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Writing GIO applications
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      The information in the GLib documentation about writing GLib
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      applications is generally applicable when writing GIO applications.
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       GDBus has its own private worker thread, so applications using
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       GDBus have at least 3 threads. GIO makes heavy use of the concept
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       of a <GTKDOCLINK HREF="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default
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       main context</GTKDOCLINK> to execute callbacks of asynchronous
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       methods in the same context in which the operation was started.
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Asynchronous Programming
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      Many GIO functions come in two versions: synchronous and asynchronous,
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      denoted by an _async suffix. It is important to use these
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      appropriately: synchronous calls should not be used from
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      within a main loop which is shared with other code, such as one in the
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      application’s main thread. Synchronous calls block until they complete,
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      and I/O operations can take noticeable amounts of time (even on ‘fast’
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      SSDs). Blocking a main loop iteration while waiting for I/O means that
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      other sources in the main loop will not be dispatched, such as input and
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      redraw handlers for the application’s UI. This can cause the application
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      to ‘freeze’ until I/O completes.
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      A few self-contained groups of functions, such as code generated by
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      use a different convention: functions are asynchronous default, and it is
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      the synchronous version which has a
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      suffix. Aside from naming differences, they should be treated the same
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      way as functions following the normal convention above.
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      The asynchronous (_async) versions of functions return
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      control to the caller immediately, after scheduling the I/O in the kernel
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      and adding a callback for it to the main loop. This callback will be
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      invoked when the operation has completed. From the callback, the paired
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      _finish function should be called to retrieve the return
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      value of the I/O operation, and any errors which occurred. For more
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      information on using and implementing asynchronous functions, see
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      and GTask.
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      By starting multiple asynchronous operations in succession, they will be
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      executed in parallel (up to an arbitrary limit imposed by GIO’s internal
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      worker thread pool).
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      The synchronous versions of functions can be used early in application
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      startup when there is no main loop to block, for example to load initial
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      configuration files. They can also be used for I/O on files which are
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      guaranteed to be small and on the local disk. Note that the user’s home
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      directory is not guaranteed to be on the local disk.
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When your program needs to carry out some privileged operation (say,
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create a new user account), there are various ways in which you can go
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about this:
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  • Packit ae235b
    Implement a daemon that offers the privileged operation. A convenient
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    way to do this is as a D-Bus system-bus service. The daemon will probably
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    need ways to check the identity and authorization of the caller before
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    executing the operation. polkit is a framework that allows this.
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  • Packit ae235b
    Use a small helper that is executed with elevated privileges via
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    pkexec. pkexec is a small program launcher that is part of polkit.
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  • Packit ae235b
    Use a small helper that is executed with elevated privileges by
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    being suid root.
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    None of these approaches is the clear winner, they all have their
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    advantages and disadvantages.
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    When writing code that runs with elevated privileges, it is important
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    to follow some basic rules of secure programming. David Wheeler has an
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    excellent book on this topic,
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    Secure Programming for Linux and Unix HOWTO.
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    When using GIO in code that runs with elevated privileges, you have to
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    be careful. GIO has extension points whose implementations get loaded
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    from modules (executable code in shared objects), which could allow
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    an attacker to sneak his own code into your application by tricking it
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    into loading the code as a module. However, GIO will never load modules
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    from your home directory except when explictly asked to do so via an
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    environment variable.
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    In most cases, your helper program should be so small that you don't
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    need GIO, whose APIs are largely designed to support full-blown desktop
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    applications. If you can't resist the convenience of these APIs, here
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    are some steps you should take:
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    • Packit ae235b
      Clear the environment, e.g. using the clearenv()
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      David Wheeler has a good explanation for why it is
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      important to sanitize the environment.
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      See Running GIO applications
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      for a list of all environment variables affecting GIO. In particular,
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      PATH (used to locate binaries), GIO_EXTRA_MODULES (used to locate loadable modules) and DBUS_{SYSTEM,SESSION}_BUS_ADDRESS (used to locate the D-Bus system and session bus) are important.
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    • Packit ae235b
      Don't use GVfs, by setting GIO_USE_VFS=local in the environment.
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      The reason to avoid GVfs in security-sensitive programs is that it uses
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      many libraries which have not necessarily been audited for security problems.
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      Gvfs is also heavily distributed and relies on a session bus to be present.
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