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Shell-related Utilities

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Shell-related Utilities — shell-like commandline handling

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g_shell_parse_argv ()
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gchar *
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g_shell_quote ()
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gchar *
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g_shell_unquote ()
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Types and Values

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#include <glib.h>
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GLib provides the functions g_shell_quote() and g_shell_unquote()

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to handle shell-like quoting in strings. The function g_shell_parse_argv()
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parses a string similar to the way a POSIX shell (/bin/sh) would.

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Note that string handling in shells has many obscure and historical

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corner-cases which these functions do not necessarily reproduce. They
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are good enough in practice, though.

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g_shell_parse_argv ()

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g_shell_parse_argv (const gchar *command_line,
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                    gint *argcp,
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                    gchar ***argvp,
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                    GError **error);
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Parses a command line into an argument vector, in much the same way

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the shell would, but without many of the expansions the shell would
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perform (variable expansion, globs, operators, filename expansion,
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etc. are not supported). The results are defined to be the same as
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those you would get from a UNIX98 /bin/sh, as long as the input
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contains none of the unsupported shell expansions. If the input
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does contain such expansions, they are passed through
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literally. Possible errors are those from the G_SHELL_ERROR
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domain. Free the returned vector with g_strfreev().

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command line to parse.

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[type filename]
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return location for number of args.

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return location for array of args.

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[out][optional][array length=argcp zero-terminated=1][element-type filename]
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return location for error.

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TRUE on success, FALSE if error set

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g_shell_quote ()

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gchar *
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g_shell_quote (const gchar *unquoted_string);
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Quotes a string so that the shell (/bin/sh) will interpret the

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quoted string to mean unquoted_string
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. If you pass a filename to
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the shell, for example, you should first quote it with this
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function.  The return value must be freed with g_free(). The
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quoting style used is undefined (single or double quotes may be
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a literal string.

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[type filename]
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quoted string.

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[type filename]

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g_shell_unquote ()

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gchar *
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g_shell_unquote (const gchar *quoted_string,
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                 GError **error);
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Unquotes a string as the shell (/bin/sh) would. Only handles

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quotes; if a string contains file globs, arithmetic operators,
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variables, backticks, redirections, or other special-to-the-shell
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features, the result will be different from the result a real shell
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would produce (the variables, backticks, etc. will be passed
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through literally instead of being expanded). This function is
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guaranteed to succeed if applied to the result of
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g_shell_quote(). If it fails, it returns NULL and sets the
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error. The quoted_string
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 need not actually contain quoted or
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escaped text; g_shell_unquote() simply goes through the string and
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unquotes/unescapes anything that the shell would. Both single and
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double quotes are handled, as are escapes including escaped
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newlines. The return value must be freed with g_free(). Possible
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errors are in the G_SHELL_ERROR domain.

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Shell quoting rules are a bit strange. Single quotes preserve the

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literal string exactly. escape sequences are not allowed; not even
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\' - if you want a ' in the quoted text, you have to do something
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like 'foo'\''bar'.  Double quotes allow $, `, ", \, and newline to
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be escaped with backslash. Otherwise double quotes preserve things
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shell-quoted string.

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[type filename]
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error return location or NULL

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an unquoted string.

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[type filename]

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Types and Values

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enum GShellError

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Error codes returned by shell functions.

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Mismatched or otherwise mangled quoting.

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String to be parsed was empty.

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Some other error.

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#define G_SHELL_ERROR g_shell_error_quark ()
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Error domain for shell functions. Errors in this domain will be from

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the GShellError enumeration. See GError for information on error
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Generated by GTK-Doc V1.27
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