Blob Blame History Raw
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */


add_test(function test_toJSON() {
  _("Create a record, for now without a TTL.");
  let wbo = new WBORecord("coll", "a_record");
  wbo.modified = 12345;
  wbo.sortindex = 42;
  wbo.payload = {};

  _("Verify that the JSON representation contains the WBO properties, but not TTL.");
  let json = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(wbo));
  Assert.equal(json.modified, 12345);
  Assert.equal(json.sortindex, 42);
  Assert.equal(json.payload, "{}");
  Assert.equal(false, "ttl" in json);

  _("Set a TTL, make sure it's present in the JSON representation.");
  wbo.ttl = 30 * 60;
  json = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(wbo));
  Assert.equal(json.ttl, 30 * 60);

add_task(async function test_fetch() {
  let record = {id: "asdf-1234-asdf-1234",
                modified: 2454725.98283,
                payload: JSON.stringify({cheese: "roquefort"})};
  let record2 = {id: "record2",
                 modified: 2454725.98284,
                 payload: JSON.stringify({cheese: "gruyere"})};
  let coll = [{id: "record2",
               modified: 2454725.98284,
               payload: JSON.stringify({cheese: "gruyere"})}];

  _("Setting up server.");
  let server = httpd_setup({
    "/record":  httpd_handler(200, "OK", JSON.stringify(record)),
    "/record2": httpd_handler(200, "OK", JSON.stringify(record2)),
    "/coll":    httpd_handler(200, "OK", JSON.stringify(coll))

  try {
    _("Fetching a WBO record");
    let rec = new WBORecord("coll", "record");
    await rec.fetch(Service.resource(server.baseURI + "/record"));
    Assert.equal(, "asdf-1234-asdf-1234"); // NOT "record"!

    Assert.equal(rec.modified, 2454725.98283);
    Assert.equal(typeof(rec.payload), "object");
    Assert.equal(rec.payload.cheese, "roquefort");

    _("Fetching a WBO record using the record manager");
    let rec2 = await Service.recordManager.get(server.baseURI + "/record2");
    Assert.equal(, "record2");
    Assert.equal(rec2.modified, 2454725.98284);
    Assert.equal(typeof(rec2.payload), "object");
    Assert.equal(rec2.payload.cheese, "gruyere");
    Assert.equal(Service.recordManager.response.status, 200);

    // Testing collection extraction.
    _("Extracting collection.");
    let rec3 = new WBORecord("tabs", "foo"); // Create through constructor.
    Assert.equal(rec3.collection, "tabs");

  } finally {
    await promiseStopServer(server);