Blame third_party/rust/regex/

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Your friendly guide to hacking and navigating the regex library.
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This guide assumes familiarity with Rust and Cargo, and at least a perusal of
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the user facing documentation for this crate.
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If you're looking for background on the implementation in this library, then
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you can do no better than Russ Cox's article series on implementing regular
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expressions using finite automata:
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## Architecture overview
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As you probably already know, this library executes regular expressions using
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finite automata. In particular, a design goal is to make searching linear
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with respect to both the regular expression and the text being searched.
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Meeting that design goal on its own is not so hard and can be done with an
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implementation of the Pike VM (similar to Thompson's construction, but supports
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capturing groups), as described in:
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--- This library contains such an implementation in src/
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Making it fast is harder. One of the key problems with the Pike VM is that it
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can be in more than one state at any point in time, and must shuffle capture
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positions between them. The Pike VM also spends a lot of time following the
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same epsilon transitions over and over again. We can employ one trick to
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speed up the Pike VM: extract one or more literal prefixes from the regular
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expression and execute specialized code to quickly find matches of those
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prefixes in the search text. The Pike VM can then be avoided for most the
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search, and instead only executed when a prefix is found. The code to find
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prefixes is in the regex-syntax crate (in this repository). The code to search
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for literals is in src/ When more than one literal prefix is found,
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we fall back to an Aho-Corasick DFA using the aho-corasick crate. For one
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literal, we use a variant of the Boyer-Moore algorithm. Both Aho-Corasick and
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Boyer-Moore use `memchr` when appropriate. The Boyer-Moore variant in this
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library also uses elementary frequency analysis to choose the right byte to run
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`memchr` with.
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Of course, detecting prefix literals can only take us so far. Not all regular
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expressions have literal prefixes. To remedy this, we try another approach
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to executing the Pike VM: backtracking, whose implementation can be found in
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src/ One reason why backtracking can be faster is that it avoids
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excessive shuffling of capture groups. Of course, backtracking is susceptible
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to exponential runtimes, so we keep track of every state we've visited to make
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sure we never visit it again. This guarantees linear time execution, but we
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pay for it with the memory required to track visited states. Because of the
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memory requirement, we only use this engine on small search strings *and* small
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regular expressions.
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Lastly, the real workhorse of this library is the "lazy" DFA in src/
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It is distinct from the Pike VM in that the DFA is explicitly represented in
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memory and is only ever in one state at a time. It is said to be "lazy" because
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the DFA is computed as text is searched, where each byte in the search text
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results in at most one new DFA state. It is made fast by caching states. DFAs
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are susceptible to exponential state blow up (where the worst case is computing
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a new state for every input byte, regardless of what's in the state cache). To
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avoid using a lot of memory, the lazy DFA uses a bounded cache. Once the cache
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is full, it is wiped and state computation starts over again. If the cache is
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wiped too frequently, then the DFA gives up and searching falls back to one of
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the aforementioned algorithms.
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All of the above matching engines expose precisely the same matching semantics.
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This is indeed tested. (See the section below about testing.)
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The following sub-sections describe the rest of the library and how each of the
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matching engines are actually used.
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### Parsing
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Regular expressions are parsed using the regex-syntax crate, which is
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maintained in this repository. The regex-syntax crate defines an abstract
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syntax and provides very detailed error messages when a parse error is
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encountered. Parsing is done in a separate crate so that others may benefit
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from its existence, and because it is relatively divorced from the rest of the
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regex library.
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The regex-syntax crate also provides sophisticated support for extracting
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prefix and suffix literals from regular expressions.
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### Compilation
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The compiler is in src/ The input to the compiler is some abstract
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syntax for a regular expression and the output is a sequence of opcodes that
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matching engines use to execute a search. (One can think of matching engines as
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mini virtual machines.) The sequence of opcodes is a particular encoding of a
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non-deterministic finite automaton. In particular, the opcodes explicitly rely
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on epsilon transitions.
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Consider a simple regular expression like `a|b`. Its compiled form looks like
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    000 Save(0)
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    001 Split(2, 3)
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    002 'a' (goto: 4)
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    003 'b'
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    004 Save(1)
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    005 Match
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The first column is the instruction pointer and the second column is the
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instruction. Save instructions indicate that the current position in the input
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should be stored in a captured location. Split instructions represent a binary
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branch in the program (i.e., epsilon transitions). The instructions `'a'` and
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`'b'` indicate that the literal bytes `'a'` or `'b'` should match.
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In older versions of this library, the compilation looked like this:
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    000 Save(0)
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    001 Split(2, 3)
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    002 'a'
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    003 Jump(5)
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    004 'b'
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    005 Save(1)
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    006 Match
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In particular, empty instructions that merely served to move execution from one
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point in the program to another were removed. Instead, every instruction has a
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`goto` pointer embedded into it. This resulted in a small performance boost for
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the Pike VM, because it was one fewer epsilon transition that it had to follow.
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There exist more instructions and they are defined and documented in
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Compilation has several knobs and a few unfortunately complicated invariants.
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Namely, the output of compilation can be one of two types of programs: a
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program that executes on Unicode scalar values or a program that executes
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on raw bytes. In the former case, the matching engine is responsible for
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performing UTF-8 decoding and executing instructions using Unicode codepoints.
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In the latter case, the program handles UTF-8 decoding implicitly, so that the
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matching engine can execute on raw bytes. All matching engines can execute
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either Unicode or byte based programs except for the lazy DFA, which requires
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byte based programs. In general, both representations were kept because (1) the
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lazy DFA requires byte based programs so that states can be encoded in a memory
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efficient manner and (2) the Pike VM benefits greatly from inlining Unicode
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character classes into fewer instructions as it results in fewer epsilon
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N.B. UTF-8 decoding is built into the compiled program by making use of the
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utf8-ranges crate. The compiler in this library factors out common suffixes to
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reduce the size of huge character classes (e.g., `\pL`).
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A regrettable consequence of this split in instruction sets is we generally
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need to compile two programs; one for NFA execution and one for the lazy DFA.
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In fact, it is worse than that: the lazy DFA is not capable of finding the
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starting location of a match in a single scan, and must instead execute a
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backwards search after finding the end location. To execute a backwards search,
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we must have compiled the regular expression *in reverse*.
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This means that every compilation of a regular expression generally results in
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three distinct programs. It would be possible to lazily compile the Unicode
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program, since it is never needed if (1) the regular expression uses no word
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boundary assertions and (2) the caller never asks for sub-capture locations.
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### Execution
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At the time of writing, there are four matching engines in this library:
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1. The Pike VM (supports captures).
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2. Bounded backtracking (supports captures).
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3. Literal substring or multi-substring search.
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4. Lazy DFA (no support for Unicode word boundary assertions).
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Only the first two matching engines are capable of executing every regular
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expression program. They also happen to be the slowest, which means we need
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some logic that (1) knows various facts about the regular expression and (2)
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knows what the caller wants. Using this information, we can determine which
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engine (or engines) to use.
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The logic for choosing which engine to execute is in src/ and is
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documented on the Exec type. Exec values contain regular expression Programs
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(defined in src/, which contain all the necessary tidbits for actually
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executing a regular expression on search text.
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For the most part, the execution logic is straight-forward and follows the
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limitations of each engine described above pretty faithfully. The hairiest
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part of src/ by far is the execution of the lazy DFA, since it requires
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a forwards and backwards search, and then falls back to either the Pike VM or
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backtracking if the caller requested capture locations.
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The Exec type also contains mutable scratch space for each type of matching
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engine. This scratch space is used during search (for example, for the lazy
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DFA, it contains compiled states that are reused on subsequent searches).
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### Programs
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A regular expression program is essentially a sequence of opcodes produced by
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the compiler plus various facts about the regular expression (such as whether
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it is anchored, its capture names, etc.).
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### The regex! macro
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The `regex!` macro no longer exists. It was developed in a bygone era as a
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compiler plugin during the infancy of the regex crate. Back then, then only
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matching engine in the crate was the Pike VM. The `regex!` macro was, itself,
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also a Pike VM. The only advantages it offered over the dynamic Pike VM that
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was built at runtime were the following:
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  1. Syntax checking was done at compile time. Your Rust program wouldn't
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     compile if your regex didn't compile.
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  2. Reduction of overhead that was proportional to the size of the regex.
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     For the most part, this overhead consisted of heap allocation, which
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     was nearly eliminated in the compiler plugin.
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The main takeaway here is that the compiler plugin was a marginally faster
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version of a slow regex engine. As the regex crate evolved, it grew other regex
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engines (DFA, bounded backtracker) and sophisticated literal optimizations.
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The regex macro didn't keep pace, and it therefore became (dramatically) slower
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than the dynamic engines. The only reason left to use it was for the compile
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time guarantee that your regex is correct. Fortunately, Clippy (the Rust lint
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tool) has a lint that checks your regular expression validity, which mostly
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replaces that use case.
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Additionally, the regex compiler plugin stopped receiving maintenance. Nobody
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complained. At that point, it seemed prudent to just remove it.
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Will a compiler plugin be brought back? The future is murky, but there is
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definitely an opportunity there to build something that is faster than the
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dynamic engines in some cases. But it will be challenging! As of now, there
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are no plans to work on this.
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## Testing
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A key aspect of any mature regex library is its test suite. A subset of the
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tests in this library come from Glenn Fowler's AT&T test suite (its online
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presence seems gone at the time of writing). The source of the test suite is
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located in src/testdata. The scripts/ takes the test suite
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in src/testdata and generates tests/
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There are also many other manually crafted tests and regression tests in
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tests/ Some of these tests were taken from RE2.
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The biggest source of complexity in the tests is related to answering this
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question: how can we reuse the tests to check all of our matching engines? One
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approach would have been to encode every test into some kind of format (like
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the AT&T test suite) and code generate tests for each matching engine. The
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approach we use in this library is to create a Cargo.toml entry point for each
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matching engine we want to test. The entry points are:
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* `tests/` - tests `Regex::new`
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* `tests/` - tests `bytes::Regex::new`
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* `tests/` - tests `Regex::new`, forced to use the NFA
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  algorithm on every regex.
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* `tests/` - tests `Regex::new`, forced to use the NFA
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  algorithm on every regex and use *arbitrary* byte based programs.
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* `tests/` - tests `Regex::new`, forced to use the NFA
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  algorithm on every regex and use *UTF-8* byte based programs.
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* `tests/` - tests `Regex::new`, forced to use
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  backtracking on every regex.
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* `tests/` - tests `Regex::new`, forced to use
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  backtracking on every regex and use *arbitrary* byte based programs.
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* `tests/` - tests `Regex::new`, forced to use
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  backtracking on every regex and use *UTF-8* byte based programs.
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* `tests/` - tests to make sure that all of the
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  backends behave in the same way against a number of quickcheck
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  generated random inputs. These tests need to be enabled through
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  the `RUST_REGEX_RANDOM_TEST` environment variable (see
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The lazy DFA and pure literal engines are absent from this list because
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they cannot be used on every regular expression. Instead, we rely on
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`tests/` to test the lazy DFA and literal engines when possible.
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Since the tests are repeated several times, and because `cargo test` runs all
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entry points, it can take a while to compile everything. To reduce compile
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times slightly, try using `cargo test --test default`, which will only use the
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`tests/` entry point.
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The random testing takes quite a while, so it is not enabled by default.
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In order to run the random testing you can set the
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`RUST_REGEX_RANDOM_TEST` environment variable to anything before
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invoking `cargo test`. Note that this variable is inspected at compile
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time, so if the tests don't seem to be running, you may need to run
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`cargo clean`.
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## Benchmarking
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The benchmarking in this crate is made up of many micro-benchmarks. Currently,
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there are two primary sets of benchmarks: the benchmarks that were adopted
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at this library's inception (in `bench/src/`) and a newer set of
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benchmarks meant to test various optimizations. Specifically, the latter set
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contain some analysis and are in `bench/src/`. Also, the latter
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set are all executed on the same lengthy input whereas the former benchmarks
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are executed on strings of varying length.
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There is also a smattering of benchmarks for parsing and compilation.
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Benchmarks are in a separate crate so that its dependencies can be managed
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separately from the main regex crate.
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Benchmarking follows a similarly wonky setup as tests. There are multiple entry
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* `` - benchmarks `Regex::new`
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* `` benchmarks `bytes::Regex::new`
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* `` - benchmarks PCRE
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* `` - benchmarks Oniguruma
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The PCRE and Oniguruma benchmarks exist as a comparison point to a mature
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regular expression library. In general, this regex library compares favorably
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(there are even a few benchmarks that PCRE simply runs too slowly on or
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outright can't execute at all). I would love to add other regular expression
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library benchmarks (especially RE2).
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If you're hacking on one of the matching engines and just want to see
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benchmarks, then all you need to run is:
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    $ ./bench/run rust
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If you want to compare your results with older benchmarks, then try:
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    $ ./bench/run rust | tee old
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    $ ... make it faster
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    $ ./bench/run rust | tee new
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    $ cargo benchcmp old new --improvements
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The `cargo-benchcmp` utility is available here:
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The `./bench/run` utility can run benchmarks for PCRE and Oniguruma too. See
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`./bench/bench --help`.
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## Dev Docs
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When digging your teeth into the codebase for the first time, the
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crate documentation can be a great resource. By default `rustdoc`
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will strip out all documentation of private crate members in an
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effort to help consumers of the crate focus on the *interface*
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without having to concern themselves with the *implementation*.
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Normally this is a great thing, but if you want to start hacking
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on regex internals it is not what you want. Many of the private members
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of this crate are well documented with rustdoc style comments, and
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it would be a shame to miss out on the opportunity that presents.
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You can generate the private docs with:
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$ rustdoc --crate-name docs src/ -o target/doc -L target/debug/deps --no-defaults --passes collapse-docs --passes unindent-comments
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Then just point your browser at `target/doc/regex/index.html`.
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See for more info
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about generating developer docs for internal use.