/* * ModSecurity for Apache 2.x, http://www.modsecurity.org/ * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Trustwave Holdings, Inc. (http://www.trustwave.com/) * * You may not use this file except in compliance with * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at * *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * If any of the files related to licensing are missing or if you have any * other questions related to licensing please contact Trustwave Holdings, Inc. * directly using the email address security@modsecurity.org. */ #ifndef _MODSECURITY_H_ #define _MODSECURITY_H_ #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct rule_exception rule_exception; typedef struct rule_exception hash_method; typedef struct modsec_rec modsec_rec; typedef struct directory_config directory_config; typedef struct error_message_t error_message_t; typedef struct msc_engine msc_engine; typedef struct msc_data_chunk msc_data_chunk; typedef struct msc_arg msc_arg; typedef struct msc_string msc_string; typedef struct msc_parm msc_parm; #include "msc_release.h" #include "msc_logging.h" #include "msc_multipart.h" #include "msc_pcre.h" #include "msc_util.h" #include "msc_json.h" #include "msc_xml.h" #include "msc_tree.h" #include "msc_geo.h" #include "msc_gsb.h" #include "msc_unicode.h" #include "re.h" #include "msc_crypt.h" #include "msc_remote_rules.h" #include "ap_config.h" #include "apr_md5.h" #include "apr_strings.h" #include "apr_hash.h" #include "httpd.h" #include "http_config.h" #include "http_log.h" #include "http_protocol.h" #if defined(WITH_LUA) #include "msc_lua.h" #endif #define PHASE_REQUEST_HEADERS 1 #define PHASE_REQUEST_BODY 2 #define PHASE_RESPONSE_HEADERS 3 #define PHASE_RESPONSE_BODY 4 #define PHASE_LOGGING 5 #define PHASE_FIRST PHASE_REQUEST_HEADERS #define PHASE_LAST PHASE_LOGGING #define NOT_SET -1l #define NOT_SET_P ((void *)-1l) #define CREATEMODE ( APR_UREAD | APR_UWRITE | APR_GREAD ) #define CREATEMODE_DIR ( APR_UREAD | APR_UWRITE | APR_UEXECUTE | APR_GREAD | APR_GEXECUTE ) #if defined(NETWARE) #define CREATEMODE_UNISTD ( S_IREAD | S_IWRITE ) #elif defined(WIN32) #define CREATEMODE_UNISTD ( _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE ) #else #define CREATEMODE_UNISTD ( S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP ) #endif #if !defined(O_BINARY) #define O_BINARY (0) #endif #ifndef PIPE_BUF #define PIPE_BUF (512) #endif #define REQUEST_BODY_HARD_LIMIT 1073741824L #define REQUEST_BODY_DEFAULT_INMEMORY_LIMIT 131072 #define REQUEST_BODY_DEFAULT_LIMIT 134217728 #define REQUEST_BODY_NO_FILES_DEFAULT_LIMIT 1048576 #define RESPONSE_BODY_DEFAULT_LIMIT 524288 #define RESPONSE_BODY_HARD_LIMIT 1073741824L #define RESPONSE_BODY_LIMIT_ACTION_REJECT 0 #define RESPONSE_BODY_LIMIT_ACTION_PARTIAL 1 #define REQUEST_BODY_FORCEBUF_OFF 0 #define REQUEST_BODY_FORCEBUF_ON 1 #define REQUEST_BODY_LIMIT_ACTION_REJECT 0 #define REQUEST_BODY_LIMIT_ACTION_PARTIAL 1 #define SECACTION_TARGETS "REMOTE_ADDR" #define SECACTION_ARGS "@unconditionalMatch" #define SECMARKER_TARGETS "REMOTE_ADDR" #define SECMARKER_ARGS "@noMatch" #define SECMARKER_BASE_ACTIONS "t:none,pass,marker:" #if !defined(OS2) && !defined(WIN32) && !defined(BEOS) && !defined(NETWARE) #include "unixd.h" #define __SET_MUTEX_PERMS #endif #define COOKIES_V0 0 #define COOKIES_V1 1 #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #include #endif #define NOTE_MSR "modsecurity-tx-context" #define FATAL_ERROR "ModSecurity: Fatal error (memory allocation or unexpected internal error)!" extern DSOLOCAL char *new_server_signature; extern DSOLOCAL char *real_server_signature; extern DSOLOCAL char *chroot_dir; extern module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA security2_module; extern DSOLOCAL const command_rec module_directives[]; extern DSOLOCAL unsigned long int msc_pcre_match_limit; extern DSOLOCAL unsigned long int msc_pcre_match_limit_recursion; #ifdef WITH_REMOTE_RULES extern DSOLOCAL msc_remote_rules_server *remote_rules_server; #endif extern DSOLOCAL int remote_rules_fail_action; extern DSOLOCAL char *remote_rules_fail_message; extern DSOLOCAL int status_engine_state; extern DSOLOCAL int conn_limits_filter_state; extern DSOLOCAL unsigned long int conn_read_state_limit; extern DSOLOCAL TreeRoot *conn_read_state_whitelist; extern DSOLOCAL TreeRoot *conn_read_state_suspicious_list; extern DSOLOCAL unsigned long int conn_write_state_limit; extern DSOLOCAL TreeRoot *conn_write_state_whitelist; extern DSOLOCAL TreeRoot *conn_write_state_suspicious_list; extern DSOLOCAL unsigned long int unicode_codepage; extern DSOLOCAL int *unicode_map_table; #define RESBODY_STATUS_NOT_READ 0 /* we were not configured to read the body */ #define RESBODY_STATUS_ERROR 1 /* error occured while we were reading the body */ #define RESBODY_STATUS_PARTIAL 2 /* partial body content available in the brigade */ #define RESBODY_STATUS_READ_BRIGADE 3 /* body was read but not flattened */ #define RESBODY_STATUS_READ 4 /* body was read and flattened */ #define IF_STATUS_NONE 0 #define IF_STATUS_WANTS_TO_RUN 1 #define IF_STATUS_COMPLETE 2 #define OF_STATUS_NOT_STARTED 0 #define OF_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS 1 #define OF_STATUS_COMPLETE 2 #define MSC_REQBODY_NONE 0 #define MSC_REQBODY_MEMORY 1 #define MSC_REQBODY_DISK 2 #define ACTION_NONE 0 #define ACTION_DENY 1 #define ACTION_REDIRECT 2 #define ACTION_PROXY 3 #define ACTION_DROP 4 #define ACTION_ALLOW 5 #define ACTION_ALLOW_REQUEST 6 #define ACTION_ALLOW_PHASE 7 #define ACTION_PAUSE 8 #define MODSEC_DISABLED 0 #define MODSEC_DETECTION_ONLY 1 #define MODSEC_ENABLED 2 #define STATUS_ENGINE_ENABLED 1 #define STATUS_ENGINE_DISABLED 0 #define REMOTE_RULES_ABORT_ON_FAIL 0 #define REMOTE_RULES_WARN_ON_FAIL 1 #define HASH_DISABLED 0 #define HASH_ENABLED 1 #define HASH_URL_HREF_HASH_RX 0 #define HASH_URL_HREF_HASH_PM 1 #define HASH_URL_FACTION_HASH_RX 2 #define HASH_URL_FACTION_HASH_PM 3 #define HASH_URL_LOCATION_HASH_RX 4 #define HASH_URL_LOCATION_HASH_PM 5 #define HASH_URL_IFRAMESRC_HASH_RX 6 #define HASH_URL_IFRAMESRC_HASH_PM 7 #define HASH_URL_FRAMESRC_HASH_RX 8 #define HASH_URL_FRAMESRC_HASH_PM 9 #define HASH_KEYONLY 0 #define HASH_SESSIONID 1 #define HASH_REMOTEIP 2 #define MODSEC_CACHE_DISABLED 0 #define MODSEC_CACHE_ENABLED 1 #define MODSEC_OFFLINE 0 #define MODSEC_ONLINE 1 #define REGEX_CAPTURE_BUFLEN 1024 #define KEEP_FILES_OFF 0 #define KEEP_FILES_ON 1 #define KEEP_FILES_RELEVANT_ONLY 2 #define RULE_EXCEPTION_IMPORT_ID 1 #define RULE_EXCEPTION_IMPORT_MSG 2 #define RULE_EXCEPTION_REMOVE_ID 3 #define RULE_EXCEPTION_REMOVE_MSG 4 #define RULE_EXCEPTION_REMOVE_TAG 5 #define NBSP 160 struct rule_exception { int type; const char *param; void *param_data; }; struct modsec_rec { apr_pool_t *mp; msc_engine *modsecurity; request_rec *r_early; request_rec *r; directory_config *dcfg1; directory_config *dcfg2; directory_config *usercfg; directory_config *txcfg; unsigned int reqbody_should_exist; unsigned int reqbody_chunked; unsigned int phase; unsigned int phase_request_headers_complete; unsigned int phase_request_body_complete; apr_bucket_brigade *if_brigade; unsigned int if_seen_eos; unsigned int if_status; unsigned int if_started_forwarding; apr_size_t reqbody_length; apr_bucket_brigade *of_brigade; unsigned int of_status; unsigned int of_done_reading; unsigned int of_skipping; unsigned int of_partial; unsigned int of_is_error; unsigned int resbody_status; apr_size_t resbody_length; char *resbody_data; unsigned int resbody_contains_html; apr_size_t stream_input_length; char *stream_input_data; apr_size_t stream_output_length; char *stream_output_data; unsigned int of_stream_changed; unsigned int if_stream_changed; apr_array_header_t *error_messages; apr_array_header_t *alerts; const char *txid; const char *sessionid; const char *userid; const char *server_software; const char *local_addr; unsigned int local_port; const char *local_user; /* client */ const char *remote_addr; unsigned int remote_port; const char *remote_user; /* useragent */ const char *useragent_ip; /* request */ const char *request_line; const char *request_method; const char *request_uri; const char *query_string; const char *request_protocol; const char *hostname; apr_table_t *request_headers; apr_off_t request_content_length; const char *request_content_type; apr_table_t *arguments; apr_table_t *arguments_to_sanitize; apr_table_t *request_headers_to_sanitize; apr_table_t *response_headers_to_sanitize; apr_table_t *request_cookies; apr_table_t *pattern_to_sanitize; unsigned int urlencoded_error; unsigned int inbound_error; unsigned int outbound_error; unsigned int is_relevant; apr_table_t *tx_vars; /* ENH: refactor to allow arbitrary var tables */ apr_table_t *geo_vars; /* response */ unsigned int response_status; const char *status_line; const char *response_protocol; apr_table_t *response_headers; unsigned int response_headers_sent; apr_off_t bytes_sent; /* modsecurity request body processing stuff */ unsigned int msc_reqbody_storage; /* on disk or in memory */ unsigned int msc_reqbody_spilltodisk; unsigned int msc_reqbody_read; apr_pool_t *msc_reqbody_mp; /* this is where chunks are allocated from */ apr_array_header_t *msc_reqbody_chunks; /* data chunks when stored in memory */ unsigned int msc_reqbody_length; /* the amount of data received */ int msc_reqbody_chunk_position; /* used when retrieving the body */ unsigned int msc_reqbody_chunk_offset; /* offset of the chunk currently in use */ msc_data_chunk *msc_reqbody_chunk_current; /* current chunk */ char *msc_reqbody_buffer; const char *msc_reqbody_filename; /* when stored on disk */ int msc_reqbody_fd; msc_data_chunk *msc_reqbody_disk_chunk; const char *msc_reqbody_processor; int msc_reqbody_error; const char *msc_reqbody_error_msg; apr_size_t msc_reqbody_no_files_length; char *msc_full_request_buffer; int msc_full_request_length; char *multipart_filename; char *multipart_name; multipart_data *mpd; /* MULTIPART processor data structure */ xml_data *xml; /* XML processor data structure */ #ifdef WITH_YAJL json_data *json; /* JSON processor data structure */ #endif /* audit logging */ char *new_auditlog_boundary; char *new_auditlog_filename; apr_file_t *new_auditlog_fd; unsigned int new_auditlog_size; apr_md5_ctx_t new_auditlog_md5ctx; unsigned int was_intercepted; unsigned int rule_was_intercepted; unsigned int intercept_phase; msre_actionset *intercept_actionset; const char *intercept_message; /* performance measurement */ apr_time_t request_time; apr_time_t time_phase1; apr_time_t time_phase2; apr_time_t time_phase3; apr_time_t time_phase4; apr_time_t time_phase5; apr_time_t time_storage_read; apr_time_t time_storage_write; apr_time_t time_logging; apr_time_t time_gc; apr_table_t *perf_rules; apr_array_header_t *matched_rules; msc_string *matched_var; int highest_severity; /* upload */ int upload_extract_files; int upload_remove_files; int upload_files_count; /* other */ apr_table_t *collections_original; apr_table_t *collections; apr_table_t *collections_dirty; /* rule processing temp pool */ apr_pool_t *msc_rule_mptmp; /* content injection */ const char *content_prepend; apr_off_t content_prepend_len; const char *content_append; apr_off_t content_append_len; /* data cache */ apr_hash_t *tcache; apr_size_t tcache_items; /* removed rules */ apr_array_header_t *removed_rules; apr_array_header_t *removed_rules_tag; apr_array_header_t *removed_rules_msg; /* removed targets */ apr_table_t *removed_targets; /* When "allow" is executed the variable below is * updated to contain the scope of the allow action. Set * at 0 by default, it will have ACTION_ALLOW if we are * to allow phases 1-4 and ACTION_ALLOW_REQUEST if we * are to allow phases 1-2 only. */ unsigned int allow_scope; /* matched vars */ apr_table_t *matched_vars; /* Generic request body processor context to be used by custom parsers. */ void *reqbody_processor_ctx; htmlDocPtr crypto_html_tree; #if defined(WITH_LUA) #ifdef CACHE_LUA lua_State *L; #endif #endif int msc_sdbm_delete_error; }; struct directory_config { apr_pool_t *mp; msre_ruleset *ruleset; int is_enabled; int reqbody_access; int reqintercept_oe; int reqbody_buffering; long int reqbody_inmemory_limit; long int reqbody_limit; long int reqbody_no_files_limit; int resbody_access; long int of_limit; apr_table_t *of_mime_types; int of_mime_types_cleared; int of_limit_action; int if_limit_action; const char *debuglog_name; int debuglog_level; apr_file_t *debuglog_fd; int cookie_format; int argument_separator; const char *cookiev0_separator; int rule_inheritance; apr_array_header_t *rule_exceptions; /* -- Audit log -- */ /* Max rule time */ int max_rule_time; /* Whether audit log should be enabled in the context or not */ int auditlog_flag; /* AUDITLOG_SERIAL (single file) or AUDITLOG_CONCURRENT (multiple files) */ int auditlog_type; #ifdef WITH_YAJL /* AUDITLOGFORMAT_NATIVE or AUDITLOGFORMAT_JSON */ int auditlog_format; #endif /* Mode for audit log directories and files */ apr_fileperms_t auditlog_dirperms; apr_fileperms_t auditlog_fileperms; /* The name of the audit log file (for the old type), or the * name of the index file (for the new audit log type) */ char *auditlog_name; /* The name of the secondary index file */ char *auditlog2_name; /* The file descriptors for the files above */ apr_file_t *auditlog_fd; apr_file_t *auditlog2_fd; /* For the new-style audit log only, the path where * audit log entries will be stored */ char *auditlog_storage_dir; /* A list of parts to include in the new-style audit log * entry. By default, it contains 'ABCFHZ'. Have a look at * the AUDITLOG_PART_* constants above to decipher the * meaning. */ char *auditlog_parts; /* A regular expression that determines if a response * status is treated as relevant. */ msc_regex_t *auditlog_relevant_regex; /* Upload */ const char *tmp_dir; const char *upload_dir; int upload_keep_files; int upload_validates_files; int upload_filemode; /* int only so NOT_SET works */ int upload_file_limit; /* Used only in the configuration phase. */ msre_rule *tmp_chain_starter; msre_actionset *tmp_default_actionset; apr_table_t *tmp_rule_placeholders; /* Misc */ const char *data_dir; const char *webappid; const char *sensor_id; const char *httpBlkey; /* Content injection. */ int content_injection_enabled; /* Stream Inspection */ int stream_inbody_inspection; int stream_outbody_inspection; /* Geo Lookup */ geo_db *geo; /* Gsb Lookup */ gsb_db *gsb; /* Unicode map */ unicode_map *u_map; /* Cache */ int cache_trans; int cache_trans_incremental; apr_size_t cache_trans_min; apr_size_t cache_trans_max; apr_size_t cache_trans_maxitems; /* Array to hold signatures of components, which will * appear in the ModSecurity signature in the audit log. */ apr_array_header_t *component_signatures; /* Request character encoding. */ const char *request_encoding; int disable_backend_compression; /* Collection timeout */ int col_timeout; /* hash of ids */ apr_hash_t *rule_id_htab; /* Hash */ apr_array_header_t *hash_method; const char *crypto_key; int crypto_key_len; const char *crypto_param_name; int hash_is_enabled; int hash_enforcement; int crypto_key_add; int crypto_hash_href_rx; int crypto_hash_faction_rx; int crypto_hash_location_rx; int crypto_hash_iframesrc_rx; int crypto_hash_framesrc_rx; int crypto_hash_href_pm; int crypto_hash_faction_pm; int crypto_hash_location_pm; int crypto_hash_iframesrc_pm; int crypto_hash_framesrc_pm; /* xml */ int xml_external_entity; /* This will be used whenever ModSecurity will be ready * to ask the server for newer rules. */ #if 0 msc_remote_rules_server *remote_rules; int remote_timeout; #endif }; struct error_message_t { const char *file; int line; int level; apr_status_t status; const char *message; }; struct msc_engine { apr_pool_t *mp; apr_global_mutex_t *auditlog_lock; apr_global_mutex_t *geo_lock; #ifdef GLOBAL_COLLECTION_LOCK apr_global_mutex_t *dbm_lock; #endif msre_engine *msre; unsigned int processing_mode; }; struct msc_data_chunk { char *data; apr_size_t length; unsigned int is_permanent; }; struct msc_arg { const char *name; unsigned int name_len; unsigned int name_origin_offset; unsigned int name_origin_len; const char *value; unsigned int value_len; unsigned int value_origin_offset; unsigned int value_origin_len; const char *origin; }; struct msc_string { char *name; unsigned int name_len; char *value; unsigned int value_len; }; struct msc_parm { char *value; int pad_1; int pad_2; }; /* Engine functions */ msc_engine DSOLOCAL *modsecurity_create(apr_pool_t *mp, int processing_mode); int DSOLOCAL modsecurity_init(msc_engine *msce, apr_pool_t *mp); void DSOLOCAL modsecurity_child_init(msc_engine *msce); void DSOLOCAL modsecurity_shutdown(msc_engine *msce); apr_status_t DSOLOCAL modsecurity_tx_init(modsec_rec *msr); apr_status_t DSOLOCAL modsecurity_process_phase(modsec_rec *msr, unsigned int phase); /* Request body functions */ apr_status_t DSOLOCAL modsecurity_request_body_start(modsec_rec *msr, char **error_msg); apr_status_t DSOLOCAL modsecurity_request_body_store(modsec_rec *msr, const char *data, apr_size_t length, char **error_msg); apr_status_t DSOLOCAL modsecurity_request_body_end(modsec_rec *msr, char **error_msg); apr_status_t DSOLOCAL modsecurity_request_body_to_stream(modsec_rec *msr, const char *buffer, int buflen, char **error_msg); apr_status_t DSOLOCAL modsecurity_request_body_retrieve_start(modsec_rec *msr, char **error_msg); apr_status_t DSOLOCAL modsecurity_request_body_retrieve_end(modsec_rec *msr); /* Retrieves up to nbytes bytes of the request body. Returns 1 on * success, 0 when there is no more data, or -1 on error. On return * nbytes will contain the number of bytes stored in the buffer. */ apr_status_t DSOLOCAL modsecurity_request_body_retrieve(modsec_rec *msr, msc_data_chunk **chunk, long int nbytes, char **error_msg); void DSOLOCAL msc_add(modsec_rec *msr, int level, msre_actionset *actionset, const char *action_message, const char *rule_message); const char DSOLOCAL *msc_alert_message(modsec_rec *msr, msre_actionset *actionset, const char *action_message, const char *rule_message); void DSOLOCAL msc_alert(modsec_rec *msr, int level, msre_actionset *actionset, const char *action_message, const char *rule_message); apr_status_t DSOLOCAL modsecurity_request_body_clear(modsec_rec *msr, char **error_msg); #endif