/* * ModSecurity for Apache 2.x, http://www.modsecurity.org/ * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Trustwave Holdings, Inc. (http://www.trustwave.com/) * * You may not use this file except in compliance with * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at * *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * If any of the files related to licensing are missing or if you have any * other questions related to licensing please contact Trustwave Holdings, Inc. * directly using the email address security@modsecurity.org. */ #ifndef _UTIL_H_ #define _UTIL_H_ #include #include #ifndef APR_WSTICKY /* Add extra flags added to APR in 0.9.5 */ #define APR_USETID 0x8000 /**< Set user id */ #define APR_GSETID 0x4000 /**< Set group id */ #define APR_WSTICKY 0x2000 /**< Sticky bit */ #endif #include "modsecurity.h" #include "re.h" #include "msc_tree.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include // This is a trick: for ModSecurity modules this will declare inet_pton, // but for mymodule.cpp (IIS module) this will skip, because we include // windows.h before including msc_util.h // Without the trick we have redefinition conflict. // #if !(NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_VISTA) int DSOLOCAL inet_pton(int family, const char *src, void *dst); #endif #endif #define UNICODE_ERROR_CHARACTERS_MISSING -1 #define UNICODE_ERROR_INVALID_ENCODING -2 #define UNICODE_ERROR_OVERLONG_CHARACTER -3 #define UNICODE_ERROR_RESTRICTED_CHARACTER -4 #define UNICODE_ERROR_DECODING_ERROR -5 #ifdef LINUX_S390 int DSOLOCAL swap_int32(int x); #endif char DSOLOCAL *utf8_unicode_inplace_ex(apr_pool_t *mp, unsigned char *input, long int input_len, int *changed); char DSOLOCAL *m_strcasestr(const char *haystack, const char *needle); int DSOLOCAL normalize_path_inplace(unsigned char *input, int len, int win, int *changed); int DSOLOCAL parse_boolean(const char *input); char DSOLOCAL *remove_quotes(apr_pool_t *mptmp, const char *input, int input_len); char DSOLOCAL *parse_pm_content(const char *op_parm, unsigned short int op_len, msre_rule *rule, char **error_msg); char DSOLOCAL *remove_escape(apr_pool_t *mptmp, const char *input, int input_len); int DSOLOCAL parse_name_eq_value(apr_pool_t *mp, const char *input, char **name, char **value); char DSOLOCAL *url_encode(apr_pool_t *mp, char *input, unsigned int input_len, int *changed); char DSOLOCAL *strnurlencat(char *destination, char *source, unsigned int maxlen); char DSOLOCAL *file_dirname(apr_pool_t *p, const char *filename); char DSOLOCAL *file_basename(apr_pool_t *p, const char *filename); int DSOLOCAL sql_hex2bytes_inplace(unsigned char *data, int len); int DSOLOCAL hex2bytes_inplace(unsigned char *data, int len); char DSOLOCAL *bytes2hex(apr_pool_t *pool, unsigned char *data, int len); int DSOLOCAL is_token_char(unsigned char c); int DSOLOCAL remove_lf_crlf_inplace(char *text); char DSOLOCAL *guess_tmp_dir(apr_pool_t *p); char DSOLOCAL *current_logtime(apr_pool_t *mp); char DSOLOCAL *current_filetime(apr_pool_t *mp); int DSOLOCAL msc_mkstemp_ex(char *templat, int mode); int DSOLOCAL msc_mkstemp(char *templat); char DSOLOCAL *strtolower_inplace(unsigned char *str); char DSOLOCAL *log_escape_re(apr_pool_t *p, const char *text); char DSOLOCAL *log_escape(apr_pool_t *p, const char *text); char DSOLOCAL *log_escape_nq(apr_pool_t *p, const char *text); char DSOLOCAL *log_escape_ex(apr_pool_t *p, const char *text, unsigned long int text_length); char DSOLOCAL *log_escape_nq_ex(apr_pool_t *p, const char *text, unsigned long int text_length); char DSOLOCAL *log_escape_hex(apr_pool_t *mp, const unsigned char *text, unsigned long int text_length); char DSOLOCAL *log_escape_raw(apr_pool_t *mp, const unsigned char *text, unsigned long int text_length); char DSOLOCAL *log_escape_nul(apr_pool_t *mp, const unsigned char *text, unsigned long int text_length); int DSOLOCAL decode_base64_ext(char *plain_text, const unsigned char *input, int input_len); int DSOLOCAL convert_to_int(const char c); int DSOLOCAL set_match_to_tx(modsec_rec *msr, int capture, const char *match, int tx_n); int DSOLOCAL js_decode_nonstrict_inplace(unsigned char *input, long int input_len); int DSOLOCAL urldecode_uni_nonstrict_inplace_ex(unsigned char *input, long int input_length, int * changed); int DSOLOCAL urldecode_nonstrict_inplace_ex(unsigned char *input, long int input_length, int *invalid_count, int *changed); int DSOLOCAL html_entities_decode_inplace(apr_pool_t *mp, unsigned char *input, int len); int DSOLOCAL ansi_c_sequences_decode_inplace(unsigned char *input, int len); char DSOLOCAL *modsec_build(apr_pool_t *mp); int DSOLOCAL is_empty_string(const char *string); char DSOLOCAL *resolve_relative_path(apr_pool_t *pool, const char *parent_filename, const char *filename); int DSOLOCAL css_decode_inplace(unsigned char *input, long int input_len); apr_fileperms_t DSOLOCAL mode2fileperms(int mode); char DSOLOCAL *construct_single_var(modsec_rec *msr, char *name); char DSOLOCAL *format_all_performance_variables(modsec_rec *msr, apr_pool_t *mp); unsigned char DSOLOCAL is_netmask_v4(char *ip_strv4); unsigned char DSOLOCAL is_netmask_v6(char *ip_strv6); int DSOLOCAL msc_headers_to_buffer(const apr_array_header_t *arr, char *buffer, int max_length); int DSOLOCAL ip_tree_from_file(TreeRoot **rtree, char *uri, apr_pool_t *mp, char **error_msg); int DSOLOCAL tree_contains_ip(apr_pool_t *mp, TreeRoot *rtree, const char *value, modsec_rec *msr, char **error_msg); int DSOLOCAL ip_tree_from_param(apr_pool_t *pool, char *param, TreeRoot **rtree, char **error_msg); #ifdef WITH_CURL int ip_tree_from_uri(TreeRoot **rtree, char *uri, apr_pool_t *mp, char **error_msg); #endif int read_line(char *buff, int size, FILE *fp); size_t msc_curl_write_memory_cb(void *contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp); struct msc_curl_memory_buffer_t { char *memory; size_t size; }; #ifdef WIN32 char *strtok_r(char *str, const char *delim, char **nextp); #endif #endif