/* $XConsortium: README /main/3 1996/07/15 14:07:33 drk $ */

                             Piano  V2

The Piano demo shows how one might write a MIDI (MOTIF INTERFACE to
DUMB INSTRUMENTS) application.  Both a staff, for writing music, and
keyboard are provided.  Piano is a musical demo that allows multiple
voices to be played by connecting to other displays.  It also provides
the capability to save and restore voices.

When running the program, you can either play the keyboard directly by
'tickling the ivories' using Button1, or you can enter notes by
pressing Button 1 on the staff and depositing the active note
specified by the cursor.  To change the active note, select another
note or rest in the pallet at the bottom. The selected note will be
displayed as the new mouse cursor.

Though the note selection is limited, it is possible to play sharps as
well as naturals.  The interface isn't advanced enough to handle
flats.  Note that E# will play as F and B# will play as C.

The staff will automatically resize larger as notes are added past the
right side of the staff.  To see these notes, scroll the score window
as needed.

If you wish to delete a note in the staff, press Button2 over the
note.  The note will disappear and the notes to the right will shift

Pressing Button3 over the staff will display a popup menu associated
with this staff.  It contains the following items:

	Add Voice    - This function is used to connect another
	               display to a new staff. After selecting this
	               command, you will be prompted for the display
	               to connect.  Any music written in the new staff
	               will play to this display.  Note that pressing
	               the right mouse button on the new staff will show
		       the name of the display in the menu's title.
	               In addition, this menu's commands will relate
	               to this staff.
	               The new staff will be added to the bottom of the
	               score and it may be necessary to scroll down to
	               make it visible.
	Remove Voice - Removes a staff and voice from the score. There
	               is no undo for this command - all music written
	               in this staff will be deleted.
	Clear Voice  - Removes all notes in a staff. This will not
	               effect the display connection.
	Play Voice   - Plays the notes in the selected staff. If the
	               resource, useKeyboard, is set to True, which is
	               the default, the keyboard will play along.
	Play All     - Plays all voices in the score together.
	Save Voice   - Saves the selected voice to a file. A
	               FileSelectionDialog will be displayed to prompt
	               for the name of the file in which to save the
	               voice.  The display connection information is
	               not saved.
	Load Voice   - Loads a voice from a file. This will append
	               to any existing notes in the voice.

Piano also supports the following resources:

	baseDuration  - sets the duration of a quarter note. (msec)
			Default value = 200
	baseFrequency - sets the frequency of bottom note. (Hz)
			Default value = 246.9413
	useKeyboard   - specifies if keyboard should play along.
			Default value = True
	wkeyCount     - number of white keys on the keyboard.
			Default value = 28
	keyHeight     - initial height in pixels of the white keys.
			Default value = 160
	keyWidth      - initial width in pixels of the white keys.
			Default value = 20

Two voices are included with the demo, Inv8_part1.piano and Inv8_part2.piano.
These are the two voices of Bach's Invention #8.  Try loading these into two
voices connected to different displays and play them together.


- So far, changing the pitches doesn't seem to work on SUN, DEC PMAX3100,
and SGI Personal Iris.  On the RS6000 and HP700 things should work fine.
If XBell() doesn't work correctly on your system change the PlayNote()
function as needed.


Andrew deBlois