Blame gst/gstpipeline.c

Packit f546b1
/* GStreamer
Packit f546b1
 * Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Erik Walthinsen <>
Packit f546b1
 *                    2004,2005 Wim Taymans <>
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 * gstpipeline.c: Overall pipeline management element
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 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
Packit f546b1
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
Packit f546b1
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Packit f546b1
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 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Packit f546b1
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 * Library General Public License for more details.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
Packit f546b1
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the
Packit f546b1
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
Packit f546b1
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Packit f546b1
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 * SECTION:gstpipeline
Packit f546b1
 * @title: GstPipeline
Packit f546b1
 * @short_description: Top-level bin with clocking and bus management
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Packit f546b1
 * @see_also: #GstElement, #GstBin, #GstClock, #GstBus
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * A #GstPipeline is a special #GstBin used as the toplevel container for
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 * the filter graph. The #GstPipeline will manage the selection and
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 * distribution of a global #GstClock as well as provide a #GstBus to the
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 * application.
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 * gst_pipeline_new() is used to create a pipeline. when you are done with
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 * the pipeline, use gst_object_unref() to free its resources including all
Packit f546b1
 * added #GstElement objects (if not otherwise referenced).
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 * Elements are added and removed from the pipeline using the #GstBin
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 * methods like gst_bin_add() and gst_bin_remove() (see #GstBin).
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 * Before changing the state of the #GstPipeline (see #GstElement) a #GstBus
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 * can be retrieved with gst_pipeline_get_bus(). This bus can then be
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 * used to receive #GstMessage from the elements in the pipeline.
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 * By default, a #GstPipeline will automatically flush the pending #GstBus
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 * messages when going to the NULL state to ensure that no circular
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 * references exist when no messages are read from the #GstBus. This
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 * behaviour can be changed with gst_pipeline_set_auto_flush_bus().
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 * When the #GstPipeline performs the PAUSED to PLAYING state change it will
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 * select a clock for the elements. The clock selection algorithm will by
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 * default select a clock provided by an element that is most upstream
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 * (closest to the source). For live pipelines (ones that return
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 * #GST_STATE_CHANGE_NO_PREROLL from the gst_element_set_state() call) this
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 * will select the clock provided by the live source. For normal pipelines
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 * this will select a clock provided by the sinks (most likely the audio
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 * sink). If no element provides a clock, a default #GstSystemClock is used.
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 * The clock selection can be controlled with the gst_pipeline_use_clock()
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 * method, which will enforce a given clock on the pipeline. With
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 * gst_pipeline_auto_clock() the default clock selection algorithm can be
Packit f546b1
 * restored.
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 * A #GstPipeline maintains a running time for the elements. The running
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 * time is defined as the difference between the current clock time and
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 * the base time. When the pipeline goes to READY or a flushing seek is
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 * performed on it, the running time is reset to 0. When the pipeline is
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 * set from PLAYING to PAUSED, the current clock time is sampled and used to
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 * configure the base time for the elements when the pipeline is set
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 * to PLAYING again. The effect is that the running time (as the difference
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 * between the clock time and the base time) will count how much time was spent
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 * in the PLAYING state. This default behaviour can be changed with the
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 * gst_element_set_start_time() method.
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#include "gst_private.h"
Packit f546b1
#include "gsterror.h"
Packit f546b1
#include "gst-i18n-lib.h"
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
#include "gstpipeline.h"
Packit f546b1
#include "gstinfo.h"
Packit f546b1
#include "gstsystemclock.h"
Packit f546b1
#include "gstutils.h"
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#define GST_CAT_DEFAULT pipeline_debug
Packit f546b1
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/* Pipeline signals and args */
Packit f546b1
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Packit f546b1
  /* FILL ME */
Packit f546b1
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Packit f546b1
#define DEFAULT_DELAY           0
Packit f546b1
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struct _GstPipelinePrivate
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  /* with LOCK */
Packit f546b1
  gboolean auto_flush_bus;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  /* when we need to update stream_time or clock when going back to
Packit f546b1
   * PLAYING*/
Packit f546b1
  GstClockTime last_start_time;
Packit f546b1
  gboolean update_clock;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GstClockTime latency;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
static void gst_pipeline_dispose (GObject * object);
Packit f546b1
static void gst_pipeline_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
Packit f546b1
    const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec);
Packit f546b1
static void gst_pipeline_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
Packit f546b1
    GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
static GstClock *gst_pipeline_provide_clock_func (GstElement * element);
Packit f546b1
static GstStateChangeReturn gst_pipeline_change_state (GstElement * element,
Packit f546b1
    GstStateChange transition);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
static void gst_pipeline_handle_message (GstBin * bin, GstMessage * message);
Packit f546b1
static gboolean gst_pipeline_do_latency (GstBin * bin);
Packit f546b1
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/* static guint gst_pipeline_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; */
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
#define _do_init \
Packit f546b1
{ \
Packit f546b1
  GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (pipeline_debug, "pipeline", GST_DEBUG_BOLD, \
Packit f546b1
      "debugging info for the 'pipeline' container element"); \
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
#define gst_pipeline_parent_class parent_class
Packit f546b1
G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GstPipeline, gst_pipeline, GST_TYPE_BIN, _do_init);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
static void
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_class_init (GstPipelineClass * klass)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
Packit f546b1
  GstElementClass *gstelement_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (klass);
Packit f546b1
  GstBinClass *gstbin_class = GST_BIN_CLASS (klass);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (GstPipelinePrivate));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  gobject_class->set_property = gst_pipeline_set_property;
Packit f546b1
  gobject_class->get_property = gst_pipeline_get_property;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
   * GstPipeline:delay:
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
   * The expected delay needed for elements to spin up to the
Packit f546b1
   * PLAYING state expressed in nanoseconds.
Packit f546b1
   * see gst_pipeline_set_delay() for more information on this option.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_DELAY,
Packit f546b1
      g_param_spec_uint64 ("delay", "Delay",
Packit f546b1
          "Expected delay needed for elements "
Packit f546b1
          "to spin up to PLAYING in nanoseconds", 0, G_MAXUINT64, DEFAULT_DELAY,
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
   * GstPipeline:auto-flush-bus:
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
   * Whether or not to automatically flush all messages on the
Packit f546b1
   * pipeline's bus when going from READY to NULL state. Please see
Packit f546b1
   * gst_pipeline_set_auto_flush_bus() for more information on this option.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_AUTO_FLUSH_BUS,
Packit f546b1
      g_param_spec_boolean ("auto-flush-bus", "Auto Flush Bus",
Packit f546b1
          "Whether to automatically flush the pipeline's bus when going "
Packit f546b1
          "from READY into NULL state", DEFAULT_AUTO_FLUSH_BUS,
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
   * GstPipeline:latency:
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
   * Latency to configure on the pipeline. See gst_pipeline_set_latency().
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
   * Since: 1.6
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_LATENCY,
Packit f546b1
      g_param_spec_uint64 ("latency", "Latency",
Packit f546b1
          "Latency to configure on the pipeline", 0, G_MAXUINT64,
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  gobject_class->dispose = gst_pipeline_dispose;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  gst_element_class_set_static_metadata (gstelement_class, "Pipeline object",
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      "Complete pipeline object",
Packit f546b1
      "Erik Walthinsen <>, Wim Taymans <>");
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  gstelement_class->change_state =
Packit f546b1
      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_pipeline_change_state);
Packit f546b1
  gstelement_class->provide_clock =
Packit f546b1
      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_pipeline_provide_clock_func);
Packit f546b1
  gstbin_class->handle_message =
Packit f546b1
      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_pipeline_handle_message);
Packit f546b1
  gstbin_class->do_latency = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_pipeline_do_latency);
Packit f546b1
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static void
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gst_pipeline_init (GstPipeline * pipeline)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GstBus *bus;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  pipeline->priv = GST_PIPELINE_GET_PRIVATE (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  /* set default property values */
Packit f546b1
  pipeline->priv->auto_flush_bus = DEFAULT_AUTO_FLUSH_BUS;
Packit f546b1
  pipeline->delay = DEFAULT_DELAY;
Packit f546b1
  pipeline->priv->latency = DEFAULT_LATENCY;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  /* create and set a default bus */
Packit f546b1
  bus = gst_bus_new ();
Packit f546b1
#if 0
Packit f546b1
  /* FIXME, disabled for 0.10.5 release as it caused to many regressions */
Packit f546b1
  /* Start our bus in flushing if appropriate */
Packit f546b1
  if (pipeline->priv->auto_flush_bus)
Packit f546b1
    gst_bus_set_flushing (bus, TRUE);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  gst_element_set_bus (GST_ELEMENT_CAST (pipeline), bus);
Packit f546b1
  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (pipeline, "set bus %" GST_PTR_FORMAT " on pipeline", bus);
Packit f546b1
  gst_object_unref (bus);
Packit f546b1
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static void
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gst_pipeline_dispose (GObject * object)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GstPipeline *pipeline = GST_PIPELINE (object);
Packit f546b1
  GstClock **clock_p = &pipeline->fixed_clock;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (GST_CAT_REFCOUNTING, pipeline, "%p dispose", pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  /* clear and unref any fixed clock */
Packit f546b1
  gst_object_replace ((GstObject **) clock_p, NULL);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->dispose (object);
Packit f546b1
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static void
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gst_pipeline_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
Packit f546b1
    const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GstPipeline *pipeline = GST_PIPELINE (object);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  switch (prop_id) {
Packit f546b1
    case PROP_DELAY:
Packit f546b1
      gst_pipeline_set_delay (pipeline, g_value_get_uint64 (value));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      gst_pipeline_set_auto_flush_bus (pipeline, g_value_get_boolean (value));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
    case PROP_LATENCY:
Packit f546b1
      gst_pipeline_set_latency (pipeline, g_value_get_uint64 (value));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
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Packit f546b1
static void
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gst_pipeline_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
Packit f546b1
    GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GstPipeline *pipeline = GST_PIPELINE (object);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  switch (prop_id) {
Packit f546b1
    case PROP_DELAY:
Packit f546b1
      g_value_set_uint64 (value, gst_pipeline_get_delay (pipeline));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      g_value_set_boolean (value, gst_pipeline_get_auto_flush_bus (pipeline));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
    case PROP_LATENCY:
Packit f546b1
      g_value_set_uint64 (value, gst_pipeline_get_latency (pipeline));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
/* set the start_time to 0, this will cause us to select a new base_time and
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 * make the running_time start from 0 again. */
Packit f546b1
static void
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reset_start_time (GstPipeline * pipeline, GstClockTime start_time)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (pipeline, "reset start_time to 0");
Packit f546b1
    GST_ELEMENT_START_TIME (pipeline) = start_time;
Packit f546b1
    pipeline->priv->last_start_time = -1;
Packit f546b1
  } else {
Packit f546b1
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (pipeline, "application asked to not reset stream_time");
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * gst_pipeline_new:
Packit f546b1
 * @name: (allow-none): name of new pipeline
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Create a new pipeline with the given name.
Packit f546b1
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 * Returns: (transfer floating): newly created GstPipeline
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * MT safe.
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GstElement *
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_new (const gchar * name)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  return gst_element_factory_make ("pipeline", name);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
/* takes a snapshot of the running_time of the pipeline and store this as the
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 * element start_time. This is the time we will set as the running_time of the
Packit f546b1
 * pipeline when we go to PLAYING next. */
Packit f546b1
static void
Packit f546b1
pipeline_update_start_time (GstElement * element)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GstPipeline *pipeline = GST_PIPELINE_CAST (element);
Packit f546b1
  GstClock *clock;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (element);
Packit f546b1
  if ((clock = element->clock)) {
Packit f546b1
    GstClockTime now;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
    gst_object_ref (clock);
Packit f546b1
    GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (element);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
    /* calculate the time when we stopped */
Packit f546b1
    now = gst_clock_get_time (clock);
Packit f546b1
    gst_object_unref (clock);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
    GST_OBJECT_LOCK (element);
Packit f546b1
    /* store the current running time */
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      if (now != GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE)
Packit f546b1
        GST_ELEMENT_START_TIME (pipeline) = now - element->base_time;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
        GST_WARNING_OBJECT (element,
Packit f546b1
            "Clock %s returned invalid time, can't calculate "
Packit f546b1
            "running_time when going to the PAUSED state",
Packit f546b1
            GST_OBJECT_NAME (clock));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      /* we went to PAUSED, when going to PLAYING select clock and new
Packit f546b1
       * base_time */
Packit f546b1
      pipeline->priv->update_clock = TRUE;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (element,
Packit f546b1
        "start_time=%" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", now=%" GST_TIME_FORMAT
Packit f546b1
        ", base_time %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
        GST_TIME_ARGS (now), GST_TIME_ARGS (element->base_time));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (element);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
/* MT safe */
Packit f546b1
static GstStateChangeReturn
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_change_state (GstElement * element, GstStateChange transition)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GstStateChangeReturn result = GST_STATE_CHANGE_SUCCESS;
Packit f546b1
  GstPipeline *pipeline = GST_PIPELINE_CAST (element);
Packit f546b1
  GstClock *clock;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  switch (transition) {
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      GST_OBJECT_LOCK (element);
Packit f546b1
      if (element->bus)
Packit f546b1
        gst_bus_set_flushing (element->bus, FALSE);
Packit f546b1
      GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (element);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      GST_OBJECT_LOCK (element);
Packit f546b1
      pipeline->priv->update_clock = TRUE;
Packit f546b1
      GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (element);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      /* READY to PAUSED starts running_time from 0 */
Packit f546b1
      reset_start_time (pipeline, 0);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      GstClockTime now, start_time, last_start_time, delay;
Packit f546b1
      gboolean update_clock;
Packit f546b1
      GstClock *cur_clock;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (element, "selecting clock and base_time");
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      GST_OBJECT_LOCK (element);
Packit f546b1
      cur_clock = element->clock;
Packit f546b1
      if (cur_clock)
Packit f546b1
        gst_object_ref (cur_clock);
Packit f546b1
      /* get the desired running_time of the first buffer aka the start_time */
Packit f546b1
      start_time = GST_ELEMENT_START_TIME (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
      last_start_time = pipeline->priv->last_start_time;
Packit f546b1
      pipeline->priv->last_start_time = start_time;
Packit f546b1
      /* see if we need to update the clock */
Packit f546b1
      update_clock = pipeline->priv->update_clock;
Packit f546b1
      pipeline->priv->update_clock = FALSE;
Packit f546b1
      delay = pipeline->delay;
Packit f546b1
      GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (element);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      /* running time changed, either with a PAUSED or a flush, we need to check
Packit f546b1
       * if there is a new clock & update the base time */
Packit f546b1
      /* only do this for top-level, however */
Packit f546b1
      if (GST_OBJECT_PARENT (element) == NULL &&
Packit f546b1
          (update_clock || last_start_time != start_time)) {
Packit f546b1
        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (pipeline, "Need to update start_time");
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
        /* when going to PLAYING, select a clock when needed. If we just got
Packit f546b1
         * flushed, we don't reselect the clock. */
Packit f546b1
        if (update_clock) {
Packit f546b1
          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (pipeline, "Need to update clock.");
Packit f546b1
          clock = gst_element_provide_clock (element);
Packit f546b1
        } else {
Packit f546b1
          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (pipeline,
Packit f546b1
              "Don't need to update clock, using old clock.");
Packit f546b1
          /* only try to ref if cur_clock is not NULL */
Packit f546b1
          if (cur_clock)
Packit f546b1
            gst_object_ref (cur_clock);
Packit f546b1
          clock = cur_clock;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
        if (clock) {
Packit f546b1
          now = gst_clock_get_time (clock);
Packit f546b1
        } else {
Packit f546b1
          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (pipeline, "no clock, using base time of NONE");
Packit f546b1
          now = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
        if (clock != cur_clock) {
Packit f546b1
          /* now distribute the clock (which could be NULL). If some
Packit f546b1
           * element refuses the clock, this will return FALSE and
Packit f546b1
           * we effectively fail the state change. */
Packit f546b1
          if (!gst_element_set_clock (element, clock))
Packit f546b1
            goto invalid_clock;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
          /* if we selected and distributed a new clock, let the app
Packit f546b1
           * know about it */
Packit f546b1
          gst_element_post_message (element,
Packit f546b1
              gst_message_new_new_clock (GST_OBJECT_CAST (element), clock));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
        if (clock)
Packit f546b1
          gst_object_unref (clock);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
        if (start_time != GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE && now != GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE) {
Packit f546b1
          GstClockTime new_base_time = now - start_time + delay;
Packit f546b1
          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (element,
Packit f546b1
              "start_time=%" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", now=%" GST_TIME_FORMAT
Packit f546b1
              ", base_time %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
Packit f546b1
              GST_TIME_ARGS (start_time), GST_TIME_ARGS (now),
Packit f546b1
              GST_TIME_ARGS (new_base_time));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
          gst_element_set_base_time (element, new_base_time);
Packit f546b1
        } else {
Packit f546b1
          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (pipeline,
Packit f546b1
              "NOT adjusting base_time because start_time is NONE");
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      } else {
Packit f546b1
        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (pipeline,
Packit f546b1
            "NOT adjusting base_time because we selected one before");
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      if (cur_clock)
Packit f546b1
        gst_object_unref (cur_clock);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      /* we take a start_time snapshot before calling the children state changes
Packit f546b1
       * so that they know about when the pipeline PAUSED. */
Packit f546b1
      pipeline_update_start_time (element);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      reset_start_time (pipeline, 0);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  result = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (parent_class)->change_state (element, transition);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  switch (transition) {
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      /* Take a new snapshot of the start_time after calling the state change on
Packit f546b1
       * all children. This will be the running_time of the pipeline when we go
Packit f546b1
       * back to PLAYING */
Packit f546b1
      pipeline_update_start_time (element);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      GstBus *bus;
Packit f546b1
      gboolean auto_flush;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      /* grab some stuff before we release the lock to flush out the bus */
Packit f546b1
      GST_OBJECT_LOCK (element);
Packit f546b1
      if ((bus = element->bus))
Packit f546b1
        gst_object_ref (bus);
Packit f546b1
      auto_flush = pipeline->priv->auto_flush_bus;
Packit f546b1
      GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (element);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      if (bus) {
Packit f546b1
        if (auto_flush) {
Packit f546b1
          gst_bus_set_flushing (bus, TRUE);
Packit f546b1
        } else {
Packit f546b1
          GST_INFO_OBJECT (element, "not flushing bus, auto-flushing disabled");
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
        gst_object_unref (bus);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  return result;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  /* ERRORS */
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
    /* we generate this error when the selected clock was not
Packit f546b1
     * accepted by some element */
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
        (_("Selected clock cannot be used in pipeline.")),
Packit f546b1
        ("Pipeline cannot operate with selected clock"));
Packit f546b1
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (pipeline,
Packit f546b1
        "Pipeline cannot operate with selected clock %p", clock);
Packit f546b1
    if (clock)
Packit f546b1
      gst_object_unref (clock);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
/* intercept the bus messages from our children. We watch for the ASYNC_START
Packit f546b1
 * message with is posted by the elements (sinks) that require a reset of the
Packit f546b1
 * running_time after a flush. ASYNC_START also brings the pipeline back into
Packit f546b1
 * the PAUSED, pending PAUSED state. When the ASYNC_DONE message is received the
Packit f546b1
 * pipeline will redistribute the new base_time and will bring the elements back
Packit f546b1
 * to the desired state of the pipeline. */
Packit f546b1
static void
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_handle_message (GstBin * bin, GstMessage * message)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GstPipeline *pipeline = GST_PIPELINE_CAST (bin);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  switch (GST_MESSAGE_TYPE (message)) {
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      GstClockTime running_time;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      gst_message_parse_reset_time (message, &running_time);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      /* reset our running time if we need to distribute a new base_time to the
Packit f546b1
       * children. */
Packit f546b1
      reset_start_time (pipeline, running_time);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      GstClock *clock;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      gst_message_parse_clock_lost (message, &clock);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      GST_OBJECT_LOCK (bin);
Packit f546b1
      if (clock == GST_ELEMENT_CAST (bin)->clock) {
Packit f546b1
        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (bin, "Used clock '%s' got lost",
Packit f546b1
            GST_OBJECT_NAME (clock));
Packit f546b1
        pipeline->priv->update_clock = TRUE;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (bin);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_BIN_CLASS (parent_class)->handle_message (bin, message);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
static gboolean
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_do_latency (GstBin * bin)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GstPipeline *pipeline = GST_PIPELINE (bin);
Packit f546b1
  GstQuery *query;
Packit f546b1
  GstClockTime latency;
Packit f546b1
  GstClockTime min_latency, max_latency;
Packit f546b1
  gboolean res;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
  latency = pipeline->priv->latency;
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  if (latency == GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE)
Packit f546b1
    return GST_BIN_CLASS (parent_class)->do_latency (bin);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (pipeline, "querying latency");
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  query = gst_query_new_latency ();
Packit f546b1
  if ((res = gst_element_query (GST_ELEMENT_CAST (pipeline), query))) {
Packit f546b1
    gboolean live;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
    gst_query_parse_latency (query, &live, &min_latency, &max_latency);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (pipeline,
Packit f546b1
        "got min latency %" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", max latency %"
Packit f546b1
        GST_TIME_FORMAT ", live %d", GST_TIME_ARGS (min_latency),
Packit f546b1
        GST_TIME_ARGS (max_latency), live);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
    if (max_latency < min_latency) {
Packit f546b1
      /* this is an impossible situation, some parts of the pipeline might not
Packit f546b1
       * work correctly. We post a warning for now. */
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
          ("Impossible to configure latency: max %" GST_TIME_FORMAT " < min %"
Packit f546b1
              GST_TIME_FORMAT ". Add queues or other buffering elements.",
Packit f546b1
              GST_TIME_ARGS (max_latency), GST_TIME_ARGS (min_latency)));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
    if (latency < min_latency) {
Packit f546b1
      /* This is a problematic situation as we will most likely drop lots of
Packit f546b1
       * data if we configure a too low latency */
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
          ("Configured latency is lower than detected minimum latency: configured %"
Packit f546b1
              GST_TIME_FORMAT " < min %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
Packit f546b1
              GST_TIME_ARGS (latency), GST_TIME_ARGS (min_latency)));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  } else {
Packit f546b1
    /* this is not a real problem, we just don't configure any latency. */
Packit f546b1
    GST_WARNING_OBJECT (pipeline, "failed to query latency");
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  gst_query_unref (query);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  /* configure latency on elements */
Packit f546b1
  res =
Packit f546b1
      gst_element_send_event (GST_ELEMENT_CAST (pipeline),
Packit f546b1
      gst_event_new_latency (latency));
Packit f546b1
  if (res) {
Packit f546b1
    GST_INFO_OBJECT (pipeline, "configured latency of %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
Packit f546b1
        GST_TIME_ARGS (latency));
Packit f546b1
  } else {
Packit f546b1
    GST_WARNING_OBJECT (pipeline,
Packit f546b1
        "did not really configure latency of %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
Packit f546b1
        GST_TIME_ARGS (latency));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  return res;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * gst_pipeline_get_bus:
Packit f546b1
 * @pipeline: a #GstPipeline
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Gets the #GstBus of @pipeline. The bus allows applications to receive
Packit f546b1
 * #GstMessage packets.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Returns: (transfer full): a #GstBus, unref after usage.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * MT safe.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
GstBus *
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_get_bus (GstPipeline * pipeline)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  return gst_element_get_bus (GST_ELEMENT_CAST (pipeline));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
static GstClock *
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_provide_clock_func (GstElement * element)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GstClock *clock = NULL;
Packit f546b1
  GstPipeline *pipeline = GST_PIPELINE (element);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  /* if we have a fixed clock, use that one */
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
    clock = pipeline->fixed_clock;
Packit f546b1
    if (clock)
Packit f546b1
      gst_object_ref (clock);
Packit f546b1
    GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
    GST_CAT_DEBUG (GST_CAT_CLOCK, "pipeline using fixed clock %p (%s)",
Packit f546b1
        clock, clock ? GST_STR_NULL (GST_OBJECT_NAME (clock)) : "-");
Packit f546b1
  } else {
Packit f546b1
    GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
    /* let the parent bin select a clock */
Packit f546b1
    clock =
Packit f546b1
        GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (parent_class)->provide_clock (GST_ELEMENT
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
    /* no clock, use a system clock */
Packit f546b1
    if (!clock) {
Packit f546b1
      clock = gst_system_clock_obtain ();
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      GST_CAT_DEBUG (GST_CAT_CLOCK, "pipeline obtained system clock: %p (%s)",
Packit f546b1
          clock, clock ? GST_STR_NULL (GST_OBJECT_NAME (clock)) : "-");
Packit f546b1
    } else {
Packit f546b1
      GST_CAT_DEBUG (GST_CAT_CLOCK, "pipeline obtained clock: %p (%s)",
Packit f546b1
          clock, clock ? GST_STR_NULL (GST_OBJECT_NAME (clock)) : "-");
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  return clock;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * gst_pipeline_get_clock: (skip)
Packit f546b1
 * @pipeline: a #GstPipeline
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Gets the current clock used by @pipeline. Users of object
Packit f546b1
 * oriented languages should use gst_pipeline_get_pipeline_clock()
Packit f546b1
 * to avoid confusion with gst_element_get_clock() which has a different behavior.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Unlike gst_element_get_clock(), this function will always return a
Packit f546b1
 * clock, even if the pipeline is not in the PLAYING state.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Returns: (transfer full): a #GstClock, unref after usage.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
GstClock *
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_get_clock (GstPipeline * pipeline)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  return gst_pipeline_get_pipeline_clock (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * gst_pipeline_get_pipeline_clock:
Packit f546b1
 * @pipeline: a #GstPipeline
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Gets the current clock used by @pipeline.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Unlike gst_element_get_clock(), this function will always return a
Packit f546b1
 * clock, even if the pipeline is not in the PLAYING state.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Returns: (transfer full): a #GstClock, unref after usage.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Since: 1.6
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
GstClock *
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_get_pipeline_clock (GstPipeline * pipeline)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_PIPELINE (pipeline), NULL);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  return gst_pipeline_provide_clock_func (GST_ELEMENT_CAST (pipeline));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * gst_pipeline_use_clock:
Packit f546b1
 * @pipeline: a #GstPipeline
Packit f546b1
 * @clock: (transfer none) (allow-none): the clock to use
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Force @pipeline to use the given @clock. The pipeline will
Packit f546b1
 * always use the given clock even if new clock providers are added
Packit f546b1
 * to this pipeline.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * If @clock is %NULL all clocking will be disabled which will make
Packit f546b1
 * the pipeline run as fast as possible.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * MT safe.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_use_clock (GstPipeline * pipeline, GstClock * clock)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GstClock **clock_p;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_PIPELINE (pipeline));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  clock_p = &pipeline->fixed_clock;
Packit f546b1
  gst_object_replace ((GstObject **) clock_p, (GstObject *) clock);
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_CAT_DEBUG (GST_CAT_CLOCK, "pipeline using fixed clock %p (%s)", clock,
Packit f546b1
      (clock ? GST_OBJECT_NAME (clock) : "nil"));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * gst_pipeline_set_clock: (skip)
Packit f546b1
 * @pipeline: a #GstPipeline
Packit f546b1
 * @clock: (transfer none): the clock to set
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Set the clock for @pipeline. The clock will be distributed
Packit f546b1
 * to all the elements managed by the pipeline.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Returns: %TRUE if the clock could be set on the pipeline. %FALSE if
Packit f546b1
 *   some element did not accept the clock.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * MT safe.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_set_clock (GstPipeline * pipeline, GstClock * clock)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  g_return_val_if_fail (pipeline != NULL, FALSE);
Packit f546b1
  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_PIPELINE (pipeline), FALSE);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
      GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (parent_class)->set_clock (GST_ELEMENT_CAST (pipeline),
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * gst_pipeline_auto_clock:
Packit f546b1
 * @pipeline: a #GstPipeline
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Let @pipeline select a clock automatically. This is the default
Packit f546b1
 * behaviour.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Use this function if you previous forced a fixed clock with
Packit f546b1
 * gst_pipeline_use_clock() and want to restore the default
Packit f546b1
 * pipeline clock selection algorithm.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * MT safe.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_auto_clock (GstPipeline * pipeline)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GstClock **clock_p;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  g_return_if_fail (pipeline != NULL);
Packit f546b1
  g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_PIPELINE (pipeline));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  clock_p = &pipeline->fixed_clock;
Packit f546b1
  gst_object_replace ((GstObject **) clock_p, NULL);
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_CAT_DEBUG (GST_CAT_CLOCK, "pipeline using automatic clock");
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * gst_pipeline_set_delay:
Packit f546b1
 * @pipeline: a #GstPipeline
Packit f546b1
 * @delay: the delay
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Set the expected delay needed for all elements to perform the
Packit f546b1
 * PAUSED to PLAYING state change. @delay will be added to the
Packit f546b1
 * base time of the elements so that they wait an additional @delay
Packit f546b1
 * amount of time before starting to process buffers and cannot be
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * This option is used for tuning purposes and should normally not be
Packit f546b1
 * used.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * MT safe.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_set_delay (GstPipeline * pipeline, GstClockTime delay)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_PIPELINE (pipeline));
Packit f546b1
  g_return_if_fail (delay != GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
  pipeline->delay = delay;
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * gst_pipeline_get_delay:
Packit f546b1
 * @pipeline: a #GstPipeline
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Get the configured delay (see gst_pipeline_set_delay()).
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Returns: The configured delay.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * MT safe.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_get_delay (GstPipeline * pipeline)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GstClockTime res;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_PIPELINE (pipeline), GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
  res = pipeline->delay;
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  return res;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * gst_pipeline_set_auto_flush_bus:
Packit f546b1
 * @pipeline: a #GstPipeline
Packit f546b1
 * @auto_flush: whether or not to automatically flush the bus when
Packit f546b1
 * the pipeline goes from READY to NULL state
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Usually, when a pipeline goes from READY to NULL state, it automatically
Packit f546b1
 * flushes all pending messages on the bus, which is done for refcounting
Packit f546b1
 * purposes, to break circular references.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * This means that applications that update state using (async) bus messages
Packit f546b1
 * (e.g. do certain things when a pipeline goes from PAUSED to READY) might
Packit f546b1
 * not get to see messages when the pipeline is shut down, because they might
Packit f546b1
 * be flushed before they can be dispatched in the main thread. This behaviour
Packit f546b1
 * can be disabled using this function.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * It is important that all messages on the bus are handled when the
Packit f546b1
 * automatic flushing is disabled else memory leaks will be introduced.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * MT safe.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_set_auto_flush_bus (GstPipeline * pipeline, gboolean auto_flush)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_PIPELINE (pipeline));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
  pipeline->priv->auto_flush_bus = auto_flush;
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * gst_pipeline_get_auto_flush_bus:
Packit f546b1
 * @pipeline: a #GstPipeline
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Check if @pipeline will automatically flush messages when going to
Packit f546b1
 * the NULL state.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Returns: whether the pipeline will automatically flush its bus when
Packit f546b1
 * going from READY to NULL state or not.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * MT safe.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_get_auto_flush_bus (GstPipeline * pipeline)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  gboolean res;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_PIPELINE (pipeline), FALSE);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
  res = pipeline->priv->auto_flush_bus;
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  return res;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * gst_pipeline_set_latency:
Packit f546b1
 * @pipeline: a #GstPipeline
Packit f546b1
 * @latency: latency to configure
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Sets the latency that should be configured on the pipeline. Setting
Packit f546b1
 * GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE will restore the default behaviour of using the minimum
Packit f546b1
 * latency from the LATENCY query. Setting this is usually not required and
Packit f546b1
 * the pipeline will figure out an appropriate latency automatically.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Setting a too low latency, especially lower than the minimum latency from
Packit f546b1
 * the LATENCY query, will most likely cause the pipeline to fail.
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Since: 1.6
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_set_latency (GstPipeline * pipeline, GstClockTime latency)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  gboolean changed;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_PIPELINE (pipeline));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
  changed = (pipeline->priv->latency != latency);
Packit f546b1
  pipeline->priv->latency = latency;
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  if (changed)
Packit f546b1
    gst_bin_recalculate_latency (GST_BIN_CAST (pipeline));
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * gst_pipeline_get_latency:
Packit f546b1
 * @pipeline: a #GstPipeline
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Gets the latency that should be configured on the pipeline. See
Packit f546b1
 * gst_pipeline_set_latency().
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Returns: Latency to configure on the pipeline or GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
 * Since: 1.6
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
gst_pipeline_get_latency (GstPipeline * pipeline)
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GstClockTime latency;
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_PIPELINE (pipeline), GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
  latency = pipeline->priv->latency;
Packit f546b1
  GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (pipeline);
Packit f546b1
Packit f546b1
  return latency;
Packit f546b1