Blame src/window.h

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 * window.h	Constants, prototypes etc. for the window routines.
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 *		$Id: window.h,v 1.16 2007-10-10 20:18:20 al-guest Exp $
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 *		This file is part of the minicom communications package,
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 *		Copyright 1991-1996 Miquel van Smoorenburg.
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 *		This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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 *		modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
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 *		as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
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 *		2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
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 *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
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 *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
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 * fmg 1/11/94 colors
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 * fmg 8/20/97 added stuff for history search section
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 * fmg 8/21/97 added kludged F_key support for RedHat4.1
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#include <stddef.h>
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 * One character is contained in a "ELM"
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typedef struct _elm {
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  wchar_t value;
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  char attr;
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  char color;
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} ELM;
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 * Control struct of a window
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typedef struct _win {
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  int x1, y1, x2, y2;	/* Coordinates */
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  int sy1, sy2;		/* Scrolling region */
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  int xs, ys;		/* x and y size */
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  char border;		/* type of border */
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  char cursor;		/* Does it have a cursor */
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  char attr;		/* Current attribute of window */
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  char color;		/* Current color of window */
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  char autocr;		/* With '\n', do an automatic '\r' */
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  char doscroll;	/* Automatically scroll up */
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  char wrap;		/* Wrap around edge */
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  char direct;		/* Direct write to screen ? */
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  short curx, cury;	/* current x and y */
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  char o_cursor;
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  short o_curx;
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  short o_cury;
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  char o_attr;
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  char o_color;		/* Position & attributes before window was opened */
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  ELM *map;		/* Map of contents */
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  ELM *histbuf;		/* History buffer. */
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  int histlines;	/* How many lines we keep in the history buffer */
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  int histline;		/* Current line in the history buffer. */
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} WIN;
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 * Stdwin is the whole screen
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extern WIN *stdwin;	/* Whole screen */
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extern int LINES, COLS; /* Size of sreen */
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extern int usecolor;	/* Use ansi color escape sequences */
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extern int useattr;	/* Use attributes (reverse, bold etc. ) */
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extern int dirflush;	/* Direct flush after write */
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extern int screen_ibmpc;  /* Literal pass-through of all characters? */
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extern int screen_iso;	/* Literal pass-through of all characters? */
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extern int w_init;	/* Already initialized? */
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extern char *_tptr;
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extern int use_status;	/* Turned on in main() */
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/* fmg 1/11/94 colors */
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extern int mfcolor;     /* Menu Foreground Color */
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extern int mbcolor;     /* Menu Background Color */
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extern int tfcolor;     /* Terminal Foreground Color */
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extern int tbcolor;     /* Terminal Background Color */
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extern int sfcolor;     /* Status Bar Foreground Color */
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extern int sbcolor;     /* Status Bar Background Color */
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extern const char *J_col[]; /* Color's names */
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 * Possible attributes.
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#define XA_NORMAL	 0
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#define XA_BLINK	 1
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#define XA_BOLD		 2
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#define XA_REVERSE	 4
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#define XA_STANDOUT	 8
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#define XA_UNDERLINE	16
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#define XA_ALTCHARSET	32
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#define XA_BLANK	64
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 * Possible colors
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#define BLACK		0
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#define RED		1
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#define GREEN		2
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#define YELLOW		3
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#define BLUE		4
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#define MAGENTA		5
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#define CYAN		6
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#define WHITE		7
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#define COLATTR(fg, bg) (((fg) << 4) + (bg))
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#define COLFG(ca)	((ca) >> 4)
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#define COLBG(ca)	((ca) % 16)
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 * Possible borders.
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#define BNONE	0
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#define BSINGLE 1
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#define BDOUBLE 2
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 * Scrolling directions.
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#define S_UP	1
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#define S_DOWN	2
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 * Cursor types.
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#define CNONE	0
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#define CNORMAL	1
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 * Title Positions
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#define TLEFT	0
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#define TMID	1
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#define TRIGHT	2
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 * Function prototypes.
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int wxgetch(void);
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void mc_wflush(void);
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WIN *mc_wopen(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int border,
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           int attr, int fg, int bg, int direct, int hl, int rel);
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void mc_wclose(WIN *win, int replace);
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void mc_wleave(void);
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void mc_wreturn(void);
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void mc_wresize(WIN *w, int x, int y);
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void mc_wredraw(WIN *w, int newdirect);
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void mc_wscroll(WIN *win, int dir);
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void mc_wlocate(WIN *win, int x, int y);
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void mc_wputc(WIN *win, wchar_t c);
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void mc_wdrawelm(WIN *win, int y, ELM *e);
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void mc_wputs(WIN *win, const char *s);
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int mc_wprintf(WIN *, const char *, ...)
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        __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
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void mc_wbell(void);
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void mc_wcursor(WIN *win, int type);
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void mc_wtitle(WIN *w, int pos , const char *s);
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void mc_wcurbar(WIN *w, int y , int attr);
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int mc_wselect(int x, int y, const char *const *choices,
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            void (*const *funlist)(void) ,
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            const char *title , int attr , int fg , int bg );
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void mc_wclrch(WIN *w, int n);
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void mc_wclrel(WIN *w);
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void mc_wclreol(WIN *w);
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void mc_wclrbol(WIN *w);
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void mc_wclreos(WIN *w);
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void mc_wclrbos(WIN *w);
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void mc_winclr(WIN *w);
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void mc_winsline(WIN *w);
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void mc_wdelline(WIN *w);
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void mc_winschar(WIN *w);
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void mc_winschar2(WIN *w, wchar_t c, int move);
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void mc_wdelchar(WIN *w);
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int  mc_wgets(WIN *win, char *s, int linemax, int totmax);
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int  mc_wgetwcs(WIN *win, wchar_t *s, int linemax, int totmax);
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void win_end(void);
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#ifdef BBS
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int win_init(char *term, int lines);
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int win_init(int fg, int bg, int attr);
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/* fmg 8/20/97: both needed by history search section */
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void mc_wdrawelm_inverse( WIN *w, int y, ELM *e);
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void mc_wdrawelm_var(WIN *w, ELM *e, wchar_t *buf);
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 * Some macro's that can be used as functions.
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#define mc_wsetregion(w, z1, z2) (((w)->sy1=(w)->y1+(z1)),((w)->sy2=(w)->y1+(z2)))
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#define mc_wresetregion(w) ( (w)->sy1 = (w)->y1, (w)->sy2 = (w)->y2 )
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#define mc_wgetattr(w) ( (w)->attr )
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#define mc_wsetattr(w, a) ( (w)->attr = (a) )
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#define mc_wsetfgcol(w, fg) ( (w)->color = ((w)->color & 15) + ((fg) << 4))
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#define mc_wsetbgcol(w, bg) ( (w)->color = ((w)->color & 240) + (bg) )
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#define mc_wsetam(w) ( (w)->wrap = 1 )
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#define mc_wresetam(w) ( (w)->wrap = 0 )
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 * Allright, now the macro's for our keyboard routines.
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#define K_BS		8
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#define K_ESC		27
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#define K_STOP		256
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#define K_F1		257
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#define K_F2		258
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#define K_F3		259
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#define K_F4		260
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#define K_F5		261
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#define K_F6		262
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#define K_F7		263
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#define K_F8		264
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#define K_F9		265
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#define K_F10		266
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#define K_F11		277
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#define K_F12		278
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#define K_HOME		267
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#define K_PGUP		268
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#define K_UP		269
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#define K_LT		270
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#define K_RT		271
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#define K_DN		272
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#define K_END		273
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#define K_PGDN		274
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#define K_INS		275
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#define K_DEL		276
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#define NUM_KEYS	23
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#define KEY_OFFS	256
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/* Here's where the meta keycode start. (512 + keycode). */
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#define K_META		512
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#ifndef EOF
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#  define EOF		((int) -1)
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#define K_ERA		'\b'
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#define K_KILL		((int) -2)
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/* Internal structure. */
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struct key {
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  char *cap;
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  char len;
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