/* -*- Mode: idl; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsISupports.idl" interface nsICollation; [scriptable, uuid(04971e14-d6b3-4ada-8cbb-c3a13842b349)] interface nsICollationFactory : nsISupports { /** * Create a new collation for the current application locale. * * @return A new collation. */ nsICollation CreateCollation(); /** * Create a new collation for a given locale. * * @return A new collation. */ nsICollation CreateCollationForLocale(in ACString locale); }; [scriptable, uuid(b0132cc0-3786-4557-9874-910d7def5f93)] interface nsICollation : nsISupports { // use the primary comparison for the given locale - no flags const long kCollationStrengthDefault = 0; // do not consider case differences when doing the comparison i.e. A=a) const long kCollationCaseInsensitiveAscii = 1; // do not consider accent differences when doing the comparison a=รก) const long kCollationAccentInsenstive = 2; // case sensitive collation (default) const long kCollationCaseSensitive = kCollationStrengthDefault; // case insensitive collation const long kCollationCaseInSensitive = (kCollationCaseInsensitiveAscii | kCollationAccentInsenstive); // init this interface to a specified locale (should only be called by collation factory) void initialize(in ACString locale); // compare two strings // result is same as strcmp long compareString(in long strength, in AString string1, in AString string2); // allocate sort key from input string // returns newly allocated key, and its band its byte length [noscript] void allocateRawSortKey(in long strength, in AString stringIn, [array,size_is(outLen)] out octet key, out unsigned long outLen); // compare two sort keys // length is a byte length, result is same as strcmp [noscript] long compareRawSortKey([const,array,size_is(len1)] in octet key1, in unsigned long len1, [const,array,size_is(len2)] in octet key2, in unsigned long len2); };