Blame demos/programs/animate/

Packit b099d7
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<bold>Xmanimate : an animation program using Motif</bold>
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Xmanimate demonstrates the following Motif features:
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     - declaration of icon/bitmap using UIL
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     - exchange of value between UIL and C using Mrm.
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     - use of the Motif form widget.
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     - background procedure running while the client process
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       is waiting for inputs (Xt intrinsics feature).
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Xmanimate allows the user to animate a set of pixmaps in a window.
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The pixmaps are not fixed by xmanimate but instead read at startup from
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existing UID files. 
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The syntax of all the 'animation.uid' files follows some simple rules and
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one can easily add a new set of pixmaps to be animated using xmanimate.
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dog.uil, plane.uil and superman.uil are tree examples of animation data 
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files. (superman[N].xbm are referenced in superman.uil). The default animation
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is 'dog'. To run the demo with the other animations, use the command:
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% xmanimate -anim plane
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% xmanimate -anim superman
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xmanimate.uil and xmanimate.c are the core components of the program.
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speed_factor is a number between 0 and 100.
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      <bold>XmdAnimate</bold>: the app-default file, which is very important 
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      for usability. Run 'xrdb XmdAnimate' or something like
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      XENVIRONMENT=XmdAnimate xmanimate
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X Defaults:
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      The class of this application is XmdAnimate.  
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      Xmanimate is Editres aware, so you can use 'editres' to see the
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      names of the widgets in the instance hierarchy.