This is the mod_auth_mellon User Guide. It is written in AsciiDoc
which is a popular plaintext markup language much like markdown or
reStructuredText. You can find extensive documentation on AsciiDoc and
AsciiDoctor on the web. AsciiDoc can be rendered into a variety of
formats, but one of it's great advantages is the ability to produece

There are many ways to render AsciiDoc, but the simplest to produce
html is this:

% asciidoctor -a data-uri mellon_user_guide.adoc

Note: the "-a data-uri" causes the images to be inlined in the HTML
output so that everything is contained in one HTML file.

If you want to edit the source it can be very useful to be able to see
the rendered version as you work. This link is a guide on how to do
that. Included in this directory is a Guardfile which can be used in
conjuction with the live preview discussed in the link.