/* * Motif * * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved. * * These libraries and programs are free software; you can * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * HISTORY */ #ifdef REV_INFO #ifndef lint static char rcsid[] = "$XConsortium: ReleasButton.c /main/8 1995/07/14 11:42:29 drk $" #endif #endif /*********************************************************************** @(#)ReleasButton.c Date:1/22/91 Author: TAT History: 06/07/90 SJS add event mask for release event. This determines if the send_object should get the event or not. Calls: Summary: Simulates the user releasing the specified mouse button. INPUTS: none OUTPUTS: none RETURNS: nothing ************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "xislib.h" #include "mvslib.h" void xisReleaseMouseButton(modifier_keys,button_num) unsigned int modifier_keys; int button_num; { static char routine_name[] = "xisReleaseMouseButton"; XisObjectRecord *object, *current_object, *send_object, *action_object; int root_x,root_y; /* Pointer position relative to root and window */ Time time; short pursue; int x, y; XisObjectRecord *menu_object; Widget menu_widget, orig_widget; char *menu_class = NULL; MvsWidgetInfoRecord *menu_info; Boolean menu_manager = False; Boolean menu_release = False; Boolean menu_invalid = False; char msg_string[125]; (*xisTraceMsg)("Got send_event_request = ReleaseMouseButton\n"); xisUseSessionInfo(routine_name); xisUpdateObjectAttributes(); /* First make sure this button is not already released */ if ( !(xisState.mod_button_state & xisMouseButtonMask[button_num])) { sprintf (msg_string, _AutoMessages[WARNMSG59], button_num); AutoMessage(msg_string); return; } /* Then look up which object the pointer is over or is already grabbed */ xisGetPointerLocation(&root_x,&root_y); xisInform.pointer_obj = xisFindObjectAtLocation(root_x,root_y); /* If Grab Window still exists, then ... */ if (xisPointerGrabbed && xisWindowExists(xisGrabPointerWindow)) { /* Call all relavent InformExpectedActions functions */ object = xisFindObject(xisState.selected_widget, xisState.selected_object_type, xisState.selected_instance); if (object == NULL) object = xisFindObjectFromWindow(xisGrabPointerWindow); if (object == NULL) AutoMessage(_AutoMessages[WARNMSG21]); xisInform.is_valid = 1; xisInform.action_obj = object; xisInform.modifier_key_status = modifier_keys; xisInform.button_num = button_num; xisInform.edge_code = 0; xisInform.key_code = 0; xisInform.event_code = EventMouseButtonUp; xisInform.num_clicks = 0; current_object = object; while (current_object != NULL) { if (current_object->proc_InformExpectedActions != NULL) { xisInform.current_obj = current_object; (*current_object->proc_InformExpectedActions)(EventMouseButtonUp); } current_object = current_object->parent; } xisInform.is_valid = 0; /* Send Synthesized Button Release Event */ send_object = action_object = object; /* Automation Added */ xisGetPointerLocation(&x,&y); menu_object = xisFindObjectAtLocation(x,y); menu_widget = (Widget) menu_object->id.widget; orig_widget = menu_widget; while(! menu_invalid && menu_widget != NULL) { if (XmIsManager(menu_widget)) { menu_manager = True; menu_invalid = True; } if (XtIsShell(menu_widget)) { menu_invalid = True; menu_manager = False; } else if (! menu_invalid) menu_widget = XtParent(menu_widget); } if (menu_manager) { menu_info = mvsWidgetToWidgetInfo(menu_widget); menu_class = menu_info->widget_class_info->class_name; } if (menu_manager && ((strcmp(menu_class, "XmPulldownMenu") == 0) || (strcmp(menu_class, "XmPopupMenu") == 0) || (strcmp(menu_class, "XmMenuBar") == 0) || (strcmp(menu_class, "XmCascadeButton") == 0) || (strcmp(menu_class, "XmCascadeButtonGadget") == 0) || (strcmp(menu_class, "XmOptionMenu") == 0))) { /* insure that the object is not a gadget, if you use parent as send_object since it has a valid window */ if (XmIsGadget(orig_widget)) menu_object = menu_object->parent; send_object = menu_object; menu_release = True; } else { menu_release = False; send_object = action_object = object; } /* End Automation Added */ /* Use parent object if in a region. Regions do not have windows */ while (send_object != (XisObjectRecord *) NULL && send_object->id.window == (Window) NULL) send_object = send_object->parent; while (send_object != NULL) { if (((send_object->your_event_mask&ButtonReleaseMask) || menu_release) && (send_object->visibility_state != IsUnmapped)) { pursue = 1; break; } if ((send_object->do_not_propagate_mask&ButtonReleaseMask) && (send_object->visibility_state != IsUnmapped) ) { pursue = 0; break; } send_object = send_object->parent; } if( (send_object != NULL) && pursue) { (*xisTraceMsg)(" Action_object = %s\n", xisGetObjectName(action_object)); (*xisTraceMsg)(" Send_object = %s\n", xisGetObjectName(send_object)); time = xisGetServerTime(xisMultiClickTime); /* Won't perform any time delay */ /* Automation Added */ if (menu_release) xisSendEvent(XtWindow(send_object->id.widget), xisGrabPointerSubwindow, ButtonRelease, time, root_x - send_object->x, root_y - send_object->y, root_x, root_y, modifier_keys, xisMouseButtonDetail[button_num]); else /* Automation end Added */ xisSendEvent(xisGrabPointerWindow, xisGrabPointerSubwindow, ButtonRelease, time, root_x - send_object->x, root_y - send_object->y, root_x, root_y, modifier_keys, xisMouseButtonDetail[button_num]); } /* Alter local info about which mouse buttons are down */ xisState.mod_button_state &= (~xisMouseButtonMask[button_num]) & (~modifier_keys); /* If all mouse buttons are released, then ungrab pointer */ if (xisState.mod_button_state == 0 && xisPointerGrabMode == POINTER_GRAB_CONTROLLED) { /*****NoteGrab****/ XUngrabPointer(xisDisplay,CurrentTime); /*****/ xisGrabPointerWindow = 0; xisPointerGrabbed = 0; } /* And, finally, process all related events */ xisProcessEvents(NULL,0); } /* Make sure no matter if the pointer is grabbed or not that this buttons bit is released. */ xisState.mod_button_state &= (~xisMouseButtonMask[button_num]) & (~modifier_keys); xisPointerGrabbed = 0; xisGrabPointerWindow = 0; xisState.selected_widget = 0; xisState.selected_object_type = 0; xisState.selected_instance = 0; } /* End xisReleaseMouseButton() */