Blame tests/Toolkit/Text/Text8.dat

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 * Motif
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 * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
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 * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
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 * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
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 * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
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 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
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 * any later version.
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 * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
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 * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
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 * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
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 * details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write
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 * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
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 * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
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static char rcsid[] = "$XConsortium: Text8.dat /main/6 1995/07/13 19:31:40 drk $"
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#) The parent is currently a Bulletin Board.
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   The focus is on the Default Button (lower right corner).  Press
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   Return.  You should see the message \"The Default Button
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   Activate callback was made\" in the stdout window.
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#) Move the focus to the Single Line text widget by pressing <Tab>.
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   Press Return.  You will see messages for both Activate and
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   Default Button Activate callbacks.  The Default Button will
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   appear to press in and out as well.
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#) The insertion cursor (I-beam) should be at position number 5.
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#) Click MB1 somewhere in the Single Line text widget.
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   Use the left or right arrow keys to move the insertion cursor
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   to one side.
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#) Move the insertion cursor
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   to the end of the text and start typing. Make sure that each
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   character is displayed as you type it.
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#) Move the focus into the Multi Line text widget and press Return.
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   The MultiLine text widget should appear in the \"variable\" font.
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   There should be no Activate messages; instead, you get a new line
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   inserted at the cursor.
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#) Move the focus back and forth between the Multi Line and Single Line
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   text widgets several times by clicking MB1 in each.  Make sure no
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   extra cursors are left behind.
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#) With focus in Multi Line Text, press Ctrl <Tab>.  The focus moves to
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   the Scrollbar.  Press Return.  You get the Default Button Activate
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   message in the stdout window.
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#) Press <Tab> again and focus moves to the TextField Widget.
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   Press Return.  You should get both Activate and Default Activate
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#) Move the insertion cursor
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   to the end of the TextField widget and start typing. Be sure
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   that each character is displayed as you type it.
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#) Press <Tab>.  Focus moves to the Default Button.  Use the
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   down-arrow key to move the focus to the Toggle Button.  Press Return.
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   You should get the Default Button Activate message, and the
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   Default Button should appear to press in and out.
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#) Press space.  You should get the Value Changed message, and the Toggle
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   Button indicator fills.
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#) Use the down-arrow key to move the focus to the Other Button.
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   Give the focus to a different window.  Move the focus back to the
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   Text8 window.  The focus and the Default Button shadow should still
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   be on the Other Button.
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#) Press Return with focus on Other Button.  You should get the Activate
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#) Move focus to the Single Line text widget and press the Help key.
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   A dialog box pops up saying that box is help for Text.
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#) Move focus to the Default Button and press the Help key.
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   It has a customized help dialog as well.
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#) Move focus to the Other Button and bring up its customized help dialog.
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#) Move focus to all the other widgets. For every other widget, the help dialog
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   will start "This is generic help for the application..."
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   Make sure you can get some help dialog with the focus in any widget.
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#) Enter the Multi Line text widget and press Return.  Instead of moving
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   to the next line, the message \"The return key has been remapped to
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   this routine\" appears in the stdout window.
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#) Double click MB1 on the Multi Line Text widget.
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   You'll see a message, "The user has double-clicked."
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#) Click on Other Button.  It will become insensitive.
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#) Click on Default Button.  It will also become insensitive.
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#) The parent is currently a Bulletin Board Dialog.
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The MultiLine text widget should appear in the \"variable\" font.
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All the widgets in this client should behave the way they did
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on the first panel.  Move focus around and press Return in each
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widget, and review the callback messages.
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#) Move focus to each button and press the help key.
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   The Single Line text widget,
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   Default Button, and Other Button should give customized help messages.
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   All other widgets give the \"generic\" help message.
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#) In the Multi Line text widget, the Return key has again been remapped.
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Press Return in the Multi Line text widget and the message \"The
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Return key has been remapped to this routine\" will appear in the
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stdout window.
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#) Double-click MB1 has also been remapped to produce a message.
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#) Other Button and Default Button will become insensitive when activated.
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Click on each of them to verify this.
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#) The parent is currently a Form.  Navigate to each widget and press Return.
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All the widgets should behave as they have in the past panels.
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The MultiLine text widget should appear in the \"variable\" font.
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