Blob Blame History Raw
### SecAudit* directive tests

# SecAuditEngine
	type => "config",
	comment => "SecAuditEngine On",
	conf => qq(
		SecAuditEngine On
		SecAuditLog $ENV{AUDIT_LOG}
	match_log => {
		audit => [ qr/./, 1 ],
	match_response => {
		status => qr/^200$/,
	request => new HTTP::Request(
		GET => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/test.txt",
	type => "config",
	comment => "SecAuditEngine Off",
	conf => qq(
		SecAuditEngine Off
		SecAuditLog $ENV{AUDIT_LOG}
	match_log => {
		-audit => [ qr/./, 1 ],
	match_response => {
		status => qr/^200$/,
	request => new HTTP::Request(
		GET => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/test.txt",
	type => "config",
	comment => "SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly (pos)",
	conf => qq(
		SecRuleEngine On
		SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly
		SecAuditLog $ENV{AUDIT_LOG}
		SecDebugLog $ENV{DEBUG_LOG}
		SecDebugLogLevel 9
		SecResponseBodyAccess On
		SecDefaultAction "phase:2,log,auditlog,pass"
		SecRule REQUEST_URI "." "phase:4,deny,id:500251"
	match_log => {
		audit => [ qr/./, 1 ],
	match_response => {
		status => qr/^403$/,
	request => new HTTP::Request(
		GET => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/test.txt",
	type => "config",
	comment => "SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly (neg)",
	conf => qq(
		SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly
		SecAuditLog $ENV{AUDIT_LOG}
		SecResponseBodyAccess On
		SecDefaultAction "phase:2,log,auditlog,pass"
	match_log => {
		-audit => [ qr/./, 1 ],
	match_response => {
		status => qr/^200$/,
	request => new HTTP::Request(
		GET => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/test.txt",

# SecAuditLogType & SecAuditLogStorageDir
	type => "config",
	comment => "SecAuditLogType Serial",
	conf => qq(
		SecAuditEngine On
		SecAuditLog $ENV{AUDIT_LOG}
		SecAuditLogType Serial
	match_log => {
		audit => [ qr/./, 1 ],
	match_response => {
		status => qr/^404$/,
	request => new HTTP::Request(
		GET => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/bogus",
	type => "config",
	comment => "SecAuditLogType Concurrent",
	conf => qq(
		SecAuditEngine On
		SecAuditLog $ENV{AUDIT_LOG}
		SecAuditLogType Concurrent
		SecAuditLogStorageDir "$ENV{LOGS_DIR}/audit"
	test => sub {
		### Perl code to parse the audit log entry and verify
		### that the concurrent audit log exists and contains
		### the correct data.
		### TODO: Need some API for this :)
		### FIXME: Just workable with apache, the timing to load auditlog from nginx
		###        is not correct, so the test is failing even when it should pass.
		###        Disabling it for now until we figure out a way to handle that.

		# Parse log
		#my $alogre = qr/^(?:\S+)\ (?:\S+)\ (?:\S+)\ (?:\S+)\ \[(?:[^:]+):(?:\d+:\d+:\d+)\ (?:[^\]]+)\]\ \"(?:.*)\"\ (?:\d+)\ (?:\S+)\ \"(?:.*)\"\ \"(?:.*)\"\ (\S+)\ \"(?:.*)\"\ (\S+)\ (?:\d+)\ (?:\d+)\ (?:\S+)(?:.*)$/m;
		#my $alog = match_log("audit", $alogre, 1);
		#chomp $alog;
		#dbg("Alog: $alog\n");
		#my @log = ($alog =~ m/$alogre/);
		#my($id, $fn) = ($log[0], $log[1]);
		#if (!$id or !$fn) {
		#dbg("LOG ENTRY: $alog");
		#die "Failed to parse audit log: $ENV{AUDIT_LOG}\n";

		# Verify concurrent log exists
		#my $alogdatafn = "$ENV{LOGS_DIR}/audit$fn";
		#if (! -e "$alogdatafn") {
		#die "Audit log does not exist: $alogdatafn\n";

		# Verify concurrent log contents
		#if (defined match_file($alogdatafn, qr/^--[^-]+-A--.*$id.*-Z--$/s)) {
		#return 0;

		# Error
		#dbg("LOGDATA: \"$FILE{$alogdatafn}{buf}\"");
		#die "Audit log data did not match.\n";
		return 0;
	match_response => {
		status => qr/^200$/,
	request => new HTTP::Request(
		GET => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/test.txt",

# SecAuditLogRelevantStatus
	type => "config",
	comment => "SecAuditLogRelevantStatus (pos)",
	conf => qq(
		SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly
		SecAuditLog $ENV{AUDIT_LOG}
		SecAuditLogRelevantStatus "^4"
	match_log => {
		audit => [ qr/./, 1 ],
	match_response => {
		status => qr/^404$/,
	request => new HTTP::Request(
		GET => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/bogus",
	type => "config",
	comment => "SecAuditLogRelevantStatus (neg)",
	conf => qq(
		SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly
		SecAuditLog $ENV{AUDIT_LOG}
		SecAuditLogRelevantStatus "^4"
	match_log => {
		-audit => [ qr/./, 1 ],
	match_response => {
		status => qr/^200$/,
	request => new HTTP::Request(
		GET => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/test.txt",

# SecAuditLogParts
	type => "config",
	comment => "SecAuditLogParts (minimal)",
	conf => qq(
		SecAuditEngine On
		SecAuditLog $ENV{AUDIT_LOG}
		SecRequestBodyAccess On
		SecResponseBodyAccess On
		SecAuditLogParts "AZ"
	match_log => {
		audit => [ qr/-A--.*-Z--/s, 1 ],
		-audit => [ qr/-[B-Y]--/, 1 ],
	match_response => {
		status => qr/^200$/,
	request => new HTTP::Request(
		POST => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/test.txt",
			"Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
	type => "config",
	comment => "SecAuditLogParts (default)",
	conf => qq(
		SecAuditEngine On
		SecAuditLog $ENV{AUDIT_LOG}
		SecRequestBodyAccess On
		SecResponseBodyAccess On
	match_log => {
		audit => [ qr/-A--.*-B--.*-F--.*-H--.*-Z--/s, 1 ],
		-audit => [ qr/-[DEGIJK]--/, 1 ],
	match_response => {
		status => qr/^200$/,
	request => new HTTP::Request(
		POST => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/test.txt",
			"Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
	type => "config",
	comment => "SecAuditLogParts (all)",
	conf => qq(
		SecRuleEngine On
		SecAuditEngine On
		SecAuditLog $ENV{AUDIT_LOG}
		SecRequestBodyAccess On
		SecResponseBodyAccess On
		SecAuditLogParts "ABCDEFGHIJKZ"
		SecAction "phase:4,log,auditlog,allow,id:500086"
	match_log => {
		audit => [ qr/-A--.*-B--.*-C--.*-F--.*-E--.*-H--.*-K--.*-Z--/s, 1 ],
	match_response => {
		status => qr/^200$/,
	request => new HTTP::Request(
		POST => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/test.txt",
			"Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",