Blame lib/Mrm/Mrmmodule.c

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 * Motif
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 * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
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 * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
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 * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
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 * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
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 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
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 * any later version.
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 * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
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 * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
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 * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
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 * details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write
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 * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
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 * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
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#include <config.h>
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#ifdef REV_INFO
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#ifndef lint
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static char rcsid[] = "$XConsortium: Mrmmodule.c /main/12 1996/11/13 14:03:12 drk $"
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 *      UIL Resource Manager (URM):
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 *	These routines get and put data entries from a record into a buffer.
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#include <Mrm/MrmAppl.h>
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#include <Mrm/Mrm.h>
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#include "MrmMsgI.h"
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 *	UrmIFMInitModule		- Init module in a context
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 *	UrmIFMSetTopmost		- Set a topmost widget in module
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 *	UrmIFMPutModule			- Write module to IDB file
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 *	UrmIFMHGetModule		- Get module from hierarchy
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 *	UrmIFMGetModule			- Get module from IDB file
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 * Macro to validate a resource context and bind interface module pointer
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 * Formal parameters:
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 *	ctx_ptr		variable bound to context pointer
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 *	routine		quoted string giving routine name
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 *	recptr		variable to be bound to module pointer
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 * WARNING: Don't use expressions where variables are expected!
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#define	_validate_context(ctx_ptr,routine,recptr)		\
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 {								\
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  if ( ! UrmRCValid(ctx_ptr) )					\
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    return Urm__UT_Error (routine, _MrmMMsg_0043,		\
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			  NULL, ctx_ptr, MrmBAD_CONTEXT) ;	\
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  recptr = (RGMModuleDescPtr) UrmRCBuffer (ctx_ptr) ;		\
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 *	UrmIFMInitModule initializes a context for creating a new
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 *	interface module. It stores the access and lock attributes, and
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 *	sizes and initializes the topmost widget descriptors for the number
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 *	of widgets specified.
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 *	This routine sets all the context parameters, including group,
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 *	type, and size.
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 *	context_id	URM resource context in which to build the
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 *			interface module
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 *	num_widget	number of topmost widgets to allocate in module
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 *	access		The module's access attribute, URMaPublic or
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 *			URMaPrivate
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 *	lock		The module's locking attribute, TRUE to lock the
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 *			module
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 *	MrmSUCCESS	operation succeeded
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 *	MrmBAD_CONTEXT	invalid resource context
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 *	MrmTOO_MANY	number of indexes exceeds internal limit
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 *	MrmFAILURE	unexplained failure
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UrmIFMInitModule (URMResourceContextPtr		context_id,
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		  MrmCount			num_widget,
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		  MrmCode			access,
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		  MrmCode			lock)
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   *  Local variables
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  Cardinal		result ;	/* Function results */
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  RGMModuleDescPtr	ifmodptr ;	/* IF module in context */
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  MrmCount		descsiz ;	/* # bytes for descriptor */
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  int			ndx ;		/* loop index */
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   * validate context and bind pointer. Size check.
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  _validate_context (context_id, "UrmIFMInitModule", ifmodptr) ;
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  if ( num_widget >= RGMListSizeMax )
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    return Urm__UT_Error ("UrmIFMInitModule", _MrmMMsg_0044,
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			  NULL, context_id, MrmTOO_MANY) ;
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   * compute descriptor size and guarantee space. Null all the widgets.
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  descsiz = sizeof(RGMModuleDesc) + (num_widget-1)*sizeof(RGMTopmostDesc) ;
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  descsiz = _FULLWORD (descsiz) ;
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  result = UrmResizeResourceContext (context_id, descsiz) ;
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  if ( result != MrmSUCCESS ) return result ;
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  ifmodptr = (RGMModuleDescPtr) UrmRCBuffer(context_id) ;
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  ifmodptr->validation = URMInterfaceModuleValid ;
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  ifmodptr->count = num_widget ;
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  ifmodptr->annex1 = 0 ;
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  ifmodptr->annex2 = 0 ;
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  for ( ndx=0 ; ndx
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    strcpy (ifmodptr->topmost[ndx].index, "") ;
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   * Set context parameters
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  UrmRCSetSize (context_id, descsiz) ;
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  UrmRCSetGroup (context_id, URMgResourceSet) ;
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  UrmRCSetType (context_id, URMrsInterfaceModule) ;
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  UrmRCSetAccess (context_id, access) ;
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  UrmRCSetLock (context_id, lock) ;
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   * Successfully created
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  return MrmSUCCESS ;
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 *	This routine sets the topmost widget index for one of the topmost
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 *	widgets specified by an interface module.
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 *	context_id	resource context holding a valid interface module
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 *	topmost_ndx	0-based index of the widget in the module
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 *	index		the widget's index (name)
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 *	MrmSUCCESS	operation succeeded
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 *	MrmBAD_IF_MODULE	invalid interface module
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 *	MrmOUT_OF_BOUNDS	topmost_ndx out of bounds
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UrmIFMSetTopmost (URMResourceContextPtr		context_id ,
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		  Cardinal			topmost_ndx ,
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		  String			index )
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   *  Local variables
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  RGMModuleDescPtr	ifmodptr ;	/* IF module in context */
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   * Validate context and interface module. Make sure the index is in bounds
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  _validate_context (context_id, "UrmIFMSetTopmost", ifmodptr) ;
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  if ( ifmodptr->validation != URMInterfaceModuleValid )
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    return Urm__UT_Error ("UrmIFMSetTopmost", _MrmMMsg_0025,
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			  NULL, context_id, MrmBAD_IF_MODULE) ;
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  if ( topmost_ndx >= ifmodptr->count )
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    return Urm__UT_Error ("UrmIFMSetTopmost", _MrmMMsg_0045,
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			  NULL, context_id, MrmOUT_OF_BOUNDS) ;
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   * Copy in index, and return
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  strncat (ifmodptr->topmost[topmost_ndx].index, index, URMMaxIndexLen) ;
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  return MrmSUCCESS ;
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 *	UrmIFMPutModule creates a resource set entry of type interface
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 *	module in the given IDB file. The access and locking attriutes
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 *	are taken from the context.
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 *	file_id		IDB file into which to write the interface module
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 *	index		index (name) under which to enter the module
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 *	context_id	URM resource context containing the module
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 *			representation. This must be a valid interface
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 *			module.
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 *	MrmSUCCESS	Operation succeeded
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 *	MrmBAD_CONTEXT	invalid resource context
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 *	MrmBAD_IF_MODULE	invalid interface module in context
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 *	Others		see UrmIdbPutIndexedResource
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UrmIFMPutModule (IDBFile		file_id ,
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		 String			index ,
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		 URMResourceContextPtr	context_id )
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   *  Local variables
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  Cardinal		result ;	/* Function results */
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  RGMModuleDescPtr	ifmodptr ;	/* IF module in context */
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   * Validate context and interface module.
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  _validate_context (context_id, "UrmIFMPutModule", ifmodptr) ;
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  if ( ifmodptr->validation != URMInterfaceModuleValid )
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    return Urm__UT_Error ("UrmIFMPutModule", _MrmMMsg_0025,
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			  NULL, context_id, MrmBAD_IF_MODULE) ;
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   * Make sure the context is properly set, then put the module in the file
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  UrmRCSetGroup (context_id, URMgResourceSet) ;
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  UrmRCSetType (context_id, URMrsInterfaceModule) ;
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  result = UrmIdbPutIndexedResource (file_id, index, context_id) ;
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  return result ;
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 *	UrmIFMHGetModule searches the database hierarchy for the module
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 *	given its index. It returns the module descriptor in the resource
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 *	context.
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 *	hierarchy_id	id of an open URM database hierarchy
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 *	index		index (name) of the desired interface module
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 *	context_id	resource context into which to read the module
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 *	file_id_return	to return IDB file in which the module is found
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 *	MrmSUCCESS	module found and loaded in context
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 *	MrmNOT_FOUND	module not found in hierarchy
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 *	MrmBAD_HIERARCHY	hierarchy not valid
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 *	Others		See UrmGetModule
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UrmIFMHGetModule (MrmHierarchy		hierarchy_id ,
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		  String		index ,
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		  URMResourceContextPtr	context_id ,
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		  IDBFile		*file_id_return )
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   *  Local variables
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  Cardinal		result ;	/* function results */
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   * Get the module
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  result = UrmHGetIndexedResource
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    (hierarchy_id, index, URMgResourceSet, URMrsInterfaceModule,
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     context_id, file_id_return) ;
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  return result ;
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 *	UrmIFMGetModule retrieves an interface module from an IDB file, and
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 *	reads it into the given resource context.
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 *	file_id		open IDB file from which to retrieve module
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 *	index		index (name) of the desired interface module
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 *	context_id	resource context into which to read the module
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 *	MrmSUCCESS	operation succeeded
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 *	DMBadContext	invalid resource context
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 *	MrmBAD_IF_MODULE	invalid interface module found in file
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 *	Others		see UrmIdbGetIndexedResource
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UrmIFMGetModule (IDBFile		file_id ,
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		 String			index ,
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		 URMResourceContextPtr	context_id )
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   *  Local variables
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  Cardinal		result ;	/* function results */
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  RGMModuleDescPtr	ifmodptr ;	/* IF module in context */
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   * Validate context, then attempt the read
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  if ( ! UrmRCValid(context_id) )
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    return Urm__UT_Error ("UrmIFMGetModule", _MrmMMsg_0043,
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			  file_id, context_id, MrmBAD_CONTEXT) ;
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  result = UrmIdbGetIndexedResource (file_id, index, URMgResourceSet,
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				     URMrsInterfaceModule, context_id) ;
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  if ( result != MrmSUCCESS ) return result ;
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   * validate the interface module
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  ifmodptr = (RGMModuleDescPtr) UrmRCBuffer(context_id) ;
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  if ( ifmodptr->validation != URMInterfaceModuleValid )
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    return Urm__UT_Error ("UrmIFMPutModule", _MrmMMsg_0025,
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			  NULL, context_id, MrmBAD_IF_MODULE) ;
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   * Successfully retrieved
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  return MrmSUCCESS ;
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