Blame gio/gcocoanotificationbackend.c

Packit ae235b
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 * Copyright © 2015 Patrick Griffis
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 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
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 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
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 * Public License along with this library; if not, see <>.
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 * Authors: Patrick Griffis
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#include "config.h"
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#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
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#include "gnotificationbackend.h"
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#include "gapplication.h"
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#include "gaction.h"
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#include "gactiongroup.h"
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#include "giomodule-priv.h"
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#include "gnotification-private.h"
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#include "gthemedicon.h"
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#include "gfileicon.h"
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#include "gfile.h"
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#define G_TYPE_COCOA_NOTIFICATION_BACKEND  (g_cocoa_notification_backend_get_type ())
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typedef struct _GCocoaNotificationBackend GCocoaNotificationBackend;
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typedef GNotificationBackendClass            GCocoaNotificationBackendClass;
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struct _GCocoaNotificationBackend
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  GNotificationBackend parent;
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GType g_cocoa_notification_backend_get_type (void);
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G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GCocoaNotificationBackend, g_cocoa_notification_backend, G_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_BACKEND,
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  _g_io_modules_ensure_extension_points_registered ();
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  g_io_extension_point_implement (G_NOTIFICATION_BACKEND_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME, g_define_type_id, "cocoa", 0));
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static NSString *
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nsstring_from_cstr (const char *cstr)
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  if (!cstr)
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    return nil;
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  return [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:cstr];
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static NSImage*
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nsimage_from_gicon (GIcon *icon)
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  if (G_IS_FILE_ICON (icon))
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      NSImage *image = nil;
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      GFile *file;
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      char *path;
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      file = g_file_icon_get_file (G_FILE_ICON (icon));
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      path = g_file_get_path (file);
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      if (path)
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          NSString *str_path = nsstring_from_cstr (path);
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          image = [[NSImage alloc] initByReferencingFile:str_path];
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          [str_path release];
Packit ae235b
          g_free (path);
Packit ae235b
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      return image;
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      g_warning ("This icon type is not handled by this NotificationBackend");
Packit ae235b
      return nil;
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static void
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activate_detailed_action (const char * action)
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  char *name;
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  GVariant *target;
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  if (!g_str_has_prefix (action, "app."))
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      g_warning ("Notification action does not have \"app.\" prefix");
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  if (g_action_parse_detailed_name (action, &name, &target, NULL))
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      g_action_group_activate_action (G_ACTION_GROUP (g_application_get_default()), name + 4, target);
Packit ae235b
      g_free (name);
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      if (target)
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        g_variant_unref (target);
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@interface GNotificationCenterDelegate : NSObject<NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate> @end
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@implementation GNotificationCenterDelegate
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-(void) userNotificationCenter:(NSUserNotificationCenter*) center
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       didActivateNotification:(NSUserNotification*)       notification
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  if ([notification activationType] == NSUserNotificationActivationTypeContentsClicked)
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      const char *action = [[notification userInfo][@"default"] UTF8String];
Packit ae235b
      if (action)
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        activate_detailed_action (action);
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      /* OSX Always activates the front window */
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  else if ([notification activationType] == NSUserNotificationActivationTypeActionButtonClicked)
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      const char *action = [[notification userInfo][@"button0"] UTF8String];
Packit ae235b
      if (action)
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        activate_detailed_action (action);
Packit ae235b
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Packit ae235b
  [center removeDeliveredNotification:notification];
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static GNotificationCenterDelegate *cocoa_notification_delegate;
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static gboolean
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g_cocoa_notification_backend_is_supported (void)
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  NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
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  /* This is always actually supported, but without a bundle it does nothing */
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  if (![bundle bundleIdentifier])
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    return FALSE;
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  return TRUE;
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static void
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add_actions_to_notification (NSUserNotification   *userNotification,
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                             GNotification        *notification)
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  guint n_buttons = g_notification_get_n_buttons (notification);
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  char *action = NULL, *label = NULL;
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  GVariant *target = NULL;
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  NSMutableDictionary *user_info = nil;
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  if (g_notification_get_default_action (notification, &action, &target))
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      char *detailed_name = g_action_print_detailed_name (action, target);
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      NSString *action_name = nsstring_from_cstr (detailed_name);
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      user_info = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
Packit ae235b
Packit ae235b
      user_info[@"default"] = action_name;
Packit ae235b
Packit ae235b
      [action_name release];
Packit ae235b
      g_free (detailed_name);
Packit ae235b
      g_clear_pointer (&action, g_free);
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      g_clear_pointer (&target, g_variant_unref);
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  if (n_buttons)
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      g_notification_get_button (notification, 0, &label, &action, &target);
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      if (label)
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          NSString *str_label = nsstring_from_cstr (label);
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          char *detailed_name = g_action_print_detailed_name (action, target);
Packit ae235b
          NSString *action_name = nsstring_from_cstr (detailed_name);
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          if (!user_info)
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            user_info = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
Packit ae235b
Packit ae235b
          user_info[@"button0"] = action_name;
Packit ae235b
          userNotification.actionButtonTitle = str_label;
Packit ae235b
Packit ae235b
          [str_label release];
Packit ae235b
          [action_name release];
Packit ae235b
          g_free (label);
Packit ae235b
          g_free (action);
Packit ae235b
          g_free (detailed_name);
Packit ae235b
          g_clear_pointer (&target, g_variant_unref);
Packit ae235b
Packit ae235b
Packit ae235b
      if (n_buttons > 1)
Packit ae235b
        g_warning ("Only a single button is currently supported by this NotificationBackend");
Packit ae235b
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Packit ae235b
    userNotification.userInfo = user_info;
Packit ae235b
    [user_info release];
Packit ae235b
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Packit ae235b
static void
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g_cocoa_notification_backend_send_notification (GNotificationBackend *backend,
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                                                const gchar          *cstr_id,
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                                                GNotification        *notification)
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  NSString *str_title = nil, *str_text = nil, *str_id = nil;
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  NSImage *content = nil;
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  const char *cstr;
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  GIcon *icon;
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  NSUserNotification *userNotification;
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  NSUserNotificationCenter *center;
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  if ((cstr = g_notification_get_title (notification)))
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    str_title = nsstring_from_cstr (cstr);
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  if ((cstr = g_notification_get_body (notification)))
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    str_text = nsstring_from_cstr (cstr);
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  if (cstr_id != NULL)
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    str_id = nsstring_from_cstr (cstr_id);
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  if ((icon = g_notification_get_icon (notification)))
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    content = nsimage_from_gicon (icon);
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  /* NOTE: There is no priority */
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  userNotification = [NSUserNotification new];
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  userNotification.title = str_title;
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  userNotification.informativeText = str_text;
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  userNotification.identifier = str_id;
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  userNotification.contentImage = content;
Packit ae235b
  /* NOTE: Buttons only show up if your bundle has NSUserNotificationAlertStyle set to "alerts" */
Packit ae235b
  add_actions_to_notification (userNotification, notification);
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  if (!cocoa_notification_delegate)
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    cocoa_notification_delegate = [[GNotificationCenterDelegate alloc] init];
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  center = [NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter];
Packit ae235b
  center.delegate = cocoa_notification_delegate;
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  [center deliverNotification:userNotification];
Packit ae235b
Packit ae235b
  [str_title release];
Packit ae235b
  [str_text release];
Packit ae235b
  [str_id release];
Packit ae235b
  [content release];
Packit ae235b
  [userNotification release];
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static void
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g_cocoa_notification_backend_withdraw_notification (GNotificationBackend *backend,
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                                                    const gchar          *cstr_id)
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  NSUserNotificationCenter *center = [NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter];
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  NSArray *notifications = [center deliveredNotifications];
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  NSString *str_id = nsstring_from_cstr (cstr_id);
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  for (NSUserNotification *notification in notifications)
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      if ([notification.identifier compare:str_id] == NSOrderedSame)
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          [center removeDeliveredNotification:notification];
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  [notifications release];
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  [str_id release];
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static void
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g_cocoa_notification_backend_init (GCocoaNotificationBackend *backend)
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static void
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g_cocoa_notification_backend_class_init (GCocoaNotificationBackendClass *klass)
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  GNotificationBackendClass *backend_class = G_NOTIFICATION_BACKEND_CLASS (klass);
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  backend_class->is_supported = g_cocoa_notification_backend_is_supported;
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  backend_class->send_notification = g_cocoa_notification_backend_send_notification;
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  backend_class->withdraw_notification = g_cocoa_notification_backend_withdraw_notification;
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