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Cairo coding style.
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This document is intended to be a short description of the preferred
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coding style for the cairo source code. Good style requires good
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taste, which means this can't all be reduced to automated rules, and
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there are exceptions.
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We want the code to be easy to understand and maintain, and consistent
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style plays an important part in that, even if some of the specific
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details seem trivial. If nothing else, this document gives a place to
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put consistent answers for issues that would otherwise be arbitrary.
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Most of the guidelines here are demonstrated by examples, (which means
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this document is quicker to read than it might appear given its
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length). Most of the examples are positive examples that you should
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imitate. The few negative examples are clearly marked with a comment
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of /* Yuck! */. Please don't submit code to cairo that looks like any
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of these.
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Each new level is indented 4 more spaces than the previous level:
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	if (condition)
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	    do_something ();
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This may be achieved with space characters or a combination of tab
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characters and space characters. It may not be achieved with tab
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characters exclusively (see below).
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Tab characters
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The tab character must always be interpreted according to its
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traditional meaning:
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	Advance to the next column which is a multiple of 8.
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With this definition, even levels of indentation can be achieved with
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a sequence of tab characters, while odd levels of indentation may
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begin with a sequence of tab character but must end with 4 space
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Some programmers have been misled by certain text editors into
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thinking that 4-space indentation can be achieved with tab characters
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exclusively by changing the meaning of tab character to be "advance to
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the next column which is a multiple of 4". Code formatted in this way,
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making an assumption of a fictitious 4-character-tab will not be
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accepted into cairo.
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The rationale here is that tabs are used in the code for lining things
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up other than indentation, (see the Whitespace section below), and
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changing the interpretation of tab from its traditional meaning will
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break this alignment.
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Most of the code in cairo uses bracing in the style of K&R:
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	if (condition) {
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	    do_this ();
Packit 324a5c
	    do_that ();
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	} else {
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	    do_the_other ();
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but some of the code uses an alternate style:
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	if (condition)
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	    do_this ();
Packit 324a5c
	    do_that ();
Packit 324a5c
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Packit 324a5c
	    do_the_other ();
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and that seems just fine. We won't lay down any strict rule on this
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point, (though there should be some local consistency). If you came
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here hoping to find some guidance, then use the first form above.
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If all of the substatements of an if statement are single statements,
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the optional braces should not usually appear:
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	if (condition)
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	    do_this ();
Packit 324a5c
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	    do_that ();
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But the braces are mandatory when mixing single statement and compound
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statements in the various clauses. For example, do not do this:
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	if (condition) {
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	    do_this ();
Packit 324a5c
	    do_that ();
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	} else			/* Yuck! */
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	    do_the_other ();
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And of course, there are exceptions for when the code just looks
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better with the braces:
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	if (condition) {
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	    /* Note that we have to be careful here. */
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	    do_something_dangerous (with_care);
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	if (condition &&
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	    other_condition &&
Packit 324a5c
Packit 324a5c
Packit 324a5c
	    do_something ();
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And note that this last example also shows a situation in which the
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opening brace really needs to be on its own line. The following looks awful:
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	if (condition &&
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	    other_condition &&
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	    yet_another) {	/* Yuck! */
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	    do_something ();
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As we said above, legible code that is easy to understand and maintain
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is the goal, not adherence to strict rules.
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Separate logically distinct chunks with a single newline. This
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obviously applies between functions, but also applies within a
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function or block and can even be used to good effect within a
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structure definition:
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	struct _cairo_gstate {
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	    cairo_operator_t op;
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	    double tolerance;
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	    /* stroke style */
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	    double line_width;
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	    cairo_line_cap_t line_cap;
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	    cairo_line_join_t line_join;
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	    double miter_limit;
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	    cairo_fill_rule_t fill_rule;
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	    double *dash;
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	    int num_dashes;
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	    double dash_offset;
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Use a single space before a left parenthesis, except where the
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standard will not allow it, (eg. when defining a parameterized macro).
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Don't eliminate newlines just because things would still fit on one
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line. This breaks the expected visual structure of the code making it
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much harder to read and understand:
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	if (condition) foo (); else bar ();	/* Yuck! */
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Do eliminate trailing whitespace (space or tab characters) on any
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line. Also, avoid putting initial or final blank lines into any file,
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and never use multiple blank lines instead of a single blank line.
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Do enable the default git pre-commit hook that detect trailing
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whitespace for you and help you to avoid corrupting cairo's tree with
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it. Do that as follows:
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	chmod a+x .git/hooks/pre-commit
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You might also find the git-stripspace utility helpful which acts as a
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filter to remove trailing whitespace as well as initial, final, and
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duplicate blank lines.
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As a special case of the bracing and whitespace guidelines, function
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definitions should always take the following form:
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	my_function (argument)
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	    do_my_things ();
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And function prototypes should similarly have the return type (and
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associated specifiers and qualifiers) on a line above the function, so
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that the function name is flush left.
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Break up long lines (> ~80 characters) and use whitespace to align
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things nicely. For example the arguments in a long list to a function
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call should all be aligned with each other:
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	align_function_arguments (argument_the_first,
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And as a special rule, in a function prototype, (as well as in the
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definition), whitespace should be inserted between the parameter types
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and names so that the names are aligned:
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	align_parameter_names_in_prototypes (const char *char_star_arg,
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					     int	 int_arg,
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					     double	*double_star_arg,
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					     double	 double_arg);
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Note that parameters with a * prefix are aligned one character to the
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left so that the actual names are aligned.
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Managing nested blocks
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Long blocks that are deeply nested make the code very hard to
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read. Fortunately such blocks often indicate logically distinct chunks
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of functionality that are begging to be split into their own
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functions. Please listen to the blocks when they beg.
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In other cases, gratuitous nesting comes about because the primary
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functionality gets buried in a nested block rather than living at the
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primary level where it belongs. Consider the following:
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	foo = malloc (sizeof (foo_t));
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	if (foo) {					/* Yuck! */
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	    /* lots of code to initialize foo */
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	    return SUCCESS;
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	return FAILURE;
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This kind of gratuitous nesting can be avoided by following a pattern
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of handling exceptional cases early and returning:
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	foo = malloc (sizeof (foo_t));
Packit 324a5c
	if (foo == NULL)
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	    return FAILURE;
Packit 324a5c
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Packit 324a5c
	/* lots of code to initialize foo */
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	return SUCCESS;
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The return statement is often the best thing to use in a pattern like
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this. If it's not available due to additional nesting above which
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require some cleanup after the current block, then consider splitting
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the current block into a new function before using goto.
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Memory allocation
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Because much of cairo's data consists of dynamically allocated arrays,
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it's very easy to introduce integer overflow issues whenever malloc()
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is called.  Use the _cairo_malloc2(), _cairo_malloc3(), and
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_cairo_malloc2_add1 macros to avoid these cases; these macros check
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for overflow and will return NULL in that case.
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  malloc (n * size) => _cairo_malloc_ab (n, size)
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    e.g. malloc (num_elts * sizeof(some_type)) =>
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         _cairo_malloc2 (num_elts, sizeof(some_type))
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  malloc (a * b * size) => _cairo_malloc_abc (a, b, size)
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    e.g. malloc (width * height * 4) =>
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         _cairo_malloc3 (width, height, 4)
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  malloc (n * size + k) => _cairo_malloc_ab_plus_c (n, size, k)
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    e.g. malloc (num * sizeof(entry) + sizeof(header)) =>
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         _cairo_malloc2k (num, sizeof(entry), sizeof(header))
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In general, be wary of performing any arithmetic operations in an
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argument to malloc.  You should explicitly check for integer overflow
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yourself in any more complex situations.
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Mode lines
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So given the rules above, what is the best way to simplify one's life as
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a code monkey? Get your editor to do most of the tedious work of
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beautifying your code!
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As a reward for reading this far, here are some mode lines for the more
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popular editors:
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 * vim:sw=4:sts=4:ts=8:tw=78:fo=tcroq:cindent:cino=\:0,(0
Packit 324a5c
 * vim:isk=a-z,A-Z,48-57,_,.,-,>
Packit 324a5c
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Write rules for common editors to use this style.  Also cleanup/unify
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the modelines in the source files.