! ! Motif ! ! Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved. ! ! These libraries and programs are free software; you can ! redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU ! Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) ! any later version. ! ! These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that ! they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the ! implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ! PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ! details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write ! to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth ! Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ! ! ! HISTORY ! ! $XConsortium: icon.uil /main/7 1995/07/13 20:46:29 drk $ !****************************************************************************** module Test version = 'v1.0' names = case_sensitive include file "icon.msg"; procedure exit_test(); Report_Callback(string); value wheat : color('wheat'); navy : color('navy'); black : color('black',background); white : color('white',foreground); green : color('green',foreground); blue : color('blue',foreground); yellow : color('yellow',foreground); orange : color('orange',foreground); violet : color('violet',foreground); red : color('red',foreground); value colors_8 : color_table(black = ' ', white='x', red='r', green='g', blue='b', yellow='y', orange='o', violet='v'); value palette: icon(color_table=colors_8, ' ', ' ', ' xxxxxxxxxx ', ' xx xx ', ' xx x ', ' x rrrr x ', ' xx rrr x ', ' x b r xxx ', ' x bbb xx ', ' x bbb xx ', ' x b x ', ' x xxx x xxxxxx ', 'x ggg x x xxxxx x ', 'x gggg x x x', 'x g x x x', 'x xx x oooo x', 'x xxx ooo x', 'x yyyy o x', 'x yyy x', 'x y x', ' x xxxx x ', ' x ooo xx x ', ' x ooo v xx x ', ' x vvv x ', ' x vvv x ', ' x v x ', ' x x ', ' xx xx ', ' xx xx ', ' xxxxxxxxxx ', ' ', ' '); value COLORTABLE_FOO : color_table (color('gray')='*', color('SlateBlue')='.', background color=' '); value P2267 : icon (color_table = COLORTABLE_FOO, '******** ........ ******** ........', '******** ........ ******** ........', ' ........ ******** ........ ', ' ........ ******** ........ ', '........ ******** ........ ********', '........ ******** ........ ********', '******** ........ ******** ........', '******** ........ ******** ........', ' ........ ******** ........ ', ' ........ ******** ........ ', '........ ******** ........ ********', '........ ******** ........ ********', '******** ........ ******** ........', '******** ........ ******** ........', ' ........ ******** ........ ', ' ........ ******** ........ ', '........ ******** ........ ********', '........ ******** ........ ********', '******** ........ ******** ........', '******** ........ ******** ........', ' ........ ******** ........ ', ' ........ ******** ........ ', '........ ******** ........ ********', '........ ******** ........ ********'); object ! The main window widget. S_MAIN_WIDGET : XmBulletinBoard { arguments { XmNx = 0; XmNy = 0; XmNdialogTitle = compound_string ("BBoard Test"); }; controls { XmBulletinBoardDialog explanation; XmBulletinBoard Bulletin_Board; XmBulletinBoard Bulletin_Board2; XmBulletinBoard Bulletin_Board3; }; }; value coral: rgb (65025, 12996, 7396); object Bulletin_Board : XmBulletinBoard { arguments { XmNwidth = 200; XmNheight = 200; XmNborderWidth = 5; XmNbackground = white; XmNmarginWidth = 50; XmNmarginHeight = 50; XmNdefaultPosition = false; XmNnoResize = true; }; controls { XmLabel pix_label; }; }; object pix_label : XmLabel { arguments { XmNlabelType = XmPIXMAP; XmNlabelPixmap = palette; }; }; object Bulletin_Board2 : XmBulletinBoard { arguments { XmNwidth = 200; XmNx = 0; XmNy = 400; XmNheight = 200; XmNborderWidth = 5; XmNbackground = red; XmNmarginWidth = 50; XmNmarginHeight = 50; XmNdefaultPosition = false; XmNnoResize = true; }; controls { XmLabel pix_label2; }; }; object pix_label2 : XmLabel { arguments { XmNlabelType = XmPIXMAP; XmNlabelPixmap = palette; }; }; object Bulletin_Board3 : XmBulletinBoard { arguments { XmNwidth = 200; XmNx = 201; XmNy = 200; XmNheight = 400; XmNborderWidth = 5; XmNbackground = yellow; XmNmarginWidth = 50; XmNmarginHeight = 50; XmNdefaultPosition = false; XmNnoResize = true; }; controls { XmLabel pix_label3; }; }; object pix_label3 : XmLabel { arguments { XmNlabelType = XmPIXMAP; XmNlabelPixmap = P2267; }; }; object explanation : XmBulletinBoardDialog { arguments { XmNx = 500; XmNy = 0; XmNdefaultPosition = false; XmNbackground = wheat; XmNforeground = navy; }; controls { XmPushButton pushb1; XmLabel label1; XmText text1; }; }; object pushb1 : XmPushButton { arguments { XmNx = 0; XmNy = 0; XmNbackground = wheat; XmNforeground = navy; XmNlabelString = compound_string("Exit"); }; callbacks { XmNarmCallback = procedure exit_test(); }; }; object label1 : XmLabel { arguments { XmNx = 60; XmNy = 0; XmNbackground = wheat; XmNforeground = navy; XmNlabelString = compound_string("Explanation of Widget Displayed"); }; }; object text1 : XmText { arguments { XmNx = 0; XmNy = 40; XmNheight = 250; XmNwidth = 300; XmNwordWrap = true; XmNeditMode = XmMULTI_LINE_EDIT; XmNeditable = false; XmNbackground = wheat; XmNforeground = navy; XmNvalue = message; }; }; end module;