/* $XConsortium: README /main/3 1996/07/15 14:09:47 drk $ */ Transfer v1.0 ------------- ************************************************************************ * This demo requires the XmCSText widget, which is not present in * * Motif 2.1. But even though the demo will not compile, the code is * * still useful as a reference. * ************************************************************************ Transfer is a demonstration of data transfer between clients. It implements all forms of transfer supported by Motif and allows the user to interrogate the values of the different targets. Transfer can also be used to help debug an application. Using transfer as a destination for a transfer from a problematic application allows the programmer to find the values for the various targets supported in the application. Caveat: At this time you cannot edit the list of targets or the values and types of those targets. To use ------ The "red" area is a drawing area widget. This is setup as both a drag source and drop site. The simplest way to use transfer is to drop an item onto this drop site. Then the list of targets will be shown at the bottom of the application. To see the data in each target, click on the target in the list of targets. The data will be put in the text widgets and the option menus will be set to the type of the target. It is also possible to set the transfer style using the option menu supplied, and use the menu choices in the edit menu to cause various data exchanges to take place.