Blob Blame History Raw
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */

 * Test that we have allocation data coming from the front.

"use strict";

const { PerformanceFront } = require("devtools/shared/fronts/performance");

add_task(async function () {
  await addTab(MAIN_DOMAIN + "doc_allocations.html");

  let client = new DebuggerClient(DebuggerServer.connectPipe());
  let form = await connectDebuggerClient(client);
  let front = PerformanceFront(client, form);
  await front.connect();

  let rec = await front.startRecording(
    { withMarkers: true, withAllocations: true, withTicks: true });

  await waitUntil(() => rec.getAllocations().frames.length);
  await waitUntil(() => rec.getAllocations().timestamps.length);
  await waitUntil(() => rec.getAllocations().sizes.length);
  await waitUntil(() => rec.getAllocations().sites.length);

  await front.stopRecording(rec);

  let { timestamps, sizes } = rec.getAllocations();

  is(timestamps.length, sizes.length, "we have the same amount of timestamps and sizes");
  ok(timestamps.every(time => time > 0 && typeof time === "number"),
    "all timestamps have numeric values");
  ok(sizes.every(n => n > 0 && typeof n === "number"), "all sizes are positive numbers");

  await front.destroy();
  await client.close();