Blame lib/Xm/EditresCom.c

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/* $XConsortium: EditresCom.c /main/34 1995/12/11 00:19:42 gildea $ */
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Copyright (c) 1989  X Consortium
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Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
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of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
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to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
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furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
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The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
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all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be
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used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
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in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium.
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/* $XFree86: xc/lib/Xmu/EditresCom.c,v 1999/07/23 13:22:15 hohndel Exp $ */
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 * Author:  Chris D. Peterson, Dave Sternlicht, MIT X Consortium
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    Replacement EditresCom.c for the one in Xmu to add the GetValues
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    feature, and to modify the PositionInChild function for Motif. This
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    modification is needed because Motif's VendorShell lies about the
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    real position of it's child.
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#include <config.h>
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#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h>	/* To get into the composite and core widget
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				   structures. */
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#include <X11/ObjectP.h>	/* For XtIs<Classname> macros. */
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#include <X11/StringDefs.h>	/* for XtRString. */
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#define  XK_LATIN1
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#include <X11/keysymdef.h>
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#include <X11/ShellP.h>		/* for Application Shell Widget class. */
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#include <X11/Xatom.h>
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#include <X11/Xos.h>		/* for strcpy declaration */
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#include <X11/Xmu/EditresP.h>
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#include <X11/Xmu/CharSet.h>
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#include <X11/Xmd.h>
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#include <stdio.h>
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#define _XEditResPutBool _XEditResPut8	
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#define _XEditResPutResourceType _XEditResPut8
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 * Local structure definitions.
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typedef enum { BlockNone, BlockSetValues, BlockAll } EditresBlock;
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typedef struct _SetValuesEvent {
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    EditresCommand type;	/* first field must be type. */
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    WidgetInfo * widgets;
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    unsigned short num_entries;		/* number of set values requests. */
Packit b099d7
    char * name;
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    char * res_type;
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    XtPointer value;
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    unsigned short value_len;
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} SetValuesEvent;
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typedef struct _SVErrorInfo {
Packit b099d7
    SetValuesEvent * event;
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    ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
    unsigned short * count;
Packit b099d7
    WidgetInfo * entry;
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} SVErrorInfo;
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typedef struct _GetValuesEvent {
Packit b099d7
  EditresCommand type;		/* first field must be type */
Packit b099d7
  WidgetInfo * widgets;
Packit b099d7
  unsigned short num_entries;	/* number of get values requests */
Packit b099d7
  char * name;
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} GetValuesEvent;
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typedef struct _FindChildEvent {
Packit b099d7
    EditresCommand type;	/* first field must be type. */
Packit b099d7
    WidgetInfo * widgets;
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    short x, y;
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} FindChildEvent;
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typedef struct _GenericGetEvent {
Packit b099d7
    EditresCommand type;	/* first field must be type. */
Packit b099d7
    WidgetInfo * widgets;
Packit b099d7
    unsigned short num_entries;		/* number of set values requests. */
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} GenericGetEvent, GetResEvent, GetGeomEvent;
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 * Things that are common to all events.
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typedef struct _AnyEvent {
Packit b099d7
    EditresCommand type;	/* first field must be type. */
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    WidgetInfo * widgets;
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} AnyEvent;
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 * The event union.
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typedef union _EditresEvent {
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    AnyEvent any_event;
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    SetValuesEvent set_values_event;
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    GetResEvent get_resources_event;
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    GetGeomEvent get_geometry_event;
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    FindChildEvent find_child_event;
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} EditresEvent;
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typedef struct _Globals {
Packit b099d7
    EditresBlock block;
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    SVErrorInfo error_info;
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    ProtocolStream stream;
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    ProtocolStream * command_stream; /* command stream. */
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#if defined(LONG64) || defined(WORD64)
Packit b099d7
    unsigned long base_address;
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} Globals;
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#define streq(a,b) (strcmp( (a), (b) ) == 0)
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static Atom res_editor_command, res_editor_protocol, client_value;
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static Globals globals;
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static void SendFailure(), SendCommand(), InsertWidget(), ExecuteCommand();
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static void FreeEvent(), ExecuteSetValues(), ExecuteGetGeometry();
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static void ExecuteGetResources();
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static void GetCommand();
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static void LoadResources();
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static Boolean IsChild();
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static void DumpChildren();
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static char *DumpWidgets(), *DoSetValues(), *DoFindChild();
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static char *DoGetGeometry(), *DoGetResources(), *DumpValues();
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void _XmNCopyISOLatin1Lowered(char *dst, char *src, int size)
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    register unsigned char *dest, *source;
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    int bytes;
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    if (size <= 0)
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    for (dest = (unsigned char *)dst, source = (unsigned char *)src, bytes = 0;
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	 *source && bytes < size - 1;
Packit b099d7
	 source++, dest++, bytes++)
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	if ((*source >= XK_A) && (*source <= XK_Z))
Packit b099d7
	    *dest = *source + (XK_a - XK_A);
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	else if ((*source >= XK_Agrave) && (*source <= XK_Odiaeresis))
Packit b099d7
	    *dest = *source + (XK_agrave - XK_Agrave);
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	else if ((*source >= XK_Ooblique) && (*source <= XK_Thorn))
Packit b099d7
	    *dest = *source + (XK_oslash - XK_Ooblique);
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	    *dest = *source;
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    *dest = '\0';
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 * Resource Editor Communication Code
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/*	Function Name: _XEditResCheckMessages
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 *	Description: This callback routine is set on all shell widgets,
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 *                   and checks to see if a client message event
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 *                   has come from the resource editor.
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 *	Arguments: w - the shell widget.
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 *                 data - *** UNUSED ***
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 *                 event - The X Event that triggered this handler.
Packit b099d7
 *                 cont - *** UNUSED ***.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none.
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_XmEditResCheckMessages(w, data, event, cont)
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Widget w;
Packit b099d7
XtPointer data;
Packit b099d7
XEvent *event;
Packit b099d7
Boolean *cont;
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Packit b099d7
    Time time;
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    ResIdent ident;
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    static Boolean first_time = FALSE;
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    static Atom res_editor, res_comm;
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    Display * dpy;
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    if (event->type == ClientMessage) {
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	XClientMessageEvent * c_event = (XClientMessageEvent *) event;
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	dpy = XtDisplay(w);
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	if (!first_time) {
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	    Atom atoms[4];
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	    static char* names[] = {
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	    first_time = TRUE;
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	    XInternAtoms(dpy, names, 4, FALSE, atoms);
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	    res_editor = atoms[0];
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	    res_editor_command = atoms[1];
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	    res_editor_protocol = atoms[2];
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	    /* Used in later procedures. */
Packit b099d7
	    client_value = atoms[3];
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	if ((c_event->message_type != res_editor) ||
Packit b099d7
	    (c_event->format != EDITRES_SEND_EVENT_FORMAT))
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	time = c_event->data.l[0];
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	res_comm = c_event->data.l[1];
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	ident = (ResIdent) c_event->data.l[2];
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	if (c_event->data.l[3] != CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
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	    _XEditResPut8(&, (unsigned int) CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
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	    SendCommand(w, res_comm, ident, ProtocolMismatch, &;
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	XtGetSelectionValue(w, res_comm, res_editor_command,
Packit b099d7
			    GetCommand, (XtPointer)(long) ident, time);
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/*	Function Name: BuildEvent
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 *	Description: Takes the info out the protocol stream an constructs
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 *                   the proper event structure.
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 *	Arguments: w - widget to own selection, in case of error.
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 *                 sel - selection to send error message beck in.
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 *                 data - the data for the request.
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 *                 ident - the id number we are looking for.
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 *                 length - length of request.
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 *	Returns: the event, or NULL.
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#if defined(Lynx) && defined(ERROR_MESSAGE)
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#define ERROR_MESSAGE ("Client: Improperly formatted protocol request")
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static EditresEvent *
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BuildEvent(w, sel, data, ident, length)
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Widget w;
Packit b099d7
Atom sel;
Packit b099d7
XtPointer data;
Packit b099d7
ResIdent ident;
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unsigned long length;
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    EditresEvent * event;
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    ProtocolStream alloc_stream, *stream;
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    unsigned char temp;
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    register unsigned int i;
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    stream = &alloc_stream;	/* easier to think of it this way... */
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    stream->current = stream->top = (unsigned char *) data;
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    stream->size = HEADER_SIZE;		/* size of header. */
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     * Retrieve the Header.
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    if (length < HEADER_SIZE) {
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	SendFailure(w, sel, ident, ERROR_MESSAGE);
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    (void) _XEditResGet8(stream, &temp);
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    if (temp != ident)		/* Id's don't match, ignore request. */
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    event = (EditresEvent *) XtCalloc(sizeof(EditresEvent), 1);
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    (void) _XEditResGet8(stream, &temp);
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    event->any_event.type = (EditresCommand) temp;
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    (void) _XEditResGet32(stream, &(stream->size));
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    stream->top = stream->current; /* reset stream to top of value.*/
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     * Now retrieve the data segment.
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    switch(event->any_event.type) {
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    case SendWidgetTree:
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	break;			/* no additional info */
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    case SetValues:
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	    SetValuesEvent * sv_event = (SetValuesEvent *) event;
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	    if ( !(_XEditResGetString8(stream, &(sv_event->name)) &&
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		   _XEditResGetString8(stream, &(sv_event->res_type))))
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		goto done;
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	     * Since we need the value length, we have to pull the
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	     * value out by hand.
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	    if (!_XEditResGet16(stream, &(sv_event->value_len)))
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		goto done;
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	    sv_event->value = XtMalloc(sizeof(char) * 
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				       (sv_event->value_len + 1));
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	    for (i = 0; i < sv_event->value_len; i++) {
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		if (!_XEditResGet8(stream, 
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				   (unsigned char *) sv_event->value + i)) 
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		    goto done;
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	    ((char*)sv_event->value)[i] = '\0'; /* NULL terminate that sucker. */
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	    if (!_XEditResGet16(stream, &(sv_event->num_entries)))
Packit b099d7
		goto done;
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	    sv_event->widgets = (WidgetInfo *)
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		XtCalloc(sizeof(WidgetInfo), sv_event->num_entries);
Packit b099d7
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	    for (i = 0; i < sv_event->num_entries; i++) {
Packit b099d7
		if (!_XEditResGetWidgetInfo(stream, sv_event->widgets + i))
Packit b099d7
		    goto done;
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    case FindChild:
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	    FindChildEvent * find_event = (FindChildEvent *) event;
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	    find_event->widgets = (WidgetInfo *) 
Packit b099d7
		                  XtCalloc(sizeof(WidgetInfo), 1);
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	    if (!(_XEditResGetWidgetInfo(stream, find_event->widgets) &&
Packit b099d7
		  _XEditResGetSigned16(stream, &(find_event->x)) &&
Packit b099d7
		  _XEditResGetSigned16(stream, &(find_event->y))))
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		goto done;
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    case GetGeometry:
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    case GetResources:
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	    GenericGetEvent * get_event = (GenericGetEvent *) event;
Packit b099d7
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	    if (!_XEditResGet16(stream, &(get_event->num_entries)))
Packit b099d7
		goto done;
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	    get_event->widgets = (WidgetInfo *)
Packit b099d7
		XtCalloc(sizeof(WidgetInfo), get_event->num_entries);
Packit b099d7
	    for (i = 0; i < get_event->num_entries; i++) {
Packit b099d7
		if (!_XEditResGetWidgetInfo(stream, get_event->widgets + i)) 
Packit b099d7
		    goto done;
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    case GetValues: 
Packit b099d7
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            GetValuesEvent * gv_event = (GetValuesEvent *) event;
Packit b099d7
            _XEditResGetString8(stream, &(gv_event->name));
Packit b099d7
            _XEditResGet16(stream, &(gv_event->num_entries));
Packit b099d7
	    gv_event->widgets = (WidgetInfo *)
Packit b099d7
		XtCalloc(sizeof(WidgetInfo), gv_event->num_entries);
Packit b099d7
            _XEditResGetWidgetInfo(stream, gv_event->widgets);
Packit b099d7
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	    char buf[BUFSIZ];
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	    sprintf(buf, "Unknown Protocol request %d.",event->any_event.type);
Packit b099d7
	    SendFailure(w, sel, ident, buf);
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    SendFailure(w, sel, ident, ERROR_MESSAGE);
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/*	Function Name: FreeEvent
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Frees the event structure and any other pieces
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 *                   in it that need freeing.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: event - the event to free.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none.
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static void
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Packit b099d7
EditresEvent * event;
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Packit b099d7
    if (event->any_event.widgets != NULL) {
Packit b099d7
	XtFree((char *)event->any_event.widgets->ids);
Packit b099d7
	XtFree((char *)event->any_event.widgets);
Packit b099d7
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    if (event->any_event.type == SetValues) {
Packit b099d7
	XtFree(event->;     /* XtFree does not free if */
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	XtFree(event->set_values_event.res_type); /* value is NULL. */
Packit b099d7
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    XtFree((char *)event);
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/*	Function Name: GetCommand
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Gets the Command out of the selection asserted by the
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 *                   resource manager.
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 *	Arguments: (See Xt XtConvertSelectionProc)
Packit b099d7
 *                 data - contains the ident number for the command.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none.
Packit b099d7
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static void
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GetCommand(w, data, selection, type, value, length, format)
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Widget w;
Packit b099d7
XtPointer data, value;
Packit b099d7
Atom *selection, *type;
Packit b099d7
unsigned long *length;
Packit b099d7
int * format;
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Packit b099d7
    ResIdent ident = (ResIdent)(long) data;
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    EditresEvent * event;
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    if ( (*type != res_editor_protocol) || (*format != EDITRES_FORMAT) )
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    if ((event = BuildEvent(w, *selection, value, ident, *length)) != NULL) {
Packit b099d7
	ExecuteCommand(w, *selection, ident, event);
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/*	Function Name: ExecuteCommand
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Executes a command string received from the 
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 *                   resource editor.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: w       - a widget.
Packit b099d7
 *                 command - the command to execute.
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 *                 value - the associated with the command.
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 *	Returns: none.
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 * NOTES:  munges str
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/* ARGSUSED */    
Packit b099d7
static void
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ExecuteCommand(w, sel, ident, event)
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
Atom sel;
Packit b099d7
ResIdent ident;
Packit b099d7
EditresEvent * event;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    char * (*func)();
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    char * str;
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    if (globals.block == BlockAll) {
Packit b099d7
	SendFailure(w, sel, ident, 
Packit b099d7
		    "This client has blocked all Editres commands.");
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    else if ((globals.block == BlockSetValues) && 
Packit b099d7
	(event->any_event.type == SetValues)) {
Packit b099d7
	SendFailure(w, sel, ident, 
Packit b099d7
		    "This client has blocked all SetValues requests.");
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    switch(event->any_event.type) {
Packit b099d7
    case SendWidgetTree:
Packit b099d7
#if defined(LONG64) || defined(WORD64)
Packit b099d7
	globals.base_address = (unsigned long)w & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	func = DumpWidgets;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    case SetValues:
Packit b099d7
	func = DoSetValues;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    case FindChild:
Packit b099d7
	func = DoFindChild;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    case GetGeometry:
Packit b099d7
	func = DoGetGeometry;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    case GetResources:
Packit b099d7
	func = DoGetResources;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    case GetValues:
Packit b099d7
        func = DumpValues;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	    char buf[BUFSIZ];
Packit b099d7
	    sprintf(buf,"Unknown Protocol request %d.",event->any_event.type);
Packit b099d7
	    SendFailure(w, sel, ident, buf);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if ((str = (*func)(w, event, & == NULL)
Packit b099d7
	SendCommand(w, sel, ident, PartialSuccess, &;
Packit b099d7
    else {
Packit b099d7
	SendFailure(w, sel, ident, str);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: ConvertReturnCommand
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Converts a selection.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: w - the widget that owns the selection.
Packit b099d7
 *                 selection - selection to convert.
Packit b099d7
 *                 target - target type for this selection.
Packit b099d7
 *                 type_ret - type of the selection.
Packit b099d7
 *                 value_ret - selection value;
Packit b099d7
 *                 length_ret - lenght of this selection.
Packit b099d7
 *                 format_ret - the format the selection is in.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: True if conversion was sucessful.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static Boolean
Packit b099d7
ConvertReturnCommand(w, selection, target,
Packit b099d7
		     type_ret, value_ret, length_ret, format_ret)
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
Atom * selection, * target, * type_ret;
Packit b099d7
XtPointer *value_ret;
Packit b099d7
unsigned long * length_ret;
Packit b099d7
int * format_ret;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     * I assume the intrinsics give me the correct selection back.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if ((*target != client_value))
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    *type_ret = res_editor_protocol;
Packit b099d7
    *value_ret = (XtPointer) globals.command_stream->real_top;
Packit b099d7
    *length_ret = globals.command_stream->size + HEADER_SIZE;
Packit b099d7
    *format_ret = EDITRES_FORMAT;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: CommandDone
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: done with the selection.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: *** UNUSED ***
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static void
Packit b099d7
CommandDone(widget, selection, target)
Packit b099d7
Widget widget;
Packit b099d7
Atom *selection;
Packit b099d7
Atom *target;    
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    /* Keep the toolkit from automaticaly freeing the selection value */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: SendFailure
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Sends a failure message.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: w - the widget to own the selection.
Packit b099d7
 *                 sel - the selection to assert.
Packit b099d7
 *	 	   ident - the identifier.
Packit b099d7
 *                 str - the error message.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static void
Packit b099d7
SendFailure(w, sel, ident, str) 
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
Atom sel;
Packit b099d7
ResIdent ident;
Packit b099d7
char * str;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPutString8(&, str);
Packit b099d7
    SendCommand(w, sel, ident, Failure, &;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: BuildReturnPacket
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Builds a return packet, given the data to send.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: ident - the identifier.
Packit b099d7
 *                 command - the command code.
Packit b099d7
 *                 stream - the protocol stream.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: packet - the packet to send.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static XtPointer
Packit b099d7
BuildReturnPacket(ident, command, stream)
Packit b099d7
ResIdent ident;
Packit b099d7
EditresCommand command;
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    long old_alloc, old_size;
Packit b099d7
    unsigned char * old_current;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     * We have cleverly keep enough space at the top of the header
Packit b099d7
     * for the return protocol stream, so all we have to do is
Packit b099d7
     * fill in the space.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     * Fool the insert routines into putting the header in the right
Packit b099d7
     * place while being damn sure not to realloc (that would be very bad.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    old_current = stream->current;
Packit b099d7
    old_alloc = stream->alloc;
Packit b099d7
    old_size = stream->size;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    stream->current = stream->real_top;
Packit b099d7
    stream->alloc = stream->size + (2 * HEADER_SIZE);	
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut8(stream, ident);
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut8(stream, (unsigned char) command);
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut32(stream, old_size);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    stream->alloc = old_alloc;
Packit b099d7
    stream->current = old_current;
Packit b099d7
    stream->size = old_size;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    return((XtPointer) stream->real_top);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: SendCommand
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Builds a return command line.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: w - the widget to own the selection.
Packit b099d7
 *                 sel - the selection to assert.
Packit b099d7
 *	 	   ident - the identifier.
Packit b099d7
 *                 command - the command code.
Packit b099d7
 *                 stream - the protocol stream.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static void
Packit b099d7
SendCommand(w, sel, ident, command, stream)
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
Atom sel;
Packit b099d7
ResIdent ident;
Packit b099d7
EditresCommand command;
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    BuildReturnPacket(ident, command, stream);
Packit b099d7
    globals.command_stream = stream;	
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 * I REALLY want to own the selection.  Since this was not triggered
Packit b099d7
 * by a user action, and I am the only one using this atom it is safe to
Packit b099d7
 * use CurrentTime.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtOwnSelection(w, sel, CurrentTime,
Packit b099d7
		   ConvertReturnCommand, NULL, CommandDone);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 * Generic Utility Functions.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: FindChildren
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Retuns all children (popup, normal and otherwise)
Packit b099d7
 *                   of this widget
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: parent - the parent widget.
Packit b099d7
 *                 children - the list of children.
Packit b099d7
 *                 normal - return normal children.
Packit b099d7
 *                 popup - return popup children.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: the number of children.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static int
Packit b099d7
FindChildren(parent, children, normal, popup)
Packit b099d7
Widget parent, **children;
Packit b099d7
Boolean normal, popup;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    CompositeWidget cw = (CompositeWidget) parent;
Packit b099d7
    int i, num_children, current = 0;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    num_children = 0;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (XtIsWidget(parent) && popup)
Packit b099d7
	num_children += parent->core.num_popups;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (XtIsComposite(parent) && normal) 
Packit b099d7
	num_children += cw->composite.num_children; 
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (num_children == 0) {	
Packit b099d7
	*children = NULL; 
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    *children =(Widget*) XtMalloc((Cardinal) sizeof(Widget) * num_children);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (XtIsComposite(parent) && normal)
Packit b099d7
	for (i = 0; i < cw->composite.num_children; i++,current++) 
Packit b099d7
	    (*children)[current] = cw->composite.children[i]; 
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (XtIsWidget(parent) && popup)
Packit b099d7
	for ( i = 0; i < parent->core.num_popups; i++, current++) 
Packit b099d7
	    (*children)[current] = parent->core.popup_list[i];
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: IsChild
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: check to see of child is a child of parent.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: top - the top of the tree.
Packit b099d7
 *                 parent - the parent widget.
Packit b099d7
 *                 child - the child.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static Boolean
Packit b099d7
IsChild(top, parent, child)
Packit b099d7
Widget top, parent, child;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    int i, num_children;
Packit b099d7
    Widget * children;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (parent == NULL)
Packit b099d7
	return(top == child);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    num_children = FindChildren(parent, &children, TRUE, TRUE);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    for (i = 0; i < num_children; i++) {
Packit b099d7
	if (children[i] == child) {
Packit b099d7
	    XtFree((char *)children);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtFree((char *)children);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: VerifyWidget
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Makes sure all the widgets still exist.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: w - any widget in the tree.
Packit b099d7
 *                 info - the info about the widget to verify.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: an error message or NULL.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static char * 
Packit b099d7
VerifyWidget(w, info)
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
WidgetInfo *info;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    Widget top;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    register int count;
Packit b099d7
    register Widget parent;
Packit b099d7
    register unsigned long * child;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    for (top = w; XtParent(top) != NULL; top = XtParent(top)) {}
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    parent = NULL;
Packit b099d7
    child = info->ids;
Packit b099d7
    count = 0;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    while (TRUE) {
Packit b099d7
	if (!IsChild(top, parent, (Widget) *child)) 
Packit b099d7
	    return(XtNewString("This widget no longer exists in the client."));
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	if (++count == info->num_widgets)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	parent = (Widget) *child++;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    info->real_widget = (Widget) *child;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 * Code to Perform SetValues operations.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: 	DoSetValues
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: performs the setvalues requested.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: w - a widget in the tree.
Packit b099d7
 *                 event - the event that caused this action.
Packit b099d7
 *                 stream - the protocol stream to add.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: NULL.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static char *
Packit b099d7
DoSetValues(w, event, stream)
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
EditresEvent * event;
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    char * str;
Packit b099d7
    register unsigned i;
Packit b099d7
    unsigned short count = 0;
Packit b099d7
    SetValuesEvent * sv_event = (SetValuesEvent *) event;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut16(stream, count); /* insert 0, will be overwritten later. */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    for (i = 0 ; i < sv_event->num_entries; i++) {
Packit b099d7
	if ((str = VerifyWidget(w, &(sv_event->widgets[i]))) != NULL) {
Packit b099d7
	    _XEditResPutWidgetInfo(stream, &(sv_event->widgets[i]));
Packit b099d7
	    _XEditResPutString8(stream, str);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
			     sv_event, sv_event->widgets + i, stream, &count);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     * Overwrite the first 2 bytes with the real count.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    *(stream->top) = count >> XER_NBBY;
Packit b099d7
    *(stream->top + 1) = count;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: HandleToolkitErrors
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Handles X Toolkit Errors.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: name - name of the error.
Packit b099d7
 *                 type - type of the error.
Packit b099d7
 *                 class - class of the error.
Packit b099d7
 *                 msg - the default message.
Packit b099d7
 *                 params, num_params - the extra parameters for this message.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static void
Packit b099d7
HandleToolkitErrors(name, type, class, msg, params, num_params)
Packit b099d7
String name, type, class, msg, *params;
Packit b099d7
Cardinal * num_params;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    SVErrorInfo * info = &globals.error_info;	
Packit b099d7
    char buf[BUFSIZ];
Packit b099d7
    char *pbuf;
Packit b099d7
    int len;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if ( streq(name, "unknownType") ) {
Packit b099d7
	char *msg1 = "The `";
Packit b099d7
	char *msg2 = "' resource is not used by this widget.";
Packit b099d7
	len = strlen(msg1) + strlen(msg2) + strlen(info->event->name) + 1;
Packit b099d7
	if (len > sizeof(buf))
Packit b099d7
	    pbuf = XtMalloc(len);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	    pbuf = buf;
Packit b099d7
	if (pbuf == NULL) {
Packit b099d7
	    pbuf = buf;
Packit b099d7
	    sprintf(pbuf, "A%s", msg2);
Packit b099d7
	} else {
Packit b099d7
	    sprintf(pbuf, "%s%s%s", msg1, info->event->name, msg2); 
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    } else if ( streq(name, "noColormap") ) {
Packit b099d7
	len = strlen(msg) + 1;
Packit b099d7
	if (params[0])
Packit b099d7
	    len += strlen(params[0]);
Packit b099d7
	if (len > sizeof(buf))
Packit b099d7
	    pbuf = XtMalloc(len);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	    pbuf = buf;
Packit b099d7
	if (pbuf == NULL) {
Packit b099d7
	    pbuf = buf;
Packit b099d7
	    sprintf(pbuf, "Message too long");
Packit b099d7
	} else {
Packit b099d7
	    sprintf(pbuf, msg, params[0]); 
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    else if (streq(name, "conversionFailed") || streq(name, "conversionError"))
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	char *msg1, *msg2, *msg3;
Packit b099d7
	if (streq(info->event->value, XtRString)) {
Packit b099d7
	    msg1 = "Could not convert the string '";
Packit b099d7
	    msg2 = "' for the `";
Packit b099d7
	    msg3 = "' resource.";
Packit b099d7
	    len = strlen(msg1) + strlen(msg2) + strlen(msg3) + 1 +
Packit b099d7
			strlen(info->event->value) + strlen(info->event->name);
Packit b099d7
	} else {
Packit b099d7
	    msg1 = "Could not convert the `";
Packit b099d7
	    msg2 = "' resource.";
Packit b099d7
	    msg3 = "";
Packit b099d7
	    len = strlen(msg1) + strlen(msg2) + strlen(info->event->name) + 1;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	if (len > sizeof(buf))
Packit b099d7
	    pbuf = XtMalloc(len);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	    pbuf = buf;
Packit b099d7
	if (streq(info->event->value, XtRString)) {
Packit b099d7
	    if (pbuf == NULL) {
Packit b099d7
		pbuf = buf;
Packit b099d7
		sprintf(pbuf, "Could not convert a string");
Packit b099d7
	    } else {
Packit b099d7
		sprintf(pbuf, "%s%s%s%s%s", msg1, (char *)info->event->value, msg2,
Packit b099d7
			info->event->name, msg3);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	} else {
Packit b099d7
	    if (pbuf == NULL) {
Packit b099d7
		pbuf = buf;
Packit b099d7
		sprintf(pbuf, "Could not convert a resource");
Packit b099d7
	    } else {
Packit b099d7
		sprintf(pbuf, "%s%s%s", msg1, info->event->name, msg2);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    } else {
Packit b099d7
	char *msg1 = "Name: ", *msg2 = ", Type: ", *msg3 = ", Class: ";
Packit b099d7
	char *msg4 = ", Msg: ";
Packit b099d7
	len = strlen(msg1) + strlen(msg2) + strlen(msg3) + strlen(msg4) +
Packit b099d7
		strlen(name) + strlen(type) + strlen(class) + strlen(msg) + 1;
Packit b099d7
	if (len > sizeof(buf))
Packit b099d7
	    pbuf = XtMalloc(len);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	    pbuf = buf;
Packit b099d7
	if (pbuf == NULL) {
Packit b099d7
	    pbuf = buf;
Packit b099d7
	    sprintf(pbuf, "Message too long to show");
Packit b099d7
	} else {
Packit b099d7
	    sprintf(pbuf, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", msg1, name, msg2, type,
Packit b099d7
			msg3, class, msg4, msg);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     * Insert this info into the protocol stream, and update the count.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPutWidgetInfo(info->stream, info->entry);
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPutString8(info->stream, pbuf);
Packit b099d7
    if (pbuf != buf)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: ExecuteSetValues
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Performs a setvalues for a given command.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: w - the widget to perform the set_values on.
Packit b099d7
 *                 sv_event - the set values event.
Packit b099d7
 *                 sv_info - the set_value info.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static void
Packit b099d7
ExecuteSetValues(w, sv_event, entry, stream, count)
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
SetValuesEvent * sv_event;
Packit b099d7
WidgetInfo * entry;
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
unsigned short * count;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtErrorMsgHandler old;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    SVErrorInfo * info = &globals.error_info;	
Packit b099d7
    info->event = sv_event;	/* No data can be passed to */
Packit b099d7
    info->stream = stream;	/* an error handler, so we */
Packit b099d7
    info->count = count;	/* have to use a global, YUCK... */
Packit b099d7
    info->entry = entry;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    old = XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(w),
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtVaSetValues(w, XtVaTypedArg,
Packit b099d7
		  sv_event->name, sv_event->res_type,
Packit b099d7
		  sv_event->value, sv_event->value_len,
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    (void)XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(w), old);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 * Code for Creating and dumping widget tree.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: 	DumpWidgets
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Given a widget it builds a protocol packet
Packit b099d7
 *                   containing the entire widget heirarchy.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: w - a widget in the tree.
Packit b099d7
 *                 event - the event that caused this action.
Packit b099d7
 *                 stream - the protocol stream to add.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: NULL
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
#define TOOLKIT_TYPE ("Xt")
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static char * 
Packit b099d7
DumpWidgets(w, event, stream)
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
EditresEvent * event;		/* UNUSED */
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    unsigned short count = 0;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    /* Find Tree's root. */
Packit b099d7
    for ( ; XtParent(w) != NULL; w = XtParent(w)) {}
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     * hold space for count, overwritten later. 
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut16(stream, (unsigned int) 0);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    DumpChildren(w, stream, &count);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     * write out toolkit type (Xt, of course...). 
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPutString8(stream, TOOLKIT_TYPE);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     * Overwrite the first 2 bytes with the real count.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    *(stream->top) = count >> XER_NBBY;
Packit b099d7
    *(stream->top + 1) = count;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: DumpChildren
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Adds a child's name to the list.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: w - the widget to dump.
Packit b099d7
 *                 stream - the stream to dump to.
Packit b099d7
 *                 count - number of dumps we have performed.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/* This is a trick/kludge.  To make shared libraries happier (linking
Packit b099d7
 * against Xmu but not linking against Xt, and apparently even work
Packit b099d7
 * as we desire on SVR4, we need to avoid an explicit data reference
Packit b099d7
 * to applicationShellWidgetClass.  XtIsTopLevelShell is known
Packit b099d7
 * (implementation dependent assumption!) to use a bit flag.  So we
Packit b099d7
 * go that far.  Then, we test whether it is an applicationShellWidget
Packit b099d7
 * class by looking for an explicit class name.  Seems pretty safe.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static Bool isApplicationShell(w)
Packit b099d7
    Widget w;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    register WidgetClass c;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (!XtIsTopLevelShell(w))
Packit b099d7
	return False;
Packit b099d7
    for (c = XtClass(w); c; c = c->core_class.superclass) {
Packit b099d7
	if (!strcmp(c->core_class.class_name, "ApplicationShell"))
Packit b099d7
	    return True;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    return False;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static void
Packit b099d7
DumpChildren(w, stream, count)
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
unsigned short *count;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    int i, num_children;
Packit b099d7
    Widget *children;
Packit b099d7
    unsigned long window;
Packit b099d7
    char * class;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    InsertWidget(stream, w);       /* Insert the widget into the stream. */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPutString8(stream, XtName(w)); /* Insert name */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (isApplicationShell(w))
Packit b099d7
	class = ((ApplicationShellWidget) w)->application.class;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	class = XtClass(w)->core_class.class_name;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPutString8(stream, class); /* Insert class */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     if (XtIsWidget(w))
Packit b099d7
	 if (XtIsRealized(w))
Packit b099d7
	    window = XtWindow(w);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut32(stream, window); /* Insert window id. */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     * Find children and recurse.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    num_children = FindChildren(w, &children, TRUE, TRUE);
Packit b099d7
    for (i = 0; i < num_children; i++) 
Packit b099d7
	DumpChildren(children[i], stream, count);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtFree((char *)children);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 * Code for getting the geometry of widgets.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: 	DoGetGeometry
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: retrieves the Geometry of each specified widget.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: w - a widget in the tree.
Packit b099d7
 *                 event - the event that caused this action.
Packit b099d7
 *                 stream - the protocol stream to add.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: NULL
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static char *
Packit b099d7
DoGetGeometry(w, event, stream)
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
EditresEvent * event;
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    unsigned i;
Packit b099d7
    char * str;
Packit b099d7
    GetGeomEvent * geom_event = (GetGeomEvent *) event;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut16(stream, geom_event->num_entries);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    for (i = 0 ; i < geom_event->num_entries; i++) {
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	 * Send out the widget id. 
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	_XEditResPutWidgetInfo(stream, &(geom_event->widgets[i]));
Packit b099d7
	if ((str = VerifyWidget(w, &(geom_event->widgets[i]))) != NULL) {
Packit b099d7
	    _XEditResPutBool(stream, True); /* an error occured. */
Packit b099d7
	    _XEditResPutString8(stream, str);	/* set message. */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	    ExecuteGetGeometry(geom_event->widgets[i].real_widget, stream);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: ExecuteGetGeometry
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Gets the geometry for each widget specified.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: w - the widget to get geom on.
Packit b099d7
 *                 stream - stream to append to.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: True if no error occured.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static void
Packit b099d7
ExecuteGetGeometry(w, stream)
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    int i;
Packit b099d7
    Boolean mapped_when_man;
Packit b099d7
    Dimension width, height, border_width;
Packit b099d7
    Arg args[8];
Packit b099d7
    Cardinal num_args = 0;
Packit b099d7
    Position x, y;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if ( !XtIsRectObj(w) || (XtIsWidget(w) && !XtIsRealized(w)) ) {
Packit b099d7
	_XEditResPutBool(stream, False); /* no error. */
Packit b099d7
	_XEditResPutBool(stream, False); /* not visable. */
Packit b099d7
	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) /* fill in extra space with 0's. */
Packit b099d7
	    _XEditResPut16(stream, 0);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtSetArg(args[num_args], XtNwidth, &width); num_args++;
Packit b099d7
    XtSetArg(args[num_args], XtNheight, &height); num_args++;
Packit b099d7
    XtSetArg(args[num_args], XtNborderWidth, &border_width); num_args++;
Packit b099d7
    XtSetArg(args[num_args], XtNmappedWhenManaged, &mapped_when_man);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtGetValues(w, args, num_args);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (!(XtIsManaged(w) && mapped_when_man) && XtIsWidget(w)) {
Packit b099d7
	XWindowAttributes attrs;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	 * The toolkit does not maintain mapping state, we have
Packit b099d7
	 * to go to the server.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	if (XGetWindowAttributes(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), &attrs) != 0) {
Packit b099d7
	    if (attrs.map_state != IsViewable) {
Packit b099d7
		_XEditResPutBool(stream, False); /* no error. */
Packit b099d7
		_XEditResPutBool(stream, False); /* not visable. */
Packit b099d7
		for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) /* fill in extra space with 0's. */
Packit b099d7
		    _XEditResPut16(stream, 0);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	else {
Packit b099d7
	    _XEditResPut8(stream, True); /* Error occured. */
Packit b099d7
	    _XEditResPutString8(stream, "XGetWindowAttributes failed.");
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtTranslateCoords(w, -((int) border_width), -((int) border_width), &x, &y);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPutBool(stream, False); /* no error. */
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPutBool(stream, True); /* Visable. */
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut16(stream, x);
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut16(stream, y);
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut16(stream, width);
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut16(stream, height);
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut16(stream, border_width);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 * Code for executing FindChild.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: PositionInChild
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: returns true if this location is in the child.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: child - the child widget to check.
Packit b099d7
 *                 x, y - location of point to check in the parent's
Packit b099d7
 *                        coord space.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: TRUE if the position is in this child.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static Boolean
Packit b099d7
PositionInChild(child, x, y)
Packit b099d7
Widget child;
Packit b099d7
int x, y;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    Arg args[6];
Packit b099d7
    Cardinal num;
Packit b099d7
    Dimension width, height, border_width;
Packit b099d7
    Position child_x, child_y;
Packit b099d7
    Boolean mapped_when_managed;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (!XtIsRectObj(child))	/* we must at least be a rect obj. */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    num = 0;
Packit b099d7
    XtSetArg(args[num], XtNmappedWhenManaged, &mapped_when_managed); num++;
Packit b099d7
    XtSetArg(args[num], XtNwidth, &width); num++;
Packit b099d7
    XtSetArg(args[num], XtNheight, &height); num++;
Packit b099d7
    XtSetArg(args[num], XtNx, &child_x); num++;
Packit b099d7
    XtSetArg(args[num], XtNy, &child_y); num++;
Packit b099d7
    XtSetArg(args[num], XtNborderWidth, &border_width); num++;
Packit b099d7
    XtGetValues(child, args, num);
Packit b099d7
    if (XtIsVendorShell(XtParent(child)))
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    	child_x = -border_width;
Packit b099d7
    	child_y = -border_width;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     * The only way we will know of the widget is mapped is to see if
Packit b099d7
     * mapped when managed is True and this is a managed child.  Otherwise
Packit b099d7
     * we will have to ask the server if this window is mapped.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (XtIsWidget(child) && !(mapped_when_managed && XtIsManaged(child)) ) {
Packit b099d7
	XWindowAttributes attrs;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	if (XtIsRealized(child))
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	    if (XGetWindowAttributes(XtDisplay(child), 
Packit b099d7
				     XtWindow(child), &attrs) != 0) {
Packit b099d7
		/* oops */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	    else if (attrs.map_state != IsViewable)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    return (x >= child_x) &&
Packit b099d7
	   (x <= (child_x + (Position)width + 2 * (Position)border_width)) &&
Packit b099d7
	   (y >= child_y) &&
Packit b099d7
	   (y <= (child_y + (Position)height + 2 * (Position)border_width));
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: _FindChild
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Finds the child that actually contatians the point shown.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: parent - a widget that is known to contain the point
Packit b099d7
 *                 	    specified.
Packit b099d7
 *                 x, y - The point in coordinates relative to the 
Packit b099d7
 *                        widget specified.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static Widget 
Packit b099d7
_FindChild(parent, x, y)
Packit b099d7
Widget parent;
Packit b099d7
int x, y;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    Widget * children;
Packit b099d7
    int i = FindChildren(parent, &children, TRUE, FALSE);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    while (i > 0) {
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	if (PositionInChild(children[i], x, y)) {
Packit b099d7
	    Widget child = children[i];
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	    XtFree((char *)children);
Packit b099d7
	    return(_FindChild(child, x - child->core.x, y - child->core.y));
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtFree((char *)children);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: DoFindChild
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: finds the child that contains the location specified.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: w - a widget in the tree.
Packit b099d7
 *                 event - the event that caused this action.
Packit b099d7
 *                 stream - the protocol stream to add.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: an allocated error message if something went horribly
Packit b099d7
 *               wrong and no set values were performed, else NULL.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static char *
Packit b099d7
DoFindChild(w, event, stream)
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
EditresEvent * event;
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    char * str;
Packit b099d7
    Widget parent, child;
Packit b099d7
    Position parent_x, parent_y;
Packit b099d7
    FindChildEvent * find_event = (FindChildEvent *) event;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if ((str = VerifyWidget(w, find_event->widgets)) != NULL) 
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    parent = find_event->widgets->real_widget;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtTranslateCoords(parent, (Position) 0, (Position) 0,
Packit b099d7
		      &parent_x, &parent_y);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    child = _FindChild(parent, find_event->x - (int) parent_x,
Packit b099d7
		       find_event->y - (int) parent_y);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    InsertWidget(stream, child);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 * Procedures for performing GetResources.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: DoGetResources
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Gets the Resources associated with the widgets passed.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: w - a widget in the tree.
Packit b099d7
 *                 event - the event that caused this action.
Packit b099d7
 *                 stream - the protocol stream to add.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: NULL
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static char *
Packit b099d7
DoGetResources(w, event, stream)
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
EditresEvent * event;
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    unsigned int i;
Packit b099d7
    char * str;
Packit b099d7
    GetResEvent * res_event = (GetResEvent *) event;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut16(stream, res_event->num_entries); /* number of replys */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    for (i = 0 ; i < res_event->num_entries; i++) {
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	 * Send out the widget id. 
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	_XEditResPutWidgetInfo(stream, &(res_event->widgets[i]));
Packit b099d7
	if ((str = VerifyWidget(w, &(res_event->widgets[i]))) != NULL) {
Packit b099d7
	    _XEditResPutBool(stream, True); /* an error occured. */
Packit b099d7
	    _XEditResPutString8(stream, str);	/* set message. */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	else {
Packit b099d7
	    _XEditResPutBool(stream, False); /* no error occured. */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: ExecuteGetResources.
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Gets the resources for any individual widget.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: w - the widget to get resources on.
Packit b099d7
 *                 stream - the protocol stream.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static void
Packit b099d7
ExecuteGetResources(w, stream)
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtResourceList norm_list, cons_list;
Packit b099d7
    Cardinal num_norm, num_cons;
Packit b099d7
    register int i;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     * Get Normal Resources. 
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtGetResourceList(XtClass(w), &norm_list, &num_norm);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (XtParent(w) != NULL) 
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	num_cons = 0;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut16(stream, num_norm + num_cons); /* how many resources. */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     * Insert all the normal resources.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    for ( i = 0; i < (int) num_norm; i++) {
Packit b099d7
	_XEditResPutResourceType(stream, NormalResource);
Packit b099d7
	_XEditResPutString8(stream, norm_list[i].resource_name);
Packit b099d7
	_XEditResPutString8(stream, norm_list[i].resource_class);
Packit b099d7
	_XEditResPutString8(stream, norm_list[i].resource_type);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtFree((char *) norm_list);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     * Insert all the constraint resources.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (num_cons > 0) {
Packit b099d7
	for ( i = 0; i < (int) num_cons; i++) {
Packit b099d7
	    _XEditResPutResourceType(stream, ConstraintResource);
Packit b099d7
	    _XEditResPutString8(stream, cons_list[i].resource_name);
Packit b099d7
	    _XEditResPutString8(stream, cons_list[i].resource_class);
Packit b099d7
	    _XEditResPutString8(stream, cons_list[i].resource_type);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	XtFree((char *) cons_list);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static void
Packit b099d7
EditResCvtWarningHandler(String name,
Packit b099d7
				 String type,
Packit b099d7
				 String class,
Packit b099d7
				 String def,
Packit b099d7
				 String *params,
Packit b099d7
				 Cardinal *num_params)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    /* just ignore the warning */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static void
Packit b099d7
_XtGetStringValues(Widget w, Arg *warg, int numargs)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtResourceList res_list;
Packit b099d7
    Cardinal num_res;
Packit b099d7
    XtResource *res = NULL;
Packit b099d7
    long value;
Packit b099d7
    int size, i;
Packit b099d7
    char *string = "";
Packit b099d7
    char *buffer;
Packit b099d7
    Arg args[1];
Packit b099d7
    XrmValue to, from, to_color;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     * Look for the resource.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtGetResourceList(XtClass(w), &res_list, &num_res);
Packit b099d7
    for (i = 0; i < (int)num_res && res == NULL; i++)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	if (0 == strcmp(res_list[i].resource_name, warg->name))
Packit b099d7
	    res = &res_list[i];
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (res == NULL && XtParent(w) != NULL)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	XtFree((char *)res_list);
Packit b099d7
	XtGetConstraintResourceList(XtClass(XtParent(w)), &res_list, &num_res);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    for (i = 0; i < (int)num_res && res == NULL; i++)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	if (0 == strcmp(res_list[i].resource_name, warg->name))
Packit b099d7
	    res = &res_list[i];
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (res == NULL)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	/* Couldn't find resource */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	XtFree((char *)res_list);
Packit b099d7
	*(XtPointer *)(warg->value) = NULL;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    size = res->resource_size;
Packit b099d7
    buffer = *(char **)(warg->value);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    /* try to get the value in the proper size */
Packit b099d7
    switch (res->resource_size)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
#if (LONG_BIT == 64)
Packit b099d7
	long v8;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	int v4;
Packit b099d7
	short v2;
Packit b099d7
	char v1;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    case 1:
Packit b099d7
	XtSetArg(args[0], res->resource_name, &v1;;
Packit b099d7
	XtGetValues(w, args, 1);
Packit b099d7
	value = (int)v1;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    case 2:
Packit b099d7
	XtSetArg(args[0], res->resource_name, &v2;;
Packit b099d7
	XtGetValues(w, args, 1);
Packit b099d7
	value = (int)v2;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    case 4:
Packit b099d7
	XtSetArg(args[0], res->resource_name, &v4;;
Packit b099d7
	XtGetValues(w, args, 1);
Packit b099d7
	value = (int)v4;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
#if (LONG_BIT == 64)
Packit b099d7
    case 8:
Packit b099d7
	XtSetArg(args[0], res->resource_name, &v8;;
Packit b099d7
	XtGetValues(w, args, 1);
Packit b099d7
	value = (long)v8;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	fprintf(stderr, "_XtGetStringValues: bad size %d\n",
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	string = "bad size";
Packit b099d7
	goto done;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     * If the resource is already String, no conversion needed.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (strcmp(XtRString, res->resource_type) == 0)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	if (value == 0)
Packit b099d7
	    string = "(null)";
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	    string = (char *)value;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	XtErrorMsgHandler old_handler;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	 * Ignore conversion warnings.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	old_handler = XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(w),
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	from.size = res->resource_size;
Packit b099d7
	from.addr = (caddr_t)&value;
Packit b099d7
	to.addr = NULL;
Packit b099d7
	to.size = 0;
Packit b099d7
	to_color.addr = NULL;
Packit b099d7
	to_color.size = 0;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	 * Special case for type Pixel.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	if (0 == strcmp(res->resource_type, XtRPixel)
Packit b099d7
	    && XtConvertAndStore(w, XtRPixel, &from, XtRColor, &to)
Packit b099d7
	    && XtConvertAndStore(w, XtRColor, &to, XtRString, &to_color))
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	    string = to_color.addr;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	else if (XtConvertAndStore(w, res->resource_type,
Packit b099d7
				   &from, XtRString, &to))
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	    string = to.addr;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	     * Conversion failed, fall back to representing it as integer.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	    switch (res->resource_size)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
		case sizeof(char):
Packit b099d7
		  sprintf(buffer, "%d", (unsigned char)value);
Packit b099d7
		string = buffer;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
		case sizeof(short):
Packit b099d7
		  sprintf(buffer, "%d", (short)value);
Packit b099d7
		string = buffer;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
		case sizeof(int):
Packit b099d7
		  sprintf(buffer, "%d", (int)value);
Packit b099d7
		string = buffer;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
#if (LONG_BIT == 64)
Packit b099d7
		case sizeof(long):
Packit b099d7
		  sprintf(buffer, "%ld", value);
Packit b099d7
		string = buffer;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	    strcat(buffer, " (integer fallback conversion)");
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	    sprintf(&buffer[strlen(buffer)], " (%s)", res->resource_type);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	 * Restore original warning handler.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(w), old_handler);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (string == NULL)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	/* can't happen */
Packit b099d7
#ifdef DEBUG
Packit b099d7
	fprintf(stderr, "_LesstifEditResPutValueString8: couldn't convert to string\n");
Packit b099d7
	fprintf(stderr, "Class = %s Type = %s Name = %s\n", res->resource_type,
Packit b099d7
		res->resource_name, res->resource_class);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	string = "";
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    *((char **)(warg->value)) = string;
Packit b099d7
#ifdef DEBUG
Packit b099d7
    fprintf(stderr, "put %s at %#x\n", string, stream->current);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtFree((char *)res_list);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 *	Function Name: DumpValues
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Returns resource values to the resource editor.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: event - the event that caused this action.
Packit b099d7
 *                 stream - the protocol stream to add.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: NULL
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static char*
Packit b099d7
DumpValues(w, event, stream)	/* ARGSUSED */
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
EditresEvent* event; 
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream* stream;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
  Arg warg[1];
Packit b099d7
  String res_value = NULL;
Packit b099d7
  GetValuesEvent * gv_event = (GetValuesEvent *)event; 
Packit b099d7
  char buffer[64], *str;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
  res_value = buffer;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
  /* put the count in the stream. */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
  _XEditResPut16(stream, (unsigned int) 1); 
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
  /* get the resource of the widget asked for by the */
Packit b099d7
  /* resource editor and insert it into the stream */
Packit b099d7
  XtSetArg(warg[0], gv_event->name, &res_value);
Packit b099d7
    if ((str = VerifyWidget(w, &(gv_event->widgets[0]))) != NULL)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	_XEditResPutString8(stream, str);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	_XtGetStringValues(gv_event->widgets[0].real_widget, warg, 1);
Packit b099d7
	if (!res_value) res_value = "NoValue";
Packit b099d7
	_XEditResPutString8(stream, res_value);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 * Code for inserting values into the protocol stream.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: InsertWidget
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Inserts the full parent heirarchy of this
Packit b099d7
 *                   widget into the protocol stream as a widget list.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: stream - the protocol stream.
Packit b099d7
 *                 w - the widget to insert.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static void
Packit b099d7
InsertWidget(stream, w)
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    Widget temp;
Packit b099d7
    unsigned long * widget_list;
Packit b099d7
    register int i, num_widgets;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    for (temp = w, i = 0; temp != 0; temp = XtParent(temp), i++) {}
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    num_widgets = i;
Packit b099d7
    widget_list = (unsigned long *) 
Packit b099d7
	                XtMalloc(sizeof(unsigned long) * num_widgets);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     * Put the widgets into the list.
Packit b099d7
     * make sure that they are inserted in the list from parent -> child.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    for (i--, temp = w; temp != NULL; temp = XtParent(temp), i--) 
Packit b099d7
	widget_list[i] = (unsigned long) temp;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut16(stream, num_widgets);	/* insert number of widgets. */
Packit b099d7
    for (i = 0; i < num_widgets; i++) /* insert Widgets themselves. */
Packit b099d7
	_XEditResPut32(stream, widget_list[i]);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtFree((char *)widget_list);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
#if 0
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 * All of the following routines are public.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: _XEditResPutString8
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Inserts a string into the protocol stream.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: stream - stream to insert string into.
Packit b099d7
 *                 str - string to insert.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
_XEditResPutString8(stream, str)
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
char * str;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    int i, len = strlen(str);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut16(stream, len);
Packit b099d7
    for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++, str++)
Packit b099d7
	_XEditResPut8(stream, *str);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: _XEditResPut8
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Inserts an 8 bit integer into the protocol stream.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: stream - stream to insert string into.
Packit b099d7
 *                 value - value to insert.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
_XEditResPut8(stream, value)
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
unsigned int value;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    unsigned char temp;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (stream->size >= stream->alloc) {
Packit b099d7
	stream->alloc += 100;
Packit b099d7
	stream->real_top = (unsigned char *) XtRealloc(
Packit b099d7
						  (char *)stream->real_top,
Packit b099d7
						  stream->alloc + HEADER_SIZE);
Packit b099d7
	stream->top = stream->real_top + HEADER_SIZE;
Packit b099d7
	stream->current = stream->top + stream->size;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    temp = (unsigned char) (value & BYTE_MASK);
Packit b099d7
    *((stream->current)++) = temp;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: _XEditResPut16
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Inserts a 16 bit integer into the protocol stream.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: stream - stream to insert string into.
Packit b099d7
 *                 value - value to insert.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: void
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
_XEditResPut16(stream, value)
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
unsigned int value;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut8(stream, (value >> XER_NBBY) & BYTE_MASK);
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut8(stream, value & BYTE_MASK);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: _XEditResPut32
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Inserts a 32 bit integer into the protocol stream.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: stream - stream to insert string into.
Packit b099d7
 *                 value - value to insert.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: void
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
_XEditResPut32(stream, value)
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
unsigned long value;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    int i;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) 
Packit b099d7
	_XEditResPut8(stream, (value >> (XER_NBBY*i)) & BYTE_MASK);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: _XEditResPutWidgetInfo
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Inserts the widget info into the protocol stream.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: stream - stream to insert widget info into.
Packit b099d7
 *                 info - info to insert.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
_XEditResPutWidgetInfo(stream, info)
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
WidgetInfo * info;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    unsigned int i;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    _XEditResPut16(stream, info->num_widgets);
Packit b099d7
    for (i = 0; i < info->num_widgets; i++) 
Packit b099d7
	_XEditResPut32(stream, info->ids[i]);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 * Code for retrieving values from the protocol stream.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: _XEditResResetStream
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: resets the protocol stream
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: stream - the stream to reset.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    stream->current = stream->top;
Packit b099d7
    stream->size = 0;
Packit b099d7
    if (stream->real_top == NULL) {
Packit b099d7
	stream->real_top = (unsigned char *) XtRealloc(
Packit b099d7
						  (char *)stream->real_top,
Packit b099d7
						  stream->alloc + HEADER_SIZE);
Packit b099d7
	stream->top = stream->real_top + HEADER_SIZE;
Packit b099d7
	stream->current = stream->top + stream->size;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 * The only modified field if the "current" field.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 * The only fields that must be set correctly are the "current", "top"
Packit b099d7
 * and "size" fields.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: _XEditResGetg8
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Retrieves an unsigned 8 bit value
Packit b099d7
 *                   from the protocol stream.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: stream.
Packit b099d7
 *                 val - a pointer to value to return.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: TRUE if sucessful.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
_XEditResGet8(stream, val)
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
unsigned char * val;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (stream->size < (stream->current - stream->top)) 
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    *val = *((stream->current)++);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: _XEditResGet16
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Retrieves an unsigned 16 bit value
Packit b099d7
 *                   from the protocol stream.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: stream.
Packit b099d7
 *                 val - a pointer to value to return.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: TRUE if sucessful.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
_XEditResGet16(stream, val)
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
unsigned short * val;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    unsigned char temp1, temp2;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if ( !(_XEditResGet8(stream, &temp1) && _XEditResGet8(stream, &temp2)) )
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    *val = (((unsigned short) temp1 << XER_NBBY) + ((unsigned short) temp2));
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: _XEditResGetSigned16
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Retrieves an signed 16 bit value from the protocol stream.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: stream.
Packit b099d7
 *                 val - a pointer to value to return.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: TRUE if sucessful.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
_XEditResGetSigned16(stream, val)
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
short * val;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    unsigned char temp1, temp2;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if ( !(_XEditResGet8(stream, &temp1) && _XEditResGet8(stream, &temp2)) )
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (temp1 & (1 << (XER_NBBY - 1))) { /* If the sign bit is active. */
Packit b099d7
	*val = -1;		 /* store all 1's */
Packit b099d7
	*val &= (temp1 << XER_NBBY); /* Now and in the MSB */
Packit b099d7
	*val &= temp2;		 /* and LSB */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	*val = (((unsigned short) temp1 << XER_NBBY) + ((unsigned short) temp2));
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: _XEditResGet32
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Retrieves an unsigned 32 bit value
Packit b099d7
 *                   from the protocol stream.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: stream.
Packit b099d7
 *                 val - a pointer to value to return.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: TRUE if sucessful.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
_XEditResGet32(stream, val)
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
unsigned long * val;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    unsigned short temp1, temp2;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if ( !(_XEditResGet16(stream, &temp1) && _XEditResGet16(stream, &temp2)) )
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    *val = (((unsigned short) temp1 << (XER_NBBY * 2)) + 
Packit b099d7
	    ((unsigned short) temp2));
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: _XEditResGetString8
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Retrieves an 8 bit string value from the protocol stream.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: stream - the protocol stream
Packit b099d7
 *                 str - the string to retrieve.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: True if retrieval was successful.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
_XEditResGetString8(stream, str)
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
char ** str;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    unsigned short len;
Packit b099d7
    register unsigned i;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (!_XEditResGet16(stream, &len)) {
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    *str = XtMalloc(sizeof(char) * (len + 1));
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Packit b099d7
	if (!_XEditResGet8(stream, (unsigned char *) *str + i)) {
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	    *str = NULL;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    (*str)[i] = '\0';		/* NULL terminate that sucker. */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: _XEditResGetWidgetInfo
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Retrieves the list of widgets that follow and stores
Packit b099d7
 *                   them in the widget info structure provided.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: stream - the protocol stream
Packit b099d7
 *                 info - the widget info struct to store into.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: True if retrieval was successful.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
_XEditResGetWidgetInfo(stream, info)
Packit b099d7
ProtocolStream * stream;
Packit b099d7
WidgetInfo * info;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    unsigned int i;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (!_XEditResGet16(stream, &(info->num_widgets))) 
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    info->ids = (unsigned long *) XtMalloc(sizeof(long) * (info->num_widgets));
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    for (i = 0; i < info->num_widgets; i++) {
Packit b099d7
	if (!_XEditResGet32(stream, info->ids + i)) {
Packit b099d7
	    XtFree((char *)info->ids);
Packit b099d7
	    info->ids = NULL;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
#if defined(LONG64) || defined(WORD64)
Packit b099d7
	info->ids[i] |= globals.base_address;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 * Code for Loading the EditresBlock resource.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: CvStringToBlock
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Converts a string to an editres block value.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: dpy - the display.
Packit b099d7
 *                 args, num_args - **UNUSED **
Packit b099d7
 *                 from_val, to_val - value to convert, and where to put result
Packit b099d7
 *                 converter_data - ** UNUSED **
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: TRUE if conversion was sucessful.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static Boolean
Packit b099d7
CvtStringToBlock(dpy, args, num_args, from_val, to_val, converter_data)
Packit b099d7
Display * dpy;
Packit b099d7
XrmValue * args;
Packit b099d7
Cardinal * num_args;
Packit b099d7
XrmValue * from_val, * to_val;
Packit b099d7
XtPointer * converter_data;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    char ptr[BUFSIZ];
Packit b099d7
    static EditresBlock block;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
     _XmNCopyISOLatin1Lowered(ptr, from_val->addr, sizeof(ptr));
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XmuNCopyISOLatin1Lowered(ptr, from_val->addr, sizeof(ptr));
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (streq(ptr, "none")) 
Packit b099d7
	block = BlockNone;
Packit b099d7
    else if (streq(ptr, "setvalues")) 
Packit b099d7
	block = BlockSetValues;
Packit b099d7
    else if (streq(ptr, "all")) 
Packit b099d7
	block = BlockAll;
Packit b099d7
    else {
Packit b099d7
	Cardinal num_params = 1;
Packit b099d7
	String params[1];
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	params[0] = from_val->addr;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
			"CvtStringToBlock", "unknownValue", "EditresError",
Packit b099d7
			"Could not convert string \"%s\" to EditresBlock.",
Packit b099d7
			params, &num_params);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    if (to_val->addr != NULL) {
Packit b099d7
	if (to_val->size < sizeof(EditresBlock)) {
Packit b099d7
	    to_val->size = sizeof(EditresBlock);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	*(EditresBlock *)(to_val->addr) = block;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
	to_val->addr = (XtPointer) block;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    to_val->size = sizeof(EditresBlock);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
#define XtREditresBlock ("EditresBlock")
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
/*	Function Name: LoadResources
Packit b099d7
 *	Description: Loads a global resource the determines of this
Packit b099d7
 *                   application should allow Editres requests.
Packit b099d7
 *	Arguments: w - any widget in the tree.
Packit b099d7
 *	Returns: none.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
static void
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Widget w;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    static XtResource resources[] = {
Packit b099d7
        {"editresBlock", "EditresBlock", XtREditresBlock, sizeof(EditresBlock),
Packit b099d7
	 XtOffsetOf(Globals, block), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) BlockNone}
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    for (; XtParent(w) != NULL; w = XtParent(w)) {} 
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
			  XtRString, XtREditresBlock, CvtStringToBlock,
Packit b099d7
			  NULL, (Cardinal) 0, XtCacheAll, NULL);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
    XtGetApplicationResources( w, (XtPointer) &globals, resources,
Packit b099d7
			      XtNumber(resources), NULL, (Cardinal) 0);
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7