Blame pcrecpp.h

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// Copyright (c) 2005, Google Inc.
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// All rights reserved.
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// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
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// met:
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//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
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// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
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// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
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// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
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// distribution.
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//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
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// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
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// this software without specific prior written permission.
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// Author: Sanjay Ghemawat
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// Support for PCRE_XXX modifiers added by Giuseppe Maxia, July 2005
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#ifndef _PCRECPP_H
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#define _PCRECPP_H
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// C++ interface to the pcre regular-expression library.  RE supports
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// Perl-style regular expressions (with extensions like \d, \w, \s,
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// ...).
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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// This module is part of the pcre library and hence supports its syntax
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// for regular expressions.
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// The syntax is pretty similar to Perl's.  For those not familiar
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// with Perl's regular expressions, here are some examples of the most
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// commonly used extensions:
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//   "hello (\\w+) world"  -- \w matches a "word" character
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//   "version (\\d+)"      -- \d matches a digit
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//   "hello\\s+world"      -- \s matches any whitespace character
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//   "\\b(\\w+)\\b"        -- \b matches empty string at a word boundary
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//   "(?i)hello"           -- (?i) turns on case-insensitive matching
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//   "/\\*(.*?)\\*/"       -- .*? matches . minimum no. of times possible
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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// The "FullMatch" operation checks that supplied text matches a
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// supplied pattern exactly.
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// Example: successful match
Packit 78a954
//    pcrecpp::RE re("h.*o");
Packit 78a954
//    re.FullMatch("hello");
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// Example: unsuccessful match (requires full match):
Packit 78a954
//    pcrecpp::RE re("e");
Packit 78a954
//    !re.FullMatch("hello");
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// Example: creating a temporary RE object:
Packit 78a954
//    pcrecpp::RE("h.*o").FullMatch("hello");
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// You can pass in a "const char*" or a "string" for "text".  The
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// examples below tend to use a const char*.
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// You can, as in the different examples above, store the RE object
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// explicitly in a variable or use a temporary RE object.  The
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// examples below use one mode or the other arbitrarily.  Either
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// could correctly be used for any of these examples.
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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// You can supply extra pointer arguments to extract matched subpieces.
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// Example: extracts "ruby" into "s" and 1234 into "i"
Packit 78a954
//    int i;
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//    string s;
Packit 78a954
//    pcrecpp::RE re("(\\w+):(\\d+)");
Packit 78a954
//    re.FullMatch("ruby:1234", &s, &i);
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// Example: does not try to extract any extra sub-patterns
Packit 78a954
//    re.FullMatch("ruby:1234", &s);
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// Example: does not try to extract into NULL
Packit 78a954
//    re.FullMatch("ruby:1234", NULL, &i);
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// Example: integer overflow causes failure
Packit 78a954
//    !re.FullMatch("ruby:1234567891234", NULL, &i);
Packit 78a954
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// Example: fails because there aren't enough sub-patterns:
Packit 78a954
//    !pcrecpp::RE("\\w+:\\d+").FullMatch("ruby:1234", &s);
Packit 78a954
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// Example: fails because string cannot be stored in integer
Packit 78a954
//    !pcrecpp::RE("(.*)").FullMatch("ruby", &i);
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// The provided pointer arguments can be pointers to any scalar numeric
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// type, or one of
Packit 78a954
//    string        (matched piece is copied to string)
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//    StringPiece   (StringPiece is mutated to point to matched piece)
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//    T             (where "bool T::ParseFrom(const char*, int)" exists)
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//    NULL          (the corresponding matched sub-pattern is not copied)
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// CAVEAT: An optional sub-pattern that does not exist in the matched
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// string is assigned the empty string.  Therefore, the following will
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// return false (because the empty string is not a valid number):
Packit 78a954
//    int number;
Packit 78a954
//    pcrecpp::RE::FullMatch("abc", "[a-z]+(\\d+)?", &number);
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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// The matching interface supports at most 16 arguments per call.
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// If you need more, consider using the more general interface
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// pcrecpp::RE::DoMatch().  See pcrecpp.h for the signature for DoMatch.
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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// You can use the "PartialMatch" operation when you want the pattern
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// to match any substring of the text.
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// Example: simple search for a string:
Packit 78a954
//    pcrecpp::RE("ell").PartialMatch("hello");
Packit 78a954
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// Example: find first number in a string:
Packit 78a954
//    int number;
Packit 78a954
//    pcrecpp::RE re("(\\d+)");
Packit 78a954
//    re.PartialMatch("x*100 + 20", &number);
Packit 78a954
//    assert(number == 100);
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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// By default, pattern and text are plain text, one byte per character.
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// The UTF8 flag, passed to the constructor, causes both pattern
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// and string to be treated as UTF-8 text, still a byte stream but
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// potentially multiple bytes per character. In practice, the text
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// is likelier to be UTF-8 than the pattern, but the match returned
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// may depend on the UTF8 flag, so always use it when matching
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// UTF8 text.  E.g., "." will match one byte normally but with UTF8
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// set may match up to three bytes of a multi-byte character.
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// Example:
Packit 78a954
//    pcrecpp::RE_Options options;
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//    options.set_utf8();
Packit 78a954
//    pcrecpp::RE re(utf8_pattern, options);
Packit 78a954
//    re.FullMatch(utf8_string);
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// Example: using the convenience function UTF8():
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//    pcrecpp::RE re(utf8_pattern, pcrecpp::UTF8());
Packit 78a954
//    re.FullMatch(utf8_string);
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// NOTE: The UTF8 option is ignored if pcre was not configured with the
Packit 78a954
//       --enable-utf8 flag.
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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// PCRE defines some modifiers to change the behavior of the regular
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// expression engine.
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// The C++ wrapper defines an auxiliary class, RE_Options, as a vehicle
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// to pass such modifiers to a RE class.
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// Currently, the following modifiers are supported
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//    modifier              description               Perl corresponding
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//    PCRE_CASELESS         case insensitive match    /i
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//    PCRE_MULTILINE        multiple lines match      /m
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//    PCRE_DOTALL           dot matches newlines      /s
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//    PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY   $ matches only at end     N/A
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//    PCRE_EXTRA            strict escape parsing     N/A
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//    PCRE_EXTENDED         ignore whitespaces        /x
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//    PCRE_UTF8             handles UTF8 chars        built-in
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//    PCRE_UNGREEDY         reverses * and *?         N/A
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//    PCRE_NO_AUTO_CAPTURE  disables matching parens  N/A (*)
Packit 78a954
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// (For a full account on how each modifier works, please check the
Packit 78a954
// PCRE API reference manual).
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// (*) Both Perl and PCRE allow non matching parentheses by means of the
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// "?:" modifier within the pattern itself. e.g. (?:ab|cd) does not
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// capture, while (ab|cd) does.
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// For each modifier, there are two member functions whose name is made
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// out of the modifier in lowercase, without the "PCRE_" prefix. For
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// instance, PCRE_CASELESS is handled by
Packit 78a954
//    bool caseless(),
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// which returns true if the modifier is set, and
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//    RE_Options & set_caseless(bool),
Packit 78a954
// which sets or unsets the modifier.
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// Moreover, PCRE_EXTRA_MATCH_LIMIT can be accessed through the
Packit 78a954
// set_match_limit() and match_limit() member functions.
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// Setting match_limit to a non-zero value will limit the executation of
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// pcre to keep it from doing bad things like blowing the stack or taking
Packit 78a954
// an eternity to return a result.  A value of 5000 is good enough to stop
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// stack blowup in a 2MB thread stack.  Setting match_limit to zero will
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// disable match limiting.  Alternately, you can set match_limit_recursion()
Packit 78a954
// which uses PCRE_EXTRA_MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION to limit how much pcre
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// recurses.  match_limit() caps the number of matches pcre does;
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// match_limit_recrusion() caps the depth of recursion.
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// Normally, to pass one or more modifiers to a RE class, you declare
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// a RE_Options object, set the appropriate options, and pass this
Packit 78a954
// object to a RE constructor. Example:
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Packit 78a954
//    RE_options opt;
Packit 78a954
//    opt.set_caseless(true);
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
//    if (RE("HELLO", opt).PartialMatch("hello world")) ...
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// RE_options has two constructors. The default constructor takes no
Packit 78a954
// arguments and creates a set of flags that are off by default.
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// The optional parameter 'option_flags' is to facilitate transfer
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// of legacy code from C programs.  This lets you do
Packit 78a954
//    RE(pattern, RE_Options(PCRE_CASELESS|PCRE_MULTILINE)).PartialMatch(str);
Packit 78a954
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// But new code is better off doing
Packit 78a954
//    RE(pattern,
Packit 78a954
//      RE_Options().set_caseless(true).set_multiline(true)).PartialMatch(str);
Packit 78a954
// (See below)
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// If you are going to pass one of the most used modifiers, there are some
Packit 78a954
// convenience functions that return a RE_Options class with the
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// appropriate modifier already set:
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// If you need to set several options at once, and you don't want to go
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// through the pains of declaring a RE_Options object and setting several
Packit 78a954
// options, there is a parallel method that give you such ability on the
Packit 78a954
// fly. You can concatenate several set_xxxxx member functions, since each
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// of them returns a reference to its class object.  e.g.: to pass
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Packit 78a954
// statement, you may write
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Packit 78a954
//    RE(" ^ xyz \\s+ .* blah$", RE_Options()
Packit 78a954
//                            .set_caseless(true)
Packit 78a954
//                            .set_extended(true)
Packit 78a954
//                            .set_multiline(true)).PartialMatch(sometext);
Packit 78a954
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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// The "Consume" operation may be useful if you want to repeatedly
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// match regular expressions at the front of a string and skip over
Packit 78a954
// them as they match.  This requires use of the "StringPiece" type,
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// which represents a sub-range of a real string.  Like RE, StringPiece
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// is defined in the pcrecpp namespace.
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// Example: read lines of the form "var = value" from a string.
Packit 78a954
//    string contents = ...;                 // Fill string somehow
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//    pcrecpp::StringPiece input(contents);  // Wrap in a StringPiece
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Packit 78a954
//    string var;
Packit 78a954
//    int value;
Packit 78a954
//    pcrecpp::RE re("(\\w+) = (\\d+)\n");
Packit 78a954
//    while (re.Consume(&input, &var, &value)) {
Packit 78a954
//      ...;
Packit 78a954
//    }
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
// Each successful call to "Consume" will set "var/value", and also
Packit 78a954
// advance "input" so it points past the matched text.
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// The "FindAndConsume" operation is similar to "Consume" but does not
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// anchor your match at the beginning of the string.  For example, you
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// could extract all words from a string by repeatedly calling
Packit 78a954
//     pcrecpp::RE("(\\w+)").FindAndConsume(&input, &word)
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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// By default, if you pass a pointer to a numeric value, the
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// corresponding text is interpreted as a base-10 number.  You can
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// instead wrap the pointer with a call to one of the operators Hex(),
Packit 78a954
// Octal(), or CRadix() to interpret the text in another base.  The
Packit 78a954
// CRadix operator interprets C-style "0" (base-8) and "0x" (base-16)
Packit 78a954
// prefixes, but defaults to base-10.
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Packit 78a954
// Example:
Packit 78a954
//   int a, b, c, d;
Packit 78a954
//   pcrecpp::RE re("(.*) (.*) (.*) (.*)");
Packit 78a954
//   re.FullMatch("100 40 0100 0x40",
Packit 78a954
//                pcrecpp::Octal(&a), pcrecpp::Hex(&b),
Packit 78a954
//                pcrecpp::CRadix(&c), pcrecpp::CRadix(&d);;
Packit 78a954
// will leave 64 in a, b, c, and d.
Packit 78a954
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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// You can replace the first match of "pattern" in "str" with
Packit 78a954
// "rewrite".  Within "rewrite", backslash-escaped digits (\1 to \9)
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// can be used to insert text matching corresponding parenthesized
Packit 78a954
// group from the pattern.  \0 in "rewrite" refers to the entire
Packit 78a954
// matching text.  E.g.,
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Packit 78a954
//   string s = "yabba dabba doo";
Packit 78a954
//   pcrecpp::RE("b+").Replace("d", &s);
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
// will leave "s" containing "yada dabba doo".  The result is true if
Packit 78a954
// the pattern matches and a replacement occurs, or false otherwise.
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// GlobalReplace() is like Replace(), except that it replaces all
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// occurrences of the pattern in the string with the rewrite.
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// Replacements are not subject to re-matching.  E.g.,
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
//   string s = "yabba dabba doo";
Packit 78a954
//   pcrecpp::RE("b+").GlobalReplace("d", &s);
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
// will leave "s" containing "yada dada doo".  It returns the number
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// of replacements made.
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Packit 78a954
// Extract() is like Replace(), except that if the pattern matches,
Packit 78a954
// "rewrite" is copied into "out" (an additional argument) with
Packit 78a954
// substitutions.  The non-matching portions of "text" are ignored.
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// Returns true iff a match occurred and the extraction happened
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// successfully.  If no match occurs, the string is left unaffected.
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#include <string>
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#include <pcre.h>
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#include <pcrecpparg.h>   // defines the Arg class
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// This isn't technically needed here, but we include it
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// anyway so folks who include pcrecpp.h don't have to.
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#include <pcre_stringpiece.h>
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namespace pcrecpp {
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#define PCRE_SET_OR_CLEAR(b, o) \
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    if (b) all_options_ |= (o); else all_options_ &= ~(o); \
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    return *this
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Packit 78a954
#define PCRE_IS_SET(o)  \
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        (all_options_ & o) == o
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/***** Compiling regular expressions: the RE class *****/
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// RE_Options allow you to set options to be passed along to pcre,
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// along with other options we put on top of pcre.
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// Only 9 modifiers, plus match_limit and match_limit_recursion,
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// are supported now.
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class PCRECPP_EXP_DEFN RE_Options {
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  // constructor
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  RE_Options() : match_limit_(0), match_limit_recursion_(0), all_options_(0) {}
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  // alternative constructor.
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  // To facilitate transfer of legacy code from C programs
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Packit 78a954
  // This lets you do
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  //    RE(pattern, RE_Options(PCRE_CASELESS|PCRE_MULTILINE)).PartialMatch(str);
Packit 78a954
  // But new code is better off doing
Packit 78a954
  //    RE(pattern,
Packit 78a954
  //      RE_Options().set_caseless(true).set_multiline(true)).PartialMatch(str);
Packit 78a954
  RE_Options(int option_flags) : match_limit_(0), match_limit_recursion_(0),
Packit 78a954
                                 all_options_(option_flags) {}
Packit 78a954
  // we're fine with the default destructor, copy constructor, etc.
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  // accessors and mutators
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  int match_limit() const { return match_limit_; };
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  RE_Options &set_match_limit(int limit) {
Packit 78a954
    match_limit_ = limit;
Packit 78a954
    return *this;
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Packit 78a954
  int match_limit_recursion() const { return match_limit_recursion_; };
Packit 78a954
  RE_Options &set_match_limit_recursion(int limit) {
Packit 78a954
    match_limit_recursion_ = limit;
Packit 78a954
    return *this;
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Packit 78a954
  bool caseless() const {
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Packit 78a954
  RE_Options &set_caseless(bool x) {
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Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  bool multiline() const {
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Packit 78a954
  RE_Options &set_multiline(bool x) {
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Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  bool dotall() const {
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Packit 78a954
  RE_Options &set_dotall(bool x) {
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Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  bool extended() const {
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Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  RE_Options &set_extended(bool x) {
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Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  bool dollar_endonly() const {
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Packit 78a954
  RE_Options &set_dollar_endonly(bool x) {
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Packit 78a954
  bool extra() const {
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Packit 78a954
  RE_Options &set_extra(bool x) {
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Packit 78a954
  bool ungreedy() const {
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Packit 78a954
  RE_Options &set_ungreedy(bool x) {
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Packit 78a954
  bool utf8() const {
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    return PCRE_IS_SET(PCRE_UTF8);
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Packit 78a954
  RE_Options &set_utf8(bool x) {
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Packit 78a954
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Packit 78a954
  bool no_auto_capture() const {
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Packit 78a954
  RE_Options &set_no_auto_capture(bool x) {
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Packit 78a954
  RE_Options &set_all_options(int opt) {
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    all_options_ = opt;
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    return *this;
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Packit 78a954
  int all_options() const {
Packit 78a954
    return all_options_ ;
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Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  // TODO: add other pcre flags
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Packit 78a954
  int match_limit_;
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  int match_limit_recursion_;
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  int all_options_;
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// These functions return some common RE_Options
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static inline RE_Options UTF8() {
Packit 78a954
  return RE_Options().set_utf8(true);
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static inline RE_Options CASELESS() {
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  return RE_Options().set_caseless(true);
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static inline RE_Options MULTILINE() {
Packit 78a954
  return RE_Options().set_multiline(true);
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static inline RE_Options DOTALL() {
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  return RE_Options().set_dotall(true);
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static inline RE_Options EXTENDED() {
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  return RE_Options().set_extended(true);
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// Interface for regular expression matching.  Also corresponds to a
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// pre-compiled regular expression.  An "RE" object is safe for
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// concurrent use by multiple threads.
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Packit 78a954
  // We provide implicit conversions from strings so that users can
Packit 78a954
  // pass in a string or a "const char*" wherever an "RE" is expected.
Packit 78a954
  RE(const string& pat) { Init(pat, NULL); }
Packit 78a954
  RE(const string& pat, const RE_Options& option) { Init(pat, &option); }
Packit 78a954
  RE(const char* pat) { Init(pat, NULL); }
Packit 78a954
  RE(const char* pat, const RE_Options& option) { Init(pat, &option); }
Packit 78a954
  RE(const unsigned char* pat) {
Packit 78a954
    Init(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pat), NULL);
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  RE(const unsigned char* pat, const RE_Options& option) {
Packit 78a954
    Init(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pat), &option);
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  // Copy constructor & assignment - note that these are expensive
Packit 78a954
  // because they recompile the expression.
Packit 78a954
  RE(const RE& re) { Init(re.pattern_, &re.options_); }
Packit 78a954
  const RE& operator=(const RE& re) {
Packit 78a954
    if (this != &re) {
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
      // This is the code that originally came from Google
Packit 78a954
      // Init(re.pattern_.c_str(), &re.options_);
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
      // This is the replacement from Ari Pollak
Packit 78a954
      Init(re.pattern_, &re.options_);
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
    return *this;
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  // The string specification for this RE.  E.g.
Packit 78a954
  //   RE re("ab*c?d+");
Packit 78a954
  //   re.pattern();    // "ab*c?d+"
Packit 78a954
  const string& pattern() const { return pattern_; }
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  // If RE could not be created properly, returns an error string.
Packit 78a954
  // Else returns the empty string.
Packit 78a954
  const string& error() const { return *error_; }
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  /***** The useful part: the matching interface *****/
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  // This is provided so one can do pattern.ReplaceAll() just as
Packit 78a954
  // easily as ReplaceAll(pattern-text, ....)
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  bool FullMatch(const StringPiece& text,
Packit 78a954
                 const Arg& ptr1 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                 const Arg& ptr2 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                 const Arg& ptr3 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                 const Arg& ptr4 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                 const Arg& ptr5 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                 const Arg& ptr6 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                 const Arg& ptr7 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                 const Arg& ptr8 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                 const Arg& ptr9 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                 const Arg& ptr10 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                 const Arg& ptr11 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                 const Arg& ptr12 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                 const Arg& ptr13 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                 const Arg& ptr14 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                 const Arg& ptr15 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                 const Arg& ptr16 = no_arg) const;
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  bool PartialMatch(const StringPiece& text,
Packit 78a954
                    const Arg& ptr1 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                    const Arg& ptr2 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                    const Arg& ptr3 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                    const Arg& ptr4 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                    const Arg& ptr5 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                    const Arg& ptr6 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                    const Arg& ptr7 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                    const Arg& ptr8 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                    const Arg& ptr9 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                    const Arg& ptr10 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                    const Arg& ptr11 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                    const Arg& ptr12 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                    const Arg& ptr13 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                    const Arg& ptr14 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                    const Arg& ptr15 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                    const Arg& ptr16 = no_arg) const;
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  bool Consume(StringPiece* input,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg& ptr1 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg& ptr2 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg& ptr3 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg& ptr4 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg& ptr5 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg& ptr6 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg& ptr7 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg& ptr8 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg& ptr9 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg& ptr10 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg& ptr11 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg& ptr12 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg& ptr13 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg& ptr14 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg& ptr15 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg& ptr16 = no_arg) const;
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  bool FindAndConsume(StringPiece* input,
Packit 78a954
                      const Arg& ptr1 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                      const Arg& ptr2 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                      const Arg& ptr3 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                      const Arg& ptr4 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                      const Arg& ptr5 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                      const Arg& ptr6 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                      const Arg& ptr7 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                      const Arg& ptr8 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                      const Arg& ptr9 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                      const Arg& ptr10 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                      const Arg& ptr11 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                      const Arg& ptr12 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                      const Arg& ptr13 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                      const Arg& ptr14 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                      const Arg& ptr15 = no_arg,
Packit 78a954
                      const Arg& ptr16 = no_arg) const;
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  bool Replace(const StringPiece& rewrite,
Packit 78a954
               string *str) const;
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  int GlobalReplace(const StringPiece& rewrite,
Packit 78a954
                    string *str) const;
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  bool Extract(const StringPiece &rewrite,
Packit 78a954
               const StringPiece &text,
Packit 78a954
               string *out) const;
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  // Escapes all potentially meaningful regexp characters in
Packit 78a954
  // 'unquoted'.  The returned string, used as a regular expression,
Packit 78a954
  // will exactly match the original string.  For example,
Packit 78a954
  //           1.5-2.0?
Packit 78a954
  // may become:
Packit 78a954
  //           1\.5\-2\.0\?
Packit 78a954
  // Note QuoteMeta behaves the same as perl's QuoteMeta function,
Packit 78a954
  // *except* that it escapes the NUL character (\0) as backslash + 0,
Packit 78a954
  // rather than backslash + NUL.
Packit 78a954
  static string QuoteMeta(const StringPiece& unquoted);
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  /***** Generic matching interface *****/
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  // Type of match (TODO: Should be restructured as part of RE_Options)
Packit 78a954
  enum Anchor {
Packit 78a954
    UNANCHORED,         // No anchoring
Packit 78a954
    ANCHOR_START,       // Anchor at start only
Packit 78a954
    ANCHOR_BOTH         // Anchor at start and end
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  // General matching routine.  Stores the length of the match in
Packit 78a954
  // "*consumed" if successful.
Packit 78a954
  bool DoMatch(const StringPiece& text,
Packit 78a954
               Anchor anchor,
Packit 78a954
               int* consumed,
Packit 78a954
               const Arg* const* args, int n) const;
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  // Return the number of capturing subpatterns, or -1 if the
Packit 78a954
  // regexp wasn't valid on construction.
Packit 78a954
  int NumberOfCapturingGroups() const;
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  // The default value for an argument, to indicate the end of the argument
Packit 78a954
  // list. This must be used only in optional argument defaults. It should NOT
Packit 78a954
  // be passed explicitly. Some people have tried to use it like this:
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  //   FullMatch(x, y, &z, no_arg, &w);
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  // This is a mistake, and will not work.
Packit 78a954
  static Arg no_arg;
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  void Init(const string& pattern, const RE_Options* options);
Packit 78a954
  void Cleanup();
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  // Match against "text", filling in "vec" (up to "vecsize" * 2/3) with
Packit 78a954
  // pairs of integers for the beginning and end positions of matched
Packit 78a954
  // text.  The first pair corresponds to the entire matched text;
Packit 78a954
  // subsequent pairs correspond, in order, to parentheses-captured
Packit 78a954
  // matches.  Returns the number of pairs (one more than the number of
Packit 78a954
  // the last subpattern with a match) if matching was successful
Packit 78a954
  // and zero if the match failed.
Packit 78a954
  // I.e. for RE("(foo)|(bar)|(baz)") it will return 2, 3, and 4 when matching
Packit 78a954
  // against "foo", "bar", and "baz" respectively.
Packit 78a954
  // When matching RE("(foo)|hello") against "hello", it will return 1.
Packit 78a954
  // But the values for all subpattern are filled in into "vec".
Packit 78a954
  int TryMatch(const StringPiece& text,
Packit 78a954
               int startpos,
Packit 78a954
               Anchor anchor,
Packit 78a954
               bool empty_ok,
Packit 78a954
               int *vec,
Packit 78a954
               int vecsize) const;
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  // Append the "rewrite" string, with backslash subsitutions from "text"
Packit 78a954
  // and "vec", to string "out".
Packit 78a954
  bool Rewrite(string *out,
Packit 78a954
               const StringPiece& rewrite,
Packit 78a954
               const StringPiece& text,
Packit 78a954
               int *vec,
Packit 78a954
               int veclen) const;
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  // internal implementation for DoMatch
Packit 78a954
  bool DoMatchImpl(const StringPiece& text,
Packit 78a954
                   Anchor anchor,
Packit 78a954
                   int* consumed,
Packit 78a954
                   const Arg* const args[],
Packit 78a954
                   int n,
Packit 78a954
                   int* vec,
Packit 78a954
                   int vecsize) const;
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  // Compile the regexp for the specified anchoring mode
Packit 78a954
  pcre* Compile(Anchor anchor);
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
  string        pattern_;
Packit 78a954
  RE_Options    options_;
Packit 78a954
  pcre*         re_full_;       // For full matches
Packit 78a954
  pcre*         re_partial_;    // For partial matches
Packit 78a954
  const string* error_;         // Error indicator (or points to empty string)
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
}   // namespace pcrecpp
Packit 78a954
Packit 78a954
#endif /* _PCRECPP_H */