/* * Motif * * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved. * * These libraries and programs are free software; you can * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * HISTORY */ /* static char rcsid[] = "$XConsortium: AllWidgets.dat /main/6 1995/07/13 18:25:12 drk $" */ #) This test tests the different managers with/without children. #) By default, there should be a BulletinBoard within a topLevel Shell. If you want a manager other than the bulletinboard under the topLavel, exit from the test and rerun the test with the appropriate commandline option. The different options are: \"-u -bb\" for BulletinBoard, \"-u -fo\" for Form, \"-u -fr\" for Frame, \"-u -pw\" for PanedWindow, and \"-u -rc\" for RowColumn. C) #) Manager values are, width 250, height 200, and marginWidth 25. C) #) Manager should have a ArrowButton with width 150, and height 100. C) #) ArrowButton should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a ArrowButtonGadget with width 150, and height 100. C) #) ArrowButtonGadget should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a BulletinBoard with width 150, and height 100. C) #) BulletinBoard child should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a Label widget with labelString \"Label\". C) #) Label should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a LabelGadget with labelString \"LabelGadget\". C) #) LabelGadget should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a List with 10 items out of which 5 are visible. #) List should have a width of 100. C) #) List should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a PushButton with label \"PushButton\". C) #) PushButton should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a PushButtonGadget with label \"PushButtonGadget\". C) #) PushButtonGadget should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a Scale with a min of 0, max of 100, and a value of 10. C) #) Scale should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a ScrolledList with 10 items out of which 5 are visible. #) ScrolledList should have a width of 100. C) #) ScrooledList should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a ScrolledText with 2 rows, 20 columns, and showing both scrollbars. C) #) ScrolledText should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a ScrolledWindow with width 150, and height 100. C) #) ScrolledWindow should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a Separator. C) #) Separator should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a SeparatorGadget. C) #) SeparatorGadget should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a Text with 2 rows, 20 columns. C) #) Text should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a TextField with 20 columns. C) #) TextField should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a ToggleButton with the label \"ToggleButton\". C) #) ToggleButton should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a ToggleButtonGadget with the label \"ToggleButtonGadget\". C) #) ToggleButtonGadget should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a DrawnButton with the label \"DrawnButton\". C) #) DrawnButton should have been destroyed. C) #) Manager should have a DrawingArea with width 150, and height 100. C) #) DrawingArea should have been destroyed. C) #) There should be a BulletinBoard within the topLevel Shell. #) BulletinBoard values are, width 250, height 200. C) #) BulletinBoard should have been destroyed. C) #) There should be a Form within the topLevel Shell. #) Form values are, width 250, height 200. C) #) Form should have been destroyed. C) #) There should be a Frame within the topLevel Shell. #) Frame values are, width 250, height 200. C) #) Frame should have been destroyed. C) #) There should be a PanedWindow within the topLevel Shell. #) PanedWindow values are, width 250, height 200. C) #) PanedWindow should have been destroyed. C) #) There should be a RowColumn within the topLevel Shell. #) RowColumn values are, width 250, height 200. C) #) RowColumn should have been destroyed. C) E)