Blame docs/reference/gio/gdbus.xml

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<refentry id="gdbus" lang="en">
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  <refmiscinfo class="manual">User Commands</refmiscinfo>
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  <refpurpose>Tool for working with D-Bus objects</refpurpose>
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    <arg choice="plain">introspect</arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--system</arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--session</arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--address <replaceable>address</replaceable></arg>
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    <arg choice="plain">--dest <replaceable>bus_name</replaceable></arg>
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    <arg choice="plain">--object-path <replaceable>/path/to/object</replaceable></arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--xml</arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--recurse</arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--only-properties</arg>
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    <arg choice="plain">monitor</arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--system</arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--session</arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--address <replaceable>address</replaceable></arg>
Packit ae235b
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    <arg choice="plain">--dest <replaceable>bus_name</replaceable></arg>
Packit ae235b
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      <arg choice="plain">--object-path <replaceable>/path/to/object</replaceable></arg>
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    <arg choice="plain">call</arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--system</arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--session</arg>
Packit ae235b
      <arg choice="plain">--address <replaceable>address</replaceable></arg>
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    <arg choice="plain">--dest <replaceable>bus_name</replaceable></arg>
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    <arg choice="plain">--object-path <replaceable>/path/to/object</replaceable></arg>
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    <arg choice="plain">--method <replaceable>org.project.InterfaceName.MethodName</replaceable></arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--timeout <replaceable>seconds</replaceable></arg>
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    <arg choice="plain">ARG1</arg>
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    <arg choice="plain" rep="repeat">ARG2</arg>
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    <arg choice="plain">emit</arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--system</arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--session</arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--address <replaceable>address</replaceable></arg>
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    <arg choice="plain">--object-path <replaceable>/path/to/object</replaceable></arg>
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    <arg choice="plain">--signal <replaceable>org.project.InterfaceName.SignalName</replaceable></arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--dest <replaceable>unique_bus_name</replaceable></arg>
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    <arg choice="plain">ARG1</arg>
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    <arg choice="plain" rep="repeat">ARG2</arg>
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    <arg choice="plain">wait</arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--system</arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--session</arg>
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      <arg choice="plain">--address <replaceable>address</replaceable></arg>
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    <arg choice="plain">--activate <replaceable>bus_name</replaceable></arg>
Packit ae235b
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      <arg choice="plain">--timeout <replaceable>seconds</replaceable></arg>
Packit ae235b
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    <arg choice="plain"><replaceable>bus_name</replaceable></arg>
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    <arg choice="plain">help</arg>
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Packit ae235b
    <command>gdbus</command> is a simple tool for working with D-Bus objects.
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          Prints out interfaces and property values for a remote object.
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          For this to work, the owner of the object needs to implement the
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          <literal>org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable</literal> interface.
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          If the <option>--xml</option> option is used, the returned
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          introspection XML is printed, otherwise a parsed pretty
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          representation is printed.
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          The <option>--recurse</option> option can be used to
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          introspect children (and their children and so on) and the
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          <option>--only-properties</option> option can be used to
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          only print the interfaces with properties.
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          Monitors one or all objects owned by the owner of
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          Invokes a method on a remote object.  Each argument to pass to the
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          method must be specified as a serialized
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          <link linkend="GVariant"><type>GVariant</type></link> except that strings do
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          not need explicit quotes. The return values are printed out as
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          serialized <link linkend="GVariant"><type>GVariant</type></link>
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          Emits a signal. Each argument to include in the signal must be specified as a serialized
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          <link linkend="GVariant"><type>GVariant</type></link> except that strings do
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          not need explicit quotes.
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          Waits until <replaceable>bus_name</replaceable> is owned by some
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          process on the bus. If the <option>--activate</option> is specified,
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          that bus name will be auto-started first. It may be the same as the
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          bus name being waited for, or different.
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          Prints help and exit.
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  <title>Bash Completion</title>
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    <command>gdbus</command> ships with a bash completion script to
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    complete commands, destinations, bus names, object paths and
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    interface/method names.
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  This shows how to introspect an object - note that the value of each
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  property is displayed:
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$ gdbus introspect --system \
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        --dest org.freedesktop.NetworkManager \
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        --object-path /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/0
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node /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/0 {
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  interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable {
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      Introspect(out s data);
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  interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties {
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      Get(in  s interface,
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          in  s propname,
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          out v value);
Packit ae235b
      Set(in  s interface,
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          in  s propname,
Packit ae235b
          in  v value);
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      GetAll(in  s interface,
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             out a{sv} props);
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  interface org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Wired {
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      PropertiesChanged(a{sv} arg_0);
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      readonly b Carrier = false;
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      readonly u Speed = 0;
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      readonly s HwAddress = '00:1D:72:88:BE:97';
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  interface org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device {
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      StateChanged(u arg_0,
Packit ae235b
                   u arg_1,
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                   u arg_2);
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      readonly u DeviceType = 1;
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      readonly b Managed = true;
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      readwrite o Ip6Config = '/';
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      readwrite o Dhcp4Config = '/';
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      readwrite o Ip4Config = '/';
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      readonly u State = 2;
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      readwrite u Ip4Address = 0;
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      readonly u Capabilities = 3;
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      readonly s Driver = 'e1000e';
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      readwrite s Interface = 'eth0';
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      readonly s Udi = '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:19.0/net/eth0';
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  The <option>--recurse</option> and <option>--only-properties</option> options can be useful when wanting to inspect all objects owned by a particular process:
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$ gdbus introspect --system --dest org.freedesktop.UPower --object-path / --recurse  --only-properties 
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node / {
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  node /org {
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    node /org/freedesktop {
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      node /org/freedesktop/UPower {
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        interface org.freedesktop.UPower {
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            readonly b IsDocked = true;
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            readonly b LidForceSleep = false;
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            readonly b LidIsPresent = false;
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            readonly b LidIsClosed = false;
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            readonly b OnLowBattery = false;
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            readonly b OnBattery = false;
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            readonly b CanHibernate = true;
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            readonly b CanSuspend = true;
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            readonly s DaemonVersion = '0.9.10';
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        node /org/freedesktop/UPower/Policy {
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        node /org/freedesktop/UPower/Wakeups {
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          interface org.freedesktop.UPower.Wakeups {
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              readonly b HasCapability = true;
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  In a similar fashion, the <option>introspect</option> command can be
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  used to learn details about the <literal>Notify</literal> method:
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  interface org.freedesktop.Notifications {
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      GetServerInformation(out s return_name,
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                           out s return_vendor,
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                           out s return_version,
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                           out s return_spec_version);
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      GetCapabilities(out as return_caps);
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      CloseNotification(in  u id);
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      Notify(in  s app_name,
Packit ae235b
             in  u id,
Packit ae235b
             in  s icon,
Packit ae235b
             in  s summary,
Packit ae235b
             in  s body,
Packit ae235b
             in  as actions,
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             in  a{sv} hints,
Packit ae235b
             in  i timeout,
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             out u return_id);
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  With this information, it's easy to use the <option>call</option>
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  command to display a notification
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$ gdbus call --session \
Packit ae235b
             --dest org.freedesktop.Notifications \
Packit ae235b
             --object-path /org/freedesktop/Notifications \
Packit ae235b
             --method org.freedesktop.Notifications.Notify \
Packit ae235b
             my_app_name \
Packit ae235b
             42 \
Packit ae235b
             gtk-dialog-info \
Packit ae235b
             "The Summary" \
Packit ae235b
             "Here's the body of the notification" \
Packit ae235b
             [] \
Packit ae235b
             {} \
Packit ae235b
Packit ae235b
(uint32 12,)
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  Monitoring all objects on a service:
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$ gdbus monitor --system --dest org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit
Packit ae235b
Monitoring signals from all objects owned by org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit
Packit ae235b
The name org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit is owned by :1.15
Packit ae235b
/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session.ActiveChanged (false,)
Packit ae235b
/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Seat1: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Seat.ActiveSessionChanged ('',)
Packit ae235b
/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session.ActiveChanged (true,)
Packit ae235b
/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Seat1: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Seat.ActiveSessionChanged ('/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2',)
Packit ae235b
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  Monitoring a single object on a service:
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$ gdbus monitor --system --dest org.freedesktop.NetworkManager --object-path /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/AccessPoint/4141
Packit ae235b
Monitoring signals on object /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/AccessPoint/4141 owned by org.freedesktop.NetworkManager
Packit ae235b
The name org.freedesktop.NetworkManager is owned by :1.5
Packit ae235b
/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/AccessPoint/4141: org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.AccessPoint.PropertiesChanged ({'Strength': <byte 0x5c>},)
Packit ae235b
/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/AccessPoint/4141: org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.AccessPoint.PropertiesChanged ({'Strength': <byte 0x64>},)
Packit ae235b
/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/AccessPoint/4141: org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.AccessPoint.PropertiesChanged ({'Strength': <byte 0x5e>},)
Packit ae235b
/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/AccessPoint/4141: org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.AccessPoint.PropertiesChanged ({'Strength': <byte 0x64>},)
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  Emitting a signal:
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$ gdbus emit --session --object-path /foo --signal "['foo', 'bar', 'baz']"
Packit ae235b
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  Emitting a signal to a specific process:
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$ gdbus emit --session --object-path /bar --signal someString --dest :1.42
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  Waiting for a well-known name to be owned on the bus; this will
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  <emphasis>not</emphasis> auto-start the service:
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$ gdbus wait --session
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  Auto-starting then waiting for a well-known name to be owned on the bus:
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$ gdbus wait --session --activate
Packit ae235b
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  Auto-starting a different service, then waiting for a well-known name to be
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  owned on the bus. This is useful in situations where
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  <replaceable>SomeName</replaceable> is not directly activatable:
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Packit ae235b
Packit ae235b
$ gdbus wait --session --activate
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  Waiting for a well-known name and giving up after 30 seconds. By default,
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  the timeout is disabled; or set <option>--timeout</option> to 0 to disable it:
Packit ae235b
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Packit ae235b
$ gdbus wait --session --timeout 30
Packit ae235b
Packit ae235b
Packit ae235b
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Packit ae235b
Packit ae235b
    Please send bug reports to either the distribution bug tracker
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    or the upstream bug tracker at
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    <ulink url=""/>.
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  <title>See Also</title>
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