## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/config lib_LTLIBRARIES = libHalf.la libHalf_la_SOURCES = half.cpp half.h halfFunction.h halfLimits.h libHalf_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @LIBTOOL_VERSION@ -no-undefined libHalfincludedir = $(includedir)/OpenEXR libHalfinclude_HEADERS = half.h halfFunction.h halfLimits.h halfExport.h # these are used to build eLut.h and toFloat.h dynamically EXTRA_DIST = eLut.cpp toFloat.cpp CMakeLists.txt CLEANFILES = eLut eLut.h toFloat toFloat.h eLut_SOURCES = eLut.cpp toFloat_SOURCES = toFloat.cpp eLut.h: eLut ./eLut > eLut.h toFloat.h: toFloat ./toFloat > toFloat.h BUILT_SOURCES = eLut.h toFloat.h noinst_PROGRAMS = eLut toFloat