Blame win32/README.txt

Packit 874993
Instructions for building HarfBuzz on Visual Studio
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Packit 874993
Building the HarfBuzz DLL on Windows is now also supported using Visual Studio
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versions 2008 through 2015, in both 32-bit and 64-bit (x64) flavors, via NMake
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Packit 874993
The following are instructions for performing such a build, as there is a
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number of build configurations supported for the build.  Note that for all
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build configurations, the OpenType and Simple TrueType layout (fallback)
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backends are enabled, and this is the base configuration that is built if no
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options (see below) are specified.  A 'clean' target is provided-it is recommended
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that one cleans the build and redo the build if any configuration option changed.
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An 'install' target is also provided to copy the built items in their appropriate
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locations under $(PREFIX), which is described below.  A 'reallyclean' target is
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provided that not only does what is done for the 'clean' target, but also removes
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the sources/headers that are generated from the Ragel sources.  Therefore, if one
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is not building from a release tarball, or is rebuilding after using the 'reallyclean'
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target or when the Ragel (*.rl) sources are updated, the Ragel state machine
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compiler (ragel.exe) is needed, and needs to be passed in via RAGEL=<path_to_ragel_exe>
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if ragel.exe is not already in the PATH.
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Packit 874993
We now support building from a GIT checkout via NMake for convenience.  In addition to
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the requirements as outlined in the later part of this file, you will need to run the
Packit 874993 (Python 2.7.x or later) script to generate the headers (src\hb-version.h and
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win32\config.h.win32) that are normally shipped in a release tarball before running
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NMake, and you will need to pass RAGEL=<path_to_ragel_exe> if the Ragel state machine
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compiler (ragel.exe) is not in your PATH when invoking NMake.  Note that the
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'reallyclean' target does not remove these 2 generated headers, so re-run the
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script if necessary.
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Packit 874993
Invoke the build by issuing the command:
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nmake /f CFG=[release|debug] [PREFIX=...] <option1=1 option2=1 ...>
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Packit 874993
CFG: Required.  Choose from a release or debug build.  Note that 
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     all builds generate a .pdb file for each .dll and .exe built--this refers
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     to the C/C++ runtime that the build uses.
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PREFIX: Optional.  Base directory of where the third-party headers, libraries
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        and needed tools can be found, i.e. headers in $(PREFIX)\include,
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        libraries in $(PREFIX)\lib and tools in $(PREFIX)\bin.  If not
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        specified, $(PREFIX) is set as $(srcroot)\..\vs$(X)\$(platform), where
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        $(platform) is win32 for 32-bit builds or x64 for 64-bit builds, and
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        $(X) is the short version of the Visual Studio used, as follows:
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        2008: 9
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        2010: 10
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        2012: 11
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        2013: 12
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        2015: 14
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        2017: 15
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Explanation of options, set by <option>=1:
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GLIB: Enable GLib support in HarfBuzz, which also uses the GLib unicode
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      callback if the bundled UCDN unicode callback is disabled.  This requires the
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      GLib libraries, and is required for building all tool and test programs.
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GOBJECT: Enable building the HarfBuzz-GObject DLL, and thus implies GLib
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         support.  This requires the GObject libraries and glib-mkenums script,
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         along with PERL to generate the enum sources and headers, which is
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         required for the build.
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INTROSPECTION: Enable build of introspection files, for making HarfBuzz
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               bindings for other programming languages available, such as
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               Python, available.  This requires the GObject-Introspection
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               libraries and tools, along with the Python interpretor that was
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               used during the build of GObject-Introspection.  Please see
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               $(srcroot)\README.python for more related details.  This implies
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               the build of the HarfBuzz-GObject DLL, along with GLib support.
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FREETYPE: Enable the FreeType font callbacks.  Requires the FreeType2 library.
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CAIRO: Enable Cairo support.  Requires the Cairo library.
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CAIRO_FT: Enable the build of the hb-view tool, which makes use of Cairo, and
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          thus implies FreeType font callback support and Cairo support.
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          Requires Cairo libraries built with FreeType support.  Note that the
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          hb-view tool requires GLib support as well.
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GRAPHITE2: Enable the Graphite2 shaper, requires the SIL Graphite2 library.
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ICU: Enables the build of ICU Unicode functions. Requires the ICU libraries.
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UNISCRIBE: Enable Uniscribe platform shaper support.
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DIRECTWRITE: Enable DirectWrite platform shaper support,
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             requires a rather recent Windows SDK, and at least Windows Vista/
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             Server 2008 with SP2 and platform update.
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Packit 874993
PYTHON: Full path to the Python interpretor to be used, if it is not in %PATH%.
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PERL: Full path to the PERL interpretor to be used, if it is not in %PATH%.
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RAGEL: Full path to the Ragel state machine compiler executable, if not in %PATH%
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Packit 874993
LIBTOOL_DLL_NAME: Enable libtool-style DLL names.