Blame lib/Mrm/MrmItop.c

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 * Motif
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 * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
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 * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
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 * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
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 * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
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 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
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 * any later version.
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 * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
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 * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
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 * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
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 * details.
Packit b099d7
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
Packit b099d7
 * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write
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 * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
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 * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
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#include <config.h>
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#ifdef REV_INFO
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#ifndef lint
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static char rcsid[] = "$XConsortium: MrmItop.c /main/15 1996/11/13 13:58:55 drk $"
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 *      UIL Resource Manager (URM): IDB facility
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 *      This module contains the publicly accessible top-level
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 *	IDB read & common (to read and write operations) routines.
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#include <Mrm/MrmAppl.h>
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#include <Mrm/Mrm.h>
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#include <Mrm/IDB.h>
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 *	UrmIdbOpenFileRead		Open a file for read access
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 *	UrmIdbOpenBuffer		Open a file contained in a buffer
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 *	UrmIdbCloseFile			Close an open file
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 *	UrmIdbGetIndexedResource	Get indexed resource from file
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 *	UrmIdbFindIndexedResource	Find indexed resource(s) in file
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 *	UrmIdbGetRIDResource		Get resource id'ed resource from file
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 *	UrmIdbGetResourceId		Get next resource id in file
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 *	Idb__FIL_Valid			Validate file id
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 *	IdbOpenFile opens the requested IDB database file, and returns a
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 *	handle or id which is used in all subsequent IDB operations.
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 *	IdbOpenFile initializes the file's index structures and sets up
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 *	any buffers it needs. The database file is opened for read access only.
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 *	name		A system-dependent string specifying the IDB file
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 *			to be opened.
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 *	os_ext		An operating-system specific structure which
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 *			supports using specific file system features
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 *	file_id_return	returns the IDB file id used in all other IDB routines
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 *	fname_return	returns the name of the file actually opened
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 *			(via strcpy). Should be at least 256 chars.
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Packit b099d7
 *	MrmSUCCESS	operation succeeded
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 *	MrmNOT_FOUND	existing file not found
Packit b099d7
 *	MrmFAILURE	operation failed, no further reason
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 *      1. Acquires memory for the file descriptor.
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UrmIdbOpenFileRead (String			name,
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		    MrmOsOpenParamPtr		os_ext,
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		    IDBFile			*file_id_return,
Packit b099d7
		    char			*fname_return)
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   *  Local variables
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  Cardinal		result ;	/* function results */
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  IDBLowLevelFilePtr	fileid ;	/* low-level id for file */
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  IDBFile		filedesc ;	/* new file descriptor */
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  int			ndx ;		/* loop index */
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   * Attempt to open the file.
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  result = Idb__FU_OpenFile
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    (name, URMReadAccess, os_ext,  &fileid, fname_return) ;
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  if ( result != MrmSUCCESS ) return result ;
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   * File successfully opened. Acquire a file descriptor and initialize it.
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  filedesc = (IDBFile) XtMalloc (sizeof(IDBOpenFile)) ;
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  if ( filedesc == NULL )
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      Idb__FU_CloseFile (fileid, FALSE);
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      return MrmFAILURE ;
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  filedesc->validation = IDBOpenFileValid ;
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  filedesc->access = URMReadAccess ;
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  filedesc->lowlevel_id = fileid ;
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  filedesc->last_record = 0 ;
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  filedesc->last_data_record = 0 ;
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  filedesc->get_count = 0 ;
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  filedesc->put_count = 0 ;
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  filedesc->class_ctable = NULL;
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  filedesc->resource_ctable = NULL;
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  filedesc->byte_swapped = FALSE ;
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  filedesc->in_memory = FALSE ;
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  filedesc->uid_buffer = NULL ;
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  for ( ndx=IDBrtMin ; ndx<=IDBrtMax ; ndx++ )
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    filedesc->rt_counts[ndx] = 0 ;
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   * Read the file header record info into the file descriptor
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  result = Idb__HDR_GetHeader (filedesc) ;
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  if ( result != MrmSUCCESS )
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      UrmIdbCloseFile (filedesc, TRUE) ;
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      return result ;
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   * File successfully opened
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  *file_id_return = filedesc ;
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  return MrmSUCCESS ;
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 *     	This is a simplified version of UrmIdbOpenFile which opens
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 * 	a buffer contained in memory.  
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 *	uid_buffer	the buffer containing the uid file
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 *	file_id_return	returns the IDB file id used in all other IDB routines
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Packit b099d7
 *	MrmSUCCESS	operation succeeded
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 *	MrmNOT_FOUND	existing file not found
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 *	MrmFAILURE	operation failed, no further reason
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 *      1. Acquires memory for the file descriptor.
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UrmIdbOpenBuffer (unsigned char 		*uid_buffer,
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		  IDBFile			*file_id_return)
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   *  Local variables
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  Cardinal		result ;	/* function results */
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  IDBFile		filedesc ;	/* new file descriptor */
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  int			ndx ;		/* loop index */
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  filedesc = (IDBFile) XtMalloc (sizeof(IDBOpenFile)) ;
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  if ( filedesc == NULL ) return MrmFAILURE ;
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  filedesc->validation = IDBOpenFileValid ;
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  filedesc->access = URMReadAccess ;
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  filedesc->lowlevel_id = NULL ;
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  filedesc->last_record = 0 ;
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  filedesc->last_data_record = 0 ;
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  filedesc->get_count = 0 ;
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  filedesc->put_count = 0 ;
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  filedesc->class_ctable = NULL;
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  filedesc->resource_ctable = NULL;
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  filedesc->byte_swapped = FALSE ;
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  filedesc->in_memory = TRUE ;
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  filedesc->uid_buffer = uid_buffer ;
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  for ( ndx=IDBrtMin ; ndx<=IDBrtMax ; ndx++ )
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    filedesc->rt_counts[ndx] = 0 ;
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   * Read the file header record info into the file descriptor
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  result = Idb__HDR_GetHeader (filedesc) ;
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  if ( result != MrmSUCCESS ) return result ;
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   * Buffer ready
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  *file_id_return = filedesc ;
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  return MrmSUCCESS ;
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 *	If the file was opened for read access, then UrmIdbCloseFile simply
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 *	closes it. If it was opened for write acccess, then UrmIdbCloseFile
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 *	uses keep_new_file to determine its behavior. If keep_new_file is
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 *	true, then the file's index structures are updated, the file is
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 *	closed, and it becomes the newest version of the database file.
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 *	If keep_new_file is false, then the working copy of the file is closed
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 *	and deleted, retaining the previous version of the file as the latest
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 *	version. In all cases, UrmIdbCloseFile frees all memory structures
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 *	associated with the file.
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 *	file_id			The IDB file id returned by IdbOpenFile
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 *	keep_new_file		true if database is to be permanently updated;
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 *				false to quit without changing the database
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 *	MrmSUCCESS	operation succeeded
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 *	MrmFAILURE	operation failed
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UrmIdbCloseFile (IDBFile		file_id,
Packit b099d7
		 Boolean		keep_new_file)	  /* unused */
Packit b099d7
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   *  Local variables
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  Cardinal	result ;		/* function results */
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   * Local macros
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#define	_error_close()					\
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  {							\
Packit b099d7
    Idb__FU_CloseFile(file_id->lowlevel_id,TRUE) ;	\
Packit b099d7
    file_id->validation = 0 ;				\
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    XtFree((char*)file_id) ;				\
Packit b099d7
    return MrmFAILURE ;					\
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  if ( (result=Idb__FIL_Valid(file_id)) != MrmSUCCESS ) return result ;
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   * We are serious about closing this file so deallocate the class and resource
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   * tables before we do anything else.
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  if (file_id->class_ctable != NULL)
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    XtFree ((char*)file_id->class_ctable);
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  if (file_id->resource_ctable != NULL)
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    XtFree ((char*)file_id->resource_ctable);
Packit b099d7
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   * If the file was opened for write, update its header
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  if ( file_id->access == URMWriteAccess )
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      result = Idb__HDR_PutHeader ( file_id ) ;
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      if ( result != MrmSUCCESS ) _error_close () ;
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   * Decommit the file's buffers
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  result = Idb__BM_DecommitAll (file_id) ;
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  if ( result != MrmSUCCESS ) _error_close () ;
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   * Close the file and deallocate the file descriptor
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  result = Idb__FU_CloseFile (file_id->lowlevel_id, FALSE) ;
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  file_id->validation = 0 ;
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  XtFree ((char*)file_id) ;
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   * File successfully closed
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  return MrmSUCCESS ;
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 *	IdbGetIndexedResource attempts to retrieve a resource record with
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 *	a matching index. The entry's group and type must match the filters
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 *	when these are not null (RMCcNull and RMCtNull respectively). If a
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 *	matching entry is found, its resource group, type, access, and data
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 *	block are returned in the resource context. The resource context
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 *	memory buffer will be reallocated as required to hold the data block.
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 *	file_id		The IDB file id returned by IdbOpenFile
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 *	index		case-sensitive index for the entry to match
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 *	group_filter	if not null, entry found must match this group
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 *	type_filter	if not null, entry found must match this type
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 *	context_id	URM resource context to receieve data block
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 *	MrmSUCCESS	operation succeeded
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 *	MrmNOT_FOUND	entry not found
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 *	MrmWRONG_GROUP	entry didn't match group filter
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 *	MrmWRONG_TYPE	entry didn't match type filter
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 *	MrmFAILURE	operation failed, no further reason
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UrmIdbGetIndexedResource (IDBFile			file_id,
Packit b099d7
			  String			index,
Packit b099d7
			  MrmGroup			group_filter,
Packit b099d7
			  MrmType			type_filter,
Packit b099d7
			  URMResourceContextPtr		context_id)
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   *  Local variables
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  Cardinal		result ;	/* function results */
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  IDBDataHandle		data_entry ;	/* return new data entry */
Packit b099d7
  MrmCode		group ;		/* data entry's group */
Packit b099d7
  MrmCode		type ;		/* data entry's type */
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  if ( (result=Idb__FIL_Valid(file_id)) != MrmSUCCESS ) return result ;
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   * Attempt to find the item.
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  result = Idb__INX_ReturnItem (file_id, index, &data_entry) ;
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  if ( result != MrmSUCCESS ) return result ;
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  result = Idb__DB_GetDataEntry (file_id, data_entry, context_id) ;
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  if ( result != MrmSUCCESS ) return result ;
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   * Check group and type against filters.
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  group = UrmRCGroup (context_id) ;
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  type = UrmRCType (context_id) ;
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  if ( (group_filter!=URMgNul) && (group_filter!=group) )
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    return MrmWRONG_GROUP ;
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  if ( (type_filter!=URMtNul) && (type_filter!=type) )
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    return MrmWRONG_TYPE ;
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Packit b099d7
   * Item successfuly retrieved
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Packit b099d7
  return MrmSUCCESS ;
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 *	IdbFindIndexedResource locates and lists all resources in the
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 *	database which match the given filters. The entries in the
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 *	index list will be in alphabetical order. The index strings must
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 *	be deallocated by the caller using UrmFreePlistContents. This
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 *	routine returns MrmSUCCESS even if no entries (0 entries) are found.
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 *	Failure returns are used only for internal and other errors.
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 *	The number of entries in index_list is not reset to 0 when
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 *	the search begins; its state is as the caller gives it.
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 *	file_id		The IDB file id returned by IdbOpenFile
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 *	group_filter	if not null, entries found must match this group
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 *	type_filter	if not null, entries found must match this type
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 *	index_list	A pointer list in which to return index
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 *			strings for matches. The required strings
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 *			are automatically allocated.
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Packit b099d7
 *	MrmSUCCESS	operation succeeded
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 *	MrmFAILURE	operation failed, no further reason
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UrmIdbFindIndexedResource (IDBFile		file_id,
Packit b099d7
			   MrmGroup		group_filter,
Packit b099d7
			   MrmType		type_filter,
Packit b099d7
			   URMPointerListPtr	index_list)
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   *  Local variables
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  Cardinal		result ;	/* function results */
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   * Validate file id, then initiate search with the root node. Return
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   * immediately if there are no indexed resources.
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  if ( (result=Idb__FIL_Valid(file_id)) != MrmSUCCESS ) return result ;
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  if ( file_id->num_indexed <= 0 ) return MrmSUCCESS ;
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  return Idb__INX_FindResources (file_id, file_id->index_root,
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				 group_filter, type_filter, index_list) ;
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 *	IdbGetRIDResource attempts to retrieve a resource record with a
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 *	matching resource id. If there is a resource record associated with
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 *	the resource id, it is returned - the resource group, type, and data
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 *	block are set in the resource context. The memory buffer in the
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 *	resource context is reallocated automatically as require to hold the
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 *	data block.
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 *	file_id		The IDB file id returned by IdbOpenFile
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 *	resource_id	resource id matching entry
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 *	group_filter	if not null, entries found must match this group
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 *	type_filter    	if not null, entries found must match this type
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 *	context_id	to return data block
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Packit b099d7
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 *	MrmSUCCESS	operation succeeded
Packit b099d7
 *	MrmNOT_FOUND	entry not found
Packit b099d7
 *	MrmWRONG_GROUP	entry didn't match group filter
Packit b099d7
 *	MrmWRONG_TYPE	entry didn't match type filter
Packit b099d7
 *	MrmFAILURE	operation failed, no further reason
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
UrmIdbGetRIDResource (IDBFile			file_id,
Packit b099d7
		      MrmResource_id		resource_id,
Packit b099d7
		      MrmGroup			group_filter,
Packit b099d7
		      MrmType			type_filter,
Packit b099d7
		      URMResourceContextPtr	context_id)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
   *  Local variables
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
  Cardinal		result ;	/* function results */
Packit b099d7
  IDBDataHandle		data_entry ;	/* return new data entry */
Packit b099d7
  MrmCode		group ;		/* data entry's group */
Packit b099d7
  MrmCode		type ;		/* data entry's type */
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
  if ( (result=Idb__FIL_Valid(file_id)) != MrmSUCCESS ) return result ;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
   * Attempt to find the item.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
  result = Idb__RID_ReturnItem (file_id, resource_id, TRUE, &data_entry) ;
Packit b099d7
  if ( result != MrmSUCCESS ) return result ;
Packit b099d7
  result = Idb__DB_GetDataEntry (file_id, data_entry, context_id) ;
Packit b099d7
  if ( result != MrmSUCCESS ) return result ;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
   * Check group and type against filters.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
  group = UrmRCGroup (context_id) ;
Packit b099d7
  type = UrmRCType (context_id) ;
Packit b099d7
  if ( (group_filter!=URMgNul) && (group_filter!=group) )
Packit b099d7
    return MrmWRONG_GROUP ;
Packit b099d7
  if ( (type_filter!=URMtNul) && (type_filter!=type) )
Packit b099d7
    return MrmWRONG_TYPE ;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
   * Item successfuly retrieved
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
  return MrmSUCCESS ;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 *	IdbGetResourceId returns the next available resource id in the file
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 *	file_id			The IDB file id returned by IdbOpenFile
Packit b099d7
 *	resource_id_return	To return new resource id
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 *	MrmSUCCESS	operation succeeded
Packit b099d7
 *	MrmFAILURE	operation failed, no further reason given
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
UrmIdbGetResourceId (IDBFile			file_id,
Packit b099d7
		     MrmResource_id		*resource_id_return)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
   *  Local variables
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
  Cardinal	result ;		/* function results */
Packit b099d7
  IDBResource resource_id;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
  if ( (result=Idb__FIL_Valid((IDBFile)file_id)) != MrmSUCCESS ) return result ;
Packit b099d7
  result = Idb__RID_NextRID ((IDBFile)file_id, 
Packit b099d7
                             &resource_id) ;
Packit b099d7
  *resource_id_return = resource_id;
Packit b099d7
  return result ;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 *	This routine performs a validity check on a (supposed) IDB file
Packit b099d7
 *	pointer. It should probably signal errors, but currently just
Packit b099d7
 *	returns a code.
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 *	file_id		Supposed pointer to file descriptor to validate
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
 *	MrmSUCCESS	operation succeeded
Packit b099d7
 *	MrmFAILURE	some other failure
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Idb__FIL_Valid (IDBFile		file_id)
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
  if ( file_id == NULL ) return MrmFAILURE ;
Packit b099d7
  if ( file_id->validation != IDBOpenFileValid ) return MrmFAILURE ;
Packit b099d7
  return MrmSUCCESS ;
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7
Packit b099d7