/* $XConsortium: README /main/3 1996/07/15 14:19:04 drk $ */ This directory contains tests for measuring the performance of the XmSpinBox widget. Each test can be run automated. Set XFILESEARCHPATH to SpinBox.defaults. SpinBoxPerf - ----------- Measures the time elapsed to increment a Numeric SpinBox from its minimum to its maximum value and then to decrement the Numeric SpinBox from its maximum back to its minimum value. A file is created, SpinBoxPerf.prt, which lists the time. SpinBoxPerf2 - ------------ The AutoPerformanceMonitor is turned on from the automation script. The values in the Numeric SpinBox are incremented from 1 to 500. Performance data is listed in the SpinBoxPerf2.prt file. SpinBoxPerf3 - ------------ The AutoPerformanceMonitor is turned on from the automation script. This test creates a SpinBox with three TextField children which have their values chained. Incrementing past the maximum value in one TextField child will increment the value(s) of one or both of the other TextField children. Performance data is listed in the SpinBoxPerf3.prt file.