Blame image/ProgressTracker.h

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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
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 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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 * file, You can obtain one at */
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#ifndef mozilla_image_ProgressTracker_h
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#define mozilla_image_ProgressTracker_h
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#include "CopyOnWrite.h"
Packit f0b94e
#include "mozilla/NotNull.h"
Packit f0b94e
#include "mozilla/Mutex.h"
Packit f0b94e
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
Packit f0b94e
#include "mozilla/WeakPtr.h"
Packit f0b94e
#include "nsDataHashtable.h"
Packit f0b94e
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
Packit f0b94e
#include "nsTObserverArray.h"
Packit f0b94e
#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
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#include "nsRect.h"
Packit f0b94e
#include "IProgressObserver.h"
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class nsIRunnable;
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namespace mozilla {
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namespace image {
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class AsyncNotifyRunnable;
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class AsyncNotifyCurrentStateRunnable;
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class Image;
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 * Image progress bitflags.
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 * See CheckProgressConsistency() for the invariants we enforce about the
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 * ordering dependencies betweeen these flags.
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enum {
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typedef uint32_t Progress;
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const uint32_t NoProgress = 0;
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inline Progress LoadCompleteProgress(bool aLastPart, bool aError,
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                                     nsresult aStatus) {
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  Progress progress = FLAG_LOAD_COMPLETE;
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  if (aLastPart) {
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    progress |= FLAG_LAST_PART_COMPLETE;
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  if (NS_FAILED(aStatus) || aError) {
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    progress |= FLAG_HAS_ERROR;
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  return progress;
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 * ProgressTracker stores its observers in an ObserverTable, which is a hash
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 * table mapping raw pointers to WeakPtr's to the same objects. This sounds like
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 * unnecessary duplication of information, but it's necessary for stable hash
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 * values since WeakPtr's lose the knowledge of which object they used to point
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 * to when that object is destroyed.
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 * ObserverTable subclasses nsDataHashtable to add reference counting support
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 * and a copy constructor, both of which are needed for use with CopyOnWrite<T>.
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class ObserverTable : public nsDataHashtable<nsPtrHashKey<IProgressObserver>,
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                                             WeakPtr<IProgressObserver>> {
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  ObserverTable() = default;
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  ObserverTable(const ObserverTable& aOther) {
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    NS_WARNING("Forced to copy ObserverTable due to nested notifications");
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    for (auto iter = aOther.ConstIter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
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      this->Put(iter.Key(), iter.Data());
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  ~ObserverTable() {}
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 * ProgressTracker is a class that records an Image's progress through the
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 * loading and decoding process, and makes it possible to send notifications to
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 * IProgressObservers, both synchronously and asynchronously.
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 * When a new observer needs to be notified of the current progress of an image,
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 * call the Notify() method on this class with the relevant observer as its
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 * argument, and the notifications will be replayed to the observer
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 * asynchronously.
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class ProgressTracker : public mozilla::SupportsWeakPtr<ProgressTracker> {
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  virtual ~ProgressTracker() {}
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  bool HasImage() const {
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    MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex);
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    return mImage;
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  already_AddRefed<Image> GetImage() const {
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    MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex);
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    RefPtr<Image> image = mImage;
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    return image.forget();
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  // Get the current image status (as in imgIRequest).
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  uint32_t GetImageStatus() const;
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  // Get the current Progress.
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  Progress GetProgress() const { return mProgress; }
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  // Schedule an asynchronous "replaying" of all the notifications that would
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  // have to happen to put us in the current state.
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  // We will also take note of any notifications that happen between the time
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  // Notify() is called and when we call SyncNotify on |aObserver|, and replay
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  // them as well.
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  // Should be called on the main thread only, since observers and GetURI are
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  // not threadsafe.
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  void Notify(IProgressObserver* aObserver);
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  // Schedule an asynchronous "replaying" of all the notifications that would
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  // have to happen to put us in the state we are in right now.
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  // Unlike Notify(), does *not* take into account future notifications.
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  // This is only useful if you do not have an imgRequest, e.g., if you are a
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  // static request returned from imgIRequest::GetStaticRequest().
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  // Should be called on the main thread only, since observers and GetURI are
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  // not threadsafe.
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  void NotifyCurrentState(IProgressObserver* aObserver);
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  // "Replay" all of the notifications that would have to happen to put us in
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  // the state we're currently in.
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  // Only use this if you're already servicing an asynchronous call (e.g.
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  // OnStartRequest).
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  // Should be called on the main thread only, since observers and GetURI are
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  // not threadsafe.
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  void SyncNotify(IProgressObserver* aObserver);
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  // Get this ProgressTracker ready for a new request. This resets all the
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  // state that doesn't persist between requests.
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  void ResetForNewRequest();
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  // Stateless notifications. These are dispatched and immediately forgotten
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  // about. All of these notifications are main thread only.
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  void OnDiscard();
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  void OnUnlockedDraw();
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  void OnImageAvailable();
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  // Compute the difference between this our progress and aProgress. This allows
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  // callers to predict whether SyncNotifyProgress will send any notifications.
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  Progress Difference(Progress aProgress) const {
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    return ~mProgress & aProgress;
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  // Update our state to incorporate the changes in aProgress and synchronously
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  // notify our observers.
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  // Because this may result in recursive notifications, no decoding locks may
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  // be held.  Called on the main thread only.
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  void SyncNotifyProgress(Progress aProgress,
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                          const nsIntRect& aInvalidRect = nsIntRect());
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  // We manage a set of observers that are using an image and thus concerned
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  // with its loading progress. Weak pointers.
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  void AddObserver(IProgressObserver* aObserver);
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  bool RemoveObserver(IProgressObserver* aObserver);
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  uint32_t ObserverCount() const;
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  // Get the event target we should currently dispatch events to.
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  already_AddRefed<nsIEventTarget> GetEventTarget() const;
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  // Resets our weak reference to our image. Image subclasses should call this
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  // in their destructor.
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  void ResetImage();
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  // Tell this progress tracker that it is for a multipart image.
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  void SetIsMultipart() { mIsMultipart = true; }
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  friend class AsyncNotifyRunnable;
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  friend class AsyncNotifyCurrentStateRunnable;
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  friend class ImageFactory;
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  ProgressTracker(const ProgressTracker& aOther) = delete;
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  // Sets our weak reference to our image. Only ImageFactory should call this.
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  void SetImage(Image* aImage);
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  // Send some notifications that would be necessary to make |aObserver| believe
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  // the request is finished downloading and decoding.  We only send
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  // FLAG_LOAD_COMPLETE and FLAG_ONLOAD_UNBLOCKED, and only if necessary.
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  void EmulateRequestFinished(IProgressObserver* aObserver);
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  // Main thread only because it deals with the observer service.
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  void FireFailureNotification();
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  // The runnable, if any, that we've scheduled to deliver async notifications.
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  nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> mRunnable;
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  // mMutex protects access to mImage and mEventTarget.
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  mutable Mutex mMutex;
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  // mImage is a weak ref; it should be set to null when the image goes out of
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  // scope.
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  Image* mImage;
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  // mEventTarget is the current, best effort event target to dispatch
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  // notifications to from the decoder threads. It will change as observers are
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  // added and removed (see mObserversWithTargets).
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  NotNull<nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget>> mEventTarget;
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  // How many observers have been added that have an explicit event target.
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  // When the first observer is added with an explicit event target, we will
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  // default to that as long as all observers use the same target. If a new
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  // observer is added which has a different event target, we will switch to
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  // using the unlabeled main thread event target which is safe for all
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  // observers. If all observers with explicit event targets are removed, we
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  // will revert back to the initial event target (for SystemGroup). An
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  // observer without an explicit event target does not care what context it
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  // is dispatched in, and thus does not impact the state.
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  uint32_t mObserversWithTargets;
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  // Hashtable of observers attached to the image. Each observer represents a
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  // consumer using the image. Main thread only.
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  CopyOnWrite<ObserverTable> mObservers;
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  Progress mProgress;
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  // Whether this is a progress tracker for a multipart image.
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  bool mIsMultipart;
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}  // namespace image
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}  // namespace mozilla
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#endif  // mozilla_image_ProgressTracker_h