Blame man/tiffcrop.1

Packit 7838c8
.\" $Id: tiffcrop.1,v 1.8 2016-09-25 20:05:52 bfriesen Exp $
Packit 7838c8
.\" tiffcrop -- a port of tiffcp.c extended to include extended processing of images
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.\" Original code:
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.\" Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler
Packit 7838c8
.\" Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
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.\" Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and 
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.\" its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
Packit 7838c8
.\" that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
Packit 7838c8
.\" all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of
Packit 7838c8
.\" Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or
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.\" publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written
Packit 7838c8
.\" permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
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.\" Additional code Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Richard Nolde 
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.\" Lasted Updated 9/2009
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.\" .if n .po 0
Packit 7838c8
.TH "TIFFCROP" "1" "December, 2008" "libtiff" ""
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
tiffcrop \- select, copy, crop, convert, extract, and/or process one or more
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.B tiffcrop
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
.I options
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.I "src1.tif ... srcN.tif dst.tif"
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.I Tiffcrop
Packit 7838c8
processes one or more files created according
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to the Tag Image File Format, Revision 6.0, specification
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into one or more
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Packit 7838c8
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.I Tiffcrop
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is most often used to extract portions of an image for processing 
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with bar code recognizer or OCR software when that software cannot 
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restrict the region of interest to a specific portion of the image 
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or to improve efficiency when the regions of interest must be rotated.
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It can also be used to subdivide all or part of a processed image into 
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smaller sections and export individual images or sections of images
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as separate files or separate images within one or more files derived
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from the original input image or images.
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Packit 7838c8
The available functions can be grouped broadly into three classes:
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Those that select individual images or sections of images from the input files.
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The options \-N for sequences or lists of individual images in the input files,
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\-Z for zones, \-z for regions, \-X and \-Y for fixed sized selections,
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\-m for margins, \-U for units, and \-E for edge reference provide a variety of 
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ways to specify portions of the input image.
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Those that allow the individual images or selections to be exported to one or
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more output files in different groupings and control the organization of the 
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data in the output images. The options \-P for page size grouping, \-S for 
Packit 7838c8
subdivision into columns and rows and \-e for export mode options that produce
Packit 7838c8
one or more files from each input image. The options \-r, \-s, \-t, \-w  control 
Packit 7838c8
strip and tile format and sizes while \-B \-L \-c \-f modify the endian addressing
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scheme, the compression options, and the bit fill sequence of images as they
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are written.
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Those that perform some action on each image that is selected from the input file.
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The options include \-R for rotate, \-I for inversion of the photometric 
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interpretation and/or data values, and \-F to flip (mirror) the image horizontally
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or vertically.
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Packit 7838c8
Functions are applied to the input image(s) in the following order:
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cropping, fixed area extraction, zone and region extraction, 
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inversion, mirroring, rotation.
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Packit 7838c8
Functions are applied to the output image(s) in the following order:
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export mode options for grouping zones, regions, or images into
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one or more files,
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.I or
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row and column divisions with output margins,
Packit 7838c8
.I or
Packit 7838c8
page size divisions with page orientation options.
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Finally, strip, tile, byte order, output resolution, and compression options are 
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applied to all output images.
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The output file(s) may be organized and compressed using a different
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algorithm from the input files.
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By default, 
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.I tiffcrop
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will copy all the understood tags in a
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directory of an input file to the associated directory in the output file.
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Options can be used to force the resultant image to be written as strips 
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or tiles of data, respectively.
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Packit 7838c8
.I Tiffcrop
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can be used to reorganize the storage characteristics of data
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in a file, and to reorganize, extract, rotate, and otherwise
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process the image data as specified at the same time whereas 
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tiffcp does not alter the image data within the file. 
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Packit 7838c8
Using the options for selecting individual input images and the 
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options for exporting images and/or segments defined as zones or
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regions of each input image,
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.I tiffcrop
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can perform the functions of tiffcp and tiffsplit in a single pass
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while applying multiple operations to individual selections or images.
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Packit 7838c8
.B \-h
Packit 7838c8
Display the syntax summary for tiffcrop.
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Packit 7838c8
.B \-v
Packit 7838c8
Report the current version and last modification date for tiffcrop.
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Packit 7838c8
.B \-N odd|even|#,#\-#,#|last
Packit 7838c8
Specify one or more series or range(s) of images within each file to process.
Packit 7838c8
The words
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.B odd
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Packit 7838c8
.B even
Packit 7838c8
may be used to specify all odd or even numbered images counting from one.
Packit 7838c8
Note that internally, TIFF images are numbered from zero rather than one
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but since this convention is not obvious to most users, tiffcrop used 1
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to specifiy the first image in a multipage file.  The word
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.B last 
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may be used in place of a number in the sequence to indicate the 
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final image in the file without knowing how many images there are.
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Ranges of images may be specified with a dash and multiple sets
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can be indicated by joining them in a comma\-separated list. eg. use
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.B \-N 1,5\-7,last 
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to process the 1st, 5th through 7th, and final image in the file.
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.B \-E top|bottom|left|right
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Specify the top, bottom, left, or right edge as the reference from
Packit 7838c8
which to calcuate the width and length of crop regions or sequence
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of postions for zones. When used with the \-e option for exporting
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zones or regions, the reference edge determines how composite images
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are arranged. Using \-E left or right causes successive zones or 
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regions to be merged horizontally whereas using \-E top or bottom
Packit 7838c8
causes successive zones or regions to be arranged vertically. This 
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option has no effect on export layout when multiple zones or regions
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are not being exported to composite images. Edges may be abbreviated
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to the first letter.
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.B \-e combined|divided|image|multiple|separate
Packit 7838c8
Specify the export mode for images and selections from input images.
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The final filename on the command line is considered to be the 
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destination file or filename stem for automatically generated 
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sequences of files. Modes may be abbreviated to the first letter.
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combined   All images and selections are written to a single file with
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multiple selections from one image combined into a single image (default)
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divided    All images and selections are written to a single file
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with each selection from one image written to a new image
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image      Each input image is written to a new file (numeric filename sequence)
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with multiple selections from the image combined into one image
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multiple   Each input image is written to a new file (numeric filename sequence)
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with each selection from the image written to a new image
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separate   Individual selections from each image are written to separate files
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.B \-U in|cm|px
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Specify the type of units to apply to dimensions for margins and 
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crop regions for input and output images. Inches or centimeters 
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are converted to pixels using the resolution unit specified in the 
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TIFF file (which defaults to inches if not specified in the IFD).
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.B \-m #,#,#,#
Packit 7838c8
Specify margins to be removed from the input image. The order must 
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be top, left, bottom, right with only commas separating the elements 
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of the list. Margins are scaled according to the current units and 
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removed before any other extractions are computed..
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.B \-X #
Packit 7838c8
Set the horizontal (X\-axis) dimension of a region to extract relative to 
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the specified origin reference. If the origin is the top or bottom
Packit 7838c8
edge, the X axis value will be assumed to start at the left edge.
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.B \-Y #
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Set the vertical (Y\-axis) dimension of a region to extract relative to
Packit 7838c8
the specified origin reference. If the origin is the left or right
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edge, the Y axis value will be assumed to start at the top.
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Packit 7838c8
.B \-Z  #:#,#:#  
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Specify zones of the image designated as position X of Y equal sized portions
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measured from the reference edge,  eg 1:3 would be first third of the
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image starting from the reference edge minus any margins specified
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for the confining edges. Multiple zones can be specified as a comma
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separated list but they must reference the same edge. To extract the
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top quarter and the bottom third of an image you would use 
Packit 7838c8
.B \-Z 1:4,3:3.
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
.B \-z x1,y1,x2,y2: ... :xN,yN,xN+1,yN+1 
Packit 7838c8
Specify a series of coordinates to define regions for processing and exporting.
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The coordinates represent the top left and lower right corners of each region 
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in the current units, eg inch, cm, or pixels. Pixels are counted from one to 
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width or height and inches or cm are calculated from image resolution data.
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Each colon delimited series of four values represents the horizontal and vertical 
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offsets from the top and left edges of the image, regardless of the edge specified
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with the \-E option. The first and third values represent the horizontal offsets of 
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the corner points from the left edge while the second and fourth values represent 
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the vertical offsets from the top edge.
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Packit 7838c8
.B \-F horiz|vert
Packit 7838c8
Flip, ie mirror, the image or extracted region horizontally or vertically.
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.B \-R 90|180|270
Packit 7838c8
Rotate the image or extracted region 90, 180, or 270 degrees clockwise.
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Packit 7838c8
.B \\-I [black|white|data|both]
Packit 7838c8
Invert color space, eg dark to light for bilevel and grayscale images.
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This can be used to modify negative images to positive or to correct
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images that have the PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATIN tag set incorrectly.
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If the value is black or white, the PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION tag is set to 
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MinIsBlack or MinIsWhite, without altering the image data. If the argument 
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is data or both, the data values of the image are modified. Specifying both 
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inverts the data and the PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION tag, whereas using data
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inverts the data but not the PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION tag.
Packit 7838c8
No support for modifying the color space of color images in this release.
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.B \-H #
Packit 7838c8
Set the horizontal resolution of output images to #
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expressed in the current units.
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.B \-V #
Packit 7838c8
Set the vertical resolution of the output images to #
Packit 7838c8
expressed in the current units.
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Packit 7838c8
.B \-J #
Packit 7838c8
Set the horizontal margin of an output page size to #
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expressed in the current units when sectioning image into columns x rows
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subimages using the \-S cols:rows option.
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.B \-K #
Packit 7838c8
Set the vertical margin of an output page size to # 
Packit 7838c8
expressed in the current units when sectioning image into columns x rows
Packit 7838c8
submiages using the \-S cols:rows option.
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.B \-O portrait|landscape|auto
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Set the output orientation of the pages or sections.
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Auto will use the arrangement that requires the fewest pages.
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This option is only meaningful in conjunction with the -P
Packit 7838c8
option to format an image to fit on a specific paper size.
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Packit 7838c8
.B \-P page
Packit 7838c8
Format the output images to fit on page size paper. Use
Packit 7838c8
\-P list to show the supported page sizes and dimensions.
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You can define a custom page size by entering the width and length of the
Packit 7838c8
page in the current units with the following format #.#x#.#.
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Packit 7838c8
.B \-S cols:rows
Packit 7838c8
Divide each image into cols across and rows down equal sections.
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.B \-B
Packit 7838c8
Force output to be written with Big\-Endian byte order.
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This option only has an effect when the output file is created or
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overwritten and not when it is appended to.
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.B \-C
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Suppress the use of ``strip chopping'' when reading images
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that have a single strip/tile of uncompressed data.
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.B \-c
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Specify the compression to use for data written to the output file:
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.B none 
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for no compression,
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.B packbits
Packit 7838c8
for PackBits compression,
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.B lzw
Packit 7838c8
for Lempel\-Ziv & Welch compression,
Packit 7838c8
.B jpeg 
Packit 7838c8
for baseline JPEG compression.
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.B zip
Packit 7838c8
for Deflate compression,
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.B g3
Packit 7838c8
for CCITT Group 3 (T.4) compression,
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Packit 7838c8
.B g4
Packit 7838c8
for CCITT Group 4 (T.6) compression.
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By default
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.I tiffcrop
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will compress data according to the value of the
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.I Compression
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tag found in the source file.
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Group 3 and Group 4 compression algorithms can only
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be used with bilevel data.
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Packit 7838c8
Group 3 compression can be specified together with several
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T.4\-specific options:
Packit 7838c8
.B 1d
Packit 7838c8
for 1\-dimensional encoding,
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.B 2d
Packit 7838c8
for 2\-dimensional encoding,
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Packit 7838c8
.B fill
Packit 7838c8
to force each encoded scanline to be zero\-filled so that the
Packit 7838c8
terminating EOL code lies on a byte boundary.
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Group 3\-specific options are specified by appending a ``:''\-separated
Packit 7838c8
list to the ``g3'' option; e.g.
Packit 7838c8
.B "\-c g3:2d:fill"
Packit 7838c8
to get 2D\-encoded data with byte\-aligned EOL codes.
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Packit 7838c8
compression can be specified together with a 
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.I predictor
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A predictor value of 2 causes
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each scanline of the output image to undergo horizontal
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differencing before it is encoded; a value
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of 1 forces each scanline to be encoded without differencing.
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LZW\-specific options are specified by appending a ``:''\-separated
Packit 7838c8
list to the ``lzw'' option; e.g.
Packit 7838c8
.B "\-c lzw:2"
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
compression with horizontal differencing.
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Packit 7838c8
.B \-f
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Specify the bit fill order to use in writing output data.
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By default,
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.I tiffcrop
Packit 7838c8
will create a new file with the same fill order as the original.
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
.B "\-f lsb2msb"
Packit 7838c8
will force data to be written with the FillOrder tag set to
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
.B "\-f msb2lsb"
Packit 7838c8
will force data to be written with the FillOrder tag set to
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Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
.B \-i
Packit 7838c8
Ignore non\-fatal read errors and continue processing of the input file.
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Packit 7838c8
.B \-l
Packit 7838c8
Specify the length of a tile (in pixels).
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.I Tiffcrop
Packit 7838c8
attempts to set the tile dimensions so
Packit 7838c8
that no more than 8 kilobytes of data appear in a tile.
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Packit 7838c8
.B \-L
Packit 7838c8
Force output to be written with Little\-Endian byte order.
Packit 7838c8
This option only has an effect when the output file is created or
Packit 7838c8
overwritten and not when it is appended to.
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
.B \-M
Packit 7838c8
Suppress the use of memory\-mapped files when reading images.
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
.B \-p
Packit 7838c8
Specify the planar configuration to use in writing image data
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that has more than one sample per pixel.
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By default,
Packit 7838c8
.I tiffcrop
Packit 7838c8
will create a new file with the same planar configuration as
Packit 7838c8
the original.
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
.B "\-p contig"
Packit 7838c8
will force data to be written with multi\-sample data packed
Packit 7838c8
together, while
Packit 7838c8
.B "\-p separate"
Packit 7838c8
will force samples to be written in separate planes.
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Packit 7838c8
.B \-r
Packit 7838c8
Specify the number of rows (scanlines) in each strip of data
Packit 7838c8
written to the output file.
Packit 7838c8
By default (or when value
Packit 7838c8
.B 0
Packit 7838c8
is specified),
Packit 7838c8
.I tiffcrop
Packit 7838c8
attempts to set the rows/strip that no more than 8 kilobytes of 
Packit 7838c8
data appear in a strip. If you specify the special value
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.B \-1
Packit 7838c8
it will results in infinite number of the rows per strip. The entire image
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will be the one strip in that case.
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
.B \-s
Packit 7838c8
Force the output file to be written with data organized in strips
Packit 7838c8
(rather than tiles).
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
.B \-t
Packit 7838c8
Force the output file to be written with data organized in tiles
Packit 7838c8
(rather than strips).
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
.B \-w
Packit 7838c8
Specify the width of a tile (in pixels).
Packit 7838c8
.I tiffcrop
Packit 7838c8
attempts to set the tile dimensions so
Packit 7838c8
that no more than 8 kilobytes of data appear in a tile.
Packit 7838c8
.I tiffcrop
Packit 7838c8
attempts to set the tile dimensions so
Packit 7838c8
that no more than 8 kilobytes of data appear in a tile.
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
Debug and dump facility
Packit 7838c8
.B \-D opt1:value1,opt2:value2,opt3:value3:opt4:value4
Packit 7838c8
Display program progress and/or dump raw data to non\-TIFF files.
Packit 7838c8
Options include the following and must be joined as a comma
Packit 7838c8
separated list. The use of this option is generally limited to
Packit 7838c8
program debugging and development of future options. An equal sign
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may be substituted for the colon in option:value pairs.
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Packit 7838c8
debug:N         Display limited program progress indicators where larger N
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increase the level of detail.
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format:txt|raw  Format any logged data as ASCII text or raw binary 
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values. ASCII text dumps include strings of ones and zeroes representing
Packit 7838c8
the binary values in the image data plus identifying headers.
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Packit 7838c8
level:N         Specify the level of detail presented in the dump files.
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This can vary from dumps of the entire input or output image data to dumps
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of data processed by specific functions. Current range of levels is 1 to 3.
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Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
When dump files are being written, each image will be written to a separate
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file with the name built by adding a numeric sequence value to the dumpname
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and an extension of .txt for ASCII dumps or .bin for binary dumps.
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Packit 7838c8
The four debug/dump options are independent, though it makes little sense to
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specify a dump file without specifying a detail level.
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Note: Tiffcrop may be compiled with -DDEVELMODE to enable additional very
Packit 7838c8
 low level debug reporting.
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The following concatenates two files and writes the result using 
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
tiffcrop \-c lzw a.tif b.tif result.tif
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To convert a G3 1d\-encoded 
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to a single strip of G4\-encoded data the following might be used:
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Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
tiffcrop \-c g4 \-r 10000 g3.tif g4.tif
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(1000 is just a number that is larger than the number of rows in
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the source file.)
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To extract a selected set of images from a multi\-image TIFF file 
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use the \-N option described above. Thus, to copy the 1st and 3rd
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images of image file "album.tif" to "result.tif":
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Packit 7838c8
tiffcrop \-N 1,3 album.tif result.tif
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Invert a bilevel image scan of a microfilmed document and crop off margins of
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0.25 inches on the left and right, 0.5 inch on the top, and 0.75 inch on the
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bottom. From the remaining portion of the image, select the second and third
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quarters, ie, one half of the area left from the center to each margin. 
Packit 7838c8
Packit 7838c8
tiffcrop \-U in \-m 0.5,0.25,0.75,0.25 \-E left \-Z 2:4,3:4 \-I both MicrofilmNegative.tif MicrofilmPostiveCenter.tif
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Extract only the final image of a large Architectural E sized 
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multipage TIFF file and rotate it 90 degrees clockwise while 
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reformatting the output to fit on tabloid sized sheets with one 
Packit 7838c8
quarter of an inch on each side:
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Packit 7838c8
tiffcrop \-N last \-R 90 \-O auto \-P tabloid \-U in \-J 0.25 \-K 0.25 \-H 300 \-V 300 Big\-PlatMap.tif BigPlatMap\-Tabloid.tif 
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Packit 7838c8
The output images will have a specified resolution of 300 dpi in both
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directions. The orientation of each page will be determined by whichever
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choice requires the fewest pages. To specify a specific orientation, use
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the portrait or landscape option. The paper size option does not resample
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the image. It breaks each original image into a series of smaller images
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that will fit on the target paper size at the specified resolution.
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Extract two regions 2048 pixels wide by 2048 pixels high from each page of
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a multi\-page input file and write each region to a separate output file.
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Packit 7838c8
tiffcrop \-U px \-z 1,1,2048,2048:1,2049,2048,4097 \-e separate  CheckScans.tiff Check
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Packit 7838c8
The output file names will use the stem Check with a numeric suffix which is
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incremented for each region of each image, eg Check\-001.tiff, Check\-002.tiff ...
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Check\-NNN.tiff. To produce a unique file for each page of the input image
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with one new image for each region of the input image on that page, change
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the export option to \-e multiple.
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In general, bilevel, grayscale, palette and RGB(A) data with bit depths
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from 1 to 32 bits should work in both interleaved and separate plane
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formats. Unlike tiffcp, tiffcrop can read and write tiled images with
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bits per sample that are not a multiple of 8 in both interleaved and
Packit 7838c8
separate planar format. Floating point data types are supported at 
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bit depts of 16, 24, 32 and 64 bits per sample. 
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Packit 7838c8
Not all images can be converted from one compression scheme to another.
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Data with some photometric interpretations and/or bit depths are tied to 
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specific compression schemes and vice-versa, e.g. Group 3/4 compression
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is only usable for bilevel data. JPEG compression is only usable on 8
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bit per sample data (or 12 bit if 
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Packit 7838c8
was compiled with 12 bit JPEG support). Support for OJPEG compressed 
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images is problematic at best. Since OJPEG compression is no longer 
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supported for writing images with LibTIFF, these images will be updated
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to the newer JPEG compression when they are copied or processed. This
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may cause the image to appear color shifted or distorted after conversion.
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In some cases, it is possible to remove the original compression from 
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image data using the option -cnone.
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Packit 7838c8
Tiffcrop does not currently provide options to up or downsample data to 
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different bit depths or convert data from one photometric interpretation 
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to another, e.g. 16 bits per sample to 8 bits per sample or RGB to grayscale. 
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Packit 7838c8
Tiffcrop is very loosely derived from code in
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.I tiffcp
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with extensive modifications and additions to support the selection of input 
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images and regions and the exporting of them to one or more output files in 
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various groupings. The image manipulation routines are entirely new and 
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additional ones may be added in the future. It will handle tiled images with 
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bit depths that are not a multiple of eight that tiffcp may refuse to read.
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Packit 7838c8
.I Tiffcrop
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was designed to handle large files containing many moderate sized images 
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with memory usage that is independent of the number of images in the file. 
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In order to support compression modes that are not based on individual 
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scanlines, e.g. JPEG, it now reads images by strip or tile rather than by 
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indvidual scanlines. In addition to the memory required by the input and 
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output buffers associated with
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one or more buffers at least as large as the largest image to be read are
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required. The design favors large volume document processing uses over 
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scientific or graphical manipulation of large datasets as might be found 
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in research or remote sensing scenarios.
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Packit 7838c8
.BR pal2rgb (1),
Packit 7838c8
.BR tiffinfo (1),
Packit 7838c8
.BR tiffcmp (1),
Packit 7838c8
.BR tiffcp (1),
Packit 7838c8
.BR tiffmedian (1),
Packit 7838c8
.BR tiffsplit (1),
Packit 7838c8
.BR libtiff (3TIFF)
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Packit 7838c8
Libtiff library home page:
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