type => "config",
comment => "module loaded",
match_log => {
error => {
apache => [ qr/ModSecurity for Apache.* configured\./, 10 ],
nginx => [ qr/ModSecurity for nginx.* configured\./, 10 ],
type => "config",
comment => "minimal config",
conf => sub {
# Open the minimal conf file, substituting the
# relative log paths with full paths.
open(C, "<$ENV{DIST_ROOT}/modsecurity.conf-minimal") or die "$!\n";
(my $conf = join('', <C>)) =~ s#Log logs/#Log $ENV{TEST_SERVER_ROOT}/logs/#g;
close C;
return $conf;
match_log => {
error => {
apache => [ qr/ModSecurity for Apache.* configured\./, 10 ],
nginx => [ qr/ModSecurity for nginx.* configured\./, 10 ],