Blame lib/Xm/TrackLoc.c

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 * Motif
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 * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
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 * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
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 * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
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 * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
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 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
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 * any later version.
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 * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
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 * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
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 * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
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 * details.
Packit b099d7
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
Packit b099d7
 * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write
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 * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
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 * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
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#include <config.h>
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#ifdef REV_INFO
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#ifndef lint
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static char rcsid[] = "$XConsortium: TrackLoc.c /main/12 1995/10/25 20:24:41 cde-sun $"
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*  (c) Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY */
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#include <Xm/XmP.h>
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#include "XmI.h"
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#include "MessagesI.h"
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#define GRABPTRERROR    _XmMMsgCascadeB_0003
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/********    Static Function Declarations    ********/
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static Widget _XmInputInWidget( 
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                        Widget w,
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#if NeedWidePrototypes
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                        int x,
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                        int y) ;
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                        Position x,
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                        Position y) ;
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#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
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/********    End Static Function Declarations    ********/
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/* copy from XmeGadgetAtPoint, buts works for widget too,
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   only used in this module so far, so let it static */
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static Widget 
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        Widget w,
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#if NeedWidePrototypes
Packit b099d7
        int x,
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        int y)
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        Position x,
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        Position y)
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#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
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   int i;
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   Widget child;
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   CompositeWidget cw = (CompositeWidget) w;
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   /* loop over the child list to find if there is one at x,y */
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   /* well, overlapping won't really work, since I have no standard way to
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      check visibility */
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   for (i = 0; i < cw->composite.num_children; i++) {
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      child = cw->composite.children[i];
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      if (XtIsManaged (child)) {
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         if (x >= child->core.x && y >= child->core.y && 
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             x < child->core.x + child->core.width    && 
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             y < child->core.y + child->core.height) 
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            return (child);
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   return (NULL);
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/* new tracking locate function that returns the event that trigerred
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   the return + this function uses XNextEvent instead of just XMaskEvent
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   which was only eating some events and thus causing problem when
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   back to the application */
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        Widget widget,
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        Cursor cursor,
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#if NeedWidePrototypes
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        int confineTo,
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        Boolean confineTo,
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#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
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	XEvent * pev)
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    Window      w, confine_to = None;
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    Time        lastTime;
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    Widget      child;
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    Boolean     key_has_been_pressed= False;
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    Widget      target ;
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    Position x, y ;
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    XtAppContext app;
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    if (widget == NULL) return(NULL);
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    app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(widget);
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    w = XtWindowOfObject(widget);
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    if (confineTo) confine_to = w;
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    lastTime = XtLastTimestampProcessed(XtDisplay(widget));
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    if (XtGrabPointer(widget, True, 
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          /* The following truncation of masks is due to a bug in the Xt API.*/
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		      (unsigned int) (ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask), 
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		      GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, 
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		      confine_to, cursor, lastTime) != GrabSuccess) {
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	XmeWarning(widget, GRABPTRERROR);
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	return NULL ;
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    while (True) {
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	/* eat all events, not just button's */
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        XNextEvent(XtDisplay(widget), pev);
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	/* track only button1release and non first keyrelease */
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        if (((pev->type == ButtonRelease) && 
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	     (pev->xbutton.button & Button1)) || 
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	    ((pev->type == KeyRelease) && key_has_been_pressed)) {
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            if ((!confineTo) && (pev->xbutton.window == w)) {
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		/* this is the case where we are not confine, so the user
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		   can click outside the window, but we want to return
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		   NULL */
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		if ((pev->xbutton.x < 0) || (pev->xbutton.y < 0) ||
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		    (pev->xbutton.x > widget->core.width) ||
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		    (pev->xbutton.y > widget->core.height))
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			XtUngrabPointer(widget, lastTime);
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	    target = XtWindowToWidget(pev->xbutton.display,
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/* New algorithm that solves the problem of mouse insensitive widgets: 
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    ( i.e you can't get help on Label.)
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   When we get the Btn1Up event with the window in which the event ocurred,
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   and convert it to a widget.  If that widget is a primitive, return it.
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   Otherwise, it is a composite or a shell, and we do the following:
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   Walk down the child list (for gadgets AND WIDGETS), looking for one which
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   contains the x,y.  If none is found, return the manager itself,
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   If a primitive or gadget is found, return the object found.
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   If a manager is found, execute the above algorithm recursively with
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   that manager. */
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	    if (target) {
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		/* do not change the original pev coordinates */
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		x = pev->xbutton.x ;
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		y = pev->xbutton.y ;
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		/* do not enter the loop for primitive */
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		while (XtIsComposite(target) || XtIsShell(target)) {
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		    if ((child = _XmInputInWidget(target, x,y)) != NULL) {
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			target = child;
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			/* if a gadget or a primitive is found, return */
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			if (!XtIsComposite(child)) break ;
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			/* otherwise, loop */
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			x = x - XtX(child) ;
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			y = y - XtY(child) ;
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		    } else break ;
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		    /* no child found at this place: return the manager */
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            break ;
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        } else if (pev->type == KeyPress) key_has_been_pressed = True ;
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	/* to avoid exiting on the first keyreleased coming from
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	   the keypress activatation of the function itself */
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    XtUngrabPointer(widget, lastTime);
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/* reimplementation of the old function using the new one and a dummy event */
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        Widget widget,
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        Cursor cursor,
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#if NeedWidePrototypes
Packit b099d7
        int confineTo )
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        Boolean confineTo )
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#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
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    XEvent ev ;
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    return XmTrackingEvent(widget, cursor, confineTo, &ev;;
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 * Certain widgets, such as those in a menu, would like the application
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 * to look non-scraged (i.e. all exposure events have been processed)
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 * before invoking a callback which takes a long time to do its thing.
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 * This function grabs all exposure events off the queue, and processes
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 * them.
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        Widget w )
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   XEvent event;
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   Display * display = XtDisplay(w);
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   XSync (display, 0);
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   while (XCheckMaskEvent(display, ExposureMask, &event))
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