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<title>Index of new API in 1.14: GStreamer Base Plugins 1.0 Library Reference Manual</title>
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Index of new API in 1.14
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gst_app_src_push_buffer_list, function in appsrc
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GstAudioStreamAlign, struct in GstAudio
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gst_audio_converter_convert, function in GstAudioConverter
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gst_audio_stream_align_copy, function in GstAudio
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gst_audio_stream_align_free, function in GstAudio
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gst_audio_stream_align_get_samples_since_discont, function in GstAudio
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gst_audio_stream_align_get_timestamp_at_discont, function in GstAudio
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gst_audio_stream_align_mark_discont, function in GstAudio
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gst_audio_stream_align_new, function in GstAudio
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gst_audio_stream_align_process, function in GstAudio
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gst_discoverer_audio_info_get_channel_mask, function in GstDiscoverer
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gst_discoverer_info_get_live, function in GstDiscoverer
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gst_is_phys_memory, function in GstPhysMemoryAllocator
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GstPhysMemoryAllocatorInterface, struct in GstPhysMemoryAllocator
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gst_phys_memory_get_phys_addr, function in GstPhysMemoryAllocator
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gst_video_encoder_get_max_encode_time, function in GstVideoEncoder
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gst_video_region_of_interest_meta_add_param, function in gstvideometa
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gst_video_region_of_interest_meta_get_param, function in gstvideometa
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