Blame jemalloc/

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Building and installing a packaged release of jemalloc can be as simple as
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typing the following while in the root directory of the source tree:
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    make install
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If building from unpackaged developer sources, the simplest command sequence
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that might work is:
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    make dist
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    make install
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Note that documentation is not built by the default target because doing so
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would create a dependency on xsltproc in packaged releases, hence the
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requirement to either run 'make dist' or avoid installing docs via the various
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install_* targets documented below.
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## Advanced configuration
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The 'configure' script supports numerous options that allow control of which
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functionality is enabled, where jemalloc is installed, etc.  Optionally, pass
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any of the following arguments (not a definitive list) to 'configure':
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* `--help`
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    Print a definitive list of options.
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* `--prefix=<install-root-dir>`
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    Set the base directory in which to install.  For example:
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        ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
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    will cause files to be installed into /usr/local/include, /usr/local/lib,
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    and /usr/local/man.
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* `--with-version=(<major>.<minor>.<bugfix>-<nrev>-g<gid>|VERSION)`
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    The VERSION file is mandatory for successful configuration, and the
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    following steps are taken to assure its presence:
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    1) If --with-version=<major>.<minor>.<bugfix>-<nrev>-g<gid> is specified,
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       generate VERSION using the specified value.
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    2) If --with-version is not specified in either form and the source
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       directory is inside a git repository, try to generate VERSION via 'git
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       describe' invocations that pattern-match release tags.
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    3) If VERSION is missing, generate it with a bogus version:
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    Note that --with-version=VERSION bypasses (1) and (2), which simplifies
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    VERSION configuration when embedding a jemalloc release into another
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    project's git repository.
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* `--with-rpath=<colon-separated-rpath>`
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    Embed one or more library paths, so that libjemalloc can find the libraries
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    it is linked to.  This works only on ELF-based systems.
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* `--with-mangling=<map>`
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    Mangle public symbols specified in <map> which is a comma-separated list of
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    name:mangled pairs.
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    For example, to use ld's --wrap option as an alternative method for
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    overriding libc's malloc implementation, specify something like:
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    Note that mangling happens prior to application of the prefix specified by
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    --with-jemalloc-prefix, and mangled symbols are then ignored when applying
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    the prefix.
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* `--with-jemalloc-prefix=<prefix>`
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    Prefix all public APIs with <prefix>.  For example, if <prefix> is
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    "prefix_", API changes like the following occur:
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      malloc()         --> prefix_malloc()
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      malloc_conf      --> prefix_malloc_conf
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      /etc/malloc.conf --> /etc/prefix_malloc.conf
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    This makes it possible to use jemalloc at the same time as the system
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    allocator, or even to use multiple copies of jemalloc simultaneously.
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    By default, the prefix is "", except on OS X, where it is "je_".  On OS X,
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    jemalloc overlays the default malloc zone, but makes no attempt to actually
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    replace the "malloc", "calloc", etc. symbols.
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* `--without-export`
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    Don't export public APIs.  This can be useful when building jemalloc as a
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    static library, or to avoid exporting public APIs when using the zone
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    allocator on OSX.
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* `--with-private-namespace=<prefix>`
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    Prefix all library-private APIs with <prefix>je_.  For shared libraries,
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    symbol visibility mechanisms prevent these symbols from being exported, but
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    for static libraries, naming collisions are a real possibility.  By
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    default, <prefix> is empty, which results in a symbol prefix of je_ .
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* `--with-install-suffix=<suffix>`
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    Append <suffix> to the base name of all installed files, such that multiple
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    versions of jemalloc can coexist in the same installation directory.  For
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    example, becomes libjemalloc<suffix>.so.0.
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* `--with-malloc-conf=<malloc_conf>`
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    Embed `<malloc_conf>` as a run-time options string that is processed prior to
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    the malloc_conf global variable, the /etc/malloc.conf symlink, and the
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    MALLOC_CONF environment variable.  For example, to change the default decay
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    time to 30 seconds:
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* `--enable-debug`
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    Enable assertions and validation code.  This incurs a substantial
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    performance hit, but is very useful during application development.
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* `--disable-stats`
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    Disable statistics gathering functionality.  See the "opt.stats_print"
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    option documentation for usage details.
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* `--enable-prof`
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    Enable heap profiling and leak detection functionality.  See the ""
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    option documentation for usage details.  When enabled, there are several
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    approaches to backtracing, and the configure script chooses the first one
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    in the following list that appears to function correctly:
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    + libunwind      (requires --enable-prof-libunwind)
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    + libgcc         (unless --disable-prof-libgcc)
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    + gcc intrinsics (unless --disable-prof-gcc)
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* `--enable-prof-libunwind`
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    Use the libunwind library ( for stack
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* `--disable-prof-libgcc`
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    Disable the use of libgcc's backtracing functionality.
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* `--disable-prof-gcc`
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    Disable the use of gcc intrinsics for backtracing.
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* `--with-static-libunwind=<libunwind.a>`
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    Statically link against the specified libunwind.a rather than dynamically
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    linking with -lunwind.
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* `--disable-fill`
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    Disable support for junk/zero filling of memory.  See the "opt.junk" and
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    "" option documentation for usage details.
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* `--disable-zone-allocator`
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    Disable zone allocator for Darwin.  This means jemalloc won't be hooked as
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    the default allocator on OSX/iOS.
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* `--enable-utrace`
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    Enable utrace(2)-based allocation tracing.  This feature is not broadly
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    portable (FreeBSD has it, but Linux and OS X do not).
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* `--enable-xmalloc`
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    Enable support for optional immediate termination due to out-of-memory
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    errors, as is commonly implemented by "xmalloc" wrapper function for malloc.
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    See the "opt.xmalloc" option documentation for usage details.
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* `--enable-lazy-lock`
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    Enable code that wraps pthread_create() to detect when an application
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    switches from single-threaded to multi-threaded mode, so that it can avoid
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    mutex locking/unlocking operations while in single-threaded mode.  In
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    practice, this feature usually has little impact on performance unless
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    thread-specific caching is disabled.
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* `--disable-cache-oblivious`
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    Disable cache-oblivious large allocation alignment for large allocation
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    requests with no alignment constraints.  If this feature is disabled, all
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    large allocations are page-aligned as an implementation artifact, which can
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    severely harm CPU cache utilization.  However, the cache-oblivious layout
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    comes at the cost of one extra page per large allocation, which in the
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    most extreme case increases physical memory usage for the 16 KiB size class
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    to 20 KiB.
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* `--disable-syscall`
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    Disable use of syscall(2) rather than {open,read,write,close}(2).  This is
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    intended as a workaround for systems that place security limitations on
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* `--disable-cxx`
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    Disable C++ integration.  This will cause new and delete operator
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    implementations to be omitted.
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* `--with-xslroot=<path>`
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    Specify where to find DocBook XSL stylesheets when building the
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* `--with-lg-page=<lg-page>`
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    Specify the base 2 log of the allocator page size, which must in turn be at
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    least as large as the system page size.  By default the configure script
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    determines the host's page size and sets the allocator page size equal to
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    the system page size, so this option need not be specified unless the
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    system page size may change between configuration and execution, e.g. when
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    cross compiling.
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* `--with-lg-hugepage=<lg-hugepage>`
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    Specify the base 2 log of the system huge page size.  This option is useful
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    when cross compiling, or when overriding the default for systems that do
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    not explicitly support huge pages.
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* `--with-lg-quantum=<lg-quantum>`
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    Specify the base 2 log of the minimum allocation alignment.  jemalloc needs
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    to know the minimum alignment that meets the following C standard
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    requirement (quoted from the April 12, 2011 draft of the C11 standard):
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    >  The pointer returned if the allocation succeeds is suitably aligned so
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      that it may be assigned to a pointer to any type of object with a
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      fundamental alignment requirement and then used to access such an object
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      or an array of such objects in the space allocated [...]
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    This setting is architecture-specific, and although jemalloc includes known
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    safe values for the most commonly used modern architectures, there is a
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    wrinkle related to GNU libc (glibc) that may impact your choice of
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    <lg-quantum>.  On most modern architectures, this mandates 16-byte
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    alignment (<lg-quantum>=4), but the glibc developers chose not to meet this
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    requirement for performance reasons.  An old discussion can be found at
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    <> .  Unlike glibc,
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    jemalloc does follow the C standard by default (caveat: jemalloc
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    technically cheats for size classes smaller than the quantum), but the fact
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    that Linux systems already work around this allocator noncompliance means
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    that it is generally safe in practice to let jemalloc's minimum alignment
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    follow glibc's lead.  If you specify `--with-lg-quantum=3` during
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    configuration, jemalloc will provide additional size classes that are not
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    16-byte-aligned (24, 40, and 56).
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* `--with-lg-vaddr=<lg-vaddr>`
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    Specify the number of significant virtual address bits.  By default, the
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    configure script attempts to detect virtual address size on those platforms
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    where it knows how, and picks a default otherwise.  This option may be
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    useful when cross-compiling.
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* `--disable-initial-exec-tls`
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    Disable the initial-exec TLS model for jemalloc's internal thread-local
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    storage (on those platforms that support explicit settings).  This can allow
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    jemalloc to be dynamically loaded after program startup (e.g. using dlopen).
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    Note that in this case, there will be two malloc implementations operating
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    in the same process, which will almost certainly result in confusing runtime
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    crashes if pointers leak from one implementation to the other.
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* `--disable-libdl`
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    Disable the usage of libdl, namely dlsym(3) which is required by the lazy
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    lock option.  This can allow building static binaries.
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The following environment variables (not a definitive list) impact configure's
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* `CFLAGS="?"`
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* `CXXFLAGS="?"`
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    Pass these flags to the C/C++ compiler.  Any flags set by the configure
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    script are prepended, which means explicitly set flags generally take
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    precedence.  Take care when specifying flags such as -Werror, because
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    configure tests may be affected in undesirable ways.
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    Append these flags to CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS, without passing them to the
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    compiler(s) during configuration.  This makes it possible to add flags such
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    as -Werror, while allowing the configure script to determine what other
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    flags are appropriate for the specified configuration.
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* `CPPFLAGS="?"`
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    Pass these flags to the C preprocessor.  Note that CFLAGS is not passed to
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    'cpp' when 'configure' is looking for include files, so you must use
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    CPPFLAGS instead if you need to help 'configure' find header files.
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    'ld' uses this colon-separated list to find libraries.
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* `LDFLAGS="?"`
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    Pass these flags when linking.
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* `PATH="?"`
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    'configure' uses this to find programs.
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In some cases it may be necessary to work around configuration results that do
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not match reality.  For example, Linux 4.5 added support for the MADV_FREE flag
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to madvise(2), which can cause problems if building on a host with MADV_FREE
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support and deploying to a target without.  To work around this, use a cache
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file to override the relevant configuration variable defined in,
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    echo "je_cv_madv_free=no" > config.cache && ./configure -C
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## Advanced compilation
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To build only parts of jemalloc, use the following targets:
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To install only parts of jemalloc, use the following targets:
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To clean up build results to varying degrees, use the following make targets:
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## Advanced installation
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Optionally, define make variables when invoking make, including (not
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    Use this as the installation prefix for header files.
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* `LIBDIR="?"`
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    Use this as the installation prefix for libraries.
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* `MANDIR="?"`
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    Use this as the installation prefix for man pages.
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* `DESTDIR="?"`
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    Prepend DESTDIR to INCLUDEDIR, LIBDIR, DATADIR, and MANDIR.  This is useful
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    when installing to a different path than was specified via --prefix.
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* `CC="?"`
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    Use this to invoke the C compiler.
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* `CFLAGS="?"`
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    Pass these flags to the compiler.
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* `CPPFLAGS="?"`
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    Pass these flags to the C preprocessor.
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* `LDFLAGS="?"`
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    Pass these flags when linking.
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* `PATH="?"`
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    Use this to search for programs used during configuration and building.
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## Development
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If you intend to make non-trivial changes to jemalloc, use the ''
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script rather than 'configure'.  This re-generates 'configure', enables
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configuration dependency rules, and enables re-generation of automatically
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generated source files.
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The build system supports using an object directory separate from the source
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tree.  For example, you can create an 'obj' directory, and from within that
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directory, issue configuration and build commands:
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    mkdir obj
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    cd obj
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    ../configure --enable-autogen
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## Documentation
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The manual page is generated in both html and roff formats.  Any web browser
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can be used to view the html manual.  The roff manual page can be formatted
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prior to installation via the following command:
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    nroff -man -t doc/jemalloc.3