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default_bootclasspath_jars := \ $(ANDROID_SDK)/android.jar \ $(NULL)

default_classpath_jars := \ $(NULL)

Turn a possibly empty list of JAR files into a Java classpath, like a.jar:b.jar.

Arg 1: Possibly empty list of JAR files.

define classpath_template $(subst $(NULL) ,:,$(strip $(1))) endef


Arg 1: Output target name with .jar suffix, like jars/jarfile.jar.

Intermediate class files are generated in jars/jarfile-classes.

Arg 2: Java sources list. We use VPATH and $^ so sources can be

relative to $(srcdir) or $(CURDIR).

Arg 3: List of extra jars to link against. We do not use VPATH so

jars must be relative to $(CURDIR).

Arg 4: Additional JAVAC_FLAGS.

Note: Proguard fails when stale .class files corresponding to

removed inner classes are present in the object directory. These

stale class files get packaged into the .jar file, which then gets

processed by Proguard. To work around this, we always delete any

existing jarfile-classes directory and start fresh.

define java_jar_template $(1): $(2) $(3) $(default_bootclasspath_jars) $(default_classpath_jars) $$(REPORT_BUILD) @$$(RM) -rf $(1:.jar=)-classes @$$(NSINSTALL) -D $(1:.jar=)-classes @$$(if $$(filter-out .,$$(@D)),$$(NSINSTALL) -D $$(@D)) $$(JAVAC) $$(JAVAC_FLAGS)\ $(4)\ -d $(1:.jar=)-classes\ $(addprefix -bootclasspath ,$(call classpath_template,$(default_bootclasspath_jars)))\ $(addprefix -classpath ,$(call classpath_template,$(default_classpath_jars) $(3)))\ $$(filter %.java,$$^) $$(JAR) cMf $$@ -C $(1:.jar=)-classes .

GARBAGE += $(1)

GARBAGE_DIRS += $(1:.jar=)-classes endef

$(foreach jar,$(JAVA_JAR_TARGETS),\ $(if $($(jar)_DEST),,$(error Missing $(jar)_DEST))\ $(if $($(jar)_JAVAFILES) $($(jar)_PP_JAVAFILES),,$(error Must provide at least one of $(jar)_JAVAFILES and $(jar)_PP_JAVAFILES))\ $(eval $(call java_jar_template,$($(jar)_DEST),$($(jar)_JAVAFILES) $($(jar)_PP_JAVAFILES),$($(jar)_EXTRA_JARS),$($(jar)_JAVAC_FLAGS)))\ ) endif #} JAVA_JAR_TARGETS