i_dynamic' ;; + efc*,ia64* | ifort*,ia64*) # Intel Fortran compiler on ia64 + tmp_addflag=' -i_dynamic -nofor_main' ;; + ifc* | ifort*) # Intel Fortran compiler + tmp_addflag=' -nofor_main' ;; + lf95*) # Lahey Fortran 8.1 + whole_archive_flag_spec= + tmp_sharedflag='--shared' ;; + nagfor*) # NAGFOR 5.3 + tmp_sharedflag='-Wl,-shared' ;; + xl[cC]* | bgxl[cC]* | mpixl[cC]*) # IBM XL C 8.0 on PPC (deal with xlf below) + tmp_sharedflag='-qmkshrobj' + tmp_addflag= ;; + nvcc*) # Cuda Compiler Driver 2.2 + whole_archive_flag_spec='$wl--whole-archive`for conv in $convenience\"\"; do test -n \"$conv\" && new_convenience=\"$new_convenience,$conv\"; done; func_echo_all \"$new_convenience\"` $wl--no-whole-archive' + compiler_needs_object=yes + ;; + esac + case `$CC -V 2>&1 | sed 5q` in + *Sun\ C*) # Sun C 5.9 + whole_archive_flag_spec='$wl--whole-archive`new_convenience=; for conv in $convenience\"\"; do test -z \"$conv\" || new_convenience=\"$new_convenience,$conv\"; done; func_echo_all \"$new_convenience\"` $wl--no-whole-archive' + compiler_needs_object=yes + tmp_sharedflag='-G' ;; + *Sun\ F*) # Sun Fortran 8.3 + tmp_sharedflag='-G' ;; + esac + archive_cmds='$CC '"$tmp_sharedflag""$tmp_addflag"' $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + + if test yes = "$supports_anon_versioning"; then + archive_expsym_cmds='echo "{ global:" > $output_objdir/$libname.ver~ + cat $export_symbols | sed -e "s/\(.*\)/\1;/" >> $output_objdir/$libname.ver~ + echo "local: *; };" >> $output_objdir/$libname.ver~ + $CC '"$tmp_sharedflag""$tmp_addflag"' $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname $wl-version-script $wl$output_objdir/$libname.ver -o $lib' + fi + + case $cc_basename in + tcc*) + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl-rpath $wl$libdir' + export_dynamic_flag_spec='-rdynamic' + ;; + xlf* | bgf* | bgxlf* | mpixlf*) + # IBM XL Fortran 10.1 on PPC cannot create shared libs itself + whole_archive_flag_spec='--whole-archive$convenience --no-whole-archive' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl-rpath $wl$libdir' + archive_cmds='$LD -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags -soname $soname -o $lib' + if test yes = "$supports_anon_versioning"; then + archive_expsym_cmds='echo "{ global:" > $output_objdir/$libname.ver~ + cat $export_symbols | sed -e "s/\(.*\)/\1;/" >> $output_objdir/$libname.ver~ + echo "local: *; };" >> $output_objdir/$libname.ver~ + $LD -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags -soname $soname -version-script $output_objdir/$libname.ver -o $lib' + fi + ;; + esac + else + ld_shlibs=no + fi + ;; + + netbsd* | netbsdelf*-gnu) + if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | $GREP __ELF__ >/dev/null; then + archive_cmds='$LD -Bshareable $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags -o $lib' + wlarc= + else + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname $wl-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib' + fi + ;; + + solaris*) + if $LD -v 2>&1 | $GREP 'BFD 2\.8' > /dev/null; then + ld_shlibs=no + cat <<_LT_EOF 1>&2 + +*** Warning: The releases 2.8.* of the GNU linker cannot reliably +*** create shared libraries on Solaris systems. Therefore, libtool +*** is disabling shared libraries support. We urge you to upgrade GNU +*** binutils to release 2.9.1 or newer. Another option is to modify +*** your PATH or compiler configuration so that the native linker is +*** used, and then restart. + +_LT_EOF + elif $LD --help 2>&1 | $GREP ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname $wl-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib' + else + ld_shlibs=no + fi + ;; + + sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | unixware* | OpenUNIX*) + case `$LD -v 2>&1` in + *\ [01].* | *\ 2.[0-9].* | *\ 2.1[0-5].*) + ld_shlibs=no + cat <<_LT_EOF 1>&2 + +*** Warning: Releases of the GNU linker prior to cannot +*** reliably create shared libraries on SCO systems. Therefore, libtool +*** is disabling shared libraries support. We urge you to upgrade GNU +*** binutils to release or newer. Another option is to modify +*** your PATH or compiler configuration so that the native linker is +*** used, and then restart. + +_LT_EOF + ;; + *) + # For security reasons, it is highly recommended that you always + # use absolute paths for naming shared libraries, and exclude the + # DT_RUNPATH tag from executables and libraries. But doing so + # requires that you compile everything twice, which is a pain. + if $LD --help 2>&1 | $GREP ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl-rpath $wl$libdir' + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname $wl-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib' + else + ld_shlibs=no + fi + ;; + esac + ;; + + sunos4*) + archive_cmds='$LD -assert pure-text -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + wlarc= + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + *) + if $LD --help 2>&1 | $GREP ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname $wl-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib' + else + ld_shlibs=no + fi + ;; + esac + + if test no = "$ld_shlibs"; then + runpath_var= + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec= + export_dynamic_flag_spec= + whole_archive_flag_spec= + fi + else + # PORTME fill in a description of your system's linker (not GNU ld) + case $host_os in + aix3*) + allow_undefined_flag=unsupported + always_export_symbols=yes + archive_expsym_cmds='$LD -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags -bE:$export_symbols -T512 -H512 -bM:SRE~$AR $AR_FLAGS $lib $output_objdir/$soname' + # Note: this linker hardcodes the directories in LIBPATH if there + # are no directories specified by -L. + hardcode_minus_L=yes + if test yes = "$GCC" && test -z "$lt_prog_compiler_static"; then + # Neither direct hardcoding nor static linking is supported with a + # broken collect2. + hardcode_direct=unsupported + fi + ;; + + aix[4-9]*) + if test ia64 = "$host_cpu"; then + # On IA64, the linker does run time linking by default, so we don't + # have to do anything special. + aix_use_runtimelinking=no + exp_sym_flag='-Bexport' + no_entry_flag= + else + # If we're using GNU nm, then we don't want the "-C" option. + # -C means demangle to GNU nm, but means don't demangle to AIX nm. + # Without the "-l" option, or with the "-B" option, AIX nm treats + # weak defined symbols like other global defined symbols, whereas + # GNU nm marks them as "W". + # While the 'weak' keyword is ignored in the Export File, we need + # it in the Import File for the 'aix-soname' feature, so we have + # to replace the "-B" option with "-P" for AIX nm. + if $NM -V 2>&1 | $GREP 'GNU' > /dev/null; then + export_symbols_cmds='$NM -Bpg $libobjs $convenience | awk '\''{ if (((\$ 2 == "T") || (\$ 2 == "D") || (\$ 2 == "B") || (\$ 2 == "W")) && (substr(\$ 3,1,1) != ".")) { if (\$ 2 == "W") { print \$ 3 " weak" } else { print \$ 3 } } }'\'' | sort -u > $export_symbols' + else + export_symbols_cmds='`func_echo_all $NM | $SED -e '\''s/B\([^B]*\)$/P\1/'\''` -PCpgl $libobjs $convenience | awk '\''{ if (((\$ 2 == "T") || (\$ 2 == "D") || (\$ 2 == "B") || (\$ 2 == "W") || (\$ 2 == "V") || (\$ 2 == "Z")) && (substr(\$ 1,1,1) != ".")) { if ((\$ 2 == "W") || (\$ 2 == "V") || (\$ 2 == "Z")) { print \$ 1 " weak" } else { print \$ 1 } } }'\'' | sort -u > $export_symbols' + fi + aix_use_runtimelinking=no + + # Test if we are trying to use run time linking or normal + # AIX style linking. If -brtl is somewhere in LDFLAGS, we + # have runtime linking enabled, and use it for executables. + # For shared libraries, we enable/disable runtime linking + # depending on the kind of the shared library created - + # when "with_aix_soname,aix_use_runtimelinking" is: + # "aix,no" lib.a( shared, rtl:no, for executables + # "aix,yes" shared, rtl:yes, for executables + # lib.a static archive + # "both,no" shared, rtl:yes + # lib.a( shared, rtl:no, for executables + # "both,yes" shared, rtl:yes, for executables + # lib.a( shared, rtl:no + # "svr4,*" shared, rtl:yes, for executables + # lib.a static archive + case $host_os in aix4.[23]|aix4.[23].*|aix[5-9]*) + for ld_flag in $LDFLAGS; do + if (test x-brtl = "x$ld_flag" || test x-Wl,-brtl = "x$ld_flag"); then + aix_use_runtimelinking=yes + break + fi + done + if test svr4,no = "$with_aix_soname,$aix_use_runtimelinking"; then + # With aix-soname=svr4, we create the shared archives only, + # so we don't have lib.a shared libs to link our executables. + # We have to force runtime linking in this case. + aix_use_runtimelinking=yes + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-brtl" + fi + ;; + esac + + exp_sym_flag='-bexport' + no_entry_flag='-bnoentry' + fi + + # When large executables or shared objects are built, AIX ld can + # have problems creating the table of contents. If linking a library + # or program results in "error TOC overflow" add -mminimal-toc to + # CXXFLAGS/CFLAGS for g++/gcc. In the cases where that is not + # enough to fix the problem, add -Wl,-bbigtoc to LDFLAGS. + + archive_cmds='' + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_direct_absolute=yes + hardcode_libdir_separator=':' + link_all_deplibs=yes + file_list_spec='$wl-f,' + case $with_aix_soname,$aix_use_runtimelinking in + aix,*) ;; # traditional, no import file + svr4,* | *,yes) # use import file + # The Import File defines what to hardcode. + hardcode_direct=no + hardcode_direct_absolute=no + ;; + esac + + if test yes = "$GCC"; then + case $host_os in aix4.[012]|aix4.[012].*) + # We only want to do this on AIX 4.2 and lower, the check + # below for broken collect2 doesn't work under 4.3+ + collect2name=`$CC -print-prog-name=collect2` + if test -f "$collect2name" && + strings "$collect2name" | $GREP resolve_lib_name >/dev/null + then + # We have reworked collect2 + : + else + # We have old collect2 + hardcode_direct=unsupported + # It fails to find uninstalled libraries when the uninstalled + # path is not listed in the libpath. Setting hardcode_minus_L + # to unsupported forces relinking + hardcode_minus_L=yes + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + hardcode_libdir_separator= + fi + ;; + esac + shared_flag='-shared' + if test yes = "$aix_use_runtimelinking"; then + shared_flag="$shared_flag "'$wl-G' + fi + # Need to ensure runtime linking is disabled for the traditional + # shared library, or the linker may eventually find shared libraries + # /with/ Import File - we do not want to mix them. + shared_flag_aix='-shared' + shared_flag_svr4='-shared $wl-G' + else + # not using gcc + if test ia64 = "$host_cpu"; then + # VisualAge C++, Version 5.5 for AIX 5L for IA-64, Beta 3 Release + # chokes on -Wl,-G. The following line is correct: + shared_flag='-G' + else + if test yes = "$aix_use_runtimelinking"; then + shared_flag='$wl-G' + else + shared_flag='$wl-bM:SRE' + fi + shared_flag_aix='$wl-bM:SRE' + shared_flag_svr4='$wl-G' + fi + fi + + export_dynamic_flag_spec='$wl-bexpall' + # It seems that -bexpall does not export symbols beginning with + # underscore (_), so it is better to generate a list of symbols to export. + always_export_symbols=yes + if test aix,yes = "$with_aix_soname,$aix_use_runtimelinking"; then + # Warning - without using the other runtime loading flags (-brtl), + # -berok will link without error, but may produce a broken library. + allow_undefined_flag='-berok' + # Determine the default libpath from the value encoded in an + # empty executable. + if test set = "${lt_cv_aix_libpath+set}"; then + aix_libpath=$lt_cv_aix_libpath +else + if ${lt_cv_aix_libpath_+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + + lt_aix_libpath_sed=' + /Import File Strings/,/^$/ { + /^0/ { + s/^0 *\([^ ]*\) *$/\1/ + p + } + }' + lt_cv_aix_libpath_=`dump -H conftest$ac_exeext 2>/dev/null | $SED -n -e "$lt_aix_libpath_sed"` + # Check for a 64-bit object if we didn't find anything. + if test -z "$lt_cv_aix_libpath_"; then + lt_cv_aix_libpath_=`dump -HX64 conftest$ac_exeext 2>/dev/null | $SED -n -e "$lt_aix_libpath_sed"` + fi +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + if test -z "$lt_cv_aix_libpath_"; then + lt_cv_aix_libpath_=/usr/lib:/lib + fi + +fi + + aix_libpath=$lt_cv_aix_libpath_ +fi + + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl-blibpath:$libdir:'"$aix_libpath" + archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $wl'$no_entry_flag' $compiler_flags `if test -n "$allow_undefined_flag"; then func_echo_all "$wl$allow_undefined_flag"; else :; fi` $wl'$exp_sym_flag:\$export_symbols' '$shared_flag + else + if test ia64 = "$host_cpu"; then + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl-R $libdir:/usr/lib:/lib' + allow_undefined_flag="-z nodefs" + archive_expsym_cmds="\$CC $shared_flag"' -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs '"\$wl$no_entry_flag"' $compiler_flags $wl$allow_undefined_flag '"\$wl$exp_sym_flag:\$export_symbols" + else + # Determine the default libpath from the value encoded in an + # empty executable. + if test set = "${lt_cv_aix_libpath+set}"; then + aix_libpath=$lt_cv_aix_libpath +else + if ${lt_cv_aix_libpath_+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + + lt_aix_libpath_sed=' + /Import File Strings/,/^$/ { + /^0/ { + s/^0 *\([^ ]*\) *$/\1/ + p + } + }' + lt_cv_aix_libpath_=`dump -H conftest$ac_exeext 2>/dev/null | $SED -n -e "$lt_aix_libpath_sed"` + # Check for a 64-bit object if we didn't find anything. + if test -z "$lt_cv_aix_libpath_"; then + lt_cv_aix_libpath_=`dump -HX64 conftest$ac_exeext 2>/dev/null | $SED -n -e "$lt_aix_libpath_sed"` + fi +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + if test -z "$lt_cv_aix_libpath_"; then + lt_cv_aix_libpath_=/usr/lib:/lib + fi + +fi + + aix_libpath=$lt_cv_aix_libpath_ +fi + + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl-blibpath:$libdir:'"$aix_libpath" + # Warning - without using the other run time loading flags, + # -berok will link without error, but may produce a broken library. + no_undefined_flag=' $wl-bernotok' + allow_undefined_flag=' $wl-berok' + if test yes = "$with_gnu_ld"; then + # We only use this code for GNU lds that support --whole-archive. + whole_archive_flag_spec='$wl--whole-archive$convenience $wl--no-whole-archive' + else + # Exported symbols can be pulled into shared objects from archives + whole_archive_flag_spec='$convenience' + fi + archive_cmds_need_lc=yes + archive_expsym_cmds='$RM -r $output_objdir/$realname.d~$MKDIR $output_objdir/$realname.d' + # -brtl affects multiple linker settings, -berok does not and is overridden later + compiler_flags_filtered='`func_echo_all "$compiler_flags " | $SED -e "s%-brtl\\([, ]\\)%-berok\\1%g"`' + if test svr4 != "$with_aix_soname"; then + # This is similar to how AIX traditionally builds its shared libraries. + archive_expsym_cmds="$archive_expsym_cmds"'~$CC '$shared_flag_aix' -o $output_objdir/$realname.d/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $wl-bnoentry '$compiler_flags_filtered'$wl-bE:$export_symbols$allow_undefined_flag~$AR $AR_FLAGS $output_objdir/$libname$release.a $output_objdir/$realname.d/$soname' + fi + if test aix != "$with_aix_soname"; then + archive_expsym_cmds="$archive_expsym_cmds"'~$CC '$shared_flag_svr4' -o $output_objdir/$realname.d/$shared_archive_member_spec.o $libobjs $deplibs $wl-bnoentry '$compiler_flags_filtered'$wl-bE:$export_symbols$allow_undefined_flag~$STRIP -e $output_objdir/$realname.d/$shared_archive_member_spec.o~( func_echo_all "#! $soname($shared_archive_member_spec.o)"; if test shr_64 = "$shared_archive_member_spec"; then func_echo_all "# 64"; else func_echo_all "# 32"; fi; cat $export_symbols ) > $output_objdir/$realname.d/$shared_archive_member_spec.imp~$AR $AR_FLAGS $output_objdir/$soname $output_objdir/$realname.d/$shared_archive_member_spec.o $output_objdir/$realname.d/$shared_archive_member_spec.imp' + else + # used by -dlpreopen to get the symbols + archive_expsym_cmds="$archive_expsym_cmds"'~$MV $output_objdir/$realname.d/$soname $output_objdir' + fi + archive_expsym_cmds="$archive_expsym_cmds"'~$RM -r $output_objdir/$realname.d' + fi + fi + ;; + + amigaos*) + case $host_cpu in + powerpc) + # see comment about AmigaOS4 .so support + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + archive_expsym_cmds='' + ;; + m68k) + archive_cmds='$RM $output_objdir/$ECHO "#define NAME $libname" > $output_objdir/$ECHO "#define LIBRARY_ID 1" >> $output_objdir/$ECHO "#define VERSION $major" >> $output_objdir/$ECHO "#define REVISION $revision" >> $output_objdir/$AR $AR_FLAGS $lib $libobjs~$RANLIB $lib~(cd $output_objdir && a2ixlibrary -32)' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + hardcode_minus_L=yes + ;; + esac + ;; + + bsdi[45]*) + export_dynamic_flag_spec=-rdynamic + ;; + + cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) + # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using + # Microsoft Visual C++. + # hardcode_libdir_flag_spec is actually meaningless, as there is + # no search path for DLLs. + case $cc_basename in + cl*) + # Native MSVC + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=' ' + allow_undefined_flag=unsupported + always_export_symbols=yes + file_list_spec='@' + # Tell ltmain to make .lib files, not .a files. + libext=lib + # Tell ltmain to make .dll files, not .so files. + shrext_cmds=.dll + # FIXME: Setting linknames here is a bad hack. + archive_cmds='$CC -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $compiler_flags $deplibs -Wl,-DLL,-IMPLIB:"$tool_output_objdir$libname.dll.lib"~linknames=' + archive_expsym_cmds='if test DEF = "`$SED -n -e '\''s/^[ ]*//'\'' -e '\''/^\(;.*\)*$/d'\'' -e '\''s/^\(EXPORTS\|LIBRARY\)\([ ].*\)*$/DEF/p'\'' -e q $export_symbols`" ; then + cp "$export_symbols" "$output_objdir/$soname.def"; + echo "$tool_output_objdir$soname.def" > "$output_objdir/$soname.exp"; + else + $SED -e '\''s/^/-link -EXPORT:/'\'' < $export_symbols > $output_objdir/$soname.exp; + fi~ + $CC -o $tool_output_objdir$soname $libobjs $compiler_flags $deplibs "@$tool_output_objdir$soname.exp" -Wl,-DLL,-IMPLIB:"$tool_output_objdir$libname.dll.lib"~ + linknames=' + # The linker will not automatically build a static lib if we build a DLL. + # _LT_TAGVAR(old_archive_from_new_cmds, )='true' + enable_shared_with_static_runtimes=yes + exclude_expsyms='_NULL_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR|_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_.*' + export_symbols_cmds='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | $SED -e '\''/^[BCDGRS][ ]/s/.*[ ]\([^ ]*\)/\1,DATA/'\'' | $SED -e '\''/^[AITW][ ]/s/.*[ ]//'\'' | sort | uniq > $export_symbols' + # Don't use ranlib + old_postinstall_cmds='chmod 644 $oldlib' + postlink_cmds='lt_outputfile="@OUTPUT@"~ + lt_tool_outputfile="@TOOL_OUTPUT@"~ + case $lt_outputfile in + *.exe|*.EXE) ;; + *) + lt_outputfile=$lt_outputfile.exe + lt_tool_outputfile=$lt_tool_outputfile.exe + ;; + esac~ + if test : != "$MANIFEST_TOOL" && test -f "$lt_outputfile.manifest"; then + $MANIFEST_TOOL -manifest "$lt_tool_outputfile.manifest" -outputresource:"$lt_tool_outputfile" || exit 1; + $RM "$lt_outputfile.manifest"; + fi' + ;; + *) + # Assume MSVC wrapper + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=' ' + allow_undefined_flag=unsupported + # Tell ltmain to make .lib files, not .a files. + libext=lib + # Tell ltmain to make .dll files, not .so files. + shrext_cmds=.dll + # FIXME: Setting linknames here is a bad hack. + archive_cmds='$CC -o $lib $libobjs $compiler_flags `func_echo_all "$deplibs" | $SED '\''s/ -lc$//'\''` -link -dll~linknames=' + # The linker will automatically build a .lib file if we build a DLL. + old_archive_from_new_cmds='true' + # FIXME: Should let the user specify the lib program. + old_archive_cmds='lib -OUT:$oldlib$oldobjs$old_deplibs' + enable_shared_with_static_runtimes=yes + ;; + esac + ;; + + darwin* | rhapsody*) + + + archive_cmds_need_lc=no + hardcode_direct=no + hardcode_automatic=yes + hardcode_shlibpath_var=unsupported + if test yes = "$lt_cv_ld_force_load"; then + whole_archive_flag_spec='`for conv in $convenience\"\"; do test -n \"$conv\" && new_convenience=\"$new_convenience $wl-force_load,$conv\"; done; func_echo_all \"$new_convenience\"`' + + else + whole_archive_flag_spec='' + fi + link_all_deplibs=yes + allow_undefined_flag=$_lt_dar_allow_undefined + case $cc_basename in + ifort*|nagfor*) _lt_dar_can_shared=yes ;; + *) _lt_dar_can_shared=$GCC ;; + esac + if test yes = "$_lt_dar_can_shared"; then + output_verbose_link_cmd=func_echo_all + archive_cmds="\$CC -dynamiclib \$allow_undefined_flag -o \$lib \$libobjs \$deplibs \$compiler_flags -install_name \$rpath/\$soname \$verstring $_lt_dar_single_mod$_lt_dsymutil" + module_cmds="\$CC \$allow_undefined_flag -o \$lib -bundle \$libobjs \$deplibs \$compiler_flags$_lt_dsymutil" + archive_expsym_cmds="sed 's|^|_|' < \$export_symbols > \$output_objdir/\$libname-symbols.expsym~\$CC -dynamiclib \$allow_undefined_flag -o \$lib \$libobjs \$deplibs \$compiler_flags -install_name \$rpath/\$soname \$verstring $_lt_dar_single_mod$_lt_dar_export_syms$_lt_dsymutil" + module_expsym_cmds="sed -e 's|^|_|' < \$export_symbols > \$output_objdir/\$libname-symbols.expsym~\$CC \$allow_undefined_flag -o \$lib -bundle \$libobjs \$deplibs \$compiler_flags$_lt_dar_export_syms$_lt_dsymutil" + + else + ld_shlibs=no + fi + + ;; + + dgux*) + archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + # FreeBSD 2.2.[012] allows us to include c++rt0.o to get C++ constructor + # support. Future versions do this automatically, but an explicit c++rt0.o + # does not break anything, and helps significantly (at the cost of a little + # extra space). + freebsd2.2*) + archive_cmds='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags /usr/lib/c++rt0.o' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + # Unfortunately, older versions of FreeBSD 2 do not have this feature. + freebsd2.*) + archive_cmds='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_minus_L=yes + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + # FreeBSD 3 and greater uses gcc -shared to do shared libraries. + freebsd* | dragonfly*) + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + hpux9*) + if test yes = "$GCC"; then + archive_cmds='$RM $output_objdir/$soname~$CC -shared $pic_flag $wl+b $wl$install_libdir -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags~test "x$output_objdir/$soname" = "x$lib" || mv $output_objdir/$soname $lib' + else + archive_cmds='$RM $output_objdir/$soname~$LD -b +b $install_libdir -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags~test "x$output_objdir/$soname" = "x$lib" || mv $output_objdir/$soname $lib' + fi + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl+b $wl$libdir' + hardcode_libdir_separator=: + hardcode_direct=yes + + # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH, + # but as the default location of the library. + hardcode_minus_L=yes + export_dynamic_flag_spec='$wl-E' + ;; + + hpux10*) + if test yes,no = "$GCC,$with_gnu_ld"; then + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag $wl+h $wl$soname $wl+b $wl$install_libdir -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + else + archive_cmds='$LD -b +h $soname +b $install_libdir -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + fi + if test no = "$with_gnu_ld"; then + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl+b $wl$libdir' + hardcode_libdir_separator=: + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_direct_absolute=yes + export_dynamic_flag_spec='$wl-E' + # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH, + # but as the default location of the library. + hardcode_minus_L=yes + fi + ;; + + hpux11*) + if test yes,no = "$GCC,$with_gnu_ld"; then + case $host_cpu in + hppa*64*) + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $wl+h $wl$soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + ;; + ia64*) + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag $wl+h $wl$soname $wl+nodefaultrpath -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + ;; + *) + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag $wl+h $wl$soname $wl+b $wl$install_libdir -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + ;; + esac + else + case $host_cpu in + hppa*64*) + archive_cmds='$CC -b $wl+h $wl$soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + ;; + ia64*) + archive_cmds='$CC -b $wl+h $wl$soname $wl+nodefaultrpath -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + ;; + *) + + # Older versions of the 11.00 compiler do not understand -b yet + # (HP92453-01 A.11.01.20 doesn't, HP92453-01 B.11.X.35175-35176.GP does) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if $CC understands -b" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if $CC understands -b... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_prog_compiler__b+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_prog_compiler__b=no + save_LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -b" + echo "$lt_simple_link_test_code" > conftest.$ac_ext + if (eval $ac_link 2>conftest.err) && test -s conftest$ac_exeext; then + # The linker can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized + # So say no if there are warnings + if test -s conftest.err; then + # Append any errors to the config.log. + cat conftest.err 1>&5 + $ECHO "$_lt_linker_boilerplate" | $SED '/^$/d' > conftest.exp + $SED '/^$/d; /^ *+/d' conftest.err >conftest.er2 + if diff conftest.exp conftest.er2 >/dev/null; then + lt_cv_prog_compiler__b=yes + fi + else + lt_cv_prog_compiler__b=yes + fi + fi + $RM -r conftest* + LDFLAGS=$save_LDFLAGS + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_prog_compiler__b" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_prog_compiler__b" >&6; } + +if test yes = "$lt_cv_prog_compiler__b"; then + archive_cmds='$CC -b $wl+h $wl$soname $wl+b $wl$install_libdir -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' +else + archive_cmds='$LD -b +h $soname +b $install_libdir -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' +fi + + ;; + esac + fi + if test no = "$with_gnu_ld"; then + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl+b $wl$libdir' + hardcode_libdir_separator=: + + case $host_cpu in + hppa*64*|ia64*) + hardcode_direct=no + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + *) + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_direct_absolute=yes + export_dynamic_flag_spec='$wl-E' + + # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH, + # but as the default location of the library. + hardcode_minus_L=yes + ;; + esac + fi + ;; + + irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*) + if test yes = "$GCC"; then + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname `test -n "$verstring" && func_echo_all "$wl-set_version $wl$verstring"` $wl-update_registry $wl$output_objdir/so_locations -o $lib' + # Try to use the -exported_symbol ld option, if it does not + # work, assume that -exports_file does not work either and + # implicitly export all symbols. + # This should be the same for all languages, so no per-tag cache variable. + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether the $host_os linker accepts -exported_symbol" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether the $host_os linker accepts -exported_symbol... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_irix_exported_symbol+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + save_LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -shared $wl-exported_symbol ${wl}foo $wl-update_registry $wl/dev/null" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +int foo (void) { return 0; } +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + lt_cv_irix_exported_symbol=yes +else + lt_cv_irix_exported_symbol=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + LDFLAGS=$save_LDFLAGS +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_irix_exported_symbol" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_irix_exported_symbol" >&6; } + if test yes = "$lt_cv_irix_exported_symbol"; then + archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname `test -n "$verstring" && func_echo_all "$wl-set_version $wl$verstring"` $wl-update_registry $wl$output_objdir/so_locations $wl-exports_file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib' + fi + link_all_deplibs=no + else + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags -soname $soname `test -n "$verstring" && func_echo_all "-set_version $verstring"` -update_registry $output_objdir/so_locations -o $lib' + archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags -soname $soname `test -n "$verstring" && func_echo_all "-set_version $verstring"` -update_registry $output_objdir/so_locations -exports_file $export_symbols -o $lib' + fi + archive_cmds_need_lc='no' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl-rpath $wl$libdir' + hardcode_libdir_separator=: + inherit_rpath=yes + link_all_deplibs=yes + ;; + + linux*) + case $cc_basename in + tcc*) + # Fabrice Bellard et al's Tiny C Compiler + ld_shlibs=yes + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl-rpath $wl$libdir' + ;; + esac + ;; + + netbsd* | netbsdelf*-gnu) + if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | $GREP __ELF__ >/dev/null; then + archive_cmds='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' # a.out + else + archive_cmds='$LD -shared -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' # ELF + fi + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + newsos6) + archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl-rpath $wl$libdir' + hardcode_libdir_separator=: + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + *nto* | *qnx*) + ;; + + openbsd* | bitrig*) + if test -f /usr/libexec/; then + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + hardcode_direct_absolute=yes + if test -z "`echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | $GREP __ELF__`"; then + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-retain-symbols-file,$export_symbols' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl-rpath,$libdir' + export_dynamic_flag_spec='$wl-E' + else + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl-rpath,$libdir' + fi + else + ld_shlibs=no + fi + ;; + + os2*) + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + hardcode_minus_L=yes + allow_undefined_flag=unsupported + shrext_cmds=.dll + archive_cmds='$ECHO "LIBRARY ${soname%$shared_ext} INITINSTANCE TERMINSTANCE" > $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + $ECHO "DESCRIPTION \"$libname\"" >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + $ECHO "DATA MULTIPLE NONSHARED" >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + $ECHO EXPORTS >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + emxexp $libobjs | $SED /"_DLL_InitTerm"/d >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + $CC -Zdll -Zcrtdll -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + emximp -o $lib $output_objdir/$libname.def' + archive_expsym_cmds='$ECHO "LIBRARY ${soname%$shared_ext} INITINSTANCE TERMINSTANCE" > $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + $ECHO "DESCRIPTION \"$libname\"" >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + $ECHO "DATA MULTIPLE NONSHARED" >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + $ECHO EXPORTS >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + prefix_cmds="$SED"~ + if test EXPORTS = "`$SED 1q $export_symbols`"; then + prefix_cmds="$prefix_cmds -e 1d"; + fi~ + prefix_cmds="$prefix_cmds -e \"s/^\(.*\)$/_\1/g\""~ + cat $export_symbols | $prefix_cmds >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + $CC -Zdll -Zcrtdll -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $output_objdir/$libname.def~ + emximp -o $lib $output_objdir/$libname.def' + old_archive_From_new_cmds='emximp -o $output_objdir/${libname}_dll.a $output_objdir/$libname.def' + enable_shared_with_static_runtimes=yes + ;; + + osf3*) + if test yes = "$GCC"; then + allow_undefined_flag=' $wl-expect_unresolved $wl\*' + archive_cmds='$CC -shared$allow_undefined_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-soname $wl$soname `test -n "$verstring" && func_echo_all "$wl-set_version $wl$verstring"` $wl-update_registry $wl$output_objdir/so_locations -o $lib' + else + allow_undefined_flag=' -expect_unresolved \*' + archive_cmds='$CC -shared$allow_undefined_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags -soname $soname `test -n "$verstring" && func_echo_all "-set_version $verstring"` -update_registry $output_objdir/so_locations -o $lib' + fi + archive_cmds_need_lc='no' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl-rpath $wl$libdir' + hardcode_libdir_separator=: + ;; + + osf4* | osf5*) # as osf3* with the addition of -msym flag + if test yes = "$GCC"; then + allow_undefined_flag=' $wl-expect_unresolved $wl\*' + archive_cmds='$CC -shared$allow_undefined_flag $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags $wl-msym $wl-soname $wl$soname `test -n "$verstring" && func_echo_all "$wl-set_version $wl$verstring"` $wl-update_registry $wl$output_objdir/so_locations -o $lib' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl-rpath $wl$libdir' + else + allow_undefined_flag=' -expect_unresolved \*' + archive_cmds='$CC -shared$allow_undefined_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags -msym -soname $soname `test -n "$verstring" && func_echo_all "-set_version $verstring"` -update_registry $output_objdir/so_locations -o $lib' + archive_expsym_cmds='for i in `cat $export_symbols`; do printf "%s %s\\n" -exported_symbol "\$i" >> $lib.exp; done; printf "%s\\n" "-hidden">> $lib.exp~ + $CC -shared$allow_undefined_flag $wl-input $wl$lib.exp $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs -soname $soname `test -n "$verstring" && $ECHO "-set_version $verstring"` -update_registry $output_objdir/so_locations -o $lib~$RM $lib.exp' + + # Both c and cxx compiler support -rpath directly + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-rpath $libdir' + fi + archive_cmds_need_lc='no' + hardcode_libdir_separator=: + ;; + + solaris*) + no_undefined_flag=' -z defs' + if test yes = "$GCC"; then + wlarc='$wl' + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $pic_flag $wl-z ${wl}text $wl-h $wl$soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + archive_expsym_cmds='echo "{ global:" > $lib.exp~cat $export_symbols | $SED -e "s/\(.*\)/\1;/" >> $lib.exp~echo "local: *; };" >> $lib.exp~ + $CC -shared $pic_flag $wl-z ${wl}text $wl-M $wl$lib.exp $wl-h $wl$soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags~$RM $lib.exp' + else + case `$CC -V 2>&1` in + *"Compilers 5.0"*) + wlarc='' + archive_cmds='$LD -G$allow_undefined_flag -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + archive_expsym_cmds='echo "{ global:" > $lib.exp~cat $export_symbols | $SED -e "s/\(.*\)/\1;/" >> $lib.exp~echo "local: *; };" >> $lib.exp~ + $LD -G$allow_undefined_flag -M $lib.exp -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags~$RM $lib.exp' + ;; + *) + wlarc='$wl' + archive_cmds='$CC -G$allow_undefined_flag -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + archive_expsym_cmds='echo "{ global:" > $lib.exp~cat $export_symbols | $SED -e "s/\(.*\)/\1;/" >> $lib.exp~echo "local: *; };" >> $lib.exp~ + $CC -G$allow_undefined_flag -M $lib.exp -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags~$RM $lib.exp' + ;; + esac + fi + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + case $host_os in + solaris2.[0-5] | solaris2.[0-5].*) ;; + *) + # The compiler driver will combine and reorder linker options, + # but understands '-z linker_flag'. GCC discards it without '$wl', + # but is careful enough not to reorder. + # Supported since Solaris 2.6 (maybe 2.5.1?) + if test yes = "$GCC"; then + whole_archive_flag_spec='$wl-z ${wl}allextract$convenience $wl-z ${wl}defaultextract' + else + whole_archive_flag_spec='-z allextract$convenience -z defaultextract' + fi + ;; + esac + link_all_deplibs=yes + ;; + + sunos4*) + if test sequent = "$host_vendor"; then + # Use $CC to link under sequent, because it throws in some extra .o + # files that make .init and .fini sections work. + archive_cmds='$CC -G $wl-h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + else + archive_cmds='$LD -assert pure-text -Bstatic -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + fi + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_minus_L=yes + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + sysv4) + case $host_vendor in + sni) + archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + hardcode_direct=yes # is this really true??? + ;; + siemens) + ## LD is ld it makes a PLAMLIB + ## CC just makes a GrossModule. + archive_cmds='$LD -G -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + reload_cmds='$CC -r -o $output$reload_objs' + hardcode_direct=no + ;; + motorola) + archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + hardcode_direct=no #Motorola manual says yes, but my tests say they lie + ;; + esac + runpath_var='LD_RUN_PATH' + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + sysv4.3*) + archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + export_dynamic_flag_spec='-Bexport' + ;; + + sysv4*MP*) + if test -d /usr/nec; then + archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH + hardcode_runpath_var=yes + ld_shlibs=yes + fi + ;; + + sysv4*uw2* | sysv5OpenUNIX* | sysv5UnixWare7.[01].[10]* | unixware7* | sco3.2v5.0.[024]*) + no_undefined_flag='$wl-z,text' + archive_cmds_need_lc=no + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + runpath_var='LD_RUN_PATH' + + if test yes = "$GCC"; then + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $wl-h,$soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -shared $wl-Bexport:$export_symbols $wl-h,$soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + else + archive_cmds='$CC -G $wl-h,$soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -G $wl-Bexport:$export_symbols $wl-h,$soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + fi + ;; + + sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6*) + # Note: We CANNOT use -z defs as we might desire, because we do not + # link with -lc, and that would cause any symbols used from libc to + # always be unresolved, which means just about no library would + # ever link correctly. If we're not using GNU ld we use -z text + # though, which does catch some bad symbols but isn't as heavy-handed + # as -z defs. + no_undefined_flag='$wl-z,text' + allow_undefined_flag='$wl-z,nodefs' + archive_cmds_need_lc=no + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='$wl-R,$libdir' + hardcode_libdir_separator=':' + link_all_deplibs=yes + export_dynamic_flag_spec='$wl-Bexport' + runpath_var='LD_RUN_PATH' + + if test yes = "$GCC"; then + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $wl-h,$soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -shared $wl-Bexport:$export_symbols $wl-h,$soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + else + archive_cmds='$CC -G $wl-h,$soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -G $wl-Bexport:$export_symbols $wl-h,$soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags' + fi + ;; + + uts4*) + archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + *) + ld_shlibs=no + ;; + esac + + if test sni = "$host_vendor"; then + case $host in + sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3* | sysv5*) + export_dynamic_flag_spec='$wl-Blargedynsym' + ;; + esac + fi + fi + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ld_shlibs" >&5 +$as_echo "$ld_shlibs" >&6; } +test no = "$ld_shlibs" && can_build_shared=no + +with_gnu_ld=$with_gnu_ld + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +# +# Do we need to explicitly link libc? +# +case "x$archive_cmds_need_lc" in +x|xyes) + # Assume -lc should be added + archive_cmds_need_lc=yes + + if test yes,yes = "$GCC,$enable_shared"; then + case $archive_cmds in + *'~'*) + # FIXME: we may have to deal with multi-command sequences. + ;; + '$CC '*) + # Test whether the compiler implicitly links with -lc since on some + # systems, -lgcc has to come before -lc. If gcc already passes -lc + # to ld, don't add -lc before -lgcc. + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_archive_cmds_need_lc+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + $RM conftest* + echo "$lt_simple_compile_test_code" > conftest.$ac_ext + + if { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$ac_compile\""; } >&5 + (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; } 2>conftest.err; then + soname=conftest + lib=conftest + libobjs=conftest.$ac_objext + deplibs= + wl=$lt_prog_compiler_wl + pic_flag=$lt_prog_compiler_pic + compiler_flags=-v + linker_flags=-v + verstring= + output_objdir=. + libname=conftest + lt_save_allow_undefined_flag=$allow_undefined_flag + allow_undefined_flag= + if { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$archive_cmds 2\>\&1 \| $GREP \" -lc \" \>/dev/null 2\>\&1\""; } >&5 + (eval $archive_cmds 2\>\&1 \| $GREP \" -lc \" \>/dev/null 2\>\&1) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; } + then + lt_cv_archive_cmds_need_lc=no + else + lt_cv_archive_cmds_need_lc=yes + fi + allow_undefined_flag=$lt_save_allow_undefined_flag + else + cat conftest.err 1>&5 + fi + $RM conftest* + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_archive_cmds_need_lc" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_archive_cmds_need_lc" >&6; } + archive_cmds_need_lc=$lt_cv_archive_cmds_need_lc + ;; + esac + fi + ;; +esac + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking dynamic linker characteristics" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking dynamic linker characteristics... " >&6; } + +if test yes = "$GCC"; then + case $host_os in + darwin*) lt_awk_arg='/^libraries:/,/LR/' ;; + *) lt_awk_arg='/^libraries:/' ;; + esac + case $host_os in + mingw* | cegcc*) lt_sed_strip_eq='s|=\([A-Za-z]:\)|\1|g' ;; + *) lt_sed_strip_eq='s|=/|/|g' ;; + esac + lt_search_path_spec=`$CC -print-search-dirs | awk $lt_awk_arg | $SED -e "s/^libraries://" -e $lt_sed_strip_eq` + case $lt_search_path_spec in + *\;*) + # if the path contains ";" then we assume it to be the separator + # otherwise default to the standard path separator (i.e. ":") - it is + # assumed that no part of a normal pathname contains ";" but that should + # okay in the real world where ";" in dirpaths is itself problematic. + lt_search_path_spec=`$ECHO "$lt_search_path_spec" | $SED 's/;/ /g'` + ;; + *) + lt_search_path_spec=`$ECHO "$lt_search_path_spec" | $SED "s/$PATH_SEPARATOR/ /g"` + ;; + esac + # Ok, now we have the path, separated by spaces, we can step through it + # and add multilib dir if necessary... + lt_tmp_lt_search_path_spec= + lt_multi_os_dir=/`$CC $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS -print-multi-os-directory 2>/dev/null` + # ...but if some path component already ends with the multilib dir we assume + # that all is fine and trust -print-search-dirs as is (GCC 4.2? or newer). + case "$lt_multi_os_dir; $lt_search_path_spec " in + "/; "* | "/.; "* | "/./; "* | *"$lt_multi_os_dir "* | *"$lt_multi_os_dir/ "*) + lt_multi_os_dir= + ;; + esac + for lt_sys_path in $lt_search_path_spec; do + if test -d "$lt_sys_path$lt_multi_os_dir"; then + lt_tmp_lt_search_path_spec="$lt_tmp_lt_search_path_spec $lt_sys_path$lt_multi_os_dir" + elif test -n "$lt_multi_os_dir"; then + test -d "$lt_sys_path" && \ + lt_tmp_lt_search_path_spec="$lt_tmp_lt_search_path_spec $lt_sys_path" + fi + done + lt_search_path_spec=`$ECHO "$lt_tmp_lt_search_path_spec" | awk ' +BEGIN {RS = " "; FS = "/|\n";} { + lt_foo = ""; + lt_count = 0; + for (lt_i = NF; lt_i > 0; lt_i--) { + if ($lt_i != "" && $lt_i != ".") { + if ($lt_i == "..") { + lt_count++; + } else { + if (lt_count == 0) { + lt_foo = "/" $lt_i lt_foo; + } else { + lt_count--; + } + } + } + } + if (lt_foo != "") { lt_freq[lt_foo]++; } + if (lt_freq[lt_foo] == 1) { print lt_foo; } +}'` + # AWK program above erroneously prepends '/' to C:/dos/paths + # for these hosts. + case $host_os in + mingw* | cegcc*) lt_search_path_spec=`$ECHO "$lt_search_path_spec" |\ + $SED 's|/\([A-Za-z]:\)|\1|g'` ;; + esac + sys_lib_search_path_spec=`$ECHO "$lt_search_path_spec" | $lt_NL2SP` +else + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib" +fi +library_names_spec= +libname_spec='lib$name' +soname_spec= +postinstall_cmds= +postuninstall_cmds= +finish_cmds= +finish_eval= +shlibpath_var= +shlibpath_overrides_runpath=unknown +version_type=none +dynamic_linker="$host_os" +sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/lib /usr/lib" +need_lib_prefix=unknown +hardcode_into_libs=no + +# when you set need_version to no, make sure it does not cause -set_version +# flags to be left without arguments +need_version=unknown + + + +case $host_os in +aix3*) + version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname.a' + shlibpath_var=LIBPATH + + # AIX 3 has no versioning support, so we append a major version to the name. + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + ;; + +aix[4-9]*) + version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + hardcode_into_libs=yes + if test ia64 = "$host_cpu"; then + # AIX 5 supports IA64 + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$shared_ext' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + else + # With GCC up to 2.95.x, collect2 would create an import file + # for dependence libraries. The import file would start with + # the line '#! .'. This would cause the generated library to + # depend on '.', always an invalid library. This was fixed in + # development snapshots of GCC prior to 3.0. + case $host_os in + aix4 | aix4.[01] | aix4.[01].*) + if { echo '#if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 97)' + echo ' yes ' + echo '#endif'; } | $CC -E - | $GREP yes > /dev/null; then + : + else + can_build_shared=no + fi + ;; + esac + # Using Import Files as archive members, it is possible to support + # filename-based versioning of shared library archives on AIX. While + # this would work for both with and without runtime linking, it will + # prevent static linking of such archives. So we do filename-based + # shared library versioning with .so extension only, which is used + # when both runtime linking and shared linking is enabled. + # Unfortunately, runtime linking may impact performance, so we do + # not want this to be the default eventually. Also, we use the + # versioned .so libs for executables only if there is the -brtl + # linker flag in LDFLAGS as well, or --with-aix-soname=svr4 only. + # To allow for filename-based versioning support, we need to create + # as an archive file, containing: + # *) an Import File, referring to the versioned filename of the + # archive as well as the shared archive member, telling the + # bitwidth (32 or 64) of that shared object, and providing the + # list of exported symbols of that shared object, eventually + # decorated with the 'weak' keyword + # *) the shared object with the F_LOADONLY flag set, to really avoid + # it being seen by the linker. + # At run time we better use the real file rather than another symlink, + # but for link time we create the symlink -> + + case $with_aix_soname,$aix_use_runtimelinking in + # AIX (on Power*) has no versioning support, so currently we cannot hardcode correct + # soname into executable. Probably we can add versioning support to + # collect2, so additional links can be useful in future. + aix,yes) # traditional libtool + dynamic_linker='AIX unversionable' + # If using run time linking (on AIX 4.2 or later) use + # instead of lib.a to let people know that these are not + # typical AIX shared libraries. + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + ;; + aix,no) # traditional AIX only + dynamic_linker='AIX lib.a(' + # We preserve .a as extension for shared libraries through AIX4.2 + # and later when we are not doing run time linking. + library_names_spec='$libname$release.a $libname.a' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + ;; + svr4,*) # full svr4 only + dynamic_linker="AIX$shared_archive_member_spec.o)" + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + # We do not specify a path in Import Files, so LIBPATH fires. + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + ;; + *,yes) # both, prefer svr4 + dynamic_linker="AIX$shared_archive_member_spec.o), lib.a(" + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + # unpreferred sharedlib libNAME.a needs extra handling + postinstall_cmds='test -n "$linkname" || linkname="$realname"~func_stripname "" ".so" "$linkname"~$install_shared_prog "$dir/$func_stripname_result.$libext" "$destdir/$func_stripname_result.$libext"~test -z "$tstripme" || test -z "$striplib" || $striplib "$destdir/$func_stripname_result.$libext"' + postuninstall_cmds='for n in $library_names $old_library; do :; done~func_stripname "" ".so" "$n"~test "$func_stripname_result" = "$n" || func_append rmfiles " $odir/$func_stripname_result.$libext"' + # We do not specify a path in Import Files, so LIBPATH fires. + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + ;; + *,no) # both, prefer aix + dynamic_linker="AIX lib.a(,$shared_archive_member_spec.o)" + library_names_spec='$libname$release.a $libname.a' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + # unpreferred sharedlib and symlink need extra handling + postinstall_cmds='test -z "$dlname" || $install_shared_prog $dir/$dlname $destdir/$dlname~test -z "$tstripme" || test -z "$striplib" || $striplib $destdir/$dlname~test -n "$linkname" || linkname=$realname~func_stripname "" ".a" "$linkname"~(cd "$destdir" && $LN_S -f $dlname $' + postuninstall_cmds='test -z "$dlname" || func_append rmfiles " $odir/$dlname"~for n in $old_library $library_names; do :; done~func_stripname "" ".a" "$n"~func_append rmfiles " $odir/$"' + ;; + esac + shlibpath_var=LIBPATH + fi + ;; + +amigaos*) + case $host_cpu in + powerpc) + # Since July 2007 AmigaOS4 officially supports .so libraries. + # When compiling the executable, add -use-dynld -Lsobjs: to the compileline. + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + ;; + m68k) + library_names_spec='$libname.ixlibrary $libname.a' + # Create ${libname}_ixlibrary.a entries in /sys/libs. + finish_eval='for lib in `ls $libdir/*.ixlibrary 2>/dev/null`; do libname=`func_echo_all "$lib" | $SED '\''s%^.*/\([^/]*\)\.ixlibrary$%\1%'\''`; $RM /sys/libs/${libname}_ixlibrary.a; $show "cd /sys/libs && $LN_S $lib ${libname}_ixlibrary.a"; cd /sys/libs && $LN_S $lib ${libname}_ixlibrary.a || exit 1; done' + ;; + esac + ;; + +beos*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shared_ext' + dynamic_linker="$host_os" + shlibpath_var=LIBRARY_PATH + ;; + +bsdi[45]*) + version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor + need_version=no + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig $libdir' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/shlib /usr/lib /usr/X11/lib /usr/contrib/lib /lib /usr/local/lib" + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/shlib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib" + # the default also contains /usr/contrib/lib and + # /usr/X11R6/lib (/usr/X11 is a link to /usr/X11R6), but let us allow + # libtool to hard-code these into programs + ;; + +cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) + version_type=windows + shrext_cmds=.dll + need_version=no + need_lib_prefix=no + + case $GCC,$cc_basename in + yes,*) + # gcc + library_names_spec='$libname.dll.a' + # DLL is installed to $(libdir)/../bin by postinstall_cmds + postinstall_cmds='base_file=`basename \$file`~ + dlpath=`$SHELL 2>&1 -c '\''. $dir/'\''\$base_file'\''i; echo \$dlname'\''`~ + dldir=$destdir/`dirname \$dlpath`~ + test -d \$dldir || mkdir -p \$dldir~ + $install_prog $dir/$dlname \$dldir/$dlname~ + chmod a+x \$dldir/$dlname~ + if test -n '\''$stripme'\'' && test -n '\''$striplib'\''; then + eval '\''$striplib \$dldir/$dlname'\'' || exit \$?; + fi' + postuninstall_cmds='dldll=`$SHELL 2>&1 -c '\''. $file; echo \$dlname'\''`~ + dlpath=$dir/\$dldll~ + $RM \$dlpath' + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + + case $host_os in + cygwin*) + # Cygwin DLLs use 'cyg' prefix rather than 'lib' + soname_spec='`echo $libname | sed -e 's/^lib/cyg/'``echo $release | $SED -e 's/[.]/-/g'`$versuffix$shared_ext' + + sys_lib_search_path_spec="$sys_lib_search_path_spec /usr/lib/w32api" + ;; + mingw* | cegcc*) + # MinGW DLLs use traditional 'lib' prefix + soname_spec='$libname`echo $release | $SED -e 's/[.]/-/g'`$versuffix$shared_ext' + ;; + pw32*) + # pw32 DLLs use 'pw' prefix rather than 'lib' + library_names_spec='`echo $libname | sed -e 's/^lib/pw/'``echo $release | $SED -e 's/[.]/-/g'`$versuffix$shared_ext' + ;; + esac + dynamic_linker='Win32 ld.exe' + ;; + + *,cl*) + # Native MSVC + libname_spec='$name' + soname_spec='$libname`echo $release | $SED -e 's/[.]/-/g'`$versuffix$shared_ext' + library_names_spec='$libname.dll.lib' + + case $build_os in + mingw*) + sys_lib_search_path_spec= + lt_save_ifs=$IFS + IFS=';' + for lt_path in $LIB + do + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + # Let DOS variable expansion print the short 8.3 style file name. + lt_path=`cd "$lt_path" 2>/dev/null && cmd //C "for %i in (".") do @echo %~si"` + sys_lib_search_path_spec="$sys_lib_search_path_spec $lt_path" + done + IFS=$lt_save_ifs + # Convert to MSYS style. + sys_lib_search_path_spec=`$ECHO "$sys_lib_search_path_spec" | sed -e 's|\\\\|/|g' -e 's| \\([a-zA-Z]\\):| /\\1|g' -e 's|^ ||'` + ;; + cygwin*) + # Convert to unix form, then to dos form, then back to unix form + # but this time dos style (no spaces!) so that the unix form looks + # like /cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1:/cygdr... + sys_lib_search_path_spec=`cygpath --path --unix "$LIB"` + sys_lib_search_path_spec=`cygpath --path --dos "$sys_lib_search_path_spec" 2>/dev/null` + sys_lib_search_path_spec=`cygpath --path --unix "$sys_lib_search_path_spec" | $SED -e "s/$PATH_SEPARATOR/ /g"` + ;; + *) + sys_lib_search_path_spec=$LIB + if $ECHO "$sys_lib_search_path_spec" | $GREP ';[c-zC-Z]:/' >/dev/null; then + # It is most probably a Windows format PATH. + sys_lib_search_path_spec=`$ECHO "$sys_lib_search_path_spec" | $SED -e 's/;/ /g'` + else + sys_lib_search_path_spec=`$ECHO "$sys_lib_search_path_spec" | $SED -e "s/$PATH_SEPARATOR/ /g"` + fi + # FIXME: find the short name or the path components, as spaces are + # common. (e.g. "Program Files" -> "PROGRA~1") + ;; + esac + + # DLL is installed to $(libdir)/../bin by postinstall_cmds + postinstall_cmds='base_file=`basename \$file`~ + dlpath=`$SHELL 2>&1 -c '\''. $dir/'\''\$base_file'\''i; echo \$dlname'\''`~ + dldir=$destdir/`dirname \$dlpath`~ + test -d \$dldir || mkdir -p \$dldir~ + $install_prog $dir/$dlname \$dldir/$dlname' + postuninstall_cmds='dldll=`$SHELL 2>&1 -c '\''. $file; echo \$dlname'\''`~ + dlpath=$dir/\$dldll~ + $RM \$dlpath' + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + dynamic_linker='Win32 link.exe' + ;; + + *) + # Assume MSVC wrapper + library_names_spec='$libname`echo $release | $SED -e 's/[.]/-/g'`$versuffix$shared_ext $libname.lib' + dynamic_linker='Win32 ld.exe' + ;; + esac + # FIXME: first we should search . and the directory the executable is in + shlibpath_var=PATH + ;; + +darwin* | rhapsody*) + dynamic_linker="$host_os dyld" + version_type=darwin + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='$libname$release$major$shared_ext $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$major$shared_ext' + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + shlibpath_var=DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH + shrext_cmds='`test .$module = .yes && echo .so || echo .dylib`' + + sys_lib_search_path_spec="$sys_lib_search_path_spec /usr/local/lib" + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec='/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib' + ;; + +dgux*) + version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + ;; + +freebsd* | dragonfly*) + # DragonFly does not have aout. When/if they implement a new + # versioning mechanism, adjust this. + if test -x /usr/bin/objformat; then + objformat=`/usr/bin/objformat` + else + case $host_os in + freebsd[23].*) objformat=aout ;; + *) objformat=elf ;; + esac + fi + version_type=freebsd-$objformat + case $version_type in + freebsd-elf*) + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + need_version=no + need_lib_prefix=no + ;; + freebsd-*) + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$shared_ext$versuffix' + need_version=yes + ;; + esac + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + case $host_os in + freebsd2.*) + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + ;; + freebsd3.[01]* | freebsdelf3.[01]*) + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + hardcode_into_libs=yes + ;; + freebsd3.[2-9]* | freebsdelf3.[2-9]* | \ + freebsd4.[0-5] | freebsdelf4.[0-5] | freebsd4.1.1 | freebsdelf4.1.1) + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + hardcode_into_libs=yes + ;; + *) # from 4.6 on, and DragonFly + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + hardcode_into_libs=yes + ;; + esac + ;; + +haiku*) + version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + dynamic_linker="$host_os runtime_loader" + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + shlibpath_var=LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec='/boot/home/config/lib /boot/common/lib /boot/system/lib' + hardcode_into_libs=yes + ;; + +hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*) + # Give a soname corresponding to the major version so that refuses to + # link against other versions. + version_type=sunos + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + case $host_cpu in + ia64*) + shrext_cmds='.so' + hardcode_into_libs=yes + dynamic_linker="$host_os" + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes # Unless +noenvvar is specified. + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + if test 32 = "$HPUX_IA64_MODE"; then + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/lib/hpux32 /usr/local/lib/hpux32 /usr/local/lib" + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec=/usr/lib/hpux32 + else + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/lib/hpux64 /usr/local/lib/hpux64" + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec=/usr/lib/hpux64 + fi + ;; + hppa*64*) + shrext_cmds='.sl' + hardcode_into_libs=yes + dynamic_linker="$host_os" + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH # How should we handle SHLIB_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes # Unless +noenvvar is specified. + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/lib/pa20_64 /usr/ccs/lib/pa20_64" + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec=$sys_lib_search_path_spec + ;; + *) + shrext_cmds='.sl' + dynamic_linker="$host_os" + shlibpath_var=SHLIB_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no # +s is required to enable SHLIB_PATH + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + ;; + esac + # HP-UX runs *really* slowly unless shared libraries are mode 555, ... + postinstall_cmds='chmod 555 $lib' + # or fails outright, so override atomically: + install_override_mode=555 + ;; + +interix[3-9]*) + version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + dynamic_linker='Interix 3.x (PE, like ELF)' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + hardcode_into_libs=yes + ;; + +irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*) + case $host_os in + nonstopux*) version_type=nonstopux ;; + *) + if test yes = "$lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld"; then + version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor + else + version_type=irix + fi ;; + esac + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$release$shared_ext $libname$shared_ext' + case $host_os in + irix5* | nonstopux*) + libsuff= shlibsuff= + ;; + *) + case $LD in # libtool.m4 will add one of these switches to LD + *-32|*"-32 "|*-melf32bsmip|*"-melf32bsmip ") + libsuff= shlibsuff= libmagic=32-bit;; + *-n32|*"-n32 "|*-melf32bmipn32|*"-melf32bmipn32 ") + libsuff=32 shlibsuff=N32 libmagic=N32;; + *-64|*"-64 "|*-melf64bmip|*"-melf64bmip ") + libsuff=64 shlibsuff=64 libmagic=64-bit;; + *) libsuff= shlibsuff= libmagic=never-match;; + esac + ;; + esac + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY${shlibsuff}_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/lib$libsuff /lib$libsuff /usr/local/lib$libsuff" + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/usr/lib$libsuff /lib$libsuff" + hardcode_into_libs=yes + ;; + +# No shared lib support for Linux oldld, aout, or coff. +linux*oldld* | linux*aout* | linux*coff*) + dynamic_linker=no + ;; + +linux*android*) + version_type=none # Android doesn't support versioned libraries. + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext' + finish_cmds= + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + + # This implies no fast_install, which is unacceptable. + # Some rework will be needed to allow for fast_install + # before this can be enabled. + hardcode_into_libs=yes + + dynamic_linker='Android linker' + # Don't embed -rpath directories since the linker doesn't support them. + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + ;; + +# This must be glibc/ELF. +linux* | k*bsd*-gnu | kopensolaris*-gnu | gnu*) + version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -n $libdir' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + + # Some binutils ld are patched to set DT_RUNPATH + if ${lt_cv_shlibpath_overrides_runpath+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + lt_cv_shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + save_LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS + save_libdir=$libdir + eval "libdir=/foo; wl=\"$lt_prog_compiler_wl\"; \ + LDFLAGS=\"\$LDFLAGS $hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\"" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + if ($OBJDUMP -p conftest$ac_exeext) 2>/dev/null | grep "RUNPATH.*$libdir" >/dev/null; then : + lt_cv_shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes +fi +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + LDFLAGS=$save_LDFLAGS + libdir=$save_libdir + +fi + + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=$lt_cv_shlibpath_overrides_runpath + + # This implies no fast_install, which is unacceptable. + # Some rework will be needed to allow for fast_install + # before this can be enabled. + hardcode_into_libs=yes + + # Ideally, we could use ldconfig to report *all* directores which are + # searched for libraries, however this is still not possible. Aside from not + # being certain /sbin/ldconfig is available, command + # 'ldconfig -N -X -v | grep ^/' on 64bit Fedora does not report /usr/lib64, + # even though it is searched at run-time. Try to do the best guess by + # appending contents (and includes) to the search path. + if test -f /etc/; then + lt_ld_extra=`awk '/^include / { system(sprintf("cd /etc; cat %s 2>/dev/null", \$2)); skip = 1; } { if (!skip) print \$0; skip = 0; }' < /etc/ | $SED -e 's/#.*//;/^[ ]*hwcap[ ]/d;s/[:, ]/ /g;s/=[^=]*$//;s/=[^= ]* / /g;s/"//g;/^$/d' | tr '\n' ' '` + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/lib /usr/lib $lt_ld_extra" + fi + + # We used to test for /lib/ and disable shared libraries on + # powerpc, because MkLinux only supported shared libraries with the + # GNU dynamic linker. Since this was broken with cross compilers, + # most powerpc-linux boxes support dynamic linking these days and + # people can always --disable-shared, the test was removed, and we + # assume the GNU/Linux dynamic linker is in use. + dynamic_linker='GNU/Linux' + ;; + +netbsdelf*-gnu) + version_type=linux + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major ${libname}${shared_ext}' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + hardcode_into_libs=yes + dynamic_linker='NetBSD ld.elf_so' + ;; + +netbsd*) + version_type=sunos + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | $GREP __ELF__ >/dev/null; then + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$shared_ext$versuffix' + finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -m $libdir' + dynamic_linker='NetBSD (a.out)' + else + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + dynamic_linker='NetBSD ld.elf_so' + fi + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + hardcode_into_libs=yes + ;; + +newsos6) + version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + ;; + +*nto* | *qnx*) + version_type=qnx + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + hardcode_into_libs=yes + dynamic_linker='' + ;; + +openbsd* | bitrig*) + version_type=sunos + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec=/usr/lib + need_lib_prefix=no + if test -z "`echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | $GREP __ELF__`"; then + need_version=no + else + need_version=yes + fi + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$shared_ext$versuffix' + finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -m $libdir' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + ;; + +os2*) + libname_spec='$name' + version_type=windows + shrext_cmds=.dll + need_version=no + need_lib_prefix=no + # OS/2 can only load a DLL with a base name of 8 characters or less. + soname_spec='`test -n "$os2dllname" && libname="$os2dllname"; + v=$($ECHO $release$versuffix | tr -d .-); + n=$($ECHO $libname | cut -b -$((8 - ${#v})) | tr . _); + $ECHO $n$v`$shared_ext' + library_names_spec='${libname}_dll.$libext' + dynamic_linker='OS/2 ld.exe' + shlibpath_var=BEGINLIBPATH + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib" + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec=$sys_lib_search_path_spec + postinstall_cmds='base_file=`basename \$file`~ + dlpath=`$SHELL 2>&1 -c '\''. $dir/'\''\$base_file'\''i; $ECHO \$dlname'\''`~ + dldir=$destdir/`dirname \$dlpath`~ + test -d \$dldir || mkdir -p \$dldir~ + $install_prog $dir/$dlname \$dldir/$dlname~ + chmod a+x \$dldir/$dlname~ + if test -n '\''$stripme'\'' && test -n '\''$striplib'\''; then + eval '\''$striplib \$dldir/$dlname'\'' || exit \$?; + fi' + postuninstall_cmds='dldll=`$SHELL 2>&1 -c '\''. $file; $ECHO \$dlname'\''`~ + dlpath=$dir/\$dldll~ + $RM \$dlpath' + ;; + +osf3* | osf4* | osf5*) + version_type=osf + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/shlib /usr/ccs/lib /usr/lib/cmplrs/cc /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /var/shlib" + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec=$sys_lib_search_path_spec + ;; + +rdos*) + dynamic_linker=no + ;; + +solaris*) + version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + hardcode_into_libs=yes + # ldd complains unless libraries are executable + postinstall_cmds='chmod +x $lib' + ;; + +sunos4*) + version_type=sunos + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$shared_ext$versuffix' + finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/usr/etc" ldconfig $libdir' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + if test yes = "$with_gnu_ld"; then + need_lib_prefix=no + fi + need_version=yes + ;; + +sysv4 | sysv4.3*) + version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + case $host_vendor in + sni) + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + need_lib_prefix=no + runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH + ;; + siemens) + need_lib_prefix=no + ;; + motorola) + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + sys_lib_search_path_spec='/lib /usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib' + ;; + esac + ;; + +sysv4*MP*) + if test -d /usr/nec; then + version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor + library_names_spec='$libname$shared_ext.$versuffix $libname$shared_ext.$major $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$shared_ext.$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + fi + ;; + +sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | unixware* | OpenUNIX* | sysv4*uw2*) + version_type=sco + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + hardcode_into_libs=yes + if test yes = "$with_gnu_ld"; then + sys_lib_search_path_spec='/usr/local/lib /usr/gnu/lib /usr/ccs/lib /usr/lib /lib' + else + sys_lib_search_path_spec='/usr/ccs/lib /usr/lib' + case $host_os in + sco3.2v5*) + sys_lib_search_path_spec="$sys_lib_search_path_spec /lib" + ;; + esac + fi + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec='/usr/lib' + ;; + +tpf*) + # TPF is a cross-target only. Preferred cross-host = GNU/Linux. + version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + hardcode_into_libs=yes + ;; + +uts4*) + version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor + library_names_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$versuffix $libname$release$shared_ext$major $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='$libname$release$shared_ext$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + ;; + +*) + dynamic_linker=no + ;; +esac +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $dynamic_linker" >&5 +$as_echo "$dynamic_linker" >&6; } +test no = "$dynamic_linker" && can_build_shared=no + +variables_saved_for_relink="PATH $shlibpath_var $runpath_var" +if test yes = "$GCC"; then + variables_saved_for_relink="$variables_saved_for_relink GCC_EXEC_PREFIX COMPILER_PATH LIBRARY_PATH" +fi + +if test set = "${lt_cv_sys_lib_search_path_spec+set}"; then + sys_lib_search_path_spec=$lt_cv_sys_lib_search_path_spec +fi + +if test set = "${lt_cv_sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec+set}"; then + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec=$lt_cv_sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec +fi + +# remember unaugmented sys_lib_dlsearch_path content for libtool script decls... +configure_time_dlsearch_path=$sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec + +# ... but it needs LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH munging for other configure-time code +func_munge_path_list sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec "$LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH" + +# to be used as default LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH value in generated libtool +configure_time_lt_sys_library_path=$LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking how to hardcode library paths into programs" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... " >&6; } +hardcode_action= +if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" || + test -n "$runpath_var" || + test yes = "$hardcode_automatic"; then + + # We can hardcode non-existent directories. + if test no != "$hardcode_direct" && + # If the only mechanism to avoid hardcoding is shlibpath_var, we + # have to relink, otherwise we might link with an installed library + # when we should be linking with a yet-to-be-installed one + ## test no != "$_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, )" && + test no != "$hardcode_minus_L"; then + # Linking always hardcodes the temporary library directory. + hardcode_action=relink + else + # We can link without hardcoding, and we can hardcode nonexisting dirs. + hardcode_action=immediate + fi +else + # We cannot hardcode anything, or else we can only hardcode existing + # directories. + hardcode_action=unsupported +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $hardcode_action" >&5 +$as_echo "$hardcode_action" >&6; } + +if test relink = "$hardcode_action" || + test yes = "$inherit_rpath"; then + # Fast installation is not supported + enable_fast_install=no +elif test yes = "$shlibpath_overrides_runpath" || + test no = "$enable_shared"; then + # Fast installation is not necessary + enable_fast_install=needless +fi + + + + + + + if test yes != "$enable_dlopen"; then + enable_dlopen=unknown + enable_dlopen_self=unknown + enable_dlopen_self_static=unknown +else + lt_cv_dlopen=no + lt_cv_dlopen_libs= + + case $host_os in + beos*) + lt_cv_dlopen=load_add_on + lt_cv_dlopen_libs= + lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes + ;; + + mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) + lt_cv_dlopen=LoadLibrary + lt_cv_dlopen_libs= + ;; + + cygwin*) + lt_cv_dlopen=dlopen + lt_cv_dlopen_libs= + ;; + + darwin*) + # if libdl is installed we need to link against it + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for dlopen in -ldl" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for dlopen in -ldl... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_lib_dl_dlopen+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS +LIBS="-ldl $LIBS" +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error. + Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC + builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" +#endif +char dlopen (); +int +main (void) +{ +return dlopen (); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_lib_dl_dlopen=yes +else + ac_cv_lib_dl_dlopen=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +LIBS=$ac_check_lib_save_LIBS +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_dl_dlopen" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_lib_dl_dlopen" >&6; } +if test "x$ac_cv_lib_dl_dlopen" = xyes; then : + lt_cv_dlopen=dlopen lt_cv_dlopen_libs=-ldl +else + + lt_cv_dlopen=dyld + lt_cv_dlopen_libs= + lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes + +fi + + ;; + + tpf*) + # Don't try to run any link tests for TPF. We know it's impossible + # because TPF is a cross-compiler, and we know how we open DSOs. + lt_cv_dlopen=dlopen + lt_cv_dlopen_libs= + lt_cv_dlopen_self=no + ;; + + *) + ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "shl_load" "ac_cv_func_shl_load" +if test "x$ac_cv_func_shl_load" = xyes; then : + lt_cv_dlopen=shl_load +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for shl_load in -ldld" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for shl_load in -ldld... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_lib_dld_shl_load+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS +LIBS="-ldld $LIBS" +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error. + Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC + builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" +#endif +char shl_load (); +int +main (void) +{ +return shl_load (); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_lib_dld_shl_load=yes +else + ac_cv_lib_dld_shl_load=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +LIBS=$ac_check_lib_save_LIBS +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_dld_shl_load" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_lib_dld_shl_load" >&6; } +if test "x$ac_cv_lib_dld_shl_load" = xyes; then : + lt_cv_dlopen=shl_load lt_cv_dlopen_libs=-ldld +else + ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "dlopen" "ac_cv_func_dlopen" +if test "x$ac_cv_func_dlopen" = xyes; then : + lt_cv_dlopen=dlopen +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for dlopen in -ldl" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for dlopen in -ldl... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_lib_dl_dlopen+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS +LIBS="-ldl $LIBS" +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error. + Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC + builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" +#endif +char dlopen (); +int +main (void) +{ +return dlopen (); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_lib_dl_dlopen=yes +else + ac_cv_lib_dl_dlopen=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +LIBS=$ac_check_lib_save_LIBS +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_dl_dlopen" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_lib_dl_dlopen" >&6; } +if test "x$ac_cv_lib_dl_dlopen" = xyes; then : + lt_cv_dlopen=dlopen lt_cv_dlopen_libs=-ldl +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for dlopen in -lsvld" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for dlopen in -lsvld... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_lib_svld_dlopen+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS +LIBS="-lsvld $LIBS" +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error. + Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC + builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" +#endif +char dlopen (); +int +main (void) +{ +return dlopen (); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_lib_svld_dlopen=yes +else + ac_cv_lib_svld_dlopen=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +LIBS=$ac_check_lib_save_LIBS +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_svld_dlopen" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_lib_svld_dlopen" >&6; } +if test "x$ac_cv_lib_svld_dlopen" = xyes; then : + lt_cv_dlopen=dlopen lt_cv_dlopen_libs=-lsvld +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for dld_link in -ldld" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for dld_link in -ldld... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_lib_dld_dld_link+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS +LIBS="-ldld $LIBS" +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error. + Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC + builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" +#endif +char dld_link (); +int +main (void) +{ +return dld_link (); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_lib_dld_dld_link=yes +else + ac_cv_lib_dld_dld_link=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +LIBS=$ac_check_lib_save_LIBS +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_dld_dld_link" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_lib_dld_dld_link" >&6; } +if test "x$ac_cv_lib_dld_dld_link" = xyes; then : + lt_cv_dlopen=dld_link lt_cv_dlopen_libs=-ldld +fi + + +fi + + +fi + + +fi + + +fi + + +fi + + ;; + esac + + if test no = "$lt_cv_dlopen"; then + enable_dlopen=no + else + enable_dlopen=yes + fi + + case $lt_cv_dlopen in + dlopen) + save_CPPFLAGS=$CPPFLAGS + test yes = "$ac_cv_header_dlfcn_h" && CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -DHAVE_DLFCN_H" + + save_LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS + wl=$lt_prog_compiler_wl eval LDFLAGS=\"\$LDFLAGS $export_dynamic_flag_spec\" + + save_LIBS=$LIBS + LIBS="$lt_cv_dlopen_libs $LIBS" + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether a program can dlopen itself" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether a program can dlopen itself... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_dlopen_self+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test yes = "$cross_compiling"; then : + lt_cv_dlopen_self=cross +else + lt_dlunknown=0; lt_dlno_uscore=1; lt_dlneed_uscore=2 + lt_status=$lt_dlunknown + cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<_LT_EOF +#line $LINENO "configure" +#include "confdefs.h" + +#if HAVE_DLFCN_H +#include +#endif + +#include + +#ifdef RTLD_GLOBAL +# define LT_DLGLOBAL RTLD_GLOBAL +#else +# ifdef DL_GLOBAL +# define LT_DLGLOBAL DL_GLOBAL +# else +# define LT_DLGLOBAL 0 +# endif +#endif + +/* We may have to define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW in the command line if we + find out it does not work in some platform. */ +#ifndef LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW +# ifdef RTLD_LAZY +# define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW RTLD_LAZY +# else +# ifdef DL_LAZY +# define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW DL_LAZY +# else +# ifdef RTLD_NOW +# define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW RTLD_NOW +# else +# ifdef DL_NOW +# define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW DL_NOW +# else +# define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW 0 +# endif +# endif +# endif +# endif +#endif + +/* When -fvisibility=hidden is used, assume the code has been annotated + correspondingly for the symbols needed. */ +#if defined __GNUC__ && (((__GNUC__ == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)) || (__GNUC__ > 3)) +int fnord () __attribute__((visibility("default"))); +#endif + +int fnord () { return 42; } +int main () +{ + void *self = dlopen (0, LT_DLGLOBAL|LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW); + int status = $lt_dlunknown; + + if (self) + { + if (dlsym (self,"fnord")) status = $lt_dlno_uscore; + else + { + if (dlsym( self,"_fnord")) status = $lt_dlneed_uscore; + else puts (dlerror ()); + } + /* dlclose (self); */ + } + else + puts (dlerror ()); + + return status; +} +_LT_EOF + if { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$ac_link\""; } >&5 + (eval $ac_link) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; } && test -s "conftest$ac_exeext" 2>/dev/null; then + (./conftest; exit; ) >&5 2>/dev/null + lt_status=$? + case x$lt_status in + x$lt_dlno_uscore) lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes ;; + x$lt_dlneed_uscore) lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes ;; + x$lt_dlunknown|x*) lt_cv_dlopen_self=no ;; + esac + else : + # compilation failed + lt_cv_dlopen_self=no + fi +fi +rm -fr conftest* + + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_dlopen_self" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_dlopen_self" >&6; } + + if test yes = "$lt_cv_dlopen_self"; then + wl=$lt_prog_compiler_wl eval LDFLAGS=\"\$LDFLAGS $lt_prog_compiler_static\" + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether a statically linked program can dlopen itself" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether a statically linked program can dlopen itself... " >&6; } +if ${lt_cv_dlopen_self_static+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test yes = "$cross_compiling"; then : + lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=cross +else + lt_dlunknown=0; lt_dlno_uscore=1; lt_dlneed_uscore=2 + lt_status=$lt_dlunknown + cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<_LT_EOF +#line $LINENO "configure" +#include "confdefs.h" + +#if HAVE_DLFCN_H +#include +#endif + +#include + +#ifdef RTLD_GLOBAL +# define LT_DLGLOBAL RTLD_GLOBAL +#else +# ifdef DL_GLOBAL +# define LT_DLGLOBAL DL_GLOBAL +# else +# define LT_DLGLOBAL 0 +# endif +#endif + +/* We may have to define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW in the command line if we + find out it does not work in some platform. */ +#ifndef LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW +# ifdef RTLD_LAZY +# define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW RTLD_LAZY +# else +# ifdef DL_LAZY +# define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW DL_LAZY +# else +# ifdef RTLD_NOW +# define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW RTLD_NOW +# else +# ifdef DL_NOW +# define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW DL_NOW +# else +# define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW 0 +# endif +# endif +# endif +# endif +#endif + +/* When -fvisibility=hidden is used, assume the code has been annotated + correspondingly for the symbols needed. */ +#if defined __GNUC__ && (((__GNUC__ == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)) || (__GNUC__ > 3)) +int fnord () __attribute__((visibility("default"))); +#endif + +int fnord () { return 42; } +int main () +{ + void *self = dlopen (0, LT_DLGLOBAL|LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW); + int status = $lt_dlunknown; + + if (self) + { + if (dlsym (self,"fnord")) status = $lt_dlno_uscore; + else + { + if (dlsym( self,"_fnord")) status = $lt_dlneed_uscore; + else puts (dlerror ()); + } + /* dlclose (self); */ + } + else + puts (dlerror ()); + + return status; +} +_LT_EOF + if { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$ac_link\""; } >&5 + (eval $ac_link) 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; } && test -s "conftest$ac_exeext" 2>/dev/null; then + (./conftest; exit; ) >&5 2>/dev/null + lt_status=$? + case x$lt_status in + x$lt_dlno_uscore) lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=yes ;; + x$lt_dlneed_uscore) lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=yes ;; + x$lt_dlunknown|x*) lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=no ;; + esac + else : + # compilation failed + lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=no + fi +fi +rm -fr conftest* + + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $lt_cv_dlopen_self_static" >&5 +$as_echo "$lt_cv_dlopen_self_static" >&6; } + fi + + CPPFLAGS=$save_CPPFLAGS + LDFLAGS=$save_LDFLAGS + LIBS=$save_LIBS + ;; + esac + + case $lt_cv_dlopen_self in + yes|no) enable_dlopen_self=$lt_cv_dlopen_self ;; + *) enable_dlopen_self=unknown ;; + esac + + case $lt_cv_dlopen_self_static in + yes|no) enable_dlopen_self_static=$lt_cv_dlopen_self_static ;; + *) enable_dlopen_self_static=unknown ;; + esac +fi + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +striplib= +old_striplib= +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether stripping libraries is possible" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether stripping libraries is possible... " >&6; } +if test -n "$STRIP" && $STRIP -V 2>&1 | $GREP "GNU strip" >/dev/null; then + test -z "$old_striplib" && old_striplib="$STRIP --strip-debug" + test -z "$striplib" && striplib="$STRIP --strip-unneeded" + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } +else +# FIXME - insert some real tests, host_os isn't really good enough + case $host_os in + darwin*) + if test -n "$STRIP"; then + striplib="$STRIP -x" + old_striplib="$STRIP -S" + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + fi + ;; + *) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + ;; + esac +fi + + + + + + + + + + + + + # Report what library types will actually be built + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if libtool supports shared libraries" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if libtool supports shared libraries... " >&6; } + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $can_build_shared" >&5 +$as_echo "$can_build_shared" >&6; } + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to build shared libraries" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether to build shared libraries... " >&6; } + test no = "$can_build_shared" && enable_shared=no + + # On AIX, shared libraries and static libraries use the same namespace, and + # are all built from PIC. + case $host_os in + aix3*) + test yes = "$enable_shared" && enable_static=no + if test -n "$RANLIB"; then + archive_cmds="$archive_cmds~\$RANLIB \$lib" + postinstall_cmds='$RANLIB $lib' + fi + ;; + + aix[4-9]*) + if test ia64 != "$host_cpu"; then + case $enable_shared,$with_aix_soname,$aix_use_runtimelinking in + yes,aix,yes) ;; # shared object as file only + yes,svr4,*) ;; # shared object as archive member only + yes,*) enable_static=no ;; # shared object in lib.a archive as well + esac + fi + ;; + esac + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $enable_shared" >&5 +$as_echo "$enable_shared" >&6; } + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to build static libraries" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether to build static libraries... " >&6; } + # Make sure either enable_shared or enable_static is yes. + test yes = "$enable_shared" || enable_static=yes + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $enable_static" >&5 +$as_echo "$enable_static" >&6; } + + + + +fi +ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu + +CC=$lt_save_CC + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ac_config_commands="$ac_config_commands libtool" + + + + +# Only expand once: + + +case $host in + *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-pw32* | *-*-os2*) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for DLL/static GMP" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for DLL/static GMP... " >&6; } + if test "$enable_shared" = yes; then + MPFR_LDFLAGS="$MPFR_LDFLAGS -no-undefined" + LIBMPFR_LDFLAGS="$LIBMPFR_LDFLAGS -Wl,--output-def,.libs/libmpfr-4.dll.def" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include "gmp.h" +#if !__GMP_LIBGMP_DLL +# error "Dead man" +error +#endif + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: DLL" >&5 +$as_echo "DLL" >&6; } +else + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: static" >&5 +$as_echo "static" >&6; } + as_fn_error $? "gmp.h isn't a DLL: use --enable-static --disable-shared" "$LINENO" 5 +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include "gmp.h" +#if __GMP_LIBGMP_DLL +# error "Dead man" +error +#endif + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: static" >&5 +$as_echo "static" >&6; } +else + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: DLL" >&5 +$as_echo "DLL" >&6; } + as_fn_error $? "gmp.h is a DLL: use --disable-static --enable-shared" "$LINENO" 5 +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + fi + ;; +esac + +case $host in + *-*-linux*) + if test -n "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"; then + saved_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,--disable-new-dtags" + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether --disable-new-dtags is supported by the linker" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether --disable-new-dtags is supported by the linker... " >&6; } + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int main (void) { return 0; } + +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes (use it since LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set)" >&5 +$as_echo "yes (use it since LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set)" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + LDFLAGS="$saved_LDFLAGS" + +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + fi + ;; +esac + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether gcc __attribute__ ((mode (XX))) works" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether gcc __attribute__ ((mode (XX))) works... " >&6; } +if ${gmp_cv_c_attribute_mode+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +typedef int SItype __attribute__ ((mode (SI))); +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + gmp_cv_c_attribute_mode=yes +else + gmp_cv_c_attribute_mode=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $gmp_cv_c_attribute_mode" >&5 +$as_echo "$gmp_cv_c_attribute_mode" >&6; } +if test $gmp_cv_c_attribute_mode = yes; then + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_ATTRIBUTE_MODE 1" >>confdefs.h + +fi + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for recent GMP" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for recent GMP... " >&6; } +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include "gmp.h" +#if (__GNU_MP_VERSION*100+__GNU_MP_VERSION_MINOR*10 < 410) +# error "min GMP version is 4.1.0" +error +#endif + +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } +else + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + as_fn_error $? "GMP 4.1.0 min required" "$LINENO" 5 + +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking usable gmp.h at link time" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking usable gmp.h at link time... " >&6; } +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include "gmp.h" + +int +main (void) +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } +else + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + as_fn_error $? "There is an incompatibility between gmp.h and the compiler. +See 'config.log' for details. +Such an incompatibility is known between GMP 4.1, which uses +\"extern __inline__\" with all GCC versions, and GCC 5." "$LINENO" 5 + +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + +if test "$use_gmp_build" = yes ; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for gmp internal files" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for gmp internal files... " >&6; } + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + + #include "gmp.h" + #include "gmp-impl.h" + #include "longlong.h" + +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + +$as_echo "#define MPFR_HAVE_GMP_IMPL 1" >>confdefs.h + + +else + + as_fn_error $? "header files gmp-impl.h and longlong.h not found" "$LINENO" 5 + +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext +fi + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for GMP_NUMB_BITS and sizeof(mp_limb_t) consistency" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for GMP_NUMB_BITS and sizeof(mp_limb_t) consistency... " >&6; } +if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: cannot test" >&5 +$as_echo "cannot test" >&6; } +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +#include +#include "gmp.h" + +int +main (void) +{ + + if (GMP_NUMB_BITS == sizeof(mp_limb_t) * CHAR_BIT) + return 0; + fprintf (stderr, "GMP_NUMB_BITS = %ld\n", (long) GMP_NUMB_BITS); + fprintf (stderr, "sizeof(mp_limb_t) = %ld\n", (long) sizeof(mp_limb_t)); + fprintf (stderr, "sizeof(mp_limb_t) * CHAR_BIT = %ld != GMP_NUMB_BITS\n", + (long) (sizeof(mp_limb_t) * CHAR_BIT)); + return 1; + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } +else + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + as_fn_error $? "GMP_NUMB_BITS and sizeof(mp_limb_t) are not consistent. +You probably need to change some of the GMP or MPFR compile options. +See 'config.log' for details (search for GMP_NUMB_BITS)." "$LINENO" 5 +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for __gmpz_init in -lgmp" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for __gmpz_init in -lgmp... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_lib_gmp___gmpz_init+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS +LIBS="-lgmp $LIBS" +cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error. + Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC + builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" +#endif +char __gmpz_init (); +int +main (void) +{ +return __gmpz_init (); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + ac_cv_lib_gmp___gmpz_init=yes +else + ac_cv_lib_gmp___gmpz_init=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +LIBS=$ac_check_lib_save_LIBS +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_gmp___gmpz_init" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_lib_gmp___gmpz_init" >&6; } +if test "x$ac_cv_lib_gmp___gmpz_init" = xyes; then : + LIBS="-lgmp $LIBS" +else + as_fn_error $? "libgmp not found or uses a different ABI (including static vs shared). +Please read the INSTALL file -- see \"In case of problem\"." "$LINENO" 5 +fi + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if gmp.h version and libgmp version are the same" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if gmp.h version and libgmp version are the same... " >&6; } +saved_LD_RUN_PATH="$LD_RUN_PATH" +LD_RUN_PATH="${LD_RUN_PATH:+$LD_RUN_PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR}$gmp_lib_path" +export LD_RUN_PATH +if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: cannot test" >&5 +$as_echo "cannot test" >&6; } + +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +#include +#include "gmp.h" + +int +main (void) +{ + + char buffer[100]; + sprintf (buffer, "%d.%d.%d", __GNU_MP_VERSION, __GNU_MP_VERSION_MINOR, + __GNU_MP_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL); + printf ("(%s/%s) ", buffer, gmp_version); + if (strcmp (buffer, gmp_version) == 0) + return 0; + if (__GNU_MP_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL != 0) + return 1; + sprintf (buffer, "%d.%d", __GNU_MP_VERSION, __GNU_MP_VERSION_MINOR); + return (strcmp (buffer, gmp_version) != 0) ? 1 : 0; + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for GMP library vs header correctness" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for GMP library vs header correctness... " >&6; } +if ${mpfr_cv_check_gmp+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + +if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + mpfr_cv_check_gmp="cannot test, assume yes" +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +#include +#include + +int +main (void) +{ + + fprintf (stderr, "GMP_NAIL_BITS = %d\n", (int) GMP_NAIL_BITS); + fprintf (stderr, "GMP_NUMB_BITS = %d\n", (int) GMP_NUMB_BITS); + fprintf (stderr, "mp_bits_per_limb = %d\n", (int) mp_bits_per_limb); + fprintf (stderr, "sizeof(mp_limb_t) = %d\n", (int) sizeof(mp_limb_t)); + if (GMP_NAIL_BITS != 0) + { + fprintf (stderr, "GMP_NAIL_BITS != 0\n"); + return 1; + } + if (GMP_NUMB_BITS != mp_bits_per_limb) + { + fprintf (stderr, "GMP_NUMB_BITS != mp_bits_per_limb\n"); + return 2; + } + if (GMP_NUMB_BITS != sizeof(mp_limb_t) * CHAR_BIT) + { + fprintf (stderr, "GMP_NUMB_BITS != sizeof(mp_limb_t) * CHAR_BIT\n"); + return 3; + } + return 0; + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + mpfr_cv_check_gmp="yes" +else + mpfr_cv_check_gmp="no (exit status is $?)" +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $mpfr_cv_check_gmp" >&5 +$as_echo "$mpfr_cv_check_gmp" >&6; } +case $mpfr_cv_check_gmp in +no*) + as_fn_error $? "bad GMP library or header - ABI problem? +See 'config.log' for details." "$LINENO" 5 +esac + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for double-to-integer conversion bug" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for double-to-integer conversion bug... " >&6; } +if ${mpfr_cv_dbl_int_bug+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + +if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + mpfr_cv_dbl_int_bug="cannot test, assume not present" +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include + +int +main (void) +{ + + double d; + mp_limb_t u; + int i; + + d = 1.0; + for (i = 0; i < GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1; i++) + d = d + d; + u = (mp_limb_t) d; + for (; i > 0; i--) + { + if (u & 1) + break; + u = u >> 1; + } + return (i == 0 && u == 1UL) ? 0 : 254 - i; + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + mpfr_cv_dbl_int_bug="no" +else + mpfr_cv_dbl_int_bug="yes or failed to exec (exit status is $?)" +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $mpfr_cv_dbl_int_bug" >&5 +$as_echo "$mpfr_cv_dbl_int_bug" >&6; } +case $mpfr_cv_dbl_int_bug in +yes*) + as_fn_error $? "double-to-integer conversion is incorrect. +You need to use another compiler (or lower the optimization level)." "$LINENO" 5 +esac + + +if test "$ac_cv_type_intmax_t" = yes; then + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if gmp_printf supports \"%jd\"" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if gmp_printf supports \"%jd\"... " >&6; } +if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: cross-compiling" >&5 +$as_echo "cross-compiling" >&6; } + +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +#include + +#ifdef HAVE_INTTYPES_H +# include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H +# include +#endif + +#include + +int +main (void) +{ + + char s[256]; + intmax_t a = 17; + + if (gmp_sprintf (s, "(%0.0jd)(%d)", a, 42) == -1) return 1; + return (strcmp (s, "(17)(42)") != 0); + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + +$as_echo "#define NPRINTF_J 1" >>confdefs.h + +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + + +fi + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if gmp_printf supports \"%hhd\"" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if gmp_printf supports \"%hhd\"... " >&6; } +if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: cross-compiling" >&5 +$as_echo "cross-compiling" >&6; } + +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +#include + +#include + +#include + +int +main (void) +{ + + char s[256]; + char a = 17; + + if (gmp_sprintf (s, "(%0.0hhd)(%d)", a, 42) == -1) return 1; + return (strcmp (s, "(17)(42)") != 0); + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + +$as_echo "#define NPRINTF_HH 1" >>confdefs.h + +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if gmp_printf supports \"%lld\"" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if gmp_printf supports \"%lld\"... " >&6; } +if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: cross-compiling" >&5 +$as_echo "cross-compiling" >&6; } + +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +#include + +#include + +#include + +int +main (void) +{ + + char s[256]; + long long int a = 17; + + if (gmp_sprintf (s, "(%0.0lld)(%d)", a, 42) == -1) return 1; + return (strcmp (s, "(17)(42)") != 0); + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + +$as_echo "#define NPRINTF_LL 1" >>confdefs.h + +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if gmp_printf supports \"%Lf\"" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if gmp_printf supports \"%Lf\"... " >&6; } +if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: cross-compiling" >&5 +$as_echo "cross-compiling" >&6; } + +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +#include + +#include + +#include + +int +main (void) +{ + + char s[256]; + long double a = 17; + + if (gmp_sprintf (s, "(%0.0Lf)(%d)", a, 42) == -1) return 1; + return (strcmp (s, "(17)(42)") != 0); + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + +$as_echo "#define NPRINTF_L 1" >>confdefs.h + +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if gmp_printf supports \"%td\"" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if gmp_printf supports \"%td\"... " >&6; } +if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: cross-compiling" >&5 +$as_echo "cross-compiling" >&6; } + +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +#include + +#if defined (__cplusplus) +#include +#else +#include +#endif +#include + +#include + +int +main (void) +{ + + char s[256]; + ptrdiff_t a = 17; + + if (gmp_sprintf (s, "(%0.0td)(%d)", a, 42) == -1) return 1; + return (strcmp (s, "(17)(42)") != 0); + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + +$as_echo "#define NPRINTF_T 1" >>confdefs.h + +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + + + +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: ==========================================================" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: ==========================================================" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: 'gmp.h' and 'libgmp' seem to have different versions or" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: 'gmp.h' and 'libgmp' seem to have different versions or" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: we cannot run a program linked with GMP (if you cannot" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: we cannot run a program linked with GMP (if you cannot" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: see the version numbers above). A cause may be different" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: see the version numbers above). A cause may be different" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: GMP versions with different ABI's or the use of --with-gmp" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: GMP versions with different ABI's or the use of --with-gmp" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: or --with-gmp-include with a system include directory" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: or --with-gmp-include with a system include directory" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: (such as /usr/include or /usr/local/include)." >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: (such as /usr/include or /usr/local/include)." >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: However since we can't use 'libtool' inside the configure," >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: However since we can't use 'libtool' inside the configure," >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: we can't be sure. See 'config.log' for details." >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: we can't be sure. See 'config.log' for details." >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: CC=\"$CC\"" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: CC=\"$CC\"" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: CFLAGS=\"$CFLAGS\"" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: CFLAGS=\"$CFLAGS\"" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: CPPFLAGS=\"$CPPFLAGS\"" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: CPPFLAGS=\"$CPPFLAGS\"" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: LDFLAGS=\"$LDFLAGS\"" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: LDFLAGS=\"$LDFLAGS\"" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: LIBS=\"$LIBS\"" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: LIBS=\"$LIBS\"" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: Temporary LD_RUN_PATH was \"$LD_RUN_PATH\"." >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: Temporary LD_RUN_PATH was \"$LD_RUN_PATH\"." >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: ==========================================================" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: ==========================================================" >&2;} + +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext +fi + +LD_RUN_PATH="$saved_LD_RUN_PATH" + +for ac_func in __gmpn_rootrem __gmpn_sbpi1_divappr_q +do : + as_ac_var=`$as_echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh` +ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "$ac_func" "$as_ac_var" +if eval test \"x\$"$as_ac_var"\" = x"yes"; then : + cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define `$as_echo "HAVE_$ac_func" | $as_tr_cpp` 1 +_ACEOF + +fi +done + + +if test -f confdefs.h; then + $SED '/#define PACKAGE_/d' confdefs.tmp + $SED '/#define HAVE_STRING/d' confdefs.h + $SED '/#define HAVE_ALLOCA /d' confdefs.tmp + $SED '/#define HAVE_DLFCN_H/d' confdefs.h + $SED '/#define HAVE_MEM/d' confdefs.tmp + $SED '/#define STDC_HEADERS/d' confdefs.h + $SED '/#define HAVE_STRTOL/d' confdefs.tmp + $SED '/#define HAVE_STDLIB_H/d' confdefs.h + $SED '/#define HAVE_UNISTD_H/d' confdefs.tmp + $SED '/#define HAVE_STDC_HEADERS/d' confdefs.h + $SED '/#define HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE/d' confdefs.tmp + $SED '/#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H/d' confdefs.h + $SED '/#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H/d' confdefs.tmp + $SED '/#define PROTOTYPES/d' confdefs.h + $SED '/#define __PROTOTYPES/d' confdefs.tmp + + mv confdefs.tmp confdefs.h +fi + +if $EGREP -q -e '-dev$' $srcdir/VERSION; then + DATAFILES=`echo \`$SED -n \ + 's/^ *data_check *("\(data\/[^"]*\)".*/tests\/\1/p' \ + $srcdir/tests/*.c\`` +fi + +ac_config_files="$ac_config_files Makefile doc/Makefile src/Makefile tests/Makefile tune/Makefile src/mparam.h:src/" + +cat >confcache <<\_ACEOF +# This file is a shell script that caches the results of configure +# tests run on this system so they can be shared between configure +# scripts and configure runs, see configure's option --config-cache. +# It is not useful on other systems. If it contains results you don't +# want to keep, you may remove or edit it. +# +# config.status only pays attention to the cache file if you give it +# the --recheck option to rerun configure. +# +# `ac_cv_env_foo' variables (set or unset) will be overridden when +# loading this file, other *unset* `ac_cv_foo' will be assigned the +# following values. + +_ACEOF + +# The following way of writing the cache mishandles newlines in values, +# but we know of no workaround that is simple, portable, and efficient. +# So, we kill variables containing newlines. +# Ultrix sh set writes to stderr and can't be redirected directly, +# and sets the high bit in the cache file unless we assign to the vars. +( + for ac_var in `(set) 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=.*/\1/p'`; do + eval ac_val=\$$ac_var + case $ac_val in #( + *${as_nl}*) + case $ac_var in #( + *_cv_*) { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: cache variable $ac_var contains a newline" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: cache variable $ac_var contains a newline" >&2;} ;; + esac + case $ac_var in #( + _ | IFS | as_nl) ;; #( + BASH_ARGV | BASH_SOURCE) eval $ac_var= ;; #( + *) { eval $ac_var=; unset $ac_var;} ;; + esac ;; + esac + done + + (set) 2>&1 | + case $as_nl`(ac_space=' '; set) 2>&1` in #( + *${as_nl}ac_space=\ *) + # `set' does not quote correctly, so add quotes: double-quote + # substitution turns \\\\ into \\, and sed turns \\ into \. + sed -n \ + "s/'/'\\\\''/g; + s/^\\([_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1='\\2'/p" + ;; #( + *) + # `set' quotes correctly as required by POSIX, so do not add quotes. + sed -n "/^[_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*=/p" + ;; + esac | + sort +) | + sed ' + /^ac_cv_env_/b end + t clear + :clear + s/^\([^=]*\)=\(.*[{}].*\)$/test "${\1+set}" = set || &/ + t end + s/^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)$/\1=${\1=\2}/ + :end' >>confcache +if diff "$cache_file" confcache >/dev/null 2>&1; then :; else + if test -w "$cache_file"; then + if test "x$cache_file" != "x/dev/null"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: updating cache $cache_file" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: updating cache $cache_file" >&6;} + if test ! -f "$cache_file" || test -h "$cache_file"; then + cat confcache >"$cache_file" + else + case $cache_file in #( + */* | ?:*) + mv -f confcache "$cache_file"$$ && + mv -f "$cache_file"$$ "$cache_file" ;; #( + *) + mv -f confcache "$cache_file" ;; + esac + fi + fi + else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: not updating unwritable cache $cache_file" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: not updating unwritable cache $cache_file" >&6;} + fi +fi +rm -f confcache + +test "x$prefix" = xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix +# Let make expand exec_prefix. +test "x$exec_prefix" = xNONE && exec_prefix='${prefix}' + +# Transform confdefs.h into DEFS. +# Protect against shell expansion while executing Makefile rules. +# Protect against Makefile macro expansion. +# +# If the first sed substitution is executed (which looks for macros that +# take arguments), then branch to the quote section. Otherwise, +# look for a macro that doesn't take arguments. +ac_script=' +:mline +/\\$/{ + N + s,\\\n,, + b mline +} +t clear +:clear +s/^[ ]*#[ ]*define[ ][ ]*\([^ (][^ (]*([^)]*)\)[ ]*\(.*\)/-D\1=\2/g +t quote +s/^[ ]*#[ ]*define[ ][ ]*\([^ ][^ ]*\)[ ]*\(.*\)/-D\1=\2/g +t quote +b any +:quote +s/[ `~#$^&*(){}\\|;'\''"<>?]/\\&/g +s/\[/\\&/g +s/\]/\\&/g +s/\$/$$/g +H +:any +${ + g + s/^\n// + s/\n/ /g + p +} +' +DEFS=`sed -n "$ac_script" confdefs.h` + + +ac_libobjs= +ac_ltlibobjs= +U= +for ac_i in : $LIBOBJS; do test "x$ac_i" = x: && continue + # 1. Remove the extension, and $U if already installed. + ac_script='s/\$U\././;s/\.o$//;s/\.obj$//' + ac_i=`$as_echo "$ac_i" | sed "$ac_script"` + # 2. Prepend LIBOBJDIR. When used with automake>=1.10 LIBOBJDIR + # will be set to the directory where LIBOBJS objects are built. + as_fn_append ac_libobjs " \${LIBOBJDIR}$ac_i\$U.$ac_objext" + as_fn_append ac_ltlibobjs " \${LIBOBJDIR}$ac_i"'$U.lo' +done +LIBOBJS=$ac_libobjs + +LTLIBOBJS=$ac_ltlibobjs + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking that generated files are newer than configure" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking that generated files are newer than configure... " >&6; } + if test -n "$am_sleep_pid"; then + # Hide warnings about reused PIDs. + wait $am_sleep_pid 2>/dev/null + fi + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: done" >&5 +$as_echo "done" >&6; } + if test -n "$EXEEXT"; then + am__EXEEXT_TRUE= + am__EXEEXT_FALSE='#' +else + am__EXEEXT_TRUE='#' + am__EXEEXT_FALSE= +fi + +if test -z "${MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE}" && test -z "${MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE}"; then + as_fn_error $? "conditional \"MAINTAINER_MODE\" was never defined. +Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." "$LINENO" 5 +fi +if test -z "${AMDEP_TRUE}" && test -z "${AMDEP_FALSE}"; then + as_fn_error $? "conditional \"AMDEP\" was never defined. +Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." "$LINENO" 5 +fi +if test -z "${am__fastdepCC_TRUE}" && test -z "${am__fastdepCC_FALSE}"; then + as_fn_error $? "conditional \"am__fastdepCC\" was never defined. +Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." "$LINENO" 5 +fi + +: "${CONFIG_STATUS=./config.status}" +ac_write_fail=0 +ac_clean_files_save=$ac_clean_files +ac_clean_files="$ac_clean_files $CONFIG_STATUS" +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: creating $CONFIG_STATUS" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: creating $CONFIG_STATUS" >&6;} +as_write_fail=0 +cat >$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ASEOF || as_write_fail=1 +#! $SHELL +# Generated by $as_me. +# Run this file to recreate the current configuration. +# Compiler output produced by configure, useful for debugging +# configure, is in config.log if it exists. + +debug=false +ac_cs_recheck=false +ac_cs_silent=false + +SHELL=\${CONFIG_SHELL-$SHELL} +export SHELL +_ASEOF +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ASEOF || as_write_fail=1 +## -------------------- ## +## M4sh Initialization. ## +## -------------------- ## + +# Be more Bourne compatible +DUALCASE=1; export DUALCASE # for MKS sh +if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then : + emulate sh + NULLCMD=: + # Pre-4.2 versions of Zsh do word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which + # is contrary to our usage. Disable this feature. + alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"' + setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST +else + case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in #( + *posix*) : + set -o posix ;; #( + *) : + ;; +esac +fi + + +as_nl=' +' +export as_nl +# Printing a long string crashes Solaris 7 /usr/bin/printf. +as_echo='\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' +as_echo=$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo +as_echo=$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo +# Prefer a ksh shell builtin over an external printf program on Solaris, +# but without wasting forks for bash or zsh. +if test -z "$BASH_VERSION$ZSH_VERSION" \ + && (test "X`print -r -- $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then + as_echo='print -r --' + as_echo_n='print -rn --' +elif (test "X`printf %s $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then + as_echo='printf %s\n' + as_echo_n='printf %s' +else + if test "X`(/usr/ucb/echo -n -n $as_echo) 2>/dev/null`" = "X-n $as_echo"; then + as_echo_body='eval /usr/ucb/echo -n "$1$as_nl"' + as_echo_n='/usr/ucb/echo -n' + else + as_echo_body='eval expr "X$1" : "X\\(.*\\)"' + as_echo_n_body='eval + arg=$1; + case $arg in #( + *"$as_nl"*) + expr "X$arg" : "X\\(.*\\)$as_nl"; + arg=`expr "X$arg" : ".*$as_nl\\(.*\\)"`;; + esac; + expr "X$arg" : "X\\(.*\\)" | tr -d "$as_nl" + ' + export as_echo_n_body + as_echo_n='sh -c $as_echo_n_body as_echo' + fi + export as_echo_body + as_echo='sh -c $as_echo_body as_echo' +fi + +# The user is always right. +if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then + PATH_SEPARATOR=: + (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 && { + (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 || + PATH_SEPARATOR=';' + } +fi + + +# IFS +# We need space, tab and new line, in precisely that order. Quoting is +# there to prevent editors from complaining about space-tab. +# (If _AS_PATH_WALK were called with IFS unset, it would disable word +# splitting by setting IFS to empty value.) +IFS=" "" $as_nl" + +# Find who we are. Look in the path if we contain no directory separator. +as_myself= +case $0 in #(( + *[\\/]* ) as_myself=$0 ;; + *) as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + test -r "$as_dir/$0" && as_myself=$as_dir/$0 && break + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + + ;; +esac +# We did not find ourselves, most probably we were run as `sh COMMAND' +# in which case we are not to be found in the path. +if test "x$as_myself" = x; then + as_myself=$0 +fi +if test ! -f "$as_myself"; then + $as_echo "$as_myself: error: cannot find myself; rerun with an absolute file name" >&2 + exit 1 +fi + +# Unset variables that we do not need and which cause bugs (e.g. in +# pre-3.0 UWIN ksh). But do not cause bugs in bash 2.01; the "|| exit 1" +# suppresses any "Segmentation fault" message there. '((' could +# trigger a bug in pdksh 5.2.14. +for as_var in BASH_ENV ENV MAIL MAILPATH +do eval test x\${$as_var+set} = xset \ + && ( (unset $as_var) || exit 1) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset $as_var || : +done +PS1='$ ' +PS2='> ' +PS4='+ ' + +# NLS nuisances. +LC_ALL=C +export LC_ALL +LANGUAGE=C +export LANGUAGE + +# CDPATH. +(unset CDPATH) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset CDPATH + + +# as_fn_error STATUS ERROR [LINENO LOG_FD] +# ---------------------------------------- +# Output "`basename $0`: error: ERROR" to stderr. If LINENO and LOG_FD are +# provided, also output the error to LOG_FD, referencing LINENO. Then exit the +# script with STATUS, using 1 if that was 0. +as_fn_error () +{ + as_status=$1; test $as_status -eq 0 && as_status=1 + if test "$4"; then + as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$3"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: $2" >&$4 + fi + $as_echo "$as_me: error: $2" >&2 + as_fn_exit $as_status +} # as_fn_error + + +# as_fn_set_status STATUS +# ----------------------- +# Set $? to STATUS, without forking. +as_fn_set_status () +{ + return $1 +} # as_fn_set_status + +# as_fn_exit STATUS +# ----------------- +# Exit the shell with STATUS, even in a "trap 0" or "set -e" context. +as_fn_exit () +{ + set +e + as_fn_set_status $1 + exit $1 +} # as_fn_exit + +# as_fn_unset VAR +# --------------- +# Portably unset VAR. +as_fn_unset () +{ + { eval $1=; unset $1;} +} +as_unset=as_fn_unset +# as_fn_append VAR VALUE +# ---------------------- +# Append the text in VALUE to the end of the definition contained in VAR. Take +# advantage of any shell optimizations that allow amortized linear growth over +# repeated appends, instead of the typical quadratic growth present in naive +# implementations. +if (eval "as_var=1; as_var+=2; test x\$as_var = x12") 2>/dev/null; then : + eval 'as_fn_append () + { + eval $1+=\$2 + }' +else + as_fn_append () + { + eval $1=\$$1\$2 + } +fi # as_fn_append + +# as_fn_arith ARG... +# ------------------ +# Perform arithmetic evaluation on the ARGs, and store the result in the +# global $as_val. Take advantage of shells that can avoid forks. The arguments +# must be portable across $(()) and expr. +if (eval "test \$(( 1 + 1 )) = 2") 2>/dev/null; then : + eval 'as_fn_arith () + { + as_val=$(( $* )) + }' +else + as_fn_arith () + { + as_val=`expr "$@" || test $? -eq 1` + } +fi # as_fn_arith + + +if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 && + test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then + as_expr=expr +else + as_expr=false +fi + +if (basename -- /) >/dev/null 2>&1 && test "X`basename -- / 2>&1`" = "X/"; then + as_basename=basename +else + as_basename=false +fi + +if (as_dir=`dirname -- /` && test "X$as_dir" = X/) >/dev/null 2>&1; then + as_dirname=dirname +else + as_dirname=false +fi + +as_me=`$as_basename -- "$0" || +$as_expr X/"$0" : '.*/\([^/][^/]*\)/*$' \| \ + X"$0" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ + X"$0" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null || +$as_echo X/"$0" | + sed '/^.*\/\([^/][^/]*\)\/*$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\/\(\/\/\)$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\/\(\/\).*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + s/.*/./; q'` + +# Avoid depending upon Character Ranges. +as_cr_letters='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' +as_cr_LETTERS='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' +as_cr_Letters=$as_cr_letters$as_cr_LETTERS +as_cr_digits='0123456789' +as_cr_alnum=$as_cr_Letters$as_cr_digits + +ECHO_C= ECHO_N= ECHO_T= +case `echo -n x` in #((((( +-n*) + case `echo 'xy\c'` in + *c*) ECHO_T=' ';; # ECHO_T is single tab character. + xy) ECHO_C='\c';; + *) echo `echo ksh88 bug on AIX 6.1` > /dev/null + ECHO_T=' ';; + esac;; +*) + ECHO_N='-n';; +esac + +rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.file +if test -d conf$$.dir; then + rm -f conf$$.dir/conf$$.file +else + rm -f conf$$.dir + mkdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null +fi +if (echo >conf$$.file) 2>/dev/null; then + if ln -s conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then + as_ln_s='ln -s' + # ... but there are two gotchas: + # 1) On MSYS, both `ln -s file dir' and `ln file dir' fail. + # 2) DJGPP < 2.04 has no symlinks; `ln -s' creates a wrapper executable. + # In both cases, we have to default to `cp -pR'. + ln -s conf$$.file conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null && test ! -f conf$$.exe || + as_ln_s='cp -pR' + elif ln conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then + as_ln_s=ln + else + as_ln_s='cp -pR' + fi +else + as_ln_s='cp -pR' +fi +rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.dir/conf$$.file conf$$.file +rmdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null + + +# as_fn_mkdir_p +# ------------- +# Create "$as_dir" as a directory, including parents if necessary. +as_fn_mkdir_p () +{ + + case $as_dir in #( + -*) as_dir=./$as_dir;; + esac + test -d "$as_dir" || eval $as_mkdir_p || { + as_dirs= + while :; do + case $as_dir in #( + *\'*) as_qdir=`$as_echo "$as_dir" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; #'( + *) as_qdir=$as_dir;; + esac + as_dirs="'$as_qdir' $as_dirs" + as_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$as_dir" || +$as_expr X"$as_dir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \ + X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \ + X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ + X"$as_dir" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null || +$as_echo X"$as_dir" | + sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\).*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + s/.*/./; q'` + test -d "$as_dir" && break + done + test -z "$as_dirs" || eval "mkdir $as_dirs" + } || test -d "$as_dir" || as_fn_error $? "cannot create directory $as_dir" + + +} # as_fn_mkdir_p +if mkdir -p . 2>/dev/null; then + as_mkdir_p='mkdir -p "$as_dir"' +else + test -d ./-p && rmdir ./-p + as_mkdir_p=false +fi + + +# as_fn_executable_p FILE +# ----------------------- +# Test if FILE is an executable regular file. +as_fn_executable_p () +{ + test -f "$1" && test -x "$1" +} # as_fn_executable_p +as_test_x='test -x' +as_executable_p=as_fn_executable_p + +# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid CPP name. +as_tr_cpp="eval sed 'y%*$as_cr_letters%P$as_cr_LETTERS%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'" + +# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid variable name. +as_tr_sh="eval sed 'y%*+%pp%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'" + + +exec 6>&1 +## ----------------------------------- ## +## Main body of $CONFIG_STATUS script. ## +## ----------------------------------- ## +_ASEOF +test $as_write_fail = 0 && chmod +x $CONFIG_STATUS || ac_write_fail=1 + +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +# Save the log message, to keep $0 and so on meaningful, and to +# report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their +# values after options handling. +ac_log=" +This file was extended by MPFR $as_me 3.1.6, which was +generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was + + CONFIG_FILES = $CONFIG_FILES + CONFIG_HEADERS = $CONFIG_HEADERS + CONFIG_LINKS = $CONFIG_LINKS + CONFIG_COMMANDS = $CONFIG_COMMANDS + $ $0 $@ + +on `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q` +" + +_ACEOF + +case $ac_config_files in *" +"*) set x $ac_config_files; shift; ac_config_files=$*;; +esac + + + +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +# Files that config.status was made for. +config_files="$ac_config_files" +config_commands="$ac_config_commands" + +_ACEOF + +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +ac_cs_usage="\ +\`$as_me' instantiates files and other configuration actions +from templates according to the current configuration. Unless the files +and actions are specified as TAGs, all are instantiated by default. + +Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [TAG]... + + -h, --help print this help, then exit + -V, --version print version number and configuration settings, then exit + --config print configuration, then exit + -q, --quiet, --silent + do not print progress messages + -d, --debug don't remove temporary files + --recheck update $as_me by reconfiguring in the same conditions + --file=FILE[:TEMPLATE] + instantiate the configuration file FILE + +Configuration files: +$config_files + +Configuration commands: +$config_commands + +Report bugs to the package provider." + +_ACEOF +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +ac_cs_config="`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`" +ac_cs_version="\\ +MPFR config.status 3.1.6 +configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69, + with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\" + +Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +This config.status script is free software; the Free Software Foundation +gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it." + +ac_pwd='$ac_pwd' +srcdir='$srcdir' +INSTALL='$INSTALL' +MKDIR_P='$MKDIR_P' +AWK='$AWK' +test -n "\$AWK" || AWK=awk +_ACEOF + +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +# The default lists apply if the user does not specify any file. +ac_need_defaults=: +while test $# != 0 +do + case $1 in + --*=?*) + ac_option=`expr "X$1" : 'X\([^=]*\)='` + ac_optarg=`expr "X$1" : 'X[^=]*=\(.*\)'` + ac_shift=: + ;; + --*=) + ac_option=`expr "X$1" : 'X\([^=]*\)='` + ac_optarg= + ac_shift=: + ;; + *) + ac_option=$1 + ac_optarg=$2 + ac_shift=shift + ;; + esac + + case $ac_option in + # Handling of the options. + -recheck | --recheck | --rechec | --reche | --rech | --rec | --re | --r) + ac_cs_recheck=: ;; + --version | --versio | --versi | --vers | --ver | --ve | --v | -V ) + $as_echo "$ac_cs_version"; exit ;; + --config | --confi | --conf | --con | --co | --c ) + $as_echo "$ac_cs_config"; exit ;; + --debug | --debu | --deb | --de | --d | -d ) + debug=: ;; + --file | --fil | --fi | --f ) + $ac_shift + case $ac_optarg in + *\'*) ac_optarg=`$as_echo "$ac_optarg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;; + '') as_fn_error $? "missing file argument" ;; + esac + as_fn_append CONFIG_FILES " '$ac_optarg'" + ac_need_defaults=false;; + --he | --h | --help | --hel | -h ) + $as_echo "$ac_cs_usage"; exit ;; + -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \ + | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil | --si | --s) + ac_cs_silent=: ;; + + # This is an error. + -*) as_fn_error $? "unrecognized option: \`$1' +Try \`$0 --help' for more information." ;; + + *) as_fn_append ac_config_targets " $1" + ac_need_defaults=false ;; + + esac + shift +done + +ac_configure_extra_args= + +if $ac_cs_silent; then + exec 6>/dev/null + ac_configure_extra_args="$ac_configure_extra_args --silent" +fi + +_ACEOF +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +if \$ac_cs_recheck; then + set X $SHELL '$0' $ac_configure_args \$ac_configure_extra_args --no-create --no-recursion + shift + \$as_echo "running CONFIG_SHELL=$SHELL \$*" >&6 + CONFIG_SHELL='$SHELL' + export CONFIG_SHELL + exec "\$@" +fi + +_ACEOF +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +exec 5>>config.log +{ + echo + sed 'h;s/./-/g;s/^.../## /;s/...$/ ##/;p;x;p;x' <<_ASBOX +## Running $as_me. ## +_ASBOX + $as_echo "$ac_log" +} >&5 + +_ACEOF +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +# +# INIT-COMMANDS +# +AMDEP_TRUE="$AMDEP_TRUE" ac_aux_dir="$ac_aux_dir" + + +# The HP-UX ksh and POSIX shell print the target directory to stdout +# if CDPATH is set. +(unset CDPATH) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset CDPATH + +sed_quote_subst='$sed_quote_subst' +double_quote_subst='$double_quote_subst' +delay_variable_subst='$delay_variable_subst' +macro_version='`$ECHO "$macro_version" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +macro_revision='`$ECHO "$macro_revision" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +AS='`$ECHO "$AS" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +DLLTOOL='`$ECHO "$DLLTOOL" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +OBJDUMP='`$ECHO "$OBJDUMP" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +enable_shared='`$ECHO "$enable_shared" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +enable_static='`$ECHO "$enable_static" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +pic_mode='`$ECHO "$pic_mode" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +enable_fast_install='`$ECHO "$enable_fast_install" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +shared_archive_member_spec='`$ECHO "$shared_archive_member_spec" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +SHELL='`$ECHO "$SHELL" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +ECHO='`$ECHO "$ECHO" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +PATH_SEPARATOR='`$ECHO "$PATH_SEPARATOR" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +host_alias='`$ECHO "$host_alias" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +host='`$ECHO "$host" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +host_os='`$ECHO "$host_os" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +build_alias='`$ECHO "$build_alias" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +build='`$ECHO "$build" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +build_os='`$ECHO "$build_os" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +SED='`$ECHO "$SED" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +Xsed='`$ECHO "$Xsed" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +GREP='`$ECHO "$GREP" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +EGREP='`$ECHO "$EGREP" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +FGREP='`$ECHO "$FGREP" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +LD='`$ECHO "$LD" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +NM='`$ECHO "$NM" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +LN_S='`$ECHO "$LN_S" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +max_cmd_len='`$ECHO "$max_cmd_len" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +ac_objext='`$ECHO "$ac_objext" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +exeext='`$ECHO "$exeext" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_unset='`$ECHO "$lt_unset" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_SP2NL='`$ECHO "$lt_SP2NL" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_NL2SP='`$ECHO "$lt_NL2SP" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_cv_to_host_file_cmd='`$ECHO "$lt_cv_to_host_file_cmd" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_cv_to_tool_file_cmd='`$ECHO "$lt_cv_to_tool_file_cmd" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +reload_flag='`$ECHO "$reload_flag" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +reload_cmds='`$ECHO "$reload_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +deplibs_check_method='`$ECHO "$deplibs_check_method" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +file_magic_cmd='`$ECHO "$file_magic_cmd" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +file_magic_glob='`$ECHO "$file_magic_glob" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +want_nocaseglob='`$ECHO "$want_nocaseglob" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd='`$ECHO "$sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +AR='`$ECHO "$AR" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +AR_FLAGS='`$ECHO "$AR_FLAGS" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +archiver_list_spec='`$ECHO "$archiver_list_spec" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +STRIP='`$ECHO "$STRIP" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +RANLIB='`$ECHO "$RANLIB" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +old_postinstall_cmds='`$ECHO "$old_postinstall_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +old_postuninstall_cmds='`$ECHO "$old_postuninstall_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +old_archive_cmds='`$ECHO "$old_archive_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lock_old_archive_extraction='`$ECHO "$lock_old_archive_extraction" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +CC='`$ECHO "$CC" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +CFLAGS='`$ECHO "$CFLAGS" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +compiler='`$ECHO "$compiler" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +GCC='`$ECHO "$GCC" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe='`$ECHO "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl='`$ECHO "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_import='`$ECHO "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_import" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address='`$ECHO "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address_lib_prefix='`$ECHO "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address_lib_prefix" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_cv_nm_interface='`$ECHO "$lt_cv_nm_interface" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +nm_file_list_spec='`$ECHO "$nm_file_list_spec" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_sysroot='`$ECHO "$lt_sysroot" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_cv_truncate_bin='`$ECHO "$lt_cv_truncate_bin" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +objdir='`$ECHO "$objdir" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +MAGIC_CMD='`$ECHO "$MAGIC_CMD" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag='`$ECHO "$lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_prog_compiler_pic='`$ECHO "$lt_prog_compiler_pic" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_prog_compiler_wl='`$ECHO "$lt_prog_compiler_wl" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_prog_compiler_static='`$ECHO "$lt_prog_compiler_static" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o='`$ECHO "$lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +need_locks='`$ECHO "$need_locks" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +MANIFEST_TOOL='`$ECHO "$MANIFEST_TOOL" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +DSYMUTIL='`$ECHO "$DSYMUTIL" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +NMEDIT='`$ECHO "$NMEDIT" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +LIPO='`$ECHO "$LIPO" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +OTOOL='`$ECHO "$OTOOL" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +OTOOL64='`$ECHO "$OTOOL64" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +libext='`$ECHO "$libext" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +shrext_cmds='`$ECHO "$shrext_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +extract_expsyms_cmds='`$ECHO "$extract_expsyms_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +archive_cmds_need_lc='`$ECHO "$archive_cmds_need_lc" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +enable_shared_with_static_runtimes='`$ECHO "$enable_shared_with_static_runtimes" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +export_dynamic_flag_spec='`$ECHO "$export_dynamic_flag_spec" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +whole_archive_flag_spec='`$ECHO "$whole_archive_flag_spec" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +compiler_needs_object='`$ECHO "$compiler_needs_object" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +old_archive_from_new_cmds='`$ECHO "$old_archive_from_new_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +old_archive_from_expsyms_cmds='`$ECHO "$old_archive_from_expsyms_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +archive_cmds='`$ECHO "$archive_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +archive_expsym_cmds='`$ECHO "$archive_expsym_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +module_cmds='`$ECHO "$module_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +module_expsym_cmds='`$ECHO "$module_expsym_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +with_gnu_ld='`$ECHO "$with_gnu_ld" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +allow_undefined_flag='`$ECHO "$allow_undefined_flag" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +no_undefined_flag='`$ECHO "$no_undefined_flag" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='`$ECHO "$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +hardcode_libdir_separator='`$ECHO "$hardcode_libdir_separator" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +hardcode_direct='`$ECHO "$hardcode_direct" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +hardcode_direct_absolute='`$ECHO "$hardcode_direct_absolute" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +hardcode_minus_L='`$ECHO "$hardcode_minus_L" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +hardcode_shlibpath_var='`$ECHO "$hardcode_shlibpath_var" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +hardcode_automatic='`$ECHO "$hardcode_automatic" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +inherit_rpath='`$ECHO "$inherit_rpath" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +link_all_deplibs='`$ECHO "$link_all_deplibs" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +always_export_symbols='`$ECHO "$always_export_symbols" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +export_symbols_cmds='`$ECHO "$export_symbols_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +exclude_expsyms='`$ECHO "$exclude_expsyms" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +include_expsyms='`$ECHO "$include_expsyms" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +prelink_cmds='`$ECHO "$prelink_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +postlink_cmds='`$ECHO "$postlink_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +file_list_spec='`$ECHO "$file_list_spec" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +variables_saved_for_relink='`$ECHO "$variables_saved_for_relink" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +need_lib_prefix='`$ECHO "$need_lib_prefix" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +need_version='`$ECHO "$need_version" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +version_type='`$ECHO "$version_type" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +runpath_var='`$ECHO "$runpath_var" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +shlibpath_var='`$ECHO "$shlibpath_var" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +shlibpath_overrides_runpath='`$ECHO "$shlibpath_overrides_runpath" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +libname_spec='`$ECHO "$libname_spec" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +library_names_spec='`$ECHO "$library_names_spec" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +soname_spec='`$ECHO "$soname_spec" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +install_override_mode='`$ECHO "$install_override_mode" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +postinstall_cmds='`$ECHO "$postinstall_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +postuninstall_cmds='`$ECHO "$postuninstall_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +finish_cmds='`$ECHO "$finish_cmds" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +finish_eval='`$ECHO "$finish_eval" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +hardcode_into_libs='`$ECHO "$hardcode_into_libs" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +sys_lib_search_path_spec='`$ECHO "$sys_lib_search_path_spec" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +configure_time_dlsearch_path='`$ECHO "$configure_time_dlsearch_path" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +configure_time_lt_sys_library_path='`$ECHO "$configure_time_lt_sys_library_path" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +hardcode_action='`$ECHO "$hardcode_action" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +enable_dlopen='`$ECHO "$enable_dlopen" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +enable_dlopen_self='`$ECHO "$enable_dlopen_self" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +enable_dlopen_self_static='`$ECHO "$enable_dlopen_self_static" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +old_striplib='`$ECHO "$old_striplib" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' +striplib='`$ECHO "$striplib" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`' + +LTCC='$LTCC' +LTCFLAGS='$LTCFLAGS' +compiler='$compiler_DEFAULT' + +# A function that is used when there is no print builtin or printf. +func_fallback_echo () +{ + eval 'cat <<_LTECHO_EOF +\$1 +_LTECHO_EOF' +} + +# Quote evaled strings. +for var in AS \ +DLLTOOL \ +OBJDUMP \ +SHELL \ +ECHO \ +PATH_SEPARATOR \ +SED \ +GREP \ +EGREP \ +FGREP \ +LD \ +NM \ +LN_S \ +lt_SP2NL \ +lt_NL2SP \ +reload_flag \ +deplibs_check_method \ +file_magic_cmd \ +file_magic_glob \ +want_nocaseglob \ +sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd \ +AR \ +AR_FLAGS \ +archiver_list_spec \ +STRIP \ +RANLIB \ +CC \ +CFLAGS \ +compiler \ +lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe \ +lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl \ +lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_import \ +lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address \ +lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address_lib_prefix \ +lt_cv_nm_interface \ +nm_file_list_spec \ +lt_cv_truncate_bin \ +lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag \ +lt_prog_compiler_pic \ +lt_prog_compiler_wl \ +lt_prog_compiler_static \ +lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o \ +need_locks \ +MANIFEST_TOOL \ +DSYMUTIL \ +NMEDIT \ +LIPO \ +OTOOL \ +OTOOL64 \ +shrext_cmds \ +export_dynamic_flag_spec \ +whole_archive_flag_spec \ +compiler_needs_object \ +with_gnu_ld \ +allow_undefined_flag \ +no_undefined_flag \ +hardcode_libdir_flag_spec \ +hardcode_libdir_separator \ +exclude_expsyms \ +include_expsyms \ +file_list_spec \ +variables_saved_for_relink \ +libname_spec \ +library_names_spec \ +soname_spec \ +install_override_mode \ +finish_eval \ +old_striplib \ +striplib; do + case \`eval \\\\\$ECHO \\\\""\\\\\$\$var"\\\\"\` in + *[\\\\\\\`\\"\\\$]*) + eval "lt_\$var=\\\\\\"\\\`\\\$ECHO \\"\\\$\$var\\" | \\\$SED \\"\\\$sed_quote_subst\\"\\\`\\\\\\"" ## exclude from sc_prohibit_nested_quotes + ;; + *) + eval "lt_\$var=\\\\\\"\\\$\$var\\\\\\"" + ;; + esac +done + +# Double-quote double-evaled strings. +for var in reload_cmds \ +old_postinstall_cmds \ +old_postuninstall_cmds \ +old_archive_cmds \ +extract_expsyms_cmds \ +old_archive_from_new_cmds \ +old_archive_from_expsyms_cmds \ +archive_cmds \ +archive_expsym_cmds \ +module_cmds \ +module_expsym_cmds \ +export_symbols_cmds \ +prelink_cmds \ +postlink_cmds \ +postinstall_cmds \ +postuninstall_cmds \ +finish_cmds \ +sys_lib_search_path_spec \ +configure_time_dlsearch_path \ +configure_time_lt_sys_library_path; do + case \`eval \\\\\$ECHO \\\\""\\\\\$\$var"\\\\"\` in + *[\\\\\\\`\\"\\\$]*) + eval "lt_\$var=\\\\\\"\\\`\\\$ECHO \\"\\\$\$var\\" | \\\$SED -e \\"\\\$double_quote_subst\\" -e \\"\\\$sed_quote_subst\\" -e \\"\\\$delay_variable_subst\\"\\\`\\\\\\"" ## exclude from sc_prohibit_nested_quotes + ;; + *) + eval "lt_\$var=\\\\\\"\\\$\$var\\\\\\"" + ;; + esac +done + +ac_aux_dir='$ac_aux_dir' + +# See if we are running on zsh, and set the options that allow our +# commands through without removal of \ escapes INIT. +if test -n "\${ZSH_VERSION+set}"; then + setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST +fi + + + PACKAGE='$PACKAGE' + VERSION='$VERSION' + RM='$RM' + ofile='$ofile' + + + + +_ACEOF + +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 + +# Handling of arguments. +for ac_config_target in $ac_config_targets +do + case $ac_config_target in + "depfiles") CONFIG_COMMANDS="$CONFIG_COMMANDS depfiles" ;; + "libtool") CONFIG_COMMANDS="$CONFIG_COMMANDS libtool" ;; + "Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES Makefile" ;; + "doc/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES doc/Makefile" ;; + "src/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES src/Makefile" ;; + "tests/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES tests/Makefile" ;; + "tune/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES tune/Makefile" ;; + "src/mparam.h") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES src/mparam.h:src/" ;; + + *) as_fn_error $? "invalid argument: \`$ac_config_target'" "$LINENO" 5;; + esac +done + + +# If the user did not use the arguments to specify the items to instantiate, +# then the envvar interface is used. Set only those that are not. +# We use the long form for the default assignment because of an extremely +# bizarre bug on SunOS 4.1.3. +if $ac_need_defaults; then + test "${CONFIG_FILES+set}" = set || CONFIG_FILES=$config_files + test "${CONFIG_COMMANDS+set}" = set || CONFIG_COMMANDS=$config_commands +fi + +# Have a temporary directory for convenience. Make it in the build tree +# simply because there is no reason against having it here, and in addition, +# creating and moving files from /tmp can sometimes cause problems. +# Hook for its removal unless debugging. +# Note that there is a small window in which the directory will not be cleaned: +# after its creation but before its name has been assigned to `$tmp'. +$debug || +{ + tmp= ac_tmp= + trap 'exit_status=$? + : "${ac_tmp:=$tmp}" + { test ! -d "$ac_tmp" || rm -fr "$ac_tmp"; } && exit $exit_status +' 0 + trap 'as_fn_exit 1' 1 2 13 15 +} +# Create a (secure) tmp directory for tmp files. + +{ + tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "./confXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` && + test -d "$tmp" +} || +{ + tmp=./conf$$-$RANDOM + (umask 077 && mkdir "$tmp") +} || as_fn_error $? "cannot create a temporary directory in ." "$LINENO" 5 +ac_tmp=$tmp + +# Set up the scripts for CONFIG_FILES section. +# No need to generate them if there are no CONFIG_FILES. +# This happens for instance with `./config.status config.h'. +if test -n "$CONFIG_FILES"; then + + +ac_cr=`echo X | tr X '\015'` +# On cygwin, bash can eat \r inside `` if the user requested igncr. +# But we know of no other shell where ac_cr would be empty at this +# point, so we can use a bashism as a fallback. +if test "x$ac_cr" = x; then + eval ac_cr=\$\'\\r\' +fi +ac_cs_awk_cr=`$AWK 'BEGIN { print "a\rb" }' /dev/null` +if test "$ac_cs_awk_cr" = "a${ac_cr}b"; then + ac_cs_awk_cr='\\r' +else + ac_cs_awk_cr=$ac_cr +fi + +echo 'BEGIN {' >"$ac_tmp/subs1.awk" && +_ACEOF + + +{ + echo "cat >conf$$subs.awk <<_ACEOF" && + echo "$ac_subst_vars" | sed 's/.*/&!$&$ac_delim/' && + echo "_ACEOF" +} >conf$$ || + as_fn_error $? "could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5 +ac_delim_num=`echo "$ac_subst_vars" | grep -c '^'` +ac_delim='%!_!# ' +for ac_last_try in false false false false false :; do + . ./conf$$ || + as_fn_error $? "could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5 + + ac_delim_n=`sed -n "s/.*$ac_delim\$/X/p" conf$$subs.awk | grep -c X` + if test $ac_delim_n = $ac_delim_num; then + break + elif $ac_last_try; then + as_fn_error $? "could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5 + else + ac_delim="$ac_delim!$ac_delim _$ac_delim!! " + fi +done +rm -f conf$$ + +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +cat >>"\$ac_tmp/subs1.awk" <<\\_ACAWK && +_ACEOF +sed -n ' +h +s/^/S["/; s/!.*/"]=/ +p +g +s/^[^!]*!// +:repl +t repl +s/'"$ac_delim"'$// +t delim +:nl +h +s/\(.\{148\}\)..*/\1/ +t more1 +s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/\\n"\\/ +p +n +b repl +:more1 +s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/"\\/ +p +g +s/.\{148\}// +t nl +:delim +h +s/\(.\{148\}\)..*/\1/ +t more2 +s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/"/ +p +b +:more2 +s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/"\\/ +p +g +s/.\{148\}// +t delim +' >$CONFIG_STATUS || ac_write_fail=1 +rm -f conf$$subs.awk +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +_ACAWK +cat >>"\$ac_tmp/subs1.awk" <<_ACAWK && + for (key in S) S_is_set[key] = 1 + FS = "" + +} +{ + line = $ 0 + nfields = split(line, field, "@") + substed = 0 + len = length(field[1]) + for (i = 2; i < nfields; i++) { + key = field[i] + keylen = length(key) + if (S_is_set[key]) { + value = S[key] + line = substr(line, 1, len) "" value "" substr(line, len + keylen + 3) + len += length(value) + length(field[++i]) + substed = 1 + } else + len += 1 + keylen + } + + print line +} + +_ACAWK +_ACEOF +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +if sed "s/$ac_cr//" < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1; then + sed "s/$ac_cr\$//; s/$ac_cr/$ac_cs_awk_cr/g" +else + cat +fi < "$ac_tmp/subs1.awk" > "$ac_tmp/subs.awk" \ + || as_fn_error $? "could not setup config files machinery" "$LINENO" 5 +_ACEOF + +# VPATH may cause trouble with some makes, so we remove sole $(srcdir), +# ${srcdir} and @srcdir@ entries from VPATH if srcdir is ".", strip leading and +# trailing colons and then remove the whole line if VPATH becomes empty +# (actually we leave an empty line to preserve line numbers). +if test "x$srcdir" = x.; then + ac_vpsub='/^[ ]*VPATH[ ]*=[ ]*/{ +h +s/// +s/^/:/ +s/[ ]*$/:/ +s/:\$(srcdir):/:/g +s/:\${srcdir}:/:/g +s/:@srcdir@:/:/g +s/^:*// +s/:*$// +x +s/\(=[ ]*\).*/\1/ +G +s/\n// +s/^[^=]*=[ ]*$// +}' +fi + +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +fi # test -n "$CONFIG_FILES" + + +eval set X " :F $CONFIG_FILES :C $CONFIG_COMMANDS" +shift +for ac_tag +do + case $ac_tag in + :[FHLC]) ac_mode=$ac_tag; continue;; + esac + case $ac_mode$ac_tag in + :[FHL]*:*);; + :L* | :C*:*) as_fn_error $? "invalid tag \`$ac_tag'" "$LINENO" 5;; + :[FH]-) ac_tag=-:-;; + :[FH]*) ac_tag=$ac_tag:$;; + esac + ac_save_IFS=$IFS + IFS=: + set x $ac_tag + IFS=$ac_save_IFS + shift + ac_file=$1 + shift + + case $ac_mode in + :L) ac_source=$1;; + :[FH]) + ac_file_inputs= + for ac_f + do + case $ac_f in + -) ac_f="$ac_tmp/stdin";; + *) # Look for the file first in the build tree, then in the source tree + # (if the path is not absolute). The absolute path cannot be DOS-style, + # because $ac_f cannot contain `:'. + test -f "$ac_f" || + case $ac_f in + [\\/$]*) false;; + *) test -f "$srcdir/$ac_f" && ac_f="$srcdir/$ac_f";; + esac || + as_fn_error 1 "cannot find input file: \`$ac_f'" "$LINENO" 5;; + esac + case $ac_f in *\'*) ac_f=`$as_echo "$ac_f" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; esac + as_fn_append ac_file_inputs " '$ac_f'" + done + + # Let's still pretend it is `configure' which instantiates (i.e., don't + # use $as_me), people would be surprised to read: + # /* config.h. Generated by config.status. */ + configure_input='Generated from '` + $as_echo "$*" | sed 's|^[^:]*/||;s|:[^:]*/|, |g' + `' by configure.' + if test x"$ac_file" != x-; then + configure_input="$ac_file. $configure_input" + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: creating $ac_file" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: creating $ac_file" >&6;} + fi + # Neutralize special characters interpreted by sed in replacement strings. + case $configure_input in #( + *\&* | *\|* | *\\* ) + ac_sed_conf_input=`$as_echo "$configure_input" | + sed 's/[\\\\&|]/\\\\&/g'`;; #( + *) ac_sed_conf_input=$configure_input;; + esac + + case $ac_tag in + *:-:* | *:-) cat >"$ac_tmp/stdin" \ + || as_fn_error $? "could not create $ac_file" "$LINENO" 5 ;; + esac + ;; + esac + + ac_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$ac_file" || +$as_expr X"$ac_file" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \ + X"$ac_file" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \ + X"$ac_file" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ + X"$ac_file" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null || +$as_echo X"$ac_file" | + sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\).*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + s/.*/./; q'` + as_dir="$ac_dir"; as_fn_mkdir_p + ac_builddir=. + +case "$ac_dir" in +.) ac_dir_suffix= ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;; +*) + ac_dir_suffix=/`$as_echo "$ac_dir" | sed 's|^\.[\\/]||'` + # A ".." for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix. + ac_top_builddir_sub=`$as_echo "$ac_dir_suffix" | sed 's|/[^\\/]*|/..|g;s|/||'` + case $ac_top_builddir_sub in + "") ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;; + *) ac_top_build_prefix=$ac_top_builddir_sub/ ;; + esac ;; +esac +ac_abs_top_builddir=$ac_pwd +ac_abs_builddir=$ac_pwd$ac_dir_suffix +# for backward compatibility: +ac_top_builddir=$ac_top_build_prefix + +case $srcdir in + .) # We are building in place. + ac_srcdir=. + ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_builddir_sub + ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd ;; + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* ) # Absolute name. + ac_srcdir=$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix; + ac_top_srcdir=$srcdir + ac_abs_top_srcdir=$srcdir ;; + *) # Relative name. + ac_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix + ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir + ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd/$srcdir ;; +esac +ac_abs_srcdir=$ac_abs_top_srcdir$ac_dir_suffix + + + case $ac_mode in + :F) + # + # CONFIG_FILE + # + + case $INSTALL in + [\\/$]* | ?:[\\/]* ) ac_INSTALL=$INSTALL ;; + *) ac_INSTALL=$ac_top_build_prefix$INSTALL ;; + esac + ac_MKDIR_P=$MKDIR_P + case $MKDIR_P in + [\\/$]* | ?:[\\/]* ) ;; + */*) ac_MKDIR_P=$ac_top_build_prefix$MKDIR_P ;; + esac +_ACEOF + +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +# If the template does not know about datarootdir, expand it. +# FIXME: This hack should be removed a few years after 2.60. +ac_datarootdir_hack=; ac_datarootdir_seen= +ac_sed_dataroot=' +/datarootdir/ { + p + q +} +/@datadir@/p +/@docdir@/p +/@infodir@/p +/@localedir@/p +/@mandir@/p' +case `eval "sed -n \"\$ac_sed_dataroot\" $ac_file_inputs"` in +*datarootdir*) ac_datarootdir_seen=yes;; +*@datadir@*|*@docdir@*|*@infodir@*|*@localedir@*|*@mandir@*) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: $ac_file_inputs seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_file_inputs seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting" >&2;} +_ACEOF +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 + ac_datarootdir_hack=' + s&@datadir@&$datadir&g + s&@docdir@&$docdir&g + s&@infodir@&$infodir&g + s&@localedir@&$localedir&g + s&@mandir@&$mandir&g + s&\\\${datarootdir}&$datarootdir&g' ;; +esac +_ACEOF + +# Neutralize VPATH when `$srcdir' = `.'. +# Shell code in might set extrasub. +# FIXME: do we really want to maintain this feature? +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +ac_sed_extra="$ac_vpsub +$extrasub +_ACEOF +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +:t +/@[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*@/!b +s|@configure_input@|$ac_sed_conf_input|;t t +s&@top_builddir@&$ac_top_builddir_sub&;t t +s&@top_build_prefix@&$ac_top_build_prefix&;t t +s&@srcdir@&$ac_srcdir&;t t +s&@abs_srcdir@&$ac_abs_srcdir&;t t +s&@top_srcdir@&$ac_top_srcdir&;t t +s&@abs_top_srcdir@&$ac_abs_top_srcdir&;t t +s&@builddir@&$ac_builddir&;t t +s&@abs_builddir@&$ac_abs_builddir&;t t +s&@abs_top_builddir@&$ac_abs_top_builddir&;t t +s&@INSTALL@&$ac_INSTALL&;t t +s&@MKDIR_P@&$ac_MKDIR_P&;t t +$ac_datarootdir_hack +" +eval sed \"\$ac_sed_extra\" "$ac_file_inputs" | $AWK -f "$ac_tmp/subs.awk" \ + >$ac_tmp/out || as_fn_error $? "could not create $ac_file" "$LINENO" 5 + +test -z "$ac_datarootdir_hack$ac_datarootdir_seen" && + { ac_out=`sed -n '/\${datarootdir}/p' "$ac_tmp/out"`; test -n "$ac_out"; } && + { ac_out=`sed -n '/^[ ]*datarootdir[ ]*:*=/p' \ + "$ac_tmp/out"`; test -z "$ac_out"; } && + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: $ac_file contains a reference to the variable \`datarootdir' +which seems to be undefined. Please make sure it is defined" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_file contains a reference to the variable \`datarootdir' +which seems to be undefined. Please make sure it is defined" >&2;} + + rm -f "$ac_tmp/stdin" + case $ac_file in + -) cat "$ac_tmp/out" && rm -f "$ac_tmp/out";; + *) rm -f "$ac_file" && mv "$ac_tmp/out" "$ac_file";; + esac \ + || as_fn_error $? "could not create $ac_file" "$LINENO" 5 + ;; + + + :C) { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: executing $ac_file commands" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: executing $ac_file commands" >&6;} + ;; + esac + + + case $ac_file$ac_mode in + "depfiles":C) test x"$AMDEP_TRUE" != x"" || { + # Older Autoconf quotes --file arguments for eval, but not when files + # are listed without --file. Let's play safe and only enable the eval + # if we detect the quoting. + case $CONFIG_FILES in + *\'*) eval set x "$CONFIG_FILES" ;; + *) set x $CONFIG_FILES ;; + esac + shift + for mf + do + # Strip MF so we end up with the name of the file. + mf=`echo "$mf" | sed -e 's/:.*$//'` + # Check whether this is an Automake generated Makefile or not. + # We used to match only the files named '', but + # some people rename them; so instead we look at the file content. + # Grep'ing the first line is not enough: some people post-process + # each and add a new line on top of each file to say so. + # Grep'ing the whole file is not good either: AIX grep has a line + # limit of 2048, but all sed's we know have understand at least 4000. + if sed -n 's,^#.*generated by automake.*,X,p' "$mf" | grep X >/dev/null 2>&1; then + dirpart=`$as_dirname -- "$mf" || +$as_expr X"$mf" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \ + X"$mf" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \ + X"$mf" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ + X"$mf" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null || +$as_echo X"$mf" | + sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\).*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + s/.*/./; q'` + else + continue + fi + # Extract the definition of DEPDIR, am__include, and am__quote + # from the Makefile without running 'make'. + DEPDIR=`sed -n 's/^DEPDIR = //p' < "$mf"` + test -z "$DEPDIR" && continue + am__include=`sed -n 's/^am__include = //p' < "$mf"` + test -z "$am__include" && continue + am__quote=`sed -n 's/^am__quote = //p' < "$mf"` + # Find all dependency output files, they are included files with + # $(DEPDIR) in their names. We invoke sed twice because it is the + # simplest approach to changing $(DEPDIR) to its actual value in the + # expansion. + for file in `sed -n " + s/^$am__include $am__quote\(.*(DEPDIR).*\)$am__quote"'$/\1/p' <"$mf" | \ + sed -e 's/\$(DEPDIR)/'"$DEPDIR"'/g'`; do + # Make sure the directory exists. + test -f "$dirpart/$file" && continue + fdir=`$as_dirname -- "$file" || +$as_expr X"$file" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \ + X"$file" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \ + X"$file" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ + X"$file" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null || +$as_echo X"$file" | + sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\).*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + s/.*/./; q'` + as_dir=$dirpart/$fdir; as_fn_mkdir_p + # echo "creating $dirpart/$file" + echo '# dummy' > "$dirpart/$file" + done + done +} + ;; + "libtool":C) + + # See if we are running on zsh, and set the options that allow our + # commands through without removal of \ escapes. + if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}"; then + setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST + fi + + cfgfile=${ofile}T + trap "$RM \"$cfgfile\"; exit 1" 1 2 15 + $RM "$cfgfile" + + cat <<_LT_EOF >> "$cfgfile" +#! $SHELL +# Generated automatically by $as_me ($PACKAGE) $VERSION +# NOTE: Changes made to this file will be lost: look at + +# Provide generalized library-building support services. +# Written by Gordon Matzigkeit, 1996 + +# Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO +# warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +# GNU Libtool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +# distribute this file as part of a program or library that is built +# using GNU Libtool, you may include this file under the same +# distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. +# +# GNU Libtool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program. If not, see . + + +# The names of the tagged configurations supported by this script. +available_tags='' + +# Configured defaults for sys_lib_dlsearch_path munging. +: \${LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH="$configure_time_lt_sys_library_path"} + +# ### BEGIN LIBTOOL CONFIG + +# Which release of libtool.m4 was used? +macro_version=$macro_version +macro_revision=$macro_revision + +# Assembler program. +AS=$lt_AS + +# DLL creation program. +DLLTOOL=$lt_DLLTOOL + +# Object dumper program. +OBJDUMP=$lt_OBJDUMP + +# Whether or not to build shared libraries. +build_libtool_libs=$enable_shared + +# Whether or not to build static libraries. +build_old_libs=$enable_static + +# What type of objects to build. +pic_mode=$pic_mode + +# Whether or not to optimize for fast installation. +fast_install=$enable_fast_install + +# Shared archive member basename,for filename based shared library versioning on AIX. +shared_archive_member_spec=$shared_archive_member_spec + +# Shell to use when invoking shell scripts. +SHELL=$lt_SHELL + +# An echo program that protects backslashes. +ECHO=$lt_ECHO + +# The PATH separator for the build system. +PATH_SEPARATOR=$lt_PATH_SEPARATOR + +# The host system. +host_alias=$host_alias +host=$host +host_os=$host_os + +# The build system. +build_alias=$build_alias +build=$build +build_os=$build_os + +# A sed program that does not truncate output. +SED=$lt_SED + +# Sed that helps us avoid accidentally triggering echo(1) options like -n. +Xsed="\$SED -e 1s/^X//" + +# A grep program that handles long lines. +GREP=$lt_GREP + +# An ERE matcher. +EGREP=$lt_EGREP + +# A literal string matcher. +FGREP=$lt_FGREP + +# A BSD- or MS-compatible name lister. +NM=$lt_NM + +# Whether we need soft or hard links. +LN_S=$lt_LN_S + +# What is the maximum length of a command? +max_cmd_len=$max_cmd_len + +# Object file suffix (normally "o"). +objext=$ac_objext + +# Executable file suffix (normally ""). +exeext=$exeext + +# whether the shell understands "unset". +lt_unset=$lt_unset + +# turn spaces into newlines. +SP2NL=$lt_lt_SP2NL + +# turn newlines into spaces. +NL2SP=$lt_lt_NL2SP + +# convert \$build file names to \$host format. +to_host_file_cmd=$lt_cv_to_host_file_cmd + +# convert \$build files to toolchain format. +to_tool_file_cmd=$lt_cv_to_tool_file_cmd + +# Method to check whether dependent libraries are shared objects. +deplibs_check_method=$lt_deplibs_check_method + +# Command to use when deplibs_check_method = "file_magic". +file_magic_cmd=$lt_file_magic_cmd + +# How to find potential files when deplibs_check_method = "file_magic". +file_magic_glob=$lt_file_magic_glob + +# Find potential files using nocaseglob when deplibs_check_method = "file_magic". +want_nocaseglob=$lt_want_nocaseglob + +# Command to associate shared and link libraries. +sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd=$lt_sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd + +# The archiver. +AR=$lt_AR + +# Flags to create an archive. +AR_FLAGS=$lt_AR_FLAGS + +# How to feed a file listing to the archiver. +archiver_list_spec=$lt_archiver_list_spec + +# A symbol stripping program. +STRIP=$lt_STRIP + +# Commands used to install an old-style archive. +RANLIB=$lt_RANLIB +old_postinstall_cmds=$lt_old_postinstall_cmds +old_postuninstall_cmds=$lt_old_postuninstall_cmds + +# Whether to use a lock for old archive extraction. +lock_old_archive_extraction=$lock_old_archive_extraction + +# A C compiler. +LTCC=$lt_CC + +# LTCC compiler flags. +LTCFLAGS=$lt_CFLAGS + +# Take the output of nm and produce a listing of raw symbols and C names. +global_symbol_pipe=$lt_lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe + +# Transform the output of nm in a proper C declaration. +global_symbol_to_cdecl=$lt_lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl + +# Transform the output of nm into a list of symbols to manually relocate. +global_symbol_to_import=$lt_lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_import + +# Transform the output of nm in a C name address pair. +global_symbol_to_c_name_address=$lt_lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address + +# Transform the output of nm in a C name address pair when lib prefix is needed. +global_symbol_to_c_name_address_lib_prefix=$lt_lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address_lib_prefix + +# The name lister interface. +nm_interface=$lt_lt_cv_nm_interface + +# Specify filename containing input files for \$NM. +nm_file_list_spec=$lt_nm_file_list_spec + +# The root where to search for dependent libraries,and where our libraries should be installed. +lt_sysroot=$lt_sysroot + +# Command to truncate a binary pipe. +lt_truncate_bin=$lt_lt_cv_truncate_bin + +# The name of the directory that contains temporary libtool files. +objdir=$objdir + +# Used to examine libraries when file_magic_cmd begins with "file". +MAGIC_CMD=$MAGIC_CMD + +# Must we lock files when doing compilation? +need_locks=$lt_need_locks + +# Manifest tool. +MANIFEST_TOOL=$lt_MANIFEST_TOOL + +# Tool to manipulate archived DWARF debug symbol files on Mac OS X. +DSYMUTIL=$lt_DSYMUTIL + +# Tool to change global to local symbols on Mac OS X. +NMEDIT=$lt_NMEDIT + +# Tool to manipulate fat objects and archives on Mac OS X. +LIPO=$lt_LIPO + +# ldd/readelf like tool for Mach-O binaries on Mac OS X. +OTOOL=$lt_OTOOL + +# ldd/readelf like tool for 64 bit Mach-O binaries on Mac OS X 10.4. +OTOOL64=$lt_OTOOL64 + +# Old archive suffix (normally "a"). +libext=$libext + +# Shared library suffix (normally ".so"). +shrext_cmds=$lt_shrext_cmds + +# The commands to extract the exported symbol list from a shared archive. +extract_expsyms_cmds=$lt_extract_expsyms_cmds + +# Variables whose values should be saved in libtool wrapper scripts and +# restored at link time. +variables_saved_for_relink=$lt_variables_saved_for_relink + +# Do we need the "lib" prefix for modules? +need_lib_prefix=$need_lib_prefix + +# Do we need a version for libraries? +need_version=$need_version + +# Library versioning type. +version_type=$version_type + +# Shared library runtime path variable. +runpath_var=$runpath_var + +# Shared library path variable. +shlibpath_var=$shlibpath_var + +# Is shlibpath searched before the hard-coded library search path? +shlibpath_overrides_runpath=$shlibpath_overrides_runpath + +# Format of library name prefix. +libname_spec=$lt_libname_spec + +# List of archive names. First name is the real one, the rest are links. +# The last name is the one that the linker finds with -lNAME +library_names_spec=$lt_library_names_spec + +# The coded name of the library, if different from the real name. +soname_spec=$lt_soname_spec + +# Permission mode override for installation of shared libraries. +install_override_mode=$lt_install_override_mode + +# Command to use after installation of a shared archive. +postinstall_cmds=$lt_postinstall_cmds + +# Command to use after uninstallation of a shared archive. +postuninstall_cmds=$lt_postuninstall_cmds + +# Commands used to finish a libtool library installation in a directory. +finish_cmds=$lt_finish_cmds + +# As "finish_cmds", except a single script fragment to be evaled but +# not shown. +finish_eval=$lt_finish_eval + +# Whether we should hardcode library paths into libraries. +hardcode_into_libs=$hardcode_into_libs + +# Compile-time system search path for libraries. +sys_lib_search_path_spec=$lt_sys_lib_search_path_spec + +# Detected run-time system search path for libraries. +sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec=$lt_configure_time_dlsearch_path + +# Explicit LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH set during ./configure time. +configure_time_lt_sys_library_path=$lt_configure_time_lt_sys_library_path + +# Whether dlopen is supported. +dlopen_support=$enable_dlopen + +# Whether dlopen of programs is supported. +dlopen_self=$enable_dlopen_self + +# Whether dlopen of statically linked programs is supported. +dlopen_self_static=$enable_dlopen_self_static + +# Commands to strip libraries. +old_striplib=$lt_old_striplib +striplib=$lt_striplib + + +# The linker used to build libraries. +LD=$lt_LD + +# How to create reloadable object files. +reload_flag=$lt_reload_flag +reload_cmds=$lt_reload_cmds + +# Commands used to build an old-style archive. +old_archive_cmds=$lt_old_archive_cmds + +# A language specific compiler. +CC=$lt_compiler + +# Is the compiler the GNU compiler? +with_gcc=$GCC + +# Compiler flag to turn off builtin functions. +no_builtin_flag=$lt_lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag + +# Additional compiler flags for building library objects. +pic_flag=$lt_lt_prog_compiler_pic + +# How to pass a linker flag through the compiler. +wl=$lt_lt_prog_compiler_wl + +# Compiler flag to prevent dynamic linking. +link_static_flag=$lt_lt_prog_compiler_static + +# Does compiler simultaneously support -c and -o options? +compiler_c_o=$lt_lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o + +# Whether or not to add -lc for building shared libraries. +build_libtool_need_lc=$archive_cmds_need_lc + +# Whether or not to disallow shared libs when runtime libs are static. +allow_libtool_libs_with_static_runtimes=$enable_shared_with_static_runtimes + +# Compiler flag to allow reflexive dlopens. +export_dynamic_flag_spec=$lt_export_dynamic_flag_spec + +# Compiler flag to generate shared objects directly from archives. +whole_archive_flag_spec=$lt_whole_archive_flag_spec + +# Whether the compiler copes with passing no objects directly. +compiler_needs_object=$lt_compiler_needs_object + +# Create an old-style archive from a shared archive. +old_archive_from_new_cmds=$lt_old_archive_from_new_cmds + +# Create a temporary old-style archive to link instead of a shared archive. +old_archive_from_expsyms_cmds=$lt_old_archive_from_expsyms_cmds + +# Commands used to build a shared archive. +archive_cmds=$lt_archive_cmds +archive_expsym_cmds=$lt_archive_expsym_cmds + +# Commands used to build a loadable module if different from building +# a shared archive. +module_cmds=$lt_module_cmds +module_expsym_cmds=$lt_module_expsym_cmds + +# Whether we are building with GNU ld or not. +with_gnu_ld=$lt_with_gnu_ld + +# Flag that allows shared libraries with undefined symbols to be built. +allow_undefined_flag=$lt_allow_undefined_flag + +# Flag that enforces no undefined symbols. +no_undefined_flag=$lt_no_undefined_flag + +# Flag to hardcode \$libdir into a binary during linking. +# This must work even if \$libdir does not exist +hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=$lt_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec + +# Whether we need a single "-rpath" flag with a separated argument. +hardcode_libdir_separator=$lt_hardcode_libdir_separator + +# Set to "yes" if using DIR/libNAME\$shared_ext during linking hardcodes +# DIR into the resulting binary. +hardcode_direct=$hardcode_direct + +# Set to "yes" if using DIR/libNAME\$shared_ext during linking hardcodes +# DIR into the resulting binary and the resulting library dependency is +# "absolute",i.e impossible to change by setting \$shlibpath_var if the +# library is relocated. +hardcode_direct_absolute=$hardcode_direct_absolute + +# Set to "yes" if using the -LDIR flag during linking hardcodes DIR +# into the resulting binary. +hardcode_minus_L=$hardcode_minus_L + +# Set to "yes" if using SHLIBPATH_VAR=DIR during linking hardcodes DIR +# into the resulting binary. +hardcode_shlibpath_var=$hardcode_shlibpath_var + +# Set to "yes" if building a shared library automatically hardcodes DIR +# into the library and all subsequent libraries and executables linked +# against it. +hardcode_automatic=$hardcode_automatic + +# Set to yes if linker adds runtime paths of dependent libraries +# to runtime path list. +inherit_rpath=$inherit_rpath + +# Whether libtool must link a program against all its dependency libraries. +link_all_deplibs=$link_all_deplibs + +# Set to "yes" if exported symbols are required. +always_export_symbols=$always_export_symbols + +# The commands to list exported symbols. +export_symbols_cmds=$lt_export_symbols_cmds + +# Symbols that should not be listed in the preloaded symbols. +exclude_expsyms=$lt_exclude_expsyms + +# Symbols that must always be exported. +include_expsyms=$lt_include_expsyms + +# Commands necessary for linking programs (against libraries) with templates. +prelink_cmds=$lt_prelink_cmds + +# Commands necessary for finishing linking programs. +postlink_cmds=$lt_postlink_cmds + +# Specify filename containing input files. +file_list_spec=$lt_file_list_spec + +# How to hardcode a shared library path into an executable. +hardcode_action=$hardcode_action + +# ### END LIBTOOL CONFIG + +_LT_EOF + + cat <<'_LT_EOF' >> "$cfgfile" + +# ### BEGIN FUNCTIONS SHARED WITH CONFIGURE + +# func_munge_path_list VARIABLE PATH +# ----------------------------------- +# VARIABLE is name of variable containing _space_ separated list of +# directories to be munged by the contents of PATH, which is string +# having a format: +# "DIR[:DIR]:" +# string "DIR[ DIR]" will be prepended to VARIABLE +# ":DIR[:DIR]" +# string "DIR[ DIR]" will be appended to VARIABLE +# "DIRP[:DIRP]::[DIRA:]DIRA" +# string "DIRP[ DIRP]" will be prepended to VARIABLE and string +# "DIRA[ DIRA]" will be appended to VARIABLE +# "DIR[:DIR]" +# VARIABLE will be replaced by "DIR[ DIR]" +func_munge_path_list () +{ + case x$2 in + x) + ;; + *:) + eval $1=\"`$ECHO $2 | $SED 's/:/ /g'` \$$1\" + ;; + x:*) + eval $1=\"\$$1 `$ECHO $2 | $SED 's/:/ /g'`\" + ;; + *::*) + eval $1=\"\$$1\ `$ECHO $2 | $SED -e 's/.*:://' -e 's/:/ /g'`\" + eval $1=\"`$ECHO $2 | $SED -e 's/::.*//' -e 's/:/ /g'`\ \$$1\" + ;; + *) + eval $1=\"`$ECHO $2 | $SED 's/:/ /g'`\" + ;; + esac +} + + +# Calculate cc_basename. Skip known compiler wrappers and cross-prefix. +func_cc_basename () +{ + for cc_temp in $*""; do + case $cc_temp in + compile | *[\\/]compile | ccache | *[\\/]ccache ) ;; + distcc | *[\\/]distcc | purify | *[\\/]purify ) ;; + \-*) ;; + *) break;; + esac + done + func_cc_basename_result=`$ECHO "$cc_temp" | $SED "s%.*/%%; s%^$host_alias-%%"` +} + + +# ### END FUNCTIONS SHARED WITH CONFIGURE + +_LT_EOF + + case $host_os in + aix3*) + cat <<\_LT_EOF >> "$cfgfile" +# AIX sometimes has problems with the GCC collect2 program. For some +# reason, if we set the COLLECT_NAMES environment variable, the problems +# vanish in a puff of smoke. +if test set != "${COLLECT_NAMES+set}"; then + COLLECT_NAMES= + export COLLECT_NAMES +fi +_LT_EOF + ;; + esac + + +ltmain=$ac_aux_dir/ + + + # We use sed instead of cat because bash on DJGPP gets confused if + # if finds mixed CR/LF and LF-only lines. Since sed operates in + # text mode, it properly converts lines to CR/LF. This bash problem + # is reportedly fixed, but why not run on old versions too? + sed '$q' "$ltmain" >> "$cfgfile" \ + || (rm -f "$cfgfile"; exit 1) + + mv -f "$cfgfile" "$ofile" || + (rm -f "$ofile" && cp "$cfgfile" "$ofile" && rm -f "$cfgfile") + chmod +x "$ofile" + + ;; + + esac +done # for ac_tag + + +as_fn_exit 0 +_ACEOF +ac_clean_files=$ac_clean_files_save + +test $ac_write_fail = 0 || + as_fn_error $? "write failure creating $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5 + + +# configure is writing to config.log, and then calls config.status. +# config.status does its own redirection, appending to config.log. +# Unfortunately, on DOS this fails, as config.log is still kept open +# by configure, so config.status won't be able to write to it; its +# output is simply discarded. So we exec the FD to /dev/null, +# effectively closing config.log, so it can be properly (re)opened and +# appended to by config.status. When coming back to configure, we +# need to make the FD available again. +if test "$no_create" != yes; then + ac_cs_success=: + ac_config_status_args= + test "$silent" = yes && + ac_config_status_args="$ac_config_status_args --quiet" + exec 5>/dev/null + $SHELL $CONFIG_STATUS $ac_config_status_args || ac_cs_success=false + exec 5>>config.log + # Use ||, not &&, to avoid exiting from the if with $? = 1, which + # would make configure fail if this is the last instruction. + $ac_cs_success || as_fn_exit 1 +fi +if test -n "$ac_unrecognized_opts" && test "$enable_option_checking" != no; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: unrecognized options: $ac_unrecognized_opts" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: unrecognized options: $ac_unrecognized_opts" >&2;} +fi + + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27c6093 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,664 @@ +dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. + +AC_COPYRIGHT([ +Copyright 1999-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +Contributed by the AriC and Caramba projects, INRIA. + +This file is part of the GNU MPFR Library. + +The GNU MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published +by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at +your option) any later version. + +The GNU MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public +License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +along with the GNU MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If not, see + or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., +51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. +]) + +dnl Add check-news when it checks for more than 15 lines +AC_INIT([MPFR],[3.1.6]) + +dnl Older Automake versions than 1.13 may still be supported, but no longer +dnl tested, and many things have changed in 1.13. Moreover the INSTALL file +dnl and MPFR manual assume that MPFR has been built using Automake 1.13+ +dnl (due to parallel tests, introduced by default in Automake 1.13). +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.13 no-define dist-bzip2 dist-xz dist-zip]) +AM_MAINTAINER_MODE(enable) + +AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) + +dnl FIXME: The AC_ARG_ENABLE(decimal-float...) part does things too +dnl early, even when this option is not used. In particular, it must +dnl be put after AC_PROG_CC; another problem is that the GMP CFLAGS +dnl and CC check may modify the compiler. + +test_CFLAGS=${CFLAGS+set} + +dnl Check if user request its CC and CFLAGS +if test -n "$CFLAGS" || test -n "$CC" ; then + user_redefine_cc=yes +fi + +dnl Basic Autoconf macros. At this point, they must not make Autoconf +dnl choose a compiler because of the CC and CFLAGS setup from gmp.h! + +AC_CANONICAL_HOST + +AC_PROG_EGREP +AC_PROG_SED + +dnl To use a separate config header. +dnl There is still some problem with GMP's HAVE_CONFIG +dnl AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([]) + +dnl Extra arguments to configure +unset gmp_lib_path GMP_CFLAGS GMP_CC +AC_ARG_WITH(gmp_include, + [ --with-gmp-include=DIR GMP include directory ], + MPFR_PARSE_DIRECTORY(["$withval"],[withval]) + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$withval") +AC_ARG_WITH(gmp_lib, + [ --with-gmp-lib=DIR GMP lib directory ], [ + MPFR_PARSE_DIRECTORY(["$withval"],[withval]) + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$withval" + gmp_lib_path="$withval" + ]) +AC_ARG_WITH(gmp, + [ --with-gmp=DIR GMP install directory ], [ + MPFR_PARSE_DIRECTORY(["$withval"],[withval]) + if test -z "$with_gmp_lib" && test -z "$with_gmp_include" ; then + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$withval/include" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$withval/lib" + gmp_lib_path="$withval/lib" + else + AC_MSG_FAILURE([Do not use --with-gmp and --with-gmp-include/--with-gmp-lib options simultaneously.]) + fi + ]) + +AC_ARG_WITH(gmp_build, + [ --with-gmp-build=DIR GMP build directory (please read INSTALL file)], + [ + MPFR_PARSE_DIRECTORY(["$withval"],[withval]) + if test -z "$gmp_lib_path" && test -z "$with_gmp_include" ; then + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$withval -I$withval/tune" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$withval -L$withval/.libs -L$withval/tune" + gmp_lib_path="$withval$PATH_SEPARATOR$withval/.libs$PATH_SEPARATOR$withval/tune" + if test -r $withval/Makefile ; then + GMP_CFLAGS=`$SED -n 's/^CFLAGS = //p' $withval/Makefile` + GMP_CC=`$SED -n 's/^CC = //p' $withval/Makefile` + GMP_SOURCE=`$SED -n 's/^srcdir = *//p' $withval/Makefile` + case "$GMP_SOURCE" in + .) GMP_SOURCE="" ;; + /*) ;; + ?*) GMP_SOURCE="$withval/$GMP_SOURCE" ;; + esac + if test -d "$GMP_SOURCE" ; then + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$GMP_SOURCE -I$GMP_SOURCE/tune" + fi + fi + use_gmp_build=yes + else + AC_MSG_FAILURE([Do not use --with-gmp-build and other --with-gmp options simultaneously.]) + fi + ]) + +AC_ARG_WITH(mulhigh_size, + [ --with-mulhigh-size=NUM internal threshold table for mulhigh], + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([MPFR_MULHIGH_SIZE],$withval, [Mulhigh size])) + +AC_ARG_ENABLE(gmp-internals, + [ --enable-gmp-internals enable use of GMP undocumented functions [[default=no]]], + [ case $enableval in + yes) AC_DEFINE([WANT_GMP_INTERNALS],1,[Want GMP internals]) ;; + no) ;; + *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value for --enable-gmp-internals: yes or no]) ;; + esac]) + +AC_ARG_ENABLE(assert, + [ --enable-assert enable ASSERT checking [[default=no]]], + [ case $enableval in + yes) AC_DEFINE([MPFR_WANT_ASSERT],1,[Want assertion]) ;; + no) ;; + full) AC_DEFINE([MPFR_WANT_ASSERT],2,[Want assertion]) ;; + *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value for --enable-assert: yes, no or full]) ;; + esac]) +AC_ARG_ENABLE(logging, + [ --enable-logging enable MPFR logging (the system must support it) + [[default=no]]], + [ case $enableval in + yes) AC_DEFINE([MPFR_USE_LOGGING],1,[Log what MPFR does]) ;; + no) ;; + *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value for --enable-logging: yes or no]) ;; + esac]) +AC_ARG_ENABLE(thread-safe, + [ --disable-thread-safe explicitly disable TLS support + --enable-thread-safe build MPFR as thread safe, i.e. with TLS support + (the system must support it) [[default=autodetect]]], + [ case $enableval in + yes) ;; + no) ;; + *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value for --enable-thread-safe: yes or no]) ;; + esac]) +AC_ARG_ENABLE(warnings, + [ --enable-warnings allow MPFR to output warnings to stderr [[default=no]]], + [ case $enableval in + yes) AC_DEFINE([MPFR_USE_WARNINGS],1,[Allow MPFR to output warnings to stderr]) ;; + no) ;; + *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value for --enable-warnings: yes or no]) ;; + esac]) + +AC_ARG_ENABLE(tests-timeout, + [ --enable-tests-timeout=NUM enable timeout (NUM seconds) for test programs + (NUM <= 9999) [[default=no]]; if enabled, env variable + $MPFR_TESTS_TIMEOUT overrides NUM (0: no timeout).], + [ case $enableval in + no) ;; + yes) AC_DEFINE([MPFR_TESTS_TIMEOUT], 0, [timeout limit]) ;; + [[0-9]]|[[0-9]][[0-9]]|[[0-9]][[0-9]][[0-9]]|[[0-9]][[0-9]][[0-9]][[0-9]]) + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([MPFR_TESTS_TIMEOUT], $enableval, [timeout limit]) ;; + *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value for --enable-tests-timeout]) ;; + esac]) + + +dnl +dnl Setup CC and CFLAGS +dnl + +dnl ******************************************************************** +dnl Check for CC and CFLAGS in gmp.h + +dnl Warning! The following tests must be done before Autoconf selects +dnl a compiler. This means that some macros such as AC_PROG_CC and +dnl AM_PROG_AR must be put after the following code. + +if test -z "$user_redefine_cc" && test "$cross_compiling" != yes ; then + +dnl We need to guess the C preprocessor instead of using AC_PROG_CPP, +dnl since AC_PROG_CPP implies AC_PROG_CC, which chooses a compiler +dnl (before we have the chance to get it from gmp.h) and does some +dnl checking related to this compiler (such as dependency tracking +dnl options); if the compiler changes due to __GMP_CC in gmp.h, one +dnl would have incorrect settings. +dnl FIXME: Move this in aclocal ? +if test -z "$GMP_CC$GMP_CFLAGS" ; then + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for CC and CFLAGS in gmp.h) + GMP_CC=__GMP_CC + GMP_CFLAGS=__GMP_CFLAGS + # /lib/cpp under Solaris doesn't support some environment variables + # used by GCC, such as C_INCLUDE_PATH. If the user has set up such + # environment variables, he probably wants to use them. So, let us + # prefer cpp and gcc to /lib/cpp. + for cpp in cpp gcc /lib/cpp cc c99 + do + case $cpp in + *cpp*) ;; + *) cpp="$cpp -E" ;; + esac + echo foo > conftest.c + if $cpp $CPPFLAGS conftest.c > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then + # Get CC + echo "#include \"gmp.h\"" > conftest.c + echo "MPFR_OPTION __GMP_CC" >> conftest.c + GMP_CC=`$cpp $CPPFLAGS conftest.c 2> /dev/null | $EGREP MPFR_OPTION | $SED -e 's/MPFR_OPTION //g;s/ *" *//g'` + # Get CFLAGS + echo "#include \"gmp.h\"" > conftest.c + echo "MPFR_OPTION __GMP_CFLAGS" >> conftest.c + unset rmpedantic + [test "$enable_logging" = yes && rmpedantic='s/[ "]-pedantic[ "]/ /g;'] + GMP_CFLAGS=`$cpp $CPPFLAGS conftest.c 2> /dev/null | $EGREP MPFR_OPTION | $SED -e "$rmpedantic"'s/MPFR_OPTION //g;s/ *" *//g'` + break + fi + done + rm -f conftest* + if test "x$GMP_CC" = "x__GMP_CC" || test "x$GMP_CFLAGS" = "x__GMP_CFLAGS" ; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + GMP_CFLAGS= + GMP_CC= + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes [CC=$GMP_CC CFLAGS=$GMP_CFLAGS]) + fi +fi + +dnl But these variables may be invalid, so we must check them first. +dnl Note: we do not use AC_RUN_IFELSE, as it implies AC_PROG_CC. +if test -n "$GMP_CC$GMP_CFLAGS" ; then + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for CC=$GMP_CC and CFLAGS=$GMP_CFLAGS) + echo "int main (void) { return 0; }" > conftest.c + if $GMP_CC $GMP_CFLAGS -o conftest conftest.c 2> /dev/null ; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + CFLAGS=$GMP_CFLAGS + CC=$GMP_CC + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + rm -f conftest* +fi + +fi + +dnl ******************************************************************** + +AC_PROG_CC +AC_PROG_CPP +AC_LANG(C) + +dnl Support unusual archivers. +AM_PROG_AR + +dnl For GCC, _Decimal64 was introduced in GCC 4.3 for some targets +dnl (note that it is not guaranteed to be available because it may +dnl be disabled in the GCC build). See: +dnl +dnl _Decimal64 is not yet defined in GCC for C++: +dnl +dnl _Decimal64 support is broken with GCC 4.6.3 and 4.7.2 on powerpc64 +dnl with the mode32 ABI, e.g. "-m32 -mpowerpc64 -mtune=970 -O3"; this +dnl is detected by the x != x test below. +AC_ARG_ENABLE(decimal-float, + [ --enable-decimal-float build conversion functions from/to decimal floats + (requires --with-gmp-build) [[default=no]]], + [ case $enableval in + yes) AC_DEFINE([MPFR_WANT_DECIMAL_FLOATS],1, + [Build decimal float functions]) + AC_MSG_CHECKING(if compiler knows _Decimal64) + AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[_Decimal64 x;]])], + [AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + if test "$use_gmp_build" != yes ; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([decimal float support requires --with-gmp-build]) + fi + AC_MSG_CHECKING(if _GMP_IEEE_FLOATS is defined) + AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[ +#include "gmp.h" +#include "gmp-impl.h" +#ifndef _GMP_IEEE_FLOATS +#error "_GMP_IEEE_FLOATS is not defined" +#endif]])],[AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)],[AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + AC_MSG_ERROR([decimal float support requires _GMP_IEEE_FLOATS])]) + ], + [AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +AC_MSG_ERROR([Compiler doesn't know _Decimal64 (ISO/IEC TR 24732). +Please use another compiler or build MPFR without --enable-decimal-float.])] + ) + AC_MSG_CHECKING(decimal float format) + AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#include +]], [[ +volatile _Decimal64 x = 1; +union { double d; _Decimal64 d64; } y; +if (x != x) return 3; +y.d64 = 1234567890123456.0dd; +return y.d == 0.14894469406741037E-123 ? 0 : + y.d == 0.59075095508629822E-68 ? 1 : 2; +]])], [AC_MSG_RESULT(DPD) + AC_DEFINE([DPD_FORMAT],1,[])], + [case "$?" in + 1) AC_MSG_RESULT(BID) ;; + 2) AC_MSG_FAILURE(neither DPD nor BID) ;; + 3) AC_MSG_FAILURE([_Decimal64 support is broken. +Please use another compiler or build MPFR without --enable-decimal-float.]) ;; + *) AC_MSG_FAILURE(internal error) ;; + esac], + [AC_MSG_RESULT(assuming DPD) + AC_DEFINE([DPD_FORMAT],1,[])]) + ;; + no) ;; + *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value for --enable-decimal-float: yes or no]) ;; + esac]) + +dnl Check if compiler is ICC, and if such a case, disable GCC +dnl And add some specific flags. +dnl Don't add Warnings Flags (Otherwise you'll get more than 20000 warnings). +dnl Add -long_double flags? Don't use -pc64 ! +dnl Notes (VL): +dnl * With icc 10.1 20080212 on itanium, the __ICC macro is not defined, +dnl even when the -icc option is used (contrary to what is documented +dnl on the icc man page). +dnl * When ICC is correctly detected (__ICC macro defined), unsetting +dnl the GCC variable confuses libtool. See: +dnl +dnl * If need be, the gcc predefined macros __GNUC_* can be disabled +dnl thanks to the -no-gcc option. +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ICC) +AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#if !defined(__ICC) +# error "ICC Not Found" +error +#endif +]], [[]])],[ + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + CFLAGS="-fp_port -mp -wd1572 -wd265 -wd186 -wd239 $CFLAGS" +],[AC_MSG_RESULT(no)]) + +dnl If compiler is gcc, then use some specific flags. +dnl But don't touch user other flags. +if test "$test_CFLAGS" != set && test -n "$GCC"; then + CFLAGS="-Wpointer-arith $CFLAGS" + AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether the selected language is C++) + AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#if defined (__cplusplus) +# error "C++" +error +#endif + ]], [[]])],[ + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + CFLAGS="-Wmissing-prototypes $CFLAGS" + ],[ + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + CFLAGS="-Wmissing-declarations -Wno-sign-compare $CFLAGS" + ]) + CFLAGS="-Wall $CFLAGS" +fi + +AM_PROG_CC_C_O + +case $host in + *-apple-darwin*) +dnl This allows to take the first GMP library in the library paths, +dnl whether it is dynamic or static. This behavior is more sensible, +dnl in particular because it is the only way to link with a version +dnl only available in static form when another version is available +dnl in dynamic, and also for consistency, because the compiler will +dnl take the first gmp.h found in the include paths (so, we need to +dnl take a library that corresponds to this header file). This is a +dnl common problem with darwin. + MPFR_LD_SEARCH_PATHS_FIRST ;; +esac + +AC_C_CONST +AC_C_VOLATILE +MPFR_CONFIGS + +# (Based on GMP 5.1) +# clock_gettime is in librt on *-*-osf5.1 and on glibc < 2.17, so add -lrt to +# TUNE_LIBS if needed (e.g. if clock_gettime is not already in the C library). +# On linux (tested on x86_32, 2.6.26), clock_getres reports ns accuracy, +# while in a quick test on osf, clock_getres said only 1 millisecond. +old_LIBS="$LIBS" +AC_SEARCH_LIBS(clock_gettime, rt, [ + AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME],1,[Define to 1 if you have the `clock_gettime' function])]) +TUNE_LIBS="$LIBS" +LIBS="$old_LIBS" +AC_SUBST(TUNE_LIBS) + +dnl +dnl Setup GMP detection +dnl + +dnl Check GMP Header +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for gmp.h) +AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[ +#include "gmp.h" +]])],[AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)],[ + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + AC_MSG_ERROR([gmp.h can't be found, or is unusable.]) +]) + +dnl Configs for Windows DLLs. +dnl libtool requires "-no-undefined" for win32 dll +dnl +dnl "-Wl,output-def" is used to get a .def file for use by MS lib to make +dnl a .lib import library, described in the manual. +dnl +dnl Incidentally, libtool does generate an import library libmpfr.dll.a, +dnl but it's "ar" format and cannot be used by the MS linker. There +dnl doesn't seem to be any GNU tool for generating or converting to .lib. +AC_SUBST(MPFR_LDFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(LIBMPFR_LDFLAGS) +LT_INIT(win32-dll) +case $host in + *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-pw32* | *-*-os2*) + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for DLL/static GMP) + if test "$enable_shared" = yes; then + MPFR_LDFLAGS="$MPFR_LDFLAGS -no-undefined" + LIBMPFR_LDFLAGS="$LIBMPFR_LDFLAGS -Wl,--output-def,.libs/libmpfr-4.dll.def" + AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#include "gmp.h" +#if !__GMP_LIBGMP_DLL +# error "Dead man" +error +#endif + ]], [[]])],[AC_MSG_RESULT(DLL)],[ + AC_MSG_RESULT(static) + AC_MSG_ERROR([gmp.h isn't a DLL: use --enable-static --disable-shared]) ]) + else + AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#include "gmp.h" +#if __GMP_LIBGMP_DLL +# error "Dead man" +error +#endif + ]], [[]])],[AC_MSG_RESULT(static)],[ + AC_MSG_RESULT(DLL) + AC_MSG_ERROR([gmp.h is a DLL: use --disable-static --enable-shared]) ]) + fi + ;; +esac + +dnl Under Linux, make sure that the old dtags are used if LD_LIBRARY_PATH +dnl is defined. The issue is that with the new dtags, LD_LIBRARY_PATH has +dnl the precedence over the run path, so that if a compatible MPFR library +dnl is installed in some directory from $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, then the tested +dnl MPFR library will be this library instead of the MPFR library from the +dnl build tree. Other OS with the same issue might be added later. +dnl +dnl References: +dnl +dnl +dnl +dnl We need to check whether --disable-new-dtags is supported as alternate +dnl linkers may be used (e.g., with tcc: CC=tcc LD=tcc). +dnl +case $host in + *-*-linux*) + if test -n "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"; then + saved_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,--disable-new-dtags" + AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether --disable-new-dtags is supported by the linker) + AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[ +int main (void) { return 0; } + ]])], + [AC_MSG_RESULT(yes (use it since LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set))], + [AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + LDFLAGS="$saved_LDFLAGS" + ]) + fi + ;; +esac + +dnl +dnl For mpfr-longlong.h - TODO: should be replaced (see acinclude.m4). +dnl + +GMP_C_ATTRIBUTE_MODE + + +dnl +dnl Setup GMP detection (continued) +dnl + +dnl Check minimal GMP version +dnl We only guarantee that with a *functional* and recent enough GMP version, +dnl MPFR will compile; we do not guarantee that GMP will compile. +dnl In particular fat builds are broken in GMP 4.3.2 and GMP 5.0.0 +dnl (at least on 64-bit Core 2 under Linux), +dnl see +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for recent GMP) +AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[ +#include "gmp.h" +#if (__GNU_MP_VERSION*100+__GNU_MP_VERSION_MINOR*10 < 410) +# error "min GMP version is 4.1.0" +error +#endif +]])],[AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)],[ + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + AC_MSG_ERROR([GMP 4.1.0 min required]) +]) + +dnl Check if gmp.h is usable at link time; this may detect errors such as +dnl with GMP 4.1, which uses "extern __inline__" unconditionally with all +dnl GCC versions, which breaks by default with GCC 5. +dnl Note: No linking is done against the GMP library at this time, as we +dnl do not use any GMP symbol. The goal of this test is to avoid obscure +dnl errors with the following gmp.h tests. +AC_MSG_CHECKING(usable gmp.h at link time) +AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#include "gmp.h" +]],[[]])],[AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)],[ + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + AC_MSG_ERROR([There is an incompatibility between gmp.h and the compiler. +See 'config.log' for details. +Such an incompatibility is known between GMP 4.1, which uses +"extern __inline__" with all GCC versions, and GCC 5.]) +]) + +dnl Check if we can use internal header files of GMP (only --with-gmp-build) +if test "$use_gmp_build" = yes ; then + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for gmp internal files) + AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[ + #include "gmp.h" + #include "gmp-impl.h" + #include "longlong.h" + ]])],[ + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + AC_DEFINE([MPFR_HAVE_GMP_IMPL],1,[Use GMP Internal Files]) + ],[ + AC_MSG_ERROR([header files gmp-impl.h and longlong.h not found]) + ]) +fi + +dnl Check for GMP_NUMB_BITS and sizeof(mp_limb_t) consistency. +dnl Problems may occur if gmp.h was generated with some ABI +dnl and is used with another ABI (or if nails are used). +dnl This test doesn't need to link with libgmp (at least it shouldn't). +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for GMP_NUMB_BITS and sizeof(mp_limb_t) consistency) +AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#include +#include +#include "gmp.h" +]], [[ + if (GMP_NUMB_BITS == sizeof(mp_limb_t) * CHAR_BIT) + return 0; + fprintf (stderr, "GMP_NUMB_BITS = %ld\n", (long) GMP_NUMB_BITS); + fprintf (stderr, "sizeof(mp_limb_t) = %ld\n", (long) sizeof(mp_limb_t)); + fprintf (stderr, "sizeof(mp_limb_t) * CHAR_BIT = %ld != GMP_NUMB_BITS\n", + (long) (sizeof(mp_limb_t) * CHAR_BIT)); + return 1; +]])], [AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)], [ + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + AC_MSG_ERROR([GMP_NUMB_BITS and sizeof(mp_limb_t) are not consistent. +You probably need to change some of the GMP or MPFR compile options. +See 'config.log' for details (search for GMP_NUMB_BITS).])], + [AC_MSG_RESULT([cannot test])]) + + +dnl Check if we can link with GMP +AC_CHECK_LIB(gmp, __gmpz_init, [LIBS="-lgmp $LIBS"], + [AC_MSG_ERROR(libgmp not found or uses a different ABI (including static vs shared). +Please read the INSTALL file -- see "In case of problem".)]) + +dnl Check for corresponding 'gmp.h' and libgmp.a +AC_MSG_CHECKING(if gmp.h version and libgmp version are the same) +dnl We do not set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, as it is not possible to set it just +dnl before the test program is run, and we do not want to affect other +dnl programs (such as the compiler), because the behavior could be +dnl incorrect and even have security implications. +dnl WARNING! LD_RUN_PATH is not taken into account by the GNU gold ld, +dnl e.g. from binutils-gold 2.22-5 under Debian; see +dnl +saved_LD_RUN_PATH="$LD_RUN_PATH" +LD_RUN_PATH="${LD_RUN_PATH:+$LD_RUN_PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR}$gmp_lib_path" +export LD_RUN_PATH +AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ +#include +#include +#include "gmp.h" +]], [[ + char buffer[100]; + sprintf (buffer, "%d.%d.%d", __GNU_MP_VERSION, __GNU_MP_VERSION_MINOR, + __GNU_MP_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL); + printf ("(%s/%s) ", buffer, gmp_version); + if (strcmp (buffer, gmp_version) == 0) + return 0; + if (__GNU_MP_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL != 0) + return 1; + sprintf (buffer, "%d.%d", __GNU_MP_VERSION, __GNU_MP_VERSION_MINOR); + return (strcmp (buffer, gmp_version) != 0) ? 1 : 0; +]])], + [AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + MPFR_CHECK_GMP + MPFR_CHECK_DBL2INT_BUG + MPFR_CHECK_PRINTF_SPEC], + [AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + AC_MSG_WARN([==========================================================]) + AC_MSG_WARN(['gmp.h' and 'libgmp' seem to have different versions or]) + AC_MSG_WARN([we cannot run a program linked with GMP (if you cannot]) + AC_MSG_WARN([see the version numbers above). A cause may be different]) + AC_MSG_WARN([GMP versions with different ABI's or the use of --with-gmp]) + AC_MSG_WARN([or --with-gmp-include with a system include directory]) + AC_MSG_WARN([(such as /usr/include or /usr/local/include).]) + AC_MSG_WARN([However since we can't use 'libtool' inside the configure,]) + AC_MSG_WARN([we can't be sure. See 'config.log' for details.]) + AC_MSG_WARN([CC="$CC"]) + AC_MSG_WARN([CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"]) + AC_MSG_WARN([CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS"]) + AC_MSG_WARN([LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"]) + AC_MSG_WARN([LIBS="$LIBS"]) + AC_MSG_WARN([Temporary LD_RUN_PATH was "$LD_RUN_PATH".]) + AC_MSG_WARN([==========================================================]) + ],AC_MSG_RESULT([cannot test]) +) +LD_RUN_PATH="$saved_LD_RUN_PATH" + +dnl Warning! __gmpn_rootrem is an internal GMP symbol; thus its behavior +dnl may change or this symbol may be removed in the future (without being +dnl handled by the library versioning system, which is even worse, as this +dnl can mean undetected incompatibilities in case of GMP library upgrade, +dnl without rebuilding MPFR). So, this symbol must not be used, unless +dnl WANT_GMP_INTERNALS is defined. Only the GMP public API should be used +dnl by default, in particular by binary distributions. Moreover the check +dnl below may yield an incorrect result as libtool isn't used in configure +dnl (see above). +dnl Same for __gmpn_sbpi1_divappr_q. +AC_CHECK_FUNCS([__gmpn_rootrem __gmpn_sbpi1_divappr_q]) + +dnl Remove also many MACROS (AC_DEFINE) which are unused by MPFR +dnl and polluate (and slow down because libtool has to parse them) the build. +if test -f confdefs.h; then + $SED '/#define PACKAGE_/d' confdefs.tmp + $SED '/#define HAVE_STRING/d' confdefs.h + $SED '/#define HAVE_ALLOCA /d' confdefs.tmp + $SED '/#define HAVE_DLFCN_H/d' confdefs.h + $SED '/#define HAVE_MEM/d' confdefs.tmp + $SED '/#define STDC_HEADERS/d' confdefs.h + $SED '/#define HAVE_STRTOL/d' confdefs.tmp + $SED '/#define HAVE_STDLIB_H/d' confdefs.h + $SED '/#define HAVE_UNISTD_H/d' confdefs.tmp + $SED '/#define HAVE_STDC_HEADERS/d' confdefs.h + $SED '/#define HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE/d' confdefs.tmp + $SED '/#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H/d' confdefs.h + $SED '/#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H/d' confdefs.tmp + $SED '/#define PROTOTYPES/d' confdefs.h + $SED '/#define __PROTOTYPES/d' confdefs.tmp + + mv confdefs.tmp confdefs.h +fi + +if $EGREP -q -e '-dev$' $srcdir/VERSION; then + AC_SUBST([DATAFILES])dnl + DATAFILES=`echo \`$SED -n \ + 's/^ *data_check *("\(data\/[[^"]]*\)".*/tests\/\1/p' \ + $srcdir/tests/*.c\`` +fi + +dnl Output +AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile doc/Makefile src/Makefile tests/Makefile tune/Makefile src/mparam.h:src/]) +AC_OUTPUT + +dnl NEWS README AUTHORS Changelog diff --git a/depcomp b/depcomp new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b39f98f --- /dev/null +++ b/depcomp @@ -0,0 +1,791 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# depcomp - compile a program generating dependencies as side-effects + +scriptversion=2016-01-11.22; # UTC + +# Copyright (C) 1999-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) +# any later version. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. + +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program. If not, see . + +# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a +# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under +# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. + +# Originally written by Alexandre Oliva . + +case $1 in + '') + echo "$0: No command. Try '$0 --help' for more information." 1>&2 + exit 1; + ;; + -h | --h*) + cat <<\EOF +Usage: depcomp [--help] [--version] PROGRAM [ARGS] + +Run PROGRAMS ARGS to compile a file, generating dependencies +as side-effects. + +Environment variables: + depmode Dependency tracking mode. + source Source file read by 'PROGRAMS ARGS'. + object Object file output by 'PROGRAMS ARGS'. + DEPDIR directory where to store dependencies. + depfile Dependency file to output. + tmpdepfile Temporary file to use when outputting dependencies. + libtool Whether libtool is used (yes/no). + +Report bugs to . +EOF + exit $? + ;; + -v | --v*) + echo "depcomp $scriptversion" + exit $? + ;; +esac + +# Get the directory component of the given path, and save it in the +# global variables '$dir'. Note that this directory component will +# be either empty or ending with a '/' character. This is deliberate. +set_dir_from () +{ + case $1 in + */*) dir=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$|/|'`;; + *) dir=;; + esac +} + +# Get the suffix-stripped basename of the given path, and save it the +# global variable '$base'. +set_base_from () +{ + base=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's|^.*/||' -e 's/\.[^.]*$//'` +} + +# If no dependency file was actually created by the compiler invocation, +# we still have to create a dummy depfile, to avoid errors with the +# Makefile "include basename.Plo" scheme. +make_dummy_depfile () +{ + echo "#dummy" > "$depfile" +} + +# Factor out some common post-processing of the generated depfile. +# Requires the auxiliary global variable '$tmpdepfile' to be set. +aix_post_process_depfile () +{ + # If the compiler actually managed to produce a dependency file, + # post-process it. + if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then + # Each line is of the form 'foo.o: dependency.h'. + # Do two passes, one to just change these to + # $object: dependency.h + # and one to simply output + # dependency.h: + # which is needed to avoid the deleted-header problem. + { sed -e "s,^.*\.[$lower]*:,$object:," < "$tmpdepfile" + sed -e "s,^.*\.[$lower]*:[$tab ]*,," -e 's,$,:,' < "$tmpdepfile" + } > "$depfile" + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + else + make_dummy_depfile + fi +} + +# A tabulation character. +tab=' ' +# A newline character. +nl=' +' +# Character ranges might be problematic outside the C locale. +# These definitions help. +upper=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ +lower=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz +digits=0123456789 +alpha=${upper}${lower} + +if test -z "$depmode" || test -z "$source" || test -z "$object"; then + echo "depcomp: Variables source, object and depmode must be set" 1>&2 + exit 1 +fi + +# Dependencies for sub/bar.o or sub/bar.obj go into sub/.deps/bar.Po. +depfile=${depfile-`echo "$object" | + sed 's|[^\\/]*$|'${DEPDIR-.deps}'/&|;s|\.\([^.]*\)$|.P\1|;s|Pobj$|Po|'`} +tmpdepfile=${tmpdepfile-`echo "$depfile" | sed 's/\.\([^.]*\)$/.T\1/'`} + +rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + +# Avoid interferences from the environment. +gccflag= dashmflag= + +# Some modes work just like other modes, but use different flags. We +# parameterize here, but still list the modes in the big case below, +# to make depend.m4 easier to write. Note that we *cannot* use a case +# here, because this file can only contain one case statement. +if test "$depmode" = hp; then + # HP compiler uses -M and no extra arg. + gccflag=-M + depmode=gcc +fi + +if test "$depmode" = dashXmstdout; then + # This is just like dashmstdout with a different argument. + dashmflag=-xM + depmode=dashmstdout +fi + +cygpath_u="cygpath -u -f -" +if test "$depmode" = msvcmsys; then + # This is just like msvisualcpp but w/o cygpath translation. + # Just convert the backslash-escaped backslashes to single forward + # slashes to satisfy depend.m4 + cygpath_u='sed s,\\\\,/,g' + depmode=msvisualcpp +fi + +if test "$depmode" = msvc7msys; then + # This is just like msvc7 but w/o cygpath translation. + # Just convert the backslash-escaped backslashes to single forward + # slashes to satisfy depend.m4 + cygpath_u='sed s,\\\\,/,g' + depmode=msvc7 +fi + +if test "$depmode" = xlc; then + # IBM C/C++ Compilers xlc/xlC can output gcc-like dependency information. + gccflag=-qmakedep=gcc,-MF + depmode=gcc +fi + +case "$depmode" in +gcc3) +## gcc 3 implements dependency tracking that does exactly what +## we want. Yay! Note: for some reason libtool 1.4 doesn't like +## it if -MD -MP comes after the -MF stuff. Hmm. +## Unfortunately, FreeBSD c89 acceptance of flags depends upon +## the command line argument order; so add the flags where they +## appear in Note that the slowdown incurred here +## affects only configure: in makefiles, %FASTDEP% shortcuts this. + for arg + do + case $arg in + -c) set fnord "$@" -MT "$object" -MD -MP -MF "$tmpdepfile" "$arg" ;; + *) set fnord "$@" "$arg" ;; + esac + shift # fnord + shift # $arg + done + "$@" + stat=$? + if test $stat -ne 0; then + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + exit $stat + fi + mv "$tmpdepfile" "$depfile" + ;; + +gcc) +## Note that this doesn't just cater to obsosete pre-3.x GCC compilers. +## but also to in-use compilers like IMB xlc/xlC and the HP C compiler. +## (see the conditional assignment to $gccflag above). +## There are various ways to get dependency output from gcc. Here's +## why we pick this rather obscure method: +## - Don't want to use -MD because we'd like the dependencies to end +## up in a subdir. Having to rename by hand is ugly. +## (We might end up doing this anyway to support other compilers.) +## - The DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT environment variable makes gcc act like +## -MM, not -M (despite what the docs say). Also, it might not be +## supported by the other compilers which use the 'gcc' depmode. +## - Using -M directly means running the compiler twice (even worse +## than renaming). + if test -z "$gccflag"; then + gccflag=-MD, + fi + "$@" -Wp,"$gccflag$tmpdepfile" + stat=$? + if test $stat -ne 0; then + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + exit $stat + fi + rm -f "$depfile" + echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile" + # The second -e expression handles DOS-style file names with drive + # letters. + sed -e 's/^[^:]*: / /' \ + -e 's/^['$alpha']:\/[^:]*: / /' < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile" +## This next piece of magic avoids the "deleted header file" problem. +## The problem is that when a header file which appears in a .P file +## is deleted, the dependency causes make to die (because there is +## typically no way to rebuild the header). We avoid this by adding +## dummy dependencies for each header file. Too bad gcc doesn't do +## this for us directly. +## Some versions of gcc put a space before the ':'. On the theory +## that the space means something, we add a space to the output as +## well. hp depmode also adds that space, but also prefixes the VPATH +## to the object. Take care to not repeat it in the output. +## Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation +## correctly. Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround. + tr ' ' "$nl" < "$tmpdepfile" \ + | sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e "s|.*$object$||" -e '/:$/d' \ + | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile" + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + ;; + +hp) + # This case exists only to let depend.m4 do its work. It works by + # looking at the text of this script. This case will never be run, + # since it is checked for above. + exit 1 + ;; + +sgi) + if test "$libtool" = yes; then + "$@" "-Wp,-MDupdate,$tmpdepfile" + else + "$@" -MDupdate "$tmpdepfile" + fi + stat=$? + if test $stat -ne 0; then + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + exit $stat + fi + rm -f "$depfile" + + if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then # yes, the sourcefile depend on other files + echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile" + # Clip off the initial element (the dependent). Don't try to be + # clever and replace this with sed code, as IRIX sed won't handle + # lines with more than a fixed number of characters (4096 in + # IRIX 6.2 sed, 8192 in IRIX 6.5). We also remove comment lines; + # the IRIX cc adds comments like '#:fec' to the end of the + # dependency line. + tr ' ' "$nl" < "$tmpdepfile" \ + | sed -e 's/^.*\.o://' -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/ d' \ + | tr "$nl" ' ' >> "$depfile" + echo >> "$depfile" + # The second pass generates a dummy entry for each header file. + tr ' ' "$nl" < "$tmpdepfile" \ + | sed -e 's/^.*\.o://' -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/ d' -e 's/$/:/' \ + >> "$depfile" + else + make_dummy_depfile + fi + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + ;; + +xlc) + # This case exists only to let depend.m4 do its work. It works by + # looking at the text of this script. This case will never be run, + # since it is checked for above. + exit 1 + ;; + +aix) + # The C for AIX Compiler uses -M and outputs the dependencies + # in a .u file. In older versions, this file always lives in the + # current directory. Also, the AIX compiler puts '$object:' at the + # start of each line; $object doesn't have directory information. + # Version 6 uses the directory in both cases. + set_dir_from "$object" + set_base_from "$object" + if test "$libtool" = yes; then + tmpdepfile1=$dir$base.u + tmpdepfile2=$base.u + tmpdepfile3=$dir.libs/$base.u + "$@" -Wc,-M + else + tmpdepfile1=$dir$base.u + tmpdepfile2=$dir$base.u + tmpdepfile3=$dir$base.u + "$@" -M + fi + stat=$? + if test $stat -ne 0; then + rm -f "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3" + exit $stat + fi + + for tmpdepfile in "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3" + do + test -f "$tmpdepfile" && break + done + aix_post_process_depfile + ;; + +tcc) + # tcc (Tiny C Compiler) understand '-MD -MF file' since version 0.9.26 + # FIXME: That version still under development at the moment of writing. + # Make that this statement remains true also for stable, released + # versions. + # It will wrap lines (doesn't matter whether long or short) with a + # trailing '\', as in: + # + # foo.o : \ + # foo.c \ + # foo.h \ + # + # It will put a trailing '\' even on the last line, and will use leading + # spaces rather than leading tabs (at least since its commit 0394caf7 + # "Emit spaces for -MD"). + "$@" -MD -MF "$tmpdepfile" + stat=$? + if test $stat -ne 0; then + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + exit $stat + fi + rm -f "$depfile" + # Each non-empty line is of the form 'foo.o : \' or ' dep.h \'. + # We have to change lines of the first kind to '$object: \'. + sed -e "s|.*:|$object :|" < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile" + # And for each line of the second kind, we have to emit a 'dep.h:' + # dummy dependency, to avoid the deleted-header problem. + sed -n -e 's|^ *\(.*\) *\\$|\1:|p' < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile" + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + ;; + +## The order of this option in the case statement is important, since the +## shell code in configure will try each of these formats in the order +## listed in this file. A plain '-MD' option would be understood by many +## compilers, so we must ensure this comes after the gcc and icc options. +pgcc) + # Portland's C compiler understands '-MD'. + # Will always output deps to 'file.d' where file is the root name of the + # source file under compilation, even if file resides in a subdirectory. + # The object file name does not affect the name of the '.d' file. + # pgcc 10.2 will output + # foo.o: sub/foo.c sub/foo.h + # and will wrap long lines using '\' : + # foo.o: sub/foo.c ... \ + # sub/foo.h ... \ + # ... + set_dir_from "$object" + # Use the source, not the object, to determine the base name, since + # that's sadly what pgcc will do too. + set_base_from "$source" + tmpdepfile=$base.d + + # For projects that build the same source file twice into different object + # files, the pgcc approach of using the *source* file root name can cause + # problems in parallel builds. Use a locking strategy to avoid stomping on + # the same $tmpdepfile. + lockdir=$base.d-lock + trap " + echo '$0: caught signal, cleaning up...' >&2 + rmdir '$lockdir' + exit 1 + " 1 2 13 15 + numtries=100 + i=$numtries + while test $i -gt 0; do + # mkdir is a portable test-and-set. + if mkdir "$lockdir" 2>/dev/null; then + # This process acquired the lock. + "$@" -MD + stat=$? + # Release the lock. + rmdir "$lockdir" + break + else + # If the lock is being held by a different process, wait + # until the winning process is done or we timeout. + while test -d "$lockdir" && test $i -gt 0; do + sleep 1 + i=`expr $i - 1` + done + fi + i=`expr $i - 1` + done + trap - 1 2 13 15 + if test $i -le 0; then + echo "$0: failed to acquire lock after $numtries attempts" >&2 + echo "$0: check lockdir '$lockdir'" >&2 + exit 1 + fi + + if test $stat -ne 0; then + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + exit $stat + fi + rm -f "$depfile" + # Each line is of the form `foo.o: dependent.h', + # or `foo.o: dep1.h dep2.h \', or ` dep3.h dep4.h \'. + # Do two passes, one to just change these to + # `$object: dependent.h' and one to simply `dependent.h:'. + sed "s,^[^:]*:,$object :," < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile" + # Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation + # correctly. Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround. + sed 's,^[^:]*: \(.*\)$,\1,;s/^\\$//;/^$/d;/:$/d' < "$tmpdepfile" \ + | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile" + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + ;; + +hp2) + # The "hp" stanza above does not work with aCC (C++) and HP's ia64 + # compilers, which have integrated preprocessors. The correct option + # to use with these is +Maked; it writes dependencies to a file named + # 'foo.d', which lands next to the object file, wherever that + # happens to be. + # Much of this is similar to the tru64 case; see comments there. + set_dir_from "$object" + set_base_from "$object" + if test "$libtool" = yes; then + tmpdepfile1=$dir$base.d + tmpdepfile2=$dir.libs/$base.d + "$@" -Wc,+Maked + else + tmpdepfile1=$dir$base.d + tmpdepfile2=$dir$base.d + "$@" +Maked + fi + stat=$? + if test $stat -ne 0; then + rm -f "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" + exit $stat + fi + + for tmpdepfile in "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" + do + test -f "$tmpdepfile" && break + done + if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then + sed -e "s,^.*\.[$lower]*:,$object:," "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile" + # Add 'dependent.h:' lines. + sed -ne '2,${ + s/^ *// + s/ \\*$// + s/$/:/ + p + }' "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile" + else + make_dummy_depfile + fi + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" "$tmpdepfile2" + ;; + +tru64) + # The Tru64 compiler uses -MD to generate dependencies as a side + # effect. 'cc -MD -o foo.o ...' puts the dependencies into 'foo.o.d'. + # At least on Alpha/Redhat 6.1, Compaq CCC V6.2-504 seems to put + # dependencies in 'foo.d' instead, so we check for that too. + # Subdirectories are respected. + set_dir_from "$object" + set_base_from "$object" + + if test "$libtool" = yes; then + # Libtool generates 2 separate objects for the 2 libraries. These + # two compilations output dependencies in $dir.libs/$base.o.d and + # in $dir$base.o.d. We have to check for both files, because + # one of the two compilations can be disabled. We should prefer + # $dir$base.o.d over $dir.libs/$base.o.d because the latter is + # automatically cleaned when .libs/ is deleted, while ignoring + # the former would cause a distcleancheck panic. + tmpdepfile1=$dir$base.o.d # libtool 1.5 + tmpdepfile2=$dir.libs/$base.o.d # Likewise. + tmpdepfile3=$dir.libs/$base.d # Compaq CCC V6.2-504 + "$@" -Wc,-MD + else + tmpdepfile1=$dir$base.d + tmpdepfile2=$dir$base.d + tmpdepfile3=$dir$base.d + "$@" -MD + fi + + stat=$? + if test $stat -ne 0; then + rm -f "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3" + exit $stat + fi + + for tmpdepfile in "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3" + do + test -f "$tmpdepfile" && break + done + # Same post-processing that is required for AIX mode. + aix_post_process_depfile + ;; + +msvc7) + if test "$libtool" = yes; then + showIncludes=-Wc,-showIncludes + else + showIncludes=-showIncludes + fi + "$@" $showIncludes > "$tmpdepfile" + stat=$? + grep -v '^Note: including file: ' "$tmpdepfile" + if test $stat -ne 0; then + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + exit $stat + fi + rm -f "$depfile" + echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile" + # The first sed program below extracts the file names and escapes + # backslashes for cygpath. The second sed program outputs the file + # name when reading, but also accumulates all include files in the + # hold buffer in order to output them again at the end. This only + # works with sed implementations that can handle large buffers. + sed < "$tmpdepfile" -n ' +/^Note: including file: *\(.*\)/ { + s//\1/ + s/\\/\\\\/g + p +}' | $cygpath_u | sort -u | sed -n ' +s/ /\\ /g +s/\(.*\)/'"$tab"'\1 \\/p +s/.\(.*\) \\/\1:/ +H +$ { + s/.*/'"$tab"'/ + G + p +}' >> "$depfile" + echo >> "$depfile" # make sure the fragment doesn't end with a backslash + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + ;; + +msvc7msys) + # This case exists only to let depend.m4 do its work. It works by + # looking at the text of this script. This case will never be run, + # since it is checked for above. + exit 1 + ;; + +#nosideeffect) + # This comment above is used by automake to tell side-effect + # dependency tracking mechanisms from slower ones. + +dashmstdout) + # Important note: in order to support this mode, a compiler *must* + # always write the preprocessed file to stdout, regardless of -o. + "$@" || exit $? + + # Remove the call to Libtool. + if test "$libtool" = yes; then + while test "X$1" != 'X--mode=compile'; do + shift + done + shift + fi + + # Remove '-o $object'. + IFS=" " + for arg + do + case $arg in + -o) + shift + ;; + $object) + shift + ;; + *) + set fnord "$@" "$arg" + shift # fnord + shift # $arg + ;; + esac + done + + test -z "$dashmflag" && dashmflag=-M + # Require at least two characters before searching for ':' + # in the target name. This is to cope with DOS-style filenames: + # a dependency such as 'c:/foo/bar' could be seen as target 'c' otherwise. + "$@" $dashmflag | + sed "s|^[$tab ]*[^:$tab ][^:][^:]*:[$tab ]*|$object: |" > "$tmpdepfile" + rm -f "$depfile" + cat < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile" + # Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this sed invocation + # correctly. Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround. + tr ' ' "$nl" < "$tmpdepfile" \ + | sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' \ + | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile" + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + ;; + +dashXmstdout) + # This case only exists to satisfy depend.m4. It is never actually + # run, as this mode is specially recognized in the preamble. + exit 1 + ;; + +makedepend) + "$@" || exit $? + # Remove any Libtool call + if test "$libtool" = yes; then + while test "X$1" != 'X--mode=compile'; do + shift + done + shift + fi + # X makedepend + shift + cleared=no eat=no + for arg + do + case $cleared in + no) + set ""; shift + cleared=yes ;; + esac + if test $eat = yes; then + eat=no + continue + fi + case "$arg" in + -D*|-I*) + set fnord "$@" "$arg"; shift ;; + # Strip any option that makedepend may not understand. Remove + # the object too, otherwise makedepend will parse it as a source file. + -arch) + eat=yes ;; + -*|$object) + ;; + *) + set fnord "$@" "$arg"; shift ;; + esac + done + obj_suffix=`echo "$object" | sed 's/^.*\././'` + touch "$tmpdepfile" + ${MAKEDEPEND-makedepend} -o"$obj_suffix" -f"$tmpdepfile" "$@" + rm -f "$depfile" + # makedepend may prepend the VPATH from the source file name to the object. + # No need to regex-escape $object, excess matching of '.' is harmless. + sed "s|^.*\($object *:\)|\1|" "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile" + # Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process the last invocation + # correctly. Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround. + sed '1,2d' "$tmpdepfile" \ + | tr ' ' "$nl" \ + | sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' \ + | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile" + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" "$tmpdepfile".bak + ;; + +cpp) + # Important note: in order to support this mode, a compiler *must* + # always write the preprocessed file to stdout. + "$@" || exit $? + + # Remove the call to Libtool. + if test "$libtool" = yes; then + while test "X$1" != 'X--mode=compile'; do + shift + done + shift + fi + + # Remove '-o $object'. + IFS=" " + for arg + do + case $arg in + -o) + shift + ;; + $object) + shift + ;; + *) + set fnord "$@" "$arg" + shift # fnord + shift # $arg + ;; + esac + done + + "$@" -E \ + | sed -n -e '/^# [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)".*/ s:: \1 \\:p' \ + -e '/^#line [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)".*/ s:: \1 \\:p' \ + | sed '$ s: \\$::' > "$tmpdepfile" + rm -f "$depfile" + echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile" + cat < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile" + sed < "$tmpdepfile" '/^$/d;s/^ //;s/ \\$//;s/$/ :/' >> "$depfile" + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + ;; + +msvisualcpp) + # Important note: in order to support this mode, a compiler *must* + # always write the preprocessed file to stdout. + "$@" || exit $? + + # Remove the call to Libtool. + if test "$libtool" = yes; then + while test "X$1" != 'X--mode=compile'; do + shift + done + shift + fi + + IFS=" " + for arg + do + case "$arg" in + -o) + shift + ;; + $object) + shift + ;; + "-Gm"|"/Gm"|"-Gi"|"/Gi"|"-ZI"|"/ZI") + set fnord "$@" + shift + shift + ;; + *) + set fnord "$@" "$arg" + shift + shift + ;; + esac + done + "$@" -E 2>/dev/null | + sed -n '/^#line [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)"/ s::\1:p' | $cygpath_u | sort -u > "$tmpdepfile" + rm -f "$depfile" + echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile" + sed < "$tmpdepfile" -n -e 's% %\\ %g' -e '/^\(.*\)$/ s::'"$tab"'\1 \\:p' >> "$depfile" + echo "$tab" >> "$depfile" + sed < "$tmpdepfile" -n -e 's% %\\ %g' -e '/^\(.*\)$/ s::\1\::p' >> "$depfile" + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + ;; + +msvcmsys) + # This case exists only to let depend.m4 do its work. It works by + # looking at the text of this script. This case will never be run, + # since it is checked for above. + exit 1 + ;; + +none) + exec "$@" + ;; + +*) + echo "Unknown depmode $depmode" 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; +esac + +exit 0 + +# Local Variables: +# mode: shell-script +# sh-indentation: 2 +# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) +# time-stamp-start: "scriptversion=" +# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H" +# time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC0" +# time-stamp-end: "; # UTC" +# End: diff --git a/doc/FAQ.html b/doc/FAQ.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f92434 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/FAQ.html @@ -0,0 +1,389 @@ + + + + + + + + +Frequently Asked Questions about GNU MPFR + + + + + +

Frequently Asked Questions about GNU MPFR

+ +

Important notice: Problems with a particular version of +MPFR are discussed in the corresponding +bugs page.

+ +

The latest version of this FAQ is available at + +Please look at this version if possible.

+ +
  1. What are the differences between +MPF from GMP +and MPFR?
  2. +
  3. How to convert my program written using +MPF to +MPFR?
  4. +
  5. At configure time, I get the error: libgmp not found or uses a different ABI.
  6. +
  7. I get undefined reference to __gmp_get_memory_functions.
  8. +
  9. When I link my program with +MPFR, I get undefined reference +to __gmpXXXX.
  10. +
  11. My program crashes with high precisions.
  12. +
  13. Though I have increased the precision, the results +are not more accurate.
  14. +
  15. How can I detect MPFR +installation using autoconf or pkg-config?
  16. +
  17. How to cite MPFR in a +scientific publication?
  18. +
  19. When I build MPFR, I get +an error asking me to recompile with -fPIC.
  20. +
+ +
+ +
1. What are the differences between +MPF from GMP +and MPFR?
+ +

The main differences are:

  • The precision of a MPFR variable +is the exact number of bits used for its mantissa, whereas in +MPF, the precision requested by the user +is a minimum value (MPF generally uses a +higher precision). With the additional difference below, this implies that +the MPFR results do not depend on the +number of bits (16, 32, 64 or more) of the underlying architecture.

  • +
  • As a consequence, MPFR uses a +base-2 exponent, whereas in MPF, this +is a base-232 or base-264 exponent, depending on +the limb size. For this reason (and other internal ones), the maximum +exponent range in MPFR is different +(and smaller, if the exponent is represented by the same type as in +MPF).

  • +
  • MPFR provides an additional rounding +mode argument to its functions; furthermore, it is guaranteed that the +result of any operation is the nearest possible floating-point value from +the exact result (considering the input variables as exact values), taking +into account the precision of the destination variable and the rounding +mode. MPFR also says whether the rounded +result is above or below the exact result.

  • +
  • MPFR supports much more functions +(in particular transcendental functions such as exponentials, logarithms, +trigonometric functions and so on) and special values: signed zeros, +infinities, not-a-number (NaN).

  • +
+ +
2. How to convert my program written using +MPF to +MPFR?
+ +

You need to add r to the function names, and to +specify the rounding mode (MPFR_RNDN for rounding to nearest, +MPFR_RNDZ for rounding toward zero, MPFR_RNDU +for rounding toward plus infinity, MPFR_RNDD for rounding +toward minus infinity). You can also define macros as follows: +#define mpf_add(a, b, c) mpfr_add(a, b, c, MPFR_RNDN)


The header file mpf2mpfr.h from the +MPFR distribution automatically +redefines all MPF functions in this +way, using the default MPFR rounding +mode. Thus you simply need to add the following line in all your files +using MPF functions: +#include <mpf2mpfr.h> +just after the gmp.h and mpfr.h +header files. If the program uses MPF +internals (such as direct access to __mpf_struct members), +additional changes will be needed.

+ +
3. At configure time, I get the error: libgmp not found or uses a different ABI.
+ +

This test (checking for __gmpz_init in -lgmp) comes +after the gmp.h detection. The failure occurs either because +the GMP library could not be found +(as it is not in the provided library search paths) or because the +GMP library that was found does not have +the expected ABI +(e.g. 32-bit vs 64-bit). The former problem can be +due to the fact that a static build of MPFR +was requested while only a shared GMP library +is installed (or the opposite, but another error can also show up in this +case, see the question about -fPIC). The +latter problem can have several causes:

  • A wrong libgmp library has been picked up. This can occur if you have +several GMP versions installed on the +machine and something is wrong with the provided library search paths.
  • +
  • Wrong compiler options (CFLAGS) were given. In general, the +presence or absence of the -m64 compiler option must match the +library ABI.
  • +
  • A wrong gmp.h file has been picked up (if you have several +GMP versions installed). Indeed, by default, +MPFR gets the compiler options from the +gmp.h file (with GMP 4.2.3 +or later); this is needed because GMP does +not necessarily use the default ABI. The consequence is +that if the gmp.h file is associated with a library using a +different ABI, the ABI-related options +will be incorrect. Hence the failure.
  • +

Note: The config.log output gives more information +than the error message. In particular, see the output of the test: +checking for CC and CFLAGS in gmp.h; it should give you +the default compiler options (from gmp.h).

+ +

See also the answer to the next question.

+ +
4. I get undefined reference to __gmp_get_memory_functions.
+ +

Note: this was mainly a problem when upgrading from +GMP 4.1.4 to a later version, +but information given below may still be useful in other cases, +when several GMP libraries are +installed on the same machine.

+ +

If you get such an error, in particular when running +make check, then this probably means that you are using +the header file from GMP 4.2.x but the +GMP 4.1.4 library. This can happen if +several GMP versions are installed on +your machine (e.g., one provided by the system in +/usr/{include,lib} and a new one installed by the owner or +administrator of the machine in /usr/local/{include,lib}) +and your include and library search paths are inconsistent. On various +GNU/Linux machines, this is unfortunately the case +by default (/usr/local/include is in the default include +search path, but /usr/local/lib is not in the +default library search path). Typical errors are: +undefined reference to `__gmp_get_memory_functions' +in make check. The best solution is to add +/usr/local/include to your C_INCLUDE_PATH +environment variable and to add /usr/local/lib to your +LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH +environment variables (and/or LD_RUN_PATH). +Alternatively, you can use --with-gmp* configure options, +e.g. --with-gmp=/usr/local, but this is +not guaranteed to work (in particular with gcc and +system directories such as /usr or /usr/local), +and other software that uses GMP and/or +MPFR will need correct paths too; +environment variables allow you to set them in a global way.


Other information can be given in the INSTALL file and +ld manual. Please look at them for more details. See also +the next question.

+ +
5. When I link my program with +MPFR, I get undefined reference +to __gmpXXXX.
+ +

Link your program with GMP. Assuming +that your program is foo.c, you should link it using: +cc link.c -lmpfr -lgmp +MPFR library reference (-lmpfr) +should be before GMP's one +(-lgmp). Another solution is, with GNU +ld, to give all the libraries inside a group: +gcc link.c -Wl,--start-group libgmp.a libmpfr.a -Wl,--end-group +See INSTALL file and ld manual for more +details.


If you used correct link options, but still get an error, this may mean +that your include and library search paths are inconsistent. Please see the +previous question.

+ +
6. My program crashes with high precisions.
+ +

Your stack size limit may be too small; indeed, by default, +GMP 4.1.4 and below allocates all +temporary results on the stack, and in very high precisions, this +limit may be reached. You can solve this problem in different ways:

  • You can upgrade to GMP 4.2 (or above), +which now makes temporary allocations on the stack only when they are +small.

  • +
  • You can increase the stack size limit with the limit, +unlimit or ulimit command, depending on your +shell. This may fail on some systems, where the maximum stack size cannot +be increased above some value.

  • +
  • You can rebuild both GMP and +MPFR to use another allocation method.

  • +
+ +
7. Though I have increased the precision, the results +are not more accurate.
+ +

The reason may be the use of C floating-point numbers. If you want +to store a floating-point constant to a mpfr_t, you should use +mpfr_set_str (or one of the MPFR +constant functions, such as mpfr_const_pi for π) instead +of mpfr_set_d or mpfr_set_ld. Otherwise the +floating-point constant will be first converted into a reduced-precision +(e.g., 53-bit) binary number before +MPFR can work with it. This is the case +in particular for most exact decimal numbers, such as 0.17, which are +not exactly representable in binary.


Also remember that MPFR does not track +the accuracy of the results: copying a value x to y +with mpfr_set (y, x, MPFR_RNDN) where the variable y +is more precise than the variable x will not make it more +accurate; the (binary) value will remain unchanged.

+ +
8. How can I detect MPFR +installation using autoconf or pkg-config?
+ +

The MPFR team does not currently +recommend any autoconf code, but a section will later +be added to the MPFR manual. The +MPFR team does not wish to support +pkg-config yet.

+ +
9. How to cite MPFR in a +scientific publication?
+ +

To properly cite MPFR in a scientific +publication, please cite the +ACM +TOMS +paper +(BibTeX) +and/or the library web page + If your publication +is related to a particular release of MPFR, +for example if you report timings, please also indicate the release number +for future reference.

+ +
10. When I build MPFR, I get +an error asking me to recompile with -fPIC.
+ +

A typical error looks like:


/usr/bin/ld: /path/to/libgmp.a(realloc.o): relocation +R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a +shared object; recompile with -fPIC
+/path/to/libgmp.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
+collect2: ld returned 1 exit status


The probable reason is that you tried to build +MPFR with the shared library enabled (this +is the default), while only a static GMP +library could be found. To solve this problem, either rebuild and reinstall +GMP without the --disable-shared +configure option, or configure MPFR with +--disable-shared. If you did this and still get the above +error, the cause may be conflicting GMP +versions installed on your system; please check that your search path +settings are correct.


Additional note about the last sentence: Under GNU/Linux +(for instance), the linker takes the first library found in the library search +path, whether it is dynamic or static. The default behavior under darwin is +different, but MPFR will change it.

+ + +
+ + + + diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56e00a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/ @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Copyright 2010-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + + +dist_doc_DATA = FAQ.html + +info_TEXINFOS = mpfr.texi + +mpfr_TEXINFOS = fdl.texi + +MAKEINFOFLAGS = --enable-encoding diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4faad47 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/ @@ -0,0 +1,796 @@ +# generated by automake 1.15.1 from +# @configure_input@ + +# Copyright (C) 1994-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +@SET_MAKE@ + +# Copyright 2010-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +VPATH = @srcdir@ +am__is_gnu_make = { \ + if test -z '$(MAKELEVEL)'; then \ + false; \ + elif test -n '$(MAKE_HOST)'; then \ + true; \ + elif test -n '$(MAKE_VERSION)' && test -n '$(CURDIR)'; then \ + true; \ + else \ + false; \ + fi; \ +} +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ + case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ + *\\[\ \ ]*) \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@ +am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd +install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644 +install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c +install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c +INSTALL_HEADER = $(INSTALL_DATA) +transform = $(program_transform_name) +NORMAL_INSTALL = : +PRE_INSTALL = : +POST_INSTALL = : +NORMAL_UNINSTALL = : +PRE_UNINSTALL = : +POST_UNINSTALL = : +build_triplet = @build@ +host_triplet = @host@ +subdir = doc +ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 +am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/m4/libtool.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltoptions.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltsugar.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltversion.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/size_max.m4 $(top_srcdir)/acinclude.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/ +am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(ACLOCAL_M4) +DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(dist_doc_DATA) \ + $(am__DIST_COMMON) +mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d +CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = +CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES = +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = +SOURCES = +DIST_SOURCES = +AM_V_DVIPS = $(am__v_DVIPS_@AM_V@) +am__v_DVIPS_ = $(am__v_DVIPS_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_DVIPS_0 = @echo " DVIPS " $@; +am__v_DVIPS_1 = +AM_V_MAKEINFO = $(am__v_MAKEINFO_@AM_V@) +am__v_MAKEINFO_ = $(am__v_MAKEINFO_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_MAKEINFO_0 = @echo " MAKEINFO" $@; +am__v_MAKEINFO_1 = +AM_V_INFOHTML = $(am__v_INFOHTML_@AM_V@) +am__v_INFOHTML_ = $(am__v_INFOHTML_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_INFOHTML_0 = @echo " INFOHTML" $@; +am__v_INFOHTML_1 = +AM_V_TEXI2DVI = $(am__v_TEXI2DVI_@AM_V@) +am__v_TEXI2DVI_ = $(am__v_TEXI2DVI_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_TEXI2DVI_0 = @echo " TEXI2DVI" $@; +am__v_TEXI2DVI_1 = +AM_V_TEXI2PDF = $(am__v_TEXI2PDF_@AM_V@) +am__v_TEXI2PDF_ = $(am__v_TEXI2PDF_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_TEXI2PDF_0 = @echo " TEXI2PDF" $@; +am__v_TEXI2PDF_1 = +AM_V_texinfo = $(am__v_texinfo_@AM_V@) +am__v_texinfo_ = $(am__v_texinfo_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_texinfo_0 = -q +am__v_texinfo_1 = +AM_V_texidevnull = $(am__v_texidevnull_@AM_V@) +am__v_texidevnull_ = $(am__v_texidevnull_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_texidevnull_0 = > /dev/null +am__v_texidevnull_1 = +INFO_DEPS = $(srcdir)/ +am__TEXINFO_TEX_DIR = $(srcdir) +DVIS = mpfr.dvi +PDFS = mpfr.pdf +PSS = +HTMLS = mpfr.html +TEXINFOS = mpfr.texi +TEXI2DVI = texi2dvi +TEXI2PDF = $(TEXI2DVI) --pdf --batch +MAKEINFOHTML = $(MAKEINFO) --html +AM_MAKEINFOHTMLFLAGS = $(AM_MAKEINFOFLAGS) +DVIPS = dvips +am__can_run_installinfo = \ + case $$AM_UPDATE_INFO_DIR in \ + n|no|NO) false;; \ + *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ + esac +am__installdirs = "$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)" +am__vpath_adj_setup = srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; +am__vpath_adj = case $$p in \ + $(srcdir)/*) f=`echo "$$p" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \ + *) f=$$p;; \ + esac; +am__strip_dir = f=`echo $$p | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; +am__install_max = 40 +am__nobase_strip_setup = \ + srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*|]/\\\\&/g'` +am__nobase_strip = \ + for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | sed -e "s|$$srcdirstrip/||" +am__nobase_list = $(am__nobase_strip_setup); \ + for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \ + sed "s| $$srcdirstrip/| |;"' / .*\//!s/ .*/ ./; s,\( .*\)/[^/]*$$,\1,' | \ + $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = "" } { files[$$2] = files[$$2] " " $$1; \ + if (++n[$$2] == $(am__install_max)) \ + { print $$2, files[$$2]; n[$$2] = 0; files[$$2] = "" } } \ + END { for (dir in files) print dir, files[dir] }' +am__base_list = \ + sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g' | \ + sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g' +am__uninstall_files_from_dir = { \ + test -z "$$files" \ + || { test ! -d "$$dir" && test ! -f "$$dir" && test ! -r "$$dir"; } \ + || { echo " ( cd '$$dir' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \ + $(am__cd) "$$dir" && rm -f $$files; }; \ + } +DATA = $(dist_doc_DATA) +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +am__DIST_COMMON = $(mpfr_TEXINFOS) $(srcdir)/ texinfo.tex +DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) +ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ +ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ +AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ +AR = @AR@ +AS = @AS@ +AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ +AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ +AUTOMAKE = @AUTOMAKE@ +AWK = @AWK@ +CC = @CC@ +CCDEPMODE = @CCDEPMODE@ +CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ +CPP = @CPP@ +CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ +CYGPATH_W = @CYGPATH_W@ +DATAFILES = @DATAFILES@ +DEFS = @DEFS@ +DEPDIR = @DEPDIR@ +DLLTOOL = @DLLTOOL@ +DSYMUTIL = @DSYMUTIL@ +DUMPBIN = @DUMPBIN@ +ECHO_C = @ECHO_C@ +ECHO_N = @ECHO_N@ +ECHO_T = @ECHO_T@ +EGREP = @EGREP@ +EXEEXT = @EXEEXT@ +FGREP = @FGREP@ +GREP = @GREP@ +INSTALL = @INSTALL@ +INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ +INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ +INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ +LD = @LD@ +LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ +LIBMPFR_LDFLAGS = @LIBMPFR_LDFLAGS@ +LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ +LIBS = @LIBS@ +LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ +LIPO = @LIPO@ +LN_S = @LN_S@ +LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ +LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH = @LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH@ +MAINT = @MAINT@ +MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ +MANIFEST_TOOL = @MANIFEST_TOOL@ +MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ +MPFR_LDFLAGS = @MPFR_LDFLAGS@ +MPFR_LIBM = @MPFR_LIBM@ +NM = @NM@ +NMEDIT = @NMEDIT@ +OBJDUMP = @OBJDUMP@ +OBJEXT = @OBJEXT@ +OTOOL = @OTOOL@ +OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@ +PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ +PACKAGE_BUGREPORT = @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@ +PACKAGE_NAME = @PACKAGE_NAME@ +PACKAGE_STRING = @PACKAGE_STRING@ +PACKAGE_TARNAME = @PACKAGE_TARNAME@ +PACKAGE_URL = @PACKAGE_URL@ +PACKAGE_VERSION = @PACKAGE_VERSION@ +PATH_SEPARATOR = @PATH_SEPARATOR@ +RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ +SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ +SHELL = @SHELL@ +STRIP = @STRIP@ +TUNE_LIBS = @TUNE_LIBS@ +VERSION = @VERSION@ +abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@ +abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@ +abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@ +abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@ +ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@ +ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@ +ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@ +am__include = @am__include@ +am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@ +am__quote = @am__quote@ +am__tar = @am__tar@ +am__untar = @am__untar@ +bindir = @bindir@ +build = @build@ +build_alias = @build_alias@ +build_cpu = @build_cpu@ +build_os = @build_os@ +build_vendor = @build_vendor@ +builddir = @builddir@ +datadir = @datadir@ +datarootdir = @datarootdir@ +docdir = @docdir@ +dvidir = @dvidir@ +exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ +host = @host@ +host_alias = @host_alias@ +host_cpu = @host_cpu@ +host_os = @host_os@ +host_vendor = @host_vendor@ +htmldir = @htmldir@ +includedir = @includedir@ +infodir = @infodir@ +install_sh = @install_sh@ +libdir = @libdir@ +libexecdir = @libexecdir@ +localedir = @localedir@ +localstatedir = @localstatedir@ +mandir = @mandir@ +mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@ +oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@ +pdfdir = @pdfdir@ +prefix = @prefix@ +program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@ +psdir = @psdir@ +runstatedir = @runstatedir@ +sbindir = @sbindir@ +sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@ +srcdir = @srcdir@ +sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@ +target_alias = @target_alias@ +top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@ +top_builddir = @top_builddir@ +top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ +dist_doc_DATA = FAQ.html +info_TEXINFOS = mpfr.texi +mpfr_TEXINFOS = fdl.texi +MAKEINFOFLAGS = --enable-encoding +all: all-am + +.SUFFIXES: +.SUFFIXES: .dvi .html .info .pdf .ps .texi +$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps) + @for dep in $?; do \ + case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \ + *$$dep*) \ + ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \ + && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu doc/Makefile'; \ + $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \ + $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu doc/Makefile +Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status + @case '$?' in \ + *config.status*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \ + *) \ + echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \ + esac; + +$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh + +$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh +$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh +$(am__aclocal_m4_deps): + +mostlyclean-libtool: + -rm -f *.lo + +clean-libtool: + -rm -rf .libs _libs + + $(AM_V_MAKEINFO)restore=: && backupdir="$(am__leading_dot)am$$$$" && \ + am__cwd=`pwd` && $(am__cd) $(srcdir) && \ + rm -rf $$backupdir && mkdir $$backupdir && \ + if ($(MAKEINFO) --version) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ + for f in $@ $@-[0-9] $@-[0-9][0-9] $([0-9] $([0-9][0-9]; do \ + if test -f $$f; then mv $$f $$backupdir; restore=mv; else :; fi; \ + done; \ + else :; fi && \ + cd "$$am__cwd"; \ + if $(MAKEINFO) $(AM_MAKEINFOFLAGS) $(MAKEINFOFLAGS) -I $(srcdir) \ + -o $@ $<; \ + then \ + rc=0; \ + $(am__cd) $(srcdir); \ + else \ + rc=$$?; \ + $(am__cd) $(srcdir) && \ + $$restore $$backupdir/* `echo "./$@" | sed 's|[^/]*$$||'`; \ + fi; \ + rm -rf $$backupdir; exit $$rc + +.texi.dvi: + $(AM_V_TEXI2DVI)TEXINPUTS="$(am__TEXINFO_TEX_DIR)$(PATH_SEPARATOR)$$TEXINPUTS" \ + MAKEINFO='$(MAKEINFO) $(AM_MAKEINFOFLAGS) $(MAKEINFOFLAGS) -I $(srcdir)' \ + $(TEXI2DVI) $(AM_V_texinfo) --build-dir=$(@:.dvi=.t2d) -o $@ $(AM_V_texidevnull) \ + $< + +.texi.pdf: + $(AM_V_TEXI2PDF)TEXINPUTS="$(am__TEXINFO_TEX_DIR)$(PATH_SEPARATOR)$$TEXINPUTS" \ + MAKEINFO='$(MAKEINFO) $(AM_MAKEINFOFLAGS) $(MAKEINFOFLAGS) -I $(srcdir)' \ + $(TEXI2PDF) $(AM_V_texinfo) --build-dir=$(@:.pdf=.t2p) -o $@ $(AM_V_texidevnull) \ + $< + +.texi.html: + $(AM_V_MAKEINFO)rm -rf $(@:.html=.htp) + $(AM_V_at)if $(MAKEINFOHTML) $(AM_MAKEINFOHTMLFLAGS) $(MAKEINFOFLAGS) -I $(srcdir) \ + -o $(@:.html=.htp) $<; \ + then \ + rm -rf $@ && mv $(@:.html=.htp) $@; \ + else \ + rm -rf $(@:.html=.htp); exit 1; \ + fi +$(srcdir)/ mpfr.texi $(mpfr_TEXINFOS) +mpfr.dvi: mpfr.texi $(mpfr_TEXINFOS) +mpfr.pdf: mpfr.texi $(mpfr_TEXINFOS) +mpfr.html: mpfr.texi $(mpfr_TEXINFOS) + $(AM_V_DVIPS)TEXINPUTS="$(am__TEXINFO_TEX_DIR)$(PATH_SEPARATOR)$$TEXINPUTS" \ + $(DVIPS) $(AM_V_texinfo) -o $@ $< + +uninstall-dvi-am: + @$(NORMAL_UNINSTALL) + @list='$(DVIS)'; test -n "$(dvidir)" || list=; \ + for p in $$list; do \ + $(am__strip_dir) \ + echo " rm -f '$(DESTDIR)$(dvidir)/$$f'"; \ + rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(dvidir)/$$f"; \ + done + +uninstall-html-am: + @$(NORMAL_UNINSTALL) + @list='$(HTMLS)'; test -n "$(htmldir)" || list=; \ + for p in $$list; do \ + $(am__strip_dir) \ + echo " rm -rf '$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)/$$f'"; \ + rm -rf "$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)/$$f"; \ + done + +uninstall-info-am: + @$(PRE_UNINSTALL) + @if test -d '$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)' && $(am__can_run_installinfo); then \ + list='$(INFO_DEPS)'; \ + for file in $$list; do \ + relfile=`echo "$$file" | sed 's|^.*/||'`; \ + echo " install-info --info-dir='$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)' --remove '$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/$$relfile'"; \ + if install-info --info-dir="$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)" --remove "$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/$$relfile"; \ + then :; else test ! -f "$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/$$relfile" || exit 1; fi; \ + done; \ + else :; fi + @$(NORMAL_UNINSTALL) + @list='$(INFO_DEPS)'; \ + for file in $$list; do \ + relfile=`echo "$$file" | sed 's|^.*/||'`; \ + relfile_i=`echo "$$relfile" | sed 's|\.info$$||;s|$$|.i|'`; \ + (if test -d "$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)" && cd "$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)"; then \ + echo " cd '$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)' && rm -f $$relfile $$relfile-[0-9] $$relfile-[0-9][0-9] $$relfile_i[0-9] $$relfile_i[0-9][0-9]"; \ + rm -f $$relfile $$relfile-[0-9] $$relfile-[0-9][0-9] $$relfile_i[0-9] $$relfile_i[0-9][0-9]; \ + else :; fi); \ + done + +uninstall-pdf-am: + @$(NORMAL_UNINSTALL) + @list='$(PDFS)'; test -n "$(pdfdir)" || list=; \ + for p in $$list; do \ + $(am__strip_dir) \ + echo " rm -f '$(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir)/$$f'"; \ + rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir)/$$f"; \ + done + +uninstall-ps-am: + @$(NORMAL_UNINSTALL) + @list='$(PSS)'; test -n "$(psdir)" || list=; \ + for p in $$list; do \ + $(am__strip_dir) \ + echo " rm -f '$(DESTDIR)$(psdir)/$$f'"; \ + rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(psdir)/$$f"; \ + done + +dist-info: $(INFO_DEPS) + @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \ + list='$(INFO_DEPS)'; \ + for base in $$list; do \ + case $$base in \ + $(srcdir)/*) base=`echo "$$base" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \ + esac; \ + if test -f $$base; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \ + base_i=`echo "$$base" | sed 's|\.info$$||;s|$$|.i|'`; \ + for file in $$d/$$base $$d/$$base-[0-9] $$d/$$base-[0-9][0-9] $$d/$$base_i[0-9] $$d/$$base_i[0-9][0-9]; do \ + if test -f $$file; then \ + relfile=`expr "$$file" : "$$d/\(.*\)"`; \ + test -f "$(distdir)/$$relfile" || \ + cp -p $$file "$(distdir)/$$relfile"; \ + else :; fi; \ + done; \ + done + +mostlyclean-aminfo: + -rm -rf mpfr.t2d mpfr.t2p + +clean-aminfo: + -test -z "mpfr.dvi mpfr.pdf mpfr.html" \ + || rm -rf mpfr.dvi mpfr.pdf mpfr.html + +maintainer-clean-aminfo: + @list='$(INFO_DEPS)'; for i in $$list; do \ + i_i=`echo "$$i" | sed 's|\.info$$||;s|$$|.i|'`; \ + echo " rm -f $$i $$i-[0-9] $$i-[0-9][0-9] $$i_i[0-9] $$i_i[0-9][0-9]"; \ + rm -f $$i $$i-[0-9] $$i-[0-9][0-9] $$i_i[0-9] $$i_i[0-9][0-9]; \ + done +install-dist_docDATA: $(dist_doc_DATA) + @$(NORMAL_INSTALL) + @list='$(dist_doc_DATA)'; test -n "$(docdir)" || list=; \ + if test -n "$$list"; then \ + echo " $(MKDIR_P) '$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)'"; \ + $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)" || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + for p in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \ + echo "$$d$$p"; \ + done | $(am__base_list) | \ + while read files; do \ + echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)'"; \ + $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)" || exit $$?; \ + done + +uninstall-dist_docDATA: + @$(NORMAL_UNINSTALL) + @list='$(dist_doc_DATA)'; test -n "$(docdir)" || list=; \ + files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \ + dir='$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)'; $(am__uninstall_files_from_dir) +tags TAGS: + +ctags CTAGS: + +cscope cscopelist: + + +distdir: $(DISTFILES) + @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ + topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ + list='$(DISTFILES)'; \ + dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \ + sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \ + -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \ + case $$dist_files in \ + */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \ + sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \ + sort -u` ;; \ + esac; \ + for file in $$dist_files; do \ + if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \ + if test -d $$d/$$file; then \ + dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \ + if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \ + find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ + fi; \ + if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \ + cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \ + find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ + fi; \ + cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \ + else \ + test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \ + || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \ + || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + done + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) \ + top_distdir="$(top_distdir)" distdir="$(distdir)" \ + dist-info +check-am: all-am +check: check-am +all-am: Makefile $(INFO_DEPS) $(DATA) +installdirs: + for dir in "$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)"; do \ + test -z "$$dir" || $(MKDIR_P) "$$dir"; \ + done +install: install-am +install-exec: install-exec-am +install-data: install-data-am +uninstall: uninstall-am + +install-am: all-am + @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am + +installcheck: installcheck-am +install-strip: + if test -z '$(STRIP)'; then \ + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + install; \ + else \ + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + "INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV=STRIPPROG='$(STRIP)'" install; \ + fi +mostlyclean-generic: + +clean-generic: + +distclean-generic: + -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES) + -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES) + +maintainer-clean-generic: + @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use" + @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." +clean: clean-am + +clean-am: clean-aminfo clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am + +distclean: distclean-am + -rm -f Makefile +distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic + +dvi: dvi-am + +dvi-am: $(DVIS) + +html: html-am + +html-am: $(HTMLS) + +info: info-am + +info-am: $(INFO_DEPS) + +install-data-am: install-dist_docDATA install-info-am + +install-dvi: install-dvi-am + +install-dvi-am: $(DVIS) + @$(NORMAL_INSTALL) + @list='$(DVIS)'; test -n "$(dvidir)" || list=; \ + if test -n "$$list"; then \ + echo " $(MKDIR_P) '$(DESTDIR)$(dvidir)'"; \ + $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(dvidir)" || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + for p in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \ + echo "$$d$$p"; \ + done | $(am__base_list) | \ + while read files; do \ + echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(dvidir)'"; \ + $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(dvidir)" || exit $$?; \ + done +install-exec-am: + +install-html: install-html-am + +install-html-am: $(HTMLS) + @$(NORMAL_INSTALL) + @list='$(HTMLS)'; list2=; test -n "$(htmldir)" || list=; \ + if test -n "$$list"; then \ + echo " $(MKDIR_P) '$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)'"; \ + $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)" || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + for p in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$p" || test -d "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \ + $(am__strip_dir) \ + d2=$$d$$p; \ + if test -d "$$d2"; then \ + echo " $(MKDIR_P) '$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)/$$f'"; \ + $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)/$$f" || exit 1; \ + echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) '$$d2'/* '$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)/$$f'"; \ + $(INSTALL_DATA) "$$d2"/* "$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)/$$f" || exit $$?; \ + else \ + list2="$$list2 $$d2"; \ + fi; \ + done; \ + test -z "$$list2" || { echo "$$list2" | $(am__base_list) | \ + while read files; do \ + echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)'"; \ + $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)" || exit $$?; \ + done; } +install-info: install-info-am + +install-info-am: $(INFO_DEPS) + @$(NORMAL_INSTALL) + @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \ + list='$(INFO_DEPS)'; test -n "$(infodir)" || list=; \ + if test -n "$$list"; then \ + echo " $(MKDIR_P) '$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)'"; \ + $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)" || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + for file in $$list; do \ + case $$file in \ + $(srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \ + esac; \ + if test -f $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \ + file_i=`echo "$$file" | sed 's|\.info$$||;s|$$|.i|'`; \ + for ifile in $$d/$$file $$d/$$file-[0-9] $$d/$$file-[0-9][0-9] \ + $$d/$$file_i[0-9] $$d/$$file_i[0-9][0-9] ; do \ + if test -f $$ifile; then \ + echo "$$ifile"; \ + else : ; fi; \ + done; \ + done | $(am__base_list) | \ + while read files; do \ + echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)'"; \ + $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)" || exit $$?; done + @$(POST_INSTALL) + @if $(am__can_run_installinfo); then \ + list='$(INFO_DEPS)'; test -n "$(infodir)" || list=; \ + for file in $$list; do \ + relfile=`echo "$$file" | sed 's|^.*/||'`; \ + echo " install-info --info-dir='$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)' '$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/$$relfile'";\ + install-info --info-dir="$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/$$relfile" || :;\ + done; \ + else : ; fi +install-man: + +install-pdf: install-pdf-am + +install-pdf-am: $(PDFS) + @$(NORMAL_INSTALL) + @list='$(PDFS)'; test -n "$(pdfdir)" || list=; \ + if test -n "$$list"; then \ + echo " $(MKDIR_P) '$(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir)'"; \ + $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir)" || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + for p in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \ + echo "$$d$$p"; \ + done | $(am__base_list) | \ + while read files; do \ + echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir)'"; \ + $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir)" || exit $$?; done +install-ps: install-ps-am + +install-ps-am: $(PSS) + @$(NORMAL_INSTALL) + @list='$(PSS)'; test -n "$(psdir)" || list=; \ + if test -n "$$list"; then \ + echo " $(MKDIR_P) '$(DESTDIR)$(psdir)'"; \ + $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(psdir)" || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + for p in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \ + echo "$$d$$p"; \ + done | $(am__base_list) | \ + while read files; do \ + echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(psdir)'"; \ + $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(psdir)" || exit $$?; done +installcheck-am: + +maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am + -rm -f Makefile +maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-aminfo \ + maintainer-clean-generic + +mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am + +mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-aminfo mostlyclean-generic \ + mostlyclean-libtool + +pdf: pdf-am + +pdf-am: $(PDFS) + +ps: ps-am + +ps-am: $(PSS) + +uninstall-am: uninstall-dist_docDATA uninstall-dvi-am \ + uninstall-html-am uninstall-info-am uninstall-pdf-am \ + uninstall-ps-am + +.MAKE: install-am install-strip + +.PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-aminfo clean-generic \ + clean-libtool cscopelist-am ctags-am dist-info distclean \ + distclean-generic distclean-libtool distdir dvi dvi-am html \ + html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \ + install-data-am install-dist_docDATA install-dvi \ + install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \ + install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ + install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \ + install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ + maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-aminfo \ + maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-aminfo \ + mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am \ + tags-am uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-dist_docDATA \ + uninstall-dvi-am uninstall-html-am uninstall-info-am \ + uninstall-pdf-am uninstall-ps-am + +.PRECIOUS: Makefile + + +# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. +# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. +.NOEXPORT: diff --git a/doc/fdl.texi b/doc/fdl.texi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..694e23e --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/fdl.texi @@ -0,0 +1,454 @@ +@c MPFR tweak: Have this in mpfr.texi to help texinfo-mode +@c @node GNU Free Documentation License +@c @appendixsec GNU Free Documentation License + +@cindex GNU Free Documentation License +@center Version 1.2, November 2002 + +@display +Copyright @copyright{} 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA + +Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies +of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. +@end display + +@enumerate 0 +@item +PREAMBLE + +The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other +functional and useful document @dfn{free} in the sense of freedom: to +assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, +with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. +Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way +to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible +for modifications made by others. + +This License is a kind of ``copyleft'', which means that derivative +works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It +complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft +license designed for free software. + +We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free +software, because free software needs free documentation: a free +program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the +software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; +it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or +whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License +principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference. + +@item +APPLICABILITY AND DEFINITIONS + +This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that +contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be +distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a +world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that +work under the conditions stated herein. The ``Document'', below, +refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a +licensee, and is addressed as ``you''. You accept the license if you +copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission +under copyright law. + +A ``Modified Version'' of the Document means any work containing the +Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with +modifications and/or translated into another language. + +A ``Secondary Section'' is a named appendix or a front-matter section +of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the +publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall +subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall +directly within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document is in +part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain +any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical +connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, +commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding +them. + +The ``Invariant Sections'' are certain Secondary Sections whose titles +are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice +that says that the Document is released under this License. If a +section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not +allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero +Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant +Sections then there are none. + +The ``Cover Texts'' are certain short passages of text that are listed, +as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that +the Document is released under this License. A Front-Cover Text may +be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words. + +A ``Transparent'' copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy, +represented in a format whose specification is available to the +general public, that is suitable for revising the document +straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of +pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available +drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or +for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input +to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file +format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart +or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. +An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount +of text. A copy that is not ``Transparent'' is called ``Opaque''. + +Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain +@sc{ascii} without markup, Texinfo input format, La@TeX{} input +format, @acronym{SGML} or @acronym{XML} using a publicly available +@acronym{DTD}, and standard-conforming simple @acronym{HTML}, +PostScript or @acronym{PDF} designed for human modification. Examples +of transparent image formats include @acronym{PNG}, @acronym{XCF} and +@acronym{JPG}. Opaque formats include proprietary formats that can be +read and edited only by proprietary word processors, @acronym{SGML} or +@acronym{XML} for which the @acronym{DTD} and/or processing tools are +not generally available, and the machine-generated @acronym{HTML}, +PostScript or @acronym{PDF} produced by some word processors for +output purposes only. + +The ``Title Page'' means, for a printed book, the title page itself, +plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material +this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in +formats which do not have any title page as such, ``Title Page'' means +the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title, +preceding the beginning of the body of the text. + +A section ``Entitled XYZ'' means a named subunit of the Document whose +title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following +text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a +specific section name mentioned below, such as ``Acknowledgements'', +``Dedications'', ``Endorsements'', or ``History''.) To ``Preserve the Title'' +of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a +section ``Entitled XYZ'' according to this definition. + +The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which +states that this License applies to the Document. These Warranty +Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this +License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other +implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has +no effect on the meaning of this License. + +@item +VERBATIM COPYING + +You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either +commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the +copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies +to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other +conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use +technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further +copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept +compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough +number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3. + +You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and +you may publicly display copies. + +@item +COPYING IN QUANTITY + +If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have +printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the +Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the +copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover +Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on +the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify +you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present +the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and +visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition. +Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve +the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated +as verbatim copying in other respects. + +If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit +legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit +reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent +pages. + +If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering +more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent +copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy +a computer-network location from which the general network-using +public has access to download using public-standard network protocols +a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material. +If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, +when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure +that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated +location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an +Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that +edition to the public. + +It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the +Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give +them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document. + +@item +MODIFICATIONS + +You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under +the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release +the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified +Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution +and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy +of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version: + +@enumerate A +@item +Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct +from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions +(which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section +of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version +if the original publisher of that version gives permission. + +@item +List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities +responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified +Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the +Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five), +unless they release you from this requirement. + +@item +State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the +Modified Version, as the publisher. + +@item +Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document. + +@item +Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications +adjacent to the other copyright notices. + +@item +Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice +giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the +terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below. + +@item +Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections +and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice. + +@item +Include an unaltered copy of this License. + +@item +Preserve the section Entitled ``History'', Preserve its Title, and add +to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and +publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If +there is no section Entitled ``History'' in the Document, create one +stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as +given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified +Version as stated in the previous sentence. + +@item +Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for +public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise +the network locations given in the Document for previous versions +it was based on. These may be placed in the ``History'' section. +You may omit a network location for a work that was published at +least four years before the Document itself, or if the original +publisher of the version it refers to gives permission. + +@item +For any section Entitled ``Acknowledgements'' or ``Dedications'', Preserve +the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the +substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or +dedications given therein. + +@item +Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, +unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers +or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles. + +@item +Delete any section Entitled ``Endorsements''. Such a section +may not be included in the Modified Version. + +@item +Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled ``Endorsements'' or +to conflict in title with any Invariant Section. + +@item +Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers. +@end enumerate + +If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or +appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material +copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all +of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the +list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice. +These titles must be distinct from any other section titles. + +You may add a section Entitled ``Endorsements'', provided it contains +nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various +parties---for example, statements of peer review or that the text has +been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a +standard. + +You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a +passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list +of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of +Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or +through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already +includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or +by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, +you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit +permission from the previous publisher that added the old one. + +The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License +give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or +imply endorsement of any Modified Version. + +@item +COMBINING DOCUMENTS + +You may combine the Document with other documents released under this +License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified +versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the +Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and +list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its +license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers. + +The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and +multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single +copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but +different contents, make the title of each such section unique by +adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original +author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. +Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of +Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work. + +In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled ``History'' +in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled +``History''; likewise combine any sections Entitled ``Acknowledgements'', +and any sections Entitled ``Dedications''. You must delete all +sections Entitled ``Endorsements.'' + +@item +COLLECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS + +You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents +released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this +License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in +the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for +verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects. + +You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute +it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this +License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all +other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document. + +@item +AGGREGATION WITH INDEPENDENT WORKS + +A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate +and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or +distribution medium, is called an ``aggregate'' if the copyright +resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights +of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit. +When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not +apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves +derivative works of the Document. + +If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these +copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of +the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on +covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the +electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. +Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole +aggregate. + +@item +TRANSLATION + +Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may +distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. +Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special +permission from their copyright holders, but you may include +translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the +original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a +translation of this License, and all the license notices in the +Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include +the original English version of this License and the original versions +of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between +the translation and the original version of this License or a notice +or disclaimer, the original version will prevail. + +If a section in the Document is Entitled ``Acknowledgements'', +``Dedications'', or ``History'', the requirement (section 4) to Preserve +its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual +title. + +@item +TERMINATION + +You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except +as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to +copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will +automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, +parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this +License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + +@item +FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE + +The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions +of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new +versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may +differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See +@uref{}. + +Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. +If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this +License ``or any later version'' applies to it, you have the option of +following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or +of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the +Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version +number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not +as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. +@end enumerate + +@page +@c MPFR tweak: Use @appendixsec +@c @appendixsubsec ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents +@appendixsec ADDENDUM: How to Use This License For Your Documents + +To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of +the License in the document and put the following copyright and +license notices just after the title page: + +@smallexample +@group + Copyright (C) @var{year} @var{your name}. + Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document + under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 + or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; + with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover + Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU + Free Documentation License''. +@end group +@end smallexample + +If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, +replace the ``with...Texts.'' line with this: + +@smallexample +@group + with the Invariant Sections being @var{list their titles}, with + the Front-Cover Texts being @var{list}, and with the Back-Cover Texts + being @var{list}. +@end group +@end smallexample + +If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other +combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the +situation. + +If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we +recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of +free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, +to permit their use in free software. + +@c Local Variables: +@c ispell-local-pdict: "ispell-dict" +@c End: + diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..983b227 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/ @@ -0,0 +1,4289 @@ +This is, produced by makeinfo version 6.4.90 from mpfr.texi. + +This manual documents how to install and use the Multiple Precision +Floating-Point Reliable Library, version 3.1.6. + + Copyright 1991, 1993-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + + Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document +under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or +any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no +Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover +Texts. A copy of the license is included in *note GNU Free +Documentation License::. +INFO-DIR-SECTION Software libraries +START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY +* mpfr: (mpfr). Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable Library. +END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY + + +File:, Node: Top, Next: Copying, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir) + +GNU MPFR +******** + +This manual documents how to install and use the Multiple Precision +Floating-Point Reliable Library, version 3.1.6. + + Copyright 1991, 1993-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + + Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document +under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or +any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no +Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover +Texts. A copy of the license is included in *note GNU Free +Documentation License::. + +* Menu: + +* Copying:: MPFR Copying Conditions (LGPL). +* Introduction to MPFR:: Brief introduction to GNU MPFR. +* Installing MPFR:: How to configure and compile the MPFR library. +* Reporting Bugs:: How to usefully report bugs. +* MPFR Basics:: What every MPFR user should now. +* MPFR Interface:: MPFR functions and macros. +* API Compatibility:: API compatibility with previous MPFR versions. +* Contributors:: +* References:: +* GNU Free Documentation License:: +* Concept Index:: +* Function and Type Index:: + + +File:, Node: Copying, Next: Introduction to MPFR, Prev: Top, Up: Top + +MPFR Copying Conditions +*********************** + +The GNU MPFR library (or MPFR for short) is “free”; this means that +everyone is free to use it and free to redistribute it on a free basis. +The library is not in the public domain; it is copyrighted and there are +restrictions on its distribution, but these restrictions are designed to +permit everything that a good cooperating citizen would want to do. +What is not allowed is to try to prevent others from further sharing any +version of this library that they might get from you. + + Specifically, we want to make sure that you have the right to give +away copies of the library, that you receive source code or else can get +it if you want it, that you can change this library or use pieces of it +in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things. + + To make sure that everyone has such rights, we have to forbid you to +deprive anyone else of these rights. For example, if you distribute +copies of the GNU MPFR library, you must give the recipients all the +rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can +get the source code. And you must tell them their rights. + + Also, for our own protection, we must make certain that everyone +finds out that there is no warranty for the GNU MPFR library. If it is +modified by someone else and passed on, we want their recipients to know +that what they have is not what we distributed, so that any problems +introduced by others will not reflect on our reputation. + + The precise conditions of the license for the GNU MPFR library are +found in the Lesser General Public License that accompanies the source +code. See the file COPYING.LESSER. + + +File:, Node: Introduction to MPFR, Next: Installing MPFR, Prev: Copying, Up: Top + +1 Introduction to MPFR +********************** + +MPFR is a portable library written in C for arbitrary precision +arithmetic on floating-point numbers. It is based on the GNU MP +library. It aims to provide a class of floating-point numbers with +precise semantics. The main characteristics of MPFR, which make it +differ from most arbitrary precision floating-point software tools, are: + + • the MPFR code is portable, i.e., the result of any operation does + not depend on the machine word size ‘mp_bits_per_limb’ (64 on most + current processors); + + • the precision in bits can be set _exactly_ to any valid value for + each variable (including very small precision); + + • MPFR provides the four rounding modes from the IEEE 754-1985 + standard, plus away-from-zero, as well as for basic operations as + for other mathematical functions. + + In particular, with a precision of 53 bits, MPFR is able to exactly +reproduce all computations with double-precision machine floating-point +numbers (e.g., ‘double’ type in C, with a C implementation that +rigorously follows Annex F of the ISO C99 standard and ‘FP_CONTRACT’ +pragma set to ‘OFF’) on the four arithmetic operations and the square +root, except the default exponent range is much wider and subnormal +numbers are not implemented (but can be emulated). + + This version of MPFR is released under the GNU Lesser General Public +License, version 3 or any later version. It is permitted to link MPFR +to most non-free programs, as long as when distributing them the MPFR +source code and a means to re-link with a modified MPFR library is +provided. + +1.1 How to Use This Manual +========================== + +Everyone should read *note MPFR Basics::. If you need to install the +library yourself, you need to read *note Installing MPFR::, too. To use +the library you will need to refer to *note MPFR Interface::. + + The rest of the manual can be used for later reference, although it +is probably a good idea to glance through it. + + +File:, Node: Installing MPFR, Next: Reporting Bugs, Prev: Introduction to MPFR, Up: Top + +2 Installing MPFR +***************** + +The MPFR library is already installed on some GNU/Linux distributions, +but the development files necessary to the compilation such as ‘mpfr.h’ +are not always present. To check that MPFR is fully installed on your +computer, you can check the presence of the file ‘mpfr.h’ in +‘/usr/include’, or try to compile a small program having ‘#include +’ (since ‘mpfr.h’ may be installed somewhere else). For +instance, you can try to compile: + + #include + #include + int main (void) + { + printf ("MPFR library: %-12s\nMPFR header: %s (based on %d.%d.%d)\n", + mpfr_get_version (), MPFR_VERSION_STRING, MPFR_VERSION_MAJOR, + MPFR_VERSION_MINOR, MPFR_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL); + return 0; + } + +with + + cc -o version version.c -lmpfr -lgmp + +and if you get errors whose first line looks like + + version.c:2:19: error: mpfr.h: No such file or directory + +then MPFR is probably not installed. Running this program will give you +the MPFR version. + + If MPFR is not installed on your computer, or if you want to install +a different version, please follow the steps below. + +2.1 How to Install +================== + +Here are the steps needed to install the library on Unix systems (more +details are provided in the ‘INSTALL’ file): + + 1. To build MPFR, you first have to install GNU MP (version 4.1 or + higher) on your computer. You need a C compiler, preferably GCC, + but any reasonable compiler should work. And you need the standard + Unix ‘make’ command, plus some other standard Unix utility + commands. + + Then, in the MPFR build directory, type the following commands. + + 2. ‘./configure’ + + This will prepare the build and setup the options according to your + system. You can give options to specify the install directories + (instead of the default ‘/usr/local’), threading support, and so + on. See the ‘INSTALL’ file and/or the output of ‘./configure + --help’ for more information, in particular if you get error + messages. + + 3. ‘make’ + + This will compile MPFR, and create a library archive file + ‘libmpfr.a’. On most platforms, a dynamic library will be produced + too. + + 4. ‘make check’ + + This will make sure that MPFR was built correctly. If any test + fails, information about this failure can be found in the + ‘tests/test-suite.log’ file. If you want the contents of this file + to be automatically output in case of failure, you can set the + ‘VERBOSE’ environment variable to 1 before running ‘make check’, + for instance by typing: + + ‘VERBOSE=1 make check’ + + In case of failure, you may want to check whether the problem is + already known. If not, please report this failure to the MPFR + mailing-list ‘’. For details, *Note Reporting Bugs::. + + 5. ‘make install’ + + This will copy the files ‘mpfr.h’ and ‘mpf2mpfr.h’ to the directory + ‘/usr/local/include’, the library files (‘libmpfr.a’ and possibly + others) to the directory ‘/usr/local/lib’, the file ‘’ to + the directory ‘/usr/local/share/info’, and some other documentation + files to the directory ‘/usr/local/share/doc/mpfr’ (or if you + passed the ‘--prefix’ option to ‘configure’, using the prefix + directory given as argument to ‘--prefix’ instead of ‘/usr/local’). + +2.2 Other ‘make’ Targets +======================== + +There are some other useful make targets: + + • ‘’ or ‘info’ + + Create or update an info version of the manual, in ‘’. + + This file is already provided in the MPFR archives. + + • ‘mpfr.pdf’ or ‘pdf’ + + Create a PDF version of the manual, in ‘mpfr.pdf’. + + • ‘mpfr.dvi’ or ‘dvi’ + + Create a DVI version of the manual, in ‘mpfr.dvi’. + + • ‘’ or ‘ps’ + + Create a Postscript version of the manual, in ‘’. + + • ‘mpfr.html’ or ‘html’ + + Create a HTML version of the manual, in several pages in the + directory ‘doc/mpfr.html’; if you want only one output HTML file, + then type ‘makeinfo --html --no-split mpfr.texi’ from the ‘doc’ + directory instead. + + • ‘clean’ + + Delete all object files and archive files, but not the + configuration files. + + • ‘distclean’ + + Delete all generated files not included in the distribution. + + • ‘uninstall’ + + Delete all files copied by ‘make install’. + +2.3 Build Problems +================== + +In case of problem, please read the ‘INSTALL’ file carefully before +reporting a bug, in particular section “In case of problem”. Some +problems are due to bad configuration on the user side (not specific to +MPFR). Problems are also mentioned in the FAQ +. + + Please report problems to the MPFR mailing-list ‘’. +*Note Reporting Bugs::. Some bug fixes are available on the MPFR 3.1.6 +web page . + +2.4 Getting the Latest Version of MPFR +====================================== + +The latest version of MPFR is available from + or . + + +File:, Node: Reporting Bugs, Next: MPFR Basics, Prev: Installing MPFR, Up: Top + +3 Reporting Bugs +**************** + +If you think you have found a bug in the MPFR library, first have a look +on the MPFR 3.1.6 web page and the FAQ +: perhaps this bug is already known, in +which case you may find there a workaround for it. You might also look +in the archives of the MPFR mailing-list: +. Otherwise, please investigate +and report it. We have made this library available to you, and it is +not to ask too much from you, to ask you to report the bugs that you +find. + + There are a few things you should think about when you put your bug +report together. + + You have to send us a test case that makes it possible for us to +reproduce the bug, i.e., a small self-content program, using no other +library than MPFR. Include instructions on how to run the test case. + + You also have to explain what is wrong; if you get a crash, or if the +results you get are incorrect and in that case, in what way. + + Please include compiler version information in your bug report. This +can be extracted using ‘cc -V’ on some machines, or, if you’re using +GCC, ‘gcc -v’. Also, include the output from ‘uname -a’ and the MPFR +version (the GMP version may be useful too). If you get a failure while +running ‘make’ or ‘make check’, please include the ‘config.log’ file in +your bug report, and in case of test failure, the ‘tests/test-suite.log’ +file too. + + If your bug report is good, we will do our best to help you to get a +corrected version of the library; if the bug report is poor, we will not +do anything about it (aside of chiding you to send better bug reports). + + Send your bug report to the MPFR mailing-list ‘’. + + If you think something in this manual is unclear, or downright +incorrect, or if the language needs to be improved, please send a note +to the same address. + + +File:, Node: MPFR Basics, Next: MPFR Interface, Prev: Reporting Bugs, Up: Top + +4 MPFR Basics +************* + +* Menu: + +* Headers and Libraries:: +* Nomenclature and Types:: +* MPFR Variable Conventions:: +* Rounding Modes:: +* Floating-Point Values on Special Numbers:: +* Exceptions:: +* Memory Handling:: + + +File:, Node: Headers and Libraries, Next: Nomenclature and Types, Prev: MPFR Basics, Up: MPFR Basics + +4.1 Headers and Libraries +========================= + +All declarations needed to use MPFR are collected in the include file +‘mpfr.h’. It is designed to work with both C and C++ compilers. You +should include that file in any program using the MPFR library: + + #include + + Note however that prototypes for MPFR functions with ‘FILE *’ +parameters are provided only if ‘’ is included too (before +‘mpfr.h’): + + #include + #include + + Likewise ‘’ (or ‘’) is required for prototypes +with ‘va_list’ parameters, such as ‘mpfr_vprintf’. + + And for any functions using ‘intmax_t’, you must include ‘’ +or ‘’ before ‘mpfr.h’, to allow ‘mpfr.h’ to define +prototypes for these functions. Moreover, users of C++ compilers under +some platforms may need to define ‘MPFR_USE_INTMAX_T’ (and should do it +for portability) before ‘mpfr.h’ has been included; of course, it is +possible to do that on the command line, e.g., with +‘-DMPFR_USE_INTMAX_T’. + + Note: If ‘mpfr.h’ and/or ‘gmp.h’ (used by ‘mpfr.h’) are included +several times (possibly from another header file), ‘’ and/or +‘’ (or ‘’) should be included *before the first +inclusion* of ‘mpfr.h’ or ‘gmp.h’. Alternatively, you can define +‘MPFR_USE_FILE’ (for MPFR I/O functions) and/or ‘MPFR_USE_VA_LIST’ (for +MPFR functions with ‘va_list’ parameters) anywhere before the last +inclusion of ‘mpfr.h’. As a consequence, if your file is a public +header that includes ‘mpfr.h’, you need to use the latter method. + + When calling a MPFR macro, it is not allowed to have previously +defined a macro with the same name as some keywords (currently ‘do’, +‘while’ and ‘sizeof’). + + You can avoid the use of MPFR macros encapsulating functions by +defining the ‘MPFR_USE_NO_MACRO’ macro before ‘mpfr.h’ is included. In +general this should not be necessary, but this can be useful when +debugging user code: with some macros, the compiler may emit spurious +warnings with some warning options, and macros can prevent some +prototype checking. + + All programs using MPFR must link against both ‘libmpfr’ and ‘libgmp’ +libraries. On a typical Unix-like system this can be done with ‘-lmpfr +-lgmp’ (in that order), for example: + + gcc myprogram.c -lmpfr -lgmp + + MPFR is built using Libtool and an application can use that to link +if desired, *note GNU Libtool: (libtool)Top. + + If MPFR has been installed to a non-standard location, then it may be +necessary to set up environment variables such as ‘C_INCLUDE_PATH’ and +‘LIBRARY_PATH’, or use ‘-I’ and ‘-L’ compiler options, in order to point +to the right directories. For a shared library, it may also be +necessary to set up some sort of run-time library path (e.g., +‘LD_LIBRARY_PATH’) on some systems. Please read the ‘INSTALL’ file for +additional information. + + +File:, Node: Nomenclature and Types, Next: MPFR Variable Conventions, Prev: Headers and Libraries, Up: MPFR Basics + +4.2 Nomenclature and Types +========================== + +A “floating-point number”, or “float” for short, is an arbitrary +precision significand (also called mantissa) with a limited precision +exponent. The C data type for such objects is ‘mpfr_t’ (internally +defined as a one-element array of a structure, and ‘mpfr_ptr’ is the C +data type representing a pointer to this structure). A floating-point +number can have three special values: Not-a-Number (NaN) or plus or +minus Infinity. NaN represents an uninitialized object, the result of +an invalid operation (like 0 divided by 0), or a value that cannot be +determined (like +Infinity minus +Infinity). Moreover, like in the IEEE +754 standard, zero is signed, i.e., there are both +0 and −0; the +behavior is the same as in the IEEE 754 standard and it is generalized +to the other functions supported by MPFR. Unless documented otherwise, +the sign bit of a NaN is unspecified. + +The “precision” is the number of bits used to represent the significand +of a floating-point number; the corresponding C data type is +‘mpfr_prec_t’. The precision can be any integer between ‘MPFR_PREC_MIN’ +and ‘MPFR_PREC_MAX’. In the current implementation, ‘MPFR_PREC_MIN’ is +equal to 2. + + Warning! MPFR needs to increase the precision internally, in order +to provide accurate results (and in particular, correct rounding). Do +not attempt to set the precision to any value near ‘MPFR_PREC_MAX’, +otherwise MPFR will abort due to an assertion failure. Moreover, you +may reach some memory limit on your platform, in which case the program +may abort, crash or have undefined behavior (depending on your C +implementation). + +The “rounding mode” specifies the way to round the result of a +floating-point operation, in case the exact result can not be +represented exactly in the destination significand; the corresponding C +data type is ‘mpfr_rnd_t’. + + +File:, Node: MPFR Variable Conventions, Next: Rounding Modes, Prev: Nomenclature and Types, Up: MPFR Basics + +4.3 MPFR Variable Conventions +============================= + +Before you can assign to an MPFR variable, you need to initialize it by +calling one of the special initialization functions. When you’re done +with a variable, you need to clear it out, using one of the functions +for that purpose. A variable should only be initialized once, or at +least cleared out between each initialization. After a variable has +been initialized, it may be assigned to any number of times. For +efficiency reasons, avoid to initialize and clear out a variable in +loops. Instead, initialize it before entering the loop, and clear it +out after the loop has exited. You do not need to be concerned about +allocating additional space for MPFR variables, since any variable has a +significand of fixed size. Hence unless you change its precision, or +clear and reinitialize it, a floating-point variable will have the same +allocated space during all its life. + + As a general rule, all MPFR functions expect output arguments before +input arguments. This notation is based on an analogy with the +assignment operator. MPFR allows you to use the same variable for both +input and output in the same expression. For example, the main function +for floating-point multiplication, ‘mpfr_mul’, can be used like this: +‘mpfr_mul (x, x, x, rnd)’. This computes the square of X with rounding +mode ‘rnd’ and puts the result back in X. + + +File:, Node: Rounding Modes, Next: Floating-Point Values on Special Numbers, Prev: MPFR Variable Conventions, Up: MPFR Basics + +4.4 Rounding Modes +================== + +The following five rounding modes are supported: + • ‘MPFR_RNDN’: round to nearest (roundTiesToEven in IEEE 754-2008), + • ‘MPFR_RNDZ’: round toward zero (roundTowardZero in IEEE 754-2008), + • ‘MPFR_RNDU’: round toward plus infinity (roundTowardPositive in + IEEE 754-2008), + • ‘MPFR_RNDD’: round toward minus infinity (roundTowardNegative in + IEEE 754-2008), + • ‘MPFR_RNDA’: round away from zero. + + The ‘round to nearest’ mode works as in the IEEE 754 standard: in +case the number to be rounded lies exactly in the middle of two +representable numbers, it is rounded to the one with the least +significant bit set to zero. For example, the number 2.5, which is +represented by (10.1) in binary, is rounded to (10.0)=2 with a precision +of two bits, and not to (11.0)=3. This rule avoids the “drift” +phenomenon mentioned by Knuth in volume 2 of The Art of Computer +Programming (Section 4.2.2). + + Most MPFR functions take as first argument the destination variable, +as second and following arguments the input variables, as last argument +a rounding mode, and have a return value of type ‘int’, called the +“ternary value”. The value stored in the destination variable is +correctly rounded, i.e., MPFR behaves as if it computed the result with +an infinite precision, then rounded it to the precision of this +variable. The input variables are regarded as exact (in particular, +their precision does not affect the result). + + As a consequence, in case of a non-zero real rounded result, the +error on the result is less or equal to 1/2 ulp (unit in the last place) +of that result in the rounding to nearest mode, and less than 1 ulp of +that result in the directed rounding modes (a ulp is the weight of the +least significant represented bit of the result after rounding). + + Unless documented otherwise, functions returning an ‘int’ return a +ternary value. If the ternary value is zero, it means that the value +stored in the destination variable is the exact result of the +corresponding mathematical function. If the ternary value is positive +(resp. negative), it means the value stored in the destination variable +is greater (resp. lower) than the exact result. For example with the +‘MPFR_RNDU’ rounding mode, the ternary value is usually positive, except +when the result is exact, in which case it is zero. In the case of an +infinite result, it is considered as inexact when it was obtained by +overflow, and exact otherwise. A NaN result (Not-a-Number) always +corresponds to an exact return value. The opposite of a returned +ternary value is guaranteed to be representable in an ‘int’. + + Unless documented otherwise, functions returning as result the value +‘1’ (or any other value specified in this manual) for special cases +(like ‘acos(0)’) yield an overflow or an underflow if that value is not +representable in the current exponent range. + + +File:, Node: Floating-Point Values on Special Numbers, Next: Exceptions, Prev: Rounding Modes, Up: MPFR Basics + +4.5 Floating-Point Values on Special Numbers +============================================ + +This section specifies the floating-point values (of type ‘mpfr_t’) +returned by MPFR functions (where by “returned” we mean here the +modified value of the destination object, which should not be mixed with +the ternary return value of type ‘int’ of those functions). For +functions returning several values (like ‘mpfr_sin_cos’), the rules +apply to each result separately. + + Functions can have one or several input arguments. An input point is +a mapping from these input arguments to the set of the MPFR numbers. +When none of its components are NaN, an input point can also be seen as +a tuple in the extended real numbers (the set of the real numbers with +both infinities). + + When the input point is in the domain of the mathematical function, +the result is rounded as described in Section “Rounding Modes” (but see +below for the specification of the sign of an exact zero). Otherwise +the general rules from this section apply unless stated otherwise in the +description of the MPFR function (*note MPFR Interface::). + + When the input point is not in the domain of the mathematical +function but is in its closure in the extended real numbers and the +function can be extended by continuity, the result is the obtained +limit. Examples: ‘mpfr_hypot’ on (+Inf,0) gives +Inf. But ‘mpfr_pow’ +cannot be defined on (1,+Inf) using this rule, as one can find sequences +(X_N,Y_N) such that X_N goes to 1, Y_N goes to +Inf and X_N to the Y_N +goes to any positive value when N goes to the infinity. + + When the input point is in the closure of the domain of the +mathematical function and an input argument is +0 (resp. −0), one +considers the limit when the corresponding argument approaches 0 from +above (resp. below), if possible. If the limit is not defined (e.g., +‘mpfr_sqrt’ and ‘mpfr_log’ on −0), the behavior is specified in the +description of the MPFR function, but must be consistent with the rule +from the above paragraph (e.g., ‘mpfr_log’ on ±0 gives −Inf). + + When the result is equal to 0, its sign is determined by considering +the limit as if the input point were not in the domain: If one +approaches 0 from above (resp. below), the result is +0 (resp. −0); for +example, ‘mpfr_sin’ on −0 gives −0 and ‘mpfr_acos’ on 1 gives +0 (in all +rounding modes). In the other cases, the sign is specified in the +description of the MPFR function; for example ‘mpfr_max’ on −0 and +0 +gives +0. + + When the input point is not in the closure of the domain of the +function, the result is NaN. Example: ‘mpfr_sqrt’ on −17 gives NaN. + + When an input argument is NaN, the result is NaN, possibly except +when a partial function is constant on the finite floating-point +numbers; such a case is always explicitly specified in *note MPFR +Interface::. Example: ‘mpfr_hypot’ on (NaN,0) gives NaN, but +‘mpfr_hypot’ on (NaN,+Inf) gives +Inf (as specified in *note Special +Functions::), since for any finite or infinite input X, ‘mpfr_hypot’ on +(X,+Inf) gives +Inf. + + +File:, Node: Exceptions, Next: Memory Handling, Prev: Floating-Point Values on Special Numbers, Up: MPFR Basics + +4.6 Exceptions +============== + +MPFR supports 6 exception types: + + • Underflow: An underflow occurs when the exact result of a function + is a non-zero real number and the result obtained after the + rounding, assuming an unbounded exponent range (for the rounding), + has an exponent smaller than the minimum value of the current + exponent range. (In the round-to-nearest mode, the halfway case is + rounded toward zero.) + + Note: This is not the single possible definition of the underflow. + MPFR chooses to consider the underflow _after_ rounding. The + underflow before rounding can also be defined. For instance, + consider a function that has the exact result 7 multiplied by two + to the power E−4, where E is the smallest exponent (for a + significand between 1/2 and 1), with a 2-bit target precision and + rounding toward plus infinity. The exact result has the exponent + E−1. With the underflow before rounding, such a function call + would yield an underflow, as E−1 is outside the current exponent + range. However, MPFR first considers the rounded result assuming + an unbounded exponent range. The exact result cannot be + represented exactly in precision 2, and here, it is rounded to 0.5 + times 2 to E, which is representable in the current exponent range. + As a consequence, this will not yield an underflow in MPFR. + + • Overflow: An overflow occurs when the exact result of a function is + a non-zero real number and the result obtained after the rounding, + assuming an unbounded exponent range (for the rounding), has an + exponent larger than the maximum value of the current exponent + range. In the round-to-nearest mode, the result is infinite. + Note: unlike the underflow case, there is only one possible + definition of overflow here. + + • Divide-by-zero: An exact infinite result is obtained from finite + inputs. + + • NaN: A NaN exception occurs when the result of a function is NaN. + + • Inexact: An inexact exception occurs when the result of a function + cannot be represented exactly and must be rounded. + + • Range error: A range exception occurs when a function that does not + return a MPFR number (such as comparisons and conversions to an + integer) has an invalid result (e.g., an argument is NaN in + ‘mpfr_cmp’, or a conversion to an integer cannot be represented in + the target type). + + MPFR has a global flag for each exception, which can be cleared, set +or tested by functions described in *note Exception Related Functions::. + + Differences with the ISO C99 standard: + + • In C, only quiet NaNs are specified, and a NaN propagation does not + raise an invalid exception. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, + MPFR sets the NaN flag whenever a NaN is generated, even when a NaN + is propagated (e.g., in NaN + NaN), as if all NaNs were signaling. + + • An invalid exception in C corresponds to either a NaN exception or + a range error in MPFR. + + +File:, Node: Memory Handling, Prev: Exceptions, Up: MPFR Basics + +4.7 Memory Handling +=================== + +MPFR functions may create caches, e.g., when computing constants such as +Pi, either because the user has called a function like ‘mpfr_const_pi’ +directly or because such a function was called internally by the MPFR +library itself to compute some other function. + + At any time, the user can free the various caches with +‘mpfr_free_cache’. It is strongly advised to do that before terminating +a thread, or before exiting when using tools like ‘valgrind’ (to avoid +memory leaks being reported). + + MPFR internal data such as flags, the exponent range, the default +precision and rounding mode, and caches (i.e., data that are not +accessed via parameters) are either global (if MPFR has not been +compiled as thread safe) or per-thread (thread local storage, TLS). The +initial values of TLS data after a thread is created entirely depend on +the compiler and thread implementation (MPFR simply does a conventional +variable initialization, the variables being declared with an +implementation-defined TLS specifier). + + By default, MPFR uses the GMP memory allocators (*note +( Allocation::) instead of ‘malloc’ for all its +allocations. But since caches have been introduced in MPFR and nothing +had been documented about necessary clean-up if the GMP allocators had +to be changed (by the application or another library), the current GMP +allocators are memorized the first time they are used by MPFR, and MPFR +will always use these allocators. This means that the allocators need +to remain valid as long as MPFR is used. To avoid this requirement, +future versions may handle memory allocation differently, and +applications that change the allocators may have to be slightly +modified. + + +File:, Node: MPFR Interface, Next: API Compatibility, Prev: MPFR Basics, Up: Top + +5 MPFR Interface +**************** + +The floating-point functions expect arguments of type ‘mpfr_t’. + + The MPFR floating-point functions have an interface that is similar +to the GNU MP functions. The function prefix for floating-point +operations is ‘mpfr_’. + + The user has to specify the precision of each variable. A +computation that assigns a variable will take place with the precision +of the assigned variable; the cost of that computation should not depend +on the precision of variables used as input (on average). + + The semantics of a calculation in MPFR is specified as follows: +Compute the requested operation exactly (with “infinite accuracy”), and +round the result to the precision of the destination variable, with the +given rounding mode. The MPFR floating-point functions are intended to +be a smooth extension of the IEEE 754 arithmetic. The results obtained +on a given computer are identical to those obtained on a computer with a +different word size, or with a different compiler or operating system. + + MPFR _does not keep track_ of the accuracy of a computation. This is +left to the user or to a higher layer (for example the MPFI library for +interval arithmetic). As a consequence, if two variables are used to +store only a few significant bits, and their product is stored in a +variable with large precision, then MPFR will still compute the result +with full precision. + + The value of the standard C macro ‘errno’ may be set to non-zero by +any MPFR function or macro, whether or not there is an error. + +* Menu: + +* Initialization Functions:: +* Assignment Functions:: +* Combined Initialization and Assignment Functions:: +* Conversion Functions:: +* Basic Arithmetic Functions:: +* Comparison Functions:: +* Special Functions:: +* Input and Output Functions:: +* Formatted Output Functions:: +* Integer Related Functions:: +* Rounding Related Functions:: +* Miscellaneous Functions:: +* Exception Related Functions:: +* Compatibility with MPF:: +* Custom Interface:: +* Internals:: + + +File:, Node: Initialization Functions, Next: Assignment Functions, Prev: MPFR Interface, Up: MPFR Interface + +5.1 Initialization Functions +============================ + +An ‘mpfr_t’ object must be initialized before storing the first value in +it. The functions ‘mpfr_init’ and ‘mpfr_init2’ are used for that +purpose. + + -- Function: void mpfr_init2 (mpfr_t X, mpfr_prec_t PREC) + Initialize X, set its precision to be *exactly* PREC bits and its + value to NaN. (Warning: the corresponding MPF function initializes + to zero instead.) + + Normally, a variable should be initialized once only or at least be + cleared, using ‘mpfr_clear’, between initializations. To change + the precision of a variable which has already been initialized, use + ‘mpfr_set_prec’. The precision PREC must be an integer between + ‘MPFR_PREC_MIN’ and ‘MPFR_PREC_MAX’ (otherwise the behavior is + undefined). + + -- Function: void mpfr_inits2 (mpfr_prec_t PREC, mpfr_t X, ...) + Initialize all the ‘mpfr_t’ variables of the given variable + argument ‘va_list’, set their precision to be *exactly* PREC bits + and their value to NaN. See ‘mpfr_init2’ for more details. The + ‘va_list’ is assumed to be composed only of type ‘mpfr_t’ (or + equivalently ‘mpfr_ptr’). It begins from X, and ends when it + encounters a null pointer (whose type must also be ‘mpfr_ptr’). + + -- Function: void mpfr_clear (mpfr_t X) + Free the space occupied by the significand of X. Make sure to call + this function for all ‘mpfr_t’ variables when you are done with + them. + + -- Function: void mpfr_clears (mpfr_t X, ...) + Free the space occupied by all the ‘mpfr_t’ variables of the given + ‘va_list’. See ‘mpfr_clear’ for more details. The ‘va_list’ is + assumed to be composed only of type ‘mpfr_t’ (or equivalently + ‘mpfr_ptr’). It begins from X, and ends when it encounters a null + pointer (whose type must also be ‘mpfr_ptr’). + + Here is an example of how to use multiple initialization functions +(since ‘NULL’ is not necessarily defined in this context, we use +‘(mpfr_ptr) 0’ instead, but ‘(mpfr_ptr) NULL’ is also correct). + + { + mpfr_t x, y, z, t; + mpfr_inits2 (256, x, y, z, t, (mpfr_ptr) 0); + ... + mpfr_clears (x, y, z, t, (mpfr_ptr) 0); + } + + -- Function: void mpfr_init (mpfr_t X) + Initialize X, set its precision to the default precision, and set + its value to NaN. The default precision can be changed by a call + to ‘mpfr_set_default_prec’. + + Warning! In a given program, some other libraries might change the + default precision and not restore it. Thus it is safer to use + ‘mpfr_init2’. + + -- Function: void mpfr_inits (mpfr_t X, ...) + Initialize all the ‘mpfr_t’ variables of the given ‘va_list’, set + their precision to the default precision and their value to NaN. + See ‘mpfr_init’ for more details. The ‘va_list’ is assumed to be + composed only of type ‘mpfr_t’ (or equivalently ‘mpfr_ptr’). It + begins from X, and ends when it encounters a null pointer (whose + type must also be ‘mpfr_ptr’). + + Warning! In a given program, some other libraries might change the + default precision and not restore it. Thus it is safer to use + ‘mpfr_inits2’. + + -- Macro: MPFR_DECL_INIT (NAME, PREC) + This macro declares NAME as an automatic variable of type ‘mpfr_t’, + initializes it and sets its precision to be *exactly* PREC bits and + its value to NaN. NAME must be a valid identifier. You must use + this macro in the declaration section. This macro is much faster + than using ‘mpfr_init2’ but has some drawbacks: + + • You *must not* call ‘mpfr_clear’ with variables created with + this macro (the storage is allocated at the point of + declaration and deallocated when the brace-level is exited). + + • You *cannot* change their precision. + + • You *should not* create variables with huge precision with + this macro. + + • Your compiler must support ‘Non-Constant Initializers’ + (standard in C++ and ISO C99) and ‘Token Pasting’ (standard in + ISO C89). If PREC is not a constant expression, your compiler + must support ‘variable-length automatic arrays’ (standard in + ISO C99). GCC 2.95.3 and above supports all these features. + If you compile your program with GCC in C89 mode and with + ‘-pedantic’, you may want to define the ‘MPFR_USE_EXTENSION’ + macro to avoid warnings due to the ‘MPFR_DECL_INIT’ + implementation. + + -- Function: void mpfr_set_default_prec (mpfr_prec_t PREC) + Set the default precision to be *exactly* PREC bits, where PREC can + be any integer between ‘MPFR_PREC_MIN’ and ‘MPFR_PREC_MAX’. The + precision of a variable means the number of bits used to store its + significand. All subsequent calls to ‘mpfr_init’ or ‘mpfr_inits’ + will use this precision, but previously initialized variables are + unaffected. The default precision is set to 53 bits initially. + + Note: when MPFR is built with the ‘--enable-thread-safe’ configure + option, the default precision is local to each thread. *Note + Memory Handling::, for more information. + + -- Function: mpfr_prec_t mpfr_get_default_prec (void) + Return the current default MPFR precision in bits. See the + documentation of ‘mpfr_set_default_prec’. + + Here is an example on how to initialize floating-point variables: + + { + mpfr_t x, y; + mpfr_init (x); /* use default precision */ + mpfr_init2 (y, 256); /* precision _exactly_ 256 bits */ + ... + /* When the program is about to exit, do ... */ + mpfr_clear (x); + mpfr_clear (y); + mpfr_free_cache (); /* free the cache for constants like pi */ + } + + The following functions are useful for changing the precision during +a calculation. A typical use would be for adjusting the precision +gradually in iterative algorithms like Newton-Raphson, making the +computation precision closely match the actual accurate part of the +numbers. + + -- Function: void mpfr_set_prec (mpfr_t X, mpfr_prec_t PREC) + Reset the precision of X to be *exactly* PREC bits, and set its + value to NaN. The previous value stored in X is lost. It is + equivalent to a call to ‘mpfr_clear(x)’ followed by a call to + ‘mpfr_init2(x, prec)’, but more efficient as no allocation is done + in case the current allocated space for the significand of X is + enough. The precision PREC can be any integer between + ‘MPFR_PREC_MIN’ and ‘MPFR_PREC_MAX’. In case you want to keep the + previous value stored in X, use ‘mpfr_prec_round’ instead. + + Warning! You must not use this function if X was initialized with + ‘MPFR_DECL_INIT’ or with ‘mpfr_custom_init_set’ (*note Custom + Interface::). + + -- Function: mpfr_prec_t mpfr_get_prec (mpfr_t X) + Return the precision of X, i.e., the number of bits used to store + its significand. + + +File:, Node: Assignment Functions, Next: Combined Initialization and Assignment Functions, Prev: Initialization Functions, Up: MPFR Interface + +5.2 Assignment Functions +======================== + +These functions assign new values to already initialized floats (*note +Initialization Functions::). + + -- Function: int mpfr_set (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_set_ui (mpfr_t ROP, unsigned long int OP, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_set_si (mpfr_t ROP, long int OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_set_uj (mpfr_t ROP, uintmax_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_set_sj (mpfr_t ROP, intmax_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_set_flt (mpfr_t ROP, float OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_set_d (mpfr_t ROP, double OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_set_ld (mpfr_t ROP, long double OP, mpfr_rnd_t + RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_set_decimal64 (mpfr_t ROP, _Decimal64 OP, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_set_z (mpfr_t ROP, mpz_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_set_q (mpfr_t ROP, mpq_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_set_f (mpfr_t ROP, mpf_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set the value of ROP from OP, rounded toward the given direction + RND. Note that the input 0 is converted to +0 by ‘mpfr_set_ui’, + ‘mpfr_set_si’, ‘mpfr_set_uj’, ‘mpfr_set_sj’, ‘mpfr_set_z’, + ‘mpfr_set_q’ and ‘mpfr_set_f’, regardless of the rounding mode. If + the system does not support the IEEE 754 standard, ‘mpfr_set_flt’, + ‘mpfr_set_d’, ‘mpfr_set_ld’ and ‘mpfr_set_decimal64’ might not + preserve the signed zeros. The ‘mpfr_set_decimal64’ function is + built only with the configure option ‘--enable-decimal-float’, + which also requires ‘--with-gmp-build’, and when the compiler or + system provides the ‘_Decimal64’ data type (recent versions of GCC + support this data type); to use ‘mpfr_set_decimal64’, one should + define the macro ‘MPFR_WANT_DECIMAL_FLOATS’ before including + ‘mpfr.h’. ‘mpfr_set_q’ might fail if the numerator (or the + denominator) can not be represented as a ‘mpfr_t’. + + Note: If you want to store a floating-point constant to a ‘mpfr_t’, + you should use ‘mpfr_set_str’ (or one of the MPFR constant + functions, such as ‘mpfr_const_pi’ for Pi) instead of + ‘mpfr_set_flt’, ‘mpfr_set_d’, ‘mpfr_set_ld’ or + ‘mpfr_set_decimal64’. Otherwise the floating-point constant will + be first converted into a reduced-precision (e.g., 53-bit) binary + (or decimal, for ‘mpfr_set_decimal64’) number before MPFR can work + with it. + + -- Function: int mpfr_set_ui_2exp (mpfr_t ROP, unsigned long int OP, + mpfr_exp_t E, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_set_si_2exp (mpfr_t ROP, long int OP, mpfr_exp_t + E, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_set_uj_2exp (mpfr_t ROP, uintmax_t OP, intmax_t + E, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_set_sj_2exp (mpfr_t ROP, intmax_t OP, intmax_t E, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_set_z_2exp (mpfr_t ROP, mpz_t OP, mpfr_exp_t E, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set the value of ROP from OP multiplied by two to the power E, + rounded toward the given direction RND. Note that the input 0 is + converted to +0. + + -- Function: int mpfr_set_str (mpfr_t ROP, const char *S, int BASE, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the value of the string S in base BASE, rounded in the + direction RND. See the documentation of ‘mpfr_strtofr’ for a + detailed description of the valid string formats. Contrary to + ‘mpfr_strtofr’, ‘mpfr_set_str’ requires the _whole_ string to + represent a valid floating-point number. + + The meaning of the return value differs from other MPFR functions: + it is 0 if the entire string up to the final null character is a + valid number in base BASE; otherwise it is −1, and ROP may have + changed (users interested in the *note ternary value:: should use + ‘mpfr_strtofr’ instead). + + Note: it is preferable to use ‘mpfr_strtofr’ if one wants to + distinguish between an infinite ROP value coming from an infinite S + or from an overflow. + + -- Function: int mpfr_strtofr (mpfr_t ROP, const char *NPTR, char + **ENDPTR, int BASE, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Read a floating-point number from a string NPTR in base BASE, + rounded in the direction RND; BASE must be either 0 (to detect the + base, as described below) or a number from 2 to 62 (otherwise the + behavior is undefined). If NPTR starts with valid data, the result + is stored in ROP and ‘*ENDPTR’ points to the character just after + the valid data (if ENDPTR is not a null pointer); otherwise ROP is + set to zero (for consistency with ‘strtod’) and the value of NPTR + is stored in the location referenced by ENDPTR (if ENDPTR is not a + null pointer). The usual ternary value is returned. + + Parsing follows the standard C ‘strtod’ function with some + extensions. After optional leading whitespace, one has a subject + sequence consisting of an optional sign (‘+’ or ‘-’), and either + numeric data or special data. The subject sequence is defined as + the longest initial subsequence of the input string, starting with + the first non-whitespace character, that is of the expected form. + + The form of numeric data is a non-empty sequence of significand + digits with an optional decimal point, and an optional exponent + consisting of an exponent prefix followed by an optional sign and a + non-empty sequence of decimal digits. A significand digit is + either a decimal digit or a Latin letter (62 possible characters), + with ‘A’ = 10, ‘B’ = 11, ..., ‘Z’ = 35; case is ignored in bases + less or equal to 36, in bases larger than 36, ‘a’ = 36, ‘b’ = 37, + ..., ‘z’ = 61. The value of a significand digit must be strictly + less than the base. The decimal point can be either the one + defined by the current locale or the period (the first one is + accepted for consistency with the C standard and the practice, the + second one is accepted to allow the programmer to provide MPFR + numbers from strings in a way that does not depend on the current + locale). The exponent prefix can be ‘e’ or ‘E’ for bases up to 10, + or ‘@’ in any base; it indicates a multiplication by a power of the + base. In bases 2 and 16, the exponent prefix can also be ‘p’ or + ‘P’, in which case the exponent, called _binary exponent_, + indicates a multiplication by a power of 2 instead of the base + (there is a difference only for base 16); in base 16 for example + ‘1p2’ represents 4 whereas ‘1@2’ represents 256. The value of an + exponent is always written in base 10. + + If the argument BASE is 0, then the base is automatically detected + as follows. If the significand starts with ‘0b’ or ‘0B’, base 2 is + assumed. If the significand starts with ‘0x’ or ‘0X’, base 16 is + assumed. Otherwise base 10 is assumed. + + Note: The exponent (if present) must contain at least a digit. + Otherwise the possible exponent prefix and sign are not part of the + number (which ends with the significand). Similarly, if ‘0b’, + ‘0B’, ‘0x’ or ‘0X’ is not followed by a binary/hexadecimal digit, + then the subject sequence stops at the character ‘0’, thus 0 is + read. + + Special data (for infinities and NaN) can be ‘@inf@’ or + ‘@nan@(n-char-sequence-opt)’, and if BASE <= 16, it can also be + ‘infinity’, ‘inf’, ‘nan’ or ‘nan(n-char-sequence-opt)’, all case + insensitive. A ‘n-char-sequence-opt’ is a possibly empty string + containing only digits, Latin letters and the underscore (0, 1, 2, + ..., 9, a, b, ..., z, A, B, ..., Z, _). Note: one has an optional + sign for all data, even NaN. For example, ‘-@nAn@(This_Is_Not_17)’ + is a valid representation for NaN in base 17. + + -- Function: void mpfr_set_nan (mpfr_t X) + -- Function: void mpfr_set_inf (mpfr_t X, int SIGN) + -- Function: void mpfr_set_zero (mpfr_t X, int SIGN) + Set the variable X to NaN (Not-a-Number), infinity or zero + respectively. In ‘mpfr_set_inf’ or ‘mpfr_set_zero’, X is set to + plus infinity or plus zero iff SIGN is nonnegative; in + ‘mpfr_set_nan’, the sign bit of the result is unspecified. + + -- Function: void mpfr_swap (mpfr_t X, mpfr_t Y) + Swap the structures pointed to by X and Y. In particular, the + values are exchanged without rounding (this may be different from + three ‘mpfr_set’ calls using a third auxiliary variable). + + Warning! Since the precisions are exchanged, this will affect + future assignments. Moreover, since the significand pointers are + also exchanged, you must not use this function if the allocation + method used for X and/or Y does not permit it. This is the case + when X and/or Y were declared and initialized with + ‘MPFR_DECL_INIT’, and possibly with ‘mpfr_custom_init_set’ (*note + Custom Interface::). + + +File:, Node: Combined Initialization and Assignment Functions, Next: Conversion Functions, Prev: Assignment Functions, Up: MPFR Interface + +5.3 Combined Initialization and Assignment Functions +==================================================== + + -- Macro: int mpfr_init_set (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Macro: int mpfr_init_set_ui (mpfr_t ROP, unsigned long int OP, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Macro: int mpfr_init_set_si (mpfr_t ROP, long int OP, mpfr_rnd_t + RND) + -- Macro: int mpfr_init_set_d (mpfr_t ROP, double OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Macro: int mpfr_init_set_ld (mpfr_t ROP, long double OP, mpfr_rnd_t + RND) + -- Macro: int mpfr_init_set_z (mpfr_t ROP, mpz_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Macro: int mpfr_init_set_q (mpfr_t ROP, mpq_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Macro: int mpfr_init_set_f (mpfr_t ROP, mpf_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Initialize ROP and set its value from OP, rounded in the direction + RND. The precision of ROP will be taken from the active default + precision, as set by ‘mpfr_set_default_prec’. + + -- Function: int mpfr_init_set_str (mpfr_t X, const char *S, int BASE, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Initialize X and set its value from the string S in base BASE, + rounded in the direction RND. See ‘mpfr_set_str’. + + +File:, Node: Conversion Functions, Next: Basic Arithmetic Functions, Prev: Combined Initialization and Assignment Functions, Up: MPFR Interface + +5.4 Conversion Functions +======================== + + -- Function: float mpfr_get_flt (mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: double mpfr_get_d (mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: long double mpfr_get_ld (mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: _Decimal64 mpfr_get_decimal64 (mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Convert OP to a ‘float’ (respectively ‘double’, ‘long double’ or + ‘_Decimal64’), using the rounding mode RND. If OP is NaN, some + fixed NaN (either quiet or signaling) or the result of 0.0/0.0 is + returned. If OP is ±Inf, an infinity of the same sign or the + result of ±1.0/0.0 is returned. If OP is zero, these functions + return a zero, trying to preserve its sign, if possible. The + ‘mpfr_get_decimal64’ function is built only under some conditions: + see the documentation of ‘mpfr_set_decimal64’. + + -- Function: long mpfr_get_si (mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: unsigned long mpfr_get_ui (mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: intmax_t mpfr_get_sj (mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: uintmax_t mpfr_get_uj (mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Convert OP to a ‘long’, an ‘unsigned long’, an ‘intmax_t’ or an + ‘uintmax_t’ (respectively) after rounding it with respect to RND. + If OP is NaN, 0 is returned and the _erange_ flag is set. If OP is + too big for the return type, the function returns the maximum or + the minimum of the corresponding C type, depending on the direction + of the overflow; the _erange_ flag is set too. See also + ‘mpfr_fits_slong_p’, ‘mpfr_fits_ulong_p’, ‘mpfr_fits_intmax_p’ and + ‘mpfr_fits_uintmax_p’. + + -- Function: double mpfr_get_d_2exp (long *EXP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t + RND) + -- Function: long double mpfr_get_ld_2exp (long *EXP, mpfr_t OP, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Return D and set EXP (formally, the value pointed to by EXP) such + that 0.5<=abs(D)<1 and D times 2 raised to EXP equals OP rounded to + double (resp. long double) precision, using the given rounding + mode. If OP is zero, then a zero of the same sign (or an unsigned + zero, if the implementation does not have signed zeros) is + returned, and EXP is set to 0. If OP is NaN or an infinity, then + the corresponding double precision (resp. long-double precision) + value is returned, and EXP is undefined. + + -- Function: int mpfr_frexp (mpfr_exp_t *EXP, mpfr_t Y, mpfr_t X, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set EXP (formally, the value pointed to by EXP) and Y such that + 0.5<=abs(Y)<1 and Y times 2 raised to EXP equals X rounded to the + precision of Y, using the given rounding mode. If X is zero, then + Y is set to a zero of the same sign and EXP is set to 0. If X is + NaN or an infinity, then Y is set to the same value and EXP is + undefined. + + -- Function: mpfr_exp_t mpfr_get_z_2exp (mpz_t ROP, mpfr_t OP) + Put the scaled significand of OP (regarded as an integer, with the + precision of OP) into ROP, and return the exponent EXP (which may + be outside the current exponent range) such that OP exactly equals + ROP times 2 raised to the power EXP. If OP is zero, the minimal + exponent ‘emin’ is returned. If OP is NaN or an infinity, the + _erange_ flag is set, ROP is set to 0, and the the minimal exponent + ‘emin’ is returned. The returned exponent may be less than the + minimal exponent ‘emin’ of MPFR numbers in the current exponent + range; in case the exponent is not representable in the + ‘mpfr_exp_t’ type, the _erange_ flag is set and the minimal value + of the ‘mpfr_exp_t’ type is returned. + + -- Function: int mpfr_get_z (mpz_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Convert OP to a ‘mpz_t’, after rounding it with respect to RND. If + OP is NaN or an infinity, the _erange_ flag is set, ROP is set to + 0, and 0 is returned. + + -- Function: int mpfr_get_f (mpf_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Convert OP to a ‘mpf_t’, after rounding it with respect to RND. + The _erange_ flag is set if OP is NaN or an infinity, which do not + exist in MPF. If OP is NaN, then ROP is undefined. If OP is +Inf + (resp. −Inf), then ROP is set to the maximum (resp. minimum) value + in the precision of the MPF number; if a future MPF version + supports infinities, this behavior will be considered incorrect and + will change (portable programs should assume that ROP is set either + to this finite number or to an infinite number). Note that since + MPFR currently has the same exponent type as MPF (but not with the + same radix), the range of values is much larger in MPF than in + MPFR, so that an overflow or underflow is not possible. + + -- Function: char * mpfr_get_str (char *STR, mpfr_exp_t *EXPPTR, int B, + size_t N, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Convert OP to a string of digits in base B, with rounding in the + direction RND, where N is either zero (see below) or the number of + significant digits output in the string; in the latter case, N must + be greater or equal to 2. The base may vary from 2 to 62; + otherwise the function does nothing and immediately returns a null + pointer. If the input number is an ordinary number, the exponent + is written through the pointer EXPPTR (for input 0, the current + minimal exponent is written); the type ‘mpfr_exp_t’ is large enough + to hold the exponent in all cases. + + The generated string is a fraction, with an implicit radix point + immediately to the left of the first digit. For example, the + number −3.1416 would be returned as "−31416" in the string and 1 + written at EXPPTR. If RND is to nearest, and OP is exactly in the + middle of two consecutive possible outputs, the one with an even + significand is chosen, where both significands are considered with + the exponent of OP. Note that for an odd base, this may not + correspond to an even last digit: for example with 2 digits in base + 7, (14) and a half is rounded to (15) which is 12 in decimal, (16) + and a half is rounded to (20) which is 14 in decimal, and (26) and + a half is rounded to (26) which is 20 in decimal. + + If N is zero, the number of digits of the significand is chosen + large enough so that re-reading the printed value with the same + precision, assuming both output and input use rounding to nearest, + will recover the original value of OP. More precisely, in most + cases, the chosen precision of STR is the minimal precision m + depending only on P = PREC(OP) and B that satisfies the above + property, i.e., m = 1 + ceil(P*log(2)/log(B)), with P replaced by + P−1 if B is a power of 2, but in some very rare cases, it might be + m+1 (the smallest case for bases up to 62 is when P equals + 186564318007 for bases 7 and 49). + + If STR is a null pointer, space for the significand is allocated + using the allocation function (*note Memory Handling::) and a + pointer to the string is returned (unless the base is invalid). To + free the returned string, you must use ‘mpfr_free_str’. + + If STR is not a null pointer, it should point to a block of storage + large enough for the significand, i.e., at least ‘max(N + 2, 7)’. + The extra two bytes are for a possible minus sign, and for the + terminating null character, and the value 7 accounts for ‘-@Inf@’ + plus the terminating null character. The pointer to the string STR + is returned (unless the base is invalid). + + Note: The NaN and inexact flags are currently not set when need be; + this will be fixed in future versions. Programmers should + currently assume that whether the flags are set by this function is + unspecified. + + -- Function: void mpfr_free_str (char *STR) + Free a string allocated by ‘mpfr_get_str’ using the unallocation + function (*note Memory Handling::). The block is assumed to be + ‘strlen(STR)+1’ bytes. + + -- Function: int mpfr_fits_ulong_p (mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_fits_slong_p (mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_fits_uint_p (mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_fits_sint_p (mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_fits_ushort_p (mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_fits_sshort_p (mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_fits_uintmax_p (mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_fits_intmax_p (mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Return non-zero if OP would fit in the respective C data type, + respectively ‘unsigned long’, ‘long’, ‘unsigned int’, ‘int’, + ‘unsigned short’, ‘short’, ‘uintmax_t’, ‘intmax_t’, when rounded to + an integer in the direction RND. + + +File:, Node: Basic Arithmetic Functions, Next: Comparison Functions, Prev: Conversion Functions, Up: MPFR Interface + +5.5 Basic Arithmetic Functions +============================== + + -- Function: int mpfr_add (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_add_ui (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, unsigned long int + OP2, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_add_si (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, long int OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_add_d (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, double OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_add_z (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpz_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_add_q (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpq_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to OP1 + OP2 rounded in the direction RND. The IEEE-754 + rules are used, in particular for signed zeros. But for types + having no signed zeros, 0 is considered unsigned (i.e., (+0) + 0 = + (+0) and (−0) + 0 = (−0)). The ‘mpfr_add_d’ function assumes that + the radix of the ‘double’ type is a power of 2, with a precision at + most that declared by the C implementation (macro + ‘IEEE_DBL_MANT_DIG’, and if not defined 53 bits). + + -- Function: int mpfr_sub (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_ui_sub (mpfr_t ROP, unsigned long int OP1, mpfr_t + OP2, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_sub_ui (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, unsigned long int + OP2, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_si_sub (mpfr_t ROP, long int OP1, mpfr_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_sub_si (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, long int OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_d_sub (mpfr_t ROP, double OP1, mpfr_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_sub_d (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, double OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_z_sub (mpfr_t ROP, mpz_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_sub_z (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpz_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_sub_q (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpq_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to OP1 - OP2 rounded in the direction RND. The IEEE-754 + rules are used, in particular for signed zeros. But for types + having no signed zeros, 0 is considered unsigned (i.e., (+0) − 0 = + (+0), (−0) − 0 = (−0), 0 − (+0) = (−0) and 0 − (−0) = (+0)). The + same restrictions than for ‘mpfr_add_d’ apply to ‘mpfr_d_sub’ and + ‘mpfr_sub_d’. + + -- Function: int mpfr_mul (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_mul_ui (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, unsigned long int + OP2, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_mul_si (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, long int OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_mul_d (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, double OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_mul_z (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpz_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_mul_q (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpq_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to OP1 times OP2 rounded in the direction RND. When a + result is zero, its sign is the product of the signs of the + operands (for types having no signed zeros, 0 is considered + positive). The same restrictions than for ‘mpfr_add_d’ apply to + ‘mpfr_mul_d’. + + -- Function: int mpfr_sqr (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the square of OP rounded in the direction RND. + + -- Function: int mpfr_div (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_ui_div (mpfr_t ROP, unsigned long int OP1, mpfr_t + OP2, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_div_ui (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, unsigned long int + OP2, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_si_div (mpfr_t ROP, long int OP1, mpfr_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_div_si (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, long int OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_d_div (mpfr_t ROP, double OP1, mpfr_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_div_d (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, double OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_div_z (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpz_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_div_q (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpq_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to OP1/OP2 rounded in the direction RND. When a result is + zero, its sign is the product of the signs of the operands (for + types having no signed zeros, 0 is considered positive). The same + restrictions than for ‘mpfr_add_d’ apply to ‘mpfr_d_div’ and + ‘mpfr_div_d’. + + -- Function: int mpfr_sqrt (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_sqrt_ui (mpfr_t ROP, unsigned long int OP, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the square root of OP rounded in the direction RND. Set + ROP to −0 if OP is −0, to be consistent with the IEEE 754 standard. + Set ROP to NaN if OP is negative. + + -- Function: int mpfr_rec_sqrt (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the reciprocal square root of OP rounded in the + direction RND. Set ROP to +Inf if OP is ±0, +0 if OP is +Inf, and + NaN if OP is negative. Warning! Therefore the result on −0 is + different from the one of the rSqrt function recommended by the + IEEE 754-2008 standard (Section 9.2.1), which is −Inf instead of + +Inf. + + -- Function: int mpfr_cbrt (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_root (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, unsigned long int K, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the cubic root (resp. the Kth root) of OP rounded in the + direction RND. For K = 0, set ROP to NaN. For K odd (resp. even) + and OP negative (including −Inf), set ROP to a negative number + (resp. NaN). The Kth root of −0 is defined to be −0, whatever the + parity of K (different from zero). + + -- Function: int mpfr_pow (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_pow_ui (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, unsigned long int + OP2, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_pow_si (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, long int OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_pow_z (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpz_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_ui_pow_ui (mpfr_t ROP, unsigned long int OP1, + unsigned long int OP2, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_ui_pow (mpfr_t ROP, unsigned long int OP1, mpfr_t + OP2, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to OP1 raised to OP2, rounded in the direction RND. + Special values are handled as described in the ISO C99 and IEEE + 754-2008 standards for the ‘pow’ function: + • ‘pow(±0, Y)’ returns plus or minus infinity for Y a negative + odd integer. + • ‘pow(±0, Y)’ returns plus infinity for Y negative and not an + odd integer. + • ‘pow(±0, Y)’ returns plus or minus zero for Y a positive odd + integer. + • ‘pow(±0, Y)’ returns plus zero for Y positive and not an odd + integer. + • ‘pow(-1, ±Inf)’ returns 1. + • ‘pow(+1, Y)’ returns 1 for any Y, even a NaN. + • ‘pow(X, ±0)’ returns 1 for any X, even a NaN. + • ‘pow(X, Y)’ returns NaN for finite negative X and finite + non-integer Y. + • ‘pow(X, -Inf)’ returns plus infinity for 0 < abs(x) < 1, and + plus zero for abs(x) > 1. + • ‘pow(X, +Inf)’ returns plus zero for 0 < abs(x) < 1, and plus + infinity for abs(x) > 1. + • ‘pow(-Inf, Y)’ returns minus zero for Y a negative odd + integer. + • ‘pow(-Inf, Y)’ returns plus zero for Y negative and not an odd + integer. + • ‘pow(-Inf, Y)’ returns minus infinity for Y a positive odd + integer. + • ‘pow(-Inf, Y)’ returns plus infinity for Y positive and not an + odd integer. + • ‘pow(+Inf, Y)’ returns plus zero for Y negative, and plus + infinity for Y positive. + + -- Function: int mpfr_neg (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_abs (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to -OP and the absolute value of OP respectively, rounded + in the direction RND. Just changes or adjusts the sign if ROP and + OP are the same variable, otherwise a rounding might occur if the + precision of ROP is less than that of OP. + + -- Function: int mpfr_dim (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the positive difference of OP1 and OP2, i.e., OP1 - OP2 + rounded in the direction RND if OP1 > OP2, +0 if OP1 <= OP2, and + NaN if OP1 or OP2 is NaN. + + -- Function: int mpfr_mul_2ui (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, unsigned long + int OP2, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_mul_2si (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, long int OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to OP1 times 2 raised to OP2 rounded in the direction RND. + Just increases the exponent by OP2 when ROP and OP1 are identical. + + -- Function: int mpfr_div_2ui (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, unsigned long + int OP2, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_div_2si (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, long int OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to OP1 divided by 2 raised to OP2 rounded in the direction + RND. Just decreases the exponent by OP2 when ROP and OP1 are + identical. + + +File:, Node: Comparison Functions, Next: Special Functions, Prev: Basic Arithmetic Functions, Up: MPFR Interface + +5.6 Comparison Functions +======================== + + -- Function: int mpfr_cmp (mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2) + -- Function: int mpfr_cmp_ui (mpfr_t OP1, unsigned long int OP2) + -- Function: int mpfr_cmp_si (mpfr_t OP1, long int OP2) + -- Function: int mpfr_cmp_d (mpfr_t OP1, double OP2) + -- Function: int mpfr_cmp_ld (mpfr_t OP1, long double OP2) + -- Function: int mpfr_cmp_z (mpfr_t OP1, mpz_t OP2) + -- Function: int mpfr_cmp_q (mpfr_t OP1, mpq_t OP2) + -- Function: int mpfr_cmp_f (mpfr_t OP1, mpf_t OP2) + Compare OP1 and OP2. Return a positive value if OP1 > OP2, zero if + OP1 = OP2, and a negative value if OP1 < OP2. Both OP1 and OP2 are + considered to their full own precision, which may differ. If one + of the operands is NaN, set the _erange_ flag and return zero. + + Note: These functions may be useful to distinguish the three + possible cases. If you need to distinguish two cases only, it is + recommended to use the predicate functions (e.g., ‘mpfr_equal_p’ + for the equality) described below; they behave like the IEEE 754 + comparisons, in particular when one or both arguments are NaN. But + only floating-point numbers can be compared (you may need to do a + conversion first). + + -- Function: int mpfr_cmp_ui_2exp (mpfr_t OP1, unsigned long int OP2, + mpfr_exp_t E) + -- Function: int mpfr_cmp_si_2exp (mpfr_t OP1, long int OP2, mpfr_exp_t + E) + Compare OP1 and OP2 multiplied by two to the power E. Similar as + above. + + -- Function: int mpfr_cmpabs (mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2) + Compare |OP1| and |OP2|. Return a positive value if |OP1| > |OP2|, + zero if |OP1| = |OP2|, and a negative value if |OP1| < |OP2|. If + one of the operands is NaN, set the _erange_ flag and return zero. + + -- Function: int mpfr_nan_p (mpfr_t OP) + -- Function: int mpfr_inf_p (mpfr_t OP) + -- Function: int mpfr_number_p (mpfr_t OP) + -- Function: int mpfr_zero_p (mpfr_t OP) + -- Function: int mpfr_regular_p (mpfr_t OP) + Return non-zero if OP is respectively NaN, an infinity, an ordinary + number (i.e., neither NaN nor an infinity), zero, or a regular + number (i.e., neither NaN, nor an infinity nor zero). Return zero + otherwise. + + -- Macro: int mpfr_sgn (mpfr_t OP) + Return a positive value if OP > 0, zero if OP = 0, and a negative + value if OP < 0. If the operand is NaN, set the _erange_ flag and + return zero. This is equivalent to ‘mpfr_cmp_ui (op, 0)’, but more + efficient. + + -- Function: int mpfr_greater_p (mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2) + -- Function: int mpfr_greaterequal_p (mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2) + -- Function: int mpfr_less_p (mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2) + -- Function: int mpfr_lessequal_p (mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2) + -- Function: int mpfr_equal_p (mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2) + Return non-zero if OP1 > OP2, OP1 >= OP2, OP1 < OP2, OP1 <= OP2, + OP1 = OP2 respectively, and zero otherwise. Those functions return + zero whenever OP1 and/or OP2 is NaN. + + -- Function: int mpfr_lessgreater_p (mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2) + Return non-zero if OP1 < OP2 or OP1 > OP2 (i.e., neither OP1, nor + OP2 is NaN, and OP1 <> OP2), zero otherwise (i.e., OP1 and/or OP2 + is NaN, or OP1 = OP2). + + -- Function: int mpfr_unordered_p (mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2) + Return non-zero if OP1 or OP2 is a NaN (i.e., they cannot be + compared), zero otherwise. + + +File:, Node: Special Functions, Next: Input and Output Functions, Prev: Comparison Functions, Up: MPFR Interface + +5.7 Special Functions +===================== + +All those functions, except explicitly stated (for example +‘mpfr_sin_cos’), return a *note ternary value::, i.e., zero for an exact +return value, a positive value for a return value larger than the exact +result, and a negative value otherwise. + + Important note: in some domains, computing special functions (either +with correct or incorrect rounding) is expensive, even for small +precision, for example the trigonometric and Bessel functions for large +argument. + + -- Function: int mpfr_log (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_log2 (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_log10 (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the natural logarithm of OP, log2(OP) or log10(OP), + respectively, rounded in the direction RND. Set ROP to +0 if OP is + 1 (in all rounding modes), for consistency with the ISO C99 and + IEEE 754-2008 standards. Set ROP to −Inf if OP is ±0 (i.e., the + sign of the zero has no influence on the result). + + -- Function: int mpfr_exp (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_exp2 (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_exp10 (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the exponential of OP, to 2 power of OP or to 10 power + of OP, respectively, rounded in the direction RND. + + -- Function: int mpfr_cos (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_sin (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_tan (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the cosine of OP, sine of OP, tangent of OP, rounded in + the direction RND. + + -- Function: int mpfr_sin_cos (mpfr_t SOP, mpfr_t COP, mpfr_t OP, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set simultaneously SOP to the sine of OP and COP to the cosine of + OP, rounded in the direction RND with the corresponding precisions + of SOP and COP, which must be different variables. Return 0 iff + both results are exact, more precisely it returns s+4c where s=0 if + SOP is exact, s=1 if SOP is larger than the sine of OP, s=2 if SOP + is smaller than the sine of OP, and similarly for c and the cosine + of OP. + + -- Function: int mpfr_sec (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_csc (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_cot (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the secant of OP, cosecant of OP, cotangent of OP, + rounded in the direction RND. + + -- Function: int mpfr_acos (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_asin (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_atan (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the arc-cosine, arc-sine or arc-tangent of OP, rounded + in the direction RND. Note that since ‘acos(-1)’ returns the + floating-point number closest to Pi according to the given rounding + mode, this number might not be in the output range 0 <= ROP < \pi + of the arc-cosine function; still, the result lies in the image of + the output range by the rounding function. The same holds for + ‘asin(-1)’, ‘asin(1)’, ‘atan(-Inf)’, ‘atan(+Inf)’ or for ‘atan(op)’ + with large OP and small precision of ROP. + + -- Function: int mpfr_atan2 (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t Y, mpfr_t X, mpfr_rnd_t + RND) + Set ROP to the arc-tangent2 of Y and X, rounded in the direction + RND: if ‘x > 0’, ‘atan2(y, x) = atan (y/x)’; if ‘x < 0’, ‘atan2(y, + x) = sign(y)*(Pi - atan (abs(y/x)))’, thus a number from -Pi to Pi. + As for ‘atan’, in case the exact mathematical result is +Pi or -Pi, + its rounded result might be outside the function output range. + + ‘atan2(y, 0)’ does not raise any floating-point exception. Special + values are handled as described in the ISO C99 and IEEE 754-2008 + standards for the ‘atan2’ function: + • ‘atan2(+0, -0)’ returns +Pi. + • ‘atan2(-0, -0)’ returns -Pi. + • ‘atan2(+0, +0)’ returns +0. + • ‘atan2(-0, +0)’ returns −0. + • ‘atan2(+0, x)’ returns +Pi for x < 0. + • ‘atan2(-0, x)’ returns -Pi for x < 0. + • ‘atan2(+0, x)’ returns +0 for x > 0. + • ‘atan2(-0, x)’ returns −0 for x > 0. + • ‘atan2(y, 0)’ returns -Pi/2 for y < 0. + • ‘atan2(y, 0)’ returns +Pi/2 for y > 0. + • ‘atan2(+Inf, -Inf)’ returns +3*Pi/4. + • ‘atan2(-Inf, -Inf)’ returns -3*Pi/4. + • ‘atan2(+Inf, +Inf)’ returns +Pi/4. + • ‘atan2(-Inf, +Inf)’ returns -Pi/4. + • ‘atan2(+Inf, x)’ returns +Pi/2 for finite x. + • ‘atan2(-Inf, x)’ returns -Pi/2 for finite x. + • ‘atan2(y, -Inf)’ returns +Pi for finite y > 0. + • ‘atan2(y, -Inf)’ returns -Pi for finite y < 0. + • ‘atan2(y, +Inf)’ returns +0 for finite y > 0. + • ‘atan2(y, +Inf)’ returns −0 for finite y < 0. + + -- Function: int mpfr_cosh (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_sinh (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_tanh (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the hyperbolic cosine, sine or tangent of OP, rounded in + the direction RND. + + -- Function: int mpfr_sinh_cosh (mpfr_t SOP, mpfr_t COP, mpfr_t OP, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set simultaneously SOP to the hyperbolic sine of OP and COP to the + hyperbolic cosine of OP, rounded in the direction RND with the + corresponding precision of SOP and COP, which must be different + variables. Return 0 iff both results are exact (see ‘mpfr_sin_cos’ + for a more detailed description of the return value). + + -- Function: int mpfr_sech (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_csch (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_coth (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the hyperbolic secant of OP, cosecant of OP, cotangent + of OP, rounded in the direction RND. + + -- Function: int mpfr_acosh (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_asinh (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_atanh (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the inverse hyperbolic cosine, sine or tangent of OP, + rounded in the direction RND. + + -- Function: int mpfr_fac_ui (mpfr_t ROP, unsigned long int OP, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the factorial of OP, rounded in the direction RND. + + -- Function: int mpfr_log1p (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the logarithm of one plus OP, rounded in the direction + RND. + + -- Function: int mpfr_expm1 (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the exponential of OP followed by a subtraction by one, + rounded in the direction RND. + + -- Function: int mpfr_eint (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the exponential integral of OP, rounded in the direction + RND. For positive OP, the exponential integral is the sum of + Euler’s constant, of the logarithm of OP, and of the sum for k from + 1 to infinity of OP to the power k, divided by k and factorial(k). + For negative OP, ROP is set to NaN (this definition for negative + argument follows formula 5.1.2 from the Handbook of Mathematical + Functions from Abramowitz and Stegun, a future version might use + another definition). + + -- Function: int mpfr_li2 (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to real part of the dilogarithm of OP, rounded in the + direction RND. MPFR defines the dilogarithm function as the + integral of -log(1-t)/t from 0 to OP. + + -- Function: int mpfr_gamma (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the value of the Gamma function on OP, rounded in the + direction RND. When OP is a negative integer, ROP is set to NaN. + + -- Function: int mpfr_lngamma (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the value of the logarithm of the Gamma function on OP, + rounded in the direction RND. When OP is 1 or 2, set ROP to +0 (in + all rounding modes). When OP is an infinity or a nonpositive + integer, set ROP to +Inf, following the general rules on special + values. When −2K−1 < OP < −2K, K being a nonnegative integer, set + ROP to NaN. See also ‘mpfr_lgamma’. + + -- Function: int mpfr_lgamma (mpfr_t ROP, int *SIGNP, mpfr_t OP, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the value of the logarithm of the absolute value of the + Gamma function on OP, rounded in the direction RND. The sign (1 or + −1) of Gamma(OP) is returned in the object pointed to by SIGNP. + When OP is 1 or 2, set ROP to +0 (in all rounding modes). When OP + is an infinity or a nonpositive integer, set ROP to +Inf. When OP + is NaN, −Inf or a negative integer, *SIGNP is undefined, and when + OP is ±0, *SIGNP is the sign of the zero. + + -- Function: int mpfr_digamma (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the value of the Digamma (sometimes also called Psi) + function on OP, rounded in the direction RND. When OP is a + negative integer, set ROP to NaN. + + -- Function: int mpfr_zeta (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_zeta_ui (mpfr_t ROP, unsigned long OP, mpfr_rnd_t + RND) + Set ROP to the value of the Riemann Zeta function on OP, rounded in + the direction RND. + + -- Function: int mpfr_erf (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_erfc (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the value of the error function on OP (resp. the + complementary error function on OP) rounded in the direction RND. + + -- Function: int mpfr_j0 (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_j1 (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_jn (mpfr_t ROP, long N, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t + RND) + Set ROP to the value of the first kind Bessel function of order 0, + (resp. 1 and N) on OP, rounded in the direction RND. When OP is + NaN, ROP is always set to NaN. When OP is plus or minus Infinity, + ROP is set to +0. When OP is zero, and N is not zero, ROP is set + to +0 or −0 depending on the parity and sign of N, and the sign of + OP. + + -- Function: int mpfr_y0 (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_y1 (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_yn (mpfr_t ROP, long N, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t + RND) + Set ROP to the value of the second kind Bessel function of order 0 + (resp. 1 and N) on OP, rounded in the direction RND. When OP is + NaN or negative, ROP is always set to NaN. When OP is +Inf, ROP is + set to +0. When OP is zero, ROP is set to +Inf or −Inf depending + on the parity and sign of N. + + -- Function: int mpfr_fma (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2, mpfr_t + OP3, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_fms (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2, mpfr_t + OP3, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to (OP1 times OP2) + OP3 (resp. (OP1 times OP2) - OP3) + rounded in the direction RND. Concerning special values (signed + zeros, infinities, NaN), these functions behave like a + multiplication followed by a separate addition or subtraction. + That is, the fused operation matters only for rounding. + + -- Function: int mpfr_agm (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the arithmetic-geometric mean of OP1 and OP2, rounded in + the direction RND. The arithmetic-geometric mean is the common + limit of the sequences U_N and V_N, where U_0=OP1, V_0=OP2, U_(N+1) + is the arithmetic mean of U_N and V_N, and V_(N+1) is the geometric + mean of U_N and V_N. If any operand is negative, set ROP to NaN. + + -- Function: int mpfr_hypot (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t X, mpfr_t Y, mpfr_rnd_t + RND) + Set ROP to the Euclidean norm of X and Y, i.e., the square root of + the sum of the squares of X and Y, rounded in the direction RND. + Special values are handled as described in the ISO C99 (Section + F.9.4.3) and IEEE 754-2008 (Section 9.2.1) standards: If X or Y is + an infinity, then +Inf is returned in ROP, even if the other number + is NaN. + + -- Function: int mpfr_ai (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t X, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the value of the Airy function Ai on X, rounded in the + direction RND. When X is NaN, ROP is always set to NaN. When X is + +Inf or −Inf, ROP is +0. The current implementation is not + intended to be used with large arguments. It works with abs(X) + typically smaller than 500. For larger arguments, other methods + should be used and will be implemented in a future version. + + -- Function: int mpfr_const_log2 (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_const_pi (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_const_euler (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_const_catalan (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the logarithm of 2, the value of Pi, of Euler’s constant + 0.577..., of Catalan’s constant 0.915..., respectively, rounded in + the direction RND. These functions cache the computed values to + avoid other calculations if a lower or equal precision is + requested. To free these caches, use ‘mpfr_free_cache’. + + -- Function: void mpfr_free_cache (void) + Free various caches used by MPFR internally, in particular the + caches used by the functions computing constants + (‘mpfr_const_log2’, ‘mpfr_const_pi’, ‘mpfr_const_euler’ and + ‘mpfr_const_catalan’). You should call this function before + terminating a thread, even if you did not call these functions + directly (they could have been called internally). + + -- Function: int mpfr_sum (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_ptr const TAB[], unsigned + long int N, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the sum of all elements of TAB, whose size is N, rounded + in the direction RND. Warning: for efficiency reasons, TAB is an + array of pointers to ‘mpfr_t’, not an array of ‘mpfr_t’. If the + returned ‘int’ value is zero, ROP is guaranteed to be the exact + sum; otherwise ROP might be smaller than, equal to, or larger than + the exact sum (in accordance to the rounding mode). However, + ‘mpfr_sum’ does guarantee the result is correctly rounded. + + +File:, Node: Input and Output Functions, Next: Formatted Output Functions, Prev: Special Functions, Up: MPFR Interface + +5.8 Input and Output Functions +============================== + +This section describes functions that perform input from an input/output +stream, and functions that output to an input/output stream. Passing a +null pointer for a ‘stream’ to any of these functions will make them +read from ‘stdin’ and write to ‘stdout’, respectively. + + When using any of these functions, you must include the ‘’ +standard header before ‘mpfr.h’, to allow ‘mpfr.h’ to define prototypes +for these functions. + + -- Function: size_t mpfr_out_str (FILE *STREAM, int BASE, size_t N, + mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Output OP on stream STREAM, as a string of digits in base BASE, + rounded in the direction RND. The base may vary from 2 to 62. + Print N significant digits exactly, or if N is 0, enough digits so + that OP can be read back exactly (see ‘mpfr_get_str’). + + In addition to the significant digits, a decimal point (defined by + the current locale) at the right of the first digit and a trailing + exponent in base 10, in the form ‘eNNN’, are printed. If BASE is + greater than 10, ‘@’ will be used instead of ‘e’ as exponent + delimiter. + + Return the number of characters written, or if an error occurred, + return 0. + + -- Function: size_t mpfr_inp_str (mpfr_t ROP, FILE *STREAM, int BASE, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Input a string in base BASE from stream STREAM, rounded in the + direction RND, and put the read float in ROP. + + This function reads a word (defined as a sequence of characters + between whitespace) and parses it using ‘mpfr_set_str’. See the + documentation of ‘mpfr_strtofr’ for a detailed description of the + valid string formats. + + Return the number of bytes read, or if an error occurred, return 0. + + +File:, Node: Formatted Output Functions, Next: Integer Related Functions, Prev: Input and Output Functions, Up: MPFR Interface + +5.9 Formatted Output Functions +============================== + +5.9.1 Requirements +------------------ + +The class of ‘mpfr_printf’ functions provides formatted output in a +similar manner as the standard C ‘printf’. These functions are defined +only if your system supports ISO C variadic functions and the +corresponding argument access macros. + + When using any of these functions, you must include the ‘’ +standard header before ‘mpfr.h’, to allow ‘mpfr.h’ to define prototypes +for these functions. + +5.9.2 Format String +------------------- + +The format specification accepted by ‘mpfr_printf’ is an extension of +the ‘printf’ one. The conversion specification is of the form: + % [flags] [width] [.[precision]] [type] [rounding] conv + ‘flags’, ‘width’, and ‘precision’ have the same meaning as for the +standard ‘printf’ (in particular, notice that the ‘precision’ is related +to the number of digits displayed in the base chosen by ‘conv’ and not +related to the internal precision of the ‘mpfr_t’ variable). +‘mpfr_printf’ accepts the same ‘type’ specifiers as GMP (except the +non-standard and deprecated ‘q’, use ‘ll’ instead), namely the length +modifiers defined in the C standard: + + ‘h’ ‘short’ + ‘hh’ ‘char’ + ‘j’ ‘intmax_t’ or ‘uintmax_t’ + ‘l’ ‘long’ or ‘wchar_t’ + ‘ll’ ‘long long’ + ‘L’ ‘long double’ + ‘t’ ‘ptrdiff_t’ + ‘z’ ‘size_t’ + + and the ‘type’ specifiers defined in GMP plus ‘R’ and ‘P’ specific to +MPFR (the second column in the table below shows the type of the +argument read in the argument list and the kind of ‘conv’ specifier to +use after the ‘type’ specifier): + + ‘F’ ‘mpf_t’, float conversions + ‘Q’ ‘mpq_t’, integer conversions + ‘M’ ‘mp_limb_t’, integer conversions + ‘N’ ‘mp_limb_t’ array, integer conversions + ‘Z’ ‘mpz_t’, integer conversions + + ‘P’ ‘mpfr_prec_t’, integer conversions + ‘R’ ‘mpfr_t’, float conversions + + The ‘type’ specifiers have the same restrictions as those mentioned +in the GMP documentation: *note ( Output Strings::. +In particular, the ‘type’ specifiers (except ‘R’ and ‘P’) are supported +only if they are supported by ‘gmp_printf’ in your GMP build; this +implies that the standard specifiers, such as ‘t’, must _also_ be +supported by your C library if you want to use them. + + The ‘rounding’ field is specific to ‘mpfr_t’ arguments and should not +be used with other types. + + With conversion specification not involving ‘P’ and ‘R’ types, +‘mpfr_printf’ behaves exactly as ‘gmp_printf’. + + The ‘P’ type specifies that a following ‘d’, ‘i’, ‘o’, ‘u’, ‘x’, or +‘X’ conversion specifier applies to a ‘mpfr_prec_t’ argument. It is +needed because the ‘mpfr_prec_t’ type does not necessarily correspond to +an ‘int’ or any fixed standard type. The ‘precision’ field specifies +the minimum number of digits to appear. The default ‘precision’ is 1. +For example: + mpfr_t x; + mpfr_prec_t p; + mpfr_init (x); + ... + p = mpfr_get_prec (x); + mpfr_printf ("variable x with %Pu bits", p); + + The ‘R’ type specifies that a following ‘a’, ‘A’, ‘b’, ‘e’, ‘E’, ‘f’, +‘F’, ‘g’, ‘G’, or ‘n’ conversion specifier applies to a ‘mpfr_t’ +argument. The ‘R’ type can be followed by a ‘rounding’ specifier +denoted by one of the following characters: + + ‘U’ round toward plus infinity + ‘D’ round toward minus infinity + ‘Y’ round away from zero + ‘Z’ round toward zero + ‘N’ round to nearest (with ties to even) + ‘*’ rounding mode indicated by the + ‘mpfr_rnd_t’ argument just before the + corresponding ‘mpfr_t’ variable. + + The default rounding mode is rounding to nearest. The following +three examples are equivalent: + mpfr_t x; + mpfr_init (x); + ... + mpfr_printf ("%.128Rf", x); + mpfr_printf ("%.128RNf", x); + mpfr_printf ("%.128R*f", MPFR_RNDN, x); + + Note that the rounding away from zero mode is specified with ‘Y’ +because ISO C reserves the ‘A’ specifier for hexadecimal output (see +below). + + The output ‘conv’ specifiers allowed with ‘mpfr_t’ parameter are: + + ‘a’ ‘A’ hex float, C99 style + ‘b’ binary output + ‘e’ ‘E’ scientific format float + ‘f’ ‘F’ fixed point float + ‘g’ ‘G’ fixed or scientific float + + The conversion specifier ‘b’ which displays the argument in binary is +specific to ‘mpfr_t’ arguments and should not be used with other types. +Other conversion specifiers have the same meaning as for a ‘double’ +argument. + + In case of non-decimal output, only the significand is written in the +specified base, the exponent is always displayed in decimal. Special +values are always displayed as ‘nan’, ‘-inf’, and ‘inf’ for ‘a’, ‘b’, +‘e’, ‘f’, and ‘g’ specifiers and ‘NAN’, ‘-INF’, and ‘INF’ for ‘A’, ‘E’, +‘F’, and ‘G’ specifiers. + + If the ‘precision’ field is not empty, the ‘mpfr_t’ number is rounded +to the given precision in the direction specified by the rounding mode. +If the precision is zero with rounding to nearest mode and one of the +following ‘conv’ specifiers: ‘a’, ‘A’, ‘b’, ‘e’, ‘E’, tie case is +rounded to even when it lies between two consecutive values at the +wanted precision which have the same exponent, otherwise, it is rounded +away from zero. For instance, 85 is displayed as "8e+1" and 95 is +displayed as "1e+2" with the format specification ‘"%.0RNe"’. This also +applies when the ‘g’ (resp. ‘G’) conversion specifier uses the ‘e’ +(resp. ‘E’) style. If the precision is set to a value greater than the +maximum value for an ‘int’, it will be silently reduced down to +‘INT_MAX’. + + If the ‘precision’ field is empty (as in ‘%Re’ or ‘%.RE’) with ‘conv’ +specifier ‘e’ and ‘E’, the number is displayed with enough digits so +that it can be read back exactly, assuming that the input and output +variables have the same precision and that the input and output rounding +modes are both rounding to nearest (as for ‘mpfr_get_str’). The default +precision for an empty ‘precision’ field with ‘conv’ specifiers ‘f’, +‘F’, ‘g’, and ‘G’ is 6. + +5.9.3 Functions +--------------- + +For all the following functions, if the number of characters that ought +to be written exceeds the maximum limit ‘INT_MAX’ for an ‘int’, nothing +is written in the stream (resp. to ‘stdout’, to BUF, to STR), the +function returns −1, sets the _erange_ flag, and ‘errno’ is set to +‘EOVERFLOW’ if the ‘EOVERFLOW’ macro is defined (such as on POSIX +systems). Note, however, that ‘errno’ might be changed to another value +by some internal library call if another error occurs there (currently, +this would come from the unallocation function). + + -- Function: int mpfr_fprintf (FILE *STREAM, const char *TEMPLATE, ...) + -- Function: int mpfr_vfprintf (FILE *STREAM, const char *TEMPLATE, + va_list AP) + Print to the stream STREAM the optional arguments under the control + of the template string TEMPLATE. Return the number of characters + written or a negative value if an error occurred. + + -- Function: int mpfr_printf (const char *TEMPLATE, ...) + -- Function: int mpfr_vprintf (const char *TEMPLATE, va_list AP) + Print to ‘stdout’ the optional arguments under the control of the + template string TEMPLATE. Return the number of characters written + or a negative value if an error occurred. + + -- Function: int mpfr_sprintf (char *BUF, const char *TEMPLATE, ...) + -- Function: int mpfr_vsprintf (char *BUF, const char *TEMPLATE, + va_list AP) + Form a null-terminated string corresponding to the optional + arguments under the control of the template string TEMPLATE, and + print it in BUF. No overlap is permitted between BUF and the other + arguments. Return the number of characters written in the array + BUF _not counting_ the terminating null character or a negative + value if an error occurred. + + -- Function: int mpfr_snprintf (char *BUF, size_t N, const char + *TEMPLATE, ...) + -- Function: int mpfr_vsnprintf (char *BUF, size_t N, const char + *TEMPLATE, va_list AP) + Form a null-terminated string corresponding to the optional + arguments under the control of the template string TEMPLATE, and + print it in BUF. If N is zero, nothing is written and BUF may be a + null pointer, otherwise, the N−1 first characters are written in + BUF and the N-th is a null character. Return the number of + characters that would have been written had N been sufficiently + large, _not counting_ the terminating null character, or a negative + value if an error occurred. + + -- Function: int mpfr_asprintf (char **STR, const char *TEMPLATE, ...) + -- Function: int mpfr_vasprintf (char **STR, const char *TEMPLATE, + va_list AP) + Write their output as a null terminated string in a block of memory + allocated using the allocation function (*note Memory Handling::). + A pointer to the block is stored in STR. The block of memory must + be freed using ‘mpfr_free_str’. The return value is the number of + characters written in the string, excluding the null-terminator, or + a negative value if an error occurred, in which case the contents + of STR are undefined. + + +File:, Node: Integer Related Functions, Next: Rounding Related Functions, Prev: Formatted Output Functions, Up: MPFR Interface + +5.10 Integer and Remainder Related Functions +============================================ + + -- Function: int mpfr_rint (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_ceil (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP) + -- Function: int mpfr_floor (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP) + -- Function: int mpfr_round (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP) + -- Function: int mpfr_trunc (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP) + Set ROP to OP rounded to an integer. ‘mpfr_rint’ rounds to the + nearest representable integer in the given direction RND, + ‘mpfr_ceil’ rounds to the next higher or equal representable + integer, ‘mpfr_floor’ to the next lower or equal representable + integer, ‘mpfr_round’ to the nearest representable integer, + rounding halfway cases away from zero (as in the roundTiesToAway + mode of IEEE 754-2008), and ‘mpfr_trunc’ to the next representable + integer toward zero. + + The returned value is zero when the result is exact, positive when + it is greater than the original value of OP, and negative when it + is smaller. More precisely, the returned value is 0 when OP is an + integer representable in ROP, 1 or −1 when OP is an integer that is + not representable in ROP, 2 or −2 when OP is not an integer. + + When OP is NaN, the NaN flag is set as usual. In the other cases, + the inexact flag is set when ROP differs from OP, following the ISO + C99 rule for the ‘rint’ function. If you want the behavior to be + more like IEEE 754 / ISO TS 18661-1, i.e., the usual behavior where + the round-to-integer function is regarded as any other mathematical + function, you should use one the ‘mpfr_rint_*’ functions instead + (however it is not possible to round to nearest with the even + rounding rule yet). + + Note that ‘mpfr_round’ is different from ‘mpfr_rint’ called with + the rounding to nearest mode (where halfway cases are rounded to an + even integer or significand). Note also that no double rounding is + performed; for instance, 10.5 (1010.1 in binary) is rounded by + ‘mpfr_rint’ with rounding to nearest to 12 (1100 in binary) in + 2-bit precision, because the two enclosing numbers representable on + two bits are 8 and 12, and the closest is 12. (If one first + rounded to an integer, one would round 10.5 to 10 with even + rounding, and then 10 would be rounded to 8 again with even + rounding.) + + -- Function: int mpfr_rint_ceil (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_rint_floor (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t + RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_rint_round (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t + RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_rint_trunc (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t + RND) + Set ROP to OP rounded to an integer. ‘mpfr_rint_ceil’ rounds to + the next higher or equal integer, ‘mpfr_rint_floor’ to the next + lower or equal integer, ‘mpfr_rint_round’ to the nearest integer, + rounding halfway cases away from zero, and ‘mpfr_rint_trunc’ to the + next integer toward zero. If the result is not representable, it + is rounded in the direction RND. The returned value is the ternary + value associated with the considered round-to-integer function + (regarded in the same way as any other mathematical function). + + Contrary to ‘mpfr_rint’, those functions do perform a double + rounding: first OP is rounded to the nearest integer in the + direction given by the function name, then this nearest integer (if + not representable) is rounded in the given direction RND. Thus + these round-to-integer functions behave more like the other + mathematical functions, i.e., the returned result is the correct + rounding of the exact result of the function in the real numbers. + + For example, ‘mpfr_rint_round’ with rounding to nearest and a + precision of two bits rounds 6.5 to 7 (halfway cases away from + zero), then 7 is rounded to 8 by the round-even rule, despite the + fact that 6 is also representable on two bits, and is closer to 6.5 + than 8. + + -- Function: int mpfr_frac (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the fractional part of OP, having the same sign as OP, + rounded in the direction RND (unlike in ‘mpfr_rint’, RND affects + only how the exact fractional part is rounded, not how the + fractional part is generated). + + -- Function: int mpfr_modf (mpfr_t IOP, mpfr_t FOP, mpfr_t OP, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set simultaneously IOP to the integral part of OP and FOP to the + fractional part of OP, rounded in the direction RND with the + corresponding precision of IOP and FOP (equivalent to + ‘mpfr_trunc(IOP, OP, RND)’ and ‘mpfr_frac(FOP, OP, RND)’). The + variables IOP and FOP must be different. Return 0 iff both results + are exact (see ‘mpfr_sin_cos’ for a more detailed description of + the return value). + + -- Function: int mpfr_fmod (mpfr_t R, mpfr_t X, mpfr_t Y, mpfr_rnd_t + RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_remainder (mpfr_t R, mpfr_t X, mpfr_t Y, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_remquo (mpfr_t R, long* Q, mpfr_t X, mpfr_t Y, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set R to the value of X - NY, rounded according to the direction + RND, where N is the integer quotient of X divided by Y, defined as + follows: N is rounded toward zero for ‘mpfr_fmod’, and to the + nearest integer (ties rounded to even) for ‘mpfr_remainder’ and + ‘mpfr_remquo’. + + Special values are handled as described in Section F.9.7.1 of the + ISO C99 standard: If X is infinite or Y is zero, R is NaN. If Y is + infinite and X is finite, R is X rounded to the precision of R. If + R is zero, it has the sign of X. The return value is the ternary + value corresponding to R. + + Additionally, ‘mpfr_remquo’ stores the low significant bits from + the quotient N in *Q (more precisely the number of bits in a ‘long’ + minus one), with the sign of X divided by Y (except if those low + bits are all zero, in which case zero is returned). Note that X + may be so large in magnitude relative to Y that an exact + representation of the quotient is not practical. The + ‘mpfr_remainder’ and ‘mpfr_remquo’ functions are useful for + additive argument reduction. + + -- Function: int mpfr_integer_p (mpfr_t OP) + Return non-zero iff OP is an integer. + + +File:, Node: Rounding Related Functions, Next: Miscellaneous Functions, Prev: Integer Related Functions, Up: MPFR Interface + +5.11 Rounding Related Functions +=============================== + + -- Function: void mpfr_set_default_rounding_mode (mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set the default rounding mode to RND. The default rounding mode is + to nearest initially. + + -- Function: mpfr_rnd_t mpfr_get_default_rounding_mode (void) + Get the default rounding mode. + + -- Function: int mpfr_prec_round (mpfr_t X, mpfr_prec_t PREC, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Round X according to RND with precision PREC, which must be an + integer between ‘MPFR_PREC_MIN’ and ‘MPFR_PREC_MAX’ (otherwise the + behavior is undefined). If PREC is greater or equal to the + precision of X, then new space is allocated for the significand, + and it is filled with zeros. Otherwise, the significand is rounded + to precision PREC with the given direction. In both cases, the + precision of X is changed to PREC. + + Here is an example of how to use ‘mpfr_prec_round’ to implement + Newton’s algorithm to compute the inverse of A, assuming X is + already an approximation to N bits: + mpfr_set_prec (t, 2 * n); + mpfr_set (t, a, MPFR_RNDN); /* round a to 2n bits */ + mpfr_mul (t, t, x, MPFR_RNDN); /* t is correct to 2n bits */ + mpfr_ui_sub (t, 1, t, MPFR_RNDN); /* high n bits cancel with 1 */ + mpfr_prec_round (t, n, MPFR_RNDN); /* t is correct to n bits */ + mpfr_mul (t, t, x, MPFR_RNDN); /* t is correct to n bits */ + mpfr_prec_round (x, 2 * n, MPFR_RNDN); /* exact */ + mpfr_add (x, x, t, MPFR_RNDN); /* x is correct to 2n bits */ + + Warning! You must not use this function if X was initialized with + ‘MPFR_DECL_INIT’ or with ‘mpfr_custom_init_set’ (*note Custom + Interface::). + + -- Function: int mpfr_can_round (mpfr_t B, mpfr_exp_t ERR, mpfr_rnd_t + RND1, mpfr_rnd_t RND2, mpfr_prec_t PREC) + Assuming B is an approximation of an unknown number X in the + direction RND1 with error at most two to the power E(b)-ERR where + E(b) is the exponent of B, return a non-zero value if one is able + to round correctly X to precision PREC with the direction RND2, and + 0 otherwise (including for NaN and Inf). This function *does not + modify* its arguments. + + If RND1 is ‘MPFR_RNDN’, then the sign of the error is unknown, but + its absolute value is the same, so that the possible range is twice + as large as with a directed rounding for RND1. + + Note: if one wants to also determine the correct *note ternary + value:: when rounding B to precision PREC with rounding mode RND, a + useful trick is the following: + if (mpfr_can_round (b, err, MPFR_RNDN, MPFR_RNDZ, + prec + (rnd == MPFR_RNDN))) + ... + Indeed, if RND is ‘MPFR_RNDN’, this will check if one can round to + PREC+1 bits with a directed rounding: if so, one can surely round + to nearest to PREC bits, and in addition one can determine the + correct ternary value, which would not be the case when B is near + from a value exactly representable on PREC bits. + + -- Function: mpfr_prec_t mpfr_min_prec (mpfr_t X) + Return the minimal number of bits required to store the significand + of X, and 0 for special values, including 0. (Warning: the + returned value can be less than ‘MPFR_PREC_MIN’.) + + The function name is subject to change. + + -- Function: const char * mpfr_print_rnd_mode (mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Return a string ("MPFR_RNDD", "MPFR_RNDU", "MPFR_RNDN", + "MPFR_RNDZ", "MPFR_RNDA") corresponding to the rounding mode RND, + or a null pointer if RND is an invalid rounding mode. + + +File:, Node: Miscellaneous Functions, Next: Exception Related Functions, Prev: Rounding Related Functions, Up: MPFR Interface + +5.12 Miscellaneous Functions +============================ + + -- Function: void mpfr_nexttoward (mpfr_t X, mpfr_t Y) + If X or Y is NaN, set X to NaN. If X and Y are equal, X is + unchanged. Otherwise, if X is different from Y, replace X by the + next floating-point number (with the precision of X and the current + exponent range) in the direction of Y (the infinite values are seen + as the smallest and largest floating-point numbers). If the result + is zero, it keeps the same sign. No underflow or overflow is + generated. + + -- Function: void mpfr_nextabove (mpfr_t X) + -- Function: void mpfr_nextbelow (mpfr_t X) + Equivalent to ‘mpfr_nexttoward’ where Y is plus infinity (resp. + minus infinity). + + -- Function: int mpfr_min (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_max (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set ROP to the minimum (resp. maximum) of OP1 and OP2. If OP1 and + OP2 are both NaN, then ROP is set to NaN. If OP1 or OP2 is NaN, + then ROP is set to the numeric value. If OP1 and OP2 are zeros of + different signs, then ROP is set to −0 (resp. +0). + + -- Function: int mpfr_urandomb (mpfr_t ROP, gmp_randstate_t STATE) + Generate a uniformly distributed random float in the interval 0 <= + ROP < 1. More precisely, the number can be seen as a float with a + random non-normalized significand and exponent 0, which is then + normalized (thus if E denotes the exponent after normalization, + then the least -E significant bits of the significand are always + 0). + + Return 0, unless the exponent is not in the current exponent range, + in which case ROP is set to NaN and a non-zero value is returned + (this should never happen in practice, except in very specific + cases). The second argument is a ‘gmp_randstate_t’ structure which + should be created using the GMP ‘gmp_randinit’ function (see the + GMP manual). + + Note: for a given version of MPFR, the returned value of ROP and + the new value of STATE (which controls further random values) do + not depend on the machine word size. + + -- Function: int mpfr_urandom (mpfr_t ROP, gmp_randstate_t STATE, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Generate a uniformly distributed random float. The floating-point + number ROP can be seen as if a random real number is generated + according to the continuous uniform distribution on the interval + [0, 1] and then rounded in the direction RND. + + The second argument is a ‘gmp_randstate_t’ structure which should + be created using the GMP ‘gmp_randinit’ function (see the GMP + manual). + + Note: the note for ‘mpfr_urandomb’ holds too. In addition, the + exponent range and the rounding mode might have a side effect on + the next random state. + + The rule for the underflow flag is here “underflow before rounding” + instead of the usual “underflow after rounding”. The reason is + that the exponent is drawn first, and if it is smaller than the + minimum exponent, the significand is not drawn. To fix the + behavior on the underflow flag, one would have to draw the + significand in some cases, meaning that the behavior of the random + generator would change, thus it would break the ABI for the MPFR + 3.1 branch. However, the observed behavior always corresponds to + an existing number. + + -- Function: int mpfr_grandom (mpfr_t ROP1, mpfr_t ROP2, + gmp_randstate_t STATE, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Generate two random floats according to a standard normal gaussian + distribution. If ROP2 is a null pointer, then only one value is + generated and stored in ROP1. + + The floating-point number ROP1 (and ROP2) can be seen as if a + random real number were generated according to the standard normal + gaussian distribution and then rounded in the direction RND. + + The third argument is a ‘gmp_randstate_t’ structure, which should + be created using the GMP ‘gmp_randinit’ function (see the GMP + manual). + + The combination of the ternary values is returned like with + ‘mpfr_sin_cos’. If ROP2 is a null pointer, the second ternary + value is assumed to be 0 (note that the encoding of the only + ternary value is not the same as the usual encoding for functions + that return only one result). Otherwise the ternary value of a + random number is always non-zero. + + Note: the note for ‘mpfr_urandomb’ holds too. In addition, the + exponent range and the rounding mode might have a side effect on + the next random state. + + -- Function: mpfr_exp_t mpfr_get_exp (mpfr_t X) + Return the exponent of X, assuming that X is a non-zero ordinary + number and the significand is considered in [1/2,1). The behavior + for NaN, infinity or zero is undefined. + + -- Function: int mpfr_set_exp (mpfr_t X, mpfr_exp_t E) + Set the exponent of X if E is in the current exponent range, and + return 0 (even if X is not a non-zero ordinary number); otherwise, + return a non-zero value. The significand is assumed to be in + [1/2,1). + + -- Function: int mpfr_signbit (mpfr_t OP) + Return a non-zero value iff OP has its sign bit set (i.e., if it is + negative, −0, or a NaN whose representation has its sign bit set). + + -- Function: int mpfr_setsign (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, int S, mpfr_rnd_t + RND) + Set the value of ROP from OP, rounded toward the given direction + RND, then set (resp. clear) its sign bit if S is non-zero (resp. + zero), even when OP is a NaN. + + -- Function: int mpfr_copysign (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Set the value of ROP from OP1, rounded toward the given direction + RND, then set its sign bit to that of OP2 (even when OP1 or OP2 is + a NaN). This function is equivalent to ‘mpfr_setsign (ROP, OP1, + mpfr_signbit (OP2), RND)’. + + -- Function: const char * mpfr_get_version (void) + Return the MPFR version, as a null-terminated string. + + -- Macro: MPFR_VERSION + -- Macro: MPFR_VERSION_MAJOR + -- Macro: MPFR_VERSION_MINOR + -- Macro: MPFR_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL + -- Macro: MPFR_VERSION_STRING + ‘MPFR_VERSION’ is the version of MPFR as a preprocessing constant. + ‘MPFR_VERSION_MAJOR’, ‘MPFR_VERSION_MINOR’ and + ‘MPFR_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL’ are respectively the major, minor and + patch level of MPFR version, as preprocessing constants. + ‘MPFR_VERSION_STRING’ is the version (with an optional suffix, used + in development and pre-release versions) as a string constant, + which can be compared to the result of ‘mpfr_get_version’ to check + at run time the header file and library used match: + if (strcmp (mpfr_get_version (), MPFR_VERSION_STRING)) + fprintf (stderr, "Warning: header and library do not match\n"); + Note: Obtaining different strings is not necessarily an error, as + in general, a program compiled with some old MPFR version can be + dynamically linked with a newer MPFR library version (if allowed by + the library versioning system). + + -- Macro: long MPFR_VERSION_NUM (MAJOR, MINOR, PATCHLEVEL) + Create an integer in the same format as used by ‘MPFR_VERSION’ from + the given MAJOR, MINOR and PATCHLEVEL. Here is an example of how + to check the MPFR version at compile time: + #if (!defined(MPFR_VERSION) || (MPFR_VERSION’ line, + #include + #include +any program written for MPF can be compiled directly with MPFR without +any changes (except the ‘gmp_printf’ functions will not work for +arguments of type ‘mpfr_t’). All operations are then performed with the +default MPFR rounding mode, which can be reset with +‘mpfr_set_default_rounding_mode’. + + Warning: the ‘mpf_init’ and ‘mpf_init2’ functions initialize to zero, +whereas the corresponding MPFR functions initialize to NaN: this is +useful to detect uninitialized values, but is slightly incompatible with +MPF. + + -- Function: void mpfr_set_prec_raw (mpfr_t X, mpfr_prec_t PREC) + Reset the precision of X to be *exactly* PREC bits. The only + difference with ‘mpfr_set_prec’ is that PREC is assumed to be small + enough so that the significand fits into the current allocated + memory space for X. Otherwise the behavior is undefined. + + -- Function: int mpfr_eq (mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2, unsigned long int + OP3) + Return non-zero if OP1 and OP2 are both non-zero ordinary numbers + with the same exponent and the same first OP3 bits, both zero, or + both infinities of the same sign. Return zero otherwise. This + function is defined for compatibility with MPF, we do not recommend + to use it otherwise. Do not use it either if you want to know + whether two numbers are close to each other; for instance, 1.011111 + and 1.100000 are regarded as different for any value of OP3 larger + than 1. + + -- Function: void mpfr_reldiff (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, mpfr_t OP2, + mpfr_rnd_t RND) + Compute the relative difference between OP1 and OP2 and store the + result in ROP. This function does not guarantee the correct + rounding on the relative difference; it just computes + |OP1-OP2|/OP1, using the precision of ROP and the rounding mode RND + for all operations. + + -- Function: int mpfr_mul_2exp (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, unsigned long + int OP2, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + -- Function: int mpfr_div_2exp (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_t OP1, unsigned long + int OP2, mpfr_rnd_t RND) + These functions are identical to ‘mpfr_mul_2ui’ and ‘mpfr_div_2ui’ + respectively. These functions are only kept for compatibility with + MPF, one should prefer ‘mpfr_mul_2ui’ and ‘mpfr_div_2ui’ otherwise. + + +File:, Node: Custom Interface, Next: Internals, Prev: Compatibility with MPF, Up: MPFR Interface + +5.15 Custom Interface +===================== + +Some applications use a stack to handle the memory and their objects. +However, the MPFR memory design is not well suited for such a thing. So +that such applications are able to use MPFR, an auxiliary memory +interface has been created: the Custom Interface. + + The following interface allows one to use MPFR in two ways: + + • Either directly store a floating-point number as a ‘mpfr_t’ on the + stack. + + • Either store its own representation on the stack and construct a + new temporary ‘mpfr_t’ each time it is needed. + + Nothing has to be done to destroy the floating-point numbers except +garbaging the used memory: all the memory management (allocating, +destroying, garbaging) is left to the application. + + Each function in this interface is also implemented as a macro for +efficiency reasons: for example ‘mpfr_custom_init (s, p)’ uses the +macro, while ‘(mpfr_custom_init) (s, p)’ uses the function. + + Note 1: MPFR functions may still initialize temporary floating-point +numbers using ‘mpfr_init’ and similar functions. See Custom Allocation +(GNU MP). + + Note 2: MPFR functions may use the cached functions (‘mpfr_const_pi’ +for example), even if they are not explicitly called. You have to call +‘mpfr_free_cache’ each time you garbage the memory iff ‘mpfr_init’, +through GMP Custom Allocation, allocates its memory on the application +stack. + + -- Function: size_t mpfr_custom_get_size (mpfr_prec_t PREC) + Return the needed size in bytes to store the significand of a + floating-point number of precision PREC. + + -- Function: void mpfr_custom_init (void *SIGNIFICAND, mpfr_prec_t + PREC) + Initialize a significand of precision PREC, where SIGNIFICAND must + be an area of ‘mpfr_custom_get_size (prec)’ bytes at least and be + suitably aligned for an array of ‘mp_limb_t’ (GMP type, *note + Internals::). + + -- Function: void mpfr_custom_init_set (mpfr_t X, int KIND, mpfr_exp_t + EXP, mpfr_prec_t PREC, void *SIGNIFICAND) + Perform a dummy initialization of a ‘mpfr_t’ and set it to: + • if ‘ABS(kind) == MPFR_NAN_KIND’, X is set to NaN; + • if ‘ABS(kind) == MPFR_INF_KIND’, X is set to the infinity of + sign ‘sign(kind)’; + • if ‘ABS(kind) == MPFR_ZERO_KIND’, X is set to the zero of sign + ‘sign(kind)’; + • if ‘ABS(kind) == MPFR_REGULAR_KIND’, X is set to a regular + number: ‘x = sign(kind)*significand*2^exp’. + In all cases, it uses SIGNIFICAND directly for further computing + involving X. It will not allocate anything. A floating-point + number initialized with this function cannot be resized using + ‘mpfr_set_prec’ or ‘mpfr_prec_round’, or cleared using + ‘mpfr_clear’! The SIGNIFICAND must have been initialized with + ‘mpfr_custom_init’ using the same precision PREC. + + -- Function: int mpfr_custom_get_kind (mpfr_t X) + Return the current kind of a ‘mpfr_t’ as created by + ‘mpfr_custom_init_set’. The behavior of this function for any + ‘mpfr_t’ not initialized with ‘mpfr_custom_init_set’ is undefined. + + -- Function: void * mpfr_custom_get_significand (mpfr_t X) + Return a pointer to the significand used by a ‘mpfr_t’ initialized + with ‘mpfr_custom_init_set’. The behavior of this function for any + ‘mpfr_t’ not initialized with ‘mpfr_custom_init_set’ is undefined. + + -- Function: mpfr_exp_t mpfr_custom_get_exp (mpfr_t X) + Return the exponent of X, assuming that X is a non-zero ordinary + number. The return value for NaN, Infinity or zero is unspecified + but does not produce any trap. The behavior of this function for + any ‘mpfr_t’ not initialized with ‘mpfr_custom_init_set’ is + undefined. + + -- Function: void mpfr_custom_move (mpfr_t X, void *NEW_POSITION) + Inform MPFR that the significand of X has moved due to a garbage + collect and update its new position to ‘new_position’. However the + application has to move the significand and the ‘mpfr_t’ itself. + The behavior of this function for any ‘mpfr_t’ not initialized with + ‘mpfr_custom_init_set’ is undefined. + + +File:, Node: Internals, Prev: Custom Interface, Up: MPFR Interface + +5.16 Internals +============== + +A “limb” means the part of a multi-precision number that fits in a +single word. Usually a limb contains 32 or 64 bits. The C data type +for a limb is ‘mp_limb_t’. + + The ‘mpfr_t’ type is internally defined as a one-element array of a +structure, and ‘mpfr_ptr’ is the C data type representing a pointer to +this structure. The ‘mpfr_t’ type consists of four fields: + + • The ‘_mpfr_prec’ field is used to store the precision of the + variable (in bits); this is not less than ‘MPFR_PREC_MIN’. + + • The ‘_mpfr_sign’ field is used to store the sign of the variable. + + • The ‘_mpfr_exp’ field stores the exponent. An exponent of 0 means + a radix point just above the most significant limb. Non-zero + values n are a multiplier 2^n relative to that point. A NaN, an + infinity and a zero are indicated by special values of the exponent + field. + + • Finally, the ‘_mpfr_d’ field is a pointer to the limbs, least + significant limbs stored first. The number of limbs in use is + controlled by ‘_mpfr_prec’, namely + ceil(‘_mpfr_prec’/‘mp_bits_per_limb’). Non-singular (i.e., + different from NaN, Infinity or zero) values always have the most + significant bit of the most significant limb set to 1. When the + precision does not correspond to a whole number of limbs, the + excess bits at the low end of the data are zeros. + + +File:, Node: API Compatibility, Next: Contributors, Prev: MPFR Interface, Up: Top + +6 API Compatibility +******************* + +The goal of this section is to describe some API changes that occurred +from one version of MPFR to another, and how to write code that can be +compiled and run with older MPFR versions. The minimum MPFR version +that is considered here is 2.2.0 (released on 20 September 2005). + + API changes can only occur between major or minor versions. Thus the +patchlevel (the third number in the MPFR version) will be ignored in the +following. If a program does not use MPFR internals, changes in the +behavior between two versions differing only by the patchlevel should +only result from what was regarded as a bug or unspecified behavior. + + As a general rule, a program written for some MPFR version should +work with later versions, possibly except at a new major version, where +some features (described as obsolete for some time) can be removed. In +such a case, a failure should occur during compilation or linking. If a +result becomes incorrect because of such a change, please look at the +various changes below (they are minimal, and most software should be +unaffected), at the FAQ and at the MPFR web page for your version (a bug +could have been introduced and be already fixed); and if the problem is +not mentioned, please send us a bug report (*note Reporting Bugs::). + + However, a program written for the current MPFR version (as +documented by this manual) may not necessarily work with previous +versions of MPFR. This section should help developers to write portable +code. + + Note: Information given here may be incomplete. API changes are also +described in the NEWS file (for each version, instead of being +classified like here), together with other changes. + +* Menu: + +* Type and Macro Changes:: +* Added Functions:: +* Changed Functions:: +* Removed Functions:: +* Other Changes:: + + +File:, Node: Type and Macro Changes, Next: Added Functions, Prev: API Compatibility, Up: API Compatibility + +6.1 Type and Macro Changes +========================== + +The official type for exponent values changed from ‘mp_exp_t’ to +‘mpfr_exp_t’ in MPFR 3.0. The type ‘mp_exp_t’ will remain available as +it comes from GMP (with a different meaning). These types are currently +the same (‘mpfr_exp_t’ is defined as ‘mp_exp_t’ with ‘typedef’), so that +programs can still use ‘mp_exp_t’; but this may change in the future. +Alternatively, using the following code after including ‘mpfr.h’ will +work with official MPFR versions, as ‘mpfr_exp_t’ was never defined in +MPFR 2.x: + #if MPFR_VERSION_MAJOR < 3 + typedef mp_exp_t mpfr_exp_t; + #endif + + The official types for precision values and for rounding modes +respectively changed from ‘mp_prec_t’ and ‘mp_rnd_t’ to ‘mpfr_prec_t’ +and ‘mpfr_rnd_t’ in MPFR 3.0. This change was actually done a long time +ago in MPFR, at least since MPFR 2.2.0, with the following code in +‘mpfr.h’: + #ifndef mp_rnd_t + # define mp_rnd_t mpfr_rnd_t + #endif + #ifndef mp_prec_t + # define mp_prec_t mpfr_prec_t + #endif + This means that it is safe to use the new official types +‘mpfr_prec_t’ and ‘mpfr_rnd_t’ in your programs. The types ‘mp_prec_t’ +and ‘mp_rnd_t’ (defined in MPFR only) may be removed in the future, as +the prefix ‘mp_’ is reserved by GMP. + + The precision type ‘mpfr_prec_t’ (‘mp_prec_t’) was unsigned before +MPFR 3.0; it is now signed. ‘MPFR_PREC_MAX’ has not changed, though. +Indeed the MPFR code requires that ‘MPFR_PREC_MAX’ be representable in +the exponent type, which may have the same size as ‘mpfr_prec_t’ but has +always been signed. The consequence is that valid code that does not +assume anything about the signedness of ‘mpfr_prec_t’ should work with +past and new MPFR versions. This change was useful as the use of +unsigned types tends to convert signed values to unsigned ones in +expressions due to the usual arithmetic conversions, which can yield +incorrect results if a negative value is converted in such a way. +Warning! A program assuming (intentionally or not) that ‘mpfr_prec_t’ +is signed may be affected by this problem when it is built and run +against MPFR 2.x. + + The rounding modes ‘GMP_RNDx’ were renamed to ‘MPFR_RNDx’ in MPFR +3.0. However the old names ‘GMP_RNDx’ have been kept for compatibility +(this might change in future versions), using: + #define GMP_RNDN MPFR_RNDN + #define GMP_RNDZ MPFR_RNDZ + #define GMP_RNDU MPFR_RNDU + #define GMP_RNDD MPFR_RNDD + The rounding mode “round away from zero” (‘MPFR_RNDA’) was added in +MPFR 3.0 (however no rounding mode ‘GMP_RNDA’ exists). + + +File:, Node: Added Functions, Next: Changed Functions, Prev: Type and Macro Changes, Up: API Compatibility + +6.2 Added Functions +=================== + +We give here in alphabetical order the functions that were added after +MPFR 2.2, and in which MPFR version. + + • ‘mpfr_add_d’ in MPFR 2.4. + + • ‘mpfr_ai’ in MPFR 3.0 (incomplete, experimental). + + • ‘mpfr_asprintf’ in MPFR 2.4. + + • ‘mpfr_buildopt_decimal_p’ and ‘mpfr_buildopt_tls_p’ in MPFR 3.0. + + • ‘mpfr_buildopt_gmpinternals_p’ and ‘mpfr_buildopt_tune_case’ in + MPFR 3.1. + + • ‘mpfr_clear_divby0’ in MPFR 3.1 (new divide-by-zero exception). + + • ‘mpfr_copysign’ in MPFR 2.3. Note: MPFR 2.2 had a ‘mpfr_copysign’ + function that was available, but not documented, and with a slight + difference in the semantics (when the second input operand is a + NaN). + + • ‘mpfr_custom_get_significand’ in MPFR 3.0. This function was named + ‘mpfr_custom_get_mantissa’ in previous versions; + ‘mpfr_custom_get_mantissa’ is still available via a macro in + ‘mpfr.h’: + #define mpfr_custom_get_mantissa mpfr_custom_get_significand + Thus code that needs to work with both MPFR 2.x and MPFR 3.x should + use ‘mpfr_custom_get_mantissa’. + + • ‘mpfr_d_div’ and ‘mpfr_d_sub’ in MPFR 2.4. + + • ‘mpfr_digamma’ in MPFR 3.0. + + • ‘mpfr_divby0_p’ in MPFR 3.1 (new divide-by-zero exception). + + • ‘mpfr_div_d’ in MPFR 2.4. + + • ‘mpfr_fmod’ in MPFR 2.4. + + • ‘mpfr_fms’ in MPFR 2.3. + + • ‘mpfr_fprintf’ in MPFR 2.4. + + • ‘mpfr_frexp’ in MPFR 3.1. + + • ‘mpfr_get_flt’ in MPFR 3.0. + + • ‘mpfr_get_patches’ in MPFR 2.3. + + • ‘mpfr_get_z_2exp’ in MPFR 3.0. This function was named + ‘mpfr_get_z_exp’ in previous versions; ‘mpfr_get_z_exp’ is still + available via a macro in ‘mpfr.h’: + #define mpfr_get_z_exp mpfr_get_z_2exp + Thus code that needs to work with both MPFR 2.x and MPFR 3.x should + use ‘mpfr_get_z_exp’. + + • ‘mpfr_grandom’ in MPFR 3.1. + + • ‘mpfr_j0’, ‘mpfr_j1’ and ‘mpfr_jn’ in MPFR 2.3. + + • ‘mpfr_lgamma’ in MPFR 2.3. + + • ‘mpfr_li2’ in MPFR 2.4. + + • ‘mpfr_min_prec’ in MPFR 3.0. + + • ‘mpfr_modf’ in MPFR 2.4. + + • ‘mpfr_mul_d’ in MPFR 2.4. + + • ‘mpfr_printf’ in MPFR 2.4. + + • ‘mpfr_rec_sqrt’ in MPFR 2.4. + + • ‘mpfr_regular_p’ in MPFR 3.0. + + • ‘mpfr_remainder’ and ‘mpfr_remquo’ in MPFR 2.3. + + • ‘mpfr_set_divby0’ in MPFR 3.1 (new divide-by-zero exception). + + • ‘mpfr_set_flt’ in MPFR 3.0. + + • ‘mpfr_set_z_2exp’ in MPFR 3.0. + + • ‘mpfr_set_zero’ in MPFR 3.0. + + • ‘mpfr_setsign’ in MPFR 2.3. + + • ‘mpfr_signbit’ in MPFR 2.3. + + • ‘mpfr_sinh_cosh’ in MPFR 2.4. + + • ‘mpfr_snprintf’ and ‘mpfr_sprintf’ in MPFR 2.4. + + • ‘mpfr_sub_d’ in MPFR 2.4. + + • ‘mpfr_urandom’ in MPFR 3.0. + + • ‘mpfr_vasprintf’, ‘mpfr_vfprintf’, ‘mpfr_vprintf’, ‘mpfr_vsprintf’ + and ‘mpfr_vsnprintf’ in MPFR 2.4. + + • ‘mpfr_y0’, ‘mpfr_y1’ and ‘mpfr_yn’ in MPFR 2.3. + + • ‘mpfr_z_sub’ in MPFR 3.1. + + +File:, Node: Changed Functions, Next: Removed Functions, Prev: Added Functions, Up: API Compatibility + +6.3 Changed Functions +===================== + +The following functions have changed after MPFR 2.2. Changes can affect +the behavior of code written for some MPFR version when built and run +against another MPFR version (older or newer), as described below. + + • ‘mpfr_check_range’ changed in MPFR 2.3.2 and MPFR 2.4. If the + value is an inexact infinity, the overflow flag is now set (in case + it was lost), while it was previously left unchanged. This is + really what is expected in practice (and what the MPFR code was + expecting), so that the previous behavior was regarded as a bug. + Hence the change in MPFR 2.3.2. + + • ‘mpfr_get_f’ changed in MPFR 3.0. This function was returning + zero, except for NaN and Inf, which do not exist in MPF. The + _erange_ flag is now set in these cases, and ‘mpfr_get_f’ now + returns the usual ternary value. + + • ‘mpfr_get_si’, ‘mpfr_get_sj’, ‘mpfr_get_ui’ and ‘mpfr_get_uj’ + changed in MPFR 3.0. In previous MPFR versions, the cases where + the _erange_ flag is set were unspecified. + + • ‘mpfr_get_z’ changed in MPFR 3.0. The return type was ‘void’; it + is now ‘int’, and the usual ternary value is returned. Thus + programs that need to work with both MPFR 2.x and 3.x must not use + the return value. Even in this case, C code using ‘mpfr_get_z’ as + the second or third term of a conditional operator may also be + affected. For instance, the following is correct with MPFR 3.0, + but not with MPFR 2.x: + bool ? mpfr_get_z(...) : mpfr_add(...); + On the other hand, the following is correct with MPFR 2.x, but not + with MPFR 3.0: + bool ? mpfr_get_z(...) : (void) mpfr_add(...); + Portable code should cast ‘mpfr_get_z(...)’ to ‘void’ to use the + type ‘void’ for both terms of the conditional operator, as in: + bool ? (void) mpfr_get_z(...) : (void) mpfr_add(...); + Alternatively, ‘if ... else’ can be used instead of the conditional + operator. + + Moreover the cases where the _erange_ flag is set were unspecified + in MPFR 2.x. + + • ‘mpfr_get_z_exp’ changed in MPFR 3.0. In previous MPFR versions, + the cases where the _erange_ flag is set were unspecified. Note: + this function has been renamed to ‘mpfr_get_z_2exp’ in MPFR 3.0, + but ‘mpfr_get_z_exp’ is still available for compatibility reasons. + + • ‘mpfr_strtofr’ changed in MPFR 2.3.1 and MPFR 2.4. This was + actually a bug fix since the code and the documentation did not + match. But both were changed in order to have a more consistent + and useful behavior. The main changes in the code are as follows. + The binary exponent is now accepted even without the ‘0b’ or ‘0x’ + prefix. Data corresponding to NaN can now have an optional sign + (such data were previously invalid). + + • ‘mpfr_strtofr’ changed in MPFR 3.0. This function now accepts + bases from 37 to 62 (no changes for the other bases). Note: if an + unsupported base is provided to this function, the behavior is + undefined; more precisely, in MPFR 2.3.1 and later, providing an + unsupported base yields an assertion failure (this behavior may + change in the future). + + • ‘mpfr_subnormalize’ changed in MPFR 3.1. This was actually + regarded as a bug fix. The ‘mpfr_subnormalize’ implementation up + to MPFR 3.0.0 did not change the flags. In particular, it did not + follow the generic rule concerning the inexact flag (and no special + behavior was specified). The case of the underflow flag was more a + lack of specification. + + • ‘mpfr_urandom’ and ‘mpfr_urandomb’ changed in MPFR 3.1. Their + behavior no longer depends on the platform (assuming this is also + true for GMP’s random generator, which is not the case between GMP + 4.1 and 4.2 if ‘gmp_randinit_default’ is used). As a consequence, + the returned values can be different between MPFR 3.1 and previous + MPFR versions. Note: as the reproducibility of these functions was + not specified before MPFR 3.1, the MPFR 3.1 behavior is _not_ + regarded as backward incompatible with previous versions. + + +File:, Node: Removed Functions, Next: Other Changes, Prev: Changed Functions, Up: API Compatibility + +6.4 Removed Functions +===================== + +Functions ‘mpfr_random’ and ‘mpfr_random2’ have been removed in MPFR 3.0 +(this only affects old code built against MPFR 3.0 or later). (The +function ‘mpfr_random’ had been deprecated since at least MPFR 2.2.0, +and ‘mpfr_random2’ since MPFR 2.4.0.) + + +File:, Node: Other Changes, Prev: Removed Functions, Up: API Compatibility + +6.5 Other Changes +================= + +For users of a C++ compiler, the way how the availability of ‘intmax_t’ +is detected has changed in MPFR 3.0. In MPFR 2.x, if a macro ‘INTMAX_C’ +or ‘UINTMAX_C’ was defined (e.g. when the ‘__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS’ +macro had been defined before ‘’ or ‘’ has been +included), ‘intmax_t’ was assumed to be defined. However this was not +always the case (more precisely, ‘intmax_t’ can be defined only in the +namespace ‘std’, as with Boost), so that compilations could fail. Thus +the check for ‘INTMAX_C’ or ‘UINTMAX_C’ is now disabled for C++ +compilers, with the following consequences: + + • Programs written for MPFR 2.x that need ‘intmax_t’ may no longer be + compiled against MPFR 3.0: a ‘#define MPFR_USE_INTMAX_T’ may be + necessary before ‘mpfr.h’ is included. + + • The compilation of programs that work with MPFR 3.0 may fail with + MPFR 2.x due to the problem described above. Workarounds are + possible, such as defining ‘intmax_t’ and ‘uintmax_t’ in the global + namespace, though this is not clean. + + The divide-by-zero exception is new in MPFR 3.1. However it should +not introduce incompatible changes for programs that strictly follow the +MPFR API since the exception can only be seen via new functions. + + As of MPFR 3.1, the ‘mpfr.h’ header can be included several times, +while still supporting optional functions (*note Headers and +Libraries::). + + +File:, Node: Contributors, Next: References, Prev: API Compatibility, Up: Top + +Contributors +************ + +The main developers of MPFR are Guillaume Hanrot, Vincent Lefèvre, +Patrick Pélissier, Philippe Théveny and Paul Zimmermann. + + Sylvie Boldo from ENS-Lyon, France, contributed the functions +‘mpfr_agm’ and ‘mpfr_log’. Sylvain Chevillard contributed the ‘mpfr_ai’ +function. David Daney contributed the hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic +functions, the base-2 exponential, and the factorial function. Alain +Delplanque contributed the new version of the ‘mpfr_get_str’ function. +Mathieu Dutour contributed the functions ‘mpfr_acos’, ‘mpfr_asin’ and +‘mpfr_atan’, and a previous version of ‘mpfr_gamma’. Laurent Fousse +contributed the ‘mpfr_sum’ function. Emmanuel Jeandel, from ENS-Lyon +too, contributed the generic hypergeometric code, as well as the +internal function ‘mpfr_exp3’, a first implementation of the sine and +cosine, and improved versions of ‘mpfr_const_log2’ and ‘mpfr_const_pi’. +Ludovic Meunier helped in the design of the ‘mpfr_erf’ code. Jean-Luc +Rémy contributed the ‘mpfr_zeta’ code. Fabrice Rouillier contributed +the ‘mpfr_xxx_z’ and ‘mpfr_xxx_q’ functions, and helped to the Microsoft +Windows porting. Damien Stehlé contributed the ‘mpfr_get_ld_2exp’ +function. + + We would like to thank Jean-Michel Muller and Joris van der Hoeven +for very fruitful discussions at the beginning of that project, Torbjörn +Granlund and Kevin Ryde for their help about design issues, and Nathalie +Revol for her careful reading of a previous version of this +documentation. In particular Kevin Ryde did a tremendous job for the +portability of MPFR in 2002-2004. + + The development of the MPFR library would not have been possible +without the continuous support of INRIA, and of the LORIA (Nancy, +France) and LIP (Lyon, France) laboratories. In particular the main +authors were or are members of the PolKA, Spaces, Cacao, Caramel and +Caramba project-teams at LORIA and of the Arénaire and AriC +project-teams at LIP. This project was started during the Fiable +(reliable in French) action supported by INRIA, and continued during the +AOC action. The development of MPFR was also supported by a grant +(202F0659 00 MPN 121) from the Conseil Régional de Lorraine in 2002, +from INRIA by an "associate engineer" grant (2003-2005), an "opération +de développement logiciel" grant (2007-2009), and the post-doctoral +grant of Sylvain Chevillard in 2009-2010. The MPFR-MPC workshop in June +2012 was partly supported by the ERC grant ANTICS of Andreas Enge. + + +File:, Node: References, Next: GNU Free Documentation License, Prev: Contributors, Up: Top + +References +********** + + • Richard Brent and Paul Zimmermann, "Modern Computer Arithmetic", + Cambridge University Press (to appear), also available from the + authors’ web pages. + + • Laurent Fousse, Guillaume Hanrot, Vincent Lefèvre, Patrick + Pélissier and Paul Zimmermann, "MPFR: A Multiple-Precision Binary + Floating-Point Library With Correct Rounding", ACM Transactions on + Mathematical Software, volume 33, issue 2, article 13, 15 pages, + 2007, . + + • Torbjörn Granlund, "GNU MP: The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic + Library", version 5.0.1, 2010, . + + • IEEE standard for binary floating-point arithmetic, Technical + Report ANSI-IEEE Standard 754-1985, New York, 1985. Approved March + 21, 1985: IEEE Standards Board; approved July 26, 1985: American + National Standards Institute, 18 pages. + + • IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic, ANSI-IEEE Standard + 754-2008, 2008. Revision of ANSI-IEEE Standard 754-1985, approved + June 12, 2008: IEEE Standards Board, 70 pages. + + • Donald E. Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming", vol 2, + "Seminumerical Algorithms", 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley, 1981. + + • Jean-Michel Muller, "Elementary Functions, Algorithms and + Implementation", Birkhäuser, Boston, 2nd edition, 2006. + + • Jean-Michel Muller, Nicolas Brisebarre, Florent de Dinechin, + Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Vincent Lefèvre, Guillaume Melquiond, + Nathalie Revol, Damien Stehlé and Serge Torrès, "Handbook of + Floating-Point Arithmetic", Birkhäuser, Boston, 2009. + + +File:, Node: GNU Free Documentation License, Next: Concept Index, Prev: References, Up: Top + +Appendix A GNU Free Documentation License +***************************************** + + Version 1.2, November 2002 + + Copyright © 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA + + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + 0. 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TRANSLATION + + Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may + distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section + 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special + permission from their copyright holders, but you may include + translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the + original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a + translation of this License, and all the license notices in the + Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also + include the original English version of this License and the + original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a + disagreement between the translation and the original version of + this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will + prevail. + + If a section in the Document is Entitled “Acknowledgements”, + “Dedications”, or “History”, the requirement (section 4) to + Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the + actual title. + + 9. TERMINATION + + You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document + except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other + attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is + void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this + License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, + from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated + so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + + 10. FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE + + The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of + the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new + versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may + differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See + . + + Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version + number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered + version of this License “or any later version” applies to it, you + have the option of following the terms and conditions either of + that specified version or of any later version that has been + published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the + Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may + choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free + Software Foundation. + +A.1 ADDENDUM: How to Use This License For Your Documents +======================================================== + +To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of +the License in the document and put the following copyright and license +notices just after the title page: + + Copyright (C) YEAR YOUR NAME. + Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document + under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 + or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; + with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover + Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU + Free Documentation License''. + + If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover +Texts, replace the “with...Texts.” line with this: + + with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with + the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts + being LIST. + + If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other +combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the +situation. + + If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we +recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free +software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit +their use in free software. + + +File:, Node: Concept Index, Next: Function and Type Index, Prev: GNU Free Documentation License, Up: Top + +Concept Index +************* + +