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This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public

License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this

file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

Ensure ANDROID_SDK is defined before including this file.

We use common android defaults for boot class path and java version.

ifndef ANDROID_SDK $(error ANDROID_SDK must be defined before including android-common.mk) endif

DEBUG_JARSIGNER always debug signs.

DEBUG_JARSIGNER=$(PYTHON) $(abspath $(topsrcdir)/mobile/android/debug_sign_tool.py) \ --keytool=$(KEYTOOL) \ --jarsigner=$(JARSIGNER) \ $(NULL)

RELEASE_JARSIGNER release signs if possible.


$(1) is the full path to input: foo-debug-unsigned-unaligned.apk.

$(2) is the full path to output: foo.apk.

Use this like: $(call RELEASE_SIGN_ANDROID_APK,foo-debug-unsigned-unaligned.apk,foo.apk)

The |zip -d| there to handle re-signing previously signed APKs. Gradle

produces signed, unaligned APK files, but this expects unsigned, unaligned

APK files. The |zip -d| discards any existing signature, turning a signed,

unaligned APK into an unsigned, unaligned APK. Sadly |zip -q| doesn't

silence a warning about "nothing to do" so we pipe to /dev/null.

RELEASE_SIGN_ANDROID_APK = \ cp $(1) $(2)-unaligned.apk && \ ($(ZIP) -d $(2)-unaligned.apk 'META-INF/*' > /dev/null || true) && \ $(RELEASE_JARSIGNER) $(2)-unaligned.apk && \ $(ZIPALIGN) -f -v 4 $(2)-unaligned.apk $(2) && \ $(RM) $(2)-unaligned.apk

For Android, we default to 1.7

ifndef JAVA_VERSION JAVA_VERSION = 1.7 endif

JAVAC_FLAGS = \ -target $(JAVA_VERSION) \ -source $(JAVA_VERSION) \ -encoding UTF8 \ -g:source,lines \ -Werror \ $(NULL)