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Compiling GLib Applications

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Compiling GLib Applications —

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How to compile your GLib application
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Compiling GLib Applications on UNIX

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To compile a GLib application, you need to tell the compiler where to
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find the GLib header files and libraries. This is done with the
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pkg-config utility.
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The following interactive shell session demonstrates how
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pkg-config is used (the actual output on
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your system may be different):
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$ pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0
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 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include
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$ pkg-config --libs glib-2.0
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 -L/usr/lib -lm -lglib-2.0
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See the pkg-config website
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for more information about pkg-config.
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If your application uses or GObject
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features, it must be compiled and linked with the options returned
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by the following pkg-config invocation:
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$ pkg-config --cflags --libs gobject-2.0
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If your application uses modules, it must be compiled and linked
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with the options returned by one of the following
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pkg-config invocations:
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$ pkg-config --cflags --libs gmodule-no-export-2.0
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$ pkg-config --cflags --libs gmodule-2.0
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The difference between the two is that gmodule-2.0 adds
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--export-dynamic to the linker flags,
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which is often not needed.
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The simplest way to compile a program is to use the "backticks"
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feature of the shell. If you enclose a command in backticks
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(not single quotes), then its output will
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be substituted into the command line before execution. So to
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compile a GLib Hello, World, you would type the following:
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$ cc hello.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs glib-2.0` -o hello
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Note that the name of the file must come before the other options
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(such as pkg-config), or else you may get an
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error from the linker.
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Deprecated GLib functions are annotated to make the compiler
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emit warnings when they are used (e.g. with gcc, you need to use
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the -Wdeprecated-declarations option). If these warnings are
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problematic, they can be turned off by defining the preprocessor
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symbol GLIB_DISABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS by using the commandline
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GLib deprecation annotations are versioned; by defining the
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you can specify the range of GLib versions whose API you want
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to use. APIs that were deprecated before or introduced after
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this range will trigger compiler warnings.
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The older deprecation mechanism of hiding deprecated interfaces
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entirely from the compiler by using the preprocessor symbol
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G_DISABLE_DEPRECATED is still used for deprecated macros,
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enumeration values, etc. To detect uses of these in your code,
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use the commandline option -DG_DISABLE_DEPRECATED.
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The recommended way of using GLib has always been to only include the
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toplevel headers glib.h,
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glib-object.h, gio.h.
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Starting with 2.32, GLib enforces this by generating an error
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when individual headers are directly included.
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Still, there are some exceptions; these headers have to be included
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glib/gi18n-lib.h or
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glib/gi18n.h (see
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the Internationalization section),
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glib/gprintf.h and
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(we don't want to pull in all of stdio).
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