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Notes on releasing.
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0. Make sure that you have current FSF releases of autoconf, automake,
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and libtool packages installed under a common installation prefix
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and that these tools are in your executable search path prior to
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any other installed versions. Versions delivered with Linux may be
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altered so it is best to install official FSF releases. GNU 'm4'
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1.4.16 is needed in order to avoid bugs in m4. These packages may
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be downloaded from the following ftp locations:
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m4 - ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/m4
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autoconf - ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/autoconf
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automake - ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/automake
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libtool - ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libtool
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It is recommended to install m4 before autoconf, since the later
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requires the former.
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Release builds should only be done on a system with a functioning
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and correctly set system clock and on a filesystem which accurately
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records file update times. Use of GNU make is recommended.
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1. Commit any unsaved changes.
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2. Create html/vX.X.html and add it to cvs with 'cvs add html/vX.X.html'.
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Take ChangeLog entries and html-ify in there.
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Easist thing to do is take html/vX.(X-1).html and use it as a template.
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3. Add vX.X.html file to the list of 'docfiles' files in the html/Makefile.am.
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4. Update html/index.html to refer to this new page as the current release.
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5. Increment the release version in configure.ac. Put 'alpha' or
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'beta' after the version, if applicable. For example:
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Version should be updated in two places: in the second argument of the
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AC_INIT macro and in LIBTIFF_xxx_VERSION variables.
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6. Update library ELF versioning in configure.ac (LIBTIFF_CURRENT,
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LIBTIFF_REVISION, and LIBTIFF_AGE). These numbers have nothing to
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do with the libtiff release version numbers.
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Note that as of libtiff 4.X, proper ELF versioning is used so
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please follow the rules listed in configure.ac. At a bare minimum,
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you should increment LIBTIFF_REVISION for each release so that
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installed library files don't overwrite existing files. If APIs
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have been added, removed, or interface structures have changed,
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then more care is required.
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7. Add an entry to Changelog similar to:
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* libtiff 4.0.0 released.
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8. In the source tree do
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This step may be skipped if you have already been using a
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maintainer build with current autoconf, automake, and libtool
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packages. It is only needed when updating tool versions.
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9. It is recommended (but not required) to build outside of the source
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tree so that the source tree is kept in a pristine state. This
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also allows sharing the source directory on several networked
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systems. For example:
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mkdir libtiff-build
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cd libtiff-build
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/path/to/libtiff/configure --enable-maintainer-mode
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otherwise do
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./configure --enable-maintainer-mode
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10. In the build tree do
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make release
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This will update "RELEASE-DATE", "VERSION", and libtiff/tiffvers.h
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in the source tree.
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11. In the source tree, verify that the version info in RELEASE-DATE,
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VERSION and libtiff/tiffvers.h is right.
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12. In the build tree do
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make distcheck
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If 'make distcheck' fails, then correct any issues until it
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Two files with names tiff-version.tar.gz and tiff-version.zip will
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be created in the top level build directory.
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13. In the source tree do
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'cvs commit'.
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14. In the source tree do
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cvs tag Release-v4-0-0
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(or the appropriate name for the release)
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15. Copy release packages from the build tree to the
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ftp.remotesensing.org ftp site.
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scp tiff-*.tar.gz tiff-*.zip \
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16. Announce to list, tiff@lists.maptools.org
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