Blame nss/lib/util/secdig.h

Packit 40b132
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 * secdig.h - public prototypes for digest-info functions
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 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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 * file, You can obtain one at */
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#ifndef _SECDIG_H_
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#define _SECDIG_H_
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#include "utilrename.h"
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#include "secdigt.h"
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#include "seccomon.h"
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#include "secasn1t.h" 
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#include "secdert.h"
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extern const SEC_ASN1Template sgn_DigestInfoTemplate[];
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** Digest-info functions
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** Create a new digest-info object
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** 	"algorithm" one of SEC_OID_MD2, SEC_OID_MD5, or SEC_OID_SHA1
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** 	"sig" the raw signature data (from MD2 or MD5)
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** 	"sigLen" the length of the signature data
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** NOTE: this is a low level routine used to prepare some data for PKCS#1
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** digital signature formatting.
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** XXX It might be nice to combine the create and encode functions.
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** I think that is all anybody ever wants to do anyway.
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extern SGNDigestInfo *SGN_CreateDigestInfo(SECOidTag algorithm,
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					   const unsigned char *sig,
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					   unsigned int sigLen);
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** Destroy a digest-info object
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extern void SGN_DestroyDigestInfo(SGNDigestInfo *info);
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** Encode a digest-info object
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**	"poolp" is where to allocate the result from; it can be NULL in
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**		which case generic heap allocation (XP_ALLOC) will be used
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**	"dest" is where to store the result; it can be NULL, in which case
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**		it will be allocated (from poolp or heap, as explained above)
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**	"diginfo" is the object to be encoded
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** The return value is NULL if any error occurred, otherwise it is the
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** resulting SECItem (either allocated or the same as the "dest" parameter).
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** XXX It might be nice to combine the create and encode functions.
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** I think that is all anybody ever wants to do anyway.
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extern SECItem *SGN_EncodeDigestInfo(PLArenaPool *poolp, SECItem *dest,
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				     SGNDigestInfo *diginfo);
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** Decode a DER encoded digest info objct.
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**  didata is thr source of the encoded digest.  
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** The return value is NULL if an error occurs.  Otherwise, a
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** digest info object which is allocated within it's own
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** pool is returned.  The digest info should be deleted
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** by later calling SGN_DestroyDigestInfo.
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extern SGNDigestInfo *SGN_DecodeDigestInfo(SECItem *didata);
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** Copy digest info.
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**  poolp is the arena to which the digest will be copied.
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**  a is the destination digest, it must be non-NULL.
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**  b is the source digest
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** This function is for copying digests.  It allows digests
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** to be copied into a specified pool.  If the digest is in
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** the same pool as other data, you do not want to delete
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** the digest by calling SGN_DestroyDigestInfo.  
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** A return value of SECFailure indicates an error.  A return
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** of SECSuccess indicates no error occurred.
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extern SECStatus  SGN_CopyDigestInfo(PLArenaPool *poolp,
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					SGNDigestInfo *a, 
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					SGNDigestInfo *b);
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** Compare two digest-info objects, returning the difference between
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** them.
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extern SECComparison SGN_CompareDigestInfo(SGNDigestInfo *a, SGNDigestInfo *b);
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#endif /* _SECDIG_H_ */