/* $XConsortium: README /main/3 1996/07/15 13:55:02 drk $ */ This directory contains a collection of sample ".motifbind" files: acorn apollo dec dg_AViiON doubleclick hitachi hp ibm intergraph17 intergraph megatek motorola ncr_at ncr_vt sgi siemens_9733 siemens_wx200 sun_mit sun_news tek These files were provided by various vendors, though not necessarily the vendors whose hardware they apply to. Each file contains a set of keyboard bindings that is suggested for use on that particular server/hardware combination. These files should be used as examples of ~/.motifbind files to work from. By copying the appropriate file into the user's home directory and renaming it to ".motifbind", the bindings will be recognized and used when the Motif window manager is (re)started. These bindings will override any other default bindings except those initiated within a client application (using XtOverrideTranslations). These examples are provided, as is, only as a service to the vendors and users.