Blame tests/Auto/lib/Synth/other/Random.c

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 * Motif
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 * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
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 * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
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 * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
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 * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
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 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
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 * any later version.
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 * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
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 * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
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 * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
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 * details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write
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 * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
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 * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
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#ifdef REV_INFO
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#ifndef lint
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static char rcsid[] = "$XConsortium: Random.c /main/7 1995/07/14 11:36:33 drk $"
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  	@(#)Random.c	Date:1/22/91
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  	Author: TAT
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            05/24/90 SJS add to sccs
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            This file contains routines that manipulate RANDOM NUMBERS
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#include "xislib.h"
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#include <math.h>
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#define MAX_ERROR 1e-8
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#define INV_MAX_ERROR 1e8
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#define ROUND(x) ( floor((double)(x)*INV_MAX_ERROR + 0.5) * MAX_ERROR )
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*           RANDOM INTEGER FROM 0.0 to 1.0                   *
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*       Returns a uniform random deviate between 0.0 and 1.0. 
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*       Set seed to any negative value to reinitialize sequence.
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static double xisPortableRandom(seed)           
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long seed; 
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    static first_pass = 1;
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    static long m1=259200, ia1=7141, ic1=54773;
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    static long m2=134456, ia2=8121, ic2=28411;
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    static long m3=243000, ia3=4561, ic3=51349;
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    static long glix1,glix2,glix3;
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    static double glr[RANDOM_TABLE_SIZE];
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    static double rm1,rm2;
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    long j;
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    double return_value;
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    /** initialize table and glix's on first call **/
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    if ((seed < 0)||first_pass) {  
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        first_pass = 0;
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        rm1 = (double)1.0/m1;
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        rm2 = (double)1.0/m2;
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        glix1 = (ic1 - seed) % m1;   /* Seed the first routine */                                               
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        glix1 = (ia1*glix1 + ic1) % m1;
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        glix2 = glix1 % m2;        /* and use it to seed the second */
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        glix1 = (ia1*glix1 + ic1) % m1;
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        glix3 = glix1 % m3;          /* and third routines. */
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        /* Fill the table with sequential uniform deviates generated by the */
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        /* first two routines.                                              */
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        for (j=0; j < RANDOM_TABLE_SIZE; j++) {   
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            glix1 = (ia1*glix1 + ic1) % m1;
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            glix2 = (ia2*glix2 + ic2) % m2;
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            glr[j] = (glix1 + glix2*rm2)*rm1; /* Combine low,high order pieces*/
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    /*** Except when initializing, this is where we start. ****/
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    /* Generate the next number for each sequence. */
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    glix1 = (ia1*glix1 + ic1) % m1;  
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    glix2 = (ia2*glix2 + ic2) % m2;  
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    glix3 = (ia3*glix3 + ic3) % m3;  
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    /* Use the third sequence to get an integer */
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    j = (RANDOM_TABLE_SIZE*glix3) / m3;   
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    if ((j >= RANDOM_TABLE_SIZE) || (j < 0))
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        (*xisWarningMsg)("in xisPortableRandom() j=%d is out of range\n",j);
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    return_value = glr[j];                   /* Return that table entry and */
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    glr[j] = ROUND((glix1 + glix2*rm2)*rm1); /* fill it with a new table entry*/
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    return (return_value);
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*  Initializes the psuedo random number generator.
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void xisInitRandom(num)
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int num;
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    if (num > 0)
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        num = (-num);
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    else if (num == 0)
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        num = -5678;
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*  Selects an arbitrary integer between lo and hi.
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int xisArbitrary(lo,hi)
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int lo,hi;
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    long i;
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    i = ROUND(((hi+0.9999)-lo)*xisPortableRandom(1) + lo);
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