Blame include/pmem_allocator.h

Packit Service 7f3b24
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Packit Service 7f3b24
/* Copyright (C) 2018 - 2020 Intel Corporation. */
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#pragma once
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#include <memory>
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#include <string>
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#include <exception>
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#include <type_traits>
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#include <atomic>
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#include <cstddef>
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#include <stdexcept>
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#include "memkind.h"
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 * Header file for the C++ allocator compatible with the C++ standard library allocator concepts.
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 * More details in pmemallocator(3) man page.
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 * Note: memory heap management is based on memkind_malloc, refer to the memkind(3) man page for more
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 * information.
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 * Functionality defined in this header is considered as stable API (STANDARD API).
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 * API standards are described in memkind(3) man page.
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namespace libmemkind
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    enum class allocation_policy {
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    namespace pmem
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        namespace internal
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            class kind_wrapper_t
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                kind_wrapper_t(const char *dir, std::size_t max_size,
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                               libmemkind::allocation_policy alloc_policy=
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                    cfg = memkind_config_new();
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                    if (!cfg) {
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                        throw std::runtime_error(
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                            std::string("An error occurred while creating pmem config"));
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                    memkind_config_set_path(cfg, dir);
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                    memkind_config_set_size(cfg, max_size);
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                    int err_c  = memkind_create_pmem_with_config(cfg, &kind);
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                    if (err_c) {
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                        throw std::runtime_error(
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                            std::string("An error occurred while creating pmem kind; error code: ") +
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                kind_wrapper_t(const kind_wrapper_t &) = delete;
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                void operator=(const kind_wrapper_t &) = delete;
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                memkind_t get() const
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                    return kind;
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                memkind_t kind;
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                struct memkind_config *cfg;
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        template<typename T>
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        class allocator
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            using kind_wrapper_t = internal::kind_wrapper_t;
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            std::shared_ptr<kind_wrapper_t> kind_wrapper_ptr;
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            using value_type = T;
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            using pointer = value_type*;
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            using const_pointer = const value_type*;
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            using reference = value_type&;
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            using const_reference = const value_type&;
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            using size_type = size_t;
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            using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
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            template<class U>
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            struct rebind {
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                using other = allocator<U>;
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            template<typename U>
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            friend class allocator;
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            /* This is a workaround for compilers (e.g GCC 4.8) that uses C++11 standard,
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             * but use old - non C++11 ABI */
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            template<typename V = void>
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            explicit allocator()
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                static_assert(std::is_same<V, void>::value,
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                              "libmemkind::pmem::allocator cannot be compiled without CXX11 ABI");
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            explicit allocator(const char *dir, size_t max_size) :
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                kind_wrapper_ptr(std::make_shared<kind_wrapper_t>(dir, max_size))
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            explicit allocator(const std::string &dir, size_t max_size) :
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                allocator(dir.c_str(), max_size)
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            explicit allocator(const char *dir, size_t max_size,
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                               libmemkind::allocation_policy alloc_policy) :
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                kind_wrapper_ptr(std::make_shared<kind_wrapper_t>(dir, max_size, alloc_policy))
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            explicit allocator(const std::string &dir, size_t max_size,
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                               libmemkind::allocation_policy alloc_policy) :
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                allocator(dir.c_str(), max_size, alloc_policy)
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            allocator(const allocator &other) = default;
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            template <typename U>
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            allocator(const allocator<U> &other) noexcept : kind_wrapper_ptr(
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            allocator(allocator &&other) = default;
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            template <typename U>
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            allocator(allocator<U> &&other) noexcept :
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            allocator<T> &operator = (const allocator &other) = default;
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            template <typename U>
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            allocator<T> &operator = (const allocator<U> &other) noexcept
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                kind_wrapper_ptr = other.kind_wrapper_ptr;
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                return *this;
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            allocator<T> &operator = (allocator &&other) = default;
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            template <typename U>
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            allocator<T> &operator = (allocator<U> &&other) noexcept
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                kind_wrapper_ptr = std::move(other.kind_wrapper_ptr);
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                return *this;
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            pointer allocate(size_type n) const
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                pointer result = static_cast<pointer>(memkind_malloc(kind_wrapper_ptr->get(),
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                if (!result) {
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                    throw std::bad_alloc();
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                return result;
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            void deallocate(pointer p, size_type n) const
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                memkind_free(kind_wrapper_ptr->get(), static_cast<void *>(p));
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            template <class U, class... Args>
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            void construct(U *p, Args &&... args) const
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                ::new((void *)p) U(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
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            void destroy(pointer p) const
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            template <typename U, typename V>
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            friend bool operator ==(const allocator<U> &lhs, const allocator<V> &rhs;;
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            template <typename U, typename V>
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            friend bool operator !=(const allocator<U> &lhs, const allocator<V> &rhs;;
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        template <typename U, typename V>
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        bool operator ==(const allocator<U> &lhs, const allocator<V> &rhs)
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            return lhs.kind_wrapper_ptr->get() == rhs.kind_wrapper_ptr->get();
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        template <typename U, typename V>
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        bool operator !=(const allocator<U> &lhs, const allocator<V> &rhs)
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            return !(lhs == rhs);
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    }  // namespace pmem
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}  // namespace libmemkind