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Cairo is free software.
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Every source file in the implementation[*] of cairo is available to be
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redistributed and/or modified under the terms of either the GNU Lesser
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General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 or the Mozilla Public
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License (MPL) version 1.1.  Some files are available under more
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liberal terms, but we believe that in all cases, each file may be used
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under either the LGPL or the MPL.
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See the following files in this directory for the precise terms and
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conditions of either license:
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Please see each file in the implementation for copyright and licensing
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information, (in the opening comment of each file).
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Packit 324a5c
[*] The implementation of cairo is contained entirely within the "src"
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directory of the cairo source distribution. There are other components
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of the cairo source distribution (such as the "test", "util", and "perf")
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that are auxiliary to the library itself. None of the source code in these
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directories contributes to a build of the cairo library itself, (
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or cairo.dll or similar).
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These auxiliary components are also free software, but may be under
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different license terms than cairo itself. For example, most of the
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test cases in the perf and test directories are made available under
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an MIT license to simplify any use of this code for reference purposes
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in using cairo itself. Other files might be available under the GNU
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General Public License (GPL), for example. Again, please see the COPYING
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file under each directory and the opening comment of each file for copyright
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and licensing information.