Blame win32/create-lists.bat

Packit 874993
@echo off
Packit 874993
rem Simple .bat script for creating the NMake Makefile snippets.
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
if not "%1" == "header" if not "%1" == "file" if not "%1" == "footer" goto :error_cmd
Packit 874993
if "%2" == "" goto error_no_destfile
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
if "%1" == "header" goto :header
Packit 874993
if "%1" == "file" goto :addfile
Packit 874993
if "%1" == "footer" goto :footer
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
if "%3" == "" goto error_var
Packit 874993
echo %3 =	\>>%2
Packit 874993
goto done
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
if "%3" == "" goto error_file
Packit 874993
echo.	%3	\>>%2
Packit 874993
goto done
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
echo.	$(NULL)>>%2
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
goto done
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
echo Specified command '%1' was invalid.  Valid commands are: header file footer.
Packit 874993
goto done
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
echo Destination NMake snippet file must be specified
Packit 874993
goto done
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
echo A name must be specified for using '%1'.
Packit 874993
goto done
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
Packit 874993
echo A file must be specified for using '%1'.
Packit 874993
goto done
Packit 874993
Packit 874993