/* * Motif * * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved. * * These libraries and programs are free software; you can * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * HISTORY */ /* $XConsortium: mvs_types.h /main/7 1995/07/14 11:26:27 drk $ */ /*********************************************************************** @(#)mvs_types.h Date:1/22/91 Author: SJS History: 09/14/90 Create, move types to separate file(help break up) Calls: Summary: ************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************** * RESOURCE TYPES **************************************************************************/ #ifndef MVS_TYPES #define MVS_TYPES /**** Define the ubiquitous MvsArgVal ****/ /* This is the fundamental type of each resource. It is the longest of the following types: unsigned long, function pointer, char *. This is defined by XtArgVal in Intrinsic.h. Basically we use this type to hold all the values and pointers to values and structures that are returned by XtGetValues. XtSetValues reads the 4+ byte value properly as is while XtGetValues returns a value the length of the type of the resource and does not properly zero out the rest of the bytes. Thus we must call a conversion routine to type cast each value returned by XGetValues to XtArgVal. Note also that we (unlike with real resources) store the list of callback records assigned to the resource at creation time and subsequently in calls to mvsSetValues(). We had to store these somewhere, why not here? By making mvsSetValues() call XAddCallback(s) for us, we can test callbacks just like any other resource in the resource info array (using the appropriate enum function to enumerate a series of valid values which can be stored in the resource). We cannot however read back the callbacks but can still check them via a few tricks in the mvsCompareResources code. */ typedef XtArgVal MvsArgVal; /* Note: MvsArgVal is defined merely to distinguish resource value usage intent. */ /***** Clarify a Few Resource Types (for enum classification, etc.) *****/ /***** XtOrderProc is in the AES, but in (CompositeP.h)PRIVATE Xt include *****/ typedef unsigned char unsigned_char; typedef unsigned int unsigned_int; typedef int Integer; typedef Widget Widget_ref; typedef Screen *Pointer; #ifdef DECLARE_MVSLIB_GLOBALS_HERE #include #include #include #include #endif /************** Define the Type_info Array **************/ /* This is used to map the type code (usually referenced from the resource_info[] table) to the reference type (gives some clue how to handle the resource for purposes of copying, comparing, etc.), the size in bytes (could be used in the resource converstion function in place of the switched type casts possibly, though I don't think this would be quite as portable), and the enumeration function which is a general function with the following formal definition: MvsArgVal func(int value) such that when you pass it a -1 it returns the number of valid enumerations you can do on it. Then when you pass it any value from 0 to the maximum value, it returns a valid MvsArgVal value which you can use to try out on the resource. */ typedef struct _MvsTypeInfoRecord { int ref_type; int size; MvsArgVal (*enum_func)(); int nbits; } MvsTypeInfoRecord; /************************************************************************** * ENUMERATION TYPE DEFINE **************************************************************************/ typedef struct { MvsArgVal value; char str_val[MAX_STRING_VAL]; } MvsEnumType; /************************************************************************** * BEHAVIOR TABLE INFO **************************************************************************/ typedef struct { char names[MAX_RESOURCE_NAME_LENGTH]; int num_enums; int mod_num; int div_num; } MvsBehavior_Table; /************************************************************************** * RESOURCE INFO RECORD **************************************************************************/ /* This record is used to define the resource_info array in the widget specific module. It is indexed by the resource number starting with the highest inheritence class down to the lowest most local class listed in the same order they are listed in the AES. It contains the name of each resource used by this widget, a type code which corresponds to the types listed previously in this file (i.e., T_xxx), a boolean code indicating the meaning of the next field, the default value which if needs_converting == True may be set instead to one of the codes define above, */ typedef struct _MvsResourceInfoRecord { char *name; int type_code; char needs_converting; MvsArgVal default_value; char affects_visual; MvsArgVal (*enum_func)(); int access; int is_related; } MvsResourceInfoRecord; typedef struct _MvsIntResInfoRecord { char *name; int type_code; char needs_converting; MvsArgVal default_value; int visual; } MvsIntResInfoRecord; /************************************************************************** * WIDGET CLASS INFO **************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MvsWidgetClassInfo { void (*proc_SetExpectedActions)();/* Ptr to S.E.A. func */ Widget (*proc_CreateWidget)(); /* Ptr to create func */ void (*proc_TestBehavior)(); /* Ptr to test behaviorfunc*/ char *class_name; /* Name of class ->debug */ MvsResourceInfoRecord *resource_info; /* Ptr to static resrc info*/ short num_resources; /* Number of resources */ MvsIntResInfoRecord *intres_info; /* static info on intres */ short num_intres; /* Number of internal res */ Arg common_args[MAX_COMM_RES]; /* Common start args */ short num_common_args; /* number of arguments */ short res_color_ref[MAX_COLOR_REF];/* Array of color res nums */ short res_pixmap_ref[MAX_COLOR_REF];/* Array of pixmap res nums*/ short num_res_colors; /* Number of color resourcs*/ } MvsWidgetClassInfo; /************************************************************************** * WIDGET INFO **************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MvsWidgetInfoRecord { int in_use; /* 0=free, 1=used */ int being_destroyed; /* 0=no, 1=yes */ int c_parent; /* 0=normal, 1=convenience func */ MvsWidgetClassInfo *widget_class_info; /* Static widget class info */ MvsArgVal mvs_resources[MAX_RESOURCES]; /* Local copy of all resources */ MvsArgVal int_resources[MAX_INTRES]; /* Internal resources */ XImage *res_image[MAX_COLORS]; /* Pntr to image assoc w/pixmap */ Widget widget; /* Xt widget id */ Window window; /* X window id */ struct _MvsWidgetInfoRecord *parent; /* parent widget's info */ struct _MvsWidgetInfoRecord *first_child;/* first child */ struct _MvsWidgetInfoRecord *next_sibling;/* next sibl top-bot stack order*/ short unique_color_ref[10]; short x,y,width,height; /* Geometry of widget */ short border_width; short callbacks_setup; /* True or False */ short callback_ref[MAX_CALLBACK_REF]; /* Reference callback_info[] */ /* in order of cbs in res_info. */ /* Automation Added */ struct _MvsUniqueColorAllocInfoRecord2 { short in_use; struct _MvsWidgetInfoRecord *widget_info; short color_ref; } widgetUniqueColorInfo[MAX_UNIQUE_COLORS]; /* added for Automation - unique color per widget basis instead of whole hierarchy */ /* End Automation Added */ } MvsWidgetInfoRecord; typedef MvsWidgetInfoRecord *MvsWidgetInfo; /****************************************************************************** CALLBACK MANAGEMENT DECLARATIONS ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MvsCallbackInfoRecord { int called_cnt; int reason; int flag; int in_use; int resource_num; MvsWidgetInfo widget_info; Widget widget_id_returned; int client_data_returned; int client_data_expected; int call_data_returned; } MvsCallbackInfoRecord; /************************************************************************** * GLOBAL FONT INFO STRUCTURE **************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MvsFontInfoRecord { XFontStruct *font_struct; /* Returned from XmLoadQueryFont */ XmStringCharSet char_set_name; /* For use with XmFontListCreate */ char bits_per_char; /* 8 or 16 */ char mono_spaced; /* True=Mono spaced font, False = variable */ char left_to_right; /* True= Direction in left to right */ char iso_latin1; /* True= Roman character set */ char *font_name; /* For use with XmLoadQueryFont */ } MvsFontInfoRecord; typedef struct _ClassRef { WidgetClass motif_class; /* xm*Class type of references */ int mvs_class; /* mvsXm*Class type of references */ MvsWidgetClassInfo *inst_class; /* iXm*Class type of references */ } ClassRef; /* ClassRef MotifClasses[MAXCLASS]; */ typedef union _ClassRefEle { WidgetClass motif_class; int mvs_class; MvsWidgetClassInfo *inst_class; } ClassRefEle; #endif /* TYPES - don't put anything after this! */